INDEX INTRODUCTION PAG. 3 ARTISTIC AND CREATIVE TEAM PAG. 4 LYING CHRIST KNOWN AS “DE LOS GASCONES” PAG. 6 JOURNEY BETWEEN RITE AND THEATRE PAG. 7 A MUSICAL JOURNEY FOR A TRAVELLER IMAGE PAG. 8 SKETCHES FOR A SET DESIGN PAG. 9 COSTUME DESIGNS PAG. 10 NAO D´AMORES: A WORK PHILOSOPHY PAG. 11 CURRICULA VITAE PAG. 12 2 MISTERIO DEL CRISTO DE LOS GASCONES (THE MISTERY OF GANSCONS’ CHRIST) Nao d´amores, is a company with many years experience in renaissance theatre. This company is making now a plunge into the primitive theatre from a contemporaneous point of view. It is a recreation of the liturgical ceremony that was most probably performed at San Justo’s church in Segovia, Spain. The Romanic sculpture of the Cristo de los Gascones (gascons’ Christ) was specially built for that ceremony and it is one of the most significant pieces of Segovia’s artistic patrimony. The dramaturgy is made with historic texts from different authors; there has been a serious research about musical pieces that could have been part of that kind of performances. As a result, we have a show that combines actors’ work with puppets theatre and live music to make an approach to the origin of modern theatre. A journey to the end of the Middle Age to travel through a microcosm built up with symbols, metaphors and allegoric images. 3 ARTISTIC AND CREATIVE TEAM Dramaturgy and Direction ANA ZAMORA Actors and Puppeteers ELVIRA CUADRUPANI DAVID FARACO ALEJANDRO SIGÜENZA NATI VERA Musicians ALICIA LÁZARO (Spanish Vihuela and Hurdy Gurdy) ELVIRA PANCORBO (Recorders, Crumhorn and Glastombury Pipe) ISABEL ZAMORA (Spinet y Cornamuse) ALBA FRESNO/ SOFÍA ALEGRE (Viola da Gamba) Musical Arrangements and Direction ALICIA LÁZARO Puppetry DAVID FARACO Puppet Design and Makers MIGUEL ÁNGEL COSO DAVID FARACO SOFIE KROG Set Designer and Construction RICHARD CENIER Costumes design DEBORAH MACÍAS Lighting design MIGUEL ÁNGEL CAMACHO (A.A.I) Choreography LIEVEN BAERT Verse coach ERNESTO ARIAS Staff direction ELENA RAYOS Technical coordination AMALIA PORTES Stage manager ELENA MANZANARES Costume makers ÁNGELES MARÍN NURIA MARTÍNEZ 4 Production Photographs IVÁN CASO MIGUEL ÁNGEL COSO ESTHER CANDELA Graphic Design AGENDA COMUNICACIÓN Web page ÁSTOR AYLLÓN Administration office ALFONSO FERNÁNDEZ CONSULTORES S.L Executive Producer HENAR MONTOYA Distribution and communication LUISA HEDO hedoluisa@gmail.com Telf: 00 34 91 53 91 546 / 00 34 647 79 32 39 Production NAO D´AMORES S.L naodamores@wanadoo.es www.naodamores.com Telf:00 34 91 504 19 13 /00 34 627 69 15 46 Corralillo de San Nicolás 4. Bajo dcha. 40.001 Segovia SPAIN Running time: 1 HORA In collaboration with: Acknowledgements REAL COFRADÍA DE LA SANTA Y VENERABLE ESCLAVITUD Y SANTO ENTIERRO DEL CRISTO DE LOS GASCONES, JOSÉ LUIS HUERTAS, FUNDACIÓN JOAQUÍN DÍAZ, PEDRO YAGÜE, EDUARDO VASCO, LUIS MARTÍN, TERESA TARDÍO, A. ZAMORA CANELLADA AZV in memoriam 5 LYING CHRIST KNOWN AS “DE LOS GASCONES” The old town of Segovia and its acueduct was declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 1995 and San Justo is one of the most emblematic monuments of the town. Besides having extraordinary Romanic wall paintings, it is known for keeping the sculpture of the “Cristo de los Gascones”. It is a polychromatic wooden sculpture with articulated arms. The legend tells that it was carried on a blind mule from Gascony and the mule suddenly died at the doors of this church. “...El Santo Cruçifixo de Sathiuste es un cruçifixo que le truxo una yegua blanca, quebrados los hojos. En su seguimiento venían unos gascones de tierra de Gascuña, que como en aquellas partes oviese siete lugares, cada cual lo quería para sí. Acordaron de ponelle ençima desta yegua y ponelle a do parase, y vino la yegua a parar en Santhiuste, iglesia do hizieron esta parrochia. Mucho tienpo estuvieron las herraduras señaladas a la entrada en una losa. El Cruçifixo, según dió testimonio un clérigo que le vió y murió dende a tres días, está echado con una mano en el costado y el otro brazo tendido...”1 Cristo de los Gascones, belongs to an iconographic model that comes from central European traditional commemorations of cycle of Passion. These articulated statues were built to be used in liturgical ceremonies in The Holy Week. The most popular ceremony was about the burial and resurrection and it was known as Deposito-Elevatio-Visitatio. The icon in San Justo was most probable used in a performance of this kind. The fact that it is articulated in shoulders and arms would permit to descend it from the vault in which we can still see the holes that were used to hang the sculpture. . 1 RUIZ DE CASTRO, Garci: “Comentario sobre la primera y segunda población de Segovia”. Segovia 1551 y Ss.. Edición de la Excma. Diputación Provincial de Segovia. Transcripción y notas de José Antonio Ruiz Hernando. Segovia, 1988. 6 JOURNEY BETWEEN RITE AND THEATRE Ana Zamora has made an original dramaturgy with passages from different texts from the XV century as: Lamentaciones fechas para la Semana Santa, by Gómez Manrique Representación del nacimiento de Nuestro Señor, by Gómez Manrique Auto de la Pasión, by Alonso del Campo Pasión trobada, by Diego de San Pedro Las siete angustias de Nuestra Señora by Diego de San Pedro Coplas de Vita Christi by Fray Íñigo de Mendoza Varias obras religiosas by Fray Iñigo de Mendoza To face the study of medieval drama we need a wide concept of theatre. Those plays were very close to ritual and ceremony and a community feeling identified with the performance. That is why we wanted to include in our recreation some ancestral aspetcs of those ceremonies. Nowadays, our biggest ritual celebration is still the commemoration of death and resurrection of the founder of Christianity. It is a recurrent mith that has an agrarian origin and takes place around the spring equinox. A puppet fits perfectly in our choice of not realistic or anachronistic theatre. Puppetry is a perfect resort for any kind of unlikely or implausible options. Our replica of the Romanic statue keeps the main aesthetic characteristics of the original. However, it is made with lighter materials and it has new articulations that give us a wider range of movements so we have more possibilities of expression. Our Mistery is not an arqueological effort to get as close as possible as how it could be in the medieval times. But a free interpretation from an eclectic point of view of that ceremony to formulate again universal questions. Those questions for which we still don’t have the answer. Ana Zamora 7 A MUSICAL JOURNEY FOR A TRAVELER IMAGE In medieval celebrations of Passion, they used to play two different kinds of music for two different kinds of ceremonies. There were the liturgical and paraliturgical ceremonies (Autos and Misteries). We have examples of Latin liturgical singing from XIII century. The polyphony is added to the Gregorian chant in some parts of the ceremony. In the texts of the paraliturgical celebrations, the theatrical ones, we find a different kind of music: villancicos, Romances and sacred songs in vernacular Spanish. In the Cancionero de Palacio we can find several examples. We wanted to reflect tradition with rigour but with freedom to find our own way of expression, so we gathered these two traditions in one show. The history of European music is a musical chronicle of lots of journeys. Comings and goings from Castile to the Flemish region, from Aragon to Italy…….so we have traveller music to tell the story of a traveller Christ. Alicia Lázaro 8 SKETCHES FOR A SET DESIGN By Richard Cenier “ The essence of God is similar to a wheel …..” (J. Boehme, 1612) 9 COSTUME DESIGNS By Deborah Macías 10 NAO D´AMORES: A WORK PHILOSOPHY In 2001, Ana Zamora founds Nao d´amores Teatro with a group of people coming from classical theatre, puppet theatre and early music. The company is dedicated since then to the research and staging of renaissance theatre. Our first interests were some playwrights that are important to understand our dramatic history but they are not often on stage. Some playwrights with whom we share aesthetics and ideas. We use primitive stage techniques from a contemporaneous point of view. We believe in Classical theatre as a Cultural wealth that affects directly to de intellectual and creative development of people. Our first show, Comedia llamada Metamorfosea by Joaquín Romero de Cepeda, the first performance was at the XXIV International Classical Theatre Festival of Almagro (Spain) and won the award Jose Luis Alonso to the best young direction given by the Spanish Directors Association. The next shows we made are: Auto de la Sibila Casandra by Gil Vicente , Auto de los Cuatro Tiempos, by Gil Vicente and Misterio del Cristo de los Gascones, our first work about medieval theatre. The work on primitive theatre of Nao d’amores artistic team is highly recognized and they have collaborated with the National Classical Theatre Company in several shows as: Viaje del Parnaso (2005) by Miguel de Cervantes, directed by Eduardo Vasco and Tragicomedia de Don Duardos (2006) by Gil Vicente, directed by Ana Zamora. 11 ANA ZAMORA TARDÍO DRAMATURGY AND DIRECTION She got her degree in theatre direction at the Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático (1996-2000) (Royal school of dramatic arts); she has studied as well with Jacques Nichet, Massimo Castri and Stephan Schuske. In 2001, she founds Nao d´amores with a group of people coming from classical theatre, puppet theatre and early music. The company is dedicated since then to the research and staging of renaissance theatre. With Nao d’amores she has directed: Comedia llamada Metamorfosea by Joaquín Romero de Cepeda (2001) (won an award to The Best Young Director given by the Spanish directors Association), Auto de la Sibila Casandra, by Gil Vicente (2003), Auto de los Cuatro Tiempos (2004), Gil Vicente and Misterio del Cristo de los Gascones (2007) Out of her own company she has directed different plays as El Amor al Uso by Antonio de Solís (2002); Mujer y Teatro (2001), Antígona by Jean Anouilh (2001), La noche veneciana by Alfred de Musset (1999), Camino de Wolokolamsk 1 by Heiner Müller (1998), Las sirenas by Louis Charles Sirjacq (1998), Historia de una famosa hechicera (1996), Solsticio (1995). She was part of the artistic team at Teatro de la Abadía, (2001-2004) and Nacional Classical Theatre Company (2005-2006) Last Year she directed Tragicomedia de Don Duardos de Gil Vicente (2006) for the National Classical Theatre Company, and she was finalist for the Best Direction of the Year Award given by the Spanish directors association. 12 ALICIA LÁZARO ARRANGEMENTS AND MUSICAL DIRECTION She is Instrumentalist, director and researcher of the Spanish music from the renaissance and Baroque times. She got her music degree in The Music School of Geneva and studied as well at the Schola Cantorum Basilensis with Eugen M.Dombois and Hopkinson Smith. She plays Spanish vihuela, lute and baroque guitar and she has given many concerts in Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Portugal, Venezuela and Brazil. As a director, she has worked in Spain, Italy and Switzerland in special programmes about Spanish music from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. She is the director of the musical research department at Don Juan de Borbón Foundation in Segovia and at the Capilla de Música Jerónimo de Carrión. She has done with VERSO Records Company several cd’s of seventeenth century music. She won the award Choc de la Musique in September 2005 with one of them, Ecos y Afectos. Since she came back to Spain she has done a lot of work for theatre music with different companies in plays like: Acis y Galatea, Viento es la dicha de Amor, El libro de Motes y la Escuela de Danzar, Las Alegres Comadres de Windsor, El Burgués Gentilhombre. She worked as well with the National Classical Theatre Company in plays as: Viaje del Parnaso, Sainetes, Don Gil de las calzas verdes, and Romances del Cid, Tragicomedia de Don Duardos. And she is been working with Nao d’amores since it was created in every show. 13 DAVID FARACO PUPPETRY AND ACTING He is an expert in puppet theatre; he has studied acting in different schools and he studied with the company Teatro Giocco Vita in their Research lab of Shadow Theatre in Piacenza (Italy) He is a member of the puppet theatre company: Libélula since 1994. He has been in the most important international festivals of puppet theatre (Charleville in France, Bienal Internacional de marionetas de Évora, Portugal; Riazan Festival, Russia). He has been on tour in America with Libelula too. Since 1994, he is part of the organization team for Titirimundi, the international puppet Festival of Segovia. He has worked for the National Classical Theatre Company as puppetry coach. He is part of Nao d’amores form its foundation where he has designed and built puppets and worked as an actor too. 14