for friends of st. vincent meals on wheels
for friends of st. vincent meals on wheels
Bread Basket FOR FRIENDS OF ST. VINCENT MEALS ON WHEELS WINTER 2015 VOLUME 30, NUMBER 1 ANNUAL REPORT... Thanks to you, St. Vincent Meals on Wheels delivered 797,148 meals to the homebound and hungry of Los Angeles in 2014! We couldn’t have done it without you. Looking forward, our 2015 budget is $7.1 million. Meal clients and program revenues will provide a total of about $1.9 million. The remaining $5.2 million must come from caring people like you. We rely on private donations— not the government—so you are essential to our mission. We are very grateful for your support. Sister Alice Marie Quinn, D.C. Executive Director CLIENT SPOTLIGHT Rhonda’s Conquering Cancer, with Help Rhonda grew up in Jefferson Park, a historic African American neighborhood in South L.A. with ties to entertainment history. She still lives here, with her beloved Chihuahuas Blondie and Jasmine, in a home once owned by Dooley Wilson, the actor who sang “As Time Goes By” in the classic film Casablanca. Singer and bandleader Cab Calloway once lived across the street. Nearby is Rochester Circle, home of the late Eddie “Rochester” Anderson, the comedian and actor best known as Jack Benny’s valet on his Continued on page 3 Cost to prepare and deliver a nourishing hot meal to a client’s home: $7.85 Continued on page 4 INSIDE: 2014 ANNUAL REPORT, PAGE 4 Schultz & Williams Direct Client: St. Vincent Meals on Wheels Project: February Bread Basket Newsletter Date: 1/19/15 Component: 8 page Newsletter Size: 8 page newsletter: 2 sheet 11 x 17 newsletter, folds to 8-1/2 x 11 and then folds to final size of 8-1/2 x 5-1/2 Stock: 70# matte coated stock Ink: 4/4 CMYK Bleed: Full Slug: FBBBT Status: Draft WALK/BIKE 20th ANNUAL St. Vincent Meals on Wheels SUNDAY, APRIL 26! – a– THON R C T a m e Enjoy a beachfront walk or ride with our family, friends and dogs to help feed L.A.’s hungry homebound seniors! FUNDRAISING IS EASY WITH YOUR PERSONAL WEB PAGE! Register online today at and get your own personal fundraising web page that makes it easy to collect pledges from your friends and family everywhere via email and Facebook. Or register by mail using this entry form. GREAT SILENT AUCTION! Come ready to bid on luxury items and themed packages from some of L.A.’s finest stores and restaurants at our silent auction. 2 WALK OR RIDE ON THE BEACH Check-in and on-site registration begin at 8:30 a.m.; the walk/ride starts at 9 a.m. The 3.7-mile walk route and 10-mile bike route along the Santa Monica Beach bike path begins and ends at Crescent Bay Park, 2000 Ocean Ave. COLLECT PLEDGES, WIN AN AWESOME PRIZE! Please don’t stop with your $20 registration fee. Help reach our goal of $200 from each participant by collecting pledges from family members, friends and co-workers. The participant who collects the most pledges (over $2,000) will receive a 64GB iPad. To qualify for this prize, all pledges must be received by May 15, 2015. All registered participants will receive a Walk/Bike-a-Thon T-shirt and lunch from Dog Haus. Earn Your Wings! Help feed L.A.’s shut in seniors in need by walking or riding on the beach with us! Just register online at Your personal fundraising web page is simple to set up and makes it easy to collect pledges from your friends and family via email and Facebook. It’s a great way to make a difference! l Register online today at REGISTER ONLINE AT FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL (213) 484-7128. MAIL-IN REGISTRATION FORM Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ Apt. #: ___________ City: _________________________________________ State: _______ Zip: ________________ Telephone: ( _____ ) _________________ E-mail: ______________________________________ FEES: o Registration Fee $20 o I cannot participate; please accept my $_____________ donation EVENT CHOICE: o 3.7-mile Walk-a-Thon o 10-mile Bike-a-Thon Please charge to my: o VISA o MasterCard o Discover o American Express Credit card number: __________________________________________ Exp. Date: _____________ Signature: ______________________________________________________________________ WAIVER: With my signature, I hereby waive all claims against St. Vincent Meals on Wheels, the City of Santa Monica, all event sponsors or any personnel for any injury I might suffer in this event. I attest that I am physically fit and prepared for this event. I grant full permission for organizers to use photographs, videotapes, or quotations from me in legitimate accounts and promotions of this event. Participant Name: ________________________________________________________________ Signature (Parent or guardian if under 18): _______________________________________________ Make checks payable to: ST. VINCENT MEALS ON WHEELS Mail to: S T. VINCENT MEALS ON WHEELS 2200 West Third Street, #200, Los Angeles, CA 90057-1935 Thanks a Million, SAM! Sister Alice Marie’s 80th birthday is coming up. We’re honoring her life’s work of delivering millions of meals to L.A.’s shut-ins, and we want you to be part of it! Please go to our website and sign up for email updates. Connect with us on Facebook at Help us say “Thanks a Million, SAM!” l d H w f r h m u I e a M h f t m n l Rhonda... WHAT I’VE LEARNED Entrust Your Work... Continued from page 1 TV show. After college, Rhonda enjoyed a career as a runway, print and TV model. Later, she worked as an executive assistant. In 2009, at age 52, Rhonda was diagnosed with advanced colon cancer. Her past five years have been filled with grueling treatments, including four surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation. She is now recovering from her fourth major surgery. “These healthy meals have worked miracles for me,” said Rhonda. “I was underweight and worried about food. I can’t shop, cook or clean up. I really enjoy the turkey and chicken dinners, and any time there is pie for dessert. My weight is finally getting back to a healthy number.” In addition, we deliver donated pet food to Jasmine and Blondie to ensure that Rhonda doesn’t need to share her meal and that everyone gets proper nourishment. Rhonda is one of about 160 meals the Lord and your plans will succeed. With Jasmine and Blondie. on wheels clients who are under 65 years old, but who need home delivered meals due to serious illnesses or disabilities. This is one way St. Vincent Meals on Wheels differs from government meal programs that don’t serve anyone under 65. Now that her cancer treatment is completed, Rhonda is starting to feel better and get her strength back. “Once I’m well again, I want to give back in thanks for what I’ve been given,” she said. “So watch out world.” l Creating a future where no L.A. senior goes hungry. We honor these friends who are providing for the future of St. Vincent Meals on Wheels through their bequest, intention or planned gift received between September 24 and December 31, 2014. Mrs. Cathy Ferrin Mrs. Lilly R. Maljanian Mr. Arthur J. Christoff Mary R. McNamara Trust To learn more about remembering St. Vincent Meals on Wheels in your will, or about planned giving options that can reduce your taxes and provide you with lifetime income, please call Daryl Twerdahl at (213) 484-7327. — Proverbs 16:13 A wonderful year has come to a close amid a lot of joy, cheering, giving to others and also taking time to send grateful wishes to so many of our “Angels.” I am so grateful for the donations, the gift bags for our clients, the extra special meals our staff put together and cheerfully delivered on the holidays and the many greeting cards sent by our friends and business partners and grateful clients. The Lord has indeed seen to it that our many plans for service each day of the past year have succeeded and now we jump into 2015. Daily I get calls for more meals needed and funds not available. How can people live on so little? With rent, utilities and medicine there is nothing left for food. I do pray daily for the needed funds to keep our hot, nutritious meals filling our trays that go to our desperate clients. I entrust our work each day to the Lord and know he will continue to send the needed resources to accomplish our mission—to feed the hungry. We are grateful for you and ask God to help all your plans to succeed—they will. Have a peacefilled 2015 and once again, I am grateful for your continued support and caring. God bless you! Sister Alice Marie, D.C. 3 St. Vincent Meals on Wheels ANNUAL REPORT TO D Continued from page 1 Thanks to you, we serve more than 2,700 homebound seniors and adults with serious illnesses and disabilities. All meals are prepared with high-quality ingredients and are tailored to the dietary requirements of each client. Dedicated Volunteers Helped Us Serve More than 275 dedicated volunteers served the hungry during 2014. Their service helps the program save valuable funds, and enriched the lives of the volunteers as well. 4 WHEEL FACTS 2014 gas cost: 145,964 miles in 2014— 561 miles a day, 6 days a week! 275+ l You Helped Extend Our Clients a Lifeline In 2014, we visited every new client to understand their needs and help them stay safe. • Seniors received walkers, canes and bed rails. • We offered referrals to those suffering from depression, and medical or dental problems. • We helped clients with referrals to in-home services, transportation, rent and utility assistance, veteran’s benefits, lifeline phones and more. • If clients were not able to live alone safely, we arranged referrals to assisted living. O DONORS: 2014 e s s 61% * Your donations provide the majority of our operating budget! 19% 4% 16% l Individual Support* 2014 SOURCES OF SUPPORT l Foundations l Estates/Trusts MEAL FACTS 797,148 meals delivered to to 2,700 clients! Breakfasts 58,956 Frozen meals 73,197 Snacks 83,098 Hot meals 583,897 l Corporations Meals for Community Organizations In 2014, we provided nutritious meals at our cost to these community organizations: • Cardinal Manning Homeless Center • Glendale Salvation Army Meals on Wheels • Alta Med Senior Day Care Center • St. Barnabas Alzheimer’s Day Care • Torrance-Lomita Meals on Wheels • American Indian Wellness Center • Echo Park Day Care Center • Las Familias School • Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Teen Center • Reno Hotel (homeless leaving hospital) • Care Transitions (seniors leaving hospital) Support Groups in 2014 • Circle of Angels: A record 354 members provided a circle of support for our clients through gifts of $500 to $50,000+. • The Breakfast Club: 227 Breakfast Club members donated $1 or more a day to deliver breakfast to clients who depend on us for everything they eat. • Cuisine à Roulettes: Members raised funds through events including An Evening on the Beach, which raised $140,000. 5 Please join us in the Ending senior hunger and saving lives in Los Angeles. The caring members of our Circle of Angels make significant annual contributions of $500 to $50,000 to St. Vincent Meals on Wheels. They enjoy special recognition benefits and exclusive events. Most importantly, they change the lives of our hungry neighbors. Please join us by calling Daryl Twerdahl, Executive Director of the SVMOW Foundation, at (213) 484-7327. l 2014 Circle of Angels Members Archangel Guardian Ministry Services of Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul John and Nelly Kilroy The Rose Hills Foundation The Aidlin Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Balbona Mr. Gregory Beeman Ms. Liz Collins Mrs. Kelly Day Mrs. Mary E. Dohn Exxon Mobil Foundation Mr. Donald W. Grant Mr. Vincent F. Guinan Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Halladay Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harges William & Virginia Hayden Foundation Hormel Foods Corporation Charitable Trust Ms. Alice E. Kinsman Ms. Aileen T. Koskovich Mr. Dennis R. McKinnon Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Mullane Mr. Robert Nelson The Ronald Newburg Foundation Michael Novarese & Robert Nelson Living Trust Ms. Stephaine Phillips Mrs. Mary Ann Ricard Mr. & Mrs. Gil Roybal Ms. Gale P. Runnells Dr. Jisun Ryoo & Dr. Monica C. Ryoo Mr. and Mrs. Doug Savant Sikand Foundation, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Clyde V. Von Der Ahe The Robert L. Waldeck Trust Mr. David P. Watson Ms. Robin L. Zakoor ($50,000+) 6 Archangel ($25,000+) Chartwell Charitable Foundation The Edelstein Family Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Fourticq, Sr. Ms. Joan A. Payden Dr. Dennis G. Zill Archangel ($10,000+) R.C. Bentler and Associates Inc. Robert F. Bergeron Living Trust Gary Broad Foundation The Cain Foundation Community Justice Foundation Shirley P. Desrochers Mrs. Nancy R. Dolci Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Furrey Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Herman, Sr. Lewis A. Kingsley Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William S. Martin, Jr. Ms. Stephanie E. Medina Professional Environmental Marketing Association Barbara Ross Charitable Trust Ms. Lynn Anne Smithey Mrs. Dorothy H. Soares Ms. Alice M. Tribe The Meredith and Rosemary Willson Charitable Foundation ($5,000+) Seraph ($2,500+) Ms. Kathy R. Akashi Mr. Jefferson W. Asher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rand A. Ballard Mr. H. Allen Berkheimer Ms. Anna Maria Butturini Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cooke Robert A. Day Foundation Mr. Richard Divinski Sr. William Eileen Dunn, D.C. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Edlen Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Fenton Ms. Barbara J. Foreman Mr. Brett Furrey Rev. Richard C. Hall, Ph.D. Mr. Donald R. Higley Laura and Rick Jacobs Ms. Wilma Johansen Ms. Grace Kadoya W. M. Keck Foundation Mrs. Nancy M. Kelsey Mr. James F. Kenzik Ladies of Charity Ms. Arline Lloyd Ms. Mary Ann McCloskey Cyril F. and Marie E. O’Neil Foundation Ms. Sharon A. Owings Ralphs Grocery Company/Gift Services Department Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Scully, III Mrs. Mary Margaret Thompson Ms. Anahi Van Zandweghe Mr. Edwin T. Vane Mr. Eldridge R. Walker Ms. Patricia A. Wells Mr. Curtis Wilkins Angels ($1,000+) A-1 Copper Repipes, Inc. Mrs. Theresa A. Abbott Ms. Toshiko Adams Mr. and Mrs. Jim Altamirano Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson Ms. Diane L. Antoni Mr. and Mrs. Frank Arnstein Ms. Nancy Babka Ms. Virginia Baciocco Julia P. Bailey, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Barrett, Jr. Mr. Melvin F. Barror Mr. and Mrs. Samy Benarroch Mr. and Mrs. Stan Benson Ms. Lauren Besman Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Bilgore Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Birthistle Mr. and Mrs. Gary Blake Mrs. Rose Ann Boken Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Bowling Ms. Teri A. Breschini Mr. Thomas Breslin Mr. Rory E. Bruer Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brunner Mrs. Anne C. Bryant Mrs. Betty R. Bucher Mrs. Ruth T. Burns Ms. Susan E. Burton Mrs. Norma Jean Buser Ms. Margaret Buxkemper Ms. Rebecca A. Caley Carmichael International Service Ms. Mary J. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Russ A. Cashdan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Chandler Mrs. Iris S. Chaney Mr. and Mrs. Simon Y. Chen Judge Judith C. Chirlin Mr. Theodore M. Christensen Mr. Richard E. Clapp Mr. and Mrs. Leland E. Clow Ms. Jacqueline Cohl Michelle R. Cole Mrs. Nicki Conti Betty Corradini Endowment Fund Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Curry Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Day Mr. and Mrs. Bryan E. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Devine Doozy Cards LLC The Del Dudek Living Trust Mr. and Mrs. Mike Enright Laura & Richard Esposito Mr. and Mrs. Jay Farbstein Ms. Frances B. Ferrara Ms. Catherine Fickes & Mr. Robert Hornachek Mr. Douglas Fillin Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fishman Mr. and Mrs. William J. Flaherty Ms. Christine P. Flynn Ms. Donna M. Forman Dr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Fraser Mr. Robert E. Fremgen Mr. Maurice N. Friedman Ms. Joie Gallo Mr. Eugene Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Gartlan Mrs. Janie M. Gatewood Joanne & Marcel George Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Gilmore Mr. Arthur J. Green Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Guth Mrs. Margaret L. Halleck Hand to Hand Mrs. Iwalani W. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Hayden Ms. Helen Healy Ms. Margaret A. Heitkemper Mrs. Mary Louise Higgins Mr. C. Jing Ho Mr. Craig Howard Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hutchins HW Operating Account Continued on page 7 2014 Circle of Angels Members Continued from page 6 Ms. Marie T. Karam Mr. and Mrs. David Karin Mr. John Karns Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Kelleher Mr. Robert D. Kerslake and Ms. Laura N. LaShelle Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kirk Mr. and Mrs. James C. Klauer Mr. and Mrs. Ray Klauer Ms. Phyllis M. Kruckenberg Mr. Bruce Lagnese Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lane Mr. Bob F. Lass Ms. Linda M. Lawson Mrs. Mary Faith Lazar Dr. Anthony W. Lee and Ms. Leslie A. Wong Kyu Bum Lee, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lee Ms. Yu M. Lee Ms. Rachel Lefevre Mr. Hoyt B. Leisure Leonardt Foundation Mr. Timothy F. Lewis Mr. Ricardo A. Llanos and Mr. Julio Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Dieter W. Lodder Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Logan, III Mr. Merlin E. Louapre Mr. and Mrs. D. Allen Lund Ms. Marian L. Lyons Mrs. Leonis C. Malburg Mr. and Mrs. Kris J. Malkiewicz Mrs. Betty D. Mangel Martha Marshall Family Charitable Fund Ms. Mimi Marshall Mr. Edward F. J. McCarthy Ms. Barbara J. McGinnis Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. McGloin Mr. Patrick McGonigle Mr. Thomas J. McHugh Mr. and Mrs. Ian McShane Meals on Wheels Association of America Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Meehan Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mehren, II Ms. Catherine Michero Ms. Laura K. Milleman Ms. Roberta A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. William F. Mills Mrs. Carmen M. Moore Ms. Frances A. Moore Mr. Nick Mosich Ms. Marie J. Neglia Mr. and Mrs. Julio S. Negrete Ms. Miriam R. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Connell Ms. Ynez V. O’Neill Ms. Patricia A. Orlowski Dr. and Mrs. Jose L. Pacheco Mr. and Mrs. William D. Parente Mr. and Mrs. Naresh Patel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Pelezzare Ms. Maria Pellegrini Ms. Elaine N. Peters Mr. Carson E. Pierce, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Pietrini Curt R. & Gerry Pindler Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George Powlick Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Purcell Ms. Cindy S. Quane and Mr. Gregory E. Breen Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rasch Mr. Weslie Rau and Mr. Dennis Snapp Mr. and Mrs. David J. Riberi Mrs. Karen Ritchie Ms. Susan A. Rockett Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Rosenstein Mr. Edward J. Ruscha Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ruskey Maggie and Earl Russell Charitable Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Saeger Ms. Jacqueline C. Sanicola Mr. Giovanni Santanche Mr. William A. Scharpenberg Mr. Steven Scher Mr. and Mrs. Vin Scully Dr. Alexandra N. Selna Ms. Samantha Siegel Mr. Angel Silva Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Silveri Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Skinnell Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Smith Sofa Entertainment, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Solt Ms. Dolores S. Sopuch Mr. Norman M. Spieler Mr. Marc Spilo St. Vincent Pathology Medical Group Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Stifter Mr. and Mrs. William T. Stoll Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stoller Dr. and Mrs. Bronte Allan Stone Mary Margaret Sullivan Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Sullivan Mrs. William N. Tahan Ms. Ruth M. Takamoto Mr. Curtis S. Tamkin Mr. Chor C. Tan and Mrs. Marie Tan Ms. Jane E. Tardiff Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tennenbaum Ms. Krisann Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Torres Ms. Nancy A. Turack-Bonner Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ullman Miguel Urgell Charitable Foundation Ms. Marlene F. Waggoner Mrs. Socorro S. Warren Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Weil Mrs. Anita Weiss Mr. Thomas J. Wicke Ms. Patricia Y. Wong Mr. Harry Woo Mr. James F. Wood Ms. Helene Yosko Ms. Donna J. Zenor Supporters ($500+) Constancia E. Angeles, D.M.D. Mr. Daniel R. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bannon Ms. Pamela D. Barrett Ms. Katherine Baumchen and Ms. Marie Baumchen Mrs. Wanda Bistagne Mrs. Barbara A. Bundy The Burns Trust Mr. and Mrs. Rajender K. Chandhok Mr. and Mrs. Joel Chen Mr. Lance Coffey Ms. Sharon Craig Gen. James E. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Rick Davison Mr. John F. De La Fontaine Mr. and Mrs. Dennis De Pietro Mr. and Mrs. Dhiya El-Saden Mr. Wendell C. Forster Ms. Maria Garcia Dr. and Mrs. John W. Given The Goldbaum Family Foundation Ms. Joyce Grego Rev. John C. Gutting Mr. Walter Hollenstein Mr. Dennis M. Houlihan Mrs. Helen Hull Ms. Clare M. Kalthoff Ms. Elizabeth Kinsman Mr. Henry Kister Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Mancino Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mansour Mr. Richard McCarty Ms. Felice A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Miller Mrs. Anne P. Murphy Mrs. Jeanne M. Neville Mrs. Hannelore Ogner Ms. Gayle Page Mrs. Carla Pemberton Ms. Bernyce Peplowski Rev. Stafford Poole Mr. Hugh B. Roberts and Mrs. Melisa Roberts Mr. Thomas R. Ryan Mr. Enrico Salvo Dr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Sievers Ms. Mildred St.- Arnaud Mr. and Mrs. James P. Storm Thunder Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Trapani Ms. Eileen M. Vessella Mr. Stephen V. Wilson Ms. Linda B. Zeien Ms. Tina Zipper To become part of the 2015 Circle of Angels, and enjoy special recognition benefits and events, please call Daryl Twerdahl at (213) 484-7327. Gifts & Grants We are deeply grateful for the wonderful donors who support this program. It wouldn’t be possible to meet the needs of 2,700 hungry seniors and seriously ill adults without your generous support. Although space doesn’t allow us to print all donors’ names, every contribution is greatly appreciated and immediately put to work delivering food and love to the needy. l Bequests Mr. Arthur J. Christoff Florence Ann Esposito Trust Mary R. McNamara Trust Grants Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation Elks of Los Angeles Foundation The Marcia Israel Foundation, Inc. W. M. Keck Foundation Dan Murphy Foundation Pfaffinger Foundation Ronus Foundation at California Community Foundation The Rose Hills Foundation SCAN Health Plan Specialty Family Foundation Operations Support R.C. Bentler and Associates Inc. Robert F. Bergeron Living Trust Gary Broad Foundation Ms. Liz Collins Community Justice Foundation Mary Dohn Mrs. Nancy R. Dolci Forrester Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Fourticq, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Furrey Mr. Donald W. Grant Mr. Vincent F. Guinan Kenlor Management Co. John B. & Nelly Llanos Kilroy Foundation Lewis A. Kingsley Foundation Ms. Aileen T. Koskovich Mr. and Mrs. William S. Martin, Jr. Medina Media Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Mullane The Ronald Newburg Foundation Michael Novarese & Robert Nelson Living Trust Ms. Joan A. Payden Ms. Stephaine Phillips Professional Environmental Marketing Association RBB Architects, Inc. The Rose Hills Foundation Barbara Ross Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Doug Savant Ms. Lynn Anne Smithey SMR Rental Collection Services Soares Family Foundation The Von Der Ahe Foundation The Robert L. Waldeck Trust The David P. Watson Foundation The Meredith and Rosemary Willson Charitable Foundation Ms. Robin L. Zakoor Dr. Dennis G. Zill Individual, corporate, foundation and trust gifts of $5,000 or more received between September 24 and December 31, 2014 are included. 7 80 years YOUNG Get social with us for program news, culinary events, recipes and more! Join the family and keep in touch on Facebook: P L E A S E J O I N T H E S T. V I N C E N T M E A L S O N W H E E L S FA M I LY I N C E L E B R AT I N G Sister Alice Marie Quinn 80 YEARS & STILL COOKIN’ WITH SPECIAL GUEST WOLFGANG PUCK 6 : 3 0 P M , S AT U R DAY, M A R C H 1 4 M O N TAG E H OT E L , B E V E R LY H I L L S All proceeds benefit homebound seniors and others at risk of hunger in L.A. Follow us on Twitter: The Bread Basket Volume 30, Number 1 Winter 2015 St. Vincent Meals on Wheels Board Chairperson Sister Jo-Anne Laviolette, D.C. Executive Director Sister Alice Marie Quinn, D.C., R.D. St. Vincent Meals on Wheels is sponsored by the Ministry Services of Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. For tickets or sponsorship information please contact Daryl Twerdahl at or (213) 484-7325. INSIDE: JOIN US FOR THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY BEACH/WALK BIKE-A-THON! ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED St. Vincent Senior Citizen Nutrition Program St. Vincent Senior Citizen Nutrition Program 2200 West Third Street, #200 Los Angeles, CA 90057-1935 Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID St. Vincent Meals on Wheels