September 2011 - Fremont Art Association
September 2011 - Fremont Art Association
Fremont Art Association Vol 31 No 9 SEPTEMBER 2011 Local Color SEPTEMBER GUEST ARTIST WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2011 JAN SCHAFIR, TEACHER AND ARTIST EXTRAORDINAiRE The Fine Art Show is quickly coming up and many of us have completed or nearly completed works of art we would like to enter into the show. Jan Schafir Jan Schafir, artist and watercolor teacher, will be facilitating a group critique at the new Fremont Art Association Gallery Wednesday night at the monthly meeting. Please bring in three or more works that you have been working on . You may be stuck at some certain spot or feel that you would like advice from the group as to how to correct some part that has been giving you trouble. Or you may just want to share your creations with other artists. You may bring in any media that is framed or not; however, watercolors and photography present better when framed with at least a mat. Jan has been conducting critiques for many years and it is done in a spirit of fun and encouragement. We all love our work and want to have the acceptance of our colleagues. Please join in the fun on Sept. 7, at 7 P.M. Note: Jan will donate her stipend to the Fremont Art Association A message from your Gallery Director, Ginny Riedner ! Wow what a shebang!! We had the fourth of July all month long! Yes, the new location happened and we are settled in the new gallery. Please find time to bring your family and friends by. A special thank you to the following members that were able to put in some extra time and share the pleasure of packing up and moving on over and then unpacking once again (in random order): Frances Tshudy; Heidi Davis & family; Sachie Johns; Tom Ford; Ron Garcia; Mike Westerhouse; Robyn Leimer; Carol Pulliam; Barbara Cronin; Ann--Marie & John Haley; Christine Wilson; Jim and Nancy Conrad; Farshid Namei; Therese Ely; Kiyoko Pensko; Jacline Arroyo; Mary & Gene Bobik; David Biondi; Jacline Deridder, Cooksey Talbot; Maureen & Peter Langenback. A wow moment to Thom Cory, the installation of the current exhibit at the new digs is wonderful. Could not have done it without you␣ Also, I want to give special thanks and recognize Frances Tshudy and Sachie Johns for the excellent gallery decorating, what a wonder you two are. By special request, a special showing from Peter Langenback of his wonderful “People.” For me always a delight anywhere I encounter them. Your Grateful Gallery Director, Ginny PAGE 2 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 31 NO 9 SEPTEMBER 2011 ENTRIES ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR THE 46TH ANNUAL FINE ART SHOW The Fremont Art Association is pleased to invite artists to enter their works of art in the 46th annual Fine Art Show. This popular event will take place October 5 through October 23 at the Fremont Art Association Gallery, located at 37695 Niles Boulevard in Fremont (new location— between I and J streets). Entry of original artwork into the show is open to artists from the Bay Area and beyond. Cash prizes will be awarded in five categories: Oils and Acrylics, Water Media, Graphics (includes Pastel and other dry media; mixed media) Photography and Computergenerated and Three-Dimensional. The deadline for mailing your entry form is Friday, September 16. The entry form and prospectus can be picked up at the Gallery or downloaded at the Fremont Art Association’s website at The prospectus provides all the information needed (including fee details) to participate in this popular event. This year’s show is juried by Brent Jensen, a Bay Area plein aire painter with a traditional Impressionistic-style. After receiving a B.A. in Art from the University of Utah, Mr. Jenson is the recipient of many awards for his work in oils. His work has been featured in Southwest Art, Art of the West, and American Art Collector magazines. Mr. Jensen paints and teaches from his studio in Mare Island, California when not painting outdoors. If you are an artist, you will not want to miss the opportunity to participate in this prominent event. For details, please call the gallery at 510.792.0905 or visit: Fremont Art Association August 19 to September 11 Reception - Sunday, August 21, 1:30 to 4 pm New Location - 37695 Niles Boulevard. Along the Boulevard A Showcase of art work featuring Niles . Simone Archer Pat Callaway Barbara Cronin Jaci Daskarolis Ann Marie Haley Robyn Leimer Jan Schafir Susan Stamp Gallery Hours, Wednesday - Sunday 11 am to 5 pm PAGE 3 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 31 NO 9 SEPTEMBER 2011 A Message from Your President A New Beginning for FAA Members There are many members to honor and thank for their contributing force with pledges and/or volunteer time in coming together with creating a new beginning for our FAA art community. What a privilege to know you! To each and every member, thank you! Until I conclude my term as President in December 2011, I'd like to personally acknowledge in this and forthcoming issues of the Local Color, the generosity of FAA members whose actions have far exceeded "good" results and are recognizable as "great"... Our New location for FAA is a beauty!!!! Ideas abound, suggestions of all types are being offered. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to our Vice President, Jacline Deridder, who served a 3-year term as FAA President. Her willingness to sign the Lease with the Macau Cultural Center on behalf of FAA for our new gallery space, is providing our art association with a two-year window of opportunity to create something extraordinary, TOGETHER, and be part of the SOLUTION in the face of challenges rather than the problem. Jaci Daskarolis not only got the ball rolling with checking out potential FAA locations, forming a negotiating team and working out terms with our new landlord, she appealed non-stop for pledges and assistance to bridge a whole, new event in the journey of The Fremont Art Association. Jaci is considering the position of Ways & Means/Fundraising Chair and we’d be mighty blessed to have her acceptance of this role. For almost two years, our association has had the exceptional gift of an extraordinary gallery manager. From our former to our new location, FAA has had the best of leadership and structure for its gallery operations and relocation. Ginny Riedner has gone far beyond any and all requirements on behalf of FAA with an incredible contribution of time and care. True to her two-year (2010-11) commitment to provide her very best in serving as FAA Gallery Director, Ginny continues to offer an extremely capable, thoughtful, skillful management style, unifying leadership, consistent attention to detail, a calm in the face of change and challenge and remains an exceptional professional, and a sustaining, steadfast support to the association. Thank you, Ginny, for your magnificent contribution. N O W....Review the August Board Meeting minutes and know what's occurring and be part of the SOLUTION! FAA August 2, 2011 BOARD MEETING MINUTES In Draft - 8/10/11 Reports from Executive Board: Jacline Deridder, Ginny Riedner, Gene Arrillaga, Lucinda Bender, Susan Helmer, Grace Rankin Chairs/Special Events/Member Attendees: Robyn Leimer (September 17th Plein Air Event!); Excused: Florence Stronck, Sachie Johns, Emelie Rogers, Rodger Spedowfski, Cooksey Talbott Simone Archer; Jaci Daskarolis; Barry Levin, Gene Bobik UNFINISHED BUSINESS: *Review & Approval of July Board Meeting Minutes Pending review at September Board Meeting NEW BUSINESS: *Gallary Signage, letterhead, business cards - finalize graphic design 1. Place our organization name above FREMONT ART CENTER with description of what FAA has to offer 2. Call for a membership meeting and finalize Page 4 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 31 NO 9 SEPTEMBER 2011 2012 Officers and Chair Positions Open President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Gallery Director, Circuit Chair, Fine Art Show Chair.. PRESIDENT REQUESTS VOLUNTEERS FOR NOMINATING COMMITTEE. Ways & Means Chair position (no job description on FAA website) 1. Job Description (IN DRAFT) Develop and implement fundraising strategies that secure revenue for The Fremont Art Association such as writing proposals to obtain grants, cultivating donors and forming a donor database. 2. Ways & Means Instate as a VOTING POSITION on FAA Board. Approved by Board pending job description. 3. Jaci Daskarolis submitted a draft brochure of a proposed new range of potential contributions. Thank you, Jaci, for getting this underway. GRAND OPENING GALA DATE SUGGESTION - pending finalizing new Logo, FAA signage, business cards, letterhead identityAugust 21 (Not enough time to prepare) September 9 October 9 (Fine Art Show Reception) MONTH OF OCTOBER - Grand Opening PRIOR TO FAS TAKEDOWN Gala Committee helpers - Begin request as soon as date confirmed. ISSUES RAISED NOT ON AGENDA 1. Suggestion that Board Minutes be posted in the Local Color 2. Suggestion that all members in attendance of monthly Board Meeting have a vote at BoardMeeting 3. Suggestion of CONTEST for New Gallery Facade artwork image 4. Suggestion that all memebers in attendance of monthly Board Meeting have a vote at Board Meeting 5. Suggestion of Development of GIVE BACK PROGRAM strategy to the community on behalf of FAA -- example: Children’s art classes at the school by FAA artists and then exhibition of art at Gallery 6. Suggestion of Funding possibility: Fremont Bank and Wells Fargo for art supplies for children’s art classes (Suggested that Thom Cory’s involvement could give a boost to structuring this and how to organize a teacher rotation) 7. From previous Board Meeting discussion: Alameda County Water District Children’s Art Program and Exhibition is still under consideration in its formation Reports from Officers and Chairs Vice President - Jacline Deridder Update Fremont Art Review Board Meeting suspended temporarily. Treasurer & Calendar Coordinator - Lucinda Bender Our Treasurer presented the monthly Profit and Loss and year to date figures and sent out the figures to all members via email as well as posting same online. The monthly financial status has also been submitted to our Local Color Editor for the September LC being provided in August. Gallery Director - Ginny Riedner New Gallery Facility Review items: Our Gallery Director reported that the numerous tasks from move out to relocation have been met with cooperation by those who are to be mentioned in the Local Color. Ginny has worked tirelessly to make this move as seamless as possible and has succeeded. The Gallery looks and feels outstanding thanks to Ginny’s leadership and the special and talented membership who joined forces. Remaining improvements for the new gallery location are now being considered for the kitchen/storage location. PAGE 5 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 31 NO 9 SEPTEMBER 2011 Cabinets, sink, faucet, wall partition etc. are under review and consideration. Maximum funds that may be allocated to this improvement are approximately $1000 - $1400. Rear Gate accessible lock release from interior needed Monitor at Store Front with ongoing events Local Color - Florence Stronck September info needed by Editor by 8/10/11 for September issue of Local Color Local Color Calendar will require some revision due to move and date changes of 3rd Quarter Showcase. Membership Chair - Emelie Rogers Question posed by Membership Chair and still under consideration: Membership Directory? Will FAA provide a Facilities Chair - Gene Arrillaga Ø Will work with Gallery Director on kitchen area build out and update at next Board Meeting Webmaster - Rodger Spedowfski (Excused) Ø ANOTHER PAYPAL BUTTON INSTALLED For Paint Out Online Payment Button installed on website; great job and thank you Rodger! Rodger to provide a Paypal button installation guidelines at the gallery at an appointed date and time in August. Workshop/Classes Chair, Cooksey Talbott (Excused) Showcase Chair - Susan Helmer Calendar Date adjustments - Due to move Ø SCENES OF NILES - 8/18 Installation 3RD Quarter Showcase (8/18 - 9/11) Ø TUESDAY PAINTERS SHOWCASE - 10/20 Installation 4th Quarter Showcase (10/20 -11/20) Ø 2012 Community Planning Calendar Confirm 2010 Calendar Planning at OCTOBER BOARD MEETING FCAC Liaison - Grace Rankin Ø Advised that financial support is available with grants, endowments as long as specific purpose and amount is specified in a well defined letter of appeal. Figure of $1000 was mentioned. Plein Air Paint Out ~ September 17th - Robyn Leimer Ø Entry forms are available at gallery; Volunteers will be requested at September Board Meeting; Event publicity is being attended to by Sachie Johns. Fine Art Show October 5 - 24, 2011 - Therese Ely (excused) FAA Bd Meeting Minutes Notes completed 8/10/11 Patty O’Rourke ROVING ARTISTS 7TH SHOWCASE Judy Anglin, Brenda DeLuca, Katherine Latson, Marlene Leal, Joan Logan, Susan Olsen, Maria Grazia Romeo, Mary Stephens, Robin Worthington -- October 1 – October 31, 2011 Reception: Sunday October 9, 3:00 to 5:00 PM at MISSION COFFEE ROASTING COMPANY 151 Washington Boulevard, Fremont PAGE 6 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION Vol 31 Number 9 SEPTEMBER 2011 Paint Nature at the Scenic Lake Elizabeth To promote art in the community, The Fremont Art Association will hold a one-day Plein Aire (outdoor) Paint Out at the scenic Lake Elizabeth/Central Park in Fremont on Saturday, September 17, 2011 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Artists will paint until 2 p.m., followed by a reception at the Park Pavilion from 2:30 to 4 p.m. Open to both FAA members and non-members, with members paying a $15.00 entry fee and non-members paying $25.00. For non-members, this will also include full membership in The Fremont Art Robyn Leiner - Plein Air Lake Elizabeth - Mark Monsarrat Association through the end of the year. The event is co-sponsored by Olive Hyde Art Guild, the Fremont Cultural Arts Council, City of Fremont and Mission Coffee Roasting Company, who will provide coffee and mini-pastries for the artists at registration time. This year, the artists are not limited to painting within the park. They can choose to paint outside the park as well, at the outdoor location of their choice within the city of Fremont, but not from a reference photograph. You will find inspiration in many locations throughout the park, all backed by the Niles/Mission San Jose Hills, as well as off-site locations such as Mission San Jose, and downtown Niles. All two-dimensional mediums will be accepted: oils, acrylics, watercolors, pastels, and mixed media. Three monetary prizes will be awarded: First Place-$150, Second Place-$100, Third Place$ 75. Photos of the pieces receiving awards may be used in publicity for next year’s Paint Out event and may also be shown on The FAA website. All works submitted for the People’s Choice and/or silent auction must be framed; works done on paper must be matted. No exceptions. Due to City of Fremont regulations, all participants must be pre-registered, since no financial transactions can take place on City property. Forms for Registration, Applications, and Rules are available at the FAA Gallery, 37695 Niles Blvd., Fremont (new location, corner of J street) or from its website: Registration deadline is Wednesday, September 14. For questions, please call Robyn, 510.656.4939. Bring all paint supplies, including an easel and chair if needed, a bag lunch and drinking water for the day. Hats, umbrellas, and sunscreens are encouraged. All participants must be 18 years old. If you cannot paint that day, you can still come meet and support your fellow artists at the Pavilion and cast your vote for your favorite painting in the People’s choice and silent auction during the reception. PAGE 6 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION Vol 31 Number 9! SEPTEMBER 2011 A Few Words on Framing Your Art - Therese Ely Our 6th Annual Fine Art Show is coming soon! Your art will be received at our gallery on October 3, 2011, from 1:00 pm to 8:00 p.m. We ask that you bring preregistered, framed (2-D work), cleaned, and labeled pieces to be juried. This is a quick review so that your work will show at its best for both competition and sales. Any artwork on a paper support needs protection from the environment. These pieces include watercolor and gouache, charcoal, pastels, graphics, and photography. A piece of glazing(glass or plexiglass) protects the surface of the artwork. UV-clear glass is the best choice, but pricey. Clear glass is fine; plexiglass is a good choice where weight is a concern. Nonglare glass is not desirable as it blurs and distorts viewing the artwork. Many artists choose to put a mat around their work to enhance the piece and provide space between the art and glazing. Be sure the matting material used is archival. That means choosing products free of acids and bleaches that can offgas over time; discolor; and damage artwork. Matting a pastel requires additional attention as particles of pastel dust can soil a mat. Mats for a pastel are cut with a reverse bevel. Extra spacing between the art and mat allows pastel dust to drop into a channel unseen from the front. Any work on paper will likely need a solid back support. Choose archival materials here, too, as it will come into contact with the piece. Finally, a dust cover keeps the materials clean and protected from insects. This cover piece can just be craft paper glued to the frame with a continuous glue bead, and trimmed neatly. Oil paintings and acrylics on paper or museum board may need additional back support. Although the art surface is protected by the cured oil or acrylic, the back side still needs a dust cover. (Artists using oil paints on paper-type supports should be sealing the surface with gesso before beginning to paint). Stretched canvas works need to breathe, so a backing in contact with the canvas is not used. However, many galleries require a dust cover to keep the art clean and present well to clients. It is also important to consider wiring artwork for hanging. No sawtooth hangers, please! Here in Fremont we have several earthquake faults. Sawtooth hangers allow work to fall off the wall with very little effort. Protruding screw-eyes are also unacceptable as they can damage walls and other artwork. Use flat D-rings or similar that hugs the frame. These should be mounted 1/3 of the frame height down from the top of the frame. Wire needs to be strong enough to support heavy pieces. Please tape the ends of the wire to protect those handling the art and hanging the show. We have installed a new system for hanging art in our new gallery space. It consists of horizontal tracks with wires and fixed hooks. We are asking that when wiring your piece, you have the high center point of the stretched wire reach to 2 inches of the top of the frame. This will make hanging a large show go smoother. Thanks! Lastly, be sure to clearly label your painting with title, medium, artist name, price, etc. Many shows issue very specific requirements as to where to place a label and what information they want. If an artist does not comply, it can even be grounds for work being rejected. A big thank you to our neighbor, John Agg of ZYT Gallery, for his framing advice. His custom framing gallery is at 37679 Niles Blvd. If framing seems to be too much after the process of creating your masterpiece, he will be glad to work with you, selecting the products that best compliment your art. NOTE: Grace Rankin’s Portrait class Since Grace’s class cancelled the second day of her portrait class, she rescheduled for Saturday August 27 at the FAA gallery... 10 a.m - 4 p.m. Newcomers are welcome and one day fee is $60. Bring watercolor supplies, drawing paper or sketchbook and hb or 2b pencil. Lunch in or locally. See you soon. PAGE 7 2 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION Vol 31 Number 9 SEPTEMBER 2011 Olive Hyde News The Sun Gallery Building Community Through Creativity Mosaic Sculpture The Work of Wilma Wyss at Olive Hyde Art Gallery September 2 - October 1, 2011 Thursday - Sunday, noon - 5 p.m. Opening reception sponsored by the Olive Hyde Art Guild Friday, September 2, 2011-- 7 - 9 p.m. Artists in the exhibition include: Colin Herrick, Valerie Caveglia, Clint Imboden, Susan Parrish, Jacqueline Cooper, Amy Nelson Smith, Thomas Cory, Sheila Tajima, Donnasue Jacobi, Fernando Amaro, Marjorie Wagner, Maxton Dramite, Linda Longinotti, Dickson Schneider, Ruey Syrop, Kay Athos, Barbara Maricle, Diane La Mountaine, Nick Calarco, Mercie Harris, Tracy Ricks, Patra Steffes, Lynn Hossom, Christa Schanda, Ron Orpitelli, Linda Longinotti, Andre Manriquez, Jane Neilson, L a u r a W i l l i a m s , Wa n d a K e r s e y, A l e x Miloradovich, Joseph Slusky, Ian Sammis, Natalie Juntz, James Faulkner, Joannie Miller, Christine Bender, Janet Atteberry, Kenneth Mahar, Kathleen Ball-Wolfe, Amiee Johnson Olive Hyde Art Gallery 123 Washington Blvd., Fremont (510)791-4357 Laura Williams, Coyote Hills Re: Member Annual Members' Show July 27 – August 27, 201 The Gallery is open Wednesday – Saturday, 11-5pm Reception for the artists: Saturday, August 20th, 2011, noon until 5pm. Poetry/Spoken Word Performance at 2pm featuring Jose Alonzo and two other local poets. This event will be a Potluck Fundraiser with a suggested donation of $5. (Members will bring the potluck Re and guests may donate!). Musical guests to be announced. 1015 E St., Hayward CA 510.581.4050 Gallery Hours 11-5 pm, Wednesday - Saturday The Sun Gallery is a 501c3 non-profit supported in part by the City of Hayward, its membership, HARD, ACAC/ARTSFUND Grants, Macy's Shop for a Cause, Carpenters Union Local 713, and East Bay Charities, Inc. Artistic Visions Exhibit Gala Reception Please join us at the Blackhawk Gallery for Appetizers and Wine. 48 artists are participating in this all new exhibit. We are located across from the Prickly Pear Cantina at Blackhawk Plaza Page 8 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION Vol 31 Number 9 SEPTEMBER 2011 Classes & Workshops - Showcase News Jan Schafir will be conducting a workshop in Scotts Valley, (Santa Cruz mountains) Sept. 29-Oct. 1. We will be staying at the Maryswood Retreat Center, and paint at the beach, redwoods etc. A fun painting vacation with food provided by Jan, lots of games/videos etc at night and fellowship with other painters. Call Jan for more information 791-9290. or cell at 409-2836. On-Going Classes Jan’s Art Studio - 38215 Fremont Blvd. Call (510) 791-9290 - Watercolor classes continue for Mondays & Saturdays. Call for details on times and prices and if you want a schedule e-mailed to you. Teachers at Jan’s Art Studio: Dmitry Grudsky - Oil,watercolor, acrylic, drawing Call 791-9290 Therese Ely - Children, Watercolor and printmaking Call 791-9290 NEW! Susan Helmer, Beading Instructor Extraordinaire Beaded Ornament Cover --Saturday, October 29 --10 am to 2 pm --$40.00 Bead Kit Available Bead Crochet Candy Cane Ornament Saturday, November 5 10 am to 2 pm at the gallery $40.00 Buy your own beads or a Bead Kit for $6.00 Project samples will be on display at the gallery in middle of September with Supply lists. ALL ABOUT CARDS --$20.00 Saturday, September 24, 11 am to 1 pm. Are you a new artist or even an experienced one and would like to make cards from your art work? Everything from where to buy materials to packaging and labeling will be presented. Bring a 4"by 6" photo of your art work to make a card in class. Showcase News If you haven’t seen "ALONG THE BOULEVARD", you are missing a visual feast! The showcase will run through September 11. Also, plan to visit the last showcase of the year presented by the Tuesday painters coming October 28. Planning for 2012 Each year FAA plans for 4 showcases in the gallery. Next year there are plans in the works for a children's art showcase. That means there are still 3 slots available. If you would like to be considered for a showcase in 2012, please bring 5 samples of your work to the October 4 Board meeting. The Board members will review your work and give you an answer ASAP. Don't miss this opportunity to be featured in the new gallery! Susan Helmer Ann-Marie Haley Call 510-489-7396 or Studio 491-9290. Boy's & Girls ages 5-9 yrs. Drawing & watercolor. Wed & Fri 3:45 p.m. Central Fremont area. Joann Stager call: 510-461-8249 or 792-8431: Boy's & Girls ages 5-9 yrs. Drawing & watercolor. Sunday: 9 a.m, to 11:30 a.m. or 2 p.m. Irvington area. Also, Newark area call for times. Jan Small - Monday Afternoons 3:30-4:30 for Adults and evenings 7 - 8; Tues Afternoons, 3:30-4:30 for Children; Classes are $15 each payable by the month. Classes are held in Jan Small’s studio at 40167 Blanchard St., Fremont Phone: 510-656-1844 or email: Page 9 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION Vol 31 Number 9 SEPTEMBER 2011 New Members Welcome! A warm welcome to our new members: Tracey Lamee, Caroline Tien-Spalding, Donna Davis, Dianne Lanning, Emi Tabuchi, Daisy Vasquez, Joanne M. Landers, Don Scott, Amna Jasser Welcome back to our many members that are renewing their commitment to the Association. Our mission is to foster, promote and encourage the production, cultivation and appreciation of Art. As we enter into this new phase of growth and renewal with our move to the new Gallery location, let us also renew our relationship with Fremont Art Association. • • • • • • Members are invited to enroll in a variety of Workshops. Attend monthly artist demonstrations and talks. Attend and participate in our Quarterly Shows. Join the Juried Fine Arts Show. Connect with special events: Regan Nursery, Shinn House, Open Studios, Wildflower Festival, Circuit Program, etc. Volunteer your time. The success of our Association is the based on the generosity of time that our members give. We hope to access that wealth of volunteerism as we move forward. In order to increase our exposure in our community and solidify our success and sustainability, we need to develop even more involvement of our members. Membership is updating our list of volunteer options for our members. Please visit the FAA website, find the Membership Form, review the "help in the following areas" section and re-evaluate the ways in which you can help. If you have a new idea, please suggest it! Then simply email me at: or call me at 510-657-5693 and I will update your FAA profile. The Pleasanton Art League Announces an upcoming workshop with Susan Cornelis. The “Sketchbooking” with Watercolor and Collage workshop will be held Nov.2-4, 2011 at the Firehouse Arts Center, Pleasanton. See the attached flyer with registration form and details. SusanCornelisSketchbooking inWatercolor & CollageWorkshopNov.2-4,2011 Check one: ____ Enclosed deposit of $100 (Balance due Oct.20 -Supply list after deposit) ____ Enclosed total fee $200 Postmarked by Sept. 20, 2011 SAVE* Send your check and this completed form to: Pleasanton Art League Payable to: PAL, Pleasanton Art League c/o Linda Beach 5833 Ida Court, Livermore, CA 94550 Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________ State: ________ Zip: ________________ Phone: ________________________________________ E-mail:_____________________________________________: Questions? See: or phone: 925-449-4226 / E-mail: Page 10 FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 31 NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 2011 FAA Member Highlights Adobe Art Center , Classroom 1: Presents Cooksey Talbott as their Guest Artist, giving his popular talk/demo: using social media to promote and sell your art on Saturday October 22, 1 - 3 p.m. The address is 20395 San Miguel Ave, Castro Valley and admission is free. Artist Statement: “Things have changed in the past few years resulting in a broad level playing field for artists. Affinity groups of artists and arts lovers are forming and interacting across a rich and varied network of web based services. This means that you can reach far more people with your work then ever before if you can learn to use these platforms. In the old days we pushed slides around to juries and periodical publications. Making a stable good quality reproduction of a painting or photograph was problematical. Nobody got too much in the way of exposure from this pattern. By learning how to create quality JPG images that can be re-printed into a variety of print-ondemand editions and items the modern artist can have more then just the original piece of art to sell. These reproductions can be sold at a lower price that more people can afford resulting in greater sales. With a gallery or website viewers have to come and see your work. The number of views can be very limited, often only several a day. With social media your work goes direct to the viewer resulting in many more views per day. By integrating a sales platform like Etsy with your Facebook page you can be selling work online for a few cents a week. “ Come and listen to local artist Cooksey-Talbott bring together the various elements of a social media art marketing strategy and learn how you can attract a following, make some friends and have some fun in the process! Cooksey-Talbott is a photographer and “alpha geek” from Fremont. He is on the board of the Fremont Art Association and is active in promoting the local arts scene in our area. You can see his work at: < > < > Congratulations, Dmitry!! One of our own artists, Dmitry Grudsky, has a painting accepted into the 42nd National California Watercolor Association (CWA) Show. His painting, “The Puppeteer”, was chosen for both the Juror’s Choice Award and the Windsor Newton Award. Dmitry will accept these honors during the CWA Awards reception, September18, 2011. The exhibit can be seen at the Marin Art and Garden Center, Ross, California. PAGE 11 ! FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 31 NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 2011 FAA Member Highlights Continued... Florence Stronck, Local Color Editor, was an invited “Artist in Residence” Plein air painting at Sugar Pine State Park, through the Sierra Parks Division for “Living History Day”, West Shore, Lake Tahoe, CA “Pine Lodge” Ehrman Estate Conifers of Tahoe Plein Air Site Nestled on the grassy knoll overlooking the lake, artists Andy Skaff, Bill Clausen and Florence Stronck were visited as they gleaned inspiration from the historic surroundings. The weather: a perfect 80 degrees, the lake was at its highest, due to a long and snowy winter. What a day! perfect for painting and selling of artists’ works. PLEIN AIR PAINT OUT It's not too late to sign up for the 4th Annual Plein Air Paint out on September 17, 2011. Rules and entry forms are available on-line at <http:// and at the gallery. Registration deadline is September 14, 2011 If you can't paint that day you can still come meet and support your fellow artists at the Pavilion and cast your vote for your favorite painting in the People's Choice and silent auction during the reception from 2:30 to 4:00 pm. If you have any questions call Robyn at (510) 656-4939 Page 12 ! FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 31 NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 2011 A VERY SPECIAL THANKS FROM YOUR FELLOW GALLERY LOVER Jaci Daskarolis I want to thank all of you who responded with a pledge of money or services to keep our Gallery open. I do worry that only 40 members responded. Does that mean of 160 members, we have only 40 who will get involved? If that IS the situation, then the 40 will really need to get involved with the business of the Gallery. Attending Board Meetings as well as General meetings and taking part in the process and decisions. We now have a new Gallery and we all can be proud of it, so many people helped with the move, they are our angels. Now let's all show it off to neighbors and friends and get them interested in the art and excited for us. As much as we want 'just art' time, all of us need to find some time and energy to give to “our artist community” in this case, OUR GALLERY. We can ask businesses for support. Can they donate money, gift certificates for the Fine Arts Show raffle and/or Gallery use. We can recognize them in the Local Color and in the Gallery, free advertising.. Let's ask our eating spots, hair care, hardware stores, clubs, art stores, retail stores, employers -- everyone we talk to. We have letters you can give possible donors, when asking for help. Most are willing to give something if asked. IT IS TAX DEDUCTIBLE. If 160 members each got one donation, what a wonderful proactive group that will be! So, I guess my point is, we need to increase our income and cut expenses. We can't get complacent now--so keep the ideas, and energy flowing: ü ü ü ü Commission on classes is a big income item. Teach some and take some. Schedule more workshops, a couple a month ? Wearable art is a big income item, jewelry, silk, scarves, blouses, vests. All Members with Blogs, Face-book, etc., could promote Gallery activities, let your friends know you have art at the Gallery. The Gallery has to be open to sell, help fill the empty staffing days? then maybe open 7 days!! Come up with ideas to bring in income. Be sure our new members feel welcome and included, ask them to help. Find someone to print the LC for free, some in the gallery for new members, and some for the non emailers. Maybe 50?? A Board member suggested that, if you know a member who doesn't have email, please make them a copy of the Local Color. There are 22 members without email addresses, find your friends on the membership list and let them know what is going on and that we need their help also. I am hoping the minutes will appear in the Local Color, and everyone can find interest and motivation enough to attend meetings. Thanks again for keeping the Gallery alive! Respectfully, Jaci Daskarolis, member PAGE 13 ! FREMONT ART ASSOCIATION VOL 31 Calendar for 2011 -- Subject to change 18-Jun Photo Group 11-12:00 Noon 21-Jun Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. 25-Jun Regan's Nursery Art Display 11-4:00 p.m. 26-Jun Receiving Pick up 3:30-5:00 p.m. 26-Jun Regan's Nursery Art Display 11-4: 00 p.m. 26-Jun Special Members Pick up 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. 28-Jun Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. 5-Jul, Tuesday BOARD MEETING, 7-9 p.m. 6-Jul, Wednesday General Meeting w/Guest Artist, 7-9 p.m. 10-Jul, Sun, QTR 2 - TAKE DOWN & PICK UP, 1- 6 p.m. 11-Jul, Monday RECEIVING QTR 3, 1-6 p.m. (Qtr Ends 2Oct) 12-Jul.Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00.p.m. 16-Jul.3S Photo Group 11-12:00 Noon 19-Jul Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. 22-Jul - 14-Aug SHOWCASE III - SCENES OF NILES (Ends 14-Aug) 24-Jul, Sunday FAA MEMBER SHOWCASE RECEPTION, 1:30-4 p.m. NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 2011 3-Oct, Monday FINE ART SHOW RECEIVING 1:00-6:00 pm 4-Oct NO Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. 4-Oct, Tuesday BOARD MEETING - 7-9:00 p.m. 5-Oct, Wednesday NO GENERAL MEETING 5-Oct - 24-Oct FINE ART SHOW - START (Takedown 10/24) 9-Oct - RECEPTION Sunday 10/9 FAS RECEPTION 1:30 - 4:00pm 17- Oct Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00pm 15-Oct Photo Group 11-12:00N 18-Oct Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00pm 24-Oct, Sunday FAS End - TAKE DOWN & PICK UP ARTWORK - 5:00-7:00PM 24-Oct, Monday RECEIVING QTR 4 1:00-6:00pm - Qtr Ends 3-Jan 2012 25-Oct Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 pm 26-Jul Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. 2-Aug.Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00.p.m. 2-Aug, Tuesday BOARD MEETING 7-9 p.m. 28-Oct - 20-Nov SHOWCASE IV TUESDAY PAINTERS 3-Aug, Wednesday NO GENERAL MEETING 9-Aug Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. 14-Aug, Sunday SHOWCASE III TAKEDOWN, 1- 5 p.m 14-Aug Special Members Exhibit Receiving, 11:30 a.m5 p.m 16-Aug Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. 20-Aug Photo Group 11-12:00 Noon 23-Aug Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. 30-Aug Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. 6-Sep Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m. 6-Sep, Tuesday.BOARD MEETING, 7-9 p.m. 7-Sep, Wednesday General Meeting w/Guest Artist, 7-9 p.m. PAINTERS SHOWCASE - 1:30 - 4:00 PM 30-Oct, Sunday RECEPTION: QTR 4 EXHIBITING ARTISTS & TUESDAY 1-Nov Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 pm 1-Nov, Tuesday BOARD MEETING 7-9:00 pm 2-Nov, Wednesday General Meeting w/Guest Artist 7-9:00 pm 8-Nov Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00pm 15-Nov Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00pm 19-Nov Photo Group 11-12:00 NOON 20-Nov, Sunday TUESDAY PAINTERS SHOWCASE TAKEDOWN 17-Sep, Saturday PAINT OUT @ Lake Elizabeth 8 a.m. a.m.-4 p.m. 21-Nov, Monday HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE RECEIVING - CHAIR PERSON NEEDED 11-Sep Special Members Exhibit Pick-up, 3:30-5 pm 13-Sep Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 pm 17-Sep 3S Photo Group 11-12:00N 20-Sep Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 pm 27-‐Sep NO Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 pm 22-Nov Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m 29-Nov Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m 4-Dec, Sunday BOARD MEETING & HOLIDAY PARTY 6-Dec Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m 13-Dec Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m 28 – 30 Sep GALLERY CLOSED ~ Prepare for Fine Art Show 2-Oct, Sunday QTR 3 - TAKE DOWN & PICK UP - 1:00 - 5:00 PM ! 17-Dec Photo Group 11-12 p.m 20-Dec Tuesday Painters Group 11-3:00 p.m PAGE 14
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