Autumn 2013 - Deutsch
Autumn 2013 - Deutsch
1 Issue 3 • Autumn 2013 The magazine for members of the German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce 25 YEARS EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT SEE PAGES 12 AND 13 VIEW FROM THE TOP... GERMANY AND THE UK – “A PROSPEROUS ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP” DR BENNO BUNSE, CEO GERMANY TRADE & INVEST, BERLIN SEE PAGE 4 Spring Global Mail– für Ihren Erfolg in Großbritannien Viele namhafte Unternehmen setzen auf uns, Sales-Agent der Royal Mail, wenn es um den Versand von Mailings, Briefpost, Katalogen oder Paketen nach Großbritannien geht. Als weltweit führender internationaler Postdienstleister bieten wir kostengünstige Versandlösungen rund um den Globus. Profitieren Sie auch von unseren individuellen Lösungen rund um das Thema internationale Retourenlogistik: Nutzen Sie unser Retourenmanagement als Umsatz-Turbo im grenzüberschreitenden Handel. Rufen Sie uns an – gern beraten wir Sie persönlich. Telefon: +49 (0)2203/9785-517 E-Mail: CONTENTS initiative The work has been cut out for the future government of Germany At the time of writing the coalition talks between the Christian Democrats and the Social Democrats in Germany have not yet come to an end, but they do not look overly promising with regard to addressing some of Germany’s future challenges. Tempted by the relatively healthy public finances at the moment, both sides aim to spend more on social projects which only serve their individual constituencies. This is a worrying development as higher welfare expenditure will not be sustainable. Owing to demographic developments, Germany needs to become much more attractive for highly skilled people from around the world and therefore should not burden future generations and newcomers with promises made to others in the past. This is especially important, as with an ever increasing global economy and society, financial and human resources will migrate to where they are rewarded best. To remain competitive, Germany needs to spend more on education and training and provide incentives and support to increase the workforce participation rate. This has been a key demand of the business sector for a number of years and it is high time that workable policies in this respect are implemented without further delay. The energy market is another field where the future German government has to find answers to the looming crisis of ever-rising costs and security of supply. It appears that both sides largely agree on what needs to be done for Germany to remain a leading industry-based economy. Britain faces similar challenges, but plans to apply different solutions by giving nuclear power a new lease of life. This shows that reforming the energy market is not just a German issue, but one that affects many others and cooperation on an European level is crucial for it to succeed. Last but not least, the Euro crisis is also an area where Germany needs to provide future-oriented answers. A grand coalition may be able to address the challenges better, as a broad-based political consensus is needed to implement the necessary policy measures for banking union, debt forgiveness and pooling of sovereignty within the Eurozone. On balance, a grand coalition may still be the best option for Germany and its European partners but the costs of forming such a government should not be underestimated. Dr Ulrich Hoppe Director General, German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce CONTENTS 4 VIEW FROM THE TOP...DR BENNO BUNSE, CEO, GERMANY TRADE & INVEST 5 GERMAN EMBASSY CAREER FAIR 6 CHAMBER & MEMBERS' NEWS 7 CHAMBER CONTACTS 8 EVENTS DIARY 11 LEGAL COMMENT 12 EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT 14 BUSINESS TO BUSINESS 15 STATISTICS / BUSINESS NEWS Cover photo: motorlka - sustaining members 3 4 VIEW FROM THE TOP British-German trade relations – a prosperous economic partnership It is an exciting time in Europe right now. We have ongoing free trade discussions with the United States and the beginnings of an economic recovery taking shape throughout the Eurozone. This is creating huge mutual opportunities for two economies which have been among Europe’s leading lights for a long time. Germany’s business relationship with the United Kingdom is a healthy one. At the end of 2012, there were 5,000 UK companies either invested in or with subsidiaries in Germany employing some 264,000 people. The UK ranks second in greenfield and brownfield projects in Germany, with the US ahead. One of the UK staples, business and financial services, continues to be the sector most invested into in Germany by British companies, with information and computer technology (ICT) and software not far behind. Meanwhile, Germany is the UK’s fourthhighest source of foreign direct investment stock. Germany had 78 investment projects in the UK in 2012, creating 2,316 new jobs. The two countries sit in the top five of foreign direct investment destinations in the world, both offering a well-educated labour force and excellent infrastructure along with a stable economic environment. Both countries are looking closely to the renewable energy market at the moment. Both have their targets, with the UK looking to provide 15 per cent of their energy from renewable sources by 2020 and Germany aiming to denuclearise power completely by 2022 and have an 80 per cent share of energy from renewable sources by 2050. For both these targets to be achieved, significant investment and subsequent co-operation is vital. It is pleasing to see German participation from companies such as E.On and Siemens in the UK’s wind energy programme, just as it is to see many British companies looking to invest in what has become the next renewable energy technological hurdle: battery storage capacity. The solution to Dr Benno Bunse, CEO, Germany Trade & Invest, Berlin what to do with the vast quantities of power that both British and German renewable sources are producing will be a turning point for the industry as a whole; it may even lead to a new age of energy production and distribution. This includes revolutionising another industry in which Germany and the UK both hold valued traditions: the automobile industry. The massproduced electric car is not far away. Once the problems of battery range and/or power supply for that industry are solved, British and German car manufacturers should see a further increase in their turnovers. It was with dismay that I read about the debate on Britain potentially leaving the European Union. The economies of our two countries are both robust enough to lead the European recovery, while the complementary aspect of the two economies should never be ignored. Britain’s excellence in services and the worldrenowned ‘Made in Germany’ trademark are a fruitful partnership, another reason there is such an excellent level of mutual investment and co-operation between the two. But whatever happens, we can rest assured that Britain and Germany will continue to enjoy a long and prosperous economic relationship. GERMAN EMBASSY CAREER FAIR 5 Hustle and bustle at the German Embassy Career Fair Annual German Embassy Career Fair The Fourth German Embassy Career Fair, organised jointly with the German-British Chamber of Industry and Commerce, took place on Thursday 7 November 2013 at the German House in London. Photos: courtesy of German Embassy London The annual fair aims to provide an ideal environment for visitors to find out more about the opportunities Germany offers to school and university graduates and gain insight into the importance of language skills for today’s careers. Over 300 pupils, students and graduates took the opportunity to meet representatives of German companies as well as British companies with important business links to German speaking countries. Participating companies and organisations included BASF, Blick Rothenberg LLP, BMW UK, Commerzbank AG, Dr Oetker (UK) Ltd, The European Commission Representation in the UK, Fresh Minds, Haribo UK, SAP, Schaeffler Ltd and The Chartered Institute of Linguists. The Embassy’s partner organisations – Goethe-Institut, UK-German Connection and DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) – were also on hand to offer information and advice to the visitors. The Fair also featured presentations by inspirational role models and industry and language experts. Speakers welcomed at the event included: •Jana Witt – STEM Ambassador in Wales •Dr Prashant Deshmukh – Talent Resourcer for Research and Development, BASF Steve Eadon – Double Club Languages Coordinator, Arsenal Football Club Dr Angelique Petrits – Language Officer, The European Commission Representation in the United Kingdom • • Steve Eadon of Arsenal Football Club’s Double Club Programme talks to students Stefano Weinberger, Head of the Embassy’s Cultural Section welcomes the students All speakers, company representatives and visitors on the day agreed that German language skills are a valuable asset. Germany is Europe’s economic powerhouse and trade with the United Kingdom was worth almost Euro 110bn in 2011, making Germany the UK’s biggest trading partner. German companies account for over 315,000 jobs in Britain – that is one percent of the total workforce – and are looking for highly-qualified young professionals who are interested in pursuing a career here, in Germany or elsewhere abroad. Fifty percent of British employers rate German as useful for their business, so students and graduates with German language skills are highly sought after. German Embassy London 6 CHAMBER & MEMBERS’ NEWS Round-up of Chamber events On Thursday 11 July 2013 the Midlands region of the German-British Chamber held a summer reception at the Cucina Rustica restaurant in Birmingham. Some 60 members and guests welcomed the networking opportunity over cocktails and canapés. The evening was kindly sponsored by Natwest Global Transaction Services UK. “The Sovereign Debt Crisis – Past, Present and Future” was the subject of a talk by Dr Andreas Dombret, Member of the Executive Board of Deutsche Bundesbank, on Thursday 12 September, at the London premises of Schroders plc. Over 60 members and guests of the German-British Chamber and Schroders enjoyed Dr Dombret’s thorough analysis and joined in the lively discussion after the speech. On Thursday 10 October, member company Fidelio Partners together with FTI Consulting hosted a panel discussion about “Building a Non-Executive Portfolio with an Anglo-German Twist” at FTI’s London premises. Panellists Bob Bischof, Rudi Bogni, Ralf Nachtigall, Consuelo Brooke and Emma Howard Boyd, all with several years of boardroom experience, made it a lively event for over 30 members and guests. Attended by around 40 members and guests (see photo below), a series of six seminars on Managing Change in International Business was kicked-off at a launch reception on Thursday 24 October at the German-British Chamber. Member companies Avocets Consulting and Saxer-Taylor Consulting together with NLC – New Leaders Club provided an insight into the seminar series and highlighted how they are relevant for all those working in an international environment. On Thursday 17 October member company Fenrix Ltd held a seminar at the German-British Chamber on Planning Geographic expansion. Topics included key strategic considerations when taking your business to Germany as well as a case study. Around 40 members and guests attended this informative evening and were discussing the topic further over drinks and canapés. The Scotland region of the German-British Chamber hosted their Oktoberfest reception on Friday 25 October (see photo below). Held at WEST Brewery in Glasgow, around 20 members and guests enjoyed an evening of Bavarian beer and food, music and good company. CHAMBER & MEMBERS’ NEWS / CHAMBER CONTACTS Southbank Centre Markets 2013 Member company Xmas Markets Ltd is again organising the Southbank Centre Christmas Market. Famous culinary specialities like Glühwein und Bratwurst are on offer as well as a variety of Christmas presents such as hand crafted toys, unique jewellery or ornaments for the Christmas tree. The traditional German Christmas Market is held along the Southbank in London and open until 24 December 2013. CHAMBER CONTACTS Honorary Officers / Präsidium und Vorstand Patron / Schirmherr The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany President / Präsident Sir Nigel Broomfield, KCMG Vice-Presidents / Vizepräsidenten Sir Michael Arthur, KCMG Robert A Bischof SCCO International Ltd George W von Mallinckrodt, KBE Schroders plc Franz W Smet ACI Group Ltd Prof Barry Stickings, CBE Tax breaks for expats working in the UK Ward Williams Chartered Accountants have highlighted the importance of understanding UK tax rules when sending employees on secondment from Germany to the UK. According to tax rules for temporary workplace, where an employee is seconded for a period not exceeding 24 months, accommodation and other living expenses can be provided by the employer free of tax and social security charges. Overseas workday reliefs can benefit secondees to the UK working some of their time outside the UK for a maximum of three tax years from the date of arrival in the UK. O’Zapft is – Bavarian Beerhouse now open in Bristol Bavarian Beerhouse has opened its first venue outside London. Since September it caters for business meals or special occasions. Christmas bookings are also being taken. The Pub Landlord himself – Al Murray – tapped the first keg together with George Ferguson, Mayor of Bristol, at the opening party. Councillors / Vorstandsmitglieder Chairman / Vorsitzender Dr Klaus Peter Fouquet Robert Bosch Ltd Vice-Chairperson / Stellv. Vorsitzende Patricia Godfrey Nabarro Councillors / Vorstandsmitglieder Roland Aurich Siemens plc Marcus Breitschwerdt Mercedes-Benz UK Ltd Armin Brestrich KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH, London Martin Dawkins Bayer plc Jean-Louis Evans TÜV Süd Product Service Ltd Dr Stefan Georg Delta Economics Dr Ulrich Hoppe German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce Simon Jonsson KPMG LLP Frank Kuhnke Deutsche Bank AG, London Clemens M Richter CMR Controls Ltd Carsten W Scheffel Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty Holger Wessling DZ Bank AG, London Nigel R Wood The Wilkes Partnership Company Secretary Chris Putt Speechly Bircham LLP Management / Geschäftsführung Dr Ulrich Hoppe Director General / Hauptgeschäftsführer Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4110 For details of the Chamber’s regional committees, email: Thesy Lobitzer PA to Director General / Assistentin des Hauptgeschäftsführers Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4112 Finance & Organisation Sabine Marland Manager Finance & Organisation / Finanzen und Organisation Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4120 Kai Daniel Finance & Organisation / Finanzen und Organisation Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4187 Marketing Services Sven Riemann Head of Marketing Services / Leiter Marketing Services Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4185 Marguerite McCaughan Marketing Services Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4183 Jana Lindner Press & Public Relations / Presse- & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4188 Members’ Services Evelyn Mensah Manager Membership & Events / Mitgliedschaft & Veranstaltungen Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4145 Katja Ludwigs Membership & Events / Mitgliedschaft & Veranstaltungen Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4146 Legal & Tax Services / Rechtsund Steuerabteilung Angelika Baumgarte Deputy Director General / stellv. Hauptgeschäftsführerin Head of Legal & Tax / Leiterin der Rechts- und Steuerabteilung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4140 Johanna Hess Legal Services / Rechtsabteilung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4141 Christina Clifton-Dey Friederike Uebing Payroll Services / Lohnbuchhaltung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4180 Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4139 Katrin Albrecht Head of Tax Services / Steuerabteilung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4154 Gunnar Pohl Manager Tax Services / Steuerabteilung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4168 Anja Reeves Manager Tax Services / Steuerabteilung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4161 Michaela Böttcher, Verena Gronewold, Kay Köhnkow, Christina Schild, Martin Werhahn Tax Services / Steuerabteilung Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4160 7 XXXXX DIARY 8 EVENTS AUTUMN RECEPTION 2013 On Thursday 26 September 2013, around 140 members and guests enjoyed a selection of German beers and wines at the German-British Chamber’s Autumn Reception. New and old acquaintances used the opportunity to refresh contacts after the summer break. Mr Graziano Longo of St James’s Place Partnership and Ms Kristine Metuzale of London & Partners Mr Philip Mundy of Fladgate LLP and Mr Pen Hadow of Fidelio Partners Ms Beatriz Vera Rodrίguez and Mr Michael Trost of Pearl Linguistics with Mr Martin Craxton of arwus UK EVENTS XXXXX DIARY Ms Rebecca Schween of Worldkonnekt, Mr Florian Winkler of The Radisson Blu Portman Hotel and Ms Charlotte Stolte of Stolte Packaging Ms Anna Perez of Steigenberger Hotel Group, Mr Patrick Brady of Millenium Hotels & Resorts and Ms Amelie Aguirre of Steigenberger Hotel Group Mr John Waterman of Avocets Consulting, Ms Andrea Ludwig of andrea ludwig pr and Ms Christine Bunnenberg of Avocets Consulting Ms Andrea Vero of Ward Hadaway, Ms Daniela Toledo of GlobaLexicon Ltd and Ms Julena Niehoegen of arb Limited 9 10 EVENTS DIARY EVENTS CALENDAR Thursday 5 December 2013 Members’ Christmas Party Venue: German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce, 16 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6LB Time: 6.00 pm – 8.30 pm Cost: Complimentary – For members and their guests only Information and registration: Ms Carina Krebs of Commerzbank AG London, Ms Anneke Edmonds of Inbound Marketing Ltd and Mr Tobias Josing of Commerzbank AG London Mr Gregor Gies of UniGroup UTS and Mr Ian Hammond of Vorwerk GmbH & Co KG Tuesday 7 January 2014 Members’ New Year’s Reception Venue: German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce, 16 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6LB Time: 11.00 am – 1.00 pm Cost: Complimentary – For members and their guests only Information and registration: Wednesday 15 January 2014 Annual Dinner Northern Region Guest of Honour and Speaker: Roland Aurich, Chief Executive of Siemens plc Venue: To be confirmed Time: 7.00 pm – 10.00 pm Cost: £40 incl. VAT for members; £45 incl. VAT for non-members Information and registration: Tuesday 28 January 2014 ‘UK Pensions: Practical Guidance for Employers’ A Member’s Breakfast Seminar with Taylor Wessing LLP Venue: Taylor Wessing LLP, 5 New Street Square, London EC4A 3TW Time: 8.00 pm – 10.00 pm Cost: Complimentary Information and registration: Please see our website for registrations and updates on events. Mr Stefan Kratzer of Merck Serono Ltd, Ms Elena Boenke and Mr Peter Kaestel of the German School London LEGAL COMMENT Advertise in initiative Initiative magazine is the perfect vehicle to reach decision makers connected to the German-British Chamber both here in the UK and in Germany. As well as reaching clients and partners of the Chamber, the magazine is read by key people in government departments, associations and other companies within the German-British business community. Published three times a year with a targeted circulation of 1,500 you can be sure that your advert will be highly visible as we restrict advertising space. You can buy half, quarter and whole pages… or for maximum exposure, exclusive sponsorship of one issue (members only), which includes two one-page adverts and a one-page article (page 11) plus a suitable ‘company picture’ (1/2 page) on the front cover. To discuss your advertising needs in detail, please contact: 11 Der Employee Shareholder – eine neue Kategorie Arbeitnehmer Zum 1. September 2013 wurde im Zuge des Growth and Infrastructure Act 2013 eine neue Form des Arbeitnehmerstatus eingeführt: der Employee Shareholder oder „Arbeitnehmer-Anteilseigner“. „Arbeitnehmer-Anteilseigner“ erhalten Anteile an der Gesellschaft des Arbeitgebers oder dessen Muttergesellschaft im Wert von mindestens GBP 2.000. Bis zu dieser Höhe unterliegen die Anteile weder der Einkommensteuer noch Sozialversicherungsbeiträgen. Werden die Anteile später verkauft, sind sie für Gewinne von bis zu GBP 50.000 im Regelfall von der Kapitalertragsteuer ausgenommen. Willigt ein Arbeitnehmer in die Umwandlung seines bestehenden Arbeitsvertrages in einen Employee-Shareholder-Status ein oder beginnt ein neues Beschäftigungsverhältnis als Employee Shareholder, gibt er allerdings bestimmte – teilweise essenzielle – Rechte im Zusammenhang mit dem Arbeitsverhältnis auf. Der Arbeitnehmer verzichtet •weitgehend auf das Recht auf Kündigungsschutz, wobei der Schutz vor Diskriminierung und im Zusammenhang mit Health and Safety bzw. in Bezug auf Kündigungen, die nach englischem Recht als „automatisch unfair“ zu qualifizieren sind, bestehen bleibt; auf den Anspruch auf Abfindung bei einer betriebsbedingten Kündigung; auf das Recht, eine Teilzeitbeschäftigung zu beantragen, ausgenommen für die ersten zwei Wochen nach Rückkehr aus dem Elternurlaub und auf bestimmte Ansprüche in Bezug auf die Freistellung wegen Fortund Weiterbildung. • • Jana Lindner German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce 16 Buckingham Gate London SW1E 6LB Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4188 Fax: +44 (0)20 7976 4101 Email: • Darüber hinaus ist der Employee Shareholder verpflichtet, den Arbeitgeber bereits 16 anstatt der üblicherweise acht Wochen vor seiner Rückkehr aus dem zusätzlichen Mutterschafts-, Vaterschafts- oder Adoptionsurlaub über diese Tatsache zu informieren. initiative is the official membership magazine of the German-British Chamber and is published three times a year. Publisher: German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce 16 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6LB Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4100 Fax: +44 (0)20 7976 4101 Email: Web: Editorial & Advertising Jana Lindner Tel: +44 (0)20 7976 4188 Email: The reproduction in whole or in part of any material published in initiative requires the prior written consent of the publisher. The publisher cannot accept any liability for the accuracy or the completeness of any material published in initiative. Opinions expressed in initiative do not necessarily reflect the views of the German-British Chamber. The German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce is supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology in accordance with a Resolution of the German Parliament. Der Arbeitgeber dagegen ist verpflichtet, dem zukünftigen Employee Shareholder vor Einwilligung in dessen neuen Status Zugang zu unabhängiger rechtlicher Beratung zu gewähren und die diesbezüglich anfallenden Kosten zu tragen. Weiterhin hat er dem Arbeitnehmer eine schriftliche Erläuterung der Bedingungen seines neuen Status zur Verfügung zu stellen. Schlussendlich hat der Arbeitnehmer Zeit, sich den Abschluss einer solchen Vereinbarung zu überlegen, denn diese tritt erst sieben Tage nach Erhalt der Beratung in Kraft. Zusammenfassend ist festzustellen, dass der neue Status des Employee Shareholders auf der einen Seite sicherlich die Produktivität und Profitabilität von Unternehmen steigern kann. Durch den Besitz von Anteilen am Unternehmen werden Arbeitnehmer zweifellos stärker motiviert und fester an das Unternehmen gebunden werden. Auf der anderen Seite verzichten die Employee Shareholders jedoch auf grundlegende Rechte im Zusammenhang mit ihrem Arbeitsverhältnis. Ob und wie dieser neue Arbeitnehmer-Status von Unternehmen und Arbeitnehmern angenommen wird, bleibt deshalb abzuwarten. Johanna Hess, Legal Adviser, German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce 12 EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Celebrating 25 year The European College of Business and Management (ECBM) is the officially accredited college of the GermanBritish Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, the ECBM has developed into a leading provider of bespoke business and management training for European companies and individual students. The emphasis is set on the importance of continuous and lifelong learning. To date the ECBM has provided more than 12,000 students with important business, cultural and language skills in order to enable them to work successfully in an international environment. The ECBM’s graduation ceremony was held on Friday 15 November at the Honourable Artillery Company in London. Around 100 students received their certificates in various programmes, among them: Higher National Diploma Business (Finance) Sam Bryant Rosemon Meissner Courtney Schofield Diploma in Management and Leadership Paul Adams James Denman Tony Hogan Darren Leech Andrea Lettieri Danny Rawlings Guido Sieg Madlen Strobel Rebecca Waldron Leszek Wegiel Master of Business Administration (in co-operation with Liverpool John Moores University) Daniel Boesch Anna Bretmann Katrin Broichhausen Swantje Bruenjes Mirko Brusca Micaela De Odorico Gido Englisch Raphaela Fuerst Leah Geppert Janine Hahner Markus Heublein Andrew Hinrichsen Ann-Kathrin Hoessl Heidi Jenssen Katja Sabine Killian Markus Konz Maria Korte Stefanie Kunze Nilto Labah-Niemeyer Tobias Lerzer Lysann Loesel Lars Marowsky Mr Gido Englisch MBA and Ms Kathrin Weiss MBA deliver the students' thank you speech Nina Mueller Tatiana Murad Gruenbaum Stefan Ostermann Ulrike Ritter Verena Rossa Alexandra Schorn Ron Stradling Maryah Tafri-Browne Stefanie Wackernagel Kathrin Weiss Martin Weiss EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT31 13 s of education Masters of Business Administration – Class of 2013 Prof. Nigel P. Weatherill, Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive of Liverpool John Moores University Graduates networking before the ceremony Dr Andreas Prothmann, Head of Economic Affairs, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Graduates and their families during the ceremony Dr Klaus Peter Fouquet, President of Robert Bosch Ltd 14 BUSINESS TO BUSINESS initiative provides a regular listing of companies in both the UK and Germany who are seeking B2B partners and representatives Business Partners from Germany / Geschäftspartner aus Deutschland DOMESTIC APPLIANCES & WELLNESS PRODUCTS An established 30-year old manufacturer and brand of small domestic appliances and wellness products is looking for a Freelance Key Account Manager to attend its long-time, first-class client in North London area. Preferably candidate already works with similar but non-competing accounts. Tasks: Interact, communicate and meet with the client’s decision-makers on a regular basis to conduct effective negotiations and sales strategies. Expected time to invest: about 1 day per week. Your CV with cover letter is welcome. For further information, please contact: Marguerite McCaughan, German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce; Tel: 020 97964183; Fax: 020 79764159; Email: LABORATORY COMPETENCE We are searching for commercial agents and distribution partners to promote our laboratory supplies in the UK.OMNILAB-LABORZENTRUM is a German wholesaler of laboratory equipment, consumables and chemicals. Since 1935 we have grown to a solid mid range, family owned company with 165 employees, our own 1200 p. catalogue, e-commerce and an effective infrastructure (stock, direct shipments to endusers). For further information, please contact: Stefan Jaschek, OMNILAB-LABORZENTRUM GmbH & Co. KG, Robert-Hooke Str. 8, 28359 Bremen, Germany. Email:; Website: HIGH QUALITY SOAP Who wants to represent a quality soap producer from Germany? The company was founded in 1848 and is part of the biggest soap producing group in Western Europe. The company is known for its innovative, fashionable products of high quality, produced with high ecological standards. We are looking for a partner with good contacts to all relevant customer groups (department stores, health & beauty retailers, pharmacies etc.) Our website: will give you an indication of our capacities. For further information, please contact: Ms Khederzadeh, M. Kappus GmbH & Co. KG, Luisenstrasse 42-52, 63067 Offenbach am Main, Germany. Tel: 0049 698297010; Fax: 0049 698297010; Email:; Website: www.kappus-seife, Research and Development expenditure as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product Labour Cost in Manufacturing 2012* 6.03 8.57 Greece 10.3 7.17 United Kingdom 6 12.02 Italy 6.03 12.14 Spain 97 17.97 19.82 .46 9.75 Luxembourg 20.46 67 15.02 Netherlands 18.67 84 13.99 Finland 19.84 61 18.16 France 18.61 1.16 15.83 Germany 29.72 37.2 20 30 0 40 Japan Japan Denmark Denmark Switzerland Switzerland USA USA 2.9 Germany Germany 2.82 3.4 3.26 3.06 2.99 Austria Austria 2.75 France 2.25 France Belgium 1.99 Belgium Netherlands 1.85 Netherlands 13.99 18.16 15.83 9.96 20.9 19.78 29.72 10 Sweden 15.02 16.83 50 20 60 30 40 50 60 BUSINESS NEWS Transport und Logistik - Vereinigtes Königreich London (gtai) - Auch wenn sich der intermodale Frachtverkehr im Vereinigten Königreich in den vergangenen Jahren bereits dynamisch entwickelte, dürfte hinsichtlich des Wachstums das Ende der Fahnenstange noch lange nicht erreicht sein. Die Schiene (als Frachtweg) wird von der Tendenz her unter Umwelt- und Kostengesichtspunkten gegenüber der Straße immer attraktiver. Ausländische und deutsche Logistikanbieter sind auf der Insel seit vielen Jahren gut im Geschäft. 2.25 1.99 1.85 Ireland 1.77 China 1.77 China 1.77 United Kingdom 1.76 United Kingdom 1.76 Canada 1.74 Canada 1.74 1.69 1.69 Norway 1.63Luxembourg 1.59 Portugal 0.0 Source: Cologne Institute for Economic Research 2013 *per hour, in Euros 2.7 1.77 Luxembourg 20.64 2 Ireland Norway 20.64 37.2 Norway Sweden 15.25 24.21 Switzerland 16.83 Finland 9.75 21.01 19.78 Sweden 3.88 Finland 9.25 28.17 20.9 Belgium 24.21 Additional personnel costs 21.16 9.96 Denmark 1.01 Additional 7.17 personnel costs 15.79 15.25 Austria 28.17 Direct hourly wage 12.02 9.25 Ireland 9 Direct hourly wage 10.3 15.46 .82 0 15 STATISTICS / BUSINESS NEWS 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.63 1.59 Portugal 2.0 0.02.5 0.53.0 1.03.5 1.54.0 Source: OECD 2012 Cost of living slows to three-year low The rate of inflation in Germany slowed to its lowest level in more than three years last month on falling oil prices. The cost of living rose by 1.2 percent in October on a 12-month basis, compared with 1.4 percent in September, the federal statistics office Destatis said in a statement. It was the lowest level since August 2010. Using the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP), the European Central Bank's inflation yardstick, inflationary pressures in Germany also seem to be easing, with the inflation rate slowing to 1.2 percent in October from 1.6 percent in September. +++ +++ Germans set to spend Euro 273 on Christmas gifts Branche kompakt - Bauwirtschaft (Tiefbau/ Infrastrukturbau) - Vereinigtes Königreich, 2013 The average German will spend Euro 273 on Christmas presents this year – around 19 percent more than last year. The planned increase in spending should please shopkeepers. Internet retailers will be among the biggest winners, with shoppers under 35 spending nearly a third of their Christmas shopping budget online. However, more than a third of Germans get their gift ideas during a traditional high-street shopping trip, while only a quarter look on the internet for inspiration. London (gtai) - Nach mehreren schwierigen Jahren dürfte das Baugewerbe im Vereinigten Königreich 2014 voraussichtlich wieder zulegen. Allerdings gehen Wachstumsimpulse derzeit vor allem vom Wohnungsbau aus. Mittelfristig dürfte die Bautätigkeit im Energie- und im Eisenbahnsektor deutlich zunehmen. Während der Ausbau der Offshore-Windenergie vorankommt, befindet sich der Neubau von Atomkraftwerken unverändert in der Schwebe. Die Pläne zum Bau einer neuen Hochgeschwindigkeitszugstrecke sind weiter umstritten.. Weitere Artikel und Branchen-Trends unter More Business News from Germany: This section is provided in co-operation with Germany Trade & Invest and 2.0 2.5 Corporate Banking s – 40 year 3 7 9 1 e c Sin e in our id s r u o y t a ranch London b 140 years of proven success on the world stage. Founded in Germany, rooted in Europe, active across the globe The success story of our international orientation began just three short years after our foundation in 1873. Every year, we add another chapter to that story. Through our concept of cross-border relationship managers and our global network of international branches and representative offices, we have the expertise, global reach and on-the-ground local knowledge to make international business happen for you. Whether you conduct your business in Germany, outside Germany, or both. Commerzbank AG, London Branch, German Desk Tobias Josing, Tamara Seng, Philipp Schaeffler, Tilo Fersterra Tel.: +44 20 747-55619
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