Untitled - The Freak Cabaret Circus
Untitled - The Freak Cabaret Circus
Tom and Laura, brothers, fragil as glass, overhelmed by a heavy absorbent obsessed mother. Shine in a new life desire, they dream and look for secretly. The “Biopic” as a starting point from the relationship of the two brothers perfectly suited to relate a psychological history using all integrating technical experimentation. Tom takes care of her younger sister Laura, strangely withered and extremely selfconscious, fits perfectly with the “catcher” and “agile” technique. Laura and Tom hiding dreamers, living a double life outside their cramped family. Their dreams are high, aerial as tissue and trapeze. They both feel locked and submitted by an obsessive and controlling mother. Eating, grooming, study, obey ... “Get up and show off”. An oppressive situation to be translated into action through the use of objects, juggling, contemporary dance, performative action ... The large presence of Amanda Wingfield, the mother, is in their lives and minds, lead us to a sonorous and visual space that places the two brothers in a virtual walls space, that is filled with the presence and the sound of Amanda. The “epic” mother is treated as a cinematic presence commanding and correcting them forever. The proposed resource is a short film recorded with real actors using sound and editing as an obsessive and absorbent element versus a quiet aerial space (Tom and Laura desired world) to be located in the heights, that will be the site of double trapeze and tissue. The hugely iconic and evocative Tennessee Williams´s world and the overwhelming forcefulness of his characters, beautifully defined in deeper psychological aspects, has appeared almost miraculously defined by the characters strength and physical circus action. The lifts, base dependence, the apparent lightness of the aerials, push us into action to deliver intuition to the artistic act that will be flying around us to give us the clues of our own strengths as creators. Quoting Tennessee Williams in Amanda Wingfield character, “ get up and show off!” ART PROGRESS Our proposal begins when two companies decided joining forces in a creation laboratory, Rayuela and The Freak Cabaret Circus, trying to establish commonalities between contemporary circus and author´s theater, looking for integrators technical aspects that can be developed in time. The world of the characters psychologically established in classical dramatic structure, as the text we using, differs with physical theatre conceptual freedom, that express physical theatre itself and circus key features. The aim of this “Laboratory” is establish bridges to mutual technical enrichment. Proposed his first coaching job by joining dramaturgical synchronicities between this “Cristal menagerie” by Tennessee Williams and conceptualizing force that work “between risk and control” proposing physical techniques of contemporary circus that seems a fascinating and open road to art research. BYE, BLUE ROSES work in progress version was presented at 16 International Theatre and Arts Valladolid TAC Festival (Spain),has been awarded with the Best Show Price. The premiere took place at the Teatro Liceo in Salamanca, inside the program of FACYL International Arts Festival of Castilla y León (Spain) 2013. TOM WINGFIELD RAFAEL LÓPEZ LAURA WINGFIELD CRISTINA CALLEJA AMANDA WINGFIELD (VIDEO, OFF voice) OLGA MANSILLA STAGE DESIGN SOUND DESIGN LIGHT DESIGN FILM DIRECTOR CAMERA OPERATOR ADMINISTRATION EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS CARLOS NUEVO NINA REGLERO JACINTO GÓMEZ NINA REGLERO CARLOS VASQUEZ VERONICA GARZÓN JACINTO GÓMEZ NATALIA ORTEGA RAFAEL LÓPEZ GENERAL DESIGN CARLOS NUEVO PHOTOGRAPHY MARTA GIGOSOS RAQUEL CHOPO ASSISTANT DIRECTOR NATALIA ORTEGA DRAMATURGY AND DIRECTION NINA REGLERO In 1988 the company begin to develop his work, and has produced almost forty shows since then. Nina Reglero and Carlos Nuevo in creative direction area and Jacinto Gomez at excutive productor have established a team that had been working with multiple professionals. As the result of the work and team cohesion, and continuing research, Rayuela has forged his distinctive style, based on the combination of expressive elements outside the theater (graphics, video, software, sound and musical experimentation ...) with significants traditionally theatrical, searching their own solutions to the challenges proposed by contemporary drama. Major Festivals, Fairs and International programming: International Theater Festival of Valladolid; FETEN (Gijón) Children’s Theatre Meetings; TEVEO (Zamora), International Meeting Children’s Theater of Entre Rios (Argentina); Latin American Cultural Festival in Moscow (Russia); Figuren-Theater-Festival of Ghent (Belgium), International Istanbul Puppet Festival (Turkey), World Festival of Puppet Art Prague (Czech Rep.), Fira de Teatre al Carrer Tarrega; Fira de Teatre of Titelles of Lleida, International Puppet Festival of Bilbao; International Puppet Festival of Vall D’Albaida (Valencia); International Arts and street theatre Festival Valladolid TAC, Open Scene Festival (Burgos), Castilla and León Theatre Fair (Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca); Circle of Fine Arts (Madrid), Huesca Theatre Festival; Castilla la Mancha Theatre Fair, Theatre (Puertollano), Theatre fair of Mercosur (Uruguay Paysandu); Puerto Luna TheatreMontevideo (Uruguay), International Arts Festival of Castilla and Leon (Salamanca), Theatre Festival of Havana (Cuba), University of Tours (France), Theatre Municipal Guarda (Portugal), Aleph Ivri sur-seise Theatre (France); Theatre and Dance Fair Huesca; FITEI, Porto (Portugal); San José Theatre (Costa Rica). Some Awards and Honors FETEN Award for best set design and lighting for “Moby Dick”; Award FETEN the most original proposal Teatrobus-Nonsense; Audience Award the best show for children at the Fair of Castilla and León “Journey to the Center of the Earth”; Special Jury Award Theatre Festival for Directors Torrejón Scene Nina Reglero by “The Controversy Valladolid “; Award for Best Show at the Fira de Teatre de Lleida Titelles by “Max”; Award for Best Artistic Creation of the World Festival of Puppet Art Prague by “Max”; Award for Best Special Effects Word Festival of Puppet Art Prague by “Max”; MAX Award Nomination for best show Revelation by “Journey to the Center of the Earth” “Manuscript 408” “The Cherry Orchard “, Award for Best Theatre proposal at the Fair Theatre and Dance Huesca 2010 for “Dogville”; Award for best show MAX 2011 revelation by “Dogville”; VIII Award Awards edition Moretti to the company trajectory. THE FREAK CABARET CIRCUS It is a production company specialized in circus arts, formed by Natalia Ortega and Rafael López. Over this years has worked on Theatre, Circus, street theatre, events. Works: The Legend (2008), Freak Soiree (2009), Rafaelo (2009), Acropatas (2010), Bicirco (2013), Bye Blue Roses (2013), Festivals Organization: FLIC-FAC (2012), Propone Section, Valladolid International Street and arts Festival TAC (2010-2013), Circus Programation Castilla and León Intur Stand 2009, Fitur 2010. Also run Valladolid Circus School with extensive experience in Circus training techniques for children and adults. Festivals and fairs: XIV TAC International Street theatre and arts Festival, International Festival of contemporary Arts FACYL, Salamanca, Castilla y Leon Theatre Fair, Olympic Games, London; Street A(rt)nimation, Luxembourg, Festival d’estiu Sagunto; Theatre Wednesday Chiclana; Festival All Theatre Palencia, Palma del Rio Fair, Mac Street Theatre Festival , Palencia; Fitca, Street Theatre Festival, Alcorcón, CircOlmedo; Carampa, Circus School, Madrid, Valladolid IX TAC International Street Theatre and arts festival; Second Exhibition of young directors and playwrights Zamora, Street Theater Festival Kaleaeldia, Bilbao, Glastonbury Festival; Winchester Hat Fair, Uk, Festival Les Zurbaines, Liege, Belgium, among others. Some Awards and Honors: National Circus Price of Catalunya, 2006 Best Show Award, XIV Valladolid International Street Theatre and arts Festival TAC 2013, Bye, Blue roses. Rafael López BA-Hons Theatre Practice Circus by The Central School of Speechand Drama and The Circus Space (London 2003), Formed in Madrid Circus schools (EMCA and Carampa) and London Founding member of The Freak Cabaret Circus SL since 2008 National Circus Award and Prize Ateneus Catalunya, Barcelona 2006. Best show Award, XIV Valladolid International Street theatre and arts Festival TAC 2013. Involved in European FEDEC projects as Ellipse, Auch 2000; Crece, Circo Price 2008. He has worked in Europe and Asia with different companies: The Generating Company, Gandini Juggling, The Bureau of silly ideas, Three to board, Circ Cric, Rayuela. Technical Circus Trainer: The Circus Space (London), Carampa Circus School (Madrid), Rogelio Rivell Circus School (Barcelona), Valladolid Circus School Director. Artistic director of shows such as The high Job, The Hole job (Bureau of Silly Ideas); Three to board, The Legend, Rafaelo, Velada Freak, Acropatas , Bicirco (The Freak Cabaret Circus); Paco (Margarito &Cia). Artistic Director of International Street Circus Festival FLICFLAC 2012. Cristina Calleja Bolado Actress, dancer, acrobat and aerialist. Graduate at Dramatic Art School of Valladolid and Circus arts in Charivari school of Madrid and Moscow Circus School, Paticipated in numerous dance and theatre training workshops, Physical Education Teaching Diploma. Best Actress Award Actors Union of Castilla and Leon, 2012 Company The Ventanita “Flowers.” TAC Valladolid Festival Audience Award, 2000. Throughout his career has been working with various theatre, dance and Circus companies: Perfiles Theatre and Dance Company, Company Fauno Productions, Barranco Productions, Efimero Circus, Corsario Company. Circe productions theatre, Meditea theatre Productions, Kull d’sac Productions, Aereal Acrobatics, Globo Media, Contemporary Burgos Ballet, Azar Teatro, Rayuela productions and The Freak Cabaret Circus She has also made Television, Advertising, Radio, voice, film, video works, and is Director and teacher of Theatre and Dance. Nina Reglero A graduate at Dramatic Art School of Valladolid. Complements her arts studies at Valladolid University in History Department and Aesthetics of Cinematography with masterful filmmaking workshops linked to SEMINCI International Film Week. Complete her CV with important professionals from the scene as Krystian Lupa, Anatoli Vasiliev, George Lauvadant, Lluis Pascual, Yuri Luvimov, Silviu Purcarete, etc.. She works as director assistant for José Carlos Plaza and Charo Amador. She is invited to participate in the ISTA XIII International theatre School of Anthropology 2004 directed by Eugenio Barba and participant in the “Hot House” at SITE Encausse les Thermes (France), Innovative International Urban Territories Shows in 2006. She is artistic director and founder of Rayuela Theatre Productions and has directed over thirty shows. She is over twenty years experienced as interpretation and theatrical pedagogue teacher. Design and create PERFORMING ARTS LAB, dedicated to theatre education research. Impart master classes and seminars, at The University of Tours (France) The Dramatic Art College “Margarita Xirgu” of Montevideo (Uruguay), the National Theatre Company of Costa Rica or “Le Grand Bleu” Centre National pour Dramatique l’infance et la jeunesse de Lille (France). She works as a director and sound designer at: Moby Dick, Max, Look at your guy from Bosnia, A Palos, Divine Words, The controversy of Valladolid, Brossa 1948, Exiles, Connected, Yerma, Flash and Death of Joaquin Murieta, History of a horse, La cumbia Here, Journey to the Center of the Earth, No way, Planet Darwin, Water Colors, Space Invaders, The Cherry Orchard, Dogville, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, 20 N, The doll who wants to know and other stories, Lovers, Bye, Blue Roses. Among some prizes and awards include Special Jury Award Directors Theatre Festival for ADE Scene “The Controversy of Valladolid”. MAX 2011 Best Revelation Performance Award for Dogville. BYE, BLUE ROSES coproduced by Rayuela Lab & The Freak Cabaret Circus The Freak Cabaret Circus www.thefreakcabaretcircus.com thefreakcabaretcircus@gmail.com Phone number: 00 34 695 816 462 / 00 34 677 736 535 Rayuela Producciones Teatrales www.rayuela.nu rayuela@rayuela.nu Phone number: 00 34 983 381 221 / 00 34 607 906 509