Planning Meeting 2015 01 14 agenda
Planning Meeting 2015 01 14 agenda
The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes AGENDA ____________________________________________________________ PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2015 OPEN SESSION COMMENCING AT 1:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS CITY HALL 26 FRANCIS STREET, LINDSAY, ONTARIO, K9V 5R8 MEMBERS Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Andy Letham Isaac Breadner Brian S. Junkin Gord Miller Patrick O'Reilly Heather Stauble Emmett Yeo MEETING # PC2015-01 1 1.0 CALL TO ORDER AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA 1.1 PC2015-01.1.1 Call the meeting to order - Mayor A. Letham 1.2 PC2015-01.1.2 Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair - Mayor A. Letham 1.3 PC2015-01.1.3 Introduction and Overview of Planning Committee - Staff 1.4 PC2015-01.1.4 Adoption of the Agenda 2.0 DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST 3.0 PUBLIC MEETING 3.1 PLAN2015-001 4 - 12 Linda Russell, Planner II An application to amend the Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30 to change the Highway Commercial Exception Five (C2-5) Zone to replace the current permitted uses with a restaurant and farm produce establishment. The property is legally described as 562 Emily Park Road, Part of Lot 13, Concession 4, Geographic Township of Emily, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes (KACZMAREK) 3.2 PLAN2015-002 13 - 23 2 Linda Russell, Planner II An application to amend the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law 2000-075 to rezone the property from the Residential Two (R2) Zone to the Residential Three Special Fifteen (R3-S15) Zone to recognize the existing duplex as a permitted use. The property is legally described as 57 William Street South, Part of Lot 6, S Glenelg Street, former Town of Lindsay, now City of Kawartha Lakes (DICKERSON) 3.3 PLAN2015-005 24 - 35 David Harding, Planner I An application to amend the Township of Fenelon Zoning By-law 12-95 to rezone the land from Restricted Industrial (M1) Zone and Restricted Industrial Exception Nine (M19) Zone to Future Residential Development (FCD) Zone on the property legally described as Part of Lot 23, Conc. 9, RP 57R8353 Part 1 and Part 2, geographic Township of Fenelon, now City of Kawartha Lakes (MG LEWIS LIMITED). 4.0 BUSINESS ARISING FROM PUBLIC MEETING 5.0 DEPUTATIONS 6.0 CORRESPONDENCE 7.0 CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES REPORTS 7.1 PLAN2015-003 36 - 46 Doug Carroll, Manager of Planning An application for a Certificate of Validation for land identified as 130 and 131 Maple Avenue, Geographic Township of Bexley (WILLSONIA INDUSTRIES LTD.) 8.0 ADJOURNMENT 3 The Gorporation of the Gity of Kawartha Lakes Planning Report Report Number PLAN201 5-001 Date: January 14,2015 1:00 p.m. Time: Council Chambers Place: Ward Gommunity ldentifier: 15 Subject: An application to amend the Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30 to change the "Highway Commercial Exception Five (C2-5) Zone" to replace the current permitted uses with a restaurant and farm produce establishment. The property is legally described as 562 Emily Park Road, Part of Lot 13, Conc. 4, Geographic Township of Emily, now in the City of Kawartha Lakes (KACZMAREK). Author: Linda Russell, Planner ll Signature: Recommendation(s): RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2015-001, respecting Part of Lot 13, Conc. 4, geographic Township of Emily, identified as 562 Emily Park Road, Application D06-28-052, be received; and THAT the application respecting the proposed Amendment to the Township of Emily Zoning By-law, be referred back to staff for further review and until such time as all comments have been received from all circulated Agencies and City Departments and that any comments and concerns, have been addressed. Department Head: Corporate Services Director / Othe Chief Administrative Officer: 4 562 Em i ry'" ["ff* ?hâË;',fl l?¡3ii Page 2 of 6 Background: Proposal: This application proposes to amend the Zoning By-law to replace the current permitted uses to allow a restaurant and a farm produce establishment. Owner: Robert and Hubert Kaczmarek Legal Description Part of Lot 13, Concession 4, geographic Township of Emily Official Plan: "Rural" and "Environmental Protection" with "Provincially Significant Wetland", "Significant Woodlands", and "Deer Wintering Area" in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan Zoning: "Highway Commercial Exception Five (C2-5) Zone", Agricultural (A1) Zone" and "Environmental Protection (EP) Zone" in the Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30. Site Size: Total Area: 18.4ha. Affected Portion of Site: 0.55 ha. Existing Uses: The arca subject to the zoning amendment contains a portable style building that was previously used as a sales office. The balance of the land contains a single detached dwelling, detached garage, barn, and a workshop. Adjacent Uses: Agricultural and rural residential uses, with Emily Provincial Park to the north and the Trans Canada Trailto the south. Rationale: The property is Ídentified as 562 Emily Park Road, on the east of Emily Park Road in the geographic Township of Emily (see Appendix'A') and the existing driveway to the property will be used for access. A copy of the sketch plan is attached as Appendix "B" to this report. Given that the current zoning does not permit the proposed uses, the zoning needs to be amended to: 1. Permit a restaurant and farm produce outlet 2. Amend the Definition sectíon to include "farm produce outlet". Supoortinq Documents The applicant has submitted the following report and survey plan in support of the application, which has been circulated on November 17,2014 to various City Departments and commenting agencies for review. 1. Planning Justification report prepared by EcoVue Consulting dated October 21,2014. The report discusses the need and rationale for the proposed rezoning and reviews it in the context of provincial and City land use policies; and, 2. Environmental lmpact Statement prepared by Snider's Ecological Services, dated October 21, 2014. 5 562 Emiry', l"J#?lâË;''ff lËÊii Page 3 3 Lot Grading and Drainage Plan and Review, prepared by Engage Engineering 4 Well Investigation Report, prepared by WSP Canada lnc., dated September 11,2014. 5 Sewage System Use Permit, from the Health Unit, dated May 31, 2013. of6 Provincial Policies: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan): The subject property is not located within a settlement area as defined in the Growth Plan. Section states that development should be directed to settlement areas, except where necessary for development related to the management or use of resources, resource-based recreational activities and rural land uses that cannot be located in settlement areas. The application conforms to the Growth Plan in that it does not create an area of settlement and does not detract from nor disrupt agricultural uses. MDS calculations are not applicable, as the current zone permits commercial uses. The proposed development is a resource-based commercial use that depends on tourists and the travelling public. The rural setting provides opportunity for rural residents and seasonal tourists to purchase localfruits and vegetables, or have a sit down meal. Provincial Policy Statement (PPS): The Provincial Policy Statement provides for appropriate development while protecting resources of provincial interest, public health and safety, and the quality of the natural environment. The application is consistent with the PPS, as prescribed in the following sections: Section 1 .1.5.2 states that permitted uses and activities shall relate to the management or use of resources, resource-based recreational activities, limited resídential development and other rural land uses. As previously noted, the proposed farm produce stand is a resource-based use that depends on a rural setting. Specifically, the farm produce stand provides a venue for local farmers to sell their goods. Section provides that recreational, tourism and other economic opportuníties should be promoted. The proposed restaurant will provide a service to the seasonaltourists as well as permanent rural residents. Section 2.1 Wise Use and Management of Resources - Natural Heritage has been addressed. An Environmental lmpact Study determined that the Potash Creek Wetland, a Provincially Significant Wetland, is outside of the area affected by the proposed development. lt is recommended that a 10 meter buffer be placed around the wetland, to protect from development. ln addition, there were no threatened or endangered species found to be associated with area affected by the proposed development. 6 s62 Em i,y'" å"{;* ?lâþil?iÊii Page 4 of 6 Official Plan: The property is designated "Rural", "Environmental Protection" with "Provincially Significant Wetland", "Significant Woodlands", and "significant Wildlife Habitat" in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. The developed portion of the property is located in the Rural desígnation. The proposed use is not permitted in the Rural designation. However, Section 15.3.8 of the Official Plan permits existing commercial uses to be rezoned to recognize a similar use, provided that the use: a) Will have no adverse effects upon surrounding uses; b) Will comply with the Minimum Distance Separation criteria; c) Any expansion will be minor in size The proposed rezoning application generally conforms to the policies of the Official Plan. Zoning By-Law: The portion of the property that is subject to the amendment is currently zoned "Highway Commercial Exception Five (C2-5) Zone", in the Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30. This zone permits the following uses: (a) (b) (c) (d) retail sales and service of mobile camper trailers, truck campers, tourist trailers, motor homes and mobile homes Boat and marine equipment sales and service Farm equipment sales and service Retail sales within wholly enclosed buildings of accessories for the vehicles and equipment identified above. This amendment will not require an amendment to the zoning schedule, but rather a textual amendment to replace the current permitted uses with the following permitted uses: (a) (b) Restaurant Farm Produce Establishment In addition, the definition section of the By-law must be amended to include: 'FARM PRODUCE ESTABLISHMENT'' refers to the retail sale of agricultural products, including meat and poultry products, fresh baked goods, preserves, and related sundry food items. The proposed introduction of a restaurant and farm stand is compatible with the surrounding uses. Other Alternatives Gonsidered: No other alternatives have been considered 7 s62 Em i,y'" fr "ff* ?hâÈt^îl'i3ii Page 5 of 6 Financial Gonsiderat¡ons: There are no financial considerations unless Council's decision to adopt, or its refusal to adopt the requested amendment, is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. ln the event of an appeal, there would be costs, some of which may be recovered from the applícant. Relationship of Recommendations To Strateg¡c Priorities: This application does not specifically align with any of the Strategic Priorities Review of Accessibility lmplications of Any Development or Policy: The proposal has no implications on accessibility issues. Servicing Comments: - Public Works WaterMastewater has no concerns as the property would be serviced with private well and septic The Building Division are unable to support the amendment at this time as the existing on-site sewage disposal system cannot accommodate the proposed total daily sewage flows that will be generated by the new uses proposed for the property. The applicant is revising submíssions to ensure adequate sewage system capacity for the proposal. Consultations: Pub lic Comments Notice of this application was circulated to all properties within 500 metres, agencies, and City Departments which may have an interest in the proposed application. No written inquiries or comments have been received from the public at the writing of this report. Agencv Review Comments The application was recirculated to all relevant agencies for review. To date we received the following comments. The Community Services Department has no comments or concerns with respect to the application. The Public Works department has reviewed the file and has no comment. The Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board have no comments. Alderville First Nation advised that the proposal does not fall within their Traditional or Treaty. 8 562 Em i ry'"["ff* ?lâË;ïl?,3ii Page 6 of 6 Development Services - Planning Division Gomments: ln support of the application to amend the Zoning By-law, the applicant submitted an Environmental lmpact Study (ElS) prepared by Snider's Ecological Services, dated October 21,2014, which concluded the proposed rezoning will not result in a loss of wetland or impact on the natural features and functions of the Provincially Significant Wetland (PSW). The EIS was circulated to the Kawartha Region Conservation Authority (KRCA) for technical review and comment. As of the date of completion of this report, comments were outstanding. Conclusions: The application has been reviewed in consideration of comments from the circulated agencies, relevant provincial policies, the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan, and the Township of Emily Zoning By-law. ln consideration of the comments contained in this report, Staff respectfully recommends that the proposed rezoning application be referred back to staff. Attachments: Appendix El- "A'- Location Map Þ Appendix A Location Map.pdf Appendix uB" - Sketch - Existing Zoning Map @l' Þ Appendix B - SIte Plan Sketch. pdf Appendix uCu Eå Appendix'C'Township of Enily Zor Phone: 705-324-9411 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1367 E-Mail: I Department Head: Ron Taylor Department File: D06-28-052 russel l@city. kawa rtha la kes. on. ca 9 APPENDIX to REPCRT QtA¡,leoS-æl FILÊ NO. ¿lÐ.¿sê GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF EMILY Con. 5 Grassy Rd. SUBJECT LAND T; É. l¿ l- o fL à E tu Con. 4 Lot 12 ^ ^ Highway #7 Lot 13 10 A Affected Portion of the Site I.P?ENDIX to Boundary --t I li It'0"* Grassy Rd. REFORT FILE No. ¡i I --t I Portion subjecl to r€zoning Ët t. ü I It E ltr Gtd EnlnnÐ I appl¡ætion eQÕ:Q!â ,1 I I q I I v !*: I v I w 9 ù v v w * w v I [" [' v 9 * v il 9V9W w vvù*w v ú*[. sv'* *-q v o 1,,ìrl '.' u'.i.,..'. Gml Pdæ ld EdúD v ocr w * * v I D. EdF ol b ù þ vl I I 31 2014 l_;ke .l.;;,,,,,,lSe¡vices l:'l¿n¡iin uivision I th * * v 9 vls v 9 w w J ú w v I J ù I .". .''-l11 .t i -.i'^.) Ç¡,. ;;t,i¡ gbung 9dþk ùùþt 9 Ùw û vv v É. w v v +(b I I * ¿, v I ù ù * .l ùvv* vú9 vv!ú wùw 9WWù ww wv v9v v 9VV 9*vvvv v w v ! vvv9 v v t-_ * v * v v 9 v * v I vw v I e,&ruyüsmqnltwt'¡' v r," þ: t" v e w I vvvwwv v DIó Bd.Pd w v CL v Scal€ 1:4,000 z\ô lEcovrÍ¡ :r' S€l¿ l:600 tsRqEqNO &VECoruilnghhlnê 3t1 frry q, tu¡2@ tuCnùLñ9ffi f.¡M1a.W F.*f'Éra4!tr ø¡øvÙqdEM 11 1+1424 çñÈUñED EYi KR dã 2014 Kaczmor€k Prop€rty 562 Emily Psrk Rd - Parl ôf Lot 13 Con 4 TflnshlD of Emily Cig of Kâwsrlha Lakæ REæning Skêtch C n to Fì[i-,üill r-'ti-i:r Township of Emily Zoning By-law 1996-30 w t G I I AI ¡ ) ¡¡t tl 12 ¡ iic. N2 I I .oSa The Gorporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Report Report Number PLAN201 5-002 Date: January 14,2015 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers Ward Community ldentifier: 12 Subject: An application to amend the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law 2000-075 to rezone the property from the "Residential Two (R2) Zone", to the "Residential Three Special Fifteen (R3-S15) Zone", to recognize the existing duplex as a permitted use. The property is legally described as 57 William Street South, Part of Lot 6, S Glenelg Street, former Town of Lindsay, now City of Kawartha Lakes. (DICKERSON) Author/Title: Linda Russell, Planner ll Signature: Recommendation(s): RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2015-002, respecting Part of Lot 6, S Glenelg Street, former Town of Lindsay, identified as 57 William Street South, Application D06-1 8-1 43, be received; THAT the proposed rezoning application, D06-1 8-143, substantially in the form attached as Appendix 'C' to Report PLAN2015-002, be approved and adopted by Council; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application. Department Head: Corporate Services Director / Other: Chief Adm i nistrative Officer: 13 Report PLAN2015-002 57 William Street South (Dickerson) Page 2 of 6 Background: The proposal is to amend the zone category to recognize the existing use of the property. No development is proposed for this property. Owner: Craig and Norma Dickerson Applicant: Herman Wimmelbacher, Coe Fisher Cameron Legal Description: Part of Lot 6, South Glenelg Street 57 William Street South, former Town of Lindsay Official Plan: Designated Resrdential on Schedule 'A' in the Town of Lindsay Official Plan. Zone: "Residential Two (R2) Zone" in the Town of Lindsay Zoning Bylaw No. 2000-75. Lot Area: 52O.7 sq. m. Site Servicing: Full urban services water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, streetlights, curb and gutter. Existing Use: Duplex Adjacent Uses North: Single Family Residential East: Bethel Missionary Church South: Multi-residential West: Residential- row house Rationale: The subject land is located in Lindsay on the east side of William Street South, between Glenelg St. W. and Melbourne Street W. The property was purchased by the current owners in 1992 and has been used for student housing at least since then. The property is developed with a single detached dwelling and a frame shed used for storage. The house is comprised of two (2) separate selfcontained units, and is defined as a duplex which is not permitted in the current zone category. As such, the zoning needs to be amended to: 1. Recognize the historic use of the property 2. Recognize the current deficient side setback for the main building and the deficient rear yard setback for the accessory building. The applicant has submitted a survey plan prepared by Coe, Fisher, Cameron Ontario Land Surveyors, dated September 30,2014, which has been circulated to various City departments and commenting agencies for review. 14 Report PLAN2015-002 57 William Street South (Dickerson) Page 3 of 6 Applicable Provincial Policies: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan) The lands are identified as being in a Seff/ement Areain the Growth Plan forthe Greater Golden Horseshoe 2006 (Growth Plan). Section 2.2.2 Managing Growth policies states that population and employment growth will be accommodated by directing development to settlement areas, and encouraging cities and towns to develop as complete communities with a diverse mix of land uses, a range and mix of employment and housing types, high quality public open space and easy access to local stores and services. The application conforms to the Growth Plan in that it serves to permit a variety of housing options in Lindsay. Provincial Policy Statement (PPS): The Provincial Policy Statement provides that settlement areas shall be the focus of growth and development, and their vitality and regeneration shall be promoted. Planning authorities shall identify appropriate locations and promote opportunities for intensification and redevelopment where this can be accommodated taking into account existing building stock or areas. The PPS encourages intensification and redevelopment in settlement areas with full urban services. The proposed development supports these policies. OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY: Since the Urban Settlement policies contained in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan have been appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board, the application is subject to the Town of Lindsay Official Plan (LOP). The subject land is designated Resrdentialin the LOP. Within the Residential designation there shall be three densities of development. Low density residential uses shall include duplex dwellings and similar low-profile residential buildings not exceeding 2.5 storeys in height, and two (2) dwelling units per property. This application conforms to the Lindsay Official Plan policies ZONING BY.LAW COMPLIANCE The subject land is zoned "Residential Two (R2) zone" in the Town of Lindsay Zoning By-law #2000-75. As the existing duplex is not permitted within this zone, the applicant submitted a rezoning application for consideration. 15 57 w i rri a m r,å"å"SirtnÈ',:;ii"K Page 4 of 6 The use is permitted in the "Residential Three (R3) zone", however, an exception is required to address deficient development standards required by the R3 zone. More specifically, the application seeks to acknowledge the following: i) Minimum lot frontage: ii) Minimum front yard setback: iii) Minimum interior side yard setback: 15.17 m. 6.37 m. 0.66 m. (required 16 m.) (required 7.5 m.) (required 1.25 m.) The R3 zone permits a mix low density dwelling uses including single, semidetached, and duplex dwellings. The proposed amendment is compatible with the surrounding uses as the use has existed for many years. The by-law requires four (4) parking spaces, which are currently accommodated on-site. No change to the existing building is contemplated at this time. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES . PLANNING DIVISION COMMENTS: The application conforms to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. The application also conforms to the relevant provisions of the Town of Lindsay Official Plan. The application maintains the established character of the area. Staff supports the application based on the information contained within this report and the comments received at the time of report completion. Staff respectfully recommends that this application be referred to Council for APPROVAL. Other Alternatives Gonsidered : No other alternatives were considered at this time Financial Gonsiderations: There are no financial considerations unless Council's decision to adopt, or its refusal to adopt the requested amendments, is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. ln the event of an appeal, there would be costs, some of which would be recovered from the applicant. Relationship of Recommendation(s) To Strateg¡c Priorities: This application does not directly impact or align with a specific Strategic Priority. Review of Accessibility lmplications of Any Development or Policy: There are no accessíbility implications for the City. 16 Report PLAN2015-002 57 William Street South (Dickerson) Page 5 of 6 Servicing Comments: This site is serviced by municipal water and sanitary sewers. There are no servic¡ng issues at this time. Consultations: Public Comments Notice of this application was circulated to the prescribed persons within a 120 metre radius, agencies, and City Departments which may have an interest in the proposed application. Public Meeting notification signage was installed by the City's sign company. No issues were raised as a result of circulation. Aqencv Review Comments Public Works - WaterMastewater has no comment The Engineering Division has provided that exemption from the Mandatory Connection By-law is required. The applicants submitted a formal request on December 5,2014 and are working through this process. Building Division has no concerns with the application The Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School has no comments. Land Management has commented that the timber retaining wall currently encroaching onto the City's road allowance, should be removed. Alternatively, the owner could apply for license agreement to acknowledge the encroachment. Attachments: Appendix "A'- Location Map Elþ- Location Map.pdf Appendix "8" - Surveyors Sketch @l- Þ Appendix B PL4N2015-002. pdf Appendix uC'- Proposed By-law 17 Report PLAN2015-002 57 William Street South (Dickerson) Page 6 of 6 ElÞ Zoning By-law 2015 -.pdf Appendix "D'- photos of 57 William Street South Phone: 705-324-9411 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1367 E-Mai I : lrussell@city. kawarthalakes.on. ca Department Head: Ron Taylor Department File: D06-1 8-1 43 18 y' r:. -,-r !: F. I rì I \"/ /-rr ; i-¡ì:/l^ to Iì;. ;NT .* W.,8.,43' Glenelg St. W. 'LINDSAY' Ø U) SUBJECT LAND E .g = Melborne St. W. U) Ø o o -o E (U O Durham St. W. 19 !_oT !-OT 7' ,á,ir:)i-i\iDlX to "f RI: :; SCU-in" S¡tlE CF GLE\¡ELâ .SiF.f€'i RESIDENNAL MULNPLE ONE (RMt) z1NE I'iORTþ| S!ÐE CF ¡¡î!-g0uRúi sTP,fEr i, Fi_.4i'i !;:;iì--.í,i,í /- í)..iii T RESTDENnAL TW) (R2) Z1NE qå* ÈË o c Nr9'04'00ìv 8o'ño Ætct ùF ÈË EF PL,A[,! Nc. r 03 LOT z! SOIITH SIDE OF { ^ c 1 GLENELE SÏREET 8 o MO 1A A r (R2) ZONE .s 9R a =l *ð 1.02 4lt v,75 944 le s.: Èlù È s: I (:) (:) (:) o.73 Ètù 4,0f OEE -*ä I ñ; (.'t ìi ËÈ to.ß .Èä (a) 3r 066 J rll *g iñ 8IÈ $q È[r Èü T 4.47 2 1l aø.ostÐ etnßÆ WANOA t0.07 5 I ñ I 3 60.69m lO MELBOURNE SIREEI N1T04'001r 15.17 45.51m TO GLENELG SIREEÍ ÈF Þ*" $ ( iúi i-i.i.4ì¡ :; Tiì i:í: .\-rr F-r-r\r ¡t?1.r. i È lnrll I I dl¡tì/t \ :ì0iiT|i trlrlc-!-l i íì'í i?{:Gi:;i*í?i:D f}i-. WIDE 2O.l2m i,i \ STREET \.*s OVNHEþ ilÆS rJ dÞ t4 Þo oo 5E sNËi F ÉHp E!> ;Þ ,E låsã E Ë5ãg B dfø1Z E lc ¿. @ I I -:r àìav þ x9ø þ ø21 E t{> Bç: â i;f;3 16) ¡9 o14 ñ= Iñ o22 o ô . oI iEq =È ñ .z JI =o o @r EF ^o lLJ rJ Ê. Ë p Õ' rrj =' I üi !-a I ù f) = =. at) @Ø FØ eË áz 4o niz Þ ¡i oùi dez ofl :: -t 6 I a E q 9z ã; ei -m oØ i¡ o -r) k :ttr Ëõ R E> 'a) -- h@ I s ¿> iiz 99 H È9 @ tt- I c) z. o 1s9 @il qË=ã H fl" ^ -tr ll Ê x$tP* u4 % HË ËËãË ãii !+ï ll ,Í FqqÉ n p2 20 ,\ z, x o m I I o tt) ct rr¡ -t n Pc¿¡@f-e ' Tli"l-_AI11i\./ .i-\r-,'t-l 'i!./' THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES to TO REZONE LAN D WITHIN THE ctw OF KAWARTHA [File D06-18-143, Report PLAN2O1s-002, respecting part of Lot 6, identified as 57 Wittiam Street South - DTCKERSON] LAKES s Gtenetg street, Recitals: 1' 2. Section 34 of the Planning.Acf authorizes Council to determine the appropriate zoning categories and provisions assigned to land. council has received an application to amend the category and provisions relating to a specific parcel of land to recognize the exiðting use of the property as a duplex. 3. 4. A public meeting to solicit public input has been held. Council deems it appropriate to rezone the property. Accordingly, the council of rhe corporation of the city of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2015--. Section 1:00 Details 1.01 Plopertv Affected: The property affected by this by-law is described as part of Lot 6, s Glenelg street, former Town of Lindsay, city of Kawartha Lakes, 57 William Street South. 1.02 Textu?l Amend.ment: By-law No. 2000-7s of the Town of Lindsay is further amended to add the following section to Section g.3: "8.3.18 Residentiat Three Speciat Fifteen (R3-S1 5) Zone Notwithstanding subsection 8.2, on land zoned R3-s1s the following provisions shall apply: i. ii. iii. frontage setback setback Minimum lot Minimum front yard Minimum interior side yard 15.17 m. 6.37 m. 0.66 m.,' 1.03 of the Town of the "Residential S15) Zone" for ' attached to this By-law. Section 2:00 Effective Date 2'01 Effective Date: This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date it is finally passed, subject to the provisions of section 34 of the ptanning Act. By-law read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, this ** day of ***, 201s. Andy Letham, Mayor Judy Currins, City Clerk 21 I fìÊirciìT P¿4ñæd-æJ BY.LAW 2015. A BY.LAW TO AMEND THE TOWNSH IP OF LINDSAY zoN ING BY-LAW NO. 2005-75 C ^ FiLF" ¡{C. eú- t8-t43 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A'TO BY-LAW THIS PASSED 2015. DAY OF MAYOR CITY CLERK Glenelg St. W. 'LINDSAY' Ø U) R3-S15 E .q = Melborne St. W. CN U) o ao) -o E ñ O Durham St. W. 22 23 tt lr. The Gorporation of the Gity of Kawartha Lakes Planning Gommittee Report Report Number PLAN201 5-005 Date: January 14,2015 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Council Chambers Ward Community Subject: ldentifier: 5 - Fenelon An application to amend the Township of Fenelon Zoning By-law 12-95 to rezone the land from Restricted lndustrial (M1) Zone and Restricted lndustrial Exception Nine (M1-9) Zone to Future Residential Development (FCD) Zone on the property legally described as Part of Lot 23, Conc. 9, RP 57R8353 Part 1 and Part 2, geographic Township of Fenelon, now City of Kawartha Lakes (MG LEWIS LTMTTED). Author/Title: David Harding, Planner I S nature Recommendations: RESOLVED THAT Report PLAN2015-005, respecting Part of Lot 23, Conc. 9, RP 57R8353 Part 1 and Part2, geographic Township of Fenelon, identified as 19 and 39 West Street North, Application D06-29-086, be received; THAT a Zoning By-law Amendment respecting application D06-29-086, on property legally described as Part of Lot 23, Conc. 9, RP 57R8353 Part 1 and Par|2, geographic Township of Fenelon, substantially in the form attached as Appendix 'C' to Report PLAN2015-005, be approved and adopted by Council; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any documents and agreements required by the approval of this application. Department Head: Gorporate Services Director / Other: Ghief Administrative Officer: 24 Report #PLAN-2015-005 M G LEWIS LIMITED - D06.29-086 Page 2 of 7 Background: The applicant has submitted a rezoning application to remove the industrial use on the property and clarify that the lands are intended for future residential development. As the form of residential development is unknown at this time the applicant proposes a general development zone category (Future Residential Development (FRD) Zone). A further zoning amendment will be required to permit site specific residential use, when known. The property is currently vacant, and was previously used for the manufacture of furniture and wooden toys. Owner: M G Lewis Limited, Malcolm Lewis Applicant: EcoVue Consulting Services lnc., Kent Randall Legal Description: Part of Lol 23, Conc. 9, RP 57R8353 Part 1 and ParI 2, geographic Township of Fenelon "Urban Settlement Area" in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan Official Plan Zoning Restricted lndustrial (M1) Zone and Restricted lndustrial Exception Nine (M1-9) Zone on Schedule 'G' of the Township of Fenelon Zoning By-law No. 12-95. Site Size: 1.4ha (3.6 acres) Site Servicing: Municipal sanitary sewer and water systems. Existing Use: Vacant lndustrial Adjacent Uses: North: Residential/Cameron Lake East: Residential South: Residential West: Commercial/Residential Rationale: The subject land is a vacant industrial lot within an area which contains a mix of residential and commercial uses. The property, formerly within Fenelon Township, is now within the Urban Settlement - Fenelon Falls Fringe designation in the City's Official Plan. The owner seeks to re-zone the property to Future Residential Development (FRD) Zone in anticipation of future residential development. This zone category does not currently exist within the Township of Fenelon Zoning By-law No. 12-95, and must be created. The amendment shall permit: 1. Existing uses and public uses; 25 *, o,- 2. 3. =*, Jifif [Ë'''1Uõ?:]3-333 Page 3 of 7 The property to be rezoned once the applicable studies, reports, and plans have been submitted to the satisfaction of the City and its respective review agencies; and to Add a Future Residential Development (FRD) Zone to the Fenelon Zoning By-law. Supoortinq Document The applicant has submitted the following report in support of the application, which has been circulated to various City Departments and commenting agencies for review: 1. Planning Justification Report prepared by EcoVue Consulting Services lnc. dated August 1,2014. The report discusses and assesses the proposal in context of the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan, City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan, and Council adopted Fenelon Falls Secondary Plan. Applicable Provincial Policies: Staff has reviewed the Planning Justification Report prepared by EcoVue Consulting Services lnc. in support of the Zoning By-law Amendment. The report provides a review of the proposed development in the context of the current provincial and municipal policy framework. Staff is generally accepting of the planning rationale contained in the report. Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Growth Plan): The subject property is located within the Fenelon Falls settlement area. Sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 of the Grovuth Plan states that intensification and development is to be directed to settlement areas, and anticipates the intensification of brownfield sites. Provincial Policy Statement (PPS): The PPS provides for appropriate development while protecting resources of provincial interest. Section 1.1.3 of the PPS provides that development and intensification shall be directed to settlement areas. Section recognizes the intensification and redevelopment of brownfield sites within settlement areas where municipal services are available. Official Plan Gonformity: The property is designated 'Urban Settlement Area' in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan (OP). The Urban Settlement Area designation anticipates the intensification and redevelopment of lands, including brownfield sites, within settlement areas. The Fenelon Falls Fringe policies permit residential, uses in predominately low and medium density forms on full municipal services. Within the Council adopted Fenelon Falls Secondary Plan, the property is designated 'Residential'. 26 Report #PLAN-2015-005 - DO6-29-086 Page 4 of 7 M G LEWIS LIMITED Zoning By-Law Compliance: The subject property contains two zone categories: Restricted lndustrial (M1) Zone on the northern portion and Restricted lndustrial Exception Nine (M1-9) Zone on the southern portion. These zones permit a broad range of industrial uses such as a workshop, warehouse, industrial mall, light manufacturing and assembly, motor vehicle parts service and sales establishment, and dry-land marina uses. The applicant has submitted a Zoning By-law Amendment application for consideration in anticipation of the future intensification and redevelopment of the subject property. The proposed Future Residential Development (FRD) Zone shall remove the existing industrial use, and permit only existing and public uses. An additional zoning by-law amendment application accompanied with the appropriate studies shall be required to permit residential uses. lt is appropriate to remove the industrial use as the site is surrounded on three sides by residential development, and is designated Residential within the Council approved Fenelon Falls Secondary Plan. The provisions within the Future Residential Development (FRD) Zone category will ensure that rezoning to permit residential development does not proceed until the appropriate studies have been conducted. This will establish the appropriate type, scale and form of residential development appropriate on the lands. The required studies, reports, and plans may include but are not limited to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Functional Servicing Plan (Water, Sewage, and Storm Water Management). Traffic lmpact Study Record of Site Condition Archaeological Report Elevation Survey Planning Justification Report Conceptual Site Plan Sediment and Erosion Control Plan A copy of the proposed amendment is contained below as well as in Appendix 'C' to this report. PART 24 _ F IJTIJ RE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ( FRD I7ÔNtr 24.1 USES PERMITTED 24.1.1 No person shall hereafter change the use of any building, structure or land or erect or use any building or structure in a Future Residential Development (FRD) Zone, except for the following uses: Existing legal uses at the date of adoptíon of this By-law 27 Report #PLAN-2015-005 M G LEWIS LIMITED - DO6-29-086 Page 5 of 7 241.1.2 Public uses 24.2 ZONE PROVISIONS 24.2.1 No person shall hereafter change the use of any building, structure or land or erect or use any building or structure, in a Future Residential Development (FRD) Zone, except in conformity with the following zone provisions: Yard Requirements (min.) (a) front (b) interior side exterior side (d) rear (c) 15 m 10 m 10 m 15 m Lot Coverage (max.) 10 Building Height (max.) 10.5 m Gross Floor Area o/o no mrntmum 24.3 REMOVAL OF FUTURE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (FRD) ZONE CATEGORY 24.3.1 On land zoned FRD, the removal of the FRD Zone for future residential uses shall be in accordance with the satisfactory completion of any reports, plans, and/or studies required by the City of Kawartha Lakes and/or its respective review agencies. Other Alternatives Gonsidered : No other alternatives have been considered at this time. Financial Gonsiderat¡ons: There are no financial considerations for the City, unless the application was to be appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. Relationship of Recommendation(s) To Strateg¡c Priorities: Council has identified the following four main Council Strategic Priorities, namely: Enhancing Tourism Managing Aggregates o . 28 r o o o,- =*, Sii,'î,1É'o'1}õ?:13-333 Page 6 of 7 Developing a Knowledge-Based Economy (with focus on the water and agricultural sectors for job creation) Creating Connections (with a focus on infrastructure, communications and relationships). The application does not directly impact or align with a specific Strategic Priority. Review of Accessibility lmplications of Any Development or Policy: Any applicable accessibility matters will be addressed through the Building Permit applications. Servicing Gomments: The Capital Projects Division provided comment on December 16, 2014 that a Municipal Class EA is currently in process to evaluate upgrading the Fenelon Falls sewage system. A sanitary service connection for proposed development upon the lot is subject to the completion of the proposed upgrades in the system Consultations: Notice of this application was circulated to the prescribed persons within a 120 metre radius, agencies, and City Departments which may have an interest in the proposed application. As of the writing of this report, staff has received the following comments: Building Division on December 3, 2014 advised that they have no objection to the application. The Community Services Department on December 16, 2014, advised that they have no concerns with respect to the application. Alderville Fírst Nation on December 12,2014, had no concerns with respect to the application. A letter of objection was received on December 10, 2014 from Jim and Debbie Branidis, owners of 24 West Street North. They are concerned over the future development of the site. Concerns included the density of any future proposed built form and the traffic, noise and massing such development may generate. A letter of support was received from Susan Van Allen of 8 Oriole Rd. on December 11,2014. A letter of support was received from Peter Martin of 10 Oriole Rd. on December 18,2014. 29 o''', Development Services =*, Jli'ü'iË'"'1|õ?:13-333 PageT o17 - Planning Division Gomments: A development zone category, Future Community Development (FCD) Zone, is proposed, which shall restrict the use of the site to existing uses at the date of passing of the Zoning By-law Amendment, and public uses. No changes to the use of the land or adverse impacts to the neighbourhood are anticipated as a result of the proposed zone change. An additional Zoning By-law Amendment application shall be required to permit residential development. The rezoning of the property in anticipation of future residential development is beneficial as it aligns with provincial and municipal policies and objectives for the intensification of a brownfield site within an existing settlement area, and is consistent with the Residential designation within the Council approved Fenelon Falls Secondary Plan. Conclusion: The application conforms to the provincial policies concerning settlement areas and brownfield sites. Staff supports the application based upon the information contained within this report and the comments received at the time of report completion. Staff respectfully recommends that the application be referred to Council for APPROVAL. Attachments: Appendix 'A' @lÞ - Aerial Photo Appendix A.pdf Appendix 'B' fEl- - Applicant's Sketch Þ Appendix B. pdf Appendix 'C' @.r* - Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Appendix C, pdf Phone: 705-324-9411 ext. 1206 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1206 E-Mail: d Department Head: Ron Taylor Department File: D06-29-086 eha rd i n g @city. kawa rtha la kes.o 30 n. ca K t\ tr*r.i¡. 19 & 39 West Street North, Geographic Twp. of Fenelon ¡Ð Legend : n Road Centreline Upper Municipalities Properties _rl rf- IITT :[l -ìl tïtì * Þ o'u C) O 1:3,000 â 0.15 Kilometers WGS_1 984_Web_Merælor_Auxiliâry_Sphere @ City Qf Kawartha Lakes Th¡s map is a user generated stat¡c outpul from an lnlernet mapping sile and is for referenæ only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, current, or otherwise reliable. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 31 ll I lrf U R tFi r* f' t i\i:i-rii=íÅ\ i'n zo6 -ao-S- r. ¡" ' -, rÞ- Flar ¡ Ài-¡ iJf I ¡ *q N s CAMERON LAKE Subject P ro e rty / @ I t #8 He en 0 50 100 150 2OO Not€: DislanæB shom ãre in molr€s and ñây bê ønve¡ted lo loot by divid¡ng by 0 3048 250m PROJECT No DRAWN BY: Emvuo Consult¡ng Soryiæ lnc EC 311 Gærge SL N., Su¡t6 200 Potorbomugh. ON E Fati 705.742 8343 rM1127 Sæle bat HW REVISION 32 0AlEl PLOT DATEI AuSust 1,2014 19 West Street Norlh Township of Fenelon HORIZ, SCALEi CHECKED BY: KgJ 3H3 T€l: 705.876.8340 : PM County of Victoria Sketch Plan J'nuary 26 m12 /.|::PENDIX THE coRPoRATloN oF rHE clTY oF KAWARTHA BY-LAW 2015 - " FrLENc. Wf TO REZONE LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES [File D06-29-086, Report PLAN2015-005, respecting Part of Lot 23, Conc.9, RP 1 and Part 2, geographic Township of Fenelon, now the City of 57R8353 Part - M G LEWIS LIMITEDI Recitals: 1 Section 34 of the Planning Acf authorizes Council to determine the appropriate zoning categories and provisions assigned to land. 2 Council has received an application to amend the categories and provisions relating to a specific parcel of land to permit a development zone category in anticipation of future development. 3. 4. A public meeting to solicit public input has been held Councildeems it appropriate to rezone the Property Accordingly, the Council of The Gorporation of the Gity of Kawartha Lakes enacts this By-law 2015-_. Section 1:OO Zo 1.01 Details Propertv Affected: The Property affected by this by-law is described as Part of Lot 23, Conc. 9, RP 57R8353 Part 1 and Part2, geographic Township of Fenelon, now the City of Kawartha Lakes, identified as 19 & 39 West Street North. 1.O2 Textual Amendmen!: By-law No. 12-95 of the Township of Fenelon is further amended to add the following section: PART 24 - I1'ST'RE RESIDENTIAIJ DEVELOPME¡A (E'RD) ZONE 24.L USES PERMITTED 24.L.L No person shall he¡eafter change the use of any building, structure or land or erect o! uEe any building or structure in a E\¡ture Residential Developnent (FRD) Zone, except for the following uses: 24.L,L.L Existing legal uses at the date of adoption of this By-law 24.L.L.2 Pub1ic uses 24.2 ZONE PROVISIONS 24.2.L No person shall hereafter change the use of any building, structure or land or erect or use any building or structure, in a Future Residential Development (ERD) ãot:.e, except in conformity with the following zone provisions: 24.2.L.L Yard Requirements (nin.) (a) front, (b) interior side (c) exterior side 15n 10m 10 rn 33 * håifiñ -f,;+rtó,*"f A BY.LAW TO AMEND THE TOWNSHIP OF FENELON ZONING BY.LAW NO. 12.95 Kawartha Lakes, identified as 19 & 39 West Street North C 1.03 (d) rear 15 24.2.L.2 Lot Coverage (max.) 10 t 24.2.L.3 Building Height (max.) 24.2.L.4 Grogs Floor 24.3 RE!{OVÀT OF E'UTURE RESIDENTIAI DEVELOPMENT (EBD) ZONE CATEGORY 24.3.L On land zoned I'RD, the removal of the ERD Zone A¡ea 10.5 m m no minimum for future residential uees ghall be in accordance with the satisfaatory conpletion of any reports, plans, and/or studies required by the City of Karartha Lakes and/or its respective review agencies. Schedule Amendment: Schedule 'G' to By-law No. 12-95 of the Township of Fenelon is further amended to change the zone categories from the Restricted lndustrial (M1) Zone and Restricted lndustrial Exception Nine (M1-9) Zone to the Future Residential Development (FRD) Zone category for the land referred to as 'FRD', as shown on Schedule 'A' attached to this By-law. Section 2:00 Effective Date 2.01 Effective Date: This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date it is finally passed, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. ***,2015. ** By-law read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, this day of Judy Currins, City Clerk Andy Letham, Mayor 34 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES THIS IS SCHEDULE 'A'TO BY-LAW THIS PASSED 20t5. DAY OF CIW CLERK MAYO Cameron Lake coN. P o O lP tt-l 9 FRD 'Fenelon -ç tJl ttl Fa zo ro co 'Geogra phic o o ttl Township of Fe ne lon' tJ1 G) = t_ t Kawartha L ak es Road g t 35 L- lls' The Gorporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes Planning Report Report Number PLAN 2015-003 Planning Committee Meeting Date: Time: Place: January 14,2015 1:00 p.m. Council Chamber Ward / Gommunity ldentifier: Ward 3 / Long Point, Balsam Lake Subject: An application for a Certificate of Validation for land identified as 130 and 131 Maple Avenue, geographic Township of Bexley (wTLLSONTA TNDUSTRTES LTD.). Author/Title: Doug Carroll, Manager of Planning S nature Recommendations: THAT Report PLAN2015-003, Application D03-1 4-016 for a Certificate of Validation for Part of Block A, Registered Plan 187, geographic Township of Bexley, identified as 130 and 131 Maple Avenue, be received; THAT the proposed Validation By-Law for land identified as 130 and 131 Maple Avenue, Township of Bexley, and attached as Appendix "D" to Report DEV2015003 be approved and adopted by Council; THAT the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute any documents required by the approval of this application for a Certificate of Validation; and THAT prior to the registration of the Validation By-Law the following conditions shall be fulfilled: 1. Payment of all past due taxes and charges added to the tax roll, if any; 2. Payment of a fee of $400.00 to the City of Kawartha Lakes for the review of documents and municipal records, and receipt and review of information relating to the clearance of these conditions; 3. The Applicant shall pay all costs associated with the registration of the required document(s); 4. All of these conditions shall be fulfilled within a period of three months after January 27,2014, failing which Council deems the Validation By-law to be null and void, and the Certificate of Validation to be invalid; Department Head: Gorporate Services Director / Other: Gh ief Adm i nistrative Officer: 36 Report PLAN2015-003 Willsonia lndustries Ltd. - D03-14-016 Page 2 of 5 5. The Applicant's solicitor shall provide a written undertaking confirming that the Validation Certificate in respect of this application shall be attached to the respective deed and registered in the proper land registry office within two months from the date of the third and final reading of the respective Validation By-Law. The solicitor should also undertake to provide a copy of the registered Validation Certificate to the City as conclusive evidence of the fulfillment of the above-noted undertaking. 37 Report PLAN2015-003 Willsonia lndustries Ltd. - D03-14-016 Page 3 of 5 Background: - Glenn Stanley Willson Owner: Willsonia lndustries Limited Applicant: Gowling Lafleur Henderson LL.P Legal Description: - Brian Parker, MCIP, RPP Part Block A, Registered Plan 187, Conc. 4, Part Lot A, geographic Township of Bexley Official Plan: Waterfront on Schedule "A-7" of the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan Zone: Limited Service Residential (LSR) on Schedule "4" of the Township of Bexley Zoning By-law No. 93-09 Total Area: 4,900 sq. m. Area of lot to be validated: 2,306 sq. m. Site Servicing: On-site private, individual well and sewage disposal system Existing Use: Residential Adjacent Uses: North& East & South: Balsam Lake West: existing residential Feb. 17,2007 - 134 Maple Ave. was transferred to Randall Stephen Willson by instrument no. R368883 March 2,2OO7 - 130 & 131 Maple Ave. was transferred to Randall Stephen Willson by instrument no. R456265 It appears that the properties described in instruments nos. R368883 and R456265 have merged. March 17,2008 - these two (2) lots were converted from Registry to Land Titles Conversion Qualified (LTCO) system November 20,2009 - 134 Maple Ave. was transferred to Willsonia lndustries Ltd. by instrument no.KL30559 November 20, 20Og - 130 & 131 Maple Ave. was transferred to Glenn Stanley Willson by instrument no.KL30560 These two (2) lots have been treated by the municipality and the taxing authorities as two (2) separate and distinct lots. Consent was not obtained for the 2009 transfers and a Validation Certificate will correct any contraventions of the Planning Act. On October 8,2014 Planning Committee received Report PLAN 2014-087 and referred the application for Validation of Title of 130 and 131 Maple Avenue, being PIN 631 16-01 27(LT), to Council for adoption. On October 14, 2014, Council adopted By-law 2014-292, which by way of a Certificate of Validation validated the title to PIN 63116-0127(LT). On October 28,2014 By-law 2014-292 was registered in the Registry Office as lnstrument Number KL92268. Subsequently, on November 5,2014, the owner's lawyer confirmed that the title of 134 Maple Avenue, which abuts 130 and 131 Maple Avenue, being PIN 631 16-0126(LT), also requires a separate Certificate of Validation. This report 38 Report PLAN2O15-003 Willsonia lndustries Ltd. - D03-14-016 Page 4 of 5 addresses the requirement that title of 134 Maple Avenue also be subject to a Certificate of Validation. Refer to Appendix A, B, C and D. Rationale: On 130 and 131 Maple Avenue, the 1't of two ex¡sting detached dwellings was established ín 1954 and the 2no was established in 1970 (MPAC records). On 134 Maple Avenue, the existing boathouse was established in 1954 and the existing detached dwelling in 2002 (MPAC records). On each lot there is no change of use, no change of lot boundary or new construction proposed. New development is not being proposed, only the validation (correction) of title. Other Alternatives Considered : The applicant could seek approval of the two (2) lots through the Committee of Adjustment. However, Validation of Title appears to be the more appropriate approach, given the history of the development and use of these lots and no changes to the existing uses and lot boundaries is proposed. Financial Gonsiderations: There are no financial implications for the City by approving this application Review of Accessibility lmplications of Any Development or Policy: As no construction or new use is proposed, a review is not required. Servicing Comments: Each of these two (2) lots is serviced by an on-site private, individual sewage disposal system. As of December 1, 2014, no concerns were raised by City staff or plan review agencies. Development Services - Planning Division Comments: The application conforms to the 2006 Provincial Growth Plan, is consistent with the 2014 Provincial Policy Statement and complies with the City's Official Plan. Further, the two (2) lots affected by the proposed Validation Certificate, comply with the minimum lot area and frontage requirements of the Bexley Zoning Bylaw. Staff respectfully recommends that the application for a Certificate of Validation as it relates to Reg. Plan 187, Part Block A, geographic Township of Bexley, and identified as 130 and 131 Maple Avenue, be approved and the draft Validation By-law forwarded to Council for approval. Consultations: Consultations were held with the applicant's planner, solicitor, City solicitor and other City staff. 39 Report PLAN2O15-003 Willsonia lndustries Ltd. - D03-14-016 Page 5 of 5 Attachments: Appendix EÉ uA'- Location Map ,LI 201s-01-14 Appendix'A' Location Appendix "8" I - Applicant's sketch 2014.05.29 Applicanfs sketch.pdf Appendix "Cu - Air photo & lot pattern G ,l'l 2014.08.13 - Air photo & lot pattern.pd - Appendix "D" H:ì l--¡ l-:l Validation By-Law 20t5.01.27 Validation By-law and Phone: E-Mail: 705.324.9411, ext.1240 or 1-888-822-2225 ext. 1240 Department Head: Ron Taylor Department File: D03-14-016 40 GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF BEXLEY "\FFËt{Ðt){ to FìËiìC,qT Balsam Lake Fli , ti_i-.i:: t\ì.'ì lk\J. p6 3;¡t1rì$rr¡ Title to be Validated (130 & 131 Maple Ave.) R.P. 187 SUBJECT LAND (130, 131 & 134 Maple Ave.) R'dg e Dr. Balsam Lake D03- 14-016 41 ServiceOntario PRINTED ON 27 lAN. 2014 AT 1ô:31;ag FOR SRIPLEYl SCALE 0 30 meteE PROPERTY INDEX MAP VICTORIA(No. s7) LEGEND E FRæHOLD PrcPÊìTY SSEAOÚ PROP€RÍY :: I UMIED INERÊSMOPEtrY õNOqNIUU PROPEtrY FIEÈD PIN IUAP UÞME PrcPffiñWA& PENOIN9 G6RÆHE E 0449 0805f¡ &OCX ¡UMEER HBR¡C E^SEM€NT fls ts NoTAPLAia o'F suRvEY 5¿vea,¿ A NOIES le.2Ç ËvH ffi mE iEGoRos rcR cqlPtÊfE Rffi W tæn qtpa â¡llt¡ rtP ¡al ú1 ¡l¡t¡cr tEE a? n!G!nn¡\1Eta6 llits aaP ldÂs @ô¡PllED FM Pr^ls ND æcwEMs fficoÐEorN üE 8D EGISIMTd SYtrIND æ BEã PREPARED rcR Prcffi N IdO9ONG PUFPOSES dLY R+n,*e7A t+9 s OIMÐ9dS OF PROPERTES E4TDMIES EæROÐ P6sñO æOtrENtS rcR l1 f' n't m -u I I t-- o ]J Þ d€m zTJ x aLY MAJOR eÆtã6 åRE SrcW¡l REF€RãCË PLAIS U¡¡DERIYóIG rcRÉ RECRT REFEREI{CE PISSAÂE NOf II¡USTRAIEO Þontar¡o o ôÍÞÊn's È¡ñbr lnr Onlârio. 2OlA .C I 42 c. r 4 o o t^J I SEÊ Aerial Photo lllustrating Properties along Maple Ave (Bexley) City of Kawartha Lakes 130 -131 Maple Ave ,t J 1:2,025 '11 o 12.5 25 3 Maple Ave 50 75 ¡/ieM 1á9end Teranet Parcel Fabric - Apr2014 134 Maple Ave fl tm - z o 112 MapleAve Aer'Þl lm0ery:20 n m -uo o n -l lç> I3 2 hpFEdDd bVûqolx¡Èù d'¡ Mrpp@å gs ûwDnúh d¡h ñffi &.d. R.ÞdGtbn HbdÉmb.¡d tr øoh'Èd Æ ffi¡ùd Þbú r..@ d.r. notorsey quùry h¡ htr ehk t tu d.ryd. õ bq. Ê..!. ftÞbrorp¡N.|4 GPhy MdN Þü¡ bdd c hMð nor.r. suó b n¡vE.b Propr.d By Msppiry & GIS Dil¡ebn Dd.8/13/2014 Pbt.drt1UO14 43 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES BY.LAW 2015. RËPORT A BY.LAW TO VALIDATE THE TITLE OF LAND IN THE GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP FILE NO. OF BEXLEY, NOW IN THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES [File D03-14-016, Report PLAN2015-003, respecting Part Block A, Registered Plan 187, Conc. 4, Paft Lot A, Geographic Township of Bexley, now City of Kawartha Lakes, 130 and 131 Maple Avenue, WILLSONIA INDUSTRIES LIMITEDI Recitals: 1 Subsections 57(1) and (8) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, authorize Council to issue a Certificate of Validation in respect of land described in the Certificate and impose such conditions in respect of any land described in the Certificate, as it considers appropriate. 2 Council has received a request to validate the title of land described as Part Block A, Registered Plan 187, Conc. 4,Patl Lot A, Geographic Township of Bexley, now City of Kawartha Lakes. 3 APPENDIX to Council deems it appropriate to give approval to a validation of title of the land described in the attached Certificate and to impose conditions, which shall be fulfilled prior to the registration of this Validation By-law. Accordingly, the Gouncil of The Corporation of the City enacts this By-law 2015-_. of Kawartha Lakes Section 1:00: Definitions and lnte 1.01 Definitions: Wherever a word is used in this By-law with its first letter capitalized, the term is being used as it is defined in this Section 1.01. Where any word appears in ordinary case, its regularly applied meaning in the English language is intended. (a) "By-law" means this by-law, as it may be amended from time to time. The Recitals to, and the Schedules attached to this By-law are considered integral parts of it. (b) "Gity" means The Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes. (c) "Clerk" means the person within the administration of the City, which fulfils the function of the City Clerk as required by the Municipat Act, 2001 S. O. c.25. (d) "Council" means the elected municipal council for the City. (e) "Director" means a Director of the City. 1.02 lnterpretation (a) (b) (c) (d) Rules: Whenever this By-law refers to a person or thing with reference to gender or the gender neutral, the intention is to read the By-law with the gender applicable to the circumstances. References to items in the plural include the singular, as applicable. The word "include" is not to be read as limiting the phrases or descriptions that precede it. The recitals, and any schedules to this By-law are integral parts of it. 1.03 Statutes: Specific references to laws in this By-law are printed in italic font and are meant to refer to the current laws applicable within the Province of Ontario as at the time this By-law was enacted. For Provincial laws, the reference is to the relevant chapter of the R.s.o. 1990 edition, as amended from time to time or current S. O, edition. 1.04 Severabilitv: lf a coutt or tribunal of competent jurisdiction declares any portion of this By-law to be illegal or unenforceable, that portion of this By-law will be considered to be severed from the balance of the By-law, which will continue to 44 operate in full force and effect. ! ôô3 Willsonia lndustries Ltd. - City of Kawartha Lakes D03-14-016 - Validation By-law Page 2 of 4 Section 2:00: Details 2.01 Propertv Affected: The Property affected by this by-law and subject to the attached certificate isdescribed as Part BlockA, Registered Plan 187, Conc.4, Part Lot A, Geographic Township of Bexley, now City of Kawartha Lakes. 2.02 Conditions: The conditions precedent to the registration of this By-law are: 1. Payment of all past due taxes and charges added to the tax roll, if any; 2. Payment of a fee of $400.00 to the City of Kawartha Lakes for the review of documents and municipal records, and receipt and review of information relating to the clearance of these conditions; 3. The Applicant shall pay all costs associated with the registration of the required document(s); 4. All of these conditions shall be fulfilled within a period of three months after January 27,2015, failing which Council deems this Validation By-law to be null and void, and the Certificate of Validation to be invalid; 5. The Applicant's solicitor shall provide a written undertaking confirming that this Validation By-law and attached Validation Certificate shall be registered in the proper land registry office within two months from the date of the third and final reading of this Validation By-Law. The solicitor should also undertake to provide a copy of the registered Validation By-law to the City as conclusive evidence of the fulfillment of the above-noted undertaking. Section 3:00: Effective Date 3.01 Effective Date: This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date it is finally passed, subject to the provisions of Section 57 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13. By-law read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, this 27th day of January, 2015. Andy Letham, Mayor Judy Currins, City Clerk 45 City of Kawartha Lakes Willsonia lndustries Ltd. - D03-'14-01 6 - Validation By-law Page 3 of 4 The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P13, as amended Section 57 Certificate of Validation ln accordance with Subsection 57(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P13, as amended, Council of the Corporation of the City of Kawartha Lakes has on the 27h day of January, 2015, issued this Certificate of Validation respecting the title of the following land: That parcel of land situate in the City of Kawartha Lakes, Geographic Township of Bexley, being composed of Part Block A, Registered Plan 187, Conc. 4, Part Lot A, (PlN 631 16-0126(LT). Dated this 27th day of January, 2015 Judy Currins, City Clerk City of Kawartha Lakes 46