Caitriona McClean, Fianna Fáil
Caitriona McClean, Fianna Fáil
LUCAN N E W S L E T T E R Established 1967 Sub. 50c. st Sunday 21 February 2016 The Bridges of Esker King John’s Bridge, on the Griffeen in Esker, is reputed to be the oldest bridge in Ireland. Built in 1210 by order of King John, it was a bridge of three arches, about nine feet in width – wide enough for a horse and coach to cross, and was in use up to the late 1700s when it fell in to disrepair. In the early 1800s, the road was realigned, and a new bridge was built a very short distance downstream. Both bridges are seen in this photo from the Shackleton Collection, taken around 1900, with only the centre arch of the old bridge still standing – as it is today, only there’s less of it! Some old stone walls are also visible either side of the bridge. Following flooding in Lucan in 2000, major work was done on the Griffeen, with culverts put in place under the 1800’s bridge, which have certainly helped prevent further flooding. We shall be forever indebted to Jane Wigham Shackleton and her family, for the legacy of a wonderful historical photo collection of Lucan and its surrounds. m.m. Lucan Citizens Information Centre Esker Friends of the Elderly Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090, Fax. 01 6217930 Email Our next Social take place on Friday 26th February, at 8pm, in Lucan Sarsfields GAA Club. All welcome. Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10 am to 1 pm and 2pm to 4 pm each day, closed for lunch 1 pm to 2 pm. For your convenience, please arrive before 12.30 p.m. in the morning, and before 3.45pm in the afternoon, as we close promptly. Citizens Information Phone Service (CIPS) 0761 07 4000 – opening hours 9 am to 8 pm Monday to Friday. MABS (Money Advice and Budgeting Service) helpline and MABS mortgage arrears helpline are both on the same number 0761 07 2000. Our services are free and confidential. Free Legal Advice Clinic (FLAC) on Thursday nights from 7 pm to 8.30 pm. FLAC telephone and referral line 1890 350250. Please note that FLAC provides Free Legal Advice and not Free Legal Aid. Sympathy: We extend our deepest sympathy to Therese Malone on the death of her sister. May she rest in peace. Palmerstown Afternoon Tea Dance Palmerstown Community & Youth Centre (beside SuperValu) Upper Kennelsfort Rd. Time: 3 – 6pm Sunday February 28th Live Band “Harmony” Sunday March 28th Live Band “Cheating Hearts” Only €5! Further information: 01-6166981 Information and updates on the Zika virus Zika is a viral infection that usually causes a mild illness that typically lasts between 2 to 7 days. Zika is spread by mosquitoes. Eighty percent of people who become infected by Zika virus have no symptoms. However infection with Zika virus has been strongly linked with a serious birth condition called microcephaly. Microcephaly means a baby born with an unusually small head. In these cases, the baby’s brain may not have formed properly during pregnancy. Cases of a neurological illness (called Guillain Barre Syndrome) possibly caused by Zika virus infection are also being studied. You can visit the Health Protection and Surveillance Centre (HPSC) for further information on the Zika Virus Infection, including affected countries and FAQs. Visit the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website to get advice on travelling to areas where Zika has been reported. Lucan Lions Club Golf Classic TEA DANCE Special Invitation to our Senior Citizen Friends of Lucan Our Annual TEA DANCE date for 2016 is Wed 23rd March. The venue is as always the elegant ballroom of The Lucan Spa Hotel. The starting time for the occasion is 5.30pm and as ever we have the music courtesy of Tim and Declan otherwise known as ‘Cheating Hearts’. Finger food will be supplied! Lucan Library – Citizens Information Drop in Facility Admission is free. Our Citizens Information outreach will be at Lucan Library on Wednesday the 24th of February between 10:30 and 12:30. All are welcome. Eilene – 086 1009371 Liffey Sound 96.4fm Liffey Sound's Election 2016 coverage proper begins on Monday next at 9 p.m. and continues on Tuesday and Wednesday nights at the same time. Twelve of the candidates standing in this constituency of Dublin Mid-West were able, and agreed to be interviewed separately in fifteen minute slots. These pre-recorded interviews were ordered alphabetically (but adjusted somewhat to suit availability) so first up on Monday night will be Patrick Akpoveta (Independent), followed by Christopher Healy (Direct Democracy Ireland), Frances Fitzgerald (Fine Gael) and Lorraine Hennessy (Workers Party). On Tuesday, Derek Keating (Fine Gael), Paul Gogarty (Independent Alliance.), John Curran (Fianna Fail) and Tom Kivlehan (Green Party) take the stage, and on Wednesday, Anne-Marie McNally (Social Democrats), Eoin O' Broin (Sinn Fein), Joanna Tuffy (Labour), and Francis Timmons (Independent) complete the line-up. The interviewers are Maria Murphy and Brendan Hackett. Lucan Youth Fun 2nd Year Program The Lucan Youth Fun 2nd Year Program registration night will be on February 22nd at 8.00pm in the Parish Centre. The cost for 2016 is €110.00. Please note that supervising parents are required to be Garda vetted. Forms for Garda vetting will be available on the night. All children taking part must have a valid Leap Card. Lucan Active Retirement We would like to remind our members that this is the last week for renewing membership. Our Birthday Dinner Date is April 1st. Venue: Lucan Golf Club, €25 per head. We hope all our members had a great day at Punchestown Races. We would like to offer our sincere condolences to Deirdre Waters and her family on the death of her sister Nuala. We hope these interviews will help voters make up their minds when they come to vote on Friday 26th. In the meantime, enjoy our wide range of programmes and check out our improved Facebook page. Whist Results – Tues 16th Feb: 1st Robin Adamson; 2nd Margo McDonagh; Joint 3rd Mary McCarthy and Brendan Ryan. Liffey Sound - Your Station, Your Voice Lucan Dramatic Society Lucan ICA A quick reminder that our second one act Theatre Dinner production of The Problem by A.R.Gurney will be staged in the Hanora Suite of the Spa Hotel on Friday February 26th. Tues 23rd 10-12.30 Craft Morning with a variety of crafts on the go at the moment knitting, crochet, cross stitch and fabric painting. If you would like to learn any to these crafts just come along to the bungalow in St Mary’s church grounds any Tuesday morning. To secure a dinner place and ticket please contact the Spa Hotel direct 6280494. The all inclusive price of €25 will guarantee a welcome respite from the winter blues and election promises. Wed 24th Committee 8 sharp. Glad to report that the spring production of The Shadow of a Gunman is now in rehearsal. Director Niall Cassidy had a huge turnout for the readings. Our thanks to all for your attendance and participation. More updates in the coming weeks. Thurs 25th Federation meeting 25th Gresham Hotel 7pm Find us on face book. Contact Sheila 087-2547725; Bernie 086-4015794. Memorabilia still needed from members for the 50th Anniversary album - there is a spot in the album just waiting for you. Happy Birthday to Riain O'Driscoll who celebrates his 2nd Birthday on Saturday 20th February - Love from Mum Dad and sister Saoirse Parish Notes St. Vincent de Paul - Church collection at all Masses Next Sat./Sun. 20th /21st February. Many thanks for your generosity. St Mary’s, Lucan Baptism Faith Friends Our next meeting will take place on Wednesday 2nd March 2016 at 8pm in the Parish Centre. I look forward to seeing you there. Elizabeth Ministers of the Word The roster for Ministers of the Word for March, April and May 2016 is now available for collection in the sacristy for those Ministers who have not received it by e-mail. Justice and Peace The J&P group have arranged a number of Talks to inform/inspire us over the weeks of Lent. Monday 29th February: Christianity and the Baptist Faith by Mr Victor Olaoya Monday 7th March: Maintaining your Mental Health by Mr Donal Scanlan Monday 14th March: The Challenge of Climate Change as addressed in the Encyclical Laudato Si by Pope Francis. We hope to have a good attendance in the Parish Centre at 8pm on each of these Mondays. Confirmation Congratulations to the girls and boys of Gael Scoil Eiscir Riada who were made their Confirmation on Wednesday last . Please remember them in your prayers. Christian Meditation We meet each Tuesday night at 8pm in The Bungalow. Everyone welcome. Sr. Geraldine, 6217158. Bible Study Group We meet every Mon. night at 8pm - the Bungalow. Bethany Group Bethany Group is available to listen to or just be there for anyone who is feeling lonely or lost following the death of a loved one. We meet on the 2nd Monday of each month from 10.30am-11.30am, also on the 4th Thursday of each month from 8pm 9pm. Parish Centre – 6217041. St Mary's Folk Group Our next Mass will be this Sunday at 12.15pm. Please come along and join us in singing Parish of Divine Mercy, Lucan South God, the Merciful One and Me An in-depth-weekend for a Year of Mercy: The Focolare Movement is hosting a weekend for young adults to explore the theme of Mercy. This weekend will be an opportunity to slow down and have time to cultivate our union with God, the Merciful One. A key-note talk, workshops, art, music, prayer and time to relax will be the framework to dig deep into our relationship with God and others. Are you between 17-35 years old? Then come and join us! Switch off the automatic pilot of daily life and make time for prayer, reflection and nourishing relationships in the relaxed atmosphere of the beautiful surroundings of the Focolare Centre in Prosperous, Co Kildare. When? Saturday, 12th March- Sunday, 13th March 2016 lunchtime Where: Focolare Centre, Prosperous, Co. Kildare. Arrival: Friday, 11th March 2016 from 7pm onwards. Bring your packed dinner for Friday night and your own sheets/ sleeping bag and towels. Cost: €45 for full board. Book your place until 29th February 2016 at Book early-spaces are limited. Looking forward to seeing you! St. Patrick’s Esker/Dodsboro/Adamstown Parish Ministry Event - Sat.19th March 10am: Mass in St Patrick's Church, Esker 11am: Coffee in the Spa Hotel, Lucan 11.15am: "The Misery of Job and the Mercy of God". Speaker Dr Jessie Rogers, St Patrick's College Maynooth. Jessie is a researcher in the department of Sacred Scripture and her research interests include ancient and modern readings of the Book of Job. Knitters Wanted for Good Cause My name is Stephanie Kiely A group of people are coming together one day a week to knit little hats for newborn babies and older babies and children. Cardigans and jumpers for little babies and older, scarves, booties, teddy's and dolls and anything usable for refugees here in Ireland and in the various camps. We already have three people in our group and a lot more pending. There is myself, Stephanie Kiely, Barbara Ryan Doyle and Valerie Sweeney to begin with. If anyone would like to join our group and dedicate a few hours per week to help Refugees you would be so welcome. Contact details: Stephanie Kiely and will give my contact numbers. 'Solidarity Red Wristbands' for sale. They will be on sale in Lucan first and on a stall in Dublin. If any of the group wants to put in orders for a dozen or so to sell among friends, feel free to contact me and we can arrange something. This will in time generate some much needed funds for the 'Dublin Calais Refugee Solidarity' cause to distribute as they see fit. Updates to follow. Stephanie Kiely Make-A-Wish Ireland Annual Wish Day - Lucan Gospel Choir will be singing at 10:30am Mass in St. Patrick's Church on Sunday 21st of February. Migraine Association of Ireland The Migraine Association of Ireland is running a public information event in Tallaght on Saturday 5th of March 2016, in the Plaza Hotel, Tallaght, from 11am to 2pm. Everyone is welcome. There is no charge for admission and the event is open to everyone, sufferer or not. Saint Philomena's Parish Old Lucan Road, Palmerstown, Dublin 20. Lenten Parish Retreat Friday 26th February – Sunday 28th February 2016 “Renewing Ourselves in God’s Loving Company” Tel: 01-626 0900 Email: Website: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Make-A-Wish® Ireland has one simple aim – we grant the wishes of children aged between 3 and 17 years living with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy and create extraordinary memories for them and their families. Volunteer are needed for WISH DAY, our annual fundraising day, on Fri. 8th April 2016. There are a number of ways you could get involved and support us: * select a location nearby and volunteer to sell our badges there for the day * hold a coffee morning or bake sale * hold a Jersey Day or a similar themed day Money raised on the day goes to continuing to grant wishes to our brave wish children. If you can commit to the full day or even a few hours selling our badges, please visit to register online. Alternatively contact Emma Horgan or call 01 2052012 for more details. Emma Horgan, Events Co-ordinator, Make-A-Wish® Ireland Pilgrimage - Medjugorje 9th May 2016 - €595, fully inclusive for 9 nights, with Marian Pilgrimages. Departing from Dublin. Contact Pat and Phil at 087 2238911 or 086 067792 Marymount Care Centre Westmantown, Lucan, Co. Dublin Next Thursday 25th February 2016 we are holding our second Dementia Care Information & Support Evening. 7pm-9pm Topic: What is Dementia? It is more than memory trouble.... Register your interest with Siobhán 085-1415533 25-02-2016 7pm-9pm Free Transport for Patients The Irish Cancer Society is offering a free transport service to patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments in the following hospitals – the Mater; Blanchardstown; St. James’s; St. Vincent’s and Tallaght. For more information, patients can contact their treatment team in the hospital or call Gail on 01 2310 566. Anniversaries BYRNE (FREDA) 40th Anniversary – 17th February We feel warmth around us, like your presence is so near We close our eyes to visualise, Your face when you’re not here We endure the times we spent together And they are locked inside our hearts For as long as we have these memories (Freda) We will never be apart. Loved always by your sisters Philda, Tessie, Marlene Also remembering our brothers Bernard and John, our nephews Desmond and Timothy. May they rest in peace BOLAND (MARTIN) 25th February – 19th Anniversary Our lips cannot speak how we loved him Our hearts cannot tell what to say But God only knows how we miss him, In our home that is lonely today. Sadly missed by Martin, Elizabeth and brother Micheál family and friends. Mass will be offered for Martin at 9:45am on 21st February in St Mary’s. BRADY (VIOLET) 5th Anniversary – 22nd February Those we love don't go away They walk beside us every day Unseen, unheard, but always near Still loved, still missed and very dear. Missed dearly by Fiona and family x CURTIS (BRENDAN) 19th Anniversary – 19th February To us you were so special In our eyes you will always shine We’ll forever love and miss you Until the end of time. Love always from Patricia, Leonard, Alan, Carol, Grace, Neville, partners and grandchildren DOYLE (GERRY) 2nd Anniversary – 18th February We miss you with every passing day Our home’s not the same since you went away Our love for you and memories will always last You will be in our hearts forever, not just in the past. Jackie, Stephen, Kirk, Sarahjane and Robert LALLY (JOHN) 16th Anniversary – 20th February In loving memory of a dear Father and Grandfather. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps him near A beautiful memory dearer than gold Of a father whose worth can never be told There’s a place in my heart no-one can fill I miss you Dad and always will. Greatly missed and never forgotten, your loving daughter Alison and Andy xxxx LALLY (JOHN) If I could write a story, it would be the greatest ever told, Of a kind and loving father, who had a heart of gold. I could write a million pages, but still be unable to say Just how much I love and miss you every day. Greatly missed by your loving daughter, Joyce and son in law Mark and Grandchildren Jonathan, Ciaran and Matthew xxx LALLY (JOHN) Though your smile is gone forever And your hands, I cannot touch I still have so many memories of a dad I love so much Although I cannot see you, your love has kept me strong Stay beside me always and help me carry on. Never forgotten from your loving daughter, Debbie, son in law Peter and Grandchildren Niamh, Karla and Aine LALLY (JOHN) Sweet is your memory, precious is your name Deep in our hearts, you will always remain. From your loving granddaughters Ruth and Alisha x Mass at 10.30am in St. Patrick’s Church, Esker. McCORMACK (LEO) 1st Anniversary – 19th February Beloved Husband, Dad and Grandad. Those we love don’t go away They walk beside us every day Unseen, unheard but always there So loved, so missed, so very dear. Always loved and remembered by your loving wife, children and grandchildren WHELAN (KEVIN) 10th Anniversary – 18th February Loving memories never die, As years roll on and days pass by. In our hearts a memory is kept, Of ones we loved and will never forget. Loved and remembered every day, Liz, Mary, Cathy, Barry and families Birthday Remembrance FINN (BRIDGET) 80th Birthday Remembrance A dear wife and mother. As we look upon her picture, sweet memories we recall Of a face so full of sunshine, and a smile for one and all Sweet Jesus take this message to our dear Mam up above Tell her how we miss her and give her all our love. From Eddie and all the family xxx O’HARA (JIM) 21st February – 4th Birthday away from Home We cannot send a birthday card Your hand we cannot touch But God will take our greetings To the one we love so much. Happy Birthday Lots of love, Chrissie, all your daughters, grand-children and great grand-children. Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary to Joshua and Aisling Boland Timber!!!!! Biggest news of the week was the fallen tree on Chapel Hill last Wednesday morning which brought traffic chaos around school times, until the County Council cleared it away. We’re told that the land on which the tree stood is not belonging to the council, but they cleared the fallen timber from the road. on the 21st. February 2016. Have a great day. Lots of love and happiness. From Mam, Dad, Davina, Abby and Jess x x x. Date for your diary..... Bealtaine Festival 1st May – 31st May 2016 South Dublin County Council will be hosting their Annual Bealtaine Festdival in May 2016. The following events have been arranged: Bealtaine Festival Competition: An opportunity to showcase “Creativity as we age” (Competition details to follow). Opening Ceremony on Tuesday 3rd May (Venue to be confirmed). A month long festival of events for you to participate in (Brochure to follow). An opportunity for you and your group to host an event of your own showcasing activities that your group are involved in. If you would like to get involved contact us: Maria Finn 086-3803060 or Sandra Hickey 0860431779 or 01-4149270. Email: or St. Dominic's Secondary School Ballyfermot D10. 01 6266493 Open Evening Thursday 25th February, 5pm – 7pm Principal’s Address 5.45pm Parents / Guardians of 4th, 5th and 6th class students St Dominic’s is all girl Catholic school, that has a been endorsed by the DES as a school of high Expectation, Retention, attainment, progression to Further Education and Excellent Pastoral Care. Thankfully, it happened in the early morning and nobody was hurt. (Pic.SDCC) Voting on Friday next, 26th February! Over next weekend we’ll find out who is to represent us in Dáil Eireann for the next few years. It’s hard to know who to vote for between party candidates and independents, but it behoves us to do our best and go out and vote on the day. Good luck to all candidates in Dublin Mid-West! Fun Run Adamstown Community College is holding a 5k/10k Charity Fun Run on 6th March 2016. The race will begin at 11am from the grounds of the Community College and the course will be run through Adamstown and Lucan. There will be a reception afterwards in the foyer of the College where refreshments will be served. Prizes on the day for 1st home (male and female) for both races and 1st under 16 home. Online on or on link through www.adamstowncc.ieor registration forms available from the College reception. Late registration from 9:30am on the morning of the race. Fr Fay’s Chalice We are pleased to have turned up some very interesting information on the 1761 chalice uncovered in St. Mary’s some months back. It seems he went to wherever he was required during the next few years. His first real appointment as parish priest was in 1771 when he was sent to Balrothery (Balbriggan). He remained there until 1777 when he was transferred to St. James’. He remained there until his death in 1786. Shortly before his death he was made a Canon of the Prebendary of Dunlavin (became a member of the Metropolitan Chapter who served as advisors to the Archbishop).” (from an unknown source in the Diocesan Archives). Over the centuries, the Parishes of Lucan, Clondalkin and Palmerstown changed around somewhat. Around the time Fr. Fay came, Lucan and Palmerstown had just broken away from Clondalkin making a separate parish. The parishes all united again at a later date, and Lucan finally became a parish in its own right in 1953. Fr Fay was succeeded in Lucan by Fr Michael Hall in 1770. Then came Fr Andrew Toole in 1786 and Fr Michael Ryan in 1788. Fr. Ryan had been CC in St Andrews from 1783. He left Lucan in 1798 and returned to St. Andrews. John Dunne came in 1798. A puzzle solved? Fr. Ryan’s connection with both Lucan and St. Andrews might explain how a register of Lucan Baptisms and Marriages for those years, got in with St. Andrew’s, Westland Row Registers! While the list of clergy for Lucan for the early years is incomplete, the following are listed: Inscription around base of chalice: “This Chalice belongs to the Parish of LUCAN bought by the Parish Priest Patrick Fay 1761” (4231 etched on bottom) We had no record of Rev Patrick Fay, and St. Mary’s was not yet built at the time. Thanks to local genealogist Mary Jackson, who knows people in places that matter, such as Diocesan Archivist Noelle Dowling, the following emerged. “The first Parish Priest of Lucan and Palmerstown was probably Fr Patrick Fay. He was born in Dublin in 1725 and studied in Salamanca where he was ordained in 1753. He continued with further studies until 1757 when he returned to Dublin. From 1323 to the Dissolution of the Monasteries by Henry VIII, the names of two clergy who had charge of St. Marys were John Route 1395 and Thomas Hunt 1409. 1680 saw Oliver Doyle in Lucan. During the 1800s, the following are listed: Fr. James McCarten, who was murdered on the Hill of Lucan (Chapel Hill), in 1807. 1837 – Matthias Kelly 1855 – John Moore 1883 – James Baxter 1860 – Edward Dunne 1885 –Daniel Deasy 1887 – James Hickey 1888 – William Donegan, who wrote ‘Lucania’. Mary Mulhall CHOOL NEWS Lucan Community College U-20 Boys Soccer Final: Our intrepid senior soccer team headed off to face Arklow CBS in the FAI Schools Dr Tony O'Neill Leinster soccer final on the Friday before midterm. A bus full of supporters braved the cold wet weather to cheer on the team who have performed admirably throughout this tournament and team coaches and mentors Colum O'Gorman and Philip Mulready were hopeful that their team spirit would win through on the day. Sadly it was not to be and after a battle which lasted right to the final whistle Lucan lost 2-3. With Declan Kelly and Daniel Grant the goal scorers, Lucan CC remains very proud of this team and all that it accomplished at a time when many players were busy with Mock exams and preparations for the Leaving Certificate. Fitness Bootcamp! The PE department are delighted to announce that a fitness bootcamp will start for all girls after the February mid-term break. The school has secured funding from South-Dublin Sports Partnership and will be able to run a free sixweek course led by former LCC student and fitness guru, Mark Lacey, for all girls in Lucan CC. The programme is aimed at getting girls of all ages who are currently not active or exercising regularly to get involved in a fun fitness environment. The bootcamp starts on Wednesday 24th February at 1.10pm until 2pmand we hope to see you there! Operation Transformation: Congratulations to Emily Fitzgerald and other 2nd year students who appeared on Operation Transformation performing an “It’s Your Move” Dance routine recently – a dance fitness workshop designed for teenage girls. Well done to the group of students who got together to rehearse and perform this dance routine during lunch times and to Emily for coordinating it. U15 Girls Soccer Victory: Congratulations to the girls U15 soccer team who beat Adamstown CC 7-0 on a cold and wet day, Friday 11th Feb. The match was the first of the year for the 2015 Leinster semifinalists as they hope to go even further this time round. Nicole Smyth scored two goals, with one each for Zara Lawless, Ada Bowler, Alex O’Shaughnessy, Alex Healy and captain Emma Fallon. Well done to all involved and good luck in the next fixture against St Josephs, Lucan. Mental Health Week: Just before midterm our guidance team focused on getting every student to reflect on how they manage their emotional wellbeing and providing students with information on supports available. Four transition year students who completed peer education training with Jigsaw Clondalkin, visited 2nd and 3rd year classes delivering a presentation to students about Mental Health. Other activities and competitions took place for other year groups throughout the week. Student feedback has been very positive. The main message of the week is that we all need to look after our Mental Health and it is very helpful to keep in mind the 5 things we should all do every day to mind our Mental Health: Connect; Be Active; Take Notice; Keep Learning; Give. Summer Fête Plans: Lucan Community College Parents’ Association are planning a major fundraising event in April to raise much needed funds for the school. A planned extension due for completion will require much investment by the school. It is planned to hold a fête in April with food vendors, craft stalls, tombola, children’s entertainment, summer bedding plants, flower baskets etc. We are looking for help with the running of this event in the following areas:• Running a stall • Selling raffle tickets • Baking cakes, traybakes, etc • Help running coffee/tea area • Helping in the organisation of this event in any other way. Please contact us at Parent’s Association meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm, come along and see what goes on. Mock Exams: Well done to all of our 3rd and 6th year students who have recently completed their Mock examinations. Now that you have had a chance to practice your study techniques and exam timing we hope that you feel better prepared for the real thing in June. German Exchange: Our exchange students are currently spending time in Münchberg Germany as the guests of their host families. This opportunity to immerse themselves in German language and culture for two weeks is a unique experience and we wish them and teachers Mr Duffy and Inion Ni Bhriain a safe trip. Parent Teacher Meetings: Reminder that our 2nd year PTM takes place on Thursday 25th February and our 1st year PTM on 14th March both from 4.15pm to 6.45pm. This is an important opportunity for parents/guardians to meet with teachers and find out about their child's progress. John Ring R.I.P. It was with the greatest shock and sadness we learnt of the passing of John Ring on 14th February, Valentines Day. John was Principal of Divine Mercy Senior School in Balgaddy since its beginning, and was a regular contributor to Lucan Newsletter. We eagerly awaited his weekly reports on school events, sometimes humorously slighting teachers, not only of his own school but often of other local establishments! If he had not been a teacher, he certainly would have made it as an author! To his wife Clare, and children Niall, Conor and Cathy, we extend our deepest sympathy. May he rest in peace. From the archives……. Sunday 14th July 2013 Leinster Final - Dublin 2.25 – 2.13 Galway Ag feithimh le dhá bhlian is caoga The irony was not lost on the cognoscenti who smiled ruefully when Dickie Stakelum was signalled out for mention during the presentation. Dickie’s declaration after the Munster Final Replay of 1987 that the famine was over was based on a crash diet of a mere 16 years. 52 years is a famine of biblical proportions where the locusts of other games and interests threatened to devour any hope that the seeds of devotion sown to hurling would survive to harvest time. Try telling a six year old boy who sat on his Dad’s knee at the 1965 All Ireland Hurling Final that the victory of the Dublin minor team that day would be the last significant national title the county would win until 2011. Try telling the same young boy to tell a whole generation of his peers who watched the 1966 World Cup that hurling was a better game than soccer. That same young boy soon got tired of being called a GAH man for pucking the ball against the wall at the front of the house and retreated to the back of the house until he ran out of funds to pay for broken windows. Hurleys which were marked from overuse soon found respite in the shed and were treated to decreasingly occasional visits out in the open. Soon they were prematurely retired. The 36,000 plus crowd about half from Dublin bore witness to this generation. A couple of middle aged men sipped pints outside Gaffneys leaning against the wall of the pub, not out of inebriation but out of necessity to support aching bodies. A new generation was on view. Family units were strongly represented many of whom were from the newer suburbs where hurling had been fostered and flourished. Ciaras, Roisins, Aines mingled with Seans, Naoises and Conors. The once proud bastion of Dublin school hurling Joeys in Fairview looked forlornly as the trickle of supporters wended its way into Ballybough. Not one ex Joeys boy featured in the programme and the once mighty St. Vincent’s club which thrived on the Joeys connection had but one player on the panel at lowly 26. Of course the game started on time. Football games involving Dublin are generally delayed to allow for delay in getting fans into the ground. Hurling connoisseurs consider this tardiness to be reprehensible and rude. Latecomers missed the early exchanges when Dublin trailed for the only time in the game thanks to a Galway point from a free. Scores were exchanged, duels were developing none more engrossing than Kelly and Canning. Villains of the previous week, like Joey Boland began to emerge as potential heroes. The career of Dotsy O Callaghan, last season pronounced as being dead, arose and appeared to many. Even the corporate spectator seated beside him who was more used to the exploits of Team Leinster began to appreciate that was BOD was not the only No. 13 equipped with a sidestep, quickness of foot and speed of thought. Keaney, Ryan O Dwyer and Paul Ryan led the charge and a 1-12 to 0-7 lead plus a positive intervention from Hawkeye just before half time was as deserved as it was unexpected. The West awoke in the second half and early scores threatened to upstage the script. Paul Ryan’s second goal was followed soon after by a J.C moment of class and a David Burke screamer. 2-17 to 2-11 proved a starting point for the revolution to take grip. Clever use of the dugout saw the introduction of the younger Schutte, who led the charge in dismantling the last lines of resistance. The outrageously talented Keaney led from the back, middle and front. The once darling of the media Rushe ensured that his reputation was salvaged from the prospect of becoming a C list celebrity and drove incessantly on. Gary Maguire made one marvellous save in front of the still crowded Hill. Galway folk traipsed away good naturedly. No one in the mixture of Tommy Varden or Supermac jerseys begrudged Dublin. Their graciousness was commendable and considerate. Jimmy Grey, goalkeeper on the 1961 team, presented the trophy to Johnny Mc Caffrey. The acceptance speech was inclusive and insightful. No one was getting carried away. No one except perhaps a middle aged man with his 21 year old son as his companion. The son reminded his Dad that he was aged two when Dublin last won a Leinster Hurling Title. His Dad advised his son that he would be 73 if the pattern was to be repeated. Silence and satisfaction ensued. The walk back to Fairview was through delighted and dignified sets of supporters. Victory for Dublin and for those six year olds who dare to dream. John Ring Archbishop Ryan Senior N.S. Rebellion Weather (Some observations on the weather of Easter Week 1916) grounds of the Rotunda Hospital. They were “thoroughly miserable, stiff and halffrozen”. (Max Caulfield). In the past weather has sometimes affected the outcome of warfare. Notable examples are Napoleon’s retreat from Moscow in 1812 and the D-Day Landings in 1944. While the weather of Easter Week 1916 did not influence the outcome of the Rising, it is interesting to see how it affected those involved in the fighting and also the citizens of Dublin at that time. I will look at the week from Monday 24th April to Sunday 30th April and see what maximum temperature was recorded each day at Phoenix Park weather station. Minimum air temperature had dipped to 3 degrees with ground temperature only 1 degree overnight. To summarize, no weather records were broken during Easter Week 1916. Apart from rain on Tuesday 25th and cold nights towards the end of the week it was a pleasant spell of warm April weather with a lot of brilliant sunshine on the day of surrender (Saturday 29th) and also, on Sunday 30th when the rebels were marched to Richmond Barracks, Inchicore. After the Rising a fine spell of weather was sometimes referred to as “Rebellion Weather”. On Monday 24th, Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 26th April 1916, 17 degrees Celsius was the maximum temperature. On Thursday 27th it was 16 degrees. On Friday 28th it was 13 degrees and on both Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th it was 15 degrees. The average maximum temperature for April in Dublin is 13 degrees. Consequently, the weather was pleasant for outdoor activities. On Easter Monday many people, including Military personnel made their way to Fairyhouse Races or to the beaches at Dalkey and Malahide. Denis Torsney. Max Caulfield, in his book ‘The Easter Rebellion’ has many references to the weather. Easter Monday: “blue sky – wisps of trailing cloud” and also: “the warm midday air”. th Early on the morning of Tuesday 25 participants of the Rising occupied St. Stephen’s Green. A cold wind was blowing and “women lay huddled together for warmth”. (Max Caulfield). The average daily rainfall for April is 1.5 millimetres. On Easter Tuesday 5.9 millimetres fell. Looting took place in Sackville Street “despite a dark lowering sky”. (Max Caulfield). Eventually a downpour cleared the streets! Every other day of the week had little or no rain. The average daily sunshine is 5 hours for April. This figure was well surpassed with 11.7 hours on Saturday 29th and 11.4 hours on Sunday 30th April. Winds ranged during the week from southerly at the start to north-easterly at the end. They were generally light in strength. The rebels who surrendered spent Saturday night (29th) / Sunday morning (30th) in the open air in the Easter 1916 I have met them at close of day Coming with vivid faces From counter or desk among grey Eighteenth – century houses. I have passed with a nod of the head Or polite meaningless words, Or have lingered awhile and said Polite meaningless words, And thought before I had done Of a mocking tale or a gibe To please a companion Around the fire at the club, Being certain that they and I But lived where motley is worn; All changed, changed utterly; A terrible beauty is born. William Butler Yeats. How is the date for Easter determined? Easter falls on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox. If the first full moon occurs on the equinox, Easter is the following Sunday. Thus, Easter can fall anywhere between March 22nd and April 25th. The Songs & Poems Of Percy French With The Percy French Troubadours Westmanstown Conference Centre Friday 4th March At 8 pm Book now: Telephone 01-6282071 or 087-9229322 Show Ticket €15 Show and 3 Course Carvery Meal €30 Last orders 7 pm DDLETB Adult Education Service L.I.F.E. Centre, Esker Hill, Lucan Tel. 6280029 FREE CLASSES The L.I.F.E. Centre offers a wide range of part-time courses which are available to people whose first language is English and who require learning support and want to improve their reading and writing skills. If you need help or know someone who needs help with reading and writing please call us on 01-6280029 and confidentiality is assured. Communications: Have you always wanted to improve your communication skills and at the same time update your computer skills, this is the course for you. In this course you will gain confidence using the computer and at the same time improve your English skills in writing, reading and speaking. Classes are on Thursday afternoons 2.30 – 4.30pm and Wednesday evenings 7.00 – 9.00pm. Places available in both classes. Spellings: Would you like to improve your spellings, learn how to use a dictionary and reference books to improve your chances in further education. Class is on Wednesday evenings 7.00 9.00pm. Mathematics: This class is to help to improve your Mathematics at QQI Level 2 with the option available to progress on to QQI Level 3. Induction: This class is designed to help learners in a very small group setting to learn at their own pace. If you are interested in joining any of these classes or need any further information please telephone Ann Durran at 6280029. Transport Users The city planners are undermining our bus system with continuous changes not all for the best. They do not allow for the problems of users with disabilities. They now want to take all buses out of Dame St. a very important street for bus users over the past one hundred years and bring these buses in via the Quays at Bachelors Walk. This area is already overloaded with existing country and city buses and is needed for future bus expansion. This also affects Lucan buses making this stretch of roadway more dangerous for all and particularly for users with a disability. Buses should be allowed to continue use Dame St. T. Newton 086 31273 Walk with Grandma I like to walk with Grandma, Her steps are short like mine. She doesn’t say: ‘now hurry!’ She always takes her time. I like to walk with Grandma She sees thing like I do. Small pebbles bright, a funny cloud, Half hidden drops of dew. Most grown ups are too bossy, Too hurried to see. I’m glad that God made Grandma. CUMANN NA SÁIRSÉALAIGH LEAMHCÁIN 1886 Hurlers. It’s February 2016, yet on Sunday Lucan Sarsfields Under 21 Hurlers capped off their 2015 campaign as Dublin Championship Winners. The delayed final saw Lucan overcome Naomh Fionnbarra 1:14 to 1:08 at a cold, hailstone battered Alfie Byrne Road. Tom Ryan who watched the game must have been impressed with the players knocking on the senior door. Full match details are available on the website. Sunday 10:30am v Templeogue. Junior A’s and Intermediates also started their competitive 2016 season, but neither with success. Minor A&Bare away this weekend to Cuala and Good Counsel. The senior hurlers still have a few weeks to wait for action. Juveniles. Amongst the juveniles, CCC2 was a football weekend with wins for 13A, 14A, 14B, and 15A (three in a row for them). Camogie and Ladies Football are still confined to challenge games for another few weeks. This coming weekend has just a handful of U13/14 football league and grading games along with some challenge games. Operation Transformation continues for another few weeks, its runs from the club every Tuesday and Thursday evening at 7:30pm, in association with SDCC Sports Partnership. Never too late to join in, simply turn up before the first walk Tuesday/Thursday at 7.30pm. Heads up….Saturday 12th of March, Rory’s Stories - Live Show. This is a hilarious GAA themed show, always very popular wherever it goes. Tickets available at the bar. Clothes Collection. The old clothes collection that was due to finish at the club Saturday last, but it can run until the coming Saturday, so there is still a little time to clean out the wardrobe. Cúpla Focal Club is every on Monday night, with Seán O’Lanagáin. Eight O’Clock do na daoine ag tosnú, and nine O’Clock dos na saineolaí. Sean McClelland (Captain Lucan U21 Hurlers) accepting the Cup from Dublin County chairman Sean Seanley. Camogie. Congratulations to St. Josephs School Senior Camogie team who won their All Ireland Semi Final on Saturday last with a thrilling four point win over Banagher. The final is scheduled for Saturday 5/3 against Scoil na Trionoide (Doon, Co. Limerick) who beat St. Raphael’s in their semifinal. Football. Congratulations also to Michael Robinson who lined out for Dublin Minor Footballers in their drawn game against Cork on Saturday. The growing list of club players in 2016 with representative honours probably deserves some more profile. Senior footballers start to the season fell foul of a few snow flakes as their fixture against Thomas Davis was called off at the last minutemen word yet on replay) but their second jame is at home on Bingo is back Wednesday next (24/2) with the Set dancing continuing in the function room on Wednesday at 8:30pm, and the 25-Card Drive continues on Friday Night at 9pm, new participants are always welcome. Lucan District Credit Union Academy @ Lucan Sarsfields continues every Saturday at 9:30am for the Boys and 10am for the Girls. All welcome to come and try and we would encourage parents to get involved and assist the existing mentors. The club shop is open as usual on Thursday 7pm9pm and on Saturday 10:30am to 1:30pm. Lotto. There was one winner of this week’s €3,500 Lotto draw; numbers were 6, 11, 18 and 19. Winner was Orla Niamh Mockler. Lotto sponsor was Newcastle Golf Centre. Next week’s jackpot is €1,000, and the draw will be managed by team Seamus Clandillon on Sunday night. LUCAN HARRIERS & ATHLETIC CLUB Lucan Harrier & Athletic Club are delighted to have received capital sports funding for our Track Redevelopment on the Newcastle Road, opposite SuperValu. Our track is into its 31st year and in great need of an upgrade. Our growing membership of juveniles, seniors and fit4lifers coupled with the Lucan schools and wider community will reap the benefits of a competitive track to national standards on their doorstep. Girls U13 long jump and Liam Brennan in Boys U12 600m. Bronze medals went to Alison Bracken Girls U9 500m, Chelsea Olumba in Girls U11 600m, Saoirse Fitzgerald in the U10 Long Jump. Boys U10 4x100m relay and Girls U12 4x100m Relay. We also had 4th and 5th places in the U10 Girls Long Jump with Isobel Cuffe and Niamh Lammon jumping great jumps and 4th place for the U11 Girls & Boys Relay Teams and 5th place for the U13 and U14 Girls Relays. We were well represented in other events including the Long Jump, Shot Putt and all middle distance events with many of our athletes reaching finals and just missing out on medals. Congratulations to all the children and a huge thanks to the Coaches and Parents who supported and cheered on the juveniles over the two days. We are now in fundraising mode to make up the balance required and would really appreciate your support. We have a number of great events through the year to meet our fundraising goals. Our first such event is the Lucan Harriers Golf Classic being held in the K Club, April 14th, start time of 2pm. Team of 4 on the famous Palmer Course, including 4 course dinner is €900. Additional dinner guests, €50 per person. If you are a local business or not a golf lover and would still like to support our event, you can sponsor a hole for €250. Reservations / sponsorship, please contact Gerry Byrne on 086 2434712086 2434712. If you would like more information or wish to donate directly to the club please email We always welcome new members. If you would like to become a member please email for more information about how to register and our training times: Juveniles - Seniors & Fit4Life - Please note juvenile membership may be subject to waiting lists, as there is required ratio of coaches to juveniles. Thank you and we look forward to your support and a great year ahead. Lucan Harriers had a very successful weekend at the Dublin Juvenile National Indoor Championships held in Santry last weekend. We had some brilliant performances with medals and finalists in a range of events. There was Gold medals for Saoirse Fitzgerald in the Girls U10 500m, Charlie Hughes in Boys U9 500m and Hannah Moriarty in Girls U12 long jump with a jump of 4m20. Silver medals went to Eoghan O'Connor in Boys U11 long jump, Sophie Reihill in Two of the U11 girls. Venue: The K Club on the Palmer Course (Home of the 2016 Irish Open in May 2016) Thursday 14th April 2016, Shotgun Start at 2pm 4 Course Evening Meal 4 Players per Team – €900 per Team (Payment to be made at least 3 weeks prior to event) Supplementary payment of €50 for each additional Dinner Guest. Hole Sponsorship available. Auction Prizes Welcome Further Information from Gerry Byrne 086 2434712 ST. MARY’S CARDS 1st: Mary Rafter 2nd: Eileen O’Callaghan 4th: Paddy Culloty 5th: Joe McPartland. LUCAN PITCH & PUTT CLUB Winter Leagues This years winter leagues have been sponsored by Halpenny Golf. Last group games The last of the group games were played and there was 3 scalps with Evelyn O Gorman beating Dave Coady, Angela Shanahan beat Christopher Byrne and Linda Thompson beat Peter Keogh. The Quarter Finals The Winter Wariors faced of against the Morris Minors and after the matches it finished 6-6 and both teams nominated a player to play the playoff so it was Danny Kilduff v Martin Walsh and Danny emerged victorious. The next match finished as a draw after the play between Damo's Dynamos and Langans Ball but langans ball held their nerves in the playoff and won the game. The Phillipos and the Diggers played the next match and the Phillipos won 7-5 in a very close and well fought game. The Fridge magnets were also victorious in the Last of the Quarter-finals 7-5 against the Murphs. The Gents Day Out Please note in order to secure your place on the Gents Day Out to Ryston, a deposit of €10 must be paid on or before Sunday, February 21st. Full payment must be made by Sunday, March 6th. Payment will be accepted by Noel Leonard, Terry O’Shaughnessy or Michael O’Gorman. Friday Nights This friday Val's Chase The joker with the jackpot now carrying over €200. Friday nights Darts Competitions rún by Seve McGrath and Val Poleon. All members welcome up for a great night with lots of fun and now a few quid up for grabs. Lucan Pitch and Putt Pool Team Lucans Pool team have reached the quarter finals of the cup which is played in the Green Isle Hotel in June. The team have turned their season around and now have some strong wins and some confidence heading into the business end. For any information or results or social events in the club please see our website St. Patrick’s Day Parade Lucan 2016 Entry Form Name of Group: ……………………………………… ……………………………. Address: ……………………………………… ……………………………………. Phone: ………………...................... Float: …… Walkers: …… Please Return Completed Forms to any of the following Mary Meehan, 174 Arthur Griffith Park, Lucan. Ph: 6281917 / 085-7374645. Email: Barbara Cummins, 180 Arthur Griffith Pk, Lucan. Ph: 5210715 / 086-2861692 Email: Peter Brady, 43 Dodsboro, Lucan. Ph: 6241230 / 087-6345244. Closing Date for Entries is Friday 26th February 2016 Church Notices – 31st January 2016 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Mary's Lucan Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday, 6.30 pm, 8.45am, 9.45am, 11am, 12.15pm and 7 pm Weekday Masses – Monday to Thursday 10 am Wednesday 3rd February – The Feast of St. Blaise. The Blessing of Throats after the 10 am Mass Friday – 1st Friday of the month, Masses 10 am and 7.30 pm. Saturday 10 am Thursday 11th February Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and World Day of the sick. Mass at 4 pm incorporating anointing of the sick Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (Nuns Chapel), on Thursday 2pm-4pm and Saturday 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm St. Patrick's Esker / Dodsboro / Adamstown Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday, 7.00 pm, 9 am, 10.30 am and 12 noon Folk Mass Weekday Masses: Monday to Saturday 10am Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays after 10am and 7pm Masses Baptisms: 1st and 3rd Sundays at 12.45pm and 2nd Saturday at 12.30pm. At least four weeks’ notice is required to facilitate preparation. Applications between 10am and 1.00pm Monday to Friday at Parish Office or after any Mass as Parents are required to attend a preBaptism Meeting. Bookings cannot be accepted on the telephone or by email. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday after 10 am Mass and after the 6.30pm Mass Baptisms: Baptism will take place every weekend. We ask parents to call to the Sacristy to book at least one month before ceremony. Deepest Sympathy to the family and friends of Laurie Creevey, late of Clondalkin, and to the family and friends of Helen Scully, late of Lucan Heights also to the mother, family and friends of David Kavanagh, late of Foxborough. May they rest in peace Divine Mercy Lucan South Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday, 6.30 pm, 10.30 am and 12 noon Weekday Masses: Monday – Friday 9.15 am Adoration and Prayer: Adoration – Friday 10am-3pm Prayer Group – Monday 8pm-9pm Scripture Reading – Tuesday 9.45am-10.45am Baptisms: Parents are asked to attend an information meeting before making arrangements or booking dates. Lucan Methodist Church Sunday: 10am Holy Communion Lucan Presbyterian Church Sunday: 10.30am Morning Worship Crèche and Children’s Ministry. All Welcome. St. Andrew’s Church of Ireland Sunday: St. Andrew’s - 9am and 10am St. Mary’s Leixlip 11.30am Come and Fellowship with the Holy Spirit Bush Centre, Balgaddy, Lucan South Every Saturday from 6pm – 8pm. Call: 087-3744782. Come and experience the Lord. Gospel Baptist Church Pastor Les Hill Church Office: 085-190 2454 Web:
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Caitriona McClean, Fianna Fáil
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10 am to 1 pm
and 2pm to 4 pm each day, closed for lunch 1 pm to
2 pm. For your convenience, please arrive before
12.30 p.m. in the morning, and before 3.45p.m. in