sample report - Del Mar IR Equine Imaging


sample report - Del Mar IR Equine Imaging
Horse: Newman
Breed: Appaloosa
Age: 19
Use: Previously used as a Hunter/Jumper horse. Now he is primarily used as
a flatwork and lesson horse.
Owner: Kate
Owned For: 10 years
Reason for Imaging: Newman is one of Kate’s primary flatwork lesson
horses. Newman is kept in a stall and often comes out of the stall stiff and
swollen on both back legs. Newman also has regular turnout during the week
Side View Profile Images: Patterning looks fairly even from left to right.
There is increased heat around his throat and ears. It was notes that
Newman wears a cribbing collar, which would cause similar heat patterns.
There is also a decreased heat pattern in both left legs.
Head and Neck Images: The heat pattern on the left is slightly warmer
than on the right.
Side Angle Images: The left shoulder is showing a slightly higher thermal
pattern than the one present on the right side.
Stifle Images: There is a slightly higher thermal pattern on the right side of
the hip. This seems to be more related to a sweat pattern than the stifle joint.
Hock Images: The left hock is showing a higher heat pattern then the right.
This can indicate that Newman may be over compensating in this area.
All Four Legs and Hooves Straight View Images: Both right legs show a
much cooler thermal pattern. Both right legs show a warmer heat pattern in
the coronary bands increasing toward the inside of the legs. The back left
leg also shows a higher thermal pattern on the inner sider of the coronary
band as well.
Hind End Images: The heat images on both gluteal muscles show similar
heat patterns.
Chest (sternum) Image: The higher thermal patterns shown align with the
muscle groves on Newman’s chest. This can be due to the heat being
trapped and higher sweat in the area.
Front Legs and Hooves Side Images: Mild heat pattern on the right front
cannon bones. Increased heat also present on the right heel as well.
Hind Leg Images: The right hind leg is showing a higher thermal pattern
down the cannon bone in to the coronary band. The left hind leg is showing
a cooler thermal pattern around the fetlock and higher thermal patterns
towards the heel on both sides on the coronary band.
Front Hoof Images: Hooves have pads on so no interpretation is available.
Hind Hoof Images: Thermal patterns in the right hoof are slightly higher
around the frog.
Dorsal Image: The thermal pattern on Newman’s back seems fairly even
from left to right.
Report: Newman is a very sweet horse and I appreciate the opportunity to
work with him. Overall he looked good for a horse of his age and training.
There are a few areas that imaging seemed to have some abnormal findings.
1) Left Hind fetlock: There was a noticeable cooler thermal pattern
noted in Newman’s left hind leg. It was also noted that Newman’s
hind leg was slightly stocked up. With Newman’s history of being
sore on the back end and having swollen back legs it would
recommend to have your regular veterinarian evaluate the area for
further information.
2) Hoof: Newman’s hooves displayed an increased thermal pattern
towards the inside of the hooves. Causing unbalanced thermal patterns
around the coronary band. I would recommend having your regular
farrier evaluate the hooves for further information.
*Thermal imaging is not intended to be a diagnostic tool. Rather it is
intended to pinpoint above and below normal thermal heat patterns. Further
evaluation by a licensed veterinarian is recommended to provide a follow up
diagnostics of the abnormal thermal patterns