Newsletters - The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County


Newsletters - The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County
Chamber Connections
11 October 2016
In This Issue
 A Huge Thanks…
 Warren County
Historical Tidbits: The
Pendleton School &
Autograph Albums
 The Chamber of
Commerce of Warren
County Annual Meeting
 History Harvest
 FLOW: Our Youth
Making a DifferenceRegistration Extended!
 Heritage Quilters 15th
Anniversary Exhibit
 Fright Night 2016 is
 Hardware Café Specials
 Warren Wednesday
 Own A Warren County
 NC Cooperative
Extension Home Food
 Warrenton Rural
Volunteer Firefighters’
 Cherry Hill Concerts 16
 Fall For The Arts 2016
 Warren Record
Advertising Specials
 Warrenton Animal Clinic
Low Cost Spay/Neuter
A Weekly Resource For Warren County Business
Isn’t It Great to Wake up Here in Warren
One of the outstanding qualities about life here in Warren County is that
neighbors help neighbors…plain and simple. But when events like
Hurricane Matthew hit us, there are groups of our neighbors that go above
and beyond…people whose tireless dedication makes all of our lives better.
So, today, I’d like to thank the people who stepped up in the face of
torrential rain, winds and flooding to ensure our safety.
First, my thanks to our Town crews in Warrenton and Norlina and our
Warren County crews. During the deluge they were out and
about…clearing clogged storm drains to keep streets clear; picking up fallen
limbs from our streets and tending to larger trees and debris that were in
roadways. Thank you for being out in the worst of it while we were inside
away from the storm.
Thank you to our police, EMT’s and Volunteer Firefighters. You’re there
24/7/365 when the weather is fine…but even in the face of weather where
people are being urged to stay off the roads, you’re there in the worst of it
responding when any of our neighbors need help. I know that on Saturday
members of our Volunteer Fire Departments were driving throughout the
county to check on roads, set up warnings for high water or downed trees
and be on hand for possible emergencies. Just outstanding!
Thank you to the linemen of Halifax EMC and Duke Energy. There’s no
waiting for the storm to pass for you to attend to fallen wires, blown
transformers and other problems. You were out during the storm to make
sure that people in Warren County had power as soon as possible. I’ll bet
that your already dangerous job is made at least 20 times more hazardous
by the storms. I learned from Brady Martin at Halifax EMC this morning
that, now that local customers have been taken care of, these line crews
will be moving to our south to help our neighbors in Goldsboro, Lumberton,
and other areas devastated by the flooding from Matthew. He mentioned
that dedication is a common trait among all of their linemen…and I would
whole-heartedly agree. And as of 9:30am yesterday I received word from
Duke Energy that all of their Warren County customers had power.
Thank you to the DOT Repair crews. You’ve got a huge job ahead of you in
repairing washed out roads and other damage caused by the storm. I’m
always impressed at how quickly you respond to the immediate needs and
get our roads back in drivable condition. Thank you in advance for the
many extra hours you’ll be putting in on these repairs.
 Warren County
Government Calendar
 Lakeland Theatre: Little
 Warren County Farmers
 ‘Round Town Rickshaw:
Ride Warrenton In Style
 Candlelight Spiritual
Science Center App
 Warrenton T-shirts &
 What’s Going On With
Chamber Members?
The official email
address for the
Chamber is:
Warren County Online
Warren Record Column
Warrenton City Site
Norlina City Site
Warren County Site
We owe all of these fine people and many others who stepped up in the
face of an emergency a huge thank you! If I didn’t name your
organization, please know that the omission is not intentional and that you
are appreciated. Here’s hoping that in the not too distant future all of
these heroes are able to take some time for themselves to relax and
Enjoy the rest of your week!---Craig
Warren County Historical Tidbits: Schools for
Young Ladies & Autograph Albums
And A Rare Shot of Real Life in the 1880’s
Do you know why there is a “College Street” in Warrenton? I didn’t until
recently, but always wondered…it seems that in the 1800’s at the end of
that street was the Warrenton Female College – renowned across the South
for fine education. The school and the building are gone, but the street
name remains.
Well, today’s story wasn’t one I had in my mind to tell right now, but
through a series of discoveries it was almost like the story wanted to be
told now…so here we go. 
To begin with, several weeks ago, Bill
Frazier (Coach), allowed me to borrow an
old Autograph Album he had picked up
some time back. Since school yearbooks
weren’t really available in the 1800’s (not
only the cost of printing, but also the cost
of photography) many students had a small
Autograph Album that their friends signed
throughout the years…exactly like the
friends who probably signed your yearbook in High School and College.
There were a few notable differences in these old dedications though…in
the 19th Century most of the students had handwriting that would rival any
modern calligrapher today and more impressively, they wrote “epic verses”
as opposed to just their names.
As I leafed thru the Album,
a number of the entries
were faded and a little
hard to read, so I set to
work scanning them. In
the process of scanning I
was able to enhance the
faded writing so it was
readable…and was amazed
at what I found. The
Album belonged to a young
woman from Warren Plains
Mrs. V. L. Pendleton's Entry 1884
named Maria Terrell and
covered the period from 1882 until about 1888…with some added plusses
Thank you to All of Our
from 1896 - 1906 added by her future children. Maria married a young
man from Warren County, Willie D. Rodgers – and by the notations in this
book they had at least 5 children.
In the process of transcribing the entries I noticed one more “mature”
appearing entry…and sure enough, it was written by Maria’s teacher: Mrs.
V. L. Pendleton…
“May thy life be happy –
Aye, free from care.
Rich blessings be thine
In time, and “up there”
At last, the glory of angels share.
Your friend and teacher,
V. L. Pendleton
Warrenton, N.C.
April 28th /84”
Now there’s a familiar name…so all at once, scanning a historic Autograph
Album turns up a well-known local resident and long-time teacher at
several of Warren County’s Girls’ Schools. But, then as I read the rest of
the entries I ran across one from a “Fannie” (likely Fannie Wilcox of Warren
Plains) and knew I had to tell this story right away.
Upcoming Member Events
Farmers’ Market 2016
Saturday 15 October
8am - Noon
BB&T Parking Lot
But, before we read on in Maria’s Album, let’s take a little break to set the
stage for “Female Schools” in Warrenton in the 1800’s. With some help
from Lizzie Montgomery’s history and also Mrs. Pendleton’s, I found that
throughout the 1800’s – at various times – Warrenton was home to no less
than 11 schools for young ladies. Warrenton Female College, Warrenton
Female Collegiate Institute, Wilcox Graves School, The Falkener School,
Mordecai Female Seminary (and subsequent schools at that location), The
Maxwell School, Miss Lucy Jones’ School, Miss Maria Southerland’s School,
Mrs. Pendleton & Mrs. Twitty’s School, Miss Lucy Hawkins School and Mrs.
Allen’s School all contributed to help make Warren County one of the
centerpieces of education in the South for women, especially prior to the
Civil War.
In one way or another, all
of these schools seemed
Saturday 22 October
4pm – 8pm
to also be inseparably
Historic Courthouse Square
teachers taught at several
Ghost Walk 2016
of them…or one school
Saturday 22 October
grew out of a need for
more seats for students at
Historic Courthouse Square
another…or another school
closed due to the death of
Warrenton Rural Volunteer
the founder and their
Fire Department
former teachers opened a
Firefighters’ Ball
new one. To give you a
Saturday 22 October
“May all that in this book appears, Adorn your bright and happy
full view of the impact of
7:00pm – 11:00pm
years - Reveal fresh beauties, and embrace Your life with
these schools on young
Warren County Armory Civic
loveliness and grace.” Entry from her sister, Annie.
ladies from Warren County
and across our great State would take a small book and many more hours
than we have today…so, let’s hit the highlights of the schools through the
career and students of Mrs. Victoria Louise Pendleton and their 150 year
old notes.
Fright Night 2016
Contact Us
In reading the newspaper articles about Mrs. V. L. Pendleton, she was quite
a remarkable woman. Ahead of her time in a number of ways, but also
very much a refined Southern Lady. A Warren Record article from the
early ‘20s headlined: “Needed No 19th Amendment”…she was emancipated
from childhood. As a young widow moving to Warrenton from Pitt County
she bought a house at Ridgeway and Front Streets in 1868. Contrary to
the norm she was also a teacher…something just not considered proper at
the time. Over the years following the Civil War she had her own school in
a house on her property and taught at Warren Female Collegiate Institute,
the Graves-Wilcox School and others. In 1931, at the age of 93, when she
passed away with the distinction of being the oldest living resident of
Warrenton at the time…nearly the entire town came to her funeral at the
Warrenton Baptist Church.
With this rich legacy, Mrs.
Pendleton’s influence on her
students was clearly evident
in Maria’s Autograph Album
– more than one student
wrote their dedication in
flawless French…French
being one of the specialties
of her teaching. Her love of
literature and classical works
rubbed off on her
students…the poetic dedications of more than one of her students left me
amazed when I realized that most of the writers were 14 or 15! “When far
away my gentle friend, Remember me the while. Let not new friends, thy
tender heart, From absent ones beguile. Your True Friend, Mamie Harper
Jan 4th 1883.” Pretty impressive!
But the biggest surprise, and
one that made me laugh out
loud, came near the end of
the Album. Just as I was
resigned to the fact that, as
I had always thought, in the
1880’s people were stuffy,
serious, mature beyond their
years & extremely poetic
writers, I read the following:
Some write for pleasure,
And some write for fame,
But I write simply,
To sign my name.
I’ll have to check, but I’m pretty sure that I have a couple of entries in my
High School Yearbook just like that!
Reading that simple funny, I realized that our forebears here in Warren
County – and really anywhere – were a whole lot like us. Formal at times,
sometimes seeming so much more mature, but in the end, when you pull
back the curtains, they were regular people. People for whom a little
casual note to spark a smile and some youthful attitude were captured for
eternity in a young girl’s Autograph Album. Something to think about
whenever we feel awed by those who have left us such impressive Warren
County Treasures.
Wherever you turn in Warren County we have a jewel…
“Warren County Historical Tidbits” is a project of The Chamber of
Commerce of Warren County.
The Chamber of Commerce of Warren
County Annual Meeting
Thursday 13 October
Can you believe it’s almost been a year since we gathered together for our
last Annual Meeting? This Thursday, October 13, members of The
Chamber of Commerce of Warren County will gather at Magnolia Manor
Plantation Bed & Breakfast to socialize, enjoy a meal and catch up on
the past year while looking ahead to the coming year.
We’ll be there from 6:00pm – 8:00pm starting with a Social Hour and
Silent Auction Bids (More details coming on the fantastic prizes you can
win). Dinner at 6:30 will feature fantastic Eastern North Carolina BBQ with
plenty of delicious sides and desserts. Then it’s time to recognize our
Small Business of the Year, Chamber Member Volunteer of the Year and
Community Support of the Year.
Tickets are just $25 and are available from the Chamber Office.
Our History Harvest Was Great!
You Brought In Historic Pictures and Documents
As part of our ongoing
campaign to uncover and
promote the hundreds of
treasures we have here in
Warren County, for the past
several weeks the Chamber of
Commerce has been undertaking our First Annual History Harvest. The
goal is to find historic photos and artifacts of Warren County…people,
events, Churches, schools, businesses – literally anything from our earlier
years that should be preserved.
I’d like to thank everyone who brought documents and pictures to the
African American Cultural Festival and to me here at the Chamber Office.
I’m just amazed at what we’ve found so far!
We’ll keep a copy in the archives here at the Chamber as well as providing
copies of all pictures to the Warren County Memorial Library, the Norlina
Library, The Jacob Holt House and Preservation Warrenton to use in historic
Now, the time has come to pick the winners…First, for the oldest.
The oldest document/photo received award goes to Marsha West for her
Document to the Sheriff of Warren County from Marmaduke Johnson,
written in 1783. This details a list of damages and money owed in an
apparent court case.
The most unique was much more difficult to award; however, in the end I
have to give this to Coach Bill Frazier. His 1880’s Autograph Album from
Maria Terrell not only gives us some important history, but also an
incredible look into the lives of ordinary Warren County residents almost
150 years ago.
My thanks again to our winners and everyone who brought their documents
and photos by. Keep ‘em coming! I just may be awarding some random
prizes over the coming months.
FLOW…Our Youth Making a Difference
A Project of NC Cooperative Extension, 4-H, Warren County Schools
& The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County
FLOW…stands for Future Leaders Of Warren, a new program developed to
ensure that our youth have the necessary skills and abilities to provide
leadership, growth and vision into the 21st century. There is a great deal of
interest from community-based governing bodies to utilize our youth as
decision makers within the community.
How Do You Participate?
Interested 8th, 9th and 10th graders and their families may pick up a FLOW
application from their High School Guidance Counselor, the Warren County
Cooperative Extension or The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County.
The completed application should be mailed or hand-delivered to either
your local High School Guidance Counselor or the Warren County
Cooperative Extension at 158 Rafters Lane, Warrenton, NC 27589.
Additional information is available from Crystal Smith at or 252-257-3640. Registration fee is $25 and
due by October 13 (limited scholarships may be available). Sessions will
Session 1: Team Building/Self-Assessment
Session 2: Hands 2 Service Project
Session 3: Hot Seat/Cookies & Canvas
Session 4: Parliamentary Procedure
Session 5: Hot Seat/A.R.I. (Application, Resume, Interview)
Session 6: Youth in Government
Session 7: College Tour
Heritage Quilters Celebrates 15th Anniversary
Learn About Our Rich Tradition of Quilting
The Heritage Quilters are celebrating their
15th Anniversary in grand style thru this
weekend. With a guiding theme this year
of “Wouldn’t take nothing for my journey…”
the members are reflecting on their efforts
since 2001 to support, encourage and
document quilting traditions and activities.
As part of this celebration, The Heritage
Quilters will be holding a quilt exhibit this weekend at the historic Aaron
Hendrick House at 105 S. Front Street in Warrenton. There is no cost for
the public…hours are 10am – 4pm on Saturday 15 October and 1pm – 4pm
on Sunday 16 October. Stop by to see quilt creations of members and
friends of The Heritage Quilters ranging from traditional to narrative styles.
The Heritage Quilters’ community projects are numerous, including
supporting the summer enrichment program offered by the WCTS-NWHS
Alumni and Friends Association and the summer reading program held at
Oak Chapel AME Church. They also awarded a scholarship to a collegebound student and held a tour highlighting the history and culture of
Warren County for new teachers and other school personnel.
Additionally this weekend, The Heritage Quilters will host a 15th Anniversary
Celebration Fundraiser on 15 October (Saturday) at Connect 25, at 927 US
Hwy. 1 south, Manson. The program will feature storyteller Dorothy Clark,
a singer, actor, playwright and director. Ms. Clark has either founded or
co-founded two theater companies and serves as their artistic director.
She has also performed at Church events and on stage throughout the
state and in the Northeast. Tickets for this fundraiser are $25. For more
information or tickets, call Portia Hawes at 252-257-9194 or email Jereann
King Johnson at
Fright Night: Saturday 22 October
Warrenton Revitalization Committee Presents on Courthouse
It’s time again for all the ghouls and ghosts
to pay their annual visit to Warrenton for
Fright Night! The haunting begins at 4pm
on Saturday 22 October on the Historic
Courthouse Square in Warrenton.
Join the fun until 8pm with Rockin’
Halloween music by DJ Lee Burrows & Solid
Sound Productions. Come in costume if you
dare…register for prizes…drawings throughout the night…face painting and
Then, to cap off your evening, join us as a Local Spirit leads a Ghost Walk
at 8:30 to haunted dwellings in and around Warrenton. For more
information, call 252-257-1122, visit the Warrenton Town Website or
email at
Hardware Café Weekly Specials
Lots of Goodness Featured This Week
Just got word via email with this week’s specials
at Hardware Café. Thought you’d like them to
plan your lunch this week!
Here’s the latest from Rachel…
We hope that you all weathered Hurricane
Matthew safely. Hello all. Thank you for your
continued support throughout this transition.
Come by, check out some of the new décor and
enjoy the same great menu items!!
(Customize Your Own) Personal Flat Bread Pizza
Chicken & Egg Drop
BBQ Beef Brisket Sandwich
Baked Potato
Twice Baked Potato with Salad or Soup
Cheddar Sloppy Joe on Peperoni Cheese Bread
Spinach & Bean
Prime Rib Sandwich
Lobster Bisque
Friday Night Dinners:
Twisted Mac N Cheese topped with Beef Brisket served with String Beans
Smothered Chicken served with Baked Potato
Both entrees served with Garden or Caesar Salad and Honey Bread.
Thank you so much. Hope to see you this week.
Shop Local: Warren Wednesdays
Specials Available This Week
The savings are growing! Remember, each extra dollar
we spend locally in Warren County not only helps that
business, but it also brings in much needed sales tax
revenues to help our county.
Look for the Green “Local is Best” in merchant
windows…then, find the counter cards inside listing the
business’ special that week. Finally, show them you’re a
Warren County resident and the special is yours.
Here are a few of the specials for you to take advantage
Hardware Café: Buy any meal and get a free drink every Wednesday!
Friends Two, Main Street Warrenton: 15% off all regular priced yarn.
King’s Fitness & Nutrition Center, next to Just Save in Warrenton:
Fruit & veggie smoothies just $4.
Oakley Hall Antiques, Main Street Warrenton: Save 20% on any
items, except “firm” priced and consignment items.
Lickskillet Dog Grooming & Kennels: 15% off retail products…chew
toys, leashes, collars, harnesses and more.
Warrenton Furniture Exchange, Franklin Street Warrenton: Save
10% off any Troutman Rocker (that’s a big $ savings!). These are the
rockers you see on the porches of all the historic hotels.
Roost Crossroads Antiques: 30% off any 00 or DP items in the store.
Pete Smith Quick Lube & Tire, Main Street Warrenton: Get 10% off
your oil change on Wednesdays!
The Warren Record: Each Wednesday, for Warren County Residents, get
$5 off NEW subscriptions to the Warren Record.
Tar Heel Tire, Ridgeway Street Warrenton: Here's another HUGE
Warren Wednesday Special from Tar Heel Tire...bring your car or light truck
(pickup) in and get your tires rotated for FREE. Great way to extend the life
of your tires.
Norlina Auto Parts, US 1 Norlina: A great fuel injection cleaner, Sea
Foam, is only $7.99! Boyd recommends this highly!
Futrell Pharmacy, Main Street Warrenton: Buy one QC brand vitamins,
get the second of equal or lesser value, half price. Stop by and see Woody,
Kim Sherry and Susan AND save $$$.
Quilt Lizzy, Macon Street Warrenton: Stop by Quilt Lizzy on Macon
Street in Warrenton for Warren Wednesday savings! Thread is buy one/get
one free just because you live in Warren County.
Brain Freeze, Main Street Warrenton: Now this is a great lunch time
deal! Get 2 hotdogs, drink & chips for $5.00 and they’ll add in a small cup
of ice cream for FREE. I had this last Wednesday and it was delicious!
Second Hand Rose Antiques, Main Street Warrenton: 20% off select
furniture. We’ve bought a number of pieces from Rose…you’ll love the
selection and the authentic antique furniture.
Awesome God Christian Bookstore, Main Street Warrenton: 50% off
the limited supply of light blue girls and boys school uniform tops.
Warrenton Supply, Main Street Warrenton: Save 10% on all air filters
for your furnace.
Lin’s Everything Business, Main Street Warrenton: Every Wednesday
is “Copy Day”…10 cents off each copy means B&W are just 15 cents and
just 20 cents for Color. This is a great day to get those Church bulletins or
club flyers printed.
One step at a time we can all keep our local businesses healthy by picking
them first for our shopping.
If you have any questions, please email me at or
call at 252-257-2657.
A Local Institution (and a Darn Good
Business) is Waiting for Someone
Warrenton Supply Company Needs New Owners
Every once in a while there’s a unique opportunity…the opportunity to own
not only a vibrant and viable business, but to also carry on a central part of
our local community. That opportunity is available now here in Warrenton
with Warrenton Supply Company.
Owners Eddy & Christy Serls will be taking a
well-deserved break from running a business
and spend full-time enjoying life beginning in
December of this year. With that in mind,
they’re selling their business. I would like to
help them find a buyer so that we can
continue to count Warrenton Supply as a
vital resource for County residents.
Here are the basics for you to know (and to
pass along to a friend who may be looking to take advantage of the
wonderful quality of life we have here in Warren County): From Sandra
Shearin & South Shore Realty Company…
Established hardware store w/ roots going back to the
1950's. Convenient central downtown location in historical
Warrenton, NC just a few miles from 2 well-known lakes Lake Gaston and Kerr Lake. This beautiful area boasts much
in art, historical sites, festivals, lake recreation, boating,
fishing and more- attracting retirees, full and part-time
residents. Established customer base that extends well
beyond the city limits into 4 NC counties. Approx. 2200 sf.
retail floor space, 3080 sf. warehouse, 810 sf. shop & 5544
outside storage. Purchase price includes building, land,
equipment, fixtures and inventory. Excellent growth
potential by expanding paint center, adding lumber,
gardening supplies, equipment repair & rental & much more.
For complete information and to schedule an appointment to
see this treasure, see the online listing or contact Sandra
Shearin at (252) 308-2015 or via email at
Please join me in helping keep this Warren County treasure as a part of
Main Street Warrenton.
NC Cooperative Extension: Home Food
13 & 26 October
Would you like to learn how you can
preserve some of your favorite fall
foods? Warren County
Cooperative Extension is offering
just the right class for you.
During this class we will learn about 3 different home preservation
Freezing, Water bath canning, and Food Dehydration. Each participant will
go home with pumpkin puree, a jar of grape jam and dehydrated pumpkin
Location: Warren County Cooperative Extension Office; 158 Rafters Lane
Warrenton NC. Dates & Times: October 13th 10a-12:30p & October 26th
5:30p-8:00p. Cost: $20. Space is limited, ensure your spot by calling to
Payments can be made at the Extension office. Registration deadline is
October 10th.
For More Information Contact Family & Consumer Science Agent Dominque
Simon Warren County Cooperative Extension at 252-257-3640 or visit their
website at
Warrenton Rural Volunteer Fire Department
Firefighters’ Ball
Saturday 22 October 7:00pm – 11:00pm
"Firemen's Pride". Built by local members of WRVFD
To commemorate the 60th
anniversary of the Warrenton
Rural Volunteer Fire
Department they are celebrating
with a black-tie optional
October 22, 2016 from 7:00 pm
til 11:00 pm at the Warren
County Armory Civic Center, 501
US 158 Business Hwy, Warrenton,
Music will be provided by the The Central Park Band. Heavy hors
d'oeuvres served by David's Restaurant of Roanoke Rapids; open bar.
There will be a 50/50 raffle opportunity.
Tickets $50 per person. See any WRVFD firefighter for tickets or call 252-
Cherry Hill Concerts: Raffi Besalyan
Rachmaninoff, Gershwin, Liszt to be Featured
The Cherry Hill Concert Series welcomes pianist Raffi Besalyan on Sunday,
October 16th at 3:00 PM. A native of Armenia, Besalyan began his music
studies at the Tchaikovsky Special Music School for Gifted Children. He
received his Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees from
the Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory. In addition, he studied at the
Manhattan School of Music with legendary American pianist Byron Janis and
with Sara Davis Buechner.
Press reviews in Japan, the United States, and Europe
have hailed Besalyan as “a true heir of the mainstream
of Russian pianism, like Horowitz”, “A keyboard
phenomenon”, “a formidable pianist with a commanding
presence and rich interpretive gifts”, “a master of his
art”. He has established an international reputation as a
magnetic and passionate performer.
During this inaugural presentation at Cherry Hill, Dr.
Besalyan will perform four Rachmaninoff preludes,
Liszt’s Mephisto Waltz No. 1, three virtuoso etudes on
Gershwin songs arranged by E. Wild, and George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in
Blue (solo piano version arranged by the composer). In addition, he will
play two preludes by composers from his native Armenia. Many of these
selections may be previewed on YouTube and at
Tickets may be purchased at the door, with an adult charge of $10,
students at $5, and children 12 and other at no charge. Immediately
following the program, a reception will take place in the dining room of the
historic 1850’s plantation house, located at 2740 NC Hwy 58, 12 miles
south of Warrenton in the community of Inez.
The entire house will be open for touring after the performance.
Fall For The Arts 2016
21 & 22 October At Lake Gaston
Fall for the Arts at Lake Gaston is back for 2016. This
biennial show and sale of arts and crafts will occur on
October 21 and 22. An artists’ & patrons’ party will
occur Friday evening from 5-9 pm. Events will be
held at AF Wake & South Shore Realty. The main
show and sale is on Saturday, October 22 from
10 am – 5 pm.
Fall for the Arts at Lake Gaston, NC, is a fundraising event for O’Sail, a
501(c) 3 organization to support the arts, infrastructure and learning at
Lake Gaston.
The event is an artist show and sale at a selected location on Lake Gaston.
Roughly 40 artists will display and sell their work while gourmet food and
live music are provided – all for a suggested $5 donation to attend. Randi
Dikeman, FFTA committee member, describes the artist lineup this year as
“the biggest and best quality we have ever had.” Tickets may be
purchased online at the link below or at the Lake Gaston Regional Chamber
of Commerce & Salted Rim Designs.
Artists working in a variety of media will be present including: hand felted
hats/scarves/mittens, stained glass, garden art, weaving, ceramic
sculptures, pottery, blown glass, fused glass, glass mosaics, birdhouses,
handmade silk scarves, handbags, clothing, painting, metal, mixed media,
woodworking, a variety of types of jewelry, locally made food items from
Turtle Creek at Lake Gaston and Lake Gaston Coffee Company coffee.
Ann Meadows of Seaboard, NC, and Rob Alford of Nashville, NC will provide
live music on Saturday. Ann Meadows is a singer, songwriter, guitarist and
percussionist whose musical range encompasses blues, folk, rhythm &
blues, pop and country rock. Ann will perform between 11am and 2pm.
Rob Alford is a singer/songwriter and acoustic entertainer who builds his
unique sound around tasteful harmonica fills and a percussive playing style.
Rob will be playing between 2 & 5pm. Lewis Fields of Lake Gaston will play
at the artist and patrons’ party on Friday evening.
Artists will be coming from the Lake Gaston region, throughout North
Carolina, Virginia and Pennsylvania. Feel free to check out their website at for information,
patron purchases and pictures of this year’s sites and prior year events.
Send questions to .
Advertising Specials from The Warren Record
Business Profiles & Mass Mailing…
The Warren Record has two upcoming special advertising sections in
October designed just for our Warren County businesses to reach your
customers with your message.
First on the calendar is the Business Profiles. Have you ever wanted to
give the community more information about your business? Well…here’s
your chance! A Full Tabloid Page with business information & photo is just
$250 Plus Free Color. You can reach 12,000+ potential customers.
Deadline is October 13 for an October 19 publishing. For more
information call Sonya Sikes at 252-213-5090 (cell) or 252-257-3341
Next up is The Warren Record’s Mass Mailing on Wednesday, October
26…. You can promote your business to 30,000 potential customers as
The Warren record will be delivered to every Warren County address plus
out of town subscribers! Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your
business to everyone in Warren County! Ad deadline is 5pm Thursday,
October 21. Call Sonya Sikes at 252-257-3341 (office) or 252-213-5090
(cell). You can also email her at .
Warrenton Animal Clinic & CAP of Warren
Low Cost Spay/Neuter Service
Dr. Amy O’Malley is pleased to announce that
Warrenton Animal Clinic is offering low cost
spay/neuter service to pets belonging to Warren
County residents! Citizens for Animal
Protection of Warren County (CAP) will provide
funds that will lower the cost to pet owners. CAP
will pay a portion of the cost with the owner
responsible for only $40. Services will
include necessary vaccinations and pain
medication for the animals.
Call Warrenton Animal Clinic to make an appointment!
CAP of Warren County is a 501(c) (3) Charitable Organization. The
organization is made up of people who are concerned for the welfare of the
animals in Warren County, NC. Their mission is to focus on spay/neuter
programs, conduct rabies clinics and to educate the public about the
humane treatment of animals and methods of caring for pets responsibly.
Warren County Government Community
Lots To Do Here In Warren County!
For the latest information, Click on Community News under County
Commissioners on the County website.
Memorial Library 252-257-4990
Library Weekly/Monthly activities include:
Mother Goose Story Time & Music & Movement for Kids
Weekend Family Movies
Books Brew & You
Friends of the Library Book Sale
Tech Time Computer Classes
Warren County: Major Festivals 2016
October 22, 2016
Fall for the Arts
Nothing is more beautiful than a variety of art genres against the backdrop
of Lake Gaston’s natural beauty. Enjoy the scenery, the art, live music,
refreshments and more on a crisp fall day.
Location: Lake Gaston
252-586-5711 or 866-730-5711
October 22, 2016
Fright Night and Ghost Walk
DJ, refreshment vendors, Halloween-themed displays, prizes and great
family fun. A Local Spirit leads the Ghost Walk through the historic
Location: Historic Courthouse Square and downtown Warrenton
Lakeland Theatre Presents “Little Women”
November 4, 5, 6, 11 & 12
Come enjoy this timeless story
brought to life in this glorious
musical filled with personal
discovery, heartache, hope and
everlasting love as Lake Theatre
presents “Little Women – The
Musical”. Based on Louisa May
Alcott’s life…directed by Ruth
Morgan with Music direction by Katie Amman.
Performances will be November 4, 5, 6(Sunday Matinee), 11 & 12.
For tickets call 252-586-3124 ext. 3 or visit their website to purchase.
Tickets are just $16.00 for Adults and $9.00 for students.
Warren County Growers Association Farmers
Don’t Miss The Final Market of 2016!
Join your neighbors at the Warren
County Farmers Market this
weekend for more home-grown
goodness. From 8am – Noon each
Saturday they’ll be in downtown
Warrenton in the BB&T Parking lot.
Our market will be open through October 15, and our vendors
continue to bring fresh, healthy treats to your table.
We still have lots of great items for your shopping pleasure at the
shop for this week!
Farm fresh eggs
Jams and Jellies - Peach, peach/plum, plum, grape,
blackberry jam, blueberry jam, jalapeno jelly, damson
preserves and more
Hot Sauces
Cherry tomatoes
And more ...
Baked Goods
Old-Fashioned Pound Cake
Chocolate Pound Cake with Lemon Drizzle
Lemon Pound Cake
Sharp Cheddar Cheese Bread
Spice Apple Muffins
Marinades and Sauces
Hot and Mild Caribbean Jerk Sauce/Marinade
Hot and Mild Brown Sauce/Marinade
Hot and Mild Curry Sauce/Marinade
Dog Treats
Cheddar and Apple - Mostly organic
Crunchy Peanut Butter - All organic
Chicken Jerky
* No additives, salt or sugar
And more surprises!!!
If you need more information, please call 252-257-3640 or visit
their website at
‘Round Town Rickshaw…Tour Warrenton in
Call 252-231-BIKE (2453)
It seems like every evening and every day
on the weekends lately I’m seeing the
‘Round Town Rickshaw carrying several
riders in and around downtown Warrenton.
I know that they were fairly busy during
this past weekend’s African American
Cultural Festival.
If you’d like a classic ride at a slower pace
from home to Robinson Ferry or Milano’s for
dinner…or maybe you’d like to show a
friend some of our historic homes in
downtown Warrenton…or if Pokémon Go
has your attention…or if you have an
upcoming special event, well, place your call early to ‘Round Town
Rickshaw. You’ll find their prices affordable and the trip extra memorable.
Call them at 252-232-BIKE (2453) and follow them on Facebook.
Candlelight Spiritual Science Center
New Online Affiliate Program
Reverend Sylvia Vanderpool Fletcher just let me know that her Wellness
Center is now an Affiliate of United Games, a sport app playing program.
Members download the app for free yet one must be invited to join.
Affiliates will earn money from the tokens used by their players. She is
accepting Affiliates now until October 10, 2016. After that date only
Players will be able to join in.
After its launch this fall, Affiliates pay a one-time setup fee of $39.99 and
there is a monthly technology subscription/business operation cost of only
$9.99. Affiliates can bring in Non-Profits, sport bars, booster clubs as well
as Players. We expect this to be very big.
You can contact Rev. Fletcher at for invitations.
Time is of the essence and the Invites are good for 72 hours. You can also
call her on 240-486-0411 give your Name, Smart Phone # and email
address. You will not be charged on your card until after the APP
launches this fall.
View more at
Warrenton T-shirts & Hats
Get Yours at Town Hall
Here’s a great way to show off your Hometown Pride…TShirts, printed with the Town of Warrenton emblem, are
now available for sale at Town Hall. These Warrenton TShirts are high-quality 100% cotton and Hanes Beefy T
Sizes available include Small, Medium, Large, Xtra Large
and Xtra Xtra Large. Pricing for the Small through XL is $12 and just$13
for XXL. Other sizes can be available through special order. Stop by
Town Hall and help us promote the Town.
And, now from Carolina Images, Warrenton hats
are here to show off your local pride and keep the
sun off. Just $15 and the hat is yours.
What’s Going On
News from your fellow Chamber Members…
Here’s a brief rundown of special offers or events from Chamber member
businesses. If you’d like your business or event featured just send me an
email with all the relevant information to I’ll
add it to next week’s newsletter.
Lloyd’s Bakery. Don’t forget they’re open Mon – Fri from 7am to
5pm with fresh-baked goodness. Connect with them online at
Facebook: or on
their website: and by phone at:
Great Building for Sale! Looking for an office building on Main
Street in Warrenton to buy with 5 offices available to rent? Three
existing tenants, The Chamber of Commerce of Warren County,
Hendrick’s Insurance & William D. Hoyle, CPA. $75,000. Call 252213-7952.
Working Landscapes. Class A Office Space For Rent. 100 –
600 sq. feet available on the 2nd floor at 108 South Main St. in
Warrenton. Includes utilities (except communications) and shared
bathroom. Call Carla Norwood for information at 252-431-5164.