Term 2 Wk 10 Newsletter - Hillston Central School


Term 2 Wk 10 Newsletter - Hillston Central School
Hillston Central School Newsletter
62-80 Moore St Hillston NSW 2675
Principal S J Chapman
T 6967 2277
F 6967 2385 E hillston-c.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Website www.hillston-c.schools.nsw.edu.au
Term 2 Week 10
Tuesday 28th June 2016
Again this week congratulations are to be extended to the three
students who have earned selection to the State Athletics: Timon
Meyer, Tatum Meyer and Charlotte Bartholomew. All have excelled
at Athletics and demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship.
Today the Principal’s Assembly for Term 2 will have recognised the
students for their academic and sporting achievements also some
students will have received their well deserved Gold Awards.
The visit by the Royal Australian Navy Band last week is still
echoing through the school. The musical skills of the band
members have developed hugely since the formation of the band a
brief four years ago. It was terrific to also see the members of the
community playing alongside the students during the concert. This
fantastic modelling by more experienced musicians is something
that is valued highly by the students and the school.
30th June
Students Resume for Learning
19th July
HSC Geography Study Day
21st July
Year 7 2017 Info Evening
26th July
At the end of this week I shall be retiring from teaching. Ms Sandy
Ryan will be relieving as Principal. Ms Ryan has played a
significant role in the school in recent years and her knowledge of
the school and students will serve her well during the next few
months. The school and its progress in the second semester is in
excellent hands.
I extend warm and appreciative thanks to all members of the
school community who have welcomed me and my wife into the
community of Hillston. I have learned much and taught much in the
role of Principal and am confident that I have left the school better
than I found it.
27th-29th July
Education Week
1st-5th August
RAP Yr 10 into Yr 11 Info Evening
2nd August
Steve Chapman
Primary Awards
Secondary Sport Dates
Friday 22nd
NSW all schools Cross Country– Tatum,
Timon and Charlotte.
4th August
Riverina Athletics– Tatum, Timon,
Charlotte, Kaleb, Natassia, Jade Neal,
Connor Lee,
Remember if you are on Level 2 or above you are ineligible to attend.
Athletics Record Breakers
Our apologies for missing a record breaker from the Athletics Carnival. Montana Moll broke the
overall Sub Junior (5,6&7 years old) 800m record and set a new record for the 6 years 800m
which previously had no record.
Central Schools Netball
Thursday 24th June our students participated in the 16 Years Central School Netball
competition. Our girls competed against 6 other schools which included Barellan, Balranald,
Ariah Park, Lockhart, Coleambally and Coolamon. The girls played well and won their first three
games. After a brief break they then went down against the overall winners of the day Balranald
and Ariah Park who came second overall. The final game was close but our girls worked well
together all over the court and came up with another win. We were third overall on the day, so
congratulations to Hannah Tong, Natassia Ceccato, Jade Neal, Preeya Burgess, Lekisha
Kennedy, Adela Neal, Charlie Mott and Charlotte Bartholomew. Congratulations on their effort
and sportsmanship on the day.
School News
4th August
School Library.
Our annual Primary Spelling Bee will take place on Thursday the 4th August at 11.10am in the
School Library. Students wishing to participate have been given a list of the words and should
be busy practising. We would love to have family and friends come along to witness our
fantastic spelling skills. The top two students from 3/4 and 5/6 will be selected to represent our
school at the Zone Spelling Bee in Griffith later in the term.
Year 9-10 Agriculture
This term students have been studying beef production. Last week the students visited Milnes
Butchers. Tony Milne showed the students through the shop explaining to them the different cuts
of beef and where they come from on the carcass. Students were told about quality and
sausages. Tony showed students some of the advertising and brochures that are used to
promote beef. Thank you to Tony for the informative visit.
Band Rehearsals
There will be no band rehearsals this week. They will resume Week 1 of Term 3 on Wednesday
the 20th July for both Junior and Senior.
Gonski funding benefits for Hillston Central School
What is this Gonski that I keep hearing about and seeing on signs? The independent Gonski
Review on education recommended that governments fund education based on needs rather
than just numbers. It was a 10 year funding plan and started in 2014.
Over the last three years, Hillston Central has received an additional $266 000
through this funding and this year we used the funding to:
create a fourth primary class to reduce primary class sizes
fund the staffing and training to run the Quick Smart numeracy program
fund the staffing and training to run the MultiLit literacy program
support at-risk students.
Gonski funding has made a real, measurable difference for the students of
Hillston Central and this is a cause for celebration.
If the party elected this Saturday supports the ongoing rollout of the funding, we will continue to
use it for similar programs that directly help to improve the results that students achieve at our
igiveagonski.com.au is a site that will provide you with much more information.
Quicksmart in action.
MultiLit in action.
Yr 1/2 enjoying the learning.
Royal Australian Navy Band
Congratulations to the Hillston Central School Concert Band on their performance with the
Royal Australian Navy Band (RANB) last Wednesday evening. The combined efforts of the
groups performing entertained a crowd of over 200 people with a wide variety of music. The
concert was the highlight following two full days of music workshops, tuition and rehearsals held
at Hillston Central School with 8 members of the RANB. The students of Hillston Central
School are very fortunate to have been given this amazing opportunity to play alongside and
learn from professional musicians. This is part of an ongoing program that we have running in
our school in conjunction with the Australian Children’s Music Foundation.
On behalf of the band I would like to thank all of the parents for supplying lunch, morning tea
and supper for the Band and our visitors with a special mention to Jo Burgess and Sam Neal
who assisted not only in preparing food but cooking, serving and clean-up during the day. I
would also like to thank Milne’s Butchery and the HCS P&C for their generous donations of
prizes for our door raffle. Congratulations to the Raffle winners Mrs Dolly Bartholomew and Mrs
Litiana Jatan.
Year 11 Careers Expo
Last Tuesday, Year 11 travelled to Leeton to attend a Careers Expo at Leeton High School.
There were plenty of exhibitors that were show casing their career paths. There were lots of
different universities (La Trobe, Federation University, Charles Sturt University, just to name a
few). Government jobs like Department of Education and Communities, NSW Police Force,
and Australian Defence Force. TAFE NSW Riverina was also there show casing the wide
variety of courses that are available.
The students found this day very valuable by asking lots of questions about different career
Thank you to Mrs Fitzgerald for driving the bus for us so we could attend.
Angus talking with a Hutcheon and Pearce
Reece, Hudson and Angus talking with
a Defence Force Representative.
The Life of a Woman Astronomer, Tui Britton
A few weeks ago, students from Years 9 & 10 + Vikrant Jatan, our HSC Physics student, had
the opportunity to be part of a video-conference presented by a woman astronomer. The girls
thought it was particularly interesting and it challenged their thinking. Year 10 have been
studying ‘The Universe’ and they have brought many of the concepts into the class during
discussions. Vikrant has just started studying the option topic Astrophysics, and he also has
already made use of the concepts presented. Great to be able to access video-conference links
with people in industry, thanks CAASTRO!
Here is what was advertised from the presenters:
“When Tui was young, she wanted to be an astronaut and an air force pilot. She thought it
would be fun to be able to view Earth from space, and she used to gaze at the stars and wonder
what was out there. In this talk, Tui will speak about how she got to where she is today, the
obstacles she has had to face and all the important decisions that she has had to make along
the way. She will summarise her different research interests, including star formation, cultural
astronomy, and her work investigating how the most massive stars in our galaxy are formed. By
showing students the different research areas, she hopes to inspire them to see the multitude of
different topics that are waiting to be discovered in astronomy.”
Johana McCarthy
3-6 Canberra Excursion
Proposed date: 17th - 20th October, 2016
Students from Years 3-6 will be undertaking an educational tour of the national capital,
Canberra, from the 17th to the 20th October, 2016, Term 4. Students will be given the
opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history,
culture, heritage and democracy.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to
visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in
meeting the cost of the excursion, the Australian Government is contributing funding of $20 per
student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program. The rebate is paid directly
to the school upon completion of the excursion. Hillston Central School are also heavily funding
the excursion to reduce the cost to parents. While we are in the early stages of planning some
of the possible stops will be Parliament House, The Australian War Memorial, National Gallery,
The Royal Australian Mint, Cockington Green Gardens, Mount Ainslie lookout, Australian
Institute of Sport, Dinosaur Museum and Sky Zone Trampolining.
At this stage the approximate cost of the excursion will be $350 - $400. A more detailed costing
will follow next term. We wanted to allow for parents to plan and begin saving now so students
can attend.
This is a great opportunity for students to see some of our national icons as well as to
participate in activities with students from other classes and show off their independence and
organisational skills with getting themselves ready.
Please remember that students on level 3 or above during the term will be unable to attend. So
start saving now for this fantastic learning opportunity in Term 4.
If you have further queries please speak with Ms Martin.
30th June
A little bit about the theme
Songlines –The living narrative of our
Songlines are the oldest living narrative of our nation, and will be the focus for the 2016 NAIDOC
Week celebrations. NAIDOC Day is an opportunity for all Australians to come together to celebrate
the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait people. This year’s theme will
highlight the importance of Songlines to the existence of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, the Dreamtime describes a time when the earth,
people and animals were created by our ancestral spiritual beings. They created the rivers, lakes,
plants, land formations and living creatures. Dreaming tracks are sometimes called ‘Songlines’
which record the travels of these ancestral spirits who ‘sang' the land into life.
The National NAIDOC Committee encourages all Australians to explore and celebrate how,
through Songlines, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people remain connected to Country and
have been able to maintain and share sacred stories and ceremonies for tens of thousands of
years. The leaders of the National NAIDOC Committee said the theme is one which will showcase
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people histories and deep spiritual connection to the land.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people used Songlines to navigate vast distances and map
oceans, waterholes, rivers, birds, animals, plants and hunting grounds. The paths of Songlines are
recorded in traditional arts, crafts, dance, songs and stories.
Saddler Guest
K—12 will be involved in…
This year Mark will be presenting to all students K-12. It will include
Wiradjuri language, making of Didges, Coolamons and cultural weapons,
dance and art. He will have question time with all students and involve
them in dance and art. Years 9-12 will also discuss career paths and
school based training programs.
Students are able to wear any clothing with indigenous
design or colours of the Aboriginal flag on NAIDOC DAY.
Year 7 Technology
This term students have been designing an original cookie which they were to use to create a
magazine page displaying the recipe and pictures. Students have enjoyed their time in the
kitchen and have come up with some very interesting ideas. It was good to see that not all of
the ideas worked which allowed them to re-evaluate and plan changes for the next cooking
P & C News
Farewell for Mr Chapman
The P & C are hosting a farewell afternoon for
Mr Chapman on
When: Wednesday 29th June, 2016
Time; 4.30 PM - 5.30 PM
Staff Common Room
Please bring a plate to share.
Election BBQ
The P & C are holding a BBQ sausage
sizzle at the Election Day near the school
Library to raise money for the school
musical Alice in Wonderland.
When : 2nd July, 2016
Where: HCS near the library
Time: 11-2 pm
We are also selling water, and softdrink.
If you can help on the BBQ or serving
please contact Kent Burgess on
0428 672 530
Training Driving Intervention One Day Program
Expression of interest Calling all L & P Platers
The seminar program includes 3 main sections of :
What happens on the roads and in a crash
The factors associated with crashes
Strategies for avoiding a crash
The seminar content would include:
What actually happens on NSW ROADS?
Crash facts – how, why and when they happen
Common crash types and where they occur
Consequences of a road crash - why road safety should be everyone’s priority
Human causes of crashes – risk taking and mistakes
The effort of a crash on the human body
Introduction to The Fatal Five—Speed, alcohol and other drugs, fatigue, distractions and
not wearing seat belts
Speed—how fast are you really going?
Alcohol—the counting of drinks and getting back to zero myths
Illicit Drugs—effects on driving ability
Roadside Drug Testing and RBT
Fatigue—the hidden killer. How fatigue affects driving ability
Distractions—mobile phones and other distractions and their effects on driving
Seat Belts—how they save your life
Getting it Right—Low risk driving strategies
To help with lowering the cost per person of this program we were successful in obtaining a
small amount of funding to run this program.
The program will be held at:
Hillston Exies
23rd July 2016
Lunch supplied
If interested, could you please contact:
Brett Lewis: 0427 672233
David Fensom: 0427 672606
Community News
School Uniforms
The following items of school uniforms are
available locally at
High Street Store
and may be worn until the beginning of the
year 2018
Polar Fleece Pullovers (4-22) with school
logo: $33.95
Boys Grey School Pants
(14,16,18) :$12.95
Grey Polo Shirts with school logo (4-20)
White Polo Shirts (4-14) with school logo
Blue Polo shirts (4-22) with school
White school socks (7to11, 11to 14)
All these items of school uniform my be worn
for all of years 2016 and 2017 up till the
beginning of year 2018.