CACC Spring 2013 web - Critchlow Adkins Day Care of Easton


CACC Spring 2013 web - Critchlow Adkins Day Care of Easton
Volume 8, No. 1 Spring 2013
Critchlow Adkins
Published by Critchlow Adkins Children’s Centers
Message from the Board President
As we
begin the new
year – CACC’s
43rd – I am
pleased to
announce the
of Caron Pons
as Executive
Director of
CACC. Caron
comes to us
with more
than 20 years
Caron Pons
Executive Director of CACC
experience in
the local community including fundraising,
communications, marketing, event
planning and alumni relations.
Her primary focus has been in
education, having worked at The Country
School and Saints Peter & Paul High
School for a combined 14 years. Just prior
to joining CACC, Caron helped raise
$5 million for the Talbot Hospice
Foundation campaign for expansion and
endowment. We are pleased to have
someone with Caron’s expertise and
proven success on board to help guide
CACC into the future.
“I am honored and delighted to
join the CACC staff and look forward to
working with the board to further the
mission of providing quality, affordable
childcare for young children in our
community,” Caron said. She holds a
bachelor’s degree from the University of
Maryland, College Park and lives in Easton
with her two daughters.
I encourage you to reach out to
Caron and welcome her to our CACC
community and wish her much success!
James M. Vermilye
CACC Celebrates 5th Annual
Joy of Reading Event
On December 6th CACC presented
its 5th annual Joy of Reading event
featuring Mark Lachs, MD author of
Treat Me, Not My Age. Dr. Lachs’ visit to
Easton was graciously underwritten by
the Grayce B. Kerr Fund.
His presentation, entitled “Adding
Years to Life and Life to Years” was
well received by the audience at the
Avalon Theatre. Dr. Lachs highlighted
the fact that both genetics and wealth
can contribute to life longevity and
health. While countless studies have
identified wealth as one of the most
compelling predictors of longevity, there
are always exceptions: “That’s not to
say that I haven’t had gazillionaires who
had a stroke in their 40s and 50s and
custodians who pass away in their 90s.”
According to Lachs every case, and
every person, is different - a fact that
healthcare professionals must grasp
if they are to treat elderly patients
effectively. “You’ve seen one 85 year
old, you’ve seen one 85 year old.
But some of them are bed-bound
and some of them are water skiing
and playing poker and tennis. So to
ration care on the basis of a number is
absolutely insane.”
“This is a topic that everyone in
the community should be interested
in,” said former CACC board president
Cammy Passarella. “Dr. Lachs’
dynamic and creative presentation
answered questions as simple and
universal as the importance of finding
Wish List
$50 items
Air popcorn popper
Jump ropes
Children’s music cds
Stamp pads and
Science enrichment
items—observation boxes,
magnifiers, tweezers
Kitchen appliances set
Family Doll House
Computer Games
the right doctor and sticking with
them—stressing that primary care is
fundamental to a coordinated effort. “
“I would encourage anyone who
hasn’t read his book to do so, to give
it away as gifts—we all need this
information in our arsenal.”
Prior to the presentation at the Avalon
Theatre there was a reception at Scossa
Restaurant and Lounge where guests
enjoyed the
to meet
Dr. Lachs.
The well
Mark Lachs, MD
author of
“Treat Me, Not My Age”
netted more than $18,000 for CACC’s
tuition assistance program which helps
families afford the cost of quality child care.
Signed copies of Dr. Lachs’ Book
“Treat Me Not my Age” are available at
CACC’s central office.
The following items are on the wish lists at the sites. If you would like to donate
one of these items, please bring it to the CACC Central Office or indicate “wish
list” on the enclosed remittance with your contribution.
$50 items
Slow Cooker/
CD player (2)
3 Mr. Potato
Molded Science Specimens
Fiddlestick Building Set
Play Supermarket Checkout
Rubber Soccer
$100 Items
Big Bikes tricycles
Assorted board games
Multicultural baby doll set
“Being a Good Citizen”
Book Set
Digital Microscope
$200 Items
36 plastic laundry baskets
100 piece magna tile set
“No Ends” building set
Mission Statement Our mission is to provide quality, accessible childcare for children and their families in a nurturing, diverse, safe and enriching environment.
St. Michaels
Board of Directors
James M. Vermilye
Alexis (Lex) Kramer
First Vice President
Kristina Henry
Second Vice President
Tim Casgar
Recording Secretary
Linda Cassady
John Abruzzese
Bettie Baer
Jean H. Baker
Jodi Baker
Amy M. Berry
Childlene Brooks
Barbara Cross
Peter Dietz
Fayette Engstrom
Lynn Freeburger
Thomas Fountain
William Ginder
Fred Hildenbrand
Valerie Lamont
William L. Lane, Jr.
Christina P. Mills
Gloristeen Pinkett
Rosalee Potter
Margaret Rennels
Thomas H. Reynolds, Jr.
Paul Thut
Honorary Directors
Janice Adkins
Harriet Critchlow
Margaret Keller
Executive Director
Caron Pons
Graphic Design
Leslie Passano
Center News
Volume 8, Issue 1
Published by
Critchlow Adkins Children’s Centers
For 35 years known as Easton Day Care Center. Inc.
7 South Park Street, Easton, MD 21601
410-822-8061 •
Letter to the Editor
The following letter to the editor appeared in the
Sunday Star February 17th in response to an earlier
editorial regarding the overall ineffectiveness of the
Head Start Program.
“While educational statistics can be
debated, high quality early childhood
education remains one of the most
valuable investments our country can
make. Accessible, affordable and
quality childcare not only helps children
prepare for school and stay in school
but it also supports their families and the
CACC Alumnus, Author Kyle Taylor
Visits School Age Site
student at
the CACC
Age Site,
visited our
sites in
the fall to
share the
CACC Alumnus & author (3rd from left, back row) Kyle Taylor and School Age students & staff.
book he
about sharing. Friends That Care Always
believe in themselves. I was raised without
Share has a great message for young
a positive male role model to encourage me
children. This is Kyle’s first publication,
to believe in myself. I remember the staff
and he plans to continue his work with a
at CACC made me feel at ease when I was
series of books. His goal is to reach out
there. They were very understanding about
to as many children as possible with his
my home life, and they provided a safe and
message. Recently Kyle wrote to us about
nurturing environment.
his memories of CACC.
Part of feeling like a successful person
I went to Easton Day Care as a child.
to me means to reach out to kids that may
I remember it being a fun and loving
be going through what I went through as
atmosphere. I would do my home work and
a child and encouraging them that if they
then get to play or do many different fun
can see it, and believe it, they can achieve
and educational activities while waiting to
it. It was a pleasure to revisit CACC with
be picked up. I remember
my book and song and
“I remember the staff at CACC motivational speech and see
Mrs. Rebecca the most
made me feel at ease when
because of her dedication.
that the program is just the
I was there. They were very
She was able to let you
way I remember.
understanding about my home
know that she loved each of
A dollar from the sale
life, and they provided a safe of each of Kyle’s books
us and we were all special
and nurturing environment.”
to her. She made me write
goes to the National Autism
sentences if I did something
Association. A 2004 graduate
wrong, but she always treated the other kids
of EHS, Kyle is also a Character Counts
and me as if we were one of her own. Coach. Kyle credits motivational speaker
I now have published my first children’s
Willie Jolley with inspiring him to inspire
book “Friends That Care Always Share” and
others. For more information on Kyle’s work,
visit schools and daycares to speak to the
visit or contact
kids to inspire them to not only share, but to him at
community at large. Parents can go to work
knowing that their children are learning
and socializing in a structured and safe
environment. Children who are enrolled in
a reliable program have a better chance of
succeeding in school and beyond. They are
more productive, creative and inquisitive.
They learn how to read and how to solve
problems. They are ready for school.
Since 1970, Critchlow Adkins
Children’s Centers (CACC and formerly
Easton Daycare) has served thousands of
area children and their families. CACC
alumni have continued their education
at both public and private schools and
are working in various fields including
technology, healthcare, business,
engineering, media and transportation to
name a few. Our community’s investment
in high-quality childcare as well as in
before- and after-school programming will
pay dividends in the future resulting in a
productive workforce, solid citizens and
good neighbors.”
Kristina Henry
Board Member, Critchlow Adkins
Children’s Centers
2012 Friends Fund Donors
January 1 - December 31, 2012
CACC has the only sliding scale fee schedule of its kind in Talbot County. We serve over 400 children at five sites in the County and count on the
Friends Fund to offset the expense of providing quality child care to those with limited resources, those who most need it. We thank each of you
for taking the opportunity to “Help A Child Grow” through your generous donations. We appreciate your continued support.
Pacesetters ($10,000 and above)
St. John Foundation
United Fund of Talbot County
Van Strum Foundation
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc.
Benefactors ($5,000 - $9,999)
Mrs. Janice Adkins
Mrs. Carol Carlson
Mr. William Ginder
Associates ($2500 - $4999)
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bright
Kim and Linda Cassady
Mr. W. Thomas Fountain
James M. Bryan, Jr. Foundation
Mrs. Margaret D. Keller
Mrs. Adrienne W. Rudge
Women and Girls Fund of the Mid-Shore
Patrons ($1,000 - $2,499)
Mrs. Elisabeth Baer
Blake -Blackston American Legion Post #77
Christ Church, St. Michaels Parish
Mrs. Harriet Critchlow
Bob and Fayette Engstrom
Law Offices of Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kehoe
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Granville
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Guthrie
Alexis and Mary Kramer
William L. and Barbara L. Lane
Mid-Shore Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Nobel
Nancy and Rogelio Novey
Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Passarella
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds
St. Mark’s United Methodist Church
Mr. and Mrs. James Vermilye
Partners ($500 - $999)
John and Carol Abruzzese
Mr. Cecil Backus, Jr.
J. Malcolm Bahrenburg
Dr. and Mrs. L. Bradley Baker
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Batty
Tim and Pat Casgar
Joan W. Cox
Easton Ruritan Club
ECW Christ Church, St. Peter’s Parish
Mr. and Mrs. James Gardiner
Ms. Lana W. Harding
Mrs. Diana Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. William Millar
MRYC Foundation
PNC Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Petty
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sedlack
Mr. and Mrs. W. Rembert Simpson
Tidewater Anesthesia Associates, P.A.
Missy and Seth Warfield
Barry and Frances Wildstein
Sponsors ($250 - $499)
Donna F. Cantor
Mr. Peter Dietz
Joanne Thompson Eisenhower
Lynn S. Freeburger
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ginder
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Goldberg
Hope and Tony Harrington
Kristina and Mike Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Hildenbrand
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hill
Jennie Hyatt
Kenneth D. Brown, Landscapes and Hardscapes
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Lutkus
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Marton
Rev. and Mrs. George Merrill
Dr. and Mrs. Beale Ong
Joy Mitchell Price
Dr. Margaret Rennels
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Reynolds, Jr.
R.W. Baird & Co.
Samuel T. Hemsley Lodge #974
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thut
Mr. and Mrs. George Tulloch
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wadley
Supporters ($100 - $249)
Dr. Allan Anderson
Avon-Dixon Agency, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Baker, Jr.
Benson and Mangold, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Berry
Mr. Thomas Blake and Mrs. Marie Zimmerman
Tricia and Tom Bliss
Mrs. Carlyle Brady
Norman H. Brown
Jessie Browne
Mr. and Mrs. Rainer Bruns
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Cadwalader
Daniel and Kathy Canzoniero
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Cashen
Sue and Dennis Comey
Comfort Keepers
Rita Granger Cover
Jim and Betty Crothers
Joan and Richard Crowley
Mrs. R.W. Daspit
Wade and Janice Dudrow
Nance and Ebby duPont
Mrs. Thomas L. Dwyer
Eastern Shore Past Granddaughter Ruler’s Circle
Easton Elks Lodge No. 1622
Easton Lions Club District 22B
Easton Utilities Commission
Carol K. Friedel
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Gable
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gannon
Mrs. Sylvia Garrett
Gipe and Associates Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gnospelius
Mr. and Mrs. Bryson Goss
Mrs. Evelyn M. Graybeal
Jean W. Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Gruber
Mr. and Mrs. W. Maurice Hegwood
Hill’s Drug Stores
Martha Filbert Horner
Mrs. Richard Hughes
Mrs. Nancy S. Hunter
Mrs. Mary H. Hyatt
imPRESSive Printing Co., Inc.
Marsha T. Kacher
Dr. Ona M. Kareiva and
Mr. Edward Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kilduff
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Kittredge
Deborah Newman Kudner
Valerie Lamont
Mr. William L. Lane, III
Ms. Linda S. Laramy
Alfred and Evelyn Leszczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lowman, Jr.
Ms. Jeanne L. Boertzal
Mr. and Mrs. James McKee
Jill and Jack Meyerhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Ladson Mills
The Monet Family
Maurice E. Newnam, III
Lesley and Richard Nolker
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O’Donnell
Mr. Mark Oliphant and Dr. Kathryn Meyer
The Oliver Family
Donors Continued on Next Page
2012 Friends Fund Donors
January 1 - December 31, 2012
Donors Continued from Previous Page
Cynthia Orem
Orion Safety Products
Mrs. Nancy A. Orr
Marguerite S. Owen and David N. Webster
Oxford Lawn and Landscape Inc.
Mrs. Mildred F. Parrott
Robert C. Paulus
Mr. and Mrs. John Pettit
Ms. Gloristeen Pinkett
Laurence and Bev Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. William Price, II
Mr. and Mrs. David Pyles
RBF Management
Mrs. William L. Read
Ms. Alice Ryan
Ms. Jacqueline Scarborough
Lon and Lindsley Smith
Dr. Eva Smorzaniuk and Mr. Phil Dietz
Mrs. Edith W. Swallow
The Bay Pediatric Center
The Country School
The Talbot Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stuart Thompson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Vince
Marty and Ed Waller
Carroll Waskins
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Waxter
West Recreation, Inc.
Susan E. Wheeler
Woman’s Club of St. Michaels
Mr. Howard Zwemer
Friends (up to $99.00)
The Hon. and Mrs. William Adkins, III
Judy and Bob Amdur
Rasmus and Ann Apenes
John and Elizabeth Bachman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Baker
Robert and Marilyn Barrett
Annette and Ted Bautz
Donald and Norma Berlin
Milton and Mary Broach
Ms. Childlene R. Brooks
Mrs. B. Faith Brown
Elizabeth and Ken Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carraher
CBIZ, Inc.
Mrs. Lorraine Claggett
Mr. and Mrs. E. Paul Coleman
Nancy C. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Collison
Crackerjacks Toys
Mrs. Patricia Crane
Rev. and Mrs. Kevin Cross
Debra S. Crouch
Sara Matthews Crowder
The Culver Family
Mrs. Brenda Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Douglass
Marilyn and Frank Downing
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Fisher
Fountain, Firth & Holt Realty
Shirley T. Freestate
Charles and Iris Fricker
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Gilson
Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Gipe
The Glasgow Family
Ms. Myra S. Goldgeier
Mrs. Carolyn Graybeal
Dr. Roberta R. Gribbon
Mr. and Mrs. Waller Hairston
Esther M. Henry
Cynda Hill, DDS
Mr. and Mrs. Worth Hobbs
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holden
Mr. and Mrs. Donald James
David and Sherry Jeffery
Olivia Keene
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. King, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kubelius
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lonergan
Mr. and Mrs. Van Lott
Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Mackintosh
Mr. and Mrs. James Maffitt
Mr. and Mrs. John Masone
Ms. Nancy Matthews
Dr. and Mrs. Ellicott McConnell
Dorie McGuiness
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Nusbaum, Jr.
Fred and Sharon Pond
Ms. Rosalee Potter
Retirement Community of Easton, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Riedlin
Ms. Dorothy Robins-Mowry
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Rollefson
Mr. Paul D. Rust
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Seemans
Eunice B. Shearer
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Steffens
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sturgis
Betty Taylor
Mrs. Rebecca Tench
Mrs. Arlene M. Thomas
Paul and Rhonda Thomson
Deborah Urry
Mr. and Mrs. John Valliant
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. VanGilder
Dorothy Warfield
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Waters, Jr.
Joyce and Donald Young
Dr. and Mrs. Sanford Young
Joy of Reading Sponsors
Mr. and Mrs. John Abruzzese
Mrs. Janice Adkins
Dr. Allan Anderson
Attraction Magazine
Avon-Dixon Agency, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Baker, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. L. Bradley Baker
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Baker
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Batty
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bright
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Casgar
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Cassady
Comfort Keepers
Mrs. Joan Cox
Mrs. Harriet Critchlow
Mr. and Dr. Robert Engstrom
Ms. Lynn Freeburger
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ginder
Mr. William Ginder
Grayce B. Kerr Fund, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Guthrie
Mr. and Mrs. Waller Hairston
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Hildenbrand
Hill’s Drug Store
Mr. and Mrs. Worth Hobbs
Mrs. Nancy S. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. John Hyatt
imPRESSive Printing Co., Inc.
Mrs. Margaret D. Keller
Law offices of Ewing, Dietz, Fountain & Kehoe
Mr. and Mrs. James McKee
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Passarella
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Petty
PNC Foundation, National Association
R.W. Baird & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Reynolds, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Riedlin
Mrs. Adrienne W. Rudge
Ms. Alice Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. W. Rembert Simpson
The Country School
Tidewater Anesthesia Associates, PA
Mr. and Mrs. James Vermilye
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Vince
What’s Up? Media
Mr. Howard Zwemer
This list includes supporters of our Annual Fund and Joy of Reading events for calendar year 2012. We have made every effort to ensure that this tribute to our generous donors is
accurate and complete. Kindly contact Caron Pons, Executive Director, at 410-822-8061 with any additions or corrections.
Spring Newsletter
CACC Welcomes Board New Members
Jody Baker, Lynn Freeburger and Peggy
Rennels were welcomed to the Critchlow
Adkins Children’s Centers Board this year.
We are honored to have their commitment and
unique talents on our board. Their valuable
input will help promote and sustain our primary
focus – providing quality child care for the
children and families of CACC.
Jody Baker has a
degree in Psychology
and Speech
Pathology from
Vanderbilt University
and worked as a
speech pathologist for
the Baltimore County
School system, grades
1-6, and later for
the North Carolina
Jody Baker
Hospital for Children
with Cerebral Palsy. She is a member of the
Memorial Hospital Association and a past
board member of Talbot Country Garden Club
and St. Mark’s United Methodist Church. She
has volunteered for many years for Habitat for
CACC Friends Fund
Learn. Play. Grow.
Your support makes it all possible.
As an independent, non-profit organization,
CACC relies on generous donors like you. By
supporting the Friends Fund, you help provide the
critical funding necessary for annual operating
costs, programming and teacher development as
well as allowing us to provide tuition assistance
for families that would not otherwise be able
to afford child care, before- and after-school
programs and summer swim lessons for their
Since 1970, CACC has accepted any eligible
family regardless of their ability to pay.
CACC relies not only on tuition and fees,
but also on the generous support of its friends. For
over forty years, we have been part of the Eastern
Shore community. Our tuition assistance program
enables families to help themselves. Affordable childcare provides peace of
mind for families and provides children with the
safe and nurturing environment and enriching
education that will help them on their road to
success. Your continued support ensures that we
continue this tradition for generations to come.
Please join our board members, friends,
teachers, parents and alumni by participating in
the CACC Friends Fund today. Every gift matters
and all gifts are tax-deductible. We thank you for
your continued support.
To make a contribution, use the enclosed
remittance or visit our website at
to make a secure online donation.
Humanity, Waterfowl Festival and the Academy
Art Museum.
Lynn Freeburger
has a B.A. in History
and Social Studies
and a minor in
English from Central
College in Pella,
Iowa, as well as an
M.A. in American
History from
Fairleigh Dickinson
University. She is
retired from Verizon
Lynn Freeburger
Communications and
currently serves as a substitute teacher with
the Talbot County Public Schools. Other
community organization affiliations include
the Reading Connection in Arlington, Virginia;
Christ Church St. Michaels; the St. Michaels
Museum; Family and Friends of Asbury and
Green Chappel; and master gardener and
Bay-wise coordinator with the University of
Maryland Cooperative Extension.
Peggy Rennels received a B.A. from
Skidmore College and an M.D. from University
of Maryland School of Medicine. Peggy spent
much of her career as a professor at University
of Maryland School of Medicine, Department
of Pediatrics and was most recently Executive
Director of U.S. Scientific Vaccine Policy at
GlaxoSmithKline. Nationally Peggy served on
the CDC and FDA
vaccine advisory
committees and was
Chair of the American
Academy of Pediatrics
Committee on
Infectious Diseases.
She recently retired
to Talbot County
where she grew up.
Volunteer activities
Peggy Rennels
include Chair of an
independent international pediatric influenza
vaccine trial in Bangladesh, funded by the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation, and a member of
the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Pediatric
Infectious Diseases Society.
St. Michaels Site launches
B-BOP Campaign to
“Bring-Back Our Playground”
In the fall of 2012, CACC was informed
by Talbot County Public Schools that the
surface of the playground at the St. Michaels
Site was not sufficiently padded for our play
structure. We are committed to the safety
of our kids, but also aware that regular
exercise and play are fundamental to their
The cost of putting down “impact
attenuating” padding was more than
we could afford, and so the bright and
colorful play house was taken down. The
equipment was dismantled and put away
in storage, much to the dismay of the two,
three and four year olds that enjoyed the
play structure daily.
Thankfully, parents at the CACC
St. Michaels Site have taken it upon
themselves to take action. In February of
this year the Parent Advisory Committee of
the St. Michaels Site of CACC will launch a
campaign to restore the play equipment to
the site.
The B-BOP campaign will solicit local
business owners in St. Michaels—many of
whom have children at CACC—as well as
community members. The committee is also
planning several fundraising activities to
raise the funds necessary to re- surface the
area and bring back the equipment, as well
as add a much needed shade structure to
the playground. The Committee also hopes
that it can count on the support of CACC’s
many friends. Any individual, business or
organization that donates $300.00 or more
for this project will be added to our B-BOP
plaque which will be displayed at the center.
To make a donation to the B-BOP
campaign, please indicate on the enclosed
remittance or visit
Thank you in advance for your support
of this important project!
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Printing Co., Inc.
Easton • Cordova • St. Michaels • Trappe
7 South Park Street, Easton, MD 21601
410-822-8061 •
Printed on
recycled paper.
CACC Partners with Country School
Following are quotes from several
Country School students who were recently
asked to comment on what this activity
means to them:
“I love seeing the children smile
when you make them happy.”
–Lily J.
Since 2007 Country School fifth graders
have been visiting the CACC preschool site
to read to our youngest students as part of
their community service program Helping
Others Helping Ourselves (HOHO). In
addition to reading and doing art and other
projects, activities often center around the
Talbot Partnership program values and the
Country School‘s homegrown set of “values.”
“The friendships that develop over
the course of the year are heartwarming to
watch,” said Donna Austin, preschool site
director. “The fifth graders seem to enjoy
taking a leadership role, and our little guys
look forward to their visits.”
“I like playing with my buddies,
and one of them loves to sing!”
–Keana W.
“I love reading to future scientists,
architects, vets, etc.”
–Polina T.
“I like seeing how creative they
are and helping them understand
our (Country School) values.”
–Alayah C.
“My buddies are fun to play with,
and I get free hugs!”
—Joshua C.
In addition to this collaboration, CACC
has been providing before school-care
for Country School students for the past
six years. Donna Austin greets students as
early as 6:45 a.m. She provides them with
breakfast, helps with homework, etc. until
school starts at 8:05.
“Our partnership with CACC has
been wonderfully positive. It allows us to
offer a needed service with a fantastic staff
member, and it connects two organizations
that are dedicated to providing the best
possible early education experiences,” said
Headmaster Neil Mufson.