THIS WEEK AT SJN... - Saint John Neumann Catholic Community
THIS WEEK AT SJN... - Saint John Neumann Catholic Community
ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH RESTON, VIRGINIA FEBRUARY 2, 2014 PARISH STAFF (NOTE: Please use the 703 area code for all numbers.) CLERGY Pastor: Rev. Thomas E. Murphy, OSFS 860-8510 x143 Parochial Vicar: Rev. Donald J. Heet, OSFS Rev. Robert A. Mancini, OSFS 860-8510 x157 860-8510 x145 In Residence: Rev. William N. Dougherty, OSFS 860-8510 x144 Permanent Deacons: Deacon Dennis A. Holley Deacon John A. Wagner 860-8510 x222 860-8510 x321 ADMINISTRATION Administrative Assist. Office Secretary Office Secretary Hispanic Coordinator Bulletin Editor Accountant Parish Nurse Facilities Manager Custodian Custodian Sandra McCarthy 860-8510 x159 Beth Farmer 860-8510 x511 Maria Tumolo 860-8510 x140 Celia Sandoval 860-8510 x353 Ludy Rauber 390-2353 Email:* Pat Rau 860-8510 x142 Susan Infeld, RN 390-2349 Email: Mark Gosselin 860-8510 x343 Sylvia Payne 860-8510 x307 Douglas Alvarado LITURGICAL MINISTRY Director of Music C J Capen Coordinator of Liturgy Patty Bartnick Secretary Pat Gilbertson 390-2352 860-6151 860-6150 FAITH FORMATION Director Pre K-8 Youth Minister 9-12 Secretary Secretary Mary B. Lyons Laurie Hertneky Doug Johnson Silvia Bustamante Patty Kwapniewski 860-2815 390-2340 390-2345 860-6141 390-2348 860-6147 OUTREACH Director of Outreach Young Adult Ministry Sue Colyer 860-6149 Jordan Gorzalski 860-8510 x171 COUNCIL CHAIRS Pastoral Council Finance Council Jackie Garcia 860-8510 x312 Email: Patricia Maloney 860-6310 Email: PASTORAL CARE INFANT BAPTISM: Call to register for the Baptism Class, offered monthly. English 703-860-8510; Spanish 703-860-8510, x353. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA): Please call Mary Lyons, 703-390-2340, to inquire about becoming Catholic. MARRIAGE: Begin preparation with one or our parish priests at least six months before the desired marriage date. SICK: Please call the office if you know of someone who is hospitalized, seriously ill, or home-bound. *Please Note: Material for the bulletin must be submitted no later than Thursday, ten days prior to the intended publication date. THIS WEEK AT SJN... SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2 RE Classes “Souper Bowl” Collection After Mass Pancake Breakfast: 8:30; Auditorium ARE Adults: 8:30; Auditorium RCIA Dismissal: 10:00am; Conference Room Youth Catechumenate: 10:00am; Youth Room, First Eucharist Parent Meeting: 1:00pm; Chapel Shawl Ministry: 2:00pm; Conference Room Spanish Prayer Group: 2:30pm; B1 Young Adults Saints Study: 4:00pm; Conference Room MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 RE Classes The Power Of Story: 7:00pm; de Sales Chapel Welcome Home!; 7:00pm; Conference Room TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 RE Classes French Conversation: 9:30am; A2 Knights of Columbus: 7:30pm; Auditorium Legion of Mary: 7:30pm; B2 Pastoral Council: 7:30pm; Conference Room RCIA Catechumenate: 7:30pm; A1, A2 RCIA Inquiry: 7:30pm; Bridal Room WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 RE Classes Angel Choir: 5:00pm; Music Room Children’s Choir: 5:30pm; Music Room Confirmation Information Meeting: 7:00pm; de Sales Chapel JustFaith: 7:00pm; A1/A2 Legión de María: 7:00pm; B4 Liturgy Committee: 7:00pm; Conference Room THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 Healing Hearts: 7:00pm; Bridal Room Life After Sunday: 7:00pm; B1 Zumba 101 For Divine Love Chapel at Niño Jesús: 7:00pm; Auditorium FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Mothers’ Group Play Group: 9:30am; Early Religious Room Mothers’ Group Valentine Party: 10:30am; Auditorium Zumba For Divine Love Chapel at Niño Jesús: 6:00pm; B6 Movie Night For Adults: 6:30pm; Auditorium Spanish Young Adults: 6:30pm; B5 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Prayer Vigil For Peace: 4:00pm; de Sales Chapel Spanish Prayer Group: 6:00pm; de Sales Chapel SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9 RE Classes Sunday Coffee: 8:30am; Auditorium RCIA Dismissal: 10:00am; Conference Room Youth Catechumenate: 10:00am; Youth Room, First Eucharist Parent Meeting: 1:00pm; de Sales Chapel Blood Pressure Screening: 2:30pm; Auditorium Spanish Prayer Group: 2:30pm; B1 Young Adults Saints Study: 4:00pm; Conference Room High School Teens: 6:15pm; Auditorium THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD DEAR PARISHIONERS: Many kudos to so many people who pitched in to help during our Hypothermia Prevention Shelter week - a week which was very challenging because of the extreme weather. Our guests stayed all day one day and arrived earlier than expected on other days because of the frigid weather conditions, but true to the spirit of things, our parishioners came through and we were able to accommodate changes in the schedule. Thank you to all for this tremendous effort. Because of the difficult weather conditions, I am sure we all realize how very important this effort is. This weekend is designated as World Day for Consecrated Life. It gives us time to recognize the efforts of religious communities to preach the Gospel through their various ministries and the charism of their specific community. I am sure that most of us have encountered a religious sister, brother or priest who has had a significant positive impact on our lives. I encourage you to pray for the religious whose lives have touched yours and to pray for others to heed this call since so many religious congregations are suffering from a lack of new vocations. The Gospel tells us to Pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers for His harvest. I encourage you to pray for this and even to suggest to someone you know that they should consider this as an option for them and their life choice. Next Saturday the American Bishops have asked us to pray for survivors and victims of human trafficking. It is the feast of St Josephine Bakhita, who was kidnapped as a child and sold into slavery in Sudan and Italy. Once freed she dedicated her life to sharing her story and comforting the poor and the suffering. This is a significant issue in the world and is far more problematic than most of us think. It is even a major problem in our own area. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has asked all of us to pray for the emotional, physical and spiritual healing of these victims of trafficking. For more information on what the Bishops’ Conference is doing in this area, please visit their web site at Hopefully the groundhog is predicting an end to winter and the early start of Spring. We all need it after this recent cold spell. God bless, Father Tom HEARING IMPAIRED? Amplification devices are available for anyone having difficulty hearing the Mass. If you would like to use one, just ask an usher before Mass. Also, the parish has purchased large-print Sunday Missals to help you worship. If you would like one for your personal use contact Sue Colyer at or 703-860-6149. MORE FROM FATHER TOM Diocesan Newpaper The weekly diocesan newspaper, “The Arlington Catholic Herald” is a source of information concerning events of the world, the nation and our own diocese. Randomly the diocese selects 40% of our registered parishioners to receive this newspaper; we have no input as to how this occurs. If you are not receiving the newspaper but would like to, or if you are receiving the newspaper and don’t want to, please let us know and we will see what we can do. These subscriptions cost the parish $22 each. If you are receiving the paper and enjoy it, perhaps you can help offset this cost by participating in this weekend’s collection to cover this expense. Thank you for your consideration. Bishop’s Lenten Appeal Soon you will be sent information concerning this year’s annual appeal for various and sundry ministries of the Diocese. As I have pointed out frequently in the past, these funds enable many good works to take place that are impossible without the resources the diocese has, and that single parishes, like ours, are unable to do on their own. I would ask as we prepare for this that you carefully consider to what degree you are able to participate in this worthy cause. Some of the directives of the diocese in regard to this drive seem contradictory. I would ask all of you not to respond directly to the diocese, but to bring your commitment envelope and any contributions to the parish and we will submit them all at once on the weekend of March 1st 2nd. The directives ask you to send your donation in and then ask us to collect the envelopes on that specific weekend. I believe this leads to some confusion. I also ask you to be sure that the pledge card designates you as a parishioner of Saint John Neumann, or else your contribution is credited to another parish. If our parishioners are supporting the appeal, we should get the credit. Thank you for your kind and generous support of this important yearly collection. Prayer and Liturgy PLEASE PRAY for those who have asked for our prayers: Larry Clandorf; Edna Lutz; Nancy Maiello; Ramona Petak; Michael Whelpley; and for all who are sick. When you call to add a name to our prayer list, please leave your name and number as a contact and let us know what the illness is. Before calling, please be sure you have spoken to the person or a member of the family about adding their name—we do not want to inadvertently disregard someone's desire for privacy. Names of those who are sick or injured will be kept on the list for three weeks unless you specifically request a shorter period of time or call to ask that the name be removed. Boldface type is used for names that are new to the list this week. ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH RESTON, VIRGINIA FEBRUARY 2, 2014 WE PRAY SATURDAY 5:00pm SUNDAY 7:30am 9:30am 11:30am 1:30pm 5:00pm MONDAY 9:00am 12:10pm TUESDAY 6:30am 9:00am WEDNESDAY 9:00am 12:10pm THURSDAY 6:30am 9:00am FRIDAY 9:00am 12:10pm SATURDAY 5:00pm SUNDAY 7:30am 9:30am 11:30am 1:30pm 5:00pm FEBRUARY 1 Dorothy Shay † FEBRUARY 2 Marie McCarthy † Sharon Garland † Luciano Scala † People of the Parish Mark Bowns Szymanski † FEBRUARY 3 Zachary Ruth Kathleen Tomsyck FEBRUARY 4 Maria Cha † Ted Diange † FEBRUARY 5 Marie Favorini † Salvatore Palma † FEBRUARY 6 Kathryn Baldwin † Susan Mary Stott † FEBRUARY 7 Maria De Jesus † Peter J. Buzzanell † FEBRUARY 8 John Duffy † FEBRUARY 9 Mr. and Mrs. William Gillespie †† Emiliana Ramos † Barbara Dister † People of the Parish Melanie Herold † WE WELCOME those who have recently entered into our faith through the waters of Baptism: Bradley Christopher Clarke, son of Chris and Amy; and Malcolm Frederick Ravas, son of Matthew and Nicole. UPCOMING SPECIAL LITURGIES Sunday, February 2nd Sunday, February 9th 9:30am 11:30am RCIA Rite of Welcome Baptism for those who have died, especially Sally Buchanan; John Donohue, husband of Karen and father of Eleanor and Thomas; Reverend John J. Muzdakis, OSFS; and Ronnie Straw, husband of Marie. VIDEO MASS FOR THE HOMEBOUND To enable the shut-in members of our parish to remain connected with our worshipping community, we are going to post a video of the weekly Sunday 9:30am Mass on YouTube, beginning this week. The video should be available on the following Monday afternoons, and can be accessed through the St. John Neumann web page, under the Liturgy and Worship menu. Obviously, this initiative is intended to assist those who are physically unable to attend Mass, and does not satisfy our Sunday obligation to attend and participate in Sunday Mass. NEXT WEEKEND’S READINGS: Next weekend we celebrate The Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time. Please prepare for Mass and the Homily by reflecting on these texts from God’s Word: Isaiah 58:7-10 The Jews who have returned from exile once again think that success will be based on their political restoration and their scrupulous observance of the Law. The prophet reminds them that they will become a light for the nations only when they become a community of justice and sharing. Psalm 112: 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 The Just Man Is a Light in the Darkness to the Upright The psalmist lauds the virtues of the person who fears God. If we want to be a light in the darkness, we must distribute freely, give to the poor. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Paul suffered an astounding defeat in Athens when he had recourse to the wisdom of the world and human eloquence. But before the Corinthians he relies only on the impact of the Easter message: Christ has died and is risen. Matthew 5:13-16 To the small and lowly, Jesus says, “You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.” They are in and for the world. PRAY FOR A PRIEST DAILY We continue our daily prayers for the priests in our diocese by praying for: February 3rd Reverend Nicolas R. Barnes February 4 th Reverend Brendan W. Bartlett February 5 th Reverend Brian G. Bashista th Reverend Michael J. Bazan th 9:30am Baptism February 6 Sunday, February 16th 11:30am RCIA Rite of Reception February 7th Reverend Bryan W. Belli February 8 th Reverend Kevin J. Beres February 9 th Reverend Paul A. Berghout Sunday, February 16 Saturday, February 22nd 5:00pm Baptism THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD THIS SUNDAY’S READINGS: Malachi 3:1-4; Psalm 24:7, 8, 9, 10; Hebrews 2:14-18; Luke 2:22-40 In today’s Gospel we experience Mary and Joseph presenting the infant Jesus, the son of God, in the Temple. St. Francis de Sales notes: The Eastern Rite calls this feast the “Presentation of the Son of God in the Temple,” because on this day Mary and Joseph went up to Jerusalem to present the only Son of God in the Temple of God. On this occasion, we encounter different types of persons found in the Church of God coming together. In the Temple, with Mary and Joseph, we find Simeon and Anna, a prophetess and widow, both good and faithful servants, and Our Lord, who is God and man. On this day the Son of God is offered to His Father. This offering is beautifully represented with lighted candles to remind us of when Mary entered the Temple carrying in her arms her Son, who is Light of the world. Today when Christians carry lighted candles in their hands it is to testify that if it were possible they would carry Our Lord in their arms as did Mary and Simeon. The glorious St. Simeon was very happy to carry the Savior in his arms. We can bear Him on our shoulders if we willingly endure and suffer with a good heart all that it pleases God to send us, however difficult and heavy be the charge and burden that God places upon our shoulder, like some saints. We can carry Our Savior in our arms as St. Simeon and Mary did. We do this when we endure with love the labors and pains He sends us, that is to say, when the love that we bear makes us find God’s yoke easy and pleasing, so that we love these pains and labors, gather sweetness in the midst of bitterness. If we carry Him this way, He will, without doubt, Himself carry us. Oh, how happy we shall be if we allow ourselves to be carried by this dear Lord, and if we carry Him on our shoulders and in our arms, abandoning ourselves entirely to Him and letting Him lead us where He pleases! Leave yourselves, then, in the arms of His Divine Providence, submitting yourselves in what concerns His Law and disposing yourselves to endure all the pains and suffering that may come to you in this life. When you have done this you will find that the hardest and most painful things will be rendered sweet and agreeable to you, and you will share the happiness experienced by St. Simeon and Anna, the prophetess. Try only to imitate them in this life and you will bless the Savior and be blessed by Him in Heaven, together with these glorious saints. In imitating Simeon and Anna, we will be able to see beyond the vicissitudes of our present life and experience the reign of God in our midst. (Adapted from the writings of St. Francis de Sales; Sermons) RCIA RITE OF WELCOME This weekend at the Sunday, 9:30am Mass, we welcome Phil Archey, Steve Saiget and Summer Stanley to the RCIA Catechumenate through the Rite of Welcome. They already share our Christian faith through Baptism and have been attending St. John Neumann with their Catholic spouses. Phil is the husband of Hannah and father of Josephine, Steve is the husband of Antoinette and the father of Tiana and Trent, and Summer is the wife of David and the mother of Liliana. Now they begin their preparation for making a profession of faith in the Catholic Church and for receiving the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. They look forward to learning more about the Catholic Church as they witness the lived faith of our parish community. Each now has a sponsor who will walk with them on this journey - Skip Maiden is sponsoring Phil, Ludy Rauber is sponsoring Steve, and Chris Wise is sponsoring Summer. Let us welcome and pray for Phil, Steve and Summer. MONTHLY PRAYER VIGIL FOR PEACE Please join us next Saturday, February 8th, for our monthly parish Prayer Vigil for Peace, as we continue to respond to the Holy Father’s call to pray for peace in the Middle East and throughout the world. This bilingual service is from 4:00 4:50pm in the de Sales Chapel. For more information, contact Ken Fredgren at, Bob More at, or Atanacio Sandoval at AN UPDATE ON THE ORGAN PIPES Since our last report in November, we have had $35,000 in contributions added to the total! This puts us well on our way to being able to retrofit pipes to our Rodgers Organ, but we still need your help! Our total is now $85,934.76, and we need to reach approximately $155,800. As a community, we are fed each week through worship, and music is of course a substantial part of that “full, active participation” of community worship. The organ is accorded “pride of place” because of its capacity to sustain the singing of a large gathered assembly, and the US Bishops add that the organ “in some way reminds us of the immensity and the magnificence of God” (Sing To The Lord, Music in Divine Worship”, 87; USCCB 2007). If you have contributed, we thank you! If you would like to contribute to the pipe organ fund, checks can be made payable to St. John Neumann Church, with “PIPE ORGAN FUND” in the memo line, or by filling out a pledge form, which can be found at the welcome desk. Don’t forget, the church will match all donations! ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH RESTON, VIRGINIA Parish Information “SOUPER” BOWL COLLECTION Members of our High School Teens ministry will be outside holding soup pots after all Masses this weekend, seeking monetary donations for the “Souper Bowl of Caring.” This annual event serves as a reminder that while many of us will be enjoying the Super Bowl in the warmth and comfort of our homes enjoying our snacks of choice, many in our world do not even have a bowl of soup to eat. All money donated will be used to provide financial aid, meals, clothing and other necessary aid to those in need locally, nationally or globally. We encourage all parishioners to donate as generously as you can to this cause. IT’S TIME FOR THE 5-CAR RAFFLE! St. John Neumann is again participating in the All Saints Church 5-Car Raffle! Prizes include five 2014 vehicles and $20,000 in cash prizes. New parishioners and those who participated the past three years will soon be receiving car raffle tickets by mail to sell. With these great prizes, the tickets will sell themselves! After-Mass weekend ticket sales will begin February 22nd! As in past years, all the earnings go directly to worthy causes. A portion of the money will again be used to help the parishioners of Niño Jesús, our sister parish in Manta, Ecuador. This year we also will contribute to both the Centreville Labor Resource Center and to the parish where Fr. Joe Brennan, OSFS, is now pastor, Christ Our King in inner city Wilmington, DE. SAVE THE DATE We are holding a Newcomers’ Facility Tour on Sunday, February 23rd at 10:30am and 12:30pm. Bring your whole family so everyone can become familiar with our environment. VISITING MINISTRY Are you out-going and interested in helping develop a new St. John Neumann ministry? Some of our parishioners are lonely and would benefit greatly from a friendly visit. Currently, our Eucharistic Ministers visit the homebound briefly on Fridays but we feel there are some parishioners who might be willing to play more of a “companion” role. We don’t anticipate this taking a large amount of time, as most of these parishioners would most likely be happy to receive a weekly phone call and a visit every other week. These visits and calls will certainly make a positive difference in the lives of others. You can arrange your own schedule and training will be provided. For information please contact Jason Meringolo at FEBRUARY 2, 2014 SOCIAL JUSTICE MINISTRY CORNER HYPOTHERMIA PREVENTION SHELTER During the week of January 19th - 26th, St. John Neumann hosted up to 70 homeless guests sponsored by two different non-profit organizations as part of the county’s Hypothermia Prevention Response Program. It was a bitterly cold and snowy week, and some guests were even referred to us from other shelters that were full. We were fortunate to have lots of space. We extended our hours due to the storm, and volunteers jumped into action at the last minute to help. We provided snacks, dinner, breakfast, lunch and a warm place to sleep. Just as important, we offered fellowship and even entertainment. The guests said that St. John Neumann was a warm and welcoming place, and they were grateful to have a place to stay during the day on the coldest days. Last week’s shelter took the work of many, many volunteers. Here is a glimpse of what you at St. John Neumann and our faith partners at St. Thomas à Becket, St. Mark, and Congregation Beth Emeth provided for our guests last week: more than 2000 volunteer hours by hundreds of different volunteers, many of whom stayed overnight with our guests delicious hot dinners prepared by: SJN High School Teens, JustFaith, SJN Young Adult Group, St. Thomas à Becket adults, St. Thomas à Becket Youth Group, Congregation Beth Emeth and the SJN Spanish community hot breakfasts prepared by the Behans and Virginia Kitchen transportation to and from our church hundreds of restaurant gift cards used by our guests and the guests at St. Mary of Sorrows, Embry Rucker, and the Lamb Center. These cards enable our guests to warm up in restaurants 195 homemade casseroles, used this week at our shelter and at the Reston Drop-In Center, or to be used at Embry Rucker Shelter this season donations of warm clothing, handmade blankets, breakfast, lunch, and snack food, supplies, toiletries, and money to purchase these items live music and dance by St. Thomas à Becket’s Bank Street Band and Happy Feet Cloggers Bingo and Dominoes (very popular), clothing repair, and therapy dogs (adorable) foot care by our Health Ministry placemats, decorations, and toiletry bags made by religious education students fellowship, care, and consideration Thanks so much to all those who took part in this effort. Every single donation of time, talent or treasure was noticed and appreciated. Our guests were overwhelmed by your generosity. You have shown that St. John Neumann is truly a place where all are welcome. THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD KAIROS PRISON MINISTRY “For I was hungry and you gave me food . . . in prison and you visited me” (Matthew 25:35-36) Once again, some members of our parish will take part in a retreat for inmates, this time at the Powhatan Correctional Center, a men’s prison near Richmond, beginning March 3rd. Do you have a few hours over the next few weeks to help Bill Eager and Pat Schambach bring Christ to this prison? Though not everyone can visit prisoners in person as the Gospel suggests, there are other concrete ways to live this Gospel message. You can help bring God’s love to these men in a real and visible way, by making posters, baking cookies ahead of time (200 dozen are needed to add to the 3,000 total we need) so that our parishioners can take these with them, and/or praying during the week of March 3 rd - 6th. Families, individuals, RE classes and other SJN ministry groups can help these imprisoned men know they are not forgotten through these small but very powerful good deeds. For more information and specific directions for baking (they have to be done a certain way!), please email or call Bill Eager at (703-8994304), or Pat Schambach at (571-218-9787). All help will be gratefully accepted. Please don’t underestimate how powerful a prayer or a dozen cookies are in the life of an inmate. What you do often is the first sign of God’s love that an inmate has experienced. Everything matters! MOVIE NIGHT FOR ADULTS Please join us 6:30pm on Friday, February 7th for fellowship, wine and cheese rounded out by our February flick! The Butler is a 2013 American historical fiction drama film. Loosely based on the real life of Eugene Allen, an African-American who eyewitnessed notable events of the 20th century during his 34-year tenure serving as a White House butler. HELP WANTED! Are you a seamstress or do you have experience making pillows? Consider volunteering your time to support Mended Hearts Chapter 200 of Northern Virginia. Andrew DeLillio's Troop 1313 Eagle Scout project will be held on Saturday, February 8th, to lead a group of volunteers to make 108 heart-shaped pillows for Mended Hearts. Volunteers can stop by St. John Neumann's Classrooms A1/A2 anytime between 9:15am and 3:30pm to sew, stuff or hand sew the pillow opening. We will wrap up around 4:00pm. We currently have four sewing machines from volunteers and could use two more. Please call Andrew or Pam DeLillio at 703-470-4199 if you have a portable sewing machine you could lend for the day. We have reserved March 1st as a final project completion date or snow date if needed. IMPORTANT TRAFFIC CONCERNS FROM FATHER TOM: The change on Lawyers Road from a four-lane highway to a two-lane highway with a turning lane so as to create bicycle lanes, is a decision that VDOT made without any input from us. We were visited only after the decision had been made and, only after I complained to our local representative in the Virginia House of Representatives. From the beginning I have had and expressed concerns about this arrangement’s safety, specifically around Mass times. With that said, it is what it is and we have to live with it. I recently received an e-mail from a long-time parishioner who lives in the development across from the church and the person shared a scary episode that happened last week, when she went into the turning lane to make a left into the development only to encounter several cars also in the turning lane, preparing to turn left into the church. I encourage all of you to exercise caution as you prepare to turn into the church’s lot so that we do not have a terrible mishap occur that could cause serious injury and damage. I am not sure what the solution is other than to encourage care on the part of parishioners and neighbors. I attempted to point out this possibility to the members of VDOT who visited me but I believe they came at the eleventh hour when everything was already decided. Perhaps parishioners and neighbors could join forces to ask to have the area in front of the church expanded to two lanes for traffic and two lanes for turning; it seems there is enough space to do this. If someone would like to lead this effort, please let me know. Thank you. SCOUT SUNDAY The Boy Scouts of America annually celebrates its founding on February 8, 1910, based on the program started by Lord Baden Powell in England on August 1, 1907. Scout Sunday was added to the Scout celebration in the middle 1940s. Scout Sunday is always the Sunday preceding February 8th, unless the 8th is a Sunday, in which case February 8th would be Scout Sunday. This year the Saturday following February 8th is Scout Sabbath. We hope all of our parishioners who are involved with Boy Scouts will proudly be wearing their uniforms to Mass this Sunday or Saturday February 8th. GROWING IN FAITH TOGETHER (GIFT) The first neighborhood group met last Sunday in Franklin Glen. The GIFT pilot continues this month in Ashburn, Fox Run, Hunters Woods, Polo Fields, Poplar Tree, and Runnymede. After this pilot, volunteer hosts and facilitators from throughout the parish will meet in April to increase the number of our neighborhood groups. If you have questions regarding GIFT, please contact Mary Lyons, ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH RESTON, VIRGINIA Fellowship ONGOING FELLOWSHIP AT SJN: Sunday Coffee Join us for coffee, juice, muffins, and fellowship each Sunday from 8:30—11:30am. All are welcome! 9:00am Daily Mass and Fellowship: Following Mass in the Chapel, join us in the Bridal Room for coffee and cookies. Mothers’ Group: Join us for weekday or evening/ weekend playgroups, nights out, and more. Membership is open to all caregivers of small children. Membership is free, and participation is voluntary in all group activities. The Membership Coordinator is Michelle Bergstresser, who can be reached at or 703-424-1862. Young Adults: If you are in your twenties or thirties and are looking for a community to socialize, do service and pray with, then come join us! For more information, email Jordan Gorzalski at Knights of Columbus: Are you a male, age 18 years or older and a practicing Catholic, and wish to embark on a journey that emphasizes faith, fraternity, and fellowship with a real commitment to service in our community? If so, please consider becoming a member of the K of C Family of Man Council #7566. Take that first step and contact us at Shawl Ministry: On alternate Sunday afternoons we gather to pray, talk, and create beautiful handmade shawls for those who are ill or grieving. Contact Teresa Westhues at 703-969-8430 to join or request a shawl. 50+ CLUB ACTIVITIES: The 50+ Club will start the new year with some very interesting events, for which more information will be provided in later bulletins. For now, you might want to make note of these dates on your calendars. Thursday, February 13th: We will celebrate St. Valentine’s Day together with lunch at Clyde’s Willow Creek Farm in Ashburn. We have filled our forty allotted spots, but are taking names for a waiting list in case any people drop out. Please call Pat Bossie if you would like more information or would like to place your name on the waiting list. Wednesday, February 26th: We will head north to visit the H. P. Rawlings Conservatory and Botanical Gardens of Baltimore. You definitely will not want to miss out on this trip! For more information on upcoming events, call Ed Geiger at 703-620-0659 or Pat Bossie at 703-620-3747. FEBRUARY 2, 2014 Faith Formation Mary B. Lyons, Director 703-390-2340 “WELCOME HOME” FOR RETURNING CATHOLICS Thinking about returning to the practice of the Catholic faith? Do you have questions or concerns about what to do next or whether this is where you belong? WELCOME HOME brochures are in the hallway. All are welcome! Contact Mary Lyons. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Are you feeling at home at St. John Neumann? Interested in becoming a Catholic? Do you have questions? A group of Inquirers meets on Tuesday evenings at the parish. This is an opportunity to share questions and to find out what it means to be Catholic. If you are interested in joining the Inquiry phase of RCIA, contact Mary Lyons. PAUL OF TARSUS - INTRODUCTION TO HIS WORLD, LETTERS, AND THEOLOGY Father Bob Mancini, OSFS will present St. Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles, addressing his background, an introduction to his letters, and his theology. Additionally, the question as to why he is so important to us will be examined. This six-week series is being offered on Wednesday mornings (at 10:00am) and evenings (at 7:00pm) in the auditorium. Mark your calendars for February 12th, 19th, and 26th and March 12th, 19th, and 26th. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY (AGAPE) Doug Johnson 703-860-6141 UPCOMING HIGH SCHOOL TEEN EVENTS Saturday and Sunday, February 1st and 2nd - “Souper” Bowl Collection; after all Masses Sunday, February 2nd - No High School Teen Night Saturday, February 8th - Mini Work Camp: 9:00am 3:00pm; Parking Lot Sunday, February 9th - High School Teen Night: 6:15pm; Auditorium MINI WORK CAMP Calling all teens and adults! Would you like to help those in need, learn some new skills, do hands-on basic home repairs and have fun? If your answer is yes, sign up and join us for the Mini Work Camp next Saturday, February 8th from 9:00am - 3:00pm. No experience is necessary to bring hope by sharing your Christian love with those in need. Contact Phyllis Rienzo at 703-795-0339 or email at for a required permission slip or more information and to let her know you will be joining us! THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD WELCOME HOME! CDR Halle Dunn, USN, who has been working in Harm’s Way, recently returned home. We join with his family and friends in prayers of gratitude for his safe return. Around the Diocese FALL PILGRIMAGE TO SWITZERLAND AND FRANCE Join Father Mike Gallagher on September 2nd13th, visiting Geneva, Annecy, Avignon, Lourdes and Paris. For a full itinerary and registration brochure visit: or call Caroline at 1-800-334-5425. Those who register before March 1st will receive a discount of $200.00. ONE DAY ABORTION RECOVERY RETREAT FOR WOMEN: A Day of Prayer will take place on Saturday, February 22, 2014. This retreat is a safe place to renew and rebuild hearts broken from abortion. It offers a confidential environment where you can begin the process of healing. For more information or to register sent email to: You may also visit the website or call: 888-456-HOPE (4673). PLEASE PRAY ESPECIALLY THIS WEEK FOR Greg Corbett, Civilian; and remember in prayer the other men and women serving in our armed forces and those civilians whose work puts them in harm’s way, including LCpl James C. Ainsworth, USMC; CDR Mary Alamillo, USN; Abraham Avila, USA; LCL Scott Blanchard, USMC; LCpl John Blevins, USMC; LCpl Kevin Giovanni Campos, USMC; LCpl Bryan Chambers, USMC; MSgt Al Davis, USAF; Capt. Scott Della Sala; Daniel Dougherty, Civilian; SGT Patrick Dwyer, USA; CPT Seth Enterline, USA; Sgt. Pete Gillen; Capt Richard Harr, USAF; Sgt. Mike Hobgood; SPC Steven Hood, Va. National Guard; LCpl Justin Kirchmeyer; USA; Col Daniel Lasica, USAF; Michael Losi, USA; Jesse D. McAllister, USMC; LtCol Eric W. Meiers, USAF; LCpl Josh Nelson; Judy Nicholson, Civilian; MAJ Jeffrey P. O’Donnell, USA; Capt Richard Parr, USAF; PFC Pheil, USA; SGT Gabriella "Gabby" Quiroz, USA; Capt Quentin V. J. Rohlfs, USAF, CAPT Michael S. Ruth, USN; SGT Cesar Sepulveda, USA; Kenneth M. Stanley, Civilian; CPL Patrick J. Stockwell, USA; PFC David Valdez, USA; COL Thomas Van Nguyen, USA; MAJ Gregory Vinciguerra, USA; LtCol Henry Voegtle, USAF; and Airman Andrew Wong, USAF. If you wish to include the name of an individual stationed in harm’s way, please call the church office (703-860-8510) or email Names in black boldface are new this week. Please be sure to let us know when they return so we can welcome them home or remove their names from the current list if they already have returned. Weekly Stewardship Second Collection Stewardship COLLECTION FOR THE CHURCH IN LATIN AMERICA Thank you for your generous donation. Your gift will ensure that present and future generations will have the opportunity to deepen and share their faith. Your support helps ensure adequate catechesis and lay leadership programs, along with strong formation for seminarians and religious. Thank you for taking this opportunity to share your faith. DIOCESAN NEWSPAPER This week the second collection is to support the “Arlington Catholic Herald” subscriptions as mentioned in Father Tom’s letter. Please consider donating to help cover the cost of these subscriptions. Thank you. OUR THANKS TO FOX MILL TAE KWON DO FOR SPONSORING AN AD IN OUR WEEKLY BULLETIN WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE: Regular Collections (Weekly, Christmas, and Easter) Budgeted Sunday collection 1/19/14 $ 44,000 E-Gifts (111 Gifts) $ 12,284 Basket Collection (690 Gifts) $ 35,782 Actual Regular Collection 1/19/14 $ 48,066 Over (Under) Budgeted Income $ 4,066 Budgeted Sunday collection 1/26/14 $ E-Gifts (134 Gifts) $ 5,825 Basket Collection (729 Gifts) $ 36,515 Actual Regular Collection 1/26/14 $ Over (Under) Budgeted Income ($ 44,000 42,340 1,660) Fiscal Year-to-Date Collection (7/1/13—Present) Budgeted Operating Income YTD 1/26/14 $ 1,470,000 Actual Regular Collections YTD 1/26/14 $ 1,523,189 Over (Under) Budgeted Income $ 53,189 Thank you for your continued generosity! Parishioners are encouraged to prayerfully consider participating in our convenient e-giving program. There is a simple form to be completed, with options available for automatic weekly, semi-monthly or monthly giving from your checking account. It is a secure time-and-money-saving opportunity!