March 2015 - Milwaukee - Greater Milwaukee Dental Association
March 2015 - Milwaukee - Greater Milwaukee Dental Association
Greater Milwaukee Dental Association 6737 W Washington Street, Ste 2360 West Allis, WI 53214 <<First Name>> <<Last Name>> <<Address>> <<City>>, <<State>> <<Postal Code>> 1 Greater Milwaukee Dental Association Greater Milwaukee Dental Association Newsletter Newsletter March 2015 Association Officers September 2014 President Dr. Russ Dunkel President-Elect Dr. Michael Grady Association Officers Vice- President Dr. Cheska Avery- Stafford Treasurer Dr. Rick Mueller President Dr.Russ Dunkel Secretary Lenarduzzi President-Elect Dr. CharlesDr. Michael Grady Cheska Newsletter Editor Dr. MonicaDr. Hebl Avery-Stafford Vice-President Dr. Rick Treasurer Webmaster Dr. John Moser Mueller Dr. Charles Lenarduzzi Secretary Past President Dr. Lynn Lepak-McSorley Dr. Monica Hebl Newsletter Editor Dr. John Moser Webmaster Directors Dr. Frank Caputo Dr. Lynn Lepak-McSorley Past President Dr. Angela Lueck Dr. Eddie Morales Dr. Frank Caputo Directors Dr. Joe Nencka Dr. Angela Lueck Dr. ConradDr. Nenn Morales Eddie Dr. Joe Nencka Dr. Tom Shaw Dr. Conrad Nenn Dr. Lisa Teel Tom Shaw Dr. MichaelDr. Zielinski Dr. Lisa Teel Trustees Trustees Dr. Tom Kielma Dr. Tom Kielma Dr. Lynn Lepak-McSorley Dr. Lynn Lepak-McSorley Dr. Rick Mueller Raimann Dr. Tom President’s Message Greetings GMDA Members! Well March is here and hopefully Spring is just around the corner. The question is always whether March will “Come in like a Lion and go out like a Lamb” or vice versa. Either way it is always great to look forward to warmer weather and sunshine. As my year as President is coming near its end, I just want to thank everyone who has worked so hard to help me keep the GMDA running smoothly. The year has been a full one and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to serve as your GMDA President. My hope is that I have done the office proud and that I have served the GMDA with dignity and grace. There have been difficulties along the way but I feel we have addressed these quickly and effectively and I hope everyone else feels the same. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the GMDA board and members who have graciously supported the Bread of Healing (BOH) Dental Clinic. Over the past five years, through both the Board and Holiday parties, we have donated over $10,000 towards desperately needed supplies. On behalf of the BOH and its patients I want to thank 1 you all for your generosity. We still have so much more work to do and as always we are in desperate need of dentist volunteers. On that note, there is an even greater need in March and April as I will be having right shoulder reconstructive surgery on March 5th. I will therefore be unable to work for at least 8 weeks minimum and the BOH could really use dentists to help out during my absence. I want to remind everyone to attend the upcoming Town Hall meeting on Thursday March 12th featuring presentations by WDA President Paul Levine and David Ross the Secretary of the WI Dept. of Safety and Professional Services. The event will begin at 6:30pm at the Milwaukee Athletic Club. Then the following week please join us on Wednesday March 18th for the WDA Legislative Day at the Monona Terrace in Madison. Registration for the event begins at 8:30am and ends upon completion of the Capitol visits. In addition, Dr. Tran, Teel and I are continuing with final plans for the upcoming Smile Day at the Zoo on Saturday April 11th, from 9:00‐ 2:00pm. Each year has been a well attended and enjoyable event and I hope all of you will encourage your patients with young children to attend. All GMDA members will receive an office poster and flyers to distribute to your patients for free admission to the Zoo. We also encourage each office to stamp the flyers with their office name or logo. Finally, I hope to see many of you at the GMDA Annual Event on Thursday May 21st at the Wisconsin Club Country Club. I will then be passing on the Gavel of Leadership to Dr. Mike Grady. Once again I want to thank everyone for the opportunity to serve. It has been an honor and a privilege to represent the GMDA as your 2014/2015 President. All the Best, Russ Dunkel 2 WDA Legislative Day March 18th Monona Terrace 9-1:30 Two issues that we'll be pursuing this session include: (a) Advocating for a dental Medicaid reimbursement rate pilot - the Governor included 3 counties (Racine, Brown and Polk) in his proposal and we'd like to make sure that doesn't get deleted during the Legislature's review. We realize that this is a very small start and doesn't include the number of counties we'd like, but it is a start. This is the first time that a financial Medicaid proposal has made a Governor’s budget which makes passage more feasible. (b) Advocating that the state adopt a Direct Reimbursement style plan for its state employees' dental benefit coverage. Please consider attending this day's event and helping the WDA stay strong in the legislative arena. GMDA members that attend the entire program and visit their legislators will have their registration fee reimbursed. Register online at or use the Registration link: GKAS Thanks to all who contributed to this years successful Give Kids A Smile Screening Day on January 24, 2015. We were able to screen 430 children ranging in age from 3‐16. We had over almost 200 volunteers, including more than 25 dentists, more than 100 dental students and members of various community entities such as Head Start and MATC. Treatment occurred on Friday, February 6th, where we provided care to those children identified for treatment on the screening day. We appreciate those dentists that participate in this valuable event and look forward to expanding the list of providers for treatment day in the future. (Statistics for treatment day are not available at this time.) 3 Thank you again to those GMDA dentists that take time to volunteer for this and other events! Cheska Avery‐Stafford, DDS Lakisha Arif‐Holmes, DDS 2014 GMDA Holiday Party Thank you to all who participated in our holiday party this year at the Westmoor Country Club. We had one of the best attendances yet with 150 guests, including our member and associated members dentists as well as many sponsors and guests. There were well over 30 donated gifts for our raffle including things like a GoPro Camera, a Smart‐TV, a $1000 gift card for Best Buy, a Kindle Fire, wine baskets and numerous restaurant gift cards, just to name a few. As a result we were able to raise over $2400 for the Bread of Healing Clinic. We cannot thank our sponsors enough for their generous donations. As always, the Westmoor Country Club went above and beyond to make our party a success. The holiday decorations helped us all to get in the spirit of the season and the food and service was impeccable. We would also send out a special thanks to our musician, Jim Perona who drove up from Illinois to spend the evening with us. With the help of our emcee, Dr Mike Donohoo, we raffled off our prizes. With the awesome voice of Dr Neil Peterson, we sang carols and did our best to harmonize during the chorus of his special version of T’was The Night Before Christmas. Thanks to all the first time attendees of the holiday party. We trust that you will join us next year, and we encourage you to invite another dental colleague to join in the fun. Please mark your calendars for December 3, 2015, same place same time! Angela Lueck, DDS Lisa Frisbee‐Teel DDS 4 GMDA Holiday Party Drs. Lisa Teel, Angela Lueck and Megan Graham Dr. Rebecca Stohler Mrs. Ivy and Dr. Tom Shaw 5 Drs. Joe Vitolo, Ryan Morrison, Glenn Gequillana and John Moser Ms.Carolyn MacIver and Dr. Mark Kortebein Mrs. Bev Peterson and Dr. Ken Waliszewski 6 Drs. Jared Frisbie, Nick Ferri and Rob Goeckerman Drs. Ann Marie Brobson, Chan Tran, Joe Stiglitz, Ms. Lois Jozwik, Drs. Nicole Sawatzke, and Carissa Molina Dr. Josh Barta, Ms. Brenda Bird, Drs. Charley Hewitt and Paul Scholl 7 GKAS Screening 2015 Drs. John Moser and Rick Mueller Dressed for success! Above: Dr. Ron Stifter Below: Dr. Neil Peterson 8 Ballot Information A ballot will be arriving in the mail soon to select officers, directors, delegates and alternates for the WDA House of Delegates. In addition, a discrepancy has been found in the bylaws regarding vacancies. Included here is a sample of the bylaw options and statements from the 6 candidates. If you have any questions, please contact candidates or officers Russ Dunkel, Mike Grady or Cheska Avery‐Stafford. REFERENDUM In the recent past, directors elected to the GMDA Board for a two‐ year term have vacated their directorship during the first year of their term. This revealed a discrepancy within our bylaws. Article IV. Section 10. C. Vacancies states, “The Board of Directors shall make an interim appointment for any vacancy occurring among the elected Directors or officers until the next annual election, at which time the vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the term.” Article VII. Section 10. B. Directors states, “…The general membership shall elect four of the Directors at the annual election.” The GMDA Board wants our membership input on how to correct this discrepancy. Please vote for one of the following options: _____Amend Article IV. Section 10. C. Vacancies to read, “The Board of Directors shall make an interim appointment for any vacancy occurring among the elected Directors or officers for the remainder of the vacated term.” (Note: elected officers serve one‐year terms. Any vacated elected officer position would be voted on at the following annual election.) Editor note: Board appoints for remainder of 2 year term. No fiscal impact. _____Amend Article IV. Section 10. C. Vacancies to include the following clause, “A special election will be held to fill any vacancy 9 occurring among the elected Directors when the vacancy is created during the first year of the two‐year term, at which time the vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the term.” (Note: projected cost of a special election is $500.) Editor note: A ballot will be mailed upon resignation so members can select a replacement. Fiscal impact $500. _____Amend Article VII. Section 10. B. Directors to read, “…The general membership shall elect four of the Directors to a two‐year term at the annual election, and shall elect additional Directors, as necessary to fill vacancies, to a one‐year term.” Editor note: Members select at next regular election and bylaws are changed to allow for more than 4 to be elected at a time. No fiscal impact. CANDIDATE STATEMENTS There are 6 directors running for 4 positions on the board. In an effort to assist members in making their selection please read the responses from the candidates. They were limited to 60 words due to space constraints. Dr. Lakisha Arif‐Holmes I want to serve on the GMDA board of directors because of the opportunity to participate in organized dentistry to help make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate. Dr. Tim Baggott I want to serve on the GMDA board of directors because while I have found participating in their events very rewarding, I want to further contribute to the Association’s service to its members as well as the community at large. As a younger dentist, I bring an enthusiasm that I hope to share with and inspire the next generation of dentists to realize the value of organized dentistry. 10 Dr. Sarah Blair I want to serve on the GMDA board of directors because the importance of recruiting recent graduates cannot be overestimated; so many are missing out on the opportunities offered by the organization. As a recent graduate myself, I can relate to the factors influencing their decisions to join the GMDA and I will work hard to increase their involvement. Dr. Ron Nellen In my almost 30 years of practice I have had the opportunity to serve on multiple local, regional and national committees and associations. I believe I have the ability to think strategically and analytically and effectively communicate thoughts and reasons as well as understand fiduciary duties. I look to this as an opportunity to give back to a profession that has been so good to myself and my family. Dr. Zak Rosen I would like to join the Greater Milwaukee Dental Association (GMDA) Board of Directors so that I can help shape the future of organized dentistry in the greater Milwaukee area. As a young dentist, I feel that I would be a valuable asset to the Board of Directors because of my ability to relate to and connect with other up and coming dentists in the community. I believe I could encourage these newly‐licensed professionals to join the GMDA so that they too can help influence the future of our profession. Dr. Michael Zielinski I want to continue to serve on the GMDA board of directors because it provides a unique opportunity to advocate for our profession and work collaboratively to strengthen our future. I believe that I possess the enthusiasm and work ethic necessary to continue to contribute to the board and our community in a positive and meaningful way. 11 If you would like to contribute to the newsletter please contact Monica Hebl at Upcoming events Town Hall Meeting at MAC 3/12 starts with 5:30 social MUSOD Reception at CDS Hyatt Regency Wacker Dr. 2/27 5‐7 The Annual Meeting at Wisconsin Club Country Club 5/21 Golf Outing at Wisconsin Club Country Club Monday 8/3 The Greater Milwaukee Dental Association and Delta Dental of Wisconsin present… SMILE DAY at the MILWAUKEE COUNTY ZOO Saturday, 4/11 from 10am ‐ 2pm 12
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