Caitriona McClean, Fianna Fáil
Caitriona McClean, Fianna Fáil
LUCAN N E W S L E T T E R Established 1967 Sub. 50c. th Sunday 24 May 2015 The May Procession 1930’s The scene is on the Main Road just outside the Convent, and they appear to be coming from the Chapel Hill direction, as the statue of Our Lady turning the corner, is just about visible at the end of the line. The girls in their First Communion dresses are followed by the Children of Mary carrying a banner of Our Lady. The Children of Mary were a sodality, and wore blue cloaks and veils on such special occasions. The men and boys would have led the procession, followed by the girls and women! It was a time when the Sisters were not allowed leave the convent, and would have been waiting in the Nuns Chapel for the procession’s arrival at St. Mary’s Church. In the foreground, the tramlines are very visible, the trams running to 1941. Sections of the tracks could still be seen at the bottom of Esker Hill well into the 1960s, and many a cyclist came a cropper as his front wheel became embedded, tossing him over the handlebars! The May and Corpus Christi Processions were great events in any parish’s calendar until recent times. The photo is from May Vallom’s collection, she being one of Lucan’s unsung heroines who has provided us with a great photo history of times gone by. m. m. Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10 am to 1 pm and 2pm to 4 pm each day, closed for lunch 1 pm to 2 pm. For your convenience, please arrive before 12.30 p.m. in the morning, and before 3.45pm in the afternoon, as we close promptly. Citizens Information Phone Service (CIPS) 0761 07 4000 – opening hours 9 am to 8 pm Monday to Friday. MABS (Money Advice and Budgeting Service) helpline and MABS mortgage arrears helpline are both on the same number 0761 07 2000. Our services are free and confidential. Free Legal Advice Clinic (FLAC) on Thursday nights from 7 pm to 8.30 pm. FLAC telephone and referral line 1890 350250. Please note that FLAC provides Free Legal Advice and not Free Legal Aid. Know your rights: Better Energy Homes Scheme Question: Our house is quite chilly, so we’d like to make it more comfortable and save on our heating bills. Are there any grants for this type of work? Answer (May 2015): You can apply for the Better Energy Homes Scheme, which provides grants to homeowners to improve energy efficiency in their homes. (It is also available to landlords and owners of more than one property.) The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) administers the scheme. You can use the Home Energy Self Survey to identify areas in your home that could be improved to increase energy efficiency. You can also get a Building Energy Rating (BER) done if you are uncertain about your energy-saving options or what work to get done first. Grants are available for the following types of work: roof insulation; wall insulation; upgrade of heating controls; installing a high-efficiency boiler; solar heating; and a BER after the energysaving work is carried out. To qualify for a grant, you must own a dwelling built before 2006; use a contractor from SEAI’s registered list; use newly fitted materials and products; have work done that complies with the required standards; have a BER carried out after the works are done and use a BER assessor from SEAI’s National Register. You must have grant approval before you buy materials or start work. Grants for qualifying measures range from a maximum of €300 for attic or cavity wall insulation to a maximum of €4,500 for external wall insulation on a detached house. Grants are paid after the work is completed and you have paid your contractor. If you get three qualifying measures done, a bonus of €300 is payable on top of the grants. (A BER doesn’t count as a measure for this bonus.) A further €100 is payable on completion of a fourth measure. Full details of grants and bonuses are available on If you are also claiming a tax credit under the Home Renovation Incentive, the amount of expenditure that qualifies for the credit will be reduced. You can contact SEAI at 1850 927 000 or Summer Plant Sale The ACRE Project will hold its 4th Annual Summer Plant sale at the Salesian College, Maynooth Road, Celbridge on Saturday and Sunday, 23rd and 24th May from 11 am to 5 pm with quality plants including summer bedding, hanging baskets, shrubs, and window boxes on offer. The new polytunnels will be open for inspection, refreshments served and a gardenrelated raffle held. Faith Restored in Humanity I had a very frightening experience one morning last week around 9am on the M4 near Junction 4 where the merging traffic from Leixlip and traffic on the M4 meet. I was pulled in on the side of the road and not one but two different men pulled in to see if I needed help. I told the first man I was grand and thanked him but it turned out I wasn't! The second man, driving a silver coloured Nissan Micra pulled in and without any fuss, took off my damaged wheel and put back on the spare. In the short space of time he was there, I didn't get an opportunity to ask his name, but if he is reading this, I just want to say a very big thank you. It restored my faith in humanity and the knowledge that some people still help because they can and want to. As he said himself, "he was going home now because he had just done his good deed for the day"!! I very much appreciate his kind deed & hope that he is rewarded tenfold. Regards and thanks Audrey O'Reilly Lucan Drama Lucan Planning Council If you are looking for a good night out without having to travel far why not come to The Spa Hotel Wednesday 27th right through to Saturday 30th, 8 30pm to enjoy Lucan's production of 'Run for your Wife' by Ray Cooney and directed by Ciara Meehan. L.P.C. welcomes The South Dublin County Councils Strategy for Tourism for the 5 years 20152020 which was launched some weeks ago. Dinner and Play €25, great value, nice community ambiance, easy parking or you can walk down and enjoy a drink while catching up with neighbours and friends during the pre and post discussion of the play. A comedy which is guaranteed to give you a good laugh! Looking forward to catching up with you all next week. Lucan would be at the centre of a potential series of water based activities and cycling loops with access to the Grand and Royal canals, Griffeen Park and St Catherines Park. Tickets €12, Concession €7. If you are having dinner book with the Spa 6280494. Diners should arrive in Spa 7.15ish. 'Run for your Wife ' is one the most successful of Ray Cooney's comedies and The English playwright has also worked on television and in films. Sheila 0872547725; Bernie 0864015794 In the plan the County is divided into six 'Clusters'. Lucan is to be the hub of the Liffey Valley Cluster which will also include Palmerstown. The plan envisages the establishment of a Liffey Greenway which would see the Arthurs Trail in Celbridge extended through Leixlip, Lucan, The Strawberry Beds, Palmerstown and Chapelizod, to end at the Guinness Brewery in the city. Fingal,Kildare, and Dublin City Councils have committed to supporting the venture. A small group with specific responsibility for marketing and promoting the area is to be set up without delay. L.P.C. has consistently supported the efforts of The Liffey Valley Park Alliance who for years have been calling for the promotion of the Liffey Valley an outstanding tourism amenity with potential to create many local jobs. The plan can be viewed on line at Many thanks to all who supported our recent Table Quiz at Lucan Sarsfelds G.A.A. Club, in particular the local traders and businesses who donated prizes for the raffle. Hillcrest Residents Association A.G.M. Hillcrest Residents Association AGM will take place on Thursday 28 May at 7.30pm in St Thomas' NS, Esker. Agenda will include update on Traffic situation, awareness of keeping crime from our doors, plus appointing a committee who will forward the work of our residents association so that community and neighbour needs are enhanced. Hillcrest Estate has many new residents, we would ask that you encourage your new and existing neighbours to come along. Together we can plan ahead. Contact: Maria Murphy To Robin Higgins on your Communion Day, this Saturday 23rd May. Have a great day! Lots of love from Nana, Grandad, your Aunties, Uncles and all your cousins x x x Parish Notes St. Patrick’s Esker/Dodsboro/Adamstown St Mary’s, Lucan First Holy Communion Congratulations to the boys and girls from Gaelscoil Eiscir Riada who receive their First Holy Communion this Saturday. Remember them in your prayers. Rosters Ministers of the Eucharist: The new rota for Ministers of the Eucharist is available for collection in the sacristy for those who do not receive it by email. Ministers of the Word: The roster for Ministers of the Word for June, July and August 2015 is now available for collection in the sacristy for those who have not already received it by e-mail. Christian Meditation We meet each Tuesday night at 8pm in The Bungalow. Everyone welcome. Sr. Geraldine, 6217158. Bethany Group Bethany Group is available to listen to or just be there for anyone who is feeling lonely or lost following the death of a loved one. We meet on the 2nd Monday of each month from 10.30am-11.30am, also on the 4th Thursday of each month from 8pm 9pm. Parish Centre – 6217041. Holy Communion for the sick and housebound If you wish to avail of this service or if you know someone who does, please contact one of the priests. Parish Ministry It is an important part of our ministry to support people in times of sickness and bereavement. We would greatly appreciate it, if you would let us know if someone in your family is ill or admitted to hospital. Phone Parish office – 6217041 weekdays between 9.30am and 2pm. (except Thursday). First Holy Communion Congratulations to all the boys and girls from Scoil Mhuire, Airlie/Woodview Heights who receive their First Holy Communion this weekend. May God’s blessing be with them always. Bethany Bereavement Support Group We meet on the third Wednesday of each Month from 8pm to 9pm in the Pastoral Centre, St. Patrick’s Church. This is a free, confidential service and is available to everyone in Lucan and the outlying areas. We can be contacted through the Parish office: Tel: (01) 628 1018 or Email: St. Patrick’s Prayer Group We met every Monday night in St. Patrick’s Pastoral Centre from 8.30-9.15pm. All welcome. Pilgrimages Lourdes - 13th to 18th September. 4 star Hotel Eliseo. Full board, inc insurance. €659.00 pps. Call Pat or Phil 086 0677392/086 2437653 Medjugorje - 7th to 14th October. Spiritual Director: Fr. Philip Bradley. From €589.00 pps Call Pat or Phil 086 0677392/086 2437653 Rosary During the month of May 2015 on each weekday evening at 7pm in the small green Beech Park, the Holy Rosary will be offered by some local residents - and there is room for more. All welcome Special Mass for Exams The Annual Collection for Crosscare Youth Services will take place at all Masses THIS weekend 23rd and 24th May. It will replace the normal SHARE collection. Please give us your support. In St Mary's Church, Lucan Friday 29th May At 7.30pm Students, Parents, Grand-Parents are all welcome Leixlip History Club Our next presentation is on Thursday 28th May in Leixlip Library at 7.15pm Suzanne Pegley will speak on Lucan House - A Palladian Villa: 18th Century Parkland to 21st century amenity. (Lucan House is now the Italian Embassy) Lucan Presbyterian Church at The Lucan Centre, Primrose Lane, Lucan (turning opposite the AIB Bank, in Lucan village) Saturday 20th June 2015 Saturday 18th July 2015 Saturday 22nd August 2015 10.00 am - 2.00 pm Gates open at 8.30 am for sellers Cars selling items €15.00 - Vans €20.00. NO trailers Free car parking and Free admission to public Refreshments available to purchase Toilet facilities All queries regarding the Car Boot Sale to: or telephone 01 6281182 Stewarts Care Palmerstown Open Day THIS Sunday 24th May 2015 All welcome Can you SpareanHour for Sunflower? Our Lady's Hospice and Care Services, Harold's Cross and Blackrock are in urgent need of your help. Sunflower Days 5th and 6th June If you could donate an hour or two of your time to lend a hand selling Sunflower pins please contact Imelda on: 01 4911072 or Thank you WOULD YOU LIKE TO VOLUNTEER AS A COMPUTER TUTOR FOR THE OVER 55’S?? Age Action Ireland is looking to recruit volunteer tutors to teach basic IT, email and internet skills to older people in Leixlip Library. The programme assists older people (55+) to learn basic IT, internet and email skills. Only 1 in 4 older people are online and the Getting Started programme helps older people to bridge the digital divide, to beat exclusion and isolation and to increase independence and equality. Classes will run for 1.5 Hour commitment, once a week for 5 weeks. All tutors are volunteers and teach one student at a time in small class groups. For the beginners course volunteers will be encouraging and helping older people to learn simple IT tasks (turn computer on/off, use the mouse, keyboard, search the internet, send and receive emails). Older learners may also be interested in learning other skills such as how to use Skype, downloading photos etc. Training will be provided and tutor lesson plans are available on all topics. What's required for this position * Fluent English. * Knowledge of computers. * Patience and understanding. * Interest in working with Older People. If you are interested, please email Anne-Marie at or contact our “Getting Started” team 01 475 6989. Come and Fellowship with the Holy Spirit Venue: Bush Centre, Balgaddy, Lucan South Day and time: Every Saturday from 6pm - 8pm. Call: 087 3744782. Come and experience the Lord. Blessing of Remembrance in Glasnevin Cemetery, Sunday 24 th May at 3.00 pm. Each year hundreds of bereaved parents and family members come together for a Blessing Service at the Old Angels garden. Many parents travel from all over Ireland to attend and we hope to see you all again this year. We welcome in particular parents whose babies died long ago and who may have only in recent years traced their babies’ grave or to those parents who have no grave. Acknowledgements FENNELL (MARY) R.I.P. The family of Mary, who died recently on her 104th birthday, would like to thank all at Marymount and St Mary's who made her Funeral such a celebration of her long and full life. Thanks to Caitríona and Des of the Funeral Ministry who helped with the preparation of the liturgy, to Bernie and Michael for the glorious music, and to Fr Philip for the lovely Mass. We very much appreciated the presence of the large congregation of friends and neighbours ... Mary would have been very proud of the great send-off given to her in Lucan . KEARNS (MARGARET) 1st May 2015 The family of the late Margaret Kearns wish to thank Fr. Thomas Kennedy for support during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to our neighbours and friends who responded with Mass Cards and prayers. Eileen Harrison (daughter) SPEIGHT (MYLES) Kathleen (wife) and family of the late Myles Speight, would like to thank all our neighbours, friends and all who called to the house, attended the Funeral and sent Mass cards, we are very grateful for all your support and kindness. We would also like to thank the staff of Blanchardstown Hospital, Cunningham’s, the Priests and Funeral Team of St. Mary’s and Kenny’s Bar for all their help. Mylie’s Months Mind Mass will be on Saturday 30th May at 6.30pm. Anniversaries CULLEN (ROBERT) 16th Anniversary In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandad. Always remembered by your loving wife Pauline, sons, daughters, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law and grandchildren CURTIS (FRANK) 6th Anniversary – 25th May Our hearts are filled with memories With pride we speak your name Though life goes on without you It will never be the same. Loved and remembered by Eileen, Scott, Annie, Liam, grandson LJ and Aideen and Daniel DEANE (VINCENT) 1st Anniversary – 26th May In loving memory of Vincent. Cherished thoughts of times together Hold memories that last forever Always in our thoughts and prayers. Sadly missed by Rita, Martin, Sandra, Kevin, Jackie, Michelle, Jim and all his beloved grand daughters Mass will be held on Sunday 31st May at 12 o’clock. DURKIN (KATHLEEN) 1st Anniversary – 28th May Late of Esker Lawns. Died in her 101st year. Greatly missed and loved always by her family. Sons Jack, Joe, Frank, daughter Kathleen, daughters-in-law Jean and Annette and grandchildren and great grandchildren. We will remember her at the 12.15pm Mass on Sunday 31st May. GOGARTY (WILLIAM – BILLY) 7th Anniversary – 21st May Born Palmerstown village, late of Cherbury Park, Lucan and Lucan Sarsfields. Died in office as Mayor of South Dublin, May 21st, 2008. Still fondly remembered by family and friends KEENAN (HUGH) 6th Anniversary – 16th May Death changes everything Time changes nothing I still miss you I miss the wisdom of your advice The stories that we shared And just being with you I just miss you. Forever loved and missed, Marie SULLIVAN (BREEDA) 7th Anniversary – 28th May In loving memory of Breeda. Loved and remembered always by your husband, family, relations and friends Baptismal Candles Available from St. Mary’s Parish Centre or Sacristy. Cost €5. Campaign for a Pool4Lucan! May, 2015 Campaign Update Please sign the #Pool4Lucan petition online if you haven't already? Every signature and comment counts and we’re delighted to have gathered well over 3,000 signatures supporting the politically-neutral campaign for a #Pool4Lucan, so far. We’ve gradually been making our way around Lucan schools, collecting signatures at home-time with the help of parents, and at some sporting events. We’ve got huge support from people we meet. Nearly everyone agrees that Lucan desperately needs properly-resourced leisure facilities, and especially a public swimming pool with an upgraded leisure/community centre, to serve as a hub for our population of over 46,000 people. You can follow the #Pool4Lucan campaign on Facebook: and on Twitter @Pool4Lucan too. We continue to call on South Dublin County Council and the Minister for Sport to prioritise funding and plans to ensure Lucan is finally given the public pool that it deserves and needs. Helen Farrell and Sandra Whelan, Pool4Lucan Campaign Co-Ordinators. Facebook: Twitter: @Pool4Lucan #Pool4Lucan Onlline petition: Gmail: Lucan Sarsfields Bingo 27th of May Starting at 8.30pm JACKPOT €250 All welcome! Great fun for everyone! Thurs 10th Sept: Historical walk through Lucan Village. Meet at 10.30 am at St Mary's Church car park. Duration approx 2hrs.(Free) Dublin & Lucan Steam Tramway Talk and slide show on the history of Lucan's tram system which operated from 1881 t0 1940. Lucan Presbyterian Church 8pm. (Free) Fri 11th Sept The old schooldays 5th/6th primary class students ask Senior Citizens about their schooldays in the 1940's/50's and 60's. Lucan Presbyterian Church 11am. (Free) Sat 12th Sept Tom Byrne Memorial Road Race Organized by Lucan Harriers for young and old. Meet at Lucan Harriers Athletic Track in Esker at 10am. Walk the grounds of Lucan House and Demesne. Follow in the footsteps of the Sarsfields (by kind permission of the Italian Ambassador). Falcon display and demonstration, Dublin Male Voice, Choir and Ceoltas Ceoltoiri Lucan. From 2 to 5 pm. Tickets €5. Admission by ticket only. Ticket venues to be announced later. Sun 13th Sept Family Fun Day Walk the main street of the Village from 1pm to 6pm in a car free atmosphere and enjoy Puppets, Reptiles, Pet Farm, Garda Station Open Day, Lucan Tram, Vintage Cars, Food Stalls of the World, Bouncy Castles, Street Entertainers. Two stages will showcase local talent all afternoon. Wander down to the Liffey Weir and pluck up your courage and get into a raft for the experience of a lifetime by rafting over the 12 foot high weir. Enjoy and participate in our world famous duck race on the Griffeen River. All events are free except for the Rafting and Duck race Any groups, bands etc please let us know if you want to show your talents on stage by emailing us at: Joe Byrne Chairman Cul Hero from Lucan! Well done to Lucan’s Peter Kelly who features in the latest card game – Cul Heroes, a GAA version of Match Attax! It’s a pity more Lucan lads don’t feature, but maybe next year! Well done also to Emmet Ó Conghaile, who according to the Evening Herald of Wednesday 19th May is a “Star of the Future” – one to watch! Pope Francis had a smile for Lucan people this week as some locals went along to see him at the Vatican. More prefabs...... See in South Dublin Planning Applications where Lucan Community College are seeking permission for a single storey prefab with 6 classrooms, and Coláiste Coil Life are seeking a 2 storey prefab with 8 classrooms and a science room. The prefabs are better than nothing, but there are far too many of them around Lucan these days! Free Wednesdays at Heritage Sites.... The O.P.W. continues its policy offering FREE ADMISSION to individuals wishing to visit most heritage sites, on the first Wednesday of every month. It’s not quite a lifetime ago……. Anyone with half a century behind them will remember: When people felt safe in their homes. When property, such as it was, was safe – the key often left in the front door. When bag snatching in Lucan and indeed in any village, was unheard of. When it was safe to walk the roads any time of the day or night – the worst that could happen was that a Garda might catch a cyclist with no light on their bike! When everyone knew everyone else, and looked out for each other, making it safer still. Where did it all go wrong……… Every day we hear about more break-ins to houses all over Lucan. The distress caused whether anything is taken or not is very traumatic for victims. Please take care, and if you see anyone or anything suspicious in your area, call the Gardaí at Lucan on 016667300 Lots of football jerseys in the Vatican Museum – will have to see about getting the Dubs in there! Survey for features of Local Heritage Interest! South Dublin Co. Council are inviting people to inform them of any items of heritage in their area. “If there are items of specific local interest in your area that you feel are important, let us know. Take a photograph and tell us about it: where it is; why it is important in your area; and why you think it should be highlighted”. Send off to the Heritage Officer at: or South Dublin Co Co, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24, before 4pm Friday 5th June 2015. Beware of Bogus Leaflets! If you’re getting work done, check out the person carrying it out before you hand over any money or give access to your property. It seems that some ‘companies’ are not real companies at all, and deposits have been lost! This is really unfortunate for the genuine workers, but be careful! Lost Pair of Sunglasses lost in the green area in front of Arthur Griffith Park / St. Finians. Contact 087-2308806. CHOOL NEWS Coláiste Phádraig Cricket: Many congratulations to our senior cricket team who claimed the Leinster Schools “B” title on Monday 18th May after defeating a strong Blackrock College in the final. The team qualified for the final after an impressive semi-final display last Thursday when they saw off the challenge of Terenure College. Lucan batted first and set the Terenure a daunting target of 106 runs to win but the Lucan bowlers were in great form and bowled out the opposition for a measly 48 runs to advance to the final. The team once again opted to bat first and with Hamza Maan in brilliant form at the crease, Lucan set a target of 107 for their opponents. Humza Mahmood bowled superbly to take 3 crucial wickets and Blackrock’s middle order soon as they struggled to come to terms with the pace and spin of the Lucan bowlers. Blackrock were eventually all out for 68 and the Lucan players were all understandably ecstatic when the final Blackrock bowler was dismissed. The team won the competition with a 100% record and they thoroughly deserved to claim the coveted Leinster title for the school. The victory rounded off a spectacular year for sport in the school with a total 10 major trophies won across the various sports. Soccer: Hard luck to our u15 soccer team who were defeated 1-0 in the Dublin League Final held in Peamount on Tuesday 19th May. The team were missing their influential captain Séamus Curley due to injury but the nevertheless performed very well on the day against a very strong Templeogue team. This was the team’s 18th game of a very long season that has seen them claim the coveted Leinster Minor Cup, lose the All-Ireland semi-final and be beaten finalists in the Leinster Champions League and now the Dublin League. Well done to the entire panel on a remarkable campaign which unfortunately ended on a sour note. Gaisce: The annual Gaisce adventure journey took place between the 14th and 16th of May. Over forty students and five teachers took part in the trip with bronze and silver participants successfully completing their journey. The students ventured to Wicklow town to complete this leg of their Gaisce and their willingness and enthusiasm ensured that the trip proved to be an enjoyable and successful adventure. On Thursday, the TY1 students and five silver applicants from fifth year hiked along the coast from Wicklow town to Greystones, covering a total of 25km while on Friday the TY2 students arrived and they also successfully completed their adventure journey. The silver Gaisce students completed an impressive 50km over the 2 days so a special well done to them. Thankfully, the weather held up on both days! Congratulations to all who took part on this final leg of their Gaisce journey. The students will receive their medals in September. Gluais: Congratulations to the Gluais team who received their certificates at the Gaisce Graduation ceremony held in Collinstown Park Community School last week. The students have passed onto the mantle to a new group of 6 students from 5 th year, who completed their 2 day long training during the Easter holidays. The new Gaisce group will organise many events for the new 1st yrs throughout the new school year. Awards: Congratulations to all of the students who won academic awards at the annual presentation of awards this week in the school. The awards are given out to students in recognition of their hard work throughout the year. Some students were multi award winners while others were thrilled just to win one! Many thanks to the prefects who helped Ms. Kelly organise and run the award ceremonies. Photography winners: Congratulations to the winners of the latest photography competition winners. The last competition of the year was held this week and once again the standard of entrants was very impressive. The theme this time was “Isolation” and well done to Sean Gibney who won 1st prize with his atmospheric and well taken photograph of a youth alone in a shadowy, empty room. Well done also to Scott Connolly, Abhiram Ajith and Luke Geraty who also won prizes for their excellent photographs that can be viewed on the schools twitter page @lucanbcstwitter. Scoil Oscair CNS Lucan Enrolment - Scoil Oscair CNS, Lucan are now enrolling for Junior Infants – 1st class for September 2015. Please contact: Principal, Nichola Spokes, on 01 4570432 or download enrolment forms from Lucan ICA Tues 25th: Crafts 10 – 12.30. A mixed bag of crafts at the moment from knitting to crochet, fabric painting and embroidery. If you would like to come along to the bungalow in St. Mary’s Church grounds any Tuesday morning. Web 26th: Committee Meeting. Scoil Mhuire Girls & St. Mary’s Boys National Schools Annual Sports Day Sunday, 24th May, 2015 in the grounds of St. Mary’s Boys School Lucan Congratulations to all the guild members who entered a craft in Howth. We had 26 prize winners and came home with the Interguild Cup for the most entries in crafts in Dublin. A big thank you to Mary C for all her work in getting all the crafts there and back and to her helpers Evonne, Miriam, Marys and Linda. A special thanks to Katherine Curtis from Memory Tours, for al lher help and guidance on our annual tour. This year we went to Powerscourt and Glendalough and had a most enjoyable day and came home tired but happy. All parents and children attending both schools are invited to join in the fun. The cost is €10 per family payable on the day. This admission fee includes payment for all activities. Liffey Sound 96.4fm The very best of good luck to our friends in Lucan Drama, who present their play, “Run For Your Wife" at the Spa Hotel next Wednesday to Saturday. We know it will be a huge success, as always. In our "Community Hour - Sports" programme next Wednesday from 9 to 10 p.m., we welcome in the folks from Barnhall Rugby Club, who will talk about its history and development it's successes and plans for the future, as well as the sport of rugby itself Meanwhile ,another reminder for classical music lovers of our new programme, "Opera Works", presented by Michael Bourke, which airs every Saturday (except the third Saturday of the month) at 6 p.m. Liffey Sound -Your Station, Your Voice. ICA LUCAN Fundraiser Back by Popular Request Award Winning Chef Robert Curley St Mary’s Parish Centre Monday 25th May 2015, at 8pm Raffle Prizes, Fun and Supper Tickets €15, available from Eilish at 01 6241441 Lucan Active Retirement Next week we will have our Bealtaine morning on Thursday 28th May when our hardworking drama group will be performing their sketches. We are looking forward to a great mornings entertainment. Our Whist results for 19/5/15 – It was complete girl power with five women getting first place as follows: Miriam Walsh, Marguerite Cunningham, Nellie Doyule, Margo McDonagh, and Frances Norton. Nagarmail, May 16th 2015 Three weeks to the day since the first Earthquake. 4 days since the 2nd Quake. Has time flown by or dragged its weary feet slowly, trying to keep up with, on one hand, the chaos and fear, on the other the need to rise up and rebuild? I myself was with my wife and 2 kids for the 1st tremblor, but was not with them for the 2nd. My life flashed before my eyes, I got on my bike, and stopstarted through crazed jammed up traffic, as other aftershocks rattled the 4-storey building on either side. I got home to see my wife and kids sitting outside with neighbours, I hadn't seen them for 2 days, it felt like a lifetime. The Situation in Nepal - 14 of the hardest hit districts, circling the Kathmandu valley to the North, South, East and West had returned to some form of normalcy, it was day 18, and relief was getting to most places, the hardest communities to reach still waiting amongst the rubble that was their homes. Tuesday 12th of May, the 2nd biggie, the epicenter north east of Kathmandu, ravaged the district of Sindupalchowk again, and left Dolakha district 10 times worse off than it had been after the first 1. Many other houses and buildings in districts which had cracked, gave in and fell to the ground. Nagarhope - Nagarhope has been trying to get tarpaulin sheets and tents through different means, and along with relief shelter and food relief, has been supplying donated clothes to affected areas. Every badly affected remote area reached opens another door to another village where assistance is needed. Yesterday with tarpaulin sheets provided by a Chinese friend, Dada and her supporters from the Chinese temple in Lumbini, we distributed 100 sacks of Rice, 100 tarpaulin sheets, salt and 50 sacks of donated clothes to a remote Village called Dhongaun in Anekot in Kavre District. Many thanks to all helpers and volunteers for what turned out to be a long day. Easily accessible places have been popular as organizations distribute aid, harder to reach areas are the areas that we are focusing on, places that are down and out, off the beaten track, untouched by the bigger organizations. Our own school, in operation only one ear suffered minor cracks after Quake 1, and severe damage after quake 2. Our rented office cracked beyond repair, Dhurba's house and home to 4 children destroyed. A 3 room classroom we built for Shree Terse School in Talamarang Sindupalchowk is reduced to rubble on three sides. Education Difficulties - The figures change daily, but over half a million or more homes have been destroyed and another half a million not safe enough to live in, 30000 classrooms are unfit to run classes in. Relief is yet to reach some of the most vulnerable people in far-flung mountainous areas. Schools in the 14 most affected districts which opened mid-April, will not start classes ‘til June 1st at the earliest, those buildings that have been totally wrecked may not run classes for months. Over 100,000 pregnant or almost due mothers are in danger of all sorts of danger due to many of them having to sleep outside in makeshift tents or homes battered together from the remnants of what used to be their homes. We Will Rise - The Nepali people have been very resilient in the face of destruction before, and have started to pick themselves up, on more than one occasion recently. Heroes are being made by the minute, as ordinary locals take the mantle and initiate rebuilding and relief efforts. Thanks - A special thanks to the Nagarhope Committees both in Ireland and Nepal for their tireless commitment until now, it has been a difficult time. Go raibh mile maith aguibh gach duine, Mise le Meas Fachtna 'Doc' Clandillon Donations Doc and Dhurba distribute clothing If you would like to make a donation, you can do so on the website You can also make a donation directly to 191 Beech Park, Lucan. Please do leave a contact name and address as we like to acknowledge all donations. Finally, you can make a donation in any bank using the following details: Account Name: Nagarhope BIC: ULSBIE2D IBA: IE30ULSB98604010122317 Again, please put your name on it. Cllr Paul Gogarty – Independent 087-2752489. / Council 2016 Commemoration Consultation: There will be a Public Meeting on Tuesday 2nd June from 7pm to 9pm at Tallaght Stadium for anyone interested in participating in the development and delivery of our county’s local programme. Register your interest to attend by emailing or tel 01 414 928501 414 9285 ASAP. You can also register ideas/stories/events through the dedicated website Draft Development Plan: Councillors begin the busiest period of their term with consideration and adoption of the Draft Development Plan over the next 10 weeks or so. Then YOU will get your say to influence the final plan. I will keep you posted, but keep an eye out for public notices also. Snippets: Some of the issues raised this week include speed limit clarification on Newcastle Road, traffic light sequencing at Gaelscoil Eiscir Riada and the Hermitage fencing along slip from Texaco. Cllr. Ed O’Brien - Fianna Fáil Constituency Office: 9/10 The Village Centre, Lucan. Ph: 01 6105811.Mob: 087 7997609 E mail: Fianna Fáil Representative for Lucan 1916 Commemorations: A public meeting in relation to the commemorations will take place in Tallaght Stadium from 7pm to 9pm on June 2 nd and I would invite any interested parties to attend, I hope to facilitate an information meeting in the Lucan area in the coming weeks. Surface Water at Lucan Heights: The Council have confirmed to me that a further inspection of this ground was carried out by engineers in the last month and I await the report in relation to the same to try to have the issue resolved. Clinics: Every Monday and Wednesday from 5.30 to 7 by appointment at my constituency office. Derek Keating Local TD Fine Gael Tel/Text: 087 285 7435. Office: 01 618 4014. Email: Dublin Bus: Following extensive consultations with local residents for several months, this week I met Senior Officials from Dublin Bus in Leinster House. I raised all the issues brought by you. Dublin Bus will compile a response and I will report further when received. Yes Campaign: I thank the many people I engaged with in recent weeks in this important campaign. In addition thanks to all those who attended the special Equali-tea event recently in our home, organised by our daughter Sinéad. Follow me on Twitter @derekkeating Please continue with the May Appeal– Let’s get Ireland talking about Mental Health – please visit - special thanks to those who contacted me on this appeal. Next Lucan Advice Clinic: Monday 25th May, 10.00am, Insomnia Café, Ballyowen Castle Shopping Centre (beside Penny Hill Pub). Minister Frances Fitzgerald TD, Fine Gael Constituency Office 12 Main Street, Lucan, Co Dublin 01 457 7712. Youth Diversion Project: I announced funding last week of €125,000 to establish the first ever Garda Youth Diversion Project in Lucan which will work to prevent youth crime in our community. Crosscare Lucan Youth Services have been selected to run the new project, which will be based at the Griffeen Youth Centre. The project will work closely with local Gardai in Ronanstown and Lucan. It is important that we invest to support our expanding young population in Lucan, to provide positive opportunities for recreation and socialising while working to prevent any negative trends such as involvement in youth crime. Funding for Playgrounds: Funding was announced by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, of €20,000 for a play space in Griffeen Avenue. The project will combine natural play, with traditional formal play elements. I look forward to it opening. Cllr. William Lavelle - Fine Gael Chairman of SDCC Planning & Transport Committee. 36 St. Andrews Drive, Lucan. 0874107885. Locking of carparks: Thanks to everybody who contacted me following my notes last week regarding Lucan Sarsfields being given keys to lock the carpark at Griffeen Valley Park. Woodview Heights: Footpath repairs have started. I am liaising with residents. Grass-cutting: I am receiving many complaints of areas not cut. I am following up on all of these. Adamstown Sports & Community Hall: I have had this on the agenda for every Lucan Area Committee meeting and I will continue until this new facility is delivered. The Liffey Valley: I attended the AGM of the Liffey Valley Park Alliance. I am pushing for implementation of the recent South Dublin Tourism Strategy including its recommendation for a Liffey Valley Greenway. Lucan Village: Thanks to all who have contacted me regarding the Village Green proposals. Political Notes Cont’d after sport section se.comsp CUMANN NA SÁIRSÉALAIGH LEAMHCÁIN 1886 Many thanks to all the teams who sent in match reports this weekend. Full details can be found on our website over 1500 players in action in the last week across all 4 codes from age 7 to 40+! Membership is now due for 2015 and can be renewed on-line via our website. Thanks to everyone who took the time to complete and return our club questionnaire. We will be presenting the analysis of the returned questionnaires next Friday 22nd May in the Lucan Spa Hotel at 8 o'clock at our club strategic planning forum. If you would like to be part of this planning forum please make every attempt to attend this event. The event will be facilitated by Niall Cooper from the Dublin County Board. This is your chance to play an active role in shaping the future of our club. Please support us as we attempt to develop a club strategic plan that will give us the framework to further develop our club. Gaeltacht Grants are available this year through the County Board. Closing date is May 24th; please contact Stiofan 0876804124 for further details. 25 Card Drive. The final game of the Club’s 25 Card Drive for the 2014/2015 season took place last Friday night 15th May 2015 with an accumulator of €500. Congratulations to overall winner Tony Rigney with a total of 66 games and to John O’Mahony who finished 2nd on a total of 58 games. Congratulations to Brendan Freeman who won a hamper and to the other raffle winners. Many thanks to all 29 players who competed over the season for their support of this Club event – we would love to see more players joining when play resumes on 16th October 2015. Contact Bill Ryan 086-8500376 for information. The Kube Fun Raisers are in full swing. This Saturday the Senior Footballers are running a BBQ and Race Night after their game at the Club at 6pm. A great night is planned. On Sunday evening at 8:30 there is a Quiz which will be run by Dermot English. Lots of great prizes and plenty of fun promised. Clairvoyant Bernie Stokes will appear at the Club on June 13th. Tickets on sale every Tuesday and Thursday at the bar 7:30pm. Bingo. The next Lucan Sarsfield’s Bingo Night takes place Wednesday May 27th at 8.30pm in the Clubhouse, eyes down! Well done to our U14B’s who topped their group in Feile and had an emphatic semi final win on Saturday to reach their Feile Final last Sunday in Parnell Park. This was a huge achievement for the players and mentors. Camogie U10 Saturday 09th May 2015 Castleknock’s Somerton Park was the venue for last Saturdays U10 camogie matches. The Lucan girls were divided into three teams and the opposition provided by two Castleknock teams and one team from St. Peregrines of Blanchardstown. The Lucan girls performed very well despite the challenges posed by the long grass and soft terrain, which meant they had to work hard to get any distance on the ball. Off the ground skills were needed and the girls did not disappoint. In addition to some great lifting, and lots of promising attempted lifting, there was solid blocking and tackling skills to behold in abundance. Well done girls, keep up the practice. Bookings are now open for our Summer Camps Kellogg’s Cul Camp - Football - 6th -10th July, Hurling / Camogie Mon 13th July to Friday 17th July, Football Mon 10th Aug to Friday 14th Aug, Hurling / Camogie Mon 17th Aug to Friday 21st Aug, see website for details. Our Golf Classic takes place on June 19th this year. Book your Tee Time now to avoid disappointment. Lucan Sarsfields Golf Society results of Hermitage outing on Friday May 15th, 1st: Paddy Collings [12] – 39 pts – back 9 2nd: Brendan Kane [16] – 39 pts, Cat 1: Seamus Fagan[15] – 36 pts, Cat 2: Mick Malone [22] – 34 pts, Cat 3: Gabriel Larkin [24] – 32 pts The Club Shop is open on Saturday’s from 10:30am to 1:30pm and Thursday’s from 7:30 – 8:30pm. Our Lucan District Credit Union Academy has now changed to Saturday mornings. The girls start at 9:30 and the boys at 10am. The Academy is run by our Club GPO Johnny McCaffrey and is an excellent introduction to sport for boys and girls for 4 upwards. All welcome. Lotto. There was no winner of this week’s €17,000 Lotto draw numbers were 12, 16, 18 and 23. This week’s jackpot is €17,500. John Ryan Accounts are sponsoring with Seamus Clandillon’s Team in charge. The Kube Westmanstown Conference & Events Centre Friday 5th June @ 8pm Premium VIP Tickets €25 (Limited number of premium tickets available) Standard Tickets €20 Now on Sale - From Lucan Sarsfields GAA Club 810pm daily - Or Phone 087 4650729. LUCAN BOXING CLUB LUCAN PITCH & PUTT CLUB Results (18 Gross Stableford) Weekend Results (18 Gross Stableford) Gents Class 1 Winner Anthony Malone 41 Pts Gents Class 2 Winner Sean McGrath 39 Pts Gents Class 3 Winner Danny Kilduff 38 Pts Ladies Class 1 Winner Linda Thomson 31 Pts Ladies Class 2 Winner Agnes Dignam 24 Pts [B9]. The Remembrance Competition The Remembrance Competition is taking place this Saturday in memory of P.J McCluskey. The sheet is on the wall so make sure you get your name down before Saturday. The presentation will take place that night and all winners will be expected to attend. The dress code will be in place on Saturday. Music On the night of the Remembrance (Saturday 23 rd May) we have music by A Great Bunch of Lads. A band that are making their debut in the club. Make sure to come up to what promises to be a great night. BBQ Our annual BBQ is taking place on the 6th June with scrambles at 5.30pm and 7pm. This is always a great evening and night with Pitch & Putt, games, cocktails, music, food and plenty of craic. Order your tickets now from Siobhán McDonnell or any member of the house committee. Tickets cost €12.50. ST. MARY’S LUCAN BRIDGE CLUB Results; 18/05/2015. N/S: 1st: Anne Bolger & Betty Fitzpatrick 2nd: Chris McHugh & Marguerite Cunningham 3rd: Marian & Brendan Dunne E/W: 1st: Carmel Shanley & Kay Cullen 2nd: Betty Stanley& Kathleen Collery 3rd: Barbara Clarke & Melita Gorman. St. MARY’S CARDS 1st: John O’Mahony 2nd: Paddy Culloty 3rd: Tess Keogh 4th: John Carey. What a year and it's still continuing for us. Our greatest little talent in Taylor Guiney who won the leagues and lost narrowly in the Dublin finals to the eventual All Ireland winner. Of our two best girls Shannon Kelly and Amie Roberts, they both lost disputed decisions in the final stages of the All Irelands. We now have 5 rings in the club; we work with our underage kid’s first working, ladders, ropes, bags, pads, footwork games and some sparring. Then come 630 our Senior Captain runs our boys and girls in our 2 main rings though a series of shadow Boxing, core exercises, press ups, footwork and fitness all before our over 11s even make it to the floor to be doing pads, bags, Incline Bagwork and skipping. We've got 7 coaches for our main days on a Tuesday and Thursday, we nearly have a 50/50 ratio of girls and boys which is great to see. The girls spar the boys which is what has made our two All Ireland girls so good. Our Multi Counties Invitational Tournament which drew in 360 boxers last year had to be rescheduled from last week in the Roadstone Club at Kingswood. The tournament seems like it's going to be just as big again. We are very proud to say we were the first club ever to run a 2 day tournament 4 years ago. The Lucan Boxing Club ran the first ever all female competition in the Finnstown House December 13th 2011 and we were the first club ever to run 3 rings simultaneously in the Pavillion Center in the Red Cow last year. Which was voted as tournament of the year. What's next? We're going to open up some spaces in the club for 11 to 15 year olds, we're going to box these kids off weekly, each Championship they win we are going to put it up on our walls and challenge ourselves to make internationals of these boys and girls. Our club is a hard club to get into, we have a long waiting list but I am going to take on a big group of 11 (2004) to 15 year olds (1999) and these will be part of a new training structure consisting of 5 training days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Friday, Sunday morning and a bout weekly/bi weekly. The structure is not far off what I was doing in the High Performance beside the National Stadium. If your kid would like to be a part of this Elite Training Programme (no prior experience needed) just hard work and dedication. Get in contact with me by mail, Facebook or call. Karl Brabazon 0871236993 Karl Brabazon (Lucan Boxing Club) on messenger DODSBORO GOLFERS Dodsboro Golfers Rained Off on Friday 8th May @ Lucan Golf Club. New Date: Friday 4th September @ Lucan Golf Club. Looking forward to seeing all in September. Road. The council agreeing to do this and Lucan Sarsfields accepting responsibility is a very positive move by both. If there are any other areas where the closure of park gates is causing issues please let me know and I will follow up. County Development Plan 2016-2022: We are in the later stages of County Development Plan if you would like to discuss any aspects of the plans please get in touch and you can view my first set of motions on my website MARATHON for NAGARHOPE Caitríona McClean Rúnaí Connolly Sarsfield Cumann Fianna Fáil Lucan 086-3898327086-3898327 nó ag nó ag Reminder: Members please note selection convention will be held in Bewleys Hotel on Wednesday 27th. Voting members will have received notification by post. Identification essential. Registration starts at 7pm. All voting members are encouraged to attend and exercise your vote. Advance Notice: Fianna Fáil fundraiser will take place in Shelbourne Park on June 11th. Promises to be a great night out. Please contact me regarding raffle tickets and sponsorships. Car pools being arranged. Friends of Fianna Fáil most welcome. Sports Halls: I have been informed of two schools urgently seeking state funding for sports halls over the past week. I will help in any way I can but it is unfortunate that schools seem to be competing for what is really essential for the well being of pupils. Congratulations to all children and their families who made their First Communion recently. Deputy Mayor, Cllr. Liona O’Toole – Independent 087-2795274. Parks Keyholder Access: Following issues with cars parked outside Griffeen Park, due to car park closure in the evenings when teams are training, I facilitated the reintroduction of Trusted Keyholders through discussions with Council Management and Lucan Sarsfields. This should now help alleviate congestion due to cars parked along the Griffeen Nagarhope is Doc Clandillon's charity, supporting kids in Nepal. At the moment, the preschool is up and running very successfully. Our sponsorship programme is helping to educate more than 200 children, covering fees, books and uniform. Doc is in Nepal on the ground while fundraising continues here in Ireland, particularly in Lucan. There are no administration costs involved. Are you taking part in this year's women's marathon on June 1st? Why not raise funds for Nagarhope at the same time? For sponsorship cards or further details, contact Niamh on 087-0666891. ADVERTISING RATES Line ads of 15 words or less cost €2.00 Line ads containing more than 15 words cost .20 cent for every word in the entire ad. Block/Display adverts must be negotiated at Newsletter Office on THURSDAYS ONLY, from 10am-1pm. Tel: 6217041. It is advisable to book these ads one week in advance. No Business Ad. will be carried for two consecutive weeks, with only ONE AD. per person or business Lost & Found ads. – No Charge WEDNESDAY 10pm is the DEADLINE] Ads should be placed in an envelope containing the correct payment and dropped to any of the following addresses before deadline: St. Mary’s Parish Centre, Church Grounds, Lucan Or 3 Hillcrest Walk, Lucan. Please do not ring doorbells when leaving in items for the Newsletter! While Lucan Newsletter accepts advertisements for publication in good faith, we cannot be held responsible for the reliability of our advertisers. Church Notices – 24th May 2015 Pentecost Sunday St. Mary's Lucan Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday, 6.30 pm, 8.45am, 9.45am, 11am, 12.15pm and 7 pm Weekday Masses – Monday to Saturday 10am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Nuns Chapel), on Thursday 2pm-4pm and Saturday 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday after 10 am Mass and after the 6.30pm Mass Baptisms: Baptism will take place every weekend. We ask parents to call to the Sacristy to book at least one month before ceremony. Deepest Sympathy to the family and friends of Mary Brabazon, formerly of Clonee Road, Westmanstown. May she rest in peace. St. Patrick's Esker / Dodsboro / Adamstown Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday, 7.00 pm, 9 am, 10.30 am and 12 noon Folk Mass Weekday Masses: Monday to Saturday 10am Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays after 10am and 7pm Masses Baptisms: 1st and 3rd Sundays at 12.45pm and 2nd Saturday at 12.30pm. At least four weeks’ notice is required to facilitate preparation. Applications between 10am and 1.00pm Monday to Friday at Parish Office or after any Mass as Parents are required to attend a preBaptism Meeting. Bookings cannot be accepted on the telephone or by email. Lucan Presbyterian Church Sunday: 10.30am Morning Worship Crèche and Children’s Ministry. All Welcome. Divine Mercy Lucan South Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday, 6.30 pm, 10.30 am and 12 noon Weekday Masses: Monday – Friday 9.15 am Adoration and Prayer: Adoration – Friday 10am-3pm Prayer Group – Monday 8pm-9pm Scripture Reading – Tuesday 9.45am-10.45am Baptisms: Parents are asked to attend an information meeting before making arrangements or booking dates. St. Andrew’s Church of Ireland Sunday: St. Andrew’s - 9am and 10am St. Mary’s Leixlip 11.30am Lucan Methodist Church Sunday: 10am Holy Communion
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