PressKit - Dallas Counseling


PressKit - Dallas Counseling
Temper Tamers Creator and
Anger management Specialist
Counselor Helps Tame
Tempers with Anger
Management Workbook
Nathaniel David Smith offers anger management
strategies/exercises in his book “Taming Your Temper:
A Workbook for Individuals, Couples, and Groups”
DALLAS, TX, November 5, 2013
Nathaniel David Smith, a licensed counselor, in an effort to combat growing anger issues in our society, has developed
the workbook, “Taming Your Temper: A Workbook for Individuals, Couples, and Groups.” It is designed to offer a real-life
approach to understanding how angry thoughts affect feelings and behavior that can destroy relationships, doom a
career, and even damage health. By taking an active approach to controlling anger, individuals will be better equipped
to manage it, thereby avoiding the undesirable side effects.
Anger is a growing problem. In our society, it has become so commonplace that a road rage incident is barely news
anymore. Violence in schools, churches, malls, and even the coveted Boston Marathon, litters the front-page news.
Social media and the Internet have made the problem worse. Just watching a YouTube video or reading about a political
view that may be a little too radical, tends to make blood boil, revving up anger. This anger can lead to painful and
hurtful consequences. Stress builds up as communication breaks down. Couples find themselves at war in their own
homes, leading to domestic struggles and oftentimes divorce. Mothers, overwhelmed with the demands of motherhood,
lash out at their children. Although people know this pent-up rage has become a crisis, no one seems to know what to
do about it.
Smith says that most people struggle with even admitting that they have trouble controlling anger. They don’t seek
treatment until the problem is creating havoc in their lives. “It’s not about covering up feelings of frustration and anger,”
says Smith. “Individuals can learn different ways to express these feelings and better understand the force beneath
“Taming Your Temper,” is a workbook that provides 36 strategies and exercises created to help manage anger and
aggression, and helps prevent the problems caused by uncontrolled rage. As a licensed counselor, Smith has used
these exercises with hundreds of clients in private practice. He also conducts group sessions, through the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice, to offer advice and assistance to convicted offenders with anger issues.
From identifying what may trigger anger to learning ways to cool down before acting in an aggressive, destructive
manner, Smith guides individuals on a journey of self-discovery, explaining the reasoning behind such strong emotion,
and sharing ways to manage that emotion. The inability to handle the sadness and fear in everyday situations can lead
to stressful outbursts; no one is immune. Anger is an emotion everyone has from time to time. This workbook is a tool to
help keep that anger in check and not let it take control of a situation.
About Nathaniel David Smith MA, NCC, LPC-S
Nathaniel Smith, a licensed counselor, has assisted hundreds of clients dealing with anger and domestic violence
issues. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice has used his services through a group program designed to rehabilitate offenders with deep-seated anger problems. His book, “Taming Your Temper: A Workbook for Individuals, Couples,
and Groups,” is available online at and other booksellers.
You can contact Smith at (214)-205-0237 or visit or for more
Praise for Taming Your Temper
We all need tools for anger management. The simpler, more effective, and user-friendly those tools are— the better. Nathaniel Smith
makes efficient use of the pages in this workbook. He wastes no space on useless concepts or unnecessary rambling. Instead, he
calls upon Cognitive Behavior Therapy as a solid, trusted foundation upon which to build a series of valuable ideas. He illustrates
those ideas with colorful stories and offers easy-to-understand exercises which help the reader practice and solidify their learning.
This workbook is comprehensive. It starts with helping you understand where anger originates, teaches you how to handle anger in
various aspects of your life, and gives you tools for preventing unhealthy expressions of anger. It teaches us all what we wish we had
learned when we were ten, twelve, or fifteen. Nathaniel Smith is giving us the chance to catch up, to keep up, and to get ahead. He’s
teaching us something he already knows: Anger Management can be fun, and it can help you improve every part of your life. It’s not
too late to Tame Your Temper.
—Pamela Milam, MA, LPC, NCC, BCC Dallas Texas
Nathaniel Smith is a counselor who knows a good deal about the effects of unchecked anger through his work with clients as a
Certified Anger Resolution Therapist, Member of the Texas Council on Family Violence, and through his Texas Department of Criminal
Justice accredited Battering Intervention and Prevention Program. Learning to manage anger and self soothe is an important tool in
building and maintaining meaningful relationships both in our personal lives and in the workplace. News reports provide further
evidence on a daily basis that confirm the importance of this work. Taming Your Temper is an invaluable contribution towards this
—Linda W. McCune, M.S., LPC-S Dallas Texas
Nathaniel Smith’s magical ability to connect with clients is evident not only by the unusually high compliance rate, but also by the
glowing feedback I receive directly from my patients. Since 2008, Nathaniel has been an invaluable resource to our family medicine
practice. He is a gifted counselor who has successfully engaged so many of my patients, assisting them with a variety of emotional
hardships. Nathaniel earned our trust not only as a successful counselor, but also highly dependable diagnostic
resource, helping us unravel a spectrum of complex and frequently intermingled psychological disorders. He’s
been integral to my practice, and I’m confident that his methods will benefit many individuals and
—Aaron P. Segal, M.D., Family Medicine Plano, TX
Nathaniel Smith,
Licensed Professional Counselor
and Anger Management Expert
Nathaniel Smith brings together his extensive background in psychology and
sociology, with more than 15 years of experience in facilitating anger management
and conflict resolution sessions in Dallas, to design a comprehensive self-help anger
management program known as the Temper Tamers Program. Through this self-help program that
includes classes, workbooks, and manuals, Nathaniel Smith aims to help individuals and couples process
their emotions, work for effective resolutions, and make positive decisions. Additionally, the Temper Tamers
program offers certification training to future facilitators of anger management groups.
Licensed Authority in Counseling and Anger Resolution
Nathaniel Smith has obtained several certifications and licenses throughout his prolific career, driven by a desire to help people
identify their problems and make positive, turnaround choices. In addition to anger resolution therapy, he has also been certified in
the area of tobacco cessation treatment. He is a licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor with the Texas State Board, as well as a
National Certified Counselor. His professional memberships include those with the Texas Council on Family Violence and the
American Counseling Association. Nathaniel Smith is also a Provider Advisory Board Member to the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Experience and Expertise
For the past fifteen years, Nathaniel Smith has been instrumental in helping individuals, couples, and groups in the Dallas area
empower themselves, allowing them to deal with anger, resolve conflicts, and preserve relationships. As an anger management
group supervisor, he has already helped hundreds in their quest for healing and resolution through successful anger management
strategies. He specializes in anger management, domestic violence, conflict resolution, divorce, and cognitive behavior therapy. A
gifted writer and an energetic speaker, Nathaniel Smith has provided exceptional insights and practical tips on anger management
and mental health. He has written authoritative articles on domestic violence and effective anger management during the divorce
process, and has served as guest speaker for Mental Health Professional training sessions, seminars, and educational workshops as
well as radio programs and talk shows.
Creator of Temper Tamers Program
Driven by the desire and the commitment to help other people deal with and process their emotions in a controlled and positive
manner, Nathaniel Smith created the Temper Tamers Program: a self-help program that integrates peer support, specialized
education, and structured workbook focus groups. The program, which he also facilitates, also includes workbooks for individuals,
couples, and groups and teacher manuals for anger management facilitators. Nathaniel Smith authored the self-help book, Taming
Your Temper: A Workbook for Individuals, Couples, and Groups, published on August 1, 2012. Described as an “authoritative guide”
that offers “pragmatic, real-life tips, Taming Your Temper serves as an inclusive and practice guide in successful anger management.
The Temper Tames program, moreover, includes Nathaniel Smith’s teachers’ manual, Temper Tamers: A Program for Groups Based
on “Taming Your Temper”, published on April 15, 2013. Those who wish to be certified as a facilitator may take advantage of the
Facilitator Certification Class, which already includes the workbook and manual, as well as a series of videos and other materials.
Nathaniel Smith also holds one-on-one and group private counseling sessions, available through prior arrangement and telephone.
Guest Lectures,
Radio & TV Interviews
Bernadette Fiaschetti - 1190 AM Dallas, One Life Radio, Radio Interview
Ellis Cannon - NightTalk TV,, TV Interview
Matt Townsend - BYU Radio show on Sirius/XM Radio, channel 143, Radio Interview
Ken- AM 1570 – WILO Radio, The Partyline Show, Radio Interview
Karen McRae – Conversation with Jacquie and Karen, Radio Interview
Richard Kaffenberger - The Richard Kaffenberger Show, Radio Interview
Doug Noll – The Doug Noll Show, Radio Interview
Gary Sutton-AM 910 WSBA, York’s Morning News, Radio Interview
Ernie Brown –America’s Radio News Network, Radio Interview
Larry Rifkin – AM 1320 – Talk of the Town show, Radio Interview
Christopher Brochon – AM870 WFLO, Radio Interview
Diane Donato – AM 810 WGY, Radio Interview
Tim Bremel – AM 1230 WCLO, Radio Interview
Chris Witting – Info Trak Talk Show, Radio Interview
Bill Dablow - AM 1450 KBMW, Radio Interview
Bob Gourley - Issues Today Radio show, Radio Interview
Bryan Allen - CKNX-AM920, Radio Interview
Dave Chaffin - AM 650 KGAB, Radio Interview
Neal Larson - KID News radio 590 am, Radio Interview
Michael Dresser Show - Radio Interview
Great Conversation Leaders, University of North Texas
Battering Intervention and Prevention Program Requirements, Collin County Probation
Divorce Counseling, featured on Dallas KRLD News Radio 1080
Marriage Nourishment Class, Smokey Cove Church, Singer LA
10 Errors That Therapists Make With Clients, Texas Society for Clinical Social Work
Marriage Nourishment Class, Abundant Life Church, Plano TX
Anger Counseling Seminar, Neighborhood Youth and Family Counseling Center of Richardson
Taming Your Temper
A workbook for Individuals, Couples and Groups
Are you tired of the ruined relationships that result from
your angry and destructive feelings?
“Aferrarse a la ira es como asir un carbón caliente con el intento de tirarlo a otra persona;
usted es quien se quema.”
—Siddhārtha Gautama (Fundador del Budismo)
¿Su ira descontrolada le está perjudicando la salud, destruyendo sus relaciones y
emboscando su carrera?
Este libro no le enseñará a usted que la ira en sí es mala. ¡La ira es normal! Sólo es cuando
sus sentimientos se convierten en comportamiento destructivo que la ira se hace
problemática. Deje de ponerse a la merced de esos sentimientos. Si usted hace los 36
a portarse en maneras más sanas, reducir la agresión, y vivir en una manera calmada.
* Reconocer sus respuestas físicas a la ira en aumento y cómo voltearlas.
* Aprender a PARARSE y tranquilizarse antes de reaccionar.
* Evitar situaciones que funcionan como gatillos de su ira.
* Descubrir sentimientos de frustración, dolor, y miedo y desarrollar maneras
alternativas de expresarlos.
* Decidir enfocarse en lo que le hace feliz.
Al usar todas estas y otras herramientas—usted sí PUEDE controlar su ira.
Taming Your Temper: A Workbook for Individuals, Couples, and Groups
contains 36 concrete strategies that teach how to express anger in
healthy ways. Taming Your Temper is a necessary element for anyone
wishing to curtail their own aggression and live a healthier life. This book
is used in all Temper Tamers programs and anger management groups.
Visit this website to buy:
or to purchase in Spanish
Un Consejero Profesional con Licencia (“Licensed Professional
Counselor”) que se especializa en el manejo de la ira y la violencia
doméstica, Nathaniel Smith, M.A., LPCS, NCC, ha ayudado a cientos de
de Justicia Criminal del estado de Texas para dirigir sesiones de grupo
para delincuentes con problemas de ira. Su acercamiento acogedor y
compasivo, y su amplia experiencia en el campo de la ira le convierte en
una guía acreditada en dirigir en una manera suave a sus lectores hacia el
control de su ira.
Temper Tamers
A Program for Groups Based on Taming your Temper: Teachers Manual
If you are a life coach, clergy member, mental health professional, probation
officer or anyone who wishes to facilitate an effective anger management group,
then this guide is for you. Used in conjunction with the Temper Tamers
Certification video series, the Temper Tamers Facilitator Guide will offer teachers
a way to provide a well-rounded and holistic approach when helping group
members to control their rage and explosive anger
Visit this website to buy:
Host a Temper Tamer Program
at your facility or organization and be a part of the anger management revolution solution today!
For Cetification information please
Membership Is Available In Three Levels:
Free Temper Tamers Membership will allow you to get a free preview of the materials available in the
membership program.
With Silver Level Membership, certified individuals and organizations will bte given access to the exclusive
Temper Tamers marketing package and automated forms for intake and referrals.
The Gold Level Membership provides certified individuals and organizations with access to both the
Temper Tamers marketing package and automated forms for intake and referrals. In addition, Gold
membership also includes the delivery of an exclusive training video each month.
Visit this website to buy:
To have Nathaniel on your Radio or TV
show please contact Him At:
Cell: 214-205-0237
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