Franchise Form - JSW Presents Uttarakhand Super League
Franchise Form - JSW Presents Uttarakhand Super League
Franchisee Guide Event Facts • • • • • • • 14 Teams 350 Players 4 International Players per team 15 National Players per team 6 District Players per team from Uttarakhand 57 Matches 5 Cities DEHRADUN: Pavillion Ground• HARIDWAR: BHEL Ground• PITHORAGARH: Pithoragarh Stadium' HALDWANI: Haldwani Sports Stadium' PAURI: Raansi Stadium' * Venue & Date are subject to changes. USL-16 reserves the right to do so accordingly. • Recording and Telecast TELEVISION: Leading National Sports Channel (LIVE and Highlights) ONLINE: • Matches will be recorded and uploaded for viewing on • Match highlights will be available across social websites • Achiever Rewards WINNING TEAM: '{ 15 Lac* RUNNER UP TEAM: '{ 10 Lac* PLAYER OF THE TOURNAMENT: '{ 25,000 * GOAL KEEPER OF THE TOURNAMENT: '{ 25,000 * BEST PLAYER OF THE MATCH: '{ 5,000 * * Cash and/or kind • USL Stars BHAICHUNG BHUTIA <Brand Ambassador> Former International Player & Arjun Award Winner Advisor, U-17 FIFA World Cup 2017 in Indio MANISH MAITHANI (USL Icon} International & Hero Indian Super League Player DIPENDER SINGH NEGI International Player U-17, Subroto Cup Winner Team Captain 2015 Dehrodun Football Academy Player, Joined Spain in Spanish Football Club RAJA RAWAT International Player U-19 ANIRUDH THAPA International Player U-17 UTTARAKHAND SUPER LEAGUE �11,,,rU,l.t�..... Affiliations I , I I ' ' I --·T o, The Orgallizfn,g S cir,@tary, Uttarakha:nci Adventure Sport$ P-.ct.�·M! (Regd) � · Super Uague - WU, (.Regjstered as All India lnrer Club Competition ! by All 1.ndia Foofuall Federation) c,· ·1·- ------ ---·- •' S'ub: Affilifation 1rJf Uttrakhimd Super leag-ue- .ZO 16 Lo the naow MAIi lndia lpruClub C:om.getitiao b11 tU.F,f. Dea:rSir, I am p!eased to inform ym1 that /\II India Football Fe,de-J;"M;jolfi has ,affilJated dm above Tournaru.enhm der the following concUtions :1- Participating T� must brlng the pcmnlssion from their :res,pectlve state assoc.iatio11 to parddp;itl! in tbis Tournament othenv s.e they will not be allow , ed to paittidpate 1:n this Tou'"\l,anwnt amt Wilt' back �"1t11orut pl.iryi ng ally match and Witllou any paymen . 2:- Eacl"i player of the Team. 11111st be regist!!'red to Alff through their respective District/ state Association/Sangi• on the latest Perfoprm after depos:ltfog the requisite Fee. • Players on Nation.ii State Duty wi.11 n.ot be aUm111eti to participate .in tlw Tou:rnament. 4- .If any foreign Team is invi.ted petmi.sslon is to be Clbtained from th HRD Ministry New Delhi though U.S. Football Ass:oc,Jation and II lndi.a Footb all Federation. 5- Four !lo.reign players may be permitted �I) partidpa te: in tlite Tournament until amt u:nless ph1ycrsjTeani produces permission l�sued l):y tlw All ]ncU.a f,ootbaJII ederaitlon but only three Porelgn players ,nay pfay in a 10.atch at a time. 6- M8itch s: should Im pl yed stl "ictiy in accordance with the l.iw ofthe game ns !Pll!blished by FIFA, AIFF' and U.S. Football Association ;. All reguiation ofthe All ndda Football Federar on �111<1 be followed stticdy. 8. Obst'.!nr�r/Match Commiufonll'r decision ilJl all r,espects will be blllding upon tht'.! ToL!lrna.ment Committeo .i.s well as on Teams/Players. Art.IV: DlJRATEQN OF tu E MATCHES:' All the matches wiU be of ninety (90) 11inutes d u.rattor1, oonslsbing oft.wo· (2) periods o forty fiv,c- ( 45) mjnutes each with an interval of not more than f'i ft�n (15) minutes ill the ntiddle. he duration ofthe int,r;ttval wll'i be from whlstletowhistle UTTARAKHAND SUPER LEAGUE �/Ji,,rU,t.e�...... UTTARAKHAND SUPER LEAGUE �th,��··· Affiliated by All India Football Federation & USFA Organized by: Uttarakhand Adventure Sports Pvt. Ltd. (Regd.) Registered Office : Head Office: 88A, Ground Floor, Opposite Osho Resort, Rajpur Road, Dehradun Upper Nathanpur, lnderprasth Colony, Lane No 14 C ,House No 22, Post Office Nehrugram, Dehradun Contact: 07895029415,09997144777, 07060216274, 09634710057 Email: Web: Form No. Franchise Registration Form Name of Firm/ Company/ Partnership Manager's Name Email Address Permanent Address City PIN Code State Country PIN CODE Phone (Home) (Office) Deposit f 2100/- through a DD in favour of "Uttarakhand Adventure Sports Pvt. Ltd.", payable at Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. Team Manager Signature with Stamp & Date Terms and Conditions • Every Franchise will have to buy players in auction and further on the franchise will bear the cost of the team in terms of fooding,and transportation( Lodging will be provided by USL) during the tournament.. Refreshment, lunch and dinner will be provided by USL to the respective teams on their match day only. • 2 sets of kits (T-shirt, Shorts, Socks) Will be provided by USL. • 2 persons are invited from each franchise for the process of bidding. • USL will also provide Emergency Ambulance in case of injury on field. However, the Franchise is responsible for any kind of mishap occur off the field. • For every match 10 WIP passes will be provided to the Franchise by USL. • Franchise have to follow the rules and regulations guidelines of USL during the tournament. Rules and Regulations • Filling up the Registration form on any particular Franchise doesn't mean that the individual owns that Franchise • Those who have submitted the ownership forms will have to be present during the auctions of ownership of teams. • The Base Price for every team is �2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lacs only) • Each individual who is to own a team has to pay this amount via cheque before the beginning of the auctions, so as to be eligible to take part in the auctions. Cheque to be issued in favor of "Uttarakhand Adventure Sports Pvt. Ltd." • One owner can buy one team only. • If the bidding price of the team goes above the base price, the bidder will have to submit the amount on the spot. • If the bidder fails to buy any particular team, the deposited amount will be refunded. • USL Committee reserves all rights to change any decision any time before, during or after the League Matches. • The owner can set one ICON PLAYER for his particular team. • The date of the auctions will be released soon. • The fees of this form is non-transferrable and non-refundable. Self Declaration I hereby declare that I have read all the rules and regulations. I am willing to buy one of the teams of Uttarakhand Super League 2016 Place Date Note: Please enclose ID Proof photo copy Signature with Full Name UTTARAKHAND SUPER LEAGUE �11,,,��"'···