Laporan Indonesia OER Policy Review Workshop
Laporan Indonesia OER Policy Review Workshop
Laporan Indonesia OER Policy Review Workshop Jakarta, 4 Desember 2014 Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan 2014 Indonesia OER Policy Review Workshop 4 Desember 2014 Jakarta I. PENDAHULUAN Workshop ini diselenggarakan oleh UNESCO dalam rangka Mayor Program I, Main Line of Action 1 untuk mendukung negara-negara anggota UNESCO dalam Mengembangkan Sistem Pendidikan yang berkualitas dan memberikan kesempatan Pendidikan Sepanjang Hayat. UNESCO menindaklanjuti Proyek Open Education Resource Declaration: UNESCO meminta agar Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO dan Pustekkom menyelenggarakan workshop untuk meninjau manfaat dari pelaksanaan kebijakan OER di Indonesia. II. TUJUAN Tujuan utama dari workshop ini adalah: Mempresentasikan pelaksanaan Kebijakan OER di Indonesia Meninjau kemajuan dan manfaat dari pelaksanaan OER di Indonesia yang akan menghasilkan sebuah makalah tentang analisis kebijakan OER Indonesia yang akan diterbitkanoleh UNESCO . Perlu masukan sebagai rekomendasi untuk pengembangan lebih lanjut dari Kebijakan OER. III. AGENDA Indonesia OER Policy Review Workshop diselenggarakan pada hari Kamis 4 Desember 2014 di KNIU (Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO) Gedung C Lantai 17 Kompleks Kemdikbud. Agenda kegiatan tercantum pada Lampiran 1. 1 IV. PESERTA Peserta kegiatan Workshop terdiri dari Kepala dan Staf Pustekkom yang bertanggung jawab dalam rangka pengembangan dan pelaksanaan kebijakan OER dan lembaga lainnnya termasuk Universitas yang terlibat dalam pelaksaan kegiatan ini. Perwakilan akademis, organisasi OER (Creative Commons) serta staf Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO. Daftar lengkap peserta workshop tercantum pada Lampiran 2. V. PANITIA PENYELENGGARA Workshop ini diselenggarakan oleh Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan bekerjasama dengan PUSTEKKOM. VI. PEMBUKAAN Sebelum pembukaan sambutan disampaikan oleh Dra. Hasnah Gasim, Koordinator ASPnet Nasional, Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO yang antara lain menyatakan bahwa bahwa workshop ini diselenggarakan dalam rangka untuk mengetahui Pelaksanaan OER Policy di Indonesia, mereview keuntungan pelaksanaan OER di Indonesia yang nantinya akan di publikasi oleh UNESCO dan memberikan rekomendasi untuk OER policy. Sambutan dari Dra. Hasnah Gasim tercantum pada Lampiran 3. Selanjutnya Fengchun memberikan informasi tentang policy UNESCO tentang OER dan diharapkan agar workshop ini dapat menghasilkan rekomendasi untuk kegiatan lebih lanjut. Selanjutnya Bapak Dr. Ari Santoso menganggap workshop ini penting untuk meningkatkan kebijakan OER di Indonesia. Dalam sambutannya beliau menyatakan bahwa terdapat 2 hal yang penting pada sistim sekolah terbuka yaitu peran Guru yang harus aktip dalam membuat konten pelajaran yang nantinya akan diakui sebagai karya ilmiah. Kebijakan ini penting .karena selama ini guru hanya mendownload bahan-bahan untuk mengajar bukan membuat sendiri bahan pelajarannya.Dalam hal ini tugas PUSTEKKOM akan memberikan fasilitas sehingga sistim pengajaran online dapat berjalan dengan baik. VII. SESI WORKSHOP A. Sesi Presentasi Presentasi tentang Pentingnya OER Oleh: Fengchun Miao – UNESCO (Presentasi lengkap tercantum pada Lampiran 4) 2 Presentasi tentang Indonesia OER Policy & Strategy Oleh: Nizam - PUSPENDIK (Presentasi lengkap tercantum pada Lampiran 5) Presentasi tentang Hak Cipta Oleh: Ari Juliano – Creative Commons (Presentasi lengkap tercantum pada Lampiran 6) Presentasi tentang Building the Culture of Knowledge Sharing Oleh: Daryono – Universitas Terbuka (Presentasi lengkap tercantum pada Lampiran 7) Presentasi tentang Perjalanan PPCKS (Program Penyiapan Calon Kepala Sekolah Oleh: Nyoman Rudi K – LPPKS (Presentasi lengkap tercantum pada Lampiran 8) Presentasi tentang Proses Pelaksanaan E-Training dan KTI Online Oleh: Joko Ahmad Julifan – P4TK TK dan PLB (Presentasi lengkap tercantum pada Lampiran 9) Presentasi tentang OER Development Using Portal Rumah Belajar Oleh: Sri Hargyanto Suryoprayudo – PUSTEKKOM (Presentasi lengkap tercantum pada Lampiran 10) B.Diskusi Kelompok Diskusi kelompok membahas rekomendasi kebijakan OER dan manfaat pelaksanaan OER di Indonesia. Rekomendasinya antara lain sebagai berikut: 1. Supaya pemerintah dalam hal ini Kemdikbud mendukung kebijakan OER di Indonesia. UNESCO Paris akan menindaklanjuti untuk kerjasama dengan Pemerintah Indonesia dalam rangka Program OER. 2. Perlu adanya kerjasama dengan Kominfo dalam rangka pengadaan/akses internet terutama untuk sekolah-sekolah yang berada diperbatasan/daerah terluar Indonesia. 3. Indonesia diharapkan membuat program pengajaran melalui Hand Phone. UNESCO Paris akan membantu program tersebut terutama untuk daerah yang tidak terjangkau. 3 VIII. FOTO KEGIATAN WORKSHOP Pembukaan 4 Sesi Presentasi 5 6 Peserta 7 LAMPIRAN 1 Agenda Workshop DRAFT AGENDA Date: 4-5 December 2014 Venue: Hotel Atlet Century, Jakarta, Indonesia 4/12/2014 (Day 1) Time 08:30-9:00 Program Registration Opening Ceremony (To be detailed by National Commission ) 09:00-09:20 Opening Remarks 09:20-09:30 Presentation of Participants Session 1: Presenting Indonesia OER Policy 09:30-10:30 Presentation of the Implementation of OER in Indonesia, Q&A 10:30-11:00 11:00-12:30 Coffee Break & Group Photo Presentation and Discussion on the Benefits of Implementing OER in Indonesia, supported by evidence or data 12:30-14:00 Lunch Break Session 2: In-depth Analysis on Indonesia OER Policy 14:00-14:30 14:30-18:00 Introduction to the questionnaires on OER benefits Group Interview and Discussion on whether and how the OER policy helps: set up a legislative mechanism to achieve the educational goals speed up the process of OER acceptance and/or OER mobilisation reduce barriers to access to quality learning materials Moderator and Speaker Indonesia MOE/Natcom Official UNESCO Jakarta Office Fengchun All participants Moderator: Dr Fengchun Miao, Chief, Unit for ICT in Education, UNESCO Dr. Ir. Ari Santoso, Head of Pustekkom, Indonesia Representatives who are involved in the implementation of the OER policy, including from other concerned MOE departments, universities or national institutes for education, teacher training institutions, school principals, teachers, experts, and OER organizations (OER Indonesia, Creative Commons) Moderator: Fengchun Miao and Ms Petra W Bodrogini Prakosa All participants 16:00-16:30 and/or relevant learning opportunities by the target audiences of the policy catalyse new forms of learning and promotes quality education support the cost savings and efficiencies in education sector and in public in developing and delivering learning content and/or learning opportunities lead to assessment and accreditation of learning outcomes through online OER in non-formal or informal learning settings promote collaborations, community engagement and knowledge sharing Coffee Break 18:00 End of Day 1 5/12/2014 (Day 2) Session 2: Continuation 09:00-10:30 Continuation of Session 2 10:00-10:30 Coffee Break Session 3: The Way Forwards 10:30-12:00 Discussion on the Further Development of Indonesia OER Policy, Recommendations on the Following up Cooperation 12:00-13:30 Lunch Break 13:30-17:00 Interviews or field visits to collect missing data or evidences needed for benefit analysis of Indonesia OER policy 17:00 End of Workshop Moderator: Mr Fengchun Miao and Ms Petra W Bodrogini Prakosa All participants Moderator: Mr Fengchun Miao and Dr. Ir. Ari Santoso All participants Mr Fengchun Miao and Ms Petra W Bodrogini Prakosa and concerned representatives LAMPIRAN 2 Daftar Peserta, Narasumber, dan Panitia Indonesia OER Policy Review Workshop 4 December 2014 DAFTAR PESERTA, NARASUMBER, DAN KOMITE PENYELENGGARA A. Peserta 1. Suharto Lasmono PUSTEKKOM Phone. 08174900353 Email. 2. Mohammad Rinaldi UNESCO Phone. 087881022422 Email. 3. Prani Pramudita PUSTEKKOM Phone. 081294177271 Email. 4. Petra Bodrogini UNESCO Phone. 0811199313 Email. 5. Hasan Chabibie PUSTEKKOM Phone. 085289839031 Email. 6. Sitti Lestari Martika PUSTEKKOM Phone. 085697462557 Email. 7. Meitha Chairany PUSTEKKOM Phone. 08561169431 Email. 8. Putra Asga Elevri PUSBANG PRODIK Phone. 08121375517 Email. Indonesia OER Policy Review Workshop 4 December 2014 B. Narasumber 1. Fengchun Miao UNESCO Phone. Email. 2. Ari Santoso PUSTEKKOM Phone. 08123139086 Email. 3. Daryono Universitas Terbuka Phone. 081289051989 Email. 4. Sri Hargyanto Suryoprayudo PUSTEKKOM Phone. 08179988868 Email. 5. Nyoman Rudi K. LPPKS Phone. 08125035066 Email. 6. Joko Ahmad Julifan P4TK TK dan PLB Phone. 08562205649 Email. 7. Nizam PUSPENDIK Phone. 081802630252 Email. 8. Ari Juliano Creative Commons Phone. 0818856859 Email. Indonesia OER Policy Review Workshop 4 December 2014 C. Komite Penyelenggara Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO 1. Arief Rachman M.Pd Executive Chairman Penasihat Phone: +62 8129343075 Email 2. Hasnah Gasim National Coordinator of ASPnet Penasihat Phone: +62 818154227 Email / 3. Adi Nuryanto Kepala Sekretariat Phone: +62 81341517137 Email 4. Alwiyah Sekretaris Phone: +62 85730894536 Email 5. Dewi Koralina Bendahara Phone: +62 8128101432 Email; 6. Abdurrachman Dokumentasi Phone: +62 8161635604 LAMPIRAN 3 Sambutan dari Ibu Hasnah Gasim Sambutan KetuaHarian KNIU Workshop on OER ( Open Education Resource) Jakarta, 4-5 December 2014 Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh Pertama-tama kami panjatkan Puji Syukur kepada Allah S.W.T yang telah memberikan kesehatan bagi kita semua sehingga kita dapat menghadiri Workshop to Review the Benefits in Implementing the OER Policy in Indonesia pada hari ini. Workshop ini diselenggarakan dalam rangka Major Program 1 Bidang Pendidikan. Perlu diketahui bahwa focus Major Program 1 ini terdiri dari: 1. Scaling up equity, inclusion and quality ineducation and lifelong learning forsustainable development and a culture of peace and non-violence; 2. Strengthening global leadership ineducation. Selain itu ada 4 mainline of action dari Major Program 1 sbb: MLA 1: Accelerating progress towards EFA, in particular at the country level, including through information and communication technologies (ICTs) MLA 2: Building effective and inclusive education systems MLA 3: Supporting education system responses to contemporary challenges forsustainable development and a culture of peace and non-violence MLA 4: Reinforcing leadership for EFA through advocacy, partnerships and monitoring Semua program ini diarahkan agar setiap orang dapat akses pada pendidikan. Workshop ini diarahkan untuk mengetahui Pelaksanaan OER Policy di Indonesia, mereview keuntungan pelaksanaan OER di Indonesia yang nantinya akan di publikasi oleh UNESCO dan rekomendasi untuk OER policy. Saya ucapkan selamat mudah-mudahan kegiatan workshop ini dapat memberikan dukungan bagi kegiatan–kegiatan program OER di Indonesia dengan lebih baik. Terima kasih. Wss.Wr.Wbr. LAMPIRAN 4 Presentasi dari Fengchun Miao – UNESCO 12/13/2014 Fengchun Miao Chief, Unit for ICT in Education Education Sector, UNESCO HQs UNESCO ICT in Education Programme: Challenges, Focus Areas, and Deliverable Outline 1. Challenges of Harnessing ICT for Education 2. UNESCO ICT in Education Programme 3. UNESCO s Mai ICT i Edu atio A tivities and Deliverables 1 12/13/2014 ICT’s Tra sfor ati e Po er for Edu atio Access: ICTs are expected to broaden access to learning opportunities at different levels and varied educational contexts Quality: ICTs are hoped to improve the quality of knowledge acquisition, knowledge deepening, and knowledge creation, and the development of 21st century skills Equity: ICTs are believed holding potentials to equalize learning opportunities in favour of economically and/or demographically disadvantaged populations KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION KNOWLEDGE DEEPENING KNOWLEDGE CREATION 1. Challenges developing countries are facing i har essi g ICT’s pote tials for edu atio Affordability: recurrent budget to ensure universal access to ICT devices and online digital resources, and regularly update ICTE Capacities: in making and managing sector-wide ICT in education policies; institutional and individual capacities in executing polices Inclusion: equal opportunities for the economically and/or demographically disadvantaged populations Content: content development and dissemination are enhanced and complicated by ICT at the same time. OER and open textbooks hold potentials, but barriers remain huge and complex Quality assurance: quality of digital content/textbooks; reform of quality framework to embrace new ICT-enabled learning outcomes; quality of online learning (e-safety of children online) Neo-PC (Personal Computing Devices) era for Post-2015 education 2 12/13/2014 2. UNESCO ICT in Education Programme Overall Goal of ICT in Education Programme UNESCO is to assist member states in harnessing the potentials of ICT towards achieving quality education for all goal 2. UNE“CO’s ICT i Edu atio Programme: Responding to the challenges Based on its five main functions and its global network of offices, institutes and partners, UNESCO is committed to providing Member States with resources for elaborating ICT in education policies, strategies and activities to address the challenges. Policy Standard setting Capacity building Teachers Mobile Learning OER Laboratory of ideas Clearing house International cooperation 3 12/13/2014 3. UNE“CO’s Mai ICT i Edu atio A ti ities and Deliverables Policy Monitoring and measuring Teacher training Mobile learning Open educational resources (OER) 3.1 Policy Facilitating high-level policy dialogues •Global forward-looking debates on ICT in education •Mi isterial Foru s o ICT i Eu atio : Afri a, Asia, Easter Europe… Policy review: Benchmarking against countries with proximal context; review the implementation Policy recommendations Policy analysis: Documenting and analyzing what policy works Transforming Education: The Power of ICT Policies Capacity building on the development of ICT policies: UNESCO ICT in Education Toolkit, workshops for more 40 countries 4 12/13/2014 UNESCO ICT in Education Toolkit and Capacity Building Workshops on Policy Making UNESCO ICT in Education Toolkit ( An online toolkit to guide policymakers to develop sector-wide national ICT in education policy and a set of master plans, and coordinate among line departments or sectors – facilitated by workshops 21 national workshops and 3 sub-regional workshop; directly trained 700+ policymakers of more than 40 countries. The next focus will be African countries. Follow-up technical assistance to help member states develop National ICT in Education Master Plans UNESCO Modality to Assist ICT in Education Policy Development Cycle Contextualizing ICT in Ed policies National team or committee Facilitate consultation with multi-stakeholders Policy advocated Aligned with other policies & initiatives Launch of Policies Review Meetings Inception Meeting National Workshops Knowledge transfer & capacity building – Policy Framework & Policy examples Draft of ICT in Education policy and master plans Official Approval Policy endorsed Master plans and funds approved for implementation 5 12/13/2014 ICT in Education Policy: Using educational eeds to har ess ICT’s pro ises Decision Making & Policy Planning Educational ICT’s Pro ise Need E-Readiness & Reality Sector-wide Policy and Master Plan Universal & equal access to education Universal access to ICT enables universal access to education • ICT readiness • ICT for literacy education • Schooling • Equal access to educational resources conditions • ICT for job-ready skills development • Ubiquitous learning opportunities Better learning and human outcomes ICT promotes (adds) learning outcomes and human ethics • Curriculum standards • Tea hers’ competency & pedagogy • Assessment Efficient ICT improves educational educational management management • Tea hers’ ICT o pete y • ICT as new learning outcomes • ICT enhanced learning outcomes of core subjects • ICT enable 21st-century skills • E-safety and e-ethics • Human & ICT • EMIS and evidence-based policy making of different • School-home-community portal Edu. ADMs • ICT for in-emergency & post-crisis edu. Monitoring, Evaluation & Assessment Main Criteria to Review the National ICT in Education Policies To what extent your policy targets the expected educational result? 1. Delivering equal life-long learning opportunities through ICTs 2. Defining and assessing E-Skills and E-ethics as results 3. Creating inclusive usable e-learning environments 4. Preparing ICT-qualified teachers and supporting their CPD 5. Fostering innovative ICT-pedagogy integration and e-learning 6. Institutionalizing EMIS 6 12/13/2014 3.2 Monitoring and Measuring the Impact of ICT on Education UNESCO UIS ICT in Education Indicators Assisting member states in developing its national ICT in Education Indicators – UNESCO has been helping China develop a set of ICT in Education Indicators 3.3 Teacher Training ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT) Assisting member states in developing ICT Competency Standard for Teachers Institutional capacity building for teacher education institutions 7 12/13/2014 UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT) To help Member States develop national ICT Competency Standard for Teachers and provide guidelines for planning teacher education programmes. Approach Components TECHNOLOGY LITERACY POLICY AND VISION POLICY AWARENESS KNOWLEDGE DEEPENING KNOWLEDGE CREATION POLICY POLICY INNOVATIONI UNDERSTANDING CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT BASIC KNOWLEDGE PEDAGOGY TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION COMPLEX PROBLEM SOLVING SLEF MANAGEMENT ICT BASIC TOOLS COMPLEX TOOLS PERVASIVE TOOLS ORGANIZATION & ADMINISTRATION STANDARD CLASSROOMS COLLABORATIVE GROUPS LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS TEACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DIGITAL LITERACY MANAGER AND COACH 21ST CENTURY SKILLS KNOWLEDGE APPLICATION TEACHER AS MODEL LEARNER Building the institutional capacity of the teacher institutions on ICT in education UNESCO has been building the institutional capacity of the teacher education institutions (TEIs) in designing and providing the training on ICT-integration for pre-service teachers: more than 60 TEIs from 30+ countries Curriculum-Development Workshops and follow-up technical assistances Dea ’s Foru s Curriculum Leadership How e-ready Where TEIs are: Current situation •Institutional evolution •Broadening to other TEIs •Scaling up to national policy Capacity building workshops for teacher educators •Training content •Trainers Instructors' Capacity 8 12/13/2014 Objectives and Expected Results Leadership: Enhance the leadership of the deans of TEIs in planning and managing effective training programmes on ICT in education I. Dea s Foru Capacity of instructors: Build capacity of teacher educators on ICT-pedagogy integration II. Capacity building workshop on ICT-pedagogy integration III. Peer Coaching Training content: Catalyze the efforts of TEIs in reforming ICT-related curricula IV.Curriculum Development Workshop I. Dea ’s Foru Objectives Setting vision; Building leadership, Action planning 5 Forums: 5 forums for 150 deans of 50+ TEIs from 20 countries • Thematic discussion and experience sharing National Forums • Local follow-up or inter-TEI • Institutional exchange actions • Systematic vision 1st Regional • Training on Dea ’s Foru leadership Thematic or indepth Dea ’s Forum Institutionalization is a process of fossilizatio of est pra ti es Example of results achievedInstitutional Policy From: Filomena Dayagbil I am Filomena T. Dayagbil, Dean of the College of Teacher Education of Cebu Normal University (CNU). We have institutionalized our ICT training for graduating Education students in the university. For the past two years, all 4th year Education students ( 600 students every year) cannot graduate without undergoing the training on ICT integration into teaching and learning. 9 12/13/2014 II. Workshop on ICT-pedagogy Integration A 5-day workshop for teacher educators of TEIs focusing (one for each of the TEIs of the target country) on ICT-pedagogy integration • Effective (training) strategies on how to use ICT into different pedagogy: Pedagogical principles, supporting examples, appropriate tools, etc. • Hands-on practices of ICT-based unit/lesson design Achievement: 15 national Workshops on ICT-pedagogy Integration have been organized III. Curriculum Development Workshops Objectives: Building capacity in ICT-related course development Expected results: Existing training courses on ICT updated or new ones developed and authorized Activities: Curriculum-development workshops followed by technical assistances and wrapped up by curriculum authorization 10 12/13/2014 Chinese Funded UNESCO Project on Teacher Training for Africa Thanks to the newly established Chinese Funds in Trust (CFIT), UNESCO is building the institutional capacity of key teacher colleges of 8 African countries to speed up the achievement of EFA goals. Chinese Fund in Trust Project to Enhance Teacher Education Institutes in Sub-Saharan Africa to Increase the supply of qualified teachers particularly through open and distance training programmes Support teachers continuous professional development via blended learning modalities Equip teachers with skills of using ICT to improve quality of teaching and learning Reinforce networks of TEIs for knowledge sharing 11 12/13/2014 Cross-cutting ICT in education activities ICT1 – ODL: Open and Distance Learning Platform for Teachers ICT2 – Blended CPD: Blended media to broaden face-to-face supports for tea hers o ti uous professio al develop e t ICT3 – Online Forum: Online forum to support CPD of in-service teachers ICT4 – ICT Courses: Updating/reforming ICT-related courses of TTIs to develop teachers ICT skills needed by effective pedagogical use of ICT ICT5 – IBT: Equipping classrooms of TTIs with ICT to enhance the quality of teaching for students of TTIs ICT6 – E-Library: Digital libraries for pre-service teachers to practice ICT skills and search online materials ICT7 –Deans Forum: Deans Forum to facilitate knowledge sharing on training about ICT-pedagogy integration . Mo ile Lear i g: UNE“CO’s Understanding and Actions Mobile Learning is learning anywhere, anytime through the use of mobile technologies, often empowered by wireless broadband connection. Scope of mobile devices: tablets, mobile phones, ereaders, etc. UNESCO s approa h: • Conducting research and disseminating knowledge • Providing guidance to member states • Pilot testing and capacity building • Convening community and building eco-systems UNESCO s ai fo us areas/a tivities: • Mobile learning policy • Mobile technologies for teachers development • Mobile literacy education for women and girls • Mobiles for reading • Mobile Learning Week 12 12/13/2014 Why Mobile Learning: Not a matter of having to use mobiles in hands Penetration of Mobile Phones (ITU or GSMA) 90% of orld’s populatio a d 80% of rural people have mobile coverage. 105 countries have more mobile phone subscriptions than inhabitants. Developing countries accounted for more than 80% of the 660 million new mobile subscriptions added in 2011. Mobile broadband subscriptions have grown 45% annually over last 4 years. Neo-PCs era is coming: Sales of tablet computers are expected to surpass sales of PCs by 2016. There will be 788 million mobile-only Internet users by 2015 ( Image: CC Mobile Learning Under Different Contexts Resource- Rich Settings SMART School of Korea Extrinsic Motivation One Tablet per Child OLPC Future School of Singapore MOOCS Mobiles in Emergencies Intrinsic Motivation Mobile Phones for Literacy/Teachers Resource- Poor Settings 13 12/13/2014 UNESCO Guidelines for Mobile Learning • UNESCO is advising countries on how to shape policy to better leverage mobile technologies for a better learning and better education administration. What is mobile learning? Unique benefits of mobile learning Policy guidelines Complementary resources UNESCO Working Paper Series on Mobile Learning To illuminate the ways mobile technologies can be used to support the EFA Goal, supplement and enrich formal schooling, and make learning more accessible, equitable, personalized and flexible for students everywhere: -5 Papers on Policy, Turning on Mobile Learning in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and North America -5 Papers on Mobile Learning for Teachers in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and North America ( 14 12/13/2014 Using Mobile Technologies to Support Teachers Development UNESCO explores the establishment of eco-system that enable the use of mobile technologies to support teachers to do a difficult job better and reveal important information about which projects work, which ones don’t, and why. Innovative mobile solutions to local teacher gaps Training programme and continuous support strategy Mobile resources & apps – Teacher institution Teaching & peer coaching Schools Effective pedagogy School-based professional development Social mobilization local education authority or community 15 12/13/2014 UNESCO Mobile Learning Week UNESCO launched its first Mobile Learning Week (MLW) in November 2011, and held the Second MLW in February 2013 at its Headquarters in Paris, France. UNESCO Mobile Learning Week 2014 Mobile Learning for Mobile Teachers UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France 17-21 February 2014 Mobile Phone Literacy: Empowering Women and Girls Mobile learning provides new opportunities to expand access to learning opportunities, particularly for women and girls 16 12/13/2014 However, women and girls suffer less access to and control over mobiles and mobility In Tyers (2012) : BBC Janala Project Much fewer women accessing the mobile lessons (Male: 88%, Female: 12%) I ‐depth i ter ie s ith o e Mobile Phone Literacy: Empowering Women and Girls Project Aims: Advocating the use of mobile technologies to empower women and girls through documenting and disseminating successful stories based on analysis of what works and how to make it work, and what does NOT work - Ten case studies, two regional reviews, and two regional consultation meetings (Africa) *Case Study 1 *Case Study 2 *Case Study 3 (Asia) *Case Study 4 *Case Study 5 *Case Study 6 (Latin America) *Case Study 9 Africa Regional Review Asia Regional Review (Arab States) *Case Study 10 Global Comparative Analysis *Case Study 7 *Case Study 8 Country level cases Regional level reviews Global level comparison Global Report: “Developing Literacy through Mobile Phones – Empowering Women & Girls” Scaling-up activities for country level implementation 17 12/13/2014 Selected Case-Studies AFRICA 1. Jokko Initiative by Tostan International & UNICEF (Senegal) Mo iles for o e ’s litera y skills / 2009-2010 / several communities 2. Project ABC – Mobiles 4 Literacy, Tufts University, University of Oxford, Catholic Relief Services (Niger) Mobiles for basic literacy as a learning tool in Hausa and Zarma, with literacy classes targeting over 7’000 adults in 140 villages ARAB STATES 3. Somali Youth Livelihoods Project Souktel & EDC (Somalia) LATIN AMERICA & the CARIBBEAN 4. AlfabeTIC Celular Organization of Ibero-American States (Argentina) Selected Case-Studies ASIA 5. Literacy by Mobile Phone Project, UNESCO (Pakistan) Mo ile for o e ’s litera y & e po er e t / 1’500 adolescent girls 6. MILLEE Project, CMU (India & China) Mobiles for literacy/language acquisition / 2011 7. Nokia Life Tools (India, China, Indonesia, Nigeria) Mobiles for English language & education services for women / 2009, on-going 8. Pink Phone Project, Oxfam & Women for Prosperity (Cambodia) Mo iles for o e ’s e po er e t / si e 2010, ongoing 9. Mobile Literacy Program, Georgetown University & Afghan Institute for Learning (Afghanistan): Mobiles for literacy to empower girls/Nov 2011 – Feb 2012 18 12/13/2014 Mobile Phone Literacy: Empowering Women and Girls Mobile learning eco-system: The targeted barriers to the literacy education for women and girls: religious and/or social, poverty, conflicts, etc. Issues underlying literacy itself: relapse of literacy, irrelevance of literacy skills, information overloading, etc. Technological infrastructure and pre-conditions: electricity supply, access to computer and internet Mobile solutions: Phone sets, SIM cards, memory cards, cost of SMS and internet data, internet connectivity required, social media (facebook, twitter, etc.), dedicated apps (MoReading, NED, Nokia Life, MoMath, Yoza)… Mobile content: T/L themes, tips of T/L methodologies, Videos/Pics Mobile pedagogy: Communication via phones, F2F training + school based learning, self study and cooperative learning Enabling policies Mobile Phone Literacy: Empowering Women and Girls 19 12/13/2014 3.5 UNE“CO’s Work o Ope Edu atio al Resources (OER) - The term Open Educational Resources (OER) was coined UNESCO in 2002: Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning or research materials that are in the public domain or released with an intellectual property license such as Creative Commons that allows for free use, adaptation, and distribution. - UNESCO, in cooperation with Commonwealth of Learning has developed and published Guidelines for OER in Higher Education UNE“CO’s Work o Ope Edu atio al Resources (OER) • World Congress on OER: UNESCO, in cooperation with Commonwealth of Learning, organized a World Congress on OER in June 2012. Paris OER Declaration 2012 was released by the end of the World Congress: Facilitate enabling technological environment for the access to OER through the provision of universal access to internet connection and low-cost digital devices; Encourage the inter-sector policies on adopting open licensing of educational materials produced by public funds; Provide capacity building and technical supports in developing sector-wide or institution-wide OER policies; Create evidence base of, and disseminate knowledge on, effective use of OER to improve the quality of teaching & learning 20 12/13/2014 UNE“CO’s Work o Ope Edu atio al Resources (OER) Projects to operationalizing Paris OER Declaration funded by Hewlett Foundation: Policy Development: supporting Member States to develop sector-wide OER policies through the development of OER Policy Toolkit, capacity building workshops, and the provision of technical support to Member States Case studies on OER policies Open Textbook and Opening Schooling? Three Pillars of Mobile Learning at Neo-PC Era Policy Open Curriculum & Assessment, OER Mobile Learning Infrastructure Ubiquitous access to broadband Pedagogy 1:1 Pedagogy and Open Schooling 21 12/13/2014 Tha k you…!/UNESCOICTs 22 12/13/2014 Fengchun Miao Chief, Unit for ICT in Education Education Sector, UNESCO HQs 2012 Paris OER Declaration Follow-up: Support for Policy Development Outline I. II. III. IV. V. Expected Outcomes: National OER Policy Project Intervention: Policy Development Cycle National Workshop: Contextualizing OER Policy Implementation Strategy: Country Ownership Resources and Technical Assistances 1 12/13/2014 I. Expected Outcomes: National Policies on OER The Government of target countries will have developed and adopted national policies to encourage the open licensing of educational materials produced with public funds, and to develop master plans for the production and use of OER in education sector. 2012 PARIS OER DECLARATION c. Reinforce the development of strategies and policies on OER. j. Encourage the open licensing of educational materials produced with public funds. II. Project Intervention: Technical Assistances to the OER Policy Cycle Inception Meeting 2 12/13/2014 III. National Workshop: Contextualizing OER Policies EFA challenges Deeper learning beyond EFA National Education Strategies ICT in Education Policy Institutional coordination Legal Power of OER policy Integrated in education strategies vs. standalone Well funded vs. empty promise OER Policy Options: Inter-sectoral, Sector-wide Digital textbooks Digital materials supporting teacher training, teaching, Policy Entry Point learning National educational web portal IV. Implementation Strategies: Ensuring Country Ownership Country ownership vs. externally driven approach: A national committee or consortium to lead the development and implementation of the OER policy to avoid externally driven approach Inside-out innovation based on outside-in knowledge transfer: International knowledge are to be transferred to national teams to foster local innovation that are to be shared in regional/international events A participatory approach to the OER policy development 3 12/13/2014 V. Resources and Technical Assistances UNESCO/COL Policy Development Workshops in the Caribbean UNESCO's informal membership of the Open Policy Network The OPEN maintains an international Registry of Open Policies German National Commission to UNESCO translating the UNESCO/COL publications: - Basic Guide to OER - OER Policy Guidelines V. Resources and Technical Assistances The UNESCO Category 2 Centre CETIC in São Paolo, Brazil has translated the following documents into Portuguese and Spanish: - OER Policy Guidelines - OER Country Policy Template - Basis Guide to OER OER Template – a possible Toolkit A template to contextualize the OER policy Researches on impact of OER 4 12/13/2014 Thank you…!/UNESCOICTs 5 12/13/2014 Fengchun Miao Chief, Unit for ICT in Education Education Sector, UNESCO HQs Development of National OER Policy Bahrain National Workshop on Developing OER Policies Outline 1. Why to develop the OER policy 2. Where to position the OER policy 3. How to start the OER policy 1 12/13/2014 Multi-Entry Approach to Developing ICT in Education Policy Openness of curriculum & assessment Subject knowledge acquisition in fixed time & space ICT enhanced knowledge deepening Knowledge creation and life long learning Teaching & Learning ICT enhanced classroom based lectures Extended lessons or online courses (e.g. OER MOOCs) Coached Ulearning & project based learning Content Teacher/student generated resources Public open educational resources School devices & connection per students 1:1 Household or personal devices (BOT) Public internet connection Universal broadband Inputs ICTs Govt. or institutional educational resources Outputs Learning outcomes School Personal/Family Public Openness of schools or learning environments What are Open Educational Resources (OERs)? UNESCO defines Open Educational Resources as: • Any type of learning materials (especially eLearning resources and tools) • Released under an open intellectual property licence or in the public domain, allowing free-of-cost and legal – Reuse – Revision – Remixing – Redistribution (4 Rs by David Wiley) “Openness as Catalyst for an Educational Reformation”, David Wiley 2 12/13/2014 1. Why OER policy Keep public domain public - legislative framework to ensure re-use of knowledge as a human right for all, avoiding privatizing knowledge acquisition Encourage teachers’ pedagogical inno ation and students’ kno ledge creation as key pillar of successful ICT in education initiative, avoiding passive information consumption Three Pillars of Successful ICT in Education Initiatives at Mobile Era Result-based Policy Open Curriculum & competency-based Assessment, OER ICT in Edu @ Mobile Era Student Centric Technology Universal access to connected devices Individualized Coaching Pedagogy 1:1 Pedagogy and Open Schooling 3 12/13/2014 Bahrain: A Regional Model of ICT in Education Policy Model of Post-oil Economy A regional model of Post-PC ICT in Education Policy - Broadband connection for all? - All textbooks free and open licensed and accessible anytime anywhere? - One Tablet per Teachers to scale up capacities ? - Regional/Global hub of Digital OER Content in Arabic? 2. Where to position the OER Policy The OER Policy document will be developed: ( )Under the inter-sectoral programme for ICT investment ( )As one part of the overall national education strategy ( )Under the national ICT in education policy ( )As a standalone while cross-cutting policy underpinning the overall national education strategy 4 12/13/2014 3. How to start the OER policy Contextualize the OER policy: country context and national education system Evolution of national education strategies or ICT in education policies - one decade after the initiative of King Hamad Schools of the Future Redefine the learning outcomes towards 2030. “Ensure equitable and inclusive quality education and lifelong learning for all by 2030” Two approaches: Targeting existing challenges and/or developmental goals Define the educational goal or challenges that the OER policy is expected to support or address, e.g. - deeper learning or knowledge creation or - improve quality of teacher and teaching through OERsupported continuous professional development or -broadening access to higher education -… 5 12/13/2014 Key areas around which the master plan for OER will be developed The OER Policy will developed under the following subsector of education system (e.g., teacher education, higher education, secondary education, primary education; creation and dissemination of digital learning materials, open textbooks. If it is to be beyond education sector, please specify): The OER Policy document will be developed: ( ( ( ( )Under the inter-sectoral programme for ICT investment )As one part of the overall national education strategy )Under the national ICT in education policy )As a standalone while cross-cutting policy underpinning the overall national education strategy Expected objectives of OER Policy Main expected objectives (EO) after the OER Policy is implemented: EO1: EO2: …… 6 12/13/2014 Institutionalize the OER development Main Entity To be involved or not Main responsibility Ministry of Education (if more than Ministreis for education, please specify the one(s) to be involved) Ministry of ICT Administration for Publication Regulation, Media, etc. Prime Minister Office Other, please specify: Work plan and timelines Activity When Country project launch and first workshop (if any advanced country inception meeting needed, please specify and plan it) Who to be trained or consulted MOE Official National Institute for Education & key Universities Key Teacher Education Institutions Teacher Unions Quality Assurance agencies Media Sector Private Sector Other governmental sectors International and Regional Development Partners Development workshops to finalize the Policy Final review Endorsement Advocacy event 7 12/13/2014 Suggested Structure for OER Policy of Oman Policy Areas Current status Expected results Responsible agency Textbook Open Textbook Ministry of ICT Administration for Publication Regulation, Media, etc. Prime Minister Office Other, please specify: Contact person of the workplan Name: Organization and title: E-mail: Office telephone: Mobile phone: 8 12/13/2014 Multi-Entry Approach to Developing ICT in Fengchun Miao Education Policy ( Openness of curriculum & assessment Subject knowledge acquisition in fixed time & space ICT enhanced knowledge deepening Knowledge creation and life long learning Teaching & Learning ICT enhanced classroom based lectures Extended lessons or online courses OER, MOOCs… Coached Ulearning & project based learning Content Teacher/student generated resources Public open educational resources School devices & connection per students 1:1 Household or personal devices (BOT) Public internet connection Universal broadband Inputs ICTs Govt. or institutional educational resources Outputs Learning outcomes School Personal/Family Public Openness of schools or learning environments Thank you…!/UNESCOICTs 1 LAMPIRAN 5 Presentasi dari Nizam – PUSPENDIK 13/12/2014 Indonesia OER Policy & Strategy – BACKGROUND UNESCO Paris OER Declaration 2012 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Everyone has the right to education The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural: the right of everyone to education The 1971 Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and the 1996 WIPO Copyright Treaty; The Millennium Declaration and the 2000 Dakar Framework for Action: global commitments to provide quality basic education for all children, youth and adults; The 2003 World Summit on the Information Society, Declaration of Principles, co itti g to build a people-centred, inclusive and development-oriented Information Society where everyone can create, access, utilize and share information and knowledge The 2003 UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Promotion and Use of Multilingualism and Universal Access to Cyberspace; The 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expression, The 2006 Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities The declarations of the six International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA) Conferences 1 13/12/2014 RECOMMENDATIONS UNESCO Recommends the states to: a. Foster awareness and use of OER. b. Facilitate enabling environments for use of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) c. Reinforce the development of strategies and policies on OER. d. Promote the understanding and use of open licensing frameworks. e. Support capacity building for the sustainable development of quality learning materials. f. Foster strategic alliances for OER. g. Encourage the development and adaptation of OER in a variety of languages and cultural contexts. h. Encourage research on OER. i. Facilitate finding, retrieving and sharing of OER. j. Encourage the open licensing of educational materials produced with public funds. INDONESIA • • • • • • • • • Paris OER Declaration 2012 Framework of ICT 4Ed development based on UU 12/2012 Equitable access to quality (higher) education [Section 6] Adult and continuing education [Section 13] Resource Sharing [Section 41 (2)] Inclusive education (education for people with disabilities and special education) [Section 32] Develop distance learning to reach the unreached [Section 31] Develop ICT for education [Section 56] Develop higher education and research network (INHERENT) [Section 79 (5)] Government (encourage and facilitate) the development of open educational resources [Section 79 (4)] Establish National Higher Education database system [Section 56] 2 13/12/2014 Berbagi: bersama untuk maju bersama • Pendidikan khusus dan pendidikan layanan khusus [Pasal 32] • Pendidikan jarak jauh untuk menjangkau 3T [Pasal 31] • Pemanfaatan TIK untuk pendidikan tinggi dan pembelajaran [Pasal 56] • Jejaring antar perguruan tinggi (INHERENT) [Pasal 79 (5)] • Akademi komunitas [Pasal 59 (7)] • Berbagi sumber daya [Pasal 41 (2)] • Sumber pembelajaran terbuka (open educational resources) [Pasal 79 (4)] ELEMENTS For Accessible Quality Education ODL Government Universit y (HEI) Accessible Quality Education OER Community Private Sector Technology & Infrastructure 3 13/12/2014 Open Educational Resources • Ilmu pengetahuan dan bahan pelajaran yang tersedia secara bebas untuk pendidikan dan pembelajaran • Bentuk media: – – – – Buku teks, bahan kuliah, modul Multi media, animasi, visualisasi Life book, simulasi, media interaktif Data waktu nyata (real time data) • Beberapa bahan dapat/boleh dimodifikasi ENABLING Ecosystem for OER Development GOVERNMENT AND REGULATION TREND ON EDUCATION PEOPLE PROCESS CONTENT TOOLS STAKEHOLDERS COMMUNITY LITERACY EDUCATION DELIVERY PARADIGM KNOWLEDGE ASSETS AND REPOSITORY APPLICATIONS SPECTRUM AND ICT ROLES INFRASTRUCTURE AND RESOURCES VALUES AND EXPECTATION SUPERSTRUCTURE AND POLICIES STANDARDS AND QUALITY By integrating the internal ecosystem and external forces, an open education ecosystem within campus can be generated to expedite the adoption of OER 4 13/12/2014 INITIATIVES toward Open Education System PJJ Guru Dalam Jabatan OpenCourseWare OpenJournals OpenProfessors OpenFacilities OpenConference OpenLibrary OpenCreditTransfer OpenCreditEarning OpenEBooks OpenLearning OpenResearch - VL A good number of initiatives is being introduced by education communities based on the spirit of sharing and collaborating among scholars and HEIs Open Educational Resources 5 13/12/2014 Open Educational Resources membangun kedaulatan bangsa Top 10 sites in Indonesia • • • • • • • • • • twitter Facebook YouTube Yahoo! Twitter 12 6 13/12/2014 Skema Kuliah Daring Indonesia Langsung dari PT Melalui Layanan Bersama Kemdikbud CourseProducer Producer Course Course Producer Course Producer (Dosen,...) (Dosen,...) (Dosen,...) (Dosen,...) Course Provider (PT) User (Mahasiswa) ……………..... Course Provider (PT) .... .... Course Aggregator (Kemdikbud/Dikti) CourseProducer Producer Course Course Producer Course Producer (Dosen,...) (Dosen,...) (Dosen,...) (Dosen,...) OCT, OCW, OCP CourseProducer Producer Course Course Producer Course Producer (Dosen,...) (Dosen,...) (Dosen,...) (Dosen,...) User (Masyarakat) Course Provider (PT) OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES (OER) PARADIGM AND PRINCIPLES GUIDELINE OPEN COURSEWARE (OCW) modules tools Personal Development INDIVIDUALS journals reports ….. articles Knowledge Reference INSTITUTIONS KNOWLEDGE OBJECTS Universities Colleges Schools Research Centers Companies a b b c c d d course course Knowledge Enhancement INDIVIDUALS INDIVIDUALS E-Course Development • • • • • Professors Lecturers Teachers Practitioners Experts a materials animations • • • • • INSTITUTIONS INSTITUTIONS • Professors • Lecturers • Teachers • Universities • Colleges • Schools Test/Quiz Evaluation Test/Quiz Evaluation a ….. a b b c c d d course course Learning Enrichment INSTITUTIONS COURSE MATERIALS Policies and Standards presentation s Universities Colleges Schools Research Centers Companies Government Organisations Knowledge Aggregator • • • • • • • Professors Lecturers Teachers Researchers Practitioners Experts Students INDIVIDUALS Principles and Rules • • • • • • • INSTITUTIONS Proficiency Certification INDIVIDUALS ….. a b c d Synchronous Session Asynchronous Study BENEFICARIES INDIVIDUALS OPEN CAMPUS (OCP) Synchronous Session Asynchronous Study Online Digital REPOSITORIES CONTRIBUTORS OPEN CONTENT (OCT) course Transferred Credit INSTITUTIONS LEARNING CREDITS 7 13/12/2014 Contoh: APTIKOM NEXSUS™ ARCHITECTURE AND STAKEHOLDERS STRUCTURE Register Administer/Enroll PUBLIC MEMBERS SCHOLARS as providers and beneficiaries as providers and beneficiaries as providers and beneficiaries CAMPUS NETWORK APTIKOM ORGANISATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ARCHITECTURE KNOWLEDGE CENTER NETWORK OPEN CONTENT OPEN COURSEWARE OPEN CAMPUS as providers and users (credit transfer) Acknowledge Evaluate Contribute License STRATEGIC PARTNERS NETWORK – - itunes-u APTIKOM POWER HOUSE Monitor APTIKOM CLEARNING HOUSE INDUSTRY NETWORK Support SERVICE PROVIDERS as quality assurance and control Recognise TECHNOLOG Y PROVIDERS INDONESIA GOVERNMEN T Industry Network Association Network Community Network Campus Network Expert Network Government Network International Network as certificate providers (credit earning) APTIKOM MEMBERS, PARTNERS, AND COMMUNITIES Kebutuhan Operasional Kuliah Daring Indonesia • Perkuliahan • Pengadministrasian • Penilaian • Modul mata kuliah lengkap dengan tugas, kuis dan ujian online TELAH TERSEDIA BEBERAPA CONTOH TELAH TERSEDIA BEBERAPA CONTOH MOOC (KDIT) • Standar KDIT • Kewenangan menyelenggarakan kuliah terbuka bagi perguruan tinggi yang memenuhi syarat SEBAGIAN TELAH TERSEDIA • Komputasi • Penyimpanan • Komunikasi TELAH TERSEDIA BEBERAPA CONTOH 8 13/12/2014 Contoh Pembelajaran Daring Oleh Konsorsium Ilmu Komputer (Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer - APTIKOM) National Education Exchange for Undergraduate Study (NEXUS) 1. Mendefinisikan kebutuhan bersama dan menyerahkan solusi secara kolektif 2. Membuat panduan detail mengenai usulan solusi Kerjasama secara nasional Untuk dilaporkan dan Dimintai persetujuan APTIKOM TEKNIK EKONOMI KESEHATAN PERTANIAN Dll. 3. Mendukung dan mengawasi Pelaksanaan inisiatif atau Gagasan kerjasamadan terkait 4. Menunjuk memonitor DGHE pembangunan, implementasi, dan Pengembangan manajemen operasional program yang dicanangkan INDUSTRY UNIVERSITIES & INSTITUTES 5. Menyediakan infrastruktur dan jasa yang dibutuhkan oleh seluruh komunitas 9 13/12/2014 WARNING!! OER is NOT ONLY ONLINE MATERIALS!!! Bersama untuk Maju Bersama Together we Progress 20 10 LAMPIRAN 6 Presentasi dari Ari Juliano – Creative Commons 13/12/2014 Hak Cipta Ari Juliano Gema | @arijuliano ide 1 13/12/2014 Perwujudan Ide Hak Kekayaan Intelektual 2 13/12/2014 apakah hak kekayaan intelektual itu? hak yang timbul dari karya-karya yang lahir karena kemampuan intelektual manusia 3 13/12/2014 HAK CIPTA MEREK HAK KEKAYAAN INTELEKTUAL RAHASIA DAGANG PATEN DISAIN INDUSTRI DTLST Hak Cipta 4 13/12/2014 hak eksklusif bagi pencipta atau pemegang hak cipta, yang terdiri dari hak moral dan hak ekonomi, berupa karya seni, sastra dan ilmu pengetahuan, yang timbul secara otomatis setelah suatu ciptaan dilahirkan tanpa mengurangi pembatasan menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku Hak moral merupakan hak yang melekat secara abadi pada diri Pencipta untuk : Hak ekonomi : Hak untuk melakukan : penerbitan Ciptaan; Penggandaan Ciptaan dalam segala bentuknya; Pengadaptasian, pengaransemenan, atau pentransformasian Ciptaan; Pendistribusian Ciptaan atau salinannya; Pertunjukan Ciptaan; Pengumuman Ciptaan; Komunikasi Ciptaan; dan Penyewaan Ciptaan. Tetap mencantumkan atau tidak mencantumkan namanya; Menggunakan nama aliasnya atau samarannya; Mengubah Ciptaannya Mengubah judul dan anak judul Ciptaan; dan Mempertahankan haknya dalam hal terjadi distorsi Ciptaan, mutilasi Ciptaan, modifikasi Ciptaan, atau hal yang bersifat merugikan kehormatan diri atau reputasinya. Untuk melindungi hak moral, Pencipta dapat memiliki manajemen Hak Cipta; dan/atau informasi elektronik Hak Cipta. 5 13/12/2014 Pengomunikasian Kepada Publik adalah pentransmisian melalui kabel atau tanpa kabel suatu Ciptaan, penunjukan, Fonogram, atau Penyiaran dengan cara sedemikian rupa, sehingga dapat diterima oleh semua orang di lokasi yang jauh dari tempat transmisi berasal, termasuk penyediaan suatu Ciptaan atau karya lain, agar dapat diakses oleh Publik dari tempat dan waktu yang mereka pilih. Fiksasi adalah perekaman suara, gambar, atau keduanya, yang dapat dilihat, didengar, diperbanyak atau dikomunikasikan melalui suatu alat. Beberapa Terminologi baru dalam UU Hak Cipta baru Pendistribusian Kepada Publik adalah pengedaran Ciptaan asli atau salinannya, fiksasi pertunjukan atau Fonogram, melalui penjualan atau pengalihan kepemilikan, dengan tujuan mengedarkan, menjual pengalihan kepemiliknya. Fonogram adalah fiksasi suarasuara pertunjukan atau suarasuara lain, atau representasi suarasuara, dan tidak termasuk bentuk fiksasi yang tergabung dalam sinematografi atau Ciptaan audiovisual lain SENI, SASTRA, ILMU PENGETAHUAN : a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) Buku, pamflet, perwajahan karya tulis yang diterbitkan, dan semua hasil karya tulis lainnya; Ceramah, kuliah, pidato, dan ciptaan sejenis lainnya; Alat peraga yang dibuat untuk kepentingan pendidikan dan ilmu pengetahuan; Lagu dan/atau alat musik dengan atau tanpa teks; Drama, drama musikal, tari, koreografi, pewayangan, dan pantomim; Karya seni rupa dalam segala bentuk seperti lukisan, gambar, ukiran, kaligrafi, seni pahat, patung, atau kolase; Karya seni terapan; Karya arsitektur; Peta; Karya seni batik atau seni motif lain; Karya fotografi; Potret; Karya sinematografi; Terjemahan, tafsir, saduran, bunga rampai, basis data, adaptasi, aransemen, modifikasi dan karya lain dari hasil transformasi; Terjemahan, adaptasi, aransemen, transformasi, atau modifikasi ekspresi budaya tradisional; Kompilasi Ciptaan atau data, baik dalam format yang dapat dibaca dengan Program Komputer maupun media lainnya; Kompilasi ekspresi budaya tradisional selama kompilasi tersebut merupakan karya yang asli; Permainan video; dan Program Komputer. 6 13/12/2014 Hak Cipta atas Potret Setiap Orang dilarang menggunakan, melakukan Pengumuman, Pendistribusian, dan/atau Komunikasi atas Potret yang dibuatnya guna kepentingan reklame atau periklanan secara komersial tanpa persetujuan tertulis dari orang yang dipotret atau ahli warisnya PEMBATASAN HAK CIPTA ANTARA LAIN : o Penggunaan, pengambilan, Penggandaan, dan/atau pengubahan suatu Ciptaan dan/atau produk hak Terkait secara seluruh atau sebagian yang substansial tidak dianggap sebagai pelanggaran Hak Cipta jika sumbernya disebutkan atau dicantumkan secara lengkap untuk keperluan : Pendidikan, penelitian, penulisan karya ilmiah, penyusunan laporan, penulisan kritik atau tinjauan suatu masalah dengan tidak merugikan kepentingan yang wajar dari Pencipta atau Pemegang Hak Cipta; Keamanan serta penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, legislatif, dan peradilan; Ceramah yang hanya untuk tujuan pendidikan dan ilmu pengetahuan; atau Pertunjukan atau pementasan yang tidak dipungut bayaran dengan ketentuan tidak merugikan kepentingan yang wajar dari Pencipta. o Penggandaan sebanyak 1 (satu) salinan atau adaptasi Program Komputer yang dilakukan oleh pengguna yang sah dapat dilakukan tanpa izin Pencipta atau Pemegang Hak Cipta jika salinan tersebut digunakan untuk: Penelitian dan pengembangan Program Komputer tersebut; dan Arsip atau cadangan atas program Komputer yang diperoleh secara sah untuk mencegah kehilangan, kerusakan, atau tidak dapat dioperasikan. o Penggandaan untuk kepentingan pribadi atas Ciptaan yang telah dilakukan Pengumuman hanya dapat dibuat sebanyak 1 (satu) salinan dan dapat dilakukan tanpa izin Pencipta atau Pemegang Hak Cipta. 7 13/12/2014 Pengalihan Hak Cipta Hak ekonomi atas Ciptaan berupa buku, lagu dan/atau musik yang dijual putus (Sold Flat) dengan akibat beralihnya seluruh hak ekonomi dari Pencipta kepada pembeli, setelah jangka waktu 25 (dua puluh lima) tahun beralih kembali kepada Pencipta. Penambahan ketentuan baru tentang CMO (Collective Management Organization) Lembaga Manajemen Kolektif (LKM) Operasional LMK 20% dan 30% di 5 tahun pertama Pengadministrasian, Evaluasi, Pengawasan LMK dan Pencabutan Ijin LMK oleh Pemerintah, antara lain mencakup : Syarat Pendirian Lembaga Manajemen Kolektif Tata Cara diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Organisasi non pemerintah yang berbentuk badan hukum yang diberi kuasa oleh Pencipta, Pemegang Hak Cipta, atau Pemilik Hak terkait guna mengelola sebagian hak ekonominya untuk menghimpun dan mendistribusikan royalti 8 13/12/2014 PERLINDUNGAN Jangka Waktu Perlindungan Hak Cipta : Perlindungan Hak Cipta Seumur Hidup Pencipta + 70 Tahun Program Komputer 50 tahun sejak pertama kali dipublikasikan Pelaku 50 tahun sejak pertama kali di pertunjukkan Prosedur Rekaman 50 tahun sejak Ciptaan difiksasikan Lembaga Penyiaran 20 tahun sejak pertama kali disiarkan. Ketentuan UU Hak Cipta terkait pemblokiran situs di Internet yang menyediakan konten hasil pelanggaran hak cipta Setiap Orang yang mengetahui pelanggaran hak Cipta dan Hak yang Berkaitan dengan Hak Cipta melalui sistem elektronik dapat melaporkan kepada Menteri Hukum dan HAM RI cq Ditjen HKI. Setelah itu Menteri Hukum dan HAM R.I. cq Ditjen HKI memverifikasi laporan. Apabila ditemukan bukti yang cukup berdasarkan hasil verifikasi laporan tersebut Menteri Hukum dan HAM R.T. cq Ditjen HKI merekomendasikan kepada menteri yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan di bidang telekomunikasi dan informatika untuk dapat menutup konten, dan/atau hak akses pengguna yang melanggar Hak Cipta dan/atau Hak terkait dalam sistem elektronik dan menjadikan layanan sistem elektronik tidak dapat diakses. 9 13/12/2014 Pasal 95 ayat 4 Selain pelanggaran Hak Cipta dan/atau hak terkait dalam bentuk pembajakan, sepanjang para pihak yang bersengketa diketahui keberadaannya dan/atau berada di wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia harus menempuh terlebih dahulu penyelesaian sengketa melalui mediasi sebelum melakukan tuntutan pidana. Tindak Pidana sebagaimana dimaksud dalam UU Hak Cipta yang baru merupakan DELIK ADUAN 10 13/12/2014 11 13/12/2014 12 13/12/2014 13 13/12/2014 Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization, founded in 2001, headquartered in Mountain View, California, United States devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. CC offers a model of license agreement to copy and distribute works 14 13/12/2014 Status for your works Spektrum Pilihan (by) Attribution Atribusi (sa) Share Alike Berbagi Serupa (nc) Noncommercial Non-komersial (nd) No derivatives Tanpa turunan Anda mengizinkan orang lain untuk menyalin, mendistribusikan, menampilkan, dan mempertunjukkan karya dan turunannya asal memberikan kredit sesuai yang diminta. Anda mengizinkan orang lain untuk mendistribusikan karya turunan asal dilisensikan dengan suatu lisensi yang identik dengan karya orisinal. Anda mengizinkan orang lain untuk menyalin, mendistribusikan, menampilkan, dan mempertunjukkan karya dan turunannya asal bukan untuk tujuan komersial. Anda mengizinkan orang lain untuk menyalin, mendistribusikan, menampilkan, dan mempertunjukkan hanya karya orisinal dan bukan turunannya. 15 13/12/2014 16 13/12/2014 17 13/12/2014 18 13/12/2014 with a CC license, you keep your copyright but allow people to copy and distribute your works 19 13/12/2014 100 affiliates 20 13/12/2014 21 13/12/2014 >300 Mio Photos 22 13/12/2014 >34 Mio Articles in Many Languages >300.000 articles in bahasa Indonesia 23 13/12/2014 24 13/12/2014 >10.000.000 videos 25 13/12/2014 26 13/12/2014 27 13/12/2014 How about Indonesia? 28 13/12/2014 Promoting CC License. City by City . . . . . ... . ... 29 13/12/2014 Portal Open Data dengan Lisensi CCBY diluncurkan 5 September 2014 Situs User Generated Content lokal yang memberi pilihan lisensi CC 30 13/12/2014 31 13/12/2014 32 13/12/2014 33 13/12/2014 What Next? Rumah Belajar (House of Learn) is one stop Indonesia’s open educational resources developed by the Pustekkom 34 13/12/2014 THAT’S IT. Ingat! Lisensi CC memberikan kemudahan kepada pencipta untuk menyatakan apa yang boleh dan tidak boleh dilakukan oleh orang terhadap karyanya 35 13/12/2014 Terima kasih! Case Studies Metrics LicenseChooser.js liblicense 36 LAMPIRAN 7 Presentasi dari Daryono – Universitas Terbuka 12/13/2014 UNIVERSITAS TERBUKA OER - Universitas Terbuka: Building the Culture of Knowledge Sharing Established in 1984 • single mode Open and Distance Learning (ODL) university, • the only tertiary institution in Indonesia using exclusively distance education mode of delivery. Main mission: • to open access to a quality higher education service through ODL; Except where otherwise noted, content on this presentation is licensed under 1 12/13/2014 OPERATIONAL SCALE ISSUES PROSPECTS AND CHALLANGES Access DR Ranging from none to considerably high OER and OER Policy The knowledge about OER is still limited Collaboration and cooperation is limited Budgetary allocation for development of OER initiatives is unclear The intention to make OER publicly available is low The policy is still fragmented The development of OER is still in the initital stage Copyright The understanding of copyright law is somewhat confident Knowledge about CC is limited Rarely committed to CR infringement To a great extent DR have been used and practiced in various learning activities. 2 12/13/2014 UT’s OER Development Phases OER AS A PART OF UT’s COMMUNITY SERVICES 2002 1. Provide free quality educational materials 2. Promote lifelong learning 3. Promote a culture of knowledge sharing • Learning Object Material (LOM) • • Guru Pintar Online Internet TV-UT 2008-2010 2011 - Now PERPUSTAKAAN DIGITAL • Virtual • eBook (non LM) • eJournal (12 ejournal) • Course Syllabi and Outline • Thesis 3 12/13/2014 Adoption of Creative Commons License • RECTOR Decree No.1255/UN31/KEP/2012 Concerning UT Policy on Open License of UT Educational Materials – Enhancement of Use of OER by faculty members – The open license of UT educational material aims at protecting the creator and preventing the misuse of UT educational materials. Adoption of Creative Commons • Attribution, Non Commercial and Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA) for: – Video Program stored in UT Internet TV – Prudent Teacher Online Portal (Portal Guru Pintar Online) – Internet based learning materials (open coursewares) • Attribution, Non Commercial and No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) for: – Dissertation, thesis, research reports, conference proceedings, course outlines, summaries, and previews stored in UT digital library. – E-journals, books, abstract compilations, and training resources stored in UT Research and Community Services website – Curriculum and course descriptions stored in Faculty websites – UT Catalog. 4 12/13/2014 The integration of Various UT OERs into Single Portal in 2012 660 Collections 5 12/13/2014 E-Journals 220 Open Courseware 6 12/13/2014 Digital Library Guru Pintar Online 7 12/13/2014 Total visitors of UT-OER 2011-2013: 1.249.385 AVERAGE OER VISITOR PER YEAR OER VISITOR AGE DISTRIBUTION TYPES OF OER 700.000 616.438 600.000 500.000 400.000 SUAKA UT’s VISITOR GPO 1.999 25.000 ITV-UT 18.378 20.000 TV Broadcast Learning program (Sky LBS) 15.000 UT Open Course Ware FKIP NON-FKIP 111.300 398.612 10.000 300.000 283.097 5.000 200.000 0 2012 2013 2014 > 24 25-34 35-44 > 45 OER DIGITAL LIBRARY (Feb 2014) • RBV (Learning Material: Course Syllabi and Outline) • Thesis, eJournal, eBook, Research Paper. • Seminar Proceeding 648.755 491.409 109.221 8 12/13/2014 □ OER integration into Online Tutorial 8 month: July 2013 – Feb 2014 50000 46992 45000 38835 40000 35000 29152 30000 25000 18225 20000 18194 15000 10000 8674 5742 5000 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 17 9 12/13/2014 FUTURE CHALLENGES and ISSUES • • • • Quality Assurance of OER Lecturer’s Awareness and Willingness Common OER repository A business model of OER OER DEVELOPMENT FOCUS 1. Development and publication of OER 2. Adoption (UKOU, OER Asia, OEC, OER Commons, etc) 3. Networking (Globe and Ariadne) – OER Repository Platform Developing Adoption Networking 10 12/13/2014 UT’s MOOCs • Launched in March 2014 • 2 May – 2 July 2014 • 5 Courses: – Public Speaking – English for Children – Food Processing – Distance Education – Marketing Management • 3,240 enrollments 11 LAMPIRAN 8 Presentasi dari Nyoman Rudi K – LPPKS 13/12/2014 BY INYOMAN RUDI K. SEKSI PENINGKATAN KOMPETENSI LPPKS KNOWLEDGE SPIRAL 1 13/12/2014 2 13/12/2014 KAPASITAS MAKSIMUM PESERTA PPCKS TAHUN 2012 SSQ=79 KAB/KOTA X 30 CALON = 2370 ORANG APBN = 96 KAB/KOTA X 25 ORANG = 2400 ORANG JUMLAH = 4770 ORANG ASUMSI DITAMBAH APBD TOTAL = 5000 ORANG DIKERJAKAN BERSAMA LPPKS DAN 30 LPMP DI INDONESIA 3 13/12/2014 KEPALA TK 69.533 ORANG KEPALA SEKOLAH SD 145.601 ORANG KEPALA SEKOLAH SMP 33.905 ORANG KEPALA SEKOLAH SMA 11.709 ORANG KEPALA SEKOLAH SMK 10.596 ORANG JUMLAH KEPALA SEKOLAH INDUK PER 5 NOPEMBER 2014, SEBANYAK 271.344 ORANG *SUMBER SIAP PADAMU NEGERI MARI BERHITUNG! JUMLAH KEPALA SEKOLAH 271.344 ORANG JUMLAH MAKSIMUM PESERTA PPCKS = 5000 ORANG PER TAHUN BILA SETIAP TAHUN DILAKSANAKAN, MAKA AKAN MEMERLUKAN WAKTU = 271.344 ORANG DIBAGI 5000 ORANG/TAHUN = 54,2688 TAHUN !!! 4 13/12/2014 ASUMSI TERBAIK LPPKS DAN LPMP (LP3CKS) HANYA MENGERJAKAN PPCKS SAJA. PROYEKSI KEBUTUHAN SETIAP KABUPATEN/KOTA SELAMA DUA TAHUN TERANGKAT SELURUHNYA. MASA JABATAN KEPALA SEKOLAH DIASUMSIKAN 2 PERIODE = 8 TAHUN. BILA DIHITUNG AWAL PENGANGKATAN TAHUN NOL, MAKA DELAPAN TAHUN KEMUDIAN, KABUPATEN KOTA TERSEBUT AKAN KEMBALI MENGADAKAN PPCKS. EFEK PENAMBAHAN TAHUN KE 0 SAMPAI KE-7, PESERTA PPCKS SEBANYAK 5000 ORANG PERTAHUNNYA. TAHUN KE 8-SAMPAI KE-15, PESERTA PPCKS SEBANYAK 10000 ORANG PERTAHUNNYA. TAHUN KE-16 SAMPAI KE-23, PESERTA PPCKS SEBANYAK 15000 ORANG PERTAHUNNYA. TAHUN KE-24 SAMPAI KE-32, PESERTA PPCKS SEBANYAK 20000 ORANG PERTAHUNNYA. 5 13/12/2014 EFEK PENAMBAHAN (2) TAHUN KE-33 SAMPAI KE-40, PESERTA PPCKS SEBANYAK 25000 PERTAHUNNYA. TOTAL PESERTA PPCKS SELAMA 54 TAHUN SEBANYAK 1.085.000 ORANG!!! 6 13/12/2014 7 13/12/2014 LPPKS MILIK KITA SEMUA LPPKS MILIK BANGSA INDONESIA DICIPTAKAN UNTUK KEMASLAHATAN PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA 8 LAMPIRAN 9 Presentasi dari Joko Ahmad Julifan – P4TK TK dan PLB 13/12/2014 PROSES PELAKSANAAN E-TRAINING DAN KTI ONLINE PPPPTK TK DAN PLB 1 13/12/2014 1. Persiapan Diklat 2 13/12/2014 2. Pelaksanaan Diklat 3 13/12/2014 3. Evaluasi dan Sertifikasi 4 13/12/2014 4. Pelaporan Diklat 5 13/12/2014 6 13/12/2014 7 LAMPIRAN 10 Presentasi dari Sri Hargyanto Suryoprayudo – PUSTEKKOM 13/12/2014 OER Development Using Portal Rumah Belajar Sri Hargyanto Suryoprayudo PUSTEKKOM OER National Policy ICT competency Framework for Teacher; Ministrial Regulation for Implementation Open School in High School Level ; Developing Education Portal “ Rumah Belajar “ TOT Integration ICT on Education for Teacher; Developing “ School Hub” as a model implementation ICT on Education; Enhance development school cluster ‘ 1 13/12/2014 PORTAL RUMAH BELAJAR The engine of OER Objectives LMS Teaching and Training Ecosystem HRD Ecosystem 2 13/12/2014 Design Rumah Belajar PUSTEKKOM Private Cloud Pustekkom Client Organization Server Virtual Org 1 Server Virtual Org 2 Server Virtual Org 3 Server Virtual Org 4 Infrastructure Organisation 1 Organisation 3 Organisation 2 Organisation 4 Infrastructure as a Services Rumah Belajar Multi User Application Pusat Pengembangan Professional Guru Kegiatan Pembelajaran Kelas Maya Referensi Belajar Nasional Online Referensi Belajar Nasional Online Portofolio Online Guru Portofolio Online Siswa Sistem Komunikasi Terintegrasi Sistem Komunikasi Terintegrasi Manajemen SDM Pendidikan Manajemen Profil Siswa Virtualisasi Aplikasi Platform C& C ERP DB EP M Management CR M U C Mai l Securit y Server Operating System Identity Integration WF DE V Contact Center Virtualisasi Platform Infrastructure Rak server Own by Clients Backup Virtualisasi Hardware Backup Technical Supports @ PUSTEKKOM 3 13/12/2014 SLA, Privacy and Security Services 7 Murid Guru Dokter Perawat Praktisi Orang Tua Ahli Farmasi xxxx User 2 - Kementerian Kesehatan User 1- Kemdikbud Organisation can manage thier own business Client Supports SERVICES CATALOG Stadarisation and Management support Pustekkom User Access Catalog Services Services Design Approval Procces Automation Services Delevery *CMDB = Configuration Management Data Base = all information save in the ICT system 4 13/12/2014 LEVEL of Services Pustekkom Discover Finding application Aplication dependencies independency End User Monitor Monitoring end user and Aplication application Component components Isolate root Finding cause Problem Solve Problem Monitoring All Components OER Cycle of Rumah Belajar Design Procces Procces Continuing Professional Development Out Classroom Procces : Observing, Organising Practising OPEN EDUCATION RESOURCES 5 13/12/2014 Lets Discussion ... Sri Hargyanto Suryoprayudo PUSTEKKOM. Kemendikbud +628179988868. PROFIL; Sri Hargyanto Suryoprayudo Posisi saat ini sebagai Kepala Bidang Radio, Tv dan Film, Pusat Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Pendidikan, sejak Oktober 2014. Mengawali karir sebagai PNS di Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan pada tahun1987, sebagai seorang Sarjana Teknik Sipil, dimana selama lebih dari 10 tahun diberi tanggungjawab dan tugas dalam urusan pengadaan barang dan jasa dan urusan yang terkait dengan proyek, kemudian pindah mengurus kerjasama internasional dan pada tahun 2002 – 2011 bekerja sebagai Sekretaris Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO. Sejak 2011 – 2014 memegang posisi di Bidang Pengembangan Teknologi Pembelajaran berbasis Multimedia dan Web Pusat Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Pendidikan, dan mendapatkan tugas mengembangkan Portal Belajar atau yang dikenal dengan Portal Rumah Belajar. Pendidikan terakhir S3 dibidang Project Management, merupakan menjalankan tugas dimanapun yang diberikan oleh Kementerian. bekal dalam 6 Komisi Nasional Indonesia untuk UNESCO Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Gedung C Lantai 17 Jl. Jenderal Sudirman - Senayan Jakarta 10270 Phone. (+62-21) 5709425 Fax. (+62-21) 5733127 Email: Website: