Caitriona McClean, Fianna Fáil
Caitriona McClean, Fianna Fáil
LUCAN N E W S L E T T E R Established 1967 Sub. 50c. th Sunday 8 March 2015 The Sacrament of farewell? We find ourselves at present in the middle of the Confirmation season, young people all over the Diocese will receive the Sacrament – the outpouring of the Holy Spirit into their lives. It is indeed a significant moment in their faith journey coming in the closing days of childhood and as they stand on the threshold of adolescence. Without the Holy Spirit the early church was in disarray, frightened disciples were in hiding in locked rooms in fear of their lives. Every footstep on the stairs sent a chill down their spines as they awaited the same fate as their Master; held in the vice like grip of fear they were paralysed and most certainly not fit for purpose. However all that was soon to change, Jesus had told them to go back to Jerusalem and to wait and pray. They were in obedience to that request of Jesus when they had the most extraordinary experience. Whatever it was they experienced on that Pentecost Day was to change their lives forever, cowards became heroes, the frightened became bold in proclaiming their faith and locked door were opened never to be locked again. They had no words to describe the moment – they used images, images of a mighty wind and tongues of fire and something was infused into their hearts that changed everything. Now the church was fit for purpose and the rest as they say is history. That Holy Spirit of God is the same Spirit which will be given to each of the Confirmation candidates sacramentally on their big day. We won’t witness an indoor tornado or indeed tongues of fire descending but we will see the young people being blessed by God in a unique and special way. This day is their strengthening to witness for Christ Jesus in the manner of their living for the rest of their lives. The reality is somewhat different. For many of those confirmed confirmation marks a kind of farewell, a passing out parade, an end to their association with the church – a rite of passage! What a great shame and a terrible waste. Perhaps we need to re-examine our practice of confirming in 6th Class and move it instead to the mid teen years when the young people can more truly choose for themselves? The conveyor belt that brings the young people of 6th Class to the Sacrament perhaps needs to be scrapped completely in favour of an alternative that centres around the true personal choice of the individual at an age when that is truly the case? For the present let’s pray for those who have been or will be confirmed this year, may the gifts of the Spirit inspire in them a commitment to Christ Jesus and lead them to be an important part of his Church. Fr. Philip Curran Lucan Citizens Information Centre Liffey Sound 96.4fm Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email Final reminder that the winning play in our recent competition, "The Apprentice" by Joe Bergin, will be broadcast this Saturday (7th March) at 7 pm. Thanks to Joe and cast and Bernie and all at Lucan Drama for their hard work on this and the other plays to be broadcast in the coming period. Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10 am to 1 pm and 2pm to 4 pm each day, closed for lunch 1 pm to 2 pm. For your convenience, please arrive before 12.30 p.m. in the morning, and before 3.45p.m. in the afternoon, as we close promptly. Citizens Information Phone Service (CIPS) 0761 07 4000 – opening hours 9 am to 8 pm Monday to Friday. Free Legal Advice Clinic (FLAC) on Thursday nights from 7 pm to 8.30 pm. FLAC telephone and referral line 1890 350250. Please note that FLAC provides Free Legal Advice and not Free Legal Aid. MABS (Money Advice and Budgeting Service) helpline and MABS mortgage arrears helpline are both on the same number 0761 07 2000. Our services are free and confidential. Online forms A large number of online forms are available on our website (on the right hand side of the front page) under the heading "online services". We have a very wide range of music programmes, at least one of which must suit YOU. There a great number of Country music fans in Lucan and Sunday is their day, with two shows, "Adrienne's Country Flavour" from 2 to 4 pm with Adrienne Corcoran and "Country Sounds" with Padraig McGarrigle from 8 to 10 pm, but if it’s something completely different that takes your fancy, why not tune in to Kofi's "Afro Beats Unlimited" on Mondays 6 to 7 p.m., or the following two hours of Heavy Metal with Ian and Orla on " Full Metal Jacket". Jim Sherlock brings some Gospel music to air on "The Inspirational Hour" on Tuesdays from 5 to 6 p.m. and classical fans are catered for by Pat Quinn's "Cool Classics" on the same night from 8 to 10 p.m. These are just some of the specialised music programmes available during the first half of each week on Liffey Sound, your community radio station. Liffey Sound -Your Station, Your Voice! Starting a business? If you are becoming self-employed and starting a business you can get advice and information from a range of organisations. Visit our document Sources of information on starting a business to find out more. You can also get more information in our documents on starting a business, becoming selfemployed and coming to set up a business in Ireland. Landlords, tenants and Irish Water registration Irish Water has launched a new campaign asking owners of multiple properties to confirm their property details. If the property is occupied, landlords can now provide names of the tenants. Irish Water will then contact the tenants and ask them to provide their details. This will ensure that the bill for water services is issued to the person getting the service. In general the occupier of a property is liable to pay the new domestic water charges. For rented properties, the tenant is the occupier and is responsible for paying the water charges. If a property is vacant the owner is responsible. Date for your diary...... LUCAN LIONS CLUB FUNDRAISING TABLE QUIZ Thursday 19 March at 8.00pm Function Room Kennys (Vesey Arms) “Come along for an enjoyable Quiz Night” Teams of 4 - €30 Well Done! Well done to the man who found €60 in the ATM at SuperValu on Tuesday and searched out the lady who left it there. He went into Supervalu to try and find the owner; asked two other ladies and then came back to the ATM to where a very distraught woman had returned. We often complain that courtesy and decency has left our neighbourhoods! Hillcrest Residents Association Lucan ICA Hillcrest Residents Association has re-formed. At the meetings held last week the traffic situation in Hillcrest Estate was discussed. The following motion was unanimously accepted “that an interim committee be formed to liaise with South Dublin County Council regarding the traffic flow in Hillcrest”. Marie Monaghan, Phil Cunningham and Tom Casserly were nominated to the committee. They will urgently request a meeting with SDCC Engineer to clarify the situation regarding the traffic flow in our estate. Residents wishing to contact the committee may email Maria Murphy Tues 10th: Craft Morning – Ribbon embroidery and cover boxes are the main craft at present with lots of other crafts in progress. Come along and join us in thebungalow in St. Mary’s Church Grounds. New members welcome. Esker Friends of the Elderly Our next Social will take place in Lucan Sarsfields GAA Club on Friday 13th March at 8pm. All welcome. 1,000 Trees to be Planted! th St. Catherines Park, this Saturday 7 March. A Family Tree Planting Day taking place in St. Catherines Park on Sat 7th March from 10.30am till 3.30pm just north of the new playground. We intend to plant a thousand trees in one day. If you can spare an hour or two, or can come along for the whole day, you will be most welcome. Please wear warm clothes and bring wellies. Spades will be provided, but if you have your own spade please bring it along as well. For more information please contact Hans Visser of Fingal Co. Co. on 087 1214641 St. Joseph’s College Lucan Car Boot Sale, St. Joseph’s College Car Park. Sunday 15th March From: 8.30am – 1.00pm Sellers’ fees: €15 Cars and Small Vans (No Large Vans Allowed) Sellers’ set-up time: From 8.00am Public Admission: FREE NO PRE-BOOKING required, just turn up and pay on site. Monies raised will go to St Joseph’s College. Information: Wed 11th: Social Night – speakers on Obus Oil. A big thank you to a our President Pauline for a lovely craft day last Saturday where we learned two new crafts. The President and members send their sympathy to Liffey Valley Guild on the death of one of their members Tess Murray. Sympathy to her family as well. Sympathy to Doris O’Donohue on the death of her Aunt Chrissie – from the Guild. Congratulations to Chloe Casley who made her Confirmation in St. Patrick’s last Thursday Love Nanny and Granddad Cummins Hillcrest Matters I would like to thank the residents of Hillcrest who attended the two meetings last week to set up a residents committee. The meetings were well represented on both nights. Over 750 signatures were collected at a door to door canvas by myself, Phil Cunningham and Catriona McClean with a view to launching an objection to the proposed roundabout at Hillcrest/Newcastle road junction. A committee was elected to put forward our objections to SDCC. There are a number of people who deserve thanks. Great credit goes to Phil Cunningham and Catriona McClean for their stalwart work in collecting the signatures. Thanks also to the two councillors who attended the meetings and last but not least, a big thanks to Marie Murphy who chaired the meeting. I wish the committee great success with all future endeavours. Sincere regards, John Carabini Parish Notes St Mary’s, Lucan Lenten Talks The Lenten Talks got off to a good start on Monday 2nd in spite of the freezing weather. The topic was the modern Misrepresentation of Islam ; Dr Sarah Butt gave a comprehensive analysis of the issue, and a lively discussion followed . (We in the Justice and Peace group are most grateful to Sarah for agreeing to do the presentation at short notice ...) On next Monday ( 9th ) at 8pm Fr Michael Shortall from Maynooth will speak on Social Justice , a very pertinent topic in to-day's world . We look forward to having a good crowd , and the weather promises to be better ! Mon. 23rd March: The Misuse of the Electronic Media by Fergal Rooney, Clinical Psychologist. Christian Meditation We meet each Tuesday night at 8pm in The Bungalow. Everyone welcome. Sr. Geraldine, 6217158. Congratulations to the pupils of Scoil Mhuire G.N.S. and St Andrew's N.S. who were confirmed on Friday by Bishop Ray Field. Praying with the Sunday Gospels Each Thursday for the duration of Lent we will have a group meeting to look at and pray with the readings of the next Sundays Mass. All are welcome to take part. We will meet in The Bungalow at 8pm. Fr Philip. Bible Study Group The group meet each Monday at 8pm in The Bungalow. Fr. Tom Bethany Group Bethany Group is available to listen to or just be there for anyone who is feeling lonely or lost following the death of a loved one. We meet on the 2nd Monday of each month from 10.30am-11.30am, also on the 4th Thursday of each month from 8pm 9pm. Parish Centre – 6217041. Parish Ministry It is an important part of our ministry to support people in times of sickness and bereavement. We would greatly appreciate it, if you would let us know if someone in your family is ill or admitted to hospital. Phone Parish office – 6217041 weekdays between 9.30am and 2pm. (except Thursday). Parish of Divine Mercy, Lucan South Lenten Adoration A special evening of Lenten Adoration will be held in the Church of Divine Mercy, Lucan South Friday 20th March from 8pm to midnight. All welcome. St. Patrick’s Esker/Dodsboro/Adamstown Congratulations to the boys and girls from Scoil Aine Naofa, Scoil Mhuire Woodview and St. John the Evangelist who received their Confirmation during the week. Bethany Bereavement Support Group We meet on the third Wednesday of each Month from 8pm to 9pm in the Pastoral Centre, St. Patrick’s Church. This is a free, confidential service and is available to everyone in Lucan and the outlying areas. We can be contacted through the Parish office: Tel: (01) 628 1018 or Email: Thank You CASA - Caring and Sharing Association thank most sincerely the parishioners of St Mary's Church, Lucan for their very generous contributions to our Church Gate collection held on the weekend of February 21st and 22nd. The collection which amounted to €1,120.00 will greatly help in the funding of our Lourdes Pilgrimage, for our members, adults and children with physical, intellectual and sensory disabilities along with many sick and terminally ill people also. Thank you to all those who helped make the collection a huge success. Legion of Mary - Introduction Meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th March in St Mary's Parish Centre, at 8pm All welcome. Pilgrimages Lough Derg 'One day pilgrimage to Lough Derg - Sunday 17th May'. For more details please contact Patricia at Medjugorje 2015 - 11th to 20th May, Spiritual Director Fr. Tom Gilroy, From €580 p.p.s. Call Pat or Phil: M: 086 0677392/086 2437653. Facebook: Medjugorje Mass Lucan. Email: St. Patrick Breakfast In association with the Saint Patrick Foundation, Lucan Centre is hosting its inaugural St. Patrick’s Breakfast on 17th March 2015. Tickets are available at Join us for the best possible start to your St Patrick’s Day celebrations. Savour a delicious continental or cooked breakfast, meet some old and make some new friends, and enjoy the music and dance of our rich cultural heritage. We will also be presenting the Spirit of St Patrick Award to a local group, and Bishop Pat Storey (Meath & Kildare) will bring a short reflection on St. Patrick. Venue: Dining Room, Lucan Centre, Primrose Lane, Lucan, Dublin Time: 8.45am-10am Breakfast Format: Self-Service Buffet Tickets: Adults €12 Under 12s €8. Under 4s are free! Limited spaces for this ticket only event, so please book online to avoid disappointment! AA Meetings St. Mary’s Parish Centre, Lucan Road, Fri. nights 8.30pm. Further information – Tel. 01-8420700. E-mail: Celebrity Recital at Saint Patrick's Cathedral Taking place at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral on Friday 13th March at 6.30pm a celebrity organ recital given by David Briggs. Organ recitals sadly tend to have something of a dull reputation with "non-enthusiasts" and we hope that this recital will go some way to changing that perception something we hope for both enthusiasts and skeptics alike! David Briggs is not only one of the foremost concert organists of his generation he is also hugely committed to making organ music vibrant for future generations, he enjoys giving pre-concert talks designed to make organ music more accessible to audiences. His Dublin programme includes music by Bach as well as lavish transcriptions of Dukas’ Sorcerer’s Apprentice and Ravel’s Daphnis et Chloé finishing off with a Symphonic Improvisation on Irish Themes. In addition to this there will be a direct video link with the organ loft so those listening will be able to watch him perform on the Cathedral Organ which is one of the largest in Ireland as well as widely considered to be one of the finest late romantic organs in the world. And it’s free to boot! Lenten Day Retreat Date: 21st March 2015 (Saturday) Time: 10am – 5pm Venue: Faith and Family Centre, Dal Riada House, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Cost: €20 Theme: “Seven Last Sayings of Christ” Preached by Fr. Aaron Vinduska, LC To book a place, or for more information, please contact the Faith and Family Centre, Tel. 01 2889317; email: Come and Fellowship with the Holy Spirit Venue: Bush Centre, Balgaddy, Lucan South Day and time: Every Saturday from 6pm - 8pm. Call: 087 3744782. Come and experience the Lord. Wanted - St. Vincent de Paul, St. Mary's Conference Urgently needs children's clothes for a 12 year old girl, and boys aged 2,3,5,9,10. Please phone 086-3843206. Many thanks. Anniversaries CAREY (ORLA) 16th Anniversary – 8th March Forever young. Much loved daughter, sister, auntie. Late Beech Park. A loving nature, a heart of gold The very best this world Orla could hold Never selfish, always kind Those are the memories Orla you left behind We have a book of memories It’s not upon a shelf It’s deep within our hearts And the key we keep ourselves Orla We turn the key quite often Orla And think of lots of happy days We miss you Orla so very much In so many different ways. Love you and missing you so much sweetheart. Your heartbroken Mam, Dad, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews and grand nephew xxxxxxxxxxxx CAREY (ORLA) Much loved and missed Orla. They say there is a reason They say that time will heal But neither time or reason Will change the way I feel For no-one knows the heartache That lies behind my smile No-one knows how many times I have broken down and cried I want to tell you something Orla So there won’t be any doubt You are so wonderful to think of But so hard to do without. Missing you so much Orla and love you forever. Your Man United Buddy Dan xxxxxxx MORRIS (WILLIAM ARTHUR) 2nd Anniversary (Dad) I thought of you with love today But that is nothing new I thought about you yesterday And days before that too, I think of you in silence, I often speak your name All I have are memories And your picture in a frame. Your memory is my keepsake With which I'll never part God has you in His keeping I have you in my heart. Loved and missed every day. Your loving wife Jenny, Daughter Jean, Sons Billy, Harry and Joseph (Granda Bill) Your picture hangs in pride of place We still talk to you and see your face Your living presence is now gone But your love and wisdom still goes on. Always in our hearts. Lisa, Karen , Kevin, and families CURRAN WALSH (ANITA) 1st Anniversary – 11th March The moment that you died Our hearts were torn in two One side filled with heartache The other died with you. We often lie awake at night, When the world is fast asleep, And take a walk down memory lane, With tears upon our cheeks. Remembering you is easy, We do it every day, But missing you is heartache, That never goes away. We hold you tightly within our hearts, And there you will remain, Until the joyous day arrives, When we will meet again. Sadly missed by her Mam Tess, Elaine, Jimmy, Robert, Martin, Brendan, Gerard, Don, Caroline, Kelly and Caroline A million times I've needed you, A million times I've cried, If love alone could have saved you, You never would have died. In life I loved you dearly, in death I love you still. In my heart you hold a place, No one else can ever fill. It broke my heart to lose you But you didn't go alone, Part of me went with you The day God took you home. Sadly missed by her Husband Mark If tears could build a stairway, And memories a lane, We would walk right up to heaven, And bring you home again . Sadly missed by her sons Conor and Cillian Our hearts are filled with memories, With pride we speak your name, Though life goes on without you, It will never be the same. Sadly missed by her nieces and nephews Don, Mark, Emma, James, Eoin, Shauna, Adam and Jamie Anita's Anniversary Mass will be in St. Patricks Church, Esker , Sat 14th at 7pm. Acknowledgement The Ward Family would like to thank all those who sent Mass cards and kinds messages of sympathy to Margaret following the recent death of her brother Noel. A Mass has been offered for your intentions. Baptismal Candles Available from St. Mary’s Parish Centre or Sacristy. Cost €5. Commodore Liam Brett R.I.P. 1929 – 2015 Predeceased by his wife Eileen, Liam passed away on 20th of February 2015. Sincere sympathy is extended to his family and friends. "Solas geal na bhFlaitheas ar a anam dilis". Incidentally….. The late Liam Brett influenced one local to join the Irish Navy – Hugh Tully, from Sarsfield Park, followed in Liam’s footsteps and is now Commodore and Flag Officer Hugh Tully. Thanks to Hugh for the photo and information. ____________________ Lucan Drama 'Run for your Wife' by Ray Cooney, directed by Ciara Meehan will be staged 27th May, (Wednesday) to 30th May (Saturday). It is a full length play with several comical situations which occur as a result of a husband trying to be in two places at the one time.!!!!! An impossibility or is it???? Many Lucanians will remember Liam Brett who lived in Ardeevin from the late 60s and into the 70s. A popular member of the community, he was one of the founding members of Lucan Bridge Club, his name regularly appearing in Lucan Newsletter in club notes back in the day. His naval career would later take him to Cork. A native of Tipperary, he had an illustrious career in the Irish defence forces, joining the newly formed Naval Service in 1947. One of four cadets in the second year of the service, he trained with the Royal Naval Service in Dartmouth. His first job with the Irish Naval Service was as a navigator and bridge-watch keeper on LE Maeve and LE Macha. As Captain he took part in the recovery operation at Tuskar Rock when an Aer Lingus Viscount crashed in 1968. Liam was instrumental in the expansion of the national fleet being the first officer commanding the LE Deirdre, the inaugural ship of the modern navy. As Captain of this ship he led operations intercepting the gun-running ship Claudia in 1973, bringing illegal arms and explosives from Libya. LE Deirdre was his last command at sea, but he oversaw further operations involving weapons, ammunition and related articles. As Flag Officer, he oversaw the arrival of several new vessels to the fleet in his time. Following retirement he was very involved in his community in Glounthaune, enjoying membership with several bridge clubs, and playing golf. Rehearsals are in full swing and a sincere thanks to the Management and wonderful staff of the Spa Hotel for their continuing support and interest. Thanks also to the County Bar who facilitate us when necessary. 'The Apprentice' (Winning entry in the Radio One Act Play competition) written and directed by Joe Bergin will be broadcast this Saturday evening on Liffey Sound 96.4fm7pm to 7 30pm . So be sure to listen in. Many thanks to Brendan Hackett and all who supported this venture. A great community effort! Three further radio plays are a work in progress and will be broadcast in the next few months, so best of luck to all involved in these plays: 'God, an Unholy Comedy' by Andy Halpin and directed by Ken Byrne (2nd Place) 'Negative Equity' by Martin Donohoe and directed by Lulu Reynolds (3rd Place) 'The Search' written and directed by Maria Murphy. For anyone interested in any of the above contact Lucan Drama. If you are interested in the All Ireland Full Length Festival be sure to log onto the DLI website to get all the latest information on the many festivals taking part all over the country. Many groups are packing up sets, costumes etc each week end and traveling all over the country to local festivals with the aim of trying to earn a 'much sought after' place in The All Ireland Finals in Athlone early May...The Oscars of Amateur Drama!!!!! Contact Details: Bernie 0864015794; Sheila 0872547725 Be Careful what you wish for! If you read through our political notes this week, you will realise that there are significant questions to be asked about the proposed new Ballyowen Primary Care Centre. One which troubles us is the closure of the Health Centre in the Village. Grace Doodled 4 Google! Congratulations to Grace Connolly (3rd class) Scoil Mhuire GNS, who is a Finalist in 'Doodle 4 Google'. We quote from a letter received by one of our Councillors from the HSE, following representations made by him:Question “What impact may this centre have on other HSE services provided in Lucan; and may existing HSE services provided elsewhere in Lucan (e.g. Rosse court) be transferred to this new facility? Reply The HSE is committed to providing a modern and accessible primary care facility at Ballyowen, Lucan. In this regard, it is anticipated that HSE Primary Care Services currently based in Rossecourt and in the health centre in Lucan Village will relocate to the new facility.” We’ll keep an eye on this one! Break-in at Lucan Scout Den The storage container at the Scout Den beside St Mary's School was broken open this week and the majority of the camping equipment taken. This is a massive blow to the preparations for this year's camping season which will kick off at Easter and will severely impact on the level of scouting provided for all scouts - from the youngest six year old beaver scout to the oldest 17 year old venture scout. As three scout groups share their storage, over 270 of Lucan's young people will be directly affected. The items taken include Vango dome tents, Camping-Gaz gas lanterns, Icelandic ridge tents, pots and pans, gas bottles and cast iron gas cookers. While some of this equipment is new, most of it has been well used by the young people of Lucan for years. Initial estimates are that it will cost in excess of €5,000 to replace this vital camping equipment but the thieves will get much less than that if they try to sell it on. If anyone has any information or if the thieves want to return it (no questions asked) - please email 142.180dublin@gmail.comor Lucan Garda Station. The theme this year was "A Perfect Day' and Grace's doodle was one of gymnastics, her favourite pastime! There will be a public voting stage from Monday 9th March where people can vote for their favourite Doodle! The website is: Tír na nÓg Brownies Lucan Educate Together Tuesday Nights 6.30 – 8.00pm Now Enrolling for New Members Lots of Fun and Games for Girls Aged 7 – 9 Contact: Roisin 086-0446444 Lucan Active Retirement Deposits for our Spring Bread €50 in the Castlecourt Hotel, Westport, now being taken. Open to members and friends. Whist Results Tues 3rd March: 1st Miriam Walsh, 2nd Nellie Doyle, 3rd Brendan Ryan. CHOOL NEWS Coláiste Phádraig Fundraising: The Transition Year students’ fundraising ball in the Arc Liffey Valley on Monday 2nd March in aid of Pieta House proved to be an outstanding success. The students enjoyed dressing up in their sharp and stylish formal wear almost as much as their female partners! A night of dancing and singing was enjoyed by all and it is expected that approximately 1,500 euro will be raised for Pieta House. The management of the Arc were delighted with how the evening went and were particularly complimentary of our students and their behaviour throughout the evening. Well done to our students on their fundraising efforts and the school management are happy for this to possibly become an annual event as a result of their excellent behaviour and co-operation on the night. 12 Transition Year students were also out fundraising on Friday 27th Feb fundraising for Oesophageal Cancer. The students were bag packing in Marks and Spencer in Liffey Valley for 6 hours and sold hundreds of Lollipops on the day. Approximately 1,000 euro was raised by our students so again well done to those involved. Phádraig Prefects. We wish the new prefects well in their endeavours and we are confident that they will serve the school well over the coming weeks and months. Soccer: Well done to our u15 soccer team who qualified for the Leinster Minor Cup Final after defeating Coláiste na hInse Bettystown 3-1 in the semi final last week. Yasser Mahrouk, Luke Harris and Cian McGrane grabbed the goals that clinched the team’s place in the final and maintained their 100% record this season, 11 from 11. They will play either Kilinarden CS Tallaght or Boyne CS in the Leinster Final in the next week or two. The team also qualified for the Leinster Champions League semi final after a comprehensive 6-1 win against Clonkeen College on Tuesday 3rd March to secure the team’s 12th win of the campaign. 2 goals apiece from Yasser Mahrouk and Cian McGrane and further goals from Assad Ridoy and Sé Curley sealed an emphatic win for the team. The u17 soccer team advanced to the Dublin League Division 1 Final after a 4-2 win after extra time against St. Declan’s Cabra last week. Conor Kane scored two goals in another impressive individual display while Paul Cleary and Kyle Hogan also got on the score sheet. Coláiste Phádraig are the defending Dublin Champions so hopefully the team can make it back to back titles in the next few weeks. Basketball: The 2nd yr basketball team continued their winning ways over the past week with 2 more impressive victories in the group stages of their Eastern League campaign. The wins ensured that the team topped the group with a 100% record to advance to the 1-4 finals where they will face St. Declan’s Cabra, the team they beat in last year’s 1st yr final. Lucan 1st defeated Coláiste Chiaráin 49-38 in a hard fought and competitive encounter. This was followed by a 50 point rout of Palmerstown CS with Lucan winning 59-9 after outclassing their opponents from start to finish. Palmerstown simply could not cope with the Lucan duos of Kabir Akanbi and Kris Arcilla who scored 41 points between them in a comfortable win. The 1st years lost their 3rd group match of the campaign when they were well beaten 27-13 by the group winners Coláiste Chiaráin before they finally got a win by defeating Palmerstown CS 40-4 in a one-sided encounter. Ryan O’ Connor top scored for Lucan with 8 points and the team have at least qualified for the Plate 1-4 final as a result of this victory. They will face St. Vincent’s Glasnevin next week for a place in the semi-finals. TY Charity Ball: The Transition Year Students of Coláiste Phádraig held a fundraising event for Pieta House this week. The students organised and hosted a "TY Charity Ball". The event took place in The Arc on Monday the 2nd of March and was a huge success. The students were an absolute credit to the school and deserve the plaudits they receive. They also looked very sharp in the suits and tuxedos that were donned for the occasion. An estimated €2000 was raised for Pieta House. Prefects: The final few interviews for the 5th yr prefects took place this week and 25 students have officially begun their year-long service as Coláiste Parents and boys will then have an opportunity to ask questions and to tour the school facilities and chat with students and staff. St. Vincent’s Castleknock College Open Night The College will hold an Open Night from 7pm – 9pm on Thursday 12th March for parents and prospective students for all years. All are welcome to attend. The Open Night will commence at 7pm with a brief address by the Headmaster, Mr. Oliver Murphy and the Deputy Principal, Mr. Chris Kinder. Lucan Community College Enrolment 2016: The Board of Management received an unprecedented number of letters from parents who are on the waiting list in category B (first in family, and effectively attending and living in our traditional geographical area) for 2016. Parents in this category will receive a letter from the Board shortly to invite them to a meeting. This matter is directly linked to the fact that the school have been awaiting an extension for almost 10 years. The Board calls on all local representatives to champion the prioritising of the school extension and to ensure that there is commitment and finance secured at the highest levels to the speedy delivery of the school extension and hence to the school’s ability to enrol more students. Soccer: Congratulations to the girls soccer team who beat Colaiste Bride 10-0 last week with 5 goals notched up by player of the game Aoife Hanley. This team which is largely made up of 2nd years have continually performed to a very high standard and show great team spirit. Careers talk: There was great interest from 5th year students in the talk by former student Avril McManus and colleague Niamh from Google organised by our career guidance counsellors. Scratch: Well done to our Scratch club members who have entered a number of projects into the national competition. View the projects at Get Fit! TRX bootcamp classes are running after school for junior and senior girls to promote fitness. There has been great attendance and involvement from students thanks to our PE department. Scoil Oscair CNS Lucan Gaisce: Congratulations to the 33 TY students who completed their Gaisce overnight trip last week with a 25km hike. Thanks to the three teachers who accompanied the students. Scoil Oscair CNS, Lucan are now enrolling for Junior Infants - 1st class for September 2015. TY Musical: Rehearsals are continuing for our TY Musical – West Side story. We will shortly announce final dates and ticket sales for this wonderful event which will take place during the week of the 27th April. World Maths Day: It was fitting that on World Maths Day many of our students joined the online Khan Academy to practice their maths skills and Alex Hanley in 1st year topped the National leaderboard in the Mathletes online competition for February. Please encourage your children to login and get involved. More details from maths teachers. Gluais Team: Congratulations to student who were selected for our Gluais leadership team next year: Eoin Hayes, Cian Dwyer, Blanaid Smyth, Hazel Keogh, Sarah Walsh, Emily Coleman, Eva Minihane, Aby Coulibaly, Hannah Hughes and Brendan Holmes. This group will engage in training over the Easter holidays and will work with our 1st year students of 2015 to help them to settle into second level. Toilet refurbishment: We were delighted to open our first set of refurbished toilets last week. Students were delighted with the brand new facilities and the remaining toilets are currently being completed. Basketball: Congratulations to our 2nd year boys basketball team on their win over Adamstown. Best for Lucan were Calum Walsh and Kingsley Okakpu. Hard luck to 1st year boys on their narrow loss. Enrolment Please contact Principal, Nichola Spokes, on 01 4570432 or download enrolment forms from St. Joseph’s College, Lucan A Presentation College under the Trusteeship of CEIST A school where every student matters Open Evening The Principal invites prospective parents and students to visit the school on Thursday 19th March 2015, 7 – 9 pm Members of staff and students will be present to welcome you to view the facilities and gain an insight into some of what St Joseph’s College has to offer. ○ Academic Excellence ○ Warm Atmosphere ○ Extra Curricular ○ Junior Cycle Pilot School ○ Impressive TY Programme ○ E – learning A full Prospectus will be available on the evening Join us for refreshments in the School Canteen For further information: Tel: (01) 628 1160 e-mail: Website: POLITICAL NOTES Joanna Tuffy TD (Constituency Office Dispensary Lane, Lucan, Phone 6218400; Email Website Twitter @joannatuffytd) Re Primary Health Care Centre: I made a submission to the Council about the planning application for a Primary Health Care Centre at Ballyowen Castle Shopping Centre to raise concerns residents had contacted me about. Obviously the services that are planned for the centre would be welcome but important concerns about traffic congestion and other planning matters must be taken into account. Submissions to the Council about this planning application reference SD15A/0020 can be viewed at I have also separately raised with the HSE the issue of the need to maintain services in Lucan Village currently provided out of the Lucan Health Centre. Councillor Guss O’Connell Independent Community 0876838254 Recently I wrote about the review of the County Development Plan. It should be noted that the Council is also engaged making a number of other plans, including Corporate Plan, Tourism Plan, Heritage Plan and Councillors will vote on a Social and Development Plan to be drawn up by the recently established Local Community Development Committee (LCDC). The public are entitled not only to comment but to “engage” in the preparation of such plans. If we get it right at the planning stage we are half way there. Now is your opportunity to have your say. The new structure for involving civic society, “Public Participative Network” (PPN), is open to all community organisations. Is your organisation a member? Local Government in Ireland can get better if people get more involved. Will you? Click onto or contact me or any councillor. Robert Dowds TD Phone: 087 652 0360. Email: Preventing Flooding in Lucan: I attended the consultation for drafting a flood map for Lucan this week, and I emphasised to the OPW the importance of them taking every measure possible to prevent flooding along the Griffeen and along the Liffey. Homeowners in Lucan deserve nothing less from the public body responsible for preventing flood damage to property. Insulation Grants: I met the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland this week to discuss renewable energy and climate change. They have asked me to remind everybody again that grants are available for insulation and retrofitting of homes. I have previously put this information in leaflets, and I have helped several residents in Lucan to get all the information they needed to apply for a grant successfully. If you are interested in getting a grant, please contact me or go to for more. Minister Frances Fitzgerald TD, Fine Gael. Constituency Office: 12 Main Street, Lucan, Co Dublin. 01 457 7712 or 086 1672251. Ballyowen Health Centre: This week I submitted observations to the Council in relation to the proposed development of a new Primary Health Centre at Ballyowen Shopping Centre. Having been contacted by a number of local residents, I asked the planning authority to carefully consider the appropriate height for a building at this location; the need for a full and comprehensive traffic management plan outlining how the development proposes to address the traffic issue for residents and clients of the health centre alike; and my objection to the removal of HSE Primary Care service in Lucan Village if this facility is granted permission. I fully support the delivery of new primary care services for the areas of Lucan south of the N4, but I believe removing the service in the Village would be a retrograde step. Cllr. William Lavelle - Fine Gael Chairman of SDCC Planning & Transport Committee. 36 St. Andrews Drive, Lucan 0874107885. Threat to HSE Primary Care Services in Lucan Village: A planning application was recently lodged for a 4-storey health centre at Ballyowen Castle. While I welcome NEW health services for Lucan, I have expressed concerns over the building’s height and traffic impact. However this week I received a letter from the HSE stating that EXISTING primary care services in Lucan Village would be removed and relocated to the proposed Ballyowen Castle centre. I object strongly to any loss of health services from Lucan Village, particularly given the large older population in nearby estates. I have sought a meeting with the HSE. Coolamber Housing Proposal: 74 houses are proposed. Following consultations with Finnstown residents, I have lodged a detailed submission outlining local concerns on traffic, boundary treatment, building heights and density. Cllr. Ed O’Brien - Fianna Fáil Constituency Office, 9/10 The Village Centre. Ph: 01 6105811. Mob: 087 7997609. Email Roundabout at Hillcrest Road/R120 Junction: I have again spoken to a number of residents in Hillcrest in relation to this issue as well as council officials. I continue to voice my concerns and those of residents to council officials and would welcome any contact from Hillcrest residents with their comments on the matter. Deputation meeting with Kew Park residents I attended a deputation meeting with Kew Park Residents Association in the council chamber and will pursue the matters raised at the meeting and feedback responses to residents in Kew Park. Clinics: Every Monday and Wednesday from 5.30 to 7 by appointment at my constituency office. Derek Keating Local TD Fine Gael Tel/Text: 087 285 7435. Office: 01 618 4014. Email: St Thomas’ & Scoil Áine Naofa School Extensions: I raised this matter again with the Minister for Education – I continue to work for delivery of these long outstanding school extensions, including in the New Capital Programme soon to be announced. Break-Ins: I would urge every resident to report every such event to the Gardaí. Ray Carroll R.I.P. I offer my most sincere condolences to the family and friends of our late friend Ray, including Ray’s wife Bea and children Adam and Emma. New Lucan Post Office & Proposed Lucan Primary Care Centre: Having initiated these to new projects, further information is available on Liffey Valley Extension: €26 million extension announcement, including 450 new jobs. OPW Flood Maps for Lucan: Draft flood maps have been issued. For further details please contact me. Deputy Mayor, Cllr. Liona O’Toole Independent 087-2795274. 10 Brookfield, Finnstown Abbey, Lucan. Play Space areas: A number of residents have contacted me in relation to the Play Space areas within our community. I have relayed these concerns to the Directors attention and I’ve been assured that the issues/concerns raised will be addressed. The Council welcomes any suggestions from residents for any alternative sites in the area. Please contact me if you need assistance on this. Ballyowen Health Care Centre: A number of concerns have been raised by residents in relation to plans for a new health care centre Ballyowen. These concerns/issues are available to view on the council website, reference number: SD15A/0020. It has come to my attention that part of the plan is to remove the health centres at Rossecourt and Lucan village. I’m working on these issues with my Community Alliance colleagues Paul Gogarty and Guss O’Connell. Caitríona McClean Rúnaí Connolly Sarsfield cumann Fianna Fáil Lucan 086-3898327 nó ag nó ag Tree Week: Residents in Hillcrest and in Airlie Heights have pointed out that SDCC have a responsibility for existing trees in terms of removal and pruning and planting new trees is not enough. Canonbrook and Woodview Heights: If you must park temporarily for school runs, please do not park on corners or block driveways. What seems like a five minute stop in reality can block others for up to twenty minutes and impede residents leaving their homes and make the road impassable for emergency services. St Catherine's Park: Pot holes and lack of information regarding emergency access have been reported to SDCC. Access to N4: At the root of traffic problems for many is the limited and reduced access points to the N4. The Newcastle road is not going to improve until this is sorted. Cllr. Danny O’Brien – Sinn Fein Member of the Environment, Public Realm & Climate Change SPC. Ph: 086 857 0828 Email: Weekly Canvass: We have started our weekly canvass again and we were out in Droim Na Coille Estate this week talking to local people about issues in their estate. I have been in contact with the council with all the issues raised. If you would like us to canvass your estate or have any issues you want me to raise in the council please contact me. Right2Water March: The next Right2Water march in Dublin City Centre will take place on the 21st of March. I hope to see a great turn out from Lucan and Palmerstown at this national protest. Weekly Clinic: Weekly clinic every Thursday from 7pm to 8pm for an appointment call me on 086-8570828. Cllr Vicki Casserly- Fine Gael Local Councillor, Lucan/Palmerstown Tel: 0858317982. Email: Facebook: Hillcrest Residents Association: I was delighted to facilitate the initial gathering to reignite the conversation to reactivate Hillcrest Residents Association and that the two interested groups have amalgamated to collectively move forward to progress this. I will continue to support ongoing efforts Newcastle Road Junction: I continue to make representations on behalf of residents’ concerns regarding this issue. No decision has been made to date regarding implementation of the roundabout and I continue to seek clarity on direct communication from SDCC to concerned residents reiterating plans regarding this matter. Cllr Ruth Nolan Contact 0868540030. Email ruthnolan'cllrs.sdublincoco.i People Before Profit: Last night’s PBP Lucan meeting in the Lord Lucan was a huge success; it was inspiring for us to be amongst, strong likeminded people. Last night we spoke about various issues local and global alike, we decided that one of the first things we shall tackle as a group is the water charges; we will be leafleting in areas around Lucan over the coming weeks with information on non-payment. We have decided to meet in the Lord Lucan once a month from here on in. We will keep you updated and post the date for our next meeting shortly, so if you missed the last one don’t worry! Transport Users A big issue is been made of the NCT vehicle testing as penalty points now apply if not up to date. This can happen through no fault of the owner using the cars birthday as guide date for NCT test. Most cars are sold at the beginning of the year resulting in an over demand at this time for the NCT. What’s the big problem with a delayed test when the existing law ensures all owners are responsible to have their vehicle in road wordy conditions at all times when on the road. With this original law in existence there was no need to increase the NCT to a yearly test for cars over ten years. This hits the less well off harder and puts extra pressure on the test centres. It also requires outside hours, in some cases night work and Sunday working to clear the back log pushing up costs. We have a habit in this country of doing many things wrong. T. Newton 086 3127364. . The Annual St. Patrick’s Day Celebration 2015 Preview 1. Esker Scouts 142nd / 180 2. Clondalkin Youth Band 3. Red Cross 4. Denis Malone 5. Zara Curtis Academy 6. Lucan Disability Action Group 7. Ballyowen Celtic FC 8. Keane Windows 9. Fit Kids/Fit Teens 10. Adamstown Cricket 11. Dalton & Co Estate Agents 12. Flood School of Dancing 13. Bear Foot Yoga and Fitness 14. Ronanstown Community Training Educate Together 15. Crumlin Youth Band 16. Lucan 23rd Scouts 17. Lucan Sarsfields GAA 18. Dyno Rod 19. Tara Dance Academy 20. Bank of Ireland Lucan 21. Esker Celtic FC 22. Lucan Special Olympics 23. Star Dance Academy 24. Barnhall Rugby Club 25. Attic Conversations 26. Reilly School of Dancing 27. Beech Park FC 28. St. Laurence O Toole Pipe Band 29. South Dublin Panthers 30. Weston Hockey Club 31. Westmanstown Youth Rugby Club 32. Goldwimg Owners Cub 33. St. James Brass and Reed Band 34. Lucan Concert Band. Contact: Mary Meehan 6281917, Barbara Cummins 086-2861692 or Peter Brady 6241230. Parade Assembles at Tesco for 2pm Sharp, please be in position by 2.30pm. Parade Commences at Tesco 3pm Sharp. Review Stand supplied by J. Tonor, PA System by Joe Keegan. Special thank to Tesco Shopping Centre, Nicholas O Connell, Sgt Morgan O Neill, SDCC Parks Dept. Stewards Wanted please contact Mary / Barbara or Peter. se.comsp CUMANN NA SÁIRSÉALAIGH LEAMHCÁIN 1886 Many thanks to all the Teams who sent in match reports this weekend. Full details can be found on our website over 1500 players in action in the last week across all 4 codes from age 7 to 40+! Membership is now due for 2015 and can be renewed on-line via our website. Our Div 4 Adult Football Team has vacancies on the management team for a coach and administration leads. If you are interested please phone 0862130103. Results: There were excellent wins for our U16A, U15A, U14A and U13A Hurlers over Cuala, Whitehall, Castleknock and Ballyboden respectively. Our Minor A footballers also had a good win over St. Judes. Our U14A Camogie Team got their League off to a winning start with a 10 point win over Ballyboden. The Adult Games focus switches to Football this week with a full programme of league games. Hurling Re-Union: The Club is organising a reunion of past hurling players from the 1950’s to 1980’s era. The event is on Saturday March 7th in the Clubhouse. If you played adult hurling with Lucan Sarsfields anytime before 1990 we would like to hear from you. Or if you have a family member, friend or neighbour that played in that period, please help us to get in touch with them. For more details, please contact Peter at 086-233 8953 or Jim at 01-6282418. Gaelic 4 Mothers & Others is a chance for all Ladies aged 18 and over (and it doesn't matter how much over!) to get fit in a fun, relaxed way while learning a few skills of the game. No previous playing experience is needed. We meet at the club All Weather Pitch @ 8.15pm on Mondays and are looking for new members. Come & Try Nights on Monday 2nd & 9th March, or come along any week to give it a try! Our Golf Society AGM will take place at the clubhouse at 8.30pm on Thursday March 12. All are welcome. U15A Hurling – Good start for Lucan vs. Whitehall: Lucan put on a good display and started the year well with an opening win over Whitehall on a day where the weather started out ok but really deteriorated with wind, driving rain and snow! We played with the aid of a diagonal wind in the first half and despite Whitehall opening the scoring, we settled in scored five unanswered points. Shaun Keegan picked off our third score on his debut for the team. This was a tough phase in the match with no free shots being yielded by our opponents and a number of wides were accrued also. Whitehall got more into the game in the middle of the half with two more points being scored by deep runners. We finished out the half with Cian putting over two more scores to lead 0-7 to 0-3. Whitehall took advantage of the wind and upped their game in the second half. The opened the scoring and we traded the next number of scores with the gap narrowed to 0-9 to 0-7. One of our scores was a wonder-point from Oisin from out wide on a very tight angle – against the wind! This was a vital score at the time when the game was in the balance. Andrew also hammered the post – top corner – with following a terrific run-and-strike which had their keeper well beaten. Following this phase, and with the weather really deteriorating, we finished out the game strongly with Andrew putting over another six points and Oisin adding another. There was some excellent teamwork on display, especially during this last phase. The game finished on a scoreline of Whitehall 0-7 to Lucan’s 0-16. This was a very good all-round display with every player – subs included - making a strong contribution. This is a mentors’ challenge for selection for our next game. U2’s “A Beautiful Day” was played on the radio on the way home – it brought a laugh from the carload of muddy, frozen bodies that I was carrying... Lucan: Eanna Torsney; Edward Connolly, Eoghan O’Connor, Ruairí Connolly; Anthony McNulty, Gavin Millea, Alan Murphy; Herkus Sviglinskas, James Fenlon; Oisín O’Brien (0-2), Andrew Carroll (0-9); Shaun Keegan (0-1); Cian McHugh (0-4), Eoin Higgins, David Kavanagh; David Millar, Cillian Hogan. Camogie U10 Saturday 28th February The blitz last Saturday provided a robust start to the season for the Sarsfields U10 girls. Peregrines of Blanchardstown provided the venue and some of the opposition. The U10 camogie team from Castleknock also fielded a team in order to meet the requirements of the large Lucan squad. There was a promising performance from the Sarfields girls despite the challenge posed by the unaccustomed grass terrain and inclement weather in the closing minutes of the event. Well done to all the girls. Lotto: There was no winner of this week’s €11,500 Lotto draw numbers were 4, 8, 12 and 18. This week’s jackpot is €12,000. Henley Forklift Group are sponsoring with Josephine Donohue’s Team in charge. Our Lucan District Credit Union Academy has now changed to Saturday mornings. The girls start at 9:30 and the boys at 10am. All welcome. ESKER CELTIC F.C. ST. MARY’S LUCAN BRIDGE CLUB Results: 02th March 2015 N/S: Joint 1st Carmel Shanley & Kay Cullen 1st Rosemary Deacon & Eileen Pentz 2nd Gill Powell & Lulu Van Cauwelaert 3rd Aileen & Denis Keane E/W: 1st Barbara Clarke & Angela Kelly 2nd Bridie Nestor & Nuala Joyce 3rd Noeline Brennan & Maura O'Reilly. LUCAN HARRIERS & A.C. Parkrun On Saturday morning there 12 members of Lucan Harriers running in the Parkrun, with lots of PBs delivered, the hard winter training has been certainly worth it. First home for Lucan was Stephen Gregg in 18.53, who got a PB with Libor Matousk next in 18.58, Patrick Holden and Will Byrne were in 10th and 11th in the same time of 19.57, next across the line was Derek Lynch in 19.58, which is a 5K PB for Derek, Joe Corcoran was in at 20.14. Next was Terry Meyler who also achieved a PB of 21.10, and Stephen Rynne was next in 21.19. Bernie Stapelton was the first Lucan Harrier lady home and 3rd overall in a time of 22.45, with Dermot Coakley next in 26.43 and Jim Dwyer behind him, also achieving a PB of 27.27, Mary Crosby was next in 33.10, with Sinead Panini next in 34.43 which was another PB All in all 5 PBs at Parkrun on Saturday. Fit 4 Life Continues at Lucan Harriers Lucan Harriers Fit 4 Life section are now taking new members, if you are new to running, or are just after starting and would like to run with people of a similar ability and AAI Coaches, why not come on Monday or Thursday at 7pm. It is with deep sadness that one of our most loved and highly respected committee member, coach and friend Ray Carroll passed away last Monday in Blanchardstown Hospital with his wife Beatrice by his side after a short illness. The Club and all its members offer their deepest sympathies to Beatrice and his two children Adam and Emma and their extended family. As a mark of respect, there will be no football activity this weekend. May he rest in peace. ST. MARY’S CARDS 1st: Michael Bradley 2nd: John O’Mahony 3rd: John Carey 4th: Angela Carr. Confey Castle Bridge Club New Members Welcome Wednesday Nights 7.30 – 10.30 pm Monday Mornings 10.00 am – 1.00 pm In Confey Community Centre, Leixlip or Phone 086 8421612 and 085 1184480. 2015 Women’s Mini Marathon Join Team Marie Keating. Sponsored by Glenisk Monday 1st June. All you need to do are two things Register with either the Evening Herald Or Sign up with Team Marie Keating at Or Fiona at 01 6283728. There are two ways to help us. Option 1 Make a one off donation of €25 to the Foundation to take a place on Team Marie Keating which covers your Marie Keating Foundation t-shirt and a donation to the Foundation. We will NOT send you a sponsorship card Option 2 Request a sponsorship pack which includes sponsorship card(s) and t-shirt. This year we will be at House on Lower Leeson Street who are very generously sponsoring our Pre and Post Reception on the day. Church Notices – 8th March 2015 3rd Sunday of Lent St. Mary's Lucan Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday, 6.30 pm, 8.45am, 9.45am, 11am, 12.15pm and 7pm. Weekday Masses: Monday to Friday 10 am and 7.30 pm. On Thursday 12th March – Evening Mass will be at 8pm due to First Confession at 7pm. Also during Lent the Rosary will be said at 9.30 am and will be followed by Morning Prayer at 9.45 am Monday – Saturday. Saturday 10 am Mass Divine Mercy Lucan South Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday, 6.30pm. 10.30am and 12 noon Weekday Masses: Monday – Friday 9.15am Adoration and Prayer: Adoration – Friday 10am-3pm Prayer Group – Monday 8pm-9pm Scripture Reading – Tuesday 9.45am-10.45am Baptisms: Parents are asked to attend an information meeting before making arrangements or booking dates. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Nuns Chapel), on Thursday 2pm-4pm and Saturday 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday after 10 am Mass and after the 6.30pm Mass St. Patrick's Esker / Dodsboro / Adamstown Baptisms: Baptism will take place every weekend. We ask parents to call to the Sacristy to book at least one month before ceremony. Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday, 7.00pm, 9am, 10.30am and 12 noon Folk Mass Deepest Sympathy to the husband, family and friends of Irene Devine, late of Beech Park, also to the wife, son, daughter, family and friends of Ray Carroll, late of Cannonbrook. May they rest in peace. Weekday Masses: Monday to Saturday 10am Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays after 10am and 7pm Masses Lucan Presbyterian Church Sunday: 10.30am Morning Worship Crèche and Children’s Ministry. All Welcome. St. Andrew’s Church of Ireland Sunday: St. Andrew’s - 9am and 10am St. Mary’s Leixlip 11.30am Baptisms: 1st and 3rd Sundays at 12.45pm and 2nd Saturday at 12.30pm. At least four weeks’ notice is required to facilitate preparation. Applications between 10am and 1.00pm Monday to Friday at Parish Office or after any Mass as Parents are required to attend a preBaptism Meeting. Bookings cannot be accepted on the telephone or by email. Lucan Methodist Church Sunday: 10am Holy Communion
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