Congratulations to the Retiring NAPUS Postmasters


Congratulations to the Retiring NAPUS Postmasters
Volume 60, Number 8
August-September 2012
Congratulations to the Retiring NAPUS Postmasters
Merlin Wynia, Adrian MN
JoAnne Flint, Albertville MN
M. Michael Sorenson, Alvarado
Jeff Benecke, Anoka
Linda Giesen, Arlington
Patty Kluver-Hartman, Atwater
Mary Gales, Avoca
Sharon Frisk, Backus
Sheryl Downes, Bird Island
Kathy Foster, Blooming Prairie
Judy Dawson, Braham
Wesley Balken, Breckenridge
Linda Anderson, Brooten
Barbara Frank, Buffalo Lake
Retta Zufall, Calumet
Craig Blake, Circle Pines
Deanne Howard, Crane Lake
Michael Rawlings, Crosby
Nancy Sundahl, Currie
Jerry Tungseth, Dalton
Kathryn Penner, Darfur
Jeffrey Fish, Dawson
Loreen Pfeifer, Dexter
Larry Billiet, Dumont
Harry Miskavige, East Grand Forks
Brian Dale, Elgin
David Johnson, Eveleth
Brad Johnson, Excelsior
Karen Johnson, Gaylord
Jeanne Schmidt, Ghent
Christian Elleby, Glenville
Larry Fiala, Glyndon
John Hellquist, Gonvick
Annette Pfeifer, Hancock
John Galkin, Hayward
John Lynch, Howard Lake
Laurelyn Gangestad, Jasper
Donnie Hagen, Kasota
Vicki Cook, Lake Elmo
Lorna Hemmes, Lancaster
Theodore Frick, Longville
Deborah Sutton, Madelia
Gail Rust, Magnolia
Charlene Williams, Mapleton
Randall Haats, Maynard
Leslie Perrett, Millville
Joseph Stoner, Montgomery
Carol Donnay, New Germany
Duane Koehler, New York Mills
Vinkemeier, Norwood Young America
Patricia Kratz, Ormsby
Denise Phillips Kunze, Park Rapids
Charles Diederich, Pennock
Brenda Stoel, Prinsburg
Mary Jo Olson, Racine
Elaine Story, Ranier
Thomas Peterson, Raymond
Erin Jeandron, Richmond
Thomas Lounsbury, Rockford
Cheryl Gregor, Rush City
JoAnne Smith, Rushmore
Denise Gjerde, Saint Clair
Karen Walter, Saint James
Judith Schmitz, Saint Martin
Wendy Smith, Saint Paul Park
Bonnie Johnson, Sandstone
Gloria Fischer, Staples
Susan Ware, Storden
Jeffrey Harling, Taconite
Michael Ruppert, Tracy
Roger Pederson, Truman
Doreen Dressell, Watertown
Ronald Hruby, Welcome
Wayne Hervey, Wheaton
Cynthia Schroeder, Winthrop
Tammy Dockter, Wolverton
Dan Heins, President
well. The dates for 2013 are June 26-28, 2013.
Stewartville MN 55976
In a few days twenty of us representing the State of
Minnesota will be headed off to the National
Convention in Oklahoma City. The Convention begins
on Saturday, September 1st and runs through
Thursday, the 6th. There will be a number of issues that
the NAPUS organization will be taking a look at at this
Convention. For instance, should we go to a system
where we only have one national event (instead of the
current practice of having a Leadership/Legislative
Conference and a National Convention every year) per
year? The purpose of this change would be to be more
cost effective for both the National organization and the
State organizations. With the changes in the way the
United States Postal Service will be staffing Post
Offices, this is going to change the membership make
up of our NAPUS organization dramatically and we are
going to have to be making some very tough choices
over the next couple of years in preparation for those
changes. Another constitutional change that has been
proposed is to reduce the size of our National Executive
Board from the current structure of 22 Area
Vice-Presidents, and to go down to 12. Also, it would
remove the Past President and Past Secretary/
Treasurer; who currently serve for one year after their
term ends; from serving on the Board. There is also a
proposal to change how voting takes place at the
National Convention to be a majority of those in
attendance rather than the majority of states as it now
reads. I am sure it will make for some interesting
discussions once we get to Oklahoma City.
Office: 507-533-4571
Home: 507-437-6948
Cell: 507-438-2676
Upcoming Events
Greetings to one and all!
Well, every time we think we have gone through all of
the changes we are going to go through, we find that
there are some more changes on the horizon.
I want to begin by congratulating those Postmasters
that are now (or are soon to be) Postmasters Retired. I
hope and pray that you enjoy a long and very fulfilling
life of retirement and that you will see fit to make
yourselves members of our NAPUS Postmasters Retired
family. It is simple, you just need to fill out an 1187-R
and the dues will come right out of your annuity each
month and the dues are only $3.50 per month.
Speaking of Postmasters Retired, I had the distinct
honor to join the retirees for their annual picnic in
Hutchinson early in August. What a fantastic group of
people and I want to thank them for welcoming me and
giving me an opportunity to share some information
with them. There were two of our newest retirees,
Kathy Foster and Cindy Schroeder there and they were
very warmly welcomed by the group, as well.
At the State Convention this past year we changed
the procedure for selecting a site for future State
Conventions. Rather than choosing a specific hotel, we
will now choose a city, or in some cases an area of the
state and then the Executive Board is charged with
finding a location. The thinking behind this is that as
the number of people that have been able to attend the
convention has declined, we may be able to work more
closely with hotels and other venues to get a better
At the Convention it was decided that we would
look at the Twin Cities Metro Area. The recommendation was made that perhaps we could look somewhere
in the northern suburbs so those that are traveling from
the northern reaches of the state would not have quite
so far to travel. We solicited bids from three different
properties and looking at the total packages, the
decision was made to go with the Holiday Inn Northwest
in Elk River. The dates of the 2014 Convention will be
June 18-20, 2014. We are still working with the
Radisson in Duluth to plan our 2013 Convention, as
Page 2
You will all once again have the opportunity to get
information on what is happening in your NAPUS
organization and the Postal Service, as well, at your fall
NAPUS District Meetings. I encourage you to watch for
the information on those meetings and if at all possible
to plan to attend. It is only by staying involved and
being informed that you can make the decisions on your
future that need to be made and to do what is best for
you and your family.
We have been told that the second round of postings
for Postmaster positions, open only to current
Postmasters will take place from August 21st to
September 5th. If you have not already done so, make
sure that your eCareer profile is up to date and that you
are ready to go. If you have any questions on eCareer,
you can check with one of the State Officers, or you can
give a call to the Learning Development and Diversity
Center folks at the District level. I know that the staffs
in these offices both in the Dakotas District and in the
Northland District are more than willing to assist you in
(Continued on page 3)
The Gopher Postmaster
any way possible.
As we are all aware, also, we have a National Rural Mail Count coming
up later in the month of September. If you find that you are in a situation
that you will be managing a rural route for the first time and have any
questions, please reach out to a fellow Postmaster and get the answers
you need. Make sure that you have secured all of the computer accesses
that you need and that you are ready to hit the ground running on
September 17th.
Since we will be traveling to Oklahoma where there are still some
cowboys around, I leave you with this piece of cowboy advice, “Don't worry
about bitin' off more'n you can chew; your mouth is probably a whole lot
bigger'n you think.”
Have a good month, everyone!
POStPlan Issues Clarified, Vacancy Postings,
and EAS 18 Upgrade Effective Dates
Current Postmaster Vacancy Announcements, Regardless
of the Postmaster’s Exit Date (8/31 or 9/30) Must Include
All Vacant (Non-PCES) Offices
In response to several inquiries the NAPUS National Office has received from
Postmasters, the following information was provided by USPS Headquarters.
All Postmasters who were upgraded to EAS 18 as a result of the 5.75 earned
daily workload evaluation process will receive a 2% increase in salary,
effective in the first pay period of October, 2012. (The increase may not
exceed the maximum of the grade or the amount of increase needed to
reach the minimum of the new pay range.)
Incumbent POStPlan Postmasters in EAS 16 and below that are DUOd after
the June 1st, 2012 implementation of POStPlan will not receive the
conditional DUO indefinite salary protection.
Postmasters in EAS 18 who are DUOd after June 1 st, 2012 will continue to
receive the conditional DUO indefinite salary protection. (These Postmasters
will receive the hourly rate for the EAS- 18 position for the number of hours
of the office’s evaluation (6 hours.)
The second round of Postmaster vacancy postings (August 21 through September 5) must include ALL EAS-18 and above vacant (non-PCES) offices,
regardless of the Postmaster’s exit date (8/31 or 9/30.) NAPUS received
complaints from some Chapter Officers that some vacant offices were being
withheld from the postings, but all offices that are vacant must be posted. If
vacant offices aren’t posted, the Chapter President should immediately
contact their District Manager and if the issue can’t be resolved,
immediately notify Charlie Moser at the NAPUS national office.
The Gopher Postmaster is published
monthly by the Minnesota Chapter of
the National Association of Postmasters
of the United States.
The annual
subscription rate is paid for from
membership dues. Periodicals postage
is paid at Waterville MN and additional
mailing offices. The opinions expressed
in this newsletter are those of the
writers and not necessarily those of the
National Association of Postmasters of
the United States. ISSN # 0896-503X
POSTMASTER: Please send address
changes to The Gopher Postmaster,
Margie Jacobson, Editor, PO Box 3,
Morristown MN 55052
President: Dan Heins
PM Stewartville MN 55976
507-437-6948 (home)
507-438-2676 (cell)
Exec Vice-President: Greg Geheren
PM Hugo MN 55038
Cell: 651-808-7486
Secretary/Treasurer: Anita Pfiefer
PM Owatonna MN 55060
Cell: 507-390-1164
Editor: Margie Jacobson
PM Morristown MN 55052
Cell: 507-649-1034
PM Represention Committee:
Bill Bires
PM Spring Valley MN 55975
Renae Ingersoll
PM Moorhead MN 56560
701-866-4483 cell
National VP Area 14
Michelle Feldhacker
South Dakota
Charlie Moser
August 21, 2012
The Gopher Postmaster
Page 3
Anita Pfiefer
PO Box 1051
Owatonna MN 55060
Office: 507-451-3507
Cell: 507-390-1164
in NAPUS events is critical to our organization’s future.
As outside sources work to slowly undermine the
strength of our organization, it is imperative that each of
you consider the role(s) you can take to maintain our
stability and growth.
I hope each of you is having a wonderful summer,
spending time with your family, enjoying the Minnesota
outdoors and other activities.
108th NAPUS National Convention
to be held in Oklahoma City
The 2012 NAPUS National Convention will convene
on Monday, September 3rd in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
The Minnesota Chapter will be represented by 19 active
and retired Postmasters.
Postmasters will be attending general sessions,
hearing from Headquarters representatives and
conducting NAPUS business. There will be much
discussion about how to reduce expenses and maintain
the services that Postmasters need. Postmasters will,
also, gain information on the future of the Postal
Service and have opportunities for training sessions on
a variety of topics to enhance their Postal knowledge. I
commend the active Postmasters for using their earned
annual leave to attend this convention.
On the local front, I encourage each of you to attend
your Fall District meetings. This is an opportunity for
you to reconnect with your fellow Postmasters, discuss
solutions to problems and network. Your participation
Denise Phillips-Kunze, Park Rapids, on her Retirement.
Congratulations Deniise!
Page 4
Financial Statement
As of July 31, 2012
Regular Checking
Regular Savings
State Conv Savings
Legislative Savings
Conv 2000 Savings
Cert of Deposit
Cert of Deposit
$ 1,813.09
$ 24,234.61
$ 12,676.58
$ 4,245.74
$ 566.97
Sign up new Postmasters, OICs and
Complete an 1187 or 1187R
Submit online at or
Send to
Greg Geheren, Membership Chair
96 Berwick Pl
Mahtomedi MN 55115
The Gopher Postmaster
Greg Geheren
Executive Vice President and
Membership Chair
Hugo MN 55038
Office: 651-407-1991
Cell: 320-808-7486
The Many Benefits of NAPUS
As I write this article, it's been just a few weeks since
quite a few of our fellow Postmasters joined the ranks
of the perma-grin retirees. Congrats to all of you, I hope
you remembered to fill out your 1187R's before you left.
For those of us who stayed, there remains much work
ahead. Our Secretary-Treasurer has estimated that with
retirements, our Chapter
will have a reduction of
$1,370 monthly in dues
revenues. We all need to
be active in recruiting new
members. Please encourage newly promoted
Postmasters to join
NAPUS when you attend
an installation. Newly appointed Postmasters, OIC's,
and PMR's have 30 days from their appointment to join
and they receive one year free membership.
NAPUS Federal Credit Union offers financial services
such as loans, IRA's, credit cards, and free checking
along with $1000 of free accidental death and
dismemberment insurance for members. PMR's are
able to choose from three different newly designed
limited medical benefit plans and can include dental
and vision insurance in their coverage. Should you ever
become involved in an adverse action, NAPUS
Postmaster Representatives and the Legal Defense
Plan are available to members during the appeal
process and to help provide for a fair settlement. Along
with these great benefits that I just mentioned, don't
forget all the great training you will receive when you
attend your State or National Convention.
What if all this isn't enough to convince them to join?
What then? Try giving them a copy of your recent
Postmasters Gazette or The Gopher Postmaster so they
can read one of our fine publications at their leisure
before they decide to join. You could direct them to the
http:// so they
could investigate further the
many benefits of membership.
“Let Us Do Together
What We Cannot
Do Alone”
If that isn't enough to entice them to join, remind
them of the many benefits NAPUS has to offer. The
If that still isn't enough,
they can call any of our
Chapter Officers and we
would be glad to answer any
other questions they might have. If we all take an
active role in promoting NAPUS, we can weather the
storm of declining membership and keep our
organization strong for the future
Let us do together what we cannot do alone.
JoAnne Smith, Postmaster Rushmore, MN
with Post Office Operations Manager, Michael Stevens
Duane Koehler, Postmaster New York Mills, MN
With Post Office Operations Manager, Peter Slabik
42 years of service
Congratulations on your Retirement JoAnne
Congratulations on your Retirement Duane.
The Gopher Postmaster
Page 5
difference when added together with your fellow NAPUS
Gail Hustad
PAC Chairman
Thank you for your continued support
Ottertail MN 56571
Office: 218-367-2130
Let’s All Coordinate
Our Political Efforts
Political Action Committee or PAC's middle name is
ACTION. Now is the time for Action. Have you sent you
contribution to NAPUS PAC this month? If not, the time
is now. Elections are coming soon and we need your
NAPUS PAC is recognized within the political
community as an exemplary performer with an
outstanding track record. Our PAC is more effective
than Postmasters individually making contributions to
particular candidates. The results have a greater
impact than small scattered efforts. NAPUS PAC allows
Postmasters to make one coordinated effort to support
our allies in Congress and to candidates that will
support our legislative issues. The contributions are
made to candidates in the name of NAPUS PAC which
fosters positive identification between the candidates
and NAPUS.
PAC Contributions
NAPUS Member ID Number:___________
Active Postmaster
Retired Postmaster Associate Member
Make checks payable to:
Send PAC Donations to:
Gail Hustad
PO Box 34
Ottertail MN 56571-0034
Remember a small contribution will make a big
NAPUS National Office
8 Herbert Street
Alexandria VA 22305-2600
Phone: 703-683-9027
Fax: 703-683-6820
Home Page:
NAPUS Postmaster Gazette
Page 6
NAPUS Federal Credit Union
Hertz Rent A Car
IS #46480-NAPUS
1-800-654-3131 (Domestic)
1-800-654-3001 (International)
NAPUS Auto, Home and
Renters Insurance
NAPUS PMR Limited-Medical
Insurance Indemnity Policy
NAPUS Pinnacle Motor Club
NAPUS Supplemental Insurance
NAPUS Supplemental
The Gopher Postmaster
Sheila Bodell-Hoerner
Service Officer
Warren MN 56762
Office: 218-745-4581
The Benefits of the NAPUS
Happy August to Everyone:
Congratulations to all the Postmasters that decided
to take an early retirement. I wish you all the best in
your new venture!
I want to make sure you know that the NAPUS
Federal Credit Union is Sound and Safe and has been
around for 42 years. Once you are a member you are
always a member even if you leave the Postal Service.
I just want to let you know of some of the benefits
that are available to you if you join the NAPUS Federal
Credit Union. This is the time of year you might be
thinking about a Student Visa Card for a loved one
going off to college. The minimum is $100.00 and the
maximum is $10,000.00. The rate is 7.99% APR.
There is no minimum finance charge and no annual fee.
Margie Jacobson, Editor
PO Box 3
Morristown MN 55052
Office: 507-685-4545
Cell: 507-649-1034
Be a Mentor
In the POStPlan era, there are numerous
Postmasters that are in either new jobs or at least new
assignments. I know with each detail or placement,
there are always new things to learn. Although there
are a lot of standardization initiatives going on in the
Postal Service, each office is unique in its own way.
In NAPUS there is always someone to ask. One of the
greatest strengths that comes from our NAPUS family is
that assistance. Don’t be afraid to ask. There are
plenty of (SME’s) Subject Matter Experts to rely on. All
The Gopher Postmaster
The credit union has many different types of Visa cards
and if you are interested please give them a call at
1 800 336 0284.
As a member of the Credit Union you can apply for a
vehicle loan, personal loan, home mortgage loan, and
home equity loan. The credit union has many accounts:
savings, checking, money market, certificates, IRA's
club accounts and business solutions. Call if you have
any questions, you will be glad you did.
One benefit of being a member of NAPUS for all the
new and not so new PMRs.... limited medical benefit
plan, dental insurance, vision insurance, critical illness
insurance, accident insurance, and life insurance. If
you have questions and interests in any of these
benefits call 1 866 951 849.
I can only give you a taste of all that is available to
you by joining NAPUS. Pull up the website and take a
peek, you will be amazed at what you find.
Hope you have checked off one or two things on your
bucket list this summer and maybe added a couple new
items to your list. If you are going to the National
Convention have a great time and bring back
information to share at the Fall District Meetings that
are right around the corner.
you need to do is ask. The Postal Service does provide
training but sometimes it is easier to understand when
it is explained to you using a specific example. It is
quicker to arrive at a solution to that specific problem.
This wealth of knowledge is going to become an even
bigger asset as we move through the processes of
POStPlan. The Postal Service will now be hiring a lot of
new employees who will be basically running the Post
Office in smaller communities and we as NAPUS
members need to be there for those Postmasters or
Postmaster Reliefs and share information with them.
Think about when you first became an Officer In
Charge or Postmaster. Who was your mentor? How did
that person assist you? I’m sure even if they were really
busy in their office, they still took the time to assist you
and answer questions.
Be ready to be a mentor.
Page 7
Greg Geheren
7th District Director
Hugo MN 55038
Office: 651-407-1991
Cell: 320-808-7486
Are you Interested in Becoming
More Involved in NAPUS???
By the time you receive this copy of The Gopher
Postmaster, you should be finishing up your ride alongs
and getting ready for the upcoming rural count Sept
17-29. After successful completion of that two week
count, why not make plans to join fellow Postmasters
for the fall district meetings. The District 7 meeting will
be at the American Legion, 12375 Princeton Ave,
Savage, MN Tuesday October 23rd at 1PM with lunch
on your own before hand at noon. Not in District 7, no
Jerome Robert Markel
Retired Postmaster
Crookston MN 56716
Jerome Robert Markel, 83, of
Crookston, MN, died peacefully August 16, 2012.
In 1948 he began working for the U.S. Post Office in
Devils Lake, ND as a Window Clerk, or as he put it: "The
'Hey you, kid, come here' position." In 1952, he was
called to active duty with the U.S. Army and stationed in
Texas; he received an Honorable Discharge in 1954
with the rank of Corporal, and for his service to his
country was awarded the National Defense Service
Medal and the Good Conduct Medal. After returning to
Devils Lake from active duty, Jerome resumed his
employment with the Postal Service and continued to
rise through the ranks of the postal system. He served
as OIC in Devils Lake and Rugby and on 6/17/1978
achieved his ultimate goal, becoming a Postmaster and
he moved to Crookston, MN.
Page 8
problem, all are welcome. Please RSVP to Greg L.
Geheren at 651-773-1116 or
Interested in getting more involved in NAPUS but
can't attend this meeting, give me a call and I can give
you a run down on District 7 duties as a District Director
or a District Secretary-Treasurer. As a District Director,
you become a member of the Executive Board for the
State Chapter. We will also have a need for a new Vice
Director. Elections for new officers will be held next
Time commitments are minimal but the
opportunity to serve fellow Postmasters can be a very
rewarding experience.
Have a good count and hope to see you in October.
Marjee Janzen
Retired Postmaster
Mountain Lake 56159
Marjee Janzen, age 73 of
Mountain Lake, died Wednesday,
July 18, 2012 at Sanford Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD.
In the mid-70’s, she began her career with the US
Postal Service, first at the Sectional Center in Windom
and then as a Postal Inspector which involved a lot of
travel. She completed an OIC assignment in Slayton
MN 5/31/81 to 1/9/82. Wanting to stay closer to
home, she applied for the position of Postmaster in
Jeffers and was transferred there. She served as the
Jeffers Postmaster from 9/27/86 til 11/28/90. Later,
the Postmaster position became available in Mountain
Lake and she became the Postmaster there on
12/1/90. Unfortunately, poor health forced her to retire
After her retirement, she and Ted bought a motor
home so they could travel more extensively. They
enjoyed many winters in Apache Junction AZ and spent
three summers as work-campers. An accomplished
seamstress, Marjee also enjoyed baking.
The Gopher Postmaster
Michelle Feldhacker
Area 14 National Vice President
PO Box 1401
Aberdeen SD 57402
Crystal Ball??? Or Bowling Ball???
I have been asked on numerous occasions since the
announcement of POStPlan to give my opinion on what
is going to happen with the Postal Service. At times, I’m
not sure what type of “ball” I’m looking into. Whether I
have a bowling ball sitting on my desk, which is so
dense I can only see a color in it… Or, if it is a crystal
ball, that is just a little blurry at the moment.
A fellow co-worker lives his life as if the glass is half
full all the time. His crystal ball is always sparkling and
aids in the clarity of how to live his life. There is always
something better just around the corner. Just because
you are having a “bad moment”, something good will
come of it. You will have a chance to impact someone
else’s life and make a difference. I am trying to live my
The Mission of NAPUS
*To promote, protect and represent
all Postmasters,
*To foster a favorable image of
public service,
*To assure all users of the mail
the best possible service,
*To be an advocate with the
Congress of the United States, and
*To work closely with the United
States Postal Service
in the development of
strategies for the
enhancement of the
Postmasters and the Postal Service.
The Gopher Postmaster
life in a more positive manner. Seeing whose life I can
impact today, and how can I make it better. It isn’t
quite as easy to do, as it is to write about it. I only wish
my crystal ball was a little clearer.
Often, I think I have a crystal ball sitting on my desk.
Some days, it seems to get REALLY cloudy- and it’s hard
to see into it. Other days, things seem to be just a little
blurry. And then there are times, that I think it is
starting to clear, only to have it fog completely over
again. Guess I breathed on it too much when that
happens. Life just isn’t as clear as a crystal ball can be.
Something I do know I have seen in my crystal ball—is that change is going to continue to occur. The
changes we have currently seen are not the last. Here
is your chance to embrace those things changing
around you. What’s the positive of what’s happen? Are
you retiring? Are you looking for a promotion? Are you
willing to move? Are you going to spend more time with
your family or grandchildren? What’s the positive here?
Often, to find the positives of what is happening, I
write a Pros and Cons chart of the decision I’m trying to
make. By doing this, it seems to clear some of the
fogginess from my crystal ball. I take the time to
analyze the change and how it will affect my work, my
family and my life. After creating this chart, I usually
can see more clearly into my crystal ball concerning my
own future.
All these changes can be scary, and there are times I
just want someone else to make the decision for me.
During these times, I ask others to look into my crystal
ball to see if they can see anything. But, my crystal ball
only seems to work for me. At these times, I think I
have a colored bowling ball. You have to make the
decision that is right for you. But, what I do know is that
change is going to continue. The Postal Service will be
Are you going to make the best of what is happening
around you and gaze into your own crystal ball? Take
the leap towards the positive and whose life are you
going to make a difference in today? How about
making a difference in your own?
Page 9
Bruce Nelson
Area 9 Director Postmasters Retired
25615 Nordic Pt Dr
Alexandria MN 56334-9303
Cell: 320-766-1874
I am proud to be a member
of the NAPUS Family.
For the 32 years that I have been a NAPUS member
(since my first OIC assignment in 1980), I have been
proud and honored to be associated with such a
wonderful caring and helpful bunch of Postmasters.
Not “Managers”, “CEOs” or “Postal Employee in
Charge”, but Postmasters! We have raised our hands
and took the Oath of Office for our community’s. That
pledge that we swore to we all honored and obeyed.
Our dedication and commitment to our customers, our
employees and to the USPS is beyond question. The 25
years I was an active Postmaster, I relied on NAPUS
members for encouragement, training, inspiration and
guidance. I was never refused or denied, sometimes I
did not like the answers or solutions, but I always
appreciated their help.
As a Postmaster Retired, I continue to rely on my
Postmaster friends, active and retired, for friendship
fellowship and support. I have never been involved with
a more dedicated bunch of people in my entire life.
Thank you one and all.
One of the many articles I have read on and about
the USPS has put the situation in a concise and easy to
understand language. Unless Congress acts to fix a
massive financial crisis it created, the USPS will default
on a $5.5 billion pension payment to the U.S. Treasury
due on August 1, as well as another $5.6 billion
payment due on September 30. The USPS has less
than $1 billion cash on hand. Ironically, the USPS
Inspector General’s office issued a report in June
showing that the Postal Service has overpaid its
pension obligations by $13.1 billion, but the Treasury
cannot/won’t refund the money or even credit the USPS
for it.
An independent branch of the federal government
responsible for providing mail delivery service in the
U.S., the USPS is required to cover its $70 billion annual
expenses without help from the federal government. It
receives only 0.14% of its annual budget from
taxpayers, and that is only to reimburse the agency for
the costs of providing free mailing privileges to blind
persons and overseas voters.
Although declining amounts of mail have caused its
costs to slightly exceed its revenues, most of its
financial problems can be traced to the Postal
Accountability and Enhancement Act (PAEA). Adopted
by Congress in 2006, PAEA forces the USPS to spend
$103.7 billion by 2016 to the Retirees Health Benefits
Fund (RHBF) that will pay for future health benefits of
retirees for the next 75 years. In other words, the
Postal Service was ordered to pay for the benefits of
workers it hasn’t even hired yet and do it in a muchaccelerated time frame.
The losses started after passage of PAEA, for USPS
was actually profitable from 2004 through 2006, but
then lost $25.4 billion between 2007 and 2011. In the
first half of 2012, USPS had an operating loss of $6.4
billion, 95.3% of which ($6.1 billion) was for payments
due to the RHBF in 2012. Along the way, the ability of
USPS to absorb operating losses has been diminished.
Since 2005, USPS debt has risen from 0 to $13 billion,
only $2 billion below its maximum statutory borrowing
At present there are two bills before Congress that
offer sharply contrasting approaches to fixing the
problem. H.R. 1351 (the USPS Pension Obligation and
Recalculation Act) would credit USPS for its
overpayments and allow the agency to spend more of
its own money to pay down its deficits, while still paying
nearly $7 billion toward pensions and other costs.
Although this bill has 230 House co-sponsors—a
majority of the 435 House members—it is being blocked
by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-California), who is chair of the
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee,
which has jurisdiction over USPS related matters.
Rep. Issa prefers his own legislation, H.R. 2309,
which would require the closing of hundreds of Post
Offices, renegotiation of union contracts, and reduced
delivery days. Issa, whose bill has only one co-sponsor,
has accepted more than $35,000 in contributions from
PACs and individuals associated with USPS competitor
United Parcel Service.
It is amazing that one
Congressman can hold up good legislation because of
his own agenda.
The USPS says it “remains hopeful” a new law will be
enacted during the current Congress. I doubt that
anything of a positive nature for us will happen before
the elections in November.
“Lame Ducks and
Professional Politicians’ won’t rock the Boat” even if it is
for the good of our Country.
The current changes in the USPS are unprecedented
in the entire history of providing “Delivery of the Post”. I
(Continued on page 11)
Page 10
The Gopher Postmaster
Retiree’s Article
JoAnn Swanson, Peg Longhenry,
Pat Matson, and Marlys Timm
Til we meet again
Another wonderful day spent with 45 Postmaster
Retirees at the MN NAPUS annual luncheon held at the
Crow River Golf Club in Hutchinson. Frank, Alice, and
Jim always do a wonderful job.
school system. She also helps her children out
occasionally babysitting with her three grandkids with
another couple on the way and spending time at her
place at the lake.
JoAnn and Bill and their two yellow labs have recently
sold their home in the Twin Cities area and have moved
to their dream home up in the “north country”. They
look forward to kayaking, fishing, and hunting as well.
Peg and Lou travel frequently to California as they
have two children and five grandchildren there. They
also just returned from a cruise in Alaska so now back
to spending Tuesdays watching their two grandchildren
who live close by to them. Peg also is a floral designer
part-time and Lou enjoys his motorcycle trips with his
When the four of us attended the MN NAPUS
Convention in Detroit Lakes, Barb asked for retirees to
write columns for the
upcoming year for 553 Postmasters Peg, JoAnn, Marlys and Pat at Crow River Golf Club
The Gopher.
thought why not after
all they said there
was “nothing to it”!
reti ring
we’ve just been
e n jo y i n g
f am i l y ,
friends, and life in
general without any
deadlines to meet or
alarm clocks to set.
The past couple
weeks were spent
congratulating 17
other 553 Postmasters, who decided to
join us in this retirement journey. Several parties were
held in their honor and their smiles were beaming from
ear to ear. You see like us, now they can spend time
sharing stories about their grandkids or perhaps their
aging parents, their pets, or where their travels have
taken them.
As for us four, Pat took advantage of her prior
education and enjoys working with children in the
(Continued from page 10)
wonder what our first PMG, Benjamin Franklin would
say if he saw the crisis the USPS is in today? What
would he do in the face of closing Post Offices, RIFing
Postmasters, taking the title of Postmaster away from
thousands of communities? leaving the Sanctity of the
Mail to non career, minimum wage, people who will
receive very few benefits, where will be the commitment
and dedication from them?
The Gopher Postmaster
Marlys and Marv also took
a trip to Alaska and they also
spend two months in Texas
each winter. Maine is now
the only state they have not
traveled through so they hope
to get there yet. They still
enjoy par t ici pa t in g in
horseshoe tournaments
throughout the year. They
also have been able to take
care of their five year old
grandson one day a week
since he was born. Their
oldest granddaughter is 22
years old and will be an RN
come December. Their 21
year old grandson works at
NAPA Auto Parts and also caters Pizza Parties on the
The four of us gals even managed to travel to the St
Louis area to visit Ruth Intlekofer during Octoberfest.
Our postal family only seems to grow over time. So,
what are we doing? Laughing and sometimes crying but
always end up smiling a lot.
Til we meet again.
These are questions that I do not have the answers
to, but what I do know is we “Must and Will” be ready to
help our NAPUS members when they do chose to join
our Retiree ranks.
Let me close with a quote from one of my favorite
authors, Catherine Pulsifer; “Learning to control and
adjust your attitude to a positive one reflects wisdom of
mind” (and makes most things easier)!
Page 11
Article Deadline
For the October Issue
Of The Gopher Postmaster is
September 15th, 2012
State Conventions
Radison at Duluth
June 26-28, 2013
Holiday Inn Northwest
Elk River
June 18-20, 2014
Dates to Remember
Leadership Conference
National Conventions
Washington DC
Sept 1-6, 2012—Oklahoma City,
August 16-21, 2013 Bellevue WA
2014—Atlantic City, New Jersey
March 16-21, 2013
March 15-20, 2014
March 14-19, 2015
Hutchinson MN- -August 8th 2012
Congratulations to the two newest retirees attending
Cindy Schroeder and Kathy Foster