seminarprogramguide the2007educational
seminarprogramguide the2007educational
Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York • Local 94 I.A.F.F. AFL-CIO Stephen J. Cassidy President James M. Slevin Joseph A. Miccio Recording Secretary Vice President William Romaka Robert Straub Health & Safety Officer Sergeant-At-Arms Treasurer John G. Kelly, Jr. Donald Ruland Brooklyn Trustee Chairman, Board of Trustees Staten Island Trustee Stephen G. Humenesky Queens Trustee New York City Firefighters Daniel Murphy “The Bravest” Manhattan Trustee Edward Brown Bronx Trustee Lester Layne Fire Marshal Representative E D U CAT I O N 7 0 0 2 E elegate Ed AL D A F H U T 2007 PROGRAM ucat R ion A ar Program GuG e U n N i I i h I d m e DE TSEMSe 204 East 23rd Street, New York, N.Y. 10010 (212) 683-4832 • Useful Telephone Numbers Trump Taj Mahal 1-609-449-1000 Front Desk House Phone #6990 Guest Services House Phone #6612 Lost and Found House Phone #6307 Convention Registration is located on the Upper Level. All seminars held on the Upper Level. UFA Delegate Education Seminar May 1 - 4 Trump Taj Mahal Atlantic City, N.J. 2007 UFA Delegate Education Seminar Sponsors MORNING PRIDE Our generous sponsors, who provide significant financial support, help make the UFA Delegate Education Seminar such a big success each year! TITLE SPONSOR: Morning Pride / Total Fire Group PLATINUM SPONSORS: CIGNA Healthcare International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) GOLD SPONSORS: Aetna AFLAC Empire Blue Cross / Blue Shield Group Health Incorporated (GHI) HIP Health Plan of New York Prudential Retirement Services SILVER SPONSORS: W.L. Gore and Associates BRONZE SPONSORS: AIG Life Insurance Mike Block Esq., UFA General Counsel (Sullivan, Papain, Block, McGrath, Cannavo, P.C.) Chase Home Finance Healthplex 800-688-6148 Table of Contents UFA Executive Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 2 Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 3 Seminar Agenda (Meals, Classes, Events) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 4-8 Tuesday, May 1st . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 4 Wednesday, May 2nd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 4-5 Thursday, May 3rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pages 6-7 Friday, May 4th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8 Raffle Prize Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 9 2007 UFA Honorees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 10-14 Seminar Exhibitors & Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15-18 UFA Founder & History 1917 - 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26-27, 46-50 Title Sponsor: Morning Pride/Total Fire Group . . . . . . . . . . .Inside Back Cover THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 1 UFA Executive Board STEPHEN J. CASSIDY President JAMES M. SLEVIN Vice President JOSEPH A. MICCIO Recording Secretary Seminar Director ROBERT STRAUB Treasurer WILLIAM ROMAKA Health & Safety Officer Sergeant-at-Arms JOHN G. KELLY, Jr. Trustee-Brooklyn Chairman, Board of Trustees DONALD RULAND Trustee-Staten Island STEPHEN G. HUMENESKY Trustee-Queens EDWARD BROWN Trustee-Bronx DANIEL MURPHY Trustee-Manhattan LESTER LAYNE Fire Marshal Representative THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 2 ard o B e v i t u c xe E A F U e h T u o Y s e m o c l We eminar Education S T FA Delegate The 2007 U City. We have inar in Atlantic m Se n io at uc s are more egate Ed City Firefighter r 2007 UFA Del rk ou r Yo fo ew us N g at in th in s and the rts to see hank you for jo protect ourselve year in our effo to st us pa e w th lo al in h to muc ht tools accomplished ed with the rig ated and equipp ns pe m co ly te adequa each day. d n New Yorkers ve accomplishe of lives 8 millio e body, we ha at eg el D is th an tiations d ership of ctive in our nego part to the lead fe e ef rg e la or in m h ks uc an , th we are m of time here This past year ur investment we stand united, n yo he at th W . rs pe be ho r It is ou no small r our mem national level. pacity. 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This est you the mos ndy and refer to unforgettable st ha an it p ve ee ha K . to ay re are su your st to your firefestivities, you ities each day of hen you return tiv w ac d ar ne in ar m le se ve e es of th t you ha ntly, share wha locations and tim ut most importa B s. te no ke ta questions and s out opportunitie house. e hand-outs ab iv at rm fo rs in so ve us spon who ha n to our genero our exhibitors, e you to visit s our appreciatio ag es ur pr co ex rtaking and en to t de so an un al We . We also w tremendous ily a m is fa is ur Th . yo ar d each ye r you an seminar better and benefits fo help make this ho w s nd ie fr e and corporat lr support. stitutional know we rely on thei to pass along in ay w nt irta tiv po ac e dinner is another im cle for this. Onc her Delegates hi ot ve e ith th w st es FA ju nc U ite is rmer Sharing experie cated to our fo le Hospitality Su , which is dedi FF Michael Boy ite e Su Th y . ce again lit re on ta he u pi le edge whi visit the Hos 11. Thank yo to 9re on su ce be ifi , cr ts e sa th nigh made the suprem ties conclude bo hael Boyle, who ic M ur stay! er yo ht y jo fig re at you will en staffer and Fi th pe ho e er nc d it is our si for joining us an ICCIO JOSEPH A. M ary et cr Se g in Record or Seminar Direct CASSIDY STEPHEN J. t en id Pres THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 3 A G E N D Tuesday Afternoon/Evening May 1, 2007 A 4 pm — Check-in ‘till 8 pm: Delegate ID badge & Seminar Materials pick-up at the Convention Counter Upper Level – Sponsored by IAFF 4 pm — Welcome Suite Buffet ‘till 11pm, Tiara Room B: Sponsored by Chase Home Finance 5 pm — Defensive Driving Class: (location given at Seminar Check-in) Sponsored by FAST Consultants Wednesday Morning, May 2, 2007 7:30 am — Check-in: Delegate ID badge & Seminar Materials Pick-up at the Convention Counter Upper Level – 7:30 am to 1:00 pm and 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm Sponsored by IAFF 07:45 am — Breakfast — Tiara Ballroom Sponsored by Aetna Special Spouse Sessions — Health, Wellness & Home Safety Awareness Silver Room — 11:00 am - 12:45 pm by Theresa Carapella, UFA Security (Health) Benefits Fund Administrator & Mike Chierico, FAST Consultants: Theresa explains Dental, Vision Care, Prescription Drugs and other UFA supplemental health coverage for your family. She also shares tips on how member benefit claims are handled, explains how the the office is organized and who provides what services. Then join Mike and his team for a follow-up light, fun & informative workshop for more important info to safeguard and protect the wellness of your family. Great gifts and raffles too!!! Morning General Session — 8:55 am to 1 pm — Diamond Ballroom 08:55 am — State of the Union by UFA President Steve Cassidy: Opens the seminar with an overview of what the UFA has accomplished on behalf of our membership-but more importantly-our ongoing issues, current and future contract updates and the critical challenges & goals that lie ahead. 09:45 am — UFA Media & PR Strategies by UFA Media & Public Relations Director Tom Butler & President Steve Cassidy: Tom & Steve discuss what the UFA has accomplished in print, radio & TV media, and what it takes behind the scenes to get a piece published—or squashed. Specific examples are shared of campaigns initiated by the UFA and benefits generated as a result. Explanations of how the UFA PR strategy factors into achieving longer term goals, which impact contract negotiations, Department safety protocols and legislative agenda. They also explain the do’s & don’ts of speaking to the media. 10:15 am — Next Generation Bunker Gear by Mary Grilliot & Jack Reilly, Total Fire Group/Morning Pride (our gear manufacturers): Mary makes an eye-popping presentation regarding why your bunker gear is being replaced after 10 years, helmet replacements, the Drag Rescue Device (DRD) that is being placed in all new NFPA 1971 Structural Certified turn-out coats, Project Heroes and Beyond, and the FDNY 'Pant to Boot' field test. She concludes with the latest NFPA certified gloves and problems imports will bring. 11:10 am — Safe Apparatus Response by Lt. Michael Wilbur L-27 & Sgt-at-Arms Bill Romaka: Lt. Wilbur presents a "Back to Basics" approach for Emergency Vehicle Operations and Fire Ground Operations. A ‘Q & A’ session will follow. Lt. Wilbur has been a NYC Firefighter for almost 25 years and is also a contributing editor for Firehouse Magazine and Fire Apparatus Journal. He is nationally recognized in Emergency Vehicle Operations, Apparatus Placement and Purchasing. 12:00 pm — New Additions to UFA Compensation Accrual Fund (Annuity) by UFA Treasurer Bob Straub & Jim Reynolds, John Dolan, Prudential Financial: Bob and Jim explain the additional choices that members will have when choosing where to invest their annuity contributions. They explain the fund investment options, which will help your members better understand the impact of their annuity investment choices from the expanded number of funds available. 12:30 pm — UFA Criminal Attorney: Emergency Help by UFA Criminal Counsel Robert Gallo, Esq. Rob shares info re the types of emergency problems members and Trustees call on him for at all hours of the night, and what emergency legal services the UFA covers. Ask questions. Get answers. 1:00 pm — Lunch — Tiara Ballroom Sponsored by HIP THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 4 A G E N D Wednesday Afternoon, May 2, 2007 2 pm — Your Choice of Workshops — A Diamond Ballroom We d n e s d a y ’s Wo r k s h o p s S p o n s o r e d b y M i k e B l o c k , E s q . Room A — Grievances: How to Stop Bad Dept Policy Filing for Grievance, Improper Practice, Workload Impact, Safety Impact—How You Get Results by Recording Secretary Joe Miccio & UFA Labor Counsel Mike Axelrod: Joe & Mike show you how to identify bad Dept Policies that we can effectively fight through the system-with your help. You’ll learn fundamentals that will empower you to actually get the Department to blink, stumble-and sometimes fall! You’ll also learn what we can’t fight. A well invested hour. Room B — 457 & 401(k) NYC Deferred Compensation Plans by Devindra Paul, Jack Augenblick from NYC Deferred Compensation Plan: Jack & Devindra explain the advantages members receive by participating in the 457 and 401(k) Plans, investment choices and how retiring members can roll their final pension payments into the 401(k) Plan and save on taxes today. Room C — Cardiac & Other FF Health Issues by UFA Health & Safety Officer Bill Romaka and Rob Brown, Physician Assistant & Director of the NY FFs Heart and Lung Institute: Rob Brown, RPA-C, will be discussing issues important to the health & safety of all members of the FDNY. Some issues he will touch upon include: Cardiac Health, Injury Prevention, and PTSD, among others… Room D — Disability Pensions by former UFA President Lou Sforza, UFA Pension Consultant: Lou explains the process of documenting and navigating the FDNY disability pension application system. His expertise will make the difference if you should find yourself in the unfortunate position of having to retire due to a career-ending Line-ofDuty injury. 3 pm — Your Choice of Workshops — Room A — Grievances: How to Stop Bad Dept Policy Diamond Ballroom Repeat session-see 2pm workshop description Room B — 457 & 401(k) NYC Deferred Compensation Plans Repeat session-see 2pm workshop description Room C — Cardiac & Other FF Health Issues Repeat session-see 2pm workshop description Room D — Disability Pensions Repeat session-see 2pm workshop description 4 pm — Your Choice of Workshops — Diamond Ballroom Room B — Your Annuity & Compensation Accrual Fund by Ray Sweetland, Tom Reynolds & John Dolan -Financial Planners from Prudential: Prudential manages your annuity contribution investments. Bill, Ray and John will help your members understand the ins and outs of directing annuity contribution investments, via the web or phone, into investment plans that will most suit their ages & future plans. 6 pm — Evening Events 6:00 pm — Exhibit Tables & Booths Open — Grand Ballroom ‘till 9pm 7:00 pm — Reception Dinner Buffet & Cocktail Party — Grand Ballroom Sponsored by Morning Pride / Total Fire Group 9:30 pm (approx) — FF Michael Boyle Hospitality Suite — (room # to be announced at events) Sponsored by AIG Life Insurance THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 5 A G E N D Thursday Morning, May 3, 2007 A 7:30 am — Check-in — Upper Level ‘till 1 pm: Delegate ID badge/Seminar Materials Pick-up at the Convention Counter (Last chance to pickup Delegate Hand-outs) Sponsored by IAFF 7:45 am — Breakfast — Grand Ballroom Sponsored by Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield 8:00 am — Exhibit Tables & Booths Open — Grand Ballroom ‘till 2pm 11:30 am — Spouse Session — Late Morning Aquafitness at the Pool Hotel Pool — 11:30 am - 12:45 pm, by Mike Chierico, FAST Consultants: Bring your bathing suit for a relaxing, enjoyable, low impact, Aqua-Fitness class & health/safety session. Join Mary, a U.S. Navy Health Fitness Trainer at poolside, far end. Relax, enjoy a simple fitness routine, experience the benefits of improved endurance, muscle tone and body composition. Win prizes & great gifts—and enjoyable refreshments too! Morning General Session — 8:55 am to 1 pm — Diamond Ballroom 08:55 am — UFA Discipline Attorney to the Rescue by UFA General & Criminal Counsel Mike Block: Mike shares his many years of experience representing and helping members address serious issues we all hope to never find ourselves in. Now you’ll understand what help is available & how to get it when needed most! 09:35 am — 1-B Medical Board & Pension Board Explained by UFA Treasurer Bob Straub: Bob sits on the FDNY Pension Board and has helped many members to properly document their disabling injuries in the manner legally prescribed to retire with Line-of-Duty disability pensions—including for members who were initially not approved by the 1-B Medical Board. Bob explains how the 1-B Medical Board and Pension Board are selected and set up, how they function and what you should know. 10:10 am — WTC Medical Monitoring & Treatment Program — 5 Year Review by BHS Chief Medical Officers Dr. Kerry Kelly & Dr. David Prezant: Dr. Kelly and Dr. Prezant provide members with an update on the WTC Medical Monitoring Program; the current status, results they've seen so far, etc. Discussions will also include how new funds that were recently made available might be used. 11:00 am — UFA 2006-07 Legislative Agenda by UFA Vice President & Legislative Chairman James Slevin: Jim discusses UFA legislative activities and challenges in City Council, Albany & Washington D.C. He explains PAC funds use, various legislative initiatives, pending bills, how they benefit Firefighters & the steps it takes to get them passed. Jim also talks about this year’s Lobby Day in Albany (June 12th) — Firefighters will once again blitz Albany in support of various UFA Bills. Jim explains what you will be doing for Lobby Day and why, and reviews last year’s Lobby Day successes. He also touches on bus coordination so you can turn out as many members as possible. 11:45 pm — FDNY Counseling Services by Joe Hines, CSU: Joe, a well seasoned retired FF who has helped many members, discusses various help available when your members need it most. 12:00 pm — UFA New Website by Recording Secretary Joe Miccio: Joe demonstrates the new UFA website with enhanced member service capabilities—and simplified ease of use. You will learn how to quickly find answers on the UFA website to many questions you are asked throughout the year. 12:15 pm — WTC Pension Forms & FDNY Pension System by Albert Connolly, FDNY Pension Bureau: Al explains the FDNY pension system, proper form preparation & documentation to insure WTC Illness Pension protection, what illnesses are covered, and answers questions. Hundreds of Firefighters come to Al each year for guidance in making decisions that will have a permanent impact on the rest of their lives. Learn the best ways to improve your pension and retirement from Al. 1:00 pm Lunch — Grand Ballroom — Sponsored by AFLAC Exhibit Tables & Booths Open During Lunch — close down at 2pm THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 6 A G E N D Thursday Afternoon, May 3, 2007 2 pm — Your Choice of Workshops — A Diamond Ballroom Room A — The Effective Delegate by Recording Secretary Joe Miccio & guest Trustees: Joe and Trustees explain & expand on various important Delegate roles & the ‘UFA Delegate’ chapter of your Delegate Manual. Trustees and experienced Delegates share their knowledge and experience—giving you useful pointers on how to be a more effective Delegate. This is a ‘must workshop’ for all newer Delegates! Room B — ITHP Waiver, 50% Indicator, Roth IRAs & NYS College Savings Program by Pension Planners George Duignan & John Hurley, G & G Agency: This team of financial specialists explains how these convenient NYC payroll deduction programs work, detailing the info you need to make your own important investment decisions. They also show you how to use the FDNY Pension Planner web program, where you enter your specific information to get a better future financial picture based on investment choices today. Room C — UFA Health & Safety Office 101 by UFA Health & Safety Officer Bill Romaka & Staff Christine Early, Tony Caracciolo: An introduction to our staff and their duties. Members will learn the purpose of the UFA Health & Safety Office and what it has accomplished over the past year. You’ll learn how firehouse issues should be dealt with, how this office is funded, and what it is doing to improve the health & safety of our members. Lots of info provided verbally, in handouts and with special guests who may stop by. Room D — UFA Security (Health) Benefits Fund by Theresa Carapella, SBF Administrator: Working with the SBF Chapter of the Delegate Manual, Theresa explains how to use the manual to easily find member benefit info. She shares tips on how member benefit claims are handled, and explains how her office is organized, and who provides what services to our members and their families. She also explains how you save money by utilizing “Coordination-ofBenefits” if your spouse has separate coverage, and how helpful is the NYC Health Plans chapter of the Delegate Manual. 3 pm — Your Choice of Workshops — Room A — The Effective Delegate Diamond Ballroom Repeat session-see 2pm workshop description Room B — ITHP Waiver, 50% Indicator, Roth IRAs & NYS College Savings Program Repeat session-see 2pm workshop description Room C — UFA Health & Safety Office 101 Repeat session-see 2pm workshop description Room D — UFA Security (Health) Benefits Fund Repeat session-see 2pm workshop description 4 pm — Workshop — Diamond Ballroom Room B — UFA Scholarship & LOD Funeral Funds by Queens Trustee Steve Humenesky: Steve, who is chairman of the UFA Scholarship and LOD Funeral Fund Committees, will make an informative presentation. He explains and answers questions about these funds and how these committees function. Room C — FDNY Pension System-the Answers! by Albert Connolly, FDNY Pension Bureau: Al will answer your FDNY pension system & WTC bill questions in an informal setting in this follow-up workshop to this morning’s general session presentation by Al. Learn the best ways to improve your pension & retirement from Al. 6:30pm — Evening Activities — See Next Page THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 7 A G E N D Thursday Evening, May 3, 2007 6:30 pm — Banquet Cocktail Hour A — Grand Ballroom 7:30 pm — Banquet Dinner — Grand Ballroom Sponsored by CIGNA Healthcare — Dinner Wine & Refreshments Sponsored by W.L. Gore & Associates — Bagpipers for Honoree Event Sponsored by Healthplex — Raffles — See page 9 for our generous prize donors Listing. 10:00 pm — Music & Entertainment Sponsored by Prudential Retirement Services 11:30 pm (approx) — FF Michael Boyle Hospitality Suite (room # to be announced at events) Sponsored by AIG Life Insurance A G E N Friday Morning, May 4, 2007 D A 08:45 am — Breakfast - Tiara Ballroom Sponsored by Group Health Insurance (GHI) 09:55 am — Union Meeting Diamond Ballroom 12:00 pm — Delegate Seminar Concludes THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 8 RAFFLE PRIZES Donated by many of our corporate friends, including: AIG Michael Axelrod, Esq. (Certilman, Balin, Adler & Hyman) UFA Labor Counsel Michael Block, Esq. (Sullivan, Papain, Block & Cannavo, P.C.) UFA General Counsel Awards Express Ltd. CIGNA Healthcare CPS Optical & CPS Dental Empire BlueCross-BlueShield GHI Healthplex HIP Health Plan of New York Inner Imaging Liberty Mutual Reynolds Securities Trump Taj Mahal W.L. Gore and Associates *Due to print deadline not all raffle donors are listed THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 9 2007 UFA Seminar Honorees FDNY CHAPLAINS Rev. Msgr. John Delendick Rev. Joseph M. Hoffman Rev. Msgr. Marc J. Filacchione Rev. Stephen Harding Christopher Keenan, OFM Rabbi Joseph Potasnik Rev. Joel Warden, CO Rev. Everett Joseph Wabst (retired FDNY Firefighter) THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 10 2007 UFA Seminar Honorees — Honorees listed in alphabetical order — Contd. from previous page A Rev. Msgr. John Delendick F Rev. Msgr. Marc J. Filacchione A Rev. Stephen Harding native of Queens, NY, he received a BA degree from Cathedral College in Douglaston and a M.Div. Degree from Immaculate Conception Seminary in Huntington. He was ordained to priesthood on February 12, 1977 in St. Sebastian Church in Woodside, NY. On March 19, 2003, Father Delendick was given the title of Reverend Monsignor. Father Delendick received the appointment of FDNY Chaplain on May 15, 1996 and has served in this capacity while remaining the Pastor of the Shrine Church of St. Jude in Canarsie. On September 11, 2001, Father Delendick arrived at the World Trade Center soon after the second plane struck and then survived the collapse of the two buildings. He spent many hours over the next eight months bringing families to the Trade Center Site, officiating at memorial and funeral services, being present at the beginning of each support group that were set up throughout the region and consoling the families and friends of the 343 Firefighters who died on that day. R r. Filacchione is a priest of the Archdiocese of New York and was born in the Bronx. Currently he serves as Pastor of Our Lady of Victory Church located one block from the New York Stock Exchange in the Financial District of New York City. Fr. Filacchione entered Cathedral College of the Immaculate Conception in Douglaston, New York where he began his studies for the priesthood and earned his Bachelor’s Degree in English. After studying theology at Saint Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie, located in Yonkers, he received his Master’s Degree in Divinity. He was ordained a priest on November 15, 1980. In 1995, Fr. Filacchione was given the title of Reverend Monsignor. For the past twenty-seven years since his ordination, Monsignor Filacchione has served the Archdiocese of New York in various capacities. In 1992 while Pastor of Saint Michael’s in Manhattan, in 1992 he was also named Director of the Hospital Apostolate for the Archdiocese of New York. This office is responsible for the Catholic Pastoral Care of the Catholic and private hospitals and nursing care facilities in the Archdiocese, a position that he has held for the past fifteen years. In October 1995 he was appointed as a Chaplain for the FDNY. Monsignor Filacchione, like many firefighters, civilians and other Chaplains, witnessed firsthand the events of September 11th and survived the collapse of the Twin Towers by escaping into the subway station with the local Pastor of Saint Peter’s Church on Barclay Street. The events of September 11, 2001 and the months that followed have left an indelible mark on him, as it did on every firefighter and person who witnessed or lost a loved one that day. R n Episcopal priest in the Diocese of New York, Harding grew up in Manhattan and went to high school in New Hampshire and graduated with a B.A. from Colby College in Maine. Upon his return to NYC after graduation, Harding worked as a free-lance theatre technician and as an administrator in the performing arts. Following this six year phase – and for financial stability – Harding went to work as an administrator for an investment bank on Wall Street, which he did for four years before entering the Union Theological Seminary in 1990. THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 11 2007 UFA Seminar Honorees Contd. from previous page Harding graduated from Union Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree in 1993, and went on to earn the degree of Master of Sacred Theology in Spiritual Direction from the General Theological Seminary in 1995. Harding was ordained to the deaconate in the Episcopal Church in the spring of 1995 and to the priesthood in 1999. A Board Certified Chaplain, Harding received his Chaplaincy training at Memorial Sloane-Kettering Cancer Center, and has served as Chaplain at Jacob Perlow Hospice, the Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care at Beth Israel Hospital, and currently serves as the Director of Pastoral Care at NYU Medical Center, in addition to his work with the Fire Department. He was appointed the Protestant Chaplain for the New York City Fire Department on October 6, 2003. Harding was inducted into the Honor Legion of the FDNY as an honorary member in October 2006. In addition to his work as Chaplain, Reverend Harding has had a Sunday ministry with various parishes in Brooklyn and in Manhattan. He was married to the Reverend Canon Storm Swain in September of 2004. They live at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine with their first child, Theodore, who was born on January 4, 2007. R F Rev. Joseph M. Hoffman P Christopher Keenan, OFM r. Hoffman received a BA degree from Cathedral College in Douglaston in May 1975, and a M.Div. Degree from Immaculate Conception Seminary in Huntington, Long Island, in May 1979. He is presently serving in the Archdiocese of Brooklyn and has since June 1979. Father Hoffman served as Pastor in Saint Martin of Tours RC Church in Bushwick, Brooklyn, and is currently Pastor of St. Bartholomew RC Church in Elmhurst, Queens. Father Hoffman received the appointment of FDNY Chaplain in November 2001. R rior to coming home to NYC, he served as a founding team member of the Worldwide Marriage Encounter and Boston’s AIDS Action Committee. With the blessing of two Masters and a Doctorate degree, Chris administered programs for 17 years in three graduate schools of theology preparing women and men for ministry at Boston College, DC’s Washington Theological Union, and the Jesuit School of Theology at Cambridge. Christopher is a Franciscan brother living and ministering in Harlem. In 1996 he returned to NYC to take care of his parents and during those five years was asked by the Franciscans to respond to special issues faced by homeless kids and their Moms in city shelters. Since 2001 he has been in partnership with his Franciscan Brothers, Ben Taylor and Ralph Perez, who came to Harlem 40 years ago and opened their lives to the needs of families and their challenges with addiction, homelessness, and unemployment. From these needs have emerged the seven programs of CREATE, INC. Chris has been providing resources to persons in their journey from homelessness to independent living. The program assists foster kids who are reuniting with their recovering Moms who had lost them due to addiction. The program helps homeless young adult men (18-25) who are now provided with a contin- THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 12 2007 UFA Seminar Honorees Contd. from previous page uum of care that includes: job readiness and training; GED and licensing, social-cultural events, retreat days and a community-based mentoring with NYC firefighters. Chris is currently gathering teams of firefighters who will visit and assist returning Wounded Warriors from Iraq and Afghanistan in Washington, DC and San Antonio, TX. One team is firefighters who are themselves returning from the Mideast and the other is firefighter burn victims reaching out to the burned warriors hospitalized in San Antonio. Chris finds great joy in being a Chaplain in the FDNY. “Who has it better that me being with such AWE-some people like the NYC firefighters? It is an honor and a gift!” R R Rabbi Joseph Potasnik abbi Potasnik received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Yeshiva College, and his Master of Science from the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Yeshiva University. In 1972, he was ordained from Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University. In addition, in 1986 he received his Juris Doctor degree from Brooklyn Law School. Rabbi Potasnik is the former President, and presently the Executive Vice President of the New York Board of Rabbis, the largest interdenominational body of its kind in the world. He is the cohost along with Deacon Kevin McCormack of Xaverian High School and the Diocese of Rockville Center of “Religion on the Line” which airs every Sunday morning on WABC Talk Radio, 770 AM from 7:30 a.m.-10 a.m., WABC’s longest running talk radio program. He is the religious commentator for Radio WINS 1010 for the last ten years succeeding the late Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum. He is also the Senior Rabbi at Congregation Mt. Sinai in Brooklyn Heights, New York. Launched in the fall of 2005, The New York Board of Rabbis has developed its own television series, “Faith To Faith,” hosted by Rabbi Potasnik. This 30-minute award winning weekly program strives to show that unity of spirit and diversity of thought can coexist when there is respect for the depth of the human mind and the recognition of our common humanity. “Faith To Faith” reaches a diverse body of viewers throughout the United States who hopefully learn about the richness of their own religion and how it responds to the challenges of today. As Chaplain of the New York City Fire Department and the Fraternal Order of Police, Rabbi Potasnik maintained a high profile, helping many families cope with the disaster of September 11th, 2001. Rabbi Potasnik is also Chaplain of the New York Press Club. F R Rev. Joel Warden, CO ather Joel Warden was born and raised in Buffalo, NY. He has been a member of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri, a small Catholic religious congregation, since 1993 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1999. When a small fire broke out in his church during a Sunday morning Mass in August 2004, he had the good fortune to meet FDNY personnel from Engine 207/Ladder 110 and EMS Battalion 31. He was sworn in as an honorary FDNY chaplain in April 2006. In addition to duties as a curate at St. Boniface Church in downtown Brooklyn, he is working on a doctorate in moral theology at Fordham University where he is considering problems in the ethics of patient care for first responders. THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 13 2007 UFA Seminar Honorees R Contd. from previous page Rev. Everett Joseph Wabst (retired FDNY Firefighter) everend Wabst, a native of Staten Island, who retired from FDNY firefighting in 1999, was appointed to the FDNY from the 1968 eligible list. Until joining the Fire Department in 1972, Everett worked and attended college full and part time at Heidelberg College in Tiffin, Ohio and Wagner College on Staten Island. While a firefighter he earned a Bachelor of Arts in “Science, Letters and Society” and a Master of Science in Education from Richmond College on Staten Island. In 1973 he was licensed by the NYC Board of Education as a teacher. He did field work through Union Theological Seminary in the 1960’s and 1970’s, and in 1982 while attending New York Theological Seminary (toward a Master of Divinity) he was ordained by the American Baptist Churches of Metropolitan New York. He is also a member of The Ministers Council, American Baptist Churches in the USA. Both the FDNY St. George Association and the FDNY Retiree’s, Staten Island Division, recognized Chaplain “Ed” as the “Millennium Man of the Year”, in 2000. Over the last 25 years Reverend Wabst has been sworn in as chaplain to active and retired Firefighter associations including: The FDNY St. George Association, The FDNY Viking Association, The FDNY Steuben Association, The New York City Honorary Fire Officers Association, The New York State Honorary Fire Chief’s Association, The FDNY Retired Member’s Association, The FDNY Retiree’s, Staten Island Division, and The United Retired Firefighters Association. In 2000 the Fire Commissioner named Reverend Wabst Honorary FDNY Fire Chaplain. In 2003 Reverend Wabst was named Chaplain to the New York Firefighter’s Burn Center Foundation by the late Jimmy Curran Since August of 2006 Rev. Wabst has been battling a persistent form of lymphoma which may have come from 27 years of firefighting coupled with countless hours at the World Trade Center Site. Everett notes,” This is the difficulty that I must fight for now, but I am far from alone in this battle…may God Bless all those suffering illness and injury from our battle for the public in all emergencies. THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 14 SEMINAR 2007 EXHIBITORS SPONSOR AFLAC Ciro Abril, Steve White, Doug Meier 199 Water Street, 23rd Floor New York, NY 10038 212-908-2575 212-687-1930 (Fax) AIG Denise Masella, Robert Stafford 80 Pine Street – 3rd Floor New York, NY 10005 212-770-1139 212-509-8824 (Fax) 212-770-1248 (Cell) E-mail: E-mail: or BARASCH, MCGARRY, Salzman & Penson Law Firm Brian Harvey 11 Park Place, Suite 1801 New York, NY 10007 212-385-8000 212-385-7845 (Fax) E-mail: SPONSOR SPONSOR SPONSOR AETNA Gary Battle 99 Park Avenue, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10016 212-457-0367 860-975-0922 (Fax) 732-910-6913 (Cell) E-mail: SPONSOR Wed. May 2, from 6 pm - 9 pm (Grand Ballroom) Thurs. May 3, from 8 am - 2 pm (Grand Ballroom) CHASE HOME FINANCE Fran Libretto-Ward 145 Pinelawn Road, Suite 250 South Melville, NY 11747 631-420-6501 917-667-1656 (Cell) 866-560-5668 (Fax) CIGNA HEALTHCARE Cyd Brooks 499 Washington Blvd. – 4th Floor Jersey City, NJ 07310 201-533-7000 646-459-9167 (Fax) E-mail: CPS OPTICAL & CPS DENTAL James Lyons, Leslie Chiorazzi 11 Hanover Square New York, NY 10005 212-675-5745 212-675-1147 (Fax) / AWARDS EXPRESS LTD. Glen Barile (Ret. L-84) P.O. Box 120-075 Staten Island, NY 10312 718-967-1671 718-967-1671 (Fax) E-mail: EMPIRE BLUE CROSS / BLUE SHIELD Christopher Bugeya, Dominick Pellegrino Thomas Canty, Gail Sands 11 West 42nd Street – 16th Floor New York, NY 10036 212-476-7535 212-476-7610 (Fax) SPONSOR AMBIT ENERGY C/O Randy Gool 3924 Blue Monster Voce Round Rock, TX 70664 512-658-5200 512 733-9422 (Fax) E-mail: THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 15 SEMINAR 2007 EXHIBITORS FRIENDS OF FIREFIGHTERS Nancy Carbone 1591⁄2 Columbia Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 718-643-0980 718-643-1240 (Fax) GBT Associates Luis F. Febus The Empire State Building 350 5th Avenue, Suite 2418 New York, NY 10118 212-868-0200 917-402-1933 (Cell) SPONSOR Wed. May 2, from 6 pm - 9 pm (Grand Ballroom) Thurs. May 3, from 8 am - 2 pm (Grand Ballroom) GHI Customer Service Division 441 9th Avenue New York, NY 10001 SPONSOR HEALTH NET Natalie Blake Russell 1 Far Mill Crossing, PO Box 904 Shelton, CT 06484-0944 203-225-8868 203-225-4094 (Fax) 203-814-6656 (Cell) HEALTHPLEX Joni Howe – VP Account Services 333 Earle Ovington Blvd. – Suite 300 Uniondale, NY 11553 516-542-2701 • 516-794-3186 (Fax) 516-662-2420 (Cell) INNER IMAGING Albert Barrette 67 Irving Place, Ground Floor New York, NY 10003 212-777-8900 212-777-2008 (Fax) 917-449-4561 (Cell) E-mail: LIBERTY MUTUAL INSURANCE GROUP Matthew Morse, Eugene Watt 114 West 47th Street – 21st Floor New York, NY 10036 800-227-9887 (Ext. 295 Morse) (Ext. 291 Watt) 212-398-2685 (Fax) MARSH AFFINITY GROUP SERVICES Matt Arvanites 1440 Renaissance Drive Park Ridge, IL 60068 800-503-9230 847-803-2553 (Fax) MORNING PRIDE MANUFACTURING Mary Grilliot, Jack Reilly, Kenneth Memmen, Doug Sloan, Mike Milner, Bob West, Bill Emmory #1 Innovation Court Dayton, OH 45414 937-264-2662 937-264-2677 (Fax) SPONSOR SPONSOR GENERAL VISION SERVICES Sharon Devine 520 8th Avenue – 9th Floor New York, NY 10018 212-729-5342 212-279-0498 (Fax) 646-413-4168 (Cell) HIP HEALTH PLAN OF NEW YORK June Guiffo 55 Water Street New York, NY 10041 646-447-6997 • 646-447-3001 (Fax) THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 16 SEMINAR 2007 EXHIBITORS MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION Katie Burke, Nerin Gayron 1140 Avenue of the Americas #1801 New York, NY 10036 212-679-6215 212-679-6244 (Fax) ROYAL ALLIANCE ASSOCIATION Mike Carter 414 Eagle Rock Avenue West Orange, NJ 07052 973-736-8400 Ext. 22 914-213-0976 (Fax) NATIONWIDE FINANCIAL Michael Hecht, James McBratney 21 Commerce Drive – 3rd Floor Cranford, NJ 07016 908-653-7290 908-276-1971 (Fax) E-mail: STANTON & GUZMAN, LLP. Ken Larkin 585 Stewart Ave, Suite 410 Garden City, NY 11530 516-222-0099 516-426-6072 (Cell) 516-222-0079 (Fax) E-mail: NYC DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN 457 & 401(k) Georgette Gestely - Director 40 Rector Street – 3rd Floor New York, NY 10006 212-306-7760 • 212-306-7376 (Fax) STERLING NATIONAL MORTGAGE CO. INC. John McGuire 98 Cuttermill Road, Suite 200N Great Neck, NY 11021 516-593-7826 516-593-2524 (Fax) THE PENSION PLANNER “The Firefighters’ Financial Resource” George Duignan, John Hurley, Steve Goldis 100 Quentin Roosevelt Blvd. Garden City, NY 11530 516-357-9293 516-357-8989 (Fax) STERLING OPTICAL Amy Shapiro 100 Quentin Roosevelt Blvd – Suite 508 Garden City, NJ 11530 1-800-EYES-789 PRUDENTIAL RETIREMENT John Dolan, John Schmidt Ray Sweetland, Bill Walsh One Penn Plaza – Suite 2501 New York, NY 10119 917-339-4423 • 917-339-4426 (Fax) SPONSOR SPONSOR Wed. May 2, from 6 pm - 9 pm (Grand Ballroom) Thurs. May 3, from 8 am - 2 pm (Grand Ballroom) SULLIVAN, PAPAIN, BLOCK, McGrath, Cannavo, P.C. 120 Broadway New York, NY 10271 212-732-9000 212-266-4148 (Fax) THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 17 SEMINAR 2007 EXHIBITORS Wed. May 2, from 6 pm - 9 pm (Grand Ballroom) Thurs. May 3, from 8 am - 2 pm (Grand Ballroom) WASHINGTON MUTUAL John Halleran 666 Old Country Road Garden City, NY 11530 516-745-6500 Ext. 238 516-647-0261 (Cell) 516-745-6594 (Fax) E-mail: UNITED INSIGNIA Jim Hahl 379 Bridge Street, 4th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11201-5246 718-222-3400 718-222-1459 (Fax) W.L. GORE AND ASSOCIATES Bob Towe 105 Vieres Way Elkton, MD 21922 410-506-5267 410-392-4457 (Fax) E-mail: SPONSOR UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES Lou Sforza Jr., Frank Euvino, Joseph K. Barbara 109 North Avenue Westfield, NJ 07090 800-352-7930 908-789-3190 (Fax) E-mail: E-mail: VISION SCREENING Seth Polan 1919 Middle Century Road, Suite 304 Centereach, NY 11720 631-467-4515 631-467-7786 (Fax) THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 18 HELP PROTECT YOUR FAMILY LIKE YOU HELP PROTECT OTHERS Enroll Enroll Today Today for for the the Maximum Maximum UFA UFA Voluntary Voluntary Term Term Life Life Insurance Insurance Coverage Coverage Available! Available! Help protect your family's savings: • Increase your voluntary term life insurance to the next level — up to the maximum of $400,000 for you; $100,000 for your spouse • You’re eligible for the highest Retiree coverage of $125,000 if you elect $400,000 term life coverage Contact Maria Zingone in Human Resources for easy enrollment — 212-683-4832/6503. AIG Employee Benefit Solutions insurance products underwritten by: American International Life Assurance Company of New York New York, New York A member company of American International Group, Inc. The underwriting risks, financial obligations and support functions associated with the products issued by American International Life Assurance Company of New York are its responsibility. American International Life Assurance Company of New York is responsible for its own financial condition and contractual obligations. This ad is a summary only of products offered. All products are subject to the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of the policies. Actual offerings may vary by group size and by state. Please see policies and certificates for details. Policy form series numbers: GL-10675, GL-10676, GL-10724. © 2007 American International Group, Inc. All rights reserved. THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 19 00850006-3412 R04/07 CIGNA HealthCare - Proud Sponsor of the 2007 UFA Delegate Education Seminar Thursday Dinner. THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 20 Support, dedication and respect You can count on us, just like we count on you We know that, as firefighters, you’re constantly striving to make this a better, safer place for all of us to live. And as part of the New York community since 1935, we are very grateful for your hard work. We’re also proud to have been able to provide New York City employees with health benefits for over 40 years. Empire provides access to the largest physician network in New York1 and the widest choice of top-quality physicians2 and hospitals.3 Which all adds up to making sure you get the care you need, when you need it. To learn more about how we can support you, call Empire’s New York City Dedicated Service Center at (800) 433-9592 or visit us online at Stop by our exhibit during Banquet Night to find out if you’ve won tickets to a Yankees or Mets game.* Your Empire team wishes the UFA board and its delegates continued success. Tom Canty, Christopher Bugeya, Gail Sands and Dominick Pellegrino 1 Largest EPO/PPO network of providers in the 28 eastern and southeastern New York counties and 10 bordering counties of New Jersey and Connecticut. New Jersey counties: Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Passaic, Middlesex, Monmouth, Sussex, Union. Connecticut counties: Fairfield and Litchfield. ( searched August 2006). 2 Based on EPO/PPO network and New York Magazine’s “Best Doctors in 2006” list, issue dated 6/19/06, and searches of competitors’ web sites in June 2006. 3 Based on U.S. News & World Report 7/19/06 for hospitals in our service area. *Available only to registered UFA delegates. Services provided by Empire HealthChoice HMO, Inc. and/or Empire HealthChoice Assurance, Inc., licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, an association of independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans. 4962 Uniformed Firefighters Assoc Jnl Ad (3/07) THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 21 THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 22 Your friends at HIP Health Plan of New York Extend best wishes to the Uniformed Firefighters Association You give your best every day to make New York the greatest place in the world. You deserve the same when it comes to your health benefits. Now HIP offers more choices than ever before, including over 21,000 providers in more than 31,000 locations throughout the New York metro area. And HIP offers a variety of plan designs to meet the needs of your membership, including HIPaccess® plans with no required referrals to specialists and EPO and PPO plans. We also offer prescription drug coverage. What’s more, HIP provides access to alternative medicine options, laser vision correction and preventive dental, all at discounted rates. HIP has received support from both the AFL-CIO and the New York City Central Labor Council. And we’re the only fully unionized HMO in New York City. For more information, please contact June Giuffo at 212-216-7716. ® English, Spanish, Chinese and Korean THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 23 THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 24 For a free, no-obligation rate quote, please call 1-800-225-8281 (Please mention group #100449) 1 U F A THE D 2007 E L EUFA G ADELEGATE T E E DEDUCATION U C A T I SEMINAR O N A L PROGRAM S E M I GUIDE N A R 25 2 0 0 6 U F A H I S T O R Y THROUGH THE 1920’s…. • 1917 FF Albert Guinness (pictured right) formed the Uniformed Firemen’s Association of the FDNY, which became Local 94 of the International Association of Firefighters the following year. Firemen were working “continuous duty,” of 151 hours per week with 3 hours off each day. Annual salary was $1,500. • 1920: UFA won a 27% increase to a more livable annual salary of $1,900. • 1921: the Honor Emergency Fund was created to provide financial assistance to active/retired Firefighters and their families due to death, illness or injury. • 1922: UFA pressure resulted in a two-platoon system of 84 hours per week. FF Albert Guinness • 1927: due in large part to the lobbying efforts of the UFA, “Right of Appeal Law” legislation was passed, the granting civil service employees the right to appear before legislative bodies to express grievances. Previous to the enactment of this particular measure, civil service employees could be denied the right by departmental edict. UFA Founder • 1936 passage of a local law granting a disability pension for Firemen with line-of-duty injuries. • 1937 The UFA inserted a provision in the state Constitution, making public employee pensions a contractual requirement of the state. • 1928: the UFA won the right for referendum vote raising annual salary to $3,000. • 1939 Voters then passed a UFA-sponsored resolution in 1939 reducing a Fireman’s work week from 84 to 50 hours. THE 1930’s. . . THE 1940’s…. • As the Great Depression was taking hold, Mayor Jimmy Walker pressured city workers to take a “payless furlough,” claiming the city was on the verge of bankruptcy. • 1940 Two major pension systems were installed in 1940: Article 1, whereby members appointed prior to April, 1940 were to pay 5% or 6% of their salaries and Article 1B under which new appointees were required to contribute 9% to 14% on an actuarial basis. • 1930s The UFA was the only group to refuse to submit. Mayor LaGuardia had a bill passed reducing the salaries of all city employees. The UFA fought the measure until it was rescinded. • 1943 the UFA and FDNY established the Medal of Supreme Sacrifice. Some 1,800 members of the Fire Department served in the armed forces during World War II. • 1936 the UFA succeeded in achieving the threeplatoon system (or eight-hour day) through a referendum of the voters during the general election. THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 26 U F A H I S T O R Y — contd... on page 46 • 1944 the three-platoon system was suspended and the remaining members worked 84 hours per week. • 1961 Four paid holidays successfully negotiated, as well as emergency overtime paid in cash. • 1947 a 28-day vacation for Firefighters and numerous pension improvements went into effect. • 1962 Equalized vacations for all first-grade FFS. • 1961 UFA has abolished three-platoon systemboth legislatively at the state level and by voter referendum in NYC. • 1946 the workweek gradually reduced to 60 hours per week. First grade FF earns $3,900 per year. • 1962 Residency restrictions liberalized. Paid holidays increased to six. • 1948, the UFA negotiated a 20-year retirement and a return to the two-platoon system, although the City had the right to keep the three-platoon system. (More improvements came on this in the 1960s.) • 1962 Dues check-off inaugurated. Prior to that, all dues had been collected by delegates. • 1963 Ten paid holidays secured. • 1963 A two and one-half percent reduction in pension rate achieved. THE 1950’s... • 1963 Improved 1/60th bill for Article 1 members; • 1963 half final pay for Article 1 B members. • 1950 First grade Firefighter earned $4,400 a year. • 1963 Honor increased. • 1953, the Mayor’s Management Survey Committee recommended the elimination of 52 fire houses. The UFA opposed the plan and it was disapproved. Emergency Death Benefit • 1963 UFA’s Security Benefit Fund established. • 1965 paid holidays increased to 11 annually. • 1965 Dental and Optical Plans added to UFA Security Benefit Fund. • 1953 46-hour work week won. • 1953 Uniform allowance • 1965 Members and families given choice of health plans. • 1953 UFA starts its 1st Political Action program • 1957 a Constitutional Convention came up for approval by the voters, the UFA campaigned against it, and the Convention was defeated. The intention was to invalidate the contractual obligations on pensions. • 1965 Death Gamble provided. • 1965 Payment of time-and-a-half for OT gained. • 1965 First-grade FF earns $8,483 base pay. • 1967 Pension contributions reduced by 5%. • 1967 Longevity established. THE 1960’s… • 1967 Pension escalation for disability retirements and service retirements after age 62. • The UFA successfully led the battle for increased pensions of widows and retired men. • 1967 Personal leave day granted. • 1961 a 40-hour work week mandated by referendum • 1968 The UFA successfully gets the “no strike” clause eliminated from the IAFF Constitution, then seeks approval of the membership to order • 1961 1/60th pension benefit secured for all Firefighters. THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 27 Better Service, Better Vision Tel: 212-675-5745 Proudly Serving the UFA Membership for Over a Quarter of a Century Smile Brought to you by CPS Dental, Inc. Tel: 212-889-5858 11 Hanover Square New York, NY 10005 THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 28 The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) would like to thank the dedicated men and women of the Uniformed Firefighter Association (UFA) for your continued support and commitment to MDA and our life-saving cause. You truly are the bravest and the best. THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 29 1/23/07 4:19 PM Page 1 Paid actor SPBMC 07 AD 6x9.qxd ONLY ONE LAW FIRM has been General Counsel to the UFA for over 20 years, we have a proven record of obtaining substantial recoveries for firefighters and their families in all types of personal injury cases. In all types of personal injury cases: • Our firm recovered more than $830 Million for our clients in the last five years alone. • Over 250 of our clients have recovered at least $1 Million each. • Line of Duty Injuries • Automobile Accidents • Pharmaceuticals/Vioxx • Labor Law • Slips and Falls • Medical Malpractice • Birth Related Injuries • Defective Products • Lead Poisoning Contact: Michael Block 212-732-9000 S ULLIVAN PAPAIN B LOCK MCGRATH & CANNAVO P.C. 55 M INEOLA B OULEVARD M INEOLA , NY 11501 516-742-0707 120 B ROADWAY N EW YORK , NY 10271 212-732-9000 WWW.T RIAL L AW 1. COM 126 S TATE S TREET H ACKENSACK , NJ 07601 201-342-0037 The above figures are based on actual cases the firm has handled. These results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Each case must stand on its own merit. THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 30 THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 31 Firefighters Mortgage Hotline 516-593-7826 Email: Mortgage Services Banking Services Purchase, Refinance, Home Equity Personal Loans First Time Home Buyer Program Business Line of Credit 24 Hour Pre-Approvals Business Loans Land and Construction Loans Asset Based Loans Zero Down – 100% - 103% Financing Lease Financing Commercial Loans “I commit to you, as a member of the New York City Fire Department, to try and get you the best program and rate available at the least expense, that serves the needs of you and those you love.” NO APPLICATION FEE APPRAISAL AND CREDIT FEE WAIVED AT CLOSING JOHN McGUIRE 98 Cuttermill Rd. Great Neck, NY 11021 FAX: (516) 593-2524 Email: STERLING NATIONAL MORTGAGE CO., INC. IS A PROUD MEMBER OF THE STERLING BANCORP FAMILY OF COMPANIES NYSE: STL EST. 1929 MEMBER FDIC THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 32 THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 33 THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 34 PENSION PLANNER George Duignan John Hurley Steve Goldis Firefighters Hotline: (516) 357-9293 The Firefighters Financial Resource 100 Quentin Roosevelt Blvd., Garden City, NY 11530 THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 35 PROUD, FOR OVER A DECADE, TO BE A SPONSOR TO THE UFA. THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 36 We want you to know The Aetna Difference Aetna’s Government and Labor Division is proud to be a Gold Sponsor of the Uniformed Firefighter’s Association 2007 Delegate Education Seminar Gary Battle Account Executive Aetna Government & Labor Division Phone: 212-457-0367 99 Park Avenue, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10016 Joseph Scibilia Regional Vice President Aetna Government & Labor Division Phone: 781-902-3805 ©2007 Aetna Inc. The voice of UFA members for 43 years! We would like to hear from our members about items you would like to see appear in the publication. Is there an event, dedication ceremony, anniversary, or centennial that would be of interest to all Firefighters and you would like to publicize? Call our offices at Steven J. Cassidy Editor-In-Chief (212) 683-4832 or e-mail us at: Stephen N. Symbolik III Managing Editor THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 37 THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 38 THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 39 THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 40 PRUDENTIAL RETIREMENT H H H cbad 2/24/06 2:28 PM Page 1 Union Plus® Mortgage Program Exclusively provided by Chase Home Finance Receive Valuable Benefits You Are Entitled to as a UFA Member Union Plus Benefits: Programs for Every Need: ! Reduced Closing Costs ! Chase Mortgage Servicing for the life of the Loan ! Mortgage Assistance Benefits** (helps with mortgage payments if unemployed due to disability, strike, layoff or lockout) ! First Time Home Buyer ! Those with less than perfect credit ! Low or no down payment ! Interest-Only options ! Limited or No-Documentation options ! Purchase or Refinance Union Plus® is brought to you by Union Privilege, established by the AFL-CIO and available to UFA members, their parents and children. CALL TODAY FOR A FREE PRE-QUALIFICATION Fran Libretto-Ward Mortgage Loan Officer 631-420-6501 © 2006 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved. **Eligibility for mortgage assistance begins one year after closing on a Union Plus Mortgage through Chase Home Finance and is provided by the AFL-CIO. This offer may not be combined with any other promotional offer or rebate, is not transferable and is available to bona fide members of participating unions. All loans are subject to credit and property approval. Program terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Not all products are available in all states or for all loan amounts. Other restrictions and limitations apply. THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 41 Nationwide Financial Network 21 Commerce Drive Cranford, NJ 07016 Phone: 908.653.7290 Fax: 908.276-1971 Michael J. Hecht 908.653.7290 James McBratney 908.653.7212 Financial Planning Life Insurance Retirement Planning Investments College Savings Estate Planning Securities and Investment Advisory services offered through Michael Hecht and James McBratney as Registered Representatives and Investment Adviser Representatives of 1717 Capital Management Company, a Registered Investment Adviser. Member NASD, SIPC. A Nationwide Financial company. Representative of Nationwide Life Insurance Company of America and other companies. Proud to provide vision care to the UFA For the location nearest you, please call 1-800-EYES-789 WE ACCEPT MOST HEALTH INSURANCE PLANS Sterling Optical • Fireman Union Ad • Job# 70215 • Corporate • EGC Group 516.935.4944 THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 42 New York City Deferred Compensation Plan Visit our table at the conference and speak with Plan representatives about the advantages employees receive by participating in the 457 and 401(k) Plans and how retiring employees can roll their final pension payments into the 401(k) Plan and save on taxes today! Attend a DCP workshop on May 3rd at 2:00 PM or 3:00 PM 40 Rector Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10006 Tel: (212) 306-7760 Outside NYC: 1-888-DCP-3113 THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 43 STANTON & GUZMAN, LLP Attorneys at Law Jack Stanton, Esq. Stacey Rinaldi Guzman, Esq. Kenneth H. Larkin, Esq. The Law Firm for the Injured and Disabled SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY WORKERS’ COMPENSATION OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE PERSONAL INJURY WE ARE PROUD THAT YOU SERVE US WE WOULD BE PROUD TO SERVE YOU 585 Stewart Avenue, Suite 410 Garden City, New York 11530 Phone: 516-222-0099 Fax: 516-222-0079 Email: THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 44 VIS ION 1919 Middle Country Road, Suite 304 Centereach, NY 11720 800-652-0063 SCREEN ING PROUD TO SUPPORT THE UNIFORMED FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR Arthur Polan Laurice Phillips Seth Polan Phyllis Miranti We are honored to supply quality eye care to New York City’s Bravest For an optical center near you, please visit our web site at THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 45 U F A H I S T O R Y — contd... from page 27 a strike. This was prompted by the city’s foot dragging in negotiating a new contract. Threats lead to negotiations and a contract within two months. • 1968 UFA and the city reach agreement on a new benefit for members who retire after 20 years of service-the Variable Supplements Fund (VSF). (Legislation is signed by the Governor in 1970, and the first payments are made in 1973.) • 1968 First-grade FF base pay reaches $10,325. The fireboat New Yorker was located at the foot of Beekman Street in Manhattan when this photo was taken in 1930 and was designated as Engine Co. 77. olution is adopted by the IAFF, giving New York City’s Local 94 greater representation in the international. • 1968 Union name is changed from the “Uniformed Firemen’s Association” to the “Uniformed Firefighters Association”. • 1970 contract demands again fall on deaf ears at City Hall, prompting yet another strike threat from the UFA. • 1969 Permanent “Lung Bill” was signed into law by Gov. Rockefeller, • 1970 $25,000 line-of-duty death benefit achieved for New York City Firefighters. • 1969 Heart Bill. The Heart Bill signed into law (was an original goal of the UFA, beginning with its first President Albert E. Guinness) • 1972 a new contract guaranteed five-man manning on all apparatus. • 1969 UFA achieves vested pension option for members after 15 years of service. • 1972 night differential increased from 5% to 10% • 1972 portal-to-portal & “clean-up” pay secured. • 1969 Through negotiations, the UFA obtains overtime pay for ordered overtime work, as well as night differential. • 1972 number of FFs reaches its highest-12,500. • 1972 The Rand Corporation retained by the City to study the fire service, recommends closing six companies and relocation of seven others. The plan is implemented, and the UFA responds by holding mass rallies and filing a lawsuit. THE 1970’s. . . • 1970 City agrees to increase companies and manning, creating one new Division, five battalions and eight companies. Manning increases to 11,891 Firefighters. • 1973 after several threats over the past few years to hold a job action in response to the city’s unwillingness to negotiate a new contract, the UFA goes on strike. Members walk out at 8:30 • 1970 UFA-sponsored “one-man, one vote” res- THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 46 U F A H I S T O R Y — contd... a.m. on Nov. 6, but return to work five-and-ahalf hours later after Supreme Court Justice Sidney A. Fine ordered the city to negotiate with the union. • 1977-8 New programs created by UFA includes free legal consultation and voluntary group life insurance program. • 1973 the UFA wins an increase in compulsory insurance (compensation insurance) coverage for active Firefighters from $2,000 to $5,000. • 1977-8 Union negotiates increases in compulsory insurance coverage for active Firefighters from $5,000 to $7,500, retired Firefighters from $2,000 to $4,000. • 1977-8 UFA achieves increase in pensions for line-of-duty widows through legislative actions signed by Gov. Carey • 1973 by December, the union had reached an agreement with the city on a one-year contract. • 1974 the City’s fiscal crisis citing financial problems, disbanded eight companies. The UFA unsuccessfully sued to stop the closings. THE 1980’s… • 1974 base pay of a first-grade Firefighter increased to $17,458. • 1980 UFA plays key role with Uniformed Forces Coalition, two-year contract, salary raises of 9% and 8% and no give- backs. • 1975-7 the City’s fiscal problems worsen, more than 40,000 city workers are laid off, including 1,600 Firefighters, although 700 are hired back within three days. The UFA continues to provide health, hospital and dental care to these members and their families. The union also is instrumental in getting Federal jobs for 250 brothers and in having another 300 hired in temporary jobs as bus drivers for the Transit Authority. • 1980 Members vote to end the union’s 63-year affiliation with the IAFF • 1980 Problems at the medical office, which had been brewing for years, came to a head, the UFA and 1,000 Firefighters rallied outside the Medical Office to protest mistreatment and improper care rendered. The protest led to the appointment of a special panel by Mayor Koch which recommended several operational changes at the Bureau. • 1975-7 the City reneges on minimum manning provisions, reducing to 42 the number of fiveman engines. (By 1982, the number of engines riding with five Firefighters is increased to about 140, leaving 71 four-man engines. • 1981 after many years of struggle, a supplemental cost-of-living increase was passed by the state Legislature, providing pension increases of 3 % to 29% for retirees. • 1976 The UFA establishes a Security Benefit Fund for retired members. • 1982 Unified, more than 10,000 Firefighters, police officers and correction officers marched on City Hall. Negotiating once again under the umbrella Uniformed Forces Coalition, several months a two-year contract of 8% per year, onepercent higher than the civilian coalition. • 1976 Federal legislation passed providing assistance to the family of a LODD Firefighter, $50,000 to surviving dependents. • 1976 The first annual Delegates Seminar is held. • 1977-8 As the number of fires soared in the mid1970’s, and the fiscal crisis began to abate, the city agreed to restore five-man manning on 20 engines. By this time, all Firefighters who had been laid off and wanted to return were rehired by the FDNY. • 1980 UFA filed for a court injunction to halt the retest of women who failed the FD physical. • 1983-4 The UFA secures law for FFs laid off in 1975 and later rehired the right to buy back time for pension credit. Affected about 950 THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 47 U F A H I S T O R Y — contd... Firefighters. • 1983-4 back wages deferred as a result of the mid-70’s fiscal crisis were negotiated by the UFA. • 1983-4 Union sues to bring five-Firefighter minimummanning level to the remaining 71 engine companies still riding with four Firefighters. • 1983-4 UFA lobbying resulted in a $5.2 million boost in the FDNY budget, including the creation of two new engine companies, two truck For many years Engine Co. 72 was a Manhattan Engine Company locatcompanies, one battalion and ed on East 12th Street between 5th Avenue and University Place. the Haz Mat unit. efforts in City Hall, Albany and Washington, DC. • 1985-89 a negotiated contract is rejected by the • 1991 The union purchased a five-story building Executive Board and the delegates. The sticking in Manhattan as its new Headquarters. point is the city’s offer to restore 5-Firefighter manning to only six additional engine compa• 1991 Proposed draconian cuts of 10% of the nies, out of 73 that still have four-Firefighter FDNY budget-including firehouse closings-are manning. Membership rejected two negotiated avoided due to intense UFA lobbying efforts. agreements. UFA forced into an arbitration. The The Department takes only a $1.3 million budgcity’s Office of Collective Bargaining “scoped et hit, out of a proposed $57 million cut. out” several key provisions, including minimum • 1993 A pilot CPR program begins in Brooklyn, manning, vacation, the group chart and the where Firefighters respond to medical emergenFirefighter’s job description. It would take sevcies. The program, established without union eral years and several negotiated contracts to input due to the loss of the Firefighter’s job win back some of these important provisions. description in the ‘87-90 arbitration, is expanded a year later to include the use of defibrillators. THE 1990’s. . . • 1990-91 Calling it unsafe for Firefighters and citizens, the UFA urged the city’s Office of Collective Bargaining to eliminate the Fire Department’s roster manning program, whichdespite promises to the contrary-had failed to provide promised manning levels on engines (five Firefighters) the majority of the time. • 1991 The UFA launches a political action committee, Fire PAC, to fund effective lobbying • 1994 the Cancer Bill, allowing for line-of-duty pensions for members disabled by six different types of cancer, was signed into law by Gov. Cuomo, capping an eight-year struggle to protect Firefighters and officers. • 1995 UFA settles Roster Staffing hearings restoring five-man manning to 61 engine companies. In conjunction, 96 hours of RSOT is guaranteed for every firefighter. • 1995 Members vote 2-1 to re-affiliate with IAFF. THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 48 U F A H I S T O R Y — contd... • 2002 Unified, more than 10,000 firefighters & police rally in sweltering summer heat at Time Square, which resulted in contracts that eliminated 6 months of zeroes. • 1995 First Legislative Day in Albany sponsored by UFA. Attended by several dozen members. • 1996 Major UFA victory is won with the elimination of the Home Visitation and PMLA programs through a federal lawsuit. • 2002 Historic first PERB award granted to PBA. Leveraging that award, the UFA negotiated contract which exceeded the uniform coalition pattern established by civilian unions. • 1996 The Compensation Accrual Fund (CAF), or annuity, is converted into a self- directed plan. Members have direct control over their investment funds. • 2002-3 UFA harnesses the newest communication technology. Launches instantaneous telephone, fax and e-mail broadcast systems to firehouses, Delegates and entire membership, providing instantaneous info to the field. UFA website enhanced to include the most up-to-date information about union initiatives. • 1997-98 UFA negotiates 5-year contract which includes chauffeur pay and restoration of several key provisions lost in disastrous 1987-90 arbitration decision: 39 hours vacation leave, and increased longevity and annuity pay. In addition, the contract included provision for Safety Committee comprised of Department and union officials which results in an additional five 5man engine companies, bringing UFA-negotiated number up to 66 five-man engines. UFA negotiates and members ratify CFR-D agreement including a 3% pay differential, retroactive pay, training for ladder company members, and a voluntary feature that ultimately makes the program optional for all Firefighters. Unfortunately, the civilian pattern which included two years of zero, was part of the deal. • 2003 Major UFA legislative win to expand of the Cancer Bill to include cancers involving the neurological, breast and reproductive systems as presumed LODI. • 2003 UFA efforts through public rallies and successful lobbying stopped the closing of 2 of the 8 firehouses Mayor Bloomberg had on chopping block. • 2004 Pension loans legislative win allows retiring members to borrow up to 90% of contributions. • UFA reactivates legislative/lobby day program (May 10, 2005) in Albany with bus loads of FFs to push for WTC Presumptive Illness Bill’s passage. 2000 TO THE PRESENT • 2001 Terrorist attack World Trade Center. The UFA in partnership with the IAFF established the 9/11 Fund, and dispensed millions to our families in need. • WTC Presumptive Bill signed into law on June 15, 2005. This Landmark Bill, which was secured because of the tireless lobbying efforts of the UFA and its members of Fire PAC, allows for firefighters who become injured as a result of the work performed at the attacks and later on, the clean-up, at the World Trade Center to be eligible for accidental disability pension, even if already retired. • 2001 The years of persistence through political efforts and the courts wins the UFA and PBA the absolute right to arbitrate impasse contracts through state PERB—removing us forever from the City’s tilted system. • 2002 A LOD Funeral Fund was established to provide for members to travel to Firefighter memorial and funeral services nationwide. • December 2005, new contract overwhelmingly ratified by the membership. Four-year contract THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 49 U F A H I S T O R Y — contd... is retroactive to 2002 and provides a compounded 17.5% raise for NYC Firefighters. Civilians agreed to 4% over 3 years. • The 2005 contract extends the roster staffing agreement another 5 years and increases the number of engines operating citywide with 5firefighters, a critical win for New York’s Firefighters • Stroke Bill Signed by Governor Pataki. UFA is successful in its lobbying efforts of the State Assembly, Senate and Governor ’s office. UFA members who suffer from strokes are protected with LODI pensions. The Bill retroactively covers 4 members. • WTC LOD Death Pension. UFA is successful in getting this bill signed into law. Families of members who die as a result of a WTC presumed illness will now receive full LOD pensions—even if the death occurs after the member is retired. This law retroactively applies to families of all members who died prior to its signing into law. • WTC LODI Prescription Drug Card approved. UFA is successful in convincing the City to provide LODI drug cards for all members who are ill as a result of exposure at WTC. Members no longer use UFA SBF money, or cash out of their own pockets. • 2007 UFA Lobby day is set for June 12th 2007. Members of the UFA Political Action Committee will descend on Albany once again to push the UFA’s legislative agenda. THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 50 NOTES THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 51 NOTES THE 2007 UFA DELEGATE EDUCATION SEMINAR PROGRAM GUIDE 52
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