eVision August 19 , 2015


eVision August 19 , 2015
First Baptist Church of Griffin
August 19, 2015
We gathered at the river…
...And they were washed
in the Blood: Thomas
Brooks, Christian
Flournoy, A.J. Grose,
Samantha Mitchell
Wednesday Night Activities
5:00-6:00 p.m.
5:45-7:15 p.m.
6:00-7:00 p.m.
6:00-6:30 p.m.
6:00-8:00 p.m.
7:00-8:00 p.m.
7:00-8:15 p.m.
Fellowship Supper Served in FLC Auditorium (No reservations needed)
August 19 Menu: Pork loin, broccoli, potatoes, green salad, bread, and dessert.
First Kids Club: Pre K. & Kindergarten in CEC
First Kids Club: Grades 1-5 on 2nd floor of Education Building
First Kids Club: Twos & Threes in CEC 4
Pastor’s Bible Study in the Auditorium
Women in the Word Bible Study in Room 106
Mom’s Small Group in FLC Coffeehouse
Men’s Small Group in FLC East Meeting Room
Church Library Open
Student Ministry in Student Area (Basement)
Sanctuary Choir Practice in Music Suite
e welcome our
new Publications
Ministry Assistant,
Amber Head, to our
support staff as she will
be working with
publications among a
host of other
duties. Take a moment
to drop by and
introduce yourself.
Beginning in September, our Associate Pastor will
begin a Sabbatical leave to write his dissertation for his
Doctorate of Ministry. He has been studying for the
last two years with Leonard Sweet connected with
George Fox Evangelical Seminary. We will prayerfully
remember him during his absence and look forward to
his return around Thanksgiving. Please convey to him
our appreciation for his ministry and leadership.
Children’s Choir at First Baptist
Choir allows children to praise God with body,
mind, spirit, and voice.
Children’s Choir is every Wednesday night.
Christian Sympathy is Expressed to…
Family and friends of Matthew Windham in his passing.
To former members Tom (Diane) Windham and Marilyn
(Morgan) Harvill in the passing of their son.
in concert
Sunday, August 30th
4:00 p.m. in the
Bramblett Chapel
A fellowship featuring Sno Biz,
Griffin’s “shave ice”, will follow in
the Chapel Garden.
From the Prayer Team:
The Catherine Walker Mission Group
When: Monday, August 24th at 6:30 pm
Where: South Side Diner
in McDonough.
Carpoolers should meet at the FLB
parking lot at 6:00 pm.
And I pray that you, being rooted and established
in love, may have power, together with all the
Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long
and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to
know this love that surpasses knowledge—that
you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness
of God.
Ephesians 3:17-19
Would you like to Know and Do the Will of
Experiencing God is an intensive 12-week small group study to help
you know and do the will of God in your life.
Come to the INTRODUCTORY SESSION on Sunday, August 23, from 4:00-5:30 p.m. in the Family Life Center
Hospitality Room. This will allow you to “get the full scoop” and decide whether or not you wish to participate.
Small groups sessions will meet at two different times beginning September 8&9:
Contact Brian McCartney at brianmccartney@fbcgriffin.org or 404-513-0543 if you have questions.
We Celebrate…
We celebrate the many mission endeavors of our Church, which we have highlighted over the past
few weeks. We hope you now feel better informed regarding our partnerships and ministries, and
perhaps you have found some in which you would like to be involved. We are aware that there is
always more to do; yet we are proud of what we have been able to do to be an Acts 1:18 Church.
We would be remiss if we did not salute the manner in which our Children’s and Student Ministries learn about,
pray for, and do missions as they collect food, do various mission projects, and volunteer at the local food pantry.
The many Sunday School classes who are involved in mission projects go unpublicized, yet provide much support to
needy areas.
We also feel that we be remiss if we did not mention the eight teams who minister to our own church members.
1. Assimilation-unite members and welcome new ones. Contact: Sandra Burkhalter 770-468-4973
2. Assisted Living Visitors– For members in local facilities. Contact: Diane Hayden 770-228-7143
3. Card/letter writing team– to members with special needs. Contact: Elaine Jackson 770-227-8496
4. Grief care– for members experiencing the death of a loved one. Contact: Peggy Smith 770-227-1833
5. Homebound Visitors-For members who are no longer able to participate in active church life. Contact: Gary
Kingsley 770-228-6832
6. Hospital Visitation– minister to help members and their families. Contact: Gary Alexander 770-412-8230
7. Ministerial Care– Find ways to encourage the FBC staff, Contact: Bonnie Brown 770-228-6712
8. Nursing Home Visitors– Serve those in local facilities. Contact: James Johnston 770-228-8729
Please feel free to call any mission council member if you ever have questions or comments. We truly want our
church to be good stewards of our time and money.
Gail Hammock, Chair
FBC Mission Council
We need your addresses, including the name of the college you’re
attending. Please send this information to
barbarachilders@fbcgriffin.org or to Elaine Jackson, Card Writing Team Leader, for inclusion in our
weekly Prayer Concerns.
Deacon Nominations
Sunday, August 23, 2015
embers of the congregation may make nominations for candidates for the office of Deacon on Sunday, August 23, during all worship
services. Up to 15 persons may be nominated: 12 to fill four-year terms; 2 to fill the one-year unexpired terms of Brian Lassetter and
Doug Wesley; and 1 to fill the two-year unexpired term of Benn Shaffer. All terms of service will begin January 1, 2016. Persons who will
receive five or more nominations and meet the requirements of the Church Constitution and Bylaws (as adopted 10/27/2009) will be placed
on the ballot and will be voted on at a called church conference on Sunday, October 18, during all worship services. The following is an
excerpt from the Bylaws:
Article III, Section A
1. No person shall be elected as a deacon, trustee, or the chief leader of the educational or service organizations who has not been an
active member of this Church for at least one year preceding the election.
Article III, Section C
1. Qualifications
Persons male or female, elected to the office of Deacon shall have the qualities of character consistent with the teachings of Acts 6:3
-5 and I Timothy 3:8-13. They shall be members of this Church, regular in attendance and supportive of the services of the Church,
faithful in the practice of Christian stewardship, cooperative in attitude, and influential in strengthening the witness of the Church.
Printed below is a list of those currently serving as Deacons and should not be included in this nominating procedure.
Carroll, Rickie
Harkleroad, Hundley Key, Scott
Pierce, Rhonda
Walker, Henry
Bailey, Scott
Crider, Don
Hayden, Diane
Kierbow, Harry
Pound, Patty
Westbury, Jr. James
Bankston, John
Hayden, Bob
Kingsley, Gary
Rakestraw, Tony Westbury, Sr. Jim
Blake, Alice
Hollberg, Doug
Landry, Gil
Scroggins, Bob
Blake, Andrew
Davenport, Hoby
Hopkins, Ronnie
MacDowell, Brennan Shaw, Randy
Williams, Chubby
Blake, Nancy
Estes, Jimmy
Jackson, Elaine
Massey, Ronnie
Smith, Peggy
Williams, Gloria
Brown, Bonnie
Gardner, Gail
Jacobs, Jeff
McLean, Dan
Smith, Wayne
Willis, Kim
Brown, Steve
Gardner, Tom
Johnston, James
Millican, Jr. Earl
Stacy, Sam
Young, Bill
Burkhalter, Harry
Gatlin, Ralph
Joiner, John
Millican, Evans
Stover, Larry
Jones, Harold
Moore, Paul
Walker, Ann
Burkhalter, Sandra Hammock, Gail
Wideman, Brad
ear, Church Family,
For 13 years, our grandson, Virgil Glenn Parks, Jr. has been serving with the United States Army. Many of
you have sent cards, notes, and have kept him and his family in your prayers. They are most grateful, as
are we. He has now made the decision to leave the military, as it will be best for him and his family. He has
accepted a job in Utah and will be moving there soon. Thank you for the years of concern for them, and of
course, the prayers. We would appreciate any continued prayers as they make this transition.
With sincere appreciation and love.
In His name,
Virgil and Edith Parks
The Power of Anger
Dr. Bill Hardee
nger is an integral part of our lives. Slight flashes of anger can easily erupt throughout our day. We accept it and rarely give
it a second thought. We cannot control what makes us angry. Anger simply arises when we feel threatened, disrespected,
disappointed, frightened, or hurt. While some of us are more prone to quick flashes of anger than others, what is most important is what
we do with our anger. Do we control it or does it control us?
Anger is quite an important function in our wellbeing. Where threats are serious and immediate, it energizes us to get out of harm’s
way. Probably most of our anger is directed toward preserving our own sense of wellbeing or that of our family. We are most healthy
when we can express our anger in controlled ways. If anger is ever bottled up, one of two possibilities follow. Either a person becomes
depressed or that bottled up anger begins to build so that its release is devastating for everyone.
Sometimes, anger prods us to redemptive work. If a child is bullied, if a woman is taken advantage of, if helpless people have no one to
help them, if power is being used unjustly on the weak, if we are lied to by people who should know better, or if corporate greed
undermines the welfare of the nation, then we should all get angry. There are times when we ought to be angry and that anger compel us
to act to make a situation better.
Of all the millions of words spoken since September 11th, President Bush spoke words that were very descriptive of a positive
expression of anger. The President said that the terrorist attacks had filled him with “a quiet, unyielding anger.” The temptation, of
course, is to be much less restrained and allow our emotions full throttle, so that they speed us toward rage and violent confrontation or
Yet, even here, a word of caution is advised. Our anger may provide the spark needed for action, but it must never be in the driver’s
seat. Whenever our emotions, and especially anger, guide our actions, the result is nearly always less than what is best and good—then,
it is also positively destructive.
The Bible has a healthy sense of balance when it comes to anger. Anger is a God-given emotion. At its best, it warns us that something
is wrong. In Ephesians 4, Paul does not tell us not to be angry, he tells us that when we are angry, we are not to sin. It is how we act
on our anger that determines right or wrong.
Not acting sinfully is much easier said than done. For most of us, anger leads to uncharitable thoughts, cutting words, hurt feelings, and
unchristian behaviors—and most significantly, the death of a spiritual center to life.
In our anger, reason and truth are betrayed. In our anger, we are often deeply disrespectful of others, which in turn ignites anger and
reprisal in others. If we are not discerning our anger, emotion rules and casts out the gentle inspirations of the Spirit. Sometimes the
setbacks that might anger us may become the catalyst for making better choices.
Anger arises when we feel threated, disrespected, or feel additional burdens handed to us by others. In most instances, however, we are
over reacting. In our society, we are losing sight of the difference between an inconvenience and a true threat. Firm walls are being
erected which indicate: “Either you think like I do or you are no friend of mine; you are perhaps even an enemy.” The things that make
us angry tell a lot about what we are made of. What makes you angry? Why?
To Esau, God said, “Why are you Angry?” To Jonah, God said, “Do you have a good reason to be angry?” Jesus said, “I say to you that
everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court.” In the book of James (1:20) we find, “For man’s anger does not
produce the righteous life that God desires.”
Our society is increasingly separating itself from the reach of the Spirit. There is a widespread acceptance that the venting of anger in
combative and disrespectful ways is legitimate. There is an acceptance of twisting the truth for political gain. There is a rise in the belief
that the best way to deal with conflict is force, confrontation, and even war. There is an elevation of the material things of life to the
eclipse of the personal, emotional, and spiritual. There is a loss of the ability of people to reason together about the larger challenges that
face us. There is even a loss of conviction among people of faith that the religious institutions that sheltered us throughout our lives are
worth supporting.
VITAL SIGNS | August 16, 2015
If you’ve traded dates to serve, please remind the
individual with whom you traded.
Worship Attendance
Deacons: Bonnie Brown, Hundley Harkleroad,
Gary Kingsley, Tony Rakestraw, Randy Shaw
Intercessors: Chuck Prothro, Brennan McDowell
Common Grounds: Jody’s Team: Jody Singletary,
Hope Brooks, Gracie Chrisholm, Janie Jones
Extended Teaching Care 11:00 a.m.
Babies: Adrianne & Kevin Murdock
Walkers: Mandi & Ryan Reynolds, Robin Meloy
Twos: Becky Fordham
Threes: Justin & Vicki Lazenby
8:45 a.m. Chapel Service: Jan & Dan McLean, Joan
11:00 a.m. Celebration Service: Carolyn Bowden,
Dot & Ray Glass, Pam Kierbow
11:00Connexion Service: Curtis Hardwick, Penny
Gaissert, Sandra Long, Alice Young
Library: Peggy Pierce
Security Team: Bobby Goolsby, Jim Goolsby
Transportation: Call Kim Willis at 678-873-7295
$ 1,370,000.00
Needed Weekly
Received Budget (8/16/15)
Needed in 33 Weeks
Received in 33 Weeks
Below Requirement to date $
First Baptist Church of Griffin
106 West Taylor Street
Griffin, Georgia 30223-3025
Wednesday, Sunday,
August 12
August 16
August 18-24
Hambric Brooks
August 25 –31
Marty Watts
If you have an emergency after hours and need
to contact a minister, please call 678-572-3962.
Church Numbers
Church Office ............................... 770-227-5517
Fax number ................................... 770-412-7873
Griffin School for the Arts ........... 770-227-0775
Pastor’s Study/Pastoral Care ...... 770-227-1096
Weekday Office ............................ 770-228-7880
Worship Broadcasts can be found each
Sunday on Comcast Cable Channel 25
(11:00 am and 10:00 pm) and at
WKEU 88.9 FM (11:00 am)
Dr. Bill Hardee, Senior Pastor...………………..……………..……………...ext. 20
Rev. Hambric Brooks, Associate Pastor…………………………………....ext. 23
Rev. Sarah Murray, Minister to Children and Families…………………...ext. 22
Rev. Brian McCartney, Minister of Education………………………...…...ext. 24
Rev. Marty Watts, Minister of Music and GSA Director…………..……...ext. 21
Mrs. Diane Lamb, Weekday Director and Director of Food Services….ext. 28
Dr. Bruce Morgan, Pastor Emeritus
For a detailed listing of calendar events, please
visit the church website at www.fbcgriffin.org
If you want information to appear in the E-Vision,
please have all info to Publications by Monday at
5:00 p.m. each week. All information for The
Page should be in by Wednesday at noon each
week. Information should be emailed to