2005-03, March Testimonies of Fire
2005-03, March Testimonies of Fire
id178841703 pdfMachine by Broadgun Software - a great PDF writer! - a great PDF creator! - http://www.pdfmachine.com http://www.broadgun.com Dynamis World Ministries a.k.a. Christopher Alam Ministries International March 2005 Blessings in Asia! DUE TO THE RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION IN THE NATIONS THATWE WORK WITH IN ASIA, WE HAVE EDITED THIS DOCUMENT TO REMOVE ANY SENSITIVE INFORMATION IN REGARDS TO SPECIFIC LOCATIONS AND PEOPLE. THIS IS DONE TO PROTECT THE CHURCHES AND PEOPLE WHO ARE INVOLVED IN MINISTRY IN THE UNDERGROUND CHURCH IN ASIA. Team; my daughter Victoria; and myself. Dear Friends, G reetings in Jesus’ Name! As I write these words, I am on a crusade in Mombasa, Kenya. In this newsletter, I would like to share a report from our School of Ministry and crusade held in Asia. Because of the prevalent situation in the country, churches were afraid to let us use their land for a crusade. We, therefore, had to move our crusade indoors and rented a YMCA auditorium, which was the largest indoor facility available in this country. There were four of us on this trip. Richard Mills, a teacher from Texas; Svetla Dilova, our Bulgarian worker from our Africa The trip upcountry was, to say the least, exciting! We flew in a crowded, old F27 Fokker aircraft. This more than 40-yearold antique had seen better days. It must have kept its airworthiness certificate by the skin of its teeth! Nevertheless, we flew on this aircraft because there was no other option. The Gospel had to be preached. We boarded the Fokker with faith in our hearts and prayers on our lips. The airport used to be a World War II fighter base, used at different times by the British, Japanese, and the famous American “Flying Tigers.” We checked into the “nicest” hotel in town $30 a night, with no heat and we only had hot water for 30 minutes a day. The television in the room showed only Chinese TV programs and the only thing that we could make some sense of was the American WWF wrestling shows dubbed into Mandarin Chinese! I am not a fan of fake wrestling, but to watch American wrestlers yelling and threatening to break each other’s limbs in Chinese was too hilarious to pass up! To beat the cold, we had large piles of blankets on each bed. The food was Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8 Go Ye into all the World and Preach the them packages containing copies of all the faithbuilding books that we have published in the language native to this country, two of my books, as well as 11 titles by Brother Hagin. I must add here that these books have had a great impact in the lives left to right: Asia crusade team. School of Ministry session. good - hot plates of fried noodles every meal. It got somewhat monotonous after two days, but we got used to it, nevertheless. I located an Indian restaurant in town that served lamb brains and rice, and we enjoyed these whenever we chose not to enjoy the fried noodles. The people there were excited about the meetings, and over 450 pastors and ministers from all over the region came to attend the 5-day School of Ministry. After checking their registration details, we found that all were from non-Pentecostal backgrounds, except for two from the Assemblies of God church. They were from denominations like Roman Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterians, different kinds of Baptists, etc. The first teaching session was on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. At the end of the session, everyone came forward to receive the Holy Ghost. We proceeded to teach on faith, grace, biblical finances, healing, and several other subjects. We also held question and answer sessions every day that were very fruitful. The ministers eagerly received the teaching, and were very grateful. After the meetings ended, we gave of pastors and believers all over this nation. We receive many positive letters appreciating the teachings in these books. The School of Ministry sessions were held in the mornings and afternoons, and in the evenings we held indoor crusade meetings. The auditorium was packed every night, and many people even stood outside the building to hear the Word of God. Every night, we saw hundreds pack the altars seeking the Savior. God also gave great grace to confirm His Word with signs, wonders, and miracles. Many deaf ears were opened every night. Deafmutes began to hear and speak. We saw blind people receive their sight and paralyzed people who were carried in by their families, get up and walk. Others who had strokes and were partially paralyzed dropped the crutches and walked. Large tumors disappeared from people’s bodies. One man who was mentally deranged and had lost his memory was totally delivered. Many glorious miracles were done by our wonderful Lord Jesus in these meetings, and for all this we give Him all the glory, Left to right: Distribution of follow-up literature. Victoria with evangelists. e Gospel. honor, and praise because He alone is worthy! Many of our own churchplanting pioneers were also with us in for the conference. They had good reports of what the Lord is doing through their ministries. They are seeing people being saved and healed and their churches are thriving and growing. This is the fruit of our crusades and our family, I believe it is going to be tough for Britta and I to see them go, but this is the will of the Father. I, personally, feel it more and more as the days go by, and we need your prayers. Please do pray for our family! We are a pioneer mission, and the people we reach are those who are in desperate need of the Gospel. We have many crusades left to right: This woman was deaf and now she can hear. This mans deaf ears are now open. est of the poor who have nothing to give us in return. We are thankful for the priceless privilege of preaching the Gospel to those who have never heard of Jesus. There is a simple principle, “When we invite the poor to a feast, it is the rich who foot the bill!” We are privileged to live in a part of the world where there is prosperity and plenty. It costs a lot to spread the Gospel, but we can use the resources That is why we are thankful for those of you who support this ministry through your sacrificial giving, and by joining your hearts with ours and praying for us. Because of this, you have an equal share in the fruit borne through this ministry, all to the glory of our Lord Jesus. Thank you for standing with us! May the Lord bless you and use you for His Glory! In Christ Jesus, Christopher & Britta Alam Training Center for Church-planters in Asia. This year is a big year for us not just in ministry, but also for our family. Our two oldest children, Immanuel and Victoria, are going off to college. Since we are a very close-knit “huggingkissing-touchy-feely” left to right: This woman was paralyzed and now she walks! This man’s tumor disappeared. planned this year in poor countries, Schools of Ministry in various places, and also ministry in western Europe. In our crusades, we reach the poor- available to us, and take this Gospel to the lost. I call it “money not wasted, but money with a mission.” Please pray for Christopher and the crusade teams—for safety and protection, as well as for the people who will be impacted by the Gospel in meetings at these times and locations... April 1-3 April 19 - May 1 May 13-15 Bastrop Christian Outreach Center Bastrop, TX (Pastor Scott Stanek) Pentecostal Churches SWEDEN Living Word Christian Center Camp Meeting Lugano, SWITZERLAND (Donato Anzalone) April 15-18 May 3-8 Crusade Norton, ZIMBABWE Levende Ord (Living Word) Bergen, NORWAY (Pastor Enevald Flåten) Jesus Christ, the Same, yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8 DYNAMIS WORLD MINISTRIES a.k.a CHRISTOPHER ALAM MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL USA: 2384 New Holland Pike, Lancaster, PA, 17601 Tel: (717) 656.0362 Fax: (717) 390.0363 Email: dynamis-usa@pentecostalfire.com EUROPE: Lundvallsvagen 5, S-70233, Orebro, SWEDEN Tel: 46.(19).225483 Fax: 46.(19).223959 Email: info@dynamis-sweden.org AFRICA: P.O. Box AP73 Harare Airport, ZIMBABWE Tel & Fax: 263.(4).480.467 Email: dynamis@mango.zw www.pentecostalfire.com