LMS Parent / Student Handbook


LMS Parent / Student Handbook
Updated August 2016
Principal: Ms. Kelly M. Lawton, M.Ed
Assistant Principal: Mr. John P. McCaughan, M. Ed
This Parent/Student Handbook serves as a guide and is updated periodically, with the most recent
version posted on the school website. Parents will be given a printed copy of this handbook upon
request. Parents and students should also read and refer to the Page County Student Code of
Conduct and Attendance, and the Page County School Board Policy Manual.
PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE .............................................................................................................................. 4
2016-2017 FACULTY AND STAFF .............................................................................................................. 5
ADDRESSES &PHONENUMBER....................................................................................................................... 6
ADVISORY (CSI) .............................................................................................................................................. 6
ALTERNATIVE SUSPENSION CENTER (ASC) ....................................................................................... 6
ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE FROM SCHOOL ............................................................................................. 7
ATHLETICS & ACTIVITIES................................................................................................................................ 7
ASSEMBLY BEHAVIOR ..................................................................................................................................... 8
PCPS Code of Conduct & Attendance-Section 2.0-3.15 ........................................................................ 8
BULLYING & CYBERBULLYING PCPS Code of Conduct & Attendance -Section 8.2 .................................................. 8
BUS SAFETY PCPS Code of Conduct-Section 11.0-12.5 ............................................................................................... 9
CELL PHONES PCPS Code of Conduct & Attendance -Section 8.2 .............................................................................. 10
CLUBS, SPECIAL INTERESTS, and ACTIVITIES ................................................................................... 10
CRISIS SITUATIONS AND PREPARING FOR A CRISIS SITUATION ............................................... 11
CSI ADVISORY REPRESENTATIVE......................................................................................................... 11
DANCES ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
DISCIPLINE ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
DISCIPLINE: BULLDOG BITES .......................................................................................................................... 13
DISCIPLINE: IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION ................................................................................................ 13
DISCIPLINE: RESTRICTED CLASSROOM................................................................................................ 14
DISCIPLINE GUIDE: LURAY MIDDLE SCHOOL .................................................................................... 14
PCPS Student Code of Conduct & Attendance: Policy 8.1-10.6 ........................................ 19
DRESS CODE PCPS Student Code of Conduct & Attendance: Policy 9.0 ..................................................................... 19
FOOD SERVICES .......................................................................................................................................... 21
FUNDRAISING ............................................................................................................................................... 22
GRADES, GRADING SCALE and REPORT CARDS ............................................................................. 22
GUIDANCE...................................................................................................................................................... 22
HOMEWORK ................................................................................................................................................. 23
ILLNESS and INJURY .................................................................................................................................... 23
INCENTIVE PROGRAMS (ATTENDANCE & BEHAVIOR) Please read the requirements to participate ......... 24
INTERNET SAFETY......................................................................................................................................... 25
LIBRARY ........................................................................................................................................................... 25
LOCKERS & LOCKS .......................................................................................................................................... 26
NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY ................................................................................................... 26
PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION (PTA) .............................................................................................. 27
PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES......................................................................................................... 27
PHYSICAL EDUCATION .................................................................................................................................. 27
POOR SCHOOL STANDING ......................................................................................................................... 28
REMEDIATION AT LMS PCPS Middle School Program of Studies ................................................................................ 29
RESTROOMS .................................................................................................................................................... 30
REMOVAL FROM CLASS PCPS Student Code of Conduct & Attendance: Policy 13.0............................................................................ 30
SCHEDULES................................................................................................................................................... 31
SCHEDULE CHANGES ............................................................................................................................... 32
SCHOOL CLOSING .......................................................................................................................................... 32
SCHOOL SECURITY ........................................................................................................................................ 32
TELEPHONES .................................................................................................................................................. 33
TEXTBOOKS ................................................................................................................................................... 33
TOBACCO PRODUCTS PCPS Student Code of Conduct & Attendance: Policy 15.0 ................................................ 33
VANDALISM PCPS Student Code of Conduct & Attendance: Policy 17.0 .................................................................... 34
LURAY MIDDLE SCHOOL PTA ................................................................................................................. 35
REGULAR BELL SCHEDULE ..................................................................................................................... 36
1pm RELEASE BELL SCHEDULE ............................................................................................................ 37
2 HOUR DELAY BELL SCHEDULE .......................................................................................................... 38
STUDENT/PARENT HANDBOOK CONTRACT ...................................................................................... 39
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,
Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year as a member of the Luray Middle School family. Whether it is
your first year or you are returning, I am very happy to have you and your child participating in a tradition
of learning excellence that we are proud of here. Our little neighborhood school is very successful,
consistently meeting state requirements to be fully accredited each year the middle schools have been
opened. Typically middle school is a transition time in students’ lives that provide plenty of opportunities
for academic, behavioral and social growth. That is why rules, procedures and policies need to be
communicated with clear expectations.
This handbook is an important guide that specifically details the expectations for the safe and efficient
running for Luray Middle School. Notice that much of your handbook comes directly from the PCPS Code
of Conduct that has the approval from the School Board. Please take some time to discuss each area
with your child before signing the Parent/Student Handbook contract required soon after school begins.
In closing, our staff is highly committed and professionally qualified in providing a safe and positive
learning environment for all students to prepare them for high school. Embracing these expectations
outlined in your handbook is the best way for all of us to achieve the vision of Luray Middle School, Every
Day, Every Child: Learning for a Lifetime.
Have a great year!
Kelly M. Lawton
Kelly M. Lawton
John P. McCaughan
Assistant Principal
Support Staff
Special Education Assistants
Kelly Presgraves, Secretary
Lisa Liscomb, Bookkeeper
Stefanie Hamilton, Guidance Counselor
Cathleen Grady, Librarian
Cynthia Thomas, Nurse
Carrie Comer, ISS/Attendance
Meghan Presgraves, Assistant
TBD, Assistant
Julie Lam, Assistant
Jennifer Hoke, Regional Assistant
Stephanie Callwood, Regional Assistant
*grade level chair
6th Grade Team
7th Grade Team
8th Grade Team
Cynthia Brunk, Math
Nancy Jett, Math
Britinie Fitzwater, English
Marcy Campbell, English
Chris Riley, Science *
Sean Hamilton, History
Laura Kelly, Math
Barbara Ehlers, English
Roger Shipp, English
Derek Yoder, Science *
Elizabeth Osborne, History
Nicole Clark, Math *
Joan Burner, Math
Tricia Runyan, English
Melissa Estep, English
Mollie Cupp, Science
Sherry Griffith, History
Health & Physical Ed.
Related Arts Team
Special Education Team
Steve Griffith
Nolan Jeffries
Susan Henry-Wilson
Custodial Staff
Leonard Bailey
Gene Presgraves
Tiffani Atwood, Computer Education
Martha Leake,
Family & Consumer Science
Bethany Litten, Gifted/Talented; Drama
Brandy Jenkins, Art
Candace Teter, Band / Chorus
Jeffrey Wilt, Agriculture Education
Pamela Arrington, Spanish
Amanda Sager, Regional Program
Renee Fadeley, 6th grade
Sarah Getz, 6th/7th grades
Tammy Shenk, 7th/8th grades
Department Chairs
Cafeteria Staff
Math: Laura Kelly
Science: Mollie Cupp
History: Elizabeth Osborne
English: Marcy Campbell
Related Arts: Cathleen Grady
Special Education: Tammy Shenk
Sharon Goode, Manager
Barbara Lansberry
Sherry Silvious
Sharon Housden
Tammy Smelser
The main office MUST be informed of any changes to your address or telephone number. If a student
moves from one parent or legal guardian to another, the main office needs immediate notification.
Accurate telephone numbers and addresses are important for proper school-parent communication and
are required by law.
Along with all other sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade students, your child will be participating in the
Advisory Program called CSI at Luray Middle School. CSI stands for Community, Skills, &
Invigorating. The CSI Program addresses students’ needs for personal, academic, and social
development throughout the school year.
Middle School students need special support and guidance as they assume responsibilities in school,
their families, and in the community. Their experiences at this age are critical in developing interests,
attitudes, and habits that help determine success in adult life. Our CSI Program addresses these needs
Helping students to adjust to middle school.
Providing students with academic and social support.
Helping students understand themselves and their relationships.
Improving students’ community skills.
Teaching students to participate responsibly in their school and community.
Allowing students to explore career paths and set goals.
Students in the CSI Program meet in small groups with their advisor for structured activities that
address these needs. The advisor is a special contact person whom your child can go to with
a problem. The advisor can help with the problem or refer the student to the school counselor if the
problem is more serious or personal.
Page County Public Schools provides a learning
environment for middle school students who are
suspended due to discipline issues. Students who
are suspended may be required to attend the ASC
located behind Luray Middle School. The hours are
from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm and transportation is
provided. While students are there, they are monitored by a teacher who assists them with work provided
by their regular class room teachers. Learning may occur from online curriculum and assessment
resources such as IXL for Math/English and Interactive Achievement for testing. Lunch is provided as well
as an hour of therapeutic counseling from one of our community agencies, Crossroads Counseling
Center, Inc. Parents and students must sign a contract that outlines the details and expectations of their
ASC experience with the goal of reducing behaviors that originally placed students there.
Students are to enter and exit the building in the morning and afternoons by the doors on the west side of
the building near the main office (walkers only) or by the east doors where the buses pick up and deliver
students (bus riders only).
6th graders:
7th graders:
Go directly to the auditorium
Go directly to the cafeteria
(use the middle stairs to the auditorium ONLY)
Go directly to the gym
Students may go to lockers, bathroom, etc. AFTER the first bell rings. (8:12 a.m.)
Students ARE NOT to loiter in the following areas before and after school: rest rooms, the north side of
the building around the patio, on the stairwells, around parking areas, or in hallways.
Once they have arrived at school, students are not to leave school grounds without proper sign-out by a
parent or parent approved adult. This includes students that walk to school, are delivered to school by
another driver, and students that arrived by bus. There should be no walking across the athletic field to
the parking or wooded areas north of the building.
Parents are reminded that official building supervision begins at 7:45 a.m. Please do not drop off
students and expect them to be in the building before this time unless the student has arranged
to be supervised by a specified teacher.
Students delivered by car should be dropped in the West parking lot near the office and enter the
building by this door. Students walking to school are reminded that they are under school jurisdiction
en route to and from school. Students trespassing on private property or harassing younger
students will be subject to school disciplinary actions and possible law enforcement intervention.
Luray Middle School offers an extensive athletic program. Students may participate
in the following:
FALL: 8th graders may participate in JV Football, Golf, JV Girls Volleyball and MS (6-8 grades)
Cross Country.
WINTER: 6 t h , 7 t h & 8 t h g r a d e r s m a y p a r t i c i p a t e i n MS Boys a n d Girls Basketball, MS
Cheerleading. 8th graders may participate in JV Basketball and Cheerleading
SPRING: 6 t h , 7 t h & 8 t h g r a d e r s m a y p a r t i c i p a t e i n MS Track and 8th graders may participate in JV Soccer, Baseball
and Softball.
A Luray Middle School student/athlete is considered to first be a student, and secondly, an athlete. Students
that fail to meet academic and behavioral expectations will not be allowed to represent LMS in practices,
meets and/or games. A r e m i n d e r t h a t a L M S athlete represents the school and the community and
becomes a representative that influences the perception of school spirit, sportsmanship, discipline and behaviors.
To be eligible to participate, a student/athlete must meet the requirements of the Virginia High School League
which governs high school athletes in the state. In addition, each athlete will have to pay a $25 athletic
fee. Check or cash is to be brought to the C O AC H . A receipt will be issued once payment is
received. Note: This fee is for participation on a team not for playing time. PLEASE CONTACT A
Students must be in attendance ALL DAY in order to participate in any after school extra-curricular
activity. For over the weekend school activities, students must also be in attendance for the ENTIRE
school day on the Friday prior to the activity. Exceptions may be made if the specific absence has
been discussed with and approved by the school principal PRIOR to the student missing any time
in school in accordance with each school’s student and athletic handbooks.
Students are expected to enter and exit the auditorium in an orderly manner, show courtesy and
respect, and to pay attention to performances, programs, and guests. Individuals who do not cooperate
will be removed from the program and excluded from future events.
PCPS Code of Conduct & Attendance-Section 2.0-3.15
The Commonwealth of Virginia requires that all persons attend school until they reach the age of eighteen.
A good attendance record is an indication that an individual is willing to accept responsibility, exert selfdiscipline, and develop good work habits necessary for success in school, at work, and in life and regular
attendance is the first step to academic success. Students who are frequently absent miss instruction in
key concepts and skills. We ask that parents set the tone for their child by encouraging good attendance
and by communicating that school is their child’s job and therefore, his or her responsibility every day.
Please refer to the PCPS Code of Conduct for more details on the Attendance Procedures and
Consequences (Sections 2.0 to 3.15)
BULLYING & CYBERBULLYING PCPS Code of Conduct & Attendance -Section 8.2
Negative behaviors that target specific individuals are strictly prohibited and perpetrators will receive
appropriate consequences. Prohibited behaviors include, but are not limited to, written or verbal abusive
statements/remarks, threats, physical abuse, harassment, and ethnic or gender slurs. In addition, this
policy covers not only verbal and written threats, but also any bullying, harassment, and intimidation
conveyed by electronic means such as texting and “sexting,” phone messages, and using the internet
(text messaging, Twitter, emails, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) When there is evidence that two or more
individuals are directing bullying/harassing behaviors at each other, perpetrators will receive appropriate
consequences. In addition, administrators may provide conflict resolution services for the students in
face-to- face meeting(s). In addition, bullying or harassment of any school board employee may,
on school property or in the community, depending on the specific circumstances of the
incident(s), be considered a school discipline issue and result in school discipline being initiated
by school administration.
Virginia Code § 22.1-276.01: "Bullying" means any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm,
intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or
aggressors and victim; and is repeated over time or causes severe emotional trauma. "Bullying" includes cyber
bullying. "Bullying" does not include ordinary teasing, horseplay, argument, or peer conflict.
The flow chart below clarifies procedures to be followed when assessing whether an incident
constitutes bullying:
BUS SAFETY PCPS Code of Conduct-Section 11.0-12.5
The bus driver has the responsibility for the safety of all students assigned to his/her bus. The driver can
perform this responsibility only with the cooperation and courtesy of all students. It is the aim to insure
that the health, safety, welfare, and educational opportunity of each transported student is thoroughly
protected. Students should keep their possessions with them at all times. The Page County Schools is
not responsible for any items lost or stolen while a student is being transported on a bus, whether traveling
to and from school or on a field trip.
Each administrator is responsible for carrying out a school bus safety program and has jurisdiction over
the conduct of students while they are being transported. Students shall not behave in a disruptive
manner or otherwise violate the following Code of Conduct while waiting for a school bus, while
on a school bus or after being discharged from a school bus.
Expectations for bus behavior are outlined in the Page County Student Code of Conduct and Attendance booklet.
(PCPS Student Code of Conduct Section 11.0 – 12.5)
CELL PHONES PCPS Code of Conduct & Attendance -Section 8.2
All cell phones must be out of sight and turned off during the regular school day. Parents are to refrain
from using electronic devices, such as cell phones to contact students during the school day. If a cell
phone is used in any manner or rings during school hours (unless
being utilized for educational purposes as directed by a teacher) it
will be confiscated a n d h a n d l e d a s f o l l ow s :
1st Offense: Teacher will confiscate and turn in to the office where
the student will be allowed to pick it up at end of the school day.
2nd Offense: Teacher will confiscate and turn in to the office. The
phone will only be released to a parent(s)/guardian(s).
3rd Offense: Teacher will confiscate and turn in to the office.
Parent will be notified to pick up the cell phone. The parent will
also be notified that the student is to either not bring the device to
school or will turn it in every morning to the office prior to Block 1
Students who refuse to allow the phone to be confiscated are subject to
immediate disciplinary consequences, including suspension from
Per the directive of the teacher, electronic devices, such as
Smartphones may be used for educational purposes only.
Club Day is held during the week for approximately 30 minutes. Students sign up for clubs they
are interested in and remain in their club for nine weeks. Clubs rotate every nine weeks. Students
who are on PSS, have not consistently completed homework, have excessive absences, or have
unpaid fines may not participate in club day.
State law requires that four fire drills be conducted during the first twenty (20)
days of school and once a month thereafter. The fire drill signal will either be
the warning sounded when one of the emergency alarms is pulled, or an
announcement will be made over the intercom. The signal for returning to the
building following a fire drill will be given by one of the administrators. All teachers
are to assign several students sitting in seats nearest the windows and farthest
from the door to make sure that all lights are off, and all windows and doors closed.
Evacuation routes are posted in each classroom by the door.
The first person leaving a room will serve as a leader. On leaving the building, all students will move to
designated areas. Students will leave the room and building in a quiet and orderly manner in single file.
Teachers will accompany their students and remain with their group. In a drill, or in case of an actual
emergency, teachers will not, under any circumstances, permit students to return to the building for personal
property until the proper signal is given.
Teachers are to take their Grade Book and Emergency Folder during all drills. Rolls are to be taken during
the drill and an administrator notified immediately of any child whose whereabouts are uncertain. ALL staff
members and students must exit the building during a drill. Custodians will stand-by to man the fire
extinguishers or to help direct the fire department as to the location of the fire. If excessive smoke is present,
remember to stay low or crawl until you are out of the impacted area. An evacuation team has been designated
to assist students exiting the building who are not freely mobile.
All classroom teachers will have a Crisis Emergency Folder that is to be kept in an easily accessible spot in the
classroom. It will be equipped with surgical gloves, a flashlight, and a first aid kit.
In addition, Luray Middle School will practice at least four Lockdown drills and one Tornado drill during
the school year to prepare students and staff.
As part of our safety audit, no exterior doors are ever to be propped open while students are in our
buildings. Also, the motion sensors must NEVER be covered at any time.
CSI Advisory Representatives, Grades 6-8, meet under the leadership of administration to plan
activities that provide for the betterment of Luray Middle School. The main
objectives of the group are to promote school pride, to allow students a voice
in aspects of school life, to encourage the development of leadership skills, and
to provide opportunities for practicing qualities of good citizenship necessary
effective membership in a democratic society.
The schedule for LMS Dances and club/organization sponsors is available on the office calendar, on
the internet under Google calendar, or from any teacher. Only Luray Middle School students are permitted
to attend school dances. The following rules apply to all dances held at Luray Middle School:
All students will be expected to act appropriately. Inappropriate behavior subjects any student to be
dismissed from a dance and banned from future attendance.
The staff members in charge of the dance can refuse admittance or expel
anyone present that exhibits inappropriate behaviors. Anyone loitering at or
around the school building or grounds during a dance will be asked to leave.
School dances are typically held from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Students attending a
dance will sign in on the sheet provided. Anyone leaving before the designated
time will sign out, noting the time of departure and will not be allowed to return
to the dance or school premises.
Under no circumstances will anyone be allowed on the second or third floors.
Any student on Poor School Standing will not be allowed to attend the dance. Students with questions
regarding being admitted to the dance are encouraged to have their questions answered prior to coming
to the dance.
Students must be in attendance ALL DAY in order to participate in any after school extra-curricular
activity. For over the weekend school activities, students must also be in attendance for the
ENTIRE school day on the Friday prior to the activity. However, exceptions may be made if the
specific absence has been discussed with and approved by the school principal prior to the
student missing any time in school.
Luray Middle School believes that an effective school discipline program is designed to help teach students to
develop self-discipline. At the Middle School level we expect to help students in developing self-control,
orderliness, efficiency, and good character. Disciplinary rules and expectations, as well as the consequences,
are designed to encourage all students to exhibit proper and appropriate conduct, concern and awareness of
others, self-respect, and positive attitudes. The school rules and regulations are also designed to ensure that
all students can feel safe at school. Rules are also necessary to keep the building neat and in good repair. The
LMS discipline program will incorporate consequences for inappropriate behavior with instruction for
corrective actions when possible. Courtesy to fellow students, teachers, school employees, and visitors is
a tradition at PCPS. Each of us should strive to be considerate of each other. It is imperative the staff
and administration are informed of any improper behavior or inappropriate conduct as
soon as possible; by doing so we work together to ensure Luray Middle School is a safe place
to learn and grow.
Students are expected to help keep the school clean and furniture in good repair. As
part of keeping the school clean, GUM IS NOT ALLOWED at LMS.
One of the behavior management tools LMS staff utilize in class involves students receiving a Bulldog
Bite for a minor infraction of the rules. Some of those infractions include students missing homework,
not coming prepared to class, excessive talking, causing a class disruption, sleeping, or refusing to
do work. Typically teachers warn students first before giving the "Bulldog Bite", but then require them
to sign it as a way to own the inappropriate behavior.
If a student receives four (4) "bites", a student conference will be held with the grade level team to determine any
student concerns and corrective action.
At seven (7) “bites”, the grade level team will email or call parent(s)/guardian(s) to discuss student concerns. A
parent conference may also be scheduled at that time.
At nine (9) or more "bites", your student is no longer eligible for Spike Day.
If your child reaches 10, 11, or 12, he/she will receive one day of silent lunch for each.
At thirteen (13) "bites", students will be assigned one week of silent lunch.
If a student reaches fourteen (14) "bites" then a referral will be submitted to the office.
At the beginning of each nine weeks, each student begins with zero again.
Student _______________________________________
Date ____________________________________
Not prepared for class _______________________________
Not Following Directions
Physical Contact Chewing Gum
I understand that the choices I have made will have consequences and will make an effort to make better choices in the future.
Student Signature _______________________________________________________
In-School Suspension (ISS) is one of several recommended dispositions in the Page County Code of Student
Conduct and Attendance for disciplinary infractions. ISS keeps the student within the school environment,
allowing him or her to keep up with the assigned class work and/or to practice skills without disturbing or
disrupting others. When a student is assigned to ISS, he or she should report first to advisory (1st period) to
be marked present and to collect all books needed for the day. Then the student should report to ISS by 8:20
a.m. Once there, the ISS Assistant will give the student his or her work and supervise the student for the day.
ISS students will take restroom breaks and lunch at times different from their classes, supervised by the ISS
Assistant. Students are expected to work diligently during the time they are in ISS. Students may be pulled
by a teacher for the instructional segment of lesson and then returned to ISS. If a student needs help with
his or her work, the student may ask the ISS Assistant. There is no talking with other students.
At the end of the day, the ISS Assistant will collect all work and return it to the teachers’ mailboxes. Students
will be dismissed by the ISS Assistant at the end of the day. For students identified as having a disability,
special education services are offered whenever possible, as mandated in the student’s IEP.
In addition to In-School Suspension (ISS), Luray Middle School also utilizes a Restricted Classroom
(RC) setting to encourage positive classroom attitudes and actions. Students can be referred to RC
by classroom teachers for less-serious offenses that interfere with the learning opportunities of
classmates. Students will reflect on their actions and complete class work while in the restricted
setting. Students will return to class for the next period provided they have met the appropriate
requirements for RC. Teachers will conference with the student at an appropriate time and notify
parents following more than one occurrence.
Minor Misbehaviors
(List is not all inclusive)
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 5.1
Cell Phone / Electronic
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 8.7
Technology Violation:
Discipline Action
(Subject to modification due to student behavior history, behavior situation,
1st Offense:
 Zero on assignment
 Parent contact by teacher
 Grade level conference with student
2nd Offense:
 Zero on assignment
 Administration/Teacher/Parent conference
 ISS (1 day)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
1st Offense:
 Phone confiscated and turned in to office (returned end of day to
 Parent contact by teacher
2nd Offense:
 Phone confiscated and turned in to office (returned only to
 Parent contact by teacher
 Grade level conference with student
3rd Offense:
 Phone confiscated and turned in to office (returned only to
 Administration/office personnel will notify parent.
 Student will need to turn devices into office prior to Period 1 and
can be picked up at end of day.
Subsequent Offenses (considered to be insubordination):
 Administration conference with student
 ISS (length determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
1st Offense:
 Loss of computer privileges (1 week)
 Parent contact by teacher
2nd Offense:
 Loss of computer privileges (1 month)
 Parent contact by teacher
 Grade level conference with student
Subsequent Offenses:
 Loss of computer privileges (limit to be determined)
 Administration conference with student
 ISS (length determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
Inappropriate Language
(not profanity):
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 8.4
Disruptive Behaviors
(excessive talking over teacher,
noises, interference of others
learning, etc.):
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 8.0
Minor Insubordination
(refusal to work, not following
directions, off-task, etc.):
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 8.0
Horseplay / Physical Contact
1st Offense:
 Warning / Teacher contact with student
2nd Offense:
 Parent contact by teacher
 Grade level conference with student
 Lunch detention (2 days)
Subsequent Offenses:
 Administration conference with student
 ISS (length determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
1st Offense:
 Warning / Teacher contact with student
2nd Offense:
 Parent contact by teacher
 Grade level conference with student
 Lunch detention (2 days)
3rd Offense:
 Administration conference with student
 ISS (length determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
Subsequent Offenses:
 Administration conference with student and parent
 ASC (length determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
1st Offense:
 Parent contact by teacher
 Grade level conference with student
 Lunch detention (3 days)
2nd Offense:
 Administration conference with student
 ISS (length determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
3rd Offense:
 Administration conference with parent and student
 ISS (length determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
Subsequent Offenses:
 Administration contact with parent
 ASC (length determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
1st Offense:
 Parent contact by teacher
 Lunch detention (1 day)
(Single Classes):
Monthly report to be completed
by Attendance Officer and
given to Grade Level Chair
2nd Offense:
 Parent contact by teacher
 Grade level conference with student
 Lunch detention (3 days)
3rd Offense:
 Administration conference with student
 Lunch detention (5 days)
Subsequent Offenses:
 Administration conference with student and parent
 ISS (length determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
1st Offense (3 tardies):
 Parent contact by teacher
2nd Offense (5 tardies):
 Parent contact by teacher
 Grade level conference with student
 Lunch detention (1 day)
3rd Offense (8 tardies total in all classes):
 Administration conference with student
 Lunch detention (5 days)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
Subsequent Offenses:
 Administration conference with parent and student
 ISS (length determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 3.0
Major Misbehaviors
(List is not all inclusive)
Abusive Language
(e.g., obscene, vulgar,
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 8.3
Abusive Language
(teacher directed with
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 8.4
Bullying / Harassment / Sexual
(written, verbal or electronic):
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
Discipline Action
(Action listed below is performed in conjunction with administration and
parent contact/conference)
1st Offense:
 ISS (length determined by Administration – 1 day minimum)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
2nd Offense:
 ISS (up to 3 days or more as determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration
Subsequent Offenses:
 ASC (length determined by Administration – 1 day minimum)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
Any Offense:
 ASC or OSS (length determined by Administration – 1 day
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
Any Offense:
 Referral to Guidance Department (threat assessment if necessary)
 Conflict resolution meetings, ISS, ASC, or OSS (length determined
by Administration)
 Possible law enforcement and/or Child Protective Services contact
by Administration
& Attendance Section 8.1 – 8.2
Chemical Use (includes
possession, using,
transporting, “holding”, selling
of actual items or “lookalikes”):
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 6.0-6.1
Tobacco Use
(use and/or possession of
tobacco products or electronic
and/or vapor cigarettes)
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 15.0
Disrespect / Defiance
(teacher directed):
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 8.0
Disruptive Behavior
(insubordination, creation of
dangerous situation, feeding
negative behavior such as
rumors, gossiping, etc.):
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 8.0
Horseplay / Physical Contact
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 10.0
Public Displays of Affection:
Any Offense:
 Up to 10 days of suspension
 Referral to Superintendent for disciplinary hearing (could lead to
additional suspension or expulsion)
 Reported to law enforcement for appropriate legal action
1st Offense:
 Administration conference with parent and student
 ISS (length determined by Administration)
2nd Offense:
 OSS (length determined by Administration)
 Suspension of Extra-curricular Activities
Subsequent Offenses:
 OSS (length determined by Administration)
 Refer to Superintendent for disciplinary hearing
 If under 18 years of age, the student will be referred to the law
enforcement agency
1st Offense:
 ISS (up to 2 days or more as determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
2nd Offense:
 ISS (Up to 3 days or more as determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
Subsequent Offenses:
 ASC (Up to 1 day or more as determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
1st Offense:
 ISS (length determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
Subsequent Offenses:
 ASC or OSS (length determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
Any Offense:
 ASC or OSS (length determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
1st Offense:
 Warning by Administration
2nd Offense:
 Lunch detention (1 week)
Subsequent Offenses:
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 8.8
Dress Code Violation:
(If student provided a change
of clothes and does not return,
can be placed on Fine’s List
and PSS.)
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 9.0
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 10.0 – 10.6
(verbal or written):
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 6.2
Stealing / Breaking and
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 5.2
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 17.0
ISS (length determined by Administration)
PSS (length determined by Administration)
1st Offense:
 Student asked to change or provided clothing, if available
 If unable to change, 1 day of ISS
2nd Offense:
 ISS (length determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
Subsequent Offenses:
 ASC or OSS (minimum of 3 days or more as determined by
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
1st Offense:
 ASC or OSS (up to 3 days or more as determined by
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
2nd Offense:
 ASC or OSS (minimum of 5 and up to 10 or more as determined by
 PSS (length determined by Administration
Subsequent Offenses:
 ASC or OSS (length determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
Serious Offenses:
 ASC or OSS (minimum of 10 days and possible expulsion as
determined by Administration)
 Reported to law enforcement for appropriate legal action
1st Offense:
 Lunch detention with student admission (1 week)
 ISS with non-admission by student (1 day)
2nd Offense:
 ISS (2 days)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
Subsequent Offenses:
 ASC (1 day or more as determined by Administration)
 PSS (length determined by Administration)
Any Offense:
 ASC or OSS (3 days or more as determined by administration)
 Reported to law enforcement for appropriate legal action
Any Offense:
 Student and/or parent(s)/guardian(s) required to pay for all
 ISS, ASC or OSS (to be determined by Administration)
 Reported to law enforcement for appropriate legal action, as
(actual items, “look-alikes”,
ammunition, any object with a
Any Offense:
 Any items: ISS, ASC, or OSS (determined by Administration)
o Objects with blades less than 3” blade (10 day suspension)
o Objects with blades 3” or more (expulsion)
o Reported to law enforcement for appropriate legal action
PCPS Student Code of Conduct
& Attendance Section 7.0 – 7.7
 Students will be treated with kindness and dignity. LMS believes consequences are
intended to help students grow in maturity.
 Every situation will be treated on an individual basis and therefore consequences
may change at the discretion of LMS Administration.
PCPS Student Code of Conduct & Attendance: Policy 8.1-10.6
Abusive conduct that interferes with the peace/order will be handled with severe consequences.
Students must respect not only each other but adult staff and their written/verbal directions. Any
physical, verbal or electronically conveyed communication that causes disturbance and disruption to the
school environment and interrupts or interferes with teaching and the orderly conduct of school activities
is prohibited. This includes but is not limited Any verbal, written, electronically conveyed, and/or
physical threats (even implied threats) toward students, staff, faculty members, administration, or
school property will result in disciplinary.
DRESS CODE PCPS Student Code of Conduct & Attendance: Policy 9.0
Students are expected to dress in a manner consistent with recognition that
they have the responsibility to help foster a learning environment promoting
health and safety, respect, pride, cohesiveness, as well as of positive regard
for discipline and authority. The dress of students reflects the general climate of
a school.
Students, with the help and approval of parents, know what acceptable attire for
school is and school activities; moderation in type and style should be the basic
standard. In the judgment of the administration, all students' attire must be
consistent with accepted school and community standards. The type of attire or
grooming displayed by students shall not:
Present a physical safety hazard to self or others in the school. Examples of attire which are
prohibited include, but are not limited to:
Wallet chains.
Studded collars or bracelets
Body and facial piercings that are potentially dangerous due to overall health and safety reasons.
Create an atmosphere in which the well-being of others is hindered by undue pressure,
intimidation, or threat of violence. Examples of attire which are prohibited include, but are not
limited to:
Bandannas, hair nets, scarves as headgear, except when worn for religious purposes
Apparel or personal belongings that advocate violence, gang activity, or reflect adversely on persons
due to race, gender, creed, national origin, physical, emotional, or intellectual abilities.
Profane writing or depictions on clothing or jewelry
Obscene language, pictures, or wording
Display profanity, profane/obscene gestures, or sexual references or promote alcohol, drugs, or
tobacco in their logo.
Materially interfere with schoolwork, create disorder, or disrupt the educational program.
Examples of prohibited attire include, but are not limited to:
o Any clothing which exposes a student's bare midriffs
o Muscle shirts, spaghetti strap tops & tank tops with less than 1” straps
o Shirts or tops that allow the bra strap to be exposed
o Mesh apparel without undershirts or spandex/slider shorts
o Shorts and skirts must extend down past the finger tips when hands are fully extended along the
side of the body. Slits and cutout areas should be reasonable and not reveal pockets and
o Baggy pants or shorts must be worn above the waist so undergarments are not exposed.
o No hats or hoodies are allowed on campus during the school day. Beanies and hoods may be worn
outdoors during winter months only.
LMS Staff is required to report a student to administration/designated faculty members for
inappropriate dress. The administration/designated faculty members will make the final decision
and the appropriate consequences will be administered based on the discipline matrix.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES PCPS Student Code of Conduct & Attendance: Policy 8.7
The unauthorized possession or use of any type of electronic or mechanical device which distracts or
impedes the educational process is prohibited. This includes pagers, beepers, cellular phones, text
messaging devices, and laser pointers. All mechanical/electronic devices must be out of sight and turned
off during the regular school day. Parents are to refrain from using electronic devices to contact
students during the school day. In this regard, it is expressly forbidden for any student, teacher,
administrator or parent to take a photo or a video of any student, teacher, administrator or parent
on school property through the use of a cell phone or any other electronic device that causes a
disturbance and disruption to the school environment and interrupts or interferes with teaching
and the orderly conduct of school activities.
Per the directive of the teacher, electronic devices,
such as Smartphones/Ipads may be used for
educational purposes only.
Students must be in attendance ALL DAY in order to participate in any after school extra-curricular
activity. For over the weekend school activities, students must also be in attendance for the ENTIRE
school day on the Friday prior to the activity. Exceptions may be made if the specific absence has
been discussed with and approved by the school principal PRIOR to the student missing any time
in school in accordance with each school’s student and athletic handbooks.
The Luray Middle School Cafeteria program includes the regular Breakfast and Lunch program.
Cafeteria/Food Consumption Expectations:
1. Students will be able to purchase breakfast between 7:45 a.m. and 8:10 a.m. each school day.
2. Students report directly to the cafeteria when dismissed for their lunch period and are
expected to be in the cafeteria. Students are to line up in a single file line by the wall
closest to the cafeteria line entrance. Restroom use for students during their lunch break is
confined to the restroom immediately outside the cafeteria with lunch supervisor approval.
3. Students bringing their own lunch to school must consume the food in
the cafeteria. Students cannot order food or bring fast food to the
cafeteria. This is in conflict with the Federal School Lunch Program
Regulations. Likewise, receipts from any food sold in the school during
the lunch period are to be deposited in the cafeteria fund.
4. Students are expected to pick up and dispose of their own trash. Students are also expected
to return trays and silverware to the dish wash area. Additionally they are expected to act
appropriately and use good table manners.
5. Students that must leave the cafeteria must
have a pass from a teacher on a daily basis.
6. Students are not to be on the 2nd and 3rd floors
during lunch without a pass.
7. Students should walk to the cafeteria and not run.
LMS Cafeteria Prices:
Regular Student Lunch
Reduced Price
Reduced Price (Student Breakfast)
All school fund raising activities, including dances, must be approved by the administration.
Projects, which involve the selling of merchandise to residents of our community, should be
limited. Money collected from students and from sales should be properly receipted. Any
student not turning in fund raising monies or items will be placed on Poor School
Money WILL NOT be refunded to a student/parent/guardian if they
choose not to attend the day of the field trip.
Student grades are sent home every nine weeks. The grades
recorded for each nine week period are averaged to determine the
student's semester grade. Only final grades are recorded on the
Student's Permanent Record.
Page County School Division teachers also send out an Interim
Grade report to help parents be aware of student progress midway through the grade report period. Parents are asked to
check the scheduled dates for report cards and interim reports
and to review these with their son/daughter. Page County Public
Schools has initiated a parent portal to access your child’s
grades. This information can be found on the PCPS website by clicking the “PowerSchool-Parent Login”
link. Usernames and passwords will be given out at orientation. The guidance counselor can retrieve
your username and password if they are forgotten or misplaced.
PCPS Grading Scale
Guidance services are designed to help the individual student achieve educational, vocational, social, and
personal goals that are consistent with interests, needs, and abilities of the students. The program is built
upon the belief that each student is unique and capable of making a meaningful contribution to our society and
deserves every opportunity to attain self-fulfillment.
The counselor will attempt to work closely with students, parents, and teachers. Conferences may be
arranged at any time upon request. Conferences are encouraged and may be initiated by the pupil, teacher,
parent, administration or support services personnel. In addition, the counselor will provide conflict resolution
for school related problems.
Homework should be given its proper place in a student’s life and should be assigned in such a manner
that it:
Promotes students ability to research information;
Is a follow-up of work previously introduced, or supplementary work, instead of new work; May
be evaluated properly and consistently with proper recognition being given for a student’s
Will contribute to students’ on-going learning;
Is REASONABLE-considering a student’s available time and ability
Long-term assignments, such as research papers, major projects, book reports, etc., may vary the
amount of time suggested. Completed projects, newsletters, and other pertinent information will be sent
home. Parents should set aside a time to review the contents promptly.
Parents may request work by calling the Guidance Department by 9:30 a.m. Due to
schedules, LMS may not be able to get assignments ready if the request is given
after 9:30 a.m. SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT 3:30 p.m. Parents
will not be able to pick up assignments for their child before 3:30 p.m.
Students that are too sick to report to class must report to the clinic immediately. They are not to remain in a
restroom during class time. This will be treated as an unauthorized absence from class. The school nurse will
properly assist the student and contact parents as necessary. Students are not to use cell phones to call
home when ill. The school nurse will call for the student.
Student injuries are to be reported to the supervising instructor (if the instructor is not aware of the injury).
During the school year there are times that students may need emergency treatment for injuries or other reasons.
To receive medical treatment by a doctor, especially when parents are not readily available, it is very important that
students have an Emergency Release Form. This form must be completed and signed by a parent. These forms
will be distributed the first day of school and should be completed and returned immediately. Please remember
that schools do not carry health insurance for individual students. As a reminder, accurate and up-to-date
telephone numbers and addresses are important for proper school-parent communication and are
required by law.
All prescription or over the counter drugs needed by the student for medical reasons must be taken to the
clinic accompanied with a note by a physician.
Medications can be administered only by the school nurse or other
appointed clinic personnel. Students who need to take medication at school
MUST have written permission from a parent stating the name of the
medication, the proper dosage, instructions for administration, and
specifications as to the duration of the treatment. The medication must be
in the original prescription container labeled with the student's name and
the name of the prescribing physician. If medication is not properly marked,
it will not be administered at school. Unauthorized possession or use by
students of non-prescription drugs or other medication is prohibited.
There is an expectation that parents/guardians of students known to have a need for
epinephrine (EpiPen®) availability should provide the school with student specific medical orders,
an individualized healthcare plan, and their own supply of epinephrine promptly at the start
of the school year or upon transfer to the school.
It is critical that parent(s)/guardian(s) notify school administrators or nurse if the student is limited
or restricted to specific physical activity to ensure that the proper notifications and plans are
implemented for the student. A doctor’s note is to be provided at the time of notification.
Spike Day is our incentive plan that goes “over and above” the required
school day for students who have good behavior and attendance. It will
take place on a Friday after the end of each nine weeks.(1st, 2nd & 3rd).
Activities may include dances, movies, intramural games and inflatables.
For the 4th nine weeks, the activity will be Field Day held on the last week
of school. Students coming to school on a regular basis, being prepared
and ready to learn with good behavior will be eligible to participate in Spike
Day each nine weeks.
Students MAY NOT have one of the following (each nine weeks) in order to participate in the incentive
One discipline referral
Out of School or Alternative Suspension
3 or more RC’s (Restricted Classroom)
9 “Bulldog” bites
Poor School Standing or Academic Poor School Standing
4 or more absences per nine weeks
o absences include excused w/out doctor’s note (AE) and/or unexcused (AU)
Attendance policy for LMS’ Spike Day
Student A:
Student B:
Student C:
Student D:
Student E:
3 AU & 1 AE: Ineligible
3 AE & 1 AU: Ineligible
4 AE Ineligible
4 AN Eligible
2 AN & 2 AU: Eligible
AU: Absence Unexcused
AE: Absence Excused
AN: Absence with medical note
This reward system is a method of recognizing kids for "being good". Staff will be given "milkbones"
and can award a student at any time. Suggestions for giving our tickets were random acts of kindness,
assisting teachers or other students, etc. Students can redeem the “milkbone” tickets for a number of
prizes; including:
Small school supplies
Free pass to LMS Dances
Homework pass
Free computer time (at teacher's discretion)
Ticket prices and prizes are subject to change.
Students should take their tickets to the school store for exchange for prizes. Students are responsible
for their tickets. Tickets cannot be turned in without a staff member’s signature. Blank lines on
the tickets will make the ticket non-transferable.
Students must redeem their milkbones TWO WEEKS BEFORE school is out.
Students and parents must sign an Internet Use Agreement & Permission form to allow Internet use.
Computer labs may be used when a teacher is present. Students must adhere to the posted regulations.
Any violators of the PCPS Internet Acceptable Use Policy, or of State/Federal laws, and/or classroom
or school district rules, are subject to loss of computer
privilege, and disciplinary action as well as possible
criminal prosecution. Specifically, instant messaging,
use of chat rooms, and other downloads are
 Parents be vigilant of your child’s username &
 TALK TO YOUR CHILDREN. If they did or
someone else did something inappropriate on
their electronic device, tell them that you will
support them and help them.
 Any suspicious activity… DO NOT DELETE.
Report it immediately to Law Enforcement
 http://www.netsmartz.org/InternetSafety
The Luray Middle School Library is open Monday - Friday from 8:15 a.m. to 3:15
p.m. Students are encouraged to use the library and may visit the library for
research or reading of books, newspapers, and magazines.
In addition, students can use the library to complete class assignments.
Students may visit the library from individual classes in groups of five (5)
or less (with teacher approval). Entire class visits/uses the library, students are to be accompanied
by their teacher.
All materials in the regular library collection may be checked out for a period of two (2) weeks and
may be renewed for an additional two (2) week period on or before the due date. A fee equivalent
to the current replacement cost will be charged for all lost library materials. If payment is not received
and/or item not returned, the student will be placed on Poor School Standing until the fee is
paid or the item is received. Any student abusing library privileges will have their privileges
Luray Middle School students are eligible to obtain a locker for school use. This includes the gym
locker rooms. Locker assignments are not to be traded or switched without notification
to their Advisory or PE teacher . The locker is for student use, but the student is expected to
properly maintain and care for the locker they are assigned. It is strongly recommended that
students DO NOT allow others to share their assigned locker or lock. Students may choose to
have a school issued lock on his/her locker by notifying their Advisory or PE teacher. Nonschool locks may be cut and removed. It is the student's responsibility to keep a lock on his/her
locker. The school cannot be held responsible for lost or stolen items if a lock is not placed
properly on their locker. Students are responsible for turning in their s c hool a nd P E lock at
the end of the year. If the s c h o o l a n d / o r lock is not turned in and/or lost, the student must
pay a replacement lock fee. Replacement locks are $5.00 each.
Lockers are not to be decorated. Stickers are forbidden and no writing or marks are to be placed on the locker.
LMS personnel will periodically inspect lockers. Students defacing lockers will be asked to clean the lockers or a fine
will be assessed. State law requires that school officials be able to unlock all areas of the building. LMS
administration reserves the right to open lockers at any time deemed necessary.
Luray Middle School offers students who excel academically an opportunity to apply as a
member of the National Junior Honor Society. The NJHS is a nationally recognized
organization established to honor and nurture students who seek to achieve the highest
levels of “scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship, and character” (www.njhs.us).
Luray Middle School adheres to the constitutional requirements outlined by NJHS with
additional by-laws created by our Faculty Advisory Committee for eligibility, membership,
rules and procedures, and daily operation. A non-voting faculty member acts as a sponsor
to assist and monitor NJHS members’ progress, implement service projects, plan field
trips, and archive information, photographs, and data to build a viable local charter. Nonvoting administrators act as advocates for the charter and assist in suitable funding and
resources to help strengthen the charter. The constitution and by-laws can be found on the school’s
website at http://eclipse.pagecounty.k12.va.us/lms/index.htm
A minimum 3.75 grade point average (GPA) is required for students to apply and that does not guarantee
membership. A variety of factors help the Faculty Advisory Committee decide eligibility and membership
determined with the assistance of a matrix and point system. Those factors include GPA, SOL scores,
attendance, teacher recommendations, behavior, and a completed application with an essay. The
eligibility process is confidential.
Once a member, students are expected to maintain certain high standards of scholarship, service, and
behavior or jeopardize losing their membership. NJHS members are role models and examples of what
LMS envisions as the best and the brightest. They are charged with the challenge of creating a better
Luray Middle School and NJHS charter.
A Parent-Teacher Association is a multi-facet liaison between the school
and the home. One part of this liaison function is the dispersal of
information: information about current local educational concerns; about
state and national PTA legislative programs; about changes in the
instructional program or staff; about extra services offered to students; and
a variety of other things. PTA involvement might take the form of volunteer
tutoring, serving on a PTA program committee, or on a school
advisory committee. The PTA is a cooperative effort intended to create
and maintain the optimum learning environment for children. You may contact Cathleen Grady
(librarian) at LMS for more information. A PTA form is attached in the handbook for your convenience.
Yearly Dues are $5.00 per membership.
Effective communication between parents and teachers always benefits the student. Conferences with
each child’s teacher are encouraged. A conference should be set up in advance so that a mutually
agreeable time can be arranged. Teachers have assigned morning duties and the responsibility of
monitoring their class between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. They have been directed not to neglect these
responsibilities for lengthy, impromptu conferences. Your help and understanding in this matter will be
appreciated. If you would like a conference with a teacher, a note to the teacher will be promptly
answered with a conference time that is suitable for both and will allow the teacher and parent to
focus on the child’s progress. County-wide scheduled Parent-Teacher Conference Days have been
set for the school year and are found on the PCPS website’s School Calendar tab.
Students who do not dress out are to be with the class in the
designated and assigned area noted by the teacher. If alternative
assignments are provided, the student is to be in the area assigned
by the teacher. Failure to follow these expectations is a disciplinary
-A second non-dress day will result in the teacher notifying the student
and the student's parent.
-A third non-dress day will result in the student getting a discipline referral.
Students who do not participate in PE class, without reason, are exhibiting unacceptable behavior. It is the
student's responsibility to have his/her clothes each day.
Students must dress out in all Physical Education classes. Students desiring to wear a change of clothing
must get approval for the PE clothing from the PE teacher prior to the beginning of class.
Gym Regulations
1. Street shoes are NOT to be worn on the gym floor. Dress code requirements apply during PE time as
2. Food or drinks are NOT to be in the gym area.
3. The gym doors are not to be used as a student entrance to the main building in the morning.
4. Likewise, the gym doors are not to be used to exit the building by students at the end of the
5. school day.
6. Unless otherwise instructed, non-participating students are to remain
outside the gym during scheduled athletic practices.
7. No student is to be in the gym, gym lobby, or locker room areas
without teacher supervision and knowledge. Students are not to eat lunch in
the gym area.
8. Students not participating in a gym class should sit where instructed by
their teacher. Under no circumstances should a student climb on bleachers.
If sitting on the bleachers, the student must be on the first row unless
specifically instructed otherwise by the teacher.
9. Students in street shoes in the gym for activities (games, pep rallies, etc.)
should avoid walking on the center floor.
10. Students are not to be in the gym lobby during class time.
11. If there is an on-going medical condition that limits the participation in physical activities, the
student must bring a medical note to the nurse. The nurse will inform the PE teacher.
All Luray Middle School students are expected to remain in “Good Standing” throughout the entire
school year. Participation in school activities is permitted only if a student is in good standing.
adhere to the Page County Public Schools Code of Student Conduct.
adhere to the Page County Public Schools attendance and tardiness policies.
turned in ALL required PCPS & LMS forms
are not on the Luray Middle School fines’ list.
are not presently serving detention time.
are not suspended from school.
 are not “on notice” by the School Administration.
 are making adequate academic progress in all classes.
Students who experience problems following the reasonable expectations in the Code of Student
Conduct and the Student Handbook may be placed on Poor School Standing. Excessive absences
or tardiness, excessive academic failures or repeated failure to show adequate academic
progress, failure to attend required SOL Remediation, failure to pay fines or required fees, failure
to turn in required school forms or repeated refusal to follow directives of teachers, staff, or
administrators can lead to a student being placed on Poor School Standing.
A student remains in Poor School Standing until a review by Administration indicates appropriate conduct
in line with school requirements and expectations. This time-frame could be anywhere from three to six
weeks depending on the severity of the infraction.
A student who is in Poor School Standing may not participate in any school activities outside of
the normal academic classes; nor are they allowed to attend any assemblies, clubs, dances,
or sporting events regardless of the location. The goal is for students placed on PSS to be
motivated to get back on the right track at school.
Students that are suspended Out of School (OSS) are automatically on POOR SCHOOL
STANDING during the time they are suspended and remain on PSS depending on the severity
of the infraction.
At Luray Middle School, we expect students to progress academically throughout the school year. This
includes, but is not limited to, completing all assignments and maintaining grades. Administration will
have a conference with the student before be placed on APSS to give the student the opportunity to turn
in assignments and bring up their grades. After the conference and there is not any progress,
students will be placed on APSS for the following academic concerns (letter will be mailed to
Failing one or more academic subjects
Two or more “D’s” in academic classes (64% or below)
Refusal to complete assignments-after been given the opportunity to make up the work by your teachers.
"Poor/Academic Poor School Standing" will result in:
Suspension of privileges to go on field trips and attend assemblies
Suspension of participation in all extra-curricular activities
Student may not attend, as a spectator, any extra-curricular activities
REMEDIATION AT LMS PCPS Middle School Program of Studies
One of our jobs at Luray Middle School is to prepare our students
academically. There are times that a student may have gaps in their
education due to various reasons. Core Plus at Luray Middle School
allows students to receive additional instructional support and remedial
instruction without pulling them out of core academic classes. Any
student that does not pass the English and/or Math SOL will be
enrolled in Core Plus. Throughout the school year, students may be
enrolled in Core Plus if they are not making adequate academic
progress. Teachers will monitor the student’s progress on a nine
weeks basis. The grade level team and administration will determine
if there has been adequate academic progress for the student and
give the student the opportunity to enroll in their choice of a grade
level elective.
There are male and female student restrooms on each floor of the main building. There is also a restroom in each
locker room. Restrooms on the first floor will be open and available to students any time after 8:12
am. The restrooms on the second and third floor are only available during the school day. Restrooms
in the gym/locker room areas are available for students having classes in those areas and for team
members during and after practice time. Students are expected to maintain proper etiquette when
using the restroom. (throwing trash away, flushing, etc.)
REMOVAL FROM CLASS PCPS Student Code of Conduct & Attendance: Policy 13.0
Teachers shall have the initial authority to remove students from class for disruptive behavior. Disruptive behavior
is defined as a violation of school board regulations governing student conduct that interrupts or obstructs the
learning environment.
Prior to the removal of a student from class under this policy, the following criteria must be met:
The student’s behavior is disruptive as defined above.
Removal of the student from the class is necessary to restore a learning environment free from
interruptions and obstructions caused by the student’s behavior.
Teacher and/or administrative interventions have been attempted and failed to end the student’s
disruptive behavior.
Notice of the student’s disruptive behavior and the opportunity to meet with the teacher and/or school
administrators will be provided to the student and student’s parents as described below.
When all of the above criteria have been satisfied, teacher removal of a student from class shall be deemed
The Administrator shall determine the appropriate placement of the student. The administrator has several options
regarding the placement of a removed student including, but not limited to
 Assigning the student to an alternative program.
 Assigning the student to another class.
 Sending the student to the Principal’s office or study hall. If the Principal chooses this option, the teacher
shall provide and evaluate appropriate make-up work for the student.
 Suspending or expelling the student. If the Principal chooses this option, alternative instruction and
assignment, if any, shall be provided according to School Board policy and, in the case of students with
disabilities, in accordance with federal law.
 Returning the student to class (see procedures below).
In addition, based on available space, a student may be administratively assigned to an alternative education program
either at the request of the parent and with the consent of the division superintendent or designee or by the division
superintendent or designee after written notice to the student and his parent. Such notice of the opportunity for the
student and/or his parent to participate in a hearing conducted by the division superintendent or his/her designee
regarding such placement shall be issued and the assignment shall be final unless altered by the school board, upon
timely written petition, in accordance with regulations of the school board, by the student or his parent, for a review
of the record by the school board.
Below is a schedule for a typical 6th grade student:
Day A
Day B
Block 1
Language Arts
Language Arts
Block 2
US History I*
semester block, every day
semester block, every day
Block 3
Math 6
Math 6
Block 4
PE/Health* and Elective*
2nd Elective*/Exploratory
All year long-every other day
*Exploratory is required for ALL 6th grade students
Below is a schedule for a typical 7th grade student:
Day A
Day B
Block 1
PE/Health* and Elective*
2 Elective/3rd Elective
Block 2
Language Arts
Language Arts
Block 3
Math 7
Math 7
Block 4
US History II*
semester block, every day
semester block, every day
All year long-every other day
Below is a schedule for a typical 8th grade student:
Day A
Day B
Block 1
Language Arts
Language Arts
Block 2
PE/Health* and Elective*
2 Elective/3rd Elective
Block 3
Math 8
Math 8
Block 4
Civics & Economics*
semester block, every day
semester block, every day
All year long-every other day
Luray Middle School offers a variety of classes. With serious effort from students, parents, teachers, and the
school counselor, courses and electives selected will be the correct ones and any alternatives selected will also be
valid options if substitutions need to be made. Once the master schedule is in place, it will be very difficult to make
changes without negatively impacting other students and teachers. Therefore, course changes will not be made
unless one of the following criteria is evident:
Failure or failure to attain a prescribed grade in a prerequisite course
A teacher initiates a change for the benefit of the student
An emergency situation exists which requires a change to be made
Once the school year starts, schedule changes may not be initiated by the student. If a teacher determines that a
student is inappropriately placed in a course and the student has met all the expectations (i.e., seeking extra help,
completing all assignments and makeup work), the teacher will contact the student’s parents and school counselor.
If the proposed schedule change is determined to be warranted, a change of schedule form will be completed
by the teacher, counselor, and parents, and submitted to administration for approval.
Note: Due to class size, some classes may not be available. Teacher requests will not be
honored. (Changes to schedule will only be available the first week of school)
In the event of severely inclement weather or mechanical breakdown, Page County Schools may be delayed, closed or dismissed
early. School closing, delayed starting times, or early dismissals will be announced over radio stations, WHSV (Channel 3),
Page County Public Schools Facebook page, and http://eclipse.pagecounty.k12.va.us. If there is no announcement, assume
school will be open. Please make family plans for inclement weather and ensure that your child is aware of where
they are to go in case of a weather emergency.
Mission Statement: The purpose of this plan is to provide a safe and
secure environment for students and staff members to conduct their normal
business and routine. It is understood that Luray is a small, rural
neighborhood school, but it is still necessary that everyone be aware and
vigilant in regard to unknown persons in or around the school. Staff
members should feel free to question anyone’s presence at any time.
All visitors to the school must report to the school office through the secure vestibule entrance.
Visitors, volunteers, etc. must sign in and out using the computerized visitor’s log and wear a
visitor’s tag to assist building personnel in maintaining security.
Any unknown or unauthorized persons in the building or on the grounds must be immediately
reported to an administrator by the observing staff member. Staff members are instructed to question
anyone who is not properly identified.
5. Students should report to their teacher any suspicious person(s) that are on school grounds.
6. Parents who pick up their children must sign them out in the office.
7. All entrances, except the vestibule door entrance to the school, are kept locked during school hours.
The School office telephones are business telephones. Students will not be permitted to leave class to
use the office phone. These phones are not to be used during or between classes. Students
will not be permitted to leave class to use the office telephone. In addition, it is imperative that
deadlines for forms and funds be followed. The office phone will not be used by students to
call home to bring these items to school.
Parents should call the school to report student absences, contact teachers, administrators, and
guidance personnel. We ask that calls to deliver messages to students occur only if there is an unusual
situation. Messages and deliveries to students from home should be left in the main office. These
messages will be given to students at the end of the school day. Students are only called out of class for
messages in emergency situations.
Page County Schools issue textbooks to students without a rental fee. Students
are, however, expected to care for the books and not to lose the books. Teachers note
the condition and age of the textbooks when issued. A number identifies each book
issued and the student must turn in the book issued to his/her teacher. Lost, stolen, or
damaged books are the responsibility of the student who was issued the book
and the student/parent will be held financially responsible. The cost of lost books will
be the replacement cost of the text. Repairable damaged books will be assessed a fine
to cover repair. Failure to pay replacement fees or fines will result in the student
being placed on Poor School Standing until the fees or fines are paid.
TOBACCO PRODUCTS PCPS Student Code of Conduct & Attendance: Policy 15.0
The use and/or possession of tobacco products or electronic and/or vapor cigarettes
by all students on school premises are prohibited. Penalties for the use and
possession of tobacco or electronic and/or vapor cigarettes products are as follows:
 First Offense – ISS, parent contact, and poor school standing
(PSS) while in in-school suspension.
 Second Offense – 3 days in the Alternative Suspension Center
and 3 days of PSS
 Subsequent Offense – 5 days in the Alternative Suspension
Center and 10 days of PSS.
If under 18 years of age, the student will be referred to the School Resource Officer and/or
the Page County Juvenile Intake/Probation Officer.
VANDALISM PCPS Student Code of Conduct & Attendance: Policy 17.0
Vandalism is the willful marring, defacing, or destruction of property held in trust by the Page County
School Board, or any of the Board’s employees. This applies to the buildings, both exteriors and interiors,
books, school buses, private automobiles, school grounds, and property. VANDALISM WILL NOT BE
TOLERATED. When any student injures, destroys, or defaces any school property, the student and/or
his/her parent or guardian will be required to pay the cost plus related damages costs of the property
destroyed or damaged. In addition, the student will be subject to whatever disciplinary action is deemed
necessary and appropriate by the principal. Any type of vandalism will be reported to the proper law
enforcement agency. In addition, vandalism of the property of any school board employee may,
depending on the specific circumstances of the incident(s), be considered a school discipline
issue and result in school discipline being initiated by school administration.
The Vision of Luray Middle School is ...
* To serve as a bridge between childhood and young adulthood.
* To facilitate student ownership of learning and goal setting.
* To provide students opportunities for future success as
productive members of their communities.
Parent Name
Student Name
Mailing Address
E-mail Address
Phone Number
How would you like to help the Luray Middle School PTA? (Please check all that apply.)
Chaperone after school activities
Donate refreshments for activities
Membership drive
Provide assistance during school hours with PTA /classroom projects
Contact local businesses for donations
Dues ($5.00 per member) Paid
or Check #
Period 1
Period 1
Period 1
Class change
Class change
Class change
Period 2
Period 3
Period 2
Period 2
Period 3
Class change
Period 3
Class change
Period 4
Period 5
Class change
Period 4
Class change
Period 6
Period 7
11:29-11:55 * 6th grade lunch
7th grade class change
Period 4
Period 5
10:30-10:57 * 7th grade lunch
Class change
Period 6
Period 7
8th grade class change
Period 5
Class change
Period 6
11:00-11:26 * 8th grade lunch
Period 7
Class change
Period 8
Class change
Class change
Period 8
Period 9
Period 8
Period 9
6th grade class change
Period 9
*Core Teachers will need to eat lunch
with their students on these days
2 hour
2 hour
2 hour
Period 1
Period 1
Period 1
Class change
Class change
Class change
Period 2
Period 3
Period 2
Period 2
Period 3
Class change
Period 3
Class change
Class change
Period 4
Period 4
6th grade lunch
7th grade class change
Class change
Period 5
Class change
Class change
Class change
Period 6
Period 7
Period 6
Period 7
Period 6
Period 7
Class change
Class change
Class change
Period 8
Period 8
Period 9
Period 8
Period 9
6th grade class change
7th grade lunch
Period 4
Period 5
8th grade class change
Period 5
8th grade lunch
Period 9
*Core Teachers will eat lunch
with their students on these days
Commitment, Dedication and Passion are some key components in making a school
community successful. We ask for a few things from both the student involved and their
parents. It takes the resources of ALL those involved to become successful. We ask the
following things from our students and their parents.
_, understand the student/parent handbook about the commitment
that I will make to the Luray Middle School. I commit to putting forth 100% effort in my endeavors to
contribute to the success of the whole school community.
Student Signature
As the p a r e n t /guardian o f
_, I realize the importance of
assisting in my child’s experience with Luray Middle School. I will help my child in his/her commitment to the
school by having them to and from school on time and to help them keep their academic requirements in focus.
Furthermore, I understand that my child’s participation, attitude and attendance at school at required are
essential factors in maintaining a successful and positive academic career.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian E-mail
Please check one
I DO have access to the internet.
I DO NOT have access to the internet.
Please check one
I WOULD like a hard copy of the Student/Parent Handbook.
I WOULD NOT like a hard copy of the Student/Parent Handbook.
We thank you in advance for your willingness to help participate in
what we hope will be a great experience for your child.