Bulletin - Old St. Patrick Catholic Church


Bulletin - Old St. Patrick Catholic Church
13 March 2016, Fifth Sunday of Lent • www.stpatricka2.org
and a few other things you
might be interested in...
s I mentioned at Mass last
weekend, I went to Iraq for
a couple weeks at the end
of February. I went at the
request of the Patriarch
of Babylon, as he is called, Louis
Sako. The patriarch is kind of like a
cardinal for us, but with greater
significance due to the special rites
of the Church they govern. Most
Iraqi Christians are Chaldean Rite.
I also met with the archbishop
of Erbil and I stayed at St.
Peter’s Seminary in Ankawa
there. I went in consultation
with our bishop, Bishop Boyea.
The trip had a particular
objective to accomplish.
While I was there, I toured
refugee camps, I met with
priests and religious and did
other work. (It was not a
Erbil is a fairly young city in
Kids rushed up to the fence to practice
Northern Iraq, protected by the
their English (as seen on TV!).
Kurds who are Sunni Muslims
as is Ankawa which is largely a
Christian enclave bordering the city of Erbil.
Not too long ago, this was a booming part
of the country. But now, it is stagnating and is
continued on page 3 inside
Most refugee camps have
some kind of schools.
The classrooms use the
same kind of trailers that
have become the homes of
thousands and thousands
of people. On the right is
Fr. Montes who helps out at
the seminary in Ankawa.
People — the refugees — live in trailers
arranged end to end in long rows.
Tuesday 5:30PM - 6:40PM
Saturday 2:30PM or by appointment; don’t
hesitate to call for an appointment!
Additionally First Saturday of the Month 9:00AM
Weekend Schedule for Holy Mass
Saturday 8:30AM & 4:00PM
Sunday 8:00AM & 10:30AM
Weekday Schedule for Holy Mass
Tues. 7:00PM; Wed, Thurs, Fri, 8:15AM;
M, W, F 6:30AM; Tues. 7:00PM
Thurs. 8:30AM, Sat. 8:30AM
Eucharistic Adoration of Our Lord
Tues. 5:30PM– 6:45PM
First Friday 7:00PM-8:00AM
Baptism Preparation classes as required by the
Diocese of Lansing may be scheduled to accommodate your family’s needs. Contact Dcn. FrankJoseph Papp, 734-426-1070 or email
fjpapp@umich.edu to arrange date, time and
location. Godparents are encouraged to attend. There is no fee for the class.
Arrangements are to be made at least nine
months prior to the wedding.
Funeral arrangements are made by
contacting the parish office.
Parish Registration
Contact the office for a registration form.
Office hours
Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Office: 734-662-8141
Emergency: 734-663-1851
Address: 5671 Whitmore Lake Rd,
Ann Arbor, 48105
Fr. Gerald Gawronski (#24)
Dcn. Frank-Joseph Papp
Administrative Assistant
Debbie Welch (#21) debbie@stpatricka2.org
Director of Religious Education
John Pratt (#30) jpratt@stpatricka2.org
Director of Music
Meghan Pope music@stpatricka2.org
Knights of Columbus Council 10963
Matt Wierzgac, matt.wierzgac@ospknights.com
OSP Ladies Society
Jean Hoeft jean.hoeft@wlps.net
Facilities Manager
Mark Westhoven mwesthven@stpatricka2.org
Altar Server Coordinator
Carol Lizzio clizzio@comcast.net
Weekend of March 6, 2016: $7,070.69
Bulletin announcements must be submitted in
writing to bulletin@stpatricka2.org by Monday at
noon and will be edited at the discretion of the
editor or pastor.
Please patronize our sponsors and tell them
you saw their ad in our bulletin!
SUNDAY, March 13
St. Patrick Celebration Breakfast
8:30am Men’s Lenten Group
9:15am Religious Education
6:30pm Youth Group
TUESDAY, March 15
7pm Men’s Lenten Group
7:30pm Young Adult Group
7pm Penance Service
7pm RCIA
THURSDAY, March 17
7pm Men’s Lenten Group
7pm St. Patrick Reception
7:30pm Choir Rehearsal
FRIDAY, March 18
4:30pm Fish Fry
7pm Stations of the Cross
T. Perrydore
N. Perrydore
J.P. DeJak
J. Hayes
SUNDAY 10:30/MAR 20
C. Carter
G. Carter
B. Eriksen
B. Galbraith
D. Galbraith
“God gives us
some things,
as the beginning of faith,
even when we do not pray.
Other things,
such as perseverance,
he has only provided
for those who pray.”
—St Augustine
Join the Knights
Become a better Catholic,
husband, father, brother and
man by joining the Knights
of Columbus to serve our
Church. Please contact
Grand Knight, Matt
Wierzgac at 734-323-5888
we raised over $700 to help
people with intellectual disabilities. Please consider helping us by signing up at
Feed the Homeless
Saturday, March 19th the
Knights will help feed the
matt.wierzgac@ospknights.com homeless at the Delonis
Center in Ann Arbor. You
Tootsie Roll Drive
don’t have to be a Knight to
Knights of Columbus Council help. Please contact Gene
10963 will be holding their Wierzgac at 734-973-1790
annual "Tootsie Roll" drive
or ejwierzgac@att.net to volSaturday March 19 through unteer.
Sunday March 20. Last year
even going backwards as the whole
country is reeling under the force of
the war going on within its own
borders. I refer to the Islamic State
terrorists who are slaughtering
Christians and Muslims in Iraq and
other places in the region. There
are other terrorist groups working
in Iraq beside the Islamic State
(which some people call ISIS or
ISIL), and these also have persecuted Christians there.
The Catholic Church herself has,
in a very profound sense, become
the refuge for Christians who had
to flee for their lives. I met with
people who lost their homes and
everything else; who escaped death
with only the clothes on their backs
and their loved ones.
The future for these people is
uncertain. They live in a place
where there are no jobs. It is
difficult for many if not most of
these people to find the resources
to relocate.
These are people who struggle to
find hope for their own future.
We must pray for the people of
Iraq. We owe it to pray for people
anywhere who are suffering. We
also have some obligation to use
what we can to help others in some
way. In fact, the Lord is looking for
us to be as generous as he is and we
can do that under the influence of
faith in him which grows in us
when we pray.
Pick up your Bible and check out
that account of the end of time
given in the Gospel of Matthew
chapter 25. This is a mystical
description of the bond of love that
should exist between each person.
It indicates the degree to which the
Incarnation results in God identifying himself with his creatures, especially we, who are made in his
image. It also signals the possibility
of finding God or the way to God
through other people.
Or prayerfully read the First
Letter of St. John. There, we can be
inspired not to love because of the
expectation that the Lord places on
us, but as a response to the love we
have been shown by him.
I saw an article in Inc. magazine
that said using paper and pen (or
pencil) helps internalize information and process it better on a
visceral level. This corresponds
with so much other information
and, quite honestly, what we know
instinctively. I think we ought to be
on the look-out to try to make life
as human as possible wherever
we can.
The physical manipulation of
objects used for learning naturally
would stimulate the deeper absorption of information. That seems to
me to be common sense. Furthermore, I have written here before
about how digital reading devices
are not as good as books. This is
proven by numerous studies (over
decades!) that show books offer
better retention and comprehension. Reading is a complex process
research shows that
working on a computer,
as opposed to paper,
saps concentration
and willpower
and part of what happens in the use
of a book is that the brain
constructs a mental map of the
concepts in accord with the
physical “consumption” of the book
(where things are on a page, how
far along in the book things are,
The Inc. article says according to
research, the brain reacts better
when you use paper and not a
computer. Studies show that
students' performance on tests
improves when they take notes on
paper instead of laptops, and kids
who learn to write by hand are
better at recognizing letters than
those who learn to write by typing.
Other research shows that working on a computer, as opposed to
paper, saps concentration and
willpower. Cal Newport, an author
and professor at Georgetown
University, argues in his new
book, Deep Work, that achieving
ultra-focus on a single task is a key
to boosting productivity, and he's
convinced that working on paper is
a great way to do that.
I want to mention an article I saw
by Peter Wehner in the New York
Times on March 1st. (I would have
liked to have written about this last
week but had no opportunity.) Mr.
Wehner wrote about Donald
Trump in an article called “What
Wouldn’t Jesus Do?” It is true that
elections are political events. But in
society, and in our personal lives,
there is a close association between
the political and the moral life.
Of course you know that we mailed
a copy of the new book called 33
Days to Merciful Love to all the
registered households in our
parish. We have copies available in
the back of the Church as well. I
have been using the book myself.
Personally, I find the writing
style to be very frustrating. It
sounds as though the author spoke
the book into his phone and someone transcribed it for him and the
citations were added later. Some
people like this kind of reading. It
is indeed, warm and friendly.
In talking to others about this
book, I have found, if you’ll excuse
me for saying so, that women tend
to like this writing style better than
men (although, certainly not all
women). But then there are some
people like me who find the
approach troublesome. I say this
not even so much as a matter of
opinion, because I have objective
reasons for wishing it were
different than it is.
What is my motive in saying this
publicly? I want you to read the
book anyway, that’s why. The
substance of what is offered is very
valuable. Further, I hope it can
serve as, at least, an entry toward a
deeper study of the spirituality of
St. Thérèse of Lisieux for you. I
have found some of the spiritual
connections the author makes to be
helpful. Don’t allow yourself to give
up on these things easily. Fight for
your spiritual growth! -Love, FrG
Ya Gotta Have Art!
Understand Icons;
Laser Tag; Serving...
6:45pm at 4177 Carpenter
Road in Ypsilanti. For $15
you’ll be able to play 3
games of laser tag. We’ll
conclude by 8:45 pm. Contact Mr. Pratt to qualify for
Icons: Sunday, March 13 6:30-8:30 pm: Take a group rates and fill out a
new look at your prayer life through the lens of
permission form.
iconography! We’ll have Lenten snacks, a deep Youth Group Service Trip! Saturday, April 23.
look at iconography, and time for group
We’re going to Flint to help at the Catholic
Charities Soup Kitchen once again. Meet at OSP
Sunday, March 20 6:30-8:30 pm: We’ll con- for departure by 8:30 am. Serve at Catholic
clude our youth group’s Lenten journey with a Charities from 9:30am-1:00pm. Contact Mr.
special Palm Sunday meeting. We will have
Pratt to RSVP and fill out
small group discussion, creative projects, and a permission forms. Parents
look forward to Holy Week.
and even the whole family
Sunday, April 10 6:45-8:45 pm: Laser Tag. Join are invited to join the youth
your friends from youth group at Zap Zone to put group for this service trip!
your tactical skills to the test. We’ll meet at
Visit the Holy Door
Pilgrims will be able to visit the Holy
Door at St. Mary Cathedral, Lansing
on Tuesdays March 15 and 22 from
7:30am to 7pm during Lent. Evening
Mass is scheduled at 5:15pm. Reconciliation will not be available on those
evenings however, you have a two
week period before or after your pilgrimage. To understand indulgences
associated with your visit please go
to www.dioceseoflansing.org/sites/
default/files/files JubileeIndulgence.pdf Do not miss this
opportunity to deepen your Lenten
Reader Needed
The Diocese is looking for volunteer
readers to record Faith Catholic
Magazine onto CD’s for Blind and
visually impaired readers. We will
provide any equipment necessary to
record; however, you will need a
computer with audio and internet
access. Each reader would only be
responsible for 3 or 4 months per
year if we had one or two more
readers. This is a wonderful Spiritual
WED 815: Debbie Welch
THU 830: Parishioners
FRI 815: Richard Hale 
SAT 830: Elsie Freije 
400: Bob & Marcella
SUN 800: Parishioners
1030: Ginny Kolander
Work of Mercy. Please contact Diane
Arzberger at 517-342-2465 or
Save those Books
The Old St. Patrick's library is looking
to renew its children's section, add a
junior section and expand its movie
collection with more films on saints.
If you are getting rid of Catholic books
or films in any of these categories,
please consider donating them to the
library. Items can be dropped off in
the office.
•Please pray for our
sisters and brothers who
suffer, including: Carl
Krebs, Patricia Fuller, Lisa
Ann Kozakowski, John
Marshall, John LaRock Sr.,
Michael Cooper, Phil &
Donna Rutledge, Sharon
Stoddard, Kathy Cooley,
Robin Fahmie, Val Dreffs,
Karen Prins, Sandra Adams, Richard Pelkey, Tom
Dawson, Pete Siebertz,
Nicole Brcic, Angela DiLaura, John Dziuban, Jim
Stephensen, Mason
Rutledge, Georgiana
Bruen, Wayne DeForest,
Floyd Dreffs, Ron Fuller,
Mike Breslin, Tom Masterson, Tom Boyle, Noah
Chase Johnson, William
Godfrey, Bill Lott, Tony DeLellis, Ian and Joe Spurr,
Mike Nelson, Frank Snaith,
Alan Fletcher, Brandon
Fletcher, Noah Kranz,
Chas Carter
• Please pray for those in • Pray for vocations to
the military, including:
the priesthood and
Adam Draves, Nathan
religious life.
Baker, Garette Moore, Larry Workman, Daniel Scott
Brown, Mark Richard, Philip Maxwell, Tony Phillips,
Anthony Darket, Samuel
“...I shall rejoice. For I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit
of Jesus Christ, this will turn out for my deliverance… with full courage now as always
Christ will be honored in my body...” — Philippians 1:19, 20
“breakfast food” theme is at the back of the
Church. Set-up and clean-up help is always
For us members of St. Patrick parish, St. Pat- appreciated! If you have questions about
rick’s day is a liturgical Feast of the rank of
signing up, contact Stacey Campbell at
solemnity. Join us on March 248-721-1799.
17th after a special 6:30pm
Mass. We will honor Saint
Patrick together with Irish
music and singing after
Our Confirmation Retreat is Saturday, April
Mass. Light appetizers and
9. This retreat is required for all those
Irish beer available! Please
preparing to receive Confirmation at Old St.
join us!
Patrick on Wednesday, April 27 with Bishop
Boyea. Please turn in registration forms/
payment by Sunday, March 13. Contact John
Pratt for more details.
March 19 is also a big day honoring the earthly father of Jesus. St.
Joseph is a powerful saint; God
Join us on Wednesday, March 16 from 6:30gave him a great honor. Join us
8:30pm for dinner and catechesis on the
for Mass at 4pm! Afterward, you can join
Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.
Saint Augustine’s homeschoolers for their
“St Joseph’s Table” in the parish center.
Celebrate Our Patron!
Confirmation Retreat
Saint Joseph Day
Young Adults:
Join us this Tuesday, March 15 for 6:00pm
Adoration, 7:00pm Mass, and 7:45pm dinIt is our custom to have an “Alleluia
ner and discussion. Our purpose is to foster a
Breakfast” in the parish center after the
sense of community among young adults in
Easter Vigil. The sign-up sheet for this year’s our parish. Please RSVP to John Pratt.
Alleluia Breakfast!
Pro-Life News
Cupcakes for Life
The 40 Days For Life Ann Arbor Team
invites people of all faith traditions,
living in and beyond Washtenaw
County to participate in our campaign
to end abortion through prayer and
fasting, community outreach and our
peaceful prayer vigil at Planned
Parenthood at 3100 Professional
Drive in Ann Arbor for twelve hours
a day from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. The
spring campaign is part of an
international effort, which began on
Ash Wed., Feb. 10th and will conclude
on Palm Sunday,
March 20th. For more
info, contact Sandie
at 734-657-1936.
EMU Students For Life are hosting
Cupcakes for Life Wednesday, March
9th—And are looking for cupcake
donation! Each cupcake sponsored
is one student who is insured to hear
the pro-life message! If you are able
to bake some cupcakes for this event
please email at
Carpenter’s Assistant
JMJ Residential Construction is seeking to fill an entry-level carpentry
position. Experience in construction
is helpful but not necessary. Please
call Joe at (734) 395-5420 or email
info@jmjresidential.com to apply. Great work environment,
competitive pay.
Hope Clinic
Hope Clinic is seeking an Executive
Director. The successful candidate
will have a vibrant faith and relationship with Jesus Christ and a desire to
prayerfully seek God’s wisdom, nurture others in Christ, and expect miracles. A solid understanding of current
health care and/or social services
challenges is highly preferred, as well
as demonstrated pragmatic implementation of new concepts. A bachelor’s degree is required and a relevant
advanced degree is desirable. Tenplus years of relevant experience, including five years of senior leadership
experience of a faith-based or other
non-profit is highly desirable. Please
visit our website,
www.thehopeclinic.org for a more
complete description of the position
and how to apply.