CollegeBound Newsletter, Spring 2014


CollegeBound Newsletter, Spring 2014
CollegeBound Foundation Overnight College Tours
During spring break each year, CollegeBound
organizes overnight college tours for Baltimore
City public high school students. This year we
organized two different tours to colleges in
Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina.
The all-male tour allowed 35 juniors from 11
different Baltimore City public high schools to
visit Coppin State University, Frostburg State
The young women stopped for a photo during their tour of Meredith College.
University, Allegheny College, Bowie State
University, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, and Salisbury University. A key goal of these tours is to
expose first-generation, college-going students to a variety of college campuses before they begin
“Oh, my goodness! You making decisions about where they want to pursue their undergraduate degrees. A student from
don’t know how much this W.E.B. DuBois High School said, “Oh, my goodness! You don’t know how much this changed my
changed my life!”
life! I have to start getting good grades and coming to school a lot more so I can go to college!”
-A student from W.E.B. DuBois High School
The all-female college tour was sponsored in part through
“I would go on the
a grant from the American Trading and Production Corporation. The tour allowed 40
again next year!”
sophomores and juniors from 16 Baltimore City public high schools to visit several southern
-A student from Heritage High School
colleges. The young women visited William Peace University (NC), Salem College (NC), Meredith
College (NC), Bennett College (NC), Sweet Briar College (VA), and Winston-Salem State University (NC). This tour enabled our young
women to compare a variety of colleges—historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), women’s colleges, small private
institutions, and larger state universities. A student from Heritage High School said, “The trip was very interesting and informational. All
the activities were fun and we enjoyed it. I would go on the trip again next year!”
26th Annual Scholars’ Luncheon
July 17, 2014, Hilton Baltimore, Title Sponsor: Hogan Lovells
Tickets are selling quickly for the 26th Annual CollegeBound Scholars’ Luncheon. On
July 17, 2014 at the Baltimore Hilton, the CollegeBound Scholar of the Year, sponsored
by Mars Super Markets, will be announced. Join us to congratulate the many Baltimore
City public high school students who have distinguished themselves through their
academics, community service, or personal resilience.
Speakers include CollegeBound alumni, the 2014 Scholar of the Year, and keynote
speaker Wes Moore. Mr. Moore, a Baltimorean and author of The New York Times Best
Seller, The Other Wes Moore, is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University, Rhodes Scholar,
veteran, youth advocate, and host of the television series Beyond Belief on the Oprah
Winfrey Network. Mr. Moore is also the host and Executive Producer of the new PBS
miniseries, Coming Back with Wes Moore, about returning veterans.
For information about sponsorship opportunities or to purchase tickets, please call
(410) 783-2905 or visit Proceeds from the luncheon
will support high school students attending CollegeBound-advised Baltimore City
public high schools and college students receiving a scholarship or grant through the
CollegeBound Foundation.
CollegeBound Foundation participates in
the following workplace campaigns:
5666 - Combined Charity Campaign
5666 - Maryland Charity Campaign
5666 - United Way of Central Maryland
65583 - Combined Federal Campaign
Pictured above are the twenty CollegeBound Scholars
of the Week. Who will be named the 2014 Scholar of
the Year? Attend the Scholars’ Luncheon to find out!
The CollegeBound Foundation
300 Water Street, Suite 300
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
(410) 783-2905
Alumni—Building Our Base
The CollegeBound Foundation Alumni
Association (CBFAA) is gaining momentum!
The Cinco de Mayo celebration was a
success! We would like to thank Alicia
Wilson, Alumni Association Secretary, for
hosting such a wonderful event. The Alumni
Association Annual Meeting & Social Event
will be held immediately following the 26th
Annual Scholars’ Luncheon on Thursday,
July 17th.
Spring “Thank You” Party
May 29, 2014, 4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
A gathering to thank volunteers, donors,
school partners, advocates and friends.
CollegeBound alumni at the Cinco de Mayo event.
If you are interested in participating in the alumni panel for college freshmen, or have
questions about the alumni association, please contact Dr. Tracey L. Durant, CBFAA
President, at We look forward to seeing many
CollegeBound alumni at the Scholars’ Luncheon!
College Symposia
College representatives visit CollegeBound-advised high schools
For one week, between April 7 and April 11, 2014, the CollegeBound Foundation hosted
college admissions representatives from 24 colleges and universities from Pennsylvania,
West Virginia, Washington, DC and Maryland. College representatives welcomed the
opportunity to engage freshmen, sophomores, and juniors at CollegeBound-advised
public high schools in different neighborhoods of Baltimore City. This classroom-based
format enabled 2,150 CollegeBound students to meet with admissions officers to learn more
about the application and decision-making processes at their institutions. Concerns and
questions from students ranged from the logistics of attending out-of-state colleges to the
differences between two-year and four-year colleges to how to pay for college. Following
a general presentation, representatives also shared their own personal experiences to
convey the message that post-secondary success is possible regardless of income or
Thank You to Our Volunteers!
This scholarship season, 50 volunteers read scholarship applications submitted by 658
local high school students. Representing over 35 different organizations in and around
Baltimore City, our volunteers each evaluated 20-30 scholarship packets. Thanks to
all of our volunteers’ countless hours of hard work, CollegeBound is able to award 175
scholarships based on academic merit, community service, and resilience. Thank you,
Interested in volunteering?
CollegeBound is currently recruiting volunteers to judge College Awareness Month
contest entries in the month of October. Volunteers will read poetry and essays, and view art
created and submitted by Baltimore City public elementary and middle school
students addressing the topic: “What College Means to Me.” Last year CollegeBound
received 831 submissions from 49 City Schools. This year, we anticipate over
1,000 entries! If you or someone you know would like to encourage our youngest
CollegeBound scholars, please contact Mollie Wolf (410) 783-2905 ext. 201 or email
A Great Day at Camden Yards
CollegeBound was recently able to reward some of our hardworking and
dedicated high school students with a trip
to Camden Yards. CollegeBound Board
Member and Legg Mason CFO Pete
Nachtwey arranged for a CollegeBound
‘Sunday at the Yard’ for 7 CollegeBound
students and their advisors. Legg Mason
Vice President Auburn Bell joined the
CollegeBound team as they watched the
Orioles play the Kansas City Royals from the Legg
Mason suite. One senior was particularly thrilled
to have a great view of the field: William
Krakowiak, from City Neighbors High School,
has been accepted to the Williamson A former Baltimore Oriole, Joe Orsulak, stopped by
Free School of Mechanical Trades where he will and posed for a photo with the group.
be studying Horticulture, Landscaping & Turf Management.
Maryland Nonprofits, The Courtyard
1500 Union Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21211
To RSVP please contact Holly Burman at
(410) 783-2905 ext. 200;
14th Annual Rising Senior
June 17, 2014, 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
A free workshop for all students entering
their senior year of high school. Parents
and guardians are also encouraged to
Morgan State University
Student Center
1700 East Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, Maryland 21251
To register please contact Holly Burman at
(410) 783-2905 ext. 200;
Have a Seat at the Bar
June 26, 2014, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Young lawyers and law students are invited
to attend a happy hour to learn more
about the CollegeBound Foundation.
Tír na nÓg
201 East Pratt Street (Harborplace)
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
Tickets are $20 per person. To register
please contact Amy Hummers at
(410) 783-2905 ext. 215;
26th Annual Scholars’ Luncheon
July 17, 2014, 11:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.
CollegeBound’s signature fundraising
event to congratulate our scholarship and
grant recipients.
Hilton Baltimore
401 West Pratt Street
Baltimore Maryland, 21202
For tickets or sponsorship information
please call (410) 783-2905 or visit
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