2015 Ministry Catalog - Home


2015 Ministry Catalog - Home
2015 Ministry Catalog
Faith Formation
Adult Scripture Study
During Fall and Lent, interested adults gather for Scripture
Study. Members focus on a book from the Old or New
Testament by reading and discussing the implications of
the Scripture for life today. The group meets on Tuesday
evenings at 6:30 p.m. and repeats on Thursdays at 12:05 p.m.
We are working on growing our adult education offerings
including sessions with Fr. Larry. All are welcome.
Contact: Jane McAuliffe 325-9506
We need creative, joyful Catholics who are living this
beautiful Catholic faith to help pass it on! It is our privilege
and duty, as Catholics, to support catechesis within our
parish. We offer one session on Wednesday evenings, 6:007:15 p.m.
Contacts: Deb Krebs, Garret Martin & Ann O’Leary 325-9506
Confirmation Preparation
Youth in 8th grade meet Wednesday evenings to continue
their faith journeys and prepare for the Sacrament of
Confirmation. Our teens are prepared through instruction to
become active, well- informed and involved adult members of
the Catholic Christian community. The curriculum focuses on
a deeper understanding of the Scriptures and faith in action.
Contact: Jane McAuliffe 325-9506
Faith Formation Aides
Numerous volunteers witness their faith and stewardship to our
Faith Formation Program as classroom assistants, chaperones
on field trips, guides on service projects, office helpers, phone
callers, crossing guards and child care providers.
Contacts: Deb Krebs 325-9506
Faith Formation Support Staff
Don’t think you have the skills or calling to be a catechist?
There are still ways that you can support our mission of
passing along the truths of this beautiful Catholic faith! We
need classroom helpers, crossing guards, office support,
photographers/ videographers, bilingual support, hall/gym
monitors, special projects, etc.
Contacts: Deb Krebs, Garret Martin & Ann O’Leary 325-9506
RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.
Classes are for those interested in studying the Catholic faith
and perhaps continuing their journey by joining the Church.
This group meets to study and discuss the faith, with their
goal being to be received into the Catholic Church at Easter.
This year RCIA will be meeting on Wednesdays from 5:306:30 p.m. in Nilles Hall starting September 22.
Contacts: Jane McAuliffe 325-9506 and Bert Leach 558-3924
Sacramental Catechesis
Sacramental Catechesis is preparation for the Sacraments of
Baptism, Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation and
Contact: Ann O’Leary 325-9506
Summer Faith and Fun
This is a ministry that will support catechesis and fun during
the summer months for kids from kindergarten through
high school. We will need a variety of support including
Clerical, hospitality, classroom helpers, etc. Specific dates for
2016 are to be determined.
Contacts: Deb Krebs, Garret Martin & Ann O’Leary 325-9506
The Mime
For the last six years at St. Clare of Assisi, our high school
students have been praying the story of Jesus’ last days from
the Last Supper to the Crucifixion. The evening begins with
the reading of the Suffering Servant passage from Isaiah.
Then, without words, accompanied by the music of Barber’s
Adagio, Jesus’ last hours are presented. It is a powerful
presentation at twilight on Wednesday of Holy Week and
again on Good Friday.
Contacts: Garret Martin & Jane McAuliffe 325-9506
Youth Faith Formation
(Grades 1 -5)
Children in grades 1-5 meet Wednesday evenings to develop
an understanding of the foundations of our Catholic faith.
Classes meet from September through May. Preparation for
the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
is supplemented in the second-grade curriculum.
Contact: Deb Krebs 325-9506
“EDGE” Middle School Formation
(Grades 6 & 7)
Youth in grades 6 and 7 meet Wednesday evenings to
continue growing in faith and in relationship with Christ
with this dynamic program. The EDGE utilizes a healthy
balance of fun activities, meaningful discussion, and
formative content to engage middle school students in a
deep and age-appropriate way. Classes meet from September
through May.
EDGE Support
The success of a dynamic program such as this depends on
many supporting roles, including hospitality coordinators,
small-group leaders, and program coordinators. Adults
and high school students are encouraged to join the EDGE
Support Team.
Contact: Garret Martin 325-9506
Youth Ministry
Our journey of faith doesn’t end at Confirmation! Confirmed
high school students continue on their own faith journeys
through Youth Ministry, building a youth community and
developing leadership and ministry skills while serving our
parish. With a well-balanced schedule of fun events, relevant
peer discussions, guest speakers, and service opportunities,
our youth enjoy their time invested in Youth Ministry.
Contact: Garret Martin 325-9506
Youth Ministry Chaperones and Leaders
Adult chaperones and leaders help advise the programing
year and help facilitate events, trips, and service
Contact: Garret Martin 325-9506
St. Victor School Services Ministry
Many volunteer opportunities are available for those
wishing to support our school and children.
Contact: Joe Peters, St. Victor School Principal 325-3395
Brunch with Santa
Brunch with Santa is a special day for children and families.
This popular community event takes place on the second
Saturday in December. Those who attend begin with a
brunch in a beautifully decorated gym, and the children can
sing Christmas carols, play games, get their faces painted,
and meet Santa (of course!). School parents are expected
to participate in this community event. Many people work
hard to make Brunch with Santa successful. Decorators,
cooks, servers, clean-up crews, set-up crews, and student
elves work together to make this day a successful event for
our school, parish and community. These Brunch with Santa
volunteers are needed:
• Babysitting during set-up time
• Crafts projects • Decorating
• Donation requests
• Face painting
• Games and prizes • Publicity
• Raffle • Servers and hostesses
• Silent auction • Traffic control
• Thank-you notes • Clean-up
Educational Advisory Board
This board’s goal is to further the mission of the Church
within the parish and local community by promoting
whatever forms of Christian education that will serve the
needs of the community. The Educational Advisory Board
handles the following topics to ensure our school’s success.
• Endowment and Fundraising • Parent Handbook • Marketing
• Educational Initiatives
• Public Relations/Marketing
Mardi Gras
Mardi Gras is an event that takes place on the Saturday
before Ash Wednesday. It is a dinner, and a live and silent
auction event held at Turner Hall in Monroe. Parents are
asked to participate by selling raffle tickets, working the
event, or making a donation for the auctions.
Contact: Joe Peters 325-3395
School Lunch Servers
Servers prepare some of the food, serve food and help clean
up on weekdays from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
floral arrangements, replacing and cleaning the candles and
votives, polishing the sacred vessels, and ironing vestments.
Contact: Rita Koster 325-9506
“Scrip” is simply a word that means “substitute money.” In
other words, Scrip is gift certificates from national and local
retailers. It is a fundraising program in which schools and
parishes the size of St. Victor/ St. Clare can earn thousands
of dollars each year. The parish purchases the certificates
at a discount. Then, families buy the certificates for full
face value, they redeem them for full face value, and our
school/ parish keeps the difference as revenue. Volunteers
are needed to help sell Scrip after Masses and other parish
Contact: Angela Hoeper, scrip@stvictormonroe.org
Altar Servers
Altar Servers have an important ministry in the Church.
These young people assist at the celebration of the Eucharist.
This is both an honor and a privilege. Training is provided in
spring and fall.
Contact: Bill Van Wagner 325-9506
St. Victor Home and School
The Home and School Association is a vehicle for parentteacher relations. Its main objectives are to raise funds and
provide experiences that enhance the spiritual, social and
educational values of the school. Programs of special interest
to parents are communicated at twice-yearly meetings.
Art & Environment Volunteers
Following the liturgical calendar as the seasons of the
Church progress, these volunteers create the environment
in the worship space. Help is especially needed setting up
Advent and Christmas décor, Lenten and Easter décor, and
at other times during the year.
Contact: Deb Krebs 325-9506
Liturgy and Worship
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a group of volunteers committed to
helping maintain the sanctuary of our church as a place of
worship and meditation at all times. Duties include dusting,
changing the holy water fonts, watering the plants and
Children’s Liturgy of the Word Leaders
We need creative, joyful Catholics to share the beauty of
liturgy with our children. Leaders help to gather the children
during the beginning of Mass and process to Nilles Hall
to hear and reflect on the readings, pray the Creed, share
prayer intentions, and process back upstairs to celebrate the
Eucharist with their families.
Contact: Deb Krebs 325-9506
Men’s Choir
This group of men rehearse once a month and sing once a
month at the 10 a.m. Mass.
Contact: Bill Van Wagner 325-9506
Cantor and Ensembles
Singers rehearse and sing the Responsorial Psalm and other
ritual responses at Mass. They also lead the congregational
hymns and songs. Often, these musicians sing by
themselves, as a duo or small group.
Contact: Bill Van Wagner 325-9506
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children ages 4 (Pre-K) through 5th grade start the 10
a.m. Mass with their families. After opening prayer, they
are invited by the priest to come forward and be blessed,
and they are sent to Nilles Hall with their leader to hear
the Word at an age-appropriate level. Children return to
celebrate the Eucharist with their families.
Contact: Deb Krebs 325-9506
High School Choir
9th – 12th grade students are encouraged to join our high
school music group, where voices of all skill levels are
welcome! High school youth who play instruments are also
encouraged to add their gifts to the liturgy through this choir.
The High School Choir practices weekly on Sundays and will
provide music for Mass and for prayer and worship services.
Contacts: Jane McAuliffe, Garret Martin 325-9506
Middle School Choir
6th – 8th grade students are encouraged to join our middle
school music group, where voices of all skill levels are
welcome! The Middle School Choir practices weekly on
Wednesdays and will provide music for Mass and for prayer
and worship services.
Contacts: Cindy Blanc 325-3395, Garret Martin 325-9506
Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration provides us with a chance to be with
our Savior one-on-one on the first Friday of each month from
8:30 a.m. until noon and the third Wednesday from 5:00-7:30
p.m. A minimum of one to two people should always be
present during this time. A sign-up sheet is in the vestibule
for anyone wanting to be scheduled.
Contact: Lucille Kelly 329-6009 for first Fridays or
Ann O’Leary 325-9506 for third Wednesdays.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers distribute the Body and Blood of Christ
during weekend Mass, holidays, and Feast Day Masses.
Ministers choose a Mass time(s) and are scheduled to serve
approximately once/twice a month and for holy days and
special events. A one-hour training session is needed for a
two-year commission for the diocese. Initial and ongoing
training is also provided.
Contact: Bill Van Wagner 325-9506
These individuals are responsible for welcoming
parishioners to the liturgy and handing out worship aids
during certain seasons. Ministers choose a Mass time and
are scheduled to serve Sunday, holy days and special events.
Training is provided on an individual and ongoing basis.
Contact: Bill Van Wagner 325-9506
Lectors give life to the Liturgy of the Word, touching the
hearts and minds of all in the St. Clare Worship Community.
Meaningful, inspirational and articulate proclamation is an
art form that requires prayerful study of Scripture, speaking
talents and God anointed call to serve the community
through this ministry. Ministers are called to serve once or
twice a month depending on availability. Initial and ongoing
training is provided.
Contact: Bill Van Wagner 325-9506
Rosary Ministry
The Rosary is prayed aloud at 7:30 a.m. on weekdays in the
church, except Thursdays when it’s at 8:00 a.m.
Contacts: Eva & Bill Didier 329-7848
Individuals are responsible for seating people, serving at
the collection, handing out bulletins at the end of Mass, and
facilitating other liturgical tasks as needed. Ministers choose
a Mass time and are scheduled to serve Sundays, holy
days and special events. One 1-hour session of training is
provided on an individual and ongoing basis.
Contact: Bill Van Wagner 325-9506
Outreach & Social Justice
Apostolate to the Handicapped
Individuals help with our two events - Day at the Dells and
the Advent/Christmas Party. Please watch the bulletin and
listen for volunteer opportunities throughout the year.
Contact: Linda Faessler, Administrative Assistant 328-8371
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
This group of Catholic women strives “to be helping hands
where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness.” The CDA
motto is “Unity and Charity.” The women of the CDA enjoy
each other’s company at meetings and work hard for their
parish and community. The CDA meets regularly in the
parish center.
Contact: Susan Hicks 851-9137 courtmazzuchelli@luckymail.com
Family Promise of Green County
Family Promise works with homeless families to tailor
individualized plans to help them take the necessary steps
toward lasting independence. Family Promise works with
congregations and other organizations to provide shelter,
meals, transportation, and case management to families in
Contact: Kay Urban 329-8906
Food Pantries – Green County, Green Cares, White Gift
These organizations provide non-perishable food to lowincome Green County residents. St. Clare Parish collects
food, personal care products and money on the first Sunday
of each month for the food pantries of Monroe, Monticello
and Brodhead in Green County. Volunteers from St. Clare
are needed at the Green County Food Pantry on Mondays
during the month of November. Volunteers are also needed
to transport items to Monticello and Brodhead.
Contact: Tammy Krieger 325-2868
Holiday Sharing Ministry
Pleasant View Nursing Home asks area residents to provide
personal care items to their residents during the holiday
season. The items are gift-wrapped so that all residents
receive a present.
Contact: Donna Phillips 325-3738
Knights of Columbus
This group of Catholic men gathers for spiritual enrichment
and service to our parish and the community. The group
meets regularly in Nilles Hall and actively participates in
service activities as needed.
Contact: Phil Vosberg 325-1909
Mobile Food Pantry
The Mobile Food Pantry provides perishable food to lowincome families on the third Thursday of each month from
3:00 to 4:00 p.m. at St. Vincent de Paul. Volunteers arrive
at 2:15 and are usually finished by 4:15 p.m. Duties might
include opening boxes, handing out food, helping clients
through the line, bagging large amounts of food into smaller
amounts, and returning carts from the parking lot to the
Contact: Rita Koster 325-9506
Quilting Ministry
The Quilting Ministry Team gathers for fellowship and
to produce warm quilts for families in disaster areas. No
quilting experience is needed because all quilts are hand
tied. Members of this ministry are happy to share their
talents with others so any instructions are provided.
Contact: Donna Phillips 325-3738
St. Vincent De Paul Society
St. Vincent de Paul Society needs volunteers in its store
and in its ministry to help the low-income during times of
Contact: Donna Phillips 325-3738
Secret Angels
Parishioners send a greeting card at least once a month to
a shut-in or elderly person in the parish. Envelopes with
names and information are placed in the back of the church
at the beginning of each New Year for those wishing to
Contact: Rita Koster 325-9506
Parish Life & Formation
Bulletin Stuffers
Several teams of four bulletin stuffers are needed
throughout the year to stuff bulletins with the extra flyers
and newsletters that our ministry teams and committees
produce. Bulletin stuffing is done Friday afternoons.
Contact: Rita Koster 325-9506
December Birthday Party Group
This ministry provides a party for Pleasant View residents
with December birthdays. Other groups volunteer the other
months of the year. Music is provided and Bingo is played.
Cupcakes and Bingo prizes are needed, along with help to
assist the residents playing Bingo.
Contact: Rita Koster 325-9506
Food/Baking Ministry
Volunteer to provide a dessert, salad, or other food for
various meetings and events hosted by the parish.
Contacts: Lonna Mayer 325-2964
Friday Morning Breakfast Group
Weekday Mass attendees come together in Nilles Hall for a
light breakfast and social time on Fridays from November
through May.
Contact: Pat Gregory 325-3412
Host/Hostess Ministry
Members help set up and serve for various meetings and
events hosted by the parish.
Contact: Tara Garry 325-2478
Parish Dinners
Parishioners volunteer their time to set up, prepare and
serve food, bus tables, bring desserts, and cleanup to provide
a delicious parish meal. Specific duties are listed on the
parish website under “VolunteerSpot.”
Contact: Jenni Coplien 325-3395
Pastoral Council
The purpose of the Council is to assist and advise the pastor
in his decisions concerning those matters that affect parish
life. The Council accomplishes this by providing advice and
consultation. Membership is determined by consensus of
the Council in conjunction with the pastor to give the widest
possible representation of new and longtime parishioners
of various age and interest groups. Decisions are made by
consensus of the Council with approval of the pastor.
Contact: Mary Grebner 325-4272
High-resolution photographs of parish activities are needed
throughout the year for our website and monthly newsletter.
Anyone more advanced in taking pictures would be
Contact: Rita Koster 325-9506
Operations & Finance
Cemetery Committee
This committee is responsible for cemetery rules,
organization, clean-up and answering family concerns.
Contact: Rita Koster 325-9506
Finance Council
The committee provides financial oversight of the parish,
and provides advice and counsel to the Pastoral Council on
financial matters. The committee proposes the annual budget
to the Pastoral Council and consults on strategic issues with
financial implications.
Contact: Andy Sefcik 329-6921
Grounds and Facilities
Volunteers are needed for seasonal outdoor chores, as well
as help with special projects throughout the year.
Contact: Jim Riddle 214-4008
Pastoral Care
Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound
Ministers share the Eucharist and fellowship with those who
are unable to attend Mass. They also share parish news and
keep shut-ins connected to our parish faith community. A
willingness to share your time and a comforting heart is
needed. Training will be provided.
Contact: Doris Ulmen 325-5208 or Bill Van Wagner 325-9506
First Friday Ministry
After celebrating Mass on the first Friday of each month, Fr.
Larry, Bill Van Wagner and volunteers visit and distribute
the Eucharist to the homebound of our parish. Anyone who
would like a visit is encouraged to call the Parish Center at
325-9506. Volunteers are needed to distribute the Eucharist.
Contact: Doris Ulmen 325-5208 or Bill Van Wagner 325-9506
Prayer Tree
Parish Prayer Tree members serve our community through
thoughtful prayer. All are welcome to join this ministry, and
all are welcome to call with their special prayer needs.
Contact: Jacki Netzel 329-3939
Marriage Prep
Married couples assist in preparing engaged couples for
the Sacrament of Marriage through sharing their faith,
mentoring, and fellowship. Meeting times are flexible. The
Diocese of Madison and various married couples from the
parish provide required training.
Contact: Ann O’Leary 325-9506
Pleasant View Mass Assistants
Volunteers assist with wheelchairs of Pleasant View Nursing
Home residents to and from Mass on the second and fourth
Wednesdays of each month.
Contact: Doris Ulmen 325-5208
Prayer Partners
Volunteer to pray for a particular class and their catechist/
teacher, newlyweds, baptismal families, or RCIA members.
Contact: Ann O’Leary 325-9506
1760 14th Street • Monroe, WI 53566 • 608-325-9506 • www.stclaregreencounty.org