Mycenter® GSERIES - Leader CNC Technologies Ltd
Mycenter® GSERIES - Leader CNC Technologies Ltd
Machining Challenges - Simplified H ORI ZO N TAL M ACHI NI NG CENTERS Mycenter® SERIES G DESIGNED for . . . Flexibility to produce parts with optimum efficiency and precision . . . The Horizontal G Series is the culmination of excellence in the manufacture of high-performance machine tools that spans over 83 years. This dedication to excellence is grounded in our principles of relentless innovation, state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques and facilities and an unwavering commitment to absolute customer satisfaction. Kitamura G Series Horizontal Machining Centers provide these important benefits: n n Mycenter-HX800G 2 Made in Japan quality Designed using advanced materials with ultra-high precision techniques n Space saving footprints n Operator convenience and ease of use n High speed processing Arumatik ®-Mi CNC Controller HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS Supercell-300G Unmanned machining Mycenter-HX250G HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS 3 Meticulously ASSEMBLED from the Ground Up Assurance for long-lasting performance Mycenter G Series Machining Centers are built on the Kitamura premise of TGA (True Geometric Accuracy). Our machines are designed and built to the highest standards - no shortcuts. Premium grade castings are meticulously hand-scraped and assembled to assure final fit and finish unmatched in the industry. Result. Perfect parallelism and perpendicularity that are so crucial for heavy-duty cutting performance, superior accuracy and long-term reliability. Kitamura castings provide critical design benefits: n Premium grade Meehanite cast iron n Solid column construction n 1 n n 2 3 4 HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS Hand-scraped surfaces for absolute perfect fit with no gaps Solid Induction Hardened Boxways produced at our factories Zero overhang for guaranteed static accuracies of +/- 0.002mm (+/-0.000079") / full stroke Only the highest grade Meehanite Cast Iron is used in Kitamura construction. This in combination with our induction hardened, precision ground solid boxways provides the mass, stability and damping necessary to offer heavier cutting ability, superb surface finishes and longer tool life. Solid One-Piece Design ATC X-AXIS 1 Spindle Mounting Surface 2 Craftsmanship in Handscraping All critical machine contact surfaces are extensively and meticulously hand-scraped by some of the world’s most experienced machine tool technicians to ensure that machine components fit perfectly each and every time. Hand scraping and hand fitting of components allow for true geometric tolerances and long machine tool life. Consistent accuracies of +/-0.002mm (+/-0.000079") / Full Stroke and +/-0.001mm (+/-0.000039") repeatability are able to be achieved as a result of this time honored tradition. TABLE PALLET STATION Z-AXIS STATION Z X Y TABLE BASE For optimum precision and reduction of installation time, main casting components are assembled, aligned and shipped complete. This ensures factory specified accuracies are duplicated upon delivery. The solid column is securely attached to the solid one-piece base for optimum strength, rigidity and vibration damping. Conventional Two-Piece Bed Design X-AXIS ATC TABLE Saddle Mounting Surface PALLET STATION Z-AXIS 3 STATION X Y Z TABLE BASE Ballscrew Mounting Surface HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS Two-piece base construction is prone to excessive vibration, adversely affecting accuracy and parts surface finishes. Overall machine performance and accuracy deteriorates over time. 5 BUILT to Endure Premium grade components assure long-term quality, precision and reliability. The best components make for the best machine. That’s why Kitamura uses only the finest available. Meehanite cast structures, drive systems including precision fine pitch ballscrews and servomotors, awardwinning spindles, tool and chip handling systems. Every component – from the ground up – must meet or surpass Kitamura’s commitment to quality and performance. In-house induction hardening assures total process control. The color of excellence. Kitamura is the only manufacturer that induction hardens and precision grinds their solid boxways. 6 HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS All structure mating surfaces are precision handscraped to assure absolutely perfect fit. No need for geometry compensation to adjust for squareness, parallelism and perpendicularity. ® ACY® CCUR RIC A OMET GE TRUE High-precision, pre-tensioned fine pitch ballscrews are precisely temperature regulated to eliminate accuracy robbing thermal growth. Premium grade servomotors with 16 million pulse encoders deliver astounding +/- 0.002mm (+/-0.000079”) / full stroke positioning accuracies and powerful drive capability for tough cutting conditions. Solid Boxways n 7 times more surface contact n 7 times more vibration damping n Heavier cutting capability HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS 7 POWER for Every Application Flexibility to produce parts with optimum efficiency and precision . . . The spindle is the powerplant of your HMC. Mycenter G Series HMCs are available with a wide variety of spindle configurations to suit your specific metalcutting requirements. Our Dual contact spindle system provides simultaneous taper and flange contact for optimum rigidity. Tight bearing preload assures long-term spindle stiffness. Our gear driven design and efficient oil chiller system dissipate heat. And they deliver enhanced machining flexibility by delivering low-end heavy torque and high-speed fine finish capability. Delivering strong low-end torque and high-end fine finish capability, Kitamura's Multi-Step Gear Driven Spindles deliver unmatched power and energy efficiency for increased productivity and energy savings. Kitamura has and continues to innovate "ecologically friendly" technology into our machines. Our unique gear driven spindles "sip" energy when compared to other spindle designs, yet deliver more cutting power. This design has earned Kitamura the coveted “20th Japan Industrial Machining Union Chairman Award” for the best energy-saving machine tool technology. 8 HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS Main Spindle Power and Torque Diagram #30 TAPER Machine Type HX250G / 15000 min-1 HSK-E40 Torque Nm 1500min-1 l Mycenter-HX250G Mycenter-HX250G Spindle Speed 150 ~ 15,000min-1 30,000min-1 Opt. Drive Method Direct Drive Built In Max. Spindle Torque 70.0 N m (51.6 ft lbs) Power KW 4000min-1 80 11kW (30 min.) 70.0N m l l l 60 10 7.5kW (Cont.) 47.7N m 40 l l l 5 14.6 N m (10.8 ft lbs) 30 MIN RATIO 20 Spindle Motor 11kW (15 HP AC/30 min) 18kW (24 HP AC /2 min) 7.5kW (20HP AC/10 min) 15kW (20 HP AC /Cont.) CONTINUOUS RATIO 0 0 2000 0 4000 10000 12000 14000 15000 Main Spindle Power and Torque Diagram Machine Type HX400G / 15000 min-1 Torque Nm 1500min-1 l Mycenter-HX400G 40 ~ 15,000min-1 Spindle Speed 8000 Spindle Speed min-1 #40 TAPER (*HSK-A63) Mycenter-HX400G 6000 5850min-1 Power KW 14000min-1 5 MIN RATIO (4000min-1 ~) 10 MIN RATIO (0 ~ 4000min-1) 40001min-1 15 MIN RATIO ( 4000min-1 ~ 15000min-1) 30 MIN RATIO 20,000min-1 Opt.* 25 CONTINUOUS RATIO 200 95.5 m l Drive Method Direct Drive Max. Spindle Torque Spindle Motor l Built In l 95.5 N m (70.4 ft lbs) 15kW (20HP AC/10 min) 7.5kW (20HP AC/10 min) 22kW (5 min.) 80 70N m 60 l l 88.3 N m (65.1 ft lbs) 15 11kW (30 min.) 47.7N m 40 l 22kW (30HP AC/15 min) 20 15kW (10 min., 15 min.) l 10 7.5kW (Cont.) 5 20 0 18.5kW (25HP AC/Cont.) 4000 2000 0 6000 10000 8000 0 14000 15000 12000 Spindle Speed min-1 Mycenter-HX500G Spindle Speed 20 ~ Drive Method Supercell-300G 20,000min-1 * Main Spindle Power and Torque Diagram 200 ~ 20,000min-1 Gear Drive, 4 Step Machine Type HX500G / 20000 min-1 Torque 788min-1 Nm Built In 2101min-1 3000min-1 266.4N m 250 l l l Max. Spindle Torque 266.4 N m (196.5 ft lbs) Spindle Motor 15kW (20HP AC/10 min) l l 118.0 N m (87.0 ft lbs) 22kW (30HP AC/15 min) Power KW 22W (15 min.) l 8000min-1 25 224.1N m 200 181.4N m 15kW (Cont.) l 20 l 150 133.2N m 15 l 7.5kW (20HP AC/10 min) 18.5kW (25HP AC/Cont.) 100 15 MIN RATIO 10 CONTINUOUS RATIO 50 Supercell-400 Spindle Speed 20 ~ 15,000min-1 Drive Method Gear Drive, 4 Step Max. Spindle Torque l 5 0 Supercell-400 0 0 4000 6000 Gear Drive, 4 Step l 157.4 N m (116.1 ft lbs) l 13kW (18HP AC/15 min) 7.5kW (10HP AC/Cont.) 8000 10000 12000 Spindle Speed min 20,000min-1 Opt.* 14000 16000 18000 20000 -1 Main Spindle Power and Torque Diagram l 157.4 N m (116.1 ft lbs) Machine Type SC300G, HX400G / 20000 min-1 Torque Nm 1500min-1 2000min-1 1800min-1 5000min-1 18.5kW (15 min.) 15kW (Cont.) l Spindle Motor 2000 13kW (18HP AC/15 min) 7.5kW (10HP AC/Cont.) 118N m l 100 88.3N m 80 76.9N m l l Power KW 22kW (15 min.) 20 18.5kW (Cont.) 15 25% ED 60 15 MIN RATIO CONTINUOUS RATIO 47.7N m 40 l #50 TAPER (*HSK-A100) 10 5 20 Mycenter-HX500G / 630G / 800G Mycenter-HX500G / 630G / 800G Spindle Speed 35 ~ 12,000min-1 * 8,000min-1 Opt.* Drive Method Gear Drive, 4 Step Max. Spindle Torque l 0 0 10000 5000 Gear Drive, 4 Step l 585.9 N m (432.1 ft lbs) l l 1225.9 N m (904.2 ft lbs) Main Spindle Power and Torque Diagram Machine Type HX500G, HX630G, HX800G / 12000 min-1 Torque Nm 585.9N m l 652min-1 40kW (53HP AC/15 min) 40kW (53HP AC/15 min) 22kW (30HP AC/30 Cont.) 22kW (30HP AC/30 Cont.) Power KW 7070min-1 l Spindle Motor 0 20000 15000 Spindle Speed min-1 1739min-1 40kW 500 40 2600min-1 35 400 22kW (Cont.) 30 322.3N m 300 l 25 20 200 15 15 MIN RATIO CONTINUOUS RATIO 10 100 5 0 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 Spindle Speed min-1 HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS 9 Control Pioneering Icon CNC Operation . . . Kitamura’s original Arumatik ®-Mi control is as powerful as it is user friendly. By utilizing unique features such as visual work setting screens, maintenance support functions and video guidance on the 19" LCD the Arumatik-Mi control has been designed to maximize operator potential and performance. Advanced operation and ultrahigh speed CNC technology mean smoother and faster machining of complex work pieces thanks to the power of High Precision Contour Control with 1680-block look ahead, 2800/blocks per second processing speeds. Designed to handle a variety of machining applications from highly mixed lot, small runs to high volume production work, the Arumatik-Mi offers the user the benefits of a completely customizable and expandable control experience. n Free Lifetime Software Upgrades n Maximizes Operator Convenience n Super-Smooth Control Process n Customized for Ultimate Productivity n High Speed Processing n Fanuc User-Friendly Unique features such as visual work setting screens, maintenance support functions and video guidance on the 19" LCD the Arumatik-Mi control Advanced operation and ultra-high speed CNC technology mean smoother and faster machining of complex workpieces thanks to the power of The Arumatik-Mi is loaded with a variety of have been designed to maximize operator potential and performance. High Precision Contour Control with 1680-block look ahead, 2800 /blocks per second processing speeds. MacroVariables, Inverse Time feed, Coordinate standard control features such as 1280M Memory, 2GB CT/ USB Data Server, 700 Custom System Rotation, 102 Pairs Workpiece Coordinate System, 200 Tool Offsets - Just to name a few. Free lifetime software upgrades assure continued optimum control features, functions and performance. 10 HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS Standard Control Specifications On Demand “HELP” Guidance 19” Color LCD Fine Accel/Decel after Interpolation Linear Interpolation (G01) Circular/Helical/Spline Interpolation (G02, G03) Conical Interpolation (G02.1, G03.1) 3-D Circular Interpolation (G02.4, G03.4) Circular Cutting (G12, G13) Dwell (G04) Scaling (G50, G51) Extended Workpiece Coordinate System (102 Pairs) Single Direction Positioning (G60) Coordinate System Rotation (G68, G69) Rigid Tapping Deep-Hole Tapping Cycle Pecking Tapping Cycle Small-Diameter Deep-Hold Drilling Cycle 3-D Tool Compensation (G40, G41, G42) High Speed, High Accuracy Control Maintenance Support Function High-Precision Contour Control (1680 - block look ahead) 16-Million Pulse Encoder Feedback System Background Editing Corner Chamfering / Corner Rounding Custom Macro B Custom Macro Common Variables, 700 Pcs 2 GB CF/USB Data Server Ethernet Interface Extended Editing (Copy, Move, Change, Merge) Registerable Programs, 1,000 Sets 1280M Memory Inverse Time Feed Operation Screen Display Optional Block Skip Playback Function Program Restart Tangential Speed Constant Control Tool Life Management, 400 Sets Tool Offset Memory C Tool Offset Pairs, 200 Pairs Tool Retract and Return Tool Monitoring / Adaptive Control Backlash Compensation HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS 11 Control Exciting new features and functions. The latest in controller technology at your fingertips. NEW! User Customized Main Menu Touch Screen HELP Auto call-up of instructional information Custom Action Buttons (CAB) User customized Machine Actions Convenient Visual Programming Screens A variety of visual programming screens and functions offer the operator faster and easier methods of part set-up and processing for increased productivity. Set-up icon screens, camera functions, data highlight functions, remote monitoring screens and electronic manuals in PDF format ensure all information required is at your fingertips. 12 HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS Kitamura Monitor / Adaptive Control Detects tool wear and controls cutting feedrate automatically by monitoring live spindle load during machining. By adapting to the change in cutting conditions tool life is maximized and cycle time is shortened dramatically. Maintenance Support Function Kitamura's Maintenance Support Function offers operator convenience in displaying methods of machining maintenance, repair and parts support on the NC Screen. Collision Safety Function Signals the machine to decelerate in any given movement and lessens the impact should the machine encounter a crash. Although this feature does not avoid the effects of a crash completely, it lessens the damage to the machine as a result. Should the machine crash, this feature automatically reverses the direction of the machine movement. Video Guidance Useful functions visually walk the user through methods of battery replacement, alarm release, APC recovery, PMC ladder and alarm release/guidance making it easier to monitor machine performance and ensure uptime. HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS 13 HX250G Horizontal Machining Center Power and precision in an ultra-compact footprint If you produce medium to long run small parts and want a higher level of accuracy and productivity, the Mycenter-HX250G the ideal choice. With standard 15,000min -1 and available 30,000min -1 ultra-rigid spindles and its high level of accuracy, the HX250G is ideal for small hole drilling, highly detailed machining and a host of artistic intricate machining applications. The fast, efficient 2-station rotating APC, full 4th axis rotary table, blazing feedrates and 1.7 second tool change time will boost productivity to a whole new level. The HX250G is flexible in application. Smart fixturing options including 5th axis capability on both pallets and “in-the-field” ATC expandability will keep pace with your growing needs. The HX250G is controlled by Kitamura’s operatorfriendly, powerful high-speed Arumatik ®-Mi CNC. 14 HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS Standard 2-Station APC for drilling, milling, boring, tapping, threading and more. Field installed 5th axis capable on BOTH pallets. Standard is a powerful 15,000min-1 Dual Contact Spindle, ideal for tougher cuts. Mycenter-HX250G HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS 15 HX250G Horizontal Machining Center For a machine this compact, the HX250G features a generous work envelope, full 4th Axis capability and world's fastest 60m/min (2,362ipm) rapid feeds provide machining flexibility for a wide variety of applications with unwavering reliability. Standard 40 tool automatic tool changer minimizes tool change times for maximum cutting time. Kitamura’s exclusive fixed pot ATC system assures tools are always returned to the same pot and the next tool to be used is kept in a “stand-by” pot. A 102 tool ATC can be added in the field for increased capability The Mycenter-HX250G is available with an optional 10-station APC system for flexibility in just-in-time machining environments. 16 HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS SPECIFICATIONS Mycenter-HX250G Table Table Size 254 x 254mm (10.0" x 10.0") Table Indexing 0.001 Degree (4th Axis) Tapped Hole (Size xQty.) M12 x 1.75 x 8 Max. Table Load 100kg (220 lbs.) Max. Workpiece Dia. Ø350mm (Ø13.8") Max. Workpiece Height 400mm (15.7") Travels X-Axis Travel 305mm (12.0") Y-Axis Travel 305mm (12.0") Z-Axis Travel 330mm (13.0") B-Axis Travel 0 to 360 Degrees Full 4th Axis Table Surf. to Spindle Center 60 to 365mm (2.4" to 14.4") Table Center to Spindle Nose 60 to 390mm (2.4" to 15.4") Spindle Spindle Taper #30 NST (HSK-E40 Option / 30k) Spindle Speed 150 ~ 15,000min-1 (30,000min-1 Opt.) Drive Method Direct Drive Maximum Spindle Torque 70.0 N m (51.6 ft lbs) Spindle Motor 11kW (15HP AC/30 min) l l 7.5kW (10HP AC/Cont.) Feed Rapid Feed X,Y,Z 60m/min (2,362ipm) Cutting Feed Rate X,Y,Z 60m/min (2,362ipm) Rapid Feed (B-Axis) 12,000 deg/min (33.3min-1 ) APC Number of Pallets 2 APC Change Time 7.9 seconds ATC Tool Storage Capacity 40 Tools (Opt. 52, 102) Tool Selection Method Random Bi-Directional, Fixed Pot Tool Holder Style BT 30 (HSK-E40 Opt.) Max. Tool Dia. Ø50mm (Ø2.0") / Ø75mm (Ø3.0") Max. Tool Length 200mm (7.9") Max. Tool Weight 2kg (4.4 lbs.) Tool to Tool 1.2 seconds Chip to Chip 2.8 seconds, min. Utilities Power Requirement 30KVA, 200v AC, 3 Phase Air Requirement 0.5 MPa, 150L/min (90psi, 6cfm) Machine Dimensions Required Space (W x D) 1,853 x 2,948mm (73.0" x 116.1") Machine Height 2,284mm (89.9") Machine Net Weight Control 4,500kg (9,900 lbs.) Arumatik® -Mi Control HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS Specifications subject to change without notice. 17 HX400G / HX500G Horizontal Machining Centers Setting the new standard in (mid-size) HMCs The Mycenter-HX400G is setting the new standard in 400mm horizontal machining centers, delivering the ultimate in state-of-the-art HMC performance. Solid box guideways are equipped with linear scale feedback on all axes for unmatched accuracy and optimum stability. A standard 2-station APC coupled with full 360 degree 4th axis capability means faster part turn around and more production per pallet load. Standard features such as the world's fastest 60m/min (2,362ipm) rapid feedrates, rear discharge hinge belt chip conveyor and numerous high-tech Icon-Drive Arumatik ®-Mi control features make this space-saving mid-size HMC your go to for a variety of machining applications. Highly efficient and productive with your choice of #40, 20,000min -1 and #50, 12,000min -1 geared configurations, the Mycenter-HX500G provides the power, speed and size to handle your larger and heavier workpieces. Solid boxway construction, linear scales on all axes and a patented twin ballscrew design in the X & Y axes deliver the highest accuracy levels available on the market today along with the rigidity necessary for true, heavy-duty, medium to large part machining. 18 HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS Mycenter-HX400G Mycenter-HX500G Available in #40 and #50 Geared Spindle Configurations HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS 19 HX400G / HX500G Horizontal Machining Centers These machines are designed for total convenience and optimum work flow. One piece sliding front doors, larger windows and easy grip door handles reduce operator work load and promotes a safe work environment. The feature packed Arumatik®-Mi CNC swings toward the extra large operator window for convenient and mobile work set-up and inspection. Even the maintenance cabinet is conveniently located next to the operation station. The two station APC offers the ability to add pallets and pallet pool systems in the field. The large work envelope houses standard 4th axis rotary tables that allow full 360° 4th axis capability simplifying machining of more complex, multi-sided parts. Linear Axes (X, Y, Z) Standard State-of-the-art, fine resolution (10 nanometer) Optical Linear Scale Feedback Long-term, highest in-class accuracy. Both the HX400G and HX500G feature our exclusive standard 50 -Tool Fixed Pot ATC. In-the-field tool capacity expansion up to 300 tools depending on model is available. Ultra-fast tool-to-tool change times of 1.3 seconds (40 taper) and 2.1 seconds (50 taper) optimizes machine performance. Rotary Table (B-Axis) Standard High resolution (0.02 Sec.) Direct Rotary Scale Feedback Minimum displacement even at outer edges of table limit. Kitamura uses only the highest quality world-class scale units available, while competitors claim to deliver the same high level accuracy with lesser grade units. Standard on Mycenter-HX400G, HX500G, HX630G and HX800G Models. Insist on the best – Kitamura HMC’s. 20 HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS SPECIFICATIONS Mycenter-HX400G Mycenter-HX500G #40 Mycenter-HX500G #50 Table Size 400 x 400mm (15.7" x 15.7") 500 x 500mm (19.7" x 19.7") 500 x 500mm (19.7" x 19.7") Table Indexing 0.001 Degree (4th Axis) 0.001 Degree (4th Axis) 0.001 Degree (4th Axis) Tapped Hole (Size xQty.) M16 x 2.0 x 25 M16 x 2.0 x 24 M16 x 2.0 x 24 Max. Table Load 350 /400kg (770/880 lbs.) 800kg (1,760 lbs.) 800kg (1,760 lbs.) Max.Workpiece Dia. Ø630mm (Ø24.8") Ø800mm (Ø31.5") Ø800mm (Ø31.5") Max. Workpiece Height 745mm (29.3") 1,100mm (43.3") 1,100mm (43.3") X-Axis Travel 610mm (24.0") 870mm (34.3")/Twin Ballscrew Design 870mm (34.3")/Twin Ballscrew Design Y-Axis Travel 610mm (24.0") 800mm (31.5")/Twin Ballscrew Design 800mm (31.5")/Twin Ballscrew Design Z-Axis Travel 610mm (24.0") 930mm (36.6") 930mm (36.6") B-Axis Travel 0 to 360 Degrees Full 4th Axis 0 to 360 Degrees Full 4th Axis 0 to 360 Degrees Full 4th Axis Table Surf. to Spindle Center 40 ~ 650mm (1.6" to 25.6") 50 ~ 850mm (2.0" ~ 33.5") 50 ~ 850mm (2.0" ~ 33.5") Table Center to Spindle Nose 100 ~ 710mm (3.9" to 27.9") 140 ~ 1,070mm (5.5"~42.1") 60 ~ 990mm (2.4" ~ 39.0") #40 NST #40 NST (HSK-A63 Option) #50 NST (HSK-A100 Option) Table Travels Spindle Spindle Taper 15,000min-1 (20,000min-1 Opt.) 35 ~ 12,000min-1 (8,000min-1 Opt.) Spindle Speed 40 ~ Drive Method Direct Drive System Maximum Spindle Torque 95.5 N m (70.4 ft lbs) 266.4 N m (196.5 ft lbs) 585.9 N m (432.1 ft lbs) Spindle Motor 15kW (20HP AC /10 min) 22kW (30HP AC /15 min) 40kW (53HP AC / 15 min) 7.5kW (10HP AC/Cont.) 15kW (20HP AC /Cont.) 22kW (30HP AC / Cont.) Rapid Feed X,Y,Z 60m/min (2,362ipm) 60m/min (2,362ipm) 60m/min (2,362ipm) Cutting Feed Rate X,Y,Z 60m/min (2,362ipm) 60m/min (2,362ipm) 60m/min (2,362ipm) l l 20 ~ 20,000min-1 Gear Drive, 4-Step l Gear Drive, 4-Step l l l Feed Rapid Feed (B Axis) 45,000 deg/min (125min-1 ) 12,000 deg/min (33.3min-1 ) 12,000 deg/min (33.3min-1 ) APC Number of Pallets 2 2 2 APC Change Time 8.5 seconds 8.8 seconds 8.8 seconds Tool Storage Capacity 50 Tools (Opt. 100,150, 200, 300) 50 Tools (Opt. 100, 150, 200) 50 Tools (Opt. 62, 100, 150, 200) Tool Selection Method Random bi-directional, Fixed Pot Random bi-directional, Fixed Pot Random bi-directional, Fixed Pot Tool Holder Style CT (BT) 40 CT (BT) 40 (HSK-A63 Opt.) CT (BT) 50 (HSK-A100 Opt.) Max. Tool Dia. Ø95mm (Ø3.7") / Ø150mm (Ø5.9") Ø95mm (Ø3.7") / Ø170mm (Ø6.7") Ø125mm (Ø4.9") /Ø300mm (Ø11.8") Max. Tool Length 370mm (14.6") 600mm (23.6") 600mm (23.6") Max. Tool Weight 10kg (22 lbs.) 10kg (22 lbs.) 30kg (66 lbs.) Tool to Tool 1.3 seconds 1.3 seconds 2.1 seconds Chip to Chip 2.5 seconds, min. 3.8 seconds, min. 4.8 seconds, min. Power Requirement 50KVA, 200v AC, 3 Phase 55KVA, 200v AC, 3 Phase 55KVA, 200v AC, 3 Phase Air Requirement 0.5 MPa, 350L/min (90psi, 12cfm) 0.5 MPa, 410L/min (90psi, 14cfm) 0.5 MPa, 410L/min (90psi, 14cfm) Required Space (W x D) 3,035 x 4,065mm (119.5" x 160.0") 3,585 x 4,957mm (141.1" x 195.2") 3,620 x 4,957mm (142.5" x 195.2") Machine Height 2,739mm (107.8") 3,178mm (125.1" ) 3,499mm (137.8") Machine Net Weight 9,800kg (21,560 lbs.) 16,100kg (35,420 lbs.) 16,500kg (36,300 lbs.) Arumatik®-Mi Arumatik®-Mi Arumatik®-Mi ATC Utilities Machine Dimensions Control Specifications subject to change without notice. HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS 21 HX630G / HX800G Horizontal Machining Centers Designed to tackle the toughest large part machining challenges The Mycenter-HX630G and HX800G are designed for high-value, close-tolerance machining of large components and fixtured tombstones. Extraordinary capacity, superior design and construction features and superb accuracy make them the ideal choice in large capacity HMCs. Use of proven techniques such as induction hardened solid boxway construction, hand-scraping of all mating surfaces and geared spindles all contribute to superior results and stability when machining larger heavy-duty parts made of tough-to-cut materials. n n n n n n 22 53HP, gear driven spindles provide the necessary torque for tough cuts and high-end power for fine finishes Patented twin ballscrews on all axes are driven by twin servo motors to deliver blazing “world’s fastest” 60m/min (2,362ipm) rapid feedrates on solid box ways Linear scale feedback is standard on all axes delivering stellar accuracy and repeatability Standard full 4th axis rotary table with rotary scale Kitamura’s Intelligent Advanced Control (IAC) System minimizes thermal displacement to less than 5 microns (0.0002") Standard Double Decker style chip conveyor and filtration system and 15bar (220psi) coolant thru the spindle HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS Mycenter-HX630G Mycenter-HX800G HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS 23 HX630G / HX800G Horizontal Machining Centers The Mycenter-HX630G and HX800G feature 53HP, high-torque, 4-step gear driven spindles that deliver high-efficiency cutting performance with low energy consumption. 8,000min-1 and 12,000min-1 configurations are available. Expansive in both size and capability, the HX630G and HX800G come standard with full 360° 4th axis simultaneous machining capabilities needed to machine complex, multi-sided parts, greatly reducing set-up time. In addition, the 2-station automatic pallet changer allows for the loading of parts while machining, dramatically improving spindle cutting time while allowing for in-process verification of component quality. Large table capacities easily accommodate extra-large workpieces and complex fixturing. Flexibility meets profitability with Kitamura’s patented high-speed, fixed pot ATC system. Accurate and effective tool changes and tool HX800G Ø1,525mm (Ø60.0") HX800G 1,550mm (61.0") HX630G Ø1,080mm (Ø42.5") HX630G 1,300mm (51.2") identification are ensured – minimizing tool change time. The 50 tool standard magazine can easily be upgraded in the field with up to 200 tools for easy expandability as your needs grow. HX630G & HX800G Work Envelopes 24 HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS The Mycenter-HX630G and HX800G are designed to handle your largest part machining requirements. They easily handle workpieces up to ø1,080 x 1,300mm (ø42.5"x 51.2") and ø1,525mm x 1,550mm (ø60.0 x 61.0") respectively. The HX630G has a table load capacity of 1,500kg (3,300Lbs), the HX800G table load capacity is 3,000kgs (6,600Lbs). SPECIFICATIONS Mycenter-HX630G Mycenter-HX800G Table Size 630 x 630mm (24.8" x 24.8") 800 x 800mm (31.5" x 31.5") Table Indexing 0.001 Degree (4th Axis) 0.001 Degree (4th Axis) Tapped Hole (Size x Qty.) M16 x 2.0 x 25 M16 x 2.0 x 49 Max. Table Load 1,500kg / (3,300 lbs.) 3,000kg (6,600 lbs.) *With Limitations Max.Workpiece Dia. Ø1,080mm (Ø42.5") 1,525mm (Ø60.0") Max. Workpiece Height 1,300mm (51.2") 1,550mm (61.0") X-Axis Travel 1,100mm (43.3") / Twin Ballscrew Design 1,550mm (61.0") / Twin Ballscrew Design Y-Axis Travel 920mm (36.2") / Twin Ballscrew Design 1,300mm (51.2") / Twin Ballscrew Design Z-Axis Travel 1,050mm (41.3") / Twin Ballscrew Design 1,400mm (55.1") / Twin Ballscrew Design B-Axis Travel 0 to 360 Degrees Full 4th Axis 0 to 360 Degrees Full 4th Axis Table Surf. to Spindle Center 100 ~ 1,020mm (3.9" ~ 40.2") 100 ~ 1,400mm (3.9" ~ 55.1") Table Center to Spindle Nose 100 ~ 1,150mm (3.9" ~ 45.3") 150 ~ 1,550mm (5.9" ~ 61.0") #50 NST (HSK-A100 Opt.) #50 NST (HSK-A100 Opt.) Table Travels Spindle Spindle Taper 12,000min-1 (8,000min-1 0pt.) 35 ~ 12,000min-1 (8,000min-1 0pt.) Spindle Speed 35 ~ Drive Method Gear Drive, 4 Step Maximum Spindle Torque 585.9 N m (432.1 ft lbs) 585.9 N m (432.1 ft lbs) Spindle Motor 40kW (53HP AC/15 min) 40kW (53HP AC / 15 min) 22kW (30HP AC/Cont.) 22kW (30HP AC / Cont.) Rapid Feed X,Y,Z 60m/min (2,362ipm) 60m/min (2,362ipm) Cutting Feed Rate X,Y,Z 60m/min (2,362ipm) 60m/min (2,362ipm) l Gear Drive, 4 Step l l l Feed Rapid Feed (B Axis) 12,000 deg/min (33.3min-1) 8,000 deg/min (22.2min-1) APC Number of Pallets 2 2 APC Change Time 14.7 seconds 23.0 seconds Tool Storage Capacity 50 Tools (Opt. 62,100,150, 200) 50 Tools (Opt. 62,100,150, 200) Tool Selection Method Random bi-directional, Fixed Pot Random bi-directional, Fixed Pot Tool Holder Style CT (BT) 50 CT (BT) 50 Max. Tool Dia. Ø125mm (Ø4.9") / Ø320mm (Ø12.6") Ø125mm (Ø4.9") / Ø320mm (Ø12.6") Max. Tool Length 650mm (25.6") 650mm (25.6") Max. Tool Weight 30kg (66 lbs.) 30kg (66 lbs.) Tool to Tool 2.1 seconds 2.1 seconds Chip to Chip 5.2 seconds, min. 5.9 seconds, min. Power Requirement 65KVA, 200v AC, 3 Phase 70KVA, 200v AC, 3 Phase Air Requirement 0.5 MPa, 410L/min (90psi, 14cfm) 0.5 MPa, 410L/min (90psi, 14cfm) Required Space (W x D) 4,068 x 5,760mm (160.2" x 226.8") 4,295 x 7,119mm (69.1" x 280.3") Machine Height 3,513mm (138.3") 3,554mm (139.9") Machine Net Weight 21,000kg (46,200 lbs.) 28,400kg (62,480 lbs.) Arumatik -Mi Arumatik®-Mi ATC Utilities Machine Dimensions Control ® HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS Specifications subject to change without notice. 25 SC300G / SC400 5-Axis Machining Cells The solution to today's complex production demands. Kitamura’s Supercell Series is the perfect FMC for today’s fast-paced, multi-part machining applications. The combination of Kitamura’s exclusive high-speed Automatic Work Handling Robot (AWC), powerful control capabilities and pallet ID recognition system enables 72 hour unmanned operation. Efficient chip management is provided by a standard Double Decker Style Chip Conveyor (Combination Caterpillar & Scraper). n J.I.T. optimized n Dramatically reduced set-up times n n n 26 Holder-style pallets simplify fixture change-outs 3-5 Times improved parts accuracy Continuous unmanned operations without use of a cell controller HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS The Supercells’ extraordinary control and pallet processing capabilities allow for streamlined multi-part varied-lot machining. To ensure proper machine operation, a Work ID System employs an IC Chip on the pallet allowing for storage and communication of work data quickly and accurately. Supercell-400 HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS 27 SC300G / SC400 5-Axis Machining Cells The spindle travels in the X and Y axes while the table travels in the Z axis. This provides optimum tool approach to the workpiece. Absolute scale feedback is standard on all axes. X, Y, Z Axes resolution is 0.0001mm, A & B Axes resolution is 0.0001 degree. The Supercell 300G is equipped with a standard high-speed 20,000min-1 spindle. The Supercell 400 has a standard powerful 15,0000min-1 spindle with a 20,000min-1 high-speed spindle available as an option. Kitamura designed the original high-speed Automatic Work Handling Robot (AWC) exclusively for the Supercell. This system reduces pallet load & unloading time, allowing just-in-time operation, ideal for highly mixed production. 28 HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS Supercells are designed to handle a wide variety of workpieces. The Supercell 300G has a maximum workpiece size of ø200 x 200mm H (ø7.9" x 7.9" H). The Supercell 400 handles workpieces up to ø400 x 300mm H (ø15.7" x 11.8" H). Generous work envelope houses trunnion style table for full simultaneous 5-axis machining. Supercells can be equipped with up to 120 pallets and a 314 tool capacity as optional depending on model. SPECIFICATIONS Mycenter-Supercell 300G Mycenter-Supercell 400 Table Pallet Size Ø200mm (Ø7.9") Ø350mm (Ø13.8) Table Indexing 0.001 Degree (4th / 5th Axes) 0.001 Degree (4th / 5th Axes) Maximum Pallet Load 20kg (44 lbs.) 54kg (118.8 lbs.) Without Table 80 kg (176 lbs.) Max. Workpiece Dia. x H Ø200 x 200mm (Ø7.9" x 7.9") Ø400 x 300mm (Ø15.7" x 11.8") X-Axis Travel 460mm (18.1") 510mm (20.1") Y-Axis Travel 410mm (16.1") 510mm (20.1") Z- Axis Travel 460mm (18.1") 510mm (20.1") A-Axis Travel +30 to -120 Degrees (*with some restrictions) 0 to -100 Degrees (*with some restrictions) B-Axis Travel 0 to 360 Degree 0 to 360 Degree B-Axis Ctr. to Spindle Nose 60mm ~ 520mm (2.4"~20.5") 100mm ~ 610mm (3.9" ~ 24.0") Table Surface to Spindle Ctr. -100mm ~ 410mm (-3.9" ~ 16.1") -200mm ~ 310mm (-7.9" ~ 12.2") NST. No. 40 NST. No. 40 Travels Spindle Spindle Taper 20,000min-1 Spindle Speed 200 ~ Drive Method Built-In Maximum Spindle Torque 118.0 N m (87.0 ft lbs) Spindle Motor 20 ~ 15,000min-1 (20 ~ 20,000min-1 Opt.) Gear Drive, 4 Step l l 22kw (30 HP AC) /15 min 18.5kw (25 HP AC) / Cont. l l 157.4 N m (116.1 ft lbs) 13kw (18 HP AC) / 15 min 11kw (15 HP AC) / 30 min. 7.5kw (10 HP AC) / Cont. Feed Rapid Feeds X, Y, Z 60m/min (2,362ipm) (50min-1) 50m/min (1,969ipm) 2,400 deg/min (6.7min-1) Feed Rates A, B 18,000 deg/min Cutting Feed Rates 60m/min (2,362ipm) 50m/min (1,969ipm) 20 (40, 80 opt.) 20 (40, 60, 80, 120 opt.) Tool Storage Capacity 174 Tools (Opt. 230, 258, 314) 140 Tools (Opt. 190, 290) Tool Selection Method Random bi-directional, Fixed Pot Random bi-directional, Fixed Pot Tool Holder Style MAS CT (BT) 40 MAS CT (BT) 4 Max. Tool Diameter Ø95mm (Ø3.7") / Ø150mm (Ø5.9") Ø95mm (Ø3.7") / Ø150mm (Ø5.9") Max. Tool Length 350mm (13.7") 350mm (13.7") Max. Tool Weight 10kg (22.0 lbs.) 10kg (22.0 lbs.) Tool to Tool Change Time 1.3 seconds 2.1 seconds Chip to Chip Change Time 2.5 seconds, min. 5.0 seconds, min. Power Requirement 55 KVA, 200v AC, 3 Phase 45 KVA, 200v AC, 3 Phase Air Requirement 0.5MPa, 350 L/min (90 psi, 13 cfm) 0.5MPa, 330 L / min (90 psi, 12 cfm) Required Space (W x D) 3,835 x 6,006mm (151.0" x 236.5") 5,534 x 6,042mm (217.9" x 237.9") Machine Height 2,682mm (105.6") 2,712mm (106.8") Machine Net Weight 14,706kg (32,420 lbs.) 14,930kg (32,846 lbs.) Arumatik -Mi Kitamura-Fanuc 30iB APC Number of Pallets ATC Utilities Control ® HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS Specifications subject to change without notice. 29 OPTIONS Flexibility to produce parts with optimum efficiency and precision . . . Expand machining capability with a wide variety of optional accessories to meet your exacting machining requirements. Laser Non-Contact Tool Probe High Capacity, Double-Decker Chip Conveyor (Standard on HX500G, HX630G, HX800G, SC300G / SC400) Primary conveyor removes all chip types and sizes including strings and balls. Spindle Probe Field Retrofittable 5th Axis Rotary Tables 30 HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS Lower drag-type separator conveyor removes fines that are passed through or carried back into the system by the primary conveyor Permanent self-cleaning media drum separates fines from the coolant to 100 micro nominal Factory Installed Option Field Expandable Options Kitamura Multi-Pallet Systems 100 Tool ATC Available in 8, 10, 14 and 21 APC configurations Available Matrix Style Tool Changer Kitamura Flexible Manufacturing Systems 150 Tool ATC HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTERS 31 G 1253 (49.3") 400 (15.7") Y STROKE 305 (12") 60 (2.4") 879 (34.6") 330 (13") Z STROKE 60 (2.4") 1134 (44.6") Ø350 (Ø13.8") 252 (9.9") 812 (32") 2283.6 (89.9") 2170(85.4") 1073 (42.2") 75 (3") DOOR OPEN RANGE 390 (15.4") 1955 (77") 998 (39.3") DOOR OPEN RANGE 850 (33.5") 66.6 (2.6") Mycenter-HX250 47 (1.9") 152.5 (6") 305 (12") 30.8 (1.2") X STROKE 1743 (68.6") 294.2 (11.6") 1484.3 (58.4") 70 (2.8") 152.5 (6") 1463.5 (57.6") 2947.8 (116.1") 78.5 (3.1") 1377 (54.2") X STROKE 305 (12") 152.5 152.5 (6") (6") 1650 (65") 254 ( 10") 405 (15.9") 155 (6.1") 475 (18.7") 1780 (70.1") 2832.3 (111.5") 1020 (40.2") 325 (12.8") 1852.3 (72.9") 330 (13") Z STROKE 60 (2.4") R (R29736.8 ") 727.4 (28.6") 130 (5.1") 127 (5") 52.3 (2.1") 100 (3.9") 1335 (52.6") 1450 (57.1") 7.8 R69 27.5") (R P0WER SUPPLY 200V 30KVA 10.5 (0.4") 2947.8 (116.1") Move-In Dimensions Required Space W x D: 1,852.3 x 2,968mm (72.9" x 116.1") Machine Height: 2,170mm (85.4") Machine Net Weight: 4,500kg (9,900Lbs) Power Requirement: 30KVA Specifications subject to change without notice. 32 MYCENTER - HX250G G Mycenter-HX400 DOOR OPEN RANGE 793 (31.2") DOOR OPEN RANGE 480 (18.9") 379 (14.9") 305 (12") 357 (14.1") 305 (12") 326 (12.8") 53 (2.1") X-AXIS STROKE 610 (24") Y-AXIS STROKE 610 (24") 995 (39.2") 1227 (48.3") 40 (1.6") 860 (33.9") 745 (29.3") 400 ( 15.7") 2600 (102.4") Z-AXIS STROKE 105 (4.1") 165 (6.5") 100 (3.9") 610 (24") 960 (37.8") 515 (20.3") 468 (18.43") 207 (8.1") 2028 (79.8") 2739 (107.8") 960 (37.8") Ø630 (Ø24.8") 332 (13.1") 47 (1.9") 1092 (42.99") 1335 (52.6") 2360 (92.9") 2686 (105.7") 50 ATC MAGAZINE 1913 (75.3") 2047 (80.6") 4065 (160") 3068 (120.79") 3275 (128.9") 4517.6 (177.9") 207 (8.1") 100 (3.9") 517.6 (20.4") 3900 (153.5") COOLANT TANK 500L POWER SUPPLY 1441(56.7") 100 (3.9") 387 (15.2") 400 (15.7") 400 (15.7") Z-AXIS STROKE 610 (24") 1943 (76.5") MAINTENANCE AREA 100 (3.9") 710 (28") 4000 (157.5") 1125 (44.3") CONTROL BOX Ø630 (Ø24.8") 165 (6.5") Ø1430 (Ø56.3") 960 (37.8") 1920 (75.6") 400 ( 15.7") 1125 (44.29") 865 (34.1") 960 (37.8") 610 (24") 50ATC MAGAZINE 515(20.3") 2600 (102.4") 3068 (120.8") 3275 (128.9") 200V 45KVA 1622 (63.9") 468 (18.43") 468 (18.4") 40 (1.6") 837 (33") 65 (2.6") 1000 (39.4") OPERATION PANEL Move-In Dimensions Required Space W x D: 2,085 x 4,000mm (82.7" x 157.5") Machine Height: 2,335mm (91.9") Machine Net Weight: 9,800kg (21,560Lbs) Power Requirement: 45KVA Specifications subject to change without notice. MYCENTER-HX400G 33 G Mycenter-HX500 40 TAPER X-AXIS STROKE 870 (34.2") 465 (18.3") DOOR OPEN RANGE 615 (24.2") 405 (15.9") DOOR OPEN RANGE 1100 (43.3") 3177.5 (125.1") 2854 (112.4") 800 (31.5") Ø800 (Ø31.5") 500 ( 19.7") 1015 (40") 1285 (50.6") 50 (2") 2779 (109.4") Y-AXIS STROKE 850 (33.5") 47 (1.9") Z-AXIS STROKE 930 (36.6") 1100 (43.3") 614.8 (24.2") 1100 (43.3") 2200 (86.6") 340.2 (13.4") 2097.3 (82.6") 2678.7 (105.5") 105 (4.1") 430 (16.9") 140 (5.5") 77 (3") 4775 (188") 4957 (195.2") 3244.8 (127.7") 3585 (141.1") 5397.6 (212.5") 517.6 (20.4") 4775 (188") 105 (4.1") COOLANT TANK 1441 (56.7") 1895 (74.6") 1317.3 (51.9") CONTROL BOX Ø (Ø3 800 1.5" ) 405 (15.9") 870 (34.2") X-AXIS STROKE 465 (18.3") Ø1 (Ø70 800 .9") 2200 (86.6") 2814.8 (110.8") 3585 (141.1") 1212 (47.7") 2055 (80.9") 614.8 (24.2") 843 (33.2") 340.2 (13.4") 1544 (60.8") 430 (16.9") POWER SUPPLY Z-AXIS STROKE 930 (36.6") 445 (17.5") 500 (19.7") 105 (4.1") 500 (19.7") POWER SUPPLY 140 (5.5") 1070 (42.1") 2096.3 (82.5") 2678.7 (105.5") 4957 (195.16") 77 (3") 1013 (39.9) OPERATION PANEL Move-In Dimensions Required Space W x D: 2,810 x 4,880mm (110.6" x 192.1") Machine Height: 2,854mm (112.4") Machine Net Weight: 16,100kg (34,520Lbs) Power Requirement: 55KVA Specifications subject to change without notice. 34 MYCENTER - HX500G #40 G Mycenter-HX500 50 TAPER DOOR OPEN RANGE 615 (24.2) X-AXIS STROKE 870 (34.2") 465 405 (18.3") (15.9") DOOR OPEN RANGE 1100 (43.3") 3177.5 (125.1") 2854 (112.4") Ø800 (Ø31.5") 500 ( 19.7") 1285 (50.6") 50 (2") 800 (31.5") Y-AXIS STROKE 3499 (137.8") 850 (33.5") 47 (1.9") 1100 (43.3") 1100 (43.3") 2200 (86.6") 990 (39") 60 (2.4") Z-AXIS STROKE 930 (36.6") 2097.3 (82.6") 2678.7 (105.5") 105 (4.1") 430 (16.9") 77 (3") 4775 (188") 4957 (195.2") 3620 (142.5") 5397.6 (212.5") 105 (4.1") 517.6 (20.4") 4775 (188") COOLANT TANK 500L 1311 (51.6") 1317.3 (51.9") 870 (34.2") X-AXIS STROKE 405 465 (15.9") (18.3") (Ø3 Ø800 1.5" ) CONTROL BOX Ø (Ø701800 .9") 3190 (125.6") 2200 (86.6") 3620 (142.5") 1212 (47.7") 2090 (82.3") 990 (39") 878 (34.6") 1674 (65.9") 430 (16.9") POWER SUPPLY Z-AXIS STROKE 105 (4.1") 445 (17.5") 500 (19.7") 500 (19.7") 930 (36.6") 990 (38.9") 60 (2.4") 2096.3 (82.5") 2678.7 (105.5") 4957 (195.16") POWER SUPPLY 0.5 MPa 410 l/min(ANR) 55KVA 77 (3") 1013 (39.9") OPERATION PANEL Move-In Dimensions Required Space W x D: 2,810 x 4,880mm (110.6" x 192.1") Machine Height: 2,854mm (112.4") Machine Net Weight: 16,500kg (36,300Lbs) Power Requirement: 55KVA Specifications subject to change without notice. MYCENTER-HX500G #50 35 G Mycenter-HX630 X-AXIS STROKE 1100 (43.3") 550 550 (21.7") (21.7") DOOR OPEN RANGE 700 (27.6") DOOR OPEN RANGE 630 ( 24.8") Y-AXIS STROKE 920 (36.2") 1300 (51.2") Ø1080 (Ø42.5") 1375 (54.1") 810 (31.9") Z-AXIS STROKE 1050 (41.3") 47 (1.9") 3258 (128.3") 100 (3.9") 1172 (46.1") 2891 (113.8") 3214.5 (126.6") 3513 (138.3") 1200 (47.2") 1375 (54.1") 508 (20") 2750 (108.3") 100 (3.9") 3430 (135") 140 (5.5") 2060 (81.1") 130 (5.1") 5490 (216.1") 4068 (160.2") 5760 (226.8") 6182.6 (243.4") COOLANT TANK 1306.1 (51.4") 50ATC MAGAZINE POWER SUPPLY 3258 (128.3") CONTROL BOX 508 (20") 1883 (74.1") 550 550 (21.7") (21.7") X-AXIS STROKE 1100 (43.3") Ø (Ø972480 .6") Ø1 (Ø42.5080 ") 2750 (108.3") 3560 (140.2") 1895 (74.6") 878.9 (34.6") 1441 (56.7") 810 (31.9") 2294 (90.3") 4068 (160.2") 552.6 (21.8") 5490 (216.1") 2185 (86") 140 (5.5") 140 (5.5") 600 (23.6") 700 (27.6") 700 (27.6") Z-AXIS STROKE 1050 (41.3") 1150 (45.3") 100 (3.9") 2060(81.1") 3430 (135") 130 (5.1") #50 50ATC DDC 5760 (226.8") OPERATION PANEL Move-In Dimensions Required Space W x D: 3,258 x 5,630mm (128.3" x 221.7") Machine Height: 2,891mm (113.8") Machine Net Weight: 21,000kg (46,200Lbs) Power Requirement: 65KVA Specifications subject to change without notice. 36 MYCENTER - HX630G G Mycenter-HX800 DOOR OPEN RANGE 1610 (63.4") X-STROKE 1550 (61") DOOR OPEN RANGE 780 (30.7") 50 ATC MAGAZINE 444.5 (17.5") 775 (30.5") 444.5 (17.5") 775 (30.5") 555 (21.9") 3062 (120.6") 1400 (55.1") Z-STROKE 1400 (55.1") 47 (1.9") 100 (3.9") 1192 (46.9") 960 (37.8") 880 (34.6") 332 (13.1") 29.8 (1.2") 1855 (73") Y-STROKE 1300 (51.2") 1550 (61") 3553.5 (139.9") 800 ( 31.5") 1192 (46.9") 2777 (109.3") 3513 (138.3") Ø1525 (Ø60") 150 (5.9") 1855 (73") 3710 (146.1") 404 (15.9") 6715 (264.4") 4294.8 (169.1") 7119 (280.3") 29.8 (1.2") 7267.6 (286.1") 1441 (56.7") 834 (32.8") CONTROL BOX Ø1525 (Ø60") 342 (13.5") Z-STROKE 1400 (55.1") 925 (36.4") 875 (34.4") 875 (34.4") POWER SUPPLY 150 (5.9") 4140 (163") 1550 (61") 2234.5 (88") 4480.5 (176.4") 441 (17.4") Ø (Ø1283275 .9") 1855 (73") 775 (30.5") 800 ( 31.5") X-STROKE 1550(61") 775 (30.5") 1855 (73") Ø152 (Ø60") 5 555 (21.9") 3710 (146.1") 4294.8 (169.1") 148.6 (5.9") 2448 (96.4") 50ATC MAGAZINE 3230 (127.2") 404 (15.9") 7119 (280.3") Move-In Dimensions Required Space W x D: 2,990 x 5,553mm (117.7" x 218.6") Machine Height: 3,145mm (123.8") Machine Net Weight: 28,400kg (62,480Lbs) Power Requirement: 70KVA Specifications subject to change without notice. MYCENTER-HX800G 37 G 120° 925.9 (36.5") 2270 (89.4") 2228 (87.7") 2682 (105.6") 1005.3 (39.6") 1400 (55.1) 460 (18.1") Z-STROKE 60 (2.4") 47 (1.9") AREA SENSOR 1500 (59.1") 2221 (87.4") 200 (7.9") 460 (18.1") Y-STROKE Ø200 (Ø7.9") 1018 (40.1") 1997.8 (78.7") 2682.2 (105.6") 200 (7.9") 30° 260 (10.2") 230.2 (9.1") 155(6.1") 334 (13.1") 305 (12") 174 ATC MAGAZINE 120 (4.7") X-STROKE 460 (18.1") 454 (17.9") Mycenter-SC300 1605 (63.2") 1955 (77") 1050 (41.3") 436.5 (17.2") 5535.9 (217.9") 3770(148.4") 5972.4 (235.1") SUB-CONTROL PANEL 5875.6 (231.3") 225 (8.9") 5222 (205.6") 3785 (149") 125 (4.9") 855 (33.7") 925.9 (36.5") 135(5.3") 155 (6.1") 60 (2.4") 1605 (63.2") 1100 (43.3") 1955 (77") 3685 (145.1") 1285 (50.6") 915 (36") 2045 (80.5") X-STROKE 460 (18.1") Ø20 (Ø7.9")0 460 (18.1") Z-STROKE 522.6 (20.6") 2200 (86.6") 305 (12") 350 (13.8") 20 PALLET MAGAZINE 915(36") 2271.9 (89.4") Ø170 (Ø6.7") 100 (3.9") AWC ROBOT 1356.9 (53.4") 5227.6 (205.8") 20 (0.8") 174 ATC MAGAZINE 1485 (58.5") 1360 (53.5") 1360 (53.5") 1413.1 (55.6") 100 (3.9") 920(36.2") 428.6 (16.9") 452.3 (17.8") 600 (23.6") 209.2 (8.2") CHIP CONVEYOR 1261.5 (49.7") 5972.4 (235.1") SUB-CONTROL PANEL Specifications subject to change without notice. 38 MYCENTER -Supercell 300G Mycenter-SC400 3844.3 (151.4") 300 (11.8") 995 (39.2") 200 (7.9") 2495 (98.2") 2627.2 (103.4") 455 (17.9") ° 1092 (43") 100 2712 (106.8") 85.2 (3.4") Ø400 (Ø15.7") Y STROKE 510 (20.1") 987 (38.9") AREA SENSOR 310 (12.2") 2595 (102.2") 170 (6.7") 262.3 (10.3") 1249.1 (49.2") Z STROKE 510 (20.1") 28.4 (1.1") 4134.8 (162.8") 1832.6 (72.1") 736 (29") 1018.5 (40.1") 1480 (58.3") 260 (10.2") 208 (8.2") ATC MAGAZINE SUB PANEL 1513 (59.6") 140ATC MAGAZINE 2492 (98.1") 262.3 (10.3") 381.5 (15") 1613.1 (63.5") 1336.2 (52.6") 610 (24") 1525(60") 5573.6 (219.4") 6041.6 (237.9") COOLANT TANK CHIP CONVEYOR 492 (19.4") 100 (3.9") 47 (1.9") 2857.3 (112.5") 28.4 (1.1") 640 (25.2") LOADING STATION 1823.9 (71.8") 744.7 (29.3") 610 (24") 1525 (60") 3005 (118.3") 1375 (54.1") 800 (31.5") 187 (7.4") 510 (20.1") 3395 (133.7") 520 (20.5") Z STROKE 305 (12") X STROKE 510(20.1") 300 (11.8") 205 (8.1") 5227.6 (205.8") 2857.3 (112.5") 4106.4 (161.7") 1249.1 (49.2") 0 Ø40 15.7") (Ø 4516.3 (177.8") 5534.8 (217.9") 700 (27.6") 20APC MAGAZINE 100 (3.9") 275 (10.8") 1480 (58.3") AIR 260 (10.2") 208 (8.2") 6041.6 (237.9") Specifications subject to change without notice. MYCENTER-SuperCell 400 39 Kitamura GmbH Düsseldorf, Germany US CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Wheeling, IL HEADQUARTERS Takaoka City, Toyama Pref., Japan Kitamura Machinery Co., Ltd. (Headquarters) Kitamura Machinery of U.S.A., Inc. (Chicago) Kitamura Machinery GmbH (Düsseldorf) 1870-Toide, Takaoka-City, Toyama Pref., Japan TEL: (0766) 63-1100 FAX: (0766) 63-1128 E-mail: 78 East Century Drive, Wheeling, Illinois 60090 U.S.A. TEL: (847) 520-7755 FAX: (847) 520-7763 E-mail: Wahlerstrasse 39, 40472 Düsseldorf, Germany TEL: (0211) 65-6077 FAX: (0211) 904-7916 Email: PRINTED IN USA 04/16 3M
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