October 2010 - Fremont Art Association
October 2010 - Fremont Art Association
Fremont Art Association Vol 30 No 10 October, 2010 LOCAL Color 45th Annual FINE ART SHOW OPENING & RECEPTION This popular show is hosted by The Fremont Art Association and the public is invited. Admission is free. The show will feature over 100 entries of art work submitted by artists from all over the Bay Area and beyond. The mediums include: Oils and Acrylics, Water Media, Graphics (Pastel, Graphite, and Mixed Media), Photography, Computer-generated, and Ceramics & Sculpture. The opening of the show is on Wednesday, October 6th and will continue thru Sunday, October 24th. The Gallery hours are Wednesday thru Sunday from 11 am to 5 p.m. The reception will be held on Sunday, October 10th from 1:30-4:00 p.m.. Awards honoring the artists will be presented. There will be refreshments and raffles. The show and the reception will be held at the FAA Gallery, 37659 Niles Blvd., Fremont (between I and J streets). Filoli Begonias - Pam Bevans This year’s show is juried by George Rivera, Executive Director and Senior Dry Creek - Cooksey Talbott Curator of the Triton Museum of Art in Santa Clara. Rivera served as juror in over 400 competitions of all sizes, regions and mediums of art since 1979. For details, please call the gallery at 510.792.0905 or go to www.FremontArtAssociation.org . Harvest, Grace Rankin FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 30 NO 10 OCTOBER 2010 PAGE 2 D I G I TA L D O I N G S Free Photo Lesson: Spooky Halloween Photo Outing FAA’s Digital Photo Group, led by an award-winning photographer, CookseyTalbott, will provide a free on-site night photography lesson on their annual photo night-out event, Sat., Oct. 16 from 6:30 p.m-10 p.m.. Photograph the newly-moved Niles train station and a few frightful sites in Fremont. Additionally, learn to create the photographs into haunting images using Photoshop. Meet at the FAA Gallery, 37659 Niles Blvd., Fremont (between I and J streets) at 6:30 p.m.. Bring a flashlight, jacket, camera capable of having its shutter locked open in the bulb (B) setting, and a tripod or other support to hold the camera steady. Must sign a Release of Liability. For details, call Cooksey at 510.742.0548 or go to faadpg.ning.com/events See how spooky it can get!! Shinn House at night About Cooksey-Talbott: Ralph Cooksey-Talbott has been working as a photographer since 1972 when he moved to California from Michigan. During the 1970’s, he studied under Ansel Adams in Yosemite. Ansel published one of Cooksey’s photographs in the portfolio section of his book: “Polaroid Techniques Manual”. Cooksey also studied at the San Francisco Art Institute and the San Francisco academy of Art. He has lectured in photography at the U.C. Berkeley Extension, Studio One in Oakland and at Santa Barbara City College. Page 3 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 30 NO 10 OCTOBER 2010 From East Bay Regional Park District: Dear Fremont Art Association; I would like to invite the members of the Fremont Art Association to participate in the 2nd Annual Fall Plein Air Painting at Garin/Dry Creek Pioneer Regional Parks on October 9, 2010, from 8:00 to 2:30. Artists may also sign-in as early as 6:30 am. The attached PDF file is a flyer for the event and the MS-Word file is the rules. Please pass the information to your members and, if they are interested in participating, have them register early. Registration with East Bay Regional Park District’s Registration Department is currently open. I hope to see your talented members at the 2nd Annual Fall Plein Air Painting event on October 9th. Let the East Bay Regional Park District be your creative muse as we promote art in the park. If you have any further questions, please contact Naturalist Dino Labiste via e-mail at dlabiste@ebparks.org or call (510) 544-3215. Please note: Some of the artists were having problems registering online. I’m sorry for the mix up on the online registration. I did not update the new park webpage information for registration. If any of the members of the Fremont Art Association would like to register online, here are the instructions: Go to www.ebparksonline.org, click on “Programs & Activities” and type in the course number “25051” in the search box (then click on “NEXT”) or call 1-888-327-2757, option 2, 3 to register. I am sending you revised PDF versions of the event flyer and the rules. The online registration information has been updated on these PDF files. If you have any questions, please let me know. Fremont, CA 94555 Tel: 510-544-3215 | Fax: dlabiste@ebparks.org | www.ebparks.org Dino Labiste Naturalist | Interpretive and Recreation Services East Bay Regional Park District 8000 Patterson Ranch Road, 510-795-8012 Please think good thoughts for Wyni Enos. She is a long-time member of FAA and had open heart surgery. We send our best to her for a speedy recovery. Page 4 1 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION Vol 30 ! Here's the newest schedule for the third quarter of the FAA Circuit!!! I hope you can check out the beautiful artworks at these places. Social Security office at 3100 Mowry Roger Foster Number 10 OCTOBER 2010 Here's wishing everyone had a great summer!! Elizabeth www.elizabethmullin.com cell: 408-493-3995 Dr. Sahota at 1895 Mowry St. #104 Elizabeth Mullin Fremont Chamber of Commerce at 39488 Stevenson Place Laura De Leon Stella Hair salon at 37477 Niles Blvd. Barb Miller ! Watercolor and Sculpture Peter & Maureen Langenbach October 1 – 31, 2010 Reception: Sunday, Oct. 3, 2010 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.. Mission Coffee Roasting Company ! 151 Washington Blvd., Fremont Mon-Fri: 5 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat-Sun: 6 a.m.-9 p.m. Advertising space in the Local Color is currently available at $50 per half (1/2) page per issue. We welcome participation by all artists and/or art vendors who wish to advertise." PAGE 5 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION Vol 30 Number 10 OCTOBER 2010 ! Denise Oyama Miller and Nancy Ryan will be participating in the Artwalk Livermore on Saturday, October 9, from 11 to 5. They will be showing their art quilts at the corner of Livermore Avenue and First Street at the Fountain. It will be a fun event with over 200 artists. Check out the website for the event at www.artwalklivermore.org and on Facebook at Artwalk Livermore." I am attaching two images for you. One is called Field of Flowers by Nancy Ryan. The other one is called Dogwood Forest by Denise Oyama Miller. Hope you can use these items. Let me know if you need anything else. My phone number is 510-651-8593. Field of Flowers by Nancy Ryan ------------------------------------------ Dogwood Forest - Denise Oyama Miller Florence’s Forest Local Color Editor, Florence Stronck, was invited to be a “resident Artist” by the Sierra Parks Division to paint with other plein air artists. One in particular, Andy Skaff r e c e n t l y published a beautiful book, “The Color of M y Wo r l d . ” We a t h e r w a s beautiful, and Tahoe couldn’t have presented itself in a more beautiful light! Art in the Park, Fine Arts Festival, October 2 & 3 10:00 am to 5:00 p.m., 420 Front Street, Danville. 60 participating artists--paintings in all media, sculpture, textiles, fine jewelry, photography. Includes a separate judged Inside Art Show in the Community Center, live music, children’s art corner, food, wine booth. Free admission. Sponsored by Alamo Danville Artists Society as a benefit for Art in the Schools. For information, Norma Webb 925 828-9170 or normawebb@comcast.net Page 6 2 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION Vol 30 Number 10 FAA’s Monthly Photo Outing: Explore the “Concrete Canyons” of San Francisco This photo/walk adventure will be led by an award-winning photographer, Cooksey Talbott on Sat.,Sept. 18 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. The event is free. BART to the financial district of San Francisco and photograph the buildings and the repetitive patterns of the window walls in the “Concrete Canyons”. There is wealth of pattern and architectural detail to be photographed. Meet at the FAA gallery: 37659 Niles Blvd., Fremont (between I and J sts) at 10 a.m. and proceed as a group to Union City BART. Don’t forget to bring money for the fare. Also, bring your walking shoes, hat, water bottle, camera, lens hood, polarizer, tripod (optional) and lens kit. Participants are required to sign a liability release for our field trips. For questions, call Cooksey at 510-742-0548. For more info, go to faadpg.ning.com/events Cooksey (along with Jacline Deridder) also teaches a multitude of classes in photography and Photoshop at the Fremont Art Associations’ Gallery. The fall session begins in mid-September. The schedule for these low-cost classes are now ready for viewing at: CookseyTalbottGallery.com OCTOBER 2010 Classes & Workshops Painting With Pigment, Paper and Paste From abstraction to realism Come to the Fremont Art Association gallery and join multi media artist, Grace Rankin for a two day seminar on new ways of using collage materials. Working with Asian papers as well as found papers we will start with some abstract designs . Following this try a wet into wet approach. Watercolor or acrylic paints as well as other embellishments may be used including ink, crayon, colored pencils, gel pens . Whatever you feel like adding to make your unique piece of art. Rankin has studied design and collage with Nationally recognized artists Gerald Brommer, Betsy Dillard Stroud and John Salminen Saturday and Sunday Nov. 13th and 14th 10AM-4Pm Members $95. Non Members $110. 510-794-5468 gracenotesbygracerankin.blogspot.com About Third Saturday Photo Group: On-Going Classes The Third Saturday (S3) Photography Group is a free street level art outreach program sponsored by the Fremont Art Association and Cooksey-Talbott Gallery. The group offers a variety of photographic educational opportunities and field trips. It is headed by an award-winning local photographer Cooksey-Talbott. He is assisted by another award-winning photographer, Jacline Deridder. Jan’s Art Studio - 38215 Fremont Blvd. Call (510) 791-9290 - Watercolor classes continue for Mondays & Saturdays. Call for details on times and prices and if you want a schedule e-mailed to you. The S3 activities are held on the third Saturday of each month. The lessons are free and open to all who are interested in making photographs and having a good time. Programs range in complexity from beginner to advanced. A Release of Liability is required of all participants. The group strives to offer events of interest to wide range of photographers-please feel welcome to come and participate. For more information on the S3 program and photography classes, please go to: faadpg.ning.com/events Therese Ely - Children, Watercolor and printmaking Call 791-9290 ARTISTS 7 & FRIENDS - HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE Saturday/Sunday, October 23 & 24, 10 a.m - 5 p.m - 4593 James Avenue, Castro Valley, CA 94546, 510.538.7562. Artists: Marjorie Barta Atkins, Jean Bidwell, Susan Helmer, Sarah Hilen, Denise Oyama Miller, John & Kathy Ries, Marcia Ritz and Cindy Sullivan. Works in: acrylic, collage, colored pencil, fiber art (quilts, hats, socks, scarves), jewelry, metal sculpture, mixed media, pastel, photography, silk painting and watercolor. Thanks again. Marge Atkins Teachers at Jan’s Art Studio: Dmitry Grudsky - Oil,watercolor, acrylic, drawing Call 791-9290 Ann-Marie Haley Call: 510-489-7396 or Studio 491-9290. Boy's & Girls ages 5-9 yrs Drawing & watercolor. Wed & Fri 3:45 p.m. Central Fremont area. Joann stager call: 510-461-8249 or 792-8431: Boy's & Girls ages 5-9 yrs.Drawing & watercolor. Sunday: 9 a.m, to 11:30 a.m. or 2 p.m. Irvington area. Also, Newark area call for times. Lynda Benoit is teaching Art Workshops am and p.m. at Fremont Adult School and also now through City of Fremont Park and Rec.....Art and Stained Glass Classes. Stained Glass is on Monday at 7:00.p.m. Call (510) 657-3304 for further information Jan Small - Monday Afternoons 3:30-4:30 for Adults and evenings 7 - 8; Tues Afternoons, 3:30-4:30 for Children; Classes are $15 each payable by the month. Classes are held in Jan Small’s studio at 40167 Blanchard St., Fremont Phone: 510-656-1844 or email: jan@jansmall.com Page 7 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 30 N0. 10 OCTOBER 2010 LOCAL COLOR The mission of the Fremont Art Association in the Tr-Cities is to foster, promote and encourage the production, cultivation and appreciation of art FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION OFFICERS - 2010 PRESIDENT Patty O’Rourke 510-487-1099 patty_orourke_art@yahoo.com VICE PRESIDENT Jacline Deridder 510-794-8235 nospam@wabadu.com SECRETARY Heidi Davis* 510.739-0147 mrsmdavis@sbcglotal.net TREASURER April Davis 510-366-2442 april_noelle@sbcglobal.net WEBMASTER Rodger Spedowfski 510.792-5821 Rspedo@aol.com GALLERY DIRECTOR Ginny Riedner 510-471-0741 Griedner@att.net Gallery Staffing Assistant: Frances Tshudy (510) 659-1596 f tshudy@comcast.net Gallery Assistant- General - Irene Marshall 510-656-2691 Marshall.Irene@gmail.com Gallery Assistant General - Diane Borgia 581-9646 Diane.Borgia@att.net Gallery Assistant General OPEN Gallery Cleaning OPEN Gallery Decorator: Heidi Davis (FAA Secretary) QUARTERLY RECEIVING CREW Receiving at Desk Wyni Enos 510-793-1256 Staffing Schedule - Marie Tegio 510-792-7633 RECEIVING CREW ASSISTANTS (2) OPEN QUARTERLY HANGING CREW: Hanging Crew Assistant - Michael Westerhouse 510-794-8680 Hanging Crew Assistants (3) OPEN Wall Cards - Gene Bobik 510-745-7163 gmbobik@gmail.com CALENDAR MAINTENANCE - OPEN GALLERY SUPPLIES - Ginny Riedner 510-471-0741 Griedner@att,net GALLERY CLEANING - OPEN Gallery Forms - Jaci Daskarolis 510-657-7592 jdasko@comcast.net EQUIPMENT - Gene Arrillaga 510-657-8733 arrillaga@sbcglobal.net SHOWCASES - Lucinda Bender 510-745-8467 The3benders@sbcglobal.net ARTIST OF THE MONTH - Susan Stamp 792-9493 smk_@sbcglobal.net CIRCUIT - Elizabeth Mullin 408-493-3995 emullin123@yahoo.com FCAC LIAISON - Margaret Talt , twotalts@aol.com ART REVIEW BOARD - Margaret Talt DIGITAL PHOTO - Cooksey Talbott 510-742-0548 Cooksey@CookseyTalbottGallery.com FINE ART SHOW : OPEN FINE ART SHOW ASSISTANT OPEN HISTORIAN: Grace Rankin 510.794.5468 gracenjack@att.net MEMBERSHIP: OPEN MAINSTREET ASSOCIATION REP - OPEN NEWSLETTER Editor - Florence Stronck 510-489-8262 Email dfstronck@earthlink.net ***Deadline is 10th of the month prior to issue date NEWSLETTER MAILING: Ginny Crozier 510.793-4931 vcro665430@aol.com OPEN STUDIOS: Christine Wilson - 510. 794-5984 christine.wilson2@comcast.net Pam Bevans - 510. 796-4599 pamelabevens@comcast.net PAINTOUT: Robyn Lyee Leimer 510 656-4939 RobynLyee@sbcglobal.net PUBLICITY - OPEN PROGRAM CHAIR - Jan Schafir 797-2836 Jschafir@sbcglobal.net REGAN’S NURSERY - Simone Archer 676-3938 sarcher239@aol.com SUNSHINE - ROSE SEXTON 925-420-6746 TELEPHONE TREE - Bobbie Burri 510-793-0876 WORKSHOP CLASSES - Cooksey Talbott (Chair) 510-742-0548 Cooksey@cookseytalbottgallery.com HOSPITALITY/RECEPTION - Donna Arrillaga 657-8733 arrillaga@sbcglobal.net PAGE 8 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 30 N0. 10 OCTOBER 2010 Showcase IV Reception ~ November 7th To promote your fellow artists and the association, members are obliged to bring an appetizer or dessert to one of four annual showcase receptions. Please deliver your appetizer or dessert no later than 1:00 p.m/1:15 p.m for hot dishes, on the date of the reception. This will allow ample time to have the bounty ready in time for the 1:30 reception opening. You can certainly deliver non-perishable items early in the week if that is more convenient for you. If your last name is between Kelley and Noeth then it is your turn to bring an appetizer or dessert to this showcase. Please send an RSVP to me by November 1 @ the3benders@sbcglobal.net, or 510.745.8467 and advise me what you plan to bring. Expect to receive a phone call if you have not RSVP’d by 11/1. Janelle Kelley Shirley K. Lancaster Don & Debbie Lazar Bill Leake Joan Logan Kathleen Lyons Gayle Mallon Kathleen McCabe- Martin Denise Oyama Miller Adelaide Moita Denise Murphy Prakash Namburu Amy Newson Crystal Kelly Maureen & Peter Langenback Georgette Benn & Bill Leake Robyn Lyee Leimer Wulf Losee Andy MacRae Valerie Manning Jennie McGregor Miranda Miller Elizabeth Mullin Barbara A. Nagel John & Norma Neto Barbara Nielsen Sheryl Klingenfuss Barry Levin Barbara Lyon Wayne Mall Irene Marshall Barbara Miller Ron Moeller Hiroko Muramatsu Farshid Namei Katsuko Newland Gail Noeth Showcase receptions offer members an additional way to connect with one another, so stop by for a few minutes or stay and hour…..oh, and bring a friend or two Your friendly Showcase Chair, Lucinda Bender 510.745.8467 The3benders@sbcglobal.net Of Interest to Watercolor Painters: Karen Frey 3 Day Watercolor Painting Workshop October 20-22, 2010, 9 AM to 4 PM, Pleasanton, CA • Fee: $295 Karen Frey will conduct a 3 day Watercolor Workshop at the Pleasanton Firehouse Arts Center during the NWS (National Watercolor Society) exhibit. The workshop will encompass a holistic approach to creating a painting. Karen will begin with her specific color palette and how it relates to wet-into-wet applications followed by compositional elements, and underpainting. Included are lectures and demonstrations and student exploration. The artist strives to work with individual students during their work time. (Limit: 16) A graduate of the California College of Arts, Karen Frey is a Signature Member of the National Watercolor Society, Rocky Mountain National Water-media, California Watercolor Association, Watercolor West, and an Honor Society Member of Watercolor USA. Her work has been published in “Painting the Many Moods of Light”, North Light Books, “Best of Sketching and Drawing”, Rockport Publishers, Artist’s Magazine, Watercolor Magic, and Watercolor Magazine. Collectors of her work include the Springfield Art Museum Missouri, American Kennel Club, Kaiser Permanente, and other collections nationwide. See her work at www.karenfrey.com Page 9 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 30 N0. 10 OCTOBER 2010 Contribution to FCAC In its efforts to support art programs for students in our public schools, Fremont Art Association recently donated $350.00 to the Cultural Arts in The Schools (CATS) program, which is offered by the Fremont Cultural Arts Council. To raise this money given to CATS, 7 artists from Fremont Art Association painted large indoor/outdoor banners with different subjects which were sold by silent auction at the two day Art in The Garden event at Regan’s Nursery. The CATS program helps schools bring quality art education assemblies to local grade schools by subsidizing the costs associated with student participation in the presentation at the assembly. Interested schools can contact www.FremontCulturalArtsCouncil.org for further information. CATS also gladly accepts tax deductible donations from community members who share our concern about the lack of funding for art education in our public schools. The photo shows Simone Archer, the Art in The Garden organizer, and her husband, Spencer Archer, presenting the check to Margaret Thornberry, the president of the Fremont Cultural Arts Council at their monthly meeting. 3rd Annual Plein Air Paint Out .... Our 3rd Annual Plein Air Paint Out was a blast! The weather was wonderful and we had 20 artists, from 12 different cities painting around the park; sharing their passion with the community. We had 102 people vote which ended the event in a three way tie. They were Mark Monsarrat from San Francisco, Jaci Daskarolis, and Susan Stamp from Fremont shared equally the $300.00 prize money that was generously donated by Beth Booth. Congratulations to everyone and thank you for participating in this year’s event. A much appreciated THANK YOU to the volunteers that helped with this year’s event: Simone and Spencer Archer, David Biondi, Bobbi Burri, Connie Chew, Al Minard, Kathleen McCabe Martin, Beth Booth, Gail Blalock, Pat Callaway and my right hand man, Michael Leimer. We could not have done it without you!! Thanks again, Robyn Call for artwork for the 4th quarter showcase on October 29th through November 21st, 2010 Must be from the three Paint outs that we had at Lake Elizabeth or the Plein Air Day at the Higuera Adobe Page 10 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 30 NUMBER 10 OCTOBER 2010 Calendar for 2010 Sept 12 - PAINT OUT AT LAKE ELIZABETH Sept 14 -Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. Sept 18- Photo Group 11-12:00 Noon Sept 21- Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. Sept 28- Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. Oct 4 Oct 5Oct 5Oct 6 Oct 6 Oct 10 Oct 12 Oct 16 Oct 19Oct 24 Oct 25Oct 26- RECEIVING FOR FINE ART SHOW Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p m. BOARD MEETING 7-9:00 p.m. GENERAL MEETING START FINE ART SHOW FINE ART SHOWCASE RECEPTION Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. Photo Group 11-12:00N Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. END OF FINE ART SHOW 4TH QUARTER RECEIVING Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. Nov 2 - Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. Nov 2- BOARD MEETING 7-9:00 p.m. Nov 3 - General Meeting w/Guest Artist 7-9:00 p.m. Nov 7 QTR 4 - FAA ARTISTS SHOWCASE #4 & Featured Artist - Reception 1:30-4:00 p.m. Nov 7 - Nov 28 Featured Artist - LANA RAK Nov 9 - Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. Nov 16 - Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. Nov 20 - Photo Group 11-12:00 Noon Nov 23 - Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. Nov 23 HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE RECEIVING CHAIR PERSON REQUIRED Receiving/set Up/Jurying Tues., 23-Nov, 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. Nov 28 - END SHOWCASE: LANA RAK Nov 30- Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. Dec 5- BOARD MEETING & HOLIDAY PARTY Dec 7 - Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. Dec 14- Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. Dec 8 - Photo Group 11-12:00 Noon Dec 21- Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m Dec 28- Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. *** New Calendar for 2011 is coming. Look for it in the December issue FINE ART SHOW WELCOMES DONATIONS! The Fine Art Show Committee/FAA Board would greatly appreciate your donation to the Fine Art Show. We welcome your original art, a print of your art, a gift certificate for an upcoming class that you are offering or perhaps you would rather donate cash or a gift card like Starbucks, Michael's, Jo-Ann's, Target, etc. All donations to our annual raffle at the Fine Art Show would greatly benefit the association. Please confirm your donation by September 20 to be included in the Fine Art Show Program. Donations will be accepted until October 6th. You can confirm with me, Lucinda Bender by return e-mail or call me at 510.745.8467 or you can confirm with Patty O'Rourke at 510.487.1099 or patty_orourke_art@yahoo.com. The raffle will be held during the reception on Sunday, October 10th from 1:30 - 4:00. Hope to see you there! Thank you for your consideration. Kindest regards, Lucinda Bender Fine Art Show Committee Member PAGE 11 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 30 Fremont Art Association 37659 Niles Blvd. Fremont, CA 94536-2947 510.792.0905 www.FremontArtAssociation.org We invite you to visit our gallery Wednesday through Sunday 11 to 5 p.m. NUMBER 10 OCTOBER 2010 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID FREMONT, CALIFORNIA PERMIT NO. 102 COMING EVENTS Fine Art Show, Wednesday Oct 6 - 24 2010 Reception and Raffle - Sunday, Oct 10 Paint-Out, Oct 9, Garin Park Photo Night-Out Event, Oct 16, 6-10 p.m. Langenback show, Mission Coffee Roasting -- Oct 1-31, 2010 Dear Members: We have had a busy time at the Gallery. A great 3rd Qtr receiving, lots of beautiful heart full art, I hope you have had a chance to come and visit. Thank you to all those that participated in the second Special Members Exhibit, Our Ocean Our World: Rankin; Donna Arrillaga; Jaci Daskarolis; Irene Marshall; Robyn Leimer; Theresa Ely: Thom Cory; Fred Hahn; Christine Wilson; Valerie Mann; Rod Girard; Mary Bobik; Gene Bobik; Harry Yoshizumi; Elizabeth Chavoor. I look forward to the next ones in 2011! More good news, Emile Rogers, a wonderful stained glass artist, has taken on the task of gallery cleaning once a month, catching all we may have missed during our staffing days. My special appreciation to you, Frances Tshudy, for creating the new staff calendar and helping to resolve staffing changes, you were much missed. Hope to hear from all you oh wonderful members that want to participate for the next exciting gallery do over, we will be painting the walls, floor and giving a tough scrub clean to the place, just in time for the FINE ART SHOW. Your Most Humble Gallery Director remains your Biggest Fan! All My Best, Ginny
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