La Alianza Hispana 2009 Year in Review
La Alianza Hispana 2009 Year in Review
La Voz La Alianza Hispana's Year in Review 2009 Saludos: This is a time to reflect and be grateful for the many opportunities and blessings we have received individually and as a community. During 2009, like many local nonprofit organizations, La Alianza Hispana was impacted by the economic crisis. Our response to economic challenges became a great opportunity for us to re-evaluate our leadership, direction and strategic approach. It also gave us the opportunity to build new friendships, and to work in greater partnership and reconnect in a deeper and more meaningful way with the broader community. We were forced to work harder, smarter, and with greater strategic focus to meet the needs of the community. But most importantly, 2009 was a year that inspired us to become stronger, more compassionate and deeply committed to our values to better serve our community. In this 2009 Year in Review newsletter, I am pleased to share highlights from the last year. I'm thrilled to introduce you to our new alliances, investors and board members--all of whom have brought resources, commitment and expertise to our efforts this past year. Although challenging, this year has brought about tremendous opportunities for La Alianza Hispana. Early in the year we initiated a gathering of Latino community-based organizations in Boston to launch a plan of action to help us weather the storm of this crisis. Together, we were able to prevail over state budget cuts and weather the kind of economic climate that we haven't seen in generations. Earlier this year we also began working with a group of community leaders led by Hubie Jones, one of La Alianza Hispana's co-founders, to assess the organizational and financial health of some community-based organizations working in the Roxbury, North Dorchester and Mattapan communities. This group has focused on improving nonprofit operation and sustainability and increasing collaboration and resource-sharing to build a healthier and stronger Boston community. In the spring and summer La Alianza Hispana continued its strong commitment to creating a healthy community. In the spring, we received a generous grant from the Highland Street Foundation to launch our Success to LIFE transition to college program to meet the increase demand for advanced English education and help the unemployed to get jobs. In the summer we launched a new HIV/STI prevention and education program. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/JMartinez/Desktop/year.htm[2/3/2010 12:30:02 PM] La Alianza Hispana 2009 Year in Review In 2009, La Alianza Hispana began pursuing more innovative fundraising strategies. In the spring we recognized the work and effort of Latina women and the important role they play in our community through our Women of Courage fundraiser event. In the summer, in order to continue raising the funds needed to run our programs and serve our community we launched our Race to 40K, a fundraising initiative that successfully leveraged social media to raise dollars to support programs affected by cuts. At final tally, we had raised just over 30K, this included a match grant from the Liberty Mutual Foundation and 10K from our friends at El Jolgorio Navideño to support our after school program. Earlier this fall, a long-time supporter, Aixa Beauchamp planned a 50th birthday celebration for her husband Thomas Melendez and asked friends and families to contribute to La Alianza Hispana's afterschool program. This event raised over 8k! Thanks to innovative fundraising strategies and great friends we have been able to continue supporting our existing programs and services. In 2009 we also launched our new website ( We are thrilled with the look. This fall we also we re-opened the Family Counseling Center's mental health clinic and ushered in a new board member, Yvonne Garcia, the vice president of ALPFA and Managing Director for Liberty Mutual's Partnership Programs in the Affinity Marketing department. And earlier this winter, with generous support from Youth Build of Boston, we completed renovation of our 78 Forest Street property--home of our Family Counseling Center. We are incredibly thankful to Youth Build young adults who did a fantastic job renovating the Family Counseling Center. We want to thank all of our friends for their support in 2009 and we look forward to a new year of possibilities and an even brighter 2010! ¡Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo! Janet Collazo Executive Director LA ALIANZA HISPANA Program Profiles: A Year in Review La Alianza Hispana Mental and Public Health Division La Alianza Hispana has continued to be committed to promoting positive physical and mental health. We are always looking for ways to enhance services to our youth and families to help create tomorrow's leaders. This is not work that La Alianza Hispana can do by ourselves and that is why our partnerships are so important to us. This year, we partnered with the Boston Health Commission and file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/JMartinez/Desktop/year.htm[2/3/2010 12:30:02 PM] La Alianza Hispana 2009 Year in Review we were part of the Mayor's Task Force on Improving Primary Care Access in Boston.The Task Force is charged with creating a "platform" that would defines an ideal (accessible, high quality, effective, affordable) primary care system in Boston." In 2009 we played a key role in many of the systemic changes taking place in the field of Mental Health in Massachusetts. La Alianza Hispana actively participated in 3 planning committees of Mass Health's newest initiative, the Children's Behavioral Health Initiative (CBHI). This initiative seeks to provide better mental health services to our children in collaboration with other organizations such as Children's Services of Roxbury and The Home for Little Wanderers. The Intensive Care Coordination (ICC) system will provide intensive case coordination services to children and youth, up to age 21, with Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED). Wrap around child-centered and family-centered care planning services will also be provided. La Alianza Hispana's Mental and Public Health Programs consist of a series of services that contribute to the positive social and emotional health of Latino families across their life span. Under the umbrella of La Alianza Hispana's Latino Family Counseling Center, a clinically licensed mental health clinic, La Alianza Hispana offers a wide variety of bilingual/bicultural clinical and supportive services. These services currently include: Crisis Intervention and Family Support and Stabilization Services through a contract with the Department of Social Services; Family-based therapy with individual and family counseling through the mental health clinic; Prenatal Health offered through the Child Maternal Health program, a Boston Healthy Start program that addresses the high rates of infant mortality and racial disparities in prenatal health for Boston Latina, Cape Verdean, and African American women by providing individualized support and case management to young mothers; Girl's Initiative, a prevention-based peer group for system-involved girls at risk of victimization, exploitation and violence; Youth HIV/STI prevention through a new program launched this year with generous support from the Boston Public Health Commission. 2009 Hightlighs: Renovated and moved into our 78 Forest Street property - the home of our Family Counseling Center-with support from our friends at Youth Build. Re-opened the outpatient clinic for families, adolescents, and other individuals in need of mental health Conducted an outcomes evaluation of the Girl's Initiative Who we served: La Alianza Hispana's Child Maternal health program has served 60 women La Alianza Hispana's Family Stabilization program has served 117 family members La Alianza Hispana's Parent Mentor program has provided services to 25 families file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/JMartinez/Desktop/year.htm[2/3/2010 12:30:02 PM] La Alianza Hispana 2009 Year in Review Story of Success: This winter we renovated our Family Counseling Center with generous support from YouthBuild of Boston. This story is best told by the before and after pictures: What a difference! La Alianza Hispana Adult Day Health and Senior Socialization Groups (Above: Participant of th Adult Day Health Center. Below: One of La Alianza Hispana's senior participants in the October issue of Boston Seniority.) La Alianza Hispana Senior services are helping Latino seniors to age in peace and continue living file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/JMartinez/Desktop/year.htm[2/3/2010 12:30:02 PM] La Alianza Hispana 2009 Year in Review independent lives. The two programs we provide include: The Adult Day Health Program that provides direct care to 42 elderly Latinos in need of physical care. The Senior Socialization and Recreation Center promotes activities that have helped 125 Latino seniors to stay healthy and maintain their independence 2009 Highlights: Northeastern University hosted, for the second year, a BBQ to support our Senior Center. This event brought many volunteers from organizations such as Oíste? and Sociedad Latina. The Senior Center is re-launching its expressive arts therapy program with generous support from the Tufts Health Plan Foundation An article about ADH program was featured in Seniority, the magazine of the Commission on Affairs of the Elderly A new partnership was developed with Meridian School in Brookline. The program will offer participants intergenerational and socialization activities for the whole year. La Alianza Hispana's Senior Center made it to the final rounds of the Social Innovation Forum. The Social Innovation Forum nominates and provides a cash award to innovative programs that are making an impact in Boston. La Alianza Hispana Senior Center staff participated in an Elder Community Task Force, a committee hosted by The Boston Public Health Commission to develop a strategic plan to address the issues affecting the elderly community in Boston. Who we served: Approximately 150 seniors have been served by La Alianza Hispana senior services this year. An additional 90 seniors and persons with disabilities have been served by the Adult Day Health Program. Story of Sucess: A Special Trip to La Alianza Hispana's Adult Day Health & Drop In Center file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/JMartinez/Desktop/year.htm[2/3/2010 12:30:02 PM] La Alianza Hispana 2009 Year in Review by Alejandra St.Guillen, La Alianza Hispana's board member It was a chilly December morning when I walked into the Landmark senior center. When I walked in, I was greeted by more than 20 bright smiles, each person involved in a separate activity. "Bienvenida," Maria Elisa welcomed me as I walk in the door. Maria Mejia, another board member, and her mother soon joined us. We were in for quite a treat --a warm escape from the cold, wintry morning. For the next 30 minutes, Maria Elisa toured us around the center and introduced us to the participants and the dedicated staff. I had heard so much about La Alianza Hispana's Senior Center and Adult Day programs even prior to becoming a board member. It was wonderful to be able to put faces to all the wonderful stories I have heard over the years. At the center, seniors were actively engaged in various activities, including bingo, dominos, reading and listening to music - salsa, merengue and bachata, of course! We were received with warmth and cheers but truthfully it's the staff who deserve cheers of support. The center staff works diligently to ensure that the center operates efficiently each day. They delicately balance managing medical, nutritional and mental health needs of all the participants, against tight schedules and burdensome paperwork. This center runs a tight ship that is full of warmth and compassion for its participants. The staff's dedication and diligence that makes the Adult Day Health and Senior Recreational Center at La Alianza Hispana one of the most recognized adult day care centers in the nation, having won a 2nd place prize in a 2006 national competition of adult day providers. This year the center made it to the final rounds of the 2010 Social Innovation Forum, an organization that accelerates the development of enduring solutions to social problems. La Alianza Hispana's Adult Day Health and Senior Recreational Center also appeared on Channel 7 in "Urban Update" , "CBS's Centro" and on Channel 66 on "Encuentro Latino". Most recently, the center was the feature in an article in Boston Seniority Magazine. (Click here to watch the latest Encuentro Latino coverage) Most importantly, what makes this center simply the best program for Latino seniors is the amount of love and compassion for its senior participants. We then went downstairs to visitBefore leaving, we visited the Adult Day Drop-in Center and met with , 8 volunteers who were diligently working on holiday cards. We were also shownThey showed us a quilt handmade by members of the center, past and present- Francisco Suarez, Irma Carrasquillo, Julia Velasquo, Antonia Lopez, and Maria Rodriguez, among others. These seniors had committed their time to making this quilt for a raffle to file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/JMartinez/Desktop/year.htm[2/3/2010 12:30:02 PM] La Alianza Hispana 2009 Year in Review support the program. The quilt's beautiful lines and mottled textures seemed to tell a million storiesstories of immigration, cultural adjustment, and the personal struggle to find a place of connection, a place to call home--and as we left, it seemed to me that they had found it. La Alianza Hispana Workforce and Education Center for Success Every week, La Alianza Hispana receives hundreds of requests from people in search of English Classes. Due to the economy, more and more Latinos are in great need of accelerated English education. In order to meet this demand and to help develop a greater workforce, La Alianza Hispana, with the support of Highland Foundation, created a new program - Success for Life . La Alianza Hispana's Center for Success helps adult English language learners to jump start their journey towards success through language acquisition and cultural adaptation. Our Success series are designed to help students set and achieve personal and career goals that support life-long personal and economic accomplishments. These programs include: Success for Life, a program designed to transition English language learners into more advanced speakers capable of completing college level coursework and achieving their professional goals; Success for ESOL, a literacy education program which has a waiting list of over 200 individuals and serves over 150 students per year; Success for Workplace, a program that provide onsite workplace contextualized English instruction for workers at a clothing manufacturer,Sterlingwear of Boston. This program is a collaboration between La Alianza Hispana, Sterlingwear of Boston, local union UNITED HERE, and the Massachusetts Department of Education; file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/JMartinez/Desktop/year.htm[2/3/2010 12:30:02 PM] La Alianza Hispana 2009 Year in Review Success for computers provides hands-on computer access, training, and education programs through the Timothy Smith Learning Center and the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Technology Center; La Alianza Hispana after school program serves 40 Limited-English Proficient (LEP) students per year by providing after school academic and enrichment services onsite at the Lilla G. Frederick middle school in Dorchester. Who we served: La Alianza Hispana's Workforce and Education Center for Success has provided English instruction to approximately 165 speakers of other languages. There were 38 participants in Workplace English at Sterlingwear of Boston. La Alianza Hispana's After- School program has provided personalized academic enrichment to 40 English language learners at the Lilla G. Frederick Middle School, Also, the Timothy Smith Learning Center has provided computer instruction to over 28 people and the lab has been utilized by over 150 people this year. Highlights of 2009: Success for ESOL Program - Attendance to classes is consistent with progress. There have been measurable goals achieved among students, including the obtainment of driver's licenses, students completing their citizenship tests, students acquiring new jobs and participating in the Roxbury Adult Literacy Coalition (R.A.L.C.) forum, among other activities. Success for Life Program - The 10-week Success for Life program started on October 13, 2009 for the fall semester. Angel Salcedo, host of Encuentro Latino, is among the students registered for this innovative program. We had a site visit from the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) to support the development of a health care career ladder initiative as part of this program. Success for Workplace -We met with Goodwill Industries to launch a workplace training site to provide English for Employment classes to their warehouse workers. The workplace ESOL program at Sterlingwear with La Alianza Hispana was chosen as a model partnership during an event held on November 24th at the Hynes Convention Center. Univision of New England provided media coverage and highlighted Marina Rodriguez and two of the Sterlingwear employees who are students in the program. Story of Success file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/JMartinez/Desktop/year.htm[2/3/2010 12:30:02 PM] La Alianza Hispana 2009 Year in Review It's been a challenging year for La Alianza Hispana's Afterschool program. This year the program lost two primary sources of funding. Recent 9c cuts nixed funding for the Latino After School Initiative (LASI), a consortium that provided funding for a dozen after school programs in and around Boston. Several of the programs that received funding through LASI have folded or are at risk of closing due to the funding shortage for afterschool programs. The need for academic support programs for Latino youth is especially dire. With the dismantling of the bilingual education system in 2001, English language learners are now entering a system where there are few supports for English language learners. The price Latino English language learners are paying is high. A report by the University of Massachusetts of Boston and the Center for Collaborative Education released this past April, showed what La Alianza Hispana has seen for some time---that, the "English Only" rule in Boston's public schools has led to a doubling of drop-out rates by English Language Learners. Over 50% of English language learners are now dropping out of high school. Challenges are evident in the student population attending La Alianza Hispana's After-school program at the Lilla G. Frederick Pilot Middle School. When English language learners enroll in our afterschool program in September, they are averaging a D letter grade and are at the brink of school failure. For Latino youth, many of whom are immigrants, the problem is compounded by the struggles of navigating a new culture, complete with new customs and ideologies. In addition to challenges inherent in the educational system and acculturation, our families also face economic challenges. These include poverty and homelessness - approximately 10 of the youth and the families in the program were in short-term housing or homeless shelters last year. A majority of the families have been in the country less than 5 years and do not qualify for TAFDC, food stamps or fuel assistance. Programs like La Alianza Hispana's After School program are making a significant impact on the academic and social lives of the youth we serve. In 2008 significant improvements in grades were noted in an outcome evaluation. Last year the students increased their cumulative GPA from an aggregate of 1.8 at baseline to 2.5 by the end of the academic year. The following chart demonstrates grade increases by subject for the most recent academic year: Although challenged by 9c cuts, La Alianza Hispana has been committed to preserving its after school file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/JMartinez/Desktop/year.htm[2/3/2010 12:30:02 PM] La Alianza Hispana 2009 Year in Review program for English language learners given the dire need for these services. Earlier this summer La Alianza Hispana launched the Race to 40K to raise funds to support programs like this one. We were absolutely overwhelmed by the show of community support. The Liberty Mutual Foundation, a supporter of the program, provided us with a 5K match. And just recently, the Liberty Mutual Foundation also provided the program with a grant. We also want to extend our utmost gratitude to El Jolgorio Navideño who supported the program with a generous 10K grant. We are so thankful to have such wonderful friends in our community and we are forever indebted. Thanks to the generosity of everyone who supported us through the Race to 40K and to our friends at the Liberty Mutual Foundation and El Jolgorio Navideño we were able to save this wonderful and important program. La Alianza Hispana's Board Update 2009 was a very busy time for La Alianza Hispana's board. The board worked in tandem with La Alianza Hispana staff to support its Boston marathon runners and to continue a tradition began last year by former board member Kendra Chencus: the running of the Boston marathon by a La Alianza Hispana board member! We are pleased to announce that in the new year Jennifer Sarbacker will be running the Boston Marathon on behalf of La Alianza Hispana. Jennifer is an officer of Personal Financial Services at Northern Trust. The board also helped to organize the Women of Courage event, the first in what we hope is an annual celebration of Latina Leadership and many of the activities of the Race to 40K, a new fundraising initiative that brought close to 30K to support La Alianza Hipana's programs and services and garnered a great deal of support from leaders and community members. We are also pleased to announce a new addition to our board, Yvonne Garcia. Yvonne brings with her a wealth of experience in the financial sector and a long standing commitment to the Latino community. Bienvenida Yvonne!!! As the Managing Director for Liberty Mutual's Partnership Programs in the Affinity Marketing department, Yvonne is responsible for the development and implementation of segmentation and marketing strategies for personal markets. Prior to this role, Yvonne served as Vice President for Bank of America's China Construction Bank Strategic Assistance where she was responsible for the creation and implementation of sales and service processes within China Construction Bank's Wealth Centers file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/JMartinez/Desktop/year.htm[2/3/2010 12:30:02 PM] La Alianza Hispana 2009 Year in Review throughout China, including the creation and implementation of roles and responsibilities and tools for the sales force and management team. As part of her activities in the community, Yvonne teaches undergraduate marketing and business management at Northeastern University in Boston, MA and is the National Vice President of the Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting (ALPFA.) ALPFA. In her current role as National Vice President, Yvonne helps drive the strategic direction for the organization, including membership acquisition, programming and branding and marketing efforts and has a deep passion for the Women of ALPFA program in particular. Yvonne also serves on Governor Patrick's Latino-American Advisory Commission Board and on the Massachusetts Office of International Trade and Investments Board (MOITI). Yvonne has appeared on Channel 7 in "Urban Update" and "La Revista Program", Channel 4 on "CBS's Centro" and Channel 66 on "Encuentro Latino" where she spoke about her secret to balancing her time between her personal and professional aspirations while being a mother of two children, Max, age 2 and Isabelle, age 7. She also spoke about her work in ALPFA and the community. Yvonne was also featured on the cover of "Entre Amigos" a professional/social newspaper produced by the Hispanic News Press on June 2007 and was nominated as "One of the Most Influential Hispanics in MA" by El Planeta Magazine three years in a row (December of 2006, 2007 and 2008.) Yvonne holds an MBA from Boston University in Finance and Marketing and a BA from SUNY Albany and La Sorbonne in Paris, France where she lived for over a year studying Economics and Culture. She is also a graduate of the Partnership's Fellows Program Class of 2008. Yvonne is fluent in Spanish and French and lives in Massachusetts with her husband and two young children. She is from the Dominican Republic and was raised in Queens, New York. Events that made the difference Boston Marathon Our second Boston Marathon Team, made up of board member Alejandra St. Guillen, La Alianza Hispana's own IT guru Andrés Molina, and runners Eb Lynch Baptista and Emily Fairthcloth, ran the marathon to raise funds for La Alianza Hispana! All four runners crossed the finish line (with La Alianza Hispana's staff cheering them on!) and together, they raised over $15,000 for La file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/JMartinez/Desktop/year.htm[2/3/2010 12:30:02 PM] La Alianza Hispana 2009 Year in Review Alianza Hispana's programs and services! (Photo: Alejandra St.Guillen during Boston's marathon 2009) Women of Courage Over 300 people attended the event which helped La Alianza Hispana raise nearly $7,000 to support the social, educational, employment, mental and public health services it provides to close to 10,000 families every year. The event recognized the outstanding achievements of 14 Women who represent excellence in their fields and serve as agents of change for the Latino community. They embody the vision and mission of La Alianza Hispana and we are delighted to have them as part of our family. (Photo: Janet Collazo, Executive Director of La Alianza Hispana with some of the Women honored during Women of Courage 2009) Click here to watch Women of Courage 2009 video, courtesy of Boston Latino TV. Race to 40 K The Race to 40K was an innovative social media outreach campaign which brought close to 30K to support La Alianza Hipana's programs and garnered a great deal of support from leaders and community members We want to thank the Liberty Mutual Group & Liberty Mutual Foundation, ALPFA, El Mundo and El Planeta Newspapers, Boston Latino TV, Cuenva Vision, Univision New England, Telemundo, David Suazo's "Alegria Latina" and "Boston de Noche", Angel Salcedo's Encuentro Latino and all of our friends for supporting this initiative for over 2 months.We at La Alianza Hispana have been very encouraged by the sheer number of people who continue to come forward with offers to support us or to host fundraisers. (Photo: La Alianza Hispana's first telemarathon transmited on channel 26 Cuenca Vision Boston.) Click here to watch one of the many videos, courtesy of Boston Latino TV. Community Gems The Community Gems event helps six local not-for-profit organizations to raise funds and awareness of the broad range of human services these agencies provide to thousands of Bostonians. The annual Community Gems event helps to highlight the work that these local non-profits have been doing everyday to change lives right here in the Boston community and La Alianza Hispana is one of file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/JMartinez/Desktop/year.htm[2/3/2010 12:30:02 PM] La Alianza Hispana 2009 Year in Review them. (Photo above: First Lady of Massachusetts Diane Patrick joins La Alianza Hispana's Club Latino After School participant, Wilda Velez, who was one of the Shining Stars of the night.) El Jolgorio El Jolgorio Navideño, Massachusetts' largest Latino gala celebration with over 2,500 guests, selected La Alianza Hispana's After School program as one of the programs to be supported with a generous 10K grant. (Photo: Recognized comedian Raymond Arieta, Dolores Calaf, Director of La Alianza Hispana Workforce and Education's Center for Success, Rita Lara, Director of Development for La Alianza Hispana and Josiane Martinez, Marketing Director of La Alianza Hispana. Photo credit Boston Latino TV.) Click here to watch a video courtesy of Boston Latino TV. Boston Latino TV Holiday Boston Latino TV dedicated its first holiday charity auction to La Alianza Hispana. Jewelry designer Catalina de la Torre generously donated her finest pieces helping La Alianza Hispana raise close to $1,000 to support its programs and services. (Photo: Josiane Martinez, Marketing Director of La Alianza Hispana, Jenny Cintron, Raquel Ortíz, Nivia Piña and Evelyn Reyes during Boston Latino TV Holiday Celebration.Photo credit Fernandito Bossa) ADL & LPN Latino Jewish Roundtable. The Latino Professional Network recently formed an alliance with the Anti-Defamation League's New England Regional Office to discuss issues affecting both communities. La Alianza Hispana was one of the partners invited to participate in this initiative. As one of the joint initiatives, we are starting a series of Latino-Jewish Roundtables. The Roundtables are designed to bring together a select group of leaders from our communities to identify and discuss issues of common concern, such as racism, discrimination and anti-immigrant acts, advocate on behalf of these important issues and much more. We have planned a series of four roundtables between November 2009 and May 2010, and expect to invite about 40 people to participate. The Roundtables will be co-chaired by LPN VicePresident Gerardo Villacres and ADL New England Region Board Member Richard Glovsky. As part of this initiative our Executive Director was nominated to participate in the Anti-Defamation file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/JMartinez/Desktop/year.htm[2/3/2010 12:30:02 PM] La Alianza Hispana 2009 Year in Review League's (ADL) national Latino/Hispanic Leadership Mission (trip) to Israel on December 6, 2009. This trip included about 25 people total, from various ADL regional offices (San Diego, Chicago, etc) and a delegation of 4-5 people from the Boston area. Others participating included directors of community organizations, business leaders, elected officials, law enforcement officials, journalists etc. It was an amazing experience and a great opportunity to strength the parternship among the different community organizations and community leaders. (Photo Above: Diego Portillo, LPN, Janet Collazo, and Superintendent Rafael Ruiz, Boston Police Department) Census 2010 As part of the Census 2010 Initiative, Boston Local Census Office was opened on November 6th and our Executive Director was asked to be one of the speakers at the opening. The goal of the event was to celebrate the opening of the new office branch and to discuss the importance of partnerships between not- for- profit organizations and the Census. Other speakers included Boston Mayor Tom Menino and Arnold Jackson, Associate Director for Decennial Census, US Census Bureau. La Alianza Hispana's New Website! We are so thrilled to announce the launch of La Alianza Hipana's new website. We invite everyone to come and visit us at Prepared by The Merge Point, the site provides a wealth of information about La Alianza Hispana's services and programs and how to access them. A Community of Supporters Thanks for making the file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/JMartinez/Desktop/year.htm[2/3/2010 12:30:02 PM] La Alianza Hispana 2009 Year in Review difference We would like to thank all of the funders who invested in La Alianza Hispana in 2009. They include: Amelia Peabody Foundation Bank of New York Mellon Charitable Giving Program Boston Campaign for Proficiency Boston Private Bank Boston Public Health Commission Bushrod H. Campbell and Adah F. Hall Charity Fund Cabot Family Charitable Trust Children's Trust Citizens Bank Foundation Clipper Ship Foundation Campaign for Proficiency City of Boston Commission on Affairs of the Elderly City of Boston's Neighborhood Development: Partners with Non-Profits Program City of Boston's Office of Arts, Tourism and Special Events Community Development Block Grant Deloitte & Touche USA LLP Highland Street Foundation John Hancock's 2008 Boston Marathon Non-Profit Program Latino After School Initiative (LASI) Liberty Mutual Foundation Massachusetts Department of Education Massachusetts Department of Public Health Massachusetts Department of Children and Families Rutland Corner Foundation Sailors' Snug Harbor of Boston Smith Family Foundation Sovereign Bank Foundation The Roxbury Trust Tufts Health Plan Foundation Tufts Medical Center United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Office of Minority Health U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Office of Women's Health file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/JMartinez/Desktop/year.htm[2/3/2010 12:30:02 PM] La Alianza Hispana 2009 Year in Review Yawkey Foundation Tens of thousands of employees of Deloitte & Touche USA LLP (Deloitte) set aside their regular work and made their communities their client on Friday June 5th for the organization's 10th annual IMPACT Day, a one-day example of its year-round commitment to volunteer service. In this their third year providing a day of service to La Alianza Hispana, Deloitte employees painted classrooms in the Workforce development and Education department. La Alianza Hispana's Recent Media Coverage Boston Latino TV Holiday Party at Mojitos Lounge Boston Latino TV. A special coverage of El Jolgorio de Massachusetts 2009 2009-10-09 Centro | Success for Life Boston Goble, Festival Celebrates Latino Culture and Stresses Health New England Ethnic News Siglo 21, Alianza Hispana y 'Celebra la Vida con Salud y Música' traen a Milly Quezada Siglo 21, Celebra la Vida con Salud y Música WBZTV Centro Boston Globe, Building Communities Through Coffee Support La Alianza Hispana this Holiday Season file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/JMartinez/Desktop/year.htm[2/3/2010 12:30:02 PM] La Alianza Hispana 2009 Year in Review $25 supports a tutor session with a young person $75 supports a parent mentor workshop $100 supports a workplace English class $250 covers the cost of breakfast for our senior group Thank you for considering making a gift to "La Alianza Hispana." Please make checks payable to 'La Alianza Hispana" and send to the following address or submit a donation electronically by clicking on the Donate Now button. Rita Lara Director of Development La Alianza Hispana 409 Dudley Street Roxbury, MA 02109 La Alianza Hispana, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt community based organization providing culturally and linguistically appropriate health and education programs to the Latino Community of Greater Boston. Founded in 1971, La Alianza Hispana has become the starting point for over 2,000 Latinos annually who seek support at all stages of life. La Alianza Hispana strenghthens individuals, families and communitites for ongoing success. email: phone: 617-427-7175 X230 web: Join Our List Forward email Email Marketing by This email was sent to by Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribeâ„¢ | Privacy Policy. La Alianza Hispana | 409 Dudley St. | Roxbury | MA | 02119