
44 Frederick Street
Hanover, PA 17331
(717) 637-3877
Summer 2013
Ben Adams
First Ward Council
Kimberly Griffin
Gerald Funke
Heidi Hormel
John Gerken
John Connor
Henry McLin
Raye Morris
Bernard (Sonny) Eline
Sylvia Yingling
Thomas Hufnagle, Jr.
Second Ward Council
Third Ward Council
Fourth Ward Council
Fifth Ward Council
Borough Manager
Chief of Police
Fire Chief
Assistant Borough Manager
Wastewater Treatment Supt.
Treasurer/Office Mgr &
Administrative Asst to Mgr
Secretary/Open Records
Public Works Supt.
Water Dept. Supt.
Plumbing Inspector &
Code Enforcement
Health & Sanitation &
Code Enforcement
Transfer Station Supt.
Library Director
Barbara A. Krebs
Dwayne Smith
Jan Cromer
Edward Reed
Timothy Mayers
Cynthia Wyatt
Dorothy Miller
Randall Baugher
Gordon Shue
Dennis Northcraft
Richard Rorrer
Patrick Topper
Fletcher Hiigel
In accordance with Act 175 of 1974, the open mee ng act, commonly referred to as the “Sunshine Bill”, the following public mee ngs of the below listed boards or commissions of The Borough of Hanover will be scheduled for the 2013 calendar year. All mee ngs will be held at 44 Frederick Street, Hanover, Pennsylvania unless otherwise noted: Hanover Borough Council 7:30 PM Hanover Borough Council Chamber 4th Wednesday January and February; 1st Wednesday of March at 5:00 PM for Joint Bid Opening; 4th Wednesday of March at 6:00 PM; 2nd and 4th Wednesday monthly April through October; 2nd Wednesday and 4th Tuesday of November; and 2nd Wednesday and 4th Monday of December. Police Pension Commi ee 11:00 AM Hanover Borough Caucus Room #2 Tuesdays, January 8th, April 9th, July 9th and October 8th, 2013. Board of Health 7:30 PM Hanover Borough Caucus Room #2 First Thursday of January, March, June and September. Planning Commission & Commi ee 7:15 PM Hanover Borough Council Chamber First Wednesday of every month in 2013. Recrea on Board 5:30 PM Hanover Borough Council Chamber Fourth Thursday January through September; Third Thursday in October; no mee ngs in November & December. Zoning Hearing Board: 7:00 PM Hanover Borough Council Chamber Third Monday January through November; no mee ng in December. Library Board of Governors: 4:00 PM Guthrie Memorial Library, Hanover’s Public Library, 2 Library Place, Hanover, PA Second Thursday of every month in 2013. Finance Commi ee: 7:00 PM Hanover Borough Council Chamber Third Wednesday of every month in 2013. Shade Tree Commission: 9:00 AM Hanover Borough Municipal Building First Monday of every month in 2013; except September which shall be the second Monday; no mee ngs in July or December. The above mee ngs as listed, are intended to be open public mee ngs to any and all items of business which might be brought before the appropriate public body at the mee ng. All interested persons are invited to a end same. Junior Council Program Congratula ons to Linsey Bowersox upon gradua ng from Hanover High School this spring and comple ng her term as Junior Hanover Borough Council Person. We would like to welcome our new Junior Council Person Zachary Sheaffer –a Junior from Hanover High School and wish them both success! CURBSIDE—RESIDENTIAL RECYCLING 2013 Recycling Curbside Pick Up Dates
Mon. 26
Tues. 27
Thurs. 29
Fri. 30
Mon. 23
Tues. 24
Thurs. 26
Fri. 27
Mon. 14
Tues. 15
Thurs. 17
Fri. 18
Mon. 18
Tues. 19
Thurs. 21
Fri. 22
Mon. 16
Tues. 17
Thurs. 19
Fri. 20
Reminder A different truck will collect each recyclable separately at a different me for the following items which are collected curbside: *Aluminum & bimetal (co-mingled in same bin) *BINS ARE FOR CANS ONLY* *Cardboard (broken down & bundled) *Newspaper (bundled) *Must be kept dry* Recycling Drop Off Center Info
Current hours: 6:00 AM to 3:30 PM Monday—Friday
Every Saturday 7:00 AM—2:00 PM
Recycling Center will continue to accept recyclable items including clear & colored glass,
quality paper, magazines & phone books
Tex le Box: Located at the Recycling Center for a convenient place to drop your used clothing. To help our community celebrate EARTH DAY every day of the year—
York County residents, organizations, civic groups, schools, and neighborhoods that want to
clean up litter or eliminate illegal dumpsites, can dispose of waste from a clean-up effort free of
charge at the York County Resource Recovery Center. The Authority is working with Keep
York County Beautiful to stop illegal dumping in our community and clean up existing
dumpsites. If you would like to help clean up a site, contact Tom Smith at Keep York County Beautiful at 717840-2375, or tls35@psu.edu. Keep York County Beautiful will assist with providing free gloves, bags and safety
To register for the Authority’s free litter disposal program, call Jen Cristofoletti
at the Solid Waste Authority at 717-845-1066.
MISC REFUSE COLLECTION INFO Refuse Weight Households are allowed to place up to three (3) 30 gallon bags per week curbside. No bags or cans in excess of 30 gallon size will be picked up! Special or Large Item Pickups
Please call Public Works at 632-3939
to schedule a special trash pickup.
NOTE: certain large items are eligible for free pickup.
Garden Waste Collection
Garden and leaf waste will be picked up with your recyclables
during October on your regular pick-up day:
Monday, October 14th
Tuesday, October 15th
Thursday, October 17th
Friday, October 18th
Electronics Recycling
Located behind the Penn Township Office
Rear Wayne Avenue on Heights Avenue
Mon-Fri 8-4:15 PM/Saturdays 8-3 PM
Now accepting tv’s, computer & monitors, desk tops, laptops,
keyboards, mouse, printers.
Collection Sites for Used Motor Oil, Kerosene, Gas and Antifreeze in York County
Spring Grove
Zeigler’s Service Center
Advance Auto Parts
1610 Route 116
1406 Kenneth Road
Spring Grove, PA 17362
York, PA 17404
(717) 255-5612
(717) 764-3065
SHOCKING RECYCLING STATISTICS!! 1. The average person generates over 4 pounds of trash every day and about 1.5 tons of solid waste per year. 2. We generate 21.5 million tons of food waste each year. If we composted that food, it would reduce the same amount of greenhouse gas as taking 2 million cars off the road. 3. Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to listen to a full album on your iPod. Recycling 100 cans could light your bedroom for two whole weeks. 4. If every American recycled just one-tenth of their newspapers, we could save about 25 million trees each year. 5. Over 75% of waste is recyclable, but we only recycle about 30% of it. 6. Recycling aluminum cans saves 95% of the energy used to make alum cans from new material. 7. Over 87% of Americans have access to curbside or drop-off paper recycling programs. HOW MUCH DO HANOVER BOROUGH
The total tonnage of recycling material collected by our Public Works
Department for 2012 was 1,288.33 tons;
In 2011, our Public Works Department collected a whopping 1,403.88 tons!
Cardboard is the overwhelming winner with Public Works processing an
average of 700 tons per year during 2011 and 2012;
Quality Paper & Newsprint follows with 270 tons on average annually!
In 2013, Hanover Borough was awarded $180,056.00 from the Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Protection under Act 101, Section 902 for
Recycling Development. These funds will be used to purchase a glass
crusher, a new collection truck with a compactor, and educational
Hanover Borough staff continues to be proactive in obtaining funding to
improve all aspects of recycling for the benefit of its citizens and the
environment. Thanks to all citizens for their continued cooperation.
2 Library Place,, Hanover, PA 17331 632-5183 www.guthrielibrary.org Planned Giving Upcoming Events: Guthrie Memorial Library – Hanover’s Public Library invites you to become a member of the Aristotle Society. The Aristotle Society was created to honor those whose estate planning includes a gi to the library. Random House Book Talk Join us Tuesday, September 10th, 6-7:30pm. BOOK TALK with the Random House rep, Stacy Carlini. She will be discussing great books to read this fall for book clubs and anyone who just enjoys great Because government and corporate grant funding books! Free giveaways, drawings, and fun for all fluctuates, Guthrie Memorial Library depends who a end! Learn what’s new, what’s hot, and what to read! Hope you can join us! FREE in the heavily on private contribu ons. Bequests both large and small ensure the long range financial John D. Bare Center of the Guthrie Memorial stability of the library. By leaving a legacy you Library. have the sa sfac on of knowing that you will BINGO! enrich the lives of future genera ons. On Sunday, November 3rd the friends of the library Please call Lisa Kane at 632-5183 ext. 320 if you will be holding their semiannual bingo from 11:30 have included Guthrie Memorial Library in your am to 3:30 pm in the John D. Bare Center at the will or would like more informa on about the library. Come win some terrific prizes, enjoy lunch Aristotle Society. and support the library’s programming at the same Penn State York me! Penn State York is very pleased to announce the following courses will be offered at the Guthrie Memorial Library, for the fall 2013 semester! Interested students should contact LeighAnn Myers, Admissions Office, at 1-800-778-6227 or email lnm5048@psu.edu MATH 021 College Algebra I (3 credits) Mon– August 26– December 16 5:15pm-8:00pm EET 105 Electrical Systems (3 credits) Tues– August 27– December 17 5:15pm-8:00pm MATH 110 Techniques of Calculus I (4 credits) Wed– August 28– December 18 5:00pm-8:00pm Road Improvements Water Quality to Improve The following streets will be repaved, provided adequate funds are available: Main cleaning and lining is proceed‐
ing in the Diller Rd– Lincoln Dr area of Conewago Twp. The lines are being cleaned of rust and a cement lining is being applied to the interior of the pipe. This will improve: a) Meade Avenue– from Frederick Street to West Hanover Street b) Juniper Lane– from Diller Road to Pine Street c) Industrial Drive– from Wilson Avenue to the Borough line d) Kennedy Court– from Eichelberger Street to Roosevelt Street 1. Water Quality 2. Water Flows for figh ng fires HanoverandPennAssessNeedsforCommunity
Over the years, Hanover Borough and Penn Township have developed a cooperative relationship in providing public safety and public water and sewer services. The two entities are now assessing needs in other areas that span their borders or affect one another. Together, Borough and Township representatives, along with input from the Chamber and York County, are looking at conditions, trends and projections, and exploring opportunities… 
to strengthen downtown vitality and the area’s overall economy; 
to refine zoning, development and signage regulations; 
to improve traffic flow and safety for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians; 
to maintain quality and improve the efficiency of public safety services, parks and recreation services, and public utilities, as well as coordination with the educational and medical services provided by others ; 
to emphasize and enhance community character. Information about the planning effort and on the topics discussed to date is available at www.hanoverpennplan.com. Committee meeting summaries are posted on the Events and News tab. Many include the presentation slides with Committee comments. The draft plan chapters and map will be posted after initial review. A public meeting will be scheduled this fall to present and discuss opportunities for the Borough and the Township to work together to meet the Hanover area’s development needs. A formal review process will occur next year after the plan is prepared. The Joint Comprehensive Plan project is being coordinated with the Greater Hanover Regional Economic Development Plan and is funded with Community Development Block Grant funds. Main Street Hanover Update In partnership with Hanover Borough and Hanover Area Chamber of Commerce, the York County Economic Alliance (YCEA) launched Main Street Hanover in January 2013. Main Street Hanover con nues to build momentum, engaging stakeholders to assist in the process through the Four Point Approach®, a na onally recognized method for downtown revitaliza on consis ng of four areas of focus, including organiza on, economic restructuring, design and promo on. The Main Street Hanover Steering Commi ee is working toward Keystone Community Designa on with the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED), in combina on with a DCED Planning Grant. The Steering Commi ee iden fied the Main Street Hanover boundary as that of the Borough’s General Business District. The Design Commi ee iden fied priori es, including banner placement in the downtown, streetscape improvements and public art. In June, the Design Commi ee implemented the Discover Hanover banner project, in partnership with the York County Community Founda on. The Economic Restructuring Commi ee has iden fied a list of anchor buildings, and is working to create and implement a business recruitment and reten on program. In addi on, the commi ee will address parking from a business reten on and recruitment viewpoint and encourage and promote redevelopment projects. The Promo ons Commi ee has focused its a en on on marke ng the new vision of Main Street Hanover through the logo, website and events development. The Promo on’s Commi ee developed the Discover Hanover brochure, created in partnership with the York County Conven on and Visitors Bureau and PNC Bank. The brochure features a map and showcases various Hanover area a rac ons, available at Hanover Borough, Guthrie Memorial Library, Hanover Area Chamber of Commerce, and many other businesses throughout the community, and on pages 12 and 13 of this newsle er. The events arm of the Promo ons Commi ee, Saturday’s on Main Street, hosted Chalk It Up Hanover in Center Square on Saturday, May 18th. The event was a huge success with over 150 par cipants engaged in street sidewalk pain ng. Michael William Kirby, world renowned street painter, was featured during the event, and presented to Hanover Public School District students leading up to the event, teaching them new techniques and providing inspira on. FALL LEISURE COUNCIL ADULT EDUCATION CLASSES Small Engine Repair Wednesdays, 9/18—11/6 from 7-9PM at Hartman’s Garage Cost: Advanced Microso Office Thursday, October 10th OR Thursday November 14th Cost: OR Thursday December 12th from 6:30 to 8:00 PM at Guthrie Library All About the iPad Wednesday, 11/20 6:30-8PM at Guthrie Memorial Library Cost: Basic Computer Wednesday, 12/11 6:30-8PM at Guthrie Memorial Library Cost: Basket Weaving 3 unique 3 night classes from 5:30—8:00 PM at Guthrie Library Cost: Pitcher Basket 9/30, 10/2 & 10/3; Christmas Stocking 11/4, 11/11 & 11/12; Italian Braid 12/2, 12/9 & 12/10 Floral Design 3 unique one night classes: from 5:30—8:00 PM at Guthrie Library Fall Wreath 10/9, Candle Centerpiece: 11/13; & Xmas Stocking 12/4 Wine Apprecia on Thursdays in October from 6-8PM at Gi Memorial Library Cost: For Details Refer to the Website www.hanoverboroughyorkcountypa.info for Brochure & Enrollment Informa on or call 637‐3877 $85.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $45.00 + kit fee per class $18.00 per class + kit fee $75.00 Join us September 1st at Good Field for the 18th annual Hanover Chili Cook-off! Enjoy this fun filled atmosphere with family and friends. For more informa on or to buy your ckets go to www.hanoverchilicookoff.com, the Borough Office, or the Guthrie Memorial Library for $8.50 for standard admission or buy your ckets at the gate for $10.00 a person. Gates open at 11:00 am. Volunteers and cooks—go to the website for more informa on or call 717-637-3877. While enjoying well cra ed chili and refreshments, check out the live entertainment. Including juggling, face pain ng, caricatures, the musical talents of Kelly Bell Band, Jah Works and Winter House. Come out and vote for your favorite chili and help raise funds for local non-profit organiza ons!! HANOVER BOROUGH TRICK OR TREAT NIGHT
Please turn porch lights on to participate
Join us October 31st for a night filled with family, friends, and some Halloween
fun, at the 73rd annual Hanover Halloween Parade, presented by your local Jaycees!
(Rain Date Nov. 4th)
Enjoy the sights and sounds of this Hanover tradition that includes floats, live
music, costumes, and fun for the whole family!
We need your help to keep the tradition of the Hanover Halloween Parade going!
For questions on the Parade call Kim Leese at (717) 965-5237 or for general
information (717) 521-7957—SEE YOU THERE!
HANOVER BOROUGH VOTING LOCATIONS 1ST WARD Calvary Bible Church 603 Wilson Avenue 2ND WARD Market House 210 East Chestnut Street 3RD WARD Utz Pavilion 861 Carlisle Street (Eichelberger St) 4TH WARD Wirt Park Fire Sta on 201 North Franklin St & Park Ave 5TH WARD Wellness Center 400 York Street REMEMBER TO VOTE!
Municipal Election
Tuesday, November 5th
From all of us at the Hanover Borough, we would like to thank the volunteers and the people of Hanover for their support and enthusiasm making the 150th/250th Celebra on one the people of Hanover will not forget!!