Annual Report -


Annual Report -
Memorial Health Care
System Foundation
Memorial Foundation
M i ss i o n S t a t e m e n t
The mission of the Memorial Health Care System
Foundation is to serve our community by
strengthening Memorial’s mission to nurture the
healing ministry of Christ. All of our efforts are
directed at increasing the resources available to
Memorial to provide services to our community.
2012-2013 YEAR IN REVIEW
Table of Contents
5 – 13
Memorial Milestones
Foundation Highlights
Contribution Charts
Grants Received in FY13
16 – 17
19 – 21
Giving Societies
Physician Giving Societies
Friends of Memorial
Organizational Giving
Doctor’s Day and Caring Spirit Campaigns
24 – 27
28 – 30
Memorial Auxiliary and Volunteer Services
30 - 31
Other Events
Board of
Alexis Bogo
Holly L. Harwell
Vice Chair
Scott Mattice
Immediate Past Chair
Bill W. Stacy, Ph.D.
Ward Petty
Mark Anderson, M.D.
Tim Ballard, M.D.
Sophia Bridger
Tonya Cammon
Boofie Crimmins
Morgan H. Everett
Deborah Everhart
Kennedy Frierson
Peter Hunt, M.D.
Jim Kennedy
MaryStewart Lewis
Bill Oellerich, M.D.
Tahnika Rodriguez
Sanford Sharp, M.D.
Dawn Shea
BettyeLynn Smith
Dr. Rev. James L. Vick
Mike Webb
James Woods
Members Ex-Officio
James M. Hobson
Jennifer W. Nicely
Memorial administrators,
physicians and nurses,
and guests from the
community watch as the
crane hoists the highest
steel beams into place on
the new North Tower.
Memorial Milestones
N o rt h To wer Toppi n g Out
C e rem o n y
Memorial Health Care System celebrated the
topping out of its North Tower on Tuesday,
June 4, 2013. The event marked the beginning
of the facility’s final year of construction.
A topping out ceremony is a tradition which
migrated to America with European craftsman.
The ceremony commemorates the moment
when the highest structural point in the building construction has been attained. To celebrate
this event, the last steel beam is signed and
hoisted into place. Memorial employees, volunteers, donors and others signed their names on
two beams before construction workers hooked
them to a crane and lifted them to the top of
the seven-story structure.
Andrew McGill, vice president of strategic planning and business development for Memorial,
said that Memorial’s aim is to accommodate
the community’s needs with the new building.
“It’s a milestone for us. What you see here is a
response to what the community told us they
The North Tower construction is a component of Memorial’s Master Facility Plan, an
expansion and renovation project that will
improve and update Memorial’s facilities. The
300,000-square-foot North Tower is scheduled
to open in July 2014. It will primarily focus on
cardiac services featuring imaging, catherization labs, and a short stay unit. The new tower
will also feature 96 private patient rooms, a
cardiac health and wellness center, and a new
chapel, accessible for patients and families
belonging to all faith traditions.
Top right: Dr. John Boxell and
Auxiliary president Carol McCamish
sign the beam before the North Tower
topping out ceremony.
Center, from L: Alexis Bogo, John Guerry,
Carolyn Guerry, and James O. Kennedy
Bottom: The community celebrates
at the topping out ceremony.
in 2012-2013
2012-2013 YEAR IN REVIEW
M e m o ri al A war ded a n
“A” f o r Pati en t Sa fet y by
Ho sp i tal S af et y S co r e
Memorial Health Care System was honored
with an “A” Hospital Safety Score by The Leapfrog Group, an independent national nonprofit
run by employers and other large purchasers of
health benefits. The A score was awarded in the
latest update to the Hospital
Safety ScoreSM, the A, B, C, D or F scores assigned to U.S. hospitals based on preventable
medical errors, injuries accidents, and infections. The Hospital Safety Score was compiled
under the guidance of the nation’s leading
experts on patient safety and is designed to
give the public information they can use to
protect themselves and their families.
“Memorial’s dedication to patient-centered
care is the motivating force that produces high
marks in patient safety and clinical excellence,”
says Jim Hobson, CEO of Memorial Health
Care System. “Our physicians, clinical and
administrative staff, volunteers and board
members work together to create a place of
healing for our community, and we are honored to receive an “A” in this vital component of
health care delivery.”
“Hospitals like this that earn an A have demonstrated their commitment to their patients and
their community,” said Leah Binder, president
and CEO of The Leapfrog Group. “I congratulate
Memorial Health Care System for its safety
excellence, and look forward to the day when
all hospitals will match this standard.”
People can download the free mobile app to
see Memorial’s scores as they compare nationally and locally at
A wa r d W innin g
H ea rt Care
Memorial Hospital received the American Heart
Association’s Mission: Lifeline® Silver Receiving
Quality Achievement Award. The award recognizes Memorial’s commitment and success in
implementing an exceptional standard of care
for heart attack patients.
Hospitals participating in Mission: Lifeline are
part of a system that makes sure STEMI (a type
of heart attack) patients get the correct care as
quickly as possible. Mission: Lifeline focuses on
improving the system of care for STEMI patients
as well as improving care for all heart attack
patients. The national goal is 90 minutes from
the time a person comes through the door of
the emergency department to the time that a
patient is receiving a catheterization. Memorial
far exceeds that goal with an average time of
45.9 minutes.
“Memorial Hospital is dedicated to making
our cardiac unit among the best in the country
and the American Heart Association’s Mission:
Lifeline program is helping us accomplish that
by making it easier for the physicians and clinical staff to improve the outcomes of our cardiac
patients,” said Eric Conn, M.D., cardiologist with
The Chattanooga Heart Institute at Memorial.
“We’re pleased to be recognized for our dedication and achievements in cardiac care. It takes
an entire team of EMS workers, emergency
department staff, other clinical staff and physicians to make this goal attainable.”
continued next page
Memorial Cardiologists and Emergency
Department physicians worked together
to acheive recognition from the American
Heart Association.
memorial milestones continued
M e m o r i al Ear n s AH A
A ward
Memorial Health Care System is honored to
be named a Gold Fit-Friendly Worksite by the
American Hospital Association. Gold level honorees recognized the importance of a healthy
workplace and have taken steps to create a
culture of wellness by providing support to
employees. To learn more, visit The site also has information about
walking paths and an activity tracker.
M e m o r i al Car di o lo gy
A ward
Memorial Hospital has received the American
College of Cardiology Foundation’s NCDR
ACTION Registry–GWTG Platinum Performance
Achievement Award for 2012 – one of only 164
hospitals nationwide to do so. The award recognizes Memorial’s commitment and success
in implementing a higher standard of care for
heart attack patients, and signifies that Memorial Hospital has reached an aggressive goal
of treating these patients to standard levels of
care as outlined by the American College of
Cardiology/American Heart Association clinical
guidelines and recommendations. “We are
honored to receive this award recognizing the
success of our efforts to continuously improve
heart care at Memorial,” said Eric H. Conn, MD,
FACC, a cardiologist on staff at Memorial.
“The national benchmark for treating heart attack patients, “door-to-balloon” time, is 90 minutes from the time a patient arrives at the door
of the emergency room until flow in the artery
is restored. Memorial’s average time of 45.9
minutes is by far the fastest time in the region
and one of the fastest in the nation. To achieve
this time requires tremendous teamwork.”
From Foundation Board
ch a i r , a l e x i s b o g o
Thanks to the extraordinary generosity of the thousands of people
throughout our region, almost $7 million dollars was contributed to
Memorial Health Care System Foundation this fiscal year to improve high
quality health care for our citizens.
This year also saw the conclusion of the Inspired Heroes Campaign
for Memorial with more than 1,500 individuals, companies and
foundations contributing $15.5 million dollars. These funds contributed
by Chattanoogans have been matched 20 times over by Catholic
Health Initiatives to make the largest regional impact on healthcare our
generation has ever seen. The renovation and expansion of Memorial
and Memorial Hospital Hixson will ensure we have healthcare facilities,
equipment and physicians that rival any major hospital throughout the
country. This project represents the largest expansion in Memorial’s 60
year history, and it will truly transform the delivery of medical care for
generations to come.
The community’s support also speaks to the great work being done
every day by the men and women at Memorial – doctors, nurses,
administrators and a remarkable group of volunteers. They are
responsible for the excellent reputation for compassionate care that
brings people to Memorial for their health care.
Thanks to all of you who have supported Memorial and the Memorial
Health Care System Foundation. We hope we can continue to count on
your support in the years to come.
Alexis Bogo
Board Chair, 2012 – 2013
2012-2013 YEAR IN REVIEW
During the open
house tours, the iStan
mannequin lays in
one of the 18 new
operating rooms in the
South Tower.
Foundation Highlights
Sur g er y Cen t er Pr i vat e
B l ess i ng & P u bl i c Open
Hou s e
On Friday, June 21, 2013 Memorial leaders
and associates, physicians, donors and
dignitaries joined Memorial Foundation and
the Inspired Heroes campaign leadership team
for a blessing and dedication ceremony of the
new South Tower surgery center at Memorial.
Memorial CEO Jim Hobson opened the
program, during which several associates
offered special reflections, prayers, and leading
the response readings. Memorial Foundation
Chair, Holly Harwell, did the Scripture reading,
and Inspired Heroes campaign co-chair for
the surgery division, Ryan Crimmins, gave the
closing remarks.
health screenings and educational sessions
with Memorial physicians.
The public enjoyed the rare opportunity to
tour 100,000 square feet of new construction,
including spacious, new waiting areas and
gleaming operating rooms fitted with the latest
surgical equipment and advanced technology.
in 2012-2013
Richard Morrison, M.D. shares the history
and the future of cardiac care at Memorial
at the South Tower open house.
One of the most innovative features in the new
center is the hybrid operating suite.
These new spaces, collaboratively designed
continued next page
A public open house of Memorial’s South
Tower was held Sunday, June 23. Hundreds
of attendees enjoyed tours of Memorial’s new
cardiovascular intensive care unit and stateof-the-science operating rooms, as well as free
Memorial CEO Jim Hobson addresses
the Memorial staff, volunteers and donors
who attended the South Tower blessing.
between physicians and surgical staff,
will enhance the surgeon’s abilities to
comprehensively treat any condition that might
arise, whatever the circumstance may be.
Health screenings included cardiac risk
assessment, blood pressure and body mass
index (BMI), peripheral artery disease (PAD)
screening, and balance and flexibility games
provided participants with immediate
Audiences throughout the afternoon’s
education sessions overflowed with visitors
wanting to hear from featured speakers Richard
Morrison, M.D., Samuel Ledford, M.D., and
Rob Headrick, M.D. Other speakers throughout
the afternoon included orthopedic surgeons
William Hartley, M.D., Scott Hodges, D.O., and
Brett Sanders, M.D., who shared information
about surgical advancements for anterior hip
replacement, minimally invasive spinal surgery
using CT imaging, and rotator cuff repair.
Community residents tour a new operating
room at the South Tower open house.
I B EW ch e ck pre se ntation
Members of International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers Local 175 gathered together
this spring with Memorial CEO Jim Hobson and
Memorial Foundation Board Chair Alexis Bogo, to
present them with a gift for the new surgery center
at Memorial. The beautiful lobby in Memorial’s
new South Tower, home to the surgery
program, was funded by their generous gift.
As the group sat down for lunch before the
presentation, many of them shared about a
personal experience they had at Memorial as a
patient, while others shared an experience that
a family member or other loved one had during
an illness. Each of the story tellers expressed
both appreciation for the values and quality of
care Memorial provides and the sentiment of
how important it is for them to contribute to the
future of the health care system.
is about – they are everyday citizens, the people
next door to you and to me, banding together
to support a cause that will help to change how
Memorial serves this community. It was an
honor to be part of the presentation, and I am
grateful for their support of this campaign.”
L-R: Dwight Wilhoit, president, IBEW Local
175; Jim Hobson, CEO, Memorial Health
Care System; Alexis Bogo, chair, Memorial
Foundation Board; Barry Key, business
manager/financial secretary, IBEW Local 175
“Memorial Health Care System is at the
forefront of medical care in this community,
and we are dedicated to helping to ensure that
they continue to offer the best possible care
and support to not only our members and their
families, but to the community that has helped
support us for the past 100 years,” said Barry
Key, IBEW Local 175 business manager and
financial secretary.
Alexis Bogo, also reflecting on the presentation,
shared, “Each of these men has a different story
of why Memorial is important to them and
why they want to give to Memorial. To me, they
exemplify what the Inspired Heroes campaign
Memorial Health Care System executives and
board members are pictured with
officers and members of IBEW Local 175.
The new Cardiovascular
Intensive Care Unit nurse’s
station in the South Tower.
Captions needed
Barbie Standefer
(front) with her son,
Alan Standefer
and daughter,
Dr. Ellen McOmie,
at the preview of the
Buz Standefer Lung
Center at Memorial.
B uz Stan d Ef e r Lung
C e n t er A n n o u nce men t
a n d Bl e ssi n g
In November 2012, Memorial Foundation
hosted a press conference to announce the Buz
Standefer Lung Center at Memorial, named in
loving memory by the family of Mr. Charles A.
“Buz” Standefer, who passed away in 2011 after
a battle with lung cancer. His widow, Barbie,
said when she heard the announcement that
Memorial’s current expansion would include
a comprehensive lung care center, she knew
she wanted to do something special, and she
made the lead gift toward the project, citing
the compassionate care Memorial provided her
husband in his final days as a significant reason
for her decision to make the donation.
On Wednesday, June 26, 2013, physicians and
medical staff, along with Memorial leaders
and associates, blessed the new center. That
same evening, invited guests arrived to a space
beautifully designed in soothing blues with
hardwood surfaces, textured glass and chrome
accents throughout. An abstract sculpture of
a pendulum is a meaningful addition to the
space, honoring Buz’s lifelong interest in clocks.
Memorial CEO Jim Hobson started the
evening’s program with a few words about the
history of Memorial and the importance of the
lung center to the future of health care in this
region. Carlos Baleeiro, M.D. spoke about the
dream physicians had to bring this center to
Chattanooga and the significance of having this
kind of care now available. Barbie Standefer
finished the program with a personal, heart-felt
statement about what the lung center means
to her family and how proud Buz would have
been to be associated with the project. With
screening, interventional radiology, pulmonary
rehabilitation and a bronchoscopy suite
featuring the latest ultrasound technology,
the Buz Standefer Lung Center will coordinate
seamless care for lung patients.
The Foundation is grateful for the support of
Barbie Standefer to name the center, as well as
all of our donors to the project, including Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Shaw, Rich and Barbara Kramer,
the Schmissrauter Family Foundation, Hilda
and Lee Murray and many others.
Top: The physicians and staff of the Buz
Standefer Lung Center at Memorial
Middle, from left: Joyce and Don
Godsey, Trish Holder, Pam Hollard,
Rick Holder and Dawn Shea
Bottom: Buz Standefer Lung Center
clinical staff
Leaders for the Inspired Heroes
Campaign for Memorial toast
the successful conclusion of the
multi-million dollar project to
support Memorial’s expansion.
Bottom photo: The ball room
at the Chattanooga Golf and
Country Club was transformed
to honor those whose generous
leadership made the Heroes
campaign so successful.
I n sp i r ed H e r o e s
Campai gn f or Mem o r i a l
C e l eb r at i o n
On Friday, July 26, 2013, donors and leaders
to Memorial’s Inspired Heroes Campaign for
Memorial gathered at the Chattanooga Golf
& Country Club to celebrate the successful
completion of the multi-million dollar capital
campaign to support the expansion of
Memorial’s campuses.
When the doors to the dining room were
opened to the crowd for dinner, exclamations
of astonishment rippled through the hall
as people got the first glimpses of the
transformation. Inside, the ceiling, walls and
stage had been draped with sheer curtains,
and soft blue and white lights lit up the walls
and the tables. From the stage, twinkle lights
sparkled against the black backdrop, as if they
were the stars in the night sky.
The evening was a tribute to the stars of the
Heroes campaign, the men and women whose
time and generosity brought much-needed
resources to Memorial Health Care System. The
five part campaign included three components
that have been entirely funded by donations
from the community – the new infusion center,
the new lung center, and a new Chapel that
is scheduled to open in 2014. Gifts made to
the surgery and cardiac centers will make
it possible to include additional cuttingedge technology and health education and
prevention programs to these areas of care.
Memorial CEO Jim Hobson opened the
program by welcoming the guests and inviting
hospital board member and Chapel co-chair
John Boxell, M.D. to give the invocation. During
dinner, campaign Chairmen Zan Guerry and
Bill Stacy, Ph.D. shared personal remarks about
their involvement with the campaign, the honor
it has been for them to support Memorial in
this way, and the importance of the campaign
efforts to the residents of Chattanooga. Dr. Stacy
passionately expressed the feelings he had
when he realized that his gifts would be used to
not only help his friends and family, but to also
help people that he will never know.
Foundation Board Chair Holly Harwell and
Foundation President Jennifer Nicely closed
the program with a special presentation of
the Foundation’s annual Humanitarian Award.
Historically, the award has been presented to
one volunteer and to one physician to recognize
their philanthropic contributions to Memorial as
well as the greater Chattanooga community. This
year, the Foundation honored the entire Heroes
leadership team by presenting each of them
with the Humanitarian Award.
After the presenting of the awards and the
conclusion of the evening’s program, the party
got underway when The Unexpected Boys took
to the stage for their own tribute to the music of
Franki Valli and the Four Seasons, Beach Boys
and other classics of the 60’s and 70’s.
Find out more about the Inspired Heroes
Campaign for Memorial
2012-2013 YEAR IN REVIEW
Campaign Chairmen
Zan Guerry
Bill Stacy, Ph. D.
Honorary Chairman Cardiac Division Chairmen
Scotty Probasco
Eric Conn, M.D.
Joe Decosimo
Deborah Everhart
from Foundation President
a n d C h i e f D e v e l o pm e n t
Off i c e r , J e n n i f e r N i c e l y
Surgery Division Ryan Crimmins
ChairmenPeter Hunt, M.D.
Lung Division Carlos Baleeiro, M.D.
Davey Daniel, M.D.
Hilda Murray
Infusion Chairmen
Joan Frierson
Charles Portera, Sr., M.D.
Chapel Division Chairmen
John Boxell, M.D.
Leo Brown
The support you have given to the Memorial Health Care System
Foundation this year has been overwhelming!
The spirit of our donors, volunteers, board members, and physicians
inspires us and makes it possible for the Foundation to have a
significant impact on excellence at Memorial. The world of healthcare
is changing at an unbelievable pace and in such uncertain times, the
hospital looks more and more to the foundation for support garnered
from the community.
Each and every day I have the privilege of working with donors who
give from their hearts to benefit others. In most circumstances those
gifts are to thank caregivers for compassionate care provided or even
a life saved. Contributions go directly back to the work of the hospital
and will ultimately help so many others, often people our donors will
never even meet.
Almost 2,000 gifts were made to Memorial Foundation this year and
every one of those gifts – large or small - is meaningful. Thank you
for the gifts of time and treasure you have shared with Memorial and
those we serve this year!
Best wishes,
Jennifer Nicely
Foundation President and
Chief Development Officer
2013-2014 Foundation Board Chair Holly Harwell
(center) presents Dr. Bill Stacy (left) and Zan Guerry
with the Humanitarian Award.
Heroes campaign honorary Chair Scotty Probasco
(center) with Heady Davenport (left) and Betty
Probasco (right)
From L: James and Mary Woods, Dr. Eric and Kathy
Conn, MaryStewart and Matt Lewis
Foundation Events in 2012-13
2 0 1 2 G o l f I n v i tat i o n a l
2012 marked the 21st anniversary of the
Memorial Health Care System Foundation
Golf Invitational to benefit the Inspired Heroes
Campaign for Memorial, which is helping to
fund new construction and renovation projects
that will revolutionize health care in our region.
Sponsors, players and volunteers made the day
a tremendous success as 108 players competed
for the top score, and proceeds from the event
totaled $125,000.
m ast e rs c lub Sp o ns o r s
e ag le clu b Sp on s o rs
Gol f I nv itational Co mm ittee
Zan Guerry, Tournament Chair
Leo Brown
Bruce Etter
Deborah Everhart
Lisa Harrison
Jim Hill
Howard Levine
Phyllis Maynor
Jennifer Nicely
Jean Payne
Jim Pesnell
b i rdi e clu b Sp on s or s
Susan Brenner
Betsy Kammerdiener
Stacy Lee
Jenny McFarland
Anna Marsh
Yolanda Moyer
Nan Payne
Katie Rankin
Jack Riggar
Carolyn Robinson
Pat Robinson
Karen Sloan
TEe c lub Sp o ns o rs
2012-2013 YEAR IN REVIEW
Th e 13t h Annual Cam Busch Endowe d
Art for He alth Le ctu re
Memorial Foundation and the Hunter Museum of American Art
hosted the 13th Annual Cam Busch Endowed Art for Health Lecture
Series Thursday, February 21, 2013 at the Hunter Museum.
Robert Lynch, president and CEO, Americans for the Arts, and Anita
Boles, former executive director of the Global Alliance for Arts &
Health were this year’s keynote speakers.
Robert Lynch is the president and CEO of Americans for the Arts,
the national organization dedicated to advancing the arts and arts
education in people’s lives, schools, and communities. With more
than 30 years of experience in the arts industry, Mr. Lynch is motivated by his personal mission to empower communities and leaders
to advance arts and arts appreciation in society. Mr. Lynch plays the
piano, mandolin, and guitar, and lives in Washington, DC.
Anita Boles, MPA, served as the executive director of the Global
Alliance for Arts & Health (formerly the Society for the Arts in
Healthcare) from 2007 until earlier this year. The Global Alliance is
an international membership organization working to advance the
arts in health, healing, and healthcare. Prior to this position, Anita
served for over 25 years as an executive in health and human service–related nonprofit and government agencies. Also a visual artist,
she is passionate about approaching health and healing creatively
by bringing the arts to people at key moments of their lives.
Top, from L: Foundation Board member Scott
Mattice, Sandra Curtis and Dr. Eric Conn
The purpose of the lecture series is to acquaint the community
with the importance of art in the healing process. Over the past
13 years, this series has had the privilege of hosting well-known
artists, musicians, poets, performing artists and academics from
around the country. To learn more about Memorial’s Arts Medicine
program, upcoming events or how you can get involved please call
(423) 495-4141.
108 golfers leave the country club to hit the
golf course.
Many thanks to our sponsors who made the event possible.
2012 golf tournament award winners
Ev e n t S p o n s or s
Zan Guerry (left), tournament chair, presents
Jim Hobson, Memorial’s CEO, a check for the
2012 golf tournament proceeds.
Cam Busch Endowment
Carolyn Kaufman
p r e s e n t i n g sp o n s o r
Memorial Health Care System Foundation
and Hamico Foundation presented the 8th
Annual Pink! gala on Saturday, February 2,
2013 at the Chattanooga Convention
Leading the signature black tie event were
Clay and April Watson, chair-couple,
Boofie Crimmins and Morgan Everett,
auction co-chairs, Jay and Kelli Donnelly,
pre-party co-chairs, and Jeff and Ronna
Renee Jackson, sponsorship co-chairs.
Net proceeds from Pink! 2013, totalling
more than $325,000, will benefit the
expansion of surgical services for breast
cancer patients at Memorial.
Pink! is a celebration of life for breast
cancer patients and survivors raising
almost $2 million since 2006 to ensure
our community has access to the most
advanced breast cancer treatments
available. The Pink! committee and staff
of Memorial Foundation are grateful for
the community’s support of this event.
e n t e r t a i n m e n t sp o n s o r
pink diamond
brewer media
everywhere. every day.
p r e - p a r t y sp o n s o r
p i n k s a pph i r e
Don and Joyce
pink pearl
pink quartz
2012-2013 YEAR IN REVIEW
Pink! 2013
C o mm i t t e e
Clay and April Watson
Event Chair-couple
Jeff and Ronna Renee Jackson
Sponsorship Chairs
Jay and Kelli Donnelly
Pre-Party Chairs
Boofie Crimmins
Auction Co-chair
Chair-couple Clay and
April Watson welcome
guests to Pink! and
share their personal
remarks about their
involvement in the
event. They both had
grandmothers who
battled the disease.
Morgan Everett
Auction Co-chair
Janiece Bolles
Greyson Brown
Hugh Brown
Will Clegg
Tammy Cobb
Jay Dale
Chris Finch
Jonathan Frost
Annie Hagaman
Arch Howell
Lisa Janes
Phyllis Maynor
Suzanne Maxwell
Jennifer Nicely
Jack Riggar
Cathy Smith
Julie Stowe
Amy Thomas
Kay Wilson
Lebron Womack
Pink! 2013 hosted 1,100 guests
who participated in the silent
auction, enjoyed a four-course
gourmet dinner and danced into
the night to live entertainment by
dance band Party on the Moon.
Contributions in 2012–2013
Wh o a r e o u r D o n o r s ?
By number of donors
Sources of Contributions
By total dollars given
Grants 7%
Employee Giving 8%
Events 6%
Annual Fund 4%
Interest 2%
Major/Plannned Gifts
Wh o a r e o u r D o n o r s ?
By total dollars given
100% of donations go directly to the designated purpose.
No contributions are used to fund Foundation administrative expenses.
2012-2013 YEAR IN REVIEW
Grants Recieved in 2012–2013
Grant Given ByAmount
Program to Support
American Cancer Society
$3,400 Cancer Services
$50,000 Breast Services
AVON Foundation
CHI Mission & Ministry Grant
Mercer University
$122,406 $600 Community Outreach
Memorial Auxiliary
$15,000 We Care Weekend
State of Tennessee
$63,600 Homeland Security
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Fund
$42,558 Breast Services
The National Arts Program Foundation
$3,400 Arts Medicine
The Tucker Foundation $25,538 Capital Campaign
The Osborne Foundation
$25,000 Capital Campaign
University of Tennessee
Wright Bentley Foundation
$1,800 $15,000 Pharmacy
Giving Societies
Johnson Society
The Johnson Society recognizes benefactors who have made cumulative contributions to
Memorial of $100,000 or more. It is named after H. Clay Evans Johnson, the Founding
President of the Hamilton County Memorial Hospital Association, the Association that raised
the money to open Memorial in 1952.
1 Anonymous Donor
Mary Catherine Allen
Rex and Debra Allen
Arch Plastics
Avon Foundation - Breast Care Fund
Benwood Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thilo Best
CHI Mission and Ministry Fund
Chattanooga Times Free Press Foundation
Choo Choo Challenge
The Alice E. and Joseph H. Davenport Family
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Davenport, III
Mr. R. B. Davenport, III
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel Everhart
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Foy
Don and Joyce Godsey
Hamico Foundation
IBEW Local Union #175
Mr. and Mrs. H. Clay Evans Johnson
Richard and Barbara Kramer
Charles and Betty Lebovitz
Marguerite H. Lehmann
The Maclellan Foundation
Memorial Associates
Memorial Hospital Auxiliary
Mohawk Industries, Inc.
National Consortium of Breast Centers
Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Probasco, Jr.
Schmissrauter Family Foundation
Shaw Industries, Inc.
Mr. Robert E. Shaw
Jody and Dawn Shea
David and Paula Grant Shuford
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Skillern
Mrs. Barbie Standefer
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stout
SunTrust Bank Foundation of Chattanooga
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.
The Tucker Foundation
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Weldon F. Osbourne Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wells
The Wright-Bentley Foundation
Legacy Society
The Legacy Society recognizes an estate gift established during a donor’s lifetime. These
generous, forward-thinking people have made arrangements for Memorial to be included
in their estates by remembering us either in their wills or though some other type of estate
planning instrument.
Mary Catherine Allen
Mr. Milton T. Allen
Mrs. Jean D. Bruewer
Thomas D. Clines, Jr.
Jay and Kathleen Craven
Mrs. Katherine Cronin
Joyce and Don Dick
Mr. Thomas O. Duff, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ebert
Mr. Terry Henry
Mr. and Mrs. H. Clay Evans Johnson
Ms. Linda Flo Kincannon
Marguerite H. Lehmann
Mr. George B. Mahoney
Mr. James J. Martin
Ms. Phyllis Maynor
Debra L. Moore
Ms. Charlotte R. Mullen
Carol and Steve Newton
Maury and Jennifer Nicely
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Patten
Pat and Carolyn Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Harold A. Schwartz
William J. Sheridan
Rev. Whitaker W. Shelton
Ms. Johanna M. Strieby
Mr. Harry R. White
2012-2013 YEAR IN REVIEW
Th e d e S a l e s S o c i e t y
Named in honor of Sister Thomas de Sales Bailey, long-time administrator of Memorial, this
Society was created to encourage and give special recognition to committed benefactors who
desire to invest in healthcare excellence. The de Sales Society recognizes donors who have
made contributions of $10,000 or more over a three-year period or less.
2 Anonymous Donors
Mr. Milton T. Allen
American Cancer Society
Anesthesiologists Associated P.C.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Arrowsmith
Dr. and Mrs. W. Timothy Ballard
Barnett & Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike P. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Don Billingsley
Mrs. Minnie L. Billingsley
Dan and Suzie Bowers
Brasfield & Gorrie
Breast Cancer Relief Foundation
Sophia Bridger
Dr. Thomas and Esme Brien
Mr. Fletcher W. Bright
Mrs. Ruth W. Brinkley
Mr. and Mrs. Leo M. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Arch Bullard
Cam Busch
Caldwell Foundation
Hacker and Kitty Caldwell
Dr. and Mrs. Don A. Cannon
Card Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Card, Sr.
Cardinal Health
Jac and Bena Chambliss
Chattanooga Heart Institute
Community Foundation of Greater
Chattanooga, Inc.
Bob and Elizabeth Corker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Costello
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crumbliss, Jr.
CSL Behring
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Currin
Mr. Joe Dana
Drs. Davey B. and Brooke Daniel
Mrs. J. H. Davenport, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Decosimo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Decosimo
Joseph Decosimo & Co.
Derthick Henley & Wilkerson Architects
Diagnostic Imaging Consultants
Diagnostic Pathology Services, P.C.
The Dixie Group Foundation
Mr. Thomas O. Duff, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Eric R. Ellis
Barbara Flowers
Fraternal Order of Eagles - Aerie 945
Vance Freeman
Joan and Dan Frierson
Dr. and Mrs. Augustus H. Frye, Jr.
Mr. William R. Furrey
Dr. and Mrs. Claude M. Galphin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gift
Dr. and Mrs. Frank B. Graham
Robert and Susan Greving
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haisten
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Harrison, III
Mr. James L. E. and Mrs. Elaine S. Hill
Dr. Donna K. Hobgood
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hobson
Mrs. Ruth S. Holmberg
The Hurlbut Foundation
Jackie Jackson
Dr. Darrell and Tia Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Summerfield K. Johnston, Jr.
Dr. Russell and Kate M. Jones
Junior League of Chattanooga
Dennis Kennedy, M.D.
The Kennedy Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowry F. Kline
Lawson Electric
Mr. and Mrs. Lesslie W. Lee, Sr.
Ms. Deborah Lee-Eddie
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Little
Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Logan
Market Strategies, Inc.
Mr. George B. Mahoney
Dr. Bruce and Vicky Marsh
Mr. James J. Martin
Chris and Janel McKee
McKee Foods Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Olan Mills, III
Debra L. Moore
Mr. Luke O. Morin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee K. Murray
Carol and Steve Newton
Maury and Jennifer Nicely
Parks Construction Company
Mrs. W. B. Pattee, Jr.
Jim and Pat Pesnell
Dr. Jaime Ponce
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Pope
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Portera
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Portera, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Portera, Jr.
Regions Bank
Peter Serodino, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Maurice S. Rawlings, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. David W. Rice
Pat and Carolyn Robinson
Dr. Sanford and Joni Sharp
Estate of Rev. Whitaker W. Shelton
Sisters of Charity Nazareth
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Standefer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Standefer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Starr
Mrs. Ruby L. Stephenson
SunTrust Bank
Tennessee Hospital Association
U.S. Xpress Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Underwood
Unforgotten RA
Dr. Douglas L. Vanderbilt
Mr. Frank J. B. Varallo
Varallo Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Phil B. Whitaker, Sr.
Mrs. JoAnn Yates
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Young
Dr. and Mrs. George G. Young
Physician Gifts
Founder’s Society
Physician Founder’s Society membership represents a cumulative
commitment of $10,000 and above.
1 Anonymous Donor
Drs. Mark and Judy Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Arrowsmith
Dr. and Mrs. W. Timothy Ballard
Dr. Thomas and Esme Brien
Dr. and Mrs. Arch Bullard
Dr. Joe Busch
Dr. and Mrs. Don A. Cannon
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Currin
Drs. Davey B. and Brooke Daniel
Dr. and Mrs. Eric R. Ellis
Dr. and Mrs. Augustus H. Frye, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Claude M. Galphin
Dr. and Mrs. Frank B. Graham
Dr. Donna K. Hobgood
Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Jackson
Dr. Darrell and Tia Johnson
Dr. James E. Jolley, II
Dr. Russell and Kate M. Jones
Dennis Kennedy, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Lavecchia
Dr. Bruce and Vicky Marsh
Dr. and Mrs. Dewayne B. McCamish
Richard C. Morrison, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Philip G. Pollock
Dr. Jaime Ponce
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Portera, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Portera, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Portera
Dr. and Mrs. Maurice S. Rawlings, Jr.
Dr. F. Hall Reynolds, II
Dr. and Mrs. David W. Rice
Dr. and Mrs. Nathan K. Schatzman
Dr. Gregg S. Shander
Dr. Sanford and Joni Sharp
Dr. Douglas L. Vanderbilt
David J. Wendt, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. George G. Young
President’s Circle
Physician’s President’s Circle membership represents a cumulative
commitment of $5,000 and above.
Adele B. Ackell, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Atkinson
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Bates Bailey
Drs. Carlos and Jennifer K.Baleeiro
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bowers
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Brzezienski
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chien
Dr. and Mrs. David N. Collins
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Conn
Dr. John J. Cunningham
Dr. and Mrs. Jim Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Steven H. Dowlen
Drs. David B.and Caroline Elias
Drs. Radian I. and Cristina E. Florea
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Forman
Dr. and Mrs. Guy M. Francis
Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Hendricks
Dr. and Mrs. J. Scott Hill
Dr. and Mrs. Hytham A. Kadrie
Dr. and Mrs. Brian C. Mitchell
Janak H. Naik, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Oellerich
Dr. and Mrs. Harold A. Schwartz
Dr. William P. Warren
Physicians’ Circle
Physician’s Society
Physician’s Society membership recognizes cumulative giving
of $2,500 and above.
2 Anonymous Donors
Dr. Allen E. Atchley, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Woodruff A. Banks, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Berglund
Dr. Imelda S. Bulatao
Dr. and Mrs. Bill A. Falinski
Dr. Gale Fellowes
Dr. Andrew H. Fowler
Dr. Elaine G. Galindez
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon D. Graham
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hayes
Dr. Hal Hill
Dr. and Mrs. J. Scott Hill
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Hoback, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Scott D. Hodges
Dr. Frank and Hattie Kimsey
Dr. Garland E. Kinard
Dr. C. Samuel Ledford
Dr. Ondrej J. Lisy
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Marcum
Dr. Bruce and Vicky Marsh
Dr. Robert J. Mills
Dr. Van Stephen Monroe
Dr. and Mrs. Brian H. Negus
Dr. Anja A. Patton-Evans and
Mr. Ray C. Evans
Dr. and Mrs. Richard R. Pesce
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Powers
Jason A. Robertson, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Salerno
Dr. Charles L. Suggs, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Thel
Dr. Lisa G. Umphrey
James Zellner, MD
Physicians’ Circle membership represents gifts given during
the previous fiscal year.
1 Anonymous Donor
Adele B. Ackell, M.D.
Dr. Allen E. Atchley, M.D.
Drs. Carlos and Jennifer K.Baleeiro
Dr. Calvin and Mrs. Karen Bell
Mary Florence and Dr. Stanley Benson
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Berglund
Dr. Thomas and Esme Brien
Dr. and Mrs. Morrow Chamberlain, II
Dr. and Mrs. David N. Collins
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Conn
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Currin
Dr. and Mrs. Jim Davis
The Denman Family
Dr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Dilworth
Dr. and Mrs. Steven H. Dowlen
Dr. and Mrs. Eric R. Ellis
Dr. and Mrs. Bill A. Falinski
Dr. Andrew H. Fowler
Dr. Todd Fowler
Dr. Amy M. Gordon
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon D. Graham
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Hoback, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Jackson
Dennis Kennedy, M.D.
Dr. C. Samuel Ledford
Dr. Ondrej J. Lisy
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Marcum
Vickie and Gary Meredith
Dr. Robert J. Mills
Dr. and Mrs. Brian C. Mitchell
Dr. Van Stephen Monroe
Dr. Karen M. Moyer
Dr. and Mrs. Brian H. Negus
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Oellerich
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Powers
Dr. and Mrs. Jack F. Rutledge
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Salerno
Dr. Wayne T. Scott
Dr. Gregg S. Shander
Dr. Sanford and Joni Sharp
Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Thel
Dr. Lisa G. Umphrey
Dr. William P. Warren
David J. Wendt, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence I. Young
Friends of Memorial
Friend s o f Me m orial
is comprised of individuals, who
make a gift of $100 or more
during the fiscal year. Your gift
will be acknowledged in the
monthly Enews, as well as in
the Foundation’s Annual Report
and on a donor wall at the visitor
entrance of Memorial Hospital.
For more information on
becoming a Friend of Memorial,
call (423) 495-4124 or visit
Patti Dungan, Co-chair
Jean Payne, Co-chair
Hicks Armor
Rob Carden
Sue Culpepper
Ashley Farless
Holly Harwell
Hampton Johnston
Amanda Kelley
Mark Ramsey
Tahnika Rodriguez
Father Jim Vick
1 Anonymous Donor
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Alling
Charles Arant
Mr. Ronnie P. Barnes
Rick and Jean Botto
Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Leo M. Brown
Teddy and Beth Caldwell
Tonya and Barry Cammon
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Conroy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Costello
Mr. Joseph F. Dana
Ms. Babington Deakins
Patti and Kent Dungan
Jay and Morgan Everett
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Frierson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Fries
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ferguson
Robert and Susan Greving
Holly and Marc Harwell
Mr. James L. E. and Mrs. Elaine S. Hill
Glenn and Deborah Hobbs
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Jackson
Ms. Margaret M. Johnson
Mrs. Nancy Jolley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Jones
Jim and Barbara Kennedy
Mr. Daniel Kennedy, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Landress
Alan and Allison Lebovitz
Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Mattice
Chris and Janel McKee
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McMahon
Sushilaben Naik
Ward and Nancy Petty
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pollock, Jr.
Kurt and Julie Schmissrauter
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Steffner, Jr.
Ms. Shirley Waymough
Sherree and Mike Webb
James and Mary Woods
Mrs. Sonia Young
2 Anonymous Donors
Mr. Terry Barnett
Patsy and Guy Beatty
Mrs. Elizabeth Crumbliss
Mr. and Mrs. Cort Dondero
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Hood
Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Giggy
Mr. and Mrs. G. Lamar Lyle
Mike and Kim Mitchell
Ms. Mary Katharine Moore
Jean Payne
Mr. Brett A. Peloquin
Brett and Bridget Rawlings
Col. and Mrs. Wayne A. Rich, Jr.
Ms. Sherry W. Shipley
Bill and Sue Stacy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Templeton
Mr. and Mrs. Arch C. Willingham IV
($1,000 +)
($500 - $999)
($250 - $499)
Ms. Margaret P. Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Call
Mr. Bill Caulkins
Mrs. Judy A. Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Findlow
Joan and Dan Frierson
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Harris
Ms. Lucia Hill
Walt and Eleanor Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jenkins
Mr. Victor J. Jordan
Molly K. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kopp
Mrs. Ladell L. McCullough Moffat
Howells D. Miller
Ms. Jennifer Mitchell
The new surgery
waiting in the South
Tower was designed to
allow ease of
movement and
comfort for loved ones
of Memorial’s surgical
patients. Thanks
to generous
contributions from
the community,
including the 20122013 Friends of
Memorial, the space
is divided into several
family waiting areas
to maximize privacy.
Ms. BettyeLynn Smith
Ms. Bobbie H. Steffner
David Tinker
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tutterrow
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Umbarger
Ms. Marilyn A. Van Arsdale
Ms. Kathy T. Wiley
($100 - $249)
12 Anonymous Donors
Diane and Jerry Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Newell S. Allison, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Altick
Hicks and Vicki Armor
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Ashton
Ms. Linda R. Babb
Mr. and Mrs. T. Maxfield Bahner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Barels
Mr. and Mrs. Byron F. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Barlew
Ms. Orlena J. Barry
Mr. and Mrs. John Bird
Mable and Timothy Black
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Blackwell
Gene and Joan Blaes
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bohannon
Mr. and Mrs. Roger O. Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. William Brooke
Mr. Randy Brooks
Mrs. Carol J. Browder
Mike and Debbie Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Buckner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Buhrman
Ms. Wanda Butkis
Mrs. Martha Butterfield
Herb and Hariett Cannon
Roy and Virginia Card
John and Karen Carden
Mr. Payne Carden
Mr. Robert E. Carden
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Carmichael
Frie nd s o f Me m orial Wa i ti n g
Room de dication
On June 23, 2013, the 2012-2013 Friends of Memorial
donors saw their vision become reality when the Friends
of Memorial Family Waiting Area was dedicated during
a special presentation at the South Tower open house
in the new surgery center. Committee co-chair Patti
Dungan shares, “This is a special group of donors who
commit their philanthropic dollars each year to support
the healing ministry of Memorial. The committee was
pleased to have them share this moment with us, giving
us the opportunity to honor them and show them how
their generous gifts have been used.”
From L: Jean Payne, Susan Brenner and Patti Dungan
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby E. Carter
Mr. Thomas B. Carter and
Ms. Robin Patterson
Gene and Jane Cashatt
Mrs. Mona Caylor
Audrey Chamlee
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Chapman
Carole Clark
Joyce L. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Al P. Colonna
Linda and Pete Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. David O. Cooper, Jr.
Mrs. Dathyne Covington
Robert C. Crates
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Crumbliss
Mr. Charles V. B. Cushman, III
Leonard Mr. Dawson
Jill Dearing
Mr. Alex DeBlois
Mr. Thomas O. Duff, Jr.
Ms. Felisa Elrod
Ms. Martha J. Elsea
Ms. Barbara R. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Farless
Ms. Ashley Farless, P.E. AICP
Charlotte Fleming
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Fogo
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Fogo
Barbara Fossett
Ms. Shirley Fox
Mrs. Guy M. Francis
Estelle Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Fridl
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Frood
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Frost
Mr. and Mrs. O. Ron Galante
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Galivan
Mrs. Jane M. Geoffrion
Mr. and Mrs. Dillon D. George
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gerwig, Sr.
Ms. Rosalind Glass
Nancy F. Goss
The Honorable William O. Gray
and Mrs. Mary J. Gray
Mrs. Jane H. Hankins
John and Buffie Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haun
Philip and Linda Haymaker
Robert and Annie Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hencke
Richard Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Rick L. Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Holder
Ms. Phyllis K. Holder
Harold Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Johnston
Ms. Maxie W. Jones
Virginia M. Justice
David and Sandra Kesler
A. Vincent Keyes
Natalie Kizziah
Starr T. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. David Kling
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Konvalinka
Mr. Michael W. Kwasnik, Sr.
Otto Charles and Betty Langford
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Lawrence
Bernice L. Litton
Mr. and Mrs. Alton A. Lyman, Jr.
Mrs. Beatrice R. Lyons
Danny R. MacDonald
Mrs. Helen C. Mahn
Tommy Marlin, Jr.
Mary and Jim Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martin
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Martin
Ms. Janet Mashburn
Ms. Jacquelyn A. Mathis
Mr. Phillip A. McGregor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McKay
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McReynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Melton
L. Roy Millard
Walla M. and Nancy Sue Moore
Ms. Angela Moyers
Robert and Elaine Nevil
Donald and Kathy Nixon
Ms. Rhonda J. Nunley
Mr. George W. Oliphant
Mrs. Pamela Olson
Mr. and Mrs. J. Charles Orr
Ms. Ruth L. Owenby
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Ownbey
Mrs. Bobbie J. Patterson
Jean C. Payne
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Perry
Mrs. Mildred B. Pinkard
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Porfiri
Mr. Joshua Post
Mr. William H. Powell
Ms. Mary C. Quick
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Raines, Jr.
Judy Raley, SCN
Mr. Mark A. Ramsey
Mr. Tripp Ransom
Dave and Lois Rauen
Mr. Larry Reed
Robert and Aline Reno
Ms. Mary Rice
Wilma Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Heyward R. Rogers
Mr. James M. Rogers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Roland
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Rose, Jr.
Mrs. Ethel M. Ruck
William and Linda Sachse
Evelyn R. Sager
Mr. Thomas J. Santaniello
Mr. Basil Savard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Schaefer
Martin Schrodt
Ms. Paulette Schultz
Ms. Lillie Scott
Mrs. Eva Setliffe
Ted E. Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Shramko
Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith
Mr. William E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Wick Spears
Ilse and Normann Sprinz
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Stafford
Douglas and Polly Stamper
Ms. Patsy Stewart
William F. and Patsy Stewart
Mr. Robert D. Stiles, Sr.
Judith F. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Sutter III
Susan Tanner
Mr. Wayne Templeton
Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Tribble
Terry and Dianne Tuckier
Dr. and Mrs. Donald C. Van Ornam
Betty Vannucci, SCN
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ventura
Ms. Barbara Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wells
Les and Jeanne Werner
Michalene Whitaker
Doris W. White
Mr. and Mrs. Thad Whitfield
Robert Wilkerson
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Ray J. Woods
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Woody, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wooten, D.D.S.
Edward M. Wuesthoff
Mr. and Mrs. Laron W. Yates
B.H. and Phyllis Yerbey
Mrs. Evalyn S. Young
Mr. Howard W. Zuker
2012-2013 YEAR IN REVIEW
Friends of Memorial
C a s i n o N i gh t
In September, the Friends of Memorial
committee kicked of its annual campaign
with a reception to honor the 2011 Friends
of Memorial Society. The casino-themed
evening at Miller Plaza featured renderings
for the Friends of Memorial Family Waiting
Area, to meet the needs of the 30,000 family
members and friends who will utilize it
every year. Guests dined on beef tenderloin,
gourmet cheeses and fall soup. Guests
enjoyed playing a variety of casino games,
and at the end of the evening a special
drawing was held for fun gifts.
Friends of Memorial gathered at Miller Plaza in
September 2012 for a casino night recognizing
the 2011 Friends of Memorial Society.
Organizational Giving
We are grateful to the foundations, churches and companies who made gifts in the last fiscal year.
A Better Choice Chiropractic
The Dixie Group Foundation
Pearle Vision
Ace Hardware
Don Ledford Automotive Center Inc.
Pin Strikes
Alpha Delta Kappa CHI Chapter
First Tennessee Foundation
Pioneer Sunday School Class
Arch Plastics
Fort Dearborn Life Insurance Company
Ascension Lutheran Church
Fraternal Order of Eagles - Aerie 945
Red Bank High School Class of 1954
Athens Federal Community Bank
Gearhiser, Peters, Elliott & Cannon, PLLC
Sale Creek School
Avalon Hospice
The Georgia Winery
Shooters Depot
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Gondolier Pizza and Steak House
Siskin Hospital for Physical Rehabilitation
Belvoir Christian Academy
Gorton’s, Inc.
SouthEast Bank & Trust
Blevins Construction Management Inc.
H & H Enterprises
Southern Souls Motorcycle Club
Brainerd Presbyterian Church
Hazlett, Lewis & Bieter
State of Tennessee Department of Health
Brainerd Youth Association
Health Cost Solutions, Inc.
Sulphur Springs UMC
Brown & Brown Insurance
Heatec, Inc.
Surgery Pharmacy Services, Inc.
Campbell Foundation Fund
Herb Adcox Automotive
Talley Construction
Chattanooga Emergency Medicine PLLC
Holiday Inn Express
Thomas & Thorngren, Inc.
Chattanooga Hopes
Hospice of Chattanooga, Inc.
U.S. Postal Service - Vehicle Maintenance Facility
Chattanooga Lookouts
J & S Restaurants, Inc., Hardee’s
Unforgotten RA
Chattanooga Marriott
Lakesite Wine & Spirits
Chitwood & Chitwood
Lamp Post Group
Colorful Concepts LLC
Life Care Center of New Market
V. Alexander & Co., Inc.
Crafty Critters
Life Care Center of New Port Richey
Valley Inn & Sports Bar, Inc.
Crawford’s Pharmacy, Inc.
LifeCell Corporation
Wells Fargo Advisors
Creighton University
L-R Machine Sales, Inc.
Welsh-Bello Rehab, LLC
Meadowland Subdivision
Digestive Health Associates, PC
The Outdoor Store
First Baptist Church Ringgold
2012-2013 YEAR IN REVIEW
Doctors’ Day and
Caring Spirit Campaigns
Patient Quotes
“I was in MICU bed 1, and Alison was my nurse. She saved my life
when she found a blood clot in my leg. They had to do surgery right
away, but my wife wasn’t at the hospital to give consent, so Alison called
her. It is because of her that I’m still alive and also have my leg. Please
thank her for me.”
“Ashley was my husband’s nurse during most of his stay. She worked to
make my husband as comfortable as she could. She found little things
to help – extra pillows, dimmed lights, warm blankets, even a cup
of ice water for me – she quietly checked on us without disturbing
his naps. She didn’t have to do any of these extra things, but when she
saw my husband’s discomfort, she went the extra mile to help him.
Her compassionate heart impressed us so much! ”
Offering a hand to hold…giving a reassuring smile…going an extra
step…sharing an encouraging word. Simple gestures of kindness often mean the most to us. Doctor’s Day and Caring Spirit are designed
to honor a Memorial Health Care System physician, nurse, volunteer
or staff member who has made a difference in the life of a patient by
going above and beyond what is expected of him or her.
Caring Spirit and Doctors’ Day are part of the Foundation’s annual
giving program. The importance of annual giving is ever increasing
as Memorial Health Care System expands markets and services.
There are many opportunities available for those wishing to make
a thoughtful annual gift, including joining the Friends of Memorial
Society with a gift of $100 or more, tribute and memorial giving,
or employee giving through MAGIC. These gifts enable Memorial
to provide care for the underserved, seek innovative solutions to
complex health problems and make state-of-the-science technology
available to all patients.
Cumulative total for these programs combined: $71,700
“I suffered a heart attack at work and was transported to Memorial
Hospital. As I arrived, I met Dr. Ledford and his staff, and within
minutes they found the problem and inserted a stent. I am grateful for
Dr. Ledford’s clinical as well as communication skills, as he kept me
informed afterwards of exactly what my situation was in such a caring
way. As a matter of fact, the whole nursing staff truly lived up to the
reputation that Memorial rewards their employees.”
“I was very sick and upset because I didn’t know what was wrong or
what to do. Christy was one of my nurses. She went above and beyond
to make my stay a good experience. When it was time for me to go
home, Christy said, ‘I’m glad for you but I’m going to miss you.’
Nursing is not only medical; caring and understanding makes it go so
much further. She definitely made me feel like she was concerned and
really cared about me. She was a ray of sunshine.”
“After 3 trips to E.R., heart doctor, and family physician, Dr. Faires
took the time to listen and check past visits to Memorial. She with Dr.
Hetzel did a super job of helping me. I truly appreciate their concerns
and patients well being!”
“My husband came to Memorial’s ER for a herniated disc. Tom in
pre-op took over his care when we left the ER. Realizing my husband’s
pain, he made a special effort to work with the anesthesiologist ahead
of surgery to try and make my husband as comfortable as possible in
pre-op. It was evident that he was working as hard as he could to do
anything and everything in his power to help us. It was very comforting
to know that we were not alone.”
Mina Trinos, nursing manager at
the Davenport Infusion Center,
attends the MAGIC evening
at the Tennessee Aquarium
with her family.
MAGIC is Memorial Associates Giving
to Improve our Community.
Since its inception in 2003, Memorial associates have given
over $2M through contributions to MAGIC.
As Memorial strives to improve the health of our community,
the role of MHCS associates is crucial. If we are to continue to
maintain our level of excellence, we must constantly seek ways
to ensure a strong, secure future.
A committee of associates advises the Foundation on distribution of the MAGIC funds. In the past, MAGIC funds have
helped to build up the MaryEllen Locher Breast Center, bring a
dedicated breast MRI to Chattanooga, create a healing garden
for MICU patients, facilitate the application process for MAGNET
nursing certification, and much, much more.
“Memorial associates are so generous, giving not only of
their financial resources, but also of themselves, everyday
they come to work,” says MAGIC Chair, Melissa Roden. “It is
their dedication to quality patient care that makes Memorial
the hospital of choice for so many in our community.”
29 Anonymous Donors
Beverly Aasheim
Janice Ables
Patsy Acuff
Danya Adams
Grace Adeniji Ilesanmi
Christina Aguila
Jessica Aguila
Ann Allen
Midori Allen
Sherry Allen
Kimberly Allen
Krista Alvaro
Edward Ammons Jr
Timothy Anderson
Nan Andrews
Penny Andrews
William Andrews
Andrea Anthony
Rhonda Arnold
Alicia Asconi
Ingrid Ashley
Julieta Auda
Kellie Azor
Lynda Bacon
Sherry Baierl
Valerie Baker
Sarah Barden
Teresa Barnes
Robert Barnett
Jamie Barrie
Stacy Batten
Lisa Batts
Dianne Baum
Virginia Baxter
Cynthia Bean
Christi Beeler
Mellonie Begley
Christina Bell
Jessica Bell
Leigh Bertholf
Debra Beyers
Terri Bird
Jessica Bishop
David Bishop
Maria Blair
Hollin Blaylock
Teresa Bledsoe
Daniel Blevins
Briana Blevins
Patricia Blevins
Carolyn Boatner
Lynn Bolden
Michele Bolton
Ashley Bosner
Bess Bovell
Wanda Boyd
Gloria Boyd
Kelley Boyd
Jim Boyle
Vicki Boynton
Megan Bradford
Graham Brannan
Amanda Brantingham
Susan Brenner
Shaina Brice
Jessica Bright
Dana Britt
Cindy Brooks
Wilma Brooks
Eve Brown
Sandi Brown
Diona Brown
Samantha Brown
2012-2013 YEAR IN REVIEW
m a g i c f a m i l y N i gh t
On July 13, 2012 the Tennessee Aquarium opened
its doors after hours for Memorial associates and
their families for a special reception, hosted by
Memorial Foundation, to honor associates who
donate to the health care system through the
MAGIC program. 350 guests came out to enjoy the
River Journey and the new Ocean Journey exhibits.
Sodexo caterers served cool ice cream sundaes
and root beer float refreshments. The squeals of
delighted children soon filled the exhibit halls as
they explored the aquatic life of sea horses, turtles,
river giants, snakes, penguins and even butterflies.
Each building had a special exhibit for guests to
“pet” the fish, which proved to be popular sites
throughout the evening.
Associates and their families who donate to
Memorial Foundation through the MAGIC
program were invited to a special recognition
event at the Tennessee Aquarium in July 2012.
Cynthia Brown
Frances Brown
Sarah Brown
Carol Brown
Jean Brown
Sharon Brown
Timothy Bruns
Judith Buhrman
Shandry Bullock
Suzanne Burch
Vickie Burger
Barbara Burrell
Deanna Burse
Stephanie Butler
Shannon Butt
Gloria Byerley
Venice Cagle
Amy Camp
Rebecca A. Campbell
Cynthia Campbell
Jennifer Cannon
Angela Cappellazzo
Mary Carder
Ashley Carey
Adrianne Carley
Tammy Carlock
Angela Carlton
Rachel Carroll
Tonia Carroll
Leisha Carroll
Tonetta Carter
Sabrina Carter
Rebekah Carter
Adana Carter
Beth Casady
Lisa Case
Tami Castelow
Pamela Chandler
Marilyn Chaney
Renee Chastain
Deborah Chenkus
Jessica Chisenhall
Tonya Claiborne
Brittany Clark
Wendy Clark
Tanisha Clark
Stanley Clark
Janice Clemens
Kim Coffey
Sandra Coffman
Michelle Colbert
Tyler Cole
Pam Collins
Gail Collison
Debra Conway
Andrea Condrey
Marquita Cook
Kathryn Cook
Phillip Coppler
Christine Cordell
Crystal Cornelius
Suzanne Costa
James Cothran
Barbara Couch
Nedra Covington
Robert E. Cox, Jr.
Stacia Cox
Stephanie Cranmore
Jennifer Croft
Mary Ann Cronan
Laura Cross
Meredith Crowder
Lori Crox
Jamie CrumbakerForshee
Cynthia Curry
Jeff Curtis
Sandra Curtis
Karla Daffron
Gwen Davis
Melissa Davis
Sue Davis
Holli Davis
Jesse Davis
Linda Decarlo
Michelle Denham
Vicki Derae
Mystie Derrick
Cynthia Dewild
Walter Diercks
Terri Dinges
Sandra Dixson
Christine Dominguez
William Donohoo
Samantha Dotzler
Debbie Douglas
Mary Dubose
Debra Duck
Debra Dunn
Sarah Dye
Kathryn Eargle
Angela Early
Karyn Eason
Cindy Easterly
Melissa Edgeman
Kristi Edmondson
Chaplain Rayner O.
Rhonda Edwards
Heidi Eisele
Shermai Eldridge
Brenda Elliott
Jamie Elliott
Beverly Elliott
Melanie Ellis
Elizabeth Ellis
Patrick Ellis
Lisa England
Brandi Engle
Rosemary Ertel
Allethia Erwin
Nona Esterline
Jenni Evans
Mindy Evans
Angela Everett
Cheryl Fairley
Paul G. Farmer
Paul Feaster
Debbie Ferguson
Ray Figueroa
Lisa Fitzsimmons
Lee Flinn
Nancy Floyd
Stacy Foltz
Karen Forgey
Judy Foster
Carmun Fox
Karen Frank
Stephanie Frank
Kathy Franklin
Jaclyn Franzen
Susan Freeman
Traci Fugatt
Shelli Fuller
Sherry Fusco
Samantha Gagliano
Jacqueline Gaines
Anita Gann
Kelly Garrett
Rebecca Geren
Penny Gharanfoli
Rosetta Gibson
Amanda Goforth
Kim Golden
Judy Goodman
Meri Graben
Delia Graham
Chiquita L. Green
Darryl Griffin
Vallery Griffith
Beverly Griffith
Gayla Griffith
Katy Griffith
Gary Grimes
Makenzie Grimes
Mary Griswold
Judy Grubb
Barbara Guider
Sara Guillot
Mary Guy
Robert Hagan
Lynda Hale
Lori Hales
Heather Hall
Lori Hamblen
Deidre Hardin
Margaret Harding
Lebron Hardnett
Emily Harmon
Vickie Harp
Katrina Harris
Ashley Harris
Tina Harris
Chery Hartman
Laura Hartman
Amanda Harwood
Laura Hattaway
Pam Hendricks
Shawn Hennessey
Cynthia Herron
Deborah Hickman
Pamela Higgins
Brenda Hildebrand
Teresa Hinds
Kateland Hobbs
James M. Hobson
Teresa Hodges
Jessica Holland
Joshua Hollingsworth
Joshua Holloway
Valerie Holmes
Joe Honey
Stephanie Hooper
Candice Hoover
Sharon Hopper
Sydney Hopper
Nan House
Jennifer A. Hucks
Glyn Hughes
Deborah Humberd
Christina Hutsell
Norma Hyde
Kathy Igou
Alline Ingle
Cherry Irizarry
Anthony Iwanczyk
Rhonda Jackson
Mary Jackson
Tammy Jamar
Cassandra James
Do Young Jang
Donna Jansen
John Jantz
Nicole Johnson
Tina Johnson
Terry Johnson
Samuel Johnson
Tonyia Johnston
Sherry Jones
Alexa Jones
Cielito Jones
Leanna Jones
Patsy Jordan
Roberta Justice
Lisa Kahana-Naipo
Hana Kang
Roberta Keeton
Mary Keith
Sharon Kell
Kathy Keller
Daniel Kelley
Brooke Kelly
Tammy Kemp
Susan Kennedy
Amber Kevitt
Kim Kilgore
Allison Kilgore
Tanya Kilgore
Janice King
Susan King
Tisherrie Kinser
Sherry Kipikasa
Joy Kirby
Leslie Kirkland
Jason Kirton
Kealiiaumoku Klein
Jamie Klementisz
Carla Konrad
Kathryn Kornberg
Kathleen Korous
Juliann Kwiatkowski
Jewell Kyle
Deborah Lagoo
Gina Lambert
Ple d ge s to t h e 2 0 1 3
ca mpai gn will be joined with more
than $15 million given by individuals and
businesses throughout the region to support
the significant expansion currently underway
on our campuses for the following projects:
The new Ch apel – situated at the
center of the expansion - is symbolic of the
spiritual care we provide to this community.
It is the thread that connects us together
no matter what area we work in and will be
accessible for people of all faiths.
Sherie Lane
Amanda Langston
Rebecca Lanphear
Miriam Larson
Beverly Lawhorn
Marie Lawrence
Darla Lawson
Janie Layne
Deborah Layne
Stacy Lee
Jaeik Lee
Liz Lerch
William Lester
Tammy Levi
Allan Lewis
Aimee Lewis
Brenda Lewis
Brittany Lewis
Lindsey Lewis
Peggy Lingerfelt
Wanda Linz
Kelli Little
Mary Locke
Janene Loga
Kathy Long
Danielle Long
Lesley Long
Tinesha Lott
Sandra Loveless
Tammy A. Luckhart
Kelly Luther
Jennifer Lynch
Leslie Lyons
Kayla Maclafferty
Cindy Madgett
Tony Majors
Nannette Mann
Janelle Marcum
Angela Marlin
Andrea Martin
Arra Martin
Silu Mathew
Shameka Mayes
Phyllis Maynor
Carolyn Maynor
Ginger McBride
Jeffrey McCain
Erica McCarty
Lisa McCluskey
Jeff Mcconathy
June McCormick
Jerry L. McCrary
Erin McCraw
Carl McCullough
Elizabeth McDowell
Angie McGhee
Andrew Mcgill
Kimberly McGill
Angie McHann
Rebecca McKelvy
Brent McLean
Jennifer McRae
Lori McRoy
Petra McWhorter-Green
Cathy Messier
Nancy Metz
Harrison Middleton
Debra Miles
Susan Millaway
Linda Miller
Keri Millican
Renee Mills
Kim Mitchell
Janice Mitchell
Holly Monroe
Gail Moore
Debra Moore
Vivian Moore
Ashley Moore
Susan Morgan
Th e n e w H e a rt C e n t e r will include
an employee fitness center, designed to be a
place for Memorial and affiliated associates
to come find inspiration and encouragement
to meet their health and wellness goals. With
proper funding, we will be able to offer not
only exercise equipment but also education
and group classes for both our associates and
our patients.
The Emp loy e e Eme r g e ncy F u n d
will receive 5% of all MAGIC donations for
associates from all campuses to receive assistance in a time of crisis. Since the fund was
established in 2010, more than 60 families
Robin Morrell
Diana Morrison
Kayla Morton
Sonia Moss
Dennis Mullens
Abby Murphy
Mada Murray
Lesley Myers
Kaye Nale
Rachel Nall
Cyntoia Nandy
Rick Napper
Deborah Neal
Deniece Neighbors
Lakesha Nelson
Kirstie Nelson
Seth Neria
Kathryn Neuberger
Harry Nice
Jennifer Nicely
Susan Nichols
Teirra Nicholson
Sydnie Nickell
Katie Northcutt
Barbara Norwood
Jane Nunley
Victoria Ogle
Brenda Oglesby
Bartholomew Okere
Jeff Oxner
Judith Pardue
Michelle Park
Jenny Parnell
Teresa Parrish
Kristi Parsons
Patricia Partain
Heidi Pascua
Janice Pate
Cathy Patty
Jean C. Payne
Joseph Peers
Janice Pelham
Cynthia Perry
Meridith Perry
Rae Petty
Curtis Phibbs
Anthony Phillips
Dennis Phillips
Kimberly Phillips
Stacy Philpot
Renee Piercy
Amber Pinkerton
Leslie Pippin
Ethel R. Ponthier
Brad Pope
Rhonda Poulson
Kristin Powell
Lisa Powell
Shannon Price
Willie R. Price
Linda B. Pride
Hazel Proffitt
Cathy Quillen
Amy Quinn
Marissa Ragland
Amy Rains
Debbie Ralston
Laura Randich
Pamela Raney
Heidi Rau
Jefferson J. Rawiszer
Marin Ray
Keely Rector
Melanie Redden
Sasha Redmond
Carlotta Rees
Phyllis K. Reeves
Lizeth Rego Cortes
Tiffany Reynolds
Melissa Rice
have received assistance during a time of
New for the 2013 campaign is a Patient
Care Fund that we will create with 5% of
MAGIC donations to help meet necessary
needs critical to care.
2012-2013 YEAR IN REVIEW
Angela Ridings
Deette Rievley
Jack Riggar
Constance Rigsby
Kristen Ring
Brittany Ringer
Petra Ritchey
T. Joseph Robb
Elizabeth Roberts
Brooke Robey
Howard Roddy
Melissa Roden
Lottie Roden
Tammy Roden
Veronica Roesch
Jacqueline L. Rogers
Martha Rogers
Michelle Rogers
Robin Rogers
Marty Rogers
Rosamond Rohde
Christyn Ross
Debbie Rosser
Calvin Russell Jr.
Kimberly Saarinen
Linda Saffles
Jennifer Salts
Sherrie Sanders
Karen Sanfratello
Sherri Sawvell
Tonja Scallia
Rebekah Schlotterbeck
Amy Schussler
Kathryn Seals-Davis
Christy Sentell
Deborah Seth
Judy Settle
Van Sewell
Vanessa Sewell
Melissa Sexton
Susan Sexton
Randy Sharp
Gina Shenefield
Stephanie Sherrill
Nancy Shiles
Andrew Shine
Yvonne Shipman
Angela Shockley
Christy Shoemaker
Terri Siever
Connie Silver
Kelli Silvers
Jessica Silvers
Veronica Simmons
Lori Simmons
Michelle Simpson
Adrienne Sims
David Sims
Tammy Singleton
Tarek Sinno
Tina Sitz
Gayla Skender
Anna Skinner
Kimberly Slatton
Virginia Smartt
Elvie Smith
Leigh Smith
Carol Smith
Karlie Smith
Loretta Smith
Andrea Smith
Kimberly Smith
Stephanie Smith
Madeleine Smith
Cynthia Smith
Latwand Smith
Tami Smith
Bethany Smith
Lisa Smith-Chapman
Sonya Sneed
Michelle Sotelo
Susan Spreeman
Corey Springer
Sara Stallings
Norma Stallings
Rebekah Stansberry
John Steele
Kimberly Steele
Linda Steele
Rachael Stewart
Cathleen Still
Jennifer Stinnett
Angela Stoker
Kayla Stoker
Teresa Stone
Gloria Stott
William Strait
Erica Stull
Jessy Suero
Marissa Summers
Michael Sutton
Stephanie Sutton
Robin Swann
Melissa Sweeton
Chandra Tallent
Ting Tang
Vera Tank
Michael Taylor
Melissa Taylor
Autumn Teska
Dustin Thomas
Tiffany Thomas
Kay Thompson
Luzviminda Thrash
Melissa Tinker
Pat Tippit
David Tipton
Christy Tittsworth
Karen Tolbert
John Toms
Clara Toomey
Bherma Toussaint
Mina Trinos
Tony Trower
Sharon Tucker
Brittani Tuggle
Connie Tuggle
Julie Tullis
Cassidy Turner
David Turner
H.R. Twitty
Connie Uffalussy
Stephanie Umberger
Matthew Underwood
Allessandra Vitrano
Sandy Vredeveld
Keisha Wade
Judy Wadkins
Whitney Walden
Elizabeth Walden
Peggy Walker
Melissa Walker
Kimberly Wallace
Pam Wallin
Allegra Ward
Jennifer Waxenberg
Kimberly Webster
Rebecca Weinberg, Phd
Dixie Wells
Joseph S. West
Sherry West
Linda West
Heather Whaley
Briana Whaley
Rosalie Whitaker
Cynthia Whitaker
Kari White
Kathy White
Sandra Whitehead
Cheryl Whitlock
Marlene Wilkey
Andrew Williams
Francina Williams
Kellie Williamson
Donna Wilson
Melissa Wilson
Marissa Wilson
Markesta Winters
Lisa Witherow
Rena Witherspoon
Cynthia Witt
Louann Wittman
Farrah Woodbury
Elizabeth Woodruff
Donna Wooten
Sabina Wright
Angie Wynn
Kaley Yarbrough
Ben Young
Michelle Zickafoose
2012–2013 M AG IC co mm itt e e
Melissa Roden, Chair
Susan Brenner
Eve Brown
Sabrina Carter
Lisa Case
Laura Cross
Nancy Farbo
Karen Frank
Heather Gunnon
Pam Hendricks
Betsy Kammerdiener
Joy Kirby
Stacy Lee
Allan Lewis
Debi Lively
Phyllis Maynor
Jerry McCrary
Angie McGhee
Jennifer Nicely
Jack Riggar
Vera Tank
Sandy Weeks
Beth Woodruff
MAGIC committee members thank campaign
donors at the Tennessee Aquarium in July 2012.
Memorial CEO
Jim Hobson addresses
the crowd of
Memorial Auxiliary
members and volunteers who attended
the new surgery
family waiting area
dedication in their
honor. Last year, the
Auxiliary made a gift
to the Foundation for
this project.
Memorial Auxiliary
and Volunteer Services
Memorial Auxiliary volunteers
marked 60 years of service in 2012-2013 with a special Diamond Anniversary celebration, new uniforms, introduction of another CD of Melodies
from Memorial,* and outstanding contributions of time and funds. As major
construction projects brought changes at both Glenwood and Hixson hospitals,
volunteers were amazingly flexible in fulfilling their responsibilities.
In addition to Auxiliary members, Memorial Health Care System’s exceptional team of more than 500 active volunteers includes American Red Cross
members, independent volunteers and students. Last year volunteers provided
80,079 hours of service in 80 different locations throughout the system and
for special Memorial sponsored community projects.
In considering new uniforms for the Auxiliary, the goal was to introduce new
style options while having all members wearing the same color. Teal, one of
Memorial Health Care System’s identifying colors, was chosen, and members
now make a great branding statement as a unified team serving Memorial.
Volunteers from the American Red Cross wear their distinctive uniform known
around the world.
For more information about volunteer opportunities at Memorial, contact
Volunteer Services at (423) 495-8610.
*Auxiliary volunteer musicians Jay Craven, clarinetist, and Jim Palmour, classical
guitarist and vocalist, perform on ”Memorable Melodies from Memorial,” the sixth
CD in a series that raises funds for patient care.
Johnny Adams
Martha Adams
Patricia Akins
David Allen
Louise Arnold
Barbara Ashby
Barbara Ashenbramer
Lydia Atchley
Alice Austin
Mike Austin
Jim Bach
Joan Bailey
Wanda Baker
Florence Bannier
Tish Barlew
Isaac Barukh
Marilyn Batts
Fred Beckert
Joyce Beckert
Loretta Beene
Carlene Bennudriti
John Bennudriti
Charlotte Berg
Ray Bertani
Danise Birchfield
Bruce Blohm
Keith Bobo
Mary Ann Bodine
Virginia Bogdany
Helen Bolton
Suzy Bookhardt
Joyce Bowles
Beverly Bowman
Dorothy Bravard
Susan Broome
Carolyn Brown
Mary Brown
Nola Brumit
Bobbi Burnett
Wanda Butkus
Ray Cameron
Teresa Camp
Robin Campbell
Velma Campbell
Carlin Carpenter
Marilyn Carpenter
Brenda Carson
Bill Caulkins
Anita Chadwick
Dick Chandler
Tricia Chastain
Jin Cheng
Shelba Chism
Virginia Clayton
Judy Clevenger
Sylvia Clift
Vernell Clift
Willah Cline
Faith Cochran
Jim Cole
Linda Cole
Al Colonna
Christina Colonna
Jane Colvard
Kathleen Conner
Billie Cooper
Tim Cooper
Julia Corley
Jim Costello
Bill Courter
2012-2013 YEAR IN REVIEW
I n sp i r e d H e r o e s
In addition to giving of their time, the Memorial Auxiliary raises funds
to enhance patient care, and this year they joined the Inspired Heroes
campaign to leave a lasting legacy in the new facilities. They pledged
$150,000 for the “helping hands” stained glass window in the new
chapel and to furnish a lovely family waiting room in the new Surgery
Center. As an encouragement to persons with cancer, the Auxiliary also
gave $15,000 toward a beautiful weekend retreat for newly diagnosed
cancer patients and loved ones. The $15,000 Auxiliary Scholarship
Fund assisted 12 students in health related fields of study, and several
tribute gifts were given to honor loved ones.
This photo is one of the four
original stained glass windows
from the Sisters of Charity of
Nazareth Chapel in Nazareth, KY to be placed in the
new North Tower Chapel. It
measures 13 feet tall and 4.5
feet wide. The Auxiliary chose
this window because they felt
it represented the volunteers
mission of helping hands and
reaching out to serve others.
Auxiliary volunteers modeling the new uniform
in front of the naming plaque in the new Surgery
Family Waiting Room (from L) are: Willie
Harvey, Wanda Baker, Carol McCamish,
Barbara Kramer and Rich Kramer.
Gussie Courter
Mary Cousino
Frances Cowan
Jay Craven
Kathleen Craven
Bud Crevasse
Georgina Curtis
Issy Cwynar
Carolyn Darr
Judy Davidson
Clifford Davis
Louise Davis
Shirley Davis
Theresa Davis
Zoila Davis
Edgar Dawson
Mary Lou Dawson
Billie Dean
Alex DeBlois
Bonnie Delashmitt
Joyce Dick
Jem Dickinson
John Dickinson
Rebecca Dickinson
Pat Dicks
Marlene Dickshinski
Tara Diercks
Karleen Dixon
Mike Doubleday
Ann Dougherty
Bob Dougherty
Dianne Doyle
Jon Dunning
Ernest Eaves
Frieda Eaves
Betty Efird
Ernestine Eldridge
Dale Eubanks
Puggy Eubanks
Frances Everhart
Susan Ewing
Bebee Eyssen
Jim Falk
Betty Fassnacht
Barbara Feagans
Gail Finnell
Jim Fischer
Linda Fischer
Charlotte Fleming
Mollie Flores
Linda Fogarty
Walter Forbes
Norma Fuller
Alma Gann
Donna Garner
Tee Geren
Charlotte Gibney
Bruce Gibson
Jerri Gibson
Tony Giggy
Pat Gilbert
Connie Giles
Shirley Gillespie
Carol Goodwin
Carole Grant
Wayne Gratigny
Sandra Green
Denise Greer
Martha Gresham
Bob Greuter
Howard Gropper
Yetta Gropper
Jewell Guffey
Anastasia Gulas
Sarah Gussow
Bill Gwaltney
Glenda Gwaltney
Ruth Hafley
Ed Hair
Lore Hair
Judy Hall
Larry Hall
Barbara Hambright
Frances Hannah Collins
Sister Mary Hannon
Belinda Hardaway
Vi Hargis
Clara Harris
Beverly Harrison
Willie Harvey
Eleanor Hayes
Linda Haymaker
Philip Haymaker
Elizabeth Haynes
Ruth Henderson
Barbara Henley
Richard Hewitt
Tommie Hill
Kathleen Hixson
Ralph Hixson
BJ Hoette
Judy Hoette
Betty Hogan
Mary Lou Holland
Janis Holsomback
Beverly Horton
JoAnn Huenink
Neale Huenink
Susan Huskey
Jim Igou
Marlene Jabaley
Vickie Jackson
Carolyn Jenkins
Bettye Johnson
Juanita Johnson
Sandra Jones
Jennille Jumper
Osmette Kadrie
Cathy Kalinowski
Carolyn Kamada
Kristopher Kammerdiener
Barbara Kelleher
Delores Kelley
Gene Kelley
Abbie Keyes
Betty Keyser
David Kling
Cindy Koltnow
Beth Krabbendam
Barbara Kramer
Richard Kramer
Phyllis Lackey
Sue Landers
Norma Lane
Nonye LaRue
Florence Lau
Linda Layman
Keith Leamon
Nadine Lee
Madeleine Light
Sonna Lloyd
Jackie Love
John Lunn
Carolyn Lynn
Tommy Lynn
Richard MacDougall
Dan MacKinnon
Marchetta Madaris
Pam Malchow
Janie Manderson
Dotty Manis
Doris Mann
Warren Mann
Neal Martin
Susan Martin
Zofia Mashchak
Pamela Mason
Judy McCain
Lonnie McCalister
Jo McCalley
Carol McCamish
Bernice McClendon
Tom McCullough
Mary McDermott
Dorothy McDonald
Nancy McElwain
Bennie McFather
Wynona McGhee
Vicki McGuire
Mary McKenzie
Mary Jane McKinsey
Marie McMellon
Caroline McNamara
Judy McRae
Dennis Meinert
memorial auxiliary volunteers
co n t i n u e d. . .
Jewell Melton
Joy Mercado
Bob Meyer
Doug Meyer
Lilia Miller
Barbara Milstead
Aggie Minnick
Carl Minnick
Debbie Morley
Erwin Nelson
Kuntima Nemafuta
Mary Nesbitt
Tom Norman
Betty Oliver
Jim Palmour
Andy Pappas
Phyllis Parks
Jerry Pearson
Elizabeth Phillips
George Phillips
Martha Pigman
Gail Plemons
Karri Plumlee
Linda Poppe
Betty Potts
Dale Powell
Nancy Pyatt
Ruth Quinn
Ginny Ragghianti
Audrey Raines
Billie Ransom
Paul Ray
Jan Redding
Paula Rennich
F.O. Richardson
Margaret Richardson
Randy Roark
Joy Roberts
Carolyn Robinson
Faye Robinson
Pat Robinson
Vaughn Robinson
Pam Rodgers
Raiford Rodgers
Alan Rogers
Johnnie Rogers
Madeleine Rogers
Benny Rollins
Ron Rowland
Joann Rozell
Agnes Rudd
Jean Saunders
Julie Schmissrauter
Madelon Schuster
Marty Schuster
Lashondria Scott
Ruby Sells
Bill Sesko
Iris Sesko
Eva Setliffe
Howard Sheorn
Fran Skipper
Diana Smith
Phyllis Smith
Margaret Spanogle
Maxine Sparkman
Elizabeth Spreha
Bobbie Steffner
Jack Stephenson
Opal Stevens
Bill Stewart
Donna Stoddard
Donna Swafford
Joy Swafford
Ed Taliaferro
Bob Tamasy
JoAnne Taylor
Liz Thielke
Sandra Thomas
Linda Thompson
Peggy Timmerman
Bill Tonkin
Gail Traylor
Gary Traylor
Kathleen Trew
Vera Trotter
Mark Turley
Roy Turley
Tina Underwood
Linda Van Meter
Sheril Varghese
Virginia Varnell
Marsha Vaughan
Mary Lou Vaught
Roxanne Venable
Barbara Warner
Shirley Waymouth
Barbara Weinhold
Jeanne Werner
Joyce West
Theda Wexler
Betty Whaley
Jerry White
Billie Whiteside
Nancy Whittington
Peggy Wilkerson
Shirley Williams
Terry Williford
Joy Willis
Robbie Willmore
Barbara Wilson
Jean Wortham
Floyd Wright
Louise Wright
Norma Wright
Sue Wright
Mary Wynne
Rena Yocom
Ellen Zahorec
Other Events
Dane tte He nry Memorial
Golf Tou rname nt
The Danette Henry family hosted the 5th Annual Danette Henry
Memorial Ovarian Cancer Golf Tournament Saturday, September
22, 2012. Gifts and sponsorships of the event raised more than
$19,500 for the Danette Henry Memorial Fund. Proceeds from
the 2012 tournament supported a new outdoor zen garden for
the Davenport Infusion Center.
1 Anonymous donor
Terry Henry
Thomas & Throngren
Charles & Rebecca Jabaley
Dr. J. Michael & Tanya Mazzolini
Jerry & Debby Weeter
Dearborn National
Health Cost Solutions
Joseph Decosimo and Company
Beverly Askew
Stan Burton
Bob Card
Shawn & Kimberly Cheek
Angelena Clayton
Don Donaldson
Mark Gooch
Keith Goss
Troy & Elizabeth Hanson
Darrell & Diane Henry
Dean Henry
Sandy Henry
Bobbie Hickman
Mose Hicks
Jennie Hobbs
Taylor & Gayle Howard
Joan Hughes
Mark & Raquel Krueger
LaRue Lahvic
Kimberly Neiman
Kenneth Ogrady
Kitty Park
John & Cynthia Quigley
Brian Reinhart
Scott & Alison Shaw
Alan & Kelly Smith
David Smith
Josh Smith
Joe & Tera Starr
Paul & Dee Stephens
Jake & Ashlee Waddle
Ashley & Chris Welch
Nelson Wooldridge
Chester & Mary Wooten
Steve Ziegler
Athens Federal Community
Crawfords Pharmacy
Don Ledford Automotive
Center Inc
Gondolier Pizza & Steak House
Holiday Inn Express
J & S Restaurants Inc., Hardee’s
Life Car Center of New Market
Life Care Center of Skagit Valley
L-R Machine Sales, Inc
Pearle Vision
Smith Management
SouthEast Bank & Trust
Welsh Bello
2012-2013 YEAR IN REVIEW
in 2012-2013
From L: Terry Henry, Jenni Giannourakis,
Jennifer Nicely, Deloris Haney, and
Dr. Charles A. Portera, Sr. with the
proceeds from the 5th annual Danette
Henry memorial golf tournament.
R oll f o r a Cu re
Unforgotten RA and Southern Souls MC joined forces last year for the
4th Annual Roll for a Cure, sponsored by Southern Souls MC, to benefit
the MaryEllen Locher Breast Centers at Memorial. More than 100 riders
participated in the event, held Saturday, September 29, 2012. The allday bike ride raised more than $11,000 for the outreach and treatment
programs provided by the MEL Breast Centers. The day held special
meaning for the behind-the-scenes organizers – 4 days before the event,
one of their own was diagnosed with breast cancer at a MEL Breast Center.
“We believe in what the MaryEllen Locher Breast Center does for our
community, now more than ever, as our friend needs the treatment
and support it provides to beat this disease,” says Unforgotten RA Vice
President Ed Roberts. “Partnering with Southern Souls MC opened doors
to make this year the most successful yet for this event and legitimize it
so we can be even more successful in the years to come.” Tim Hudson,
representative for Southern Souls Motorcycle Club adds, “The fight
against cancer is number one on our organization’s list of fundraising
causes, and the group is committed to keeping our charitable dollars
local. The partnership of Southern Souls MC with Unforgotten RA on
this event was a natural fit because of our shared interest in the
MaryEllen Locher Breast Center.”
Jennifer Nicely (center) receives the proceeds from the 4th Annual
Roll for a Cure, benefitting the MaryEllen Locher Breast Center at
Memorial, from event committee members from Unforgotten RA
and Southern Souls MC.
Pi nk N i gh t at t h e Lookou ts
PINK Night at the Lookouts, Friday July 20, 2012 at AT&T Field, was a special
evening for our local players. Each team member wore special pink jerseys that
were featured in a silent auction during game time. Other items of interest
that were auctioned off during the evening included a team autographed pink
baseball bat. Proceeds of more than $1,000 went to benefit the MaryEllen
Locher Breast Centers at Memorial.
From L: John Maedel, Chattanooga Lookouts assistant
general manager, with Foundation Chair Alexis Bogo
and Foundation President Jennifer Nicely.
pledge form
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O I would like my gift to remain anonymous
Ways to Give
O n li n e
Visit to make a secure online
donation. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.
I n t h e M ai l
Memorial Foundation
2525 deSales Avenue
Chattanooga, TN 37404
Phone ______________________________________
T ri b ut e Gi v i n g
City/State/Zip ________________________________
Honor a loved one with a tribute gift to Memorial Foundation on
holidays, anniversaries, birthdays and other special occasions. In
memory gifts are also a meaningful way to honor the life and spirit
of a special person.
O I would like to make a gift of: $ ____________________
O I would like to make a pledge of $__________________
payable over ________ years.
I would like my gift to support:
O Surgery
O Cardiac Services
O Chapel
O Orthopedic Services
O Other ___________________
O Lung Services
Please make checks payable to: MHCS Foundation
I would like to pay by credit card. Please charge my:
O MasterCard
O Discover
O AmEx
Credit Card # __________________________________
Exp. Date ______________ Today’s Date ____________
Name on card _________________________________
Please send me information about:
O Volunteering at Memorial
O Estate planning opportunities
O Arranging a hospital tour
Events are a great way for small business owners and community
leaders to bring fun and unique activities to their community with
proceeds benefiting the Memorial Foundation. All events benefiting
Memorial must be approved in advance by calling (423) 495-4151.
Co r p o rat e S p on s or sh ips
O Cancer Services
O Visa
H Ost an Eve n t
A corporate sponsorship to one of the Foundation’s annual events
gives your business recognition as an organization that gives back
to the community. Your company’s name and logo can appear on
invitations and programs, and in newspaper and magazine pages,
including Inspire, Memorial’s publication that goes out to 160,000
homes. A corporate sponsorship also has a lasting impact on the
community by making events such as Pink! successful enough to
bring back every year and provide funds for programs and services
at Memorial.
Plan n e d Gi v i n g
A planned gift to Memorial Foundation is a great way to ensure that
your legacy of giving in life continues to impact the next generation
of health care recipients.
B e co m e a Fri e n d of M em ori al
A Friend of Memorial is an individual who has made an annual gift
of $100 or more. Donors receive recognition in the Foundation’s
monthly E-news, in the annual report and on the donor recognition wall.
For more information on ways to give, call (423) 495-4438
or visit
2012-2013 YEAR IN REVIEW
F o u n d a t i o n s t a ff
Jennif er Nicely, CF RE
Foundation President and
Chief Development Officer
(423) 495-4141
Susan Brenner
Donor Relations Coordinator
(423) 495-4124
Stacy L ee
Administrative Assistant
(423) 495-4438
P hylli s Maynor
Special Events and
Development Specialist
(423) 495-4151
Jac k Riggar
Major Gifts Officer
(423) 495-7438
Follow t he Foundation o N Face book
Memorial Foundation is on Facebook! “Like” us
at for
news updates, events invitations and more on
your newsfeed.
Si gn up to receiv e the Foundation’s
monthly E-news
Let us keep you informed of what we are doing at Memorial
by signing up to receive our monthly E-news briefing. Visit and give us your name and
e-mail address and we will deliver your E-news each month.
f r o m M e m o r i a l C EO ,
J a m e s M . H o bs o n
Dear Friends,
We have watched with anxious anticipation as the campuses at
Memorial Hospital and Memorial Hospital Hixson have transformed to
meet the growing healthcare needs of our region.
The expansion and renovation of Memorial Hospital Hixson is quickly
nearing completion. The additions of the Dr. Noel C. Hunt III Intensive
Care Unit and the GI and bronchoscopy lab along with the expansion
of the emergency department will ensure our neighbors north of the
river have access to exceptional facilities along with excellent patientcentered care.
June 2013 was a time of joy and reflection as we paused to celebrate
several milestones on the Memorial Hospital campus. A topping out
ceremony was held to mark the moment when the last steel structural
beam in the heart and vascular center North Tower was hoisted into
place. Hundreds of community members attended the open house
of Memorial’s South Tower. An entrée to surgical services, the tower
houses an 18-bed cardiovascular intensive care unit; eight stateof-the-science operating rooms with four specifically designed for
cardiovascular surgery and four designed for orthopedic surgery; an
expansive waiting area for family and friends; and a new central sterile
supply area to meet the needs of the southeast region. The opening
of the Buz Standefer Lung Center brings together technology and
expertise in a compassionate atmosphere to create a place where
patients and families with lung diseases can be embraced and guided
to early diagnosis and the best possible treatment.
Our donors, physicians, volunteers and associates have worked
together to ensure that Memorial is the regional referral center of
choice and that our patients receive the best possible care when faced
with a health challenge.
Thank you for your unwavering support of the Memorial Health Care
System Foundation and the ministry of Memorial.
James M. Hobson, FACHE
2525 de Sales Avenue
Chattanooga, TN 37404
423-495-GIFT (4438)