Caitriona McClean, Fianna Fáil
Caitriona McClean, Fianna Fáil
LUCAN N E W S L E T T E R Established 1967 Sub. 50c. th Sunday 7 June 2015 HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED LOSS IN YOUR LIFE? It may be the death of a spouse/partner, family member, close friend or a much loved pet. Perhaps a relationship has broken down? The shock of losing a job, the prospect of forced emigration or financial stress including the threat of repossession can also be acute and traumatic. Are you grieving and feeling confused by your emotions? Would it help to talk? When you suffer a loss there are many stages to the grieving process which can include shock, denial, sadness, anger, guilt, anxiety, fatigue, loneliness, depression and finally acceptance. You may be surprised at the intensity of your feelings but these are natural and understandable. You have sustained a great blow. It takes courage to grieve. Each person’s grief is unique and individual and it has no exact timeframe. Never compare your grief to someone else because you and only you walk your path. These are normal emotions but they need to be expressed and acknowledged. Friends and family members may understand but sometimes they do not know what to do or say. Bethany Bereavement Support Group is a voluntary group of highly trained listeners (not Counsellors) offering empathy, support and understanding to those who suffer the pain of loss through bereavement or otherwise. There is no need for you to feel alone or isolated in your sorrow whether it is a recent loss or some time ago. You grieve for what is lost and sharing a loss can ease a heavy burden. You are not alone on your journey. We are here to listen and wish to shine a small light of support in what we understand from our own personal experiences can be a hard and difficult time full of many complex and mixed emotions. Talking about and sharing ones loss can help ease the pain and may bring a little light in a time of darkness. If you would like someone to listen and support you on your journey our Support Group meet on the third Wednesday of each month from 8 – 9pm in the Pastoral Centre, St. Patrick’s Church, Esker, Lucan. We can also be contacted by phone 089 2507213. In our experience people start to heal and move slowly forward the moment they feel heard. “When we share with others we are not alone” This is a free service which is completely confidential and is available to everyone. Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10 am to 1 pm and 2pm to 4 pm each day, closed for lunch 1 pm to 2 pm. For your convenience, please arrive before 12.30 p.m. in the morning, and before 3.45pm in the afternoon, as we close promptly. Citizens Information Phone Service (CIPS) 0761 07 4000 – opening hours 9 am to 8 pm Monday to Friday. MABS (Money Advice and Budgeting Service) helpline and MABS mortgage arrears helpline are both on the same number 0761 07 2000. Our services are free and confidential. Free Legal Advice Clinic (FLAC) on Thursday nights from 7 pm to 8.30 pm. FLAC telephone and referral line 1890 350250. Please note that FLAC provides Free Legal Advice and not Free Legal Aid. Know your rights: Starting work Question I’m hoping to get a job over the summer. What do I need to know about tax when I start a job? Answer (May 2015) As an employee you are liable to pay tax on your earnings under the PAYE (Pay As You Earn) system. This means that your employer deducts the income tax, PRSI and the Universal Social Charge you owe directly from your wages. To ensure that your new employer deducts the right amount of tax from your pay you will need to do two things: Give your employer your Personal Public Service Number (PPSN). This number is your unique personal identification number for public services. Your employer will then let your tax office know that you have started work. 1. Apply for a certificate of tax credits and standard rate cut off point. You will need to complete an application form to do this. It is called Form 12A Application for a Tax Credit Certificate. If you are registered with Revenue’s PAYE Anytime service you can view your tax credit certificate online. 2. To ensure that your employer and the tax office have time to sort everything out before your first payday, it is advisable to do this as soon as you accept a job offer (even for part-time or holiday employment). The amount of income tax you actually pay depends on your earnings, your tax rate band and the amount of your tax credits. Tax is charged as a percentage of your income. The percentage that you pay depends on the amount of your income. The first part of your income, up to a certain amount, is taxed at 20%. This is known as the standard rate of tax and the amount that it applies to is known as the standard rate tax band. Earnings above this amount are taxed at the higher rate (40%).Tax credits reduce the amount of tax that you are likely to pay. If your tax liability is less than your tax credits, you do not pay tax. If your tax liability is more than your tax credits, the tax due is the difference between the two. Your employer must give you a payslip, showing a breakdown of your weekly, fortnightly or monthly salary and all the deductions made. Castletown Fete Saturday 6th June 2015 From 2pm – 5pm Food and Craft Market for adults from 11am – 5pm Games and activities for little ones from 2pm. Come and see our new young children’s play area. Free of charge for this one day only! Sarsfield Park Residents Association Our next meeting takes place at 19:30 on Tuesday 9 June in Kenny's Function Room. A representative from SDCC will give a presentation of its proposals for Playspace facilities in Sarsfield Park. All residents and new members welcome. Follow us on RSVP Liffey Sound 96.4fm For the VERY early bird readers of The Newsletter, please note that Brendan Quinn and Michael O’Toole will be Interviewing Lucan resident Owen Kelleher, a kidney recipient, and Colin White, the National Projects Manager for the Irish Kidney Association this Friday 5th June, on "Lucan Beat" at around 5 p.m. Hillcrest Residents Nepal Earthquake Appeal This is to inform residents that a house to house collection for victims of the recent earthquakes in Nepal will take pl ace next Thursday 11th June. Lucan man Fachtna Clandillon, founder of the charity Nagarhope lives and works in the quake area. The money collected will be used to help finance Nagarhope projects. Congrats to Lucan Drama for giving us all a great laugh last week with their play "Run For Your Wife". It was wonderful to see so many people leaving the Spa with wide grins on their faces!! And staying on the drama theme, a reminder that the "Drama at Adamstown Community College" programme is being broadcast this Sat., 6th June at 7 p.m. Please be as generous as you can when the collector calls to your door. Collectors meet at 50 Hillcrest Park at 7pm. Thank you. Seamus Kelly. Two other programmes this week to watch out for On Sunday 7th June at 11.00 a.m., Teresa Quinn interviews author Kevin Fortuna about his new book "The Dunning Man", a well received collection of six short stories about Irish American characters who reject society's rules. The first $10k of net proceeds will benefit Concern (both in the States and here). Tues 9th: 10 – 12.30, Craft Morning. All busy finishing our knitting, crochet, ribbon embroidery, cross-stitch, as the end of ICA year looms. Come along and join us if you are interested in any of the above, at the Bungalow in St. Mary’s Church Grounds. Lastly, with "Lucan Today" gone on its Summer break, Maria Murphy and Clare Cowley return with "All Things Considered" on Wednesday next at 8 p.m. In the first programme, they meet two old folk whose friendship began in 1942 and was rekindled forty four years later in 2006, and is still going strong! Liffey Sound - Your Station, Your Voice. Lucan ICA Wed 10th: 8pm, Social night with Mary S. Kelly who will give us a talk on the Trees of Ireland. We hope for a good attendance on the night. Bingo in Lucan Sarsfields LUCAN LIONS CLUB (In association with Lucan Sarsfields) County Colours Barbeque (BBQ) Friday 10 July 2015 Clubhouse – 12th Lock 8.30 pm Theme for the Evening – Wear Your County Colours Sizzling Steaks- Healthy salads –MusicSpecial Sporting Guests Tickets €25 Contact: Mattie McCabe - 087 9006999 Wednesday, 10th June at 8.30 pm Jackpot €300 - all welcome! Ruaille Buaille! LUCAN CHILDREN’S MUSIC FESTIVAL Lots of fun entertainment for all the family. South Dublin County Council Arts & Library Services Summer Festivals. The festival runs from Tuesday 9 June to Saturday 13 June 2015 View our full programme of events at: Parish Notes St Mary’s, Lucan Christian Meditation We meet each Tuesday night at 8pm in The Bungalow. Everyone welcome. Sr. Geraldine, 6217158. Bethany Group Bethany Group is available to listen to or just be there for anyone who is feeling lonely or lost following the death of a loved one. We meet on the 2nd Monday of each month from 10.30am-11.30am, also on the 4th Thursday of each month from 8pm 9pm. Parish Centre – 6217041. Holy Communion for the sick and housebound If you wish to avail of this service or if you know someone who does, please contact one of the priests. Parish Ministry It is an important part of our ministry to support people in times of sickness and bereavement. We would greatly appreciate it, if you would let us know if someone in your family is ill or admitted to hospital. Phone Parish office – 6217041 weekdays between 9.30am and 2pm. (except Thursday). St. Patrick’s Esker/Dodsboro/Adamstown Church Gate collection for Threshold 13th and 14th June 2015 at St Mary's Church Please give as generously as you can to help Threshold’s work to prevent homelessness and housing disadvantage. Our services are making a real difference to some of the most vulnerable people in Ireland. With your support, we will never have to turn people away in their time of need. Thank you so much from all at Threshold. We really appreciate your support. Thank You A sincere thank you to the donor/donors of knitted garments and large bag of knitting wool recently left in the Parish Centre. May, Apostolic Work Pilgrimages Lourdes - 13th to 18th September. 4 star Hotel Eliseo. Full board, inc insurance. €659.00 pps. Call Pat or Phil 086 0677392/086 2437653. Medjugorje - 7th to 14th October. Spiritual Director: Fr. Philip Bradley. From €589.00 pps Call Pat or Phil 086 0677392/086 2437653 Bethany Bereavement Support Group We meet on the third Wednesday of each Month from 8pm to 9pm in the Pastoral Centre, St. Patrick’s Church. This is a free, confidential service and is available to everyone in Lucan and the outlying areas. We can be contacted through the Parish office: Tel: (01) 628 1018 or 089 2507213 or Email: St. Patrick’s Prayer Group We met every Monday night in St. Patrick’s Pastoral Centre from 8.30-9.15pm. All welcome. Church Gate Collection In aid of Lucan Disability Action Group At St Mary's Church, Lucan Saturday/Sunday 6th/7th June Your generosity and support is very much appreciated. Medjugorje Mass 25th June 2015 In St Mary's, Lucan At 7.30pm 34th Anniversary of the 1st Apparition Confession and Rosary at 5.50pm. All welcome Anam Cara is holding its monthly Parent Evening on Monday 8th of June from 19:30 to 21:00 in Dominics Community Centre, 60 Avonbeg Gardens, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Anam Cara Services are available free of charge to all bereaved parents. For further information please see our website at email us at or call 01 4045378. Lucan Presbyterian Church Thank You at The Lucan Centre, Primrose Lane, Lucan (turning opposite the AIB Bank, in Lucan village) Saturday 20th June 2015 Saturday 18th July 2015 Saturday 22nd August 2015 10.00 am - 2.00 pm Gates open at 8.30 am for sellers Cars selling items €15.00 - Vans €20.00. NO trailers Free car parking and Free admission to public Refreshments available to purchase Toilet facilities All queries regarding the Car Boot Sale to : or telephone 01 6281182 The communion dresses/suits appeal was a tremendous success, with many families benefiting from the idea. We had a lot of fabulous dresses and suits that were donated by ordinary people to us and passed on "free" to delighted boys and girls . We succeeded with this project with the help of school liaison officers among others who ensured they were passed on to families who really needed them, in total confidentiality. To see the boys and girls faces when they were dressed "to the nines" was a sight to behold. We now have acquired some storage, should anybody wish to donate attire for next year (2016). So many thanks to ALL who donated. At the end of the day, we acted only as 'Middlemen'. It is you, who really made their day. Once again 'Thanks' to everyone who helped make it a success. Tommy McGuinness - 086 8970506 Margaret McGuinness - 086 8154583 Carol Kearney Dunne - 085 1782116. Rosary Relay for Priests on 12th June 2015 Pray the Holy Rosary for Priests along with Knock Shrine: 2pm Sorrowful Mysteries. Poor Clares Dublin: 6.15pm Sorrowful Mysteries Our Lady’s Island Wexford: 8pm Luminous Mysteries. Rome: 5:45pm Glorious Mysteries especially for Pope Francis. Cathedral Choristers Friday 12th June at 6.15pm St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin 8. Joined by a jazz trio to perform Bob Chilcott's A Little Jazz Mass and The Jazz Songs of Innocence As well as popular spirituals and jazz standards Steal away and Over the rainbow. And it's free to boot Further details are available online Choir in Concert.aspx Acknowledgement FLYNN (NOEL) R.I.P. Months Mind Mass for repose of the soul of Noel Flynn R.I.P. will be held in St. Patrick’s Church, Esker at 12 noon on Sunday 7th June 2015. Sincere thanks from Betty, Caroline, Bryan and all his loving family for all the kindness and support received from so many on the loss of a wonderful Husband, Father and Grandad. We would especially like to thank all our kind neighbours and friends; to all Noel’s many friends who travelled long distances, especially Brendan from Australia; to Lucan Sarsfields, Cashel King Cormacs, to the doctors, nurses and all the staff in the Hermitage and Blackrock Clinics, to Marie and Mary for their guidance and support, to Seaghan for sharing his fond memories and kind words, to Tony and Mary for the beautiful music and especially to Fr. John for his support and kindness to us and for making Noel’s Funeral Mass so special. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered for all. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílís. Thomas Merton’s Prayer My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know my own self, And the fact that I think I am following your will does not necessarily mean that I am Actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you Does in fact please you And I hope I have that desire in everything that I do, I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this You will lead me by the right road even though I may know nothing about it. Therefore I will trust you always. Even though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for you are ever with me and you will never leave me to face my peril alone. Anniversaries DOYLE (FIONNUALA - nee LYNCH) 3rd Anniversary – 8th June We thought of you with love today But that is nothing new We thought about you yesterday And days before that too We think of you in silence We often speak your name All we have now are memories And your picture in a frame Your memory is our keepsake With which we'll never part. God has you in his keeping we have you in our hearts A thousand times we cried If love alone could have saved you You never would have died In life we loved you dearly In death we love you still In our hearts you hold a place No one can ever fill It broke our hearts to lose you But you didn't go alone. For a part of us went with you The day God took you home. From your loving family Thomas Merton 1915 - 1968 Ordained to the priesthood and given the name Father Louis in 1949, Thomas Merton was an American Catholic writer and mystic, who became a Trappist monk at Gethsemani, in Kentucky. He was as a poet, social activist, and student of many religions, leading him to produce over 70 books on those subjects. This year is the 100th anniversary of his birth. He was born on January 31, 1915, and died on December 10, 1968. Upcoming Cemetery Sundays Palmerstown - 3pm Sunday 21st June Bohernabreena - 3pm Sunday 21st June Deansgrange - 3pm Sunday 5th July Newlands - 3pm Sunday 12th July Lucan Drama This Saturday night 6th June at 7pm , be sure to tune in to Liffey Sound 96.4FM to hear the TY Students' 3 short plays which they wrote, directed and performed under the guidance of Nicola Whelan (Lucan Drama) and facilitated by Brendan Hackett...not forgetting their teachers Siobhan and Tara who were there at all times giving support. What great entertainment last week in the Spa Hotel. Lucan Drama's production of 'Run for Your Wife' played to packed houses every evening. All of the actors gave wonderful performances and had the audiences roaring laughing from start to finish. The hard work paid off for them all especially for Director Ciara Meehan who guided cast and crew to produce this hilarious comedy. They can be very proud of their achievement. A sincere thanks to Frank Colgan and the staff of the Spa Hotel for the wonderful support throughout this production. Thanks also to the Management of The County Bar for allowing us to use their facilities for rehearsals when required. We are forever indebted to the people in The Lucan Newsletter for accepting our notes without question on a weekly basis. I must mention Liffey Sound 96.4Fm, The Liffey Champion, The Echo, The Lucan Gazette and Link Magazine for their publicity. To those who donated raffle prizes we are very grateful in particular to Carrol's Gastro Pub and Frank Colgan for the dinner vouchers. Last but not least we wish to acknowledge our amazing audiences who continue to attend our plays year after year...It was great to have full houses every night last week. What a wonderful atmosphere as neighbours, friends and families all chatted and laughed together.( indeed many people enjoyed a lovely meal pre theatre!). Thanks to all of you for your kind remarks and sharing your comments with us...We hope to see you all in the near future. us on Face book. Bernie.0864015794; Sheila 0872547725 Phoenix Park Visitor Centre Sunday Talk at 3.00pm 14th June – Dublin Zoo / Biofacts The ever popular Jim McMonagle will give a talk on all those favourite animals you like to know about. See an elephant’s foot, a turtle shell and other artefacts relating to the Zoo animals. CHOOL NEWS Scoil Oscair CNS Lucan Congratulations to the Senior Infants of Scoil Oscair CNS who were the youngest children in the country to host a demonstration on computer programming and coding at Ireland's recent digital conference, Excited 2015, in Dublin Castle. They had special visitors, including Senator David Norris, 2TV Presenters and TD Ciaran Cannon who heard about the wonderful teaching and learning taking place at their stand. Photos can be accessed at and twitter @ScoilOscairCNS. Scoil Oscair Principal, Nichola Spokes, has recently been appointed as a Global Apple Distinguished Educator. This is in recognition for innovation in Education with a focus in educational excellence and leadership in the use of technology in Education among the students of Scoil Oscair and establishing Scoil Oscair as a leading digital school. Planning Permission for a new school build under the Rapid schools project for 2016 for Scoil Oscair has been submitted. The new location proposed can be viewed on South Dublin County Council planning sections of the website. Scoil Oscair CNS is now enrolling Junior Infants to first class from September 2015. There will be an information evening held in the school on Tuesday the 23rd of June at 7pm for parents of the new incoming pupils. For information, contact 01 4570432 or Foster Carers Needed - Can You Help? Foster Carers are required to provide a safe and stable home for children 0 - 18 years old, who cannot live at home. Children need Weekend, Emergency, Short-term and Long-term Foster Placements. We will provide you with support, training and financial assistance. If you would like more information please contact the Fostering Team at telephone 016206350. Favourable reports on the Junior and Leaving Cert exams over the first couple of days! By this time next week, many will be almost finished, and hopefully will get to enjoy ‘summer’! Well done to all the Lucan ladies who took part in the Mini Marathon on Bank Holiday Monday! Brave they were to face such ferocious weather. Even the new leaves were whipped off the trees – Summer, how are ye! Cumann na mBunscol – Good luck to the Lucan Schools taking part in the finals of this year’s event in Croke Park on Tuesday next: Lucan BNS, Gaelscoil Naomh Phadraig, Lucan Educate Together and St. John the Evangelist will show their skills on the hallowed ground and hopefully bring home the prize! Dubs - Dublin Footballers had a good victory over Longford on Sunday last. Unfortunately, the Hurlers have to do it all again – against Galway this Saturday evening in Tullamore. We gather it will be on the telly! Good luck to Lucan Lads Johnny, Chris and Peter who came off injured last Sunday. Hope he makes a good recovery and is back in action against the Tribesmen. Lucan man still going strong on Countdown! Bon Voyage To two little boys – Tadhg and Cormac who head back to Oz this weekend, after spending 3 weeks with Granny and Granddad in Lucan! Hope it’s not too long before we see you again! Places to visit................ Phoenix Park Visitor Centre and Ashtown Castle A lively and entertaining exhibition on the history and wildlife of the Phoenix Park is on display in the Visitor Centre. Here the visitor can enjoy an historical interpretation of the park from 3,500 B.C. to the present day. They can also view an audiovisual presentation on the history of the park through the ages or on the history of Árus an Uachtarain. 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo is on 18th June 2015. Exhibitions will take place in the Visitor Centre during the month of June. Tours of Árus an Uachtaráin On Saturdays only – free guided tours every hour from 10.30am to 3.30pm leaving from the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre. Tickets issued on a first come first served basis on the day, no group bookings. Tel: 01-6770095 for confirmation before arrival. Victorian Walled Kitchen Garden Congratulations to Gerry Tynan who got through the quarter final of Channel 4’s Countdown on Thursday (4th June). His semi-final will take place on Thursday next, 11th June, just after 2pm. The very best of luck, Gerry! Come and discover the restored Victorian Walled Kitchen Garden and meet the Phoenix Park gardeners Meeda and Brian on the second Saturday of every month from 10.30 – 12.30. Find out about the preparation work of planting and seed sowing to produce beautiful summer displays featuring soft fruit, vegetables, perennials, annuals and herbaceous borders. Gardens open from 9.00am – 4.00pm. From the Archives…….. 26th November 1972. Mrs. Ennis 1881 - 1975 The following information was obtained from Mrs. Ennis by a class of schoolgirls, from Scoil Mhuire GNS. “Born in 1881, Mrs. Ennis was the eldest of a family of thirteen. She went to the Convent School with her sisters, while her brothers went to the Boys School which was in the Church Yard. At 14 she went to work in Hills Mill for 3/- per week. The work was hard; she started at six in the morning and worked until six in the evening. Because of the big family she had to help with chores like cleaning, cooking and fetching water before she went to work. Mrs. Ennis recalled going to the pictures in Dublin at the “Maro”, Mary Street. It cost 4d to get in and she went on the tram. She also went to dances in the Coffee House, and when she was 15, was chosen “Belle of the Ball” at a dance in the Spa Hotel. Lucan Dairy used to be on the Lock Road; MaryO’ Mahony’s Shop on Main Street sold groceries, meat and hardware; Giltraps was another shop. She was married in Lucan Church, her husband Mick, came from Blanchardstown. On her wedding day she wore a long navyblue dress and a little hat to match. Her wedding cake was the same as they are today, but there was no big hotel reception – the wedding breakfast was strictly a family affair. During the First World War her husband and her son, Nicholas, fought in France, and her husband always carried a relic of the Little Flower to protect him. Both returned safe from the war. Mrs. Ennis remembered Queen Victoria passing through Lucan in 1900 and also recalled Michael Collins coming here while on the run. He used to sleep in a hay barn. O’Mahony’s Shop on Main Street Note: The Spa Hotel wasn’t even built when Mrs. Ennis was born – the building of which was announced in 1891. m.m. Lucan Library – June Events For Children Children’s Storytime For 3-5 year olds Wednesdays at 3pm Gymboree - Fun, interactive musical workshop for 6 months to c. 5 years and their parent/guardian. Booking essential, from Thursday 4 June, 1.30pm, via Tuesday 23 June at 10.00am Ruaille Buaille 9 – 13 June 2015 Launch with Deputy Mayor Liona O’Toole Featuring festival guests, local young performers and the Ruaille Buaille Mad for Trad Festival Orchestra. All welcome. Booking ongoing. Musical Tots - Fun, interactive workshop for 6 months to 4 years and their parent/guardian. Booked out. Tuesday 9 June at 10.30am Traditional Music Concert Workshop A master class with Daire Bracken (fiddle and member of Slide) and Aimée Farrell Courtney (bodhrán and member of TraDITum). Participants to attend all three dates and concert on Saturday 13 June. Booking essential – email Artscope at Tuesday 9, Wednesday 10 & Thursday 11 June, 4.30-5.30pm Early Years Ruaille Buaille Workshop with Eamon for 1-2 year olds at 10am and 3-4 year olds at 11am, accompanied by a parent/guardian. Song, movement, instruments, cuddly animals and fun! Booking essential . Wednesday 10 June, 10am – 1-2 year olds (booked out), 11am – 1-2year olds Traditional Music Concert Workshop With Daire Bracken (Slide), Aimée Farrell Courtney and TraDITum. Class booking, for age 8+. Booking essential – maximum 50 Wednesday 10 June, 12.45pm Early Years Ruaille Buaille Workshop with Paula, for pre-school children accompanied by a parent/guardian. Music, movement, singing, actions, puppetry, listening and playing instruments - good for children's development and fun too! Thursday 11 June, 10am: 1-2 year olds, 10.45am: 2-3 year olds (booked out), 11.45am: 3-4 year olds. Booking essential Lunchtime Jazz The National Concert Hall's newly formed Education, Community and Outreach jazz ensemble. All welcome Thursday 11 June, 1.15pm Yeats Day - Mobile Music Machine Family Concert in celebration of W. B. Yeats' 150th birthday. With Colm Keegan (poet), Jon Berkeley (illustrator), local choirs and the Ruaille Buaille Mad for Trad Festival Orchestra. 10.30am. ‘Happy Birthday Mr. Yeats’ All welcome. Saturday 13 June, 12noon Midsummer Madness ‘Guess How Much I Love You’ 20th Birthday Celebration, for c. 3-5 year olds. Booking essential, from Thursday 4 June, 1.30pm, via /e/guess-how-much-i-love-you-20th-birthdaycelebration-tickets-17222875083 Tuesday 16 June, 1.30-2.30pm Jackie Burke, author visit -‘Grindlewood’ Class booking, 3rd/4th class (8+ years). Up to 2 classes per time slot. Booking essential – now booking Friday 19 June, 10am, 11.15am Lucan Library Book Club - Discussing ‘Crow Lake’ by Mary Lawson. New members welcome. Wednesday 24 June at 7pm Home Delivery Service New borrowers welcome - Friday 19 June Lucan Knitting Club All welcome Mondays 10.30am – 12noon Adult Creative Writing Group Group full for now. Thursdays 10am – 11.30am Using Online Resources for Irish History Research with Mary Jackson. Participants to attend all three dates. Booking essential – from Thursday 4 June Monday 29 June, 13 July & 14 September, 6.30-8pm Exhibition Yeats and Eastern Thinkers in 1910s, 1920s & 1930s, by Maria Kampyli. In celebration of Yeats’ 150th birthday For further information contact 621 6422 or Follow Lucan Library on Facebook Follow South Dublin Libraries on Facebook Follow us on twitter at sdcclibraries and stay in touch POLITICAL NOTES Robert Dowds TD Ph: 087 652 0360. E: Press Freedom and Dáil Privilege: This week, I was one of a number of Government TDs who spoke out about the threat to Dáil Privilege from a High Court injunction given to businessman Dennis O'Brien. Thankfully, the court has since ruled that the media are free to print the speech which Catherine Murphy TD made in the Dáil Chamber. The freedom of the press and Dáil privilege are both cornerstones of our democracy and it was very important that those rights were asserted. Junior & Leaving Cert Exams: The very best of luck to all the students in Lucan who are currently doing their Junior and Leaving Cert exams. Exams of any kind can be stressful, so hopefully everyone taking them can stay as calm and focussed as possible over the next few weeks. Go néirí go geal libh ar fad. Derek Keating Local TD Fine Gael Tel/Text: 087 285 7435. Office: 01 618 4014. Email: Web: Public Disorder Hotspots: A youth was arrested in relation to a recent serious crime. Also Operation Irene recently commenced, whereby Gardaí will patrol parks and areas identified as Public Disorder Hotspots. Speed Limits in Estates: Following contacts from residents, I have again contacted the Council. I am advised that South Dublin County Council is considering introducing a 30kph in all housing estates. I will continue to pursue this safety issue. Rats in Willsbrook Park: The Council and the HSE continue to work to resolve this matter. House Break-ins: Once again residents have contacted me on this issue – helpful information has been recently published by the Gardaí which I can provide on request. Follow me on Twitter @derekkeating Next Lucan Advice Clinic: Monday 8th June, Insomnia Café, 10.00am – please text, email or phone. Cllr. Ed O’Brien - Fianna Fáil Constituency Office, 9/10 The Village Centre, Lucan. Ph: 01 6105811. Mob: 087 7997609 Email Fianna Fáil Representative for Lucan Traffic Calming: The location of speed bumps at FForester, Foxborough and Oldbridge were agreed in principal at this week area committee meeting. Some minor adjustments may be made and I will be making maps available on my facebook page in the coming days. Illegal Dumping: In response to a question I tabled at Area Committee the Council have confirmed that a number of fines have been handed down for persons who have illegally dumped at Tandy’s Lane. I continue to raise this issue in the hope pf eliminating illegal dumping in areas of Lucan. Clinics: Every Monday and Wednesday from 5.30 to 7 by appointment at my constituency office. Cllr Paul Gogarty - Independent 087-2752489 / Community Groups' Funding – Visit Online: The deadline for submissions under the Community Initiative Fund is 5pm, Friday 25th June. This new fund of €170,000 allows Community Groups to bid for funding support for projects not available from other sources. It is designed to fund or provide an opportunity for access by communities/groups to funds for significant community and cultural/heritage enhancement or neighbourhood projects which they could not start or complete on their own. Grants from €1,000 to €50,000 will be available to support projects. Applicants will be required to show that they will be able to provide some of their own funding and/or volunteerism for a project. €70,000 for this fund came from my proposal to divert Councillors’ overseas travel expenses, supported by my local Community Alliance Colleagues Liona O’Toole, Guss O’Connell and many other Councillors. Fund details are online at Caitríona McClean Rúnaí Connolly Sarsfield cumann Fianna Fáil Lucan 086-3898327 nó ag nó ag Congratulations: Congratulations and best wishes to John Curran who was selected to represent Fianna Fáil in Dublin Mid West in the forthcoming General election at our recent convention. Shelbourne Park: Fun night out and fund raiser on Thursday 11th. All inclusive tickets. Please contact me asap to arrange lifts. IBRC: I have forward to HO a number of pertinent questions to an Taoiseach on your behalf. Thank you for your frank comment. Leaving and Junior Cert: Best wishes to all families involved in the exam process. It is our job to keep the positive words coming and to maintain a calm atmosphere in the home. There is light at the end of the tunnel! Lucan Drama: Well done on a truly great show. The whole audience just laughed and laughed at 'Run for your wife'. Minister Frances Fitzgerald TD, Fine Gael. Constituency Office: 12 Main Street, Lucan. 01 457 7712 or 086 1672251. Information Meeting with Lucan Autism Network: Last week I organised an information meeting in conjunction with the Lucan Autism Network. Guest speakers Adam Harris, As I Am and Professor Michael Fitzgerald provided useful advice to parents. I will be following up with the relevant Ministers and the HSE on a number of issues raised at the meeting. Many thanks to the Lucan Autism Network and to those who attended. Griffeen Valley Sports Pavilion: I am pleased that funding has been allocated towards the development of the Griffeen Valley Sports Pavilion. I have been working with Councillors Lavelle and Casserly, and Minister Ring to ensure the provision of funding from Government and the Council. I am glad the unsightly containers will now be replaced with a purpose-built space for local clubs to use. Cllr. William Lavelle - Fine Gael Chairman of SDCC Planning & Transport Committee. 36 St. Andrews Drive, Lucan 0874107885. Sports Pavilion for Griffeen Valley Park: Last September I first proposed the development of Sports Pavilion in our Parks to replace unsightly containers and provide purpose-built changing facilities for local clubs. After lengthy campaigning on my part, I am happy to report Griffeen Valley Park will finally get a new sports pavilion. Planning and procurement will commence this year with construction likely in 2016. Funding for the Griffeen pavilion has been approved in principle by the Government, subject to SDCC satisfying conditions. This project hit a major hurdle last year when the majority on the Council voted to REMOVE funding for the Lucan pavilion. However I wish to thank local TD Frances Fitzgerald for her support in working with Minister Michael Ring to secure alternative funding for this Lucan project. Deputy Mayor, Cllr. Liona O’Toole – Independent 087-2795274. County Development Plan: The county development plan is being prepared for the next stage. I have being working on a number of motions and amendments over the last week and there will be a 10 week public consultation period running to September 2015, during which time any interested party may make a public submission. If you would like to discuss any aspect of the plan please get in touch. Italian National Day: I would like to thank H.E. Mr. Giovanni Adorni Braccesi, Ambassador of Italy for the invite to his annual Italian National Day. Once again the Lucan House and grounds were open to members of our community and somehow managed to bring out the sunshine on this day. School Exams: I wish all our students very best of luck in their Junior and Leaving Cert exams. Cllr Ruth Nolan Contact no 0868540030. E: Community Projects. South Dublin County Council is delighted to be able to confirm the launch of applications for the Community Initiative Fund, which is a new initiative for 2015. The Council provided a fund of €170,000.00 in its budget which will allow Community Groups to bid for funding support for projects which is not available from other sources. It is designed to fund or provide an opportunity for access by communities/groups to funds for significant community and cultural / heritage enhancement or neighbourhood projects which they could not start or complete on their own. Irish Water. We will be burning our water bills in St Finians estate, on the green on Wednesday 10th June 7.00pm. All welcome to come along in an act of civil disobedience to send the message - We will not pay. We already pay. Joanna Tuffy TD, Labour (Constituency Office Dispensary Lane, Lucan. Phone 6218400; email Website twitter @joannatuffytd) Community Initiative Fund: SDCC has launched a new initiative for 2015. Local organisations and groups are invited to put forward for funding projects for which funding is not available from other sources. Grants from €1000 to €50 000 may be awarded. A Project must provide some of its own funding and/or volunteerism. Eligible projects in Services for children and young people, Tackling social and economic disadvantage, Promoting health, Education, training and lifelong learning, Safe communities, Environment, Arts/culture/heritage. Application can be made on line or by post. Closing Date- 5 pm, Friday 26th June 2015. Enquiries to 01 4149270. Houses and Apartments sought by Dublin Local Authorities: Owners of houses and apartments for letting in the Dublin area, including South Dublin/Lucan, are encouraged to lease or rent them to their local authority (SDCC). se.comsp CUMANN NA SÁIRSÉALAIGH LEAMHCÁIN 1886 Many thanks to all the teams who sent in match reports this weekend. Full details can be found on our website over 1500 players in action in the last week across all 4 codes from age 7 to 40+! Condolences to the McNally Family on the death of Mary, late of Beech Park, in Lifford, Co. Donegal. Best of Luck to St. Mary’s BNS Senior Hurling Team in the Div 1 Cumann na mBunscol Final on Tuesday 9th at 2:30pm in Croke Park. Teams from Gaelscoil Naomh Phadraig, Lucan Educate Together and St. John the Evangalist will also play in the Finals in Croke Park on Monday and Tuesday next. The next Lucan Sarsfield’s Bingo Night takes place Wednesday June 10th at 8.30pm in the Clubhouse, eyes down! Clairvoyant Bernie Stokes will appear at the Club on June 13th. Tickets on sale every Tuesday and Thursday at the bar 7:30pm. This year’s main Fundraisers 'The Kube' is taking place in Westmanstown Conference & Events Centre on Friday the 5th June 2015. We have been bowled over by the involvement and encouragement shown by managers, mentors and club members in supporting the contestants and attending the various fundraising events. Now we are appealing to all teams, particularly those who haven't yet been involved in fundraising for the Kube. Our final hurdle is to ensure a packed house for the Kube event, which promises to be a great night as well as raising funds for the club. This could be a great way for groups of parents/mentors to have an entertaining night out. For this to be a success for Lucan Sarsfields we need the support of our club members and local community with ticket sales. Tickets are on sale behind the bar in the club house every night from 7.30pm or from the Centra Shop at Griffeen. Alternatively you can contact the Kube committee on 087 4650729.Thank you once again for your support and commitment. Bookings are now open for our Summer Camps Kellogs Cul Camp - Football - 6th -10th July, Hurling / Camogie Mon 13th July to Friday 17th July, Football Mon 10th Aug to Friday 14th Aug, Hurling / Camogie Mon 17th Aug to Friday 21st Aug, see website for details. There are only 3 slots left on timesheet for our classic on Friday June 19th. To book a slot or sponsor a tee-box call Michael at 087233198. U12 hurling Division 2 Craobh Chiarian 3-8 Lucan Sarsfields 5-6 For the second league game in a row, Lucan Sarsfields U12A hurlers ventured out on a Monday evening for a rearranged fixture. The opposition on this occasion being Craobh Chiarian. The game was played in Maypark Donnycarney. Starting with a slightly depleted squad of 14, due to injury and illness, Lucan started the game slowly giving away an early point to Craobh after 2 minutes. For the second game in a row, the back line of James Finn, Cillian Morrissey, Aidan Sheary, Adam Gilmore and Neil O'Leary were under constant pressure due to the long puckouts from the Chiarains keeper. Despite not playing anywhere near their best , Lucan stuck in there with solid work from Brendan Kavanagh, Cian Canavan, Hugh Cuffe, Louis Butler and Adam Whyte , and eventually went in at half time a point down (3-6 to 4-2) , primarily through goals from Sean Harkness and Michael Young . The 2nd half began with Michael Young moving to Midfield and Matthew Coogan stamping his control at centre back having come on for an injured Aidan Sheary. The revitalised Lucan with James Ryan taking control of the square and stamping out a number of Chroabh attacks and overall held the previously accurate Chroabh forwards to only two points in the second half. In answer, Lucan dominated the second half, scoring 1-4 and running out 4 point winners. Tougher tests lay ahead for this team, but despite not playing to their full potential they are currently sitting on top of Div 2 after two games. Team: James Ryan, Aidan Sheary, James Finn, Cillian Morrissey, Neil O'Leary, Adam Gilmore, Brendan Kavanagh, Cillian Canavan, Hugh Cuffe, Adam Whyte, Louis Butler, Sean Harkness , Michael Young , Matthew Coogan. The Club Shop is open on Saturday’s from 10:30am to 1:30pm and Thursday’s from 7:30 – 8:30pm. Our Lucan District Credit Union Academy has now changed to Saturday mornings. The girls start at 9:30 and the boys at 10am. The Academy is run by our Club GPO Johnny McCaffrey and is an excellent introduction to sport for boys and girls for 4 upwards. All welcome. Lotto: There was no winner of this week’s €18,000 Lotto draw numbers were 2, 5, 11 and 16. This week’s jackpot is €18,500. Carey’s Newsagents are sponsoring with Shay Hurson’s Team in charge 600m but again they ran the best they have run all season and proved that the longer distances are where they excel. LUCAN HARRIERS A.C. Lucan Harriers had 17 juveniles competing in the team championships in Santry on Saturday last. There were lots of fantastic performances by our young club representatives. Saoirse Fitzgerald and Isobel Cuffee made a dynamic team with silver medals in both the long jump and the 300 metres. Oisin Mullally and Liam Fitzgerald came 4th in their 500m race, narrowly missing out on a bronze medal in this event. Another very strong performance was by James Nealon showing great determination in the 600m and long jump. Under 10 girls were well represented. Aisling Fitzpatrick and Lauren Philips took home gold in the turbo javelin - this gold was down to the superb coaching they have received of late from our very own Leinster medal winner Pat O'Dwyer. Aisling also won bronze with Chelsea Olumba in the 500m. Chelsea and Eimear Smyth narrowly missed out on podium finish in the 60m sprint with season best performances by both girls .The u 10 relay team performed brilliantly and were unlucky not to place in the final. The u/11 girls were well represented in the long jump. Sarah Kazmi, Elena Vincent, Aoife Nealon and Amy Green all jumped off the board with perfection to record their longest jumps yet Hannah Moriarity and Milly Hughes won gold in long jump for the second year running with combined jump of 6.72. Hannah was the overall longest jump of the day. She continued her winning streak to bring home silver with Eve Noctor in the highly competitive 80 m sprint. Amy Green and Lili Alinquant both were unlucky not to place in the There was great excitement with not one, but two teams for the u/11 girls relays. The final for this relay was the very last race of a very long and exciting day. And for the first time the girl u/11 relay managed to earn a medal with silver. Big thank you to all the athletes , to the coaches and in particular Breda Smyth who pulls it all together on the day , and also to our dedicated and supportive parents who , through hail , rain and some rare sunshine , get their fantastic kids to the events. Confey Castle Bridge Club New Members Welcome Wednesday Nights 7.30 – 10.30 pm Monday Mornings 10.00 am – 1.00 pm In Confey Community Centre, Leixlip or Phone 086 8421612 and 085 1184480. Walk for fun and get healthy all year round! Lucan walking group meets in Griffeen Park (2.5km and 5km option). All meet in Lucan leisure centre car park Mondays and Thursdays 19.30pm sharp. New members welcome. For more information contact Áine by email: LUCAN PITCH & PUTT CLUB BBQ This Saturday the 6th June we are having our annual BBQ. Please let a member of the house committee know as soon as possible if you are coming. This promises to be a great night. National Matchplay Last weekend we had four representatives down in Templemore for the national matchplay- Chris Gallagher, Linda Thomson, Philo Condron and Siobhán McDonnell. Linda was beaten by Tracey McGrath and Philo was beaten by Sarah Byrne on Saturday and Siobhán was beaten by Breda Lonergan on Sunday morning. Chris beat Anthony Culhane on Saturday and James Ryan on Sunday morning- both were brilliant close matches. On Sunday afternoon he was beaten however by John Cahill after another great game with a very high standard of pitch and putt. Well done to everyone who played and a massive thank you to all of the people who came down to show their support. The titles went to Cork’s John Walsh and Kildare’s Chrissie Byrne on Monday. Condolences The committee and members wish to offer their deepest condolences to Val Poleon and family on the death of his mother Mary. May she rest in peace. Special General Meeting We are holding a Special General Meeting in the clubhouse on Friday 12th June at 8.30pm. We wish to see as many members as possible in attendance. Do you need someone to talk to? If you are 12-25, struggling with how you feel and want to talk, Jigsaw can help. Jigsaw is a safe place where young people can get help that is free and confidential. We provide one to one support and information about mental health and wellbeing to help you feel better and get back on track. Jigsaw Clondalkin provides a service to those living in the Clondalkin and Lucan area. It’s easy to make an appointment, please just contact us at 01-5380087 or email You can also find us on Facebook as Jigsaw Clondalkin or on twitter @Jigclondalkin. Do you have a disability and need assistance? Do you have a family member or friend who might benefit from our help? If so, here a LDAG we provide: An affordable and accessible transport service for people with disabilities 7 days a week Self drive cars to be driven by wheelchair users or their families Personal Assistants and Note-takers for students in third level education. Social Personal Assistants Service We are a local charity helping the community. Transport Users With South Dublin County Council making new improvements for Lucan village, extra parking is needed for village business to improve and losses due to the new Post Office in the Penny Hill complex. This parking can be provided at no extra cost on the bus lane opposite the Ball Alley after 9.30 AM. This should be free parking for the first year to get people use to it. It could also be used to ease traffic flow through the village and taxi could use it at night time. Lucan Planning council backs this idea. T. Newton 086 3127364. Please contact us: Unit 24 Hills Industrial Estate, Lucan Tel: 01 610-0475 Breastfeeding Buddy System Are you a new breastfeeding Mum or are you pregnant and wishing to breastfeed? Do you have questions, concerns or just want to chat with another Mum who has been thee. Then the Breastfeeding Buddy System is for you. To connect with a Breastfeeding Buddy near you, register at This service is entirely free of charge. Church Notices – 7th June 2015 Sunday – The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) St. Mary's Lucan Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday, 6.30 pm, 8.45am, 9.45am, 11am, 12.15pm and 7 pm Weekday Masses – Monday to Saturday 10am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Nuns Chapel), on Thursday 2pm-4pm and Saturday 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday after 10 am Mass and after the 6.30pm Mass Baptisms: Baptism will take place every weekend. We ask parents to call to the Sacristy to book at least one month before ceremony. Deepest Sympathy to the family and friends of Alison Talbot, formerly Ardeevin. May she rest in peace. Divine Mercy Lucan South St. Patrick's Esker / Dodsboro / Adamstown Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday, 7.00 pm, 9 am, 10.30 am and 12 noon Folk Mass Weekday Masses: Monday to Saturday 10am Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays after 10am and 7pm Masses Baptisms: 1st and 3rd Sundays at 12.45pm and 2nd Saturday at 12.30pm. At least four weeks’ notice is required to facilitate preparation. Applications between 10am and 1.00pm Monday to Friday at Parish Office or after any Mass as Parents are required to attend a preBaptism Meeting. Bookings cannot be accepted on the telephone or by email. St. Andrew’s Church of Ireland Sunday: St. Andrew’s - 9am and 10am St. Mary’s Leixlip 11.30am Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday, 6.30 pm, 10.30 am and 12 noon Lucan Methodist Church Weekday Masses: Monday – Friday 9.15 am Sunday: 10am Holy Communion Adoration and Prayer: Adoration – Friday 10am-3pm Prayer Group – Monday 8pm-9pm Scripture Reading – Tuesday 9.45am-10.45am Baptisms: Parents are asked to attend an information meeting before making arrangements or booking dates. Lucan Presbyterian Church Sunday: 10.30am Morning Worship Crèche and Children’s Ministry. All Welcome.
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