April Edition 2013 - Lakeshore Public Schools


April Edition 2013 - Lakeshore Public Schools
april 2013
The 2013 bond
proposals were
developed by a
team of community
members, staff, and
students. Visit the
Lakeshore Public
School’s website for
more information.
Team Lance-A-Bot Wins District Awards
2013 Facility Bond Project –
Addressing Current Educational Needs and Bringing the Facilities Up to Date
On May 7, 2013, Lakeshore School District residents will be asked to vote in response to two
very critical bond proposals.
These bond proposals were developed by a team of
community members, staff, and students who were
dedicated to doing whatever it
takes to provide our students
On May 7, 2013,
and staff with facilities that
Lakeshore School
would support our work preDistrict residents
paring children for college and
will be asked to
careers. They worked diligently
vote in response
for the past year to analyze the
to two very
existing facilities, develop a
critical bond
long range facility improvement
plan, survey community members about their perspectives
relative to facility improvements, and held community
forums where they both shared information and lis-
tened to those who had concerns and/or questions
about the committee’s recommendations.
The result of their work is
a ballot initiative with two
critical bond proposals based
on the basic needs of Lakeshore Schools. Both proposals are needed in order for
Lakeshore to meet today’s
standards and expectations
for high quality educational
Both proposals are
needed in order
for Lakeshore
to meet today’s
standards and expectations for high
quality educational programs.
The purpose of this article is to provide you
with basic information about both proposals
and to help you understand why they are both
essential to our community.
Continued on PAGE 2.
5771 Cleveland Avenue - Stevensville, MI 49127 PH 269-428-1400 lakeshoreschools.k12.mi.us
2-4 Facility Bond Project
5 Excellence Foundation
6-7 Hollywood Elementary
8-9 Roosevelt Elementary
10-11 Stewart Elementary
12-13 Middle School
14-18 High School
19 Tween Activities
2013 Facility Bond Project
Proposal 1
This proposal will directly impact all five of the Lakeshore school buildings.
There are four major areas of focus in this proposal:
• Upgrading the building infrastructure ( energy efficient/cost effective
heating and cooling, mechanical and electrical management systems)
• Addressing technology infrastructure needs (including district-wide
wireless access), and providing a computing device to every student for
anytime, anywhere, access to their studies
• Improving campus safety to include improved drop-off/pick-up loops,
added fencing around playgrounds, additional video security equipment,
and remodeling of the school entrances to monitor visitor activity
There currently isn’t
• Enhancing the vocational program spaces at both the middle school
enough space in our
and high school and create a new Manufacturing Technology Lab
• Expand the size of the high school classrooms to enable students to
elementary classrooms
learn in the same way they will have to work in the future: through an
for students to acinteractive process in small groups, with partners, and individually
complish the curricular
• Improve the seventh grade science classrooms to include lab space
expectations of today.
Proposal 2
This proposal is absolutely essential for the elementary schools in Lakeshore.
There currently isn’t enough space in our elementary classrooms for students to accomplish the curricular expectations of today.
Students currently must work in hallways and other spaces
This proposal
throughout the building on their classroom projects –limitis absolutely
ing the students’ ability to work on their projects over an
essential for
extended period of time and causing challenges relative to
the elementary
adequate supervision and safety.
Kindergartners are hard at work
learning site words.
This proposal has two major areas of focus:
schools in
• Expanding all elementary classroom sizes to accommodate for engaging, active learning environments supported by modern
classroom technology (three classrooms will be transformed into two
The middle school choir practices for upcoming concerts.
• Building a new elementary school on district-owned property on the
south side of the district, to house the classrooms that will be displaced
on the existing sites due to the classroom expansion (This is not being
done to house additional schools of choice students or increasing Lakeshore enrollment – it is just replacing the classroom space that is lost in
the existing schools due to the classroom expansions.)
Continued NEXT PAGE ...
Continued from PAGE 2.
2013 Facility Bond Project
Through many discussions with Lakeshore community members
there are two questions that come up frequently. In the balance of
this article, I will answer those questions.
The Facility
1. Why does Lakeshore need to build a new
studied several
The Facility Improvement Committee studied several difdifferent options
ferent options for addressing the need to expand classfor addressrooms. In the end, they determined that the option that
ing the need to
best served the district was to add a new elementary
expand classschool for the following reasons:
Middle School Career Day had
some great surprizes.
• The current sites were too small to accommodate additional classrooms without significantly impacting playgrounds, traffic
flow patterns and the space around the schools.
• The cost of adding classrooms at Stewart and Hollywood was nearly
the same cost as building a new school because of the cost to relocate
playgrounds and move traffic areas in addition to doing the remodeling
and expansion. The new school will cost just 2% more ($1.1 million)
than the cost of building additions to Stewart and Hollywood.
Middle School students enjoyed all
the activities of Career Day.
• Adding second story additions was not an option from a construction
and cost standpoint.
• The families on the south side of the district do not have a neighborhood school – something that has always been important in Lakeshore.
• Safety would be enhanced with smaller schools. Both Hollywood and
Stewart would have approximately 200 students, as opposed to the
current 400+ students. The new school would house approximately
150 students.
• Cross district transportation would be significantly reduced.
Middle School students create beauty
with flowers during Career Day.
• Several Lakeshore students attend Bridgman because it is closer to
their homes. A new school on the south side of the district will be
closer for them and potentially be a more viable option for them.
2. With uncertain school funding, how can the district afford to
operate another school?
A tremendous amount of thought and discussion took place around this
question. In the end, the committee determined the additional operational costs would be minimal and not adversely impact the district for the
following reasons:
Continued NEXT PAGE ...
Presenters made Career Day a great
opportunity for middle school students to learn about job possibilities.
2013 Facility Bond Project
Career Day 2013 was a great educational event.
• The new school will be smaller and more energy efficient than the
• No new administrators will be hired. Our intention is to add principal
responsibilities to an existing administration member. Discussions
are currently underway to consider the many options to achieve this
personnel efficiency.
• The size of the new school will be very small, requiring minimal custodial/maintenance support.
• One new secretary will be hired for the new school.
• No new teachers will be required, as this is just relocating classrooms
that will be eliminated from the existing schools, due to the remodeling for larger classroom spaces.
3) Many families LOVE their current school and do not want to
move to a new school. Will families be required to move to
the new school? Will teachers be required to move?
Auto body work captivated student’s
attention on Career Day.
• No. Families who are already in a Lakeshore elementary school will
not be required to move to the new school. Baroda residents will
have first choice to attend the new school and then, if
space allows, other Lakeshore families can apply to atStrong
schools result
• Teachers will have the option of applying to teach in the
new school. With the small number of classrooms in
that school, we are confident that we will be able to staff
it without requiring teachers to work there.
Hands-on learning opportunities were
everywhere on Career Day.
I am sure you have a number of questions that I have not
been able to address in this issue of the Lakeshore Light.
Please go to the District website and click on the button for
the Lakeshore Bond Project for much more information. You
will find answers to frequently asked questions, preliminary
drawings, brief videos, and more.
in strong
Thank you for
your continued support
of the Lakeshore School
Strong schools result in strong communities! Thank you for your
continued support of the Lakeshore School District. The future of
Lakeshore Schools is in your hands. Please take the time to read
about the proposals and get to the voting booth on May 7.
Very sincerely,
Photography was a big hit on Career
Cindy Vujea
Lakeshore Excellence Foundation
Tee off for Excellence - June 24 at Harbor Shores
It’s time to sign-up for the 11th Annual Lakeshore Excellence Foundation
Golf Outing. We are very excited to announce a NEW date and a NEW
location for our event this year. The outing will be
held on Monday, June 24th, at Harbor Shores Golf
Club in Benton Harbor.
The outing will be a scramble format with a shotgun
start beginning at 8:00 A.M. Registration will begin
at 7:15 A.M. The event will cost $250 per person and
will include 18 holes of golf, a cart, lunch buffet, golf
shirt, tee gifts, and great prizes.
There will be a raffle and individual hole events,
including a hole-in-one contest. So, please gather a group of friends and
form a team to come have fun and help support the LEF in their
efforts to enhance and enrich the educational experiences of
NEW date
our students.
and NEW
location for
the LEF Golf
The LEF relies on the golf outing to fund the majority of our
projects. Please support us by playing, sponsoring a hole, or
making a donation. We have many opportunities for businesses
to sponsor our outing. For more information about the event,
please contact Event Chairman, Tom Mikel, at 269-876-7630.
Assets Advisory Committee Sponsors
Wheelchair Basketball Game
The high school Assets Advisory Committee (AAC) is inviting the community to a fun, exciting evening of Wheelchair Basketball Games. The
event will be held on Saturday, May 4th, beginning at 6:30 P.M. at the
high school gym.
The first game will be between two competitive wheelchair teams the Turnstone
Flyers from Fort Wayne and the Junior Pacers from Grand Rapids. Lakeshore
junior Caleb VanderWeide is a member of the Junior Pacers team. The second
game of the night will be a “friendly competitive” game between members of
the Grand Rapids team and the Lakeshore Rollers. The Rollers team will consist
of Lakeshore High School staff and students. There will also be fun games for
some of the audience during the intermission and between the quarters. There
will be a 50/50 raffle and concessions available as well. Admission is $3 for
adults, $2 for high school and middle school students, and elementary students
and younger are FREE. Tickets available at the door.
High School State Solo
Ensemble Festival
April 19, Portage Central
Middle School Vocal Solo
April 26, Berrien Springs
Apr. 27-28
BCD Spring Dance Concert, 7 PM, LHS
April 30
Roosevelt Elementary
Spring Concert
(3rd and 4th grade)
LHS Auditorium @ 7 pm
May 1
Stewart Elementary
Spring Concert (3rd &
4th grades)
LHS Auditorium @ 7 pm
Middle School Choirs
Chicago Trip, May 1
High School Choirs Spring
Tuesday, May 7, 6:00
P.M., The Chapel
BCD Spring Dance Concert: May 10-11, 7 P.M.,
Middle School Choirs
Spring Concert
Tuesday, May 21, 7:00
May 27
Memorial Day
No School - Holiday
Hollywood Elementary | lakeshoreschools.k12.mi.us/hollywood | PH 269 428 1414
Lake Michigan College hosts Science
Olympiad 2013.
The Box Top Challenge turns into an opportunity for giving.
Volunteers make learning even more
fun at the Science Olympiad.
Mrs. McLean's 2nd grade class recently won $385 in a Box Top challenge.
The kids were brainstorming ways that they could spend their money,
when they heard that a local child was sick. One of the students asked
their teacher if they could donate their winnings to this child, and all of the
other students immediately chimed in with "YES!". Elementary students
at Lakeshore have been learning what it means to be a hero, and these
students showed they have been listening.
Guided Reading Groups!
Hands-on science experiments designed to excite and educate.
Students enjoyed competing with
others from across the county.
Guided reading groups are
a common sight in elementary classrooms. They are
an important component
of reading
instruction. Guided reading
During guid- groups are a
ed reading
common sight
in elementary
students are classrooms.
to new skills
Guided reading groups are an important component of
and have the opportunity to
reading instruction.
practice them with a teacher
and a few friends. Often, young readers will practice decoding, comprehension, and fluency together. A child can read with a small group more comfortably than with a whole class listening. Students can be grouped according to specific skills that can be addressed in a focused way by the teacher.
Along with all the great learning taking place, guided reading groups can be a
fun experience for everybody!
Hollywood Elementary | 143 East John Beers Road | Stevensville, MI 49127
Twenty-nine 4th and 5th grade students from Hollywood Elementary participated in the 2013 Science Olympiad held at Lake Michigan College.
Students from across the county got to participate in hands-on science
experiments that were designed with the intent to excite
and educate. Several Hollywood parents volunteered their
time before and during the event, including Bob Mischke
participated in
who made our school an incredible stainless steel egg-drop
hands-on scitarget that will be used in future Science Olympiad events!
ence experiStudents made catapults, juice-can racers, egg drop protecments that
tion devices, and bottle rockets. In other events during the
were designed Olympiad students were also able to: make ice cream, mine
with the incookies, build barges, and make electric circuits work. We
tent to excite
definitely have amazing parents at Hollywood who give back.
We appreciate their time and support of the event!
and educate.
Science Olympiad 2013 was a great
experience for students.
Student’s Reactions:
“It was fun! We got to find the mass of chocolate chips and
watch how high our bottle rocket flew!” --Erin C
“I liked Science Olympiad. We all got to do things that interested us. My
favorite was Whiz, Bang, Burp because we got to burp the balloon’s gas!”
--Morgan D.
Science Olympiad students enjoy
learning together and sharing ideas.
“It is the most educational fun I have ever had!” --Ciava C.
“I didn’t think something that educational could be that much fun!”
--Madeline W.
wax museum
The 3rd grade students from Mrs.
Ascolese and Mr. Castonguay’s third
grade classes preformed their lines
at the Hollywood Wax Museum. The
Wax Museum was the final project
where students shared facts after
writing a biography report on famous
people around the world. What a
fun way to bring writing to life!
Fun and learning go hand-in-hand at
the Science Olympiad.
Volunteers showed great support for
the Science Olympiad 2013.
Roosevelt Elementary | lakeshoreschools.k12.mi.us/roosevelt | PH 269 428 1416
100 Day
Students enjoy many activities in celebration of the
100th Day of Learning!
Students enjoyed wearing their 100’s
Girls On The Run Program
Thanks to the dedication of several
teacher and parent volunteers,
Roosevelt Elementary
is proud to be a part
Thank you to
of Girls on the Run of
the United
Berrien County! United
Way of SW
Way brought Girls on the
Michigan for
Run to Berrien County in
their spon2009 to combat some of
sorship of
the issues facing young
this progirls today: negative
Girls On the Run inspires young girls to be active.
body image, childhood
obesity, negative media influences, bullying, and gossip. In its
inaugural year, Roosevelt Elementary has three teams and 32 girls participating! The 2013 United Way of Southwest Michigan Girls on the Run 5K will take
place on Thursday, May 23rd at the Berrien County Youth Fair Grounds. Sounds of Science
Mrs. King’s third grade friends enjoyed a day
of music thanks to the new science standards
that have them exploring sound. The students
created instruments at home using “everyday
items” and together they created a band. The
students learned about pitch, tone, and sound
waves as they created beautiful music together.
Zero the Hero made an appearance
on 100 day.
The sounds of science filled the air.
Guest Readers Add Extra Excitement for Reading
In celebration of March is Reading Month, the students at Roosevelt enjoyed
a variety of reading activities and were able to listen to many guest readers.
Among our guests were, The Cat in the Hat, Miss Stevensville
and her Court, Little Miss Stevensville (a Kindergarten Roosevelt Guest readstudent), Cindi Clawson from WNDU, United Way Volunteers,
ers came to
and upper grade level friends!
Miss Stevensville and Little Miss Stevensville were guest readers who visited during March is Reading Month.
First graders love to read, and so does WNDU Meteorologist
to celebrate
Cindi Clawson! During the month of March Cindi set off on
the Read Across Michiana Marathon! Ms. Julie Scott, student
teacher in Ms. Huisjen’s first grade classroom, invited Cindi to
visit to visit her classroom where Cindi read How High is the Sky,
a book about a curious penguin. Thank you Ms. Clawson for sharing your
love of reading with our class!
Roosevelt Elementary | 2000 El Dorado Drive | Stevensville, MI 49127
Roosevelt Elementary supports their
Roosevelt students learn the importance of giving to others.
Giving to Others – Spring Food Drive
Roosevelt Elementary gives a big thank you to everyone who helped with
the food drive this spring. Due to your generous donations we were able to
help 12 families in need. Our fifth grade students became involved with organizing the food and packaging all of the items for the families. It is great
to show our students how we can be “everyday heroes” just by lending a
Kindergarten students Learning to read
During Daily 5, children got the
chance to try Word Work for the first
time. Word Work includes practice
with letter names, letter sounds,
sight words, and blending sounds to
read simple words. There are a variety of ways that we do Word Work.
This week we focused on sensory
experiences. When children are able
to practice their skills in new and
interesting ways, the skills become
more memorable. Here are a few
things we tried; try them at home for
some extra practice!
Salt Boxes – Fill a tray, pan, or
Tupperware container with salt until
it just covers the bottom. Don’t use
too much or the letters won’t show
up as well! Have your child use their
finger to copy letters, sight words,
or numbers. You can even make it a
game by asking your child to write a
specific letter or sight word recalled
from their memory or based on the
letter sound.
Paint Bags – Fill a gallon-sized zipper bag with paint. As with the salt
boxes, you want the paint to just coat
the bag; don’t use too much or the
letters won’t show up! Seal the bag
and tape the top closed using packing or duct tape. Repeat letter, sight
word, or number practice by having your child press down and write
through the paint bag.
Finger Paint – If you’re feeling extra
brave and don’t mind a little mess,
finger paint practice can be a blast!
This is the same technique that you’d
use with the paint bags, but your
child would be doing it on paper. You
may also want to try shaving cream;
it feels smooth and smells great!
Hats Off to Cancer
Students continue to support
their classmate and friend,
Tara Deam, by wearing and
donating hats at school.
Great American’s
Wax Museum
The third grade students at
Roosevelt Elementary took a
step back in time with their
Great American’s Wax Museum. The students chose a
famous American and learned
how to research and find accurate information about the
person’s life. Every person you
could think of from Mother
Theresa, to Paul Revere, to the
iconic Michael Jackson was
represented. The students
then took that research and
wrote their own biography
report about this person’s life.
They culminated this unit by
dressing-up in character and
creating a Wax Museum for
their family and friends. This
is a great way for the students
to actually feel like the person
who they have been writing about and to add to the
excitement of learning!
Stewart Elementary | lakeshoreschools.k12.mi.us/stewart | PH 269 428 1418
First lego league
Stewart and Roosevelt students
worked together during First
Lego League (FLL) robotics. In
FLL students are immersed in
real world science and technology challenges. Students use
teamwork, communication, and
Lego skills to build obstacles,
design and build autonomous
robots, and create programs for
robot missions.
Student watches while robot
comes to life.
Lego League participants programmed Lego Mindstorms
robots to travel to a target, complete a task, and return to the home base.
Teams designed their programs in Stewart's computer lab, downloaded programs to their robots, and robots were tested on the thematic work surface.
These tests resulted in more programming and testing to acStewart
complish their goals. Students showed off their success in early
March with a demonstration celebration for their families in the
Stewart Media Center.
Teamwork, communication, and building skills put to use.
Using unifix cubes to measure items
is great practice for students.
math skills grow with hands-on learning
This student is learning math concepts using a hands-on approach.
Students use dominoes to help understand addition and subtraction.
and real life
Math is drastically different from
the time adults were in school
compared to what your child is
experiencing. Part of your child's development of math concepts could include
visuals to help understand that numbers
represent quantities, using unifix cubes to
measure items, dominoes to help in understanding addition and subtraction, and
exploring pattern blocks and polydrons
to reinforce geometry concepts. These
Students explore pattern blocks and polyhands-on manipulatives help your child
drons to reinforce geometry concepts.
develop concrete math skills into abstract
math skills. An example of a concrete math skill would be using items to
help skip-count (10 piles of 10 Cheerios is 100). An example of that same
skill transitioning to an abstract skill would be to fill in the missing numbers:
50, ___, 70, ___, ___, 100. A child may come home expressing, "We played
in math." However, the reality is math concepts are being taught ... in an
exciting way that helps to develop marvelous mathematicians.
Stewart Elementary | lakeshoreschools.k12.mi.us/stewart | PH 269 428 1418
Hands-on Problem solving
5th graders at Stewart work in small
groups to solve real-world problems with
hands-on activities. Students share their
problem solving strategies with each other and discuss patterns and relationships
of solutions. As a group, students decide
what tools will help them solve each problem. In 5th grade, students have recently
studied: place value, fractions, area and
Hands-on learning experiences inspire
our 5th grade students.
Students use technology to learn
math concepts in a 21st Century
reading time is fun time at stewart!
Getting into character makes reading fun! These students are enjoying
showing-off the masks they made for
the occasion.
Mrs. Norton’s class practiced retelling the
story of the Three Little Pigs. They took
turns being the characters, recalling the
phrases “Not by the hair of my chinny
chin chin” and “I’ll huff and I’ll puff and
I’ll blow your house down!” They also
enjoyed the story Goldilocks and the Three
Bears and The Three Billy
Goats Gruff. Mrs. Christiano
used the stories in her guidlearning
ance lesson. Students worked
instills conon using “I feel” messages as
fidence and
if they were the characters in
the story.
Stewart Beach is a great place to read
Stewart students celebrated
March is Reading Month at
“Stewart Beach.” Students were able to
bring their beach towels and favorite book
to the media center during library time
to read. Students enjoyed the sounds of
beach music and a warm atmosphere to
truly enjoy reading. Thanks to Mrs. Blesy,
our media specialist, for giving students
this enjoyable reading experience!
These students are enjoying reading at
the Stewart Beach.
Math & Technology:
In Mrs. Vadney’s 2nd grade
classroom, students are using
multiple forms of technology
to work with math concepts
in a 21st Century way. The
second graders are rolling
digital dice on the Smartboard to create a double-digit
addition problem to solve.
Then, in pairs, students are
working together to solve the
problems while showing their
work with the iPads. Students
are also working with iPad
apps to solve story problems, work with their math
facts, and practice time and
money concepts. Right now,
our focus is learning doubledigit addition and subtraction
without regrouping. We will
begin to talk about regrouping using visuals and technology soon. Using iPads and the
Smartboard in our classroom
makes learning motivating,
interesting, and exposes everyone to important technology!
Middle School | lakeshoreschools.k12.mi.us/middle | PH 269 428 1408
Career Day 2013
The 16th annual Career Day
was a huge success! Thank you
to presenters,
businesses, and
Thank you to all our PTO volunteers, especially Carma Smith
who particiand Lisa Callahan for their assistance in making Career Day
‘13 a success! A big thanks to our LMS Ambassadors as well. pated.
Lakeshore Middle School hosted its 16th annual Career Day!
During this morning long event, which is coordinated and
facilitated by the Lakeshore Middle School PTO and middle
school staff, 34 careers (or career areas) were presented to
our 6th, 7th, and 8th graders who attended four different
sessions during the morning event.
Career Day 2013
The Lakeshore Middle School staff and students, along with the PTO, would
like to express their most sincere gratitude to the following presenters - - and
to their businesses and organizations - - for donating valuable time, effort and
Thank you career day presenters --
Career Day 2013
Career Day 2013
Dee Appelman (Canine Companions)
Michelle Blahnik (CARE Dentistry)
Dr. Ed Blesy (St. Joseph Animal
Wellness Clinic)
Bryan Joseph & Chad White
(Michigan Pizza Hut)
Ron Burkett & “Crew” (area Fire
Greg Collins (Panera Bread)
Adam Carr& Students (Lakeshore High School Welding
Lynn Cook & Team (Lakeland
Regional Health Care)
Suzannah Deneau, Mike Freehling, Dustin Otto& Janet Puvogel (Wightman and Associates)
LtCol Sarah Deal Burrows
Loma Fowler (Crystal Springs
Theresa Graziano (Lakeshore
High School / Berrien County
Anthony Pantaleo (Medic One)
Bob Husek (Auto Body)
Craig Jennings (Jennings Law)
Clark Lybbert (TeamIntel Intelligence)
Walter McCutcheon (Lakeshore
Christian Church)
Jeff Miazga (Michigan State
Jamie Murphy (Massage
Jeff and Lillian Priebe (Priebe’s
Tiffany Rydwelski, Kevin Phillips & Dan Sanders (D.C. Cook
Nuclear Plant)
Charlie Racine (Grand Mere Inn)
Adam Sargeant (University of
Notre Dame)
Grandmaster Al Smith (R.E.A.D.Y.
Kate Smith (Attitudes Salon)
Stacey Stephens (Edgewater
Dr. Ryan Thomas (Bridgman
Family Dental)
Vince Haley (Whirlpool)
Dr. Kimber Wooten-Toering
(Lakeshore Chiropractic Clinic)
Pat Underwood and Hannah
Diss (Love Creek County Park
and Nature Center)
Amber and Chad Williams
(Power in Motion Gymnastics)
Aimie Witkowski (Meister-Witkowski Photography)
Paula Wygonik and Mary Jo
Tomasini (Competitive Edge)
Middle School | 1459 W. John Beers Road | Stevensville, MI 49127
Student Council
By: Raegan Dunwoodie and Alek Vallés
Did you know that a blue whale’s heart is the size of a car, or that a human
heart beats over 100,000 times a day? The students of Lakeshore Middle
School do because of the various signs that dot the middle school. Why the
heart fact signs? Lakeshore Middle School recently banded with the American Heart Association to raise money and support the millions who have
heart problems. Student Council thought of many creative ideas to raise
awareness for heart disease. This fundraiser raised over $1,866.00 for the
cause. How? By selling “Rock the Beat” T-shirts, that’s how. These t-shirts
were sold to students during lunch for $10. But there were perks with buying a shirt. Upon buying a shirt you got to put your name in a raffle, and
the winners got to throw pie at a teacher! Yes, you read that right, they got
to throw a pie at a teacher, while everyone was watching! Also on Friday,
March 8th, there was a school wide RED-OUT. And if you wore your red
“Rock the Beat” T-shirt, you could get out of class thirty minutes early and
attend the dance for free! Everyone had a great time dancing and hanging
out with friends. We had fantastic music, which was graciously donated by
Hansen Productions, a local DJ company. As you can see this fundraiser was
no easy task. But we - Student Council-headed by the 8th grade eXtreme
team math teacher, Mrs. Nichols, managed to pull it off.
Thank You
We wanted to thank everyone who helped this fundraiser run smoothly:
• The teachers who willingly volunteered to get pied.
• The Amazing Mr. Hanson and his assistant, Anthony Dente, for DJing our
dance for free (contact him at: hansonproductions.daniel@gmail.com or
• Lastly, I wanted to thank everyone who donated or bought a shirt or just
showed up at our dance for supporting this great cause.
Coming Up
Even though our American Heart Association fundraiser is over, Student
Council has already started planning for our JDRF walk. This fundraiser
sponsors the Junior Diabetes Research Foundation, and is coming soon…..
Spelling Bee
The Cloverleaf Spelling Bee
lasted five hours this year
and was held at Lake Michigan College’s Grand Upton
Hall on Tuesday, February
12. As the top finishers in
LMS’ spelling bee in January, the following students
proudly represented
Lakeshore—7th grader
Sakina Neemuchwala, 6th
grader Rohi Kapaluru, and
7th grader Maddie Chuss.
This year’s bee lasted five
hours, and out of 64 spellers, Maddie finished in
21st place, Rohi 16th place,
and Sakina 8th place. At
1:00, the top-ten finishers
were still in the competition. Sakina received $50
from the Cook Nuclear
Plant for her 8th place
finish. With such a strong
group of LMS spellers, we
are looking forward to next
year’s bee!
Visit the middle
school section of
the website to stay
updated on middle
school events.
High School | lakeshoreschools.k12.mi.us/high | PH 269 428 1402
The robot hangs from the pyramid
during practice.
Repairs being made in the pit during St. Joseph
Feverishly working to finish the robot on
Bag & Tag Night.
Team Lance-A-Bot Wins District Awards
A member of the Electrical Team
soldering parts.
Programmers and Mr. Woodard
discussing code.
Build Team at work.
The Lakeshore team attended two district competitions and
finished its second, held at St. Joseph High School, seeded
6th out of 40 teams after the qualifying rounds. This ranking
afforded the team the opportunity to serve as
the captain for the Team 4 Alliance. The team
was eliminated from competition play following
quarterfinals, but received the Entrepreneurship
Award. Teams that earn this award have developed a comprehensive business plan to define,
manage, and achieve team objectives. Furthermore, they
display entrepreneurial enthusiasm and the vital business skills
to ensure a self-sustaining program.
The team
displayed entrepreneurial
and the
vital business skills to
ensure a selfsustaining
Team Lance-A-Bot has also done an outstanding job of making safety part
of its routine operations, and has received three safety awards this season. At the Gull Lake competition, Lakeshore senior Molly Range, the Team
Safety Captain, earned the “Safety Star of the Day” Award, which is given
to an individual who has done an outstanding job of promoting a good
safety ethic within his or her team. The team also earned a Hard Hat Safety
Award. At the St. Joseph district competition, the team was awarded a Pit
Safety Award for promoting a clean, neat work environment and a good
safety ethic.
FIRST believes that the teams who take the lead in developing safety programs and policies have a positive and lasting impact on each team member and mentor, their communities, and their present and future work
places. FIRST recognizes the teams that demonstrate safety throughout
their programs and are truly committed to developing and nurturing a
safety culture.
High School | lakeshoreschools.k12.mi.us/high | PH 269 428 1402
To offset the cost of the
upcoming trip to France
in June 2014, Lakeshore
Lancer band students will
be offering their services
in the areas of babysitting,
house cleaning, yard work,
window washing, tutoring,
music lessons, and other
exciting possibilities.
Lakeshore High School choir students get ready for the spring concert.
Michigan School Vocal Music Association Events
Six choirs qualified for State Choral Festival at MSVMA District Festival on
February 27-28. In addition, the 8th Grade Choir, and the high school’s
Concert Choir and Chorale received perfect scores in Sight
Three high school choir students, Darcy Copeland, Patrick Hill
and Keiley Veau, participated in District Solo Ensemble Festival
on February 16 at SMC. They will all sing again at State Solo
and Ensemble on April 19 at Portage Central High School.
Choir students shine
at competition.
Middle school choir students will attend District Solo Ensemble
Festival on April 26 at Berrien Springs High School.
Middle School Spring Choir Concert
The 6th Grade Choir, 7th Grade Choir, 8th Grade Choir, and Middle School
Honors Choir, as well as solos and ensembles, will perform on Tuesday,
May 21 at 7:00 P.M. The concert will be held in the Lakeshore Community
Auditorium with a donation of $1 per person requested for admission. The
proceeds will be used for the general needs of the choir program.
High School Spring Choir Concert
The Concert Choir, Women’s Chorus, and Chorale will perform on Tuesday,
May 7 at 6:00 P.M. The concert will be held at The Chapel, 4250 S. Washington, St. Joseph with a donation of $1 per person requested for admission. The proceeds will be used for the general needs of the choir program.
For a reasonable fee you
will be able to accomplish
a goal while supporting the
This program will begin in
mid-April. Please check
the website at www.lakeshoreschools.k12.mi.us
and click on the band link
for details or email Beth
Clark at bethannclark@hotmail.com or call 429-3049
for more information.
Thank you supporting the
Lakeshore Lancer Band
**We reserve the right to
ask for references. The
safety of our students is our
top priority.**
Lakeshore High School | lakeshoreschools.k12.mi.us/high | PH 269 428 1402
Lakeshore Art Students
Shine in Competition
Zoey Holmstrom and Chloe Calhoun, both juniors, were winners
in the Whirlpool Technology Meets
the Arts Art Show. Zoey Holmstrom
won 3rd place for her digital photograph and Chloe won Honorable
Mention for her charcoal drawing.
Zoey Holmstrom’s Art (cropped)
Zoey Holmstrom and Chloe Calhoun, both juniors,
were winners in the Whirlpool Technology Meets
the Arts Art Show.
Maddie Williams, a junior, was
accepted into the Scholastic Art
Awards Show in South Bend, IN
earning an Honorable Mention for
her self-portrait.
Lakeshore art classes took a field
trip to the South Bend Museum of Art to view the Scholastic Art Awards
Show done by students in Southwest Michigan and Northwest Indiana.
Chloe Calhoun’s Art (cropped)
Out of the 30 awards given in Krasl's High School Art
Show Lakeshore High School had seven winners.
Lakeshore High
School had seven
winners at the
Krasl High School
Art Show.
Cassidy Brown won the staff award and its $25.00 prize,
Chloe Calhoun won a $200.00 Krasl scholarship, Cassidy Brown won 2nd
place and its $75.00 prize, Katie Brewer won 3rd place and its $40.00 prize,
Rachel Lamanna won 5th place and a $10.00 prize, Megan Chartrand won
honorable mention, and Zoey Holmstrom won the RESA award and its
$50.00 prize.
Maddie Williams’ Art (cropped)
Lakeshore art students enjoy a field trip
to the South Bend Museum of Art.
South Bend Museum of Art field trip.
South Bend Museum of Art field trip.
Lakeshore High School | 5771 Cleveland Avenue | PH 269 428 1402
Lakeshore Lancer Marching Band
Continued ...
Lakeshore Lancer Marching Band
Normandy, France in June of 2014
Our students will
perform in the
American Liberation Victory
Parade that will
begin on the actual anniversary
of D-Day.
Fundraising Efforts
Our Lakeshore Lancer Marching Band has been
invited by the “D-Day 70th Anniversary Commemoration” and “American Musical Salute” Committees
to join as an official representative of Michigan in
Normandy, France in June of 2014.
Our students will perform in the American Liberation Victory Parade that will begin on the actual anniversary of
D-Day, June 6, in the French village of Sainte-Mere-Eglise,
the first village to be liberated by American troops.
A three-time State Champion, the Lakeshore Lancer Marching Band represented the State of Michigan in 2004 at the dedication of the World War II
Memorial in Washington, D.C. Our students honored living World War II Veterans of Michigan by wearing an epaulette that was eventually mailed back
to them with a card to thank them for their service and provide them with a
token of appreciation and gratitude.
With an invitation of such historical significance, we feel our mission should
be meant for this generation to remember forever the meaning of D-Day
and those Michigan citizens who made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our
freedom, as well as the significant role the State of Michigan played in this
war effort.
In particular, we are planning on honoring each of the 419 soldiers
from Michigan resting at the Normandy American Cemetery by pouring a little bit sand from home on their grave as a symbol of our
remembrance of their sacrifice.
The sand will be collected from Michigan high schools as an educational
program. In return, we will bring back sand from Omaha Beach that will be
presented back to each participating school as a token of appreciation and
a symbol of remembrance. In addition, we plan for our marching students
to wear a ribbon in honor of each of the last living WWII veterans of Michigan that will eventually be mailed back to them as a mark of our gratitude.
Finally, our students will research the history of leading companies of Michigan during World War II and build display boards that illustrate the amazing
contribution of our State to the war efforts.
We have started a comprehensive fundraising program.
We are reaching out to numerous leaders of Michigan
to gather support: from local
businesses, corporate leaders,
private donors, foundations,
the French American Chamber of Commerce of Detroit,
the Michigan Department of
Military and Veterans Affairs,
the Michigan Department of
Education, as well as our State
and Congressional representatives.
The response is consistently
and overwhelmingly supportive as everyone shows
their patriotic support and
desire to ensure that such a
project gets accomplished.
Most recently, the Band was
invited by the Michigan International Speedway to perform
the National Anthem at the
“Pure Michigan 400” Nascar
race taking place in August.
This will be an incredible opportunity to advertise the
band’s preparation for the
D-Day commemoration and to
garner further support thanks
to the amazing publicity that
will be generated when the
race will be broadcasted live
on ESPN.
Lakeshore Band
Plant Sale
This is a wonderful Spring
Fundraiser to benefit all
Lakeshore High School and
Middle School Bands! The
Sale consists of purchasing certificates for hanging
baskets, flats, vines and
veggies or round proven
winners, which can be
redeemed at Barbott’s
Greenhouse located on
Cleveland Ave in Stevensville. The sale runs from
April 1-April 30, 2013. The
certificates make great
Mother’s Day gifts and
are perfect for beautifying
your yard for graduations
and summer outdoor
The certificates will be
handed-out to your students by Friday, May 3,
2013 to allow you to use
them in time for Mother’s
Day, which is May 12,
2013! Please use the
order forms posted on the
Lakeshore website and
return the order forms
with payment by April
30 to either the LHS or
LMS Band Rooms! Please
make all checks payable
PARENTS—please do not
send cash. We thank you
for your participation in
this fundraiser celebrating
SPRING and we thank you
for supporting Lakeshore
Berrien County Dancers
May 10-11 Berrien County Dancers Spring Concert 7:00 P.M., LHS
BCD Spring Dance Concert
The Berrien County Dancers will hold their Spring Dance Concert on Friday, May 10 and Saturday, May 11 at 7:00 P.M. at Lakeshore High School.
Tickets go on sale April 29. Reserved seating tickets, available only in advance, are $10 for all ages. General admission tickets are $5 in advance or
$7 at the door. Elementary-aged students and under are free with parent
admission! Order tickets at (269) 428-1402, Ext. 2099 or online at:
Berrien County Dancers to Offer Summer Classes
Registration will open in May for a variety of non-credit, community summer dance classes through BCD. Additional information will be available
on the website BerrienCountyDancers.com in late April or early May.
Studio Dance Theatre
Tween Activities
at the Lincoln Township Library
Beneath the Surface
‘Tween Summer Reading Program
Grades 5-7 are invited to read junior
books or higher and attend special
events to receive points and earn
rewards. June 10th – July 31st.
Junior Friends Training
Sat., June 1st 10:30 - 11:00 A.M.
Tues., June 4th 4:00 - 5:00 P.M.
Wed., June 5th 7:00 - 8:00 P.M.
Ages 12 and up
Tween Book Discussion Group
Thursday, July 18th at 2:00 P.M.
Overlander by Suzanne Collins
Teen Iron Chef
Friday, August 30th at 1:00 P.M.
Battle: Dessert
What will the secret ingredient be?
Register beginning August 12th and
compete for the grand prize in this
fun cooking competition. Space is
limited. Grades 6-12.
Fueling the Tween Machine
Cooking Class for LMS Students
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Martin’s Super Markets
5637 Cleveland Avenue, Stevensville, MI
3:00 - 4:30 P.M. • $10 per student
Calling all Lakeshore Middle School students to Martin’s School of Cooking
for a fun, interactive, hands-on cooking class designed just for you!
Registered dietitian volunteers from the Southwest Michigan District
Dietetic Association, a professional organization of Registered Dietitians
affiliated with the Michigan Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, will be
teaching this delicious class!
• Start Your Day the Right Way Mexican Breakfast Wrap & Greens and
Fruit Smoothie
• Munchalicious Middle Eastern Pita Lunch Pockets
• Take a Bite Out of Eataly Homemade Italian Pasta Sauce over Whole
Wheat Pasta
• Two-Minute Turbo Charged Trail Mix and Great Grains Granola Energy
Lakeshore High
School Auditorium
The Studio Dance Theatre
is celebrating its 38th season with the production of
“Stories for Life.” It will be
presented on April 27, at 3
and 7 P.M. at the Lakeshore
Community Auditorium.
This show will benefit Compassion Children and The
Lakeshore Stage Scrim Fund.
Tickets are available for
advance purchase or at the
door 30 minutes before the
show times. Tickets are $5.00
for children 12 & under and
$10.00 for adults and may be
purchased at the door. Advance tickets or group sales
please phone 429-0833, or
Dance Arts at 429-5711.
The company consists of 55
talented dancers from southwest Michigan, and this year
will include five professional
dancers from Tapestry Dance
Company (Chicago). This
production’s proceeds will
benefit Compassion Children
and The Lakeshore Stage
Scrim Fund.
Parents call Martin’s Customer Service to get your student registered:
(269) 429-1711 or sign up in person at customer service.
(269) 757-3999 Cell
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Advertise in the Lakeshore Light -
Advertising space will be available for purchase in each of the remaining three issues of the 2012-2013
school year. The ads will be business card size (3 1/2” x 2”). Direct questions to: wbedell@lakeshoreps.org
or call the administration office and ask for Judy Benjamin at 428-1400. Space is limited. See the Lakeshore
website for pricing information: http://www.lakeshoreschools.k12.mi.us/district/lakeshorelight
5771 Cleveland Avenue
Stevensville, MI 49127
(269) 428-1400
Postal Customer