2016 Neighbors Way Award: Ms. Shelbi Labat, Ms. Carey Lauret


2016 Neighbors Way Award: Ms. Shelbi Labat, Ms. Carey Lauret
May12, 2016
Volume 1: Issue 35
Yearbook Meetings – May 13th in the
Orchard Lab at STA after school.
2016 Neighbors Way Award:
Ms. Shelbi Labat, Ms. Carey Lauret,
Tommy Hertel, & Emma Durnin
On Thursday, May 12, 2016, following our 8:00 a.m. Mass, Ms.
Darlene Shingleur of Neighbors Federal Credit Union presented
our 2016 Neighbors Way Awards. For the past several years, St.
John Primary and St. Theresa Middle, in conjunction with
Neighbors Federal Credit Union, have presented the Neighbors
Way Award (formerly known as the Brotherhood/ Sisterhood
Award) to students and staff members who best exemplify the
ideals of “integrity, respect, trust, stability, community
involvement, honesty, empathy, ethical behavior, and
fairness”. We are pleased to participate in this outstanding
program and thank the NFCU for their effort to honor those
who go the “extra mile to make a difference and demonstrate
a true concern for their community.”
This year’s award winners are fine choices indeed! Our two 8th
Grade recipients are Tommy Hertel and Emma Durnin. Tommy
is the son of David and Jennifer Hertel. Emma is the daughter
of John and Catherine Durnin. Ms. Carey Lauret was chosen as
the faculty/staff recipient for St. John Primary. Ms. Shelbi
Labat was chosen as the faculty/staff recipient of St. Theresa
Middle. The faculty, staff, and students acknowledge that all of
these recipients go the extra mile to make a difference both at
school and in the community. Congratulations, once again, to
our 2016 Neighbors Way Award Winners! We are blessed to
have you as a part of our school community!
“The mission of St. John Primary and St. Theresa Middle is to serve one another with
Catholic values as we strive for spiritual growth and academic excellence.”
Lion King Shirts are still on sale. The
order form is on RenWeb - shirt prices
are reduced to $8 each. Lion ear
headbands are being sold for only $4
each! Students may wear their Lion
King, Jr t-shirt and headband on May
24, 2016 when we watch the DVD at
school. The last day to order your copy
of the Lion King, Jr. DVD is this Sunday
at noon. The link to order is:
Used Uniforms- You may drop off any
gently used uniforms at either campus
between May 16-20. There will be a
Used Uniform Sale in July, to be
announced at a later date.
8th grade students may wear their STA
Class of 2016 or a t-shirt representing
the high school they are going to
attend to school tomorrow. Uniform
bottoms and school socks/shoes are to
be worn.
After Care registration for the 2016-17
school year is still open! You can find
the form posted on RenWeb. Before
your child is officially registered all
paperwork must be completed and
turned in with voided check and
registration fee.
Students: please note that to be
compliant with the school dress
code, you may only wear a watch on
your wrist. Rubber bands, hair ties
or bracelets are not allowed.
Checklists/tally marks will be issued
for non-compliance.
Festival of Friends Fair Committee needs your help!
Game booth chairs are needed for the 2016 Festival of
Friends. Booths in need of a chair are Ring the bat,
horseshoes and bullseye. If interested please contact
Annette Savoy @ jsavoy6@eatel.net or Darren Poche
at dpapzp@etigers.net .
Warrior Wearhouse Survey
Parents and teachers, we want your opinion on the
Warrior Wearhouse! Please complete the survey in
Parents Web named Warrior Wearhouse. Your input is
very important to us! For your convenience, you can
easily fill out the survey on your Parents Web app, click
on School, Surveys. It will take no more than 2
minutes to complete.
We are proud to announce that our
first annual Auction Gala profited $57,
300. We thank the entire Auction Gala
committee for their hard work and
dedication as well as the parents who
supported the Auction Gala by
attending the event.
Library Corner
Congratulations! We met our
Reading Challenge goal at STA.
The students read 2,417 books.
Way to go! We will let you know
what the reward will be for
meeting that goal very soon.
Thank you for all your hard
work. We will pull for the
Kindle Fire on March 16, 2016. I
can’t wait to see who won!
There is a Library Club Party on
Friday, March 13th for members
who have at least 10 hours.
Thank you to all the 8th graders
who were part of the Library
Club this year. These students
provide their service with many
library tasks for teachers plus
they are a great help with the
book fair.
Don’t forget to return your
library book if you still have one.
All books are due tomorrow,
May 13, 2016.
The following 4-H members
won awards for their record
Lauren Crow (blue ribbon and a
Melissa Davis (white ribbon)
Thelma Toussant (white ribbon)
Lauren & Melissa were recognized as Outstanding
4-Her for St. Theresa Middle. Great work, Ladies!
SJP Accelerated Reader News
The last day to take an AR quiz and earn
points toward the 4th quarter goal is
Wednesday, May 18th. We are so proud of
all the students at SJP for reading a total of
9,338 books this school year!
students wrote
letters to their Moms
and Dads. One letter
was chosen to be
presented at
morning assembly
on Friday, May 6th.
Team Smith Real
Estate sponsored the
event and gave the
Mom two dozen
roses and the Dad a
gift card to Home
Depot. Anna
Bourgeois read her
letter to her Mom and
Audrey Galindo read
her letter to her Dad.
Thank you to
Christie Viso and
Team Smith for
sponsoring this
School Supplies Delivered Free to
Your Home!!
We are pleased to announce that our
school is participating in the School
Tool Box program. Avoid the cost,
time, and inconvenience of back to
school shopping.
Here’s how:
 Register at Schooltoolbox.com
 Shop on-line (teacher approved
supply list provided)
 Customize your order (only order
the supplies that you need)
 Supplies delivered to your home
In addition, every order that we make to
School Tool Box will provide a meal to a
starving child through STB’s One Box,
One Meal, Two Kids program in
partnership with the Feed My Starving
Children organization.