Tyler County Booster
Tyler County Booster
Serving The People Of Tyler County For 82 Years TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION BETTER NEWSPAPER CONTEST AWARD WINNER 2013 75¢ WWW.TYLERCOUNTYBOOSTER.COM Thursday, June 27, 2013—Vol. 86, No. 26 Drunk driver leads Deputies on extended high speed chase On June 22, at approximately 3 a.m., Deputy Chuck Marshall and Deputy Kasey Whitworth were dispatched to a suspicious vehicle on County Road 4850 in the Warren area. The complainant said that they had seen someone slumped over in the driver’s side of a small car on the county road. According to Tyler County Sheriff Bryan Weatherford, Deputy Marshall arrived first and observed a pickup driven by the complainant sitting in the roadway, and shortly after he observed the small car pull up behind the truck and rammed the truck in the rear. Deputy Marshall told the driver to exit the vehicle. At that time, the car backed down the road and turned around to head south on County Road 4850. Deputies Marshall and Whitworth both activated their emergency lights and attempted to stop the vehicle, but the driver refused to pull over. Deputy Jerry Laurent joined the chase at that time, and they began to pursue the car at speeds of 45mph to 55mph south into Hardin County on County Road 4850, also known as Pineville Road. The suspect vehicle turned right on Gore Store Road, increasing speed to 65mph to 85mph. The suspect vehicle then turned right onto Highway 69 traveling at speeds of 120mph plus back north into Tyler County. Deputies pursued the vehicle until it turned right onto County Road 4750 to F.M. 1943 East. Deputy Jerry Laurent took the lead in the pursuit when the vehicle turned on 1943 East, until it turned on County Road 4470, which turns into County Road 4472. The suspect vehicle continued on to Allison Cemetery, where it crashed into a light pole. The suspect vehicle left the light pole, turned around and continued to travel south on County Road 4472 and onto County Road 4470 at speeds of 60mph to 80mph. The vehicle then returned to Highway 69 south traveling toward Warren when the driver lost control of the vehicle in the southbound lane and left the roadway on the right side of the road. The driver regained control of the vehicle and went back on the roadway, but the vehicle lost its left front tire in the accident. The driver continued south on Highway 69 and turned left on F.M. 1943 East, also known as Warren-Fred Highway. Deputies pursued the vehicle until it left the roadway and came to a stop near County Road 4455. Patrol cars immediately surrounded the vehicle, and the driver attempted to back up and struck the front of a patrol car, damaging the left front bumper and headlight. Deputy Whitworth was also parked behind the suspect’s vehicle and the vehicle backed up and hit the front of that patrol car as well, causing damage to the bumper. The suspect in the car refused to comply with deputy’s commands. Once it was observed that the driver had no weapons in his hands, the driver was removed through the driver’s side window. The driver, identified as David Chaz Conner, age 22, of Warren was arrested and charged with Evading Arrest or Detention with a Vehicle, two counts of Aggravated Assault of a Public Servant, Driving While Intoxi- cated 3rd or More and Driving With License Invalid and Previous Conviction, among other pending charges. “Police are always asked when they should disengage when a pursuit like this begins,” Weatherford said.“In this case,when the driver made the aggressive moves of ramming into another vehicle right when the deputies were watching, it was obvious that this person was intoxicated and there was something wrong and they needed to be stopped, so the decision was made to continue the pursuit, due to that and the fact that it was 3 a.m and there was very minimal traffic on the highways and county roads.” Wanders With Joy Credit Card stolen from Woodville nursing home resident Editor’s Note: The Tyler County Booster is pleased to introduce a recurring column that will run regularly on Page 3A of the Booster. Most of you know the columnist, Huntley Kennison. Not as many, I suspect, know the inspiration for the title of the column, Huntley’s sidekick, Joy! by Emily Waldrep by Huntley Kennison Since my retirement from the family mercantile business in Tyler County, I have labeled myself a wanderer. Folks on the street frequently ask me, “What have you been doing since you retired?” My honest response frequently is,“Oh, just wandering.” I have wandered quite a bit through the woods of East Texas, south to the beaches of Galveston, west to the Hill Country, north to the Azalea Trails in Tyler, and northeast all the way to the craggy shorelines of New England and Nova Scotia. In all these wanderings I have been awed by the majestic beauty of nature in each of these settings and the friendly acts of kindness offered by local residents to a total stranger wandering in their midst. Servers in restaurants, innkeepers, and regular folks encountered on the streets have all seemed intent to help make my visits to their neighborhoods a beautiful and wonderful experience. And indeed they have succeeded, for I am still wandering, sometimes back to the same places—wanders with joy. Now the next question from some inquirers is a natural one, “Do you travel alone?” My frequent response is, “No, there are three of us.” Then later, after quizzical looks,“Me, Probation officer, Deputy find shotguns, rifles, drugs at man’s home on C.R. 3565 by Emily Waldrep On June 21, Probation Officer Matt O’Neil and Deputy Jerry Laurent went to a home on County Road 3565 to speak with Samuel Shepherd, age 64, of Woodville, who has been on probation in the county. The officers made contact Cont. On Pg. 3A with Shepherd and obtained consent to enter the residence to perform a search Booster Wins Two First Place Awards The Tyler County Booster is the recipient of two firstplace awards in the Better Newspaper Contest, sponsored by the Texas Press Association (TPA). Awards were announced on June 22 at the Hyatt Regency in Houston. This year 148 newspapers submitted 1,505 entries, which were placed into 10 divisions, in which newspapers competed against those of similar circulation size, according to TPA. The Booster took first place in Special Sections and in Web Site. In the Special Sections category, the Booster submitted the 2012 Discover Tyler County Magazine for a first place win. Judges wrote, “Talented staff gave professional look to this Special. Well-deserved first place in a competitive category”. In the Web Site category, the Booster submitted www. tylercountybooster.com for the win. Judges said, “I love this site. The layout is clean and aesthetically pleasing. I like the splash and top stories on the home page. There’s great use of space throughout the site, and it’s easy to navigate. My only critiques are if there’s a photo gallery section, I couldn’t find it. Also, the story font is a tad small. Otherwise, great site! The 2013 contest was judged by the Arkansas Press Association as part of the annual Better Newspaper Contest swap. Woodville, Texas 75 CENTS USPS 645-560 Email the Booster: General Manager Kelli Barnes kellibarnes@tylercountybooster.com Advertising Director Becky Byley bb@tylercountybooster.com 6 8 31 35 Editor Jim Powers 0editor@tylercountybooster.com 0 00 1 7 and at that time made contact with Melanie Shepherd, age 44, of Woodville. When deputies asked Shepherd if there were any weapons in the home, she said no. Deputies began the search and observed a gun cabinet, but Shepherd stated that there were only two muzzleloader rifles inside. Deputy Laurent then observed a small black and pink pipe with burnt marijuana inside, as well as a dish containing what appeared to be marijuana seeds. After searching the bedroom area, deputies found a container. After asking Shepherd about the container, he stated that there might be marijuana inside. The container did contain a large amount of marijuana, as well as rolling papers. Deputies also found a large set of scales, multiple plastic baggies and several cut straws. Deputy Laurent searched under the bed and observed a green Ghillie suit. When he removed it, he saw approximately 16 shotguns and rifles under the bed. He also recovered a small green ammunition can in the closet containing marijuana as well as additional firearms. Cont. On Pg. 5A Woodville High School FCCLA (Family Career and Community Leaders of America, formerly known as FHA) and HOSA (Health Occupations Student Association) chapter members traveled Thursday, May 16, to Galveston to present a $500 donation to the Shriners’ Hospital. The donation was the result of a successful Easter basket sales fundraiser, which the two student associations co-sponsored. Special thanks are due to the Express Mart in Warren, to Woodville High School administrators and to the community for supporting and encouraging this worthwhile project, which is expected to become an annual event. The Galveston field trip included a tour of Shriners’ Hospital and an opportunity to visit with patients, as well as - of course - a stop at the beach. Kathy McDonough (FCCLA) and Angela Hollingsworth (HOSA) sponsor the two student associations. ‘ Index Obituaries................ 2A Columnists................ 3A Church...................... 4A Society....................... 5A Sports........................ 3B Classifieds................. 1B Real Estate...............2B Tyler County SPORTS, 6A, 7A MEMBER 2013 TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION Obituaries 2A Dorothy Belt Colmesneil Olen Tucker Jasper Joshua Smith Warren Cheryl Davis Georgetown CMYK On May 7, a 91-yearold resident of Woodville Health and Rehab reported that a personal credit card had been stolen and used without permission. Officers met with supervisors and the Rehab center and after interviewing some of the staff determined that one of the staff members was suspected in being involved in the theft. Officer Dees of the Woodville Police Department determined that there were several charges made on the credit card at the local Brookshire Brothers as well as cash advances.There were numerous charges spanning from the April through the first of May. Officers were able to obtain store video surveillance that corresponded with the times that the card was used and were able to identify a suspect that was later determined to be an employee of the Woodville Health and Rehabilitation Center. According to Captain Mike McCulley of the Woodville Police Department, the administration of the Woodville Health and Rehab Center was contacted and was able to verify the identity of the staff member using the stolen card in the video. The staff member was positively identified as Linda Fay Lee, age 55, of Hillister. Once Lee was identified, Officers were able to set up an interview with her, and she admitted to taking the 91-year old resident’s card and using it without permission. A warrant was issued for Lee’s arrest, and she was brought in and charged with Credit/Debit Card Abuse. Due to the victim in the case being over 65 years of age, the charges were increased to a third degree felony. The victim will not have to pay the fraudulent charges on her card. Columns 3A Ed Sterling Capital Highlights Bob Bowman East Texas Sandy Taylor Heritage Village Willis Webb “Uncle-in-law C.T. ‘Red’ Bollinger was an absolute joy’” Page 2A TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER June 27, 2013 Obituaries Teen Police Academy July 8-11 Mon. - Thurs • 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sponsored by the Woodville Police Dept. Presentation by Scott Yosko and Mike McCauley SWAT Presentation, Air Rescue, DPS DWI Presentation Woodville VFD, Dogwood EMS For more info please contact the Woodville Police Department @ 409-283-5262. A summer kids’ event called Kingdom Rock will be hosted at Trinity Assembly of God from June 24-28. At Kingdom Rock, kids participate in memorable Biblelearning activities, sing catchy songs, play teamworkbuilding games, make and dig into yummy treats, experience epic Bible adventures, collect Bible Memory Buddies to remind them to stand strong, and test our Sciency-Fun Gizmos they’ll take home and play with all summer long. Plus, kids will learn to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings. Each day concludes with Fanfare Finalea celebration that gets everyone involved in living what they’ve learned. Kingdom Rock is for kids from 4 to 12 and will run from 6:30 to 9:00 each day. For more information, call 409-283-2447 Dorothy Belt Dorothy Jean “Dottie” Belt, 68, of Colmesneil, Texas, passed away, Friday, June 21, 2013, at Tyler County Hospital in Woodville. Funeral services were held Monday, June 24, 2013 at 10 a.m. at Stringer & Gr iffin Funeral Home C h a pel in Wo o d v i l l e w i t h burial in Colmesneil Cemetery in Colmesneil. Officiating were Brother Curtis Herrington and Brother Gene Maddox. Serving as pallbearers were Marcus Payne, Jesse Payne, Tommy Frank, Doyle Tucker, Mike Godwin, and Josh Godwin. Visitation was held Sunday, June 23, 2013 from 6-9 p.m. at the funeral home. Dottie was born January 5, 1945 in Bakersfield, California and was the child of Leo and Mary Hilliard Blake. She was a long time resident of Tyler County and was a member of Ebenezer Baptist Church. She loved singing, gardening, and loving her animals, but, most of all, she loved her family. She will leave a huge hole in her family’s hearts, as she was the kindest and most Daily notices online at www.tylercountybooster.com loving woman. She was always a big help to those in need with her cheerful attitude. She was preceded in death by her sister, Geri Lostracco, and her parents Mary and Leo Blake. She is survived by her husband of 29 years, Joe Belt of Colmesneil; nieces, M.J. Payne and husband, Marcus, of Huntsville, and Dala Smith of Huntsville; great niece, Morgan Jernigan of Huntsville; brother-in-law, Don Belt and wife, Joyce, of Kountze; grandchildren, Jessica Nicole Belt of Fort Polk, Louisiana, and Zack Belt and Brendon Belt, both of Winnie. Memorials may be made to National Fibromyalgia Association, 2121 S.Towne Centre, suite 300, Anaheim, CA 92806. Services were under the direction of Stringer & Griffin Funeral Home of Woodville. Olen Tucker Olen E. Tucker, 86, of Jasper, passed away Friday, June 21, 2013 in Jasper, Texas. Funeral services were held Tuesday, June 25, 2013 at 2 p.m. at Stringer & Griffin FuneralHome Chapel in Woodville with burial in Campground Cemetery. O f fi c i a t ing were Brother Jimbo Swinney and Brother Jacob Conner. Serving as pallbearers were Jeff Daniels, Andrew Reisner, Darrell Nuckels, Pat Orchin, James Orchin, and Jimmy Mahan. Visitation was held on Monday, June 24, 2013 from 5-8 p.m. at the funeral home. Olen was born March 23, 1927 to Elton and Bertie Harrison Tucker in Woodville, Texas. He was a former longtime resident of Tyler County and had lived in Jasper since 1993. He was a retired pumper from Exxon and had served in the Merchant Marines. He enjoyed horses and loved his family. He was preceded in death by his sons, Phil Tucker and Chris Tucker, and his first wife, Lonnie Jo Tucker. He is survived by his wife, Mary Tucker, of Jasper; daughter, Ann Tucker Reisner; step-daughters, Retha Carter and husband, Joe, of Ala., Ranodda Mahan and husband, Jimmy, of Woodville, Rene Nuckels and husband, Darrell, of Jasper, Rhonda Spurlock and husband, Britt, of Spurger, and Pam Knowlton and husband, John, of N.Y.; grandchildren, Jeff Daniels, Megan Henry, Andrew Reisner, and Jordan Reisner; and five great-grandchildren. Services were under the direction of Stringer & Griffin Funeral Home of Woodville. Joshua Smith Joshua Dale Smith, 21, of Warren, died Wednesday, June 19, 2013, from injuries sustained in an automobile accident. He was born on October 10, 1991, in Beaumont, to Dorothy Johnson Smith and Kevin Lynn Smith, and had been a longtime Victory in Jesus Baptist Church V.B.S. Registration Thursday, June 27 • 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Friday - Saturday 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Family Day: Sunday 6:00 p.m. Hwy 92 - FM 174 • Town Bluff, TX 409-289-0016 or 409-429-3460 Grand Opening Opening July 1 Hours: Tuesday-Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-4 after the first week of business 4432 FM 3063 Village Mills (409) 363-0699 AntiquesMemorabiliaGift ItemsCardsBalloonsMuch More Come join us, you won’t be disappointed! Red Cross Course Local Instructor Two year certification-$80 per participant Open Sessions Scheduled for Saturday: July 13 • August 3 • September 14, 2013 Sessions are available on your schedule and/or location Location: Woodville (contact for further details) 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. High: 95 Low: 71 Rain: 20% High: 95 Low: 71 Rain:10% High: 96 Low: 72 Rain: 20% High: 95 Low: 72 Rain: 0% Cheryl Scurlock Davis, age 68, passed away Saturday, June 22, 2013 in Georgetown, Texas. Services were held at 3 p.m. Tuesday, June 25, 2013, at Riley Fu n e r a l Home chapel in Wo o d ville, Te x a s with inter ment following at the Magnolia Cemetery in Woodville, Tx. Visitation was held from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. on Tuesday at Riley Funeral Home. Cheryl was born September 4, 1943 in Beaumont, Texas. She married Richard Davis on December 4, 1971 in Houston, Texas. Her parents, Marvin and Evelyn Scurlock and her husband, Richard, preceded Cheryl in death. Cheryl is survived by her brother, Lindsey Scurlock; sisterin-law, Julie Dietz; children, Christine Davis, Bob Davis, Steve Davis, Ami Hanson and seven grandchildren. Cheryl worked as a clinical psychologist for over three decades serving children and families in the Corpus Christi area. Cheryl is remembered as a person devoted to family and service to others. Services are under the direction of Riley Funeral Home in Woodville, Texas. Alzheimer’s Support Group First Aid/CPR/AED-Basic CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers and Health Care Providers Please call (409) 651-8044 or email tripletrainers@gmail.com (best contact) TYLER COUNTY WEATHER FORECAST • June 27 -July 4 Cheryl Davis Community-wide Two course offerings Bring your lawnchairs resident of Honey Island. Josh was a student at Weeks Welding School in Nederland. Survivors include his parents, Kevin and Dot Smith, of Warren; son, Houston Ross Smith; mother of his son, Jordyn Leanne Mason; brother, Tyler Lynn Smith and his wife, Kirstie, of Wildwood; grandmother, Vera Smith, of Kountze; niece, Kaylen Isabella Smith; nephew, Dylan Michael Smith; cousin, Clayton James Pickens; and numerous aunts, uncles, and other friends and relatives. A gathering of Josh’s family and friends was held from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m., Sunday, June 23, 2013, at Cornerstone Baptist Church, 1600 South Pine, Kountze. His funeral service was 10 a.m., Monday, June 24, 2013, at Cornerstone Baptist Church, with interment to follow at Village Mills Cemetery in Village Mills, under the direction of Broussard’s, 530 West Monroe, Kountze. Complete and updated information may be found at www. broussards1889.com You are invited to a community wide Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support group beginning June 27 from 6-7 p.m. at Woodville Health and Rehabilitation Center (next to Tyler County Hospital). Your loved one will be taken care of with special activities planned, during the support group meeting so you can focus on yourself. Join with others as our trained facilitators guide the group,allowing you to learn from each other during your challenging journey. Call Sammie for more information. (409) 283-2555. Cemetery Plots for Sale at Mt. Pisgah Cemetery. For information contact Richard McCullough at 409-383-9522 theweatherchannel.com High: 94 Low:72 Rain: 10% High: 93 Low: 72 Rain: 0% High: 91 Low: 72 Rain: 60% Located inside The Cottage at 303 S. Magnolia Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment (409) 283-2887 CMYK June 27, 2013 TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER Opinion Page 3A Visit us online at www.tylercountybooster.com House vote clears way for new abortion regulations AUSTIN — Legislation to revise redistricting maps, regulate abortion and change punishment guidelines regarding youths convicted of a capital felony occupied state lawmakers in special session last week. C a l l e d by Gov. Rick Capitol Highlights Perry on May 27, the 30-day By session ends on Ed June 25. DrawSterling ing the House floor spotlight through Sunday night and early Monday morning was Senate Bill 5, relating to the regulation of abortion procedures and providers. Citizens for and against crowded Capitol corridors and the House gallery. SB 5, tentatively approved on a 97-33 vote at 3:24 a.m., faces a final vote before moving back to the Senate. The legislation proposes to amend the Health and Safety Code and the Occupations Code regarding regulation of abortion procedures, providers and facilities, prohibiting abortions at or after 20 weeks post-fertilization and adding a violation related to abortions performed after the same time window to the list of prohibited practices by physicians or license applicants. Included is an exception that allows an abortion in the physician’s reasonable medical judgment that so complicates the medical condition of the woman, to avert the woman’s death or substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function, other than a psychological condition. The legislation also directs the Texas Medical Board to assess penalties on physicians for improperly distributing or prescribing abortion-inducing drugs. And, the legislation would create a new minimum standard for abortion facilities licensed by the Department of State Health Services. Such a facility would be required to meet the new standards by Sept. 1, 2014. Republican members, leveraging a 40seat majority of over Democrats, moved bills forward to comply with the wishes of Gov. Perry, but Democrats brought their arguments to the fore through proposed amendments, although all failed on votes to table them. Two among many arguments were the adverse and disproportionate effects of the great distances women from rural and remote areas would have to travel to get to one of five facilities that currently could be qualified to perform abortions under the bill and that 26 percent of Texas women do not have health insurance. The House on June 24 preliminarily passed SB 23, relating to the punishment for a capital felony committed by an individual younger than 18 years of age.The bill proposes to allow a 17-yearold offender serving a life sentence the eligibility to apply for parole after serving 40 years. The House also tentatively approved SJR 2, a proposed constitutional amendment to change how dollars are moved from the state’s general revenue fund to the so-called rainy day fund on transfers based on oil and natural gas production taxes. Votes on the preponderance of special session legislation have been along party lines, with Democrats voting in opposition. Some lawmakers who challenged bills said that ultimately the abortionregulating legislation would not stand up to scrutiny by the courts, nor would bills revising certain redistricting maps and limiting a jury’s ability to mitigate Heritage Village Unique With ‘Hands On’ Exhibits The mission of Tyler County Heritage Society is to preserve the past for future generations. We strive to achieve that mission by maintaining Heritage Heritage Village V illage as a By hands-on muSandy seum with Taylor artifacts from approximately 1840-1920. Our brochure provides some information about each of our buildings, and labels on some of the items help to identify the purpose and age of the item. Heritage Village is unique because our artifacts, for the most part, are available for touching. We find that children of school age can relate to these items because our docents describe them as items that their great-grandparents and ancestors before would have used or known about. For our seniors who visit, the Village is a trip down “memory lane” for most of them: they remember the different articles in the buildings. It might be that their parents or grandparents had similar items. One of our special buildings is the Cherokee Church. It was taken apart and moved from the Cherokee Community to Heritage Village where it has become important as a place for concerts and church services. It is also growing in popularity as the place to have small weddings. We have had several scheduled each year that I can remember since I’ve been involved with the Village. In addition to the church we can provide a garden setting in the Village, and the Pickett House for the reception. We can also cater the reception and provide the cake. What more could you need? We cannot supply the groom or bride but everything else can be arranged. Give us a call at (409) 283-2272 to ask questions or to put your wedding on the calendar. This is the time of year when families visit as they move from area to area on vacation. Some come in automobiles, in motorhomes, or on motorcycles. Some even fly in and land at the county airport! Did you know that Heritage Village is listed by the Pilot’s Association? Pilots fly into the airport, call the Village, and we pick them up to eat at the Pickett House and tour the Village. That is just another way we have of getting more people from around the country to visit. We regularly have one or more planes come in and most have found out about us through word of mouth or through the pilot’s group. Talk about good advertising! And speaking of advertising, as you and your family travel this summer please be “Tyler County proud” and talk about all the great places that tourists can visit. We have found that “word of mouth” is the best and cheapest form of advertising. A good recommendation from someone who has been to an attraction is the very best endorsement. We find that many of our visitors from different states come because someone told them Heritage Village was well worth their time. Help us spread the word this summer! Tyler County Historical Commission Open Meetings WHEN: Second Tuesday of the Month TIME: 12 NOON WHERE: Pickett House, Heritage Village 190W - Woodville, Texas For more information phone Wanda Smith at (409) 837-4406 Tyler County Booster Serving the people of Tyler County since 1930. 205 W. Bluff, P.O. Box 339, Woodville, Texas 75979 Phone 409-283-2516 Fax 409-283-2560 Alvin Holley, Publisher Kelli Barnes, General Manager Jim Powers, News Editor Becky Byley, Advertising Director Emily Waldrep, Reporter Staff writers: Wendy Whitworth, Chance Bailey, Jason Drake, Mitchell McCluskey, Tina Richards, Jessie Sanders, Kelsey Sheffield Debbie McCluskey, Bookkeeping Beth Faircloth, Graphic Design/Subscriptions Danessa Rawls/Janette Blackwell, Receptionist/Classifieds/Legals Alvin Dominey, Route Delivery Tyler County Booster (USPS 645-560) is published weekly on Thursdays by Polk County Publishing Co., Inc., Alvin Holley, Publisher, 205 W. Bluff Street, Woodville, Texas, 75979. Subscription rates are $20 per year in Tyler County, Texas, $25 per year out of County, $35 per year out of State. Airmail overseas is available at an extra cost, depending on destination. Online subscriptions are also available for $25 per year, or $5 extra if you already have a subscription to the printed newspaper. Entered as Perodical postage paid at Woodville, Texas. POSTMASTER: Send changes of address to: THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER, P.O. BOX 339, WOODVILLE, TEXAS 75979. Opinions expressed in signed articles are those of the writer alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Tyler County Booster. Letters to the Editor, which appear online only at www.tylercountybooster.com, should not exceed 250 words and must be signed and include an address or telephone number to verify authorship. No anonymous letters will be published. While the publisher makes every attempt to publish letters and other items of information, readers must understand that space is of the essence and articles published free of charge are costly to the publisher and done so as a public service. It is possible that some letters, items of interest, and other articles may be withheld or edited unless space is reserved by payment. The publisher reserves the ultimate authority to publish or reject any item, whether paid or not, at any time without notice at his sole discretion. A full refund of advance payment will be made, but no other liability or damages can be accepted. PLEASE BRING ALL NEWS ITEMS AND LETTERS TO OUR OFFICE BY 5 P.M. ON MONDAY. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for redress of grievances.” -- First Amendment of U.S. Constitution. All Content © 2013 - Tyler County Booster Reproduction In Any Form Without Permission Is Prohibited parole in capital murder convictions of certain juveniles. One bill already on its way to the governor’s desk is SB 3, relating to the composition of Texas House districts. Tentatively approved by the Senate earlier in the week, the bill came back to the Senate with several amendments passed to allow certain Democratic members in abutting House districts to tweak boundary lines in small and mutually beneficial ways. In a vote on final passage, the Senate accepted the changes adopted by the House. Positive every month since May 2010, the state’s annual job growth rate in May stood at 3.0 percent and the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose slightly in May to 6.5 percent, from 6.4 percent in April. “The addition of 324,700 jobs over the past year, with private sector employers adding 299,800 during this period, is good news for Texas,” Texas Workforce Commission Chairman Andres Alcantar stated in an agency news release. Jobs rate stays positive Texas Department of Agriculture on June 18 announced it is accepting grant applications to assist regional efforts to control feral hog populations through its new County Hog Abatement Matching Program. Selected applicants will receive funding on a cost reimbursement basis of up to $30,000. Texas’ seasonally adjusted total nonfarm employment expanded by 19,500 jobs in May for a total of 324,700 jobs added since May 2012, the Texas Workforce Commission reported on June 21. Offer: feral hog grants Wanders With Joy by Huntley Kennison Continued From Page 1A “Me, myself, and I.” The truth of the matter is that a travel partner who often tags along with me is named Joy. Joy is a happy trooper. She enjoys riding on her pillow on the front seat as close to me as she can get, and is content so long as she can see out a window and is not left by herself for too long a time. She likes to listen to the radio, she listens intently to what I say, does not talk back, and she snores shamelessly. Now since Joy is the frequent partner in my wanders and since her name is part of this column’s title, you, the reader, are entitled to know more about her. Her full name is Judy’s Bundle of Joy, and she is twelve years old. She has the dubious distinction of being born on 9-11 of 2000. She is a registered Shih Tzu, but if you asked her she might respond that her self-designated registration is head of the household and queen of the neighborhood. Joy is an inheritance from my wife, who acquired her without my knowledge while I was dutifully attending church over twelve years ago. After our children grew up and moved out of the house, my wife and I agreed to have no more pets. But that’s another story. . . Needless to say, Joy and I have become best of friends. Other than Joy, other inspirations for this column are two of my favorite authors, John Steinbech, who wrote Travels with Charley and Leon Hale, whose columns I first read in the Houston Post and later in the Houston Chronicle. Steinbech’s adventures with his dog named Charley I read years ago; it is on my list of re-reads. I always enjoyed Leon Hale’s writings about his adventures with the “Old Codgers” and his journeys to South Texas to find springtime. His writings about “regular” people “with a story” also appeal to me. Two of the “customers” he interviewed and wrote about were good friends of mine, Wood Fain, who became a successful movie theater entrepreneur and a wellknown East Texas folk humorist speaker, and Dr. J. R. Jackson, a leader in the Texas junior college movement. Both Hale and Steinbech are unknowing influences to this column, as it shall chronicle some of my ventures with Joy, as Steinbech reported with Charley; and, like Leon Hale, I hope to write about conversations with interesting people who have made our part of the world a happier and better place. Another intent is to provide a focus on local and Texas history. Let me close this first “wander” with a few disclaimers. First, in no way do I consider myself a writer. Even though I have mentioned the influences of Leon Hale and John Steinbech, my pen could never remotely compare to theirs. Second, in writing historical sketches, undoubtedly some events and people will be omitted. I apologize in advance. Third, mistakes will be made. I expect the reader to report errors to me so they can be verified and corrected. Since this new venture has been introduced and disclaimers made, let’s have fun and WANDER WITH JOY. Uncle-in-law C.T. ‘Red’ Bollinger was an absolute joy The last of the “Bollinger Boys” was buried May 23 in Dallas. C.T. (Corpal True) “Red” Bollinger, 97, was the next oldest of the five boys and the middle child of seven. He was a delight and brought joy to even the darkest day with his eternal optimism and happygo-lucky approach to life. Telephone visits with Red were a talka-thon, and he was the host from his quarters in the Temecula, Calif. home of his daughter, Lanelle. His non-stop stories were peppered with his hardy, infectious laugh. Red could tell one story after another, laughing every phrase of the way. Many of his tales were of his siblings, among them my late father-in-law, Joel Clifford ( Jay) Bollinger, and his identical twin, Horace Paschal (H), along with the other sons Charles Lavern (Cotton) and Conal Monroe, the oldest. There were two sisters, Kimmie, who held the title of oldest child and Ola Mae. All of these siblings grew up in the northeast Texas, Red River town of Powderly in Lamar County, where that area’s version of a Lone Star State accent was machine-gun-rapid. Their speech was so fast that for years when Jay would talk about his sister Ola Mae, I thought he was saying “Old Maid” as in the old-fashioned term for unmarried woman. All of the Bollinger boys were athletes, mostly baseball although Jay was also a basketball player and made his mark in life as a coach in that sport at Baytown Lee High School. Red was a hard-throwing southpaw (lefthander to the uninitiated) pitcher and played amateur, semi-pro and professional minor league baseball well into the 1930s when, as he put it, “I finally ‘threw my arm away’.” He also served in the Army Air Corps in World War II. After that mighty conflict, Red settled into family life and work at what became the Chance Vought Corporation, an airplane manufacturer in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex area. After Red lost his wife, Jackie, Lanelle moved him to Temecula in Southern California and set him up in selfsustaining quarters in her family home. Red maintained some independence until he lost much of his eyesight just a few years ago. That didn’t deter Red’s optimism, however. When you were talking (listening) to Red, his infectious good humor kept things light and funny through what could lead to a phone-receiver-dulled ear in his normal two-hour visit with someone willing to spend the time. I did so delightfully many times. His stories almost always involved sports, particularly baseball. Red was not a football fan and he followed basketball up to a point, but baseball was his true sports passion. He could tell some baseball tales and wasn’t bashful in talking about the supposedly-outlawed spitball, which Red said was the ‘go-to’ pitch for most pitchers. “I can show you a bunch of ways to throw the spitter,”Red would say CMYK proudly (that meant how to hide the illegal ‘doctoring’ of the baseball). For non-fans, that doesn’t mean Red was an ‘outlaw’ pitcher. It means that pitchers have always (and still By do) found ways to throw the spitWillis ball. It will make a Webb baseball do crazy things and is next to impossible to hit. Red also loved football, especially the Dallas Cowboys. He would spend an entire day watching old games on the NFL Network. Although he played basketball as a youngster, he did not watch that sport, instead opting for his favorites baseball and football. For the last few months, Red was in an assisted living facility and didn’t have unlimited access to a phone as he did while living with his understanding daughter, Lanelle. So, I didn’t get to have his two-hour sports and life talk ‘show’ visit every week before he went to that big ballpark in the sky where, I’m sure, his first start as a pitcher there was a perfect game. No hits, no runs, no errors — just a funny, laughing, staccato description of every pitch. Willis Webb is a retired community newspaper editor-publisher of more than 50 years experience. He can be reached by email at wwebb1937@att. net. Page 4A TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER June 27, 2013 Religion Journey Into Fullness by Questions Gloria Russell In this “information age”, why do we so often hear the words, “I don’t know”? Faye, one of my older friends, suggests the answer is that no one asks questions. She believes people aren’t even interested in knowing. Sometimes it’s a cultural thing. In some places it’s impolite to ask questions. I’ve heard that in the deaf community questions are the norm. It sure makes sense to ask questions if you want to know something. All children ask questions: why this and why that? Who, what, where and when? Perhaps adults have discouraged this healthy characteristic of childhood by insisting they stop asking so many questions. I’m sure we’ve all said, “Please stop asking so many questions!” One thing I do know is that the most interesting people are those who continue to question and to learn. This special group seems to know something about everything. They are truly interested in acquiring knowledge and sharing information. Recently I heard of a student who wasn’t interested in grade point average, etc. He went to class because he was interested in acquiring knowledge. He wanted to know and understand what the professor was teaching. I thought what a rare and precious gift this young man has received. Can you imagine how his teachers responded? Perhaps we should not go there! In the area of spiritual knowledge we are in danger of showing the same disinterest that we have shown in other areas of our lives. The greatest truth that a person can possess with the mind or learn through experience is truth about God. However, you must want to know Him. When you have acquired a desire to personally know Jesus Christ you will find He is easy to get to know. John 20:31 tells us, “But these (things written in the Bible) are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.” See you next week, Gloria Mt. Carmel VBS June 29 Visit us online at www.tylercountybooster.com Seed of Faith Youth Revival July 3-7 Seed of Faith Family Worship Center with Pastor Reggie Williams will hold a Youth Revival and Explosion Celebration Wednesday, July 3 to Sunday, July 7. The theme for these services is “Plug Into the Power.” Revival services will begin 7:30 pm. Wednesday to Friday. Speakers for each night will be Minister Willie Rigsby (Wednesday), Minister Jason Copes (Thursday),and Minister Tawun Mitchell (Friday). The Youth Explosion will be held on Saturday night beginning at 7 p.m. Local choirs, soloists, praise dance and mime groups, inspirational speakers, etc., are invited to participate in this service. The final service will be held Sunday, July 7 at 3 p.m. The guest speaker for this service will be Rev. Kevin Mitchell of the New Beginnings Church in Brenham,Texas. All are invited to join these services with the Seed of Faith Youth as they endeavor to “Plug Into the Power of God.” Pastor Garfield Dee Lamon, Sr., and the congregation of New Beginnings Praise and Worship Center in Colmesneil,Texas would like to invite everyone to come join us in our 5th Sunday Service at 2 p.m. June 30,2013. Come out for a Spirit-filled message and singing, and dinner will be served afterwards. New Beginnings is located on F.M. 255 out of Colmesneil, approximately 4.3 miles down C.R. 3330 on the left. For more information contact Rebecca Sims @ 409-200-1263 or call 409-837-2210 and leave a message. Warren Chapel Mission Society Program Warren Chapel Mission Society is having a Mission Program on Sunday, June 30, at 3 p.m. Theme will be “Being A Witness.” Guest speaker and church will be Rev. Reginald Williams of Seed of Faith Baptist Church, Woodville. Inspirational speaker is Sis. Ruby Hadnot White of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church of Woodville. We invite all area Mission Sisters to come join us for this occasion. Rev. Leon Dennis, Jr., is pastor. Sis. LaWanda Gilder is mission president and Sis. Carol Dennis is vice-president. Harmony Baptist Homecoming on July 7 Harmony Baptist Church will celebrate its Homecoming Sunday, July 7. We will not have our usual 10 a.m. Sunday School, but use this time to visit, then start worship at 11 a.m. Lunch will be served after service. The Church will provide a variety of meats and cold drinks. If you would like, bring your favorite covered dish or dessert. We will also have a singing after lunch. For more information phone (409) 429-3696 or (409) 283-5599. Katy Baptist July Events There will be a free block party for all ages on Katy Baptist Church grounds from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Friday, July 12. For kids, July 10-12 from 6-7:30 p.m. there will be a free Backyard Bible Club/VBS for Pre-K to 2nd grade and Sports Camp (volleyball/ soccer/flag football) for 3rd-8th grade with a devotional each evening hosted by SJBA Mission Camp on Katy Baptist Church grounds in Colmesneil. We need to know how many Pre-K to 2nd graders will be coming, please call 409-698-6569 with numbers by Tuesday, July 2. Fellowship Church Gumbo Dinner Wednesday Community Youth Meeting Attention Junior High and High School students. We have a youth gathering each Wednesday from 5-7 p.m. A hot meal is furnished. They play basketball, board games, etc., and have lots of fun. Wear casual clothes but remember to wear or bring your tennis shoes if you want to play basketball. Parents are welcome to join in, too. Just Victory in Jesus Baptist Church will hold their Vacation Bible School walk into our new building (Wesley Center) and join the group. We promise to make Thursday, June 27 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m., Friday and Saturday you feel welcome. Woodville Uunited Methodist Church, 508 W. Bluff Street. from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. and Family Day at 6 p.m. on Sunday. The church is located in Town Bluff at Hwy. 92 and F.M. 1746. Phone (409) 289-0016 or (409) 429-3460 for more information. Victory in Jesus VBS by Keith Bellamy Fifth Sunday Service at New Beginnings Political Correctness Mt. Carmel Church will hold their Vacation Bible School, “Soaring with the Savior” Saturday, June 29, from 9:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the church, located on Hwy. 255 in Colmesneil. They will have a puppet presentation, skits, crafts and lots of fun learning about Jesus. Grades K-12 are welcome and lunch will be provided. Phone Fellowship Church locarted on Hwy. 69 South inWoodville will hold a Gumbo 882-2275 for more information. Dinner Saturday, June 30 from 12:30-2 p.m. Come join us for some delicious gumbo and help us raise funds to support our bus/van ministry! Donations will be accepted. Little Flock Missionary Baptist Musical July 6 For more information, please contact Fellowship Church at 409-283-2161. at 7 p.m. Musician Appreciation July 7 at 3 p.m. Guest Speaker, Elder John F. Barefield from Church By Christ Jesus of San Augustine, Texas. The Preacher Says... Gone Insane I read where the Food Network dropped Paula Deen due to her using a certain racial slur many years ago. I remember how Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was drilled and criticized when he was going through the process of being selected for his current position. And then recently a man came to help in the rescue of three young women held hostage in Ohio for years. Right off the bat the news media wanted to know the man’s background. But folks, in my book, he was a hero. There are many things said in our past and done in our past that don’t need to be brought up again. But because we live in an age of political correctness we are not correct according to those buying into this philosophy. So it matters not if sin is called sin but don’t call my sin, sin. It matters not a lie is a lie as long as someone else is doing the lying. Even in many churches political correctness is the norm. God forbid someone would point out my failings and address them because it isn’t politically correct to do so. Well, the Bible isn’t politically correct, according to some. We were told once that we were not culturally in tune because we opposed a night club going in next to our church building. Thankfully, truth won out for a change. 1 Corinthians 1:23 So when we preach that Christ was crucified,the Jews are offended and the Gentiles say it’s all nonsense. Woodville UMC Church Services If you are new to Woodville or just haven’t attended church in a while please visit our church and give us a chance to show you how friendly and caring we are. We provide a baby nursery and Children’s Church for childten 3 years old through 5th grade. The times are as follows: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Coffee/ Fellowship, 10:50 a.m. Morning Worship. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church sponsors a grief / loss support group that meets the third Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. The group meets in the Parish Hall and is about an hour in length. Various kinds of grief and loss are discussed. Anyone needing support from loss of a job or any kind of loss are welcome to join. For more information, please call 283-3720 or e-mail stpaulswoodville@sbcglobal.net. Faith Tabernacle Revival Faith Tabernacle of Hillister Texas will be in Revival on June 30, 2013, Sunday at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., with Bro. Cooley from Texas Bible College. Please join us at 6595 C.R. 4260, corner of Seneca Road and F.M. 1013. For more information, please contact Pastor David Clark at 409-720-9864. There will be Spanish translation. For transportation contact Sonia Drake at 409-790-7884. Family Worship Center DVD Family Worship Center of Warren will present the Pastor John Hagee DVD “Four Blood Moon” in three one-hour sessions June 30, July 7 and July 14 at 6 p.m. NASA has already stated there will be a Blood Moon after Apri 15, 2014. Join us to learn more. The church is located on Hwy. 69 S. in Warren, just over the overpass next to the Shirt Shack. For more information phone (409) 547-3433. Hopewell Methodist Concert Hopewell Congregational Methodist Church, located on Hwy. 190 East of Woodville, will host a Southern Gospel Concert with “The Welkers” on Sunday, June 30, at 10:30 a.m. and noon. Lunch will be served at 12 noon. Bring a covered dish. For more information phone (409) 283-3588 or (409) 385-2982. Send Us Your Church News: religion@tylercountybooster.com VBS a Success At Woodville United Methodist Church—What a wonderful VBS we had last week.thanks to Stephanie DeVarona, the Director of our Children’s ministry. The kids were very receptive to the Kingdom Rock program and particularly liked being able to move from room to room for each activity. They had indoor activities as well as outdoor activities. Tyler County Church News brought to you by these proud sponsors: 115 Cobb Mill Road Woodville, TX 75979 (409) 283-8248 • Jarrott’s Pharmacy Serving Tyler County Since 1952 • 205 South Magnolia • Woodville • 409-283-2550 • The Tyler County Booster Serving Tyler County Since 1930 • 205 West Bluff • Woodville • 409-283-2516 CMYK June 27, 2013 TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER Society Page 5A Visit us online at www.tylercountybooster.com Probation officer, Deputy find guns, drugs...from pg. 1A charged with Unlawful Possession of a Firearm, Possession of Marijuana State Jail Felony Amount and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. Melanie Shepherd was charged with Possession of Marijuana State Jail Felony Amount and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. “Deputy Laurent will be periodically making visits with people in Tyler County who are on probation, as well as registered sex offenders,” said Tyler County Sheriff Bryan Weatherford. Carnival Family Fun Day and 5K Night Run July 4 • 4:30 p.m. Woodville Intermediate School Benefitting Chris Jones/CLEAT photo Celebrates 90 years—A 90th Birthday Celebration will be held in honor of Harry Baker of Colmesneil on Saturday, June 29, from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at First Baptist Church of Colmesneil. No gifts, please. Your presence is gift enough. Come and join friends and family. www.tylercountybooster.com Subscribe 283-2516 Fireworks prohibited in National Forests July 4 Clean, oil, adjust any machine in your home for MOON WALK COTTON CANDY FREE FOOD PET PARADE 5:00 $39.95. Pick up entries at Woodville Pediatrics or Woodville First Baptist. 5K Run Entry Fee: $20 Deadline for shirts is June 27 Call (409) 898-3441 Call Leann Monk at 200-1866 or Ross Shelton at 283-2588 for more info. (Regular $69.95) 3r As the July 4 holiday weekend approaches, officials with the U.S. Forest Service are reminding the public that fireworks are prohibited in the National Forests and Grasslands in Texas. Even though recent rains have lessened drought conditions, fireworks can create a potentially dangerous fire situation, and Forest Supervisor Mark Van Every says law enforcement personnel will be watchful again this year. “It only takes a few days of summer heat and lack of rainfall to put our forests and grasslands at a high fire risk,” Van Every said. “For the safety of the public and our forests and grasslands, we urge people to attend public fireworks displays and to keep in mind that fireworks are not allowed in the Angelina, Sam Houston, Davy Crockett and Sabine National Forests, and the Caddo and Lyndon B. Johnson National Grasslands.” The four forests and two grasslands in Texas cover nearly 700,000 acres of public land and have many popular recreation areas for camping, boating, picnicking, hiking and a variety of outdoor activities. “Those possessing or discharging fireworks or other pyrotechnic devices in the national forests or grasslands can be ticketed and fined. We don’t want to spoil anyone’s holiday, but at the same time, we want the holiday to be enjoyable and safe for all forest and grassland visitors,” Van Every said. Sewing Machine Repairs LIVE MUSIC n College Station Officers Honored—Travis Lacox, shown above, who attended school in Woodville through 8th grade, and his partner Andrew Murph, were awarded the State Valor Award by ending an armed confrontation that took the lives of a bystander and a constable. Travis graduated from Diboll High School in 2000. On the day he recieved the award, he also received news that on July 1, 2013, he will receive a promotion to the rank of Sergeant. A reception is scheduled to be held at College Station City Hall. Lacox’s parents are Gary and Colleen Lacox of Diboll. His grandmother is Helen Lacox, also of Diboll. for Eth s w a a P d nual n A FAITH FAIR Saturday, July 13 4-8 p.m. Fun & fellowship for the entire family! Celebrates 92nd Birthday—Stanley Simon of Colmesneil will be 92 years old on June 28. He is a Veteran of WWII (Normandy Invasion) and the Battle of the Bulge. He is married to Gladys, his wife of 66 years. He has five children, including Charlotte Cooper of Beaumont, Cynthia Perkins of Nederland, Hana Evans of Austin, Glathea Tolar of Hurst and Stanley, II of Houston. He also has 12 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren. A birthday celebration will be held on July 4 at Crystal Beach at Charlotte and Conrad’s beach home. COMMUNITY-WIDE ALZHEIMER’S CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP Join with others as our trained facilitators guide a monthly support group experience for anyone caring for a family member suffering from Dementia or Alzheimer’s. This uplifting community opportunity allows you to learn from each other and enhance your own “care circle” of support during this challenging journey. FREE FREE FREE We will be serving: Hot dogs, watermelon and drinks Games include: A bounce house, face painting, basketball and many more Giveaways including: Four Wal Mart gift cards Faith Lutheran Church 704 West Holly The last Thursday of each month Beginning June 276-7 p.m. (Across from the old football stadium) Woodville Health & Rehab 102 N. BeechWoodville Contact: Mark Follett, Pastor Many thanks to our sponsors: The OrchardWoodville Health & RehabCantex Harbor HospiceTexas Home Health Woodville, TX 75979 (409) 283-7171 CMYK Page 6A TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER June 27, 2013 Official Records From June 10 to June 24, 2013 •John Christopher Adcock , 31, Woodville, possession of a controlled substance •Dwight Clifton Barkin, 43, Woodville, possession of a controlled substance •Earl Barlow, Jr., 41, Doucette, five counts - aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, possession of a controlled substance •Jaresiah Lorena Benoit, 34, Wildwood, two counts – possession of a dangerous drug, failure to appear on Class C offense, parking on wrong side of road •Alton Wayne Bronson, Jr., 23, Beaumont, theft of property •Misty Heather Coggins, 30, Woodville, motion to revoke probation – driving while intoxicated 2nd •Devin Wayne Delp, 20, Woodville, possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia •Nancy Katherine Dill, 32, Diboll, driving while intoxicated 2nd •Robert Neal Ferguson, 49, Colmesneil, criminal mischief to impair / interrupt public service •Kelsey Gernon, 23, Colmesneil, motion to revoke probation – failure to appear / possession of marijuana •Christopher Allen Gore, 29, Spurger, withdrawal of bondsman – assault of family / household member impeding breath / circulation, failure to appear – delivery of marijuana, motion to revoke probation – assault family / household member impeding breath / circulation •Matthew Green, 21, Corrigan, driving while intoxicated •Lynn Thomas Hunter, 26, Woodville, disorderly conduct •Levi Blue Jackson, 25, Beaumont, public intoxication •George David Lindsey, 47, Hillister, no operator’s license, failure to appear •Vaughn Longino, 53, Broaddus, robbery •Latoya Sheree McBride, 26, Woodville, abandonment or endangerment of child without intent to return, unrestrained child under four years, no proof of Jail Report liability insurance, unsafe speed •Andrew Clay Menefee, 36, Woodville, possession of marijuana, disorderly conduct, public intoxication •Allen Rashad Miller, 35, Hillister, possession of a controlled substance •Joshua Norman Mullins, 24, Colmesneil, possession of drug paraphernalia, driving while license suspended •Crystal Lynell Porter, 29, Woodville, motion to revoke probation – driving while intoxicated •Daniel Preston Read, 32, Woodville, two counts - driving while license invalid, no proof of liability insurance, violation of promise to appear •Perry Ben Reed, 52, Sylvania, GA, driving while intoxicated 2nd •Walter Settler, Sr., 60, Doucette, motion to revoke probation – prohibited substance – correctional facility, motion to revoke probation – possession of a controlled substance •Joseph Smith, 25, Livingston, two counts motion to revoke probation – evading arrest or detainment with previous conviction •Elaine Chapman Sontag, 52, Woodville, public intoxication •Jayson David Werth, 38, Livingston, driving while intoxicated •Bobbie Jean Whitfield, 46, Woodville, criminal trespass •Jerry Jacoby Williams, 26, Woodville, burglary of a building, no proof of liability insurance, three counts – no operator’s license, three counts – driving while license invalid, open container, failure to appear on Class C offense •William Earl Willoughby, 40, Cameron, murder •Benjamin Howard Winkle, 24, Spurger, motion to revoke probation – driving while intoxicated •Mickey Lee Andrews, 33, Woodville, terroristic threat of family / household •Jaresiah Lorena Benoit, 34, Warren, unauthorized use of a vehicle •David Chaz Conner, 22, Warren, evading arrest or detainment with a vehicle, driving while intoxicated 3rd or more, driving while license invalid with previous conviction / suspension without proof of financial responsibility, two counts of aggravated assault against a public servant •Kim Anthony Dorman, 46, Mabank, Texas, driving while intoxicated 3rd or more with child passenger •Bert Hu Foxworth, 33, Warren, unlawfully carrying weapon, driving while intoxicated •David Eugene Gore, 35, Kountze, driving while intoxicated 2nd •Michael Holcomb, 56, Woodville, assault causes bodily injury, interference with an emergency call •Jack Derold James, 58, Kountze, issuance of a bad check •Robert Earnest Larson, Jr., 46, Warren, aggravated assault of date / family / household with weapon •Thomas B. Malone, 37, Silsbee, theft of property, docket warrant – driving while license suspended, failure to appear – driving while license suspended •H eather Jo McGough, 28, Warren, motion to revoke probation – burglary of a building •Andrew Clay Menefee, 36, Woodville, prohibited substance in a correctional facility – alcohol / drug / phone / tobacco •Omar Cardosa Mercado, 23, Oxford, Ala., motion to revoke probation – possession of marijuana •M elanie Jo Shepherd, 44, Woodville, possession of marijuana •S amuel Edwin Shepherd, 64, Woodville, unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon, possession of marijuana •John Brian Simank, 23, Woodville, driving while intoxicated, driving while license invalid •D yricia Simmons, 31, Lufkin, prohibited substance in a correctional facility – alcohol / drug / phone / tobacco •Jerry Jacoby Williams, 26, Woodville, motion to revoke probation – delivery or manufacture with intent of a simulated controlled substance. Chester ISD Board approves ‘Update 97’ during June 17 meeting By Michael G. Maness The Chester ISD Board met Monday, June 17, opened with a prayer and pledges to the U.S. and Texas flags. They approved a request by the Bernice P. Mark Scholarship Committee to use their cafeteria on July 20 for a fund raiser. They affirmed regular business items,including a renewal of their two-year contract with Texas State Bank of Chester. Superintendent Wayne Ivey had requested a grant from the Texas Association of School Board and received $4,000 that will be applied to the $5,400 cost of a new security system with 8 cameras, 15 days of storage, and expansion capabilities. Ivey also said they could ask for the grant every year, which was welcomed and appreciated. The board considered and approved “Update 97” which addressed several amendments to the Texas Administrative Code regarding instructional materials, the Texas Virtual School Network, state assessments, communicable diseases, incorporating a few federal laws, and new Family and Medical Leave Act rules. Many of these included mundane items from coding instructional materials and their value as “assets” to refinements in end-of-course assessments. The Secretary of Agriculture, representatives from the Food and Nutrition Service, and child welfare caseworkers were added to the list of people that the district could give information to without parental consent. Other Update 97 clarifications included offenses that would disqualify a person from employment requiring a criminal history. The role of arrest and conviction records could be challenging, “if state law … requires automatic exclusion from employment for a particular offense, a district may not refuse to hire a person who has been convicted of an offense listed in state law or local policy unless the district has determined that its decision is job-related.” Termination of an employee’s probationary contract must be hand delivered now. There is a new option qualifying “exigency leave” for parental care if necessitated by a military member’s active duty. And a statutory provision has been added that would let the board choose to cover board members and paid election workers as employees for purposes of workers’ compensation. More good news – Texas House Bill 5 passed and was signed by Governor Perry requiring high school students to pass only five STAAR end-of-course exams to meet the new graduation requirements, namely Algebra I, English I and II, biology, and U.S. History. Some of the skills that were formerly tested separately will be consolidated, as reading and writing will be assessed within the English I and II tests. Superintendent Ivey was thrilled with the developments, and the board felt sure the students would be, too. Superintendent Ivey gave an overview of attendance, boasting on good percentages, and then outlined many other academic and maintenance activities that would be transpiring throughout the summer. Chester ISD was in good shape and proud of its students and teachers. City of Woodville asks for help to keep city beautiful The City of Woodville would like to ask residents and business owners to assist us in keeping our city beautiful by continuing to control litter. We would also ask property owners and residents to show pride in our community and respect your neighbors by keeping your property mowed and maintained, removing unwanted clutter and debris from your property and removing trash carts from the curb after weekly pickup. These measures will help reduce pests such as mosquitoes, rodents and snakes and help to ensure that everyone has a safe and wonderful summer. Sheriff Bryan Weatherford wishes to thank all of the supporters of the 2013 Scholarship Tournament Steven “Doty” Bowen Angie Bowen Amanda Pounds Mark Moore Jarrott’s Pharmacy Properties Unlimited Dr. Caleb Spurlock Dr. Brian Babin Medicine Shoppe Dr. Paula Schultz Kat Excavation & Construction Scott’s Plumbing Commissioner Martin Nash East Texas Chiropractic Lindsey B. Whisenhant McClure Furniture City of Colmesneil City of Ivanhoe J-Way Travel Otis Fortenberry Bythewood Legal Services CTC Company Inc. NAPA Auto Parts Judge Milton Powers A-1 Wrecker Riley Funeral Home Modica Bros. Lakeway Tire Pate’s Collission Dogwood EMS Parker Forestry Joe & Susan Blanks Bill Weeks Greenwood Insurance J. Michael Risinger Community Bank Tyler County Bail Bonds Tolbert Motor Company Citizen’s State Bank Warren BBQ Pit Doug Wood John & Sherry Kenner Tyler County Tractor Sidney Allison Brookshire Bros. Tree Restaurant The Stagecoach Inn East Texas Machine NAPCO Constable Wade Skinner Walling Signs Woodville Lions Club Tyler County Art District Tyler County Industrial Corp. Signs Today Wilson Insurance Read Logging Wal-Mart Thank You for your Support! CMYK June 27, 2013 TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER C&J Stump GrindinG Each Job Bid Separately Hm (409) 331-0098 Woodville Cell (409) 283-1891 or 283-1892 I’m Hooked GARAGE SALES ubHookd.com ESTATE SALE 207 W. Elder • Colmesneil, TX Saturday, June 29 8:00-2:00 p.m. Household items, twin bed and mattress/ box, baby items, pictures, lamps, kitchen items, furniture, hunting items, women and men clothing, and misc. CARR’S ESTATE SALES. Let us conduct your Estate Sale. (409) 200-5201. Like us on Facebook. (27-4t-cc) Estate and Moving Sale-16146 F.M. 92, Spurger-June 28-29 f rom 8-?. Antiques, hutch, Breakfront and others. (26-1t-cc) Living Estate Sale of Walt and Joann Davis , June 27,28,&29 at 1408 Bluebonnet in Woodville. Hours will be 8am-4pm daily. CASH only, no checks accepted. Please enter driveway entrance on N. Beech, signs will be posted. Tools, lawn equipment, 2 car garage full, small trailer, appliances, house full of contents.(26-1t-cc) Garage Sale of Storage Auction Finds!June28-29from 8-4.Come see the stuff we get from storage auctions! Great stuff. 11624 F.M. 1746, Woodville. (26-1t-p) Huge 4 Family Garage Sale, Saturday June 29 from 8-3. 107 N Beech St., Woodville.(26-1t-p) $1 GARAGE SALE! SAT. ONLY, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Everything $1 unless marked. Ivanhoe 708 Charmaine Dr. East on Ski Lake. Kids’ to adults’ clothes and shoes, household items, men’s items, anything else you can think of. Services HANDYMAN SERVICES, Home Repair & Pressure washing. Senior discount. Call David Tate at 283-5614 or 429-4096. (11-tfn-b) S TA N D LE Y M OW I N G SERVICES - lawn care, brush hogging, dirt work, etc. (936) 366-7949. (10-29-b) HANDY MAN SERVICES: Home maintenance and repairs. No job too small. Call Jimmy Estes at (409) 429-5525. (49-tfn-b) HEAT WAVE IS HERE! Don’t have a stroke! Call Yard Work Unlimited 903-391-2087. (25-3t-p) SAFEWAY TREE SERVICE Complete tree removal, trim, cut down, haul off. Insured, references available, free estimates. No job too big or small. (936) 553-6060. (11-tfn-pce) HARDWORKINGWOMAN needing work. Taking down/ trimming trees, mowing, weed eating, raking, cleaning fence line/flowerbeds, landscaping, painting houses/fences/barns. Have truck for hauling. Odd jobs, reasonable prices. Now insured. Christal, 409-834-6130 or 409-224-5293. (25-2t-p) Produce Stand We now have okra! Mon•Wed•Fri 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Delicious farm fresh vegetables Hwy 287•Woodville, TX (across from auction barn) (409) 283-7676 Apartments is accepting applications for our beautiful 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. TERRACEWOOD is an elderly community designed for persons 62 years and older and disabled of any age. Rent based on income. (409) 283-3592 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer TDD# 409-200-2166 alabama-coushatta Music Festival & Fireworks Got Land? Or Family Land? Get a Home ZERO $$ DOWN First 50 Customers get FREE furniture (936) 499-5527 Angelina College Fire Academy Accepting Applications Fall & Spring Fire Academy Courses Fall, August 19, 2013 Spring, January 27, 2014 and accepting applications for: Friday, July 5, 2013 • 6:00 p.m. • FREE ADMISSION SFFMA Firefighter I Volunteer Academy August 2013 Next to Special Events Center on State Park Road 56 SFFMA Weekend Training Courses Scheduled for July, August, & September Fire Instructor I & II Fire Officer I & II Driver Operator/Pumper Wildland Firefighting Online Courses Available For Additional Information Call or Email (936)633-5362 Brian Jack & the Zydeco Gamblers Collaboration Band L & J’s REMODELING Add-ons, decks, metal roofs, cabinets, piers, docks, and boat houses. No job too small. Call 429-6164. (1-tfn-b) Roofing & Repairs WOODVILLE ROOFING SERVICE Roofing, siding, painting, pressure washing, decks, porches, ceramic tile, remodeling. 35 years experience. Call Jimmie Estes, 409-429-5525. (6-tfn-b) JAY LOT T ROOFING Contractor. All types of roofing applied. Serving Tyler County 20+yrs. References available. Satisfaction REMODELING guaranteed. Call 409-283-2760 I’LL FIX IT! General HOME or 409-382-7186. (52-tfn-b) & MOBILE Home REPAIRS Computer Services Honey-Do+ODD JOBS, Decks, Porch Repairs, Roof Repairs, C O M P U T E R RES torage S heds, SENIOR PA I R : We b s i t e d e s i g n DISC. 33 yrs. Experience. Da- and computer networking vid Tate, 283-5614. (48-tfn-b) WEBSTORM COMPU TERS, 283-1051. (40-tfn-b) Farm 287 Terracewood Page 1B e-mail: cfrench@angelina.edu sarreguin@angelina.edu PELL, Workforce, and VA approved Homes For Rent 1,2,3BR nice rent houses in Ivanhoe. $725 and up. Qualifications required. (409) 283-2022 or (409) 429-4754. (2-tfn-b) HOUSE FOR RENT, good references & deposit required. Call (409) 283-7034. (39-tfn-b) WOODVILLE- Good location, 3 BR, $675/month with $675 deposit, 409-837-9802. (20-tfn-b) HOUSE FOR RENT:large 3BR,2BA countr y setting home, $650/month.(409)2833123, leave message.(26-1t-cc) F O R R E N T: C L E A N 2BR/1BA-Woodville. Ideal for couple. NO pets. Application/referenes required. $350 deposit, $425/month rent. (409)-837-2297. (26-tfn-b) HOUSE FOR RENT: 3BR, 1-1/2BA, 1-car garage, CH/A; no smoking, no HUD, no pets $650/month, $350 deposit, (409)-429-8499. (26-1t-p) 3BR/2BA LARGE BEAUTIF UL HOUSE IN CHESTER. Large yard, $850 per month plus deposit. HUD approved. (832)-656-2899 or 936-969-2021. (26-4t-p) LOST & FOUND FREE OLD NEWSPAPERS: Come by the Booster to pick up bundles of free old newspapers Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 283-2516. (16-tfn-nc) IF Thomas Sanders comes in the Booster with an ID, he/she wins $10 cash. Prize money must be claimed by the following Monday at 12 p.m. Unclaimed prize money will accumulate. (1-tfn) FOUND-LOST DOG-Pit Bull puppy,male,white with black spots, looks to be 2-3 months old. 3 miles S of Woodville on Hwy 69, must find owner soon. Call 409-283-2076(26-1t-nc) MOBILE HOME RENT WOODVILLE & COLMESNEIL: 1, 2, 3BR houses, apartments, mobile homes, some all-utilities-paid. Call for availability,409-837-9802. (35-tfn-b) Colmesneil-3BR/1BA MH w/ 2.5 ac. pasture, $595/mo, $595 dep. Includes water & trash service. 409-837-9802. (40-tfn-b) MARTIAL ARTS Tribal Dancers Paul’s Journey Hapkido Ko Shin Do Children & Adult classes Come expecting to have a good time! Musical Entertainment Native Crafts & Food • Contemporary Food Bring Lawn Chairs as seating is limited. Summertime Fun at The Victorian The new Galveston Historic Pleasure Pier, with roller coaster and other amusement park rides. Moody Gardens Tropical Rainforest and Aquarium pyramids. Schlitterbahn Galveston Water Park, indoor and outdoor water park. Historic homes to tour. Nature tours. Planes and trains museums. Stay at The Victorian in a spacious and comfortable condo suite. For more information contact the Tribe’s Public Relations Department Southern Revolution Band at 936-563-1131 or 936-563-1120 or email to sawa@actribe.org. ThIS IS A DRuG AND ALCOhOL FREE EvENT. 571 State Park Road 56 • Livingston One bedroom condo, with bunk beds, sleeps 4 adults and 2 children, minimum two-night stay. Two nights (2) rates from $470.99 inclusive (room rate, fees and tax) Ask about our weekly special (7 nights) from $1400.99 inclusive (room rate, fees and tax) 936/215-1527 409/617-3071 FISH DAY IT’S TIME TO STOCK YOUR POND! Delivery will be: FriDay, July 12 Trinity - 9:15-10:00am @ Stubbs Chemical & Feed Corrigan - 10:45-11:30am @ Eaton’s Hardware Chester - 12:00-12:45pm @ Havis Feed ‘Like’ us on Facebook! FISH WAGON To place an order call, Toll Free 1-800-643-8439 6300 Seawall • Galveston • TX • 855.251.8348 www.facebook.com/galvestonvictorian • victoriancondo.com promo code ST2 and ST7 CMYK www.fishwagon.com Page 2B TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER June 27, 2013 Tyler County Real Estate CHARLES RAWSON CO. REAL ESTATE www.charlesrawsonrealestate.com List With Us! of Southeast Texas Lillie Swearingen (409) 429-4848 904 W. Bluff, Woodville (409) 698-3170 (409) 860-3170 Featured Property of the Week Cedar home with country porch, Woodville Office: 283-3110 Cell: 429-4262 Andrea Ayers 7 Miles South of Woodville On Hwy 69 Open Thursday-Monday 9 am - 4 pm FINANCING: Super Camp, 2 lots, utilities, bath house, Sandy Lane............................$55,000 LAKE GALAHAD: Nice 3/2, priv. well, T pier, Galahad Loop........................$122,000 GREAT ‘08 MFD: on slab, 3/2, patio, storage, Pr. Valiant..................NOW $65,000 2 LOTS: Storage w/ bath, Friar Tuck N.....................................NOW $15,000 NEW: Nice 2/2/1, handicap access + bath, fam. rm., shop, large storage Gawaine..NOW..$65,000 2/2/2 ON SLAB: 1440sf +/-, CH/A FP, Ewain, Seller pays 3% Closing Cost.....NOW$62,000 LARGE WORKSHOP: +/- 1440SF, Hardie siding on slab, 2 corner lots, Marian..NOW $22,000 NEAT 3/2: MFD, CH/A, superdecks, guestroom, fenced 1/2 acre, 27th...................$44,900 FEEL GOOD CABIN: 2/1, Bonus Room, FP, Super cov. encl. decks, Ivanhoe W.....................$55,000 UPDATED 2/1: Bonus Room, +/-1500sf, ch/a, fenced, .50 acre, Galahad Dr......$59,900 SOLD SKI LAKE: 3/2, CH/A, open concept, pier, cov. boat slip, Charmaine E.......................................$135,000 NEEDS TLC: Waterview 3/2 approx. 1950sf,SOLD Mayberry..................$40,000 SKI LAKE: Quality Brick, 2/2/2, open concept, ch/a, fp, Charmaine St.......$158,900 SKI LAKE: 3/1 open concept, RV port, shop, stunning 1.3 ac, Sherwood F....$159,900 SKI LAKE CABIN: 2/1 sleep loft, outdoor shower, pier, Charmaine S..............................$89,000 COZY RETREAT: 1/1, outdoor shower, lg cv porch, fenced 1/2 acre, 28th st..............$39,000 HANDYMAN SPECIAL: 1995 MFD home 3/2, Lakeview Cir...................$15,000 SKI LAKE BEAUTY: 2/1, super guest house, fenced, White Horse Circle............$189,000 SKI LAKE: Brick/Hardie Board, 3/2/2 priv well, wkshops, 2 fine lots, concrete drive, boathouse + piers, concrete bulkhd, Charmaine S.......................................................................$229,900 SKI LAKE: 3/2, 10’ ceilings, lg master suite & fmly rm, Sherwood Forest.................$199,900 $92,000 BUNA ACREAGE: Five cleared lots ready to build CR 740............................................................................................$52,500 WARREN ACREAGE: 7+cleared acres on Byrd Road, Warren.........................................................................................................$30,000 LAKE IVANHOE HOME: 2-Story, 4/2.5/2, waterfront view, 1 acre...............................................................$256,500 COMMERCIAL-HWY 96: Located next to Buna Sonic on Hwy 96 S - prime location.........................................................$279,900 400 CR 1860, Warren: 4 Bedroom, custom built home on approximately 7 acres...................................................................................$284,780 414 CR 4430, Spurger: 4 bedroom home with 15,000sf shop with office space!........................................................$379,900 IVANHOE LAKES ESTATES: 2 lots to build or park your RV - lakes, shade trees, relaxation...........................................................$15,500 IVANHOE LAKES ESTATES: 2 nice RV covers on slabs, 5 lakes to enjoy - great getaway..............................................................................$50,000 COLMESNEIL ACREAGE: 10 wooded, fenced acres with paths and nature stream................................................................SALE PENDING $40,000 852 CR 4110, Woodville: Barn-shaped cedar home on approximately 7 acres, mature trees.......................................................SALE PENDING $89,900 255 CR 3249, Colmesneil: Country home on 5 acres of rolling hills and trees - 5 bedrooms.........................................................................$199,000 510 WEST WHEAT, Woodville: Near downtown Woodville, orginal wood floors, potential.............................................................................................$55,000 CR 4190, Woodville: Immaculate renovated cottage on 3 lots - tall trees!.................................................................................$47,500 2063 FM 256, Woodville: Vintage home on 10 acres. Some repairs needed...................................................................................................$90,000 1250 CR 2775, Doucette: Well-kept 3 bedroom home on slab, once acre of land...........................................................................................$80,000 55 ACRES IN KIRBYVILLE: 55 acres that run parallel with the tracks. Approx 600x2800 on Raybo Drive......................................$82,500 92 ACRES IN NEWTON: 92 Acres of rolling East Texas land. 2 creeks, 2-acre pond, barn, outbuldings............................................$225,000 WOODVILLE COMMERCIAL: 19,000sf across from Walmart on Hwy 69, new roof, repaved parking, fully sprinkled..............................$1,750,000 400 CR 4151, Woodville: Cedar 2/1/2, fireplace, screened-in front porch w/ swing, nice trees, concrete drive.......................................$49,500 908 CR 1096, Woodville: Secluded 3/2/0 country home on 15 acres. Huge family foom with brick fireplace..............................................SALE PENDING $185,000 704 KELLY BLVD., Woodville: Brick, 3BD, on dead-end road, covered patio, lg fenced yard, quiet area............................................$90,000 432 CR 3240, Colmesneil: Secluded 3/2 country home on 9+ rolling acres surronded by woods. Great kitchen w/ island...................REDUCED $169,900 240 LANCELOT Woodville: Spacious 2/2/1 home with wood burning fireplace and sun room. Five lakes to enjoy! 2 lots................................$58,500 435 23RD STREET, Woodville: Lake front 3/2/2 with fabulous views, workshop, water well, fruit trees, wood burning stove.....................$188,500 365 CR 4270, Woodville: Beautifully designed 3/2/2 on 4 acres. Park-like setting in lakeside community..........................$193,500 WILDWOOD ON GOLF COURSE; 2 story brick, 4/3bdrm., 2 full baths, 2 half baths, many new upgrades with bonus room!....................................................$262,500 1747 FM 2827:, Warren: Cedar home on 35 acres with Big Thicket on two sides. Includes barn, watr well plus pond................................................$259,900 HWY 69 WOODVILLE:, 3/2/2 Impressive home with country porches, pool, stocked pond and more on 36 acres.................................................................$450,000 1507 SOUTH WHEELER, Colmesneil: Two bdrm on 5.6 partialy wooded acres. Needs TLC but has great potential. Hwy frontage.........SALE PENDING$56,000 262 CR 760, BUNA: Brick & vinyl, 4/2/2-carport, tile, beautiful corner brick fireplace, bay window, cov’d patio...............................................................$139,900 187 CR 814, BUNA: Updated and cozy 4 bedroom home on 1.3 acres. Spacious master suite, near schools..........................................................$159,900 317 CR 229, BROOKELAND: Farm house on a hill top! 3.91 rolling acres of cleared land in Jasper County. Precious.............................................$115,000 266 PR 8264, WOODVILLE: Recent updates throughout! Lg brick 4/2 on 1 acre. Beautiful property with fruit trees & barn.....................................$145,000 312 E PINE ST., KIRBYVILLE: Spacious updated 5/2/2, wood and tile flooring, huge multi-purpose room in back of garage....................................$175,000 415 CR 758, BUNA: Large family home nestled on 1/2 acre. Wood burning stove, vaulted ceiling, master down.......................................................$150,000 IVANHOE, 946 27TH ST: Vacation home or full time living near parks and lakes. Well-maintained 2 bdrm on 2 lots...................................................$24,900 1910 PINE, WOODVILLE: Spacious 4 bdrm., 3.5 bath with two living areas, 2 master bdrms, patio and double carport............................................$155,000 400 CR 582, KIRBYVILLE: Partially fenced 4.5 acres with pretty pond & nice trees-ready to build or place mobile home.............................................$30,000 154 CR 4138, WOODVILLE: Country cedar home on slab with metal roof. Two bedroom, full front porch plus outbuildings - on one acre..............$92,000 www.kwsetx.com ... Norvelle Rogers (409) 782-6187 FOR SALE OR LEASE Clean 4/2/2 brick home; large master with bath, den with wood stove, tile and laminate floors, large oven. $75,000 or $850.00 month (Will do a credit and background check) www.texashomeandranch.com Greg Gonsoulin 409-454-1375 Stacy Manuel 409-429-4459/Jayne Best 409-880-5088 REALTOR / Houston HAR. MLS/ LAND OF TEXAS.COM/ Featured Property Colmesneil Country home 3/2 with SS appliances, shop, carport on 2 acres $119,000 Warren: New: beautiful 3/2 Log home with stone fp, SS appliances, walk-in pantry, propane generator, on 23 mostly wooded acres.......................................................$248,000 Woodville: Brick 4/3/carport, open concept, formal dining rm, walk-in pantry, above ground pool, stg bldg, lg bak yard, MOTIVATED SELLER...REDUCED$120,000 Woodville: New listing, frame 3/2/carport, lg bdrms, original hardwood floors, office/media rm, e decks, shop, lg yard...........................................................$128,000 Woodville: Brick 3/2/2 Open concept, new floors & bathrooms, plenty stg, fenced back yard, close to town.................................REDUCED$99,000 Hillister: Brick 3/3/2 quartz counter tops, SS appliances, formal dining rm, fp, sunroom, lg utility rm, ex storage, shop, 40x60 barn, equip shed, 1/1 guest hs, gated entry, 79 acres improved pasture, pond, fenced x fenced......SOLD$450,000 Spurger: Brick 3/1/carport, quartz counter tops, office, wood stove, lg living rm, sun deck, metal shop, 12 ac fenced pastures.................REDUCED$145,000 Spurger: 2500sf brick home with 4/2 baths, fp, updated kitchen, dw, fml dining rm, ex stg, inground pool, sep game rm w/bath, barn 24 Ac home warranty included..$229,000 Campground area: 26 acres.............................................................$4,000 per acre Lake Front Home: 3/2 10 ft ceilings, open floor plan, master suite w/custom shower, hardwood floors, 2 waterfront lots w/ pier.........................SOLD$160,000 Colmesneil: 14 ac CR 3249, mostly wooded, rolling terrian, utilities at prop lineSOLD$74,000 Woodville: 3/2/2 Brick with fireplace, separate dining room, CH/A, Patio, fenced back yard, city utilities on a dead end street.......................................$99,900 Colmesneil: Country home 3/2 w/ SS appliances, shop, carport on 2 acres NEW LISTING................................................................................................$74,000 Michele Martindale, Broker (409) 429-6202 Randy Durham, Agent (409) 429-6277 Gina Fowler, Agent (409) 382-5805 Ashley Jackson, Agent (409) 429-4011 Norvelle Rogers, Agent (409) 782-6187 -RESIDENTIALWoodville: 2/1 in town, carport.......................................... .......$47,000 Hillister: 3/2 mobile home, 2004 model, circle drive......... $52,000 Ivanhoe: 2/1 2/1, storage building, 2 lots..................... $55,000 Woodville: 2/1 in town, out building, shed....................... $59,500 REDUCED! Woodville: out of town 3/2 open concept............. $69,000 Woodville: 3-4/2, game room, fenced backyard, fruit trees, st. bldg ........................................................................................... $72,000 Ivanhoe: 2/2, all appliances stay, deck, fenced................ $77,000 NEW! Woodville: 2-3/1.5, on 0.2+/-acres, down town.............. $78,000 REDUCED! Woodville: 4/2/2, outside city limits, remodeled, nice... ............................................................................................ $79,000 Warren: 3/2, 2006 mobile home, 0.77+/-acres on Hwy 69, excellent cond............................................................................ $85,000 NEW! Woodville: 3/2, outside city limits, st. bldg., fenced $87,500 REDUCED! Woodville: 3/2/2, 2.8+/-acres, lg. rooms, deck $89,000 NEW! Woodville: 3/2/1, end of street, fp, cathedral ceilings $94,500 REDUCED! Woodville: 2/1.5/1 hardwood floors, fp, wk. shop $95,000 NEW! Chester: 3/1, brick home on 2+/-acres $99,000 NEW! Woodville: 3/2/2 on 0.64+/-acres, outside city limits, manicur ed......................................................................................... $99,500 NEW! Woodville: 2-3/2 brick on 0.658+/-acs, large deck & backyard .....................................................................................$125,000 Colmesneil: Neches River frontage, 2,768sqft, 3 story, unfinished ..............................................................$125,000 NEW! Woodville: 3/2/2, fp, outdoor kitchen, storage $129,000 REDUCED! Woodville: 3/2, outside city limits, 1+/-acs, pool $129,000 REDUCED! Woodville: 3/1.5, split-level, on lake, private pier, 0.5+/-acs ..................................................................$162,500 Woodville: 3/2/2, fp, game room, updated kitchen, out buildings $185,000 REDUCED! Woodville: 4/3/2, 2 story, fp, study, open concept $229,000 REDUCED! Woodville: 3/2.5/2, wooded lot, in town, 2,710sqft $239,500 NEW! Silsbee: 3/2/2, on 1.3+/-acres, in Enchanted Forest $245,000 -RESIDENTIAL CONTRACT PENDING- REDUCED! Hornbeam: 3/2/2/, cathedral ceilings, fp, patio .. ...........................................................................$186,000 Hazel: 3/2/2, lake front, 2 lots ..................................$239,000 NEW! E. Wildwood: 4/3.5/2, on golf course, 2 lots, 2,666sqft .................................................................$247,000 -WILDWOOD CONTRACT PENDINGWildwood: 3/2/2, sun room, 2 lots, golf cart garage.......... $205,900 -LAND & COMMERCIALSilsbee: 20+/-acres, wooded, off Gore Store Rd., will divide $60,000 NEW! Warren: Commercial lot, 50’x45’slab, 3 RV hook-ups $69,000 Woodville: Commercial lot, 1.36+/-acres, Hwy 69 South frontage .........................................................$75,500 REDUCED! Woodville: 28.25+/-acres, wooded, Hwy 287/ FM 256 frontage ......................................................$80,000 Woodville: Commercial Building, Hwy 69 frontage, rental/income producing potential .........................................................$97,000 NEW: Woodville: FM256, 48+/- acres, wooded with cleared areas, hwy frontage ...................................$134,000 Chester: 28+/-acres, Commercial or Residential land, former mill site, pond, Hwy 287 frontage .........................................$180,000 Saratoga: 85+/-acres, partially wooded & cleared, good hunting tract ......................................................................$183,000 Colmesneil: 66+/-acres, wooded, electric on-site, rolling terrain .............................................................................$199,692 Woodville: 2+/-acres, Commercial Land, Hwy 69 South frontage ...............................................................................$200,000 REDUCED! Woodville: 12.89+/-acres, Commercial Building, Hwy 287 frontage ...................................................$250,000 REDUCED! Woodville: 140.8+/-acres, rolling terrain, creek, wooded, ......................................................................$499,000 Woodville: 3/1/2, shop on slab, end of cul-de-sac $57,000 Woodville: 3/2, outside city limits, fp, out buildings $62,000 -LAND & COMMERCIAL CONTRACT PENDINGWarren: 3/2, lots of storage, 0.41+/-acres $69,900 Ivanhoe: 3/2, A-frame, garage, out building, fenced $79,000 Woodville: Rolling, Timber, Storage shed on 80.2+/-acres $250,000 Lake Hyatt: 3/2, brick home, 0.51+/-acres, lake front $80,000 Warren: 3/2, brick home on 2.67+/-acres fenced, Hwy frontage $120,000 -FARM & RANCH- Colmesneil: 1/1.5 kwanzit hut, hurricane resistant home, 4.44+/-acs $79,500 REDUCED! Hillister: 4/2 mobile home, pool, fenced 5+/-acs $94,000 REDUCED! Woodville: 3/2, outside city limits, 2+/-acs, workshop $129,000 Woodville: 5/3, 2+/-acres, Harmony area, barn/stg, small pasture $164,500 REDUCED! Hillister: 4/2/2, on 6+/-acres, deck, fp $175,000 NEW: Warren: CR4800, 3/1.5, pool, barn, out buildings, pasture, 6+/acres ....................................................................................$185,000 Warren: 3-4/2.5, study, tile floors, granite, fp, 5+/-acres $289,000 Woodville: 3/2.5, on 7.78+/-acres, 3,354sqft, pool, barn $330,000 Woodville: 4/3, on 10+/-acres, Harmony area, custom home, barn, pond ................................................................................................$399,000 -FARM & RANCH CONTRACT PENDING- Colmesneil: 4/2 farmhouse w/barn, 5+/-acres, fp, porches, FM frontage ............................................................................$98,000 Woodlake: 2/3 on 13+/-acres, pasture, workshop, barn fenced $150,000 Colmesneil: 3/3, 2 story, balcony, workshop, 5+/-acres $165,000 -WILDWOOD- Call for info about Lots Available! Lakewood: waterfront lots, 0.44+/-acres, water/electric available ..................................................................$47,885 REDUCED! Cedar: 3/2/1, open concept, laminate floor, fp, 2 lots $89,900 Cedar: 3/2/1, corner lot, fp, new roof & stove $99,900 REDUCED! Pecan: 3/2/2, 4 lots, guesthouse ....................$105,000 NEW! W. Wildwood: 3/2/2, well maintained home, country charm .....................................................................$115,900 W. Wildwood: 3/2/2, corner lot, storage building $139,900 NEW! W. Wildwood: 3/2/2, large metal garage, w/shop, storage, gazebo .....................................................................$144,000 Idylewood: 4/2.5/2 with shop and carport on 3 lots $169,999 REDUCED! Hickory: 3/2, fp, open-concept, sun porch, 3 lots $174,900 RENTALS Call for more information on rental homes and property! SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! Warren: 3/1 pier/beam wood frame house on 2+/-acres $60,000 Warren: 38+/-acres, fronts 2 county roads $67,130 Warren: 3/2 on FM 1943 W. on 0.4+/-acs, outbuildings $69,900 Woodville: 3/2/2 hardwood floors, fenced $77,000 Woodville: 2/2, fenced, out buildings, 1.79+/-acres $89,000 Woodville: 5/3.5 spacious, 2 st. bldg., 1.0+/-acres $110,000 Colmesneil: 3/2 brick home on 4.8+/-acres $129,000 Chester: 2-3/2, creek, improved pasture 12.5+/-acres $129,000 Woodville: 3/2, on 4.5+/-acres, brick home with shop/sheds ........................................................................$136,000 Woodville: 3/2.5/2, fp, formals, game room, rv parking, study .............................................................$137,000 Town Bluff: 3/2 overlooking Steinhagen Lake $139,000 Ivanhoe: 3/2 lake front, 4 lots, pier/private island $179,900 Wildwood: 3/2 lake front, with large deck $199,000 Hillister: 15+/-acres, wooded, special ceilings, aspen wood .....................................................................$239,000 Woodville: 23+/-acres, custom 3/2.5 on lake w/pier, barn $395,000 Warren: 3-4/3.5 on 14+/-acres, spring fed lake, rolling terrain, pasture, pool/hot tub ...................................................$450,000 Woodville: 3/2 farm house on 70+/-acres wooded, good timber, live water ............................................................$499,000 Any property you see, if you are interested, call Martindale please! CMYK June 27, 2013 TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER Sports Chester • Colmesneil • Spurger • Warren • Woodville Page 3B Visit us online at www.tylercountybooster.com Warren athletes attend summer workouts By: Mitchell McCluskey Warren athletes have been par- program aimed at keeping them fit next year. This strenuous program agility training. Athletes begin in ticipating in a summer workout and helping improve their skills for includes a variety of weight and the weight room and then follow up outside with agility and running. Incoming seventh graders through high school seniors are encouraged to come to the workout. This gives athletes a chance to improve on individual skills while showing their dedication and willingness to work hard. With the arrival of a few new coaches, this is one of their first opportunities to see the athletes in action. This is the second year this program has been in affect and is offered Monday-Thursday from 9-11 a.m. or 6-8 p.m. Eagle Football Preview Warren athletes participate in agility training. Chester Bass Club fishes first tourney at Rayburn By: Wendy Whitworth The Chester fishing team fished their first tournament on Sunday, June 22.The tournament was held on Sam Rayburn Lake. Keaton Whitworth and Cody Riley were able to prefish on Saturday to get a feel of the lake. The fishing was tough for all the anglers. The team was able to catch a few fish, but, unfortunately they were not able to place in the tournament. The next tournament will take place in Arkansas in July. The Chester Athletic Booster Club hosted a fish fry this past Sunday. They were able to raise approximately $1600. The booster club has done an exceptional job supporting the Chester Athletic program.They have been able to purchase many of the athletic needs. Their current goal is to purchase new football uniforms. Thanks to everyone who supported this current fundraiser. The Chester Class of 2015 will be hosting a bull riding on June 29 at 7:00 p.m. at the Tyler County Fair Grounds. There will be several bull riding events including nine years and under calf riding, 13 years and under steer riding, 14-17 junior bull riding and open bull riding. There will also be unlimited muttin bustin. Admission is only $5.00 for ages five and up and of course, concessions will be available. Anyone wishing to advertise or just make a donation can contact Terry Riley at 409429-4190 or Wendy Whitworth at 936-671-2645. The livestock will be provided by Branded for Christ Rodeo Livestock. The Chester Class of 2015 would like everyone to be a part of this exciting event. Colmesneils’ Brandon Cowart signs on to play with Mt. Zion Christian Academy By: Jason Drake By: Chance Bailey The Woodville Eagles are hoping to return to the playoffs again in 2013. Last year, Woodville finished 4-6 on the season and 3-4 in district for fifth place. The 10-2ADI poll has the Eagles on the outside looking in. The Eagles are predicted to finish fifth this year. The UIL announced this season that four teams will make the playoffs this year. This means that the Eagles will have to pass one of the teams predicted ahead of them to get in. The poll indicates the Newton Eagles are favored to win the district championship with the Buccaneers of East Chambers as the runner-up. Newton is predicted as the number one team in the state this year. Kirbyville and Kountze are predicted to finish Colmesneil High School graduate Brandon Cowart has signed a full scholarship to attend Mt. Zion Christian Academy in Durham, North Carolina to become the latest member of the Warriors. Mt. Zion is known for its prep-basketball program, as they have produced collegiate and NBA stars such as Tracy McGrady, Amar’e Stoudemire, Brandon Rush, and many others. Cowart hopes to join that list one day. Although Colmesneil’s basketball team did not have a successful season, Cowart was one of the lone bright spots, earning the Defensive Most Valuable Player award in the district and being selected to the SETX allstar team. third and fourth for the final two playoff spots. The Anahuac Panthers were selected sixth behind Woodville, with Hardin and Warren picked seventh and eighth. Head football coach, Jared Slaten will have to replace key skill players in 2013. The Eagles are returning five offensive and five defensive starters from 2012. Junior Marqui Jackson is predicted to take snaps from junior center Colin Pate. The Eagles will rely heavily on seniors this year, especially wingback Charles Fentress, tailback Phillip Noble, fullback Trent Daniels, and running back Reggie Williams. District 10-2AD1 is predicted to be one of the toughest in 2013 and very fun to watch. email: woodvillesports@yahoo.com email: chestersports@yahoo.com Woodville athletes in the weight room for summer conditioning. email: colmesneilsports@yahoo.com 2013 Football registration will be this Saturday, June 29 from 9-12 at the Youth Football Building next to the Woodville Gym. Ages 5-12 The Tyler County Booster ACROSS Chester fishing team Keaton Whitworth and Cody Riley. Spurger Pirates summer ‘13 By: Kelsey Sheffield Monday, June 17 the Spurger Lady Pirates competed in the Woodville summer league. They only had one game that night and had to play with only four girls. Although it was tough and tiring, the girls played their hearts out and negotiated to have a girl they never played with before to be on their team. The Lady Pirates faced a lot of adversity but continued to play hard to continue to try and improve. Tuesday, June 18 the Pirates boys basketball played again in RE A BR I D E S T O R E S O U R L Y L ESS A LOE M I CA I F CEO A L TO P AYD AY K N I CE T T AT I C K SH E E N Last Puzzle Solution A I R DC L O E OO DN E A B A R E C I T Y S O C I A L I T E S ODG R TO I KN I NG M I T ANO N S A L AN EN A P S E A S E R I R TOO ADS G T P E E NERO I T S CE E S-1120 Kirbyville summer league against Kirbyville and Evadale varsity. With only five boys to play two forty-minute games they were tired quick, but never gave up. During the first game, Nathan Sheffield scored thirty points for the Pirates, Caleb LeBouef had several assists and Robby Clark had great defensive moves. The Pirates are all continuing to work hard and never quit trying to improve. email: spurgersports@yahoo.com Spurgers’ Nathan Sheffield. DOGWOOD HILLS Country Club Current Days of Operation: Tuesday-Sunday 1 TX Kristofferson album: “Jesus ___ _ Capricorn” (‘72) 5 in Concho Co. on 83 6 TX Barbara Mandrell sang “When _ ___ Loves a Woman” 7 ex-Astro pitcher, Darryl (‘91-’97) 8 “The eyes of Texas ___ upon you . . .” 9 federal criminal investigative agcy. 12 TX “_____” Smith was a college & pro star defensive end 17 this Telly was in film “The Dirty Dozen” with TX Trini Lopez 19 “Texas . . . ___ ___ indivisible” 21 TXism: “he’s _ ______ in his own mind” (big ego) 22 TXism: “restless __ _ ___ in church” 23 rare European sheep breed 28 “get the ____ out” (hurry up) 29 Colorado indians 30 “I ___ ___ it is” 31 TXism: “brave enough to ___ __ a boomtown cafe” 35 statement of religious belief 36 talkin’ without thinkin’? (2 wds.) 42 TXism: “useless as a ______ __ _ sow” 44 D’_____, TX 46 lawsuit initiator 48 Oiler Hall of Fame DE, Elvin 49 TXism: “in a pig’s ___” (never) 50 Joe Tex was a “Southern ____” singer 51 “Enchanted Rock State Natural ____” 52 dir. to Coleman from Eden 53 TXism: “lion’s share” 54 ticket remnants 23 24 25 26 1 2 3 TEXAS CROSSWORD 4 5 6 by Charley & Guy Orbison 7 Copyright 2013 by Orbison Bros. 9 8 10 28 15 16 20 29 31 36 DOWN 14 22 27 37 32 33 34 39 38 44 43 42 13 19 21 35 1 TXism: “____ __ _ ___-___-old kitten” 2 TX Chester Nimitz was this 5-star rank in the Navy 3 Guadalupe Peak is 8,751 feet above this (2 wds.) 4 TX 40s “scream queen,” Gwynne 9 TXism: “wouldn’t hurt a ____” (gentle dog) 10 event in “Cowboy Capital”: “_______ _______ Days” 12 18 17 30 56 TX Willie’s 46 father 57 this TX Earlene won ‘59 Gold in shot put (init.) 58 TX Strait ‘82 tune: “Marina del ___” 11 47 49 40 41 45 48 51 50 52 53 11 organization for 54 55 TX schools (abbr.) 12 banking company 56 big in TX (abbr.) 13 unrecognized 57 contributor (2 wds.) 58 14 Texans “____ the heat” with AC 15 cook a cake 16 “groove-billed” birds 24 TX A&M joined this in Rio-Grande confer. in 2012 Valley State Park 25 “His and ____” 18 must be 21 years of 26 TXism: “in _ ____ ___ to carry conof trouble” cealed gun in TX 27 slang for “head” 20 ex-Astro pitcher, 32 TX band: “Asleep Doug (init.) __ the Wheel” 23 TX Tom Kite won 33 big TX computer __ Open in ‘92 component co. P-1121 34 “Blue Eyes Crying __ the Rain” 36 TX golfer Hogan 37 a great amount 38 organized labor groups 39 Warren of TX film “Tough Enough” 40 remove Stetson? 41 bolo ___ 43 TXism: “let a sleeping dog ___” 45 “Alamo City” (abbr.) 47 ____-__-lis 48 hard blows 55 TX George Jones’ “Why ____ Why” 205 West Bluff • Woodville, TX (409) 283-2516 Call 283-8725 for more information CMYK Page 4B TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER June 27, 2013 Employment Tyler County Hospital 1st Quality Hospice Hiring OPEN POSITIONS RN/Case Manager Director of Patient Quality and Quality Performance Call 409-331-9909 Must have BSN, MSN preferred, Full time, days. Lead a hospital wide approach to increased patient satisfaction. This includes HCAHPS scores. This includes tracking, development and training as needed to accomplish established goals. Must possess strong project management skills, ability to analyze data and identify trends, policy and procedure development skills Life, Dental, Health Visit us online at www.tylercountybooster.com CARETAKERS Great opportunity for married, retired couple that likes country living at a Christian retreat facility in Woodville, Texas. Job requires: housekeeping, extensive grounds keeping, minor maintenance of cabins and equipment. Mobile home with paid utilities provided along with a monthly stipend per couple. Mail resume to: P. Daniel P.O. Box 848, Stafford,TX 77497-0848. Call (210) 240-3586. (17-10t-cc) Rayburn Healthcare and Rehabilitation Now Accepting Applications for Director of Nurses Please apply in person Monday - Friday • 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 144 Bulldog Ave. Jasper, TX (409) 381-8500 To inquire about positions at the Hospital, check the employment section of our website at www.tchospital.us Human Resources Department (409) 283-6590 1100 West Bluff • Woodville Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE BID NOTICE Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 p.m., on July 10, 2013, by the Woodville Independent School district at the administration office, 505 N. Charlton, Woodville, Texas 75979, for the 2013-2014 school year for the following Food Service Items: Food Services (Staple Goods)Food Services (Frozen Goods) Bread, Milk and Juice Paper Products C h e m i c a l s and Cleaning Products Bids must be sealed, plainly marked “SEALED BID–FOOD SERVICE” and received by Linda Johnson, food service director at the above address by the date and time stated, at which time bids will be opened at a meeting open to the public. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Bid forms and other information may be obtained at the district’s administration office (409) 283-3752.(26-1t-b) tract (A1037 and/or R26697) in Northern Tyler County. Sylvaticus, Ltd., a Texas family limited partnership, also owns an undivided interest in this tract and would like to acquire full interest. If you are on of these heirs or know of living heirs of the above, please contact Sylvaticus, Ltd., before August 1, 2013. Sylvaticus, Ltd. 51318 LEGAL NOTICE Winding Creek Way Houston, LEGAL NOTICE TX 77017. (512) 985-7683 ATTENTION HEIRS of W.F. or (713) 944-4607. sylvatiNOTICE TO WINDCarter, Dan Carter and Nathan cus1@gmail.com. (17-12t-cc) MILL MOBILE HOME H. Carter: You may own an unTENANTS REGARDING divided interest in an 11.09 acre WATER SYSTEM. All results TexSCAN Week of June 23, 2013 ADOPTION PA I D C D L Tr a i n i n g ! N o e x p e r i e n c e needed. Stevens Transport will sponsor the cost of your CDL training. Earn up to $40K first year and $70K third year. Excellent benefits, 1-888-726-4130, www. WARM, FUN, PROFESSIONAL couple eager becomeadriver.com. EOE to provide your child with love and happiness TECHNICAL TRAINING forever. Expenses paid. Ann and Peter. Call 1-800-593-1730. AIRLINE CAREERS begin here. Get FAA approved Aviation Maintenance Technician DRIVERS training. Financial aid for qualified students. EARNING BETTER PAY is one step away! Housing available, job placement assisAveritt offers CDL-A dedicated & regional tance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintedriver. Excellent benefits & hometime. CDL-A nance, 1-888-893-3640. www.FixJets.com required. 1-888-362-8608. Recent grads with a CDL-A, 1-5 weeks paid training. Apply AIRLINE CAREERS begin here. Become an Aviation Maintenance Technician. FAA online at AverittCareers.com; EOE approved training.Financial aid if qualified. DRIVERS- OTR POSITIONS Earn 32¢ - 45¢ per Housing available, job placement assismile. $1000 Sign-on bonus! Assigned equipment, tance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintepet policy. deBoer Transportation 1-800-825- nance, 1-877-523-4531. 8511, O/O’s welcome, www.deboertrans.com HELP WANTED DRIVERS - Students. 18-day from start to finish! Earn your CDL-A. No out-of-pocket MEDICAL BILLING TRAINEES needed! tuition cost. Step up to a new career with FFE. Train to become a medical office assistant now! Online job training gets you ready. www.driveffe.com; 1-855-356-7122 Job placement when program completed. EXPERIENCED FLATBED DRIVERS Call for details! 1-888-368-1638; ayers. Regional opportunties now open with plenty edu/disclosures.com. of freight and great pay. 1-800-277-0212 or REAL ESTATE primeinc.com 11.4 ACRES, Duval County. South Texas brush country, electricity. Locked gate. Deer, hogs, turkey. $2,023 down, $369/month, (9.9%, 20 years) or TX Vet financing. 1-866OWNER OPERATORS and fleet drivers; 286-0199. www.westerntexasland.com 2800-3200 miles/week avg. All miles paid. 20 ACRES FREE! Buy 40, get 60-acres. Home weekly, fuel surcharge, paid plates and $0- down, money back guarantee. No credit permits. Weekly settlements. 1-888-720-1565 checks. Beautiful views, roads/surveyed near El Paso, Texas. 1-800-843-7537, www. or Parkwaytransportinc.com EARNING BETTER pay is one step away! TexasLandBuys.com PARTNERS IN EXCELLENCE OTR drivers APU equipped, pre-pass, EZ-pass passenger policy. 2012 & newer equipment. 100% NO touch. Butler Transport 1-800-528-7825 Averitt offers experienced CDL-A drivers excellent benefits and weekly hometime. 1-888-362-8608, Recent Grads with a CDL-A 1-5 weeks paid training. Apply online at AverittCareers.com; EOE from Texas Water Commission will be available for tenants to review for the year 2012 for a period of 30 days at the Windmill Mobile Home Estates Post Office boxes, Hwy. 69 N, Colmesneil TX 75938, beginning on June 12, 2013. A copy will be provided to anyone who requests it. Please call 409-837-9802(24-4t-b) RN NEEDED FOR LOCAL HOSPICE. Embracing Hospice in Livingston, Texas is seeking a compassionate, emotionally-mature professional to be responsible for providing assessments, plans and care to patients and families that maximize comfort, maximize health, and are in accordance with interdisciplinary team plan of care. Embracing Hospice offers a variety of Team Member benefits and competitive salary. Please call 936-327-9991, Kathy Lyles, HR, to apply. Applications available on Web site, www. american-hospice.com or 317 W. Church St., Ste. 312, Livingston, Tx 77351. (25-tfn-pce) www.tylercountybooster.com Woodville Health & Rehab Part or full time van driver. Must have good driving record and Certified Nurse Aide in good standing. Full time social worker Full time Certified Nurse Aide-All shifts (Now offering Sign On Bonus) Apply in person Contact Wilma Gray Woodville Health & Rehab (409) 283-2554 Visit us online at www.tylercountybooster.com LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERSSealed bids addressed to the County of Tyler for the following: ID# 11142011 Emergency Standby Services and Products. PURPOSE-The intent of this contract is to have a vendor that is capable of providing all types of product and services required in the case of a declared State of Emergency. This contract would be used when the County of Tyler resources and contracts are not able to provide for an emergency in an immediate manner. The contractor would provide an additional source beyond existing resources. Tyler County would use these products in responding to a declared disaster such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and other man-made and natural disasters that affect the county. The types of items that may be required would be generators, lighting systems, toilet facilities, health facilities, living accommodations and /or supplies, etc.: as well as possible on-site response teams to perform a wide range of emergency services. We will expect a return phone call or response from the contractor within 4 hours of a receipt of a message from Tyler County requesting assistance under this contract. Further, we expect the contractor to have the requested products and services on site within 72 hours after the initial call. For more specific information on Contractor qualifications or General Requirements please contact the County Auditor’s office Mon. – Fri. from 8:00 a.m. to ABSOLUTELY THE BEST VIEW Lake Medina/Bandera, 1/4 acre tract, central W/S/E, RV, M/H or house OK only $830 down, $235 month (12.91%/10yr), Guaranteed financing, more information call 1-830-460-8354 ACREAGE REPO with septic tank, pool, pier, ramp. Owner finance. Granbury 1-210-422-3013 AFFORDABLE RESORT LIVING on Lake Fork. RV and manufactured housing OK! Guaranteed financing with 10% down. Lots starting as low as $6900. Call Josh, 1-903-878-7265 STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDING SHELTERS perfect for homes and garages. Lowest prices, make offer and low payment on remaining cancelled orders 20x24, 25x30, 30x44, 35x60. Call now, 1-800-991-9251 ask for Ashley VACATION WEEKEND GETAWAY available on Lake Fork, Lake Livingston or Lake Medina. Rooms fully furnished! Gated community with clubhouse, swimming pool and boat ramps. Call for more information: 1-903-8787265, 1-936-377-3235 or 1-830-460-8354 Run Your Ad In TexSCAN! Statewide Ad .................. $550 290 Newspapers, 905,076 Circulation North Region Only ...... $250 94 Newspapers, 301,619 Circulation South Region Only ..... $250 100 Newspapers, 391,741 Circulation West Region Only ....... $250 96 Newspapers, 211,716 Circulation $106 MONTH BUYS land for RV, MH o r c a b i n . G a t e d e n t r y, $ 6 9 0 d o w n , To Order: Call this Newspaper ($6900/10.91%/7yr) 90-days same as cash, direct, or call Texas Press Service Guaranteed financing, 1-936-377-3235 at 1-800-749-4793 Today! NOTICE: While most advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. We urge readers to use caution and when in doubt, contact the Texas Attorney General at 1-800-621-0508 or the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP. The FTC web site is www.ftc.gov/bizop Extend your advertising reach with TexSCAN, your Statewide Classified Ad Network. CMYK 4:30 p.m. at 409-283-3652. Bids will be received in the office of the County Auditor, 100 West Bluff, Room 110, Woodville, Texas, until 10:00 a.m. on Monday December 12, 2011, 2011, at which time and place all bids received will be publicly opened. FACSIMILES SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTED. PLEASE MAKE REFERENCE ON THE FACE OF THE ENVELOPE AS TO ITEM(S) FOR WHICH YOU ARE BIDDING. REMIT SIX COPIES ALONG WITH ORIGINAL BID. The County reserves the right to award by unit cost or lump sum discounted. Tyler County reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive formalities and technicalities to negotiate sale. JACKIE SKINNER COUNT Y AU D I TO R T Y LER COUNTY, TEXAS(25-2t-b) ANNOUNCEMENTS PROMOTE YOUR EVENTS and get connected to your friends and neighbors in Tyler County by subscribing to the Tyler County Booster for only $20 per year in county. We accept Mastercard, Visa, and Discover Credit or Debit. Call today (409) 2832516. (1-nc) THE WOODVILLE GROUP of Alcoholics Anonymous Meets: 101 Pine St. (corner of 69 & 287) on Tues. 6:30 p.m. & Fri. 8 p.m. For Help Call (409) 454-4053 or (409) 200-5213. (1-tfn-nc) AL-ANON: Family Groups is an Anonymous Fellowship of Relatives and Friends of Alcoholics. There are Many AlAnon and Ala-Teen Meetings Throughout the Southeast Texas Area. If You are Affected By a Drinking Problem Someone Else Has, And Want Further Information, Please Call (409) 899-3343. (1-tfn-nc) F I B RO M YA LG I A SUPPORT:Call Loretta Mott at (409) 331-0018. (1-tfn-nc) THE NEW BEGINNINGS AA group: 112 S. Pecan, will meet Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 6:30 p.m and Wednesdays 12:00-1:00. Women- only meetings Fridays at noon. (409) 429-0602. (1-tfn-nc) B I N G O EV E RY WEDNESDAY at the Nutrition Center, 201 Willow, f rom 12:30-Until! (1-tfn-nc) I CAN COPE is an educational support group offered by the ACS and provides support services to survivors and caregivers. United Methodist Church. Meetings are held at 6 p.m. the first Thursday of each month. For more information on I Can Cope, contact Lynn Hays at (409) 429-8189 or Charlean Wiggins at (936) 969-3114 or (936) 760-5618. (1-tfn-nc) C H R I S T I N E ’ S P L AC E RESALE Shop, representing Family Services of SE Texas, a non-profit organization, accepts donations M-F at 501 West Bluff, (409) 331-9939, and is open daily for your shopping needs for the entire family. Women and Children’s Outreach of Tyler County offers support and counseling to victims and/or families of victims, including abused women and children. Call (409) 283-5887 for assistance. (1-tfn-nc) June 27, 2013 TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER Page 5B Fourth in series... The Booster is covering each of the five School Districts in Tyler County, through the eyes of their superintendent during the coming weeks. Enjoy! Woodville ISD 2012-2013 School Report By: Jessi Sanders Mr. Conner, Superintendent of Woodville ISD reported on the 2012-2013 school year, discussing topics such as transformational goals, technology applications, athletic and other extra-curricular successes, and the challenges the District met this year. Mr. Conner discussed the five transformation goals approved by the school board this year, which were to create a new digital learning environment, provide learning standards that match the needs of the individual learner, create continuous and informative assessment guidelines, maintain accountability for learning, and support staff and students to be productive members of the 21st Century. One of the key points Mr. Conner highlighted in detail is that the District feels students have been trained to be “a group of responders, not a group of thinkers,” and it is now the District’s responsibility to make kids think in the classroom by engaging them with a variety of strategies. Mr. Conner stated that although state testing standards are important, the District wants to satisfy the standards of the community by keeping the focus of learning not on the test students take once a year, but on the daily learning by checking for understanding and covering topics in a different way. In regards to technology in the classroom, Mr. Conner pointed out that “students today have the ability to have an answer quicker than they ever have before,” going on to say that “we have been in the 21st Century for thirteen years now, and we need to embrace that.” As a result of this thinking, the District loosened their electronic device policy in grades 6-12. Because of its size, the District has difficulty putting a device in every student’s hands via 1:1 implementation, so this is one way to let students use the technology they already have. Students sign acceptable use policies which are up to date with the Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA), and the internet is filtered through the District’s network. In the second semester, the Board approved an iPad initiative which gave every teacher in the District a three step device training program and an iPad. The goal of this initiative is to get teachers comfortable with technology so that they can help their students use it effectively in the classroom, and to “design lessons around technology instead of just applying technology to existing lessons.” In terms of extra-curricular activities, the District had a very successful year. Many students advanced through Regionals in academic U.I.L. competitions, the Choir qualified for Regionals, two students were selected for State Middle School Choir, the One-Act Play advanced to Regionals, and an art student received Best of Show in the ‘...it is now the District’s responsibility to make kids think in the classroom by engaging them with a variety of strategies.’ Tyler County T Ball team wins District Tournament and heads to State Tourney Congratulations to the Tyler County T Ball All Stars team for winning District. The team will head to the State tournament July 6-11 in Center. Saturday, June 29 will be a car wash fundraiser starting at 9 a.m. in the McClure Furniture parking lot. There will also be a fundraiser in front of WalMart provided by Wilber T’s Barbeque starting at 9 .m. Top row,left to right: Coach Billy Jack Sturrock, Coach Jake Stafford, Coach Heath Robinson (not pictured, Coach Robert Borel). Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. The volleyball, basketball, baseball, and softball teams advanced to playoffs, several students qualified for State in track, and a number of students received All-District awards. The District met several challenges at the beginning of the school year, including the replacement of eleven people who retired at the end of the 20112012 school year.The school year began with new principals on every campus. Mr. Conner said that the shift was drastic, but that the new administrators did a good job, and that the staff on each campus got behind them and supported them. Mr. Conner also stated that the parent support has increased this year, with a good parent group supporting teachers and students, and discussing their expectations of the District. He expressed that the District wants the community to know that they are trying to make their children thinkers, not responders, by equipping them for success in the classroom and after they leave, be it going to a four year University, a technical school, or straight out into the workforce. Colton “Blake” Barnes, son of Chad and Jennifer Barnes, has been named on the Austin College’s Dean’s List for Spring Term 2013, according to Austin College Registrar Texas Ruegg. The Dean’s List recognizes the top 20 percent of students taking a minimum of three graded, full-credit courses each term based on the grade point average for that term. Congratulations Blake! L a m a r U n i ve r s i t y graduates and honors BEAUMONT – Lamar University conferred 1,564 degrees during commencement ceremonies on May 18, 2013. Lamar’s Tyler County, spring 2013 bachelor degree graduates and their majors are: HILLISTER: Tynisha Shawnte Smith, applied arts and sciences; SPURGER: Samantha Allyse Hall, communication disorders; WOODVILLE: Shewana Spencer, nursing; Leah Odom Hicks, psychology. President’s List for spring 2013 - Students who qualify for the President’s List carry a full course load of 12 semester hours or more with grade point averages of 4.0 for that semester. They automatically earn places on the Deans’ List. They are: FRED: Steven Charles Joiner, Susan Joiner; WOODVILLE: Wesley Aaron Cruse, Jessica Marie Sanders, Douglas Barclay Shows and Hannah Elizabeth Shows. Deans’ List for spring 2013 To qualify for the Deans’ List, a student must carry a full course load of 12 semester hours or more and have a grade point average of Second row, left to right: Trevor 3.5 or higher for that semester. Hatton, Caden Carney, Nick They are: SPURGER: Samantha Horn, Rodney Kirgard, Madalyn Allyse Hall; WARREN: Jacob Devarona and Cory Mitchell. Allen Blackshear, Samuel Walter Third Row, left to right: Waylon Sturrock, Karson Fowler, Kaden Congratulations Kaleb Bendy from Chester on receiving the Blackshear, Thomas Crittenden; Satterwhite, Ethan Robinson, 2013 Tyler County Go Texan Scholarship. Presenting the award WOODVILLE: Victoria Vandenberg. Kenner Greaff and JaythanTraylor. is Carl Tynes, Ambassador of Tyler County Go Texans. CMYK Page 6B TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER June 27, 2013 Wooodville Teachers Retire Eleven Woodville ISD lady educators will retire this year with an accumulation of 309 years of experience at Woodville and 335 total years in all their schools. Seated (L-R) with total years of service are Sharon Martin 34, Freddie Thomas 39, Judy Hart 36; standing in front is Judy Obana 42; standing in the back (L-R) are Ann Overstreet 23, Sharon Moseley 20, Blanche Shaw 24, Dr. Sherry Kenner 38, Kaye Spurlock 35, Anne Tolbert 18; Sandy White 26, could not be there. Sending them off are Elementary School Principal Chuck Lowery (L) and Woodville ISD Superintendent Glen Conner (R). Dr. Kenner, Obana, and Hart all started in Woodville at the same time and are leaving together. Dr. Kenner is the Asst. Superintendent and has been an administrator or principal for 25 of her 38 years, commenting that, with all the experience and certification, this group “could start a school.” Ms. Tolbert reflected what they all felt, “It has been a real privilege to serve the students and community of Woodville.” Texas Representative James White gave a certificate for each teacher from the House of Representatives, recognizing them for their dedication. FOR SALE LIVE CATFISH for sale, $1.25 per pound. Cleaning fee .25c per pound.Open Thursday-Saturday, 12pm-6pm in the Onalaska area. (936) 328-4745. (46-tfn-pce) FOR SALE - MOVING, must sell all. Like-new furniture, Queen size bed w/ headboard, Oak dining room table w/ 4 chairs,cedar chest and other small items. Will make a good deal on all. (409)659-0207. (20-t31-p) FOR SALE CUSTOM built solar or regular screens. Call 409-429-4462 or 409-2836900. Ask for Gerald. (24-4t-p) FOR SALE a pair of Chinchillas with cage, make an offer. Also square bales of hay in barn, $5.00 each. 409-200-1722 or 409-926-8411. (26-1t-p) DOGS & PETS Homes For Sale 4BR/3BA, formal dining, brick fireplace, game/computer room; 3-car garage, 12 acres. 2 miles out of Woodville city limits. $275,000. (936) 646-6443. (23-t34-cc) *HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER* 3 BR/1BA home sites on 1.5 acre lot @ 503 Nellius. Large back yard with storage building that stays with the property. CH/A, owner will pay closing costs. Asking $120K. Call 361-318-766 days & 409283-2694 evenings. (26-4t-cc) 3BR HOME FOR SALE at 711 Myrtle in Woodville. Excellent neighborhood. $75,000. Visit www.woodvillehome. com or call 409.331.5676 for more info. (23-tfn-b) ACREAGE 1.5 acres+/-(.45 acres on AKC Doberman puppies- 3 lots) for sale. Whitetail Black/Rust. 6 males, 1 female, Ridge in Woodville, $1,500. 1st and 2nd shots, wormed, tails *Neighbor next door to propand declaws done. 6 weeks old, erty ; please call. Contact $350. (409)331-9195. (25-2t-p) (409)679-8014. (25-3t-cc) ONALASKA-LAKE LIVINGSTON, 3 acres, woods, water, electricity. Great for recreation or homesite. $500 down, $225/month. Call 254315-8155, Broker. (25-2t-pce) MOBILE HOME SALE I PAY CASH for clean used single and doublewides. Call 979-743-4962(26-2t-pce) HUGE SELECTION single and doublewides.Air conditioned display models, shop in comfort. Reliable Homes of Huntsville. Open 7 days, Sundays 1:005:00. 936-295-8188. (26-2t-pce) WE TAKE TRADE-INS. UPGRADE to a new home. Reliable Homes of Huntsville. Open 7 days, Sundays 1:005:00. 936-295-8188. (26-2t-pce) MOBILE HOME RENT WOODVILLE & COLMESNEIL: 1, 2, 3BR houses, apartments, mobile homes, some all-utilities-paid. Call for availability,409-837-9802. (35-tfn-b) Colmesneil-3BR1BA MH w/ 2.5 ac. pasture, $595/mo, $595 dep. Includes water & trash service. 409-837-9802. (40-tfn-b) APARTMENT/RENT 414-0570. Tuesdays, 9:00 a.m. at the United Methodist Church in Spurger, (409) 429-5239. Mondays,6:00 p.m.at the United Methodist Church in Spurger, (409) 429-7147. (17-tfn-nc) ARE YOU a c om p u l s i ve 2-BEDROOM, 1-bath apart- o v e r e a t e r ? O v e r e a t e r s ments in Chester, $415/month. Anonymous can help. No weigh(936) 327-0317. (10-tfn-pce) ins, dues or fees. Come join us Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m. at Woodville ANNOUNCEMENTS United Methodist Church, Education Building. (10-tfn-nc) L.B.A.S. Left Behind After Suicide support group meetings are every Monday, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at city hall in LOST & FOUND Huntington, Tex. on 69, next to Dollar General S tore. FREE OLD NEWSPAPERS: Leaders: Joe Sawyer, H- 876- Come by the Booster office at 205 9001 C- 404-7135. Jennie W.Bluff to pick up bundles of free Christopher, C- 676-3253. old newspapers Monday-Friday Sabrina Sallas Fisher, C- 465- 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (409) 3878. Debbie Sallas Robinson, (16-tfn-nc) C- 404-8703. ‘Time heals all 283-2516. wounds’ is not always enough IF Thomas Sanders comes for survivors of suicide. Shared in the Booster office at 205 feelings enrich and lead to W. Bluff in Woodville, with growth and healing. (18-tfn) an ID, he/she wins $10 cash. TOPS M E E T I N G Prize money must be claimed LOCATIONS: Mondays, 9:45 by the following Monday a.m. at Dogwood Hills Baptist at 12 p.m. Unclaimed prize Church, (409) 283-7188 or (936) money will accumulate. (1-tfn) FOUND: LOST DOG-Pit Bull puppy,male,white with black spots, looks to be 2-3 months old. 3 miles S of Woodville on Hwy. 69, must find owner soon. Call 409-283-2076. (26-1t-nc) (409) 283-2516 Business Card Directory Backhoe • Dozer • Dump Truck House Foundation • Ponds • Roads Clearing • Dirt • Rock • Compost 936-676-5568 DIRT • ROCK • DOZER Foundations, Roads, Driveways, Land Clearing, Lakes, House Pads, Tractor work, maintainer work GREG KIRKPATRICK CEMENT WASH-OUT 409.547.3433 SPURGER WOODWORKS, INC. PHILLIP HOOKS New Homes & Remodeling Commercial / Residential Design & Build Custom Cabinets Made With Quality Products Serving Tyler Co. & Surronding Areas P.O. Box 23 Spurger, TX 77660 CUT ABOVE LAWN & LANDSCAPING (409) 429-3610 Cell: (409) 200-1400 Tyler County Booster 205 W. Bluff, Woodville • (409) 283-2516 1,2&3 Bedroom Floorplans Call for Move-In Special Complete Lawn Maintenance Quality Service That Grows On You Free Estimates and Fast Service Phone (409) 289-7799 AMTEK HOUSE ADVERTISE HERE $20.00 per week (Black and White) $25.00 per week(Color) 20% Discount for Prepaid Yearly Ads Dogwood Terrace LEVELING Insured For Your Protection Since 1980 Please Call: (936) 327-6304 or (936) 328-1434 Water Leveling Concrete Blocks Floor Joist Blocks Pads & Beam 1501 S. Magnolia (409) 283-3100 ADVERTISE HERE $20.00 per week (Black and White) $25.00 per week(Color) 20% Discount for Prepaid Yearly Ads Tyler County Booster 205 W. Bluff, Woodville • (409) 283-2516 CMYK
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