February, 2013 AGM Presentation - Kananaskis Improvement District
February, 2013 AGM Presentation - Kananaskis Improvement District
Kananaskis Improvement District Stakeholder Open House & Annual General Meeting February 5, 2013 Wildflower Room Mount Kidd Manor, Kananaskis Village 2010 – 2013 KID COUNCIL Large Business Councillor Dan DeSantis - Chair 2010 – 2013 KID COUNCIL Non-Commercial Residents and Ratepayers Councillor Bruce Lukey – Vice Chair 2010 – 2013 KID COUNCIL Alberta-at-Large as a Citizen’s Representative Councillor Jamie Tiessen Councillor Susan Billington, QC 2010 – 2013 KID COUNCIL Ratepayers from the Lower Kananaskis Lake Cabin Subdivision Councillor Arnold Hoffman 2010 – 2013 KID COUNCIL Small Business Position requires representation VISION STATEMENT Working together to sustain Kananaskis Country as a destination that provides opportunities for a diverse quality of life, as well as ensuring Albertans and visitors can engage in a variety of natural outdoor experiences. MISSION STATEMENT KID, in collaboration with its partners provides effective and efficient local government and municipal services. CORE VALUES Accountability – We are responsible for our actions and for the effective governance of our community. CORE VALUES Integrity - We behave ethically and are open, honest and fair. CORE VALUES Respect – We foster an environment in which each individual is valued and heard. CORE VALUES Excellence – We strive for excellence through innovation and continuous improvement in the provision of programs and services. CORE VALUES Collaboration – We seek opportunities to lead, share knowledge and resources, and find financial efficiencies to continually improve our community. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT KID is responsible to the Minister of Tourism, Parks and Recreation, Hounorable Christine Cusanelli. The portfolio of services provided by KID as mandated through Ministerial Order 53/96 is diverse. BOARDS & COMISSIONS Kananaskis Country Interdepartmental Consultative Committee (KCICC)/ Kananaskis Improvement District Working Group Dan DeSantis Jamie Tiessen BOARDS & COMISSIONS Kananaskis Improvement District – Land Use Order Subdivision and Development Authority (SDA) Dan DeSantis Jamie Tiessen (Alternate) BOARDS & COMISSIONS Assessment Review Board Jamie Tiessen Bruce Lukey (Alternate) Bow Valley Regional Social Housing Board Bruce Lukey Arnold Hoffman (Alternate) BOARDS & COMISSIONS Bow River Basin Council Arnold Hoffman Sheep River Watershed Management Committee Arnold Hoffman Jamie Tiessen (Alternate) BOARDS & COMISSIONS Community Futures – Highwood Susan Billington, QC Arnold Hoffman (Alternate) Marigold Library Board Susan Billington, QC Bruce Lukey (Alternate) BOARDS & COMISSIONS EPCOR Community Advisory Panel Arnold Hoffman Apply to be a potential member of the Community Advisory Panel by emailing etproject@epcor.com COUNCIL COMMITTEES KID FireSmart Committee Jamie Tiessen (Chair) Bruce Lukey (Alternate) Arnold Hoffman (Alternate) “Working Towards a FireSmart Community” COUNCIL COMMITTEES Community Advisory Committee Arnold Hoffman Dan DeSantis (Alternate) Bruce Lukey (Alternate) GUIDING PRINCIPLES Effective Community Service Council will communicate effectively, transparently and collaboratively with its residents, ratepayers and visitors. Council will be an advocate for residents, ratepayers and visitors within its mandate of Business Management Services as outlined in Section 7; OUTCOMES • The KID Annual General Meeting was held February 15, 2012 in the Kananaskis Village Centre • The Jamie's Kids organization visited KESC and Boundary Ranch for the annual wagon ride. • A very successful Kananaskis Emergency Services Showcase event was held on June 2, 2012. • The Canada Day celebrations were very well attended at the Kananaskis Village. • At the Annual Firefighter of the Year dinner in December, David Gilhen was named the 2012 KID Firefighter of the Year. GUIDING PRINCIPLES Prudent Financial Management KID will provide mandated municipal services in an efficient and cost effective manner; KID will research, develop and participate in partnerships and programs that will benefit and assist our community; Council expects to be a collaborative party to financial decisions made by the Government of Alberta that impacts the KID; The Business and Strategic Plan will guide the budget process in the context of current economic circumstances, assessment values and new development. OUTCOMES • • • • The Budget and Audit Committee approved a $1,200 donation to Bow Valley Victim Services Association and a $500 donation to the Bow River Basin Council. Financial Statements for 2011 were completed, reviewed and approved by the Office of the Alberta Auditor General. The Auditor General made no recommendations. Council held its‟ 2012-2016 Business and Strategic Planning Session to set Goals & Objectives for future years. Transfer of fire dispatch services to Calgary‟s Public Safety Communications Centre GUIDING PRINCIPLES Stewardship of Human Resources Council will support relevant professional training and development of Council members and staff; Council will monitor and provide ongoing feedback to the Chief Administrative Officer. OUTCOMES • Brent Lesiuk and Doug Noseworthy hired as Station Officers to replace 2 vacant positions. • Craig Halifax was hired as the new Chief of Emergency Services starting August 1, 2012. • Gary Robertson hired as a Station Officer. GUIDING PRINCIPLES Strong Leadership Council and the Chief Administrative Officer will demonstrate commitment to their values, mission and vision; Council respects the diversity, opinion and experiences of others. OUTCOMES • • • The Lower Kananaskis Lakes Association held their AGM in August with representation from Council and CAO. Susan Billington, QC joined the KID Council as an Alberta-at-Large Representative. The 2012 – 2016 Business and Strategic Plan was approved. GUIDING PRINCIPLES Environmental Sustainability Council will demonstrate commitment to environmental stewardship and demonstrate environmental leadership in the development and management of infrastructure and program delivery. OUTCOMES Electronics Recycling Program TV‟s, Computers, Monitors, Printers, Laptops all received 2012 – 0.747 tonne of E-waste Recycling Programs Diverted over 28 tonnes of recyclable material from landfill to be recycled into new products GUIDING PRINCIPLES Environmental Sustainability Household Hazardous Waste Program Flammables liquids, pesticides, waste vehicle oil, antifreeze 370 aerosol cans; 1,992L hazardous liquid (incl. oil); 149kg hazardous solids; ~1,700 – 1lb propane tanks Paint Recycling Program All paints sold in containers from 100ml to 24 liters 1,527 L recycled EMERGENCY SERVICES Environmental Sustainability Electronics Recycling Program TV‟s, Computers, Monitors, Printers, Laptops all received 2012 – 0.747 tonne of E-waste Propane Safety Education STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Enhancement of an ongoing and very productive partnership with the Province Council will operate efficiently, while working within our mandate; Maintain and lead the KCICC/KID Working Group; Communicate with and keep the Minister and local Member of Legislative Assembly, informed; Share information with Partners. OUTCOMES: • An annual business meeting with the Minister; - Council • • met with Deputy Minister Brad Pickering on October 2, 2012 A clear understanding of decision making processes; A clear understanding of Provincial expectations. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Sustain and Enhance our Quality of Life • • • • • • • • • • Pursue initiation of upgrades to the Kananaskis Emergency Services Centre; Continuation of Alberta Health Services Ground Ambulance Service from the Kananaskis Emergency Services Centre; Pursue sustainable funding opportunities and Government of Alberta partnerships for continuation of FireSmart initiatives; Maintain solid waste management strategies; Expand recycling systems and initiatives; Identify opportunities for utilization of existing / future potable water supply and wastewater treatment for use by ratepayers of the Lower Kananaskis Lakes Subdivision; Examine and promote energy and water conservation systems and initiatives; Maintain and modernize Emergency Services Equipment; Recruit an individual to coordinate and assist in the promotion of community events; Foster a business climate that encourages and supports tourism and outdoor recreation opportunities. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Sustain and Enhance our Quality of Life OUTCOMES: • • • • • • • • • Increased environmental responsibility and sustainability; Infrastructure upgrades; Innovative projects and increased communication with Partners and stakeholders; Ensure continuation and completion of FireSmart initiatives; Decrease and divert garbage from landfill through recycling initiatives; Availability of potable water supply and wastewater treatment opportunities; Ongoing monitoring and strategic implementation of consumption-based system for water and wastewater usage; Increase in community events, involvement and support; Enhanced long term tourism, investment and economic growth. Financial Reserve Programs Kananaskis Improvement District has established, and contributes to, a comprehensive operating reserve program and a comprehensive capital reserve program to replace, restore and update assets. In addition, Council is committed to building a „Community Initiatives Fund‟. KID GRANT PROGRAMS • Federal Gas Tax Fund - $150,000 received • AB Municipal Sustainability Initiative Capital ~ $134,183 received PUBLIC WORKS WATER • Exercising 50% of water valves and curb stops throughout the Evan Thomas System. • Undertaking regular reading on water meters. • Troubleshooting potential water meter issues with residents/ratepayers. WATER Continued participation with Alberta Infrastructure and EPCOR regarding the design and construction of the Evan Thomas Water Treatment Plant and distribution system (P3 Project). SEWER Flushed, cleaned, camera inspected the remaining 40% of the Evan Thomas collection system. Inspected and repaired all deficiencies to lift stations connected to the Evan Thomas collection system. SOLID WASTE & RECYCLING Designed a new high volume, non hydraulic garbage container to address maintenance, handicap accessibility and high use concerns. 2012 Pilot implementation was successful KID waste management contractor removed approximately 800 tonnes of waste from the Kananaskis Improvement District ROADS • Coordinated with Alberta Transportation‟s service provider Volker Stevin to prioritize and undertake snow plowing, guard rail maintenance, pothole repair and patching, crack sealing, pavement overlays and line painting. ROADS Light bulb and ballast repair / replacement for street lighting in the Kananaskis Village, Mt Kidd and Golf Course subdivisions. Commenced the LED street lighting retrofit throughout the Evan Thomas area. WEED CONTROL Monitoring • ACE Vegetation undertook a noxious weed inventory in 2012 and provided a report which outlines the priorities for the 2013 spraying program. Control • The 2011 ACE Vegetation noxious weed report was passed onto Alberta Parks contractor (DeAngelo Brothers) and high priority areas were sprayed in the spring and summer of 2012. KANANASKIS EMERGENCY SERVICES EMERGENCY SERVICES Top 5 Emergency Events • • • • • 1817 Wildlife Reports and Actions 800 Assist Conservation Officer 337 Relay Information to Other Agency 290 Fire Action 185 EMS Action EMERGENCY SERVICES Community Initiatives Paid-on-call Firefighter program KID – Emergency Services would be unable to operate without the support of trained firefighting personnel employed by the following businesses: • Delta Lodge at Kananaskis • RCR Nakiska Ski Resort • KanAlta Golf Management • Bow Valley Campgrounds • Hostelling International • Tourism Parks and Recreation • Did you know that all KID Firefighters must reside within the KID boundaries? EMERGENCY SERVICES EMERGENCY SERVICES 2012 KES Emergency Showcase Day EMERGENCY SERVICES For additional information regarding fire safety, community event attendance or to join our department call 591-7755. In the event of Emergency Dial 911 EMS-FIRE-POLICE-PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNITY FIRESMART INITIATIVE KID FireSmart Committee Committee Members Jamie Tiessen – KID Council – (Chair) Martin Corriveau – Emergency Services – (Recorder) Craig Halifax – Emergency Services Connie Nielson – Evan Thomas / Bow Valley Residents Jon Jorgenson – ESRD Fish and Wildlife Kevin Topolnicki – ESRD Forestry Division Rod Gow – Tourism, Parks and Recreation Derek Small – Lower Lake / Pocaterra Residents Rick Arthur – ESRD Forestry Division Stew Walkinshaw – Montane Forest Management Ltd. “Working Towards a FireSmart Community” KID FireSmart Committee KID FireSmart program partners. AB Environment & Sustainable Resource Development, Forestry Division AB Sustainable Resource Development, Fish and Wildlife AB Tourism, Parks and Recreation, Parks Division Lower Kananaskis Lake Cabin Association Kananaskis Country Businesses and Facility Operators. “Working Towards a FireSmart Community” 2012 FireSmart Grant Programs ESRD Community FireSmart Grant Program • KID awarded $50,000.00 FireSmart Community Grant to complete work at Camp Adventure and Camp Cadicasu in the Sibbald (Hwy 68) area. Work will commence in 2013. KID recognizes Montane Forest Management Ltd. • Mr. Stew Walkinshaw is recognized by the KID Council for his continued support and dedication to the KID FireSmart Program. “Working Towards a FireSmart Community” 2012 FireSmart Program “Working Towards a FireSmart Community” Community Futures Highwood • The organization‟s primary role is to promote small business growth, generate jobs and build the capacity of regional communities to initiate and implement strategic development for a sustainable future. • Shareholder Communities MD of Foothills, MD of Willow Creek, Vulcan County, Kananaskis Improvement District and the Towns of Okotoks, High River, Black Diamond, Turner Valley, Nanton and Vulcan. • Okotoks Full Service Resources Center. • Our goal is to actively encourage and promote that Community Futures programs and services are available to our Community. • Community Futures Highwood held it‟s 2012 Annual General Meeting in the Kananaskis Village. Kananaskis Improvement District PO Box 70 Kananaskis Village, Alberta T0L 2H0 Phone 403-591-7774 www.kananaskisid.ca
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