Proposed revision to the Bachelor of Science in Botany (CLAS).


Proposed revision to the Bachelor of Science in Botany (CLAS).
Cover Sheet: Request 9216
Botany major
Undergraduate Curriculum Changes
Davis,Ellen C
3/18/2014 12:01:34 PM
1/29/2015 3:45:13 PM
We wish to revise the botany major to include two tracks - "General Botany" and
"Botanical Research", which will replace the current "Basic Botany" and
"Preprofessional" tracks. We wish to eliminate the current PMCB track.
For simplicity, we have restructured the proposal to eliminate all existing tracks and
erect two new tracks: General Botany and Botanical Research. The concerns and
requests of the UCC have been addressed and corrected in the new version of the
Approved CLAS - Botany
Comment CLAS - College
of Liberal Arts
and Sciences
Braun, Edward
Pharies, David
Approved CLAS - College
of Liberal Arts
and Sciences
Comment PV - University
Recycled PV - University
Pharies, David
Rather than presenting
proposed changes in a
side-by-side format,
please use the Microsoft
Word “track changes”
function, as required now
by the UCC, to show
proposed changes.
Added to October 2014
Morrison, Lee
Submission should
be based on catalog
format, including Critical
Tracking and 8 Semester
Number of credits
needs to be justified as it
is a significant increase
Need to consult
with Engineering to
ensure that new course
requirements can be
Should include
2015 Gen Ed updates
Approved CLAS - College
of Liberal Arts
and Sciences
Comment PV - University
Comment PV - University
PV - University
Approved Curriculum
Pharies, David
added to the December
Brittany M
UCC GE Subcommittee:
No objections to GE
Morrison, Lee
Approved CLAS - College
of Liberal Arts
and Sciences
Comment PV - University
Pharies, David
• Curriculum doesn't add
to 120 for General Botany
(118) • Suggestion to look
at the sequencing, foreign
language in semester 4
and 6, suggest to be
cleaned up to make more
catalog ready. A
randomness to the
semester plans cited. •
Need list for ecology and
Florida biodiversity course
in semester 7; electives
should be specific and
combined in one • 8
semester plan needs to
add to 120 • Dr. Julian to
work with CLAS to get the
correct documents in
place in Approval
PV - University
Brittany M
UCC GE Subcommittee:
No objections to GE
changes. Note: Research
Botany 8-semester plan
adds to 118 credits.
Create a New Specialization
This form may be used to propose a new specialization in an existing undergraduate major. To propose a
new major or a new degree program, follow the procedures at Note that the
terms specialization and track are synonymous for this process. Instructions for completing and
submitting this form begin on the third page.
Existing Degree, Major and Specialization(s)
Degree Program Botany
CIP Code 26.0101
Major Name Botany
Major Code BOT/BTY
Degree Type BS
Existing Specializations Basic Science, Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology, Preprofessional (but see
application to terminate these tracks)
Proposed Specialization
Name Botanical Research
Code RES
Credits 120
10. Students 20
11. Effective Term Fall
Effective Year 2015
Anticipated Delivery System
12. Percentage of credits available fully online:
< 50%
13. Percentage of credits available off-campus:
< 25%
50% or more
14. Rationale for the Proposed Specialization
Our faculty have identified a set of core learning objectives for our botany majors, and wish to erect a
new track that reflects these objectives and promotes student success in reaching them. Similarly, we
wish to add a course requirement (BSC4936) that enables us to implement assessment of the SLOs
identified in the Academic Assessment Plan. Finally, responding to student demand, we wish to offer a
track that integrates mentored research into the requirements.
15. Impacts on Other Programs
Courses from CALS departments and Engineering – Computer and Information Science and Engineering
are listed; approval from these departments has been received (see cover letter and Addendum 1).
Prepare a document showing the current and proposed Undergraduate Catalog copy edited using the
“track changes” feature in Word. Note that this must include an eight-semester plan for each proposed
Prepare supporting documentation from other colleges the availability of courses that are required in
the specialization and/or to provide evidence for support of the proposed major if there is clear or
potential overlap or duplication of content.
Create a New Specialization
Revised 2/2/2015
UF, Academic Affairs
This form may be used to propose a new specialization in an existing undergraduate major. To propose a new
major or a new degree program, or to modify or close (terminate) an existing specialization or track, follow
the procedures at Note that specialization and track are synonymous for this process.
Existing Degree, Major and Specialization(s)
1. Enter the name of the Degree Program.
2. Enter the six digit Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code for the existing degree program.
The code has the numerical format XX.XXXX. Contact the Office of Institutional Planning and Research
(OIPR) to verify the CIP code for the existing degree program.
3. Enter the name of the major in which the new specialization will be offered. Example: Mathematics.
4. Enter the two or three letter code that uniquely identifies the major in the student records system.
Example: the code for mathematics is MS.
5. Enter the degree type of the major in which the new specialization will be offered. Example: BS
6. Enter the complete name of each specialization that is currently offered in the major.
Proposed Specialization
7. Enter the name of the proposed specialization. Example: Mathematical Modeling.
8. Enter the proposed two or three letter specialization code that would uniquely identify the proposed
specialization in the student information system. This code would be appended to the major code.
Example: MOD.
9. The credit hours must equal the total credit hours that were approved for the existing major and degree
10. Enter the expected number of new students enrolled in this specialization in the first three years.
11. Enter the term (semester and year) that the proposed specialization(s) would start.
Delivery System
12. Indicate the percentage of course credits that will be available through full online courses.
13. Indicate the percentage of course credits that will be available away from the main Gainesville campus
(including courses with onsite – off main campus meetings).
Rationale for the proposed specialization
14. Describe the rationale for offering this new specialization and having it on the transcript, how this
program will enhance the quality of the existing major, how it relates to undergraduate programs at peer
institutions. Also describe what distinguishes this new specialization within the existing major(s) in the
degree program, the degree of its overlap with existing majors and specializations (both in the degree
program and in other degree programs at the university), and a justification for any such overlap.
Impacts on other programs
15. Describe any potential impact on other programs or departments, including increased need for general
education or common prerequisite courses, or increased need for required or elective courses outside of
the existing program.
Create a New Specialization
Revised 2/2/2015
UF, Academic Affairs
Create a New Specialization
This form may be used to propose a new specialization in an existing undergraduate major. To propose a
new major or a new degree program, follow the procedures at Note that the
terms specialization and track are synonymous for this process. Instructions for completing and
submitting this form begin on the third page.
Existing Degree, Major and Specialization(s)
Degree Program Botany
CIP Code 26.0101
Major Name Botany
Major Code BOT/BTY
Degree Type BS
Existing Specializations Basic Science, Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology, Preprofessional (but see
application to terminate these tracks)
Proposed Specialization
Name General Botany
Code GEN
Credits 120
10. Students 20
11. Effective Term Fall
Effective Year 2015
Anticipated Delivery System
12. Percentage of credits available fully online:
< 50%
13. Percentage of credits available off-campus:
< 25%
50% or more
14. Rationale for the Proposed Specialization
The foundation course requirements are almost the same for this specialization as the existing Basic
Botany track. Our faculty have identified a set of core learning objectives for our botany majors, and wish
to erect a new track that reflects these objectives and promotes student success in reaching them.
Similarly, we wish to add a course requirement (BSC4936) that enables us to implement assessment of
the SLOs identified in the Academic Assessment Plan.
15. Impacts on Other Programs
Courses from CALS departments and Engineering – Computer and Information Science and Engineering
are listed; approval from these departments has been received (see cover letter and Addendum 1).
Prepare a document showing the current and proposed Undergraduate Catalog copy edited using the
“track changes” feature in Word. Note that this must include an eight-semester plan for each proposed
Prepare supporting documentation from other colleges the availability of courses that are required in
the specialization and/or to provide evidence for support of the proposed major if there is clear or
potential overlap or duplication of content.
Create a New Specialization
Revised 2/2/2015
UF, Academic Affairs
This form may be used to propose a new specialization in an existing undergraduate major. To propose a new
major or a new degree program, or to modify or close (terminate) an existing specialization or track, follow
the procedures at Note that specialization and track are synonymous for this process.
Existing Degree, Major and Specialization(s)
1. Enter the name of the Degree Program.
2. Enter the six digit Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code for the existing degree program.
The code has the numerical format XX.XXXX. Contact the Office of Institutional Planning and Research
(OIPR) to verify the CIP code for the existing degree program.
3. Enter the name of the major in which the new specialization will be offered. Example: Mathematics.
4. Enter the two or three letter code that uniquely identifies the major in the student records system.
Example: the code for mathematics is MS.
5. Enter the degree type of the major in which the new specialization will be offered. Example: BS
6. Enter the complete name of each specialization that is currently offered in the major.
Proposed Specialization
7. Enter the name of the proposed specialization. Example: Mathematical Modeling.
8. Enter the proposed two or three letter specialization code that would uniquely identify the proposed
specialization in the student information system. This code would be appended to the major code.
Example: MOD.
9. The credit hours must equal the total credit hours that were approved for the existing major and degree
10. Enter the expected number of new students enrolled in this specialization in the first three years.
11. Enter the term (semester and year) that the proposed specialization(s) would start.
Delivery System
12. Indicate the percentage of course credits that will be available through full online courses.
13. Indicate the percentage of course credits that will be available away from the main Gainesville campus
(including courses with onsite – off main campus meetings).
Rationale for the proposed specialization
14. Describe the rationale for offering this new specialization and having it on the transcript, how this
program will enhance the quality of the existing major, how it relates to undergraduate programs at peer
institutions. Also describe what distinguishes this new specialization within the existing major(s) in the
degree program, the degree of its overlap with existing majors and specializations (both in the degree
program and in other degree programs at the university), and a justification for any such overlap.
Impacts on other programs
15. Describe any potential impact on other programs or departments, including increased need for general
education or common prerequisite courses, or increased need for required or elective courses outside of
the existing program.
Create a New Specialization
Revised 2/2/2015
UF, Academic Affairs
Close a Specialization
This form should be used to request the termination (closure) of one or more existing specializations in an
undergraduate major. Note that the terms specialization and track are synonymous for this process.
Instructions for completing and submitting this form begin on the last page.
Specialization(s) to Be Terminated
Termination Date
Specialization Name(s)
Phase-Out Date
Basic Science, Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology, Preprofessional Botany
4. Rationale for Request
Our department has restructured the botany major according to a newly developed set of learning objectives.
The changes we would like to implement are significant enough that elimination of the existing tracks, and
erection of new tracks, is the most straightforward way to make the revisions.
5. Impact on Other Programs
None known. Most structural changes involve coursework within the biology department.
6. Steps Taken to Inform Students and Faculty
Faculty voted in support of these changes. Students have been informed via the department website, via
advising, and networking events given by the department. Students also gave input to the revisions made.
7. Accommodation of Students in the Specialization
Courses required in the tracks that are targeted for elimination will continue to be offered. There should be no
disruption to students completing the tracks as they currently exist.
8. Accommodation of Faculty Active in the Minor
There will be no known faculty impact. Courses will continue to be offered as usual.
Prepare a document showing the catalog copy with the current and proposed curricula edited using the
“track changes” feature in Word.
Request to Close a Specialization
Revised 2/2/2015
UF, Academic Affairs
Please note: this form should be used to request the termination of one or more specializations.
Specialization(s) to Be Terminated
1. Enter the last date that students will be accepted into the specialization(s).
2. Enter the last date that data will be submitted for the specialization(s).
3. Enter the specialization name(s).
Rationale for Request
4. Describe the rationale for the request to terminate the specialization(s).
Impact on Other Programs
5. Describe the potential impact that termination of the specialization(s) may have on other programs.
Steps Taken to Inform Students and Faculty
6. State what steps have been taken to inform students and faculty of the intent to terminate the
Accommodations for Students and Faculty in the Specialization
7. Provide an explanation of how students in the minor will be helped to complete their programs of study with
minimal disruption.
8. Provide an explanation of the manner in which the Department and College intend to accommodate faculty
who are currently active in the specialization.
Request to Close a Specialization
Revised 2/2/2015
UF, Academic Affairs
PO Box 118525
Gainesville, FL 32611
Phone (352) 392-1175
Department of Biology
Fax (352) 392-3704
University Curriculum Committee
Christine Davis, Lecturer and Undergraduate Coordinator, Department of Biology
Chair of departmental Botany Major Revision committee
Revision to an Existing Major – Botany
Dear University Curriculum Committees,
Attached please find the corrected version of our proposal to revise the CLAS botany major. I
have made the following changes:
1) The phase out date is corrected on the close specialization form, and the forms have been
removed from the body of the proposal.
2) Track changes are used to show modifications to the introductory material for the
description of the major in the catalog.
3) The General Botany 8-semester plans have been corrected to add to 120 credits.
4) The foreign language courses have been moved to sequential semesters in the 8-semester
5) The Florida biodiversity and ecology electives are specifically listed in the 8-semester
6) The sequencing of foundation courses for the first four semesters in the General Botany
track 8-semester plans has been slightly modified. Previously, CHM2045 and MAC1147
were both included in semester 1, which is incorrect.
The following information is pasted from the last version of this proposal.
To simplify the proposal, this revised version proposes to eliminate the existing tracks in the
botany major (Basic Science, Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology, and Pre-professional) and
erect two new tracks (General Botany and Botanical Research).
Justification for the increased number of credit hours in the Botanical Research Track
Although the total required credits in the degree remains unchanged (120), 6-10 more credits are
in the major courses, with the balance coming from free electives in the previous major track.
The increase was necessary for three primary reasons:
1) to provide the coursework necessary to meet the learning objectives for the major (see
below for objectives; for example, the addition of PCB 4674 Evolution – 4 credits);
2) to fully integrate research into the botanical research track (addition of 3 credits of BOT
3911 Entering Research in Biology and BOT 4911 Undergraduate Research in Botany –
3 credits total);
3) to include the capstone course, which enables assessment of the program SLOs outlined
in the Undergraduate Academic Assessment Plan (BSC 4936 Critical Analysis of
Biological Research – 2 credits).
Approval from Engineering
I have contacted and received approval from Paul Gader and Doug Dankel in Computer and
Information Science and Engineering to include two of their courses as computational
requirements in our major (Addendum 1).
The direction we've taken is based on feedback from our current botany students, other
undergraduate students who take botany courses, and our faculty. Through communication with
them we learned:
1) Many of our botany students are preparing for research at the graduate level.
2) Our students want more research opportunities and would like to present their research to
3) Many students are not aware of the botany major, and some who are interested in it do not
switch to botany due to late discovery and being nearly finished with their current degree
4) There is no real demand for the PMCB track in the major (currently, there are 2 students in
PMCB track).
Our approach has been to modify the degree requirements in a way that best prepares our
research students for graduate school, covers all important botanical learning objectives, and
includes hands-on research for the research track.
Research integration:
For the botanical research track, we have added a requirement to include at least 2 hours of
Independent research in Botany, which must be taken concurrently with BSC3911, Entering
research in Biology. This course is a current requirement for students in the Biology (BIO)
program who are doing independent research. It is a very important way for students doing
research to interact with each other and discuss experimental design, hypothesis testing, data
analysis, and present their results to one another and the public. BSC4936, Critical Analysis of
Research, is also listed as a research requirement because this course offers detailed analysis of
current literature and research seminars, and a discussion of research ethics. This course serves
as the capstone for all of the majors offered through the Biology department. The course
culminates with the Biology Field Test, and is used to provide data for the department’s
academic assessment plans.
Support from other departments whose courses are included in the major revision
Historically, both the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (BOT) and the College of
Agricultural and Life Sciences (BTY) have offered the Botany degree in parallel. The degree has
always been administered through the Department of Biology, with differences in the degree
requirements only at the college level. We intend to continue this arrangement. Keeping with this
tradition, we have included many course options that may be used toward the degree that are
offered by departments within CALS. I have worked with Elaine Turner and Joel Brendemuhl
(CALS), who support this proposal and have assisted with moving the parallel major revision
forward in CALS. In addition, I have contacted department heads and undergraduate
coordinators in these departments to obtain approval for including their courses in our major and
to ensure space for botany students. A list of those I have contacted and who have given their
blessing follows: John Capinera and Rebecca Baldwin, Entomology and Nematology; Rosemary
Loria, Plant Pathology; Michael Andrieu, Forest Resources and Conservation; Rebecca Darnell,
Horticultural Sciences; Diane Rowland, Agronomy; Eric Triplett, Microbiology and Cell
Science; Wayne Mackay, Environmental Horticulture (Addendum 1).
Christine Davis
Botany (CLAS)
The botany curriculum provides a broad background in the biology of plants, from the molecular
to the organismic level. Students who major in botany will take courses in ecology, genetics,
physiology, taxonomy, evolution, cells and tissues, anatomy, molecular biology of plants, and
biochemistrybiodiversity of plants.
About This Major
College: Liberal Arts and Sciences
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Credits for Degree: 120
Specializations: Basic Science, Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology, Preprofessional
BotanyGeneral Botany, Botanical Research
Minor: Yes
Combined-Degree Program: Yes
Academic Learning Compact: Botany
Small classes are taught by faculty who have a commitment to undergraduate education.
Opportunities exist for students toStudents participate in perform supervisedmentored research,
assisting faculty with research projects on campus and abroad. The major prepares students for
careers in industry, government agencies and, graduate and professional schools, and teaching
jobs in high schools.
Combined Degree Programs
The Department of Biology offers a BS/MS (thesis or non-thesis) in botany. Admission requires
a minimum GRE score of 1100, a minimum 3.2 GPA and a maximum of 12 overlapping credits.
Contact the undergraduate coordinator, Dr. Edward L. Braun,, or call
352.273.0126 352.392.1175 for more information.
Coursework for the Major
Required coursework is dependent upon the specialization. Coursework for each specialization
can be found below under Critical Tracking and Recommended Semester Plan.
Relevant Minors and/or Certificates
Students mMajorings in botany can minor in most other disciplines, and this is a good way to
organize students' electives around areas of interest. Note that botany majors cannot minor in
biology, nor can biology majors minor in botany (the curricula for the botany and biology majors
are too similar).
UFTeach Program: There is a severe shortage of qualified secondary science teachers in Florida
and nationwide. Students interested in becoming part of this high-demand profession should see
a botany adviser or the UFTeach adviser. UFTeach students complete the UFTeach minor in
science teaching with their B.S. in botany and have the coursework and preparation for
professional teacher certification in Florida when they graduate.
Botany majors are strongly encouraged to participate in research, and research is required for the
Botanical research track. Research experience is valuable on many levels: it diversifies your
college experience; it teaches you how scientists apply the knowledge gained in the classroom to
real world questions; it gives you the opportunity to work with and get to know researchers who
are the best in their field; it introduces you to cutting edge scientific questions and techniques; it
can enhance your resume/CV when applying to graduate or professional school,; and finally it is
essential in helping you determine if science is a good career choice for you.
CLAS preprofessional biology, botany and zoology majors may participate in research for course
credit, as a scholar (e.g., University Scholar, HHMI Science for Life Scholar, Beckman Scholar),
as a volunteer, or, in rare cases, as a paid research assistant. Please visit Undergraduate Research
for information regarding course credit. Students who plan to enroll for course credit must
contact potential research mentors, develop a project, and turn in the required application and
proposal before the end ofno later than the week before drop/add. If they miss the drop/add
window is missed, they should still contact potential research mentors, if only to discuss
upcoming opportunities.
Back to Top
Basic Science
Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology (PMCB)
The program is designed primarily for students interested in pursuing graduate studies. It is an
academically rigorous program that will permit graduates to pursue graduate programs in plant
biology and plant genetics. It can also be a terminal degree for students interested in pursuing
careers in plant cell/molecular biology research.
Preprofessional Botany
The program is designed for students who plan to attend professional (e.g., medical, dental, law)
or graduate school.General Botany
The General Botany track is for students who may not intend to pursue a graduate degree but are
interested in a career in plant biology. This track provides some flexibility in tailoring the
courses needed in order to pursue specific interests. Students are encouraged to consult with an
adviser and botany faculty member when deciding on which courses to take.
Botanical Research
The Botanical Research track is for students who intend to pursue a graduate degree and requires
research with a faculty member. This track provides some flexibility in tailoring the courses
needed in order to pursue specific interests. Students are encouraged to consult with an adviser
and botany faculty member when deciding on which courses to take.
General Botany
This option is intended for students who do not plan to attend graduate or professional school,
but are planning a career in government, public service, or secondary education. A student must
achieve a minimum grade of C in all required courses for the major.
Required Foundation Courses
BOT 2010C Introductory Botany (3) and BOT 2011C Plant Diversity* (4) (preferred)
BSC 2010 and 2010L Integrated Principles of Biology 1 (3) and Integrated Principles of
Biology 1 Laboratory (1) and
BSC 2011 and 2011L Integrated Principles of Biology 2 (3) and Integrated Principles of
Biology 2 Laboratory (1) (7-8 credits total)
CHM 2045 and 2045L General Chemistry 1 (3) and General Chemistry 1 Laboratory (1)
CHM 2046 and 2046L General Chemistry 2 (3) and General Chemistry 2 Laboratory (1)
(8 credits total)
CHM 2200 and 2200L Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry (3) and Fundamentals of
Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1)
MAC 1147 Precalculus: Algebra and Trigonometry (4) or
MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 (4)
STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics 1 (3), or
COP 2800 Computer Programming Using JAVA (3) or equivalent, or
COP 3275 Computer Programming Using C (3) or equivalent, or
BSC 2981 Python Programming for Biology (3) (7 credits total)
PHY 2004 and 2004L Applied Physics 1 (3) and Applied Physics 1 Laboratory (1)
Required Courses for the General Botany Specialization
AGR 3303 Genetics (3) or PCB 3063 Genetics (4)
PCB 4674 Evolution (4)
BOT 2710C Practical Plant Taxonomy (3)
BOT 3503 and 3503L Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (3) and Physiology
and Molecular Biology of Plants Laboratory (2)
Choose two of the following ecology and Florida biodiversity courses:
o PCB 4043C General ecology (4)
o PCB 3601C Plant ecology (3)
BOT 3151C Local flora (3)
BSC 3307 Climate Change Biology (4)
Choose one of the following cells and tissues courses:
o BOT 4935/5225C Plant anatomy (4)
o PCB 3023 Essential Cell Biology (3)
Choose one of the following biodiversity breadth courses:
o BOT 2011C* (4)
o ZOO 4307C Vertebrate Biodiversity (4)
o ZOO 4926 Mammalogy (3)
o ZOO 4205C Invertebrate Biodiversity (4)
o ENY 3005 (2) and ENY 3005L (1) Principles of Entomology
o WIS 4934 Mammalogy (3)
o PLP 3002C Fundamentals of Plant Pathology (4)
o PLP 4653C Basic Fungal Biology (4)
o MCB 2000/ MCB 2000L Microbiology (3) and lab (1)
o MCB 3020/ MCB 3020L Basic Biology of Microorganisms (3) and lab (1)
BSC 4936 Critical Analysis of Biological Research (2)
Choose two from any of the above courses or other approved electives (4-8 credits)
* Students who choose BOT 2011C to fulfill the foundation requirements may not use BOT
2011C to fulfill the biodiversity breadth requirements for the major.
Recommended and approved electives (some courses may have prerequisites):
AGG 3501 Environment, Food and Society (3)
AGR 4304 Plant Chromosomes and Genomes (3)
AGR 4320 Plant Breeding (3)
AGR 4512 Physiology and Ecology of Crops (3)
ALS 4163 Challenges in Plant Resource Protection (3)
BCH 5045 Graduate Survey of Biochemistry (Online) (4)
BCH 3023 Elementary Organic and Biological Chemistry (Online) (3)
BOT 2800C Plants in Human Affairs (3)
BOT 4053 Practical Experience in Teaching Botany (2)
BOT 4621 Plant Geography (2)
BOT 4935 Special Topics in Botany (2-4)
BOT 4935/5305 Paleobotany (3)
BSC 2862 Global Change Ecology and Sustainability (3)
BSC 3402 Theory and Practice in the Biological Sciences (2)
BSC 4434 Introduction to Bioinformatics (3)
ENY 4161 Insect Classification (3)
FNR 3131C Dendrology/Forest Plants (3)
FOR 2662 Forests for the Future (3)
FOR 3004 Forests, Conservation and People (3)
FOR 3153C Forest Ecology (3)
FOR 3342C Tree Biology (3)
FOR 4060 Global Forests (3)
HOS 3305 Introduction to Plant Molecular Biology (3)
HOS 4304 Horticultural Physiology (3)
HOS 4313C Laboratory Methods in Plant Molecular Biology (2)
HOS 4341 Advanced Horticultural Physiology (3)
MCB 4304 Genetics of Microorganisms (3)
MCB 4320C Bacterial Genome Sequencing and Analysis (3)
MCB 4503 General Virology (3)
MCB 4652 Environmental Microbiology (3)
ORH 3513C Environmental Plant Identification and Use (3)
ORH 3773 Public Gardens (2)
ORH 3815C Florida Native Landscaping (3)
PCB 4553 Population Genetics (4)
PCB 5338 Principles of Ecosystem Ecology (3)
PLP 2060 Fungus Among Us: Mushrooms, Molds, and Civilization (3)
PLP 3230 Survey of Plant Pathogens (3)
PLS 2003 Plants that Feed the World (3)
PLS 3221 (2) and 3221L (1) Plant Propagation and Lab
PLS 4601C Principles of Weed Science (3)
Back to Top
Critical Tracking
Equivalent critical-tracking courses as determined by the State of Florida Common Course
Prerequisites may be used for transfer students.
Semester 1
CLAS: Complete 1 of 5 critical-tracking courses, including lab: BSC 2010/2010L or
BOT 2010C, BSC 2011/2011L or BOT 2011C, CHM 2045/2045L, CHM 2046/2046L,
MAC 1147, MAC 2311, or STA 2023
2.0 UF GPA required
Semester 2
Complete 1 additional critical-tracking course, including lab
2.0 UF GPA required
Semester 3
Complete 1 additional critical-tracking course, including lab, with a 2.5 GPA required for
all critical-tracking courses
2.0 UF GPA required
Semester 4
Complete 1 additional critical-tracking course, including lab, with 2.5 GPA required for
all critical-tracking courses
2.0 UF GPA required
Semester 5
Complete all critical-tracking courses, including lab, with 2.5 GPA required for all
critical-tracking courses
2.0 UF GPA required
Recommended Semester Plan
To graduate with this major, students must complete all university, college and major
requirements. For degree requirements outside of the major, refer to CLAS Degree
Requirements: Structure of a CLAS Degree.
Students are expected to complete the writing requirement while in the process of taking the
courses below. Students are also expected to complete the general education international (GEN) and diversity (GE-D) requirements concurrently with another general education requirement
(typically, GE-C, H or S).
Semester 1
BSC 2010 and 2010L Integrated Principles of Biology 1 (3) and Integrated Principles of
Biology 1 Laboratory (1) (GE-B) or BOT 2010C Introductory Botany (GE-B)
IUF 1000 What is the Good Life (GE-H)
MAC 1147 Precalculus: Algebra and Trigonometry or MAC 2311Analytic Geometry
and Calculus I (State Core GE-M)
Composition (State Core GE-C, WR)
Elective (BSC 1920 First Year Introduction: Biology at UF recommended)
Total 15
Semester 2
BSC 2011 and 2011L Integrated Principles of Biology 2 (3) and Integrated Principles of
Biology 2 Laboratory (1) (GE-B) or BOT 2011C Plant Diversity (4) (GE-B)
CHM 2045 and 2045L General Chemistry 1 (3) and General Chemistry 1 Laboratory (1)
(State Core GE-P)
Composition (GE-C, WR)
Social and Behavioral Sciences (State Core GE-S)
Total 14
Semester 3
CHM 2046 and 2046L General Chemistry 2 (3) and General Chemistry 2 Laboratory (1)
Foreign Language
Humanities (State Core GE-H)
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S)
Total 15
Semester 4
STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics 1 (GE-M) or
COP 2800 Computer Programming Using JAVA or equivalent or
COP 3275 Computer Programming Using C (GE-M) or equivalent or
BSC 2981 Python Programming for Biology
PHY 2004 and 2004L Applied Physics 1 (3) and Applied Physics 1 Laboratory (1) 4
Foreign Language
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S)
Total 15
Semester 5
PCB 4043C General ecology (4)
PCB 3601C Plant ecology (3)
BOT 3151C Local flora (3)
BSC 3307 Climate Change Biology (4)
CHM 2200 and 2200L Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry (3) and
Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1)
PCB 4674 Evolution
Humanities (GE-H)
Total 14 - 15
Semester 6
AGR 3303 Genetics (3) or
PCB 3063 Genetics (4)
BOT 2710 Practical Plant Taxonomy (GE-B)
BOT4935/5225C Plant anatomy (4) or
PCB 3023 Essential Cell Biology (3)
Math (GE-M) if COP 2800 or BSC 2981 taken for computational requirement; 6
and/or Elective
Total 15-17
Semester 7
BOT 3503 and 3503L Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (3) and Physiology
and Molecular Biology of Plants Laboratory (2)
PCB 4043C General ecology (4)
PCB 3601C Plant ecology (3)
BOT 3151C Local flora (3)
BSC 3307 Climate Change Biology (4)
Approved botany elective
Other elective
Total 16
Semester 8
BSC 4936 Critical Analysis of Biological Research 2
Biodiversity breadth course
Total 16
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Botanical Research
This option provides a strong background in the basic sciences and research, and is intended for
students who plan to attend graduate school. Minimum grades of C are required in the foundation
and botany major requirements.
Required Foundation Courses
BOT 2010C Introductory Botany (3) and BOT 2011C Plant Diversity* (4) (preferred)
BSC 2010 and 2010L Integrated Principles of Biology 1 (3) and Integrated Principles of
Biology 1 Laboratory (1) and
BSC 2011 and 2011L Integrated Principles of Biology 2 (3) and Integrated Principles of
Biology 2 Laboratory (1) (7-8 credits total)
CHM 2045 and 2045L General Chemistry 1 (3) and General Chemistry 1 Laboratory (1)
CHM 2046 and 2046L General Chemistry 2 (3) and General Chemistry 2 Laboratory (1)
(8 credits total)
CHM 2210 and 2211 Organic Chemistry 1 and 2 (3+3) and CHM 2211L Organic
Chemistry 2 Laboratory (2)
CHM 3217 and 3218 Organic Chemistry/Biochemistry 1 and 2 (4+4) and
CHM 2211L Organic Chemistry 2 Laboratory (2) (8-10 credits total)
MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 (4)
STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics 1 (3), or
COP 2800 Computer Programming Using JAVA (3) or equivalent, or
COP 3275 Computer Programming Using C (3) or equivalent, or
BSC 2981 Python Programming for Biology (3) (7 credits total)
PHY 2053 and 2053L Physics 1 (4) and Physics 1 Laboratory (1) and
PHY 2054 and 2054L Physics 2 (4) and Physics 2 Laboratory (1) (10 credits total)
PHY 2048 and 2048L Physics with Calculus 1 (3) and Physics with Calculus 1
Laboratory (1) and PHY 2049 and 2049L Physics with Calculus 2 (3) and Physics with
Calculus 2 Laboratory (1) (8 credits total)
Required Courses for the Botanical Research Specialization
AGR 3303 Genetics (3) or PCB 3063 Genetics (4)
PCB 4674 Evolution (4)
BOT 2710C Practical Plant Taxonomy (3)
BOT 3503 and 3503L Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (3) and Physiology
and Molecular Biology of Plants Laboratory (2)
Choose two of the following ecology and Florida biodiversity courses:
o PCB 4043C General ecology (4)
o PCB 3601C Plant ecology (3)
o BOT 3151C Local flora (3)
o BSC 3307 Climate Change Biology (4)
Choose one of the following cells and tissues courses:
o BOT 4935/5225C Plant anatomy (4)
o PCB 3023 Essential Cell Biology (3)
o BCH 4024 Introduction to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (4)
Choose one of the following biodiversity breadth courses:
o BOT 2011C* (4)
o ZOO 4307C Vertebrate Biodiversity (4)
o ZOO 4926 Mammalogy (3)
o ZOO 4205C Invertebrate Biodiversity (4)
o ENY 3005 (2) and ENY 3005L (1) Principles of Entomology
o WIS 4934 Mammalogy (3)
o PLP 3002C Fundamentals of Plant Pathology (4)
o PLP 4653C Basic Fungal Biology (4)
o MCB 2000/ MCB 2000L Microbiology (3) and lab (1)
o MCB 3020/ MCB 3020L Basic Biology of Microorganisms (3) and lab (1)
BOT 4911 Undergraduate Research in Botany (2)
BSC3911 Entering Research in Biology (1) must be taken concurrently with BOT 4911
BSC 4936 Critical Analysis of Biological Research (2)
* Students who choose BOT 2011C to fulfill the foundation requirements may not use BOT
2011C to fulfill the biodiversity breadth requirements for the major.
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Critical Tracking
Equivalent critical-tracking courses as determined by the State of Florida Common Course
Prerequisites may be used for transfer students.
Semester 1
Complete 1 of 5 critical-tracking courses, including lab: BSC 2010/2010L or BOT
2010C, BSC 2011/2011L or BOT 2011C, CHM 2045/2045L, CHM 2046/2046L, MAC
2.0 UF GPA required
Semester 2
Complete 1 additional critical-tracking course, including lab
2.0 UF GPA required
Semester 3
Complete 1 additional critical-tracking course, including lab, with a 2.5 GPA required for
all critical-tracking courses
2.0 UF GPA required
Semester 4
Complete 1 additional critical-tracking course, including lab, with a 2.5 GPA required for
all critical-tracking courses
2.0 UF GPA required
Semester 5
Complete all 5 critical-tracking courses, including lab, with a 2.5 GPA required for all
critical-tracking courses
2.0 UF GPA required
Recommended Semester Plan
To graduate with this major, students must complete all university, college and major
requirements. For degree requirements outside of the major, refer to CLAS Degree
Requirements: Structure of a CLAS Degree.
Students are expected to complete the writing requirement while in the process of taking the
courses below. Students are also expected to complete the general education international (GEN) and diversity (GE-D) requirements concurrently with another general education requirement
(typically, GE-C, H or S).
Semester 1
CHM 2045 AND 2045L General Chemistry 1 (3) and General Chemistry 1 Laboratory
(1) (State Core GE-P)
IUF 1000 What is the Good Life (GE-H)
MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus (State Core GE-M)
Composition (State Core GE-C, WR)
Elective (BSC 1920 First Year Introduction: Biology at UF recommended)
Total 15
Semester 2
BSC 2010 and 2010L Integrated Principles of Biology 1 (3) and Integrated Principles of
Biology 1 Laboratory (1) (GE-B) or BOT 2010C Introductory Botany (GE-B)
CHM 2046 and 2046L General Chemistry 2 (3) and General Chemistry 2 Laboratory (1)
Composition (GE-C, WR)
Social and Behavioral Sciences (State Core GE-S)
Total 13-14
Semester 3
BSC 2011 and 2011L Integrated Principles of Biology 2 (3) and Integrated Principles of
Biology 2 Laboratory (1) (GE-B) or BOT 2011C Plant Diversity (4) (GE-B)
CHM 2210 Organic Chemistry (GE-P)
Humanities (State Core GE-H)
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S)
Total 16
Semester 4
STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics 1 (GE-M) or
COP 2800 Computer Programming Using JAVA or equivalent or
COP 3275 Computer Programming Using C (GE-M) or equivalent or
BSC 2981 Python Programming for Biology
CHM 2211 and 2211L Organic Chemistry 2 (3) and Organic Chemistry 2 Laboratory
PHY 2053 and 2053L Physics 1 (4) and Physics 1 Laboratory (1) (GE-P)
Math (GE-M) if COP 2800 or BSC 2981 taken for computational requirement;
or Elective
Total 16
Semester 5
PCB 4043C General ecology (4)
PCB 3601C Plant ecology (3)
BOT 3151C Local flora (3)
BSC 3307 Climate Change Biology (4)
PHY 2054 and 2054L Physics 2 (4) and Physics 2 Laboratory (1) 5
PCB4674 Evolution
Humanities (GE-H)
Total 15-16
Semester 6
BOT 2710 Practical Plant Taxonomy (GE-B)
Foreign language
BOT4935/5225C Plant anatomy (4) or
PCB 3023 Essential Cell Biology (3) or
BCH 4024 Introduction to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (4)
Total 16-17
Semester 7
AGR 3303 Genetics (3) or PCB 3063 Genetics (4)
PCB 4043C General ecology (4)
PCB 3601C Plant ecology (3)
BOT 3151C Local flora (3)
BSC 3307 Climate Change Biology (4)
BOT 4911 Undergraduate Research in Botany (2) AND BSC 3911 Entering Research in
Biology (1)
Foreign language
Total 14-16
Semester 8
BOT 3503 and 3503L Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (3) and Physiology
and Molecular Biology of Plants Laboratory (2)
BSC 4936 Critical Analysis of Biological Research
Biodiversity breadth course
Total 13-16
2016 Catalog 8-semester plan, with UF Core
General Botany
Recommended Semester Plan
To graduate with this major, students must complete all university, college and major
requirements. For degree requirements outside of the major, refer to CLAS Degree
Requirements: Structure of a CLAS Degree.
Students are expected to complete the writing requirement while in the process of taking the
courses below. Students are also expected to complete the general education international (GEN) and diversity (GE-D) requirements concurrently with another general education requirement
(typically, GE-C, H or S).
Semester 1
BSC 2010 and 2010L Integrated Principles of Biology 1 (3) and Integrated Principles of
Biology 1 Laboratory (1) (GE-B) or BOT 2010C Introductory Botany (GE-B)
IUF 1000 What is the Good Life (GE-H)
MAC 1147 Precalculus: Algebra and Trigonometry or MAC 2311Analytic Geometry
and Calculus I (State Core GE-M)
Composition (State Core GE-C, WR)
Elective (BSC 1920 First Year Introduction: Biology at UF recommended)
Total 15
Semester 2
BSC 2011 and 2011L Integrated Principles of Biology 2 (3) and Integrated Principles of 4
Biology 2 Laboratory (1) (GE-B) or BOT 2011C Plant Diversity (4) (GE-B)
CHM 2045 and 2045L General Chemistry 1 (3) and General Chemistry 1 Laboratory (1)
(State Core GE-P)
Composition (GE-C, WR)
Social and Behavioral Sciences (State Core GE-S)
Total 14
Semester 3
CHM 2046 and 2046L General Chemistry 2 (3) and General Chemistry 2 Laboratory (1)
Foreign Language
Humanities (State Core GE-H)
UF Core (GE-S)
Total 15
Semester 4
STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics 1 (GE-M) or
COP 2800 Computer Programming Using JAVA or equivalent or
COP 3275 Computer Programming Using C or equivalent (GE-M) or
BSC 2981 Python Programming for Biology
PHY 2004 and 2004L Applied Physics 1 (3) and Applied Physics 1 Laboratory (1) 4
Foreign Language
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S)
Total 15
Semester 5
PCB 4043C General ecology (4)
PCB 3601C Plant ecology (3)
BOT 3151C Local flora (3)
BSC 3307 Climate Change Biology (4)
CHM 2200 and 2200L Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry (3) and
Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1)
PCB 4674 Evolution
Humanities (GE-H)
Total 14 - 15
Semester 6
AGR 3303 Genetics (3) or
PCB 3063 Genetics (4)
BOT 2710 Practical Plant Taxonomy (GE-B)
BOT4935/5225C Plant anatomy (4) or
PCB 3023 Essential Cell Biology (3)
UF Core (GE – B/P)
Math (GE-M) if COP 2800 or BSC 2981 taken for computational requirement;
or Elective
Total 15-17
Semester 7
BOT 3503 and 3503L Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (3) and Physiology
and Molecular Biology of Plants Laboratory (2)
PCB 4043C General ecology (4)
PCB 3601C Plant ecology (3)
BOT 3151C Local flora (3)
BSC 3307 Climate Change Biology (4)
Approved botany elective
Other elective
Total 16
Semester 8
BSC 4936 Critical Analysis of Biological Research 2
Biodiversity breadth course
Total 16
2016 Catalog 8-semester plan, with UF Core
Botanical Research
Recommended Semester Plan
To graduate with this major, students must complete all university, college and major
requirements. For degree requirements outside of the major, refer to CLAS Degree
Requirements: Structure of a CLAS Degree.
Students are expected to complete the writing requirement while in the process of taking the
courses below. Students are also expected to complete the general education international (GEN) and diversity (GE-D) requirements concurrently with another general education requirement
(typically, GE-C, H or S).
Semester 1
CHM 2045 AND 2045L General Chemistry 1 (3) and General Chemistry 1 Laboratory
(1) (State Core GE-P)
IUF 1000 What is the Good Life (GE-H)
MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus (State Core GE-M)
Composition (State Core GE-C, WR)
Elective (BSC 1920 First Year Introduction: Biology at UF recommended)
Total 15
Semester 2
BSC 2010 and 2010L Integrated Principles of Biology 1 (3) and Integrated Principles of
Biology 1 Laboratory (1) (GE-B) or BOT 2010C Introductory Botany (GE-B)
CHM 2046 and 2046L General Chemistry 2 (3) and General Chemistry 2 Laboratory (1)
Composition (GE-C, WR)
UF Core (GE-B/P)
Social and Behavioral Sciences (State Core GE-S)
Total 16-17
Semester 3
BSC 2011 and 2011L Integrated Principles of Biology 2 (3) and Integrated Principles of
Biology 2 Laboratory (1) (GE-B) or BOT 2011C Plant Diversity (4) (GE-B)
CHM 2210 Organic Chemistry (GE-P)
Humanities (State Core GE-H)
UF Core (GE-S)
Social and Behavioral Sciences (GE-S)
Total 16
Semester 4
STA 2023 Introduction to Statistics 1 (GE-M) or
COP 2800 Computer Programming Using JAVA or equivalent or
COP 3275 Computer Programming Using C (GE-M) or equivalent or
BSC 2981 Python Programming for Biology
CHM 2211 and 2211L Organic Chemistry 2 (3) and Organic Chemistry 2 Laboratory
PHY 2053 and 2053L Physics 1 (4) and Physics 1 Laboratory (1) (GE-P)
Math (GE-M) if COP 2800 or BSC 2981 taken for computational requirement;
or Elective
Total 16
Semester 5
PCB 4043C General ecology (4)
PCB 3601C Plant ecology (3)
BOT 3151C Local flora (3)
BSC 3307 Climate Change Biology (4)
PHY 2054 and 2054L Physics 2 (4) and Physics 2 Laboratory (1) 5
PCB4674 Evolution
Humanities (GE-H)
Total 15-16
Semester 6
BOT 2710 Practical Plant Taxonomy (GE-B)
Foreign language
BOT4935/5225C Plant anatomy (4) or
PCB 3023 Essential Cell Biology (3) or
BCH 4024 Introduction to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (4)
Total 16-17
Semester 7
AGR 3303 Genetics (3) or PCB 3063 Genetics (4)
PCB 4043C General ecology (4)
PCB 3601C Plant ecology (3)
BOT 3151C Local flora (3)
BSC 3307 Climate Change Biology (4)
BOT 4911 Undergraduate Research in Botany (2) AND BSC 3911 Entering Research in
Biology (1)
Foreign language
Total 14-16
Semester 8
BOT 3503 and 3503L Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (3) and Physiology
and Molecular Biology of Plants Laboratory (2)
BSC 4936 Critical Analysis of Biological Research
Biodiversity breadth course
Total 12-13
Addendum 1: departmental response to changes in the botany major curriculum that include
their courses
Original email request, to which the following emails with the same subject line are in response:
Email correspondence with Dr. Paul Gader, Chair of CISE: