GUINDON NEWSLETTER Number 42 Spring 2012 Our Goal Is to serve as a communicator for researching and tracing the Guindon Family history. Our primary focus will be the ancestors and descendants of Franҫois Guedon & Marie Molay’s son, Pierre Guindon, born 24 Sep 1662, St. Pierre du Marche, Ville du Loudun, township Chaelleraut, diocese Poitiers, Poitou, France. GUINDON.YANDEAU FAMILY REUNION BLOG We are pleased with the response on our Guindon family reunion survey. st On the 21 of November 1706 Pierre married Catharine Braza (widow of Vincellet) at the Notre Dame Church in Montreal, Quebec. Pierre died on the 26 of September 1733 at St. Franҫois Ile Jésus, Quebec. Pierre and Catharine’s children baptized at St Franҫois Ile Jésus.Quebec: 1. Jean Guindon 15 September 1707 You can fill out the Guindon Reunion Registration Form on our Guindon ReunionRegistration link If you have any questions please e-mail See page 2 for more information on blogging. m Madeline Labelle. 14 Feb 1729 2. Pierre b 6 Jul 1709 d Oct 1709 3. Paul Guindon 21 Aug 1710 m Marie Josette Aube. 16 Sept 1733 INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2 GUINDON CONNECTIONS– “OUR ANCESTORS FROM LOUDUN, FRANCE” 8 GUINDON GENEALOGY WEBSITES 9 GUINDON GENEALOGY MEMBERSHIP 10 GUINDON.YANDEAU REUNION 2012 BLOG 17 GUINDON REUNION REGISTRATION OPTIONS 18 GUINDON REUNION REGISTRATION FORM If you would like to be removed from The Guindon Newsletter e-mail list please e-mail lk.aitch”at” GUINDON GENEALOGY MEMBERSHIP $5.00 PER YEAR MAKE ALL CHEQUES PAYABLE TO: 'GUINDON 2000 ASSOCIATION' Send to MARY BOYCHUK (Membership) 10353 - 145th Street Edmonton, Alberta T5N 2X8 Phone 780-455-1828 E-mail: meboychuk”at” Newsletter Distributor Gail Fox E-mail: Gfoxyone”at” 13312 – 71st Street Edmonton, Alberta T5C 0M8 Newsletter Editor Laverne Aitchison E-mail: lk.aitch”at” GUINDON CONNECTIONS By Laverne Aitchison – editor lk.aitch “at” OUR ANCESTORS FROM LOUDUN, FRANCE Source: Edwin Bezzina thesis “Church Records of Loudun, France”, Guindon Newsletter Fall 2002 The following information was featured in the Guindon Newsletter Fall 2002. Edwin Bezzina at that time was a PH.D. Student in the Department of History at the University of Toronto, and was writing a doctoral dissertation on Protestant-Catholic relations in the town of Loudun, France from 1598 to 1665. Our thanks to Edwin Bezzina for his research of the history and documentation of our Guesdon/Guindon family in Loudun, France. (Edwin has no connection to the Guindon’s. This is only one part of the article he wrote) FRANҪOIS GUINDON AND MARIE MOLAY We can rest reasonably assured that Franҫois Guesdon first saw the light of day around 25 March 1622, and that his parents were Jean Guesdon, weaver, and Franҫoise Collet. Such a conclusion stands on the following evidence. The parish registers of Loudun for the year1694 speak of the burial of a certain Franҫois Guesdon master butcher on 22 of January, aged 73 at the time of his death. Counting backwards, that leads us to the birth and baptism in 1622 of the Franҫois Guesdon cited above. His profession provides the second clue: Franҫois’ entry into the butcher’s guild may have been smoothed by his mothers’ relatives, for our database tells us that several Catholic butchers in Loudun carried the last name Collet. Furthermore, in a marriage act dated 1680, we find in attendance Franҫois Guesdon butcher and his wife Marie Molay. “Baptismal act of Franҫois Guesdon son of Jean Guesdon weaver and Franҫoise Collet” 25 March 1622 baptismal registers of St-Pierre-du-Martray A.M. Loudun, GG 185. He married Marie Molay (Mollé), who was born Oct. 8, 1623 in the same parish and was the daughter of Louie Mollé (b. abt 1600) and Anne Chatelaine. The evidence here all seems to point to the same Franҫois Guesdon. Of course, it is not impossible that two Franҫois Guesdon were born and baptised in 1622, which would short circuit any decisive link between the baptismal and burial acts noted just above. Indeed the baptismal registers show that two Elisabeth Guesdon were baptised in Loudun in 1668, born to two separate couples. But this is the only example that we have, for all the Guesdon for the entire period 1598 to 1685. The available documents permit us to glean a few details about Franҫois’ socio-economic background. Before he died, Franҫois lived on the rue de la tour volue, located near the gate of Mirebeau. This quarter was not known for its wealthy inhabitants; most of those who lived here filled the ranks of the town’s artisan population. On the other hand, it was not the preserve of members of the lowest socio-economic categories either. One generally would have to venture outside the city walls for that. Franҫois was baptised in the parish St. Pierre du Marché. In turn, once married he baptised his children in either of the two parishes (but mostly in the Martray.) From all of this, it seems reasonable to conclude that Franҫois also grew up in Loudun. Seen through the eyes of a young boy, Loudun in the 1620s must have left him with many a story to tell. GUINDON NEWSLETTER -2- The town itself inspired awe in the eyes of any beholder, with its fortifications, its towers, its fortress, its ramparts, and its château. While not impregnable, Loudun’s military attributes certainly commanded respect. Walking through the streets, young Franҫois perhaps also observed the large number of lawyers, tax officials, and bureaucrats who worked in the town, for Loudun towered over the Loudanais region as its legal, administrative, and financial capital. Moreover, he must have been told at one point that a large part of the town’s population was Protestant, and perhaps on one occasion he had to rush to safety during an outbreak of violence between members of the two religions. (Except for a few years in the early seventeenth century, the Protestants of Loudun would remain a minority to the Catholics right up to the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes.) Franҫois’ town of origin underwent some dramatic changes in the following decade. In 1632, a plague slammed into Loudun and carried away a third of the town’s population. (While burial registers do not exist for this period, the fallout from this catastrophe must have been horrific, especially evident in the stark drop in baptisms during this period. Pierre Delaroche provides us with a casualty estimate of 3,700 persons.) Also, this period witnessed the end of the long struggle over the town’s fortifications between two local factions, factions that display a general – although not seamless – dividing line along religious difference. Loudun’s elaborate system of defense was torn down, and with it collapsed its military status. The Protestants continued to be marginalized in the town’s political and legal institutions, but they did manage to retain a foothold as tax officials and wealth merchants. Religion continued to divide the community, although numerous examples of interaction are not too difficult to find. However, in the early 1630s, one event divided the town like no other in its history: the Grandier affair. Perhaps Franҫois was one of the 6,000 spectators who filled the place Sainte-Croix on 18 August 1634, in order to behold the burning of the condemned priest Urbain Grandier. The unfortunate man was sent to the stake on the false charge of witchcraft, after a dubious trial involving a convent of possessed Ursuline nuns, an event that won for Loudun a notoriety that its citizens on the whole did not covet. At some point in his youth, Franҫois Guesdon must have served as a butcher’s apprentice, and then survived the ordeal to become a master butcher. As aforementioned, it is possible that he did so through one of his mother’s relatives, although the apprenticeship contract if found will tell all. Unfortunately, we do not know much about his activity as a butcher. We have a number of documents that involve the butchers’ guild, and while his relative Jacques Guesdon, also a butcher, appears in one of them, Franҫois is entirely absent. We do know that Franҫois was still a butcher in 1680, because with his wife he attends the signing of a marriage act, and, when asked, he declares himself to be a butcher. Moreover, his burial act confirms the same fact. But, beyond that, we have no evidence that Franҫois played an important role in the guild (say as one of the maîtres jurés.) It is also unfortunate that we know little about Franҫois’ wife, Marie Molay. We do not know even the socio-economic milieu from whence she came, although in all likelihood it was similar to that of her husband. She did have a female relative named Jeanne Molay, who appears as godmother in the baptismal act of Jean Guesdon, son of Franҫois GUINDON NEWSLETTER -3- Guesdon and Marie Molay (perhaps the same Jean Guesdon who left for New France.) And even after thirteen pregnancies, Marie Molay still managed to outlive her husband, because she appears as his widow in the marriage of their son, Jean, in 1698. Marie Molay and her husband must have been married sometime before 1653, and, as aforementioned, they baptised all but two of their children in the more plebeian parish St. Pierre du Martray. Following a pattern described above, the parents the godparents on the whole probably share the same socio-economic status, with the exception of Paul Oryau procurator. Of course, a large number of the godfathers did sign the baptismal acts in which they took part, which suggest some degree of education; but, the majority of their names do not represent recognizable members of the town’s social elites. Baptism register of St. Pierre du Martray A.M. Loudun, France Children of Franҫois Guesdon and Marie Molay Joseph Jean Guesdon 16 Feb 1653. Pierre Guesdon 15 Mar 1654; and died before 1662. Antoine Guindon 2 Jun 1656 Franҫois Guesdon 14 Jan 1657; and died before 1665. Marie Guesdon 11 May 1658; and probably died in infancy. Marie Guesdon 16 Nov, 1659. Jeanne Guesdon 22 Feb 1661 PIERRE GUESDON 24 Sep 1662 d 1773 Occupation Butcher (OUR ANCESTOR) Charles Guesdon 24 Oct 1663. Franҫois Guesdon 14 March 1665. Jean Guesdon Elisabeth Guindon baptized 1668 Franҫoise Guesdon baptized 8 Aug 1669 NOTE: To confirm these baptisms check this website: Departmental Archives of Vienna Most common name spelling variations for GUESDON: Gesdon, Guédon, Guidon, Guydon, Guesdonne, Guindon Edwin Bezzina is currently the Assistant Professor Grenfell Campus Memorial University of Newfoundland E-mail: No connection to the Guindon Family. Source: Edwin Bezzina research 2002 Marriage Registers of the Parish St. Pierre du Marche, Loudun – after 1685 Archives Municpales de Loudun GG42 "Marriage act between, on the one hand, Jean Guesdon son of the deceased Franҫois Guesdon and Marie Molay, and on the other, Franҫoise Guesdon daughter of Rene Guesdon and Marie Lunet" 1 July 1698, marriage registers of the parish St. Pierre du Marche, Archives Municipales de Loudun GG42 GUINDON NEWSLETTER -4- We assume that this is the Jean Guindon who returned to his native Loudun after his stay in Hotel dieu de Quebec. The scribe record in the margin of the marriage record states that the newlyweds planned to live in a nearby village of Veniers. However Jean's marriage was short lived as he died sometime before the birth of his first child. Perhaps the illness that struck him in Quebec returned in 1698 to deliver the final blow. (There is a reference to the burial of a certain Jean Guesdon on 25 September 1698, aged 29 years of age). PIERRE AND JEAN GUESDON According to the first census of New France in 1666 there were about 2500 people living in the Montreal to Quebec City area. Pierre and his brother, Jean Guindon, came from Saint-Pierre-du-Martay Parish, Loudun, France to "New France" as a volunteer. On 6 Aug 1688 Franҫois Hazeur, who had a tradesman service in Quebec, hired Pierre to work at the water mill under construction in Malbaie. According to Pierre's pre-arranged agreement, Pierre married Catharine RouchelletBraza 21 Nov 1706 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Pierre died September 26, 1733 and was buried September 27, 1733 in St-Franҫois-de-Sales cemetery. DID YOU KNOW……………… Guindon surname first written as Guesdon in the church records of Loudun, France in the 1500’s? Variations of the Guesdon spelling in France is Gesdon, Guédon, Guidon, Guydon, Guesdonne? The Guesdons of Loudun were butchers, shoemakers, merchants and breadmakers? Our Franҫois Guesdon (Guindon) was a master butcher in Loudun, France? Our French surname Guindon is of occupational origin, based on the work a man once did? Guindon comes from an old Norman verb “grinder” meaning to hoist, to windlass, to send up? Guindon is one of the lesser known names of French origin in Canada and the USA? The first Guesdon (Pierre and his brother Jean) came to New France about 1688? Pierre Guindon married Catharine Barza in Montreal, Quebec 21 November 1706? In the late 1800’s the Guindon name is anglicised to different variations of Yandeau, Yandon etc? Many of the Guindons became farmers in Canada and the United States? Today the Guindon and variations of the name (Yandeau, Yandaw, etc.) can be found in almost every province in Canada and state in the United States? Guindon Family Trees 13,178 Member Family Trees (Duplications without sourcing) Yandeau Family Trees Public Member Trees 202 (Duplications without sourcing) Yandow Family Trees Cemetery: (n) A marble orchard not to be taken for granite GUINDON NEWSLETTER -5- LOUDUN, FRANCE You will find the location of Loudun on the map of France of regions in Lambert 93 coordinates. The city of Loudun is located in the department of Vienne of the French region PoitouCharentes. Distance between Loudun and Paris : 266.05 kilometers Distance between Loudun and Marseille : 586.03 kilometers Distance between Loudun and Lyon : 389.86 kilometers Distance between Loudun and Toulouse : 393.55 kilometers Distance between Loudun and Nice : 669.70 kilometers Distance between Loudun and Nantes : 125.73 kilometers Distance between Loudun and Strasbourg : 598.76 kilometers Distance between Loudun and Montpellier : 480.06 kilometers Distance between Loudun and Bordeaux : 245.87 kilometers Distance between Loudun and Lille : 456.81 kilometers Distance between Loudun and Rennes : 179.81 kilometers Distance between Loudun and Reims : 385.02 kilometers Loudun is a commune in the Vienne department in the Poitou-Charentes region in western France. It is located 30 km (19 mi) south of the town of Chinon and 25 km to the east of the town Thouars. The area south of Loudun is the place of origin of a significant portion of the Acadians, one of the early founding people of New France in Canada GUINDON/YANDEAU/YANDOW GENEALOGY FAMILY WEBSITES Genealogy Tree Family: Guindon Guindon Family Joseph Guindon Guindon Family: Yandeau Genealogy Yandow Genealogy GUINDON NEWSLETTER -6- SOURCES USED TO PROVE FAMILY CONNECTIONS: QUEBEC VITAL AND CHURCH RECORDS (DROUIN COLLECTION), 1621-1967 Until the late 1900s, church registers in Quebec served as civil and vital records in that province. Throughout the years a second copy of church records, from all denominations, was sent annually to the appropriate courthouse. During the 1940s the vital record collections in courthouses throughout Quebec were filmed by the Institut Généalogique Drouin. The filming of vital records continued for some areas up through the 1960s. Consequently, this filmed set of records became known as the Drouin Collection. PRDH’s Programme de Recherche en Démographie Historique A complete list of all people who lived in the Saint Laurence Vallie of Quebec before 1800. Two levels of searches, some free and some for a fee. The data was gathered from the parish registers of old Quebec. By systematic attribution of baptism, marriage, and burial certificates to the respective individuals – a "family reconstitution" made on the basis of names and family ties – people are identified and their biographies established. FILLES DU ROI - THE KING’S DAUGHTERS The Filles du Roi was founded in 1994 by amateur genealogists, members, and former members of the Canadian section of the Genealogy Bulletin Board on the Prodigy on-line service. The purpose of La Société des Filles du roi et soldats du Carignan is to honor the memory of our courageous ancestors, the filles du roi (King's Daughters) and the soldiers of the CarignanSalières Regiment of 17th century New France. OLD FAMILY PHOTOS Bring your old family photos so we can display them at our Family Reunion in Westlock, Alberta. We found that by placing them in a plastic sleeve for protection when being handled preserves your pictures. Also be sure and mark them with your name and address, phone number so you can identify the pictures you brought to share with everyone. The family photos or family books will be on a display table on Saturday. Please be sure and remove them when you leave. Leonard Thomas (Tom) Yandeau Born 1875 Combermere Ontario Named after his father Leonard And his Uncle Thomas Yondau GUINDON NEWSLETTER -7- WEBSITES: NEW TOOL FOR QUEBEC GENEALOGY The federated search engine offered on this page was launched and is maintained by Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ). Library and Archives Canada (LAC) partners with BAnQ to oversee the evolution of this project which is also supported by the Council of Provincial and Territorial Archivists (CPTA) of Canada. The search tool, free of charge and available in French and in English, leads to genealogy and family history databases hosted by federal, provincial or territorial archives centres and libraries, or by other partners. QUEBEC GENEALOGY & FAMILY HISTORY Search for your Quebec ancestors in these genealogy and family history records and resources focused on Quebec genealogy. Includes Quebec archives, online records and databases, research guides, lookups, queries, genealogical and historical societies, and Quebec surnames. French Translation FRENCH GENEALOGY OF NORTH AMERICA, Your gateway to Franco-American and French-Canadian Genealogy on the Internet FRENCH CANADIAN/ACADIAN GENEALOGISTS OF WISCONSIN The French Canadian/Acadian Genealogists of Wisconsin Quarterly features articles on French Canadian/Acadian research, also historical as well as cultural information, published genealogies, and news about many current genealogical events. The annually published surname list consists of major surnames being researched by members. AMERICAN-CANADIAN GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY The American-Canadian Genealogist is the official quarterly journal of the American-Canadian Genealogical Society and a major benefit of membership in our society. Regular segments include letters to the editor, messages from the President and the Editor, Book Reviews, From Other Publications, Queries, New Members, Étoile d'Acadie, and our Readers' Forum. Visit our Genealogist web page to find out more about this great member benefit, and download a free sample issue. Back issues are available through our catalog. AMERICAN-FRENCH GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY (AFGS) A read-only mailing list for members of the American-French Genealogical Society (AFGS) or anyone interested in AFGS activities who would like an electronic version of the AFGnewS that is sent bi-monthly by postal mail to members. The AFGS is a genealogical and historical organization dedicated to the study and preservation of the French-Canadian culture. Additional information can be found on the AFGS web page. To subscribe send "subscribe" to IMMIGRANTS TO CANADA AN ADMINISTRATIVE ATLAS OF ONTARIO by Marc Schindler GUINDON NEWSLETTER -8- GUINDON GENEALOGY MEMBERSHIP Membership dues are paid on an annual basis and are valid for 12 months after joining. Benefits of membership include: Keeping informed of family connections and family reunions. Guindon.Yandeau.Reunion Blog Newsletter published twice a year – spring and fall. (1985) Galahad, AB (1992) Plumas, MB (1995) Barry’s Bay, ON (2000) Hammond, ON (2005) Edmonton, AB (2012) Westlock, AB Personal Membership Fees per family…………………………………………….. $5.00 Payment by personal cheque drawn on a Canadian Bank I would like to support the Guindon Reunions with its ongoing effort to share and connect the Guindon Genealogy by making the following additional donation. [ ] $5.00 [ ] $10.00 [ ] $15.00 [ ] Other NAME:_______________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________________________________ CITY___________________PROVINCE/STATE ____________ POSTAL CODE/ZIP________E-MAIL_____________________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $________________ PLEASE RETURN FORM WITH CHEQUE/CDN MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO/SCP RETOURNER AVEC UN CHEQUE LIBELLE AU NOM DE “GUINDON 2000 ASSOCIATION” Mail to/Retourner a MARY BOYCHUK (Membership) 10353 – 145th Street Edmonton, Alberta T5N 2X8 GUINDON NEWSLETTER -9- GUINDON.YANDEAU FAMILY REUNION BLOG CHECK PERIODICALLY FOR UPDATES ON THE REUNION ANY questions or comments you do not wish to post on the blog please send to: HOW TO SIGN UP ON THE GUINDON YANDEAU FAMILY REUNION BLOG Go to Find the Follow button on the bottom of the screen. If you do not have a Google account you can use twitter or yahoo otherwise it is best to create a Google account first. ( Step 2 Step 1 Step 3 Enter the name you wish to be recognized by online Step 4 Click here GUINDON NEWSLETTER -10- OUR REUNION GOAL is to create a pleasant and informative weekend, where we can meet many Guindon connections, sort out relationships, appreciate our roots, renew acquaintances at a minimal but realistic cost. A LITTLE REMINDER! The 2012 Family Reunion and the Newsletters informing you and your family of this event are the efforts of a group of individuals that share an interest and enthusiasm in bringing the family together. We are all volunteers in a labor of love, donating time, money, knowledge, and part of our sanity to make a weekend in July an enjoyable and enriching occasion. We would like to thank the families that have been so generous and supportive for they provide the reassurance that the efforts we put forth will make the Guindon Family Reunion a weekend of cherished memories . PRIZES If you have some-thing you would like to donate for a prize or to be used for our silent auction please contact: Faye Boychuk Dorene Yohemas JennyLynn Williams (780) 467-9388 (780) 467-2251 (780) 674-6471 GUINDON COLLECTION FAMILY RECIPE BOOK The 1992 Guindon Collection Family Recipe Book will be available at the upcoming Guindon Reunion for a special price of $10.00. “WHERE HAVE ALL THE YANDEAU’S GONE?” authored by Laverne Aitchison 1992 Reduced price of $25.00 at Reunion only. If your family connects to: Leonard & Mary Ann (Hoover) YANDEAU or Leonard Yandeau’s brother, Thomas & Martha (Elcome) YANDAW of Combermere, Ontario this book will be available for purchase at the family reunion. Contact Laverne Aitchison GUINDON NEWSLETTER -11- REPORT FROM THE PLANNING COMMITTEE GUINDON REUNION: July 27, 28, 29, 2012 WESTLOCK INN & CONFERENCE CENTRE, PEMBINA ROOM, 10411 100 St. WESTLOCK, ALBERTA Special reunion rate: $79.95 per night+tax (Westlock Inn 1-888-768-9959) MEET AND GREET – Friday July 27 - 4:00PM to 8:00PM Your registration package will be available at The Westlock Inn & Conference Centre, Pembina Room, Westlock, Alberta between 4:00 – 8:00 pm Friday. It will provide a central place to gather in Westlock before the main activities on Saturday. FAMILY GOLF SCRAMBLE – Saturday July 28 - 7:00AM To all interested golfers: please indicate your interest in participating in a Family Golf Scramble to be held Saturday morning July 28 beginning at 7:00am. The golf fees are $30.00 for a round of 9 or $44.00 for a round of 18. Cart rental is $11.00 per person for 9 holes or $16.00 per person for 18 holes. We must provide a list of names to book tee-off times 4 weeks prior to the reunion. If you have any questions please contact: or Blaine or Sherry Fraser Phone 1-780-723-3063 GENEALOGY DISPLAY AND GENEALOGY LIBRARY SET-UP (ON LINE TOUR) FAMILY PHOTO DISPLAY There will be a display area for your family photos (Do you know this relative?), to help people identify relatives in old photos. GENELAOGY PROGRAMS: There will be a round table of computers with internet access. Some of the programs used by our family to keep track of our ancestors ie: Legacy, Roots Magic, Family Tree Maker, Personal Ancestral File, Family Search and to name a few. Volunteers from the Barrhead Family History Library will share their knowledge of these programs. FAMILY GROUP PHOTOS – Saturday July 28 - 1:00 - 3:00PM Photographers will be busy photographing as many events as possible throughout the weekend but the highlight will be on Saturday afternoon between 1:00PM and 3:00PM at the Westlock Inn. Group photos will be taken at that time in the banquet room and we hope to have everyone included. Prices will be listed in your registration package. Check Portraits Photography and ‘Framing website GUINDON NEWSLETTER -12- CHILDREN’S EVENTS - July 28 from 3:30 – 5:00PM The children events will take place at the Westlock Inn. The events are being planned by our committee members with activities for all age groups. RECEPTION – July 28 from 3:00 – 10:00PM A non-alcoholic punch will be served and a cash bar will be available. Prices will be listed in your registration package. BANQUET SUPPER – July 28 at 6:00PM MENU Oven roasted Chicken & sauce Chef's choice of second meat Chef's choice of Three Salads Mashed Potatoes Rice Vegetable Crudités tray with herb dip Seasonal Vegetables Buns & butter Assorted Desserts Coffee and tea Note: Cash bar and soft drink tickets will be available. Supper will be followed by an evening of entertainment, family history, and the awarding of prizes. SUNDAY – JULY 29 RISE N' SHINE PANCAKE BREAKFAST BUFFET Pancakes with Maple Syrup Scrambled Eggs Hash Browns Bacon and Sausage Fresh Fruit Platter Apple Juice & Orange Juice Coffee and tea GUINDON NEWSLETTER -13- Check out the Edmonton Tourist Information Site: Westlock is 85 km north of Edmonton on Highway 2 – follow the directions below. Edmonton to Calgary. 183 miles/295 km MAP Westlock Inn, Mountie Park Campground, Westlock Golf Map & Directions Directions to the WESTLOCK INN 10411 100 St.: (NOT WESTLOCK HOTEL) Follow Highway 2 to Clyde Corner. Turn left (west) onto Highway 18 Westlock Inn is at the Junction of Highway 44 and Highway 18 Mountie Park Campground: Westlock Golf Course Our blog or facebook for updates for the Guindon/Yandeau Family Reunion July 2012: BLOG: E-MAIL: FACEBOOK E-MAIL: GUINDON NEWSLETTER -14- COMMITTEE MEMBERS ANYONE INTERSTED IN DONATING PRIZES FOR THESE DIFFERENT EVENTS, PLEASE CONTACT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Chairperson: Jodi Williams:780-584-2293 Golf Tournament Co-ordinator Blaine & Sherry Fraser 780-723-3063 Guindon Newsletter Editor Laverne Aitchison Treasurer Mary Boychuk Public Relations Co-ordinators Katrina & Clinton Nielsen 780-217-7831 Event Recorder Joyce Fraser Guindon Newsletter Mailing Gail Fox 13312 – 71st Street Edmonton, Alberta T5C 0M8 Photographers Portraits Photography & Framing Computers Debra Fox Decorations & Fundraiser Faye Boychuk Dorene Yohemas 780-467-2251 JennyLynn Williams Guindon Yandeau Reunion Volunteers Lillian McFadden Lisa Hoecherl Entertainment Tom & Jannicke Yohemas Children Event’s Co-ordinators Katrina Nielsen: 780-217-7831 Guindon/Yandeau Reunion Blog Sherry Fraser 780-723-3063 blog/facebook for T-shirts T-shirts $20.00 each Guindon Yandeau Facebook Contact GUINDON NEWSLETTER -15- Deadline for registration is: July 1, 2012 Please be sure to complete the forms on page 16 and 17 and enter your totals on the Registration Dues Form on page 18. Mail all three pages (16, 17 & 18) with a Canadian cheque or US money order in Canadian funds made out to “GUINDON 2000 ASSOCIATION” Mail to /Retourner à: Mary Boychuk 10353 – 145 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5N 2X8 Feel free to make copies of this form or forward registration packet by email to family members that we may have missed. For questions, please contact: 1-780-584-2293 Jodi Williams or Laverne Aitchison REUNION T-SHIRT SIZE FORM Youth Sizes S, M, L Adult Sizes S,M, L, XL, 1X,2X, 3X, 4X 15.00 20.00 Name 1 2 3 4 Sub Total Please carry forward to page 18 GUINDON NEWSLETTER -16- GUINDON REUNION REGISTRATION Mail all three pages (14, 15 & 16) with a Canadian cheque or US money order in Canadian funds made out to 'GUINDON 2000 ASSOCIATION' MARY BOYCHUK (Membership) 10353 - 145th Street Edmonton, Alberta T5N 2X8 Phone 780-455-1828 E-mail: meboychuk”at” Send to 1. Basic registration fee: DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY MEALS • Includes one registration kit and family directory. • Full access to all family history displays at the Westlock Inn • An opportunity to meet with family members • Participate in the group photos • Reception from 3:00-6:00PM (Punch included) This helps pay for the cost of the banquet room, the cost of the registration kit, family directory and other administrative/planning costs 2. Banquet Supper: Saturday Banquet & Entertainment 4. Special Events: Free to All Children’s Activities 3. Sunday Brunch: Pancake breakfast Professional Group Pictures Family History Display Genealogy Family History. OPTION A $45 per person $20 per child 4 yrs-12 yrs Children under 4 FREE OPTION B $35 per person $15 per child 4 yrs - 12 yrs Children under 4 FREE OPTION C $15 per adult $7 per child 4 yrs - 12 yrs Children under 4 FREE 1. Basic Registration 2. Banquet & Supper 3. Sunday Brunch 1. Basic Registration 2. Banquet & Supper 1.Basic Registration ONLY 3. Sunday Brunch ONLY # of children Option Option Option Option A B C D includes includes includes includes OPTION D $15 per person $7 per child 4 yrs – 12yrs Children under 4 FREE # of adults 1, 2, 3 1, 2 Basic Registration Only Sunday Brunch Only $ $ $ $ SUB TOTAL REUNION REGISTRATION $ Please carry amount forward to page 18 GUINDON NEWSLETTER -17- GUINDON REUNION 2012 REGISTRATION FORM Names of Family Members including children and their ages ADDRESS E-MAIL TELEPHONE Please attach the T-shirt order form (page 16) and the reunion registration (page 17) REUNION REGISTRATION Sub-Total forwarded from page 17 $ Golf Tournament Cart x $11/person for 9 holes or $16/person for 18 holes $ $ T-Shirts $___________ Number of players x $30/person for 9 holes or $44/person for 18 holes Sub-Total forwarded from page 16 GUINDON NEWSLETTER - $5.00 PER YEAR See page 9 for details AMOUNT ENCLOSED/MONTANT CI-JOINT TOTAL $ $ Mail all three pages (16, 17 & 18) with a Canadian cheque or US money order in Canadian funds made out to “GUINDON 2000 ASSOCIATION” REGISTRATION DEADLINE 1 JULY 2012 Please Mail to : Mary Boychuk 10353 – 145 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5N 2X8 GUINDON NEWSLETTER -18-