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1891 - 2016: an important aim, for 125 years on your table I t was 1891 when "Premiata Salumeria Adriano Grosoli" was enrolled on the register of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Modena, and started the production and direct sale of food specialties. Since that date a long history of sacrifices and successes, strictly linked to the land of Modena, accompanied the business activity of Grosoli family, and in this 2016 they celebrates the 125° anniversary of the foundation. The constant increase of work, underlined by the numerous recognitions awarded, since 1974 encouraged Adriano Grosoli (grandson and homonymous of the founder) to dedicate himself exclusively to the production of Balsamic Vinegar, supported by his wife Luciana. He also decided to link his product to the famous portrait of Duke Francesco I d'Este, amazing work of art by Velazquez and symbol of the city of Modena. In the eighties the daughters Mariangela and Alessandra joined the business management and contributed to reorganize and expand the company. Today, Aceto Balsamico del Duca is synonymous of quality and elegance of Modena and its territory, as expressed in the numerous participations to international fairs. An historical reality that renews itself continuously, as witnessed by the Quality certifications obtained, like the recently implemented BRCIFS, and the creation of new products thought up for satisfying modern consumers requests. In September 2013 arose the idea to reopen the shop where the great history of the company began: "La Bottega di Adriano Grosoli", in San Donnino, Modena. Typical food specialties and seasonal delicacies are proposed in the “bottega storica”, recognized by Municipality of Modena, in a suggestive place that remember the ancient “Osteria” where the wagons used to stop during the trip to Modena. Here the founder started with enthusiasm and passion the adventure that the Grosoli family still continue to drive forward, with competence and respect to the tradition, proposing a Balsamic Vinegar of Modena ..."al Vertice del Sapore". PARTITA DELLA STELLA Sport, journalism and solidarity met together for a beneficent and spectacular initiative, in the heart of Christmas Festivities. On 30th December 2015, at Palasport of Modena was held "Partita della Stella", a five-a-side football tournament with trainers and players of Serie A and Serie B, journalists, representatives of "Rock No War" association, Radio Bruno, National singers association and National amputee football association. The initiative, supported by Aceto Balsamico del Duca as sponsor, was organized to gather funds for the Caritas Baby Hospital in Bethlehem, the soil pediatric hospital of the whole West Bank. Many people of sport world were present as Luca Toni, Cristian Zaccardo, the trainer of Sassuolo Eusebio Di Francesco, of Carpi Fabrizio Castori, and Angelo Lorenzetti, trainer of DHL Modena volley. MARATONINA DELLA CITTA’ MURATA Sunday 27th December 2015, along the suggestive streets of Cittadella (PD), was held “10° Maratonina della città murata –4° Memorial Lino Pasquale". Over 1200 athletes, coming from every part of Italy and the world, run for 21 km, supported by over 250 volunteers that guaranteed the success of the race. Even Aceto Balsamico del Duca took part with enthusiasm to the initiative as sponsor of the event. CORRIDA DI SAN GEMINIANO On Sunday 31st January 2016, on the occasion of Modena Patron Saint Day, was held the 42nd edition of the “Corrida di San Geminiano”. Aceto Balsamico del Duca supported the initiative as main sponsor since over 10 years, strengthening the bond with the city of Modena and with this important sport event, not only for competitive value, but also for pacifist meaning. Over 4000 participants coloured the streets of Modena confirming the extraordinary interest of the citizens for this appointment. Winners of the competition were Joash Koech, and Mary Wanjiku, both coming from Kenya. All participants to the race received a limited-production and exclusive bottle of Duke’s Balsamic Vinegar of Modena.. The concerts season of “Cappella Musicale del Duomo di Modena” continues with "La Musica della Cattedrale" (Music of the Cathedral), supported by Aceto Balsamico del Duca. Follow all initiatives on EASY 1 h 30 Dough flour 100 g soft wheat flour 50 g puffed quinoa salt Extra Virgin Olive Oil 5 tbsp Filling grilled courgette 300 g pine nuts 30 g raisins 20 g eggs 3 milk 150 ml salt pepper Balsamic Vinegar of Modena “dal 1891” Mix the flours with quinoa and salt adding Extra Virgin Olive Oil a bit at time. Add enough water in order to make the dough soft and elastic (about 7-10 tbsp). Leave the dough in the fridge for 30 minutes, covered by wrap. Preheat the oven at 180°. Put the raisins in a bowl with low warm water and once they become soft drain them and sear mixed with pine nuts in a pan. Then let them to cool down. Spread out thinly the dough on a baking pan, put on it the courgettes cut in slices, raisins and pine nuts. Beat the eggs with milk, salt and pepper and pour all on the dough. Cook in oven for 40 minutes. Before serving, pour some Balsamic Vinegar of Modena "dal 1891" on the baked salty cake. An elegant parchment enriches Balsamic Vinegar of Modena "dal 1891". It contains the fascinating history of this excellent product, obtained by an ancient family recipe, and its sensory characteristics that have helped its great success. The description is completed by some practical suggestions for the use. BALSAMICO DEL DUCA NEWS Newsroom: Marketing Aceto Balsamico del Duca | Photography: archive Aceto Balsamico del Duca |
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