View PDF - Wisconsin Aviation
View PDF - Wisconsin Aviation
Fall 2008 A View from Our President 2011 What will our world be like three years from now—in 2011? Faced with the energy, HFRQRPLFDQGÀQDQ-HFRQRPLFDQGÀQDQ cial crises, the upcoming election, security concerns, the green movement, and about a thousand other factors, we’re pretty sure there are some major changes afoot. What will those changes be, and how will they affect aviaaviation? What will it be like when you call and ask that your plane be pulled out, call for a rental aircraft, or call to charcharWHUDÁLJKW":HGRQ·WNQRZ%XWWKLVLVDQH[HUFLVHZHDUH currently going through at Wisconsin Aviation. What will be the major changes, and how will they affect us? What will we do to prepare? What do we want the landscape to look like when we come out “the other side” in 2011? 7KHWULSFRQVLVWHGRISLFWXUHGDERYHIURPOHIWWRULJKW-RKQDQG(OL]DEH *LOORI0DGLVRQ9HUQRQDQG(YHO\Q/XELQVNLRI6H\PRUH%LOO-R\FH :HL[RI1HZ%HUOLQ5RJHU5XSQRZRI$WODQWD*HRUJLDDQG6KDURQDQG 'DUFH\RI:DWHUWRZQ7KHÀYHPHQZHUHPHPEHUVRIWKH/DPEGD3KL. fraternity, class of 1949, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The tri ZDVRUJDQL]HGE\-RQ+ROWKDXVDVDZD\WRKRQRUKLVVWHSIDWKHU-RH'DUF and his frat brothers who had all served in WWII. The aircraft departed at 0700 CDT and one hour and 48 minutes later (09 ('7ODQGHGDW:DVKLQJWRQ·V'XOOHV,QWHUQDWLRQDO$LUSRUW7KHJURXSZD PHWE\-RQ+ROWKDXVDQGHVFRUWHGWRWKHPHPRULDOZKHUHIRUWKHQH[WWZ one-half hours they spent traversing the site. (continued next page-Mem We have some pretty good ideas, but our best ideas usually come from you, our customers. I’d really like to know ZKDW\RXWKLQNLVJRLQJWRKDSSHQRYHUWKHQH[WWKUHH\HDUV and how it will affect our mutual interests in aviation. More importantly, what would you like to see us offering three years from now (besides $.50/gallon fuel, $20/hour UHQWDODLUFUDIWDQGPRUHZDIHUFRRNLHV"/HWPHNQRZ MHIIEDXP#ZLVFRQVLQDYLDWLRQFRPRU, ZRXOGDSSUHFLDWH\RXUWKRXJKWV Through all the changes and challenges coming our way, we’re pretty sure the sun will still rise in the east, people ZLOOVWLOOZDQWRUQHHGWRWUDYHOSLORWVZLOOVWLOOORYHWRÁ\ and we’ll still be here to meet your aviation needs. Our real FKDOOHQJHLVKRZWRGRLWEHWWHUPRUHHIÀFLHQWO\DQGFRQ-FKDOOHQJHLVKRZWRGRLWEHWWHUPRUHHIÀFLHQWO\DQGFRQ WLQXHWRSURYLGH\RXZLWKJUHDWDYLDWLRQH[SHULHQFHV*LYH XV\RXUWKRXJKWVDQGZH·OOOHW\RXNQRZKRZLWSURJUHVVHV 7KDQNVIRU\RXUEXVLQHVV Jeff Baum For lunch the group visited the original District of Columbia post RIÀFH EXLOGLQJ WKH PDLQ ÁRRU RI ZKLFK QRZ KRXVHV D YDULHW\ RI RIÀFHEXLOGLQJWKHPDLQÁRRURIZKLFKQRZKRXVHVDYDULHW\RI food and souvenir vendors. Following the lunch break, the group YLVLWHGWKH.RUHDQDQG9LHWQDP0HPRULDOVDVZHOODVWKH86 Marine Corps Iwo Jima Memorial. The trip home was uneventful, with the aircraft departing Dulles at ('7DQGODQGLQJEDFNDW:DWHUWRZQDW&'7,WZDVDQ 11-hour day spent traveling with long-time friends—from frat brothHUVWRFRPUDGHVLQDUPV:KDWDEOHVVLQJ A group picture at one of the entrances to the memorial. Joe, Vernon, John, Bill, and Roger Singing “Varsity” AirVenture 2008—a Dodge County Perspective :KDWDQH[FLWLQJWLPHLWZDVDW'RGJH&RXQW\$LU9HQWXUH started out with the arrival of Cessna aircraft from all over North $PHULFDDVWKH&HVVQDV2VKNRVK&2JDWKHUHGDW818 The plan was to assemble at Dodge County on the morning of July 25 and provide formation training to those pilots who had QRW\HWEHHQVLJQHGRIIWRÁ\WKHDUULYDO8QIRUWXQDWHO\GXHWR low ceilings that day and various weather systems around the country, only a total of 40 aircraft made it into Juneau, and the formations clinics couldn’t be held that day. Nevertheless, Wisconsin Aviation hosted a cookout for the C2O group that evening in our main hangar. When departure time came around, there was nothing like watching 40 aircraft depart from an airport in FORVHVXFFHVVLRQ 'RGJH&RXQW\ZDVDOVRWKHRIÀFLDOÀQLVKOLQHIRUWKH($$ $LU9HQWXUH$LU&XSUDFH7KHUDFHZDVKHOGRQ6XQGD\-XO\ 27, and was run from Mitchell, South Dakota, to Dodge County. 'XHWRZHDWKHUDWWKHVWDUWLQJOLQHWKHUDFHRIWKHH[SHULPHQWDODLUFUDIWZDVGHOD\HGXQWLOHDUO\DIWHUQRRQ7KHÀUVWDLUFUDIW FURVVHGWKHÀQLVKOLQHDWDURXQGSPDQGKDGDQDYHUDJHVSHHG RIPSK /DWHUWKDWZHHNHQGZKLOH,ZDVKHOSLQJRXUOLQHWHFKQLFLDQVIXHO DLUFUDIWZHKDGDJURXSRIWHHQDJHVWXGHQWSLORWVWD[LQJVRPH HLJKWDLUFUDIWXSWRWKHSXPSV7KH\KDGÁRZQIURP&DOLIRUQLD RQWKHLUZD\WR$LU9HQWXUH7KHJURXSZDVIROORZHGE\WKHLU LQVWUXFWRUVDQGIDPLO\PHPEHUVLQD%HHFK1RZWKDW·VZKDW ,FDOODFURVVFRXQWU\³HVSHFLDOO\IRUDVWXGHQWSLORW 7KHQH[WWLPH\RX·UHLQWKHDUHDVWRSE\DQGYLVLWXVDW818 Our bottomless cookie jar and hot coffee are always available— DQGIUHH Tim Bentheimer Manager, UNU Wisconsin Aviation. That event gave thought to a neat idea for future Talewinds articles HQWLWOHGDVDERYH:KHUHDUHVRPHRIRXUIRUPHUÁLJKWVWXGHQWV" How many have made aviation—in one way or another—their career? And for those that haven’t followed that path, did their aviation training have anything to do with the profession they are now pursuing? Finally, it may be most interesting just to hear IURPIRUPHU:LVFRQVLQ$YLDWLRQÁLJKWVFKRROVWXGHQWVDQGZKDW they are doing now. So as a kickoff article under the new heading for this issue, we are JRLQJWRIHDWXUHDQRWKHUIHPDOHSLORW0V$JHQW%DUELH Moorhouse, United States Federal Marshall. %DUELHZDVERUQDQGUHDUHGLQ6HDWWOH:DVKLQJWRQ6KH VXEVHTXHQWO\PRYHGWR*UHHQ%D\:LVFRQVLQDQGODWHUWR 0DGLVRQ:LVFRQVLQ:KLOHLQ0DGLVRQVKHVWDUWHGÁ\LQJZLWK Wisconsin Aviation after taking one of our Discovery Flights (at WKDWWLPHDPHUH,Q$XJXVWRIVKHREWDLQHGKHUSULYDWH SLORW·VFHUWLÀFDWHZLWKKRXUVWRWDOWLPH6KHFRQWLQXHGKHU lessons at Madison and ultimately obtained her instrument rating. ,QVKHZDVKLUHGE\+RPHODQG6HFXULW\DQGVWDUWHGÁ\LQJ IRUWKH<XPD$UL]RQD%RUGHU3DWURODVD)HGHUDO0DUVKDOO$Fcording to Ms. Moorhouse, Homeland Security, which houses, LQWHUDOLD86&XVWRPVDQG%RUGHU3URWHFWLRQXQLWVLVFXUUHQWO\ the largest law enforcement agency in the world. She initially EHJDQÁ\LQJVXUYHLOODQFHLQ3LSHU6XSHU&XEVDQG&HVVQDV &XUUHQWO\VKHLVLQWUDLQLQJWRÁ\WKH$67$5KHOLFRSWHU Agent Barbie Moorhouse stopped by to say hello at our EAA booth during AirVenture 2008. %DUELHVD\VWKHPDMRULW\RI%RUGHU3DWUROÁ\LQJLVDFFRPSOLVKHG at night and through the use of night-vision goggles. Interestingly, WKHUHLVVLJQLÀFDQWDLUFUDIWWUDIÀFDWQLJKWWKHPDMRULW\RIZKLFK are crop-duster planes. Why crop dust at night? Agent Moorhouse reports that at night crop pollination bees are in their hives and the pesticide spray does not harm them. Southern California currently has a major problem with the depletion of the bee population needed to pollinate local crops. Agent Moorhouse thanked Wisconsin Aviation for getting her started in aviation and plans on making aviation her life-long FDUHHU6KHFXUUHQWO\UHVLGHVLQ<XPD$UL]RQD 2.JHQWVZKHUHDUH\RXJX\VQRZ":RPHQPHQ Ed. Professionalism Plus! :LVFRQVLQ$YLDWLRQ/LQH7HFKQLFLDQ0DUWLQ1DVLQDDIWHU marshalling out a Piper Arrow from the east ramp of the Dane &RXQW\5HJLRQDO$LUSRUWQRWLFHGDSLSHFODPSRQWKHUDPS ZKHUHWKH$UURZKDGEHHQSDUNHG+HQRWLÀHG6XSHUYLVRU0DWW Daily, who called the tower to have the aircraft returned to the ramp. Martin McCauley, one of Wisconsin Aviation’s maintenance technicians, found that the clamp had fallen off the Arrow’s vacuum pump. After having the clamp replaced, the owner was very grateful and complimentary of our employee’s professionalism and DWWHQWLRQWRGXW\*UHDWMRE0DUWLQ Article and Photo by: Don Winkler Director of Public Affairs & Media, MSN Now I know all you seasoned “yoke yankers” out there have heard of and know what the AWOS is for, and that you relig ous y listen giously ste to itt eeach c and d eve every y ttimee be before o e you ttakee ooff and d before you land, but do you remember the various capabilities DQGLQIRUPDWLRQHDFKOHYHORI$:26SURYLGHVYL]$:26 $,,,,,,,,,3,,,37,9"$TXLFNUHYLHZRIWKH$,0PHQWLRQV RQO\WKHÀUVWIRXUEDVLFOHYHOV7KHUHPDLQLQJWKUHHDUHQHZHUWR the system and only available at certain airports. David Lau and his TBM 700 A typical AWOS platform looks something like this: Local Pilot Receives FAA Award 'DYLG&/DXRI2FRQRPRZRF:LVFRQVLQZDVUHFHQWO\SUHVHQWHGZLWK7KH:ULJKW%URWKHUV´0DVWHU3LORWµ$ZDUGE\WKH *HQHUDO$YLDWLRQDQG&RPPHUFLDO'LYLVLRQRIWKH)$$ 7KLVDZDUGUHFRJQL]HVSLORWVZKRKDYHGHPRQVWUDWHGSURIHVVLRQDOLVPVNLOODQGDYLDWLRQH[SHUWLVHE\PDLQWDLQLQJVDIHRSHUDWLRQVIRURUPRUH\HDUV5HFLSLHQWVDUHDZDUGHGDFHUWLÀFDWH DQGDODSHOSLQDQGDUHUHFRJQL]HGLQWKH:ULJKW%URWKHUV0DVWHU 3LORW$ZDUG²5ROHRI+RQRUORFDWHGRQOLQHDW)$$6DIHW\JRY The candidate must have three letters of recommendation from KROGHUVRI)$$SLORWFHUWLÀFDWHVZKRFDQDWWHVWWRWKHDSSOLFDQW·V \HDUVRUPRUHRI86SLORWLQJH[SHULHQFH David presently owns four aircraft—a 1941 Myers biplane, 16HULDOD-3LSHU&XE1D1RUWK $PHULFDQ77UDLQHU1'&DQGD6RFDWD7%0WXUERprop, N700PW. These aircraft are housed in his hangar at the Watertown Municipal Airport. In a nutshell, below is a review of the various real-time AWOS systems: AWOS A AWOS I &RQJUDWXODWLRQV'DYLG AWOS II AWOS III AWOS III P AWOS III P/T AWOS IV Provides current altimeter setting only. Provides current altimeter setting, temperature, dew point, wind speed, and direction. Provides all AWOS I features plus visibility. Provides all AWOS II features plus cloud height and sky condition. Provides all AWOS III features plus present weather (reports drizzle, rains, snow, precipitation intensity, fog, and haze). Provides all AWOS III P features plus thunderstorm detection (within a 30mile radius). Provides all AWOS III P/T features plus Freezing Rain Sensor and Runway Surface Condition Sensor (reports runway conditions such as dry, wet, and possible freezing). y ZKHQLWH[FHHGVWKHÀHOGHOHYDWLRQE\PRUHWKDQIHHW 9LVLELOLW\RXWSXWLVFRQYHUWHGWRDYLVLELOLW\YDOXHXVLQJD 10 minute average 10-minute average. 6N\FRQGLWLRQVDUHGHULYHGIURPUHSHWLWLYHFDOFXODWLRQVRYHUD period of 30 minutes of ceilometers data. $:269+)IUHTXHQFLHVDUHHQJLQHHUHGWREHUHFHLYDEOHRXW WRPLOHVDWDPD[LPXPRIIHHW$*/ 7KHLQIRUPDWLRQLVWUDQVPLWWHGLQVHFRQGPHVVDJHV updated each minute. 0DQ\$:26V\VWHPVFDQEHDFFHVVHGRYHUORFDOWHOHSKRQH lines. Watertown’s number is 920-261-0734. …I completed by pre-landing (GUMP) procedure: F l selector—check. Fuel l h k B Boost pump—on. G Gear switch—down. i h d Mixture—full rich. Prop—in high (rpm). I lined up on runway… $WWKHÁDUHRQÀQDOORXGQRLVHVZHUHKHDUGDVWKHDLUFUDIWVOLG WRDVWRS$IWHUWKHDLUFUDIWVWRSSHG,FRQÀUPHGWKDWWKHODQGLQJ gear switch was in fact down. I then found a set of terminal procedure publications wedged between the landing gear extension KDQGOHDQGWKHÁRRU/DWHULQVSHFWLRQIRXQGWKHODQGLQJJHDU circuit breaker had been tripped. Avionics’ New Home This past month, our Madison avionics section moved from its old, circa-1900’s stone hangar to its new, 9,000-square-foot hangar located just north of the maintenance hangar on the Dane &RXQW\5HJLRQDO$LUSRUW´:HQRZKDYHDPXFKPRUHVSDFLRXV DQGHIÀFLHQWZRUNDUHDSOXVDVHSDUDWHDGPLQLVWUDWLYHVHFWLRQµ VDLG%ULDQ5LHVHPDQDJHURIWKHDYLRQLFVGHSDUWPHQW %ULDQKHDGVXSDÀYHPDQWHDPRIWHFKQLFLDQVWKDWYDXQWVD FRPELQHG\HDUVRIDYLRQLFVH[SHULHQFH7KHWHDPVSHFLDOL]HV LQFXVWRPL]LQJDLUFUDIWSDQHOVWRPHHWWKHRZQHU·VQHHGVDQGGHVLUHV They are totally dedicated to customer requirements as an FAA-cerWLÀHGUHSDLUVWDWLRQ7KHVHFWLRQLVDQDXWKRUL]HGGHDOHUVKLSIRURYHU 20 avionics manufacturers, to include major manufacturers such as *DUPLQ%HQGL[.LQJ/$]WHFDQGRWKHUV )RUVSHFLÀFSUREOHPVFRQFHUQLQJ\RXUDLUFUDIWRUIRUIUHHTXRWHVRQ DQWLFLSDWHGZRUNFDOO%ULDQDWRUYLVLWXVRQOLQHDW ƐĞ ŽŵĞ ŐĂ Ŷ Ă , Ɛ Đ ǀŝŽŶŝ ǁ Ğ ŽƵƌE ƌ͊ Ğ zŽƵ͛ƌĞ/ŶǀŝƚĞĚƚŽKƵƌZŝďďŽŶƵƚƚŝŶŐΘKƉĞŶ,ŽƵƐĞ tŝƐĐŽŶƐŝŶǀŝĂƚŝŽŶͶDĂĚŝƐŽŶ ĂŶĞŽƵŶƚLJZĞŐŝŽŶĂůŝƌƉŽƌƚ ϯϲϬϲŽƌďĞŶŽƵƌƚ dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJ͕EŽǀĞŵďĞƌϲͶϭ͗ϬϬͲϰ͗ϬϬƉŵ &ŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ͗ ϲϬϴͲϮϲϴͲϱϬϬϬ ǁĂĨůΛǁŝƐĐŽŶƐŝŶĂǀŝĂƚŝŽŶ͘ĐŽŵ \ S \ ´/DGLHV0XVW6ZLQJµ7KLVJURXSRIDFFRPSOLVKHGPXVLFLDQV SOD\HGWKHWXQHVRIWKHVPRVWQRWDEO\E\FRPSRVHU*OHQQ Miller, while Mill hil ddressed d iin appropriate i t attire tti off th thatt era. Th The musical group had been invited to play at the dedication of the Tuskegee Air Museum in Tuskegee, Alabama, in late August. 7KHDWWHQGDQFHDWWKLVHYHQWH[FHHGHGSHRSOHDQGWKRVH who participated in the costume contest made it a spectators’ delight. Awards were given for best dressed in authentic-period FORWKLQJ*HUDOG0LOOHU·V3LODWXVWUDLQHUDQG3HWH0DLQ]·V7H[DQ A portion of the gate proceeds were donated to the Community Action Coalition, Madison, Wisconsin. People were asked to bbring i th their i old ld cell ll phones h tto th the ddance tto bbe refurbished f bi h d and d VHQWWRWKHVROGLHUVRYHUVHDVYLDDQRUJDQL]DWLRQNQRZQDV´&HOO Phones for Soldiers.” Needless to say, as depicted by the photographs, a wonderful, reminiscent time was had by all. Photos and article by: Don Winkler Director of Public Affairs & Media, MSN Marines of Golf Company Return As some of our faithful readers may recall, in our winter issue 2FWREHU'HFHPEHU9RO1RZHLQFOXGHGDQDUWLFOH HQWLWOHG´0DULQHV5HWXUQWRWKH*XOIµ$FFRPSDQ\LQJWKH DUWLFOHZHUHÀYHSLFWXUHVRIHPRWLRQDOJRRGE\HV We are happy to report that WKH0DULQHVRI*ROI&RPSDQ\QG%DWWDOLRQWK 5HJLPHQWWK0DULQH'LYLsion, United States Marine &RUSV5HVHUYHVUHWXUQHG to Madison, Wisconsin, on Saturday, August 23, after their seven-month tour in Iraq in support of Operation Iraq Freedom. The regiment was activated on September 10, 2007, and deployed to the Al Andar Province of Iraq in January 2008 for seven months. The EDWWDOLRQ·VÀUVWGHSOR\PHQWZDVIURP-XQHWR0D\ Their mission in Iraq was to partner with the Iraq Security Forces to conduct combined security, stability, and support opHUDWLRQVWRQHXWUDOL]HLQVXUJHQF\LQWKDW]RQHLQRUGHUWRVWDELOL]H the area for transition to Iranian provincial control. The regiment was welcomed KRPHE\*RYHUQRU'R\OHDQG other dignitaries, friends, and family at Wisconsin Aviation’s south ramp at Madison. Needless to say, the emotions ran as high—if not higher—than at their departure, but were most certainly happy family reunions. Photo and article by: Don Winkler Director of Public Affairs & Media, MSN gg what you must do to achieve your goal. Id tif th Identify the M Major j Mil Milestones t tto A Achieving hi i Y Your G Goall There are major steps or milestones to achieving any complicatHGJRDO)RUDÁ\LQJJRDOVRPHH[DPSOHVDUH´2EWDLQLQVWUXPHQWUDWLQJµ´2EWDLQDFRPSOH[HQGRUVHPHQWµ´3DVVVHFRQG FODVVPHGLFDOH[DPµ´3DVVZULWWHQLQVWUXPHQWUDWLQJH[DPµ These should be major milestones. Your milestones should be outcomes, major accomplishments, that advance you toward your goal. When you have decided on the major milestones you ZLOOQHHGWRDFKLHYH\RXUÁ\LQJJRDOOLVWWKHPRQWKHVHFRQGDQG WKLUGLI\RXQHHGLWSDJHRI\RXUVSLUDOQRWHERRN3XWWKHPLQ WKHRUGHU\RXZDQWRUQHHGWRDFKLHYHWKHP/HDYHRQHRUWZR spaces between each milestone in case you need to add a new or IRUJRWWHQRQH1H[WVNLSDIHZSDJHVDQGZULWHWKHÀUVWPLOHVWRQHDWWKHWRSRIDSDJH6NLSDIHZSDJHVDQGZULWHWKHQH[W skip a few more pages and write the third, and so on. File a “Learning Plan” for Your Next Flight Now that you have a “pro-active learning plan,” use it each time \RXÁ\WREHVXUH\RXDGYDQFH\RXUVNLOODQGNQRZOHGJH3ODQ Á W E G NLOO G N O G 3O \RXUÁLJKWÀUVW2QFH\RXKDYH\RXUÁLJKWSODQORRNRYHU\RXU learning plan. Find a learning activity you can incorporate into WKLVÁLJKWWRDGYDQFH\RXWRZDUG\RXUORQJWHUPJRDO(YHQLI \RXUÁLJKWSODQ³QRHVSHFLDOO\LI\RXUÁLJKWSODQ³LVWRGULOO holes in the sky, incorporate something to move you closer to IXOÀOOLQJ\RXUÁ\LQJGUHDPV$QGNHHSRQGUHDPLQJ Steve Schwegel Assistant Flight School Manager, RYV Determine the Steps to Achieve Each Milestone The “steps” to achieve your milestones are the task level of your SODQQLQJ(DFKWDVNRUVWHSLVVRPHWKLQJ\RXPXVWGRWRDFKLHYH one of your milestones. Tasks almost always identify some QHHGHGELWRINQRZOHGJHDQGRULPSRUWDQWVNLOO.QRZOHGJHRI course, is acquired by study. So, some of your steps may sound like this: “Complete the study guide CD for the instrument ratLQJZULWWHQH[DPµRU´5HDGWKH*36PDQXDOIRUWKH*36LQP\ SODQHµ6NLOORQWKHRWKHUKDQGLVGHYHORSHGE\H[SHULHQFHDQG practice. Sometimes we can acquire and develop a skill on our RZQ2IWHQWKRXJKZHQHHGWKHKHOSRIVRPHRQHPRUHH[SHULenced than ourselves, like a CFI. Skill development steps might VRXQGOLNHWKLV´)O\DQDSSURDFKLQWR0.(µRU´3UDFWLFHVWHHS Disappearing Prop An Aeronca pilot’s preoccupation wit removal during maintenance contribu VXUSULVHRQDVXEVHTXHQWWHVWÁLJKW …The Chief had compression problem inder and the cowl had to be removed nance. The prop must be removed to bowl off a Chief. After engine repair, was reinstalled and the prop placed o shaft to check for rubbing. The spinn LQVWDOOHGEHFDXVHLWLVWKHÀUVWWKLQJW cowl is not on perfectly. It rubbed, so the cowl had to be loosened and retightened until everything KDGVXIÀFLHQWFOHDUDQFH7KHHQJLQHZDVWHVWUXQ DQGWKHDLUSODQHDSSHDUHGUHDG\IRUÁLJKWHYHQ prop, which was only placed on the shaft to test for clearance, had not been tightened or safe-tied. The spinner preYHQWHGWKLVIURPEHLQJQRWLFHGEHIRUHÁLJKW7KHHQJLQHWHVWHG ÀQHLQWKHSUHWDNHRIIFKHFNDQGWKHÁLJKWSURFHHGHGQRUPDOO\ for about 30 minutes until a knocking sound was noticed. Power was reduced, and the prop departed the airplane and landed, as best we can tell, in a woods north of the airport…The Chief glided back to the airport and landed with no problems and no d The cause was distraction with the cowl and resultant oversight of the prop’s improper attachment. The problems that could UHVXOWIURPQRWVHFXUHO\DWWDFKLQJWKHSURSEHIRUHÁLJKWDUH obvious…I know it will not happen again with anything I am Á\LQJ SDQWVDQGVLPLODUQRQVWUXFWXUDOLWHPV%HVLGHVDUHSDLUWR the forward nose fuselage on a Piper Seneca, our repairs were XVXDOO\VLPSOHÀEHUJODVVOD\HUHGUHSDLUV:KHQSDLQWLQJZDV \ S J \ S S J required, we could easily repaint the entire piece. The labor DQGWKHWUDLQLQJQHHGHGWRZRUNZLWKÀEHUJODVVDQGUHVLQZHUH relatively simple. to aluminum aircraft, where the patch and rivets are easily seen, a completed composite repair is virtually undetectable. The surface is smooth and free of anyy seams. With the blendingg ppaint used by Cirrus, there are no distinguishable paint lines and no indications of a repair. &XUUHQWO\ZHDUHLQWKHÀQDOVWDJHVRIFRPSOHWLQJDPDMRUZLQJ repair. In order to complete this, we had to make some major changes. The repair required, in addition to the curing heat, a carefully controlled temperature and humidity environment. In order to accomplish this during the hot, humid days of summer, we had to literally build a room around the wing. The room ZDVIUDPHGZLWKµ[µZDOOVWXGVDQGMRLVWVDQGFRYHUHGZLWK the pink construction Styrofoam that you see being used on new homes. Using two window air conditioning units and two GHKXPLGLÀHUVZHZHUHDEOHWRPDLQWDLQWKHURRPDWUHTXLVLWH temperature and the humidity at 30%. Once we got the environment to where it needed to be, we could proceed with the repair RIWKHGDPDJHGVNLQVHFWLRQWRWKHZLQJ,·PFRQÀGHQWWKDW when completed this repair will also be undetectable, with the aircraft looking as it did before starting the repair. The Damage We Were Faced With Then came the composite airframes. I must admit, when we ÀUVWDGGHGD'LDPRQGDLUFUDIW'$WRRXUUHQWDOOLQH,ZDV concerned about how we would make repairs if the aircraft received some damage. I’m glad to say that it never happened. One of the requirements of a Cirrus Service Center is composite repair training to include the equipment required to perform such repairs. Until recently, the majority of the composite repairs we KDYHVHHQKDYHEHHQVLPLODULQQDWXUHWRWKHHDUOLHUÀEHUJODVV repairs and limited to mainly fairings and the unfortunate, occasional hangar rash. &RPSRVLWHUHSDLUVUHTXLUHVLJQLÀFDQWO\GLIIHUHQWWHFKQLTXHVDQG procedures than what we are used to. We have to control and monitor the temperature and humidity of the repair area. This is accomplished by using terminal sensors, data loggers, temperature controllers, and timers. Different, more precise tools DUHQHHGHGIRUFXWWLQJWKHFORWKSOXVPRUHH[DFWPHWKRGVRI PHDVXULQJWKHUHVLQPL[WXUHDVZHOODVWKHXOWLPDWHSDLQWLQJDQG polishing process. :HQRZKDYHWKHWUDLQLQJWKHWRROLQJDQGWKHH[SHULHQFHWKDWDOORZXVWRSHUIRUPWKHVHUHSDLUVDQGDFKLHYHWKHUHVXOWVH[SHFWHG by you, our customers. Pete Schroeder Vice President of Technical Services 7KHPDLQGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQÀEHUJODVVDQGFRPSRVLWHUHSDLUVLV in the materials used and the curing process. While the composLWHFORWKORRNVDQGKDQGOHVDOPRVWOLNHÀEHUJODVVFORWKLWVFKHPLFDOPDNHXSLVTXLWHGLIIHUHQW/LNHZLVHWKHUHVLQVZKLFKDJDLQ ORRNVLPLODUDUHVLJQLÀFDQWO\GLIIHUHQW7KHELJGLIIHUHQFHLVWKDW the composite cloth and resin used on Cirrus aircraft is required to be temperature-cured at between 160 and 180 degrees Fahrenheit for a period of ten hours. This is accomplished by isolating the area repaired under a plastic covering that contains the heat The Repair Almost Completed the en-masse departure to Oskhosh on Sunday, July 27. The pilot group included members of the International Comanche Society from around the world. Among the many Comanches scheduled to participate was a twin Comanche that had the unique reputation of being the only U.S.-registered airplane to have raced around the world WZLFH7KLVDLUSODQH1ZDVÁRZQE\RZQHUDQG)$, )HGHUDWLRQ$HURQDXWLTXH,QWHUQDWLRQDOH*ROG0HGDOLVW3DWULFLD3DW-D\QH.HHIHU.HHIHUZRQWKHJROGPHGDOIRUWKH longest race in history—24 days around the world. Also arriving in the group were 12 1958-model-year Comanche 180s and 250s to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the start of production of that type. Saturday’s events included various seminars as well as the planning stage for the en-masse departure on Sunday. The Watertown Municipal Airport was selected to host this JURXSGXHWRLWVFORVHSUR[LPLW\WR2VKNRVKWKHDPHQLWLHV RIIHUHGE\:LVFRQVLQ$YLDWLRQDQGLWVQH[WGRRUKRWHOVDQG restaurants. Needed… Pilots to Fly Jumpers Unique Opportunity! If you have a commercial pilot FHUWLÀFDWHDQGDWRWDORIKRXUVDQGZRXOG OLNHWREXLOG\RXUKRXUV\RXFDQÁ\IRUWLPH with the Seven Hills Skydivers. If interested, call %RE3D\QH# Sold!! Congratulations to the Following Aircraft Buyer: JFE 3, LLC Wilmington, Delaware 2000 Piper Archer III S \ J J \ VKRZ7KH6SLGHUPDQLPDJHZDVSDLQWHGRQWKHDLUFUDIWDIWHU it was purchased. Mr. Hill, his wife, and his business partner REWDLQHGWKHLUSULYDWHSLORWFHUWLÀFDWHVLQLW5HFHQWO\KHOHIW EW L G WK L L W LO W WLÀ W L LW 5 WO K O IW WKHDLUFUDIWDW:LVFRQVLQ$YLDWLRQIRUXVHE\KLVGDXJKWHU9LFNL $QGUHZVSLFWXUHGOHIWZKRRQWKHVWRI$XJXVWÁHZKHUÀUVW solo in “Spidey.” 'RXJODV+LOORZQV+LOODHUR0RGLÀFDWLRQ&HQWHULQ/LQFROQ 1HEUDVNDZKLFKVSHFLDOL]HVLQSDLQWLQJDLUFUDIW,QWHUHVWLQJO\ WKH\UHFHQWO\UHSDLQWHGRQHRIWKHH[HFXWLYHMHWDLUSODQHVZHXVH for our charter service. Article and photo by: Don Winkler Director of Public Affairs & Media, MSN Flights That Changed History (Part 1 of 2) )URPWKHGD\VRI.LWW\+DZNDQGWKDWÀUVWKLVWRULFÁLJKWLQ 1903, man has been soaring with the birds. For a period of over KDOIDFHQWXU\ÁLJKWVLQSURSHOOHUGULYHQDLUFUDIWZHUHPDGH over larger and larger distances, crisscrossing all continents and spanning the seven seas. With the coming of jet and rocket propulsion, man has gone from beyond the realm of the eagle and KLJKÁ\LQJFRQGRUWREHFRPHD´VSDFHPDQµ Technology, computers, and the like are increasingly replacing WKHKXPDQSLORW³UHOHJDWLQJWKHFUHZWRÁLJKWV\VWHPVPDQDJHUV and supervisors. The military has been using pilotless airplanes, VXFKDVWKH3UHGDWRUDQG*OREDO+DZNIRUVRPHWLPHWRWUDQVmit data and drop-precision munitions on the enemy, guided by pilots from ground stations in the United States. (YHQWKRXJKZHDUHGHHSO\HPEHGGHGLQWKHKLJKWHFKDJHWKHUH KDYHEHHQVRPHUHODWLYHO\UHFHQWORZWHFK´ÀUVWVµLQDYLDWLRQ akin to the pioneers of long ago. 7KHÀUVW´PDQSRZHUHGµDLUFUDIWÁHZDFURVVWKH(QJOLVK Channel in 1979, with a propeller powered by pumping SHGDOVDVWKRXJKRQDELF\FOH3DXO0F5HDG\DQ DHURQDXWLFDOHQJLQHHUFUHDWHGWKHSODQHZLWK%U\DQ$OOHQDW the controls. 7KHÀUVWVRODUSRZHUHGÁLJKWDFURVVWKH(QJOLVK&KDQQHOLQ 1980, averaging 30 miles per hour, made the crossing in 5 hours and 30 minutes. The empty weight of the craft was all of 210 pounds. 7KHPRVWLQFUHGLEOHÁLJKWLQUHFHQWWLPHVRFFXUUHGLQ ZKHQ'LFN5XWDQDQG-HDQD<HDJHUÁHZDXQLTXHOLJKW ZHLJKWDLUFUDIWGHVLJQHGE\%XUW5XWDQPLOHVDURXQG the world in 9 days. Their push-pull, twin-engine airplane had a wingspan of 110 feet and contained most of the 1,209 JDOORQVRIIXHOQHHGHGIRUWKHÁLJKW2IWKDWDPRXQWRQO\ 18 gallons remained on landing. The voyage averaged 122 miles per hour. 7KH+ROO\ZRRGPRYLH´7KRVH0DJQLÀFHQW0HQDQG7KHLU)O\ing Machines” was no doubt inspired by the London Daily Mail SUL]HRISRXQGVRIVWHUOLQJRIIHUHGWRWKHÀUVWSHUVRQWRÁ\ DQDLUSODQHDFURVVWKH(QJOLVK&KDQQHO7KHUHZHUHRQO\WKUHH FRQWHVWDQWVLQWKHFRPSHWLWLRQ/RXLV%OHURLWFRSSHGWKHSUL]H ZLWKWKHPLOHÁLJKWWKDWVWDUWOHGWKHZRUOGLQ,WKDG WDNHQKLPRQO\PLQXWHVWRÁ\WKH&KDQQHO+HKDGSOHQW\RI HDUOLHUH[SHULHQFH+HFUDVKHGWLPHVEHIRUHKHPDGHWKLVWULS $IWHU%OHURLW·VFRQTXHVWRIWKH&KDQQHOWKHQH[WPDMRUFKDOOHQJH ZRXOGEHDÁLJKWDFURVVWKH$WODQWLF2FHDQ/RUG1RUWKFOLIIH and the London Daily Maill offered 10,000 pounds of sterling IRUWKHÀUVWQRQVWRSFURVVLQJLQHLWKHUGLUHFWLRQ&DSWDLQ-RKQ $OFRFNDQG/LHXWHQDQW$UWKXU:KLWWHQ%URZQZRQWKHSUL]H FURVVLQJLQKRXUVPLQXWHV7RÁ\IURP/RQGRQWR$XVWUDOLDKDOIZD\DURXQGWKHZRUOGZDVWKHQH[WFKDOOHQJH Watch for the second part of the this article in our winter 2009 issue. Ray Klaus NAFI Master CFI Congratulations, Superstars! &RQJUDWXODWLRQVWRDOO Solo Status HUWLQ5<9 HQ818 HZV061 RWW061 +HDWKHU/DQJ061 0DU\/LQWRQ5<9 /XFDV0DQXHOOL061 $OH[0DUVK5<9 -D\3HWHUVRQ5<9 $GDP6PLWK061 -DURG9RQ5XHGHQ5<9 -DNH:DVVHUEXUJHU061 Certificates & Ratings vate SHV061 QXHOOL061 ning (MSN) &RPPHUFLDO -RH*DVNLOO5<9 /DXULH3UREVW5<9 Adam West (RYV) ,QVWUXPHQW 3LHWHU.XFKDUVNL061 6WHSKHQ0F*LOO061 Matt McNeil (MSN) Fawwaz Shaibi (MSN) 0XOWL(QJLQH,QVWUXFWRU Chris Chiesa (MSN) Aircraft for Sale 1974 Beech C-23 Sundowner:77602+6HSWHPEHUDQQXDO1'+.LQJ GLJLWDO.LQJ.&6$+6,SODFHLQWHUFRPGXDOSXVKWRWDONVZLWFKHVDYLRQLFVPDVWHUVWUREH OLJKWV5HDOO\QLFHWUDLQHURULGHDO¿UVWSODQH $47,500 1967 Piper Arrow 180: 7761602+'HFHPEHUDQQXDO0.'QDYFRPZLWK JOLGHVORSH0;QDYFRP$')SODFHLQWHUFRP+RUWRQ672/NLW$XWRÀLWHDXWRSLORW6XSHU buy at $49,500! 2005 Cirrus SR22-GTS: Only 180 TT! May 2008 annual! Platinum engine, STEC 55X, TAWS, WUDI¿F&0$;GHLFH;0ZHDWKHU7DQLVKHDWHU7KLVRQHKDVLWDOOSOXVDIXHOFDUGDQG Bose headsets! $397,500 1979 Piper Seneca II: 7150 TT, 1795/150 SMOH, 870 SPOH, 3-bladed hot props, club seating, dual Collins 251/351 NavComs with dual glideslopes, Collins 350 audio panel with 3-lite marker beacon, Collins 650A ADF, Collins 950 transponder with encoder, Altimatic IIIC coupled autopilot, NSD-360 HSI, Garmin 155 coupled GPS, WX-950 stormscope! Sperry RDR-160 color radar! FAR 135 aircraft, leaseback wanted! $149,950 )RUIXOOVSHFL¿FDWLRQVDQGSKRWRVYLVLWRXUZHEVLWHDW:LVFRQVLQ$YLDWLRQFRP We Welcome Your Consignment! Wisconsin Aviation, Inc., is one of the state’s largest aircraft dealers. We maintain a large inventory of brokered aircraft. If you are considering selling your aircraft, please call to discuss the advantages of listing your aircraft with us. If in WKHPDUNHWWREX\DQGZHGRQ¶WKDYHWKHSODQH\RXZDQWZH¶OO¿QGLWIRU\RX is an informational newsletter published quarterly at: Wisconsin Aviation’s Corporate Headquarters 5LYHU'ULYH:DWHUWRZQ:, )D[ )%2IRU'DQH&RXQW\5HJLRQDO Watertown Municipal, and Dodge County Airports (PDLO:LV$Y#:LVFRQVLQ$YLDWLRQFRP Website: (GLWRU3XEOLVKHU-LP6FKXPDFKHU $VVRFLDWH(GLWRU3URGXFWLRQ$VVLVWDQW Jane Seeber Circulation: 5450 Paid advertising is available.