INTRODUCING Sacred Heart-Griffin ParentsWeb
INTRODUCING Sacred Heart-Griffin ParentsWeb
INTRODUCING Sacred Heart-Griffin ParentsWeb We’re excited to introduce our new families to our school management system – RenWeb School Management Software. RenWeb’s ParentsWeb is a private and secure parents’ portal that will allow students to see information specific to the classes into which he or she is enrolled. It will allow parents to see academic information specific to their children, while protecting their children’s information from others. It will allow both students and parents to see general school information. First, you must have listed your email on the registration form completed at registration. You must also have an Internet-capable computer or device to access Parents Web. Attendance Daily Grades Progress Reports Report Cards Transcripts Lesson Plans Discipline Homework Missing Assignments School Calendar School Announcements Staff and School Directory Family Account Balances Teacher Email Addresses Teacher Websites Customized Web Surveys and Tests Other Useful School Information HOW TO ACCESS PARENTSWEB and CREATE A NEW PARENT OR STUDENT ACCOUNT Go to the SHG Home page: WWW.SHG.ORG Click on “Login to Renweb” found at the top of the webpage For Parent Account: Select 'PARENT' box Click: "Create New ParentsWeb Account" Email: Enter your email address that has been registered with your school (parent/student can NOT share the same email address - a unique email address is required for each.) If you did not provide an email on your registration form, please contact Ellen Giacomini at Click on "Create Account" box (An automated RenWeb email is sent to your email address) In the email: Select "Click to change password" and follow instructions. (NOTE: This link is only valid for 30 minutes.) You can now return to the RenWeb login screen and log into RenWeb by entering: District Code = SH-IL , User Name, and Password (that you just created) -- Select either the PARENT OR STUDENT login box Do you prefer using an app? RenWeb Home is available now in Apple App Store for an annual subscription of $4.99 per year which covers all iPhone/iPod/iPad devices for every parent and student in your household as recorded in RenWeb. Search the App Store for RenWeb Home. An Android version of RenWeb Home is also available in the Android Market. For Student Account: Select "STUDENT' box Enter District Code: SH-IL Questions or problems please email: We look forward to your participation. Together we can improve our children’s academic development and the communication between our school and your home.