HANOVER BOROUGH 44 Frederick Street Hanover, PA 17331 (717) 637-3877 NEWSLETTER Spring 2013 HANOVER BOROUGH ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor Ben Adams First Ward Council Kimberly Griffin Gerald Funke Heidi Hormel John Gerken John Connor Henry McLin Raye Morris Bernard (Sonny) Eline Sylvia Yingling Thomas Hufnagle, Jr. Second Ward Council Third Ward Council Fourth Ward Council Fifth Ward Council HANOVER BOROUGH ADMINISTRATORS Borough Manager Chief of Police Fire Chief Assistant Borough Manager Wastewater Treatment Supt. Treasurer/Office Mgr & Administrative Asst to Mgr Secretary/Open Records Public Works Supt. Water Dept. Supt. Plumbing Inspector & Code Enforcement Health & Sanitation & Code Enforcement Transfer Station Supt. Library Director Barbara A. Krebs Dwayne Smith Jan Cromer Edward Reed Timothy Mayers Cynthia Wyatt Dorothy Miller Randall Baugher Gordon Shue Dennis Northcraft Richard Rorrer Patrick Topper Fletcher Hiigel HANOVER BOROUGH MEETING SCHEDULE 2013 In accordance with Act 175 of 1974, the open mee ng act, commonly referred to as the “Sunshine Bill”, the following public mee ngs of the below listed boards or commissions of The Borough of Hanover will be scheduled for the 2013 calendar year. All mee ngs will be held at 44 Frederick Street, Hanover, Pennsylvania unless otherwise noted: Hanover Borough Council 7:30 PM Hanover Borough Council Chamber 4th Wednesday January and February; 1st Wednesday of March at 5:00 PM for Joint Bid Opening; 4th Wednesday of March at 6:00 PM; 2nd and 4th Wednesday monthly April through October; 2nd Wednesday and 4th Tuesday of November; and 2nd Wednesday and 4th Monday of December. Police Pension Commi ee 11:00 AM Hanover Borough Caucus Room #2 Tuesdays, January 8th, April 9th, July 9th and October 8th, 2013. Board of Health 7:30 PM Hanover Borough Caucus Room #2 First Thursday of January, March, June and September. Planning Commission & Commi ee 7:15 PM Hanover Borough Council Chamber First Wednesday of every month in 2013. Recrea on Board 5:30 PM Hanover Borough Council Chamber Fourth Thursday January through September; Third Thursday in October; no mee ngs in November & December. Zoning Hearing Board: 7:00 PM Hanover Borough Council Chamber Third Monday January through November; no mee ng in December. Library Board of Governors: 4:00 PM Guthrie Memorial Library, Hanover’s Public Library, 2 Library Place, Hanover, PA Second Thursday of every month in 2013. Finance Commi ee: 7:00 PM Hanover Borough Council Chamber Third Wednesday of every month in 2013. Shade Tree Commission: 9:00 AM Hanover Borough Municipal Building First Monday of every month in 2013; except September which shall be the second Monday; no mee ngs in July or December. The above mee ngs as listed, are intended to be open public mee ngs to any and all items of business which might be brought before the appropriate public body at the mee ng. All interested persons are invited to a end same. Coming Soon: New Hanover Borough Website -Look for us at www.hanoverboroughyorkcountypa.info NEW ONLINE BILLPAY COMING SOON CURBSIDE—RESIDENTIAL RECYCLING 2013 Recycling Curbside Pick Up Dates APRIL MAY JUNE Mon. 22 Mon. 20 Mon. 24 Tues. 23 Tues. 21 Tues. 25 Thurs. 25 Thurs. 23 Thurs. 27 Fri. 26 Fri. 24 Fri. 28 JULY Mon. 22 Tues. 23 Thurs. 25 Fri. 26 AUGUST Mon. 26 Tues. 27 Thurs. 29 Fri. 30 SEPTEMBER Mon. 23 Tues. 24 Thurs. 26 Fri. 27 OCTOBER Mon. 14 Tues. 15 Thurs. 17 Fri. 18 NOVEMBER Mon. 18 Tues. 19 Thurs. 21 Fri. 22 DECEMBER Mon. 16 Tues. 17 Thurs. 19 Fri. 20 Reminder A different truck will collect each recyclable separately at a different me for the following items which are collected curbside: *Aluminum & bimetal (co-mingled in same bin) *BINS ARE FOR CANS ONLY* *Cardboard (broken down & bundled) *Newspaper (bundled) *Must be kept dry* Recycling Drop Off Center Info Current hours: 6:00 AM to 3:30 PM Monday—Friday Every Saturday 7:00 AM—2:00 PM Recycling Center will continue to accept recyclable items including clear & colored glass, quality paper, magazines & phone books Tex le Box: Located at the Recycling Center for a convenient place to drop your used clothing. To help our community celebrate EARTH DAY every day of the year— York County residents, organizations, civic groups, schools, and neighborhoods that want to clean up litter or eliminate illegal dumpsites, can dispose of waste from a clean-up effort free of charge at the York County Resource Recovery Center. The Authority is working with Keep York County Beautiful to stop illegal dumping in our community and clean up existing dumpsites. If you would like to help clean up a site, contact Tom Smith at Keep York County Beautiful at 717-840-2375, or tls35@psu.edu. Keep York County Beautiful will assist with providing free gloves, bags and safety vests. To register for the Authority’s free litter disposal program, call Jen Cristofoletti at the Solid Waste Authority at 717-845-1066. MISC REFUSE COLLECTION INFO Refuse Weight Households are allowed to place up to three (3) 30 gallon bags per week curbside. No bags or cans in excess of 30 gallon size will be picked up! Special or Large Item Pickups Please call Public Works at 632-3939 to schedule a special trash pickup. NOTE: certain large items are eligible for free pickup. Garden Waste Collection Garden and leaf waste will be picked up with your recyclables during May & October on your regular pick-up day: Monday, May 20th Monday, Oct. 14th Tuesday, May 21st Tuesday, Oct. 15th Thursday, May 23rd Thursday, Oct. 17th Friday, May 24th Friday, Oct. 18th *PLEASE PLACE GARDEN LEAF WASTE STICKER ON BAGS—BAGS CONTAINING ROCKS, GRASS, TREE LIMBS OR GROUND WILL NOT BE COLLECTED* Electronics Recycling Located behind the Penn Township Office Rear Wayne Avenue on Heights Avenue Mon-Fri 8-4:15 PM/Saturdays 8-3 PM Now accepting tv’s, computer & monitors, desk tops, laptops, keyboards, mouse, printers. Collection Sites for Used Motor Oil, Kerosene, Gas and Antifreeze in York County Hanover Spring Grove York Cooper Motors Zeigler’s Service Center Advance Auto Parts 985 York Street 1610 Route 116 1406 Kenneth Road Hanover, PA 17331 Spring Grove, PA 17362 York, PA 17404 (717) 632-4225 (717) 225-5612 (717) 764-3065 TEN REASONS TO RECYCLE 1. GOOD FOR OUR ECONOMY American companies rely on recycling programs to provide the raw materials they need to make products. 2. CREATES JOBS Recycling in the US is a $236 billion a year industry. More than 56,000 recycling and reuse enterprises employ 1.1 million workers na onwide. 3. REDUCES WASTE The average American discards 7 1/2 pounds of garbage every day. Most of this garbage goes into landfills, where it’s compacted and buried. 4. GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Recycling requires far less energy, uses fewer natural resources, and keeps waste from piling up in landfills. 5. SAVES ENERGY Recycling offers significant energy savings over manufacturing with virgin materials. Manufacturing with recycled aluminum cans uses 95% less energy. 5. RECYCLING FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS Teaching our youth recycling prac ces now, ensures that our environment will be improved for all future genera ons. 7. PREVENTS GLOBAL WARMING In 2000, recycling of solid waste prevented the release of 32.9 million metric tons of carbon equivalent (MMTCE - the unit of measure for green house gasses) into the air. 8. REDUCES WATER POLLUTION Making goods from recycled materials generates far less water pollu on than manufacturing from virgin materials. 9. PROTECTS WILDLIFE Using recycled materials reduces the damage to forests, wetlands, rivers and other places essen al to wildlife. 10. CREATES NEW DEMAND Recycling and buying recycling products creates demand for more recycled products, decreasing waste and helping our economy. 2 Library Place,, Hanover, PA 17331 632-5183 www.guthrielibrary.org Planned Giving the Swingin’ Seven Band and sample delicious hors d’oeuvres. Cash bar. Tickets are on sale now at the library’s main desk for $40 per person. Guthrie Memorial Library – Hanover’s Public Library invites you to become a member of the Aristotle Society. The Aristotle Society was created Financial Literacy for Kids and Teens to honor those whose estate planning includes a The Right on the Money mini-camp for children gi to the library. ages 5-7 will be held in the Program Room during Because government and corporate grant funding the week of June 10th. During four 1-hour sessions, fluctuates, Guthrie Memorial Library depends children will learn the basics of earning, spending, heavily on private contribu ons. Bequests both saving, and borrowing money using stories and fun large and small ensure the long range financial ac vi es. stability of the library. By leaving a legacy you Money School for high school students will be held have the sa sfac on of knowing that you will on Friday, July 15th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the enrich the lives of future genera ons. John D. Bare Center. At this program, teens will Please call Lisa Kane at 632-5183 ext. 320 if you learn about the importance of budge ng, credit have included Guthrie Memorial Library in your card smarts, and how to avoid iden ty the . Pizza will or would like more informa on about the and soda will be provided and one a endee will Aristotle Society. win $100! Upcoming Events Summer Sols ce Join us on Friday, June 21st as we celebrate the longest day of the year at the library’s annual Summer Sols ce fundraiser from 6:00 pm un l 10:00 pm. The celebra on is an opportunity to enjoy the spectacular roof of the library, mingle with friends, listen and dance to the live music of Registra on is required for both events. Please contact the Children’s Department at 632-5183 or visit our website at www.guthrielibrary.org for more informa on. MORNING LEAGUE INSTRUCTIONAL BASEBALL Monday—Thursday beginning June 17th The program runs for approximately 7 weeks BOYS: Monday & Wednesdays 8:30 AM—10:30 AM GIRLS: Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:30 AM-10:30 AM Sign up at Hanover Borough Office ZUMBA FITNESS CLASSES ARE BACK! NO CLASS MINIMUM & NO PRE-REGISTRATION! $3.00/CLASS— paid to instructor at time of each class WHEN: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 7:00—8:00 PM February 5th through May 30th, 2013 at the Hanover Street Elementary School Gymnasium Monday-Friday 8AM to 5PM (717-637-3877) COST: $10.00 for Hanover Borough & Penn Township Residents and $12.50 for all other municipalities Ages 6, 7 & 8 are accepted INSTRUCTOR: Suzanne Hafner, Certified Zumba Instructor BRING A FRIEND PROMOTION: One free class to anyone who brings a friend (one time only) Best value in the area! HANOVER PLAYGROUNDS SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM We would like to invite anyone in the Hanover Area this summer to join us at our parks for clean, safe summer FUN! We will be running organized park sessions, supervised by playground staff members. These parks are open to ALL, free of charge! This program will start June 10th and run through August 2nd Playground Staff will be at each of our facilities from 9-11:30 a.m. and from 6-8:30 p.m. through the week. Borough Playgrounds include: Elm Avenue Wirt Park Baer Avenue West Hanover Street DeGuy Avenue Washington Avenue Myers Memorial Hanover Street ***OPEN TO ALL SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN*** UPCOMING WIRT PARK EVENTS Saturday, April 20th Girl Scouts Day in the Park Healthy Habits Carnival 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM Saturday, April 27th: YWCA Hispanic-American Center Kids Day 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM Saturday, June 29th: Summer Concert in Wirt Park 12:00 Noon to 8:30 PM Saturday, July 27th: Chamber of Commerce Dutch Festival 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Saturday, Sept. 14th: Chamber of Commerce Art & Music in the Park 10:00 AM to 9:30 PM HAPPENINGS IN HANOVER Saturday, May 11th: Chalk-It-Up Hanover Center Square & one block out 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM—sponsored by Hanover Area Chamber of Commerce (717) 637-6130) SATURDAY, June 29th: Free Summer Concert in Wirt Park 12:00 Noon to 8:30 PM showcasing local and regional music talent that the greater Hanover Area has to offer. **SEE THE END OF THIS BROCHURE FOR THE 250TH ANNIVERSARY EVENTS HAPPENING THIS SUMMER!** Thursday July 4th: At Moul Field Liberty Day Celebration Recreation Complex All day events & family fun Fireworks 9:30 PM Saturday, July 27th: Hanover Dutch Days At Center Square—enjoy family fun & good food 8AM to 4PM Sunday, Sept. 1st: Hanover Chili Cookoff At Good Field Forney Avenue 11AM to 5PM www.hanoverchilicookoff.com Hanover’s Farmers Market Locally grown produce, baked goods & wonderful gift ideas from handmade crafts to fresh cut flowers. Visit us and have breakfast! Saturdays 6AM—12:00 Noon 210 East Chestnut Street 632-1353 The Hanover Farmer’s Market is a li le bit of living tradi on. The Saturday tradi on of “Market” recalls the days of yesteryear when shopping was a pleasure, not a chore. The Hanover Market House flavors your morning with diverse local products. HISTORY: The quality minded shopper has, since 1815, delighted in the Market. The Market House has been at its current loca on at 210 East Chestnut Street since 1933. THE SHOPPING EXTRAVAGANZA: The ambiance of the building frames a contemporary and pleasant place to shop. The aroma of fresh-baked good and glowing vitality of quality meats, vegetables, fish and fruits remains the staple crop for market day. Amidst the fine edibles is an incredibly clever array of local cra s and unique merchandise displayed with the character and enchantment of Hanover’s Germanic heritage. HANOVER’S MARKET HOUSE—A TRADITION YOU WILL ENJOY HANOVER BOROUGH VOTING LOCATIONS 1ST WARD Calvary Bible Church 603 Wilson Avenue 2ND WARD Market House 210 East Chestnut Street 3RD WARD Utz Pavilion 861 Carlisle Street (Eichelberger St) 4TH WARD Wirt Park Fire Sta on 201 North Franklin St & Park Ave 5TH WARD Wellness Center 400 York Street REMEMBER TO VOTE! Last day to register for primary is Monday, April 22nd Municipal Primary Tuesday, May 21st Municipal Election Tuesday, November 5th HANOVER HERITAGE ASSOCIATION EVENTS In 2013 we celebrate Hanover’s founding—the 250th Anniversary of the founding in1763 as well as the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Hanover, the first battle of the Civil War on free soil. E.V. WHITE’S RAID—PRESENTATION TUESDAY, June 25th 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM at Guthrie Memorial Library BOOK SIGNINGS & ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION THURSDAY, June 27th 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM at Guthrie Memorial Library BLOCK PARTY AT WIRT PARK THURSDAY, June 27th 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at Wirt Park 250 YEARS GALA Join us on FRIDAY, June 28th for a special 250th Gala at the Hanover Country Club, 200 Water Street, Abbottstown, PA from 6:00 PM until ? With cocktails, buffet dinner and dancing featuring the Hubcaps and The Pixies Three Contact Kim Clapper for more information (717) 965-1282 or email kmclapper03@aim.com CEREMONIES AT WIRT PARK SUNDAY, June 30th join us at Wirt Park for Anniversary Ceremonies from 1:00 to 3:00 PM 250th ANNIVERSARY PARADE The Hanover Heritage Association has planned a parade to celebrate the 250th Anniversary on Saturday, June 29th, 2013 at 10:00 AM (severe weather date of July 13th 2013) with formation at Wirt Avenue and John Street, continuing onto Baltimore Street to Center Square and disbanding on Carlisle Street at Library Place and Third Street. Downtown Entertainment to follow parade 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Contact Pennie Spalding, Parade Chairman at (717) 870-1178 for more information 250TH GALA TICKETS & SPONSOR INFORMATION 250 YEAR GALA CELEBRATION JUNE 28, 2013 AT THE HANOVER COUNTRY CLUB 6:00 PM NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE: EMAIL: #TICKETS @ $75.00 EACH:_________ AMOUNT ENCLOSED: PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM AND CHECK TO: THE HANOVER HERITAGE ASSOCIATION C/O YWCA TO DRESS IN 18TH CENTURY 23 WEST CHESTNUT STREET HANOVER, PA 17331 WELCOME & ENCOURAGED PERIOD ATTIRE YOUR RECEIPT WILL BE EMAILED; IF YOU DO NOT HAVE EMAIL IT WILL BE MAILED I REQUEST TO BE SEATED WITH (TABLES OF 8) For more Informa on, please contact Kimberly Clapper 717-965-1282 or kmclapper03@aim.com YES, I WOULD LIKE TO BE A SPONSOR—ALL FUNDS GO DIRECTLY TO THE 250TH ANNIVERSARY EVENTS $3,500 ‐ BAND SPONSOR: (Please indicate here if interested) Includes major signage at band loca on and at Gala event with company logo in Gala Program booklet; Half page adver sement in Overall 250th Program Booklet; Opportunity to introduce the band; and Reserved Table for 10 with Table Recogni on. $1,000—TABLE SPONSOR: (Please indicate here if interested) Includes recogni on signage at the Gala Event with company logo in Gala Program booklet; Quarter page adver sement in Overall 250th Program Booklet; Reserved Table for 10 with Table Recogni on. $500– TABLE SPONSOR: (Please indicate here if interested) Includes recogni on signage at the Gala Event; recogni on in Gala Program booklet; reserved seats for 4 with Table recogni on. OR I WOULD LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE THIS AMOUNT AS A DONATION: $ What is the next step? Contact Sonny Eline at 717-632-4768 or at sonny1776@comcast.net or complete this pledge form and send to: Hanover Heritage Associa on c/o YWCA, 23 West Chestnut Street, Hanover, PA 17331 Name: Address: Email Phone # info@hanover2013.com www.hanover2013.com
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during May & October on your regular pick-up day:
Monday, May 19th
Monday, Oct. 20th
Tuesday, May 20th
Tuesday, Oct. 21st
Thursday, May 22nd
Thursday, Oct. 23rd
Friday, May 23rd
Friday, Oct. 24th
Kimberly Griffin
Gerald Funke
Heidi Hormel
John Gerken
John Connor
Henry McLin
Raye Morris
Bernard (Sonny) Eline
Sylvia Yingling
Thomas Hufnagle, Jr.