with nine new president`s team members
with nine new president`s team members
U.S. Edition No. 152 Herbalife teams up with the World Football Challenge Exciting holiday gifts for 2011 W S E R E N B E M N I E N M H M T EA WI T S ’ T N E D I S PRE what’s inside Q U A R T E R F O U R 2 0 11 F E AT U R E S 10 16 18 20 GEN H Explosive Energy Electrifying Growth STEPHEN SMITH Planning the Path to a Healthier Lifestyle World Football Challenge Showcasing Herbalife’s Brand HOLIDAY GIFTS Unwrap the Joy! With the New Herbalife® Holiday Gifts SECTIONS RECOGNITION 3LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN AND CEO 4 QUICK BITES 6 WEIGHT LOSS 8 HERBALIFE MOMENTS 22 PERSONAL CARE 24 POWER TOOLS 25 DIAMONDS 27 ROYALTY ACHIEVERS 29 PRESIDENT’S TEAM 33 MILLIONAIRE TEAM 42 GLOBAL EXPANSION TEAM 44 LIFETIME ACHIEVERS 46 WORLD TEAM The integrity of what we’re doing in Herbalife is not only paying off now; it’s going to pay off in the years to come. Mark Hughes (1956 –2000) Herbalife’s Founder and First Distributor 2 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T ODA Y get started Letter From the Chairman and CEO Dear Team Herbalife, As we move into the last few months of 2011, it is the perfect time to continue our strong momentum in 2012. First and foremost, make sure that you and your downline Supervisors and Qualified Producers have requalified. We want you to continue enjoying all of your benefits, such as purchase discounts and retail profits, by supporting and keeping your downline on track to requalify by January 31. Congratulations on a record-setting second quarter. We reported increases over the same period in 2010 of 28 percent in net sales and 17 percent in volume (to 980 million units), and active sales leader volume increased 21 percent over this time last year. In May, we celebrated the U.S. launch of the Herbalife24 product line, the only comprehensive nutrition line for the 24-Hour AthleteTM, at the Amgen Tour of California cycling race. The Herbalife24 road show continued at other high-profile sporting events, including the Indy 500, the Herbalife World Football Challenge and the Leadville Trail 100 mountain biking race in Colorado. Throughout the Herbalife Decade, we will continue to distinguish Herbalife as a leader in nutrition products for a healthy, active life. This fall, several exciting new products were released that enabled Distributors to continue to grow their businesses. In particular, the Herbal Aloe Bath and Body Care line, free of parabens, harsh sulfates and harmful colors and dyes, debuted. This product line launched with impressive clinical study results and has remarkable benefits. We’re also gearing up for the Future President’s Team Retreat, which takes place near Dallas, Texas, from December 5 to 7, 2011. We invite you to take your business to the next level and attend this inspiring event! Next is our 2012 President’s Summit and Mark Hughes Bonus Awards in March. We’ll celebrate another milestone with top Herbalife Independent Distributors at L.A. Live in downtown Los Angeles, right next to our home offices. We look forward to shining the spotlight on the brightest Distributor stars and presenting them with the recognition they deserve. As our 31st year comes to an end, let’s keep the momentum going and never lose sight of our vision – we truly are changing people’s lives. M i c h a e l O. J o h n s o n QUICK BITES Herbalife24 Rebuild Strength Named Best Protein Shake by Triathlete Magazine Nutritional value, consistency and rich flavor have set this protein shake apart from the bunch. Drink Herbalife24 Rebuild Strength after working out to help rebuild your muscles and speed your recovery.* Team Herbalife24 reaches new heights Herbalife24 PROLONG was the race’s on-course dietary supplement. Pro mountain bike athlete Nate Whitman was the Herbalife24 Base Camp program director, and through the blog, Herbalife24BaseCamp.com, and Facebook.com/Herbalife24, people could follow the team. #1417 $73.95 Learn more at StartHerbalife24.com or MyHerbalife.com On August 13, Herbalife Chairman and CEO, Michael O. Johnson, and D r. Jo h n H e is s pu t H e r ba li fe24 products to the test at the Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Race, a 100mile bike course that included trails and elevations over 13,000 feet! For more information, go to HerbalifeSports.com Join the most influential Herbalife Independent Distributors at the 2012 Herbalife President’s Team Summit and the Mark Hughes Bonus Awards – help shape your future and celebrate the past year. Open to: President’s Team and Millionaire Team members and all Fully Qualified Supervisors who achieve 4,000 Royalty Override Points in one calendar month from March 2011 through January 2012. (Checks paid April 2011 through February 2012.) March 21–24, 2012 Los Angeles, Nokia Theatre L.A. Live For more information, visit HerbalifeEvents.com *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 4 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T ODA Y Did You Know? “Like” us on Facebook and get updates to share through your newsfeed. Visit Facebook.com/Herbalife Every powder product jar shipped from H.I.M. in Lake Forest, California, is individually weighed to ensure volume accuracy. Learn more about our science at Company.Herbalife.com Performance Nutrition on Wheels Inspired by the sharp Herbalife24 product line design, the Herbalife mobile got a new look! This 24/7 Herbalife ambassador will continue serving product samples around the country, delivering thousands of them and enduring hundreds and hundreds of miles in support of Independent Distributors. The Importance of Protein Evidence suggests that modestly increasing the proportion of protein in your diet, while controlling total calorie intake, may: 1 Improve body weight maintenance after weight loss 2 Improve body composition 3 Facilitate fat loss Herbalife ® products have the protein you need! Order today at MyHerbalife.com or call 866-866-4744. Learn more about protein at HerbalifeNutritionInstitute.com m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T ODA Y 5 WEIGHT LOSS 125 Lance B. Before: 415 pounds After: 290 pounds Pounds Lost “I discovered Herbalife® products through a Weight Loss Challenge. Since I’ve started a new active lifestyle, I’ve never felt so vibrant and healthy in my entire life!”* 6 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T ODA Y Erin S. Before: 245 pounds After: 158 pounds 87 Pounds Lost “Herbalife® products have changed my life in many positive ways. I’m more confident and outgoing, and the best part is that I look and feel terrific!”* *An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Distributors about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife ® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges. Joey M. Before: 173 pounds After: 146 pounds 27 Pounds Lost “To lose weight, I just followed my Weight Management program. It was fun, simple and very easy to follow. Plus, having a healthy shake for breakfast helped me save money!”* Julie N. Before: 207 pounds After: 121 pounds 86 Pounds Lost “I gave Herbalife® products a try because I was fed up with yo-yo diets, and the results were amazing. I feel like a brand-new confident woman. I’m a product of these products!”* *An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Distributors about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife ® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges. m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T ODA Y 7 HERBALIFE MOMENTS Leadership Development Weekend, July 2011 8 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T ODA Y 2010 President’s Team Vacation, Cabo San Lucas m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T ODA Y 9 explosiveenergy electrifying growth In the last quarter, nine Distributorships, all from Generation H [people between 14 to 35 years old] reached the President’s Team level. These Distributors took on the challenge of stepping away from traditional jobs and becoming their own bosses. Now, at a young age they have achieved the financial independence some people only dream of. Discover how these young successful entrepreneurs transformed their futures from bleak to bright, through the Herbalife business opportunity.* 10 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T ODA Y *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. “I’m funding my dreams through my business.” Take away: Get creative with your recruiting. Enrique Carrillo had always been interested in health and nutrition. While studying kinesiology at New Mexico State University, he was introduced to Herbalife ® products and got excellent results. It wasn’t until he attended his first Leadership Development Weekend that he visualized his earning potential. my favorite Business Method: the Nutrition Club,” David says. Soon, he realized that Gen H responds well to the Nutrition Club model, and to the technology and training Herbalife offers. “When you get new people coming in, send them to the trainings from the start,” he says. This way, Distributors can develop multiple leaders throughout their entire downline. David Hayes could make people feel happy with his upbeat, surfstyle music he played, but he could hardly make ends meet. He was, as he says, “a starving musician.” Even though he landed cool gigs in the music industry, he spun “O ne thing that we do, in addition his wheels for about eight to the Herbalife Opportunity years with his music career. Meetings (HOMs), is hold a party at Then he discovered the least once a month, so Gen H can opportunity to earn a great invite their friends,” says David. income with the flexibility to set his own hours. Now he His story has motivated awardis funding his music dreams through winning producers to sign up as his business. Herbalife Independent Distributors. “When I saw the power of this business and how it could work for me, I put music on the back burner for a solid year to focus on college students has grown bleak, he understands their frustration firsthand. “What’s happening,” says Enrique, “is either there are no jobs available or the ones that are, require experience.” Enrique continues: “That’s when students turn to me and ask, ‘What are you doing?’ I coach them and teach them our tools and Business Methods. Once the “I listened to young people’s success new Distributors start stories and I thought, ‘Wow, that’s helping others achieve amazing. If these people can do it, I can do it,’” recalls Enrique. And he did! their weight and income goals, they start making In a small town in New Mexico, good money for themselves as well.” Enrique built a solid business by When people ask Enrique, “Why leveraging the daily consumption Herbalife?”, his answer is simply: model through his Nutrition Club, “Why not?! If you’re not going to do where a large percentage of the it, somebody else is going to.”* members are Gen H. In fact, his Nutrition Club is located close to a college. As the employment picture for *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. “We’ve seen that the Gen H market responds well to these parties,” he concludes.* “I’m living each day in the moment.” Tip: Find the opportunity in your community. m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T ODA Y 11 permeated the younger generations. According to Demos, a public policy research organization, stagnant wages, job insecurity and the rapid increase in basic expenses, plus soaring debt and minimal savings, have jeopardized the economic security of the entire Generation Y1 (a generation we refer to in Herbalife as Gen H). “I Take several vacations every year.” Keegan Cervin grew up in a household where his parents were successful Herbalife Independent Distributors. Even so, many of his friends were brought up in households where they were told: “You have to get a college degree in order to get a good job. Once you get a good job and you work hard, eventually you can have nice things, a great lifestyle and financial security.” “But our generation has seen that plan is outdated,” says Keegan. “In the last few years, we’ve seen so many of our parents – who played the game correctly – lose their homes, their cars and their jobs.” This financial reality has also When Laura Meister filed for bankruptcy two years ago, she never imagined she was going to be among the group of 18 to 29 year olds that had the highest unemployment rate in the United States during the last three decades. Her financial future was also affected by the 2008 recession. 2 Laura puts it plain and simple: “I didn’t understand how to spend money.” Now, she looks at her former situation from an Herbalife Independent Distributor’s perspective and sees the potential to coach, guide and lead Gen H prospects to a more rewarding life. “Herbalife gives us the opportunity to enjoy the lifestyle of our dreams and I do think it plays a big part in our business. What I love about Herbalife is that I’m taught that money isn’t everything. 1 12 Demos.org 2011. m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m 2 | Pew Research Center 2010. T ODA Y “This is why,” explains Keegan, “when Gen H is exposed to an Herbalife Opportunity Meeting, a mixer or a party, where they interact with driven and passionate young entrepreneurs, they say: ‘You know what, there’s another option for me.’ Must-do: Expose prospects to other Distributors so they can experience the Herbalife lifestyle firsthand. They see that we love what we do, that the money we make is outstanding and the lifestyle we have is like nothing they’ve seen before.” The Herbalife opportunity is an option that’s right now, right here!* “W e recovered from bankruptcy thanks to the Herbalife business opportunity.” The lifestyle is cool, but the experience is better. I can buy a BMW, but it is so much more rewarding to watch someone get on a scale and see that they’ve lost 5 pounds. The BMW is the secondary reward for me.” Think: Success starts with you caring about your prospects and customers. Laura believes that Gen H is very independent. “When we hear a success story, we believe that it can happen to us,” she adds. “So if someone says: ‘Go do 100 flyers a day for 90 days,’ we say, ‘Okay, no problem.’ We haven’t had enough time to get jaded with the limiting belief that we can’t do something, which is very common in our society.”* *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. Milton Camas is 25 years old and his wife Fanny is 20. She is one of the youngest President’s Team members in the region. All of their success started with making a plan. constantly looking for a source to supplement or generate income in order to pay their credit card bills. Sometimes, after earning a college degree, they take years to pay their On his social media page, Milton and Fanny posted the pictures of their latest Hawaii trip along with They said: “Let’s commit to grow our Herbalife business for the next five years and then, put in the hard work to achieve the goal.” Hence their question to other young people: “Do you have a plan?” “Instead,” Milton says, “the ‘buy now, pay later’ mentality has eroded the financial future of many, and accruing debt during college years has been one of few options.” When reaching out to Gen H prospects, Milton and Fanny have found that most college students and young people are When you look at Mee Mee Xie’s pictures, you can’t help but notice the exotic and adventurous backgrounds. She loves to travel. Mee Mee, who signed up as an Herbalife Independent Distributor at the age of 18, attended her first local Success Training Seminar (STS) to learn more about the business opportunity. After losing 30 pounds, she had a great success story. Once she got her first clients, Mee Mee committed to her Distributorship full time. “I wanted to earn an income so I didn’t need to rely on my parent,” she recalls. student loans. “That’s why I tell them: ‘Why not start your own business today, work your own hours and make a plan for the next three or five years?’” says Milton. “W e plan to climb the Herbalife Ladder all the way up to the Founder’s Circle.” Must-do: Come up with a plan and stick with it. online and offline business tools to constantly spread the word around her community. “Herbalife teaches you how to build the business step by step: The products work and success is possible. When I hand out flyers on the dinners and parties they organize. This is marketing for their business. They also travel to different cities every week to speak at HOMs and meetings. “We have learned to maximize our potential, how to be successful and to develop our abilities. Now, we love to teach others.”* the street, I tell young people: ‘Our business is growing quickly, and we need help,’ then I invite them to a product and business presentation and the power of our stories do the rest,” Mee Mee says. According to Mee Mee, Gen H loves the prospect of having no boss and the flexibility to work the hours they choose. In addition, fun Business Methods make every day enjoyable and different. “We love to coach and do Wellness Evaluations. We also run Nutrition Clubs, organize Weight Loss Challenges and operate monthly STS’s and weekly HOMs. We definitely have a lot to offer,” she concludes.* † By attending Herbalife trainings, Mee Mee learned to stick to a plan, to work from event to event and to use “Our business got fired up after the 2010 Herbalife Extravaganza.” * Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. † An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Distributors about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges. Advice: Let the power of your success story INSPIRE OTHERS. m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T ODA Y 13 In 2008, Tim Files lost “We have the best of both of worlds,” Tim affirms. “Health, his new home and his wealth and a Marketing Plan that car. His personal training business stumbled during works. It gives you the freedom to do whatever you want. Do you the downturn of the economy and want to travel the world? You can his services became a luxury few travel the world with Herbalife.” could afford. After his roommate ® To set himself as an example, he introduced him to Herbalife plays sports such as volleyball and products, Tim was convinced that organizes fitness classes and other the products work. By becoming an fun activities to invite new prospects Herbalife Independent Distributor, he to his Nutrition Club. got back his dream of being his own boss. However, that’s not the “The flexibility and lifestyle we have case for all young people. “I is so attractive for young people that think young people’s dreams as soon as they step in the Club, are being taken from them. they want to be part of it,” he says. They have to go get a job they don’t like and put all their dreams aside,” says Tim. What “I even have a doctor in my downline Tim realized was that the Herbalife who signed up as a Distributor business opportunity allows him to because he has seen the flexibility help more people live active, healthy and lifestyle I have. He was probably lives and that the compensation already making money, but what plan would reward his efforts with really got his attention is the freedom an excellent income. Plus, the this business grants you.”* recognition makes Herbalife unique. “I was taught a certain way to be successful.” Must-have: Healthy, fun activities and a cool atmosphere in your Nutrition Club. If you’ve been picturing Gen H solely as multitasking, techno-savvy young people, reload that image. They are also growing up and raising children. 3 That is the case with Santiago and Jenny Cobos. For them, having the freedom to spend quality time with their little son has been one of the biggest rewards they have attained through their Herbalife business. “We attend every Herbalife training.” “We started our business at the age of 25,” Santiago recalls. “We had no college degree and zero financial stability. However, we wanted to get married and have a family.” For some of Gen H this will be a predictable life stage, but how well are they prepared for it? “We were not prepared for the future, but found the opportunity in Herbalife to make something extraordinary for years to come,” Santiago explains. “We just have to promote daily consumption and sample the Herbalife ® products. Once we have people taking the products, Herbalife becomes a personal Pew Research Center for People and the Press 2007. *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. 3 14 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T ODA Y experience. People get results and get excited. When that happens, we get clients, referrals and eventually new Distributors. For me, it’s a very simple task.” Santiago and Jenny coach roughly around 30 Supervisors in Gen H in their organization who bring new members to their Nutrition Club every day. “There’s always something fun happening in our Club: a party, a Weight Loss Challenge or a business meeting,” they explain.* Promote: Daily consumption and sample Herbalife® products. After getting his degree in exercise science and biology, Kris Bickerstaff became a personal trainer with his own business. When the economy took a hit in 2008, so did his business. People could no longer afford Kris’ services; he and his wife, Andrea, started falling behind on bills. “I had to work at a fitness center, earning minimum wage, while my wife had to work both a full-time and part-time job,” Kris recalls. “Basically, our little boy was growing up in a day care and those were not the dreams we had.” In spite of their financial troubles, the young entrepreneurial couple was open to changes and to learning new things. So, when they started using Herbalife ® products and got great results, they became Distributors and promoted the products among their clients. “It was phenomenal,” says Kris. “That is one thing we love about Herbalife. Here, there are no prerequisites or necessary background experience required to start. You just have to fall in love with the products and start sharing your success story.” The Herbalife business opportunity has the potential to shift people from survival mode to full capacity, which fits well with young people looking for an income opportunity in a fun, enjoyable environment. “And that’s what Herbalife is,” Kris says. “I’ve never seen a company grow the way Herbalife has been growing. This is the opportunity to be your own boss and create a better financial future.”* Suggestion: Remain open to changes and learning new things. “For the first time in our lives, we have the freedom to do what we love.” Is Gen H on your business radar? Use the Herbalife marketing tools, events, Business Methods and the upcoming informative calls to reach out to this fast-growing market: November 16 Retain With Purpose – Keep it Fun. Simple. Magical. Time: 5 p.m. (PST) Live Dial-In Numbers for all calls: 877-273-8169 December 14 Make 2012 Count – Work Your 90-Day Plan Time: 5 p.m. (PST) 660-422-3336 Toll-Free: International: Dates and times are subject to change. Check MyHerbalife.com for the latest information. *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T ODA Y 15 PLANNING THE PATH TO A Herbalife Independent Distributor Stephen Smith Loses 135 pounds STEPHEN SMITH LEARNED ABOUT THE HERBALIFE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FROM HIS MOTHER AND FATHER-IN-LAW, WHO ARE HERBALIFE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTORS. AT FIRST, HE WAS SKEPTICAL ABOUT THE PRODUCTS. IN DECEMBER 2009, STEPHEN’S FATHER WAS IN THE HOSPITAL, AND STEPHEN’S FAMILY WITNESSED ANOTHER FAMILY IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM LOSING THEIR FATHER. THAT DAY REALLY MOVED HIM; HE STARTED REFLECTING ON THE LIFE HE WANTED WITH HIS NEW WIFE AND DECIDED IT WAS TIME FOR A CHANGE. 16 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T ODA Y GETTING MOTIVATED AND EXPERIENCING RESULTS business because he has such a powerful story to share. “Herbalife® products definitely changed my life. With the help of his Sponsor, Stephen I will never be without them a day in Smith got started on a personalized weight-loss program with Herbalife® products and healthy eating habits. Initial results were a huge motivator for him. “It was like throwing a boulder down a steep mountain. Losing that initial weight created a ton of momentum for me and I’ve been unstoppable ever since,” shares Stephen. Stephen focused on what he could control to lose the weight. He followed his recommended plan religiously. Eventually, he lost 135 pounds. He also incorporated workouts and healthful eating habits. Now, he goes to the gym six times a week. CHANGING HIS LIFESTYLE my life,” says Stephen. He believes one of the best things about the Stephen’s lifestyle has improved and Herbalife business opportunity is his Herbalife business is growing. the people. “Even if I won the lottery “When the weight started to come off, today, I would not quit my Herbalife I put my foot on the gas. I’m still at it, Independent Distributorship because I’m continuing to lose the pounds until I love the people I get to work with,” I hit my target weight,” says Stephen. says Stephen.*† Stephen’s advice for other Independent Distributors who want to lose weight and grow their businesses is to “plan ahead or plan on failing.” For him, that means planning his daily food log in advance and doing the same for his business goals. Do you have a story about your experience with Herbalife® products? Send an email to TodayMagazineUS@Herbalife.com He feels that his success with his weight-loss plan has helped his *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. † An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Distributors about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges. “When the weight started to come off, I put my foot on the gas. I’m still at it, I’m continuing to lose the pounds until I hit my target weight.” m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T ODA Y 17 18 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T ODA Y World Football Challenge Showcases Herbalife Brand The world’s top international soccer As the title sponsor and Official Nutrition teams from North America and Europe, Company including Herbalife-sponsored of the event, Herbalife teams provided all participating teams with the FC Barcelona and LA Galaxy, competed Herbalife24 line of premier products. The this summer in the Herbalife World first comprehensive performance nutrition Football Challenge. One of the largest line, Herbalife24 products empower soccer events ever staged in the region, athletes 24 hours a day. Herbalife24 the 16-game Herbalife World Football products were featured at all the games, Challenge was a resounding success. with thousands of samples distributed in major U.S. markets from the Herbalife24 The tournament drew more than 3,000 Herbalife Independent shake mobile. Distributors, including Founder’s Circle members, Thanks to Herbalife’s sponsorship of the Chairman’s Club members and President’s World Football Challenge, the Herbalife Team members, and 800,000 fans to the brand was associated with a world- stadiums in 13 cities across the United class sporting event and some of the States. Distributors were overjoyed at most prominent teams in sports today. the exposure created by the sponsorship Des Walsh, president of Herbalife, said: ® and the positive response to Herbalife “The light of Herbalife has never shone products, including the Herbalife24 sports brighter, and Distributors have never been nutrition line. more energized.” For more information on the Herbalife World Football Challenge and Herbalife sports, visit HerbalifeSports.com m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T ODA Y 19 Unwr ap With the New Herbalife Holiday Gifts ® Wish your loyal customers and hard-working organization a jubilant season by sharing Herbalife’s holiday spirit at the close of 2011. Send all your best wishes in the new Herbalife® Handbag in Metallic Black. #G616 $12.00 Showcase the brand by giving the Herbalife® Collectible Bear With FC Barcelona Jersey. #G615 $15.50 Make a lasting and distinctive impression while supporting your customer’s weight-management efforts with the Herbalife® Shaker Cup With Powder and Tablet Compartments. #G614 $7.00 Celebrate 365 days of good health by giving the Herbalife® 2012 Calendar. #6397 20 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T ODA Y $8.00 t h i ng l i s t ! e m o s There’s yone on your r for eve oss eight L er 3W ds e Winn g n e l l 3 Frien a Ch y n Club io 3 Famil it r t u 3N of rs e m o ember t M s u C 3 h e Mon t h t sor 3 Spon 3 Me! rs o b h ig e 3N Order today! Available for a limited time while supplies last. Visit MyHerbalife.com or call 866-866-4744. m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T ODA Y 21 Pamper Your Winter Skin Herbalife’s Got You Covered During the colder months, our skin changes along with the weather. Our skin may become dry, itchy and sensitive. Fortunately, we have Herbalife’s Worldwide Outer Nutrition Product Trainer, Jacquie Carter, to tell us how to maintain healthy skin during the winter. MOISTURIZE HYDRATE Use a hydrating body wash when bathing to provide extra moisture to the skin. Choose a product that is sulfate-free to help prevent dryness and irritation. Look for ingredients, such as aloe vera, that are known to moisturize. Herbal Aloe Hand & Body Wash is a perfect choice. #2561 $8.95 PROTECT Remember that even though the sun rarely comes out during the cold, cloudy days of winter, damaging UV rays can still burn and age your skin. Apply Skin Activator® Day Lotion SPF 15 daily to provide moisture and protect your face during normal exposure to UV rays. #0862 $48.65 PRODUCT HOTLINE EXFOLIATE Exfoliation is particularly important during fall and winter months to remove dead skin cells. Use a loofah or a washcloth when you bathe to keep your body soft and smooth. Don’t forget to exfoliate your face with a facial scrub, such as NouriFusion® MultiVitamin Exfoliating Scrub, to help remove those dry, flaky patches from the skin. #2521 $21.65 22 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m Jacquie Carter Worldwide Outer Nutrition Product Trainer | T ODA Y To learn more about the Herbalife® products on this page, dial 512-827-0430 and press the number followed by the # sign of the product message you would like to hear. Or, simply go to MyHerbalife.com, download the trainings and learn while you’re on the go! Press 4 # Personal Care Menu • Skin Activator® (Press 1 #) • NouriFusion® (Press 2 #) • Radiant C® (Press 3 #) • Body Buffing Scrub and Body Contouring Crème (Press 4 #) • Herbal Aloe (Press 5 #) • Scents (Press 6 #) Moisturize and protect your skin from head to toe! Apply a nourishing cream, such as Herbal Aloe Hand & Body Cream, immediately after bathing. By applying moisturizer when your skin is still damp, you help seal in the moisture. Pay special attention to feet, elbows, knees and hands as these areas tend to suffer most during the winter. #2563 $8.95 Gorgeous Hair, Glowing Skin H e r b a l A l o e M a ke s I t H a p p e n a c f d e b The botanical extracts in our Herbal Aloe Bath and Body Care products improve your hair and skin after just one use.*‡§ Our family-friendly Herbal Aloe products are a great choice for every home. a) Herbal Aloe Soothing Gel #2562 $8.95 b) Herbal Aloe Bath & Body Bar Soap #2566 $6.45 c) Herbal Aloe Strengthening Conditioner #2565 $8.95 K E Y d) Herbal Aloe Strengthening Shampoo #2564 $8.95 e) Herbal Aloe Hand & Body Cream #2563 $8.95 f ) Herbal Aloe Hand & Body Wash #2561 $8.95 • • • F E A T U R E S Paraben-free Sulfate-free Color/Dye-free st u d y • • Fresh, clean scent† Convenient, portable sizes R E S UL T S Herbal Aloe Strengthening Shampoo and Strengthening Conditioner: Reduce hair breakage by 90% and leave hair 10 times stronger after just one use.‡ Herbal Aloe Soothing Gel: An in vivo clinical study demonstrated that 100% of participants noticed an improvement in their skin’s appearance and feel.* *Claims supported by individual panel testing. Herbal Aloe Soothing Gel is fragrance-free. † When Strengthening Shampoo and Strengthening Conditioner are used in conjunction versus untreated hair. Results based on Clinical Strengthening and Breakage Study. Average value obtained from Combing Test conducted by an independent research laboratory on “damaged” hair tresses. Broken fiber counts were compared on untreated versus treated hair using Herbal Aloe Strengthening Shampoo and Strengthening Conditioner. ‡ Hand & Body Cream versus baseline after 20 minutes. Based on Nova Meter reading study coupled with blind sensory panelist observations. In vivo studies conducted by an independent research laboratory demonstrated 100% increase in skin hydration when using Herbal Aloe Hand & Body Cream compared to baseline. § Herbal Aloe Hand & Body Cream: Increases skin moisture content by 100% after just one use.§ Order today! Visit MyHerbalife.com or call 866-866-4744! POWER TOOLS EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HERBALIFE24 IS AVAILABLE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS AT MYHERBALIFE.COM Print Mini Product Brochure #6037 English #6045 Spanish (Sets of 100) Price: $7.05 Downloadable Distributor Training Guide • Sampling Tents Retail Flyer • Sampling Table Skirts Mini Retail Flyer • Postcard (Customizable) • Herbalife24 Group Shot – Black Posters (3 Versions) • Herbalife24 Group Shot – White Product Training Slides • Herbalife24 Logo • Product Fact Sheets • Web Banner • Q&A • Vertical Banner • QR Code Flyer • • • • • Videos • Product Spotlights (7 Videos) • 30-Second Commercial Audio • Launch Call – Replay: Toll-Free 800-642-1687 International 706-645-9291 (Pass code 65682798) • Product Training Call – Replay: Toll-Free 800-642-1687 International 706-645-9291 (Pass code 68681367) • Product Hotline 512-827-0430 Online – StartHerbalife24.com • Everything You Need to Know About Herbalife24 Is Here • Customize Your Routine Page: What Does 24-Hour Nutrition Look Like for You? Apparel – HerbalifeApparel.com Find Herbalife24 Tees, Caps, Jerseys, Shorts and More 24 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY diamonds Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Graeme & Dani edwards E X E C U T I V E P RESI D EN T ’ S T E A M Graeme and Dani Edwards were introduced to Herbalife ® products through a Nutrition Club. Graeme lost 40 pounds. Dani lost 20 pounds and dropped six dress sizes. Inspired, they attended the Herbalife Extravaganza in Dallas, and afterward decided to move to a new city and open up a non-residential Nutrition Club as Independent Distributors. “Three years after opening our Club, we have the lifestyle we always dreamed of,” they say. “Through hard work, perseverance and consistency, we achieved the President’s Team. And we’re excited about the future!”*† Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Brook Kirwin & Matt Gookins E X E C U T I V E P RESI D EN T ’ S T E A M Brook Kirwin enjoyed training athletes to get into peak condition. But she had no time to work out and became overweight. When she discovered Herbalife ® products, she lost weight, started working out again and became a part-time Independent Distributor. Eventually, she began earning more part time from her business than as a trainer. “I quit my job and moved up the Marketing Plan,” she says. “I also learned how to better lead my organization. Now two athletes I trained are in my downline.”*† *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Distributors about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges. † m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY 25 diamonds Q U A L I F IE D A P RI L 2 0 1 1 Mee Mee Xie & Yan Leong Wong E X E C U T I V E P RESI D EN T ’ S T E A M Mee Mee Xie had a weight problem. She found out about Herbalife ® products from her mother. After only a few weeks of taking the products, Mee Mee’s overall health improved. She decided to become an Herbalife Independent Distributor. Mee Mee was passionate about the products and followed many of the suggested Business Methods. Today, she has never felt better about her health and the financial freedom she has gained from her business. She believes strongly in Mark Hughes’ vision. Mee Mee says, “I’m committed to bringing health and wealth to my community.”* 26 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. ROYALTY achievers Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Tamara Geitzenauer E X E C U T I V E P RESI D EN T ’ S T E A M 1 5 K Tamara Geitzenauer used to juggle her roles as wife, mother of four daughters, physical education teacher and varsity coach. Then her friend Tina Oliver, Active World Team member, introduced her to Herbalife. “I started the program, lost weight and felt more energized,” she recalls. Soon after, she signed up as an Independent Distributor. Today, she gathers up to 20 participants in Weight Loss Challenges. “I get this awesome feeling when someone says: ‘Thank you for giving me my life back!’” says Tamara.*† Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Phil & Sharri Keogh Ex e cut i v e P r e s i d e n t ’ s T e a m 1 5 K Phil and Sharri Keogh ran their own logistics business. “But our debt kept growing, so Sharri took a parttime job driving a school bus,” Phil recalls. Then the couple discovered Herbalife. “We were so impressed,” explains Phil, “that we decided to make it work – no matter what.” Together, they focused on a simple plan: to have one to two new customers per week and six to eight new Distributors per month. With hard work and dedication, Phil and Sharri qualified for Millionaire Team and President’s Team. “Today our schedule revolves around our children,” Phil says.* *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Distributors about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges. † m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY 27 ROYALTY achievers Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Mike & Cindy Patterson E X E C U T I V E P RESI D EN T ’ S T E A M 1 5 K Mike and Cindy Patterson were facing financial difficulties. Cindy’s parents, Executive President’s Team members Gerald and Jerrie Reding, introduced Herbalife ® products to Mike and Cindy, who experienced great results using them. Cindy decided to become an Herbalife Independent Distributor, though she and Mike agreed that if Cindy didn’t earn a certain amount per month within a year, she would find a different job. “Cindy earned that amount and more!” exclaims Mike. “Most important to us are the friendships we’ve developed,” the couple explains.* 28 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. PRESIDENT’S TEAM Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 “My Herbalife Independent Distributorship has transformed my life with health, wealth and happiness.” Enrique Carrillo Growing up, Enrique Carrillo chased his dreams of becoming a college football athlete. However, he became very ill and was informed by his doctors that he could never play contact sports again. Af ter he recovered from his illness, he enrolled as a student at New Mexico State University and studied kinesiology, but wasn’t living a lifestyle he was proud of. While a student, Enrique was introduced to Herbalife ® products, and felt amazing after trying them. He started working out regularly and eating healthfully and lost a total of 42 pounds. He decided to become an Herbalife Independent Distributor, and grew his business by consistently working hard, having a positive at titude and remaining dedicated to his Daily Methods of Operation. Enrique also attended as many Success Training Seminars and Leadership Development Weekends as possible. Enrique, now 25 years old, is making m o re m o n ey th a n h e c ou ld h ave imagined. He loves what he does and could never see himself doing anything else. H e s h a re s, “ M y H e r ba li fe Independent Distributorship has transformed my life with health, wealth and happiness.” Enrique gives special thanks to his hard-working, amazing team and his upline. “Dream huge dreams,” he encourages, “They do come true!”*† *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Distributors about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges. † m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY 29 PRESIDENT’S TEAM Q U A L I F IE D J U NE 2 0 1 1 “What gives me the most satisfaction is that through the Herbalife business opportunity, I’m making a positive impact on people’s lives.” Keegan Cervin Keegan Cervin was a college student who worked part time as a waiter. “I was so broke that I couldn’t even move out of my parents’ house,” he recalls. “I knew I needed a change to have the life I wanted.” He discovered Herbalife ® products through family members who were already Herbalife Independent Distributors, and realized that the Herbalife business opportunity was the best way to gain his independence. The decision to follow his family’s example and launch his own Distributorship was, according to Keegan, the turning point 30 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY in his life. “Needless to say, I already knew how great the products were and was accustomed to a great lifestyle,” he says. Keegan cites operating Nutrition Clubs and organizing Weight Loss Challenges as crucial to expanding his business. Today, Keegan lives happily, having achieved financial stability and independence. He says, “What gives me the most satisfaction is that through the Herbalife business opportunity, I’m making a positive impact on people’s lives.” Of making President’s Team, he shares, “It’s a great feeling.”* *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. PRESIDENT’S TEAM Q U A L I F IE D J U NE 2 0 1 1 “The most satisfying part about being an Herbalife Independent Distributor is watching people change their lives through health and wealth.” Tim Files T im File s wa s a ma ste r p e r sona l trainer whose business was negatively affected by the economy in 2008. He lost his new home and his car; personal training was a luxury for many during the down economy, and his dream to work for himself seemed impossible. the best way for them to achieve their fitness goals. Now, Tim has the business he’s always dreamed of. “The most satisfying part about being an Herbalife Independent Distributor is watching people change their lives through health and wealth,” he says. Tim encourages other Herbalife Independent Distributors to use Herbalife ® products in order to grow their business. “Talk to everybody about your results, go to every Herbalife training event and coach others to do the same,” he advises.* Tim’s college roommate introduced him to the Herbalife business oppor tunit y. Tim was skeptical of the business model; however, after several conversations with Herbalife Independent Distributors, he decided to try the products. He experienced positive results and decided to become a Supervisor. Tim used the Nutrition Club model to move up the Marketing Plan. He cares about his customers and prospects as people, and truly believes that Herbalife ® products are *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY 31 PRESIDENT’S TEAM Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Laura & Danny Meister “The most inspiring part of my life is waking up every day thrilled for another opportunity to help people discover who they can be.” 32 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY Laura Meister was exhausted and broke from running her own massage studio. Poor nutrition made her sleepy at all hours of the day. She hit bottom when she declared bankruptcy and had to choose what path she wanted her life to take. At the time, she observed her friends that had energy during early morning networking events as well as at afterhours events, and they told her about Herbalife ® products and the business opportunity. She became an Herbalife Independent Distributor and attended her first Herbalife Extravaganza shortly thereafter. Laura wanted to form her own Nutrition Club, and when the exact location she desired became available, her team opened the Nutrition Club two months later. From there, she began plugging her downline into local HOMs, statewide STS’s and regional Leadership Development Weekends. Laura focused on getting 10 frontline people to each training event and personally qualifying for everything. Now her life looks and feels different than it used to. She loves that being an Herbalife Independent Distributor offers the opportunity to design life on your own terms. Laura is inspired to be part of an amazing team of leaders and asserts, “If you’re not having fun in your business, something is not right.” She shares: “The most inspiring part of my life is waking up every day thrilled for another opportunity to help people discover who they can be.”* *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. Millionaire Team Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Mahrukh & Joe Campbell Mahrukh and Joe Campbell had immigrated to Canada from Dubai. An Herbalife flyer caught their eye and they immediately became Distributors. Joe lost a significant amount of weight in a short time and Mahrukh saw an overall improvement in her health. The couple used various methods to grow their business and attended all the Herbalife training opportunities. Selling and using Herbalife ® products allowed the couple to spend more time with their two daughters. Mahrukh says, “Being an Herbalife Independent Distributor allows you to remain in control of your income and destiny!”*† “Herbalife allows you to remain in control of your income and destiny!” Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Beth Cappon Beth Cappon was working as a registered nurse at a hospital. The hours were long and exhausting, and she wasn’t able to spend quality time with her husband and children. She discovered the Herbalife business opportunity while listening to a radio advertisement, and became an Herbalife Independent Distributor to save money for retirement. Beth used online Weight Loss Challenges, social media and word of mouth to grow her business. Now, Beth is retired from the hospital and works on her Herbalife business full time. She shares, “The most satisfying thing about being an Herbalife Independent Distributor is helping people improve their well-being.”* “T he most satisfying thing about being an Herbalife Independent Distributor is helping people improve their well-being.” *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Distributors about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges. † m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY 33 Millionaire Team Tom & Kathy Cosenza Q U A L I F IE D J U NE 2 0 1 1 Tom Cosenza spent 30 years climbing telephone poles. After he retired, his retirement account took a loss from the stock market decline, and he and his wife, Kathy, were facing the foreclosure of their home. One day, Tom heard an ad on the radio that introduced him to the Herbalife business opportunity. He became an Herbalife Independent Distributor, and with the help of Herbalife ® products, Tom lost a significant amount of weight. “Now,” shares Tom, “I feel healthy and motivated again!”*† “I feel healthy and motivated again!” Jackie Daniels Q U A L I F IE D J U NE 2 0 1 1 Jackie Daniels had over 80 jobs before becoming an Herbalife Independent Distributor. She read a newspaper ad placed by her soon-to-be Sponsor, who introduced Jackie to Herbalife ® products. She decided to become an Herbalife Independent Distributor and employed several marketing methods to grow her Herbalife business. Now, Jackie thrives on the responsibility she has for her own success and the freedom to set her own schedule. “I love to help people and I get the chance to do this every day!” says Jackie.* “I love to help people and I get the chance to do this every day!” *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. 34 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY † An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Distributors about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges. Millionaire Team Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Carleigh Dette When Carleigh Dette graduated from college, she took a job, but soon realized she didn’t like it. “I had always wanted to help people and make a lot of money, but there aren’t too many careers that allow that,” she says. She was introduced to Herbalife and after six months of doing the business with great results, she was able to leave her job and become a full-time Distributor. Today, Carleigh stays home with her daughter while earning a substantial income and working around her husband’s busy schedule. “It’s like a dream come true and I feel I’m just getting started!” she exclaims.* “Never give up on your dreams!” Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Daniel & Leeah Hayes Daniel and Leeah Hayes were working 100 hours a week between them, leaving little time with their three children. Daniel’s brother introduced the couple to Herbalife ® products as a way to achieve their overall health goals. They became Distributors and opened a Nutrition Club, which grew their customer base by leaps and bounds. Daniel and Leeah attribute their success to using the retailing and recruiting techniques they learned at Herbalife trainings. Their life is now filled with healthy eating and traveling, and they love every minute of it!* “T he business opportunity stood out to us as a way to help our friends and families find healthier and happier lifestyles.” *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY 35 Millionaire Team Daryl Kalm Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Daryl Kalm was working up to 60 hours a week making someone else’s dream come true. He was introduced to the Herbalife business opportunity by a former employer, started using the products with great results and became an Herbalife Independent Distributor. Daryl went to as many local, regional and national training events as possible where he learned from others that already had thriving organizations. Now Daryl’s life is full of dreams and possibilities. Daryl shares: “I am experiencing career freedom and satisfaction that I never knew was available.”* “I am experiencing career freedom and satisfaction that I never knew was available.” Hilario & Christina Leos Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Hilario Leos was working in retail and Christina was waiting tables. They were overweight and constantly tired, lacking the energy they needed to keep up with their three children. A close friend introduced them to the Herbalife ® products, and the couple hit their weight-loss goals within four months. Hilario and Christina decided to become Herbalife Independent Distributors and diligently worked the Marketing Plan. Selling and using the Herbalife ® products has changed Hilario and Christina’s life in so many ways that they’ve stopped counting. Christina shares, “We now have a bright outlook on life.”*† “We now have a bright outlook on life.” *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. 36 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY † An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Distributors about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges. Millionaire Team Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Nick Matika Nick Matika had dropped out of college and was working at a golf course when his father introduced him to the Herbalife business opportunity. Nick attended an HOM and decided to become an Herbalife Independent Distributor to make extra income. He started using the Herbalife ® products with fantastic results and truly enjoys making a positive difference in people’s lives. Nick’s advice for other Herbalife Independent Distributors to grow their business is to “think big, be consistent and never give up!”* “T hink big, be consistent and never give up!” Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Brian & Erica McCartney Brian McCartney was an overweight football coach and high school teacher leading an unhealthy lifestyle. He and his wife, Erica, participated in a Weight Loss Challenge, where their Personal Wellness Coach introduced them to Herbalife ® products. The couple first became Herbalife Independent Distributors to enjoy the products at a discount, although they quickly started taking the business more seriously once they witnessed the opportunity for success. Today, their lives are completely transformed, physically and financially. Brian’s advice to fellow Herbalife Independent Distributors is to “work hard and never give up on your dreams!”* “Work hard and never give up on your dreams!” *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY 37 Millionaire Team Karla & Mark McEwen Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Karla McEwen, a government paralegal, worked days and her husband Mark worked nights. The couple, who have two sons, wanted more out of life. A flyer advertising the Herbalife business opportunity was placed on their door and piqued Karla’s interest. She became an Herbalife Independent Distributor intending to earn extra money for monthly bills, and within one year of working the business, she qualified for the Global Expansion Team. She most enjoys leading Weight Loss Challenges. Their Herbalife Independent Distributorship has given the couple hope and a feeling of happiness. Karla shares, “I love helping my team reach their goals and dreams.”* “I love helping my team reach their goals and dreams.” Nathan & Michelle McHone Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Nathan and Michelle McHone were living on minimal salaries and did not have any quality time with each other. Introduced to the Herbalife business opportunity through Nathan’s father, they began making enough money from their efforts in their business to devote themselves to building their organization full time. Nathan and Michelle are thankful for the financial freedom that being Herbalife Independent Distributors has enabled them to have. Michelle shared, “We have been able to transform our lives by helping others transform theirs!”* “We have been able to transform our lives by helping others transform theirs!” 38 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. Millionaire Team Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Laurie Meschishnick Laurie Meschishnick was a teacher living paycheck to paycheck. Laurie shares, “I wanted to make a difference in as many people’s lives as possible and didn’t feel I was achieving my full potential.” Responding to an Herbalife flyer on a job board, she used a 90-Day Plan to set her goals for the next step in the Marketing Plan. Being an Herbalife Independent Distributor has allowed Laurie to feel fulfilled in her work and make a difference in both her customers’ and team’s lives.* “I wanted to make a difference in as many people’s lives as possible.” Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Shane & Kristi Roberts Shane and Kristi Roberts had just had a baby and had a dream to run their own business in the wellness industry. Kristi started using the Herbalife ® products with great results and an Herbalife Extravaganza training hooked Shane as well. Shane and Kristi used Weight Loss Challenges, Wellness Evaluations and sampling parties as their primary marketing methods. Today, they still love working on their Herbalife business. Their 3-year-old son has never been in day care, and they say, “The main thing that has changed is that we have hope for our financial future.”* “T he main thing that has changed is that we have hope for our financial future.” *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY 39 Millionaire Team Patty Vincent Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Patty Vincent was working as a waitress at a 24-hour diner, putting in 65-hour work weeks. She discovered the Herbalife business opportunity through a regular diner customer who gave her a sample of the Herbal Tea Concentrate. She started on the Ultimate program and lost 22 pounds. Her friends wanted the products, so she became a Supervisor and held a house par ty. Now, her family takes regular vacations and enjoys their freedom. “To all the new Herbalife Independent Distributors who want to grow their business,” Patty shares, “Never give up!”*† *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Distributors about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges. † 40 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY “To all the new Herbalife Independent Distributors that want to grow their business, never give up!” Status Retain your Requalifying! By 1 THREE WAYS TO KEEP WHAT YOU’VE EARNED One-Month Requalification Achieve 4,000 Volume Points in one Volume Month – minimum 1,000 Unencumbered* Volume Points required. 2 Two-Month Requalification Achieve 2,500 Volume Points for two consecutive Volume Months – minimum 1,000 Unencumbered* Volume Points required for each month. Contact your local Distributor Services Department at 866-866-4744, or visit MyHerbalife.com for tips and tools to help you requalify. *U nencumbered Volume is simply volume that is not being used by another Distributor in your organization to qualify or requalify as Supervisor. Supervisors must requalify annually and pay their Annual Processing Fee. 3 Twelve-Month Requalification Accumulate 4,000 Unencumbered* Total Volume Points over the 12-month requalification period – your downline Supervisors will be moved to the next upline Supervisor; however, you will retain your nonSupervisor downline. –––––––––––– OR ––––––––––––– Accumulate 10,000 Unencumbered* Total Volume Points over the 12-month requalification period – retain your downline Supervisors. global expansion Team QUALIFIED | MAY 2011– JUNE 2011 Jenny & Danny Albrechtson Ricardo & Alisa Avelar Jaclyn Bachelor Timothy & Jessica Bayer Marvin V. Beal Jr. Pat & Gary Berch Paul F. Crabb II Daniel Crowell Melissa Dauphin Glen Dopp Magaret Dyck Dora Elena & Fernando Sifuentes Terri R. Foco Becky & Jim Fowler Mary G. Diana Garcia - Fernandez Nancy Hilts Laura Holloway Julie J. Horna Chajuan & Ransom Jackson Larry & Maureen Janke May Javiniar Lauren Kellin Irina Khellblau Sara & Peter Klassen 42 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY GLOBAL EXPANSION Team QUALIFIED | MAY 2011– JUNE 2011 Don & Sandra Kubica Manny & Mimi Lacombe Mindy Luong Marvin R. Mandelbaum Heidi Meissner Brian & Jacqueline Molina Sergio & Kim Muniz Tina Oliver Ryer Porter Keegan & Daniel Rasband Justin Reding Scott Richards Malki & Berish Rosenberg Ericka & Samuel Schram Christina & Mike Slagle Regina Soohoo Diane E. Steels Kerie L. Stewart Vinson Towns Andrea Weisenberger Bob & Linda White m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY 43 lifetime achievers Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Q U A L I F IE D J U NE 2 0 1 1 Laura McClure Sharon Peterman L aura McClure discovered Herbalife 17 years ago. After seeing the improvements in her overall health, she decided she wanted to help others achieve the same great results. She used numerous tools to make her business grow, but the ones she considers the most effective are Nutrition Clubs and shake parties. Now, in addition to achieving financial stability, she’s got the satisfaction of helping others improve their lives. “This is much more than just a business,” enthuses Laura.* While working as a buyer at a construction site, Sharon Peterman was introduced to Herbalife ® products. She was offered samples of the nutrition products and supplements. Because of her own product results, it was easy for Sharon to share her personal success story with others. “The turning point in my business came after I attended a seminar with Mark Hughes,” she explains. Sharon teaches and trains in numerous cities worldwide, where she continues to build a successful business. “The person I am today has a whole new sense of purpose,” she says.* Q U A L I F IE D J U NE 2 0 1 1 Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 JR & Jennifer Gunter Robert W. Johnson III JR and Jennifer Gunter were both putting in long hours at work. The couple knew there had to be another way to earn a living. When Jennifer discovered the Herbalife business opportunity, she was ready for a big change. The couple had to build their Herbalife business with little money, a lot of faith and a burning desire to succeed. “Now our life is truly incredible!” they exclaim. “We’re dictating our own life and determining our own future.” Their Herbalife business gives them the freedom to have their three young boys around while they work.* Robert W. Johnson III worked for a utility company for 10 years and he felt trapped. When he saw his cousin had lost weight with Herbalife ® products, healthy eating and exercise, Robert realized the Herbalife business opportunity was the perfect way to achieve his goals. After experiencing great results with the products, Robert became a Distributor. He now has achieved financial freedom, and he enjoys helping others improve their lives. “Trust the use of the products for maximum results and help others do the same,” says Robert.*† *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. 44 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY † An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Herbalife Independent Distributors about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges. lifetime achievers Q U A L I F IE D M A Y 2 0 1 1 Mary & Doug Moen Mary and Doug Moen worked at corporate jobs that demanded long hours and left no time to spend with their children. The couple learned about the Herbalife business opportunity when Mary responded to a flyer. They got excited and soon after, they signed up as Herbalife Independent Distributors. Since then, the couple has grown a successful business through a lot of hard work and they no longer live paycheck to paycheck. Mary and Doug enjoy helping people improve their wellness and their lives. “It’s very rewarding to set up a solid 90-Day Plan with your mentor and stay true to it every single month,” they say.* *Incomes applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation of U.S. Supervisors at Herbalife.com and MyHerbalife.com. Photos not available at press time for: Royalty Achievers: Ji Lee, 15K & 20K Dayton Leong, 20K Millionaire Team: Judy Holt Chunhua Xu Shourong Zhu Global Expansion Team: Javier Benitez Sharon Liang Lee Kim Buhler Sean Meagher Luke Cypert Joanne Murphy Liansheng Gao Bruce Runcie Lawona Harrop Chad Slagle Zhenhua He Pamela Taylor Chun Hua Huang Danny Tham Chunmei Huang Rafael Torres Kihoon Kim Carolina Urdiano Kenneth Kleinberg Pingzhi Xiong Brenda Krugh Fraser Young m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY 45 World Team QUALIFIED JUNE 2011 UNITED STATES Adame, Alberto Agustin Aguilar, Jose Agustin Gomez, Esteban Almodovar, Dionne Amador, Ruben Amaya Mendez, Vladimir Andruss, Jill Asperheim, Paula Atkinson, Gary Avila, Ricardo Jr. Bailey, Debbie Baldrige, Charles Baltimore, Dianna Bandin, Emily Barreras, Yvonne Benitez, Jose Beth, Schrupp Bielewicz, Anna Bissell, Katie Blazina, Gail Bloom, Chelsi Braun, Tammy Brewer, Tracy Briggs, Denise Briseno, Margarita Brooks, Donna Bui, Phuoc Butzlaff, Candice Calgaro, Sarah Campbell, Tonya Caratachea, Ariana Casillas, Maria Chang, Jisook Chang, Yuchin Chavez, Johnny Chen, Jianying Chen, Ying Clouser, Jeffrey 46 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m Cole, Anthony Colin, Solida Colon, Evette Cooper, Joe Cooper, Michelle Coralli, Sage Corkett, Mary Ann Cuneo, Kevin Deborah, Littlefield Deleon, Enjoli Denis, Solina Devereux, Rodney Dewaele, Lisa Diggs-Fite, Sherri Diorio, Lori Dultmeier, Brian Dy, Sreyoan Dyson, Irmgard Edenfield, Lori Elan, Elizabeth Escobar, Lucinda Estrada Ortiz, Gloria Ferrales, Salvadore Filo, Faranisisi Findley, Shannon Folkestad, Dalen Frey, Barry Gallegos, Erik Garcia, Alejandra Garcia, Angela Garcia, Ximena Garzon, Jorge Goforth, Amanda Gomez, Isabel Gonzalez, Roberto Gonzalez, Rosalba Gonzalez, Santos Gooding, Keisha Gordon, Charles Guthmiller, Stephanie Hahn, Joel Yong Hansen, Brock Harris, Patricia Henry, Edris | T O D AY Heras, Jenny Hernandez, Jose Hernandez, Leonel Hernandez, Maria Cristina Herrera, Ana Herrington, Jennifer Hiza Torrico, Alejandro Holden, Joy Holman, Nicole Holroyd, Cindi Hubbard, Norman Huck, Lisa Hunter, Affe Huynh, Hieu Ives, Mark Jativa-Mujica, Caroline Johnson, Amy Johnson, Bree Johnson, Karen Johnson, Shalade Jorasz, Susan Joseph, Carmela Jude, Shannon Kash, Alex Kercheva, Priscilla Kesler, Daniel King, Melanie Koether, Trenton Kunzman, Janice Lagua, Angelica Lang, Antonio Larkins, Ashlee Larson, Sashya Lavoi, Jason Lee, Dianna Leon, Veronica Lile, Deacon J. Lizarralde, Liliana Loeber, James Loomer, Amy Lopez Dominguez, Elsa Madrigal, Jorge Majeski, Maureen Mark, Wendy Marshall, Latonya Martin, Lori P. Martinez, Catalina Martinez, Digna Martinez, Jacqueline Martinez, Vivian Mask, Derek Mattson, Gilbert Mcconnell, Paul Mcewen, Patricia Mclaughlin, Sandra Mcneil, Zsuzsanna Mcnerney, Mark Medrano, Maria Mendoza, Vicenta Meredith, Teresa Miller, Luke A. Mindel, Alexander Moll, Ronda Montes, Rosa Moore, Erin Moore, Susanna Moreno, Roger Morgan, Adrian Morrissette, Mark Mulchansingh, Sueanne Mullins, Wendy Munroe, Carlene Myers, Tom Negahdar, Ali Negron, Jesy Ngo, Tweety Niestroy, Ruth O’Connor, Patti Oliveira, Hednilson Oliveira, Luciana Olivera, Mariana Ortega, Rebecca Ostrowski, Karen Pacheco, Felipe Palacios, Petra Peddycoart, Rachelle Pequeno, Robert Peralta, Lisette Pereira, Antonio Perez, Marisol Pham, Lien Pierre-Louis, Fedner Pimentel, Annemarie Pinheiro, Kristina Pizarro, Fernando Prien, Jenna Quesada, Raechel Ramirez, Alexandra Ramirez, Rafael Ramy, Lim Reardon, Carol Rigoux, Kalista Riley, Brent Rivera, Jose Rodriguez, Josefina Rodriguez, Luis Rodriguez, Raquel Rollingson, Kristina Romero, Gabriela Rosas, Maria Rosengarten, Devora Rowe, Nola Ruehlen, Douglas Salmeron, Sandra Sandoval, Carol Sargent, Misti Saucier, Joyce Schiets, Stacie Schneider, Ann Marie Schrupp, Jessica Scott, Richard Selvy, Kenneth Shelton, Brenda Shrecengost, Louise Simmons, Mykaela Smith, Stephen Snow, Matthew Southerland, Kalita Spencer, Joshua Spicer, Gina Stewart, Marcio Stewart-Sanchez, Erica Telfer, Joanne Thelen, Sarah Thompson, Jacquelyn Timothy, Lukavsky Tinker, Jennifer Torres, Shirley Tran, Annie Loann Van Arnam, Tracie Vazquez, Alma Vazquez Perez, Manuel Vega, Eder Vidaurrazaga, Sophia Visconti, Tina Wanttie, Sharlene Wells, Lindsey West, Anthony Wickersham, Deborah Wilde, Alexis Wilson, Irene Xu, Fenmei Xu, Yang Yzaguirre, Christina Zilelian, Madeline Zuna, Gladys CANADA Chung, Anne Gyarmati, Deborah Kryvenchuk, Adeline Kunz, Victoria Mnouchkina, Marina Pope, Silvana Stenbeck, Jennifer St-Pierre, Carole Trejo, Cayetana Wood, Helga JAMAICA Barnes, Brian World Team QUALIFIED MAY 2011 UNITED STATES Aceves, Hortencia Acosta, Cynthia Aguilar, Ever Akaoka, Masako Alvarez, Belia Amador, Alan Anderson, Alvin Anderson, Breann Anguish, Kathleen Araiza, Jackeline Arana, Yesenia Audrey, Sun Aures, Pauline Baez, Erika Bailey, Thomas Balesteri, Chris Banks, Lauri Bankston, Nancy Bartholomew, Joanie Bass, Julie Bastian, Barbara Beaton, Jason Bell, Melissa Bisbee, Michelle Blackmore, Marvin Blancke, Louise Bomia, Debbie Boros, John Botsford, Jaclynn Boyer, Ruth Bradford, Claudia Brady, Jada Brandt, Teri Brant, Nicole Broussard, Denny Brown, Brinley Brown, Marlene Bufkin, Tyra Bunn, Jeanette Candia, Lori Carias, Maria Casillas, Olga Castro, Guadalupe Castro, Refugio Catania, Danielle Cavieres, Silvia Chau, Bich-Phuong Chen, Biying Christensen, Dianne Citrone, Gene Clark, Glen Clark, Maya Coleman, Paula Colon, Gerardina Corona, Janice Corr, Tammy Covarrubia-Alarcon, Alma Crosby, Myndee Cruz, Miguel Cullen, Steve Curd-Martinez, Rosa Curley, Lori Cushing, Bernard Dallum, John Davila, Byron Davis, Pamela Derflinger, Sherri Dierdorff, Mary Dipetrillo, Bethany Do, Tron Douglass, Lisa Dumrongpol, Prae Durbin, Michelle Eberlline, Teresa Edwads, Milton Eherenfieldt, Kari Elbarati, Fauzi Ellis, Nancy Enns, Cornelio Everritt, Barbara Falzone, Elyse Fernald, Suzanne Fiscus, Lori Fishman, Elliot Fleurissaint, Leonie Flores, Gloria Francies, James Gaines, Adrienne Galindo, Cesar Galindo, Cynthia Gallarzo, Elvira Garcia, Elizabeth Garcia, Herculano Garcia, Leticia Garrett, Debra Glass, Cyndi Gonzalez, Diego Goodner, Carmen Elaine Graham, Cathie Grantham, Charles Graves, Dennis Graybeal, Sharon Gustavsson, Roy Hald, Greg Harapas, Dino Hartpence, Michelle Harwood, Emma Heinze, Walter Hernandez, Linda Herrera, Jacob Herrera, Jonathan Herrera, Pablo Hodde, Stephanie Holecek, Autumn Holifield, Brian Hoppe, Pamela Hopper, Kim Horgan, Jefferey Hottle, Linda Huang, Hailan Huntoon, George Hutsenpiller, Michael Jaramillo, Carla Jin, Chun Xiang Johnson, Nicole Johnson-Roberts, Donna Jones, Dwayne Jones, Judy Kalandyk, Tywin Kampa, Levi Kauffman, Colleen Khaimova, Marina Knickerbocker, Jenny Kobetich, Jane Lara, Jesse Leduc, Lesa Lii, Ruey Lin Liu, Yang Logan, Steve Lopez, Romualdo Lopez, Vicky Lopez Reyes, Ma. Susana Lopez Santiago, Martha Lovitt, Jody Lozoya, Anna Luna, Felix Lyons, Nancy Madsen, Deborah Maduro, Clarita Malone, John Mancha, Felicia Mandeville, Sr., Don Marand, Michael Mares Ortiz, Selma Marshall Jr, Dan Martinez, Karen Martinez, Flor Martinez Jr., David Martino, Jennifer Mason III, Charles Matalucci, Morgan Mclean, Heather Praska, Sheri Ramirez, Rolando Randall, James Rattray, A-Ta Reaume, Alice Rector, Arby Reger, Stacy Ren, Xiaolin Resendiz, Sara Rich, Terry Rivera, Steve Robinson, Wendy Rodgers, Patricia Rodriguez, Gloria Rodriguez, Jose Rodriguez, Socorro Rodriguez Morales, Mclouth, Wendy Mcneil, Tiger Meyer, Kevin Michorczyk, Alicja Mikaele, Metala Miller, Caleb Miller, Donna Miqueo, Alejandro Mitchell, Teresa Molina, Monica Morton, Todd Mosquera, Lina Moyler, Junius Munoz, Jhon Nebel, Laurie Negrete, Patricia Nunez, Mariah Odneal, Kelly Pabst, Melinda Padilla, Maribel Pagan, Melissa Panis, Stephanie Parfitt, Shirley Parsons, Amy Pascual, Veronica Paul, Brian Pena, Miranda Perea, Carlos Phinney, Linda Pierre, Marie Pina, Claudia Plemmons, Christie Powell, Jennifer Powers, David Maria De La Luz Rollins, Joyce Rolstad, Rachelle Romero, Kathy Ruiz, Alma Rushing, Terry Russel, Broderick Salgado, Edgar Salinas, Missy Samuels, Doris Sanderson, Rory Savannah, N. Segovia, Mariely Sellers, Janet Shaffer, Vickie Shinn, Shirley Siebels, Ann Silvio, Veronica Simmons, Judith Sisco, Steven Smith, Amy Smith, Christine Snyder, Samuel Stephen, Scott Sterkel, Harry Suggs, Laura Summers, Michael Tapia, Melissa Taylor, Christopher Terry, Chele Theis, Theresa Theriot, Nacis Thompson, Olivia Tiemann, Kyle Toler, Debra Trahan, Kendra Tucker, Kendall Vazquez, Jose Humberto Velasquez, Margarita Wagner, Heidi Wahl, Ana Walker, Catherine Wallace, Kasi Wang, Jie Wang, Li Ping Webb, Kathryn Wellisch, Julie Weng, Huaying Whitton-Volmer, Nancy Wieland, Diane Wild, Tera Willden, Jason Williams, Rodney Williamson, Kirstin Wilson, Brenda Worden, Britt Young, Mary Jane Zakharova, Zoya Zapeta Zapeta, Mario Zhang, Peili CANADA Alcide, Hary Ernst Arriola, Rosario Batty, Michelle Cabant, Jacqueline Elliott, Cara Gill, Jagmohan Harder, Anna Keogh, Julia Klassen, Anna Moore, John Neisha, Bibi Parhar, Prithpal Perreault, Lorine Pope, Orlando Rempel, Alan Singh, Sukhwinder Uto, Laszlo Zapata, Victor JAMAICA Moore, Denisha m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY 47 Kick-Start With Success! New Year’s Spectaculars 2012 Build up momentum by making the commitment to attend these January business-boosting trainings with your entire organization. Mark your calendars and get ready to change your pin in 2012! Purchase your tickets in advance at HerbalifeEvents.com or by calling 866-866-4744. Also, visit HerbalifeEvents.com today for complete event qualifications. © 2011 Herbalife International of America, Inc. All rights reserved. USA. 48 m y h e r b a l i f e .c o m | T O D AY #5922-US-152 10/11
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