The Virginia Postmaster - NAPUS | Virginia Chapter | Home


The Virginia Postmaster - NAPUS | Virginia Chapter | Home
August 2015
Virginia Postmaster
Inside this issue:
Chapter Officers
Bea Robertson, President
Elaine Cook, Secretary/
Teresa Pearson
Belinda McLawhorn
First Timer
Colanne Bunting
President Virginia Retirees
Rich Radonis, Postmaster 7
Retired Area 5 Rep.
Teresa Pearson
Memorable Moments
From the Past
Billy Martin, Chaplain
Area 5 National Vice
Immediate Past President
Teresa Pearson, Maurertown 22644
Bea Robertson, Gretna 24557
First Vice-President
Teresa Pearson, Maurertown 22644
Recording Secretary
Kim Rice, Hurt 24563
Elaine Cook, Pembroke 24136
Anne Falls, Bassett 24055 (retired)
Associate Editor
Teresa Pearson, Maurertown 22644
21& above:
Bobby Shaw, Norfolk 23501
Kim Rice, Hurt 24563
Area Chairmen
SW VA Area 240-241,242,243,246
Lynchburg Area 245
Cheryl Robertson, Concord (retired)
Richmond Area 230-231-232
Mary Harrison Jones, Gloucester Point
Richmond S/W 238-239
Tidewater Area 233-237
NOVA Area 201-220-223-226-227
Donna Richardson, Boyce
Central Virginia Area 228,229,244
Fredericksburg Area 224,225
Katy Bush (retired)
Teresa Pearson, Maurertown 22644
Scholarship Chairman
Teresa Pearson, Maurertown 22644
Convention Chairman
May C Massie, Bedford 24523 (retired)
11 & A-E
Mary Harrison Jones
President Postmaster Retired
Billy Martin, Roanoke 24022 (retired)
Tina Brooke, Washington 22747
Helen Hurst, Susan 23163
Colanne Bunting, Cobbs Creek 23035
PAC Chairman
Barbara Swann, Heathsville 22473 (retired)
Postmaster Services/ Membership
Kim Rice
Postmasters Retired Secretary/Treasurer
Shirley Snow
Career Development-Appalachian District VP
Susan Doss, Ringgold
Terry Clark, Wytheville 24382
265 Ash Drive
Christiansburg VA 24073
540-552-3616 (H)
540(230-5059 ©
District VPs
Appalachian District VP
Susie Doss, Ringgold 24586
4220 Owens Mill Rd
Gretna VA 24557
Richmond District VP
Kimmy Allen, Urbanna 23175
804-758-5355 ( W )
757-813-6933 ( C )
Northern VA District VP
Belinda McLawhorn, Rixeyville
10107 Vernon Mills Trl.
Marshall VA 22115
Sandra Pugh, Forest 24551
13 Ross Woods Dr
Rustburg, VA 24588
434-528-0289 (H)
Terry Clark, Wytheville 24382
265 Ash Drive
Christiansburg VA 24073
(540)230-5059 (C)
(540)558-3616 (H)
Jennifer Fauver, Stephens City
701 Buntline Dr.
Winchester VA 22602
The opinions expressed in this publication are the opinions of the writers and do not
necessarily express the views of NAPUS or the USPS.
Page 3
Virginia Postmaster
clerks in our absences. Some clerks are put on
Level 7, some Level 16, and some nothing at all. It
I hope everyone had a
seems like some districts do not want to address
wonderful summer. Fall is fast
this issue.
approaching. We have just returned
Dave Williams, CEO spoke to us on Tuesfrom the NAPUS National Convention that was
day. He told us that we are delivering an average
held in Alabama. There were over 800 people
of 1.2 million packages on Sundays. He further
registered. The retiree attendance nationwide was
stated that the deployment of RSS has been put on
awesome. On Tuesday September 1, 2015 we
hold in order to improve the system’s perforvoted to allow all EAS employees to become active
mance. We have got to increase the response time
members of our organization. EAS supervisors
is RSS. Mr. Williams also gave a slide show
and Managers will have access to representation
presentation on where districts stood as far a
and the Legal Defense Fund. All Postal employees
safety, standard mail service, and TOE.
can become associate members. Also, new
Postmasters please remember to review
members will have free membership until April 1,
your budgets to see if any changes were made to it
because of the global settlement. If not, then this is
Postmaster General Megan Brennan spoke
something you need to discuss with your MPOO.
to us on Monday August 31, 2015. Here are some
We were told that budget adjustments were made
of the things that she mentioned:
but we only have a few days left in this fiscal year.
The USPS employs more veterans that any
President Tony told us that we still have 1,322
other organization. At present we are delivering
offices that are still understaffed.
less mail to more addresses. We have gained
We voted unanimously to dissolve the
900,000 more new deliveries. UPS now has business
NAPUS organization and consolidate with the
partners where customers can come and get their
League. The new name is UPMA – United
own packages. This affects us. There are a number
Postmasters and Managers of America.
of startups who are looking to get into the Last
Mile event.
“The great thing in this world is not so much
We now have Real Mail Notification. It
where you stand, as in what direction you are
sends an image of what letter mail you will be
getting. This is being tested in Northern VA and
Oliver Wendell Holmes
will expand to NY.
2018 is the time frame for the new vehicles.
USPS wants the carrier to be able to stand up in
Beatrice E. Robertson
the back of the vehicle.
We need to focus on improving the
Gretna VA 24557
customer experience through scanning and data
integrity, staffing, and communication of the
brand. She said we cannot bowl packages.
Level 18s will be re-evaluated in September
2016. Nothing will happen to these offices until the
spring of 2017.
Ms. Brennan said she would get something
sent out standardized that will tell us how to pay
Page 4
During our lunch break one day in Mobile, we
had the opportunity to visit the Battle House
Renaissance. The first Battle House Hotel
was opened by James Battle and his two
half-nephews John and Samuel in 1852 on the site of a
former military headquarters set up by Andrew Jackson
during the War of 1812.
Virginia Postmaster
there and how the guests were told not to bring gifts.
The couple then walked to a balcony and began throwing
money to the crowd as their gift to their guests!
What type of employee are you?
Do you look forward to Monday? Are you fired up
and ready to get back to work? Do you often work late not
because you intended to, but because you were so
caught up in your work you lost track of time? Is this who
you want to be?
Another kind of employee is the clock watcher.
The clock watcher muddles through their work just waiting
for the clock hands to strike break, lunch and time to go
home. These people dread coming to work, they hate
Monday and are fired up on Friday, but not for their work.
Is this who you want to be?
Photo by Elaine Cook
While we were there we had the pleasure of
meeting George. George is an employee who has been at
the hotel for over 40 years. An employer has all sorts of
workers, each with their own attitude towards their job
and their work.
I would like to strive to be like George.
There are two types of workers.
First there are the ones who know their job, they
do it well, without complaint and are always looking to
help out for the greater good of the team, the department
or the company. This was George. The passion he had
for the hotel where he worked was evident in the
excitement as he gave us a tour of the hotel. First he
showed us the whispering arch..
Photo by Elaine Cook
According to the hotel website, one of the
greatest architectural features of the Battle House is the
whispering arch. If you stand at the base of the one end
of the arch and someone on the other end whispers, you
can hear every word they say clearly at the other end
thirty-five feet away. Of course we had to try this and we
were all amazed!
He told us about Elvis staying there in 1952, and
a story of a bride and groom who had there reception
Photo by Elaine Cook
I hope after reading this article and returning to
work we will all be excited for our jobs and our employer.
Do you remember how excited you were when you began
your career? How do you get that passion back?
Remember passion is an emotion, a state of mind so the
first thing you have to do is motivate yourself. Turn to
another emotion to find the motivation that you need.
Anger. Whether you are mad at yourself, your boss or just
your situation take that and turn it into motivation to do
whatever it takes to improve your situation.
To be passionate about your work you must be
motivated to be the best that you can be. Over time
people will notice, how you feel about your job will
change. Who knows you might even look forward to
coming to work on Monday.
Let us do together what we cannot do alone.
Elaine Cook
Pembroke 24136
Page 5
Virginia Postmaster
Cracker Jacks vs. Moon Pies
By Teresa Pearson
Arriving in Mobile, AL, late Saturday
night my eye focused on a moon pie hanging 34
stories high from a building with RSA logo. Being the
naive or sheltered person I am, I wondered till the
next day what the moon pie was all about. My theory
was, maybe this was the headquarters for the moon
pie company. Again remember my sheltered life.
Anne and I attended the editor’s luncheon at
down town Panini Pete’s. Upon return to the hotel
lobby, I spotted the gift shop in the back corner. After
looking around my only interest was dressing up in a
moon pie cap and beaded necklace for a photo opt
with Anne. I got the courage up to ask the cashier
what the story was about the moon pie hanging from
the corner of the building. She proceeded to happily
explain that the moon pie was the drop for Mobile’s
New Years celebration and that Mobile is the largest
per capita purchaser of moon pies from the Chattanooga bakery. She also said that during Mobile’s
Maris Gras they throw out moon pies instead of
I still needed to know more of the story and to
find out why a moon pie interest me so much. My
memories of a moon pie were that of the waxy fake
banana flavored snack that my Granddad had available during my childhood stays. It really wasn't a good
memory. My other granddad was a coal miner in
southwest Virginia who had to feed 12 kids with little
to no money. I can remember my mom telling me that
a treat for her was a moon pie and a coke. Maybe this
is why I was interested in the story of the “Moon Pie
over Mobile”.
A Chattanooga bakery invented moon pies in
1917 after Kentucky coal miners told a company
salesman that they wanted a filling snack as big as the
moon. Five-cent moon pies became the inexpensive
workingman's lunch.
Inexpensive becomes the key word. Food has
always been involved as a throw for Mardi Gras.
Cracker Jacks were thrown from 1949 as a cheap
alternative to beads. However, people kept getting
beamed with the sharp end of the rectangular Cracker
Jack box. Seeing something needed to be done,
Mobile council banned cracker jacks and approved
the small rounded (no corners) cheap marshmallow
treat as the throw of choice. Louisiana may be known
for its beaded Maris Gras but Mobile is recognized as
the "Moon Pie over Mobile".
Page 6
Virginia Postmaster
I first joined NAPUS as an OIC in 2003. It has been a great journey for the past 12 years. I will be sad to say good-bye to
NAPUS, but looking forward to meeting the challenge of the new UPMA.
As a NAPUS member I have attended many VA State Conventions, but I was not prepared for the outstanding fellowship, informational speakers and the seminars at the 111th NAPUS National Convention in Mobile AL. Being a First Timer was
an amazing experience. There were 31 First Timers. We were all given a task to complete. All First Timers’ were given a piggy
bank to raise money for PAC. All of us worked very hard and had a great deal of fun in the process, from giving hugs for a dollar, to
big smiles and even just saying ante-up. I even got Bob Levi to donate money! We raised over $4800.00 for PAC. Prizes were
awarded to the top 3 fund raisers. First prize was free registration to the 2016 National Convention in New Orleans LA. And a $100
gift card, second and third prizes were $50.00 gift cards. I came in with 3 rd place. See all the fun you missed by not going to the
Convention!! I would like to thank all of VA NAPUS members (active and retired) for all of your support to make my First Timers
project a success. A special shout out to Teresa Pearson, Anne Falls and Elaine Cook, my traveling friends, for a great drive to and
from Mobile, and for all of our great adventures.
The food was wonderful! This was an experience that I will never forget and I am looking forward to going to
New Orleans in 2016. I encourage every Postmaster, OIC, Manager and Supervisor to join NAPUS (UPMA) and go to local meetings, State Conventions and National Conventions. Not only will you learn a lot of helpful information, but also network with everyone is something we all can benefit from in these trying times. If we don’t support each other, who will?
Hope to see you all at State and National next year.
Belinda McLawhorn
Postmaster Rixeyville VA
Virginia Chapter NAPUS Postmasters Retired
President Colanne Bunting
The Retired Postmasters at the National Convention
have scripted their Constitution and Bylaws changes to reflect
those of new organization. Imagine how many people could possibly work together for the betterment of our lives. When Sandra
becomes President she will be bringing the changes necessary for
the Virginia Chapter Retired to coincide with the National and
Active membership changes.
I hope each one of you had a wonderful
summer. Our National Convention in Mobile was a
turning point in NAPUS history. The resolution to
dissolve NAPUS brought tears to my eyes, it was a little like a
loved family member moving to California. I've even had a few
Now don't get the wrong interpretation that the leadertears shed today as I write this article. Out of the four generations ship at the National level hasn't worked with the League in the
of Postmasters in my family three have been Active and Retired past, the consolidation will give all of us a stronger United voice
members of the NAPUS organization cumulatively for over 80
when dealing with the Postal Service Headquarters.
My understanding of these changes at the National Convention results in a new organization that has a new comprehensive leadership. The closing of NAPUS and the League meant all
Postmasters Retired, all Active Postmasters, all Managers and all
EAS employees to finally work together in one organization,
United Postmasters and Managers of America.
Page 7
Wow! Exciting news from the NAPUS
national convention. The attendees voted unanimously
to merge with the League effective November 2017.
What exciting times we are experiencing. My
understanding is that we have been trying this merger
since the 50s. It's long overdue. Congratulations to
both organizations. This is a win-win situation. Many
tears flowed when the motion to dissolve and create a
new organization was announced and passed. I know
many have mixed emotions as we have fought long
and hard for Postmasters rights as well as the League.
Now we will be joining efforts instead of duplicating
them and confusing our congresspersons and senators
on Capitol hill.
Those of you that retired this year are comped
(no dues) to NAPUS Postmasters Retired for the
remainder of the year. Please don't forget to fill out
your 1187R form to continue membership with
NAPUS. It will become effective January 1, 2016.
Virginia Postmaster
It is only $5.00 per month. If you need a form, please
contact NAPUS HQ, one of the VA chapter officers or
email me at and I will send you
one. Thanks for your continued support to the great
organization that we belong to.
Rich Radonis
Postmaster Retired Area 5 Rep
Photo by Elaine Cook
Collect on Delivery (COD) Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT):
The Faster Way of Receiving COD Remittances
The following documents have been updated in the Retail website:
(User’s Guide) COD Electronic Funds Transfer - updated June 2015
COD Electronic Funds Transfer SOP - updated August 2015
(Reprint from the Retail Digest dated June 30, 2015)
Effective May 31, 2015, USPS enhanced the customer experience and simplified its collect on delivery (COD)
service by offering an electronic funds transfer (EFT) option that will allow cash or pin debit card remittances
to be transferred electronically to the COD mailer’s financial institution account within two business days of
receipt of the funds.
EFT has many benefits such as expedited receipt of payment once package is received, a
reduction in the number of COD claims filed each year due to lost remittance payments, and allowing the customer to save money by eliminating the money order fee. In addition, this new service will also provide for a
more secure transaction as the form of payment is directly linked to a designated financial institution account.
Additional audio and visual alerts have also been included on USPS handheld devices, the Delivery Scanning
System (DSS) and Passive Adaptive Scanning System (PASS) to help notify users that COD payment is required and handled appropriately.
COD EFT pieces can be combined with other Extra or Value Added services including: Return Receipt, Signature Confirmation, Special Handling-Fragile and Hold For Pickup.
To help provide the customer with instructions on how to set up this new option, the Electronic Funds Transfer
(EFT Enrollment) process can be activated in four simple steps:
1. Complete the PS Form 3881-X, Supplier and Payee EFT Enrollment, which is available from the National
Customer Support Center (NCSC) by calling 877-264-9693.
2. Submit the forms to the NCSC for verification and processing.
3. USPS San Mateo, Accounts Payable Excellence (APEX), confirms receipt and establishes the EFT account.
4. Cash/Debit Funds are routed electronically to the merchant’s account (within two business days).
Page 8
Virginia Postmaster
Lifetime Friendships
Labor Day weekend brings us home
from National Convention in Mobile Alabama. Great
times were had along with memorable moments. Our
organization united and formed one larger organization, United Postmasters and Managers of America
(UPMA). The Virginia Postmaster Editor, Anne Falls,
came home with an editor’s award. Belinda McLawhorn, First Timer for Virginia was awarded a first timers PAC prize for her work in collecting funds for
PAC. She also won a prize from signature credit
While in Mobile, we visited the gulf coast, ate
lots of seafood, enjoyed a pontoon ride on the 5 rivers
ecosystem, and visited with old friends and meet new
ones. General session was informative, entertaining
and motiving. As an active member of our organization I look forward to the opportunities to hear Headquarters and to have them answer and respond to our
questions. I would like to thank the Alabama Chapter
along with our National Officers for all their hard
work within our organization.
I look forward in the coming year to work with the
Virginia League of Postmasters to merge our organizations as one chapter for the state of Virginia.
Finance committee will be meeting along with the
Constitution and Bylaws Committee in January at our
State Convention site in Luray. Legislative Conference will be in Washington, D.C. in March. Virginia
State Convention and Golf Tournament will be at the
Mimsylm Inn in Luray VA, June 23-26 and National
Convention will be down south again a New Orleans
August 27-September 1, 2016. Get your registration
in and book your rooms early. I invite you to make
this year the year to become active in our organization. You will make a lifetime of friendships.
Post Office Box Keys
Post Office Box keys must be ordered through WebBATS. The Mail Equipment Shop closed in 2014 and
the manual process is no longer in place. Please discontinue usage of PS Form 3915 (Post Office Key
Requisition) since the current process is completely automated in WebBATS.
For problems with keys that have been ordered, please contact:
Be sure to provide the order page from WebBATS, Fedstrip number, date of order and quantity.
There is a Lock and Key recycling program.
All non-functioning locks and keys should be returned to:
USPS Lock Return Program CompX Security Products PO Box 200 Mauldin, SC 29662-0200
If there are questions regarding the recycling program contact National Materials Customer Service at 800
-332-0317, select option 4, then option 5 or email
Page 9
Virginia Postmaster
Memorable Moments From the Past
Page 10
Virginia Postmaster
From the Chaplain’s Corner
A Silent Helper
The discovery of penicillin revolutionized health care. Prior to the 1940’s, bacterial infections
were often fatal. Since then, penicillin has saved countless lives by killing harmful bacteria. The men who
recognized its potential and developed it for widespread use won a Nobel Prize in 1945.
Long before the discovery of penicillin, other silent killers were at work saving lives by destroying bacteria. These silent killers are white blood cells. These hard workers are God’s way of protecting us
from disease. No one knows how many invasions they have stopped or how many lives they have saved.
They receive little recognition for all the good they do.
The Lord gets similar treatment. He often gets blamed when something goes wrong, but He seldom gets credit for all the things that go right. Every day people get up, get dressed, drive to work or
school or the grocery store, and return safely to their families. No one knows how many times God has
protected us from harm. But when there is tragedy, we ask, “Where was God?”
If we would stop and consider all the wonderful things that God does silently on our behalf each
day, we could see that our list of praises is much longer than our list of petitions.
“God keeps giving us reasons to praise Him”
In Sympathy
Page 11
Virginia Postmaster
80th Virginia State Convention
National Association of Postmasters of the United States,
June 23-26, 2016
401 West Main Street
Luray, VA 22835
(540) 743-5105
Page 12
Virginia Postmaster
Thursday we will be hosting a golf tournament at the Caverns Country Club Resort in
Luray. Thursday afternoon at 4:00pm will be the Executive Board meeting. Hospitality will be
open for all at 6:00 pm with finger foods and family games.
Friday will be a full day of events starting with General Session, Special Guest, Time and Place,
Constitution and By Laws, announcement of slate of officers and lunch
Retirees will then be treated to an outing to Shenandoah National Park for a Mile High black raspberry ice cream pie and coffee, while the General Session continues with group training, all will
return for the afternoon Trigg Harrison Scholarship Auction, Past President’s cookout and Luray
Zoo presentation
Page 13
Virginia Postmaster
Saturday will be General Session, voting on Constitution and By Laws, election of officers, lunch on
your own. Luray Caverns tour discount tickets will be available at convention, for Saturday afternoon tour. Saturday evening will be the Grand Banquet, dress in your favorite blue and white outfit.
DJ will provide entertainment.
Sunday will conclude our convention with a Country Buffet breakfast, memorial/ church service, and
send off registration rebate.
Here is how it works. You complete the enclosed registration TODAY! Mail to Elaine Cook, sec/
treasurer along with $50.00. You then call the Hotel, Mimslym Inn tell them you are with Virginia
Postmasters and would like to make you hotel reservations for June 23-26, pay them one nights
deposit to hold your room. Mark you calendar and make sure you join us for a terrific weekend. On
Sunday morning after breakfast you will be given your $50.00 registration back or you can apply it
to your 2017 State Convention. You must attend three days of convention and be present Sunday
morning in order to receive the registration rebate. What a deal! Where else can you enjoy all the
friendship, fellowship, training, meals and refund? All it will cost you is your gas to get here, hotel
room and two days of leave. You will be hooked and will be joining us for every State Convention
from here on out.
We look forward to seeing you in June!
State Convention 2016
All days and Banquet are included in registration
ALL Registration
Extra Banquet Ticket only $30.00
Daily Rate (not including banquet) $30.00
NAME ___________________
OFFICE ________________
HOME ADDRESS __________________________
Email address ____________________________
First Timer _______yes
Please send registration to:
Elaine Cook – Secretary/Treasurer
111 Cook Lane
Newport VA 24128
Refunds will be given if requested in
writing as follows: after March 1 50%
April 1 25%
No refund after May 1
111th NAPUS National Convention Mobile, Alabama
Sandra Pugh, Bea Robertson, Kim Rice, Bobby Shaw
Front: Pat Allen, Chuck Allen
Back: Judy Cleaton, Judy Carroll
Elaine Cook, Anne Falls, Teresa Pearson, Belinda McLawhorn
Terry Clark, Tina King
Colanne Bunting, Drew Martin
Pat Allen, Carol Moser, Charlie Moser
Anne Falls
Curtis Weed
General Session
Teresa Pearson, Belinda McLawhorn
Mary Weed, Curtis Weed
Sandra Pugh, Pat Gwathmey
Teresa, Anne, Elaine
Rich Radonis
Belinda McLawhorn, Bea Robertson
Larry Massie, May Massie
111th NAPUS National Convention
Aug.29-Sept. 3, 2015
Mobile, Alabama
Address Service Requested
VA Chapter NAPUS
Elaine Cook—Secretary /Treasurer
111 Cook Ln
Newport VA 24128
US Postage Paid
Permit #162
Strasburg VA