Exotic Cabaret from around the world We meet the
Exotic Cabaret from around the world We meet the
DMVCTt CBSTtDBCBSFUtMJGF FREE! / P " Q S JM Exotic Cabaret from around the world 18 Suitable only for persons of 18 years and over Shakondda Asifa Lahore Virgin Xtravaganzah GET YER RUGBY PLAYERS HERE! We meet the Meaty Kings Cross Steelers Tupperw are 65p ! O SHO F D P N t R YN B H B [J O QX_1103_Cover.indd 1 R YH B ZM P O EPO 26/04/2016 19:44 QX 1103 MASTER 1.indd 2 26/04/2016 17:38 QX 1103 MASTER 1.indd 3 26/04/2016 17:38 T h e w h o , T H E w h a t , w h y , w h e r e & w h e n o f g a y L o n d o n … I N F O R M E R qxmagazine.com SCENE EDITOR JAMES EGAN james@qxmagazine.com FEATURES EDITOR DYLAN JONES dylan@qxmagazine.com DIRECTOR SALES AND MARKETING CHRIS COLMAN 020 7240 0055 chris@qxmagazine.com Magical Pride at Disneyland Paris A bunch of gays at Dinseyland Paris! Imagine if that actually happened. Well guess what…IT’S ACTUALLY HAPPENING. Thursday 13th October marks the start of a three day minibreak at the world famous resort, in association with Greatdays and Manchester Pride. SO DIG OUT THAT ELSA COSTUME. Or if you haven’t got an Elsa costume, just appropriate some your wardrobe into an Aladdin outfit. All you need is a leather waistcoat. Don’t pretend you haven’t got one of those. For more information and tickets, go to magicalpride.com. CARLY RAE JEPSEN IS PERFORMING AT BRIGHTON PRIDE We put it in capitals because it’s the most important news of the year so far! Forget the US elections! Forget OUR OWN ELECTIONS! Because… Carly Rae Jepsen’s performing at Brighton Pride! Certainly worth looking up from Grindr for. Well, it depends what she’s wearing actually. Probably a boxy fringe and some high-waisted sparkly shorts. Call Us Maybe Carly! For further information, go to www.Brighton-Pride.org NEW BUSINESS SALES EXECUTIVE STEVE GREGORY 020 7240 0055 steve@qxmagazine.com SENIOR DESIGNER JANNE ÖIJER janne@qxmagazine.com DESIGNER SUREN GUNPATH design@qxmagazine.com CLASSIFIEDS /ESCORTS 020 7240 0055 escorts@qxmagazine.com DISTRIBUTION / M.R.DISTRIBUTION PRINTERS / ACORN PUBLISHED BY FIRSTSTAR LTD. NEW HOUSE, 67-68 HATTON GAREDN, LONDON EC1N 8JY COVER: WWW. JOEL-RYDER.COM TO SUBSCRIBE TO QX CALL 020 7240 0055 £45 FOR 6 MONTHS £80 FOR 12 MONTHS WITHIN UK ONLY © Copyright in the UK and worldwide, of the publishers Firststar Limited, Q x (ISSN 1356-6903). Q X is published every Wednesday. Deadline for editorial and display advertisement inclusion is Thursday, six days before the relevant issue cover date. Sorry, but we cannot be held responsible for any unsolicited manuscripts, illustrations or photographs. 4 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Informer.indd 4 26/04/2016 19:02 QX 1103 MASTER 1.indd 5 26/04/2016 18:26 T H E I N F O R M E R NHS makes ANOTHER U-turn on PrEP The NHS have said they’re going to reconsider their universally panned plans not to provide PrEP, following a statement from the National AIDs Trust saying it was their duty to provide PrEP to everyone who needed it. The NHS originally said they were only obliged to provide treatment, not prevention. And the NAT quite rightly pointed out that this doesn’t add up, as post-exposure prevention pill PEP is already available on the NHS, so why shouldn’t a preexposure one be available too? The NAT have threatened a lawsuit if issues aren’t addressed. Quite right too. T’aint by ASHISH Provocative Londonbased designer Ashish has come out with an awesome new line of t-shirts that we’re totally gonna be rocking this summer. They feature a range of playful dot-to-dot pornography, which is a lascivious melding of totes cute and, like, totes explicit. They might be NSFW but if your work doesn’t like them, get a new job. You don’t want to be working with those people anyway. T’aint is available at V Files in New York City. That poster in Waterloo Remember that “Imagine London Without Gays” poster that flickered into life in Waterloo with no explanation last week and sent Twitter into meltdown? Some people thought it was homophobic. Some people thought it was hilarious. Most people didn’t give a shit. WELL, apparently it was a publicity stunt by Tel Aviv Pride, to grab the world’s attention ahead of their celebrations on June 3rd. Bit random and a bit sort of…ungainly? But we’re a magazine and here we are writing about it, so it clearly worked. Oh well. My Big Funny Peter GUESS WHAT! There’s a hot gay bear comedian coming to London! Yes! It’s Peter Bisuito, also known as My Big Funny Peter. He’s from across the pond, fresh from playing host to our American ursine brethren. He’s quite big over there. He’s even been on Oprah! His UK tour is coming to good old Eagle in Vauxhall on 2nd May. For more info and tickets go to mybigfunnypeter.com/european-tour 6 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Informer.indd 6 26/04/2016 19:02 QX 1103 MASTER 1.indd 7 26/04/2016 17:39 MEAT The meat boys. L: Fannar R: Adrian Cult blokezine meat has just released its latest issue of guy-next-door totty. This time it’s a collaboration with gay rugby team the Kings Cross Steelers. After drying off his seat, Dom Top had a chat with meat maestro Adrian Lourie about meat, music and more. WELL, Mr. Lourie, we’ve had a gander at the latest issue of meat and it is VERY TASTY. Tell us about it. It is isn’t it? It’s devoted to The Kings Cross Steelers Rugby Club. They were the world’s first gay inclusive rugby team and this year they celebrate their twentieth anniversary, so I thought it was a good time to get in on some changing room action with them. I love how diverse the club is and its all-inclusive attitude. I thought they were a good fit for meat. How did the collaboration with Kings Cross Steelers happen? There was a conversation about maybe doing a feature on them for meat but I thought they deserved a full issue. I put the idea to them and they were really into it and it all happened pretty quickly. We went from shoot to print in week. How were rugby boys to work with? Shy? Show-offs? What was amazing about doing it was the mix of guys. Of course there were some-show offs but there were a few guys who’d never done anything like this. To be honest I was a bit intimidated prior to doing it. I thought they might have a certain attitude or be a bit difficult or unfriendly, but honestly they were so fantastic and very happy to be part of it. I think each one of them gave us something very special. They were all complete gentlemen too. I got a lot of very firm handshakes on the day. Any faves from the shoot? We’re particularly fond of the cover boy… It was pretty clear that Steve was going to be the cover from early on. I mean he’s amazing looking but he was very quiet and unassuming and whilst he was obviously confident in front of the camera he had this lovely shy nature, which is very appealing. Having said that he also has a very strong presence and to be honest I nearly dropped the camera when he walked into the room. I have to say though, they were all amazing and every one of them a total hottie. I have a crush on them all. Any plans for the next issue or is that top secret? The next issue is devoted to Paris. I shot 17 guys in 4 days there at the end of January. That was such an adventure. The pictures are completely amazing and I think it’s going to be the most fabulous issue. That city has always been so supportive of meat and it was nice to pay a little tribute to its fantastic men. I made some really great friends whilst I was there and I can’t wait for them to see it. How many issues of meat is this now? I’ve just published issue twenty in March and with special issues including meat The Kings Cross Steelers and meat SF (the San Francisco issue) we’re up to 25. September will be the sixth anniversary of the first issue. What inspired you initially to start the zine? I imagine seeing hot blokes strip o ff is a bonus. I wanted to produce something in print. At that time there seemed to be a big downturn in printed matter. It really looked like the Internet 8 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Meat.indd 8 26/04/2016 18:22 and particularly the iPad would be the death of print. Thankfully that seems to have changed and there’s a more amazing array of magazines than ever. I also wanted to see a more diverse range of men looking sexy in print. I always felt like the gay press would do features on bears or hipster gays as a sort of novelty. I wanted to push out the idea that you don’t need a six-pack and retouching to look hot. I’ve never retouched the meat men and I try really hard to be diverse in my choice of subjects. Looking at hot blokes stripping off is always a bonus too obviously. How do you feel the response to it has been? It’s been really phenomenal. I get a great response from guys about it and they really seem to get my point of view. I rarely have to look for models now, guys who buy it or follow the Instagram or Facebook contact me about being featured. I guess for some people it will never been diverse enough but I try really hard to represent as many different men as I can. I pretty much shoot, edit, and produce it singlehandedly. It survives with no advertising and absolutely no publishing skills from me. That people still buy it and buy into the aesthetic and idea of it makes me so happy. People are finding it all the time and it’s new to them and it still seems fresh and interesting to them, which is great. The meat Launch parties at RVT are always a scream, when’s the next one? We’re back at The RVT on June 10th with our special guest DJ John Sizzle. I can’t wait. He always serves it up. It’s really great to see the Tavern having such resurgence too. Our parties there are busier than ever. I love seeing that place rammed. We get a great crowd and everyone’s up for drinking beer and losing it on the dance floor. “They were all amazing and every one of them a total hottie. I have a crush on them all.” What about meat East? We’ve been taking on a Saturday night every couple of months at Dalston Superstore. The next party is May 21st. We get the hottest crowd. It gets so packed and causes a roadblock on the street! It’s one of my favourite places to DJ because you get such a great opportunity to look out over a room of the hottest men. We also make it very much about the music and upstairs and downstairs are very carefully curated. There’s something for everyone. Do you have a favourite issue of meat? meat SF probably (the San Francisco issue). It just reminds me of a great time in my life. Rolling around The West Coast with my friend, singer Matt Alber (who featured on the cover). Meeting and shooting all these great blokes. Having said that, as soon as an issue is printed I’m on to the next. I don’t often look back at them. I’ll save that until I do the coffee table book. Who would be your dream guy to shoot for the zine? I’m more than happy shooting anyone who wants to be part of it to be honest. There are a couple of those rugby dudes I’d have back in a heartbeat though. What else are you up to? Are you still DJing all over London with Fannar as per usual? Yeah we’ve been doing lots of stuff as the meat boys. We did some gigs in Paris this year and will be back there in July. We do Friday nights at The Kings Arms and are starting a monthly Wednesday night there next month. We’re also doing a monthly Sunday evening residency at The Vauxhall Griffin from late May. We get to play lots of great parties like BRUT as well as our own meat parties. Lots of stuff to keep us in trouble. Any favourite meat models? Well I met Fannar through meat, I put him on the cover and we’ve been doing our thing in one-way or anther ever since, so I’d definitely say him. He’ll be really embarrassed by my saying that! How do you feel about vegetarians? I’m equal opportunities. I think anyone looks good in a meat tee shirt. To find out more about meat or just ogle all the crumpet on display, go to www.meatzine.com 9 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Meat.indd 9 26/04/2016 18:23 INTRODUCING … RAINDEAR RAINDEAR The coniferous forests and vaulting glaciers of Sweden have birthed some sonorous icons. From Robyn tumbling around to the dusky electro riff of Call Your Girlfriend, to beguiling galactical geniuses Niki & The Dove, to Loreen’s scintillating snowstorm of a hit, Euphoria! HRNNNK! They’re continuing to pioneer ice-cuttingly original sounds, and up-and-coming new artist Raindear is a perfect example of that. Her debut album Embers is folk/darkpop fusion, evocative and truly original. She spoke to Dylan Jones about musical metaphors, her inspirations and treatment of women in the industry. I’ve just been listening to your album. I love it, it’s very Scandinavian! Yeah! I can’t help getting influenced by our traditional folk music and stuff. So in that way, I can’t help sounding Scandinavian! Although I think mixing-wise, it’s got more edge than a lot of Scandinavian music. I’m not sure about Scandinavian music outside of Sweden, but with some of our music, the music isn’t as edgy. Well I sort of compared you a bit to Niki & The Dove… I love that! They’re my favourites from Sweden. I love getting compared to them. Their most recent stuff is so great. It’s so raw, and that’s very Scandinavian. On your Facebook page you refer to your music as “Disney/desert pop”. What’s the idea behind that? I just really love the Pocahontas soundtrack, and Mulan, and all the movies I watched as a kid. I’ve just really been inspired by them. And the ‘desert’ part is because sometimes I have some Middle Eastern influences in the scale. I just wanted to name it something other than ‘electropop’, because that doesn’t properly describe what it is. I don’t want to be referred to as an electropop artist, because that’s kind of limiting. I like real instruments. Electropop used to be a new genre, but maybe now that word’s being thrown around a bit too much. Yeah. I feel like electropop has synthesizers and a drum machine, and a really electric sound. Which I have a bit, but I wanted to be really organic at the same time. If you described me as an electropop artist it wouldn’t explain the whole sound. So tell me about the lead single from the album, I’m The Ice. It’s about passivity. The whole ice vibe that I’m describing is a metaphor for when you’re really passive and scared in a relationship, and you just melt. And it’s really far until you reach where you should be. Like a glacier. So the ice is a metaphor for a situation you can’t get out of. You’re frozen. So we already mentioned Niki & The Dove. What other artists are you liking at the moment? I really liked SBTRACT newest album. Or whatever it was, I don’t think they wanted to refer to it as an album. But yeah, their latest work. And one of my favourites at the moment is Jungle from London! I really like that sound. It can’t be too pretentious, I want some quirkiness! A bit like Niki & The Dove. NDEAR NDEAR That’s why my music sounds the way it does. I like it to be dark, but quirky at the same time, so it has a spectrum of emotion. As a young woman starting out in the music industry, what do you think about how it’s treating women at the moment? And do you have any thoughts on the whole Ke$ha thing? Oh my god, I don’t know the specifics but from what I’ve heard, the stuff with Ke$ha sounds really horrible. I’ve been really surprised by everything I’ve read about that. For myself as a female producer, I’ve thankfully never experienced anything like that. But people sometimes don’t believe you’ve done what you’ve done. That I can even use a computer and things like. That’s something you experience every day. But luckily I think equality has come a little bit further in Sweden compared to the rest of the world. So I’m lucky to be here at least. I hear a lot of horrible things about the music industry every day. But I can’t say I know any specifics about the Ke$ha situation apart from what I’ve read, what everyone’s read. But it sounds awful. It’s interesting what you said about your experiences as a female producer. I saw an interview with Charli XCX where she said people didn’t realize who her band were because she has an all-female band. Yeah, stuff like that is really bizarre. I’m interested in feminism. I’m trying to do what I can for that. I’m actually teaching young girls here in Sweden to produce music on their summer camps. I’m trying to change how it’s being looked at, because I’ve experienced it myself. Wow that’s awesome! So what are your plans for the future? Well I’m gonna wait and see what this album generates, but I already know I’m coming to London in May. It’s not official yet so I’m not sure if I can say it, but just look out for me turning up in London at the end of May! And I’m also gonna go to New York and LA at some point after the album comes out, and try to promote the album over there. And hopefully play at some festivals in Sweden, that’d be awesome. At the moment a lot of things are uncertain. But I’m in a really creative space right now, there are so many new ideas circling in my head. It looks like it’s gonna be an exciting summer for you! Definitely. Raindear will be in the UK in May, and Embers is out now. 10 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Raindear.indd 10 RAIN RAIN 26/04/2016 18:32 I don’t want to be referred to as an ele c tro p o p a r t i s t , b e c a u s e that’s kind of limiting. I like real instruments. RAINDE RAINDE INDEAR INDEAR 11 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Raindear.indd 11 26/04/2016 18:32 Photo: LJK Photography D J O F T H E W E E K JAMIE BULL @ HomoElectric JA MIE BUL L’S HOMOEL EC TRIC TOP TEN 1. Chrissy – 'The Right To Dance With Somebody' A disco record made up of lots of bits of old disco records. And it’s 130bpm. Poppers o’clock. 2. Purple Disco Machine – 'Yo!' A stolen disco bassline plonked over a house beat with a looped vintage rap shouting “yo baby yo”. Simple but effective. 3. DJ Steevo – 'Karioca' A driving disco-flavoured romp! It builds and builds and builds. 4. Detroit Swindle – 'Howsmusic' A house track that sounds like disco that sounds like house. 5. Frits Wentink – 'Child Of The Universe' A wonky analogue garage wobbler. So love, what’s your name and where do you come from? I’m Jamie Bull, DJ and party starter for club nights HomoElectric and Handsome. Plus I host a monthly radio show on This Is Electric. What kind of music do you play? Discoey garagey house. A mix of celebrating the past and finding classics of the future. And what can people expect from your next set? Soaring melodies, throbbing grooves, lots of handclaps and the occasional wailing diva. Jamie Bull is playing at HomoElectric on Friday 29th April at Dalston Superstore (117 Dalston Kingsland High Street, E8 2PB), 9pm – 3am. Free before 11pm, £5 after. 12 qxmagazine.com 6. Leon Vynehall – 'Beau Sovereign' Sounds like a Masters At Work record made by robots. Oddball jazzy chords and soulful grooves from space. 7. Soul Asylum – 'Who Do You Love' (Full Intention Remix) A new track that sounds like a lost garage production from 1997. Ace. Bolt down to the Hoist for SPORTSBOLT Let’s face it , we ALL have a sportswear fetish. Whether it’s perving on guys in their footie kit on the overground, or lingering as we pass joggers in Green Park, it’s ALL ABOUT those silky, dick-outlining shorts and knee-high stripy socks. Wish there was somewhere to satisfy your locker roomfuelled fantasies? Well, this is London, so guess what… THERE IS. A new sports night is opening exclusively at The Hoist - Sportsbolt Club is the place to share your sports kit fetish - from rugby and football gear to full wrestling lycra and trackies, the world of the sports kit fetish is on your doorstep. Wander around under the vibes of techno trance and join a busy crowd in The Hoist’s locker room maze (STEAMY) featuring ‘DNA Contact Sport’ where you can leave your mark. We’re not sure exactly what ‘DNA Contact Sport’ means, but we can guess. Sportsbolt Club operates a very strict sports kit dress code. If you do well on the night and wear your complete full kit you will be awarded with offers on your next visit. So get your kit on and come along! The Sportsbolt Launch Party will be featuring Jay Muscle and his gang for a hottest ever XXX Wrestling show London has ever seen, with The Hoist transforming into a Mad Max-esque arena! 8. Filta Freqz – 'Master Blaster' Sounds like Wildchild ‘Renegade Master’ and a hip house track from 1990. What’s not to like about that? 9. The Model – 'Who Did That' The ghost of Technotronic’s ‘Pump Up The Jam’ floats through this no nonsense house banger. 10. Thelma Houston – 'I’m Here Again' (Joey Negro Remix) A disco classic gets a tasteful makeover for 2016. Sportsbolt is this Saturday 30th April. Advance tickets £12, £15 OTD. 10pm - 4am. For full details visit www.sportsboltclub.com. The Hoist, Railway Arch 47, South Lambeth Road, London SW8 1SR QX 1103 MASTER 1.indd 13 26/04/2016 17:40 C L U B N E W S For full listings see Musts & Maybes, pages 48-52 50-54 or the What’s On section at www.qxmagazine.com For listings on the go, download the free QX GAY LONDON app at the iTunes store. Thursday 28th April Friday 29th April Gravity Onyx Re-Mixed What’s that in the distance? Is it a bird? is it a plane? No it’s Vauxhall legends Gravity & Onyx, combining forces to bring you the ultimate Thursday night/Friday morning afterhours! Expect HUUUUUGE things as Gravity & Onyx battle it out every week with a roster of DJs that stays true to both brands. In the GRAVITY room, bringing you the best in eclectic fun, uplifting afterhours beats will be Fat Tony and Richard Jones . In the ONYX room playing dance floor anthems & club classics will be Charlie Holland, Jason Prince & Matt Unique. Plus Latina lovely Sidney Bueno will be on hosting duties! Protocol, 6A South Lambeth Place, SW8 1SP, 11pm - 8am. £1 entry before 1am with an AD/Flyer. Push the Button: Mi Chico Latino Fake honey, real plastic, stupid cupid, fantastic! Queer thinking, straight talking - it’s time to recognise the talents of the one and only GERI HALLIWELL! Who’s wearing the trousers now? It’s Push the Button! They’ll honour the goddess-like GENIUS of Geri by hosting the world’s first GERI HALLIWELL LOOK-AT-ME BEAUTY PAGEANT! Christ alive. There’ll be a special Geri-inspired performance from the legendary FIGS IN WIGS. Donde esta el hombre, con fuego en la sangre! Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane SE11 5HY, 9pm – 3:15am. £6. Saturday 30th April XXL Hoxton Whores Friday 29th April First off, can we talk about this line up? GSP, Fat Tony, D’Johnny, Lee Harris, Terry Bryan and Richard Jones? Are you going to be able to handle the level of sonic perfection that will be flying at you on Friday night/Saturday morning? We certainly hope so. If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed though, just let hosts Louise Port & Jacob K know. They’ll tell you sort yourself out and CARRY ON DANCING. A:M Pulse, 1 Invicta Plaza, South Bank SE1 9UF, 10pm – 7am. £8 members, £15 guests. Protocol, 6A South Lambeth Place SW8 1SP, 11pm – 11am. £4 with a flyer/ AD before 1am Hoxton Whores The Hoxton Whores are back in town and turnin’ tricks. We had a chat with them last week about their top 20 club tracks. They were all shockingly amazing, so we’d recommend you move your arse and get down there to hear them as you hit the dancefloor with the friendliest twice-weekly bear party around. If you can't get enough on the weekend, they’re open on Wednesday nights too.. 14 qxmagazine.com _QX 1103_Club News.indd 14 26/04/2016 19:31 For full listings see Musts & Maybes, pages 48-52 or the What’s On section at www.qxmagazine.com For listings on the go, download the free QX GAY LONDON app at the iTunes store. East Bloc’s weekly Saturday is back with house delights in the main room and pop/R’n’B in the bar! Hifi Sean, Josh Caffe, Martyn Fitzgerald, Johnny Kalifornia and Beary Carey will be providing your aural pleasure, so make sure you head down to the City Road den of sin this weekend. It’s guaranteed to knock your bloc off! C L U B QBoy Saturday 30th April N E W S ANOTHER BIRTHDAY. R&She is four years old. That’s older than Li’l Kim’s current face! Anyway it’s time to get DRUNK IN LOVE and come celebrate their B’DAY with a Beyonce special. All you BABY BOYS and NAUGHTY GIRLS get set to WORK IT OUT as QBoy, David Oh and Neil Prince return to shine the GREEN LIGHT on the DIVAS we’re all DANGEROUSLY IN LOVE with. R & She 4th Birthday Saturday 30th April Blocheads East Bloc, 217 City Road EC1V 1JN, 11pm – 6am. £5 before 12:30am, £10 after. Saturday 30th April Dressed as a Girl Soundtrack Launch David Oh TIPSY, 20 Stoke Newington Road, N16 7XN, 9pm – 4:30am. Free before 10pm, £6 after. Saturday 30th April BABEZ Feral Lady Lloyd The Glory’s having a party. We’re shocked! We’re sure you are too. What’s it in aid of this time? Only the bloody soundtrack to the critically acclaimed and basically amazing “Dressed As a Girl”. That film is fucking fab. Holestar’s in a wheelchair for most of it and while we don’t like to laugh at the disabled, it’s pretty hilarious watching her try to buy fags whilst wheeled. Anyway, the soundtrack is a treat so they’re releasing it on COMPACT DISC and probably MP3 too. Or m4a. So many formats. And the launch night will welcome Feral ‘aka MC Kinky’ to the stage for a special live set. The Glory, 8as, 281 Kingsland Road E2 8AS, 5pm – 2am. Free before 10pm, show 11pm. It’s a brand new venue for the BABEZ! They’ve headed to Camden, where they blend in better with the clientele. The usual suspects, Beary Carey and Lady Muck, er, Lloyd will be playing CHOONS and wreaking havoc on Bloc Bar, plus Loverboy Magazine’s Michael Turnbull joins the team for unadulterated pop all night! Word of warning, if you should see Lloyd whip out her lighter: RUN. We’re still growing our eyebrows back. Bloc Bar, 18 Kentish Town Road NW1 9NX , 9pm – 3am. £5. 15 qxmagazine.com _QX 1103_Club News.indd 15 26/04/2016 19:07 C L U B N E W S For full listings see Musts & Maybes, pages 48-52 50-54 or the What’s On section at www.qxmagazine.com For listings on the go, download the free QX GAY LONDON app at the iTunes store. Saturday 30th April Exilio: LATINOS UNIDOS Saturday 30th April Beyond Invasion In aid of the recent earthquake in Ecuador, London’s number one LGBT Latin dance club is hosting a fundraiser for Oxfam this Saturday! Jessica Colita and Amy Gran-Zunga will host a special game of bingo, then at 8pm the fun starts as Exilio Club opens to the sound of salsa, merengue, bachata, reggaeton, electro latino,cumbia and more, mixed by resident DJG as well as jazz & disco performances from Lee the Singer. Plus a special Exilio auction! £1 of every entry will be donated to the cause. Its the year 3087 & Planet MW06 (formerly planet Earth) has been engulfed by the New Order. A regime that has seen all sense of life, individuality & charisma sucked out of the inhabitants . All the humans eat the same vitamins everyday and spend the majority of their time at work. Life (if you can call it that) has become monotonous and unbearable... Surely something is going to happen to save these people from their miserable lives. But who will have the strength to defeat the new order?? One word: BEYOND. Hope and faith will be restored in planet Earth as a host of your favourite Beyond DJ’s as well as a troupe of the hottest Go-Go dancers Beyond Invasion will keep you jumpin’ and pumpin’ all night long!! Saving the world with those intergalactic beats: Gonzalo, Michel Mizrahi, Tony English & Miswhite. Muse Soho, 23 Frith Street W1D 4RR, bingo at 7pm, party 8pm. The Coronet Theatre, NewSE1 Kent7TJ, Road, SE1–7TJ, The Coronet Theatre, 28 New Kent28 Road, 11pm 7am.11pm – 7am. Silver Summers £12 advance. FOLLOWED BEYOND AFTER HOURS AT FIRE. £12 advance. BY FOLLOWED BY BEYOND AFTER HOURS AT FIRE. Sunday 1st May Dalston superstore 7th Birthday Oh shit, here we go. Superstore is having a birthday. D-Swiz has been around for SEVEN YEARS. That makes us feel about a billion years old. They’re celebrating in the only way they know how, which is to get you all absolutely shitfaced and play a ton of banging tunes. They’ve enlisted a truckload of delightful DSS friends’n’fam people to play for you too; Hannah Holland, Dan Beaumont, Jonjo Jury, Mikki Most, Nic Fisher, Stathis, Michelle Manetti, Will Cozforg, 2Gurlz1Cub & Rachael. Better stock up on Dioralyte and Rustler burgers because your hangover is going to be vicious. Dalston Superstore, 117 Kingsland High Street E8 2PB, 7pm – LATE. Sunday 1st May East End Boyz End your bank holiday with a BANG, literally at dive of debauchery Fitladz East! The perfect place to satisfy any unrequited hornover cravings you might wake up with on Sunday morning. It’s cruisey, it’s naughty, it’s sexy, and most importantly it’s A WHOLE LOT OF FUN. And it’s at one of our fave East London gay haunts, EAST BLOC! If those walls could talk. Sometimes they do, depending on how wasted you are. East Bloc, 217 City Road, EC1V 1JN. 10pm - 4am. £5. 16 qxmagazine.com _QX 1103_Club News.indd 16 27/04/2016 11:55 For full listings see Musts & Maybes, pages 46-52 or the What’s On section at www.qxmagazine.com For listings on the go, download the free QX GAY LONDON app at the iTunes store. Sunday 1st May Brüt #19 Bank holiday Brüt bearnanza round two is upon us and they’ve got hot to trot Brüt from down under Dan Slater back behind the decks! He’ll be joining Tom Stephan and Italian stallion Massimo Paramour, plus Ben Jamin in the main vault for a collosal night of beefy beats and London’s finest blokes, bears, hunks and cubs. In vault two Beefmince’s Silverhook, Ross Jones and DJ Dreadful play party classics. End your Bank Holiday weekend Brüt style! Steel Yard, 13-16 Allhallows Lane, EC4R 3UL, 10pm – 6am.. C L U B Soulful music has no templates! For their next instalment, they’re inviting a music junkie, singer, connoisseur and DJ established in Rare Grooves, Northern Soul, Disco and House music: Ronnie King! Since it’s Bank Holiday they’ll be are going ‘til 4am with resident Alex Eugenio. Expect a sultry blend of House, Disco, Jazz and uplifting vocals... all - night - long! Not forgetting to mention that Zigfrid has a massive patio for drink and a breeze, for those in need after a good dancefloor sweat. N E W S Ronnie King Sunday 1st May Eastern Heights Zigfrid von Underbelly, 11 Hoxton Square N1 6NU, 5pm – 4am. Free entry. Biggy C Sunday 1st May Jeffrey Hinton Bootylicious Sunday 1st May Dirty Diana Pink Jeans The adoring dancing disco for homos and their homies is back this Bank holiday Weekend! After a fit as fuck Fetish Ball had your sass and screams ruling a packed dancefloor from beginning to end they’re heading back up to Dalston for the May Bank Holiday weekend for a SUNDAY dance off with the kids at Tipsy, yep! Venus Ex Machina, Frank.co, Samantha Togni and special guest BECKY STROKE will be supplying the tunes to for you to come through, be yourself, rave and get dirty to. The Coronet Theatre, 28 New Kent Road, SE1 7TJ, 11pm – 7am. TIPSY, Stoke Newington N16 7XN,AFTER 9pm -HOURS 4am. £7.. £1220advance. FOLLOWEDRoad, BY BEYOND AT FIRE. This is the second bank holiday Sunday session at Club Union in Vauxhall this year. The place was off the chain on Easter Sunday and they’re expecting another roadblock this time, all at the place Bootylicious started originally, for two rooms of the best urban and old school dance tracks - Dancehall, RnB, Hiphop, Disco, old school House. The line-up includes Brandy alias Afro Chick, DJ Chillz, Biggy C, Jeffrey Hinton, Kartel Brown, Sugarbear, and MC Tyron. Union, 66 Albert Embankment SE1 7TP, 11pm – LATE. Students £8 before 1am. More OTD. 17 qxmagazine.com _QX 1103_Club News.indd 17 26/04/2016 19:08 GETTIN’ ONYX R&She Turns 4 On the eve of their fourth birthday party, R&She founder Neil Prince reflects on their past and very bright future! “Back on 21st April 2012, myself, David Oh and QBoy held our first R & She party at Vogue Fabrics. It was an idea I had off the back of my pop sets at Dalston Superstore. Whenever I dropped any old school R&B, people would go crazy. I thought: ‘We need an old school R&B night in East London’, because there wasn’t one. Not for a gay audience anyway. And knowing how the gays love to channel their inner diva on the dancefloor, I thought I’d make it all about the females in R&B and Hip-Hop. R & She was born. We wanted to create a fun, party atmosphere, inclusive for everyone, celebrating not just the female artists we love but the message they bring through their music. So on the one side we have a proper party vibe with mass sing-a-longs and dance offs. But on the other it connects with our beliefs in finding the strength to be comfortable with yourself, your sexuality and your body and fighting the dominant patriarchal bullshit. R&B and Hip-Hop now is very much a male dominated industry. But if you go back to the 90’s, there were so many more big female artists in the game. It’s something we hope is going to change, with new artists such as Tinashe and Lady Leshurr striking a chord and building audiences. We have an amazingly loyal crowd whom we love that come back party after party. They make the party, really. And what we’ve ended up with is one of the most mixed crowds at a gay night we’ve seen. Which is how it should be. It’s allowed us to grow, moving from Vogue Fabrics to Tipsy in 2014 and now next month for our May party, we’ll be holding it in an even bigger venue, Trapeze on Great Eastern Street. 2016 has already been a big year, securing a Berlin residency at St Georg and opening for En Vogue at the Mighty Hoopla festival. And with forthcoming slots at Bristol Pride and another outdoor summer party at the Magic Roundabout we’re all set to continue celebrating the queens in Hip-Hop and R&B!” Fat Tony Vauxhall’s naughty Thursday night treat, Gravity, is BACK this week on 28th April…but what’s that following it? Oh my god, it’s ONYX! Yes, our favourite club night named after a semi-precious stone and/or a Pokemon is making a comeback, in a big way. The two club leviathans will be battling it out for supremacy every Thursday, with a roster of DJs that will stay true to both brands’ very distinct identities. In the GRAVITY room, bringing you the best in eclectic, fun and uplifting afterhours beats, will be Fat Tony & Richard Jones. In the ONYX room, playing dance floor anthems & club classics, will be Charlie Holland, Jason Prince & Matt Unique. Plus the gorgeous Latin lovely Sidney Bueno is on hosting duties. This lady has the samba in her blood, so get ready for her to take you for a spin around the dancefloor, clad in a selection of her finest eyepopping outfits! Charlie Holand Sidney Bueno R&She’s 4th Birthday party is on Saturday 30th April at TIPSY (20 Stoke Newington Road, N16 7XN), 9pm – 4:30am. Free before 10pm, £6 after. Gravity Onyx Re-Mixed starts Thursday 28th April at Protocol (6A South Lambeth Place, SW8 1SP), 11pm - 8am. £1 entry before 1am with ad/flyer. 18 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Onyx.indd 18 26/04/2016 19:40 QX 1103 MASTER 1.indd 19 26/04/2016 18:16 XXL Saint George’s Day @ Pulse 23/04/16 1 Invicta Plaza, Southwark, SE1 9UF Words by Yaf Brown Photos by Joel Ryder Saturday 23rd meant St George’s day - or shall we say night - at South East London’s XXL, ultimately serving as yet another reason to celebrate being gay on the weekend in the big way only a super-club could offer! Bears, built, lean and every little nuance between were in attendance - flooding the massive arena dancefloors like the subwoofers thumping hard house, smooth r’n’b and smash tracks from the past - filling the yards of sofas of both chill spaces, and working up another kind of sweat elsewhere. 10pm to 7am still remains one of the best deals for revellers looking to dedicate themselves to any scene venue - and any reason to wave the flag for what’s become the scene’s most fondly patronised club night South of the river. Well we’re in! “Bears, built, lean and every little nuance between were in attendance.” 20 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Club Reviews.indd 20 26/04/2016 18:48 QX 1103 MASTER 1.indd 21 26/04/2016 17:43 A:M 22/04/16 Protocol, 6A South Lambeth Place, SW8 1SP Words by Jaime Domingo Photos by ChrisJepson.com “It’s not just after-hours, it’s outrageously after-hours.” A:M deserves its reputation as one of the BEST CLUBBING NIGHTS IN THE CITY! It’s not just after-hours, it’s outrageously after-hours. It runs in a strobe-lit whirlwind from 11pm right through to 11am and we survived for erm… well, some of that! Even QX Magazine has their limits. Believe it or not, we’re not the party girls we once were. We were home and in bed by 7am. So early! Anyway it can always be relied on to be an absolute banger of a night out. We got chatting to a sexy Kellan Lutz lookalike on the dancefloor. Who knows, maybe it WAS Kellan Lutz, you never know these days. Louise Port was there being a fabulous host as always with her gorgeous grin. SO, big thanks to the kids at A:M for another absolute stomper of an after-hours party! 22 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Club Reviews.indd 22 26/04/2016 19:03 QX 1103 MASTER 1.indd 23 26/04/2016 18:25 Exilio @ Muse Soho 16/04/16 23 Frith St, London W1D 4RR Words and Photos by ChrisJepson.com For almost 20 years, the legendary LGBT Latin Dance Club Exilio has been bringing the finest Latin sounds to London, and in an exciting chapter in their story last weekend saw them moving to Muse, a new central Soho venue, for their twice a month parties. Not just a late nightclub event, Exilio has community at its heart and enough Latin love for all. Opening at 6pm, the evening is divided up in to segments and offers a warm up of Latin ballads and finger food for early arrivals before the entertainment kicks in with Salsa classes, Exilio diva performances and a showcase of new Latino talent. Then the Exilio resident DJs take over for a dance session like no other with a mix of salsa, merengue, bachata, reggaeton and the best Latin crossover music. Last Saturday’s chic launch featured a masked ball, the gorgeous Sidney Bueno and her boys on the door, performance from Nikita Nipone as Dua Lipa, Pamela as Gloria Trevi and so much more. Latin Chic has arrived, and its name is Exilio. “Exilio has community at it’s heart and enough Latin love for all.” 24 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Club Reviews.indd 24 26/04/2016 18:49 QX 1103 MASTER 1.indd 25 26/04/2016 18:20 TheMenWhoFell2Earth 23/04/16 East Bloc, 217 City Road, EC1V 1JN Words by James Egan Photos by Freddy Krave We CRASHED into East Bloc for another instalment of its longest-running party this Saturday. This time our favourite extraterrestrials had abducted Scotch sensation Hi-Fi Sean and beamed him down to the Bloc for what he described as a “delicious musical salad” of top tunes. The Men themselves threw down some real treats (including a number of Prince’s best cuts) while the dancefloor throbbed with rowdy weekend revellers of every persuasion and orientation. International porn star Issac Jones turned up for a shimmy, along with the Prince of Darkness Ray Noir. He didn’t so much shimmy, as look gorgeously broody though. Fab host Cain Jennings whirled around the place like a dervish, as Tumblr sensation Freddy Krave snapped the scene. We promised ourselves we wouldn’t use this phrase ever again, but we’re gonna; MenWhoFell2Earth was OUT OF THIS WORLD! “MenWhoFell2Earth was OUT OF THIS WORLD! 26 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Club Reviews.indd 26 26/04/2016 18:52 QX 1103 MASTER 1.indd 27 26/04/2016 17:47 DEBBIE’s 4th Birthday 16/04/2016 The Shacklewell Arms, 71 Shacklewell Lane, E8 2EB Words by Amrou Al-Kadhi Photos by Mark Storey If Debbie the club-night were a real person, I’d give her a huge hug and say thanks for those groovy times at The Shacklewell Arms on Saturday! Too many LGBT nights in London place heavy emphasis on “the kind of queer person designed for this specific space”; Debbie’s room of club-goers is diverse and eclectic, and as a result, the atmosphere was friendly and joyous. The only strict definition at play was the DJ’s uplifting playlist – all your favourite female fronted tracks. I’d been longing for a night where I could rock out to “Bad Romance” and “Shake it Off” without feeling cringe – and lo and behold, I found it in Debbie! DJ Laurence Del Rey catered not only to pop lovers, but also to those who wanna jam out to Stevie Nicks and Tina Turner like a teenager with lots of feelings again. If you’re up for meeting someone new, that could be hard at Debbie, as the lighting on the dance-floor was a bit too low to really make much out (and it’s definitely not going for the darkroom vibe…) But if you’re looking for somewhere to be as silly and happy as possible with your gang, Debbie’s your gal pal. “If you’re looking for somewhere to be as silly and happy as possible with your gang, Debbie’s your gal pal.” 28 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Club Reviews.indd 28 26/04/2016 18:53 QX 1103 MASTER 1.indd 29 26/04/2016 18:30 R A I S I N G T H E B A R Circa 62 Frith Street, London W1 BackCounter Vauxhall Station, South Lambeth Road SW8 1SR BackCounter are bringing cocktail hour back to Vauxhall this Saturday 30th with unique twists on classic serves. It’s free entrance too, so why not nip down and treat yourself to a few delicious beverages courtesy of BackCounter. Circa celebrates 5 years in Soho with a window-rattlin’, bootysmackin, thirst-quenchin’ superlate SESH next weekend on Thursday 5th May! Forget the Mayoral election and make THIS your priority! Adam Turner, Munroe Bergdorf, Sam Londt, Jonathan Bestley and Attack Attack Attack will be coming together to serve up the biggest speaker shuddering beats and party anthems until 4am! Calling all regulars, newbies, visitors, drags, lads, sistas, hotties and party monsters alike: they’re starting the weekend early, and they’re going hard all night. Comptons of Soho 51-53 Old Compton Street W1D 6HN We bloody LOVE Comptons. The nights we’ve sat on a stool, slurring drunkenly to the array of handsome blokes and bears propping up the bar… we’ve lost count. It’s a wonderfully diverse and friendly atmosphere and the bar staff are TOTAL CRUMPET. Seriously. Anyway, they’ve got loads on this BaHoWe including an EXTENDED Leather Social in the upstairs bar! So strap up and get down there, cuz they’re open ‘til 12am on Sunday! The Yard 57 Rupert Street, W1D 7PL Come this weekend, the ties will come off and the pecs will come out, as the Yard kicks up the gears and becomes a thriving hive for the smart, toned and sexy! The freshest vocal house will be on rotation, and the air alive with excitement, laughter and testosterone! Sit out in the Yard’s, well, yard and enjoy what we’ve all fought so hard to save! 30 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Raising The Bar.indd 30 26/04/2016 18:54 London Gay Village Guide Central & Soho BARS 1. Admiral Duncan 54 Old Compton Street, W1D 4UB Landmark traditional gay pub slap bang in the middle of queer street. A friendly, eclectic clientele for uncomplicated drinkin’ and entertainment seven nights a week. 2. City Of Quebec 12 Old Quebec Street, W1H 7AH This long-serving pub is a traditional boozer in every sense. Popular with a more mature gay crowd and their admirers, there are quiz nights, karaoke, weekly Sunday night cabaret and basement disco. 3. Comptons of Soho 52 Old Compton Street, W1D 6HJ The Grand Dame of Old Compton Street. This ever-busy drinking den has a cruisy downstairs with circular bar, plus a loungeier, grandiosely furnished upstairs. Great music, and they often show live rugby/football matches for the butcher fellas. 4. Duke Of Wellington 77 Wardour Street, W1V 3TH A local pub right in the heart of the West End. This more traditional-looking gay boozer boasts an eclectic and friendly clientele and is particularly busy at weekends. 5. Friendly Society 79 Wardour Street, W1D 6QB A discreet door hides a wonderful kitsch and kooky sub-surface bar where Barbarella meets Barbie. Friendly, fun and quirky. 6. G-A-Y Bar 30 Old Compton Street, W1D 4UR Soho’s palace of pop, which boasts three floors of purplewalled, pop tuneage beamed from loads of plasma screens. Scores of pretty young party things and endless cheap drinks promotions means you’re assured a fab night out. 7. Halfway II Heaven 7 Duncannon Street, WC2N 4JF A traditional gay boozer, with a friendly bunch of after work regulars and off-duty drag queens who are very welcoming to newcomers. Downstairs boasts regular cabaret and karaoke nights. 8. King’s Arms 23 Poland Street, W1F 8QL Long-serving, friendly and always popular drinking den for bears and their pals. 9. Ku Bar Frith Street 25 Frith Street, WC2A 7BA Affectionately known as ‘Baby Ku’, spread over two floors, the funky basement bar is a pleasing plateau of comfy seats, plasma screens, great lighting and a diverse clientele. Not forgetting the hot boys behind the bar! 13. Rupert Street 50 Rupert Street, W1D 6DR This popular bar has a sophisticated and stylish clientele, with a diverse food menu during the day and live DJs playing to a packed-out venue at the weekend. A favourite preclubbing destination. 14. Yard 57 Rupert Street, W1D 7PL A wonderful, relaxed venue with a gorge New York style loft-bar, Soho’s ONLY smoking balcony and courtyard, plus a bevy of beautiful boys, professional gayers and everyone in-between. 15. Central Station 37 Wharfdale Road, N1 9SD A cosy queer watering hole nestled in the heart of Kings Cross. Take the edge off with a beer by their roaring fire, or enjoy their live entertainment, great food and roof terrace. LATE BARS 10. Molly Moggs 2 Old Compton Street, W1D 4TB Offering not only a warm and friendly atmosphere, Molly Moggs also has a packed event programme across the week, generally involving singing and sequins. A cosy, charming venue that, whilst being predominantly gay, does also attract a mixed crowd to its cabaret shenanigans. 11. New Bloomsbury Set 76b Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AG A gorgeous spot for socializing nestled in the heart of bustling Bloomsbury. Pulling in a diverse mix of suave and sophisticated gays, from professionals to students, the cushioned cubby holes are great for big groups or an intimate date. Home to Dusty O’s Musical Menagerie on Sundays 12. Retro Bar 2 George Court, WC2H 6HH A hidden gem that brings a slice of ‘Shoreditch cool’ to the West End. A laid-back, trendy but unpretentious crowd, chillin’ to indie and retro tunes. 16 Bloc Bar 18 Kentish Town Road, NW1 9NX Camden’s hottest, cutest, trendiest new venue with a weekly rotation of poptastic DJs and sassy cabaret! Great for post-work drinks or debauched weekend shenanigans. 17. Muse 23 Frith Street, W1D 3JD Ambiently-lit underground Soho cocktail bar with urban clubby vibes! Plays host to a variety of queer friendly nights, including hot Spanish sensation EXILIO. 18. Circa 62 Frith Street, W1D 3JN Cozy club/bar off Soho Square, featuring super-friendly staff and a buzzing atmosphere. DJs play pop and clubbier beats, with a late license until 1am. Worth checking out for the amazing mirror-ball DJ booth alone! Now serving food. 20. Freedom 66 Wardour Street, W1F 0TA A polysexual, two-floor bar that caters to many a well-heeled gayer and their trendy hetero acquaintances. There’s also a glitzy disco downstairs with club nights, live performances and more. 21. Ku Bar Lisle Street and Ku Klub 30 Lisle Street, WC2H 7BA A wonderful, three-floor bar/ club with a diverse crowd of party pumpin’ pretties. Upstairs has the gorgeous champagne bar, perfect for private parties, the ground floor is regularly heaving, and the Ku Klub is open 7 days a week with different themed nights of pop tuneage. The beautiful bar boys will have your mouths watering. 22. Village 81 Wardour Street, W1D 6QD A three-floored wonder of stunning Sohocialites enjoying chilled-out drinks. CLUB 23. G-A-Y Late 5 Goslett Yard, WC2H 0EA The late night version of its Old Compton Street sister, which sticks to the winning formula of top pop, plasmas screens, hot boys and flirty girls – but continues until the early hours of the morning! 24. Heaven Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG Probably the most famous gay disco on Earth! Boasting five rooms of sounds, this legendary venue caters to a wild mix, from polysexual and studenty crowds to mad trannies and muscle boys, with plenty of special events and wild parties, including G-A-Y every Thursday (Porn Idol), Friday (Camp Attack), pop artists perform live or regular themes every Saturday, and dance night Popcorn every Monday. Playing the best in pop, dance, R&B and anything you can shimmy to. 25. Club 49 49 Greek Street, W1D 4EG A sexy Soho boutique lounge club, host to glam nights such as the eternally popular Room Service, every Thursday. 26. Shadow Lounge 5 Brewer Street, W1F 0RF The spiritual home of the swish, 31 qxmagazine.com QX_Soho&Central_Listings 1103.indd 31 26/04/2016 19:19 3 16 'Comptons, the very heart of Soho' Celebrating 30 Years at the Heart of Gay Soho 'A True Soho Institution, serving up the very best House DJs in London 4 days a week, a massive range of beers and a No attitude atmosphere' Comptons of Soho 15 29 21 granddameofsoho 46 33 KI R 38 14 32 qxmagazine.com QX_Soho&Central maps_1103.indd 32 26/04/2016 19:21 W W W.Q X M AGA Z I N E.CO M O BL OM ´ T EE TR YS UR SB ´ 32 11, 15, 16, 29, 44 PL NE BO TH RA AN WM NE ET RE ST EE TR GH HO HI T T IEL EE HF TR TIC SS GT LL WE SS ER RN BE RN O LB DS 23 08 LB W NE 30 N TO EL H S LITCH BO W RE ET ST 34 03 GT 05 ST ST 35 ET RE ST R CE ER M TT 42 09 45 26 22 PU 04 AL 21 ST R LO 13 EY N LT ET 14 28 ST 1 01 06 W 27 43 O 20 RE RE ST AK BE CO R 39 ST ET RE ST LY NG KI Y AB RN CA LL HA RS MA 36 ET RE ST O SH 10 17 40 RT ST ET E TR F 37 S TA ET ST I UT ST RE ST ST HE H K NT NR ST SO NEW ROW IC GE RE RW WA ST NG KI 47 38 K OC ST I V TA ET RE ET 46 GLASSHOUSE STREET ST M ART WILLIAM IV ST A ICC Y CE 33 E AC PLA ´ 12 INS LY DIL P VO SA 07 LL PA Key Location MA LL 24 COCK SPUR STREE T NORT HUM BERL AND AVE Bars Late Bars L HAL Men Only ITE Gay Friendly Food WH Clubs PL Shops, Services, Gyms & More ¶ Off Map Soho & Central 33 qxmagazine.com QX_Soho&Central maps_1103.indd 33 NT GT 25 S GA E N LA O OR 18 ST LY RB D'A H UG N TO MP RY U R D 41 23 R MA EN RD 31 EM BA NK ME T ´ 02 26/04/2016 19:22 London gay village / CENTR AL & SOHO stylish scene queen, this decadent club de jour is pumping seven nights a week with glamorous louche loungers and dancefloor divas alike. The weekends are packed with cocktail-sipping, airkissing urbanites and more than a few celeb clienteles nestled in the enclaves. With top DJs, and a trendy selection of music, it’s open to all, but there are plenty of benefits for members… GAY-FRIENDLY FOOD 27. Balans 60-62 Old Compton Street, W1D 4UG London’s queen of gay-friendly dining, slap-bang in the heart of Soho’s gay village. Featuring a varied menu of modern international cuisine, superb cocktails, fine wine list and late night/early morning dining. Quite simply the place to be seen with Cosmo in hand and hot boy in tow. 28. Balans Café 24 Old Compton Street, W1D 4TP You can always spot an array of trendy Sohoites, media types and gays about town enjoying a breakfast, brunch or late night snack in this buzzing café. MEN ONLY 29. The Underground Club 37 Wharfdale Road, N1 9SD North London’s fetish destination, with nights and events to suit every weird and wonderful taste. 30. The Stable 29 Endell Street, WC2H 9BA A sophisticated sauna and bar for boozing and cruising. Includes spa, sauna, steam room, cabins, video lounge and massage services, in a discreet location in the bustling Covent Garden, just a hop, skip and a jump away from Soho. A perfect way to release some after work tension. 31. Sweatbox 1-2 Ramillies Street, W1F 7LN A sauna, gym and emporium of spa therapies and massages all under one roof, this ultra modern, men-only space also holds regular club events such as foam parties, with 1-day and weekend passes, plus monthly and annual memberships available. Open until 2am weeknights and 24 hours over the weekend. 32. Vault 139 Whitfield Street, SW1W 0HH A cruise bar where you can have drinks at the bar and unwind in front of the movie screens or wander the dark corridors and hidden vaults to discover secret treasures. There’s also themed nights of nudity and underwear-only. Just a stone’s throw from Soho. 33. Ted’s Place 305 North End Rd, Fulham W14 9NS A friendly, welcoming basement bar, run by the lovely Ted. With a mix of cruising, underwear and sports kit nights, as well as a pop T-Girl event on every Thursday! SHOPS, SERVICES, GYMS AND MORE… 34. 56 Dean Street 56 Dean Street, W1D 6AQ A welcoming, ultra modern and very friendly sexual health clinic that offers both walk-in and appointment services. With fast HIV testing, Hepatitis B vaccinations, free condoms, emergency contraception and advice. 35. Clone Zone 35 Old Compton Street, W1D 5JX A gay man’s shopping paradise, featuring DVDs, toys, clothes, underwear, books, magazines and more. Plus, head to the basement downstairs for a feast of strictly adults-only goodies, such as porn, DVDs, dildos, plus fetish/bondage gear. free from prejudice, harassment and discrimination. Providing a safe place, and a range of activities to develop a sense of community, a support network and wider social and strategic change. 38. Prowler 5-7 Brewer Street, W1F 0RF The number one stop for your every gay need; ranging from toys to clothes, books to DVDs and a dedicated section for porn, Prowler have got it all! Located in the heart of Soho, Prowler offers a comfortable, easy shopping space with friendly staff on hand to ensure you find exactly what you need. 39. X-it Soho 2 Silver Place, Soho, W1F 0JP Husband and wife team Sean and Tracy Miller own and run a this unique salon in the heart of Soho. Unlike most traditional salons who offer a variety of treatments, they specialise in hair removal and use the ancient Egyptian art of sugaring to give a less painful and more thorough treatment. 40. Face Clinic 7 Silver Place, Soho, W1F 0JT Just a 5 minute walk from Carnaby Street, you’ll find the London Face Clinic. Specialising in a multitude of treatments including wrinkle treatments, dermal fillers, microdermabrasion and sweating treatments. They also offer skin tag and wart removal, if you have a little something you want taken care of! 36. Dean Street Express 35 Dean Street, Soho, W1D 6AQ If only all sexual health services were so forward-thinking! The walk-in service that allows you to register quickly, and get tested faster by doing your own swabs for STIs. Results get texted to your phone. Open Monday-Sunday. HIV tests may take a little longer. 41. Soho Salon 5 Carlisle Street, W1D 3BJ This chic, modern, family business offers a wide range of treatments, with friendly staff that adhere to the highest standards. There are laser treatments for hair reduction, thread veins, acne or skin rejuvenation, plus micodermabrasion, oxygen facials and more. Other male grooming treatments include waxing and sugaring, or you can choose from a range of massages. 37. Centred Unit 1, 10-11 Archer Street, W1D 7AZ Kairos in Soho (KiS) is a registered charity and community development organization with the long-term vision of a society where every LGBT person is able to live 42. Turning Point 32a Wardour Street, Soho, W1D 6QR This leading health and social care organization provides help for those affected by drug and alcohol misuse, mental health problems and those with learning disabilities. They offer a ‘Smart Muscle Service’ for users of performance and image enhancing drugs every Tuesday from 6-9pm. 43. Outlet 32 Old Compton Street, W1D 4TP Gay accommodation agency to suit all budgets and tastes, from holiday accommodation to long-term rentals and more. 44. Gay’s The Word 66 Marchmont Street, Bloomsbury, WC1N 1AB Not just the UK’s only gay bookshop, it’s also a wonderful resource of gay literature and information, from serious to camp. There are also regular readings, meetings and a real community vibe. A little walk from Soho but worth it! 45. Fifty&Dean 50 Old Compton Street, W1D 4UB Featuring men’s designer underwear, loungewear, streetwear and other goodies upstairs and R18 DVDs, sex toys and adult playthings down in the basement, with a cool industrial-style decor to boot! 46. Extreme Needle 36 St Martin’s Court, Covent Garden, WC2N 4AL Offering a different kind of prick than perhaps the type you’re used to, Extreme Needle has two studios in central London that boast professional and artistic tattoo design and body piercing. 47. London Hippodrome Cranbourn Street, Leicester Square, WC2H 7JH Located in the heart of Leicester Square and billing itself as London’s ‘biggest night out’, the Hipprodrome presents a varied mix of shows, from classy cabaret like Wam Bam Late and an Evening of Burlesque to drag impresarios like Miss Hope Springs and the Velma Celli Show. 34 qxmagazine.com QX_Soho&Central_Listings 1103.indd 34 26/04/2016 19:20 QX 1103 MASTER 1.indd 35 26/04/2016 17:59 R A I S I N G T H E B A R Two Brewers 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ We all know what Bank Holiday Sunday means; no work next day! So, this Sunday 1st of May, the Brewers will be open until 4am in both rooms, wahey! As always, getting you in a proper party mood will be Miss Jason at 6:30pm, La Voix at 8:30pm and Sandra at 11pm. Plus, Phil Marriott and DJ Seamus Haji spinning the best club tunes for the dancefloor from 10pm. Free before 8pm. La Voix Miss Jason Sandra Ku 30 Lisle Street WC2H 7BA West 5 Pope’s Lane, W5 On Saturday 30th April, Sikh singing sensation Amrick Channa from TV’s ‘The Voice’ will be gracing the stage at midnight and bringing you all to Klimax! Well, Klub Klimax that is. Plus there’ll be DJ’s and lovely drinks all night. Only the best at West 5, plus it’s only £4 entry. We took a peek at the most recent photo of the Ku boys and slipped straight off our seat. So, if that’s not enough of a recommendation for you then we don’t know what is. But this Sunday they’ve also got MAY POLE DANCING at Ku Leicester Square from 8pm. DJ Rodrigo Tancredi will be on the decks, while the (male) pole dancers will be giving a show, then resident DJs Lady Lloyd + Kerol Garcia will continue the sexy soiree down in Klub ‘til an extra late Sunday time of 3am! Woo! 36 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Raising The Bar.indd 36 26/04/2016 18:54 OLD SHIP 17 Barnes St, Limehouse E14 7NW 2 mins from Limehouse DLR Tel: 0207 791 1301 www.oldship.net BANK HOLIDAY WEEKEND SPECIAL Saturday 30th April TITTI LA CAMP 9.30pm DJ FLYNN 8.00pm 'TIL MIDNIGHT Sunday 1st May MISS JASON 9.15pm DJ JAMES ARMOUR Saturday 7th May THE SHIP'S FIRST EVER DRAG IDOL HEAT Hosted by MANDY GAP Sunday 8th May SAUCY SOPHIE Quiz night every Wednesday with Saucy Sophie @ 9.30 Open until Midnight. QX 1103 MASTER 1.indd 37 FREE 26/04/2016 17:52 QX 1103 MASTER 1.indd 38 26/04/2016 18:01 QX 1103 MASTER 1.indd 39 26/04/2016 18:01 C A B A R E T By Jason Reid The Multicultural World of London Drag Anyone who regularly frequents London’s drag cabaret scene will know that it is bursting with creativity, talent and diversity. Many of the people who make up the scene are from varying cultures and backgrounds and all of them intermingle freely week in and week out. This week Jason Reid spoke to four artists who make up London’s multicultural world of drag.... utu t a f o n so Virgin h a z n a g a v a Xtr MY FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF LONDON were very good. I I WAS BORN IN EAST LONDON in the late 60’s to Nigerian parents; raised in Nigeria from mid 70’s through to the end of the 80’s. There was no scene there when I was growing up. My salvation was music and television: Danny LaRue, Dick Emery, Geraldine, David Bowie and Boy George to mention a few. I returned to London to blossom for the first part of the 90’s before heading to America, until once again returning to London in 2003. I’ve been busy! It will be five years in June (the day I won Drag Idol) since I became a professional drag artist. When I first came onto the London drag scene apart from a few pioneering acts such as Sandra and Lucia and Zsarday - there were hardly any ethnic girls representing. Thankfully that has now changed due to: the growing middle class within the ethnic communities in the UK: the proliferation of on-scene talent competitions including Drag Idol: and RuPaul who has lit a fuse under the millennials. Thank God. The character of Tutu is a middle-aged Nigerian woman who maintains that as she draws her energy from the sun (not the newspaper), she has the right to live wherever it shines. This core belief shapes the way she walks, talks, observes life and transmits her brand of entertainment. London is a great melting pot of people, ideas and experiences which together combine to provide a great platform for varied and dynamic forms of expression through art and other mediums. I feel lucky to call it my home. There was no scene there when I was growing up. came here in 2004 to study acting at Guildhall School of Music and Drama. As soon as I found the cabaret world I felt I could just be myself. It was so accepting, open, and creative. At first I was given a few opportunities from Holestar, Meth and George Antony who ran the Black Cap in those days. By and large, the initial reactions to Virgin were incredibly positive. I feel this was due to the fact that for the first time I felt like I was able, and encouraged, to do what I wanted to do by the cabaret community, as opposed to try to fit into a mould that didn’t accommodate or find value in my individuality, which is how I felt as an actor. My background and culture has a big impact on my art. I’m from the west coast of America, born in California and moved to Oregon when I was five. Virgin is based on the stereotypical white American ‘valley-girl’ as a modern-day incarnation of the Virgin Mary. Putting this cultural background on an iconic religious figure is absurd, but to then place the character in London means it’s completely out of context, and this element of isolation, and apparent displacement is a lot of the fuel for Virgin’s comedy. London is a cultural melting pot, and this means that artists from all different backgrounds can thrive here; it’s what makes the London art scene great. Let’s hope gentrification doesn’t take that away! In the context of the London cabaret scene, the city’s multiculturalism aids me in the fact that Virgin is celebrated for her being culturally different here, which wouldn’t necessarily happen in other art genres. It also means that as an artist, I am constantly surrounded by different cultures and people I would never get to interact with where I am from originally, so this is a huge source of inspiration for me as an artist. Virgin is based on the stereotypical white American ‘valley-girl’ 40 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Cabaret.indd 40 26/04/2016 18:18 As a British Pakistani artist I have a responsibility to my cultur I decided to create a character that had all the Brazilian stereotypes in one person Shakondda I MOVED FROM BRAZIL TO LONDON in 2015 to study Musical Theatre. My first impressions of London; a city that has the A to Z of cabaret: all tastes, all levels of naughty, commercial, comedy, in all sorts of places. People pay to see artists, too. Diversity and money are the main reasons I am here. I think paying the artist means showing respect to the profession. I’ve had good and bad experiences adapting. There were moments when I couldn’t understand the English very well; hearing accents I had never heard before in a noisy environment, which then made me feel insecure. The hardest thing for me to deal with is the fact that I didn’t grow up here so I don’t have the cultural references that other queens have, so instead I make my show about the cultural shock, the clash between my culture and London culture. People often ask me “how come you don’t know this and that?”, and I have to remind them that I didn’t grow up here. However there are lots of things that I know and British queens don’t, so I just play with that instead of trying to compete in a field that I know I’ll have a major disadvantage in if I try to be like everyone else. The first female drag artist I saw was Holestar. I remember thinking, “oh my God, I’d love to do that too”. Also the girls from Family Fierce, and amazing drag kings like LoUis CYfer. I think most people in the business are very open and receptive to female drag performers, but I was shocked to find out there is misogyny on the gay scene, but it’s certainly not in the majority. I think lots of people come to London from other countries with this idea that it’s a very forward thinking place, and that is true, but not all is rosy. I remember meeting a brown-skinned gay man who was a UKIP supporter, and that really opened my eyes and made me understand that things are not black and white, no pun intended. The idea behind Shakondda’s creation was initially a form of therapy and reaction to perceived ideas of what Brazil is. I was tired of hearing the same comments regarding what was expected from me as a Brazilian girl. My first reaction was to be angry, but then I started thinking about it creatively and I decided to create a character that had all the Brazilian stereotypes in one person: football, coffee, City of God, carnival, banana, jungle, supermodels and so on. e r o h a l a f asi I HAVE BEEN A CABARET ARTIST for five years. I’m a British Pakistani, and I spent my childhood living in both London and Lahore. When I entered the drag scene I was overwhelmed and excited by the wealth of variety. I wondered where I’d fit in. I entered Drag Idol in 2012 and my act divided opinions from the word go; there were those who thought I was original and amazing and then others who took the opinion that I was offensive. As a Muslim, coming on to the stage wearing a burkha in Drag Idol was controversial. Even then a gay Muslim was a contradiction. No one had done this type of performance before and many didn’t know how to take it. I had to jump through quite a few hoops so that people got what it was about. Representing my culture then (and now) is very important to me. And if I hadn’t done so, it would’ve been highlighted, due to my very obvious Asian aesthetic. I made a conscious decision to focus on it from the very beginning. Sadly there’s still a shortage Asian drag artists coming through, however I’m confident it will happen, and I always try to mentor and encourage those who want to take the leap. Personally, I think I found it easier because I’m so grounded in my Britishness. Being able to get the balance between the two is an important factor in breaking through to the mainstream. London allows me to be free. Free to self-express and free to be visible. I don’t have to censor myself and I’m grateful for that. Eventually I think attitudes will change in Pakistan, but not anytime soon. As a British Pakistani artist I have a responsibility to my culture, especially to those who don’t have the freedoms and rights that I have. 41 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Cabaret.indd 41 26/04/2016 18:19 #J U L I A S AY S ... by Princess Julia Who has time to read a book nowadays? I’ve got about 4 on the go but I never seem to finish them! At Naked Boys Reading they’ll read for for you, naked of course. This week, Thursday 28th April at the Ace Hotel’s Miranda Bar in Shoreditch, the naked boys select passages from the bard Shakespeare and give it their own twist. Readings start at 8pm, with suitable musical ambience by Dr Sharon Husbands, The Duchess of Pork and Vanek. Fancy a party with The House of Transister? Then join them on Friday 29th for a real downtown gathering where Transisters Hits The ‘Runway’ Fashion Vogue Ball is taking place at the Resistance Gallery Maxi Moore at Eagle situated down a back alley in Bethnal Green, 265 Poyser street. ‘Creative, diverse and beautiful kooks!’ 9,30 ‘til very late. New night alert over at the Eagle in Vauxhall everyone... FIGO starts up on Saturday 30th April with DJs Severino, Fannar and Per QX on the decks, hosted by the fabu Maxi Moore! 9-4am. Up at The Glory this weekend we join the trail blazers at Glory Lates and D.R.A.G. (Dressed As A Girl) Album Launch ft Feral is Kinky and Warboy on Saturday 30th. An entire evening dedicated to the music featured in the cult film with star turns and DJs plus Guy Williams, Amber Waze, Jonny Woo as well. On the other side of town namely Bloc Bar in Camden Town BABEZ takes up a Saturday residency on Saturday 30th. Lady Lloyd and the UN-Lucky Bitches bring ‘pop to the Bloc’ with an unadulterated mix of all your faves! 9-3am. There’s so much going at Bloc Bar every night of the week, do not miss It’s A Drag Knockout hosted by Meth so much fun! Sunday Mass with Virgin Xtravaganzah with special guests every Sunday and loads more things going on! 42 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Review Section.indd 42 26/04/2016 19:15 QX 1103 MASTER 1.indd 43 26/04/2016 18:03 Heidi Montag – I’ll Do It In my opinion, this is Heidi Montag’s finest ouvre. It’s a sultrier departure from the “Look How I’m Doing” chanteuse’s usual club banger fare. Montag retains a beguiling sense of mystery throughout. And the question on everybody’s lips throughout the full 3:32 of I’ll Do It is…what will she do?! Anal? An act of sociopoliticial cyberterrorism? The laundry? WHO KNOWS! You’ll have to listen and find out! Disco, Blisters & A Comedown Dylan Jones’ roundup of new music for people who listens to music! This week our selection is like a vile 17-year-old girl’s Spotify playlist. E.g. amazing! These are tracks to listen to whilst storming along City Road in nothing but gold lamé pants at seven in the morning. They’re tracks to have on in the background while you’ve got multiple dicks in your mouth. They’re tracks to play whilst shoplifting from Primark. Heidi Montag Generally just the soundtrack to morally reprehensible, completely feral behaviour. Let’s go! Erika Jayne Erika Jayne – How Many Fucks Oh my god so Erika Jayne is our NEW ULTIMATE FAVOURITE! And the video for this is such strong work. Well done Erika, ten points to Sniffingbore. It’s like a drag queen directed it on a comedown. Who knows, maybe that’s what happened. To Erika’s credit, she’s got a great arse and she can dance, and those are possibly the two most important things in life. This might not be the most critically viable song in the world but how many fucks do we give? NONE! NOT ONE! ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, DONE! *Flips hair* Lindsay Lohan Lindsay Lohan – Fastlane I discovered this, fittingly, whilst stumbling around Dalston Sainsburys. It sounded great in the frozen aisle. We’re still massive fans of Lindsay here at QX. In fact we want her to be QX Spokeswoman. It would be a perfect fit. She likes a drink. WE like a drink. She was in Mean Girls. We’ve watched Mean Girls. PERFECT. Anyway Fastlane is great, really philosophical, all about living life in the fast lane. SEMINAL. 44 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Review Section.indd 44 26/04/2016 19:15 QX 1103 MASTER 1.indd 45 26/04/2016 17:59 A R T S b y D yl a n J o n e s Review: THE OPPOSITE OF SEX This time our review section is not about a new release, but about a seminal piece of cult queer cinema recommended by us, QX! This may become a regular thing. Or it may not. Who knows! That’s the beauty of journalism. This week we’ve chosen Don Roos’ dark nineties satire, The Opposite Of Sex. Its description on Netflix is “When a manipulative 16-year-old tart moves in with her gay half-brother and his lover, she soon seduces her way into a gender-bending love triangle.” Pretty much sums it up really, thanks Netflix. It features Christina Ricci (Wednesday from The Addams Family!) as pouty teenager Deedee who’s sent to live with her gay half- brother Bill after her stepfather dies. She’s fabulously vile throughout the entirety of the movie, snogging, slapping, screaming and sniping through a whirlwind of drama created by her own psychotic manipulations. She immediately ingratiates herself with Bill’s young hot boyfriend Matt, played by the totes gorge Ivan Sergei, and they’re giggling on sunloungers by the pool in no time. But of course it all goes tits up, almost literally. OH, and we almost forgot Lisa Kudrow does possibly one of the strongest turns of her career as Bill’s dowdy, downtrodden fag hag. The scenes of her sneaking under windows and scowling into milkshakes in roadside diners are beyond hilarious. Without giving too much away, this film is not what you think it is. Part of what gained it status as a cult favourite is its insane unpredictably, and Shakespearean comedyof-errors car crash of impossible situations and dysfunctional friendships. Christina Ricci’s drawling narration of events over the course of the movie has to be heard to be believed. It’s absolutely vicious, and will probably make you spit out your pinot grigio. SO, give it a watch when you’re next in the mood for a cynical, offbeat but ultimately heartwarming comedy/drama. The Opposite Of Sex is available on Netflix now. 46 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Review Section.indd 46 26/04/2016 18:42 QX 1103 MASTER 1.indd 47 26/04/2016 18:06 Yo ur gui d e t o t h e w e e k ’s b e s t B A R , C L UB & C A B A R E T e v e n t s in L o n d o n 28 April 04 May M U S T S THURSDAY 28TH APRIL CLUBS & EVENTS Hard-Up Thursdays at Sweatbox: 1-2 Ramilies Street, Soho, W1F 7LN. 24 hours. Under 25s FREE all day, £16 others. Start the weekend early and relieve the pressure with this discounted day for under 25s (ID required) at Soho’s only gay sauna. Room Service at Club 49: 49 Greek Street, Soho, W1D. 10pm-3am. Don’t you dare miss this fiercely social, sexy club spot, playing edgy and upfront house. Expect hot gogo eye candy and hosted by fab scene faces. Gravity Onyx ReMixed - Afterhours at Fire: 39 Parry Street, London SW8 1RT. 11pm-8am (Thursday night/ Friday morning). Vauxhall legends Gravity & Onyx combine forces to bring you the ultimate Thursday night/Friday morning afterhours! TONIGHT: Richard Jones, Fat Tony, Charlie Holland, Jason Prince & Matt Unique. Hosted by Latina lovely Sidney Bueno Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 10pm-3am. FREE. The party continues ‘til late in the Ku basement. Eagle Sessions at Eagle London at 349 Kennington Lane SE11 5QY. 9pm – 3am. Members free, guests £3 after 10pm. The Eagle launch brand new midweek sessions with DJs and great drinks offers! G-A-Y Porn Idol at G-A-Y Heaven: Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG. 10pm – 5am. Amateur strip night with £100 prize money! To enter email info@ga-y.co.uk Sonia at The Vauxhall Tavern: 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5HY. Doors 7pm, show 8pm-11pm. Tickets from £20. Sonia will be at the RVT for one night only, singing some of her favourite songs, don’t miss this unique chance to see her live Room Service at Club 49: 49 Greek Street, Soho, W1D. 10pm-3am. Don’t you dare miss this fiercely social, sexy club spot, playing edgy and upfront house. Expect hot gogo eye candy and hosted by fab scene faces. BARS & CABARET The Family Fierce at Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, London, NW1 9NX. 5pm-2am, £5. Cabaret from one of London’s best performing troupes. New Bloomsbury Set: 76 Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AG. 4pm – 11:30pm. Gorgeous cocktail bar in the heart of Central London. Happy hour 4-8pm daily. BackCounter Swing: South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. 7pm10pm. The perfect way to start or end your night in Vauxhall. Happy hour 5-8pm, enjoy cocktails and jazz in this lush venue. Official Room Service Pre-Party at Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1. 4pm-4am. Thursday’s are the new Friday’s at Soho’s intimate bar/ club spot with the most amazing DJ booth in town. City of Quebec: 12 Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch, W1H 7AF, 12pm-3am. The newly refurbished venerable institution of the gay scene rocks out some pop classics for an evening of fun. Comptons of Soho: 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 12pm2am. The grand dame of Soho. Tasty Tim’s Takeover from 8:30pm - big House classics all night!. G-A-Y Bar: 30 Old Compton Street. 12pm-2am. Free entry. Popular pop music bar with non-stop hits on the screens and a fun, flirty atmosphere. Backing The Stars at Halfway 2 Heaven: & M A Y B E S 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF. Popular central London karaoke fun with Kevin Walsh. Showtime at 8pm. The Light Lounge: 1 Newport Place, WC2H 7JR. 5pm-11:30pm. Enjoy the Ku Group’s newest venue; a boutique cocktail bar. 2-4-1 cocktails 5-7pm all week. Two Brewers: 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. Bar open 6pm2am. FREE b4 10pm, £3 after. Popular South London cabaret/club spot. TONIGHT: Titti La Camp Candy at The Village: 81 Wardour Street, W1V 3TG, 5pm-2am. Snap cackling pop & chart with Heidi Liscious and the gorgeous gogo boys. Gossip at West 5: Pope’s Lane, South Ealing, W5 4NB. Open from 8pm. FREE. Ealing’s hugely popular club, bar and cabaret spot. FRIDAY 29TH APRIL CLUBS & EVENTS Le Cock at East Bloc: 217 City Road, Shoreditch, EC1V 1JN. 11pm-6am. £5 b4 1am, £8 after. House, disco, pop and Italo mash-up with Martyn Fitzgerald & Jeffrey Hinton. Homoelectric at Dalston Superstore: 117 Kingsland High Street, E8 2PB. 9pm-3am. Free b4 11pm, £5 after. Kickstarting the early May Bank Holiday weekend, the Mancunian pansexual party return to the big smoke for an evening of throbbing gay disco nonsense featuring Jamie Bull, Luke Unabomber, Lucy Locket &Ted Rogers. PTB: Mi Chico Latino at The Vauxhall Tavern: 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5HY. 9pm – 3:15am. £6 & £8. It’s Push the Button! They’ll honour the goddess-like GENIUS of Geri by hosting the world’s first GERI HALLIWELL LOOK-AT-ME BEAUTY PAGEANT! Christ alive. There’ll be a special Geri-inspired performance from the legendary FIGS IN WIGS. Men Inc at Eagle London at 349 Kennington Lane SE11 5QY. Free before 10pm, £5 after or for members free before midnight. Eagle’s weekly manly social for blokes and boys of all shapes and sizes. A:M at Protocol: Protocol, 6A South Lambeth Place SW8 1SP, 11pm – 11am. £4 with a flyer/AD before 1am. Fabulous Friday night/Saturday morning afterhours tunes! TONIGHT: GSP, Fat Tony, D’Johnny, Lee Harris, Terry Bryan and Richard Jones Savage at Metropolis: Strip Club, 235 Cambridge Heath Road, E2 9NN. 11pm-5am. £5. Your late night homo disco now every Friday as well as Saturday. Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 10pm-5am. FREE b4 10:30pm, £5 after. Pop perfection and hot floor fillers as Ku’s hot 3 spin the tunes in its downstairs basement club spot. Open superlate tonight for Bank Holiday! BARS & CABARET After Party at Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, NW1 9NX. 9pm – 3am. £5. Monumental anthems all night from David McAlmont and Martin Green to make you dance! New Bloomsbury Set: 76 Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AG. 4pm-11:30pm. Gorgeous cocktail bar in the heart of London. Happy hour 4-8pm daily. On My Mind at Bridge Bar: 8 Voltaire Road, SW8 6DH, 4pm-12am. Free. Snug gay bar in a railway arch, offering cocktails, wines and light meals, plus outdoor seating. TONIGHT: Official Beyond pre-party with DJ Kurt Potter. Femsesh! at The Glory: 281 Kingsland 48 qxmagazine.com _QX_1103_Musts & Maybes.indd 48 26/04/2016 19:39 FU L L L I S T I N GS AVA I L A B L E AT W W W.Q X M AGA Z I N E.CO M Road, Haggerston, E2 8AS. Doors 5pm, show 8pm, club 10pm-2am. Free b4 10pm, £5 after. Thank freak it’s Friday…it’s time for a FEMSESH! Friday Night Fever at BackCounter: South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. The perfect way to start or end your night in Vauxhall with style and great drinks. TONIGHT: DJ Chillz Bridge Bar: 8 Voltaire Road, SW4 6DH. Open from 4pm. Free. The end of the working week oasis. TONIGHT: On My Mind – resident DJ Kurt Potter and friends spin hits from 8pm – 12am. Karaoke at Central Station: 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1 9SD. Open from 6pm til 3am or later... FREE The super-friendly Kings Cross bar. DJs ‘til late. Hosted by DJ Chris Reardon Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. 4pm-4am. Soho’s intimate but packed-out bar/club spot watches Munroe Bergdorf and friends werq the floor! Comptons of Soho: 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 9pm-2am. The grand dame of Soho welcomes blokes and boys to her bosom for a Friday night of socialising. TONIGHT: DJ Zach Burns City of Quebec: 12 Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch, W1H 7AF. 12pm-3am. The newly refurbished venerable institution of the gay scene rocks out some pop classics for an evening of fun. George and Dragon: 2 Blackheath Hill, SE10. 8pm-4am. The friendly Greenwich local. DJ Tony Tim on the decks playing 80s and 90s camp until 4am. Friday Night Live at Halfway 2 Heaven: 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF. From 9pm. Tickets from £10. With DJ Little John & Sandra. Ku Bar Soho: 25 Frith Street, WC1D 5LB. Open till 5am. Ku Bar’s little brother stretches across two floors for that perfect Soho warm-up drinking session and a little dance with downstairs DJs. The Light Lounge: 1 Newport Place, WC2H 7JR. 5pm-12am. Enjoy the Ku Group’s newest venue; a boutique cocktail bar. 2-4-1 cocktails 5-7pm all week. Fadoodle at The Village: 81 Wardour Street, W1V 3TG, 5pm-2am, Free. Into the Deep in the basement and Funhouse upstairs with Heidi Liscious and the Go Go’s. West 5: South Ealing, Pope’s Lane, W5 4NB. Open from 8pm, FREE. The popular West London club, bar and cabaret spot. TONIGHT: Vicki Vivacious The Yard: 57 Rupert Street, Soho, W1D 7PL. Open till 1am. FREE. Renowned as one of Soho’s most unique and popular destination venues, with terrific outdoor space. SATURDAY 30TH APRIL CLUBS & EVENTS XXL Hoxton Whores at Pulse: 1 Invicta Plaza, Southwark, SE1 9UF. 10pm7am. £15 guests, £8 members. Big, bear night with no attitude at superclub Pulse! TONIGHT: The Hoxton Whores tear up the dancefloor! Blocheads at East Bloc: 217 City Road, Shoreditch, EC1V 1JN. 11pm – 6am. £5 before 12:30am, £10 after. East Bloc’s weekly Saturday is back with house delights in the main room and pop/R’n’B in the bar! Hifi Sean, Josh Caffe, Martyn Fitzgerald, Johnny Kalifornia and Beary Carey spin the tunes. Beyond Invasion at the Coronet Theatre: 28 New Kent Road, SE1 7TJ, 11pm – 7am. £12 advance. A host of your favourite Beyond DJs as well as a troupe of the hottest Go-Go dancers Beyond Invasion will keep you jumpin’ and pumpin’ all night long!! Saving the world with those intergalactic beats: Gonzalo, Michel Mizrahi, Tony English & Miswhite. FOLLOWED BY BEYOND AFTER HOURS AT FIRE. Big Saturday at Eagle London at 349 Kennington Lane SE11 5QY. £5, or for members free before midnight, £5 after. It’s BIG fun at Eagle this weekend, with pop-fuelled party tunes courtesy of DJ Kurt (Bearfest) and his special guests! Hot dancers will be doling out free shots, whilst you’re stunned by the amazing visuals. R & She 4th Birthday at Tipsy:20 Stoke Newington Road, N16 7XN, 9pm – 4:30am. Free before 10pm, £6 after. Come celebrate their B’DAY with a Beyonce special. All you BABY BOYS and NAUGHTY GIRLS get set to WORK IT OUT as QBoy, David Oh and Neil Prince return to shine the GREEN LIGHT on the DIVAS we’re all DANGEROUSLY IN LOVE with. Cult Culture at Dalston Superstore: 117 Kingsland High St, E8 2PB. 9pm-4:00am. Free b4 10pm/£5 after. Second installment of the Cult Culture series of parties at Dalston Superstore. This time with an extended license til 4am and special guest TELEPHONES. Duckie at The Vauxhall Tavern: 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5HY. 9pm-2am. £6. Duckie’s flag ship rock ‘n’ roll honky tonk. Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 10pm-5am, FREE b4 10:30pm, £5 after. The party continues in Ku’s basement club with hot pop and floor fillers from the DJs. Exilio: LATINOS UNIDOS at Muse Soho: 23 Frith Street W1D 4RR, bingo at 7pm, party 8pm. London’s number one LGBT Latin dance club is hosting a fundraiser for Oxfam this Saturday! Jessica Colita and Amy Gran-Zunga will host a special game of bingo, then at 8pm the fun starts as Exilio Club opens to the sound of salsa, merengue, bachata, reggaeton, electro latino,cumbia and more, mixed by resident DJG Sportsbolt Club at The Hoist: Railway Arch 47 South Lambeth Place, Vauxhall SW8 1SR. 10pm – 4am. £12 adv. £15 OTD. Sports fetish done properly, with a live XXX wrestling show with Jay Muscle. Sports kit dresscode. Men only. Savage at Metropolis: Strip Club, 235 Cambridge Heath Road, E2 9NN. 11pm-5am. £5. Weekly Saturday club night from the Sink The Pink crew. Glitter Bomb at The Shadow Lounge: Brewer Street, Soho, W1G 0RF. 10pm-3am. Let disco do its dance with live entertainment, dancers and DJs. G-A-Y at Heaven: Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG. 10pm – 5am. £5 entry wristbands available from G-A-Y Bar, Free entry with Wrist band. Hefty hits and huge acts at the palace of pop. Sweatbox: Foam Party at 1-2 Ramilies Street, Soho, W1F 7LN. 24 hours. 24hr pass £17, 48hr pass £19. Unwind and release some tension after a stressy week with the all the fun of the foam at Sweatbox’s original weekly party. BARS & CABARET BackCounter: South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. Open ‘til 1:30am. The perfect way to start or end your night, enjoy cocktail hour in Vauxhall with its unique twists on classic serves. BABEZ at Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, London, NW1 9NX. 9pm-3am. £5. POP comes to the Bloc Bar, with Lady Lloyd, Beary Carey, Michael Turnbull from Loverboy Magazine and a special show by Foxxy New Bloomsbury Set: 76 Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AG. 4pm-11:30pm. Gorgeous cocktail bar in the heart of Central London. Happy hour 4-8pm daily. D.R.A.G. Soundtrack Launch at The Glory: 281 Kingsland Road, Haggerston, E2 8AS. 5pm – 2am. Free before 10pm, show 11pm. Come celebrate the release of the thumping soundtrack to Dressed As a Girl! . The launch night will welcome Feral ‘aka MC Kinky’ to the stage for a 49 qxmagazine.com _QX_1103_Musts & Maybes.indd 49 26/04/2016 19:39 FU L L L I S T I N GS AVA I L A B L E AT W W W.Q X M AGA Z I N E.CO M special live set. Bridge Bar: 8 Voltaire Road, SW8 6DH, 4pm-12am. Free. Snug gay bar in a railway arch, offering cocktails, wines and light meals, plus outdoor seating. Central Station: 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1 9SD. Open ‘til 4am. FREE b4 10pm. Cabaret then DJs ‘til late. Old Ship: 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. 8pm-12am. Cabaret: 8pm. Free. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. TONIGHT: Titti La Camp at 9:30pm, plus DJ James Armour ‘til midnight! Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. 4pm-4am. Soho’s intimate but packed-out bar/club spot watches Munroe Bergdorf and friends werq the floor! City of Quebec: 12 Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch, W1H 7AF. 12pm-3am. The newly refurbished venerable institution of the gay scene rocks out some pop classics for an evening of fun. Comptons of Soho: 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 5pm-2am. The grand dame of Soho pulling in a more blokey crowd. TONIGHT: DJ Gordon John from 9pm! G-A-Y Bar: 30 Old Compton Street. 12pm-2am. Free entry. Popular pop music bar with non-stop hits on the screens and a fun, flirty atmosphere. George and Dragon: 2 Blackheath Hill, SE10. 8pm-4am. The friendly Greenwich local. TONIGHT: Mrs Moore and her foul mouth entertain the masses. Rose Garden’s Swap Shop/Lipsync Saturday at Halfway 2 Heaven: 7 Duncannon St, WC2N 4JF. Open ‘til 3am. Rose Garden and DJ Little John from 4pm. Showtime at 5pm. Followed by Xanadu from 8pm, the Camp Disco. Ku Bar Lisle Street: Chinatown, WC2H 7BA. 8pm-3am. One of London’s hottest gay bars and clubs, with the hottest boys both behind the bar and in front of it, stretching over three floors. TONIGHT: Gorgeous Izzy Trixx will be gracing the decks of Ku Leicester Square for the first time, bringing with her sexy beats to match Ku Bar Soho: 25 Frith Street, WC1D 5LB. Open till 12am (3am last Friday of the month). Perfect for that Soho warm-up drinking session and cheeky dance with downstairs DJs. The Light Lounge: 1 Newport Place, WC2H 7JR. 5pm-12am. Enjoy the Ku Group’s newest venuve; a boutique cocktail bar. 2-4-1 cocktails 5-7pm all week. Two Brewers: 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. 10pm-4am. Free b4 10, £8 after. Cabaret and clubbing ‘til late at the famous venue. House Party! at The Village: 81 Wardour Street, W1V 3TG, 5pm3am. Chunky funky techno in the basement with Paul Heron and snap crackling pop upstairs with Heidi Liscious. Klub Klimax at West 5: South Ealing, Pope’s Lane, W5 4NB. Open from 8pm. The popular West London club, bar and cabaret spot, with added Piano Lounge fun. TONIGHT: Nicolette Street The Yard: 57 Rupert Street, Soho, W1D 7PL. Midday ‘til Late. FREE. Renowned as one of Soho’s most unique and popular destination venues, with terrific outdoor space. BANK HOLIDAY SUNDAY 1ST MAY CLUBS & EVENTS BRÜT #19 at the Steel Yard: 13-16 Allhallows Lane, EC4R 3UL, 10pm – 6am. £10 advance, MOTD. Calling all Bruts! The boys are roaring back into the Steelyard with Tom Stephan, Dan Slater, Silverhook, Massimo Paramour, Ross Jones, Ben Jamin & DJ Dreadful. Come get your guns out for the boys! DSS 7th Birthday at Dalston Superstore: 117 Kingsland High St, E8 2PB. 7pm - LATE. Free entry. D-Swiz has been around for SEVEN YEARS. SO they’ve enlisted a truckload of delightful DSS friends’n’fam people to play for you; Hannah Holland, Dan Beaumont, Jonjo Jury, Mikki Most, Nic Fisher, Stathis, Michelle Manetti, Will Cozforg, 2Gurlz1Cub & Rachael. East End Boyz at East Bloc: 217 City Road, Shoreditch, EC1V 1JN. 10pm-4am. £5. Deep sounds from the long-running boys night Fitladz! Chunky beats and a men-only chill area. TONIGHT: Paul Coals and Stevie B. Beyond at Fire: South Lambeth Road, SW8 1RT. 4am – SUPERLATE. £10 advance. MOTD. Combining hedonistic dance music & show stopping performances Beyond really is the ultimate Gay party destination. TONIGHT: The official Beyond Invasion afterparty with Per QX, Severino, D’Johnny, Lee Harris, Chris Brogan PLUS: PAGANO exclusive 40th birthday set. Hosted by Chrissy Darling, JJ Clark & Martin Rab. Sunday Social at The Vauxhall Tavern: 50 qxmagazine.com _QX_1103_Musts & Maybes.indd 50 26/04/2016 19:40 FU L L L I S T I N GS AVA I L A B L E AT W W W.Q X M AGA Z I N E.CO M Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11 5HY. 3pm – 3am. £4 members/£5 non-members. London’s busiest social Sundays does a massive 12-hour session! Simon Le Vans, Liam Chaplin, Sean Sirrs spin the tunes. Camp cabaret Charlie Hides TV entertains at 5:30pm Bump’N’ Grind at Yager Bar: 2/3 Old Change Court, St Pauls EC4M 8EN. 10pm – 4am. Desi Boyz presents a brand new night, packed full of R’n’B, Bashment, Reggae and Dancehall! Horse Meat Disco at Eagle London: 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY, 8pm-4am, £8. Weekly Sunday disco gymkhana with resident DJs on rotation. Think hot boys spinning around to glittery tunes under a discoball and you’re halfway there! Orange at Fire: South Lambeth Road, SW8 1RT. Monday 5am (afterhours) -SUPERLATE. £1 entry before 1am with a flyer/AD. The Invasion of Planet Orange gives you 100% fresh house Fat Tony, Zach Burns, Steven Artis, Mattias Dabo, DISCO SMACK and hosted by Glendora Eastern Heights at Zigfrid von Underbelly: 11 Hoxton Square N1 6NU, 5pm – 4am. Free entry. Soulful music has no templates! Ronnie King keeps you dancing until 4am with resident Alex Eugenio. Expect a sultry blend of House, Disco, Jazz and uplifting vocals... all - night - long! May Pole Dancing at Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 8pm -3am. FREE. Slip in the sumptuously sexy Ku bar for a sneaky Sunday sip with DJ Rodrigo Tancredi will be on the decks, while the (male) pole dancers will be giving a show. Then head downstairs with Lady Lloyd and Kerol Garcia for Klub, open ‘til this Bank Holiday Sunday! Dirty Diana Pink Jeans at Tipsy: 20 Stoke Newington Road, N16 7XN, 9pm - 4am. £7. The adoring dancing disco for homos and their homies is back this Bank holiday Weekend! Venus Ex Machina, Frank. co, Samantha Togni and special guest Becky Stroke will be supplying the tunes. Bootylicious at Union: 66 Albert Embankment SE1 7TP, 11pm – LATE. Students £8 before 1am. More OTD. Two rooms of the best urban and old school dance tracks - Dancehall, RnB, Hiphop, Disco, old school House. The line-up includes Brandy alias Afro Chick, DJ Chillz, Biggy C, Jeffrey Hinton, Kartel Brown, Sugarbear, and MC Tyron. BARS & CABARET New Bloomsbury Set: 76 Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AG. 4pm – 11:30pm. Gorgeous cocktail bar in the heart of central London. Happy hour 4pm – 8pm daily. Sunday Mass at Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, London, NW1 9NX. 5pm-1am, Free. Virgin Xtravaganazah soothes away your weekend sins. Rejoice! BackCounter: South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. 12pm-3pm. Vauxhall’s new playground. The perfect way to start or end your night in Vauxhall. TONIGHT: Happy Sunday from 3pm-midnight. Central Station: 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1 9SD. Open ‘til 4am. FREE b4 10pm. Cabaret then DJs ‘til late. Big Queer Songbook at The Glory: 281 Kingsland Road, E2 8AS. From 5pm. Free entry. Big ole’ singalong with queer music from Jonny Woo, Rudi Douglas and friends. Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. 4pm-4am. Soho’s intimate but packed-out bar/club spot with the most amazing DJ booth in town. Leather Social at Comptons of Soho: 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 5pm-12am. The grand dame of Soho pulling in a more blokey crowd. TONIGHT: Strap up yourself down and head to the upstairs lounge bar for an extended Leather Social! Brunch off Broadway at Counter: South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. 12pm-3pm. The funniest brunch this side of Bleecker Street, piano bar delights. George and Dragon: 2 Blackheath Hill, SE10. 8pm-2am. FREE. The friendly Greenwich local. The Duchess hosts the weekly Piano Bar with Ian Parker on the keys. CK Sunday at Halfway 2 Heaven: 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF. Open ‘til 11pm. Another award winning Sunday at Halfway to Heaven! Followed by An Evening with Mrs Moore & Tanya Hyde from 7:30pm. New Bloomsbury Set: 76 Marchmont Street, Bloomsbury, WC1N 1AG. 4pm-11.30pm. Open all week for the more social gays around the Kings Cross/Bloomsbury area. Old Ship: 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. 8pm-12am. Cabaret: 8pm. Free. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. TONIGHT: Miss Jason at 9:30pm, plus DJ James Armour ‘til midnight! Power of Three at Two Brewers: 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. 4pm-4am. FREE b4 8pm, £6 after. South London’s legendary club, bar and cabaret spot. As always, getting you in a proper party mood will be Miss Jason at 6:30pm, La Voix at 8:30pm and Sandra at 11pm. Plus, Phil Marriott and DJ Seamus Haji spinning the best club tunes for the dancefloor from 10pm Karaoke with Carmen Dioxide at West 5: Pope’s Lane, South Ealing, W5 4NB. Open from 8pm. FREE. West London’s giant club/bar/cabaret home. TONIGHT: Warble away with the breathtaking Carmen Dioxide The Village: 81 Wardour Street, W1V 3TG, 5pm-11:30pm. Wind down with happy hour at the village between 5-9pm. West 5 South Ealing, Pope’s Lane, W5 4NB. From 8pm The popular West London club, bar and cabaret spot, with added Piano Lounge fun. TONIGHT: Carmen Dioxide Karaoke with DJ Steve James BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY 2ND MAY CLUBS & EVENTS Popcorn at G-A-Y Heaven: Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG. 11pm-5.30am. £5 b4 1am, £8 after, Last admission 3:30am. FREE with wristbands from G-A-Y Bar b4 1am. Massive mixed mash-up with four rooms of top sounds, from upfront, progressive house to chart hits, via R&B tuneage. Orange at Fire: South Lambeth Road, SW8 1RT. 5am (afterhours) -SUPERLATE. £1 entry before 1am with a flyer/AD. The Invasion of Planet Orange gives you 100% fresh house Fat Tony, Zach Burns, Steven Artis, Mattias Dabo, DISCO SMACK and hosted by Glendora Hard-Up Mondays at Sweatbox: 1-2 Ramilies Street, Soho, W1F 7LN. 24 hours. Under 25s FREE all day, £16 others. Finding Mondays hard to handle? Relieve the pressure with this discounted day for under 25s (ID required) at Soho’s only gay sauna. Ku Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 6pm-3am. FREE. DJs play the weekend out on a wave of hot pop. Anthem Old Skool Reunion: Retro Monday at The Vauxhall Tavern: Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11 5HY. 3pm – 12am. £4 members/£5 non-members. Simon Le Vans, Andy Almighty, Sean Sirrs play back to back dance classics. Myra Dubois entertains at 5:30pm. BARS & CABARET It’s A Drag Knock Out! at Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, London, NW1 9NX. 5pm-1am, Free. Bloc Bar are on the lookout for the next big drag talent London has to offer with a fierce, furious and fabulous, 8 week knock out competition! The City of Quebec: 12 Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch, W1H 7AF. From 9pm. The newly refurbished 51 qxmagazine.com _QX_1103_Musts & Maybes.indd 51 26/04/2016 19:40 FU L L L I S T I N GS AVA I L A B L E AT W W W.Q X M AGA Z I N E.CO M venerable institution of the gay scene rocks out some pop classics for an evening of fun. Comptons of Soho: 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 12pm11.30pm. The real queen of Soho. Bar Alex Eugenio from 8:30pm‘Soulful House with a Disco Twist’ plus Happy Hour from 5 ‘til close! Backing The Stars at Halfway 2 Heaven: 7 Duncannon St. WC2. 7.30pm. Karaoke with singer Kevin Walsh on hosting duties. The Light Lounge: 1 Newport Place, WC2H 7JR. 5pm-11:30pm. Enjoy the Ku Group’s newest venue; a boutique cocktail bar. 2-4-1 cocktails 5-7pm all week. The Old Ship: 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. The Village: 81 Wardour Street, W1V 3TG, 5pm-1am. All night happy hour with 50% off cocktails and selected drinks. TUESDAY 3RD MAY CLUBS & EVENTS Bar Wotever at The Vauxhall Tavern: 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5HY. From 7pm, show at 8:30pm. £5. Genderbending cabaret, live music and performance at the monumental Vauxhall Tavern. Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 10pm-3am. FREE. The party continues ‘til late in the Ku basement. Disco Spritz at Dalston Superstore: 117 Kingsland High St, E8 2PB. 9pm-2:30am. Free. Capelas, Donna Leake and Chaka Khan’t present a weeknight helping of disco, soul and funk. Cruise Control at Eagle London: 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 9pm-2am, members free, guests £3 after 10pm Cruise spaces to explore with darker, deeper beats to play to. G-A-Y Late: 5 Goslett Yard, off Charing Cross Road, WC2. 11pm – 3am. Free entry. Hot pop sounds, drinks specials, cute guys and a pop perfect atmosphere. Rinse and DJ LittleJohn Bridge Bar: 8 Voltaire Road, SW8 6DH, 4pm-12am. Free. Snug gay bar in a railway arch, offering cocktails, wines and light meals, plus outdoor seating. TONIGHT: Quiz night, try to win a £60 bar tab if you’ve got the smarts! The Light Lounge: 1 Newport Place, WC2H 7JR. 5pm-11:30pm. Enjoy the Ku Group’s newest venue; a boutique cocktail bar. 2-4-1 cocktails all night. Quiz Night at The Old Ship: 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. 9.30pm. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. The Soho Square: 11 Soho Square, Soho, W1D 3QE. 4pm-late. Last entry 1am. Soho’s multi-floored gay wonder. Karaoke at Two Brewers: 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. Bar open 4pm-2am. FREE b4 10pm, £3 after. Popular South London cabaret/ club spot. The Village: 81 Wardour Street, W1V 3TG, 5pm-1am. Happy hour until 9pm. WEDNESDAY 4TH MAY CLUBS & EVENTS XXL at Pulse: 1 Invicta Plaza, Southwark, SE1 9UF. 9pm-3am. £15 guests, £8 members. Midweek grizzly fun for bears and their admirers. Uncontrollable Urge at Dalston Superstore: 117 Kingsland High St, E8 2PB. 9pm-2:30am. Free. Superstore’s late-night midweek dose of sleaze! Eccentric electronica and weirdo-disco! Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 10pm-3am. FREE. The party continues ‘til late in the Ku basement. Cabaret Roulette at The Vauxhall Tavern: 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5HY. Show at 8pm, tickets £12. A new kind of Vaudevillian experience, with artists representing the widest possible array of styles and disciplines. BARS & CABARET Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, London, NW1 9NX. 5pm1am, Free. Alternative nation with The Greek Ambassador. Wednesday Naughties at Central Station: 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1 9SD. Open ‘til 4am. FREE b4 10pm. Cabaret then DJs ‘til late. Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. Open ‘til 1am. Soho’s intimate but packed-out bar/club spot with the most amazing DJ booth in town Comptons of Soho: 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 12pm-11.30pm. Super social pub downstairs, chilled club lounge upstairs with guest pianist tinkling the ivories. BackCounter: South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1SR. 12pm-3pm. The perfect way to start or end your night in Vauxhall. The Light Lounge: 1 Newport Place, WC2H 7JR. 5pm-11:30pm. Enjoy the Ku Group’s newest venue; a boutique cocktail bar. 2-4-1 cocktails 5-7pm all week. The Old Ship: 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. Quiz from 9.30pm. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. Two Brewers: 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. Bar open 4pm2am. FREE b4 10pm, £3 after. Popular South London cabaret/club spot. West 5: Pope’s Lane, South Ealing, W5 4NB. Open from 8pm. FREE. Ealing’s hugely popular club, bar and cabaret spot. BARS & CABARET RuPaul’s Drag Race Screening at Bloc Bar: 18 Kentish Town Road, Camden, London, NW1 9NX. 5pm-1am, Free. Come watch season 8 of RuPaul’s Drag Race with performances and scathing commentary from Meth. Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. Open ‘til 1am. Soho’s intimate but packed-out bar/club spot with the most amazing DJ booth in town. See you Next Tuesday at Halfway 2 Heaven: 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF. From 9pm. See you next Tuesday with Bette 52 qxmagazine.com _QX_1103_Musts & Maybes.indd 52 26/04/2016 19:40 BOYS OWN 18+ LIVE 1-2-1 CHAT MEET GUYS FROM ALL OVER THE UK VOICEMAIL BOXES 0844 999 9999 ONLY 7p per minute 18+. Costs 7ppm plus your network’s access charge. Helpdesk = 0344 900 5445 QX 1103 MASTER 2.indd 53 26/04/2016 18:08 Get Your Rocks Off Cum In Your Pants Underwearthemed party night Cum In Your Pants hits South London. With sessions every Tuesday at Locker Room Sauna and every first Friday of the month at Union. Leave your inhibitions at the door. Cum in your pants, or nothing at all. Under the glow of UV lighting whether at one of their sauna events or club venues, their nights are unapologetically hot, horny and definitely uninhibited. Locker Room: Every Tuesday, 6pm-midnight, The Locker Room Sauna, 8 Cleaver Street, SE11 4DP. £15 entry. Union: Every first Friday of the month, 9pm-2am. Union Nightclub, 62 Goding Street, SE1 7TP. £10 entry. WEDNESDAY 27TH APRIL The Backstreet: Buff at Wentworth Mews, London E3 4UA. 7pm-11pm, £9 members/£10 guests (free drink/coat check). Horny, naked cruise party. The Hoist: Office/ NBN at Arches 47b & 47c, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RH. Office, 9pm-1am, relax, chill and score after work. NBN, 9pm-1am, boots or trainers with jocks, shorts or underwear. The Underground Club: Hard Cruz at Central Station, 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. 10pm-1am, free. Men only, hard, up cruise night where you can get it on. Vault: Cruise/ Underwear at 139b143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. Cruise, 1pm-7pm, £8. Followed by Underwear, 7pm-1am, £8, free drink, cloakroom and re-entry. Get down to your underwear. THURSDAY 28TH APRIL Teds Place: TV/TS Party Night at 305a North End Road, W14 54 qxmagazine.com QX_1103_Get Your Rocks Off.indd 54 9NS. 7pm-2am. £5. A horny night in the cruisey basement club in West London. The Underground Club: Pants/ Spankz/Come To Daddy at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. Pants, 12pm-6pm, £4 or £2 b4 2pm, underwear fun. Spankz, 6pm-10pm, £25 b4 7pm & £7 after, CP night for rougher, tougher play. Come To Daddy, 10pm-2am, £5, for bears, daddies, big boys, chubs and chasers. Vault: Cruise/ Stripped at 139b143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. Cruise, 1-7pm, £8. Followed by Stripped, 7pm-1am, £8. Free drink, cloakroom and re-entry. Get nude and rude. Strictly naked, except footwear. FRIDAY 29TH APRIL The Hoist: Klub Fukk at Arches 47b & 47c, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RH. 8pm-3am. Workshop this time is Kink on a Budget by The Bruiser and CyBear. Hoist Classic, Arch 1, 10pm-3am. Expect a busy night with lots of fetish guys. The Underground Club: Pants/ Blackout at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. Pants, 12pm-6pm, £4 or £2 b4 2pm, underwear fun. Blackout, 7pm-12am, £5. For guys into leather, rubber and uniform. Vault: Cruise at 139b-143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. 1pm-1am, £8. Free drink, cloakroom and re-entry. Horny cruise spot minutes from the West End. SATURDAY 30TH APRIL The Hoist: Boys & Sirs/SBN Afterdark/Sports Bolt at South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RH. Boys & Sirs at Arches 47b & 47c, 2pm-7pm, for those into spanking. SBN Afterdark at Arch 1, 10pm-4am, naked fun and live sex show. Sports Bolt at Arch 1,10pm-4am. Launch ´ LONDON SAUNA GUIDE CENTRAL SWEATBOX 1 – 2 Ramillies Street, W1F 7LN. Soho’s only sauna attracts a young hot crowd with its ambient lighting and under 25 discounts. There’s even a mirrored room! Scintillating. www.sweatboxsoho.com 24 hours all week. £17 entry 24hr pass, £19 - 48hr pass. £10 for under 25’s. STABLE 29 Endell St, WC2H 9BA. Sexy steamy fun tucked away in the heart of London’s classiest shopping district. Who’d have thought it! For opening times and pricing see website, www. thestable.london SOUTH CHARIOTS Situated in two prime locations around the capital, Chariots is the undisputed emperor of London’s sauna empire! More steam, towels and muscles than you can shake a locker key at! www.chariots.co.uk Vauxhall: Rail Arches 63-64, Albert Embankment SE1 7TP 12pm–8am Monday to Thursday, then 12pm-8am Monday. £19 entry. Waterloo: 101 Lower Marsh, SE1 7AB. 24 hours all week. £14 entry. PLEASUREDROME 124 Cornwall Road, SE1 8XE. Widely regarded as the city’s most famous sauna, providing fun in a clean and classy environment! www.pleasuredrome.com 24 hours all week. £17 entry, £12 under 25’s with proof of age. £12 with QX advert. LOCKER ROOM 8 Cleaver St, SE11 4DP. Cosy sauna in a convenient corner of Kennington. Lock yourself into the Locker Room for fun and frolics. www.lockerroomsauna.com 11am-12am Monday to Thursday, 24 hours Friday – Sunday (closes midnight Sunday). £13 entry, £20 weekend pass. EAST SAILORS SAUNA Limehouse’s Sailors Sauna is a cosy, sexy, salubrious port in the choppy waters of London’s gay scene. www.sailorssauna.com 570-574 Commercial Rd, E14 7JD. Sunday to Thursday 11am–11pm, Friday & Saturday 11am – 8am. £15 Entry. Wanna get down and dirty? Download the ‘QX Gay London’ iPhone app from the app store now and get yerself sorted! 26/04/2016 18:57 QX 1103 MASTER 2.indd 55 26/04/2016 18:09 of new sexy sports fetish night! The Backstreet: BLUF at Wentworth Mews, London E3 4UA. Open from 10pm, £9 members / £10 non-members (free drink/coat check). For guys into breeches and leather. The Underground Club: Pants/Feet On Saturday at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. Pants,12pm-6pm, £4, underwear fun. Feet On Saturday, 7pm-midnight. £6. Meet guys into guys’ feet, socks and footwear in a private and friendly environment. Vault: Cruise at 139b-143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. 1pm-1am. £8. Free drink, cloakroom, re-entry. Dark corners, catch a dirty movie, indulge your carnal side. QX_1103_Get Your Rocks Off.indd 55 SUNDAY 1ST MAY The Hoist: SBN/ NBN at Arches 47b & 47c, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RH. SBN, 2pm-1am, the largest naked party in Europe. NBN, 7pm-1am, Boots or trainers with jocks, shorts, underwear or naked if you dare. The Backstreet: MegaBuff at Wentworth Mews, London E3 4UA. 4pm-10pm, £9 members/£10 guests (free drink/coat check). Horny, naked cruise party. Teds Place: Chill Out at 305a North End Road. 7pm-2am, £3 b4 10pm, £5 after, mixed/ gay crowd of cruisey guys. The Underground Club: Streams Of Pleasure at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. 1pm-11pm. £7. Yellow fun for waterworks fans. Vault: Underwear/ Cruise at 139b-143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. Underwear, 1-7pm, £8. Cruise, 7pm-1am, £8, free drink, cloakroom and re-entry, just pants b4 7pm, then cruise ‘til late. MONDAY 2ND MAY The Hoist: SBN/ NBN at Arches 47b & 47c, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RH. Party for guys who like wearing boots or trainers with jocks, shorts, underwear or naked if you dare. Teds Place: TV/TS Admirers & Gay at 305a North End Rd, W14. 7pm-midnight, £3. Night for lovers of trans, drag and gay beauties. Something for everyone! The Underground Club: Pants/Butt Naked/Hard Cruz at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. Pants, 12pm-6pm, £4 or £2 b4 2pm. Butt Naked, 6pm-10pm, £5, strip down and get off with like-minded guys. Hard Cruz, 10pm-1am, free entry, hard cruzing for horny guyz. Vault: Cruise/ Stripped at Vault, 139b-143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. Cruise, 1-7pm, £8. Stripped, 7pm-1am, £8, free drink, cloakroom and re-entry, horny cruise session first before naked time (except footwear). TUESDAY 3RD MAY Bunker Bar: Club CP at 217 City Road, EC1V 1JN. 7pm – 11pm. £6 members, £7 non-members. Punishment night for naughty boys. Video room, CP rooms, smaller areas for 1-2-1’s, full bar, lots of seating and other equipment to bend over! They have equipment for you to use but you are welcome to bring your own. Teds Place: Underwear/Naked at 305s North End Rd, W14. 7pm-midnight, £4, strictly underwear only. The Underground Club: Pants/S.O.P. at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. Pants, 12pm-6pm, £4 or £2 b4 2pm, the attitude-free afternoon cruise club. Streams Of Pleasure, 6pm-1am, £8, yellow fun for waterworks fans. Vault: Frat Party! at 139b-143 Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. 1pm-1am. £8 after. Cruising session at this horny hot spot. Student Tuesdays; free entry before 7pm with student card. 26/04/2016 19:14 QX 1103 MASTER 2.indd 57 26/04/2016 18:13 GENERAL SERVICES & MASSEURS PORTSEA SAUNA MARBLE ARCH, LONDON 3 Massage therapists available daily 2 Portsea Place W2 2BL 020 7402 3385 www.gaysaunabar.com ONLY £18 MEN WITH XXL LUTON VAN. DOMESTIC REMOVAL. RELIABLE & FRIENDLY SERVICE. ONLY £30 PER HOUR (MINIMUM 2 HRS). 07961 192 525 OR FREEPHONE 0800 211 8623 ARE YOU TIRED OF CLEANING? DO YOU LONG FOR THE SMELL OF A FRESHLY CLEAN HOUSE? CALL AIDEN ON 07999 692 285 Cruise bar in Central London Looking for new Bar Staff Contact Ian on NAKED MASSAGE 07835 829 611 07748 646441 INEXPENSIVE MASSAGE? SPANKING? TED: 07807 695 176 for further details COMPUTER HELP. MATTHEW 07941 888 386 COMPUTER. MATT@YAHOO.CO.UK HERTFORDSHIRE 29 SEEKING GUYS 19-60 FOR SEX. 07722 449 381 TO ADVERTISE IN THIS SECTION PLEASE CALL RUSS ON 020 7240 0055 OR EMAIL CLASSIFIEDS@QXMAGAZINE.COM KAMAGRA 100MG (ERECTION PILLS) INSTANTLY HAND DELIVERED TO YOUR DOORSTEP ANYWHERE IN LONDON AND EDINBURGH (DISCRETION ASSURED) COLLECTION ALSO AVAILABLE IN CENTRAL LONDON. 52 TABLETS FOR £50 100 TABLETS FOR £85 (ALSO AVAILABLE ORAL JELLY SACHET AND CIALIS.) CONDOM, LUBE AND POPPERS man hunt Where real men TM hang out. 7p per min in u te r on ly 7p pe r m fo ss ce ac t ec ir D DELIVERY TIME - MONDAY TO SATURDAY - 10AM TO 8PM SUNDAY - 10AM TO 4PM L iv e 1 -2 -1 NO NEED TO RISK YOUR PERSONAL DETAILS ONLINE: PAY CASH ON DELIVERY. 0844 999 8000 07532 290 033 H A N D _QXTRA 1103.indd 58 D E L I V E R E D 18+. Calls charged at 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. Customer Service Number 0344 900 0028 26/04/2016 18:32 07851 110 467 marcus.escort@hotmail.com www.qxmen.com/escort/0105 www.qxmen.com/escort/0198 22 BOYISH, FRIENDLY VGL, 8.5IN U/C IN/OUT (24/7) LANCASTER GATE/ PADDINGTON. DUOS AVAILABLE MARCO SANTOS HUNKY LATIN GUY HORNY, MUSCLED BODY FRIENDLY GREAT LEGS AND AMAZING THIGHS. CENTRAL LONDON (W2), 24/7 I’M AN EXPENSIVE TOY FOR HIGH-LEVEL PEOPLE WWW.M-SANTOS.COM 07472 619 733 www.qxmen.com/escort/0196 07849 256 164 INDEPENDENT ESCORTS ALSO AT WWW.QXESCORTS.COM MARCUS DANIEL CENTRAL LONDON IN/OUT CALLS NEW IN TOWN DUTCH BOTTOM BOY JORDY 24 HRS WWW.QXMEN.COM/ESCORT/0267 07776 065 999 YOUNG HOTTIE 19 YRS OLD, STRAIGHT, BLACK, SLIM FIT, WITH A HUGE TOOL WILLING TO USE IT TO DOMINATE F/COUPLE (MF/FF/MM)/M AND ALSO OFFERS MASSAGE. IN CALLS : EARLS COURT OUT CALLS : HOTELS ONLY BABYBOYSEXY@OUTLOOK.COM 07538 568 053 _QXTRA 1103.indd 59 (DUOS AVAILABLE) 10” CUT 07856 515 917 BLACK TOP www.blacktopstud.com www.qxmen.com/escort/0023 SPECIAL OFFERS ON ADVERTISING IN THIS SECTION CONTACT RUSS 020 7240 0055 OR CLASSIFIEDS@QXMAGAZINE.COM www.qxmen.com/escort/0339 STEVE SOHO TOM WOLF MUSCLED MASCULINE DOMINANT LEATHER MASTER CONSTRUCTION GEAR SUITED + BOOTED SKINHEAD JOCK + BOOTS COMBAT GEAR WELL EQUIPPED SEX ROOM WITH SING. AVAILABLE 24/7 SEX ROOM WITH SLING 07852 698 194 www.gaydar.co.uk/Muscelseargent www.qxmen.com/escort/0006 TS Salma from Mexico. Big Surprise Best Latina Bombshell in UK 6’ TALL CZECH PICCADILLY CIRCUS TUBE STATION NAKED MASSAGE OR TOP 35.YO, 8 INCHES UNCUT MEDIUM MUSCULAR, VERY GOOD LOOKING £130 IN £150 OUT 07531 670 623 Luxury Flat Kings Cross 07761 293 939 www.qxmen.com/escort/0272 26/04/2016 18:33 QXEscorts.co.uk SEAN 28 This week’s featured independent escort If you want to see even more of Sean and really get a feel for him, or any of the other guys in this section, just visit www.qxescorts.com. www.gaydar.co.uk/,,,,,,,,,,,sean (11commas) www.qxmen.com/escort/0027 OVAL There’s all sorts of info on the important stuff... In & Out Calls/Overnights Available and downloadable! Enjoy. 07597 574 888 Print Advert pricing: Single picture/ text box - normally £40 per week Double picture/ text box - normally £70 per week Both ad sizes above include a free web profile on www.qxescorts.com To advertise in the escort section, please contact Russell on 0044 (0)20 7240 0055 ext. 3 or email: escorts@qxmagazine.com Special Offer all for only £50 Call Russell on 0044 (0)20 7240 0055 ext.3 or email escorts@qxmagazine.com QX 1103 MASTER 2.indd 60 1 x picture box in QX magazine (for 1 week) + 1 x picture box in QXMEN magazine (for 1 month) + Your own web page for a month on www.qxmen.com/escort (also www.qxescorts.com) 26/04/2016 18:12 MASTER FOR BDSM CALL OUTS ONLY WEEKDAYS AFTER 4.30PM WEEKENDS ALL DAY EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION, PUNISHMENT, CANING AND HUMILIATION www.qxmen.com/escort/0103 9 INCH 33YO TOP/VERS CALL OR TEXT DECLAN 07498 496 861 MATT STILL THE IN/OUT CALL SOUTH KENSINGTON www.renas69.narod.ru 0777 007 1055 BIGGEST AROUND www.qxmen.com/escort/0014 www.othellonow.co.uk SMOOTH BUBBLE BUTT FIT HUNG MUSCLED ROCK HARD DICK 8.6" INDEPENDENT ESCORTS ALSO AT WWW.QXESCORTS.COM OTHELLO 12” www.qxmen.com/escort/0337 LOOKING FOR PLAY? 07886 208 332 07798 830 740 SPECIAL OFFERS ON ADVERTISING IN THIS SECTION CONTACT RUSS 020 7240 0055 OR CLASSIFIEDS@QXMAGAZINE.COM BLACK DAVID NEW - JJ 10” THICK & UNCUT 6’3”, 95KG OF MUSCLE 10” EXTRA FAT, UNCUT VERSATILE, BUBBLE BUTT FRIENDLY AND RELIABLE INCALL OUTCALL 24H LUXURY APARTMENT SEAN 28 OVAL 07815 159 668 www.gaydar.co.uk/black_david WWW.DIRTYSUPER.CO.UK www.qxmen.com/escort/0227 07747 459 259 IN / OUT / TRAVEL SOUTH KENSINGTON HORNY SOUTH LONDON SKINHEAD. FIT BODY, SMOOTH ARSE WITH A BIG COCK. INTO MOST SCENES. TOM 07815 899 394. MORE BTTM BUT A 100% MASCULINE BLOKE! BLACK FISTER RAYMON SLEAZY TOP TOP GUY GOOD LOOKING EAST AFRICAN 07487 634 592 ACTIVE BLACK FUCKING GOOD. OUT-CALLS. ££. 07943 569 650 CARL 07960 872 226 FREE SEX 07539 832 161 www.qxmen.com/escort/0037 24 HRS BLACK HUNG COLOURS 07961 615 690 _QXTRA 1103.indd 61 www.xtremefistmen.com/blkfister www.topbear.com/blkstud42 www.qxmen.com/escort/0117 0777 007 1044 www.qxmen.com/escort/0321 www.gaydar.co.uk/,,,,,,,,,,,sean (11commas) 9 INCH 23 Y.O 6,6 TALL www.qxmen.com/escort/0027 RUSSIAN TOP VWE, ENJOYS ARSEPLAY, EXTREME2MILD ALL COLOURS CONSIDERED DARK AND HANDSOME VERY SEXY BLACK GUY 10”X 5” COCK IN & OUT CALLS 24 HOURS NO TEXTS 07401 323 443 In & Out Calls/Overnights 07597 574 888 26/04/2016 18:33 CHAT.com CHAT & DATE Flirt with 100s of genuine gay guys on the phone right now! LIVE 1-2-1 0844 calls cost 7p per minute 0844 999 6667 18+. Calls to 0844 cost 7p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge. Information provided by Firststar Limited T/A QX Magazine, 28 Denmark Street, London, WC2H 8NJ. Customer Service Helpdesk: 020 7966 0018 You can now enjoy our service by dialing a special 5 digit shortcode from your mobile 84466 25p per minute 18+. Calls to 84466 cost 25p per minute from any UK mobile. No other charges apply. Live calls recorded. Information provided by Firststar Limited T/A QX Magazine, 28 Denmark Street, London, WC2H 8NJ. Customer Service Helpdesk: 020 7966 0018 QX 1103 MASTER 2.indd 62 26/04/2016 18:11 QX 1103 MASTER 2.indd 63 26/04/2016 18:10 m very day pm e wit -2 h de: QX110 . Co 3. 16 . E 4 £12 betwe en just ry 7a t n cher. Valid to vou 30 is .0 th Sponsor of QX 1103 MASTER 2.indd 64 26/04/2016 18:11
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