www .LYNCS.org - Lynden Christian Schools


www .LYNCS.org - Lynden Christian Schools
• Internet Safety
• FFA Wins National Title
• 2012 Annual Fund
Nov. 16
Nov. 27
Blue & White
6th Grade Musical
7:30 p.m. WFAC
Nov. 30
5th Grade
Christmas Chapel
1:00 p.m. WFAC
Dec. 6
Dec. 11
Band Concert
Choral Concert
7:30 p.m. WFAC
7:30 p.m. WFAC
Dec. 13
7:30 p.m. WFAC
Maya Ewing (3) Christmas
Program 2011.
Dec. 19
Feb. 1, 2, 5, 7, 8 & 9
9:30 a.m.
7:30 WFAC
Feb. 4
Experience the
Difference LCHS
Feb. 5
Mar. 5
Open House
Preschool Open
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
Mar. 11
Volunteer Dinner
6 p.m.
Society Meeting
7:30 p.m.
Mar. 23
Mission Statement The mission of Lynden Christian Schools is to be an effective instrument of God. Together with Christian parents and the church, we seek to
educate children and young people so that they may grow and mature into perceptive and caring Christians. Finally, our goal is to produce
citizens who have a transforming influence in the world.
A MESSAGE from Superintendent Don Kok
Mr. Don Kok
LCS Superintendent
Technology Awareness
My cell phone died a couple of weeks ago, and I did not
have the use of one for several days. It was actually rather
liberating. I have a different cell phone now. It is quite basic,
not one of those smartphones that my adult kids have; the
ones connected to the Internet where you can read your email,
check Facebook, Google stuff, order books, check your bank
balance, and get the latest sports scores all while having dinner
with family or friends. However, my cell phone does work well
enough for Mr. Kredit to contact me while I was trying to get
a little peace and quiet on top of Yellow Aster Butte this fall.
Lynden Christian Schools recently hosted parent and student internet safety seminars. The presentations were very well
received by both parents and students, but the information
was more than a bit frightening. The internet has become a
valuable tool by allowing us to access and process all kinds of
information, by encouraging creativity, and helping us stay in
touch with family, friends, and business associates. But there
are also dangers such as predators using it to lure young victims, criminals attempting to access your identity and bank ac-
In Memory of…
The LCS Endowment Fund gratefully acknowledges
gifts received on behalf of the following individuals:
Johanna Libolt • Grace Te Selle • Florence Kredit
William Nyland • Donald Whitman
Frieda Vander Mey • Margaret Migchelbrink
Thoughtful and loving friends who wish to honor either living or departed friends may
give “Gifts of Remembrance” to Lynden Christian School Endowment Fund. Those honored
by such gifts at the commemoration of a wedding, birth, anniversary, retirement or other
event will be notified by an appropriate card, as will the family of those honored at death.
The name of the person honored will be listed in our newsletter unless specifically asked
not to. The amount of the gift is kept confidential and is tax deductible.
counts, and a means for peer aggression and “sexting.”
The Amish only selectively use
technology. I found - by doing a
little research on the internet - that
they accept technology based on
“Gelassenheit” or submission to
the will of God. “By giving up individuality and any thought of
selfishness, they embrace God’s will by serving others and submitting to Him.” (The Amish: Technology Practice and Technological Change – Jamie Sharp) If technology is perceived
by the Amish to counter such values as humility, simplicity, or
community, it will be rejected. For instance, the Amish believe
that using a horse and buggy versus an automobile supports
their lifestyle of simplicity, modesty, and community. They believe that a car can quickly become a status symbol, violating
the values of modesty and competition. You also cannot get
too far away from your community with a horse and buggy.
I am not suggesting that we all move to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, or for that matter throw out our cell phones, computers, or other forms of technology that are common to our
homes and classrooms. Technology itself is not the problem.
However, how we value and use technology can be. Culture
at large is at war with our children, so as Christian parents
and educators we need to continually ask the hard questions
and have the open discussions with our children as to whether
our personal use of technology counters or supports Biblical
truth, whether we are building up rather than breaking down
community, and whether we are bringing glory to ourselves
or to God.
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble,
whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy –
think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8) Soli Deo Gloria – To
God Alone be the Glory!
Winter Ride
The Lynden High School’s Winter Ride program is gearing up for the winter ski
and snowboard season! The Lynden Winter Ride program is a multi-week chaperoned bus ride up to the Mt. Baker Ski Area. It is open to all Lynden area students
in grades 5 through 12. Discounted season passes, rentals, and lessons are available to students in the program.
The first trip will be in January after the Christmas break. There is an informational meeting with the local coordinator and the Mt. Baker Ski Area coordinator on November 13 at 7:00 pm in the Isom Elementary library. Information and forms to sign up are also available at www.lyndenwinterride.org.
Internet Safety
Soli Deo Gloria
To God Alone Be the Glory! The world is His gift to us. Part of His world today is the internet. Therefore it is our responsibility as a covenant community to “educate children and young people so that they may
grow and mature into perceptive and caring Christians.”
Lynden Christian Mission Statement, emphasis added. Matthew 5:16 says, “Let your light shine before others, that they
may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” We live in a world where technology has given us a myriad
of opportunities to interact, create, and transform in amazing
and positive ways, and many of our young people are leading
the charge. It is our responsibility as educators,
in partnership with parents, to encourage and educate our young people to
be responsible digital citizens, reflecting
Christ’s light in all the communities and
activities in which they are a part. Darren Laur of Personal Protection Systems Inc. presented an internet safety workshop to our students in the high
school and middle school. He communicated some valuable
information regarding the opportunities and risks the internet
presents. A number of serious topics were addressed in his
presentation: laws regarding on-line behavior, social network
privacy settings, cyberbullying, sexting, use of drugs/alcohol,
internet pornography, teen suicide, online predators, and the
permanence of our on-line entries.
As a result of the seminar, hundreds of students have taken
up the offer from Laur to have their privacy settings checked by
him, which is AWESOME, and many have provided feedback
about the seminar:
• “I heard you speak today at LCHS and was wondering if you
could check my profile and help keep it safe? By the way,
thanks so much for the presentation, it was great!”
• “I really enjoyed your presentation this morning and from
what I heard, all of my friends did as well. You are helping
a lot of people because of this, so thank you very much for
speaking at our school! Are there any other applications for
my computer or phone that would increase my security?”
• “Our school really, REALLY enjoyed it! Such a blessing to
have someone present that cares about the safety of us!
We all learned stuff and the teachers were so happy with
it! Thanks so much!”
• “Hey Darren, thank you so much for the chapel today it was
amazing. I had a friend commit suicide two years ago and
I just wanted to thank you for what you do. I look up to
you and I think you’re a great person! P.S. could you please
send me that video about Jonah, I would like to show my
family and could you check my privacy please?”
• “This chapel was so interesting, everyone said they were
tuned in, and said the two hours flew by. We all thought it
was cool and are more aware as well as cautious.”
Laur is an effective and powerful speaker, and it is our
hope that the information he gave to our students encourages them to take steps to protect their privacy, their physical
and emotional safety, and to treat others in a respectful and
caring manner. We encourage you to follow up with your
son or daughter, asking them what struck them most about
his presentation. We are hopeful that it will provide you as
parents with an opportunity for positive discussion. For more
information, please see Darren Laur’s website: www.personalprotectionsystems.ca. It has many ongoing resources for you
to utilize. We, as your children’s teachers, will continue to
follow up on this important discussion with students from a
Biblical perspective. LYNDEN CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS
Pastors’ Day
Lynden Christian School students represent 78 churches
scattered throughout Whatcom County. Many of those pastors joined our students to celebrate Pastors’ Day. Students
were joined by pastors in chapel as they worshiped together
and were taught a lesson on prayer by James Ogle, LCMS
janitor and parent. The children were able to practice what
they were taught as they were able to pray for pastors at the
conclusion of chapel.
Pastors spent the rest of the morning visiting classrooms,
looking at artwork and touring the playground with students
from their congregations.
Pastors’ Day is one of the ways LC is working together with
parents and the church to educate children so they can grow
and mature into perceptive and caring Christians, to have a
transforming influence in the world.
LC student Brody Bouwman (1) makes a silly face with
Pastor Jim Carberry and Luke Moorlag (1).
6th Grade
Come with us to
Egypt for this year’s 6th
grade musical and Spend
Awhile on the Nile. We
will journey through Egypt
on an ‘Ancient Heroes of
the Nile’ river cruise with
Mr. Cruise and his lively
Along the way we will
hear the stories of Joseph,
Moses, and Pharaoh while learning that our God is the one
true God. Soli Deo Gloria!
Where: Lynden Christian High School Worship and
Performing Arts Center
When: Matinee - Thursday, November 15, 2012
at 1:00 p.m.; Evening Performance - Friday,
November 16, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.
Who: The 6th grade class of Lynden Christian School
Cost: Grade 6 and over $5.00; Grade 5 and under
Admission at the door. Open Seating.
Doors open at 12:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Proceeds go towards the Lynden Christian School
Music Department.
LC 3rd graders
Alli Van Kooten
and Libby
Stump hanging
out with Pastor
Bob Marvel
of Cornwall
Church on
Pastors’ Day.
Pastor Steve Balvanz from
Spring Creek Bible and retired Pastor Homer Wigboldy being
prayed for by elementary students Levi Zylstra (1), Ali Vander
Wilt (1), Katie De Jong (3) Nate Vander Pol (1) and Mrs. Bode.
Celebration Is in Order!
Mr. James Ogle has been approved
and accepted to Westminster Seminary
in California! Congratulations James!
God bless you and the family.
James Ogle speaking at Chapel on
Pastors’ Day 2012.
Justin Miedema (7).
Flowers for Algernon
The fall play was Flowers for Algernon. This is the compelling story of Charlie, a mentally retarded man, and the
strange interweaving of his life with that
of Algernon, a mouse. Experimental surgery has been performed on Algernon
increasing his intelligence fourfold. The
operation is tried on Charlie, who rapidly
attains genius status, far more intelligent
than his teacher or the doctors who created the operating technique.
As Charlie approaches the peak of
his brilliance, Algernon shows frightening symptoms of regression. The play
becomes a race against time in which
Charlie tries to keep his new intelligence
long enough to save himself.
(Top left) Cast members Samamtha Nokes (09) and Isaiah Assink (10); (Top right) Flowers for Algernon cast member Isaiah Assink
(10) as Charlie Gordon; (Bottom) Marshall Huang (12), Aeyre Johnson (10), Taylor Finnson (12) and Trevor Burden (11).
High School Musical – HONK!
February 1, 2, 5, 7, 8 & 9 @ 7:30pm.
HONK! is the story of Ugly, whose odd, gawky looks instantly incite prejudice from his family and neighbors. Separated from the farm and pursued by a hungry Cat, Ugly must
find his way home. Along his rollicking and harrowing journey
he not only discovers his true beauty and glorious destiny, but
also finds love and acceptance in all its forms.
Witty and hilarious, but also deeply moving, HONK! will
treat you to equal amounts of laughter and tears. Its charm,
humor and message of tolerance are perfect for a family audience… and every audience!
Ticket prices are Adults $10 and seniors (over 60) & students $6 and go on sale Jan 14, 2013.
The LCHS Concert Choir will
once again be delivering the
true message of Christmas with
their voices by travelling around
Lynden and singing 4-5 classic Christmas carols for the person,
family, business, or Christmas party of your choosing! These
students are raising money for the choir program and will be
accepting donations for these carol-o-grams ($30 suggested
for home/business deliveries; $10 suggested for faculty, staff,
students, or classes on the Lynden Christian main campus). Download an order form from the LCS website (www.lyncs.
org) for available days and times -- click on the caroling logo on
the right hand side of the main page.
LC Wins FFA National Title
The Future Farmers of America (FFA) National Convention is one of the largest student conventions, with
nearly 55,000 FFA members and guests in attendance
from across the country. LC Veterinary Science team took 1st place at the 85th National FFA Convention held the week of Oct. 2227 in Indianapolis. Team members are Blake
Te Velde (12), Hailey Rettmer (11), Shelby
Brown (11) and Jake Van Berkum (10). Te
Velde took 2nd individually. This team was
coached by Dr. Jacob Steiger, Mt. Baker VetBlake Te Velde
erinary with assistance from Dr. Don Aupperlee, Whatcom Veterinary Hospital. This is the
first year Veterinary science has been offered
at the national level.
The Farm Business Management team,
coached by Curt De Haan and Mike Ruble,
placed 8th. Team members are Breanna Veltkamp (12), Hunter Weinert (12), Raquel
Van Hofwegen (11), and Rebecca Steiger
Karis Van Diest (12).
Milk Quality and Products team placed 9th. They are Ashley Miedema (11), Haley Van Beek (11), Samantha Douge
(11), and Karis Van Diest (11). Van Diest took 5th place individually. This team is coached by Gerrit Van Weerdhuizen.
Hunter Weinert (12), Breanna Veltkamp (12) and Rebecca
Steiger (12) work on a team problem during the Farm Business
Management competition at the FFA Convention.
FFA Wreaths for Sale
Consider buying your Christmas
Wreath from the Lynden Christian FFA
fundraising event. Place your order between November 20 and December 19
at the Lynden Christian High School Office: 354-3221.
• 12” Round =$15
• 18” Round=$20 • 24” Round=$30
• Cross Wreath=$20
National Merit Scholarship
The Farm Business Management team: coaches Mike Ruble and
Curt De Haan, Rebecca Steiger (12), Raquel Van Hofwegen (11),
Breanna Veltkamp (12), Hunter Weinert (12).
Blake Te Velde (12), Jake Van Berkum (10), Shelby Brown (11) and
Hailey Rettmer (11) won 1st place in Vet Science.
The National Merit Scholarship has been awarded to
LC Senior Toby Dalla Santa. About 34,000 Commended
Students throughout the nation are being recognized
for their exceptional academic
promise. Commended Students
placed among the top five percent
of more than 1.5 million students
who entered the 2013 competition by taking the 2011 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test.
“Recognizing academically talented students plays a fundamenToby Dalla Santa
tal role in the advancement of
educational excellence in our nation,” commented the
NMSC spokesperson. “The young people recognized as
Commended Students represent some of the best and
brightest minds in the county as demonstrated by their
outstanding performance in our highly competitive program. We sincerely hope this recognition will provide
them with additional educational outlets and motivate
them in their pursuit of academic achievement.”
Family Potluck
Evergreen Ethos
By Mary Enfield, Evergreen Principal
We function very much like a family at Evergreen Christian School.
Things go wrong in families. The kids
make poor choices, they don’t like “No,”
stuff gets broken; they fight or bully each
other, and sometimes resist adult direction
and supervision. In some families the immediate reaction is to lay out blame and then
dish out punishment. This tends to make family members fearful, defensive, and often leaves lingering anger or frustration.
In other families there is the more compassionate response
of “let’s work this out together.” Someone just did something
wrong…but we all do from time to time. We listen to one another, mediate, talk about possible consequences and solutions, and throw in that forgiveness piece made effective by Jesus. This tends to make family members feel valued and more
motivated to work things out and to “work on me.”
Our goal at ECS is to live with the reality that no one is perfect; therefore, we do not live in fear of misbehavior, but rather
learn how to deal with it. We try to talk openly. We teach
problem-solving. We encourage being for each other rather
than taking sides. We hope to build confidence in cleaning up
the messes in ourselves and in each other. This takes courage,
consistency, and prayer. Pray with us. And talk to us; we are
here to listen.
4th Grader
Noah’s Ark
Hieroglyphics come
from Egypt and pictographs come from
Mesopotamia. We got
to choose which story
from the Bible to do in
pictographs. I chose
Noah’s ark because
it’s a special story to
me. God chose for
my mom and dad
to name my brother
Braden Brask’s pictograph
Some of the stories in
the Bible got told around the campfires, the dinner table, or
at a family reunion, then, eventually got passed down to us in
English so we can read God’s word.
— Jayden Soulier, ECS 4th grader
Our traditional Welcome Back Family Potluck was a highlight of the back-to-school festivities. What a good thing when
families can “dwell together in unity” and feast on crock pots
full of meatballs while getting to know each other. The weather
and the children made the evening delightful. Thanks to school
board members, Kurt Vander Griend and Paul Dalla Santa, for
joining with us for this fun evening.
Families enjoy fellowship at the annual Welcome Back Family
Potluck: Paul and Sharon Assink with Emily (1) and Jeff and
Krista Kok with Kaylee (1) and Andrea.
Ants in the Curriculum
What is the difference between a kindergarten classroom
and an ant colony? Answer: kindergartners don’t eat aphids
(and they are never pests, of course!).
Kindergartner Madeline Fredette received an ant farm that
she generously brought to share with her class. There was an
immediate interest in ants.
With their teacher, Mrs. Carson, they composed two new
songs to the tune of “Heads and shoulders, knees and toes.”
Kindergartener Aiden says that ants “loosen things up in the
dirt so it’s easier for plants to put their roots down further.”
And did you know you’ll never see a baby ant? Ask your kindergartner why.
– FALL 2012
Donuts with Dad
Evan and Gavin Haskell
Scott and Ashley Ask
Ferdinand and Austin Bulanhagui
Preschoolers are learning their alphabet letters. After spending time with Alligators for A, Bears for B, and Crabs for C, it
was time to bring in the Dads for D. The fathers responded
to this invitation to come for donuts (for D) with their 3- and
4-year-olds. The bonus awaiting them: togetherness. When the
preschoolers were asked what their favorite thing about the
morning was, we got these responses:
“I liked having two donuts to eat. My Dad gave me two!”
– Noah Soulier
“I liked painting the donut with my Grandpa.” -- Kylan Grycel
“Eating all the donuts and sitting on my Dad’s lap.” -- Camden McWilliams
An Edible Lesson Plan
One of the challenges every teacher faces is how to turn an
abstract explanation into a visual picture. Connecting a new
concept to something that is already familiar to the learner,
like food, is what Mr. Thorpe has done with his middle school
science students. While teaching about cells, he assigned the
students the task of making edible cell models for their classmates to not only “see,” but to eat. He gave photos and artist
renderings of cells for them to use as their recipes.
Students created a pizza with toppings representing the
components of a cell. Students created an animal cell cookie
with licorice for centrioles and a hollowed out watermelon
with an apple as its nucleus. Let the feasting and the understanding begin!
Ryan Hanson (8)
with his cell pizza.
Patrick Kelly (8)
shows his cell made
from a watermelon.
Noah Dunn (8) with
his cell project.
Brian and Abee Koning
“I liked Daddy reading books to me at school.” – Abee Koning
These are some of the Dads’ responses:
“Donuts with Dad was meaningful for me because I got to
spend time with my daughter, Ashley, see her class, and meet
her friends and the other dads.” – Scott Ask
“Hannah was very pleased to show me the ‘bean table with
dinosaurs’ and where she sits during circle time.” – Ryan Ervin
“I enjoyed the one-on-one-time with Austin. When it was
over, he said, ‘Dad, I’m going to miss you.’” – Luke Beaty
Team Tutelage Takes on the
Bellingham Traverse
Six teachers from the Evergreen campus joined efforts to
form Team Tutelage for this year’s Bellingham Traverse. Bellingham Traverse is a multi-sport event celebrating the life cycle
of wild salmon and the natural and urban challenges of their
journey. Solo, tandem and relay teams challenge themselves
and one another on a rugged course that highlights the City
of Bellingham’s Parks, Greenways System, bike-friendly roads,
and open water opportunities for recreation. Their goal was to
represent the Bellingham campus in the community through
this five-leg relay race. They finished 26th out of 99 teams!
Team Tutelage team members are: Conor and Laura Thorpe, Julie
Vander Laan, Brie Wentzel, Cindy VanderGriend, and Nate Beede.
The football team has made improvement in many areas!
The future looks bright as we played a lot of underclassmen
this year and our JV team had a successful season. I want to
thank the players for all their hard work. Also, I want to thank
all the parents for their support with the meals and the football field. Coach Kaemingk
Football Cheerleaders
Bottom row: Terrel Brown (10), Colby Bouma (11), Jordan Jansen
(10), Kyle Tiemersma (9), Sam Mumford (10), Zach Roetcisoender
(9), Brady Harvey (12). Second row: Cole Stump (10), Blake Mellema
(10), Will Scholten (12), Trevor Kamena (11), Dalton Biehle (10),
Daulton Hommes (10), Joe Kooiman (11), Josh Friberg (11). Middle
Row: Blake Te Velde (12), Dillon Carhuff (11), Wyatt Jansen (12),
Ty Vander Yacht (10), Levi Vander Yacht (12), Isaac Reimer (12),
Alex Vander Velden (10). Fourth row: Conor Nordstrom (12), Jeff
Hamstra (10), Truman Van Dalen (12), Kaden Bratt (10), Jake Van
Berkum (10), Sebastian Canfield (10), Anthony Anker (11), Tanner
Bouma (9). Top row: Coach Mitch Faber, Josh Heutink (10), Brandon
Brockmeyer (10), Josh Hornstra (11) Coach Galen Kaemingk.
The 2012 Football Cheerleaders: Mary Thompson (11), Tanisha
Groen (12), Kirstyn Schoneveld (11), Peyton Bruland (12), Janice
Rubbert (12) and Taylor Van Dyken (12).
The Lyncs have had a great season rebuilding after losing seven seniors. Twenty-one underclassmen are in the program and
the talent and energy they bring is awesome. We are looking
forward to a trip back to State.
Boys Tennis
The Lynden boys’ tennis team rolled to a 6-1 Northwest
Conference finish. “I think we played well,” Lynden coach Trey
Ballard said, “I was proud of them and it was a great season.”
LC boys on the Lynden varsity tennis team: Drake Likkel (11),
Trevor Dalla Santa (12), Toby Dalla Santa (12) Grant Wolffis (11)
and Luke Reardon (12).
Bottom row: Ashley Miedema (11), Carli Tjoelker (9), Makayla
Lancaster (10), Emily Veening (10), Hannah Wynstra (11). Middle
row: Morgan Van Kooten (10), Kendra Turner (10), Kara Bajema (9),
Bridget Kruck (12). Top row: Kayla Tiemersma (12), Karley De Jager
(11), Emma Stump (9), Madison Weg (10), and Cassie Mulder (12).
Girls Soccer
The Lyncs really started to play their best soccer at the
right time! They have a record of 8-5-1 and secured the #1
seed going into district play following an exciting win over
Meridian. This is a huge accomplishment considering the
loss of nine seniors off of last year’s squad. This season has
been so much fun for all of us! Coach De Ruyter.
Girls Swimming
“The girls did what they needed to do and got
the job done,” Lynden coach Linda Bode. Lynden
is now 4-4, 4-3 NWC and will compete in districts
Friday, Nov. 2, in Anacortes.
Bottom row: Shelby Brown (11), Karis Van Diest (11), Emily Korthuis
(12), Emily Sytsma (11), Sierra De Vries (11), Kristen Zoerink (11). Second
row: Kelly Heerspink (12), Marissa Veldman (12), Livi Vander Griend (11),
Shaye Brandsma (9), Kasey Luna (11). Third row: Kiana Bosman (11),
Courtney Hollander (11), Haley Hollander (9), Mikki Jansma (12), Lexi
Vander Griend (11), Sally Vlas (11). Top row: Daphnee Manderson (10),
coaches: Jaren Van Loo, Brent De Ruyter and Duane Brandsma.
Cross Country
Thhe girls’ cross country team finished the regular season ranked No.9 in the
1A poll. In the 1A boys’ poll, Lynden Christian is ranked No. 3. Both teams did
very well at the cross country state championships in Pasco, the boys’ placed
5th while the girls’ finished 7th.
Back of the pool: Molly Honcoop (12), Hannah
Van Dellen (9), Ciarra Flint (12), Hannah
Hollander (12), Kayla Otter (11), Kristen
Williams (12), Kori Vander Veen (10), Sarah
Hollander (9), Peyton Vogt (10), Mindy Honcoop
(10), Ellie Steensma (10) and Anna Einfield (10).
Not pictured: Christine Byma (10).
Bottom row: Josh Lingbloom (9), Dylan Blok (11), Josh Clarke (10), Cody Velthuizen
(12), John Wiley (10), David Maberry (11), Conner Blok (11). Second row: Marissa
Hielkema (11), Emily Visser (12), Brianna Rutgers (10), Allison Visser (9),
Sarah Ball (9). Third row: Ryan Pitcher (11), Weston Whitener (12), Julia Morris
(10), Rebecca Steiger (12), McKenzie Young (10), Nick Buiskool-Price (11), Zach
Steensma (10). Top row: Tyler Reardon (12), Hunter Weinert (12) Hunter West (11),
Collin Roosendaal (9) and coach Darren Postma.
Welcome New FOLC Board Members
Thank you so much to retired
FOLC Board Members Mili Blok, Chris
Kenner, Alesha Wiese and Jody Williams for your commitment to Lynden
Christian Schools and your amazing
service to FOLC! We appreciate all
you have done and continue to do for
our students and families!
Keven Van Berkum
Michelle Van Dellen
Jason Van Hofwegen
Tue-Fri 10am-4pm and Sat
Corner of 1st & Drayton
(360) 318-9333
Manager: Suzanne Olson
2nd Chance net income for 2012: $336,302;
average monthly income: $28,025.
Closed the week of Christmas Dec. 24-29
Second Chance continues to grow leaps and bounds.
Thank you for your wonderful donations. Your gently used
clothing, household items, toys and furniture continue to stock
the shelves and floor space at Second Chance. If you haven’t
stopped in lately we invite you to come browse our finest
Christmas gifts and decorations!
Please call Suzanne at 318-9333 or stop in to check out our
volunteer needs. Thank You!
Kristin Weg
More than $456,000 worth of Markets & Haggen gift cards
were purchased during the recent “Back to School” sales event
– with $71,950 sold in only 4 hours at the TRIP $peed $ale
on October 10. For the six months’ ending October 31, the
rebates earned on all gift card purchases and from local merchants who accept “Cash Back” payments will raise nearly
$90,000 in personal tuition credits. Much gratitude is extended to the generous business owners and the tireless volunteers who make such a valuable program possible in this
challenging economy!
DOUBLE REBATES: Start Your Holiday Shopping Early! We’ve negotiated 8% rebates from several national retailers. These cards will be available for sale ONLY at the next
Lynden Campus $peed $ale (November 14, 3-7pm), limited to
stock on hand: American Eagle, Applebees, Bath & Bodyworks,
Buckle, Cabela’s, Champs, Children’s Place, Family Bookstore,
Footlocker, Gap, iTunes, Launching Success, Macy’s, Old Navy,
Olive Garden, Payless Shoes, Pier 1, Red Robin, Regal Cinema,
REI, Shutterfly, Sunshine Coffee, Woods.
If you would like to get an email attachment with the special order form that will be used that evening, request a form
in advance from LCStrip@comcast.net.
Levi Bos and Mack Timmer playing in the leaves.
The Recycle Center net income for 2012: $162,099;
average monthly income: $13,508.
Last fall, LC won 2nd place in the America Recycles competition. This enabled us to purchase new recycling bins for all of
our buildings! Together with the elementary and middle school compost
program, we were able to lower the trash bills by almost 70%! We went from three trash bins at the elementary to only one
bin that gets picked up! We are cutting our expenses so that
we can put money towards other needs!
We are in the process of trying to win other competitions
so that we can purchase more recycling bins. Maybe you or
your business would like to help donate . . . time, product,
etc., email Carrie at the Recycle Center for more info recycle@
lyncs.org ! LCS is being watched by many national organizations to see what we are doing to make a difference in our
community; we are letting our light shine in all our efforts!
We have openings at the Recycle Center for someone that
would be willing to help organize Box Tops for Education and
the Campbell’s Soup Label programs. We need people that
can help keep us up to date on all the promotions and specials
they have to offer our school. If you have 1-2 hours a week and
you would like to get plugged into these fundraisers, please
call Carrie at the Recycle Center 354-3973 or email at recycle@
lyncs.org. PRAISE REPORT – Check out how
recycling benefits LC!
Campbell’s Labels for Education
6 Skip-it P.E. Games
24 P.E. Balls
2 Sets of bean bags
2 Coffee Urns
2 Insulated Coolers
1 Paper cutter
Approximate Value = $550.00
My Coke Rewards
12 Heavy duty AV carts
6 Boxes of dry erase markers
2 Megaphones
3 Basketballs
2 Sports equipment carts
4 Whistles
Approximate Value = $2065.00
Box Tops for Education $4,173.20
Terra Cycle Program $4,513.25
Athletic Booster Club - GO LYNCS!
The Friends of Lynden Christian Athletic Booster Club
(FOLCABC) has been very active and would like to continue to
encourage people to become involved in supporting the long
tradition of outstanding athletic programs at Lynden Christian
High School.
It is the organization’s specific purpose
and mission to support and enhance the
excellence of the Lynden Christian athFOLCABC
letic program and its teams through
good sportsmanship, public relations,
Nov. 19
community development, fundraising
and special events as we seek to be an
effective instrument of God.
We would like to thank all those who have
been involved in the many activities, fundraisers and work
parties this past summer and fall. We believe the outstanding
community support is an attractive signpost, directing and enticing others to the richness of God’s kingdom. FOLCABC is involved in the flowing activities:
•Construction of the Lynden Christian Strength and Fitness Center
•NW Washington Fair Food Booth and parking lot
•Tri-Berry Triathlon
•State Tournaments
•Annual Lynden Christian Golf Tournament
•iLeague aPP - more information coming soon.
•Football field improvements and purchase of new football uniforms
•Blue and White Night, Nov.27 at LCHS
FOLCABC membership has various levels available and is
open to family members of LC athletes, coaches, alumni, and
community members. To purchase a membership, please contact Kim Grycel at kgrycel@lyncs.org or call LCHS at (360) 3543221.
Dick Bajema (‘64)
Jackie (Dykstra)
Kroon (‘83)
Donna (De Boer)
Bajema (‘67)
Chantel Kroon
Class of 2013
Esther (Roosma) Randy Korthuis (‘80)
Korthuis (‘57)
Alvin Starkenburg
John Kroontje (‘80)
Charlene (Geleynse)
Nieuwsma (‘84)
Caleb Nieuwsma
Class of 2013
Dawn (Bajema)
Carhuff (‘87)
Richard VanderHaak
Emily Korthuis
Class of 2013
Doris (Dykstra)
VanderHaak (‘55)
Herbert Korthuis
Lesa (Starkenburg)
Kroontje (‘85)
Rena (Appel) Knibbe
Dillon Carhuff
Class of 2013
Lily Kroontje
Class of 2013
Julie (Van Beek)
Reardon (‘82)
Ben Knibbe
Class of 2013
Jeffrey Jansen (‘76) Kathi (VanderHaak)
Jansen (‘79)
Bernace (Strengholt) Keith Korthuis (‘82)
Korthuis (‘54)
Kathleen (Dykstra)
Starla (Vander
Vander Meulen (60) Meulen) Mulder (‘80)
Tyler Reardon
Class of 2013
Judy (Smits) Reimer
Wyatt Jansen
Class of 2013
Stephanie Korthuis
Class of 2013
Cassie Mulder
Class of 2013
Issac Reimer
Class of 2013
Alumni Affecting Their World
Chelsea Davidson
Class: 2008
Where I live now: Everson’s outskirts
What I am doing: I am
a practicing visual artist and
Life in a nutshell: I was
born in Kelowna, B.C. and
grew up in Bellingham. I
went to Evergreen Christian
through second grade, then,
I began at Lynden Christian. I
Chelsea Davidson
have always been interested
in the arts. I would always check out the Draw 50 – books
from the elementary school library. In middle school, Jay Hannenberg’s art classes pushed me further to develop the basic
skills, and deepen my love for drawing and painting. I took
more classes than were available in High School – adding an
independent art class my senior year. My career research paper
helped me discover that art has so many facets – art really is in
everything! I graduated in 2008 and went on to earn my Bachelor of Arts in the School of the Arts, Media and Culture from
Trinity Western University. Going to Trinity helped me grow so
much, developing both who I am today as a follower of Christ,
and my voice as an artist.
Fun Fact: I am a total thrill seeker! I have been sky-diving,
zip-lining, and rock-climbing. I have hung out of the side of a
chopper to photograph an off-road desert race (Vegas to Reno
– look it up, it’s awesome!) Bungee jumping is next on my list.
Have you discovered
correlation between your
spiritual journey
artwork? Of course
there is a correlation between my
spiritual journey and
my artwork. There
is also a correlation
between my love
life and my artwork.
And my mood, and
the music I am listening to, and the
season I’m in (both
literally and metaphorically). I always
learn more about
myself based on the
artwork I create. Most recently, my work has made clear to me
that relationships – both with God and with others – are what
matter most to me. I didn’t think about that all that much
until I looked at my work
as a body and discovered
the theme of the human
figure. I am now seeking
ways in which I can use
that thing that is clearly
important to me for the
What mediums do
you use? I primarily use
oils and acrylics on canvas.
I do draw using graphite
and conte too, but I love
the limitless possibilities
with color that paints provide. Photography is great
too because it is a social
medium. I love the opportunity to boost someone’s
confidence by accurately
depicting who they are.
I think it’s important to
combat the lies that society tells us about who
we should be and what
we should look like. I also
think it’s important to help make someone feel great about
themselves and comfortable in their own skin.
Do you have a favorite subject, what is it? Like I said
before, I love depicting people. They are by far the most difficult of subjects to create, but I just love the personality, the
attitude and the life that can be depicted through a single gesture used to depict a person. You can’t do that with a still life.
Who inspires you? My whole family has encouraged me
to pursue art. I am so thankful they did! Art is a tough market
to break into, but my parents and grandparents have taught
me to be a hard worker. Success doesn’t come without hard
work. My art professors from TWU, Doris Auxier and Erica
Grimm-Vance are both absolutely phenomenal artists as well.
Their passion for their work and for the success of each of their
students is completely inspiring.
How did Lynden Christian have an influence on you?
There was one theme that Lynden Christian really instilled in
me: they will know we are His by our love to one another.
What this really speaks of is integrity. Do we act the way we
speak? Do we speak the way we should? My time at Lynden
Christian impacted me more than any other time of my life to
date. What I took from my experience there affects how I live
daily. I am truly thankful for it.
Class: 1979
Where I live now: My
family lives south of Lynden by
Wiser Lake in the area where
my husband, Jeff, grew up.
What I am doing: I married Jeff Jansen (LC ’76) in
1991, and have a step-son
Derek (LC ’09-currently attending a college in AZ), and
son Wyatt (senior at LCHS).
After a 28-year career as a Kathy (VanderHaak) Jansen with
her son Wyatt Jansen
travel consultant in Sioux Center, IA, and Bellingham, WA, I recently changed employment
to New York Life Insurance in Lynden, where I enjoy working
as an Office Assistant. The travel industry gave me (and my
family) the exciting opportunity to explore the world, including
Europe, Asia, Africa, Caribbean and Mexico.
Life in a nutshell: I am very thankful to God for my life. I
am blessed with a wonderful family and great friends. In the
ups and downs of life the gift of my faith in Christ is my ROCK,
and I am thankful that my parents cared enough to provide a
Christian education.
Fun Fact: My Family and I traveled to Kenya, Africa this year
on a safari to West Mara. We purchased this trip at the Lynden
Christian auction. While we were in Kenya we were able to visit
a primary school in Mogotio. This school was started by our
sponsored daughter “Betty” after she completed her teacher/
administrator education. The school has over 100 students.
What a blessing as they are learning God’s word along with
their other studies. We were then able to spend a few days
with her family, including her 8-year-old daughter “Kathi,” my
sweet little name sake in Africa.
How did LC have an impact on me: Last year I reconnected with about a dozen of my ‘79 classmates, we went
on a getaway to Whistler, B.C., and currently email and get
together every few months – I will cherish those friendships
made at LC my whole life!
It’s the little things that mean the most to me and here are
few examples: I gave a talk at my church a while back about
our Kenyan daughter and my LC speech teacher, Mr. Vander
Pol, came up to me after and said I did a good job. That was
great coming from him, as I still remember all those pennies I
gave for “ahs” in his class – I guess it paid off! A classmate recently emailed me, asking for a recipe we made in Mrs. Richendrfer’s Home Ec. class. Really? We made something so good
that someone is craving it 35 years later! Our family was able
to connect with my past LC teacher, Mr. Kredit, at Yellowstone
National Park a couple years ago and he added to my earth
science knowledge with lectures and tours at the park – absolutely fascinating!
Allen Likkel
Class: 1962 (memorialized in the movie American
Where I live now: Birch
Bay (Blaine, WA) and Lynden,
What I am doing: I recently (November, 2010)
retired from my Christian Reformed Home Missions work
as Director of our Regional
Allen Likkel
Teams in U.S. and Canada,
and prior to that giving leadership to Home Missions Church
Planting mission. Now I’m serving as co-facilitator of the RCACRC Kingdom Enterprise Zone for Whatcom County – largely a
role of coaching church planters in Whatcom County, consulting with congregational leadership teams, and coaching individuals and teams in churches and a variety of organizations
in Gallup Inc.’s Strengths Finder leadership development. My
wife, Lynn, and I also are attending and deeply involved with
Mosaic (CRC) in Bellingham.
I am also doing restoration work on my 1930 Model A,
along with enjoying camping around the PNW in our 13’
Scamp trailer.
Life in a nutshell: It is an interesting transition coming
back to the PNW and Lynden after being located in Alaska,
New York, British Columbia, and Michigan over the last 40+
years. We have two married sons in Seattle, a married daughter in the Bay area of CA, and a married daughter in Michigan.
We are blessed with 11 precious grandchildren and take seriously our calling to pray for them, and to love and encourage
them to be all that God has designed and called them to be.
That is a big part of our lives and takes priority to ongoing
“work” that I do.
Lynn also remains very active in ministry as an ordained pastor in the CRC. She is a Parish Chaplain at Mosaic church. Part
of her chaplaincy work involves serving as a Support Officer for
Whatcom County fire, police, and sheriff’s departments. She
does pastoral care at Mosaic and other area churches.
With both of our rather active lives, this chapter of our
lives keeps us going. We are enjoying renewed opportunity to
connect with our families in this area, and with old and new
Fun Fact: While in seminary, I had the privilege of singing
at the White House for a Sunday service with President Nixon. It was the weekend of the anti-war march on Washington
when President Nixon could not sleep and walked out to the
Washington Monument and had spontaneous conversation
with college students camped on the Mall lawn. Many say that
weekend changed his mind about ending the war in Vietnam.
We were guests of the White House for the day, and had opportunity to see much of the White House and walk out in the
Rose Garden with Nixon family members. Our choir wanted to
believe that some of our carefully chosen songs left a lasting
impression on the president.
How did LC have an impact on me: I had opportunity to
experience leadership roles that definitely contributed to clarity
about and openness to God’s call for my life.
Every class is unique and, in the diversity of experiences,
each provides opportunity for blessings. What was particularly
unique about the class of ’62 is that we did not have typical
cliques. Everyone could mix and be friends with everyone. I
was not on any official sports team, but many of my closest
friends were. I felt just as accepted and respected for being
who I was and engaging in other options. That was a defining
experience for me on how to be an accepting and hospitable
community with diversity.
2002 Class Reunion
A Decade Older, A Decade Wiser
The Class of 2002 celebrated their 10 year reunion with
a casual dinner at Chihuahua’s Mexican Restaurant in Ferndale, WA late last summer. Classmates enjoyed reconnecting and hearing about each other’s lives while reliving stories from high school. Thanks so much to reunion organizer
Renee’ (Visbeek) Swinburne for pulling this class together
to celebrate!
Jamie Sipma
Class: 1985
Where I live now: I just
recently moved back to Lynden after living in Bellevue,
WA and teaching at Bellevue
Christian School for 21 years.
It’s great to be near my family
and I’m having fun seeing lots
of old, I mean former, classmates who live in Lynden.
What I am doing: I am
working at Lynden Christian
as a Discovery Therapist. I was
Jamie Sipma
trained in this work while at
BCS and I am thankful to be able to put those skills to work in
the LC community. I am also doing a little coaching at LC and
I am the chairperson for the CSI Teachers’ Convention that
takes place every year in October. So I have a lot of hats that
keep me busy!
Life in a nutshell: Life is good! After highschool I went to
Seattle Pacific University and played hoops for four years while
getting my teaching certificate. I love being a teacher and feel
blessed to have been in Christian Education my whole career
thus far. While I don’t have any children, or a husband of my
own, I have been deeply involved in the lives of hundreds of
kids and their families. My life is rich with relationships and I
am thankful for a profession that allows me to make a difference in the lives of kids.
Fun Fact: As an adult I have found a great passion in running. Over the past two years I have completed three half marathons … and thinking about more.
How did LC have an impact on me: It isn’t often that we
get to come back and rub shoulders everyday with the teachers
who shaped us as young men and women. As I walk the halls
of LC again, as a teacher this time, I am aware of my teachers.
My faith, my work ethic, my calling into education was and is a
direct reflection on my teachers at Lynden Christian. I’ve been
in education long enough to see some of my former students
become teachers in Christian Education. We may never know
the power that our words and actions can have to influence
the life of a young person. That is a pretty cool job!
Bellingham-Evergreen Preschool – 8th Grade Campus • Lynden Preschool – 12th Grade Campus
Lynden Christian Schools comply with all federal and state rules and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of color, national origin,
sex or handicap. Lynden Christian Schools admit students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.
417 Lyncs Drive
Lynden, Washington 98264
(360) 318-9525
Lynden Christian Schools
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Please join us at Lynden Christian’s Moonlight Masquerade Dinner Auction on Saturday, March 23,
2013. Our guests will enjoy an exquisite dinner, delectable desserts, three silent auctions, and a fun-filled
live auction! Through this exciting event, our goal is to raise $180,000 to upgrade our facilities, provide
tuition assistance and purchase new equipment for our schools. Volunteer
We need over 200 volunteers to make this event happen! Join us with your talents in decorating, promotion, food, entertainment and many other opportunities. To volunteer, please call Chris Kenner at 739-0907.
Each of us has our own circle of influence where we live, work, shop and play. Would you consider
participating with a tax-deductible donation of an item to the auction in order to benefit Lynden Christian
Schools? To donate an item or service, please call Chris Kenner at (360) 739-0907 or Kathy Chambers at
(360) 318-9525. Become a Sponsor!
To inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Kathy Chambers at (360) 318-9525 or kchambers@lyncs.org.