13 - Lucan Newsletter
13 - Lucan Newsletter
LUCAN N E W S L E T T E R Established 1967 www.lucannewsletter.ie Sub. 50c. th Sunday 13 April 2014 Holy Week with Pope Francis Reflecting on the start of Holy Week this Psalm Sunday Pope Francis writes: Dear Brothers and Sisters, On Palm Sunday we began Holy Week, the heart of the liturgical year, when we commemorate the great events that express most powerfully God’s loving plan for all men and women. Jesus enters Jerusalem in order to give himself completely. He gives us his body and his blood, and promises to remain with us always. He freely hands himself over to death in obedience to the Father’s will, and in this way shows how much he loves us. We are called to follow in his footsteps. Holy Week challenges us to step outside ourselves so as to attend to the needs of others: those who long for a sympathetic ear, those in need of comfort or help. We should not simply remain in our own secure world, that of the ninety-nine sheep who never strayed from the fold, but we should go out, with Christ, in search of the one lost sheep, however far it may have wandered. Holy Week is not so much a time of sorrow, but rather a time to enter into Christ’s way of thinking and acting. It is a time of grace given us by the Lord so that we can move beyond a dull or mechanical way of living our faith, and instead open the doors of our hearts, our lives, our parishes, our movements or associations, going out in search of others so as to bring them the light and the joy of our faith in Christ. Lucan Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Ph. 0761 07 5090. Fax. 01 6217930 email Lucan@citinfo.ie www.citizensinformation.ie Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10 am to 1 pm and 2pm to 4 pm each day, closed for lunch 1 pm to 2 pm. Citizens Information Phone Service (CIPS) 0761 07 4000 – opening hours 9 am to 8 pm Monday to Friday. Free Legal Advice Clinic (FLAC) on Thursday nights from 7 pm to 8.30 pm. FLAC telephone and referral line 1890 350250. MABS (Money Advice and Budgeting Service) helpline 0761 07 2000 and MABS mortgage arrears helpline 0761 07 4050. There will be no FLAC (Free Legal Advice Clinic) on Holy Thursday 17/4/14. The Centre will be closed for Easter from Good Friday 18/4/14 until Easter Monday 21/4/14, both dates inclusive. Missing Kitten Missing from Cherry Lawns, Hillcrest. Eight month old male kitten. Grey tabby with white chest and two white front legs; has two distinguishing grey marks mid way down front legs. Any information – Ph: 6241865. Coffee Morning Supporting Our Lady's Hospice and Care Services, Harolds Cross celebrating the Inspiring Men & Women of the Lucan and surrounding Community. Thank you so much to everyone who attended our coffee morning! Thanks to Carrolls Gastro Pub for facilitating us and providing the plentiful tea and coffee, Super Valu for the lovely cakes, Keith Kenny, Olive Linnane, Charlies Barbers, Peter Marks, The Jewellers Lucan, &anyone else who donated prizes for the morning. Thanks to Adamstown Community College 1st and 2nd Year Music students who provided beautiful background music! Thank you to everyone who placed a sentiment on our Cherry Blossom Tree and to Atmosphere Displays for Sharing the tree with us for the morning which was so special and symbolic. We successfully raised €950 to be presented to the hospice. Leixlip Musical and Variety Group Presents Jesus Christ Superstar From 29th April to May 3rd at St Marys GAA, Greenlane, Leixlip at 8pm. Tickets available from the following pharmacies in Leixlip: Feericks, Glen Easton, Riverforest, Oaklawn and Rye Pharmacy or at our box office 087-1632268. Ticket prices are €10 on Tuesday 29th April, €15 for the rest of the shows. Our box office can also reserve seats for groups. The musical is directed by Claire Tighe and the musical director is Caitriona NiThreasaigh. Lucan Drama The members of Lucan Dramatic Society are busy attending rehearsals at least twice weekly in the Spa Hotel for our production of 'I Do Not Like Thee Doctor Fell' by Bernard Farrell to be performed 20th to 23 May...Our Director is Ken Byrne. Ken is a young promising director who has also had great success as an actor. He was recently the recipient of a scholarship to The Summer School in Gormanston. Well done Ken. Congratulation also to Michelle Reade who was awarded a Summer School scholarship in Limerick - we are very proud of both of you! For further information relating to Lucan Drama visit www.lucandrama.com Sheila 0872547725 Bernie0864015794 Car Boot Sale & Market in aid of St Joseph’s College St Joseph’s College Car Park Public - 9:30am - 2:00pm Sellers - Gates open at 8:30am Entrance Fee €15. Public Free Sunday 13th April No vans are allowed Next date - Sunday 11th May Woodville Downs Residents Association (incl Esker Lane) Our thoughts & prayers are for Thomas Moffett who is missing from Esker Lane. Gardaí are seeking the public's help in tracing 53year-old Thomas Moffett missing from his home on Esker Lane, Lucan since the weekend of March 29/30. He is described as 5' 10" tall, of a slim build, with short grey hair and glasses. Mr Moffett was last seen over the weekend of March 29/30 by a neighbour in the Lucan area. There is a report of a possible sighting of Thomas in the Strawberry Beds also in the weekend walking towards the Dublin. There is no description of the clothing he was wearing. Anyone with information is asked to contact Lucan Garda Station on 01 666 7300 or the Garda Confidential Line 1800 666 111. The Liffey Valley Park Alliance A special meeting of the Liffey Valley Park Alliance will be held on Monday 14th April 2014, at St. Marys Parish Centre, Lucan, commencing at 8pm. Liffey Sound 96.4fm When you think local media, we would like all Lucanians to automatically include Liffey Sound 96.4fm in their thinking. Your own Community Radio Station on the doorstep is a great facility to have. Liffey Sound’s purpose is to entertain, inform and educate our listeners about their area, its great heritage and its wonderful potential for the future. Together we can support, maintain, build and protect Lucan so that it continues to be a great place to live, work or visit. Liffey Sound FM is committed to serving its community irrespective of creed, class, colour or race; to giving a voice to those not served by the mainstream broadcasting services; to educating, informing and inspiring people in our community and to promoting a sense of community and civic pride. Here in Liffey Sound 96.4fm we have a great team. Together we strive to enhance, entertain and enrich the people of Lucan by providing quality radio programmes that are a joy to listen to. We’re always open to suggestions and ideas. We want to deliver the programmes that matter to the people of Lucan; we want to cover the stories that matter to Lucan. So why not tell your neighbours about us! Simply say “have you an idea for a radio programme, would you like to read the news or present a programme, I know of an opportunity for you. Go on take the chance. Liffey Sound 96.4fm is your community radio station. They provide full training in all aspects of radio for volunteers. Just ring 01 - 6219425, or Text 087-0627138 or email info@liffeysoundfm.ie. The Alliance was established to protect the environs of the Liffey Valley from Straffan to Islandbridge from inappropriate and unsympathetic development and promote awareness and recreational use of the valley. Why not send Birthday, Anniversary, Get Well wishes over the airwaves for neighbours, family or friends, as well as tuning in to 96.4fm for all local news and sport. All those interested in the conservation of the priceless amenity are invited tot he meeting. Liffey Sound is a good news story, so go on spread the word. Lucan Active Retirement Whist Results 1st April: 1st Joyce Fallon, 2nd Ann Hayes, 3rd Eithne McDonald and Niall Marron. Birthday Party on 30th April in Beckett’s Restaurant. New members wanted for our singing group. We meet every Thursday in St. Andrews Church, Lucan Village 11.30 to 2.30. New members welcome. St. Vincent de Paul St. Mary's Conference urgently needs a Double Buggy/Stroller Must suit a one year old and a new baby. Also Clothes for a 13/14 year old girl in good condition. Ph: 086-3843206 CHOOL NEWS Lucan Community College Counting the steps: Well done to all our teachers who have participated in our 6-week steps programme. Teachers have worn pedometers in order to monitor their level of activity and reach targets for daily steps taken. This programme is part of our overall initiative to encourage healthy lifestyles among our teachers and students. As part of the programme an all-school walk will take place on April 11th. Special thanks to our PE teachers who have been the main organisers. Oral exams: Our leaving cert students have just about completed their oral exams in French, German and Irish. Feedback from the students and their teachers was very positive. History workshops: Last week, history was very much brought alive for all of our 1st and 2nd year students. All the students in these years participated in workshops which enabled them to learn about various aspects of history in a very practical way. The students’ co-operation was excellent. Maths Quiz: Well to done to 3rd year students, Maiss Tazim, Sarah Walsh, Rory Stapleton and Evan Lombard who came 4th out of a total entry of 25 schools in the Junior Maths table quiz which was held in Confey College. National Robotics Award: James Carron, Adam Mylod and David Solanke represented the school last Friday (4th April) in the Irish Junior Mini Sumo Competition. The students were entered in two competitions and they won the overall Robot Design and Programming Award out of 64 entries. This was quite an outstanding achievement and represents a huge level of ability, dedication and hard work by the students and their teacher, Mr. Kevin McGowan. The event was organised by Robotics Ireland and took place at the Radisson Hotel in Galway. The students are currently in Mr. McGowan’s 5th Year Technology class. The students also got assistance in manufacture and programming of the robots from Mr. Grimes and Mr. Kearns in preparation for the competition. Well done to these students and their teachers. Easter Holidays: We hope all our students, parents and staff have an enjoyable and restful Easter break. The college re-opens on Monday April 28th. Magic in the Musical – Aladdin! There was magic in the air this past week as pupils of Scoil Mhuire, Airlie/Woodview Heights put on their versions of ‘Aladdin’! The audience waited with great anticipation and were not disappointed. The lights came up and we were treated to a wonderful Arabian scene as the villagers went about their tasks. 5th and 6th Classes had the main parts - Mark Gormley played Aladdin just perfectly, and was well complimented by the very talented Ellie Wisdom in the role of Jasmine. The notorious duo Jafar (James Kebana) and Iago (Katie Wisdom) were menacing and had us on our guard throughout. Yasmine’s father, Sultan was played by Sean Egan who tried his best to keep the peace. Genie (Jessica Okakpu) was a class act, and gave us lots of laughs, while Magic Carpet (Ioana Porumb) was on hand to help the situation. There were lots of other smaller but none the less very important parts, and of these, Paul Sherlock deserves a mention for his role as the Priest. 2nd and 3rd Classes also played very important parts – the various animals and the stars and fireworks! Magical! Literally everybody from 2nd classes up including teachers, parents and past-pupils were involved. Such is the talent in Scoil Mhuire that once Principal John Egan suggested the idea, Mr. Roche wrote a script and directed the show. He also wrote some songs as did Mr. Ellis who looked after the stage. Ms. Lowry painted the wonderful Arabian backdrop while Mss Reilly, Brady and Madigan took charge of costumes. Ms Jones did a brilliant job on make-up! Very creative indeed! The Musical Director was Ms. Morgan and the orchestra was made up of parents, teachers and past-pupils! They were excellent. To cap it off, the pupils designed the programme sorting out sponsorship, printing etc, all on their own. It literally was ‘all hands on deck’! Incidentally, the tiered seating was a great plus – giving everyone a great view. Congratulations to all involved in ‘Aladdin’! Hope we’re not waiting too long for the next production. m.m. St. Joseph’s College Well done to our Minor A Camogie Team who have reached the Championship Semi-Final! St Joseph's Junior Camogie team were invited to a reception in the Mansion House Dublin after their success in winning the all Ireland final. Art in Action Farmleigh rd th Phoenix Park - May 3 -5 2014 A great day out for adventurous families and curious individuals. Welcome to Art in Action - An Arts & Crafts Festival with 100 uniquely top demonstrating artists from a range of disciplines, including painting, sculpture, ceramics and craftwork. Practical Art Classes for the Novice, Music, Drama, Dance, Story-telling and Talks exploring the Liberal Arts. Craft Market, Food, a great day out on the grounds of Farmleigh House in Phoenix Park over the May Bank Holiday Weekend, May 3rd - May 5th. http://www.artinaction.ie Facebook.com/Artinaction2014 twitter: #ArtinAction2014 Free admission, Free parking Breastfeeding Buddy System Are you a new breastfeeding Mum, or are you pregnant and wishing to breastfeed? Do you have questions, concerns or just want to chat with another Mum who has been there> Then the Breastfeeding Buddy System is for you. To connect with a Breastfeeding Buddy near you, register at www.friendsofbreastfeeding.ie This service is entirely free of charge. __________________________ Please note: Wednesdays 10pm is the weekly deadline for items to be published in Lucan Newsletter. Please do your best to have items in on time. Holy Week Arrangements St Patrick’s Esker/Dodsboro/Adamstown www.stpatrickslucan.ie St Mary’s, Lucan www.stmarysparishlucan.ie Palm Sunday 13th April (Blessing of palms and reading of the Passion) Vigil Mass: 6.30pm Saturday Sunday Masses: 8.45am, 9.45am, 11am, 12.15pm and 7pm Weekday Masses: Monday and Tuesday: 10am and 7.30pm. Wednesday: 10am Mass only (no evening Mass) th Wednesday 16 April Penitential Service at 7.30pm Holy Thursday 17th April Morning Prayer: 10am. Children’s Mass: 5pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 8pm (including washing of the feet), Exposition at the Altar of Repose until Midnight Watch and Pray: 11pm to midnight Good Friday 18th April (Day of fasting and abstaining from all meat and meat products) Morning Prayer - 10am Lord’s Passion and Holy Communion at 3pm Stations of the Cross at 8pm Holy Saturday 19th April Morning Prayer: 10am Easter Vigil: 9pm Easter Sunday 20th April Masses: 8.45am, 9.45am, 11am, 12.15pm and 7pm Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) Holy Thursday 10am – 11am Good Friday 10am – 11am Holy Saturday 10am – 11am and 6pm – 7pm . Deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Rose Marron, Esker Lawns. May she rest in peace. Palm Sunday 13th April Masses: 7 p.m. (Vigil), 9 am, 10.30am and 12noon. (Palms will be blessed at each Mass and will be available outside the Church) Wednesday 16th April Services of Reconciliation: 7.30pm (with individual Confession) (Please try to attend this celebration as there will be several visiting priests assisting). Holy Thursday 17th April Morning Prayer of the Church: 10am. Confessions: 10.15am to 11am. (please note this is the only time for Confessions today) Children’s Mass: 5.00pm. Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 7.30 pm followed by Solemn Procession to the Altar of Repose. Silent Prayer until 9.30 p.m. (Church closes) Good Friday 18th April Morning Prayer of the Church: 10am Confessions: 10.15am to 11am (please note these are the final Confessions before Easter) Stations of the Cross for Children : 12.00 noon Solemn Celebration of the Lord's Passion, Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion: 3 pm. Stations of the Cross for Adults: 7.30pm. The Seven Last Words of Jesus : 9pm. (Church closes at 9.30pm.) Holy Saturday 19th April Morning Prayer of the Church: 10am. (No Confessions) There will be NO 7 pm Mass Blessing of Food Provisions for Members of the Polish Community: 12 noon Easter Vigil: 9pm This is the principal Celebration of the Church) (The Rite of Adult Initiation will be celebrated when Adults will be received into the Catholic faith) Easter Sunday 20th April Masses: 9am, 10.30am, 12 noon. Confessions available See the following website for list of Churches in the city that will have confessions available all day this Saturday and Holy Saturday. http://www.dublindiocese.ie/content/turnlight-confessions-lent . Wishing you the graces and blessings of a Happy Easter! St Vincent de Paul The Annual Sunshine Collection takes place THIS Sat./Sun. 12th/13th April. This collection funds holidays for disadvantaged children. Many thanks for your generosity Parish of Divine Mercy, Lucan South www.lucansouthparish.net Monday 14th April Penance Service: 7.30pm Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - Mass at 9.15am Holy Thursday NO morning Mass Children’s Mass: 5pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper followed by Holy Hour – Watch and Pray: 8pm Good Friday NO morning Mass Stations of the Cross for Children: 12 noon Celebration of The Passion of the Lord: 3pm Prayer around the Cross: 8pm. Holy Saturday NO morning Mass NO 6.30pm Mass 9pm Easter Vigil Confessions: Holy Saturday: 10am – 10.30am and 5pm – 5.30pm Easter Sunday Masses: 10.30am and 12 noon. St. Andrew’s Church of Ireland Sunday: St. Andrew’s - 9am and 10am St. Mary’s Leixlip 11.30am Lucan Methodist Church Sunday: 10am Holy Communion March/April 2014 A Spring walk in St. Catherine’s Park shows wonderfully curved and linear swathes of daffodils and narcissi. Several tree species form copses or line the footpaths, some have dedications attached. Beech and Whitethorn hedging is set throughout park. Young plantings are coming into leaf and flower with promises of summer abundance. Woodlands carpeted with bright-eyes anemones and celandines. Dew-spangled grass in early sunlight, and ducks foraging among the sheep as their pond shimmers in the morning glow. Where birds sing, buzzards mew, jackdaws nest in the old church – stay and explore, for tracks and trails are everywhere. A small souped-up three legged pooch lost his ball and gave chase to a train instead, - truly a doggy wonderland!!!. Meanwhile that Hyland foursome settle towards nightfall within a circle of fodder; two of which have learned to breach their fenced area, but they remain very docile. The playground, maze etc, is being readied for its seasonal opening, as is the skateboard park. The fishpond is slowly developing as the water issue is being resolved. St. Catherine’s Well is in the process of being cleared of debris with the hope of some future restoration. Many dedicated seats are placed at vantage points, while joggers, walkers, talkers, thinkers have their moment in this gifted landscape. Great credit is due to Fingal Co. Co. and all who contribute to make St. Catherine’s that special place. Thanks also to rangers Norman and Francis whose many responsibilities help to ensure a great leisure environment. Someday Perhaps Tearooms!!!!! b.m.l.c. Lucan Presbyterian Church Sunday: 10.30am Morning Worship Crèche and Children’s Ministry. All Welcome. Good Friday Inter Church Way of the Cross Procession 12 noon beginning at St Mary’s we process to the Methodist, Presbyterian and Church of Ireland Churches. Easter Sunday Dawn Ecumenical Sunrise Service at 6.15am at the 10th tee Hermitage Golf Club. First Communion Clothes Wanted Vincent De Paul Charity Shop Lucan First Communion Dresses and Boys First Communion Suits A.S.A.P Thanking you in advance -------------------------------------------------VOLUNTEERS URGENTLY required for Vincent De Paul charity shop in Lucan Village. Please contact Michelle for details and application form at 01 6219569 . Thank you Acknowledgement COLLINS (JOHN) Late of Lucan Heights. The wife and family of the late John Collins would like to sincerely thank all those who sympathised with us and supported us on the sad occasion of John’s death. We wish to thank our many neighbours and friends who came to the house and the Mass and helped us through those sad days. We thank all those who sent cards and letters. To Father Tom Kennedy and Father Joe Kennedy of Mount Argos and all who helped with the Mass, we extend our gratitude. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions. Ar dheis go raibh a h-anam dilis. Anniversaries MARY 1st Anniversary Our special sister Mary Whatever Heaven is our Mary knows She’s come and gone and shone Like a cassade of diamonds Across all our lives Always precious and forever This ever special girl Who in our hearts abides Wherever Heaven is she now resides Very sadly missed, Joe, Barney, Triona, Conor, Liam, Anne and Robert xxx BUTLER (SEAMUS) 5th Anniversary – 13th April We miss your smile, your joking ways We miss the things you used to say And when old times we do recall It’s then we miss you most of all. Remembered by your wife Betty and children Richard, Alan and Ashlinn Anniversary Mass 13th April at 12pm. CUDDY (PAT) 20th Anniversary – 12th April Twenty years ago today You closed your eyes and flew away There’s never a day that passes by That we don’t think of you You were the heart and soul Of everything we do God bless you Pat we love you so Until we meet again. Always missed from your loving wife Jean and family FINN (DEREK) 35th Anniversary – 14th April In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Derek. Also remembering his pals Victor, Declan and David. Along the road to yesterday That leads us straight to you Are memories of the happy days Together we once knew And always every evening We seem to have a way Of wandering back to meet you On the road to yesterday. Always loved and never forgotten by Dad, Angela, Edward, Les, Ken and all the family xxx KANE (DECLAN) 35th Anniversary – 14th April In loving memory of our son Declan. Also his friends Victor, Derek and David. Memorioes are something no-one can steal Death is a heartache no-one can heal Some may forget you, now you are gone But we will remember you No matter how long. Loved and never forgotten by his Dad, Mam, sisters Susan and Aideen, nephews and nieces. Glen of Imaal Anniversary Mass 9.45am Sunday 13th April. CARTHY (PADDY) 9th Anniversary – 15th April Always in our thoughts. Maureen, Brendan, Padraig and Louise Anniversary Mass at 7pm on Sunday 13th April in St. Mary’s. McCORMACK (JAMES) 26th Anniversary Late Beaumont Cottages. Always remembered with love. Phyllis, grandchildren, great grandchildren O’DONNELL (BREEGE) 8th Anniversary – 4th April “Always in our thoughts”. From Brian, Mary, Brendan, Nuala Birthday Remembrance Bright Eyes by John Kelly DAGGER (MARIE JANE) 19th Birthday away from home, 12th April Today is full of memories Happiness and tears Of birthday celebrations We’ve shared throughout the years And though we’ll always miss you The endless joy you brought Warms our heart with gratitude And fills our every thought Wherever you are resting I hope that you can see How precious and uplifting Your memory is to us We feel that you are with us In everything we do So we’ll celebrate your birthday But we’ll spend it missing you. Happy Birthday Marie Love and miss you always Mam and Dad. Let Gerry sit beside yer one, There’s a twinkle in his eyes, The bus is full of grinning kids, As they say their last goodbyes, Anxious mums are gathered round, Sure they’ll see them Sunday night, Hear tales of great adventures, And scary yarns that caused a fright. A special time, a special face A special sister we can’t replace With an aching heart We whisper low We miss you Marie And love you so She walks with us down quiet paths And speaks in wind and rain For the magic power of memories Giver her back to us again Happy Birthday Marie. Love and miss you always Eric, John, Debbie, Noel and nieces and nephews LALLY (JOHN) 12th April I wish you were here today Even just for a while So I could say “Happy Birthday Dad” And see your beautiful smile Happy Birthday Dad. Loved and remembered always from Alison, Andy, Ruth and Alisha xxxx MURRAY ( SEAN ) 11th April When we are in need of comfort We walk down memory lane There we see you smiling We talk to you again And as we wander slowly back, We seem to hear you say Don't grieve, don't cry, my family, We'll meet again some day. Happy birthday - love you always x Sadly missed by your loving wife Lily, son John , daughters Laura and Jennie and all your family. Now take good care and wrap up well, Don’t go wand’rin’ on your own, Did you bring your coat and woolly socks? Here’s a hat to keep you warm, Do you have your sweets and lollipops? Please save some for tonight, Make sure to share and do beware, And the weekend will go alright. Laughter fills the evening sky, As they head off to the Glen, They wave at kids in backseat cars, Chat non-stop to lifelong friends, There’s no better way to holiday, Than with your favourite mates, Up all night with old flashlights, Hatching plans for romantic dates. Wiping mist from sleepy eyes, They rise up to greet the sun, With holdalls strapped to happy hearts, They head off for Easter fun, The river crossed, a mighty bang, A scene no child should see, The Garden County looks so bare, Not a flower nor a buzzin’ bee. A brave boy holds his brother tight, Tears streaming down his face, He whispers gently in his ear, It’s time for the last embrace, Why is life so cruel, he asks. Why does he have to die? Will the angels come to take him Will they teach him how to fly? A village is numb and silent, On that dreadful weekend day, They can’t believe the tragic news, From down south near Wicklow Way, It’ll never be the same again, It’s so hard to understand, How an unexploded rusty shell, Could be left on sacred land. Cameras click, the press descend, Children think its all great fun, They’re spotted on the evening news, Eating crisps and hot cross buns, Silly men in silly suits, Play silly blaming games, While family homes lie torn apart, They should hang their heads in shame. The radio sounds a tearful tune, It floats out on the tide, There’s a fog along the horizon, A strange glow that won’t subside, Bright eyes, burning like fire, Bright eyes, how can they close and fail, How can three lights that burned so brightly, Suddenly burn so pale, Bright eyes. Lucan Boys National School 1952 - 53 Back: L-R John Cully, Jimmy Whelan, Matt Murray and ----- Maher. Middle: L-R David Foxe, Joe Breen, ----- Armstrong, Jimmy Langan, -----McGrath, Paddy Monaghan. Front: L-R Michael Condron, Conor O’Brien, Kevin Barr, -----Byrne, Eamonn Kelly. Thank you to Conor O’Brien for the picture – Conor’s father was the gardener at Bellaneys Esker House, where the Sports and Leisure Centre stands today. _________________________________________________ 30 Minutes Free Parking sneaked into Lucan last Monday! A pleasant surprise as we had all but forgotten about its arrival! It can only be good for village life – though I wouldn’t bet on being only 30 minutes in any of our village banks!!! Take care where you park – residential areas eg Sarsfield Park and Brookvale are among those not included in the scheme! Leaving Cert Orals are just finished, as all the students take their Easter holiday break. It will be heads down from now to June, but it will be all over before you know it! Very Muddy Footpath still on Chapel Hill – South Dublin Co Council are certainly taking a long, long time to look into it – at the rate they’re going, they might not be able to find the footpath itself! Congratulations to Fr. Eamonn on completing the Spar Great Ireland Run on Sunday last, in a time of 56 minutes, raising much needed funds for Divine Mercy Church. Great Reviews on Lucan’s Noriana Kennedy, lead singer with the band, Solas! “a quintessential Irish-American band recording and touring the circuit today.” They burst on to the scene some 18 years ago – hard to believe its that long ago. Upcoming dates for Solas are: 13-15th June, Doolin Folk Festival, Clare 16th-22nd June, Open House, Belfast 17th June, Whelan's, Wexford St. Dublin Noriana's Irish band The Whileaways is also alive and well and performing in Doolin and Belfast on the above dates and earlier on 11th April at the Seamus Ennis Cultural Centre with RTE1 recording their performance for an Easter broadcast. Lucan Concert Band 1983 - 2014 New Members Required: Would you like to join a Concert Band? Do you play an instrument or would you like to learn to play a woodwind, brass or percussion instrument? Do you want to make new friends with similar musical interests and get a chance to perform? If your answer is yes then Lucan Concert Band is now providing an exciting opportunity for anyone (8yrs+) of any standard to play music in an ensemble group that includes class based music tutoring in a stimulating, fun and social environment. EMAILERS! If emailing reports to Lucan Newsletter, please make sure to email to both addresses: Mary@lucannewsletter.ie Rose@lucannewsletter.ie This will help ensure your notice makes it to the printed copy. What is Offered - Introductory group tutoring in music practise and theory for ensemble playing is available once a week for the following instruments: Recorder | Flute | Oboe | Clarinet |Saxophone | French Horn | Cornet | Trumpet | Trombone | Euphonium |Tuba | Percussion | Members will then join in the band and have the opportunity to perform at various concerts arranged throughout the year. What is Needed - Just lots of enthusiasm and the desire to have fun! You may bring your own instrument or we can facilitate trial on a range of instruments until you decide which you prefer. How to Start - Simply email us or call in to St Mary’s BNS Lucan any Monday evening between 7pm - 8pm lucanconcertband@gmail.com Ph: 087 9612324 or 087 6293921 Luke Geraty who was confirmed at St. Mary’s recently, with Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, and his sponsor, Peter Geraty. Well done to all the boys and girls who were confirmed in St. Mary’s Parish recently. Coffee Morning / Brunch Cake & Gift Sale Friday 2nd May 2014 10am - 1pm Church of Ireland Parish Centre Main Street, Lucan All funds raised go to the RNLI, the charity that saves lives at sea. All welcome 2014 Women’s Mini Marathon Join Team Marie Keating Lucan Sarsfields GAA Club RACE NIGHT nd Monday 2 June 2014 All you need to do are two things 1 Register with either the Evening Herald Or www.florawomensminimarathon.ie 2 Sign up with Team Marie Keating at http://www.mariekeating.ie/womens-minimarathon.asp#page There are two ways to help us raise our goal of €100,000 Saturday 26th April 2014 7.30 First Race Club Bar Real Dog Races Real Odds Real Money!!! Option 1 Make a one off donation of €25 to the Foundation to take a place on Team Marie Keating which covers your Marie Keating Foundation tshirt and a donation to the Foundation. We will NOT send you a sponsorship card Al Curtis on the Mic with Special Guests DJ on the night Finger Food Raffle Option 2 Request a sponsorship pack which includes sponsorship card(s) and t-shirt. Calling on all ladies! The Flora Women’s Mini Marathon is fast approaching and this year we are hoping to recruit 100 ladies to step out and raise much needed funds for older people in need. ALONE supports the 1 in 10 vulnerable older people who are at risk of homelessness, socially isolated, or in crisis. Run or Walk for ALONE and help older people in need. Please support our cause by contacting Gillian or Suzanne on 01 6791032 or email fundraising@alone.ie for more information. 3rd In support of Strictly Come Dancing, May 2014, Westmanstown. For more info: Brendan 086-1650593 Stewarts Open Day Sunday 25th May from 1 to 6. Stalls, Music, Wheel of Fortune Lots of Fun and Entertainment Marathon for Nagarhope Are you in training for this year's women's marathon on Monday 2nd of June? Or are you just looking for a reason to get started? Why not get yourself fit and at the same time raise much needed funds for Nagarhope, Doc Clandillon's charity, giving a future to kids in Nepal. All funds go directly to Nagarhope, no administration fees. Contact Niamh on 087-0666891 or niamhclandilon@hotmail.com Do you have any items you would like to donate, please bring to reception at Stewarts Palmerstown. Thank you. No Old Clothes, Electrical Items or Furniture accepted POLITICAL NOTES Cllr. William Lavelle – Fine Gael 36 St. Andrews Drive, Lucan 0874107885. wlavelle@sdublincoco.ie 30 minutes free parking: Last October, I first proposed 30 minutes free parking for Lucan Village. I am delighted that this week it was introduced. Griffeen Valley Park playground: Following contact from numerous local parents, I have tabled a motion for this month’s council meeting calling for an upgrade of the playground Willsbrook Road traffic: I have previously proposed slightly widening Willsbrook Road to provide an additional lane approaching the Outer Ring Road traffic lights. This would help traffic flow and improve road safety. I have been advised by Council engineers that further traffic studies have been requested by the National Transport Authority and that a decision on my proposal is expected by July. Dodsboro: Following my request, the Council are to carry out resurfacing works next week at the car park at Dodsboro Spar & Post Office. Minister Frances Fitzgerald – Fine Gael Constituency Office open full time: Mon-Fri, 10-5, 457 7712. Frances.fitzgerald@oir.ie www.francesfitzgerald.ie Lucan Childcare Network: Many thanks to the members of the Lucan Childcare Committee who welcomed me to a meeting earlier this week. A very informed and focused discussion took place, and I wish to thank the organisers and participants for taking the time to attend. Special Education: I am working with Cllr William Lavelle to raise with all appropriate authorities the issue of special education provision needs across secondary schools in Lucan. Easter Family Treasure Hunt: The Council is organising an Easter Family Treasure Hunt on Wednesday April 16th, in Griffeen Valley Park at 11 a.m. & in Corkagh Park at 2 pm. To book contact 4149270, or txt Alison on 086-8516669. Admission is free, places limited! Spring Clean: Good luck to local Tidy Towns groups participating in An Taisce’s Spring Clean, which runs for the month of April. Jim Doyle, Independent, Non Party Candidate. Contact 0872712492. email independentjimdoyle@gmail.com www.facebook.com/jim.doyle.9480 This candidate lends his full support to the reopening of Tandy’s Lane junction on the N4 as a measure to relieve serious traffic congestion in Lucan Village. Remember this was an issue at the last Local Elections? The financial position of our country and its knock-on effects has a huge influence on the local scene in the Lucan area. Local services are being hit. No money for these. Local business is finding it difficult to survive. Whatever happened to the promises of JOBS if you vote yes or for certain parties. Does democracy end when the election is over? The assets of the country are now being covertly disposed of in a fire sale to FOREIGN bidders, AND what about spending on ‘consultants’? Financial treachery? ‘For what died the sons of Róisín’? (Luke Kelly). Look up the words yourself. Paul Gogarty – Independent Tel: 087-2752489 Email: info@paulgogarty.com Residents Associations and Neighbourhood Watch Good to see a number of associations being revitalised. I am available to meet with residents to discuss any issues. With evidence of a surge in break-ins since Christmas, I would urge estates to look at setting up the NW or at least asking neighbours to be vigilant. Adamstown Bord Pleanala Appeal The deadline has passed for comments and submissions on my appeal of the revised plan. A decision should be forthcoming by the middle of the summer. Hopefully the phasing of facilities and infrastructure will remain tightly tied into the plan, including action on the finishing of existing housing and boundaries. Getting registered If you are not already registered to vote in the upcoming elections, you can download application forms from www.checktheregister.ie . The deadline is 26th April for special/postal votes, 3rd May for others. Cllr. Caitriona Jones – Labour Mobile: 087 2034427. E: cjones@sdublincoco.ie Cyber Bullying This Monday April 14th, with my colleagues I will be holding a special meeting on the topic of Cyber Bullying. As a member of many of the Boards of Management on schools through-out Lucan I am very aware of the seriousness of this issue and the way in which it can impact on the school-life and homelife of affected children. Many parents are deeply concerned. On Monday you will have the chance to listen to expert speakers on the topic. It is vitally important that parents are educated on the issue so that they can lend effective support to their children. The meeting will take place at 20.00 on Monday 14 th at Di Bella restaurant in Griffeen. I welcome your participation. Cllr. Guss O’Connell, P.C. Independent Community Tel 0876838254 gussoconnell@gmail.com Historic: I was a delegate at a meeting on 3rd April which drew the curtain on an organisation in place since 1899. It was founded before many of the institutions of the modern Irish state came into being. Some time when the history of Irish local government comes to be written the General Council of Councils/Association of County and City Councils will feature prominently in the narrative. It was very innovative in its time and for one thing set up NUI Dublin hence had seats on the Board. At one time it was proposed as the National Parliament but the first Dail won out. We could have a different form of Local Government, if only! It (and the Association of Municipal Authorities Ireland) will be replaced after May 23 with the Association of Irish Local Government. Michael E Farrelly - Independent Candidate for Lucan and Palmerstown. 0851694487 michaelefarrelly@gmail.com I attended the Sarsfield Park & Lucan Village AGM on Tue 8th Apr, Some of the issues raised at the meeting had already been brought to my attention, which I have solved or I am in the process of solving at present. There were also other issues only brought to light at the meeting, which I have immediately taken action upon and will keep you all updated on progress. I am still awaiting a reply from South Dublin Co. Co. in regards to the uneven footpath situation in Lucan village and photos will be taken of possible sites for anti-dog fouling signage this coming week with a view to having the signs erected as soon as possible. You can contact me as usual on any of the above details regarding any local issues. Vicki Casserly - Fine Gael Local Election Candidate 2014 vickicasserly@gmail.com, www.facebook.com/vickicasserlyLucan Lucan Sports Hub: Following representations to South Dublin County Council, a new community based sports initiative will be launched at the end of April. This council backed initiative will aim to raise the profile of all sporting clubs in the area. For more information and to register your interest please contact lucansportshub@gmail.com. Congratulations to Griffeen Tidy Towns on their Spring Clean up on Sunday 6th April leaving Griffeen Avenue looking brand new! Liona O’Toole – Independent lotooleindependent@gmail.com 087-2795274 www.Facebook.com/LionaOTooleIndependent Canvassing: Once again thanks to everyone for the courtesy and support I am getting while out canvassing. If anyone would like to meet me to discuss any issue please get in contact and I will meet you at your convenience. Adamstown Community College: I fully support Adamstown Community College in their efforts to acquire a sports hall. As someone who has been campaigning and lobbying for proper development in Adamstown since 2001, I will continue to ensure that the college and Adamstown itself receive their badly needed services and amenities. Local and European Elections 2014: Don’t forget you have up to Tuesday 6th May to register for the Local/European elections that take place on Friday May 23rd 2014. Go to www.checktheregister.ie for all the details. Ruth Nolan People Before Profit Rep Lucan/Palmerstown. Contact 0868540030 ruthnolan2014@gmail.com. Housing Crisis. Lucan has a high population of young adults, who in the near future will be looking for homes of their own. With the banks not lending to readily and house prices in Dublin on the rise again, also rent caps been cut we are heading into a housing crisis. The government have no plans for social housing. “The chickens are now coming home to roost – homelessness is on the increase, evictions are happening every single day and the ONLY solution is to build social housing as a matter of urgency. Yet, the government still wants to rely on the private sector to bail them out of this mess. Finally there is confirmation of what the dogs in the street could tell you – we have a massive housing crisis. Michael Finnegan -The Workers’ Party Lucan Branch. Ph: 087 2631524 Michael Finnegan has called on our local TDs to oppose the intended new levy on all insurance policies. The new levy is to create a distress fund for those who cannot get flood cover because insurers will not provide such cover in risk areas. The addition of a 1% levy on home, motor and other insurance policies would bring the total levy on insurance products to 6%. It would seem that those responsible for granting planning permission in high risk areas will avoid any sanctions and instead the hard pressed taxpayer will pick up the tab. Caitríona McClean FF Candidate ag 086-3898327 nó ag votemcclean@gmail.com agus ar www.caitrionamcclean.wordpress com Traffic: Dismay has been expressed by residents in Esker Park regarding the traffic implications of the school now under construction. It is also a strong held view that the land adjacent to schools already in the area be maintained and used for sports by the schools and not allowed be part of any new road plans. SDCC say- 'We .... have provided a number of measures to try and alleviate the congestion issue. These measures include constructing two proper drop down areas in the school grounds to encourage parents who do drive to use these facilities and not to drop on the road and block traffic lanes. However, our main focus was to encourage children to walk and cycle to school.' Residents have pointed out this is a mature area and their children have grown up. Politicians please note: Next week’s issue - 20th April 2014 will be the last time we will carry political notes before the local and European Elections on the 23rd May 2014. Please note your allowance is 150 words per report including name and contact details. se.comsp CUMANN NA SÁIRSÉALAIGH LEAMHCÁIN www.lucansarsfields.ie 1886 Membership is now due for 2014. We encourage all members to renew as soon as possible by following the link on our website. We particularly extend an invite to Parents and Guardians of our Juvenile members to consider one of our family options. All players up to U21 are now included in the family options. Many thanks to all the Teams who sent in match reports this weekend. Full details can be found on our website www.lucansarsfields.ie over 650 players in action last weekend across all 4 codes from age 7 to 40+! Easter Camps: Places are filling up quickly for our Easter Camps. During Holy Week we are running our School of Excellence for 12-14 year old boys and girls. This is a great opportunity to get skills, conditioning and nutrition advice from the best intercounty players and coaches in Dublin. It’s also great craic!. The following week we run our Skills Camp for 8-11 year olds. This is open to all in the Lucan area and is great value for just €30. Registration details on our website. There were great wins at the weekend for our CCC2 football Teams. Our U13A’s ran out convincing winners against Ballyboden on a score of 8-8 to 2-5 in the first round of Div 1. Our U15A’s also came out on top over a fancied Ballymun side. Our U13B’s played out a classic in AGP against St. Brigid’s, sharing the points in the end. Hard luck to our U15A side who battled courageously against Na Fianna in their Championship match in CBS on Saturday. On Sunday our Minor Team had the game of the weekend against a strong St. Brigid’s outfit. At the turn they were only 2 up and faced a stiff wind in the second half. Following a strong finish they maintained their unbeaten run on a score line of 1-12 to 1-9. The Senior Hurlers earned an excellent win in the league over Na Fianna on Saturday evening. Earlier that day our U8, U9 and U10 all put in strong performances in their Go Games with excellent skill progression shown by all teams. Congratulations to Andrew, Ben, Cian, Daire, Emmet, Luke and Rob who were part of the victorious Dublin South Hurling Team in last Friday’s Leinster U14 post primary Final. This week’s CCC1 Hurling All Stars April 5th1.Eoin Conheady U-9 (Gaelscoil Eiscir Riada) 2. Matthew Ryan U-10 (St. Marys BNS) 3. Eoin Mahony U-12 (Scoil Mhuire) 4. Dylan Carr U-8 (Gaelscoil Naomh Padraig) 5.Eimhin Walsh U-8 (Gaelscoil Naomh Padraig) 6.Rory Barrett U-12 (Scoil Aine) 7. David Martin U-10 (St. Marys BNS) 8.Cian Canavan U-11 (St. Marys BNS) 9. Sean Treanor U-8 (Scoil Mhuire) 10. Lee Murphy U-9 (St. Thomas’) 11. Robert Hazley U-11 (Scoil Mhuire) 12. Colm Walsh U-12 (St. Marys BNS) 13. Sean McGowan U-9 (St. Thomas’) 14. Scott O’Sullivan Magne (Scoil Aine) 15. Mark Gormley U-12 (Scoil Mhuire). In Camogie there were wins for our U13As over Ballyboden. Our U10s continued their impressive performances with a trip to Clontarf. The U9s also had a trip to the Northside and faced St. Vicents Undeterred by the threats of heavy rain they headed to Marino to play St. Vincent’s on Sunday. Thankfully the rain held off and a great morning’s sport was enjoyed by all. Both St. Vincent’s and Lucan fielded three teams each with total of nine matches played. The final tally reflected well in Lucan’s favour and it is evident that the girls are making good progress in their off the ground camogie. Well done! 25 Card Drive every Friday night at 9pm in the Clubhouse Bar – all welcome. €5 entry with €50 1st prize. Set Dancing Classes every Wednesday at 8.30pm Strictly Sarsfields comes to Lucan Expect glamour, fancy footwork and lots of laughs at the Lucan Sarsfields fundraising event in Westmanstown on Sat May 3rd. The fundraisers are in full swing. There is a Car Boot Sale on Saturday 12th April at the club. The cost per car is 15 euro and it is an excellent opportunity to carry out some spring cleaning. There is a Hurling Quiz on Friday in the Bar, great spot prizes €40 per table. The U12s are running a World Cup Prediction competition €100 to the winner. The U10s have an Easter Hamper and Dublin Jersey for raffle in the Bar in support of Maggie Mulqueen. The Senior Footballers are holding a race night on Sat 26th April, in support of Carol Gallagher’s campaign, with D.J Al Curtis on the Mic. Jenny Costello is conducting a Nursery Skills Day for boys on Sat 12th and girls on Sat 26th, plenty of spot prizes and fun promised. Please get behind these events and take advantage of the stretch in the evenings! Every thing strictly at http://www.lucansarsfields.ie/contentPage/310153/s_t_r_ i_c_t_l_y_s_a_r_s_f_i_e_l_d_s And don’t forget to like the facebook page! Our Nurseries continue every Saturday from 1.30pm at the Clubhouse. New players are always welcome and registration is just €10 for both Hurling and Football. This is your chance to participate in a training session led by Dublin Hurling Captain Johnny McCaffrey. Each week over 150 boys and girls practice their skills and improve their overall physical well being in a safe and controlled environment on our purpose built all weather facility. Check out our website for more details. Lotto: There was no winner of Sunday night’s €9,000 Lotto. The unlucky numbers were 8, 9, 10, 20. This week’s lotto is for a jackpot of €9,500 sponsored by O’Grady Hearing Services and Shay Hurson is in charge of proceedings. Lucan Bridge Club Charity Night WESTMANSTOWN GAELS & GARDA Senior Club News There was no competitive action last weekend but two good workouts in friendlies with the Intermediates coming out on top against Erin’s Isle and the Juniors losing away to St Bridget’s. We are back to more serious fare next weekend with two home league fixtures. The Intermediates are first up on Saturday evening when we host Scoil Ui Chonaill in Division 3 with throw in at 6pm. The Juniors are out on Sunday morning against Robert Emmets in Division 7 with a 10:30am start. Training continues on Tues and Thurs at 7pm. The Ladies finally start their League campaign on Wednesday with a home game against St. Judes’ at Westmanstown throw in at 6:45pm. The Garda GAA Club would like to extend condolences to the family of Brendan Lynch who passed away last week. Brendan played with the club in the 1940s and was captain when Garda last won the county senior championship in 1948. He was also a member of the great Roscommon team that won two All Ireland's in 1943 and 1944. May he rest in peace. Juvenile Club News If you are interested in joining the Gaels to play football, hurling and/or camogie (boys and girls from 5-16), please contact Declan Jennings at 0858006101. If your child is 5-7 years, join Geraldine Culloty or call Declan Jennings at 0858006101 every Saturday from 10am on our All-Weather facility at Westmanstown. Our members live, go to school and play in Clonee, Clonsilla and Lucan. The Gaels GAA Skills Easter Camp runs from April 22.-25 from 10:00-14:30. It costs e50 per child (with sibling discounts). To download the camp forms, visit http://www.westmanstowngaels.ie for more info. Good luck to the u/14 Girls who represent the club in the annual Feile Football competition next weekend. ST MARY’S CARDS 1st: Angela Carr 2nd: John Carey 3rd: Eugene McGarrell 4th: Eileen O’Callaghan The Club are holding a Charity Night on Wednesday 16th April 2014 at 7.30pm in the Springfield Hotel, Leixlip Sub. €10 with light refreshments. Charity in aid of The Capuchin Day Centre, Bow Street. LUCAN PITCH & PUTT CLUB Results: 4-6 April (18 Nett) Gents Class 1 Winner: Paddy Croke 46nett Gents Class 2 Winner: Sean McGrath 45nett(B9) Gents Class 3 Winner: Alan Doyle 43nett Ladies Class 1 Winner: Siobhán McDonnell 45nett Ladies Class 2 Winner: Kathleen Grainger 52nett Next week’s competition is 18 V-Par. It will be on Friday evening and Sunday. Club Strokeplay This Saturday the 12th April we will have our annual Club Strokeplay. It will start at 9am and last card is 2pm. The 18 hole play-off will start at around 4.30 with the top nine and ties from each of the gents grades and the top four and ties from each of the ladies grades to qualify. This is a prepaid competition and the dress code is applicable. We would ask all of last year’s winners to return the trophies. Dublin Scotch Foursomes We had our qualifying for the Dublin Scotch last week and the results were as follows: Ladies qualifiers: Brenda Purcell & Kathleen Croke +12 Gents qualifiers: Steven Needham & Gavin Carty +20 Jay Condron & Paul Dillon +18 Keith Maher & David Lee +17 Mick Monahan & John Forde +16 [B18] Mixed qualifiers: Siobhan McDonnell & Dave Hayden II +19 Anthony Malone & Tracey Smith +17 [B18] Sandra Keogh & Peter Keogh +17 Evelyn O’Gorman & Steven Keegan +12 Terry O’Shaughnessy & Fiona Langan +9 Best of luck to all pairings in the finals at Portmarnock which is on the 26th April. Juvenile Competition. On Wednesday the 16th and Wednesday the 23rd of April the juvenile competition will start at 2pm. New members are welcome. This Sunday evening we have an adult- juvenile scramble at around 6pm.
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Caitriona McClean, Fianna Fáil
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