The California - Veterans of Foreign Wars, California Department


The California - Veterans of Foreign Wars, California Department
95th State
in Bakersfield
95th State
in Bakersfield
95th State
in Bakersfield
Page 11-16
Page 11-16
Page 11-16
The California
V e t e r a n
Vol. 78 No. 1
Official Publication of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of California
Bob Magner Elected State Commander
State Cmdr. Bob Magner, Sr. Vice Cmdr. Dale Smith and Jr. Vice Wayne Wright share
a moment following the Installation Ceremony.
State Cmdr. Bob Magner is escorted at the Installation
Ceremony during the State Convention.
ABOVE LEFT: State Cmdr. Bob Magner is administered
the oath of office by PSC Everett Martin. ABOVE CENTER:
Cmdr. Magner addresses attendees at the Installation Ceremony. ABOVE RIGHT: Cmdr. Magner is congratulated by
his wife. BELOW: Cmdr. Magner is capped by his wife.
PAST STATE COMMANDERS gathered at the State Convention. They include (standing from left) Ernie Blodgett, Dave Norris, Ed Ford, Everett Martin, (sitting from left) Jack
Turner, Earl Fulk, Nick Guest, Art Harris, Richard Eubank and Denis Wells.
Page 2
The California
by Bob Magner
State Commander
I would like to start by saying “thank you”
for electing me as your State Commander for
the 2015/16 year. It is indeed an honor for
me to serve you - the members of this great
organization. Terry and I look forward to
visiting as many of our members, Posts and
communities as possible during the next
VFW year. It is my belief that the key to
survival as a veteran’s service organization
are the programs that we conduct within the
California VFW. Community Service, Youth
programs, veterans projects, participation and
veterans services are what defines us as an
organization. I believe that if we conduct the
programs as listed in the Post Standard Operating Procedures and the Dept. of California
Bylaws, then our membership will grow. It is
a proven fact that VFW posts that are active in
their communities and publicize what they do
in those communities have shown a marked
increase in membership. So comrades, I will
be taking a strong stance on Posts completing
and publicizing the veterans’ project report
and community service to include youth and
Americanism projects. Do the programs and
publicize them and then your post membership will increase. Our young veterans are
very much action oriented and when they
become members, they want to see that we
are making an impact not only on their lives,
but the lives of all of our citizens. They are
returning to a politically divided country, one
in which on one hand we thank them for their
service, but on the other hand a country that is
not quite willing to pay the price for the sacrifice that our veterans have made. We must be
politically active at all levels of government
- local, state and federal. We must show our
active concern for veteran’s entitlements and
publicize how the VFW works to ensure that
our nation’s veterans are taken care of. How
can we claim to be a veteran’s service organization if each of us is not totally familiar with
veterans’ entitlements? Educate yourselves.
If we cannot explain to a veteran exactly
what their rights and entitlements are, then
we have lost the battle for them to become
Nick Guest Elected at National
Convention as National Chaplain.
Congratulations, Nick.
Update on Past State Cmdr. Bob Maxwell
Please keep PSC Bob Maxwell and his wife Jane in your thoughts and prayers.
Bob has undergone very serious brain surgery. He has been in and out of the
hospital recently.
The California
Vol. 78
No. 1
Official Publication of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the
United States, Department of California
Commander Howard Hagen
Adjutant-Quartermaster Nick Guest
Asst. Editor Stephanie Martin
Published by Berlin Journal Newspapers
The California Veteran (ISSN: 10698477) is published quarterly each year by the Veterans
of Foreign Wars of the US, Department of California, 9136 Elk Grove Blvd., Suite 100, Elk
Grove, CA 95624. Subscription is paid by membership dues, $1.00 a year for life members and
$1.75 a year for continuous or annual members; nonmembers pay $5.00 a year for a subscription.
Periodicals paid at Sacramento, CA and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to V.F.W. Circulation
Department, 406 West 34th Street, Kansas City, MO 64111.
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Attention, Post Commanders
Please note: the Department of California will no longer send out five issues to Post Commanders. If you would like to receive a hard copy, please
contact Steve Milano at Dept. Headquarters, (916) 509-8712.
members. Comrades, get to know what
your local resources are and how to access
those services that our veterans need. Make
the VFW a family organization and include
the spouse and the children. Make your post
a true “veteran’s center” in your town. We
can either adapt now or nothing that you or I
do this year will affect the future. Let us all
make a difference in the future of the VFW.
As I travel across our state this year, I would
like to see what you are doing in your communities and would like to see how you are
attracting new members. I know it is hard to
focus on what is important in our generation
if the majority of the time we are focused on
internal disputes. So when I come to visit
you, let’s get out and publicize the VFW.
Remember, we only have 11 months to accomplish our goal so I promise you that I
will work to improve our organization and
to teach our goal and all I ask is that you do
the same. Thank you.
Vice Message
by Dale Smith
State Senior
Vice Commander
We had another great convention in
Bakersfield even though it was over 100
degrees daily. Many new members were
in attendance and several new female comrades. What a way to start the new year! Our
new training program was the highlight of
the convention and so many of you took
advantage of these sessions that in some
cases we had to add more chairs. I could not
be more pleased. Give us your comments
on what we can do better or other items you
would like to see us provide training. We
had another year of not meeting our 100%
goal and WE as a TEAM must step up our
commitment to getting this state back on
track and return California to the largest
and best state. It can only be accomplished
with dedication and support of each and
every comrade. Please consider rededicating
yourself to this end. Every day most of us
talk with friends and acquaintances that are
eligible but have never been asked to join.
Make it your priority to ask everyone you
come in contact with if they are eligible and
would like to join our great organization.
“Let’s get ‘er done.”
Vice Message
by Wayne Wright
State Junior
Vice Commander
Comrades, I want to express my sincere
appreciation and gratitude for the support,
trust and confidence you have placed in
me, by electing me as the State Junior
Vice Commander, for the Department of
California, Veterans of Foreign Wars for
the ensuing year of 2015/2016. You have
bestowed upon me a great honor, and I will
not let you down. Many of you have heard
my campaign speech over the past two
years, some of you multiple times, where
I discussed the following;
• Communication, Up And Down The
Chain Of Comand
•Recruiting Women Veterans
•Encouraging Our Posts To Become
More Family Friendly
These are all critical issues in resolving
some of our current shortfalls.
1.There are posts in the Department of
California that need assistance from time
to time. There is no shame or disgrace in
that. The shame/disgrace comes when they
don’t communicate with the District Commander and request guidance or help. It’s
like two ships at sea on converging courses.
Action needs to be taken early to avoid a
collision. Don’t wait until the situation gets
to the point where an inspection or suspension is required to solve the problem.
When you see a problem or think there is a
problem, COMMUNICATE. Don’t think
for a minute that your problem is unique.
Someone has been there before. Help is
readily available. Communication is not
only for getting help when you need it.
Almost all of the posts in the Department
of California do tremendous things for veterans, their families and their communities.
Don’t be afraid to toot your horn. Use the
online reporting system and let everyone
know what you’re doing.
2.The membership numbers in the Department of California continues to drop.
This is a situation that we cannot allow to
continue. Our ability to conduct our chartered mission relies upon a growing membership. Each of us needs to be aggressive
in finding eligible veterans to recruit.
When you meet a stranger and they identify
themselves to be a veteran, don’t be afraid
to ask the question, “Are you a member of
the VFW.” Start a conversation and try to
ascertain if they are eligible. Ask them if
they would like to become a member of
the nation’s largest group of combat veterans. There are a large number of veterans
that have returned from deployments that
make them eligible. At my post meeting
on 7 July 2015, I had the distinct pleasure
of officiating the members’ obligation to
four (4) new members in my post; all Iraq
and Afghanistan vets. Three men and one
woman veteran, which brings the total of
women in VFW Post 1468 to eight (8), all
eager to participate in our goal of “Veterans
Helping Veterans.”
3.We need to develop ways of keeping
those young veterans coming back to our
posts after we recruit them. Making our
post more family oriented and friendly is
a must. The days of old, when veterans
caroused in the bars telling war stories are
gone. We can’t bring them back, and I for
one, wouldn’t want to. Going to the Post
Canteen is a great source of relaxation in
moderation. However, our younger generation of veterans didn’t grow up in our
days of old. They’re young, have families
and want to do things with their spouses
and children. Until we recognize that need
in today’s veteran, and change our image,
we will not be able to hold onto the young
veterans we recruit and need so badly. We
need the young veterans to eventually take
over the leadership of this organization.
Only when we can accomplish that, will
we bring them into the VFW and Auxiliary
as families and start to build a new image
for the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
All three of the issues discussed above
lead to building our membership. Who
better than young veterans, both men and
women, to recruit other young veterans?
• The Commander-in-Chief of the VFW
testifies before both houses of Congress.
He and the VFW are always fighting for
Veterans and Active Duty military member
programs, i.e., Pay and Allowances, GI
Bill, VA Benefits and VA Health Care,
etc. When he testifies, he carries a number
of potential voters (membership) in his
back pocket. Politicians listen to voters.
The more numbers he has in his back
pocket, the more the politicians want to
listen. Right now he speaks for 1.9 million
• The VFW supports Veterans, Active
Duty, their Families, Widows and Orphans
when they are in need.
• The National Home for the children
of Veterans, their Widows and orphans.
• Scholarships, VOD, PP, Teachers,
Law Enforcement, Firefighters
• JROTC, Boy and Girl Scouts
Again, I thank you for electing me to this
high position and I will give 110% to the
2015/16 corps of officers.
by Nick Guest, PSC,
State AdjutantQuartermaster
First, let me start by congratulating
Commander Bob Magner, Senior Vice
Commander Dale Smith, Junior Vice Commander Wayne Wright, Judge Advocate
Fred Hoff, Surgeon Deborah Johnson and
Chaplain Mary Bandini on their election
to State office. I am looking forward to
working with all of you this year. Once
again, thank you for electing me as your
State Quartermaster for another term. Commander Magner, thank you for appointing
me your Adjutant. We have just finished
- what I think - was a very good convention. We accomplished a lot of work. We
managed to make some important changes
to our Bylaws. Some of the changes were
cosmetic; others were to bring us into the
21st Century. I want to thank the Delegates
for their support of these changes. I gave
the District Commanders a copy of the
membership demographic chart that I received from National. There are some areas
of real concern to us all. I think the most
telling of all is that 37.4% of the membership in California is 81 years old or older.
Next is 19.79% of the membership is in the
66-70 group. Figure in 71-75 (10.3%) and
76-80 (6.98%); that means that 74.47 % of
our membership is 66 years old or older.
These numbers are in line with the membership totals nationally. These are some
telling numbers. This will have a major
impact on our budgets and our finances in
the coming years. Our organization is no
different than other organizations, in that
we are faced with declining membership.
I know that everyone gets tired of hearing
about membership, but it is true. We need
every member we can get. We have 320
posts in California. At the Senior Vice
Training I issued a challenge to the District Commanders to have each post, in
their district, sign up 10 new members in
the 2015/2016 year. Our membership in
California is going to be just over 82,000 to
start the year. If each Post does sign up 10
new, we would be at just over 85,000; still
far short of the 100,000 we used to have,
but moving in the right direction.
I want to take a personal moment here.
While I am proud to be your Adjutant/
Quartermaster, I must tell you that my
situation has changed. As many of you
know my family is still in Los Angeles.
That being said, my wife Sandy, is still
suffering from the results of the automobile accident in 2008 and it is time I went
back home. Therefore, this will be my
last year as your Quartermaster. I will be
going back to Los Angeles at the end of
the 2016 convention. Until the next time,
may God Bless each and every one of you,
may He continue to watch over our troops
and continue to bless this great country of
ours, the United States of America.
Deceased MAL List
JULY, 2015
Virgil E. Ahlberg
Michael N. Almir
Santa Monica
Edward A. Almond
Agoura Hills
James L. Anderson
Tecumseh, MI
John E. Andrews
Big Bear City
Malcolm L. Atkins
Marvin B. Atkinson
Henry K. Awbrey
Herbert Baerwitz
Los Angeles
Wilbur C. Baker
Antonio Barboza
Mary E. Barker
Ed Barnettt
Earl A. Bassett
Clair E. Bee
Harry Bell
Leon M. Bell
Mount Pleasant, TX
Leonard C. Berry
Live Oak
Arthur B. Bethell
Poteau, OK
Billy E. Bethell
Nathan J. Betterson
Yuba City
Richard Blake
Paso Robles
James Bodine
San Diego
James J. Brock
Arthur R. Brady
Tom A. Brady
Gale B. Bruce
Norman O. Bruce
Mason R. Buckley
Fountain Valley
David J. Bullis
Los Angeles
Donald A. Butler
Pollock Pines
Nicasio P. Canta
Redondo Beach
Edwin F. Carlson
Gilbert Cartee
William J. Casey
William J. Castro
Long Beach
Harold W. Caudle
Riggins, ID
Benjamin Charley Sr.
Jack E. Choate
Mission Viejo
Donald G. Clancy
Charles S. Clark
Curtis G. Clark
San Diego
Russell L. Clarke
Dwight E. Clements
Richard Clerico
Agoura Hills
Chancey D. Cook
Donald C. Cook
Santa Maria
Emmett B. Cooter
Stanley T. Counts
La Jolla
Jack R. Croft
Arroyo Grande
Henry A. De Santos
James J. Devlin
Howard Dickerson
Eileene R. Dirdak
William F. Dixon
Jesse A. Dooley
George W. Doolittle
Long Beach
Orville A. Dozois
San Diego
Ronald Duewiger
Long Beach
Elvin Dutton
Dallas, OR
Darrell C. Eastman
William E. Eaton
Gerardo C. Edra Sr
Los Angeles
Forrest C. Ehret Sr
Joseph Eichstaedt
San Diego
Dale T. Emens
Grover Beach
Eugene A. Evans
Gilbert M. Facio
Laguna Niguel
Dan Feller
Beverly Hills
Robert Ferrante
Jimmie L. Field
Francis J. Fihn
Mountain View
Eugene A. Flaherty
Morgan Hill
James Florian
Donald H. Ford
Walnut Creek
James W. Foster
Phoenix, AZ
William H. Fowler
John D. Freitas
Castro Valley
Frederick Friedmeyer
Edward F. Gallik
South Pasadena
Feliciano G. Galvan
John C. Garza
Thomas M. Gasman
David J. Gazi
Mike Giorgis
Mount Shasta
Armando C. Gomez
San Bernardino
James E. Gonyea
Ramon Gonzales
San Jose
Michael M. Goodman Fayetteville, NC
Dewitt A. Greil
San Luis Obispo
Eugene E. Hall
Boise, ID
Frederick R. Hall
Apple Valley
Stanley D. Hall
Robert K. Hallett
Laguna Niguel
Thomas L. Hammons
Yuba City
John D. Harman
Yuba City
George M. Harrington Kingman, AZ
Gilbert R. Harris
Ira D. Harrison
Los Angeles
Roland L. Hessler
Carl Hilaski
Agoura Hills
John T. Holley
Yuba City
Lloyd M. Houchin
El Centro
Charles C. Houghtaling Sikeston, MO
Marvin M. Howze
Montrose, CO
Anthony C. Hubert
Cyril W. Hughes
Grass Valley
Charles F. Humbert
Fred G. Hupp
Nicholas J. Ivans
The California
William F. Jackson
El Cajon
Agustin Jardon
Arthur Jarvis
El Cajon
Albert V. Jimenez
San Diego
Joseph H. Jimenez
Cyrus Johnson
Joseph Johnson
William O. Johnson
Thomas M. Johnston
Fred D. Jones
Stancil G. Jones
Huntington Beach
Robert L. Jorden
Lowell F. Kamper
Salton City
Lewis Keller
Ray E. Kellick
Simi Valley
Bobby D. Kelly
Robert M. Kelsey
Diamond Bar
Everett D. Kesselring
Three Rivers
William A. Keyes Jr
Robert B. Killian
San Leandro
Dale King
San Francisco
William R. Kinman
Marvin S. Kissinger
Edward J. Klapka
Walter Kowalick
West Hills
Harry Kulick
Three Rivers
Arle Lackey
Roland D. Lafley
Keith C. Lampson
Santa Rosa
Albert Landi
Rio Vista
Gordon R. Langenhovel
Francis Lawrence
San Ramon
Jay Ledwell Diamond Bar
Albert Leon
Los Angeles
Herbert Levy Jr
Ralph L. Lindholm
Denzil A. Liston
Doyle E. Long
Lewis P. Long
Marion J. Lopez
Donald I. Mac Ivor
Yuba City
Carl Mahakian
Palm Desert
Howard D. Mankins
Arroyo Grande
Herb Martin
San Pedro
Jimmy K. Martin
Jesse C. Martinez
San Diego
Raymond D. Martini Half Moon Bay
Richard L. Masterson
Aloys B. Mauch
George N. Mavrakis
San Jose
Richard D. McCarthy
Portland, OR
Raymond H. McCoy
George J. Mead
Yorba Linda
Charles W. Merrill
Arnold E. Metz
Portland, OR
Joseph J. Mikowicz
Santa Clara
Alfred Miller
Santa Monica
Bertram L. Miller
Los Angeles
Richard R. Miller
Santa Rosa
Glenn L. Millerd
James J. Montagnese
Grand Terrace
Harvey H. Montoya Sr
Ernest S. Morrison
Lawrence W. Murphy
Yuba City
Billie J. Murray
Richard C. Murrow
Nick F. Nicastro
Yuba City
Clarence L. Nickel
El Centro
Jack L. Norene
Yuba City
Lloyd G. Norton
Michael J. Nunez
Bobby Nurss
Albert E. Nygren
James R. O’Mara
San Clemente
Ben Owen
San Diego
John R. Palumbo
Joe W. Parker
Frank R. Parks
La Mesa
William P. Payne Jr
Keith J. Pecha
San Diego
Robert Perez
Rio Vista
Robert C. Pettengill
Donald L. Platt
Carlos M. Ponce
La Quinta
Harold L. Potter
San Diego
Robert J. Powers
Lester Pratt
Robert Q. Preheim
Lawrence F. Pullen
Zionville, IN
Lloyd C. Qualls
Grover Beach
Donald Quick
Victoriano Quitoriano Sr Los Angeles
John C. Sachs
La Mesa
Jose M. Sandoval
Santa Ana
Julian Sandoval
Leon E. Savage
Page 3
Dominic J. Savoca
Siegfried M. Scheideck Arroyo Grande
Marvin Schulman
Jackson Scott
Medford, OR
Calvin F. Scroggins
Canyon Lake
Louis E. Shoneff
Frank X. Simon
Ken Simons
Thomas W. Sippel
Jack G. Slagle
Chula Vista
Elmer W. Smith
San Luis Obispo
Gale E. Smith Jr
Paul E. Smith
Robert D. Smith Jr
James So
Santa Rosa
Bernard Soria
Santa Barbara
Anthony Sousa
John P. Sousa
San Francisco
Samuel Spiegel
Lake Forest
Eldon H. Staplecamp
Yuba City
Charles K. Stephan
Cleburne A. Stephens
James O. Stevenson
Carl W. Stewart
Lake Isabella
Benjamin T. Sutherlin
Long Beach
Robert E. Swingley
Thomas H. Teesdale
Joseph A. Terry
Fred J. Thomas
San Jose
Joseph R. Thomas
Michael Thome
Reginald K. Threadgill
Los Angeles
Wendell E. Tornquist North Bend, OR
Clifford C. Tracy
Prescott, AZ
Martin G. Valle
Jim Wagner
Simi Valley
Harvey Waldman
Bernard G. Walenter
Chester E. Walton
Yucca Valley
James Waterman
John T. Watkins
Homer A. Watson
San Diego
Charles J. Weil
Terre Haute, IN
Cecil P. Welch
Jack D. West
Yorba Linda
Grover Westbrook
John R. Williams
Long Beach
Lloyd E. Williams
Myrtle Point, OR
Coy F. Willis
Ray E. Wilson
San Diego
Newsome D. Wisdom
Union City
Raymond A. Witt
William R. Wolfe
Norfolk, VA
Jon G. Wong
Los Angeles
William N. Wood
Terry G. Worden
James World
Dick Wynn
Jerry A. Yakes
Rio Linda
Louis J. Yered
Ivan W. York
Irwin Zukermandel
Los Angeles
These are the names of Members at
Large who National has been notified are
deceased and have been taken off the rolls.
If anyone knows any of these members
and knows they are in fact alive please
notify Department and we will notify
National. Thank you.
of Staff
by Alex Brown
It has been an honor and privilege to have
served as Cmdr. Hagen’s Chief of Staff
this past year and I’m looking forward to
continuing serving another year as Cmdr.
Magner’s Chief of Staff. We also have
Assistant Chief of Staff’s that are available to assist whenever required – Leonard
Hodgson, North, Gary Mitchell, Central
and Dan Schmaltz, South. We are only a
phone call away. Let’s all move forward
and make this coming year one that we can
all be proud of - a year when California can
lead the nation in membership. Our biggest
selling point is our motto “VFW: no one
does more for Veterans”.
Page 4
by Mary Bandini
I hope this message finds you well. I hope
you have had safe travels in the recent months,
with Conventions, the change of VFW command, and the summer vacations. I would like
to address a cause of concern that has been
brought to my attention: division vs. inclusion.
I have heard many stand up and talk about
welcoming the “new vet” or the “female vet,”
but I ask for a moment to consider dropping
all labels except two: Veteran and Family of
a Veteran. Do not try to divide us by arguing
which war was worse, or which veteran had
it worse coming home, or being angry with
veterans that get celebrated; do not continue
arguing over which veterans have more severe
injuries, disability ratings, or heartaches; do not
bother trying to rack-and-stack the pecking
order – instead, how about we welcome any
honorably discharged eligible veteran with
open arms and be grateful that the legacy of
fighting for the principals of this great nation
live on. As the Auxiliary shifts, I ask you to
only consider the label “Family of a Veteran.”
It should not matter if it is a mother or father,
son or daughter, husband or wife, as all families understand the pressure of having a loved
one deployed and even better understand the
difficulties they face upon returning. Your
Post should be a beacon of homecoming to
ALL eligible veterans and their families. If
you had a great homecoming yourself, pass
it forward. If your homecoming was part of
the stain in our history, then be the change and
don’t let another veteran feel unwelcome upon
his or her return. God bless you and keep you
happy and healthy.
District 1
Post 2111
• Jack Woolsey
Post 4851
• Jim Kimura
Post 10577
• Franklin J Moravec
District 2
Post 9557
• Thomas F DeFraga
Post 7142
• Robert J Higgins
• Frank E Denison
• Charles W Keihn
• Eugene R Founier
District 3
None reported
District 4
Post 2967
• Albert Castanon
Post 10166
• Carols E Trevino
Post 2075
• Merlin M Millspaugh
• William J Rogister
• Tommy Rodriguez
• Julian Rodriguez
• Irving Walles
Post 7243
• Steve Howard
• Vaughn Dixon
Post 8615
• Jason M Phelps
District 5
None reported
District 6
None reported
District 7
Post 1649
The California
• Lennart Colombana
• Frank Johnson
• Samuel Diaz
Post 3935
• Douglas M. Balsch
• Ronald D. Brown
• Walter W. Card
• Mylo R. Cayou
• Robert E. Clark
• Sam Costanzo
• James Ford
• Calvin W. Gourley
• Bernard L. Graham
• Gerry O. Hawkins Jr.
• Cornelius H. Hays Jr.
• Thomas R. Holmes
• Paul A. Kerkhoff
• John G. Murray III
• Donald H. Poague
• Robert J. Smith
• Joseph I. Stearns
• Robert C. Willerford
• Robert J. Willis
• Willis H. Wolfe
Post 7139
• Benito Valencia
Post 2043
• Eloy E Baca
Post 6213
• Keith Laird
Post 6885
• Bob Fvien
District 9
None reported
District 10
Post 8750
• Bill Heincelman
• Harry Hettel
District 12
None reported
District 13
None reported
District 14
None reported.
District 15
None reported
District 16
Post 3919
• Donald Moore
• Leonard Key
• Frank Smith
• Reynolds Ballotti
• Donald Chenoweth
• Robert Freeman
• Charles Pozzi
• Rodger Porterfield
• Wyatt Urton
State Judge
by Fred Hoff
First, I would like to thank all of the members for their support in reelecting me to the
high office of Judge Advocate. I have had
several calls and discussion with districts and
posts about Conflict of Interest. As I have
told many of our members, if you have an
officer in your post or district and their spouse
or significant other is an employee can be a
Conflict. The reason why, this person in office
has some influence; he or she should step aside
from any decision made. If another employee
is making statements about an employee when
his or her other is present, he or she should not
be in the same room when statements are being
discussed. This should also include any state
officers. Another subject that also comes up is
in the form of HARASSMENT. There are
different types of harassment. This includes
employees harassing other employees and
auxiliary, or officers harassing employee(s),
and employee(s) having an officer do their
dirty work. This is where nepotism comes into
place; this does nothing but cause problems for
the post, comrades and auxiliary and most of
all your MEMBERSHIP. This type of activity needs to stop.
by Deborah Johnson
First of all, thank you comrades for giving
me the opportunity to represent you as your
State Surgeon for 2015/2016. Having the
State Convention in my own District was fantastic…despite the hot days of Bakersfield.
There were at least two medical emergencies
that happened at State Convention which
prompted my topics for this newsletter article.
They are: 1) understanding the side effects
of your prescription medications, and 2)
where to go for emergency healthcare while
traveling. If you are like me, you get your
prescriptions in the mail with the three page
letter explaining all of the medical jargon
the majority of us do not take the time to
read, much less understand. The truth is, all
medicines have side effects, but many people
don’t feel them, or they are able to deal with
them. Here are some important things to
think about:
• Usually the benefits of the medicine are
more important than minor side effects.
• Side effects may go away after you take
the medicine for a while.
• If side effects continue to bother you and
you wonder if you should keep taking the
medicine, call your doctor. He or she may
be able to lower your dose or change your
medicine. Do not suddenly quit taking your
medicine unless your doctor tells you to.
• Call 911 or other emergency services
right away if you take a medicine and you:
•Have trouble breathing.
•Get hives.
•Have swelling in your face, lips, tongue,
or throat.
•Faint (lose consciousness) or feel like
you may faint.
These are signs of a severe allergic reaction
to the medicine.
If you are traveling this summer, take the
time to know where the closest emergency
room and urgent care centers are that take
your health insurance. Be prepared! When
you are sick or injured, deciding where to get
care is the last thing you want to worry about.
Understanding your options before you travel
will make decisions easier when you need
immediate care. If your condition isn’t lifethreatening but needs to be taken care of right
away, then urgent care may be the right choice
for you. Urgent care centers are usually open
after normal business hours, including evenings and weekends. And, in most situations,
you’ll find that you save time and money by
going to urgent care instead of an emergency
room. Emergency rooms are the best place for
treating severe and life-threatening conditions.
They are open 24 hours per day, but the cost
of care is higher and there may be longer wait
times if the issue isn’t severe. You can always
contact your insurance carrier for more information. Plan ahead, be safe and have a great
and healthy summer.
As most of you know – and as PSC
Nick Guest announced in his article
– he will be retiring after this year as
State Quartermaster. Therefore, I am
announcing my candidacy for the high
office of State Quartermaster. Having
worked as Asst. Quartermaster for the
past 2 years and 11 months, I feel I have
the qualifications for this position. I look
forward to seeing all of you this year at
your District Meetings and at Mid Winter Conference in Sacramento.
officers/dist. cmdrs.
by Chuck Anfuso
First of all I would like to thank Commander Magner for this position and secondly
I would like to congratulate all of you on
your new positions as District Commanders
for the year 2015/2016. I know that some of
you are repeats, but this is a new year with a
new State Commander. One of State Commander Magner’s top priorities is not to lose
any Posts during his year. And to accomplish
that end means coordination/cooperation
between the District Commander’s and the
State Inspector. How do we do that? you ask.
Here’s how ... The Post Inspection Program
is designed to be a useful management tool.
When properly administered, it provides an
early warning of potential trouble spots in a
Post which can develop from failure to adhering to the requirements contained in the
National By-Laws and Manual of Procedure.
The purpose of the Post Annual Inspection
program is to disclose existing discrepancies
and to try to correct them. Remember, there
is no advantage in sending an Inspector to a
Post, having him or her check the books and
operation of the Post, just for the purpose of
filing the report. The National By-Laws do
not confer authority upon the District Inspector in the enforcement of rules. Enforcement
is the responsibility of the Post Commander.
The Inspector can point out deficiencies and
suggest proper procedures. She/he has no
authority to reprimand or to order compliance with his/her suggestions. By now I
hope that you have appointed your District
Inspector and he/she in turn have begun the
scheduling of their Post Inspections. In order
to perform it properly, the District Inspector
must know the VFW, its rules and regulations; be familiar with the programs of the
organization; understand the accounting and
reporting procedures; and have the time and
inclination to do the job right. In order to allow time for corrective measures, the initial
post inspections must be completed early.
The inspection of Posts within your District
should start as soon as possible after September 1, 2015 and should be completed by
December 31, 2015 and in the State Inspectors hands by January 15, 2016. The job of
the District Inspector is very important. The
District Inspector shall:
• Ensure each Post within his/her District
is inspected in accordance with Department
and National guidelines.
• Review and forward each Inspection
Page 5
The California
Report to the Post Commander, District
Commander and submit recommendation(s)
to the Department Inspector.
• Shall perform such other duties as may
be incident to the office or may be from time
to time required by the laws and usage of the
organization on or lawful orders from proper
The Post Inspection program is designed
to be a useful management tool. Properly
administered, it provides early warning of
potential trouble spots which can develop
from failure to adhere to the requirements
contained in the Manual of Procedure. The
District Inspector’s job is one of importance
and dignity. Choose your District Inspector
Junior Past
State Cmdr.
by Howard Hagen
Junior Past
State Commander
Congratulations to the new State Commander Bob Magner and State President
Kathy Walery; and to all their new incoming Line Officer’s and Chairmen. It
was great to see everybody at the State
Convention and I have to say, it was
probably one of the best turnouts we had
in years. Despite the 100+ degree heat
we had a great time. Thank you so much,
Comrades and Sisters! As your Jr. Past
State Commander, I would just like to go
over what’s important. Comrades, the two
most important factors of this organization
are (1) membership and (2) taking care of
our VETERANS & MILITARY and their
families. Comrades, we are the nation’s
largest organization of combat veterans.
Throughout my travels last year it came to
my attention numerous times, up and down
the state, that we are forgetting the objectives and purpose of this organization.
Among our many programs and services,
we offer VFW scholarships, financial assistance, free calls home for deployed or
hospitalized service members. We provide
help and guidance to veterans seeking
service-related benefits and compensation as well as so much more. However,
we can’t fulfill these obligations without
what? ... Membership! Comrades, please
remember our motto... NO ONE DOES
you Comrades and Sisters for allowing
me to be your State Commander; I had
a great time. I am now announcing that I
will be running as a candidate for National
Council for 2016.
Meet Your District Commanders
District 1 – Larry Reuss
District 2 – John Douthit
District 3 – Tim Moore
District 4 – Dave Loera
District 5- Tim Bryant
District 6- Bobby Hanks
District 7 – Corey McKinney
District 9 – Stephen Hansen
District 10 – Rich Brugger
District 12 – John Ceballos
District 13 – Leigh Williams
District 14 – Dawn Napier
District 15 – Wes Cochran
District 16 – William Reed III
District 17 – Mike King
Page 6
District 1
by George ‘Larry’ Reuss,
I want to start by giving a big thank
you to all of the Comrades and Ladies
Auxiliary that put an enormous amount
of time into producing a truly great Convention. With the exception of the heat it
was a great time. The Mighty 1st District
is in full swing and through reporting
we shined like a diamond when awards
were given out. Reporting is KEY. I
also want to give the VFW Motor Cycle
Club accolades for receiving 1st place
in largest amount of monies given to
the Wheelchair games ($1,500.00). To
share my thoughts about the VFW, we
need to foster the younger veterans and
grow them into our posts as leaders. This
is imperative that this happens now. Think
about the Adopt the Unit program as this is
a three tier win. We bring in the younger
veterans, establish a younger core group
of officers for the future and hit large
amounts of membership numbers which
helps out the voting power of the VFW.
If you see a veteran, shake his or her hand
and thank them.
The California
the first year has passed for the new 3rd
District and as we settle down into the second year, it is time to start forming unity
in the District and start working together
to support our Veterans. The 3rd District
has a lot to offer and has many resources to
draw from, in the support of our Veterans
within the State of California. Comrades,
you must remember that membership is
the primary key to this organization and
we should be putting an all out effort to
reach out to those Veterans that haven’t
joined the Veterans of Foreign Wars, to
show them what we offer, for without
members we are nothing. Lest we forget
that the Veterans of Foreign Wars is here
to offer our support and help to the Veterans and to their families that are in need.
We need to be looking toward the future
of this great organization to see what we
as current members need to do to preserve
all the hard work that has been done over
the past years. If we aren’t able to recruit
those younger Veterans, what do we have
to offer? Does your Post have an area for
their kids to play, computer room, internet
gaming room, family activities, or any
support for their needs? Since the new
State Commander Robert Magner is from
my District, he has advised me how great
it would be to have his District be an All
American District during his term. With
that I’m going one step further. I’m going
to challenge all the District Commanders
to make this the best year and to make the
Department of California an All American
Department. In closing I would like to
wish everyone a great year!!
Greetings to all of my comrades and
auxiliary members here in the great Department of California. As this is the start
of the year and I am a first-time District
Commander, I’m busy learning about
the job and making sure all of Nick and
Steve’s messages are read and acted upon
if action is necessary. About the only
thing happening district-wide is the planning for our participation in the Orange
County Stand Down in October in Tustin.
It will be inside the south hanger of the old
Marine Corps Station (helicopter) which
was formerly a base for blimps patrolling
the Pacific Coast during World War II.
Our School of Instruction will be August
8 at Post 3173 in Anaheim and I’m hoping
to have a packed house. Our first meeting
will be August 29 at the Garden Grove
Elks Lodge. As I don’t have any more real
news or important information, I’ll just
wish the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the
United States the best for the coming year
and promise to do my utmost to do what’s
best for our organization. Semper Fi!
District 3
by Tim Moore,
First off, I want to thank Past State
Commander Howard Hagen and his crew
for putting up with us during this last
year and wish them well in their coming
ventures in the year 2015/2016. To the
incoming State Commander and his crew,
I hope that you all have a very quiet and
peaceful year? I know that we will all be
working together for the Veterans and
their families to make 2015/2016 the best
year ever for the State of California? As
10 are 100% behind you sir. I’d like to say
a special thanks to comrade Herb Hillaker
who served as Membership Chairman in
2014/2015. I know we didn’t make 100%,
but that was not due to any lack of effort
or hard work on your part, comrade. You
were very, very helpful to my District. We
can’t force people to go out and get new
members or to reinstate unpaid members.
We can only tell them how important
membership is to our organization and
its survival. You did that. I wish you the
very best in your next assignment. I’d also
like to thank comrade Rick Rankin who
served as the Buddy Poppy Chairman in
2014/2015. You also did a great job and
were very, very helpful to my District. We
can’t force people to go out and get poppy
donations and we cannot force posts to
purchase their quota of poppies every
year. Do they not know that the poppies
are made by disabled veterans? It gives
these veterans something meaningful to
do and they also get paid a little money to
make the poppies. The money we pay to
purchase poppies goes to support several
veterans’ programs including our National
Home. It seems like a great deal. I wish the
very best in your next assignment. Sisters
and comrades, let’s all work together this
year and make the Veterans of Foreign
Wars, Department of California the best
in the entire VFW. Good luck!
District 13
by Leigh Williams,
District 2
by John Douthit,
district commanders
District 10
by Richard Brugger,
First of all I’d like to thank the posts in
my district for nominating and then electing me as your District Commander for
2015/2016. We had a great year last year
and our district was one of the top districts
in the Department of California in almost
every category. It was great sitting in the
fourth row at the State Convention. That
took a lot of work from a lot of people.
There’s no doubt in my mind that District 10 has some of the most dedicated
men and women in this organization. We
could not have done this well without the
support of the Ladies Auxiliary’s in our
district. Thank you all. That being said
sisters and comrades, we need to raise that
bar this year. This year’s convention will
be right in our backyard - Sacramento.
Let’s make sure we meet all the deadlines
and donate to our veteran’s organizations,
especially the “mandatory” programs and
our National Home. There is no reason we
shouldn’t have several nominations for
Teacher of the Year and Law Enforcement
/ Fire Fighter and EMT. We need to increase the number of students and schools
that are participating in the Patriot’s Pen
and Voice of Democracy programs as well
as the Scouting program. All posts need
to order their quota of Buddy Poppies.
Let’s continue to work together and we’ll
make it happen. Commander Hagen, you
had a great year. I enjoyed being one of
your District Commanders and working
with you to help our veterans. Your visit
to our District was one of the highlights
of the year. You had to make some tough
decisions this year and did not hesitate to
step up to the plate and do so. I wish you
the very best of luck in your future goals
in our great organization. Commander
Magner, I’m really looking forward to
this year. I really believe that under your
command the Department of California
will have one of the best years it’s ever
had. The sisters and comrades in District
Bee article dated November 10, 2014, “females constitute about 10 percent of the US
veteran population. More than 184,000 of
them reside in California, accounting for 11
percent of the state’s veterans.” Although
the VFW has made steps to make it more
inclusive to our sister veterans, i.e. “She
Serves outreach,” more needs to be done.
Women are the fastest growing population
of veterans, sadly, being a member of a
male-dominated military means when a
woman returns from war she is not getting
the attention and assistance that she needs
and deserves. We have to dedicate ourselves
and make our sisters understand that we
are there to support and assist them in any
way possible. The numbers of OIF/OEF
veterans are a little more encouraging but
again, it is not where it should be. There
are many theories as to why, but one theory
that has gained some traction is that some
of our OIF/OEF brothers and sisters are not
well received by the older members. Case
in point, at our recent State Convention I
saw little interaction from many of the older
members toward the up and coming. This
cannot be the norm. We are all one family,
the “One percent.” If this continues in our
“VFW,” then many of our Gulf War veterans and women veterans for that matter,
will and can find camaraderie and support
in other organizations, which cater better to
their needs. Remember the “VFW” is not
the only candy store in town. Comrades, we
need to reach out to all of our new veterans
and let them know that they are welcomed
and appreciated because if we don’t the
“VFW,” as we know it, will no longer be
District 17
Fellow Comrades, welcome to the
2015/2016 VFW year. My name is Leigh
Williams, and I currently hold the very
new position of District 13 Commander,
Department of California. This is a very
new position for me; however, I embrace the
challenge and look forward to an awesome
year. District 13 is hosting our Department
Commander for his official visit Sept 25th
– 27th in Turlock, CA. We are also humbled
to have the POW/MIA Recognition Day on
September 18th at Castle AFB in Atwater,
CA. and last, but not least, on our recent
events schedule is the opportunity to be part
of the VFW BBQ / Picnic at the Livermore
VA Hospital on Sept 19th. I want to thank
all the officers and chairman that stepped
up and took positions for this new year; I
am looking forward to working with all of
you. My message this year is “Courage &
Commitment.” We, as soldiers, have already
shown the “Courage” to be members of this
awesome organization. We are now tasked
to show the “Commitment” to protect and
watch out for our brother and sister comrades,
their families and the communities we live
in. District 13 is a pillar of strength in the
Department. I want to thank all of you who
voted for, and believed in me. I am looking
forward to seeing you all soon !!
District 16
by William Reed III,
A new year has begun and I am fired up
and ready to go. Membership is our number
one priority; not just our OIF/OEF and Inherent Resolve veterans, but female veterans
as well. We have made some strides in the
recruitment of our Iraq and Afghanistan
veterans; however, the number of female
veterans represented in the VFW is quite
disappointing. According to a Sacramento
by Michael King,
First of all, to Commander Bob Magner,
his staff and fellow District Commanders, the
17th District would like to wish the Veterans
of Foreign Wars, Dept. of California a great
year as we move forward into the 2015/2016
year. I would like to express my gratitude to
the comrades of the 17th District for having the
confidence in me and allowing me to serve
as the District 17 Commander for 2015/2016
and I will do my best in serving the needs of
our District. I would like to say to Rebecca
Pellechi, District 17 President and the Ladies
Auxiliary members of the 17th District, I
pledge my support to you and your members
and I believe we will have a wonderful year
supporting each other. A special thank you
goes to those who assisted me during my
medical emergency at State Convention in
June, and thanks to your expedient help I am
recovering well. District 17 looks forward
to holding its School of Instruction in July
and hosting State Commander Bob Magner
and Department President Kathy Walery in
August at our Official Visit.
VFW california
“ The California Veteran”
VFW Assistant
Editor Stephanie Martin
(916) 509-8712
9136 Elk Grove Blvd.,
Suite 100,
Elk Grove, CA 95624
The California
by Jim Kokas,
I would like to thank the outgoing
elected officers and committee members
throughout the State of California for
their hard work and their dedication to
the Veterans of Foreign Wars. As we
move into a new year, I would like to
congratulate the new officers and committee members throughout the State. If we
don’t have membership, we don’t have an
organization. The decline in membership
has been an issue for quite a few years.
I hear “I’m burned out” or “Somebody
else will do it” and, they’re right. Thirty
seven point four percent (37.4%) on the
California rolls are over the age of 81 with
the exact number being 30,122. California
has over 80,000 members. Fourteen point
four percent (14.4%) are under the age
of 54. How do we fix this? We train and
give enthusiasm to our younger veterans
to make them understand how important
recruiting new members really are. Not
too long ago, the State of California had
approximately 129,000 members. That
is close to a 50,000 loss in membership.
I have been asked “How do we fix this?”
First of all, you probably need help. With
3 Vice-Chairmen and me, we are highly
competent and excited to come to your
Post and District to help you. All you have
to do is ask. We have been successful in
the past and we will be successful in the
future. To show your eligibility and your
VFW card is something we should all be
proud of. I am deeply dedicated to make
you successful, which makes all of us successful. There are over a million veterans
that are eligible that are not members of
our organization. If you are enthusiastic,
they will be enthusiastic to join. We are an
elite organization which I am proud to be
a member and stand shoulder to shoulder
with you to become successful. I look
forward to seeing you all very soon.
and Military
by Earl Fulk, PSC,
I begin this article with a “Thank You”
to Commander Robert (Bob) Magner for
this appointment and wishing him, his
cadre of officers and chairmen a successful
year. So let us all get behind this program
CA Veterans and Military Support and assist our “Veterans Building the Future.”
If you have not noticed, the name of this
program has changed but the components
and focus have not. The Commander has
directed CA Veterans and Military Support (V&MS) component, MAP (Adopt
a Unit), to focus heavily on our CA National Guard and Reserve Units while we
continue to involve with our active duty
units. Remember, the guard and reserve
units here have a large number of members who are your family, neighbors and
at large community members. Therefore,
if the subject of VFW membership arises,
they will most likely join at the nearest
post to their home and hopefully become
active members. Involving our guard
and reserves is a “win-win” for the post
all the way to our national organization.
As chairman, I have emailed guard and
reserve unit addresses to the District Commanders. With the assistance of Aaron
Rasmussen, known guard and reserve
unit addresses were gathered. It is by no
means a complete list but it is information
for posts to hopefully begin the process
of adopting a unit or assisting as needed.
Here is a nice recruiting tool: VFW’s
Sport Clips Help-A-Hero Scholarship
program will provide scholarships of up to
$5,000 to help our veterans complete their
educational goals. Applications are available at
Eligibility requirements include: active
duty, retired or honorably discharged or a
member of the National Guard/Reserves,
military rank E-5 or below, demonstrate a
need for financial assistance and currently
enrolled in or in the process of being
accepted to a VA approved program or
school. Questions! E-mail me: earl.fulk@, Vice Chairman North, Aaron
Rasmussen or
Vice Chairman South, Michael Phillips for any and all
program information.
Voice of
by Steve Milano,
The Voice of Democracy entry forms
should now be in the hands of the District
Chairmen. The theme for 2015 is “My Vision For America.” This National Scholarship Program is available to students in
grades 9-12, who are enrolled in a public,
private, or parochial high or home study
program in the United States and its territories. I am fully aware that the majority
of the work on this important program is
done at the Post level with the full cooperation of our Auxiliaries, and I want to
thank in advance those who go out and
“get it done.” We have found that many
schools are not willing partners in this
program, so let’s go out and get the kids.
Go where kids go - to scouting groups,
to church groups, sports programs and
other places where students congregate.
I want to call attention to a continuing
requirement for a Post to forward at least
one student essay to District for judging
in order to earn eligibility toward All
State honors. Brochures, Entry Forms and
Score Sheets can be found in the National
Program Guide and on line at both www. and at as well
as in the supply catalog from National
Headquarters. Your District Chairman
also has been sent copies. If all else fails,
email me at “” and I’ll
get some to you. On behalf of the Voice of
Democracy Committee members, I wish
you well in your efforts and look forward
to seeing you and your student winner
in Sacramento in January. The Voice of
Democracy Banquet will be Friday, January 22, 2016.
Patriot’s Pen
by JJ Vojtas,
Welcome to a new year, California
Comrades, Sisters, Auxiliary and friends.
My name is J.J. Vojtas and I am honored
to be selected by our Commander to chair
the Patriot’s Pen Committee this year. I
enjoy writing and appreciate our youth
who are interested in Americanism. I look
forward to participating and reading the
essays this year. I will do my best to guide
my team of judges to not only find the best
written essay, but the one that truly comes
from the heart of our young authors. This
year’s theme is, “What Freedom Means
to Me.” This is an interesting topic because freedom means different things
to different students. I am excited! In a
world of texting, emails and slang, it will
be interesting to read the words of 6th to
8th grade students. I hope that all Districts
and all Posts share in my enthusiasm. The
Patriot’s Pen Program is one program that
has very strict deadlines; moreover, it
requires the attention of the Post and the
District Chairpersons. These deadlines are
in place in order to allow the department
team time to find the Department winners. I cannot, and will not, accept late
entries for judging. If a District is late, all
Posts will be counted for participation;
however, the district winner will not be
judged. With that said, the time is now to
be working with your school contacts, or
whomever you use to get this year’s local
programs in place, because, before you
know it, time will be up. These students
will work very hard on their essays, and
they deserve the upmost support. All
Posts will be credited for participation
after the District Chairperson submits
the proper summary report. The program
guidelines published on the website explain in detail how my team and I will be
judging the District winning essays. I am
ready for a successful program this year,
and look forward to introducing our winner to all of you in following issues when
we get that far.
by Art Napiwocki,
The Governor signed the 2015 Budget on
June 24, making the $5.6 million funding
level for CVSO’s permanent. What this
means for our VFW Department of CA
is that we can move forward and work on
Legislation for next year. We can work to
secure grants from the State for our Service
Department which assists veterans in filing
claims. This has been a 3 year work in
progress by many of the VSO’s - working
together in collective support of AB 171.
Lobbyist Pete Conaty and his associates
played a key role in getting the job done.
In addition, Pete has been tracking 78
separate Legislative Bills for us. Our VFW
Dept. of California is a sponsor and/or a
supporter of these bills. Everyone reading this article should be a member of the
VFW Action Corps. Our VFW National
Washington D.C. office makes it easy for
the grass roots VFW & Auxiliary members
to lobby Congress and the Administration
on Veterans’ Issues. To become veterans’
advocates, simply join the VFW Action
Corps. Go to It is
free to all VFW/Auxiliary members and
patriotic supporters of veterans. Please
encourage your friends and neighbors to
join. The VFW Action Corps is what gives
the VFW strength for our efforts on Capitol
Hill. Aside from receiving the VFW Action Corps weekly, an electronic newsletter
keeps you “in the know.” You will receive
regular VFW “Action Alerts” telling you
how to get involved to email, write or call
your National lawmakers. On our State of
California Veterans’ Legislative Front, our website will keep you posted
on all our VFW Department Legislative
issues that need your attention and action.
Our Department works closely with our
Lobbyist Pete Conaty & Associates. Pete
and his staff provide us with guidance in
contacting our State Legislators on State
Veterans’ Legislative Bills. I urge all Post
and District Legislative Chairmen to: 1.
Join the VFW Action Corps and 2. Check
our Department of California website for
Page 7
Legislative Alerts. Keep informed and get
to know your local Legislators. Make your
voice heard. In closing, Your VFWCA
National Legislative Committee is continuously working on the State and National
Legislative fronts, keeping informed and
advocating for Veterans’ legislation.
Thanks Committee.
Buddy Poppies
by Rick Rankin,
We start a new year in our Buddy Poppy
Program. We finished our previous year
6,500 poppies or 0.84% short of our previous year’s total. That doesn’t seem to be
a significant number, however; the VFW
Buddy Poppy Program helps veterans starting at the assembly of the Buddy Poppy.
Veterans in a Veterans Work Compensation
Program assemble the Buddy Poppy. There
are presently six (6) of these programs working to assist these veterans. Every Poppy
assembled helps a veteran. There were 46
Posts in California that did NOT order any
Buddy Poppies. If these Posts had ordered
a minimum of 500 Poppies, we would have
added 23,000 Buddy Poppies to our total.
The purchase of the Buddy Poppy by Posts
and Auxiliaries helps our Service Department. Our Service Officers are helping
veterans every day of the week in some part
of this Department of California. The distribution of the Buddy Poppy and donations
received are placed in the Post Relief Fund
to help with our VFW Programs. Section
704 of our National Bylaws state in detail
how these funds are to be used. This past
year, I received calls from hospitals, senior
centers and individuals wanting to know
how to obtain our Buddy Poppy. I helped
where I could but these persons would have
been better served if they knew of a Post
in their area. If your Post has not ordered
Buddy Poppies for whatever reason, please
consider placing an order this year even if
it is a minimum order. Take your Poppies
to distribute at a hospital, senior center, a
school or to a store that will allow you to
place Poppies for public access. Ask if you
can place a donation can with the Poppies.
You will be surprised at the response.
WINNERS 2015-2016
Congratulations to the Posts/Auxiliaries
and Jr. Girls Unit who entered the Buddy
Poppy Display Contest at our State Convention in Bakersfield. The Judges scored the
entries and the results were very close.
There was no entry in Category 1.
In Category 2
1st Place – Post 10577, District 1
1st Runner up – Auxiliary 3787, District 1
In Category 3
1st Place – Auxiliary 3935, District 7
1st Runner up – Post 1508, District 3
2nd Runner up – Auxiliary 97, District 6
4th Place – Post and Auxiliary 1732,
District 4
In Category 4
1st Place – Jr. Girls Unit 4647, District 17
Our Troops
Page 8
The California
L to R: Amy Lewis, KFBK Radio; Greg Raffa, AMVETS, MG David Balwin, Adjutant General CA National Guard; Nick Guest, VFW; Acting Secretary Debbie Endsley, CA Department of Veterans Affairs; Pete Contay, Legislative Advocate.
L to R: Robert Fowler, Honoree; Assemblyman Bill Brough (RDana Point).
Veterans Recognition Luncheon
By Pete Conaty
Legislative Advocate
The 8th Annual California Assembly
Veterans Recognition Luncheon was held
in Sacramento on June 25. Legislators
from the California State Assembly chose
a veteran from their district to be honored
as Veteran of the Year. Representing
the VFW-Department of California at
the head table at this event was State
Quartermaster Nick Guest. VFW members were well represented as honorees;
legislators chose 24 of our comrades to
be recognized.
Honorees who are VFW comrades:
• Dennis Anderson, Post 3000, Men’s Aux.
• Art Bertolero
• John Byrum
• Luis Camarillo
• Louis Conter
• Frank Contreras
• Christopher Dimaio, Post 5888
• Felix Eastman
• Harry Fales
• Robert Fowler, Post 9934
• Forrest Frields, Post 11395
• Larry Futrell, Post 2828
• Kevin Hedahl, Post 67
• Howard Hernandez
• Jefferson Hill, Post 12034
• Elbert Johnson
• Lloyd Lubensky, Post 1614
• Jawana McFadden, Post 2122
• John McPartland, Post 9601
• Frank Navarro, Post 155
• John Schuler, Post 8900
• David Toro, Post 155
• Edward Trautt, Post 6949
• Richard Ysais
The VFW-Department of California is a
major sponsor of this annual event. Over
65 legislators participated in the Veterans
Recognition Luncheon. This raises the
visibility of veterans issues amongst policy
makers, as well as that of the VFW.
AB 13-Chavez; Community colleges:
exemptions from nonresident tuition,
Assemblyman Rocky Chávez (ROceanside) has been on a nearly three year
mission to exempt veterans in California
from paying nonresident student fees. This
year he authored AB 13, which sought to
exempt veterans living in California, who
wish to attend one of the California Community Colleges (CCCs), from having
to pay the nonresident student fees. This
would apply to veterans who are covered
under the federal Veterans Access, Choice,
and Accountability Act of 2014 (Choice
Act). The problem was that veterans have
to use or lose their GI Bill benefits in a
certain time period. Veterans who were
not technically residents of California yet
(it takes one year of residency to qualify for
in state tuition rates), would not be able to
use their GI bill benefits because the federal
government does not allow the benefit to
be used for out of state tuition rates. The
veterans would lose a valuable year waiting
to establish residency.
In 2013, Assemblyman Chávez proposed AB 13, which urged CCCs and four
year universities to offer in-state tuition
to student veterans to ensure they used
their G.I. Bill benefits while they could. In
2014, President Obama signed HR 3230
that would require all colleges and universities in California to offer in state tuition
to student Veterans in order for them to
use their G.I. Bill benefits. Senator Joel
Anderson (R-Alpine) also helped push
this bill through the Senate in the final
days of the legislative session. AB 13 was
signed by the Governor in 2014.
In 2015, Chávez introduced another bill
of the same number (AB 13), to modify the
California Education Code giving CCCs
the ability to offer an in-state tuition waiver
for student Veterans at their schools. He
also introduced AB 27 to do the same thing
at the State Universities and the University
of California. These bills both passed successfully through the Assembly and were
in the Senate awaiting a hearing when the
Governor signed the budget with language
to effect these policies.
The VFW was a strong supporter of all
of these efforts and Assemblyman Chávez
publicly acknowledged the help of Veterans Service Organizations in getting these
policies pushed through.
SB 2- Anderson; Property tax relief
for veterans halls - KILLED.
Many veterans halls are having problems
with excessive property tax laws, causing
some to shut down. There is confusion over
the laws that are not permitting the property
tax exemptions over small portions of the
property. Due to increasing operation and
business costs, and a declining number of
veteran halls, fewer military families are
receiving the much-needed services these
organizations provide. SB 2 by Senator
Anderson (R-Alpine) would ensure that all
veterans halls will receive this important
property tax exemption by aligning state
statute to reflect the unique nature of these
veteran organizations.
The VFW-Department of California is
a sponsor of this bill.
On July 13, the Assembly Revenue and
Taxation Committee voted to shelve SB 2.
The Revenue and Taxation Committee voted to effectively kill the bill by sending it
to the Suspense file. Three Republicans
and one Democrat voted to keep it off the
Suspense file and have a roll call vote on
the bill taken, but were defeated by the
committee’s chairman and the rest of the
committee members. The Assemblymembers who supported us were: Bill Brough
(R-Dana Point), Jim Patterson (R-Fresno),
Donald Wagner (R-Irvine), and Roger
Hernandez (D-West Covina). L to R: Guest of Honoree; Luis Arturo Camarillo, Honoree; Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez (D-Los Angeles).
The committee consultants determined
that the bill would cost the state $575,000
in lost tax revenue. The committee also
equated veterans groups to fraternal groups
such as the Elks and Rotary; saying that if
the state provides this exemption to veterans,
it would have to extend it to other groups. The committee totally ignored the fact that
veterans, who put their lives on the line to
protect our liberty, should be deserving of
this exemption and are unique in light of
their service to our country. This exemption has been in state law for decades, but
over the years tax authorities have made
their own interpretations of it. SB 2 sought
to clarify it and make it reflect the original
intent of the exemption.
It is still within the realm of the possible to get the bill out of the Suspense
file if veterans across the state can apply
enough pressure to the committee members who voted No to change their minds
and allow the bill to move through the
Veterans in these areas should contact
these legislators who voted to kill the
bill and tell them to:
“Please explain why you voted against
SB 2? SB 2 needs to come off of Suspense
and the bill needs to pass through the
Revenue and Taxation Committee. California’s veterans want this bill to become law. We need this bill to allow
veterans posts and halls to survive into
the future.”
Bay Area
Phil Ting (D-San Francisco), Committee Chairman. 415-557-2312 Kevin Mullin (D-South San Francisco). 650-349-2200
B i l l Q u i r k ( D - H a y w a r d ) . 510-583-8818
by Ed Ketcham,
Congratulations to our Scout of the Year
award recipients,
1st Place District 1,
2nd Place District 6,
3rd Place District 12.
Only 8 Districts turned in Scout applications, 4 Districts did not qualify because of
NO PHOTO and one had a COPY of a photo. This is a poor turnout for this program.
A few Posts sent their applications directly
to me and not to their District for judging.
The application indicates the sign off for
each route-Post and District. Also, look
at the Program Guide for Scouting Youth
Activities, ROTC/JROTC for guidance. In
Scouting, Do a Good Turn Daily.
by Everett Martin, PSC,
I would like to thank everyone that did
anything to make our 2015 Convention in
Bakersfield at the Double Tree so successful.
Although it was on the warm side, everything
went very smoothly. We haven’t been to
Bakersfield since 1996 and they were very
happy to have us back. Convention for 2016
Los Angeles
M i k e G i p s o n ( D - C a r s o n ) . – June 10 – 14, 2016, Holiday Inn Downtown
Sacramento. As we get closer to the date, more
information will be given out. I look forward
to working with the VFW Auxiliary Chairman
San Fernando
Matthew Dababneh (D-Encino). Joyce Linares. Again, thanks to everyone who
helped on this past Convention.
by Deborah Johnson,
Summer and fall are times of the year
when Stand Down’s across the country
are more prevalent and California is no
exception. At least 26 communities will
be holding 1 to 3 day events to assist
the 12,096 homeless veterans that have
been identified in California, with over
7,639 living on the streets or in places
not ordinarily meant for human habitation (visit for a list if
2015-2016 Stand Downs). As a veteran
organization, it is our duty to step in
and assist at Stand Down, whether we
help plan and/or sponsor them, donate
time, resources or money, or help our
own comrades that need a hand up, not
a hand out. December 31, 2015 was
a date set to end veteran homelessness
across the nation. We know we can’t
eliminate homelessness despite all of our
efforts, but we can develop strategies to
get a veteran rapidly re-housed if the fall
into homelessness, or provide services to
those who are at risk of homelessness.
At local, state and federal levels, funding
streams and housing initiatives have been
implemented to assist the VA in specialized homeless programs, but they can’t
do it alone. Events, such as local Stand
Downs, are a way to provide services
in a centralized location to get our most
vulnerable citizens off the streets and into
housing. If you know someone who is
homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless, encourage them to reach out and call
a one-stop hotline at 1-877-4AID-VET
or online at If
you would like more information about
agencies in your community working at
ending veteran homelessness, contact
me via email at
I will gladly assist you in finding local
resources in your area.
by Rich Brugger,
I would like to thank Commander
Magner for this great opportunity to be
the Chairman for our VFW National
Home for 2015/2016. This is a position
I’ve wanted for some time. First of
all, sisters and comrades I have to say
that I can’t understand why in recent
years, on average, only 30% of the
posts in California have donated to our
VFW National Home. Last year those
donations totaled approximately $40K.
These are not numbers we can be proud
of. At our State Convention I had a table
where I handed out materials about our
VFW National Home during breaks. I
was pleased that many people that approached the table and knew all about
our Home and/or were involved with it. I
was shocked that just as many members
of the VFW that approached the table
and had no idea what the VFW National
Home was. Some of these people were
post commanders. This is the 90th anniversary of our VFW National Home.
It started in 1925 when a young widow
of a WWI veteran and her six children
arrived at the VFW National Home For
Children. There they found healing and
the security of a home. The Home is
now geared toward helping families of
Page 9
The California
California 2015 Stand Down List
Stand Down
Yuba-Sutter Stand Down – Marysville
Aug 20-22, 2015
Michael Nichols
Porterville Stand Down
Aug 27, 2015
James Lujan
John Schuler
Lake County Stand Down - Clearlake
Frank Parker
Marco Rotting
Sep 9-10th, 2015
2nd week
Contact #
Compton Stand Down
Sep 13 – 15, 2015 Charlie Lonon
Tenille Jones
Central Valley Stand Down – Fresno
Sep 15, 2015
James Lujan
John Schuler
Placer County Stand Down – Roseville
Sep 15-17,2015
Melissa Davis
Ellie Ramsey
Lakeport Stand Down
Sep 16, 2015
Jake Martin
Frank Parker
Sacramento Stand Down – Rancho Cordova Sep 18-20,2015 Jefferey Jewell
Chuck Carter
Ridgecrest Stand Down
Sep 25, 2015
Randall Hunt
Carol Coy
North Coast Stand Down – Ferndale
Oct 2-4, 2015
Kermit Thobaben
Kern County Stand Down – Bakersfield
Oct 8, 2015
Deborah Johnson
North Bay Stand Down – Dixon
Oct 13-15
Lynn Jewell
Madera Stand Down
Oct 16, 2015
James Lujan
Brandon Murray
Orange County Stand Down
Oct 16-18, 2015
Charlie Lonon
Tenille Jones
Hollywood Stand Down
Oct 17, 2015
Kathleen Sullivan
Michael Johnson
Santa Barbara Stand Down – Santa Maria
Oct 17, 2015
George Moran
Sandy Agalos
Redding Stand Down
Oct 29, 2015
Susan Tieden
Kyra Hunt
Los Angeles Veteran & Families Stand Down
Dec 19-21, 2015
Facebook: Los Angeles Veteran & Families Stand Down
Monterey County Stand Down – Seaside
Aug 19-21, 2016
Marlene Baker
Dates Not Set
East Bay Stand Down – Pleasanton
Sep Ron Lowe
Jerry Yahiro
San Joaquin County Veterans Stand Down Sep
North Valley – Anderson
active-duty military personnel, veterans
and descendants of members of the
VFW and its Auxiliary. The family can
be one or both parents with one or more
child(ren). Families work to identify
what they need and want to accomplish.
They may live in the VFW National
Home community for up to four years.
They are provided with a case manager,
housing, education, daycare, recreation
and basic needs (food, health care, and
clothing (if needed). This gives these
families a second chance. Don’t our
military personnel, veterans and their
families deserve this? Did you know
that our Home also has a Military and
Veteran Family Helpline (800-3134200 or email help@vfwnationalhome.
org)? Military personnel, veterans and
families in need can be directed to local
organizations that can assist them. I’ve
just started my efforts with our Home a
couple of months ago. Michigan State
University is not too far from the Home.
I’ve talked to them and they are going to
831.883.8387 ext 38
Derek McGinnis
Tracy Casico
get involved in helping our Home. I also
have contacted the University of Michigan. I haven’t reached the right person
there yet but I will. If anyone is an alumnus of either of these colleges please call
me (650/892-9932). I would like to see
if their alumni associations are willing
to help. I will also sign our Home up
with the local Chamber of Commerce.
I want to reach out to organizations and
businesses in that area but will reach
out anywhere I can get help. One thing
our Home needs to do is repave the
roads in the complex. I’m hoping I can
find a developer or successful business
person that can help get this done. Does
anyone know of someone? With commander Magner’s permission, I plan to
visit our Home in the very near future.
I will pay for all expenses related to this
visit. I also plan to reach out to every
post commander in the Department of
California and ask them to have their
post donate generously to our Home.
There are many ways you can donate
to our Home. You can of course send
in a donation. You can also purchase a
brick for $100. You can have this brick
inscribed and the brick will be placed in
a walkway at our Home. Each year my
post purchases bricks to honor one of our
members or to memorialize a member
who passed. You can also purchase life
time memberships to our Home for $35
each. For more information on how to
donate go to
or call 866 483-9642. If you want a post
to get credit for a donation, make sure
you indicate that. Feel free to contact
me at 650/892-9932 or richbrugger@ Comrades and Auxiliary,
the VFW only has one National Home.
This is Our National Home. Let’s all
get together and make it the best it can
possible be and help families that need
our help. We can make a difference.
Thank you.
VFW National Home For Children
3573 South Waverly Road
Eaton Rapids, MI 48827
Page 10
by Art Napiwocki,
Our VFWCA Service Department is
busy revamping and updating the Service Officer Training Program. Check
with your District Commander for the
date and time of the Service Officer
Training in your District. As of March
24, 2015, the VA requires Veterans and
Survivors use standardized forms when
filing claims or appeals. Our professionally trained Department Service
Officers and Assistant Service Officers will teach PSO’s and FSO’s the
new requirements to help Veterans get
through this filing process. It is Vital to
mention the Military Exposure Registry Examination Programs. Program Description: Veterans may have
been exposed to a range of chemical,
physical and environmental hazards
during military service. Veterans who
believe they may have been exposed
to toxins or certain vaccinations with
side effects are eligible to receive a
voluntary medical assessment that will
help the V.A. track data on Veterans’
health. General Program Requirements:
Registry examinations are not part of
the Medical Benefits Package. You do
not have to apply for health care to get
a registry exam. There are no lengthof-service requirements. For information, please visit VA’s Public Health
Homepage (http://www.publichealth. Your
Next Steps: The following information
will lead you to the next steps to apply
for this benefit. Application Process:
To receive a medical exam, contact
your local VA Environmental Health
Coordinator. Contact information for
local health coordinators can be found
on VA’s Public Health “Directory of
Environmental Health Coordinators”
page (
Program Contact Information: For
more information about military exposures, visit VA Public Health homepage
index.asp). If you have questions: Visit
the Inquiry Routing & Information System ( (IRIS)
website to search frequently asked
questions or ask a question on-line.
Call 1-800-827-1000 or 1-800-8294833 if hearing impaired. Toll-Free
Gulf War/Agent Orange Helpline:
Age Games
by Joe Valasquez,
As the 35th National Veterans
Wheelchair Games came to a close Friday, June 26, 2015, thoughts quickly
moved to the planning of the 2016
Games in Salt Lake City. Nearly 600
athletes watched as the 35th Games
came to a close Friday evening, June
26, and wondered what’s to come in
the Beehive state when the 36th Games
arrive in June of 2016. “I think that
Salt Lake City will offer a hometown,
family feel to the Games,” said Tom
Brown, founder of the NVWG and
Games Director for Paralyzed Veter-
The California
ans of America. The 36th NVWG will
offer 19 wheelchair sports spread out
through the entire Salt Lake Community. “We are excited to be bringing the
Games to Salt Lake City. People will
see true competition and realize that a
disability doesn’t mean inability,” says
Dave Tostenrude, Director, NVWG
for the Department of Veterans Affairs. Salt Lake City’s experience in
hosting the 2002 Olympic and Paralympic Games will mean streamlined
transportation and access to hotels and
venues, Brown said. Lodging will be
in close proximity to Games’ venues,
and the transportation provided had a
role in Paralympic transportation in
2002, he said. The annual Block Party
will take place in Olympic Village, he
added. There is nothing better than
watching these men and women reach
goals and achieve greatness beyond
what they thought they could. We are
so thrilled to be a part of the magic.
See you in 2016! Atwood said.
The 2015 National Veterans Golden
Age Games will be in Omaha, Nebraska, August 8 – 12.
The National Veterans Golden Age
Games is the premier senior adaptive
rehabilitation program in the United
States, and the only national multievent sports and recreational seniors’
competition program designed to improve the quality of life for all older
Veterans, including those with a wide
range of abilities and disabilities. The
National Veterans Golden Age Games
encourage VA patients over the age of
55 to make physical activity a central
part of their lives, and support VA’s
comprehensive recreation and rehabilitation therapy programs. It is a national showcase for the preventive and
therapeutic value of sports, fitness and
recreation for all older Americans.
The competitive events included air
rifle, bowling, cycling, field (discus,
shot, javelin), golf, horseshoes, mind
sports (checkers, dominoes), nineball, shuffleboard, swimming, table
tennis, track and Demonstration sport
badminton. Please send all donations
to VFW Dept. Headquarters with the
checks earmarked, “Veterans Wheelchair Games Programs.”
by Jim Bennett,
Veteran service is an important priority in our country and a founding
VFW tenet. Post and District Chairmen
should refer to the National VFW Program Chairmen’s Guide, “It’s About
Service.” The VFW was founded on
the basis of providing service to veterans, and we firmly believe that once
we can provide this service and get the
word out, our membership will grow by
leaps and bounds. It’s time we step up
to the plate once again and take care
of our fellow veterans. Post Service
Officers are an important position in
our organization, and we want you to
know that we all work together as a
team. Our organization was founded
in 1899 for the purpose of assisting
veterans returning from wars with disabilities. Not everyone who serves in
the military gets disabled, but we need
to make sure we’re there for those that
are. We have support from various
levels in our organization, from fellow
Post Service Officers all the way to our
National Service Program in Wash-
ington, D.C. with many in between.
Available are reference materials that
will assist Post Service Officers in
your duties. These books and materials will greatly assist you in helping
veterans. Many of the questions you
may have can be answered by reading
this material. Our staff of highly trained
Department Service Officers is ready to
help you with any situations that arise.
Remember, the only dumb question is
the one that isn’t asked. In California,
we have three (3) Regional Offices
with accredited Service Officers working full time for veterans. Our staff
attends training sessions twice a year
with the National Service Program and
the instructors are experts in VA policies and procedures. We can pass our
knowledge on to you. As a Post Service
Officer, you will come in contact with
many seeking assistance. Please do not
turn anyone away. He or she is a veteran in need and this is no time to turn
your back on them. Assistance comes
in many forms; it can be as simple as
giving a phone number to the nearest
Department Service Office or filling
out forms. Either way, we turn no one
away. Disabilities come in a wide range
of levels; some are visible, and some
are not. As a Service Officer it is not
our job to judge how bad a disability
is, but rather to assist the veteran in
obtaining the benefit sought. The VA
will determine whether or not service
connection can be granted. As one of
our Service Officers, from time to time
we will send you items of information
that we would like you to pass on to the
members of your Post. The Department
website at will have
forms and information needed to complete your job. If there is anything you
need additionally, please feel free to
contact one of our Department Service
Offices. Veteran Service materials are
available from The VFW Store, or by
visiting www.vfwdepartmentresources.
org or by contacting our Department
Headquarters at
Items that are available from Department Headquarters are as follows:
• Post Service Officer Guide (available every two (2) years from The VFW
• Department Service Officer Reference Guide
• Federal Guide for Benefits
• Post Service Officer ID Card
When ordering please include a Post
check in the amount of twenty-five
(25) dollars to cover the cost of these
Important! – To qualify for awards, a
Post must submit an online report.
Law Enforcement/
Fire Fighter/EMT
by Wayne Wright,
Now is the time for your Post Chairman to identify worthy candidates
for our VFW National Public Servant
Awards program. It is very important
for Chairmen to read the Program
Guide and follow the format described.
It is downloadable at http://vfwca.
html. If you cannot find it, or are having
difficulty downloading, please e-mail
or call me and I will make sure you receive a copy. Involving your Post with
Emergency Service Responders shows
you care about what they do and gives
you the opportunity to put them in the
public eye in a personal, positive way.
It will establish a foundation to build
a mutual, long lasting relationship
which benefits both the Post and our
Emergency Service Responders. Other
VFW programs and teaching aides such
as Public Safety, Home Security and
Fire Awareness can be enhanced by the
added involvement of an Emergency
Service Responder. If your Post has
never participated in the program or
you feel you don’t have enough help
to recognize all three categories, just
do one to start with. It’s not a difficult task and, as already mentioned,
will establish a positive relationship
between your Post and the Emergency
Service members you choose to recognize. Posts may submit their packets
online via email to District Chairmen.
District Chairmen may submit their
packets to the Department Chairman online. All packets must meet
the same criteria for non-electronic
submission. It is very important that
if you submit online that your packets
be in PDF format. Any packets received in Word or other publishing
applications other than PDF will not
be accepted. District Chairmen should
monitor for this and make corrections
before submitting to Department for
judging. DEADLINES • Deadline
for submission to District Chairmen
is November 1, 2015. • Deadline for
submission to Department Chairman
by District Chairmen is December 1,
2015. • Department judging will take
place the week of December 17th. If
a finalist packet was returned to the
District for revision, it must be returned
to the Department Chairman no later
than December 15th to be considered
for judging. In previous years, entries
which were written by the entrant
themselves or by the supervisor, chief
or captain of the department have been
submitted. This is a VFW program
and the Post is responsible to interview
their entrants and write the entry packets…not the entrant. I will return any
entries not written by the Post. District
Chairmen should take note of this and
make sure Posts follow the prescribed
format in the Program Guide. Again,
please contact me with any questions
you have. Best wishes for a successful
VFW year!!!!
by Lamont Duncan,
September is fast approaching which
means our POW/MIA program is also.
I really had my heart set on using the
Vietnam Wall setting at Coronado
Naval Base. Unfortunately due to logistics and the fact that they are booked
solid for the weekend of September
19 th we have to go elsewhere. Currently I’m looking into the possibility
of Fort McArthur, the Korean Bell or
a local Post. Of course, right now I’m
packing and looking forward to a great
National Convention and seeing a lot of
you there. Once a location is solidified
a flyer will go out to all State Officers
and District Commanders. Congratulations to all incoming Officers and
Appointees; we will have a great year
under the tutelage of Commander Magner and his core of officers. It’s also
heartening to see the number of comrades vying for Jr. Vice Commander
and wish them all good luck with their
commander appreciation
by Doug Scholl,
Thank you Commander Magner for
this appointment; I’m looking forward to
working with all the Districts and producing exceptional candidates to advance to
our National competition.
Most of you have - or are soon to be - attending your school of instructions. There
are major changes to the dates of the Smart
/ Maher teachers’ program this year. I cannot emphasize enough in order for your
candidate to compete for State awards;
the teacher’s package must be submitted
on time. We’ll have tight deadlines at the
end of the year and timing is critical. The
deadlines are:
Entry Deadline to the Post:
February 15th, 2016
Post Deadline to submit to District:
March 1st, 2016
District Deadline to submit to
March 25th, 2016
If a Post or District has late entries, they
will still receive credit for participation in
the program by reporting on the California
VFW reporting portal. Participating in the
teachers program will still be available
Page 11
The California
under Commander Magner’s All State
Program in both option 1 and option 2.
So, reporting is critical on both the Post
and District level. District chairs, even
though you are submitting your summary
report with your candidates for consideration, you must still do a report utilizing
the online reporting system. As soon as I
receive packages, I will verify the reports
are made online. Do not allow this simple
administrative procedure to disqualify an
exceptional candidate from competition.
As a chairman I’m here to assist you.
One of the things I’ve heard repetitively
is “Where do I find these teachers?” The
simple answer is ask. Ask your membership; a good percentage have kids in the
school systems. If you get feedback from
one of your members that might live in
another post’s boundaries, share that information. Ask in your meetings, newsletters
and on your face book page; you’ll be
surprised at the inputs your members give
you. Ask at the school, go over and visit,
find teachers willing to do Patriot’s Pen and
Voice of Democracy in the classrooms. By
the way, those visits are reportable under
community service and youth activities.
Write a letter to the school board and request their recommendations. I guarantee
they know exceptional teachers that are
worthy and deserving of recognition. Ask
your former Teacher awardees; use them
as a stepping stone. Above all, have fun
with your program! Any time you can get
your Post engrained into your community,
it’s a win-win for the teacher, the school
and, of course, your Post!
Commander Appreciation
First Council of Administration
Bob receiving Cootie Hat from Grand Military Order of
Cooties Martinez.
Past State Commanders at first Council of Administration.
Page 12
The California
convention opening
Convention Opening
VFW Nat’l Rep – Past Nat’l Cmdr
In Chief Richard Eubank
LAVFW Nat’l Rep – Past Nat’l
Pres. Jan Owens
Mayor of Bakersfield, Harvey Hall
Congressman Kevin McCarthy
ABOVE: Jr. Girls presenting flags.
TOP LEFT: Secy of Veterans Affairs Debbie Endsley receiving award from State
Cmdr. Howard Hagen and State Adjutant Nick Guest.
LEFT: State Pres Marilyn Peck presents Mayor with flag.
ABOVE: Getting ready for flag presentation.
LEFT: PNP Gwen Rankin with past National Home resident Ira Stone.
convention awards
The California
Page 13
Convention Awards
LEFT: State Cmdr. Hagen, Dist 14 Cmdr Dawn Napier, Citizenship Chmn Jessie Martinez. RIGHT: Post 9934 Cmdr Maurice Hensen, Post Q/M Bill
Manes receiving awards.
LEFT: Q/M Frank Valdez receives All State Q/M. RIGHT: Doug Scholl, Post 3783 receives All State.
LEFT: PSC Jack Turner receives All State status. CENTER: State Cmdr Hagen, Dist 4 Cmdr Lamont Duncan, PSC Earl Fulk. RIGHT: State Cmdr.
Hagen, Dist 10 Cmdr Rich Brugger, Buddy Poppy Chmn Rick Rankin.
LEFT: State Cmdr. Hagen, Dist. 13 Cmdr. Vaughn Gates, Service Chmn Jim Bennett. CENTER: State Cmdr. Hagen, Games Chmn Rollin Joe Velasquez, Mary Kienlen. RIGHT: Legislative Committee Sherrod Conyers, PSC Dave Norris, PSC Nick Guest, Mary Bandini, Art Napiwocki.
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The California
buddy poppy
Buddy Poppy
State Cmdr. Elect Bob Magner accepts.
State Cmdr. Elect Bob Magner with Tim Borland.
State Surgeon with District 6.
vfw elections
The California
Page 15
LEFT: State Cmdr. Elect Bob Magner with wife Terry. CENTER: State Cmdr. Elect Bob Magner with Dist. 3. RIGHT: State Jr. Vice Cmdr. Elect Wayne
Wright, wife Joyce and Dist. 6.
LEFT: State Sr Vice Cmdr. Elect Dale Smith with wife Marla and Dist. 1. RIGHT: State Quartermaster PSC Nick Guest with Dist. 7.
LEFT: State Chaplain Elect Mary Bandini with Dist. 7. CENTER: State Judge Advocate Fred Hoff with wife Irene and Dist. 7. RIGHT: State Cmdr.
Hagen with PNC Richard Eubank.
LEFT: State Cmdr. Hagen with Corky Berthiaume, Past State Cmdr. Dept. of Washington. RIGHT: State Officers exchanging magnets.
Page 16
The California
LEFT: Officers on stage. CENTER: Bob being escorted for installation.
RIGHT: Bob giving Terry flowers for their anniversary.
LEFT: Installation of VFW officers. RIGHT: Officers extending a hand friendship.
LEFT: Bob receiving certificate. CENTER: Installation of LAVFW officers. RIGHT: State Pres. Kathy Walery being installed by PDP Julie Williamson.
LEFT: Joyce Wright pinning husband Jr. Vice Cmdr. Wayne Wright. CENTER: Mary Kienlen pinning State Q/M Nick Guest. RIGHT: Dolores pinning daughter Jr. Past State Pres. Marilyn Peck.
LEFT: Changing of Dept colors. RIGHT: State Sgt. At Arms.
general orders
The California
Page 17
General Orders No. 1
General Orders No. 1 - 2015-2016 Series
4. The official Inspection Program for the Department of California for the 2015-2016
Administrative year begins on September 1, 2015. Inspection forms have been forwarded
to the District Commanders for the entire year. The Assistant State Inspector and/or Deputy
Inspector will personally sign the Post ledger at the time he performs a post inspection. A
certification as follows will be written in the ledger: The Post inspected on____.”
1. Having been duly elected and installed as Commander of the Department of
California, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, I, Bob Magner, do hereby
assume command. All previous appointments under prior command have expired and
are Null and Void.
5. Post Audits. The June 30, 2015 Audit Report is now due on Trustee’s Audit
forms. The (original) signed copy is mailed or emailed to Department Headquarters
and if necessary or requested a copy is mailed to the District Inspector for referral to the Department Inspector.
2. The following State Officers have been properly elected and installed and will
be shown the proper courtesies.
State Commander
Bob Magner, Post 2266
Sr. Vice Commander
Dale Smith, Post 3783
Jr. Vice Commander
Wayne Wright, Post 1468
Nick Guest (PSC), Post 2805
Judge Advocate
Fred Hoff, Post 1679
Deborah Johnson, Post 1468
Mary Bandini, Post 10049
Jr. Past State Commander
Howard Hagen (PSC), Post 2967
District No.1
Larry Reuss, Post 1512
District No.2
John Douthit, Post 9557
District No.3
Tim Moore, Post 888
District No.4
David Loera, Post 3208
District No.5
Tim Bryant, Post 3000
District No.6
Bobby Hanks, Post 97
District No.7
Corey McKinney, Post 1679
District No.9
Steve Hansen, Post 2001
District No.10
Rich Brugger, Post 8750
District No.12
John Ceballos, Post 6309
District No.13
Leigh Williams, Post 9454
District No.14
Dusty Napier, Post 9561
District No.15
Wes Cochran, Post 2039
District No.16
Bill Reed III, Post 1123
District No.17
Mike King, Post 4647
6. Post and District Commanders are reminded that the Quartermaster Bonds for
those bonded through the Department of California will expire on August 31, 2015.
Bond applications for the period of September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2016, will be
mailed to all Commanders of record. It is the personal responsibility of Commanders,
on all levels, to see that their Quartermasters are properly bonded in the amounts as
set forth and provided in the National to Department Quartermaster.
3. The following appointments for 2015-2016 are hereby announced:
Nick Guest (PSC), Post 2805
Assistant Adjutant/Qaurtermaster
Steve Milano, Post 4647
Chief of Staff
Alex Brown, Post 1512
Chuck Anfuso, Post 2111
Buford Maples, Post 5985
Dan Schmaltz, Post 4048
State Aide-de-Camp
Lamont Duncan, Post 2122
State Aide-de-Camp
Doug Perkins, Post 1622
State Aide-de-Camp
Leonard Hodgson, Post 1985
State Aide-de-Camp
Bernard Ramos, Post 9009
Keith MacDonald, Post 2275
Sergeant-at-Arms/Color Guard, Captain
George Starling, Post 7792
Asst. Sergeant-at-Arms/Color Guard
Tom Karas, Post 6435
Asst. Sergeant-at-Arms/Color Guard
Lou Jordan, Post 3173
Asst. Sergeant-at-Arms/Color Guard
Larry Ventress, Post 5394
Asst. Sergeant-at-Arms/Color Guard
Ralph Duncan, Post 2122
Asst. Sergeant-at-Arms/Color Guard
Asst. Sergeant-at-Arms/Color Guard
Joe Piazza, Post 5394
Service Committee Chairman
Art Napiwocki, Post 1614
Convention Chairman
Everett Martin (PSC), Post 1732
Board of Financial Review, Chair - 1 Year Jim Certain, Post 1622
Board of Financial Review - 2 Year
Jack Turner, Post 3787
Board of Financial Review, - 3 Year Chuck Gardner, Post 4647
Board of Financial Review - 4 Year
Eugene Cota, Post 6298
Board of Financial Review - 5 Year
Buddy Poppy
Richard Rankin, Post 3982
Citizenship Education/Veterans’ Holidays Steve Jacobs (PSC), Post 9415
Community Service
Steve Jacobs (PSC), Post 9415
Education and Training, Chairman
Nick Guest (PSC), Post 2805
Education and Training, Co-Chairman
Denis Wells (PSC), Post 8327
Education and Training, Co-Chairman
Chuck Anfuso, Post 2111
Homeless Veterans, Chairman
Deborah Johnson, Post 1468
Law Enforcement/Firefighter/EMT
Wayne Wright, Post 10049
Legislative Committee, Chairman
Art Napiwocki, Post 1614
Legislative Committee, Vice Chairman
David Norris (PSC), Post 1051
Membership/Life Membership
Jim Kokas, Post 9223
Veterans & Military Support, Chairman
Earl Fulk (PSC), Post 9934
National Home Committee, Chairman
Rich Brugger, Post 8750
Patriots Pen Chairman
John Vojtas Jr., Post 1512
Student Veterans Committee, Chairman David Norris (PSC), Post 1051
Student Veterans Committee, Vice-Chairman Mary Bandini, Post 10049
POW/MIA Committee, Chairman
Lamont Duncan, Post 2122
POW/MIA Committee, Vice Chair, North Lou Gemmill, Post 52
Public Relations/Publications
Nick Guest (PSC), Post 2805
Scouting Programs
Edward Ketcham, Post 7907
State Service Ways & Means
Richard Davenport, Post 2967
Teacher Award
Doug Scholl, Post 3783
VAVS/Hospital/Home Chairman
Doug Carrington, Post 2275
Veterans Services Chairman
Claude Bennett, Post 2111
VFW Programs
Steve Milano, Jr., Post 4647
Voice of Democracy
Steve Milano, Jr., Post 4647
Wheelchair/Golden Age Games
Joe Velasquez, Post 5059
Women’s Veterans Committee
Tonna Mullens, Post 1468
Youth Activities/ROTC/JROTC/Sons of VFW Ed Ketcham, Post 7907
7. Each District Commander will act as personal representative of the State
Commander in his District to provide liaison between Post and the Department of
8. Post Commanders will take action deemed necessary to eliminate the drinking
of alcoholic beverages in the meeting room or nearby hallways while duly constituted
meetings of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Posts are in session. Reported violations
of this order will be severely dealt with under the punitive provisions of the VFW
National By-Laws. This practice by some Posts not only violates the ritual but also
discredits the honored memory of our fallen comrades and is contrary to moral ethics
based upon long and distinguished records of this organization. District Commanders
are hereby charged with the responsibility of enforcement of this order and the duty
of reporting violations thereof to the State Commander.
9. Posts or Districts requesting the State Commander or a Department Officer to
attend ceremonies or other occasions will make such requests in writing to Department Headquarters in sufficient time so that a proper presentation can be made by the
visiting officer. The requests should give information as to the type of event, what is
expected of the visiting officer; type of dress, time, and other pertinent information, and
should be sent to Department Headquarters not less than (30) thirty days in advance
of the event.
10. Posts in violation of Section 214 of the By-Laws and Manual of Procedure
(solicitation of funds) are subject to suspension. Contracts must for forwarded to and
approved by Department Headquarters.
11. Members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars or Ladies Auxiliary within California
shall not make any statement to the news media concerning pending VFW sponsored
legislation on a state or national level, or any relevant to VFW policies of a state or
national nature without first obtaining permission from Department Headquarters.
12. Members desiring to solicit funds through the sale of pins or other merchandise
at Council meetings or Convention shall first receive permission from the Council of
13. The attention of District and Post Commanders is directed to Section 103, Manual
of Procedure, which prescribes the manner in which applications for membership will
be handled. Applications for membership of new, reinstating or transfer members
must be voted on by the members present at a regular Post meeting. No Post, District,
Department or National Officer, or any other member, has the authority to reject the
application card of a person who is eligible for membership.
14. The attention of District and Post Commanders is directed to Section 709, ByLaws, which prescribe the manner in which Districts and Posts shall purchase, sell or
otherwise transfer title or any interest in any real estate. Written notice shall be provided
to every member of said unit and the Department Commander at least ten (10) days
prior to a regular or special meeting at which a proposal is to be considered.
15. An annual Federal income tax return (990-N, 990-EZ or 990) is required of
each Post exempt from tax under Section 501(c) of the Code. Post with annual gross
receipts of $50,000 or less are required to electronically submit Form 990-N, also
known as the e-Postcard. Organizations with over $50,000 and less than $200,000
of gross receipts and total assets of less than $500,000 at the end of the year may use
990-EZ. Posts having gross receipts or assets over these amounts will use Form 990.
For those who use Form 990, be to complete Box A thru Box M. Send the completed
return to the service center in your area. Gross receipts include income from all
sources, including membership dues, liquor or restaurants receipts, etc. Some of this
may be “unrelated business income” in which case the filing of Form 990-T may be
required. The returns must be filed on or before the 15th day of the fifth month after the
end of the accounting period. That means that if the accounting period ends on June
30, the return must be filed on or before the 15th of November of that year. Requests
for extension of time to file may be made by submitting Form 2758, Application for
Extension of Time to File. If a Post fails to file the return on or before the due date,
or the extended due date, a penalty of $20 for each day the return is late (not to exceed
$10,000) is imposed unless it can be shown that the failure to file was due to reasonable
cause. All units are alerted to report activities of IRS District Offices in conducting
unannounced investigations and/or surveillance of Posts to determine if non-members
are being served or using VFW facilities.
16. An annual state income tax return, FTB-199N (e-postcard) is required of each
Post with annual gross receipts of $25,000 or less. They may choose to file Form 199.
Organizations with over $25,000 in gross receipts must file FTB-199.
Continued on Page 18
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The California
general orders
General Orders No. 1
Continued from Page 17
17. Many Posts have received correspondence from a company named
“Corporate Compliance Center” the
information they are providing for a fee
is easily obtained free of charge from various State agencies, the VFW, Department
of California has asked this company to
discontinue mailing information to our
Posts. Post Quartermasters you are advised to disregard correspondence from
this company.
18. National By-Laws provides for only
one type of membership; that is active
membership. There are no provisions in
the National By-Laws, nor is there any
authority or justification for issuance
of Club Membership cards, Associate
Member cards, Honorary Membership
cards, Courtesy Membership cards or
any other special type of cards. Any
Post issuing such unauthorized cards, or
conducting club operations open to the
general public, endangers its standing
with the Internal Revenue Service as a
non-profit organization. Officers signing
outlaw cards admitting non-members to
VFW premises are subject to disciplinary
action. National and Department officers
cannot defend practices that conflict with
VFW By-Laws or procedure.
19. VFW Posts should take the necessary steps to incorporate under the
laws of the state in which the Post is
located. Financial responsibility laws,
as interpreted by the Courts, may cause
members of unincorporated Posts to be at
risk. Incorporating under the provisions
of Section 708 of the National By-Laws
and Manual of Procedure and the laws of
the state will provide protection for Post
members. Posts are urged to contact their
Department Adjutant to obtain the proper
forms for incorporating. The Articles of
Incorporation must be reviewed by the
Commander-in-Chief prior to forwarding
them to the proper state authorities.
20. The attention of Post Commanders
and District Commanders and Inspecting
Officers is directed to Section 215 of the
National By-Laws – Eligibility to Office.
All members shall be eligible to hold any
office in the Post provided that proof of
eligibility has been submitted and verified
by the Post Commander and Adjutant
prior to the installation.
21. The attention of Post Commanders
and District Commanders and Inspecting
Officers is directed to Section 216 of the
National By-Laws – Elected and Appointed Officers; Chairman and Committees.
Post officers, elected and appointed shall
submit proof of eligibility to the Post Adjutant. Post Officers shall not be installed
or assume the duties of their office until
proof of eligibility has been submitted and
properly reviewed. Such proof of eligibility shall be open to and reviewed by the
Commander, Adjutant, and Quartermaster
prior to installation to office. In the event
an elected or appointed officer fails to
submit proof of eligibility within sixty
(60) days of election or appointment, any
right of the officer to hold the office shall
be forfeited, the office declared vacant
and the eligibility qualifications of such
officer shall be questioned in accordance
with the provisions of Section 108 of the
National By-Laws.
22. The attention of Post Commanders and District Commanders and Inspecting Officers is directed to Section
218(a)(6)(d)(5) – Duties of Adjutant. The
Post Adjutant shall maintain the following; a file containing a copy of the proof of
eligibility submitted by officers pursuant
to Section 216 of the National By-Laws
23. The attention of Post Commanders,
and District Commanders and Inspecting Officers is directed to Section 703,
Manual of Procedure - Bonds. Each accountable officer of this organization shall
be bonded with an indemnity company as
surety in a sum at least equal to the amount
of the liquid assets for which he may be
accountable. Liquid assets are defined
as cash on hand or in the bank and other
negotiable instruments readily convertible
into cash.
24. The attention of the Post Commander is directed to Section 708 of the
National By-Laws and Manual of Procedure which prescribes the procedure for
the Incorporation of Units. It shall be the
responsibility of the Post Commander to
ensure full compliance with Section 708,
and to ensure that all state requirements
for annual filing, fees, etc. are met in a
timely manner.
25. All officers should obtain current
copies of the National By-Laws, Manual
of Procedure and Ritual. Copies of the
2016 revised edition of the Congressional
Charter, By-Laws, Manual of Procedure
and Ritual are available through the
VFW Emblem and Supply Department,
National Headquarters. The 2016 revised
edition reflects the amendments adopted
by the 116th National Convention, which
will become effective on/about September
30, 2016.
26. All Commanders are reminded that
Section 709, Manual of Procedure - Control of Units, requires that any activity,
unit or club sponsored, conducted or operated by, for or in behalf of a Post, District
or Department shall be at all times under
the direct control of such Post, District or
Department and that all money, property
or assets of any kind must be placed in
the care and custody of the respective
Quartermaster. All Commanders should
ensure that all provisions of Section 709
are enforced.
27. The attention of Post Commanders
and Quartermasters is directed to Section 218(a)(5)(f), Manual of Procedure,
duties of Quartermaster, which provides
for the Dues Reserve Fund. The Post
Quartermaster is required to maintain a
dues reserve fund to which shall be credited not less than one-half the Post’s part
of the current year’s dues paid by each
member prior to July 1. Included therein,
shall be not less than one-half of the per
capita tax refunded annually to Posts for
Life Members, as set forth in Section 111,
Manual of Procedure.
28. The attention of all units is called to
Section 1101 of the By-Laws and Manual
of Procedure which provides for the formation and jurisdiction of the Ladies
Auxiliary. This Section provides that each
unit of the Auxiliary shall be under the
jurisdiction of the corresponding unit of
the Veterans of Foreign Wars, but shall be
permitted to function in accordance with
the National Ritual, By-Laws and Rules
and Regulations of the Ladies Auxiliary.
29. In addition to provisions of Auxiliary By-Laws, solicitation of funds or
donations by Auxiliary units, including
contracts with fund-raising organizations
for greeting cards, calendars and/or label
programs shall be subject to approval
and ratification by the governing body of
the corresponding unit of the Veterans of
Foreign Wars.
30. Section 704 of the Manual of
Procedure outlines the various things for
which the Post Relief Fund can be used.
A few years ago, the phrase, “To foster
true patriotism through historical and
educational programs,” was added to this
section. This allows the Post to use the
relief funds for the Voice of Democracy
program or other Americanism programs
that are educational. This does not include
Post building projects, hall remodeling,
color guard uniforms or any other expenditure that does not follow the guidelines
as outlined in Section 704.
31.The attention of all District Commanders is directed to Section 413 of
the National By-Laws which provides
that the Commander of the District in
arrears for poppy money, supply money
or other financial obligations, or failing to have the Quartermaster bonded
or failing to submit required District
Trustees Report of Audit or District
Election Report shall be deprived of all
representation at Department Conventions. In addition, Districts in arrears
shall be deprived of all representation at
Department Council of Administration
meetings. Such representation shall be
restored promptly upon proper adjustment of such deficiencies.
J. Nichols Guest
State Adjutant/Quartermaster
General Orders No. 2
General Orders No. 2 - 2015-2016 Series
1.Attention Post Commanders:
Post Commanders are directed to Section 218, Manual of Procedure, Duty
of Trustees. Trustees Report of Audit
must be completed in detail at the
close of each Quarter, one of which
ends December 31, 2015. Commanders are reminded that accurate and
complete records shall be kept by all
persons handling Post funds, including
the Club Manager and Bingo Chairman. These records shall be audited
by Post Trustees in the same manner
as Post Quartermaster records.
2.Inspections: A thorough program
of Post inspection is necessary to
ensure compliance with National and
Department By-Laws and directives.
Department Inspectors and Deputies
shall make every effort to inspect
every Post under their cognizance
on an annual basis and correct such
discrepancies as may be disclosed.
3.Attention Post Commanders:
Section 709 of the Manual of Procedure states: The VFW does not own
an interest in any clubroom, canteen,
facility or any fund-raising activity
operated by any such chartered unit,
nor are clubrooms, canteens, facilities
or other fund-raising activities operated for or on behalf of the VFW. VFW
does not derive any profit from such
facilities or activities. Clubrooms,
canteens, facilities and other fund
raising activities or chartered units are
carried on by such units in furtherance
of the fraternal, patriotic, historical,
charitable and educational purposes
set forth by Congress.
4.Attention Post Commanders:
Post Commanders are directed to the
Commander-in-Chief’s decision in response to questions raised concerning
alcoholic beverages in the Post meeting room during the Post meeting as
set forth below: It is held to be objectionable and contrary to accepted rules
order and proper decorum implicit in
the ritual of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars to permit alcoholic beverages
in the Post meeting room during the
Post meeting. Accordingly, the presence, dispensation, and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages in VFW
meeting rooms during VFW meetings
is unacceptable and prohibited. Any
such practice known to exist shall be
terminated. It is the intent of the Commander-in-Chief’s decision, regarding
this response, to include Post, District
and Department meetings, whereas
it is held to be objectionable. Please
refer to Section 1001 (24) of the National Manual of Procedure.
5. Recognition of Merchant Marine
Seamen as veterans for the purpose of
entitlement programs administered by
the Veterans administration does not
alter their eligibility status for membership in the Veterans of Foreign
6. D i s p l a y i n g M i l i t a r y S e r v i c e
Symbols: Military Service flags, insignias, etc., should be displayed in the
following order (Left to Right as you
face the flags): Army, Marine Corps,
Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard.
7.All Post Commanders: Should
obtain current 2016 copies of the podium edition of the National By-Laws,
Manual of Procedure and Ritual. Copies of the revised edition are available
through the VFW Store at National
Headquarters. The 2016 edition reflects the amendments adopted by
the 115 th National Convention which
became effective October 1, 2015.
8. S o l i c i t a t i o n o f F u n d s : P o s t
Commanders are directed to strictly
comply with the provisions of Section
214 of the Manual of Procedure as it
a. To the solicitation of funds and
conducting fund-raising activities or
projects outside the geographical area
or community of the Post.
b. Any written agreement with fundraising organizations or individuals
must be submitted to the Department
Commander for review and approval at
least thirty (30) days prior to the Post
entering into any such agreement.
c. Bonding of any fund-raising organization or individual.
J. Nichols Guest
State Adjutant/Quartermaster
general orders
Page 19
The California
General Orders No. 3
General Orders No. 3 - 2015-2016 Series
1. District Adjutants are reminded that they should notify
the State Adjutant, as soon as possible, of the time and place
their District Convention will be held in 2016.
2. District Adjutants are reminded that they should
forward a copy of the minutes from each District meeting
(Regular or Special) to the State Adjutant, no later than thirty
(30) days following the adjournment of the meeting.
3. Commanders on all levels are reminded that according to Section 105 of the National By-Laws, members who
have not paid their dues for 2016 are not members in good
standing and forfeit all membership rights. They shall not
attend meetings or conventions, cannot hold office and shall
not participate in Post, District or Department functions until
such time as their dues are paid for the current year.
4. The 96th State Convention, Department of California,
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, will be held
in Sacramento, California, June 10th - June 14th, 2016.
5. The 117th National Convention, Veterans of Foreign
Wars of the United States, will be held in Charlotte, NC.
6. The attention of Department, District, County Council and Post Commanders is again directed to Section 103,
Manual of Procedure, which prescribes the manner in which
applications for membership will be handled. Applications for
membership of new, reinstated or transfer members must be
voted on by the members present at a regular Post meeting.
7. Attention of Post Commanders is directed to Section 218,
Manual of Procedure, Duty of Trustees who quarterly, through
the Post Commander, shall submit a Post Trustee’s Report of
Audit to the Department Quartermaster. The Report shall be
in accordance with and upon such form as may be prescribed
by the Adjutant General. The audit shall be signed by the Post
Commander and Trustees, who shall, by their signatures, certify
to the accuracy of the information contained therein.
8. Attention is directed to Section 217 of the National
By-Laws and Manual of Procedure covering the nomination,
election and installation of Post Officers. Post Election Results
are to be transmitted to National Headquarters immediately
following the election of Post Officers.
Special Note: All Post Election Reports are to be transmitted directly to National Headquarters who will be responsible
for forwarding to the Department.
9. Attention of Post Commanders is directed to Section
222 of the National By-Laws, which provides that each Post
shall register, in advance, at least one delegate to the National
Convention by payment of a fee in the amount of $25.00 for
each delegate. Each additional delegate attending the national
convention will pay a ten dollar ($10) delegate fee.
10. Attention of Post Commanders, in accordance with
the provisions of the National By-Laws and Department
By-Laws each Post shall pay a $10.00 registration fee for
each accredited delegate to the Department Convention.
11. Attention of Post Commanders is directed to Section
215 of the National By-Laws, which provides that all members shall be eligible to hold any office in a Post provided
that proof of eligibility has been submitted and verified by
the Post Commander and Adjutant prior to being installed.
12. Installing officers will see that the provisions of Sections 216 & 217 of the National By-Laws and Manual of
Procedure are properly carried out and that all officers are
members in good standing and qualified to hold office prior to
installing Post officers for the current year. Post officers shall
not be installed or assume the duties of their office until proof
of eligibility has been submitted and properly reviewed.
The installing officer shall ascertain that a Post Election
Report has been properly transmitted to National Headquarters prior to the installation. If a Post Election Report has not been transmitted to National Headquarters,
the installing officer shall complete and transmit such
report at the time he installs the Post officers. Attention
is directed to see that the proper amount of dues the Post
charges is reported to National Headquarters.
13. Section 222 of the National By-Laws provides that
Posts shall elect delegates and alternates as follows:
Delegates and alternates to District Convention shall be
elected at a regular Post meeting held not less than thirty (30)
days prior to the District Convention at which District Officers
are to be elected; one (1) delegate and (1) alternate for each
thirty (30) members or fraction thereof in good standing in
the Post at the time of election or as the Department By-Laws
may provide.
Delegates and alternates to the Department Convention
shall be elected at a regular meeting of the Post held not less
than thirty (30) days prior to the to the Department Convention. Posts are entitled to one (1) delegate and (1) alternate for
each thirty (30) members or fraction thereof in good standing
in the Post at the time of the election or as the Department
By-Laws may provide.
14. Pursuant to Section 403 of the National By-Laws
and Manual of Procedure, each District shall hold an annual
District Convention for the purpose of electing District Officers, such convention to be held not less than ten (10) days
or more than forty-five (75) days prior to the convening of
the Department Convention.
15. Pursuant to Section 417 of the National By-Laws and
Manual of Procedure, District Officers shall not assume the
duties of their office until the Department Commander is
installed. District Officers shall not be installed or assume
the duties of their office until proof of eligibility has been
submitted and properly reviewed in accordance with Section
416 of the National By-Laws.
16. All State By-law amendments pertaining to the 2016
State Convention that have been properly proposed and approved by a Post or a District, or have been recommended by
a State Officer shall be posted on the Department web page,
no less than fifteen (15) days before the assembling of the
State Convention.
J. Nichols Guest
State Adjutant/Quartermaster
Page 20
The California
excelsior college
Excelsior College Webinar Aims to Help Returning
Veterans Jumpstart College and Career Success
Posted in Veterans & Military
By Mike Lesczinski
Veterans and military encounter many challenges on
their return to civilian life, especially those seeking out a
higher education. In response, Excelsior College, which
is home to more than 4,000 veterans and 11,000 active
duty personnel among its currently enrolled students,
offers a number of programs and services aimed to ease
the transition back.
Those services are the topic of a recorded webinar
conducted by the Center for Military Education at
Excelsior. The free, online event will address the
most common concerns voiced by those considering college following military service and provide
an overview of the student-focused initiatives at
The one hour webinar will feature four Excelsior ex-
perts and focus on targeted issues in the college’s two
premier courses on college success: CCS 112 Success
Strategies for Military and Veterans and CCS 120 EC
Success Seminar.
In addition, the webinar will also touch upon a number
of other topics, including:
• Easing the transition back to academic life;
• Get the most of your nontraditional credits, state and
federal financial aid, VA benefits;
• Self-discovery, career exploration, planning, and job
search techniques;
• Online writing lab, library, and academic support
To see the one hour recorded webinar go to:
The Department of California, Veterans of Foreign Wars and Excelsior College have an education
partnership to bring special pricing to members and
their spouses for associate, bachelor and master
degrees as well as credit bearing certificates. If
you would like to have a complimentary pre-evaluation review, provide your unofficial military and
civilian transcripts all in one email to veterans@ or all in one fax to 518-608-8142
and in the subject line – CAVFW/Pre-eval Request.
For more information go to: http://www.excelsior.
California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery
CalVet Announces Pre-Opening Registration at Cemetery
Monterey County Military
& Veterans Affairs Office
is Point of Contact
Seaside—Starting today, the California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet) began accepting
pre-opening registration forms and documents for interment at the California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery
“The community and the state are actively collaborating to make this long-awaited dream a reality,” said Keith
Boylan, CalVet’s Deputy Secretary, Veterans Services. “The
community’s rich military history and tradition will soon be
forever memorialized through the construction of the California Central Coast Veterans Cemetery,” added Boylan.
Veterans and their dependents interested in interment at CCCVC after the expected opening in July
2016, should contact the Monterey County Military
& Veterans Affairs Office for pre-opening registration
forms at 831-647-7613.
Nearly 25 years ago, a group of Veterans and family
Tracy Sunde from Turlock
Grant Myers from Sierra Madre
Bruce McCarthy from Rancho Cucamonga
Harvey Mason from Blounts Creek, NC
Harvey Flores from Stockton, CA
William Hon from San Diego, CA
Armando Lopez from Ontario, CA
members began a mission to honor Veterans by establishing a Veterans cemetery on the Central Coast. This
first phase of the cemetery covers 17 acres and will offer columbarium interment only. Future phases of the
cemetery will include casketed burials. In future phases,
CCCVC will cover more than 78 acres on the former
Fort Ord Army post.
For additional information about all of CalVet’s cemeteries, please visit:
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The California
bataan memorial march
7 members of Brentwood VFW Post 10789 represented District 10 and the State of California in the Bataan Memorial Death March at White Sands
Missile Range in New Mexico. Members of Post 10789 Participate in Bataan Memorial Death March
On March 22, 2015, 7 members of
Brentwood VFW Post 10789 represented District 10 and the State of
California in the Bataan Memorial
Death March at White Sands Missile
Range in New Mexico. The members competed in the civilian men’s heavy category which
required them each to carry a ruck sack
with a minimum of 35 pounds with
them. The march was a 26.2 mile hike
through the mountain trails and a mile
sand pit. This ruck march honors and
memorializes the Battling Bastards
of Bataan.
The Bataan Memorial Death March
honors a special group of World War II
heroes. These brave soldiers were responsible for the defense of the islands
of Luzon, Corregidor and the harbor
defense forts of the Philippines. The
conditions they encountered and the
aftermath of the battle were unique.
They fought in a malaria-infested
region, surviving on half or quarter
rations with little or no medical help.
They fought with outdated equipment
and virtually no air power.
On April 9, 1942, tens of thousands
of American and Filipino soldiers
were surrendered to Japanese forces.
The Americans were Army, Army Air
Corps, Navy and Marines. Among
those seized were members of the
200th Coast Artillery, New Mexico
National Guard. They were marched
for days in the scorching heat through
the Philippine jungles. Thousands
died. Those who survived faced the
hardships of a prisoner of war camp.
Others were wounded or killed when
unmarked enemy ships transporting
prisoners of war to Japan were sunk
by U.S. air and naval forces.
The Army ROTC Department at New
Mexico State University began sponsoring the memorial march in 1989 to
mark a page in history that included so
many native sons and affected many
families in the state. In 1992, White
Sands Missile Range and the New
Mexico National Guard joined in the
sponsorship and the event was moved
to the Missile Range. In 2003, for the
only time in its history, the memorial
march was canceled. Operation Iraqi
Freedom required extensive deployment among the units that usually support the march and event could not be
safely and efficiently conducted.
Since its inception, the Memorial
march has grown from about 100 to
some 6,500 marchers from across
the United States and several foreign
countries. While still primarily a military event, many civilians choose to
take the challenge. Marchers come to
this memorial event for many reasons
- personal challenge, the spirit of com-
petition or to foster esprit de corps in
their unit. Some march in honor of a
family member or a particular veteran
who was in the Bataan Death March
or was taken a prisoner of war by the
Japanese in the Philippines.
“We’re the Battling Bastards of
Bataan. No mama, no papa, no Uncle
Sam. No aunts, no uncles, no cousins, no nieces, No pills, no planes, no
artillery pieces. And nobody gives a
damn!” — Frank Hewlett, 1942.
August 21, 2015
Inaugural Career & Resources Fair
Sponsored by: South Bay Veteran Employment Committee
In Collaboration with:
Isadore Hall, III, Senator, 35th District, Patrick O’Donnell, Assembly member,
70th District, Assembly member Mike Gipson, 64th District, Supervisor Don Knabe, County of Los Angeles,
Fourth District, Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles Mayor and the Employment Development Department
9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Home of the Battleship Iowa
Pacific Battleship Center
250 S. Harbor Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90731
Register Now @
Page 22
The California
upcoming events
Commander Tim Moore
and President Debbie Bostick
honor State Commander Bob Magner
and State President Kathy Walery
August 21-23, 2015
Ayres Hotel and Spa
12631 Memorial Lane, Moreno Valley
Friday, August 21
Breakfast at Hotel
11:30-1:30 p.m. Loma Linda Hospital Visit
Dinner at Post 8647 Moreno Valley
August 22
10 a.m. District Meeting, Post 1508
21180 Waite St., Wildomar
Dinner Post 1508
August 23
Breakfast at hotel / departures
District Commander Leigh Williams
and District President Amanda Smith
honor State Cmdr Bob Magner
and State Pres. Kathy Walery
September 25-27
Holiday Inn Express
3001 Hotel Drive • Turlock, CA 95380
September 25
Visit to Livermore VA Hospital, 11 am
Lunch, Luneta Post 52, 1 pm
Visit to Post 3699, Modesto 3-3:30 pm
Hamburger Night, Post 7792 Winton, 6 pm
Karaoke, Post 5059 Turlock, 8 pm
September 26
Meeting Post 5059 Turlock, 10 am
1405 Linwood Ave.
Dinner Post 1051
September 27
Breakfast Post 5059, Turlock
1405 Linwood Ave., Turlock.
For further information contact District 13
President Amanda Smith, 916/664-0954.
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The California
September 19 • 10 a.m.
Dept. Commander Bob Magner
Dept. Chairman Lamont Duncan
VFW Post 2075 Hawthorne
4563 West 131st St.
Hawthorne, CA
District Commander Bobby Hanks
and District President Debbie Pitts
honor State Cmdr Bob Magner
and State President Kathy Walery
October 23 - 25
Buck Owens Crystal Palace Hotel
2680 Buck Owens Blvd., Bakersfield
(661) 327-9651
October 23
Expected Arrivals
October 24
Breakfast at hotel - Casual dress.
Depart at 11 am for Lake Isabella Post 7665
for lunch and visit.
3:30 p.m. depart for National Cemetery
and visit to Tehachapi Post 5948, casual dress.
October 25
District Meeting, 400 Norris Road, Oildale, 10 a.m.
Depart hotel at 4:30 p.m. for Post 97 for dinner, 6 p.m.
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The California
memorial day
Vfw Post and Auxiliary 1732, South Gate, CA
May 23rd VFW and Auxiliary 1732 held their annual Memorial Day Program. Our guest
speakers were State Cmdr.
Howard Hagen and State Pres.
Marilyn Peck. We had over 100
guests. Local South Gate High
School band played a medley of
patriotic songs. Also in attendance was South Gate Mayor,
Council members and other city