2008 - the Buddhist Church of Oakland!
2008 - the Buddhist Church of Oakland!
B U D D H I S T C H U R C H O F O A K L A N D BUSSHIN AUGUST 2008 VOLUME 51 NUMBER 8 08-obon-e BY REVEREND SEIGEN YAMAOKA n the midst of the summer season, there is a break in time for each of us to reflect on the values of our lives. It is called Obon. At the Buddhist Church of Oakland we conduct the Obon Bazaar and Obon Odori on Saturday, August 2nd, with the food bazaar beginning from 3 p.m. and culminating with the Obon Dance from 7:30 p.m. There will also be cultural events such as Taiko, Flower A rrangement, Koto, and Tea Ceremony. The culmination of the Obon Program will be the First Obon Service on Sunday from 9:30 a.m. for those families who lost loved ones between last year’s Obon and this year’s Obon. The main Obon Service will begin from 10:30 a.m. with guest speaker, Rev. Ken Fujimoto, Rinban of the San Jose Betsuin. He will speak both in English and Japanese. The Obon Service is unique in that in the middle of the most hectic time of our lives, we are asked to take time out and to reflect on the reasons as to why we are here, to deeply reflect on all the reasons and persons that made up our lives. If we can find a deep sense of gratitude for all those lives that made up our lives, then we can dance with joy in our hearts for the interconnected past that is the source of our lives today. With this profound understanding of our lives, we return to the hectic world of our lives, but with a better understanding of what we must do. I IN THIS ISSUE For what we do today connects us to the future. Join us and participate in the BCO Obon program. Reflection: In life we look out for each other, but we need to look out for the world as well. Hatsubon & Family Obon Service T he Hatsubon or First Obon Service for a deceased family member will be held on Sunday, August 3, 2008, at 9:30 am. Lanterns will be arranged in front of the altar with the names of the deceased, and one family member will be asked to light the candle inside of the lantern of the relative. A small token of condolence will be given to each family who has a lantern on the altar. The Family Obon Service will immediately follow the Hatsubon Service at 10:30 am. Our guest speaker is the Rev. Ken Fujimoto, Rinban of the San Jose Buddhist Churc h Betsuin. Because of the large number of attendees expected at this year’s Hatsubon and Obon Services, we request the general Sangha to please burn incense at the foot of the stairs b e f o re going up to the hondo (chapel). For your convenience, a Dana envelope has been attached to this Busshin for your consideration. Minister’s Message 1 Hatsubon & Family Obon Service 1 Temple Tidbits 2 Bazaar Donors 2 Bazaar Raffle Prize Winners 2 Nippon Gakuen News 3 Dharma School News 4 Obon Festival 4 Newsroom OBWA 4 Bazaar Photos 5 Shotsuki Memorial Service 8 Amida’s Gathering Registration 9 Board Meeting Minutes Donations Japanese Section BUSSHIN AUGUST 2008 Temple Tid-Bits Following members have offered osonae, flowers and fruits for the memorial service of their loved ones: Pamela Kato Lang for her father Tsugio Kato 49th Day Mas Miyamura for his wife Emi Miyamura 49th Day Ron Sato for his mother Sachie Sato Uratsu 49th Day Yutaka Kobori for his wife Kimiko Kobori 7th Year The church appreciates your thoughtfulness and generosity. Nikkoland Bazaar Raffle Winners First: Kamakura Restaurant Second: Judy Fong Third: George Pendro Fourth: Hiro Sato Fifth: Norman Naren Sixth: Gail Taniwa Ryujin Seventh: Judy Ishizu Eighth: Ren Orans Ninth: Zachary Kaplan Tenth: Denise Yokomizo Eleventh: Hillel Narin Twelfth: Patricia Ide-Don Thirteenth: Judy Fong Fourteenth: Martin Natsuhara Fifteenth: Alice Neishi Sixteenth: Marjorie Iriki Seventeenth: Gloria Fujimoto Eighteenth: Yas Aoki Nineteenth: P. Danzig Twentieth: Paterson Ranch Twenty first: Mary Bailey Twenty second: Kamakura Restaurant Twenty third: Dan Kataoka Twenty fourth: Yasuo Bob Shimada Nikkoland Bazaar Donors T hank you to the following donors for their generous donations of merchandise or cash to support the bazaar activities of the Buddhist Church of Oakland. We would like to encourage you to patronize the businesses listed whenever possible. Adachi Florist & Nursery Akio Aochi Robert & Toshiko Beeman Coach Sushi Clifford Endo Kay & Sets Endo Takeshi Endo General Printing Grand Oaks Restaurant George and Jim’s Garage: Greg, Linda & Brittany Nakamura Harano & Haw Optometric Corp. Tommy Hayashi, OD Claude & Keiko Hess JFC International Inc. Kikkoman International Inc. Grace Kono Kosakura Tours & Travel Lee’s Florist & Nursery Monterey Market Brian Nagata John Neishi, OD Neishi Bros. Nursery Nisei Plastic Nomura & Co. North American Food Distributors Oto, Bailey, Fukumoto & Mishima Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. Silver Dragon Restaurant Sunset View Cemetery Keiju Terada Tokyo Fish Market Ken & Sachi Toyofuku Rosalind Tsuji Earl Utsurogi Darrin, Lori Neishi & Lanae Wong Bruce Yamamoto George Kido •2• Chuck and Jean Kawata Clare Kanishige Sachie Matsui Ruby Kuritsubo Dana Hiramoto Rockridge Optometry BCA Bookstore Dashe Winery Betty Gee of Pier 29 Restaurant Roy Fujii Fumi Soga George Nobori Robert Mao of Mitama Restaurant Gloria Fujimoto Carol Thunen Akio Aochi Tomita Kashino Shimamoto Lee’s Florists Abrahamson Family Grace Kono Sylvia Nomura Alice Shibata Mary Hiromoto Ten Speed Press Setsuko Furuta Chieko Endo Steve and Kathy Terusaki Daisy Tsujimoto Monterey Market June Masuyama Shepard Family Ruth Shimada Dick and Agnes Sasaki Harano and Haw Optometrists David Hirota Sumi Shohara Marcia Neishi Alan Hirahara Dennis Katayama Sharon Hiromoto Dora Negoro, Toshiko Beeman Fumi Nihei BUSSHIN AUGUST 2008 Nippongo Gakuen News BY EUNICE ASHIZAWA I t was quite an impressive culmination of the gakuen school year as the students and adult classes demonstrated their proficiency, talents and creativity on the June 7th yearend program. From the youngest classes with Yamada sensei to the high school class of Yamagishi sensei and Turner sensei, parents were treated to Japanese songs such as Sakura, Ojiichan no Tokei and Totoro March; a puppetry rendition of Sanbiki No Kobuta, (The Three Little Pigs), poetry readings; story readings; introductions and favorite things; a mulltimedia presentation of Momotaro and a brief description of the advance classes’ travels to different parts of Japan and their experiences. Not to be outdone by the young students, the adult classes also participated in the program. The beginning adult class performed a skit, “A Day in Shibuya”, while the advanced class •3• sang the popular Japanese song “Sen no Kaze”, (I am a Thousand Winds) accompanied by Steve Terusaki on piano. The students and their families enjoyed a very hearty lunch and were treated to a slide show presentation of Steve Terusaki’s recent travels to Japan. The delicious chicken salad prepared by Kathy Terusaki was a perfect compliment to our luncheon. Thank you, Kathy! Graduating seniors, Cole Jower and Lauren Ashizawa, were presented with a parting graduation gift and graduation cake in their honor. The gakuen board and families also recognized their appreciation for their teaching staff: Nobue Yamada-Killilea, Keiko Aizawa, Yukiko Adams, Mami Yamagishi, Shinobu Turner and Reiko Kataoka. Shinobu Turner was also presented with a parting gift as she begins a new journey in Boston. Best Wishes Turner sensei! The Gakuen community and board would also like to thank Mrs. Alice Neishi, Mrs. Fumie Tominaga and Ms. Lauren Ashizawa for their generous donation to the gakuen. Doomo arigatoo gozaimasu. As we begin to prepare for the fall classes, we invite anyone who may have an interest in learning Japanese to contact Jon Takagaki. We will also continue the search to find a replacement instructor for the high school class. If you know of anyone who may be interested, please contact Jon Takagaki or Reiko Kataoka. Jon Takagaki: (510) 769-2975 or by email at Jon.takagaki@unitedcb.com Reiko Kataoka: (510) 526-0499 or by email at kataoka@berkeley.edu BUSSHIN AUGUST 2008 Obon Festival of Joy O ur annual celebration of the Obon Festival of Joy will begin at 3:00 pm on Saturday, August 2nd. During the event you can enjoy the creative and beautiful exhibits of Ikebana by the Ohara Suiyo Flower Club. Other cultural demonstrations and performances are scheduled as follows: 3:30 pm Tea Ceremony 4:30 pm Muramoto Koto Studio 5:30 pm Eden Aoba Taiko 6:30 pm San Jose Chidori Band 7:30 pm Bon Odori dances In the mean time, enjoy our delicious Teriyaki steak dinners, Teriyaki chicken dinners, sushi, udon noodles, curry rice, hamburger, hot dog, corn, soft drinks and beer. Members, please look at the work schedules to see where your help is needed. The work schedule is in the back of the Busshin. Dharma School News… BY JANET UMEZU T he Dharma School is on hiatus for now. We hope everyone is enjoying their summer and relaxing after the Food Bazaar. Thank you to all the Dharma School students and their parents for helping in the game booths and covering shifts. Don’t forget the Picnic on Sunday, July 20th. Students who attend the service at the picnic will get attendance credit. Attendance credit will also be given for dancing at Obon and for attendance to Obon Service. Also a very happy birthday to our August Babies: Alyssa Cho, Collin Chung, Glenn Kamita, Genevieve M a s u o k a, Trevi Pendro, Samia Neishi, Alyson Takagaki, Sydney Wong and a special happy birthday to Rev. Yamaoka. Birthday Sunday will be celebrated on September 7, 2008 at the DEADLINE FOR SEPTEMBER 2008 BUSSHIN ARTICLES: August 4th Articles submitted after this date may not be printed. Send articles to Joyce Yokomizo: email: joyce@yokomizo.com fax: (415) 970-0810 You can also send articles to Sam Yoneyama at the churc h office. BUSSHIN COLLATION by the Jr YBA on Thursday, August 14th at 7:30 p.m. •4• first Dharma School Family Service. We would also like to take the opportunity to thank many of our donors who have given so generously. They are as follows: Mrs. Ruby Yoshida - Granddaughter Martha Castro’s birthday Rev./Mrs. Kodo Umezu - Michelle’s birthday and graduation M/M Gary Lawrence - M a t t h e w’s birthday M/M Jeff Suda - Douglas’s graduation from Cal Berk. Mrs. Susan Okano - Grandsons’ b i rthdays: Alex Wilson and Grant Ikeda Mrs. Sylvia Nomura Granddaughters Mayumi’s and Kiyomi’s perfect attendance awards Mr. George Yokoyama - Grandson Derrick Chung’s graduation M/M Eric Ikeda - Grant’s birthday That’s all for now. Enjoy the rest of the summer BUSSHIN AUGUST 2008 Newsroom OBWA BY PATTI HISAOKA H ighlights from the July meeting: OBWA wishes to thank the following for their most generous donations: Miyamura Family in memory and in appreciation for help with services for Emi Miyamura Gary and Maya Lawrence in honor of Matthew’s high school graduation Patti Hisaoka in honor of Tricia’s college graduation Chieko Endo in honor of grandchildren’s high school graduation Thank you to the following: Toban “C” for helping with June shotsuki setup and clean up. To everyone for all the hard work for the bazaar. Thank you to the faithful volunteers who go to visit at Cypress House: Alice Yokomizo, Jean Nakazono, Daisy Tsujimoto and Gloria Fujimoto COOKBOOK RECIPES: Do you have any recipes that you would like to share? OBWA will be putting together a new cookbook and we need recipes. Please send a copy to Church c/o JoAnne Hayashida. Cards will again be sold at Obon. We will have a selection to choose from. Those of who have any finished cards at home, please bring to church before Obon so it can be packaged. Jodo Shinshu Center – OBWA would like to put together a list of people who would be willing to help at various JSC functions when needed. If you would like to sign up, please contact Carol Thunen. There will be no meeting in August. Next meeting will be Sunday, September 7, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. Bazaar 2008 •5• BUSSHIN AUGUST 2008 Bazaar 2008 •6• BUSSHIN AUGUST 2008 Bazaar 2008 •7• BUSSHIN AUGUST 2008 August Shotsuki Memorial Service Service: Sunday, August 10, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. Sermon by Reverend Seigen Yamaoka F amily and relatives are invited to attend this monthly memorial service for those listed below. If any errors appear in the list below, please notify the church office at (510) 832-5988 at your earliest convenience. Next month’s Shotsuki Service will be held on September 7, 2008 at 10:00 a.m. Mr. Roy Akiyoshi Mr. Jutaro Akiyoshi – 50th Year Mrs. Toki Baba Mrs. Kiyo Baba Mr. Tamotsu Baba Mr. Tomi Fujii Mr. Kyubei Fukuda Mrs. Hanako Furuta Mrs. Asae Goto Mr. Keinosuke Hamasaki Mr. Yuzuchi Hashimoto Mr. Yoshitomo Hirabayashi – 13th Year Mrs. Haruyo Hiromoto Mr. Masajiro Hirota Mr. Tadashi Hirota Mrs. Mishi Horimoto Mrs. Ishi Hoshide Mrs. Den Inouye Mrs. Kuri Kakutani Mr. Ichimatsu Kamano Mr. Robert Kamano – 13th Year Mr. Jeffrey Kanada Mrs. Tsuru Kata Mr. Toyomatsu Kata Mrs. Sakaye Katayama – 3rd Year Mr. Rinzo Kato Mrs. Setsuno Kawabata Mrs. Fujie Kawabe Mr. Yutaka Kayatani Mrs. Tsune Kimura Mr. Keijiro Kimura Mrs. Osayo Kimura Mr. Mokichi Kisanuki Mrs. Juki Kitagaki Mr. Inajiro Koizumi Mrs. Kayo Kuramoto – 25th Year Mr. Toshikazu Matsutani Mrs. Kiyo Minamidani Mr. Takao Misaki Mrs. Katsu Mitani Mr. Kenichi Miyamoto Mr. Kazuo Mori Mr. Asaemon Muramoto Mrs. Koyo Muramoto Mr. Masami Muramoto – 25th Year Mrs. Take Muramoto Mrs. Tomie Nakagawa Mr. Seijiro Nakagawa Mrs. Ichi Nakagawa Mr. Tosaburo Nakahara Mrs. Yukie Nakahara Mrs. Himeko Nakao Mrs. Ishi Nakao Mr. Timothy Nakaya – 3rd Year Mr. Yokichi Neishi Mrs. Shimeno Nishino Mrs. Yuki Nomura Mrs. Wakae Nomura Mr. Hajime Nomura Mr. Jack Ogawa Mrs. Kazue Ogawa Mr. Minosuke Ogawa Mr. Katsuo Ohashi Mr. Tameyo Okai Mr. Kazumi Okamoto – 7th Year Mr. Shigekazu Okawachi Baby Otsuka Mrs. Moto Otsuka Mrs. Sano Otsuka Mrs. Yuriko Otsuka Mrs. Mitsue Ozaki Mr. Itsuo Ozawa – 17th Year Mrs. Tami Sakaki •8• Mr. Yoichiro Sakaki Mrs. Yoshiko Sano Mrs. Hana Sasaki Mr. Moriichi Sasaki Mr. Mitsuji Sasaoka Mr. Gary Seiji Baby Shinomoto Sujaku Family Mrs. Sakuyo Sumimoto – 17th Year Mr. Junichi Sumimoto – 50th Year Mrs. Hana Sunada Mrs. Masui Sunagawa Mrs. Toyo Sunayama Mrs. Tayo Takata Mr. Koichi Takata Mr. Namitaro Takata Mrs. Tai Tamata Mrs. Nobu Tamori Mr. Kumetaro Tamori Mr. Chugoro Tani Mrs. Moto Tani Mrs. Tamayo Tani – 1 Year Mr. Mitsuo Taniguchi Mr. Matsusuke Taniguchi Mrs. Ichimi Teramae Mr. Fusajiro Utsurogi Mrs. Mabel Watanabe Mrs. Take Yago Mr. Shizuo Yamamoto Mr. Mosanta Yamamoto Mr. Sadazo Yamane Mr. Katsutoshi Yanagitsubo Mrs. Aiko Yokoyama Ms. Sachiko Yokoyama – 1 Year Mr. Masaru Yoshioka – 7th Year Mr. Togo Yoshioka – 1 Year BUSSHIN AUGUST 2008 September 2008 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 HOLIDAY Office Closed Thursday 3 7:30 p.m Board Meeting Friday 4 Saturday 5 10:00 a.m Momiji Kai 6 9:00 a.m Japanese School Busshin Articles Due! 7 9:00 a.m OBWA Mtg 10:00 a.m. Family Dharma & Shotsuki Service BD Jr YBA Retreat 14 10:00 a.m. Family Dharma Service 1:00 p.m Wanto Fukuoka Kenjinkai Memorial Service 21 10:00 a.m Autumn Higan Service 6:00 p.m Ashland Howakai 28 8 9 10:00 a.m. Wanto Shodo Kai 1:00 p.m. Line Dance 7:00 p.m EBYAL 7:30 p.m. Karaoke 15 10:00 a.m. Wanto Shodo Kai 1:00 p.m. Line Dance 7:30 p.m. Karaoke 22 16 10:00 a.m OBWA Hospital/Home Visitation 23 7:30 p.m. Karaoke 7:00 p.m Youth Clib 29 1:00 p.m. Line Dance 10:45 a.m Adult Study 7:30 p.m. Karaoke 17 18 10:00 a.m Momiji Kai 7:00 p.m Fukuoka Sister City Ass’n 1:00 p.m. Line Dance 10:00 a.m. Family Dharma Service 10:00 a.m. OBWA Cypress House Project 11 12 7:00 p.m Concord Howakai 30 24 25 13 9:00 a.m Japanese School 2:00 p.m Ikebana 7:30 p.m. Busshin Collating by the Board 10:00 a.m OBWA Hospital/Home Visitation: Concord 10:00 a.m Wanto Shodo Kai 10 19 10:00 a.m. OBWA Cypress House Project 26 20 9:00 a.m Japanese School 1:300 p.m BCA FBWA Delegates meeting 27 9:00 a.m Japanese School BUSSHIN AUGUST 2008 August 2008 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 7:00 a.m. Obon Food Preparation 3 10:30 a.m. Obon Service 10 4 10:00 a.m. Wanto Shodo Kai 5 No Service 24 9:45 a.m. DS Teachers’ Seminar 31 No Service 3:00 p.m. Obon Festival 7 8 9 14 15 16 10:00 a.m Momiji Kai 7:00 p.m Obon Clean up Busshin Articles Due! 11 12 10:00 a.m. Family Shotsuki Service 17 6 2 8:30 a.m. Construction 5:00 p.m. Ikebana Preparation 9:30 a.m. Hatsubon Service 7:00 a.m. Obon Food Preparation 13 10:00 a.m. OBWA Cypress House Project 18 10:00 a.m. Wanto Shodo Kai 25 19 20 7:00 p.m Fukuoka Sister City Ass’n 26 7:00 p.m. Youth Club Mtg. 7:30 p.m. Collate Busshin by Jr YBA 21 10:00 a.m Momiji Kai 10:00 a.m. OBWA Cypress House Project 22 23 29 30 6:30 p.m BD Amida’s Family Gathering Mtg. 27 28