8) The B of the Bang: Tarview lethality Modelling and Warhead
8) The B of the Bang: Tarview lethality Modelling and Warhead
The B of the Bang: TARVIEW Lethality Modelling and Warhead Concepting Dominic Černis Senior Consultant 15th November 2012 Contents Where? History Hi t How What Video Why Current Work Next Steps Customer View Questions Where? µm mm Penetration models Engineering g g analysis y FEA m Lethality analysis km 1000 km War games History TANKILL commercial version of lethality software developed for DRA/DERA/Dstl MAVKILL takes over in the 1990s. M lti l A Multiple Armoured dV Vehicle hi l KILL MAVKILL still used in modified form at Dstl Fort Halstead INTAVAL is used by Dstl Air Systems. Developed by Huntings / LM Dstl Air Systems also asked us to develop TARVIEW Originally started as a target viewer for MAVKILL TANKILL AVKILL MAVKILL INTAVAL TARVIEW 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 TARVIEW Originally developed for FRAGWAR, MAVKILL, TANKILL target editing and viewing – so now has a strong GUI element Post processing tools were then added Since then, more functionality has been gradually added: Store warheads, St h d ttargets t and d scenarios i iin relational l ti ld databases t b Larger more complex models Reads in geometry from TANKILL and STL format generated by CAD tools M d l geometry Model t verification, ifi ti editing diti and d simplification i lifi ti and d correction ti Multiple targets Blast analysis Lethality Analysis from the GUI: Interactive Mode for quick evaluation Long Runs for large assessments with thousands of grids Multiple warheads Much improved Fault Trees Fuzing Approximations Results viewing Statistical Post Processing The Geometry Editor Most CAD tools cannot generate accurate triangulated geometry (often the shapes are not volumes and components overlap each other) Models often need to be altered or corrected geometrically The TARVIEW editor allows direct manipulation of the models within the same program Ray Tracing Heart of the lethality engine TARVIEW calculates the intersection of shotlines with target components Key element in why TARVIEW is so fast running Partitioning – 2D Partitioning – 3D Indivisible Partitions Search trees Whole target Partition 1 Partition 4 Partition 8 Partition 9 Partition 5 Partition 10 Partition 2 Partition 6 Partition 3 Partition 7 Partition 11 Partition 12 Fragmentation Damage There are many different types of component penetration algorithms: THOR ARF De Marre DRI Grabarek Lambert Chen and Li Possible to calculate potential penetration, residual velocity, and mass loss of most fragment/plate material combinations ‘Damage’ is assigned using algorithms that define how a component degrades on being struck Blast Damage Modelling Blast damage is modelled by calculating the Peak Incident Pressure for a mass of TNT at a distance using the Kingery and Bulmash equations E h componentt can have Each h bl blastt sensitive iti polyhedrons l h d Polyhedrons are sensitive to blast or fragments, or both or neither Different polyhedrons in a component can have different blast sensitivity Shaped Charge Sh Shaped d charge h d damage iis assessed d using i P PenSO SO curves Simple relationship between penetration depth of RHA vs distance from origin Degraded curve used for subsequent impacts Penetration of RHA (mm) Penetration of RHA (mm) RHA R t d d Retarded Penetration Curves after strikes Standoff (mm) Standoff (mm) Fault Trees Fault trees are used to model damage to systems made up of consistent systems A target can have many different types of fault tree to model different sorts of system failure TARVIEW can evaluate many fault trees for each warhead burst The fault trees are run through an algebraic simplifier to: Make the fault trees much quicker to evaluate To make the overall meaning of a fault tree easier to check Fault trees in TARVIEW have 4 types of gate: OR gates g AND gates M out of N gates NOT gates On with the show… Video What is so good about TARVIEW? It’s very quick What did take months now takes hours Allows much more to be completed, including interpretive analysis Analysis is interactive It’s easy to use Modern GUI Allows verification of the modelling Relieves the training g burden Trial Comparison / Validation Comparison of Trial Fragments to empirical algorithms Allows coefficients to be refined Shows sensitivity of algorithms to small changes Most of the time the algorithms broadly agree.... Trial Comparison / Validation ... Some of the time they don’t Some algorithms ‘tuned’ to certain materials Penetration limit difficult to model Informed user required in all cases Warhead Concepting Preformed and natural fragmentation Shaped charge Natural fragmentation Shaped charge Many fragments of lower mass Natural fragmentation Heavily populated Current work Blast Shadowing Remainder of target exposed to blast Allows partial shielding of targets by objects ‘Cookie cutter’ of shield taken out of the target Blast acts upon what is left Very complicated geometric problem Each target needs to be distinct Shielding object j Projectile fired Projectile penetration plus resulting BAD cloud l lti BAD l d Behind Armour Debris Calculation of spall numbers Momentum based approximation of velocity Spall mass distributions Spall debris acts on other components Re-use existing algorithms Next Steps PJHQ ‘quick start’ user interface Battle Damage Assessment Collateral Damage Take advantage of NOT gates Efficiency enhancements for blast Blast relativelyy immature compared p to fragmentation g Plenty of scope to make more efficient in a similar way Dstl use of TARVIEW Jonathan Burnage g Team Leader, Strike Weapons p Advice Team Acting Weapons Group, AWSD TARVIEW use across the CADMID cycle Concept Assessment Demonstrate Manufacture In-service Disposal • SPEAR Green Box• warhead SPEAR Cap 3 – 100B GFX forCap 2 Block 1 dive angle • SPEAR • Used by Air Warfare Centre assessment with MBDA MBDA in support of warhead optimisation • Dstl support to Air Warfare Centre • Multi-role Meteor lethalityy development • SPEAR Cap 2 Block 1 warhead tactics development assessment • SPEAR Cap 2 Block 1 MG COEIAassessment • Tornado GR4 gun ammunition • SPEAR Cap 2 Block 2 and Cap 3 IG • Fireshadow GFX • Support to PWIV acceptance trials assessment COEIAs • FCAC (now Joint Fires) mixto PWIV Op Eval trials • force Support • Reachback – Op ELLAMY • SPEAR Cap p 2 Block 3 requirements q analysis • Support to DMS Brimstone • Storm Shadow definition • Air to Ground acceptance trials • PWIV • Brimstone UOR requirements • Ground to Ground • Support to DMS Brimstone Op Eval definition • DMS Brimstone trials • JSF gunpod assessment • Support to NEC-IW NEC IW Guidance Integrated Fuzing assessment by accuracy requirement • JSF PWIV MBDA and Thales • Typhoon AESA PWIV accuracy • Scud Vulnerability assessments requirement • SPEAR Cap 5 lethality requirements definition • JCA decision points • Typhoon FCP Modelling activities © Crown Copyright Dstl 2012 Dstl is part of the Ministry of Defence Essential characteristics • Speed • Ease of use • Visualisation of lethal effects • Integrated approach – powerful tool • Enables Dstl to focus on technical consultancy © Crown Copyright Dstl 2012 Dstl is part of the Ministry of Defence Future developments • Further V&V • PJHQ version for BDA • GUI update © Crown Copyright Dstl 2012 Dstl is part of the Ministry of Defence Predicting lethality © Crown Copyright Dstl 2012 Dstl is part of the Ministry of Defence Support to Operations / Validation © Crown Copyright Dstl 2012 Dstl is part of the Ministry of Defence